(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, 2nd Timothy chapter 2, there's one main point I kind of want to get across this evening, I don't know how long it's going to take, hopefully not too long, and hopefully I can find the right words to express this truth, because often times what you see in scripture is there's a balance with everything, right, the Bible says in Ecclesiastes there's a time to love and a time to hate, the Bible says there's a time for peace, there's a time for war, everything has its proper place, right, and I mentioned a time to love, that's not what my sermon's about, but people can get too lopsided and focused just on one thing, and even in the Bible, it might shock you to say the Bible isn't just about love, yes God is love, yes there's a lot of love, it's good to preach that, and we do preach that, and embrace that, but at the same time there are things that we're called to hate at the same time, so we need to have the right balance knowing, hey what should we be hating, what should we be loving, and separating it, rightly dividing the word of truth and getting it right so that we know, you know, this is acceptable, this is not acceptable. Same thing, this morning I was talking about, any doctrine you can even pick too, you want to make sure you've got the right balance, but there are some things that could lend themselves to go a little bit too extreme one way or the other, because people only focus on certain verses, and not on the counterbalancing verses that give you the fullness of how you ought to behave, or how you ought to think, or you know, somewhere along those lines, so what I'm going to be focusing in on this morning here, where the Bible says in verse 16, it says, but shun profane and vain babblings, and he brings up a couple of guys, Hymenatus, Philetus, and he's saying, shun that, okay, shun means, I'm not going to listen to you, I'm not going to have anything to do with you, okay, get away from me, I'm not even going to talk about it with you, right, that's the attitude of shunning, just saying, nope, sorry, closed door, don't want to do it, not going to deal with it, whereas on the other hand, if you look down further in this chapter, it says in verse 24, and the third of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle to all men, apt to teach patience and meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves, if God prevent will give them repentance, acknowledging of the truth, so you might say, well, which is it, right, are we supposed to just shun people, are we supposed to just be real humble and meek and just suffer all things and allow everything, you know, well, you can have both, just don't apply the one too broadly, right, we want to have the humble and meek spirit, we want to reach a lot of people, but it's not at all costs, is the thing, when there's certain areas and certain teachings and certain people that we need to shun, as the Bible teaches and as it says, then that's what we need to do, okay, we don't want to get too one way or the other, we don't want to be too shunning of everybody, right, and then it's like, you're not talking to anyone now, because you've just shunned everybody, and when you take these things and you apply them way too broadly, then you're going to get yourself into problem, but where I see, you know, modern Christianity, it's not a problem with shunning, it's more of a problem without, with the no shunning, right, Christianity has gotten way too permissive and too accepting of just everything, all manner of sin, all manner of perversion, no standards, everything is just come on in and, you know, whatever, and it needs to be balanced properly with scripture, obviously, the good heart, the good spirit wants to reach people, right, and that is the right heart and the right spirit to have, we do want to reach the lost and we really want to be long suffering and merciful as God is long suffering and merciful and have those attributes and have the heart and have the desire and really want to reach people, but let's do things appropriately according to how the scripture tells us to do it, let's do it right, if the Bible says that we ought to be shunning some people or some things, then let's do it, if we have a problem with that, let's figure out, well, where is this applicable and where is it not, and let's not try to go too overboard one way or the other and let the Bible dictate how we ought to behave, so, and I thought 2 Timothy 2, we're going to spend most of our time this evening in this passage for that very reason, because when you start off, he's saying, hey, shun this stuff, but then at the end, he's saying, basically, instruct all people and be real meek and stuff, he's kind of like, well, wait a minute, well, yeah, I think that's a good reason why it's even in the same passage, because he's telling you both, it's not a contradiction at all, it's just an appropriate application, both contained in the same, you know, within a reasonable distance of each other to be teaching this whole concept, saying, okay, here, you need to be able to shun this stuff, but not everything and have this type of spirit, but let's, I'm going to take a step back, that's the concept that I'm going to be trying to express tonight, I just want to get that out, that's the overarching video, I have a tendency to kind of go a little bit off subject here and there, and that may happen and I may not, but that's kind of what the point is, and I want to dig into this and see if we all have just helped the understanding of where the stop points are for these and kind of how to identify when should I be shunning versus not shunning and being meek and instructing. Verse number 11 is we're going to pick up, again, kind of rereading, we read the whole chapter before the sermon started, but let's go back and refresh a little bit of this, verse number 11, the Bible says, a faithful saying, for if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him, if we suffer, we shall also reign with him, if we deny him, he also will deny us, if we believe not, yet he abideth faithful, he cannot deny himself, and these few verses here, I think are very simple statements, okay, very simple truths, nothing extremely complicated here, verse 11, if we be dead with him, we shall also live, if we're dead with Christ, if we have our faith in Christ, the Bible says that our sins are crucified with him on the cross, that we're dead to sin, but because of his resurrection, we shall live with him, so if our life is hid in Christ, as Christ died on the cross and rose again from the dead, even so are we dead to old self, dead to our sin, but alive unto Christ, so if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him, if we suffer, we shall also reign with him, just as Jesus Christ suffered, you know, he came here first, he suffered and bled and died, but he's going to be glorified, and he's going to come back, and he's going to be ruling and reigning, and have all of the honor that he didn't get when he came to this earth the first time, he left his glory, he left his honor in heaven, when he came to this earth, and he came to be a servant, he didn't come to rule and reign, but when he comes back, he's going to have all of that glory, all of that honor, that's bestowed upon him, and rightfully so, not just because he's God, and was God in the flesh, which is enough right there, but because of everything else that he did then for us, and to save us, and all that he went through to receive that honor, but if we suffer also, God is faithful and just to recompense us as well, and he says hey, if you suffer for my name's sake, then you'll get rewarded for that in the kingdom of God, so when Jesus Christ sets up his kingdom here on earth for that thousand years, you'll be able to rule and reign with him, you'll be set over authority, and have rewards that will be given to you as a result of your own suffering, see not only does God, see God blesses us, he blesses us with a free gift of eternal life, that no one has to work for, no one has to, you don't have to suffer for it either, you just receive it for free, Jesus Christ did all the suffering for you to get that gift, but once you receive that gift, once you're born again, because you've accepted eternal life from God, you have the choice of how you're going to live, and if you're going to live righteously, as the Bible says, yea, and all that will live, God thank you, our brain fart, yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, you will, you're going to suffer, you're going to suffer persecution if you choose to do what's right, and separate yourself from the world, and say I'm going to live the way the Bible says to live, I'm going to read this book, I'm going to take it literally, I'm going to apply this in my life, and I am going to live holy, you will be different from the world, and as a result of being different, you will be persecuted, you will be persecuted, going to happen, if you suffer with him, you'll also reign with him, simple truth, right? If we deny him, he'll also deny us, again, another simple truth, look at verse 13 though, if we, and I love showing this verse to people, when we're out trying to preach the gospel and help people understand that hey, all you have to do to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that's what the Bible says, Acts 16, and it brought them out, it says what must I do to be saved, and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved in thy house, John 3 16, for God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish from everlasting life, believing is all that's required to be saved, but people will say, and this is a logical question, it makes a lot of sense, so when we're talking to someone, they say well what happens if you stop believing, right? So in the context here, we're saying if we suffer, if we do this, if we believe not, so let's say at some point we stop believing, is God gonna go back on his promise and take away your eternal life because you stopped believing, well no, according to this verse it says if we believe not, yet he abideth faithful, think about it this way, it's like a husband and wife in a sense, now in our world, you have husbands and wives and people get divorced and it's done and it's over, but imagine one person wanting a divorce and the other person not and not allowing it, right? So if we just start like unbelieving, no I don't have anything to do with you, but you've already been married and you've got married to, you know, in this example being like God the father, and we're saying nope, wanted a divorce and he's going nope, I'm abiding faithful, nope, still there, still done, right? Jesus Christ and God, you know, God makes a promise, the Bible says that God that cannot lie promised in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began, eternal life is a promise that God has promised to those that have put their faith in Jesus Christ, John 5 24 Jesus said, verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me half everlasting life and that's the key point is that it's that present tense, you have it, so a lot of people's concept of well once I'm done with my life based on all of the events, then I'll either get it or I won't, but that's not the way it works, the moment you put your trust in Jesus Christ, the moment you put your faith in him, you have everlasting life, you have it right then and there, so the point is if you have something that Jesus says is everlasting, and then you don't have that anymore, and you die and go to hell, it didn't really last you forever, it wasn't really everlasting, and it's not something that's given to you at the end of your life, it's something you receive right away, so if you stop believing, hey that's already been given to you because the moment that you believe, you had it, and it's everlasting, so if we believe he still abides faithful, says yep you believed, and I gave it to you already, it's a gift, it wasn't a contract, it wasn't you know you have to do this and this and this to keep it, it was a gift, it's given, it's free, he abides faithful to that, even if you're not faithful, he'll abide faithful, and that's a great truth to have and to know, now personally I don't think it's possible for someone that truly believed in their heart with all their heart on Jesus Christ to stop believing, I don't think that, and that's a whole other story, again I don't want to get too far off into rabbit trails in this sermon, I could prove that, why I believe that way, that I think it's literally impossible to stop believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, I'm not saying people can't doubt or have times of uncertainty but I don't think you're ever just going to be like well I'm just atheist now, and I know there's people out there that claim you know they were Christian in the past and they claim to be racist, I don't think they ever really believed though, just like there's many people today that say they believe in Jesus Christ but they're not saved because they're not trusting completely in Christ, they're trusting also in themselves and their works and other things, they're not 100% have their faith in Christ as their savior, so anyways, I'm digressing, let's continue on here, so my whole point is these are all relatively simple commands, simple statements, simple truths, simple doctrines that he's laying out, and then verse 14 says of these things, put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to know profit but to the subverting of the hearers, now as we're going to continue to get into this, striving about words to know profit, you run into people who want to come apart and just pull apart all of these various words and they could just get stuck on one verse and they're going to try to pick apart every single word and what's the point of what they're trying to do, it's for the subverting of the hearers, they're trying to undermine, just if you just read this real plainly and pretty clearly, it's pretty clear what it's saying, it doesn't need a lot of expounding, you know maybe some of it needs a little bit of guidance, a little bit of teaching but not much, I mean you could look at it on the surface, if we deny him, he'll also deny us, okay, you could go on and elaborate further on that but it kind of says what it says, right, but if you want to say, well if you look at that word deny and then you know people want to redefine things to a point of ridiculousness to just completely undermine what the passage is actually saying, people do that today, the hot button topic today is with homosexuality or sodomy, they want to try to pick apart the bible so much as to say, oh well you know, Jesus didn't really talk about it, it's not really that bad of a thing, the bible doesn't really say a whole lot about it, it's like look, it's really really clear, okay, it's only unclear if you don't want to see it, if you don't want to see the truth, then all of a sudden it becomes unclear, if you've been brainwashed enough by the society and the TV and the culture and everybody trying to say there's nothing wrong with it, you've been blinded but the bible still says what it says, it's not unclear, if God puts the death penalty on sodomy and literally just uses words, if man shall lie with mankind as he lies with a woman, the two have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them, I mean there's not like getting around that, people like to make excuses, oh well the problem with sodomy and amor is not that there was just homosexuality, it's that they were rapists, all this other stuff, it's like look, the law settles that really really clearly, because it's not talking about rape, it's not talking about anything, it just says if a man lies with mankind like he lies with a woman, plain and simple, oh but the law, it's like look, God's not changing his mind on the morality of that, he doesn't change his mind on that, it is what it is, you could try to deceive yourself but you know what, those are people who strive about words to no profit, they want to fight with you about these words when it's real plain and clear what's being told and what's being taught and what's being said and watch out for people who want to strive about words to no profit but to the subverting of the hearers, verse 15 it says study to show thy self approved unto God, hey study for yourself, study the word of God for yourself, why don't you approve yourself unto God, you don't need to approve anyone else unto God, you don't need to show off anyone else how smart you are, why don't you just learn the Bible and learn the word of God so you can show yourself approved unto God, show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, hey God has some work for you to do, he's got work for all of you to do, all of us, God has work for all of us to do and you don't want to be a workman that's ashamed because you don't even know what he wants you to do, get in his word, he'll tell you what he wants you to do, it's spelled out because what he wants you to do he also wants other people to do too, serious, what's the will of God, why don't you read through the Bible and see when it says for this is the will of God, there's a good start because you know what, there's plenty of verses like that in scripture that tell you this is the will of God, instead of wondering and trying to put a big question mark on it, let's start with that and I guarantee if you start with the simple things in the Bible, that thought of where you wanted to have your own personal communication where God's just literally spelling it out for you of what he wants you to do when you wake up in the morning so you go to bed at night, you could forget about that and just focus on the things that are very clear here and I said once you do that everything else will work itself out because the instruction he's given us here is plenty, it's enough, it's all we need, study shall be self-approved unto God, a workman needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, you're not going to be able to rightly divide the word of truth if you don't study it, if you don't know anything about it and again we don't believe in dispensationalism here where they say well rightly dividing is you know chopping it up and trying to mash it all together and create weird doctrines, it's just understanding the whole thing and again this goes along with the shunning versus not shunning because the next verse, look at the next verse, 16 is the one where it says but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness so the same people who strive about words of no profit and just try to subvert the hearers, those are the ones that are bringing forth the profane and vain babblings, now profane you might think of like profanity right but the profane babblings, profane is something that would be probably blasphemous if you're profaning the word of God or using profane babblings that it's kind of like bringing it down, you're profaning something, you're making it, defiling is a good word, you're defiling something, you're profaning it so the profane babblings or vain, vain is just meaningless or empty, just teachings and even just the word babblings goes along with that, the word babbling is just like, could come from a baby, baby's babble, I got a daughter, right that's what she does, that's a babbling or just unintelligible words, babbling right, it's vain, it's empty, there's no meaning to it, there's no meaning to it at all and there's people out there that want to talk about the word of God and ultimately just have no meaning behind what they're saying and they could talk for hours and talk in circles and just have no real meaning, there may be times if you've ever gone to a church and you come in and you just listen to a lot of words and you're just like, at the end of the day you're done, you're like what was that about, hey what was the sermon about this morning huh, I don't know, vain babblings, you have a point, is there a point, what's a point, no one wants to sit here and hear a bunch of talking, give me a point, what am I learning and profane is even worse because you're actually doing damage, you're bringing a bad light on something, you're taking the word of God and just profaning it, here's what the word of God means and truth and then you're just taking that and just profaning it, that would be like what the devil does, the devil profanes the word of God, the devil tries to get Jesus to sin and he tries to use scripture to do it, oh well see the angel they're going to protect you, go ahead and just jump off this pinnacle here, do it because hey the scripture says this, oh if you really are the son of God you'll do this, or that and beneath, did God really say that, no you're not surely going to die, he's profaning the word of God because yes they will, in the day that thou eat thou shalt surely die, that's what God said and Satan's saying nah you're not really going to die, he's profaning the word of God and that's what people will do, that's what a lot of false prophets will do too is they'll use vain babblings and profane the word of God and the bible says that that's what we need to be shunning, we don't give place to that, just like when the apostle Paul and Barnabas they're out preaching the gospel to gentiles and then they come across these guys that say well wait a minute we need to preach circumcision too and he says you know what we gave place to them, no not for an hour, so we didn't even, we're not going to entertain that thought, we know salvation is by grace or faith, I'm not going to entertain this discussion of well maybe there's works involved too, well maybe you need to be baptized too, no you're not going to come and teach me something other than what we've received as being the truth and know to be the truth and just entertain that, I'm just going to shun that and say no that's not right because when you don't shun it it says they will increase unto more ungodliness, when you spot the profane and vain babblings it's time to just cut it off because if you let these people get a foothold and get an ear in they'll end up influencing and corrupting you at some point and it's going to increase unto more ungodliness you just got to learn how to shut it out when you spot the profane and vain babblings and we're going to get to this a little later but just keep this in mind, there's a difference between people who want to learn that may have a false belief or a false doctrine but are willing to listen to you teach them the right way versus other people who want to just tell you no no no this is the way it is, there's a difference between the two because that's really important when we get down later to being humble and meek and trying to persuade people because we do want to reach people but the people that want to strive, notice that too that was in verse 14 strive about words to no profit they want to fight about it and then they have profane and vain babblings this is going to give you the key of who we need to be shunning when it comes to that stuff I mean it says literally shun profane and vain babblings it will increase unto more ungodliness and if you want to keep your place there just flip backwards to 1 Timothy chapter 6 it'll just be a page or two back because it's the last chapter in 1 Timothy you're in 2 Timothy 2 is another warning this is interesting too just because these are both epistles to Timothy the apostle Paul is writing unto him both times giving him this advice giving him the word of God teaching him here and he warns him about the profane and vain babblings two times so in the first one is in 1 Timothy chapter 6 verse 20 says oh Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called which some professing have erred concerning the faith grace be with thee amen so his last warning unto Timothy out there he's just saying hey Timothy you know watch out for these profane and vain babblings and then he also adds the oppositions of science falsely so called because these people they're gonna come at you with reasons of their own right they're profane or profanity and they're vain babblings to them they think it's gonna make sense and they're gonna try to influence people with those things but then they're also gonna include you know some many you know some people will include this oppositions of science falsely so called and just the concept just understanding that there's such a thing exists is really important because in our modern culture as well science is elevated like in many people's minds above religion or above the I should say above the word of God that's right I don't want to use the word of religion I want to use the word of God okay the Bible that if the Bible says something but so-called science says something different then we go with science no no because the problem is that true science and the Bible are 100% compatible that's not a problem that's the truth the word of God is true in every instance and true science is true in every instance too because it's it's science is just knowledge it's a it's a pursuit of knowledge and understanding and learning about things and and you know the world around us the Bible isn't anti-science and science isn't anti-bible if it's true science the problem comes in is when people want to tell you that you know we came from monkeys okay and that and that animals evolved into humans and they call that science and that's not science I'm sorry if you think that science you have been deceived because they want you to think that science but no one has observed any type of creature evolving into any other type of creature they take certain things that look similar and that and that you could observe and see and then they apply that more broadly then you can apply it and they call that science and it's not science my friends and if you know if you're really interested in the subject like I don't want to go on and on about this all night either because I easily can this is one of the key turning points for me personally in my life so I know a lot about this subject and I'd be happy to talk to you about it because it was important to me I'd be happy to talk to you if it's something that's important to you and point you in the right direction into other sources of information that you might not have seen before because I was the person growing up who was always really really good at two subjects math and science my top two subjects today I'm a computer programmer I understand you know logic and reasoning it's the way my mind works and I still have interest in all those things but growing up in the public the public fool system I was taught the foolish ideology that there is no God through science it wasn't direct no one came out and said there is no God at school but they taught a science any science books that says we came from monkeys and monkeys came from some other lower organism they came from some other Lord and they came from you know and you go back down this whole tree well where's God in that no there's no I mean that's just what happened oh if you want to believe in some God that's go ahead but that's not what Genesis says I was taught evolution is fact the theory of evolution I was taught it as fact and I used to think that anyone who didn't believe that was a moron well you're an idiot though you're uneducated you're ignorant you're stupid you don't understand science because that's the attitude that science brings about the theory of evolution and that social conditioning works really well it works on people it worked on me and it works on a lot of people into just having that mindset into thinking that way and the school system they teach you how to be a good student and not how to challenge what you hear and really learn for yourself what is the truth I got programmed really well and I was a good student and you can give me a list of facts or you know so-called facts you give me that stuff and I can learn them and I can repeat them but the independent critical thinking is the real is where you find the real truth and that's where the real scientific method lies too is uncover this stuff and to not have your agenda your agenda dictate what your answer is going to be when you're trying to find out what the truth is and I'll tell you what when you find the truth it's gonna line up exactly with what this book says and you will never find anything you say what about the fossils the fossils don't prove anything again I don't want to go down that whole rabbit trail talk to me if that's something that you think is a problem for you or that you you want to know what like what am I talking about here I'll spend that time with you gladly after service or another day I'd be happy to point you in a direction of because once I once I got saved first of all I got saved I put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that's when the blinders came up the very first thing well one of the one of the first things that I thought about after that within a very short period of time was well what about evolution because that's how strongly I held to that belief but once I put my faith in Jesus Christ I was putting my faith in the Word of God to I put my faith in the Bible and I knew what the Bible said about creation and I believe that so now what I want to do is reconcile well how does evolution work because I know that they don't don't teach the same thing and that's when I got on to other resources that's when I started to understand oh the radiocarbon dating that sounds so scientific when you really dig into it and you really see how it works and you see the methodology that they use you'll start to see the holes and the flaws and the assumptions that they make that they can't prove behind their science and you start to see that you can't have definitive certainty in any of this stuff and they talk about half-lives we talk about the half-life is something you don't know what it started with you can know how long it takes to decay for half of the life I have them up but how much carbon did it start with right now we know the conditions of the earth and what that decay is going to be but what if the conditions were different you don't know that you don't know you can't prove it and that's the thing is that they want to make you think and throw out all these turn oh no we got it all figured out and these people are all really smart don't pull back the curtain don't see the man behind the curtain is pulling the strings and you know what people try to do that people try to use this appeal to authority which is a logical fallacy all the time today I'll give you a perfect example of that where did this six-foot social distancing thing come from how scientific is that seriously do you think because here's what they'd have you to believe is oh no it's six feet because this is the standard this is what the CDC says these really smart people say do you think that they had a group of people okay let's get the tape measure and we're gonna be ruler and we're gonna talk and we're gonna measure or excuse our droplet here they're not doing that they're making a guess they're saying well when people talk it could go you know I mean some particles to fly out your mouth they'll probably go about this you could visualize that's gonna go down here that's what they're doing there's no real science behind it and they get all these measurements and stuff okay but the way that they sell it to you it's just hey man we need to have six feet I mean don't break that don't don't cross that imaginary line because once you do man that forget about it that's the fear they want to put but see these are the things that we need to learn question it okay I'm not even gonna say they're always wrong it's it's question what you're being told get to the truth of the matter use real science and don't get caught up in these oppositions where people want to oppose God's Word and call it science oh no no but this is scientific oh yeah you have faith you believe in God but I believe it's science people make science their God because they don't want to accept the Bible as truth so they have to come up with an alternate explanation their own religious belief they just happen to call it science and again there's a distinction between real science and science falsely so-called and people like to blur the two to make it one and it's not one but just as people use profane and vain babblings to deceive people and to fight about these words and they're into just subvert here's they'll also use the science falsely so-called and Timothy's being warned about all of that here so going back to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 16 but shun but shun profane and vain babbling for they will increase unto more ungodliness and their word will eat as doth a canker of whom is hymenaeus and Philetus so he's saying also the word is going to it's just gonna eat like I mean a canker canker sores those hurt and those are just like and they kind of spread to get a little bit bigger and it's just with every word every bite every you know it's just always there it's a thorn in your side right or thorn in your mouth and that's the way that their word eats it's it's destructive it's no good it's kind of like cancer right you need to just cut it out get rid of it put some salt on that wound and let it heal up but what I like about this what I think is interesting about this is that he's naming names now of people he says of whom is hymenaeus and Philetus and this is in the Word of God and he's saying you know who's doing this stuff I'll tell you who's doing this stuff hymenaeus and Philetus is doing this stuff so he's getting real specific hey you need to shun profane and vain babblings and let me tell you exact here two good examples of who's doing this hymenaeus and Philetus so don't get all upset when the preacher stands up and says hey there's some false prophets out there some false teachers out there they've got some profane teachings and doctrines as profaning the Word of God like saying that it's not the blood of Jesus Christ that that washes away your sins right like John MacArthur says okay that we need to shun those profane babblings by heretical teachers and have nothing to do with them and when you spot the profanity just be done with it and call out the name of the heretic don't have a problem with that when the Apostle Paul is doing the exact same thing here with Timothy and teaching them hey hymenaeus and Philetus watch out for these guys they've got profane teachings vain babblings in 1st Timothy chapter 1 hymenaeus is brought up again or again for the first time right so we're in 2nd Timothy 1st Timothy chapter 1 verse 18 the Bible reads this charge this charge I commit unto thee son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou by them mightest war good warfare holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck of whom is hymenaeus and Alexander whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme so the Apostle Paul is telling Timothy in 1st Timothy that there's some people he's telling Timothy hey holding faith in a good excuse me a good conscience that that's what he needs to do but some people have put away that good stuff you know concerning faith they've made shipwreck they made a big disaster out of it they took the faith that should be so easily understood and just made a big disaster a big shipwreck out of it and who did that hymenaeus and Alexander and as a result of them striving about words to no profit and making a big muddy mess of the Word of God he says what do you do I've delivered them unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme and these guys are blaspheming the Word of God I thought we're supposed to have compassion and love and understand it you do but learn the appropriate time and place for that there's a time to love there's a time to embrace there's a time to refrain from embracing there's a time to laugh there's a time to weep the time place for all this stuff okay and with these false prophets and they're blaspheming the Word of God and they're and they're striving about these words and they're subverting the hearers you know what it's time to say you know what you're delivered unto Satan now Satan could have his way with you now he could just destroy your flesh and here's the purpose of that first Corinthians but you have to turn to first Corinthians 5 5 says to deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the Spirit may be saved the day of the Lord Jesus saying sometimes people just need to learn the real real hard way Nebuchadnezzar was one of those people he had to learn the hard way when he got lifted up with pride and he saw man look at this King to look at all this stuff that I did God's like oh really fool I'm the one who elevated you to this status because I wanted to get my will done and he became a beast became like an animal out in the field and the dude his fingernails grew out like like Eagles claws and his hair became like better I mean he was out in elements for a really long time until he realized there is a God in heaven and you know what he's the one that allows for this stuff to happen not me and that brought him down and you know I'm not saying that he was delivered unto Satan but it's the same type of thing you're delivering someone unto Satan and saying okay go ahead say and just have your way with them because they need to be brought really low hopefully for the saving of the soul the spirit verse number 18 here we're in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 where I go back to chat if you want back to chapter 1 go back to chapter 2 we're gonna continue on here verse number 18 and again just more clues of who we're dealing with here this Hymenaeus Philetus who concerning the truth have heard heard means they've made an error they made a mistake they're wrong they're wrong about the truth they're teaching lies saying that the resurrection is passed already so their heresy is that they're saying oh yeah that right because what are we looking for we're looking for that first resurrection aren't we the Bible teaches us as Christ was the first fruits and then at his coming there's that first resurrection when he comes back that's when that when the dead in Christ shall arise right and we're gonna meet the Lord in the air and we shall be changed in a moment and twinkling of an eye and so shall we ever be with the Lord that's that event is gonna happen and then at the end is that second resurrection okay and these guys are saying oh yeah that resurrections already happened we have hope in the resurrection we have our hope in Christ and they're saying oh yeah that's already happened and what do they do but when they when they say that says an overthrow the faith of some wait what do you mean I I thought that people were literally gonna be rising oh no yeah that already happened you know who makes claims like this the cults do that like the Jehovah's Witnesses Seventh-day Adventists they make these claims oh yeah Jesus came back already you just didn't see him I'm sorry the Bible says that every eye shall see him when he comes back it's like the lightning that shines from the east and goes under the west and then everybody's gonna see him you're telling me you came back already sorry no profane vain babblings shun you we have anything to do with you don't be coming here trying to teach that garbage that overthrows the faith of some you start teaching things contrary to what the Bible clearly says clear statements clear teachings no and especially about the resurrection that's so important what was the gospel the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ so how close is that talking about our resurrection oh yeah the resurrection is already passed that's our hope is our resurrection in Jesus Christ verse 19 nevertheless the foundation of God stand sure having a seal having this seal to me the Lord know of them that are his and let everyone that name at the name of Christ apart from iniquity but in a great house are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also wooden of earth and some to honor and some to dishonor if a man therefore purge himself of these from these he shall be a vessel and honor sanctified meet from the master's youth and prepared unto every good work flee also youthful lusts but follow righteousness faith charity peace with them that call on the Lord of a pure heart but foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender stripes so here's another thing you know and previously used the word shun for the the profane and vain babblings meaningless words and here it's saying you know what the foolish and unlearned questions and you know what sometimes you run across people they have a lot of questions and I know you've probably heard there's no such thing as a stupid question but there is the Bible says it's a foolish question you can call it stupid to be basically mean the same thing there are such things stupid questions okay and the Bible just says avoid them hey don't don't get caught up in that if you get caught up if you go out so when you try to reach people the gospel and they just have all these questions and you just start going down oh you're never gonna get the gospel across that person anyways your best bet is just to avoid it I mean people say well what about what about UFOs what about it what about Sasquatch what about what about you know all right look man we're talking about the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ here talk about you being a sinner talking about Jesus Christ and what he did let's not get in all this other stuff okay avoid that stuff knowing that because all you're gonna get out of that then is just it says there's gonna gender stripes are gonna create problems create fights look we don't need to get into foolishness and that's why I'm not gonna debate with someone who's trying to tell me that the earth is flat seriously I'm serious because it's foolish it is full it'll be a foolish pursuit to try to do such a thing because those people are willfully ignorant they don't for I don't know what the reason is why they don't want to believe the truth in that area but that's craziness it's crazy town if unless they just simply really don't have the smarts at all to just understand some basic basic stuff I mean it's another rabbit trail don't want to go down that I'm gonna avoid that foolish foolishness and unlearned question we avoid that all it's gonna do is gender stripes and notice the people that that are caught up in that you'll notice it they can't let it go they cannot let it go I did all right I said I was gonna get past it one more thing I just remembered this I did a search for my name once and there's some because it'll search for certain Google will search the Google like if there's books if there's books on Google that like you could rant or buy or whatever I don't even know how it all works but some flat earth or like referenced me in some book that they put out and it was so funny like are you serious and I don't think anyone's really reading it cuz you know anyone anyone could these days can write a book and put it on the internet or whatever but what was my point with that what was the point oh so I'm reading this right in the context and he's basically saying that like I'm not even saved and everything is about the flat earth and how everyone everyone's deceived and then once people understand this then they'll get say it's like their gospel has become the earth the shape of the earth whether or not the earth is routes fear glow you know flat pear shape whatever like that is what's gonna get people saved sorry you've gone way off the deep end into total utter absurdity because I don't care what the earth looks like from however far above it and the shape it makes I think there's plenty of evidence to show what it is but it doesn't matter because what really meant a real truth of the gospel has nothing to do with that and anyone who's gonna say otherwise is they've got their priorities way out of whack and screwed up and they're fools and I'm gonna avoid those foolish questions and and that's why these people that's it's they just want to start we had we had some people someone visit you know periodically and it's just like he knew where I stood on this stuff but just had to bring it up anyways you just gotta bring it you just gotta insert that you know I did I avoided it because what's it gonna do it's just gonna it's just geared to start a fight no matter how much they say oh no no I don't want to play oh no I'm not trying to do anything yes you are yes you are you're gendering stripe even if you don't feel I mean maybe he doesn't I don't know maybe people don't realize it you're gendering stripes foolish and unlearned questions avoid them nothing to do with it and here's where it says verse 24 and the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God for adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will when we go forth and we avoid the foolish questions and the unlearned question we get to the more important things anyways because the foolish and unlearned unlearned questions this means they don't know anything about the subject at all but once they start to learn a little bit more they'll start to realize oh yeah that was kind of a dumb question I should ask that because they'll learn the right thing so we avoid those things there's just gonna be a waste of time it's just gonna cause arguments and strive some problems and let's just focus on being gentle and able to teach people with patience and meekness strike those that pose themselves what the truth is we teach them but you could only do that with people who are willing to be taught and listen when you got people that just won't stop as the Bible says in Titus 3 you turn there if you'd like you're in 2nd Timothy just flip forward a page or two to 2nd Timothy to me to Titus chapter 3 Titus 3 verse 9 the Bible reads but avoid foolish questions right there it is again and genealogies so the genealogies by the way would be oh am I the seed of Israel am I the seed of Abraham am I what tribe am I of and it used to be where this would apply to the Jews right the genealogies because they want to prove but these days it applies to like so many different groups you've got on one hand you've got the black Hebrew Israelites you've got these other Hebrew roots people you've got other people saying you know the white people are the true Jews I mean a caper no it's the black people are the true Jews no it's this group of it's like the Bible says avoid genealogies I don't care I don't care who physically literally descended from Abraham because God doesn't care who physically literally descended from Abraham it doesn't matter what matters is if you're in Christ that's what matters seriously that's what matters it doesn't matter all of those and people want to go to these G look we can prove this back and see if you look you just don't know your history right they want to cut themselves up with pride and think that they know some knowledge that no one else knows and we're so smart look avoid that stuff because all it's gonna do with you is get you in an argument and a fight and it's gonna be unproductive you'll waste a whole bunch of time that's right and it doesn't matter if you can beat them up one side down another with knowledge with facts with counter doesn't matter because when they're when they're involved in foolish questions nobody wins when you're involved with foolish questioning no one wins because the fool is not going to learn and in turn you know hey if you got someone who's willing to listen and let you try to teach them it's a different story yeah but when they when they come and just try to teach you it's all man you see him ready to turn to Titus chapter 3 verse 9 but void will his questions genealogies and contentions right his findings and strivings about the law they're unprofitable in vain a man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject knowing that he that is such as subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself you give them a chance you give them a second chance done reject shun the vain and profane balance done with it right you gave an opportunity and said okay here you go oh you're not gonna accept that here's another one okay reject your heretic done but when you get people who will listen and they'll have an actual even if they have a very good look we're not like afraid of people who have opposing views right and we're not scared of it and we're also not trying to become a cult that removes us from any opposing views and just isolate ourselves either we go out to reach people we go out to engage we go out to have communication and talk but what we also do and what we primarily do is try to teach people because we have been studying the Bible hopefully where you should be I am we should be studying this we've already put our faith in Christ we want to explain to other people let salvation is a free gift we want to show that to them and in the course of doing so their own belief you know people's beliefs are come up but we're gonna say okay here like I want to tell you what I believe I'm gonna show you what the Bible says you can choose to believe that or not right at the end of day as much as I do appreciate and have conversations with people and I want to connect with them I also don't want to spend my whole day here tell me everything about what you believe because if you're believing some false God and some false religion I don't need to know that much about it but I can show you what the Bible says would you like to hear that and if you have an objection that's fine you know we can talk about I could give you some explanation here you go here's what the Bible says it's up to you except there's your rejected right but I'm not gonna waste a bunch of my time dealing with a heretic that's gonna try to teach me why no no you can only call God's name Jehovah and if you think no Bible says that there's a name that's above every other name as the name of Jesus Christ so sorry I mean there's nothing wrong with Jehovah okay Joe was in the Bible too it's a great name it's not the only name I'm not gonna focus my time on that just much I'm not gonna focus my time on the shape of the earth I think it's more important what God's name is than the shape of the earth is so like that you know if I'm gonna gauge people on where they're at just like level of important stuff sorry flat earthers Joe was witness are more important than you with their with their false doctrine than false belief last last place I'm gonna I'm gonna turn to you Roman 16 verse 17 Bible says now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them there's one more example of avoidance of shunning of not having to do with it in every instance what we're seeing is that the purpose of what they're doing is to cause problems they're gendering stripes they're bringing contentions they're bringing fightings okay we're called to be in unity and called to be at peace in our doctrine and what we believe especially here in the church we're not supposed to be fighting about this stuff and if someone's gonna fight about you know I'm gonna avoid it and I'm gonna reject it and if you've got people that are causing to visit divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine that you've already learned and believe the doctrine that we believe here as a church if people want to come in and try to cause division will tell you John oh actually this is you know what a mark and avoid those people it's not because we can't be challenged in what we believe but you're trying to come in and cause division there's a huge difference between having a difference of opinion and trying to cause division huge difference a lot of it has to do with how you go about things see if people cause division they're gonna go about sneakily and try to to get in under the radar other people be out in the open with it and you know we're a church that I bet you if you talk to every single person in the church there's gonna be different things that people believe that don't 100% in every aspect that you know line up exactly with what I say and you know what that's okay I mean I hear from the guys in the preaching class and they teach some things that are a little bit different than what I believe or what I've seen and you know what that's okay because none of those things are like major doctrines none of those things are designed to cause strife and and divisions and none of them are foolish questions and and going on about genealogies and stuff like that it's all just some difference of opinions that's fine and that's healthy and that's normal but when it comes to the the false prophets the vain babblings the profane teachings we shun that stuff we don't give place to that we don't we don't allow that type of stuff in yes we want to reach people and be long-suffering and everything but we're not going to deal with the division and the the vain and profane babblings where it subverts the hearers and you got to be able to decide there's too many individual instances to go into that you're just gonna have to take that truth and understand okay there's a time that where I just need to just shut this off and just have nothing to do with this anymore let's borrow is that word of prayer dear Lord we love you thank you so much for the wisdom that we can receive through your word I pray that you would please help us to take this knowledge and to take these words and be able to apply them on a regular basis in our life dear Lord help us to know when the appropriate time is when we should be using this the shunning of the profane and vain babblings as you've taught here versus just being really meek and long-suffering and everything Lord and and not shunning and being open help us to understand the differences and what's appropriate at which time and God I pray that you would please just continue to work through our church help our church to grow and and that you would add more members to our church and help us to reach more people and increase our wisdom and our knowledge and give us the the faith and the spirit to go out and and really do something good with your words in Jesus name we pray amen