(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Okay Oh Hey Oh Oh Oh You And It's good to have you all back here with us You You You You It was a Friday of the day for the for your wife brother Jesse the the immigration stuff is that Okay so ultimately it ended up working out a little bit of a headache trying to deal with it, but At the end of the day you're so that's settled is everything good now You're good to go with whatever you need from them Also, well praise the Lord so that that's an answer prayer we're gonna remove that then from the list also and continue to pray for everyone else that we have on the list and Let's see on the next page So I mentioned it this morning. I'll just bring it up again the piano I didn't hear from anyone after this morning service about this piano, okay? The one person who has contacted me You know of course you don't have to contact me again, I already know we know about that But if there's anyone else that's interested potentially interested in bringing this home With you to use to practice to learn how to play or to just get practice for playing if you already know how to play whatever We're gonna give it away to a good home here but the intention is to give it away to someone in church to use to to praise God with and Help in that area right so I'll probably wait like another week And if I'm not hearing from anyone else, then I'm just gonna deal with it and take care of it and move it out of here so And the first person that that contacted me already about it will end up taking that home with them Let's see February challenge just preach on it this morning if you missed this morning sermon go check it out I go a little bit more in detail as to the why I suppose of why we're doing this challenge in the month of February to unplug from your digital devices and You know I was talking about this not that long ago There are all different types of rules and exceptions you could probably come up with for this So I'm not gonna go through every single one of those I'm just just use your judgment on this understand the spirit of what we're trying to do here and and apply it yourself There's no way I could make enough rules to fine-tune all of all of this so You just make the application that you deem appropriate if you want to participate in this challenge but just understand the goal is to try to you know get rid of the the Wasted time distractions even just leading into simple things and stuff Just don't need to be messing around with and one other point that should have come up in my sermon I was bringing up right now is You know when you're bored If you have a family especially You know instead of everybody huddling around a TV and everyone going shut up be quiet. I'm trying to hear right It's a little bit better. Maybe you get some family interaction with each other doing something where You know like board games or things that you can Do together might be time a little bit better spent Than just putting on something for everyone just to be quiet Just just a suggestion That might be a little you know if you're looking for something to do something to replace. Well. What are we supposed to do we always? Just turn on the TV and watch TV well you could do other things especially at family time or even if it's just you and your spouse you know Spending time together is valuable Build stronger bonds and better relationships and better unity by actually communicating and doing things together as opposed to just not engaging with each other Anyways, I'm gonna. I'm done with that sermon now alright. That's the last point. I wanted to make I finished preaching that Join us in February to unplug and and get your digital detox going on for for February Ministry luncheon so we had people show up today for sound live stream And I just got to tell you I appreciate everyone who is being very willing to help and be participating in all the various things that the church needs Tons of people have been expressing interest in all different areas, so thank you all very much It is going to I guarantee you is gonna make our church be awesome and just continue to be such so much better of a Church with everybody is getting on board and helping where you can it's it's it's overwhelming to me to see how much everybody cares about and loves this church and wants to be involved so Seriously, thank you everyone who is I mean even in this from the smallest matters the greatest matters Thank you all for for caring and doing this. I'm looking forward to continue with these meetings next week is Music ministry, and if you miss any of these for any reason just come and see me. We'll make it work It's not a big deal. It's just easier for me to talk to every with everyone at once Next week music ministry that one we're gonna actually just do here So we're gonna cater some food in for those who are gonna be Involved with this this meeting just because it's gonna be our biggest one We have the most people involved in the music ministry so that just will plan on doing that here And then the soul winning captains and then the security team now so winning captains if you're interested in that at all The this is not just for like soul winning This is for having an established time in our bulletin like we have there the the the one two three four five times that we have listed Excuse me these leaders are running and managing those times That's what this is for if you are interested in setting up and committing to another time That could be managed Whether you meet up here or not It's it that doesn't matter, but you're gonna be managing something you could dedicate your time to that it will be Consistently done at whatever schedule whatever interval you set up then you can also join us to You know participate in that meeting of becoming a captain, but that's that would be the objective for that It's not just for helping out at a soul winning marathon or something like that. It's for actually taking charge of a new Ministry Let's see Hebrews chapter 6 so this is our last week of learning new verses the last two verses of the chapter Then we'll have a review week if you could quote the entire Passage word perfect without making mistakes you'll earn a prize for that We've got the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries that are listed there, but Michael Ricardo's got his birthday on the 6th We've added him to our list now and then on the back. We've got the upcoming events Please remember to sign up for the events that we have coming up whether it be home school field trips Whether it be the camping trip and the soul winning oh nuts I forgot to I Forgot to print that out did we already have one that anyone notice is there a sign-up sheet for the salt for the soul winning marathon Anyone see one no I meant to do that in between services all right. I will work on getting that done Before the end of service tonight you get a sign-up sheet out there for the soul winning marathon So that we at least know how many people are gonna be here for breakfast from there on out We could usually just just play it by ear and then figure out plans Once we have a rough idea who's showing up in the morning for that soul winning event But it does help us out. Please sign up for the sheet if you know you're gonna come please for any of these events just let us know and That is it for our announcements this evening, so I will turn the service back over to brother Peter Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh That was Genesis chapter 27 And it came to pass that when Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see he called Esau His eldest son and said unto him my son, and he said unto him behold here am I and he said behold now I am old I know not the day of my death now therefore take I pray thee thy weapons I quiver in thy bow and go out to the field and take me some venison and Make me savory meat such as I love and bring it to me that I may eat but my soul may bless thee before I die and Rebecca heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son and Esau went to the field to hunt for venison and to bring it and Rebecca spake unto Jacob her son saying behold I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother saying bring me venison and I and make me Savory meat that I may eat and bless thee before the Lord before my death Now therefore my son obey my voice according to that which I command thee Go now to the flock and fetch me from thence to good kids of the goats And I will make them savory meat for thy father such as he loveth And thou shalt bring it to thy father that he may eat and that he may bless thee before his death And Jacob said to Rebecca his mother behold Esau My brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man My father paired venture will feel me and I shall seem to him as a deceiver And I shall bring a curse upon me and not a blessing and his mother said unto him upon me be thy curse My son only obey my voice and go fetch me them and he went and fetched and brought them to his mother and his mother made savory meat such as his father loved and Rebecca took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau Which were with her in the house and put them upon Jacob her younger son And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands and upon the smooth of his neck And she gave the savory meat and the bread which she had prepared into the hand of her son Jacob And he came unto his father and said my father and he said here am I who art thou my son? And Jacob said unto his father I am Esau thy firstborn I have done according as thou betest me arise I pray thee and sit and eat of my venison that thy soul may bless me And Isaac said unto his son How is it that thou hast found it so quickly my son? And he said because the Lord thy God brought it to me and Isaac said unto Jacob come near I pray thee that I may feel thee my son whether thou be my very son Esau or not And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father, and he felt him and said the voice is Jacob's voice But the hands are the hands of Esau and he discerned him not because his hands were hairy as his brother Esau's hands So he blessed him, and he said aren't thou my very son Esau And he said I am and he said bring it near to me And I will eat of my son's venison that my soul may bless thee And he brought it near to him and he did eat and he brought him wine And he drank and his father Isaac said unto him come near now and kiss me my son And he came near and kissed him and he smelled the smell of his raiment and blessed him and said see The smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine Let people serve thee and nations bow down to thee be Lord over thy brethren and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee cursed be everyone that curseth thee and blessed be he that blesseth thee and It came to pass as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Jacob and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac his father that Esau his brother came in from his hunting and he also Had made savory meat and brought it unto his father and said unto his father Let my father arise and eat of his son's venison that thy soul may bless me And Isaac his father said unto him who art thou and he said I am thy son thy firstborn Esau And Isaac trembled very exceedingly and said who? Where is he that hath taken venison and brought it me and I have eaten of all before thou camest and have blessed him Yea and he shall be blessed and when Esau heard the words of his father He cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry and said unto his father bless me even me also Oh my father, and he said thy brother came with subtlety and hath taken away thy blessing And he said is not he rightly named Jacob for he hath supplanted me these two times He took away my birthright and behold now he hath taken away my blessing And he said hast thou not reserved a blessing for me and Isaac answered and said unto Esau behold I have made him thy lord and all his brethren have I given to him for servants and with corn and wine have I sustained him and What shall I do now unto thee my son and Esau said unto his father hast thou but one blessing my father bless me even me also oh my father and Esau lifted up his voice and wept and Isaac his father answered and said unto him behold thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth and of the dew of heaven from above and By thy sword shalt thou live and shalt serve thy brother And it shall come to pass when thou shalt have at the Dominion that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him And Esau said in his heart the days of mourning for my father at hand And then will I slay my brother Jacob and these words of Esau her eldest son were told to Rebecca And she sent and called Jacob her younger son and said unto him behold thy brother Esau as touching thee doth comfort himself Purposing to kill thee now therefore my son obey my voice and arise flee thou to Laban my brother to Haran And tarry with him a few days until thy brother's fury turn away Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee and he forget that which thou hast done to him Then I will send and fetch thee from thence Why should I be deprived also of you both in one day and Rebecca said to Isaac? I am weary of my life because of the daughters of heath if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of heath such as these Which are of the daughters of the land what good shall my life do me? Let's pray brother DJ. Can you pray for us? All Right, that's all my sermon this evening is seeing through the illusions seeing through the illusions Illusion is something that is a facade. It's fake. It's something that's meant to make you think something it's a deception and There's a lot of that that is happening in our world today And we need to be able to try to identify and spot those things and that we're you know We're increasingly living in an area in an era When you can't rely very much on what you see as being the truth especially when it comes to things that you see through media through A picture that's that's shown you whether it be online on the internet or any other means of media now We're gonna go through two different examples in the Bible we're gonna learn what we could learn from both of these stories this first one of course is in Genesis chapter 27 and We see Isaac being deceived by his son Jacob and this story I was just listening to the preaching that was going on while I was out of town, which I appreciate both you guys Stepping up and fill in the the spot now. I've been Very pleased with what I heard good sermons I'm still halfway through brother Carter sermon I listen all bro Devon sermon, and I know brother Carter brought up this story when he was preaching and it's Just just a comment That's that's nice being able to look to the Word of God for so many different things because everything That he was teaching on this was was great and right on But there's so much we could learn that gets packed into a lot of these stories that there's always ways to view things and and Different different truths that we could glean from all these different stories So, you know, he was bringing up the elderly and how we ought to respect the elderly and take care of them And you know in this story, of course Isaac is elderly and Isaac has these problems and he's being taken advantage of by his own son But what I'm gonna focus on is a little bit, you know, it's a similar to set The same deception but focusing a little bit more on the deception and see how did Isaac even get deceived to begin with and What was going on here and what maybe we could learn or glean from this story? Now, I'm not gonna reread everything I have this story in my notes, but essentially what happens is well, first of all, I think the first thing we could learn is That anybody can be out to deceive Even your own son even a brother and sister in Christ, you know, just kind of be aware of that that You know, yeah, let God be true at every man a liar okay, everybody is capable of deceiving everybody's capable of lying and Just Understanding that knowing that keeping that stored in the back of your mind is a good bit of information So that way you can always Challenge the things that you hear in order to prove and make sure that you know that they're true. I Mean there's been times where I've been burned personally in my own life where you you kind of rely on things people you think you can trust people you think is gonna tell you the truth no matter what and You know, maybe you side with someone because you think like no no, no, I know this person There's no way they're gonna lie and it turns out they lied so We want that to happen as little as possible, okay, we're all susceptible being deceived I'm not saying you're always gonna be able to see through every single possible illusion. It's out there. That's ridiculous But we want we want to know the truth, right? We're here as truth seekers. You want to know what's right? What's wrong? We want to be able to see through these things the best that we can and and to make them the best decisions Ultimately, you're never gonna be immune to being deceived But the more wisdom you can get especially from the Word of God The easier will be to pick up on the patterns to see the red flags and to see through the deception That's going on. I'm telling you as you increase the wisdom. You will be able to see this quicker and quicker as it happens now with Isaac and Jacob what we see here is You know Rebecca overhears Isaac telling Esau to go out and get him, you know, he's getting ready to die he wants to bless his children and he says hey, why don't you go forward and Why don't you go forward and Go get me some meat the meat that I love and be able to you know Enjoy this meal and I'm gonna give you a blessing. So mom overhears that and he's and she's like, hey Jacob Come here because Jacob was her favorite Here's what you're gonna do You're gonna go in there and you're gonna pretend to be Esau and you're gonna get the blessing And Jacob's like but he's gonna think I'm a deceiver. Yeah, you think because that would be very deceptive to go in there and Pretend to be somebody else now Isaac was really old. So he his vision has failed him essentially at this point So he can't see the difference but Esau and Jacob were twins Right, so Who knows how but they obviously had physical differences though, because they said that you know Esau was a hairy man and Jacob was a smooth man. That's how they're described in Scripture so What happens here is you know? Rebecca comes up with this plan saying okay, here's what you're gonna do You're gonna go in there and he's like, well, you know, obviously when I come near to him, he's gonna know I'm not Esau because Esau's hairy She's like no problem We've got this covered. Well, we'll put this this goatskin on you and It'll be hairy like you're I mean that alone tells you how hairy Esau was I mean you're thinking like like you're putting on this animal fur. I mean Esau must have been a furry dude but Not just that though like like human hair is not the same as animal hair So this also kind of tells us a little bit about the condition Isaac was in like being really old Because even when he feels I mean it's kind of hard to imagine like what would you possibly do? How are you gonna wrap the skin around you with this fur to actually make someone think that you're somebody else? but but he was able to do that you would put around his neck because he knew he's gonna try to like embrace him this Way and anywhere that he might touch him and he put on his clothing So he had that smell like Esau and he's appealing to these senses but most importantly what Isaac is relying on here is that is is his Feeling and is in his sense of touch But he's not listening because when he listens he says the voice is Jacob And let's look at that right here where he kind of He understood he's questioning what he's feeling And he says in you know after he finds a real quick He's just like wait a minute. How did you find that so quick? He's like, well the Lord my God had blessed me, you know, like like he was able to lead me right away to this food and he says Here verse. Let's start reading verse number 18 and he came into his father and said my father and he said here Am I who art thou my son and Jacob said unto his father? I am Esau thy firstborn I have done according as thou battest me arise I pray thee sit knee to my venison that thy soul may bless me and Isaac said unto his son How is it that thou has found it so quickly my son and he said Because the Lord thy God brought it to me and Isaac said unto Jacob come near I pray thee that I may feel thee my son whether thou be my very son Esau or not and Jacob went near unto Isaac his father and he felt him and said the voice is Jacob's voice But the hands are the hands of Esau and he discerned him not because his hands were hairy As his brother Esau's hands, so he blessed him now It's the words of the Bible are in there on purpose and especially something like this when it says he went to feel him Isaac is relying on his feeling in order to discern the truth as Opposed to what he's actually hearing and very often we make the mistake of relying on our feeling towards something or towards someone instead of actual fact instead of things that you can actually hear and use as you know things that that that Don't have feeling like what you hear is just it literally is what it is. You're hearing a sound you're hearing a voice You're hearing words It's very similar we're talking about this just after service this morning now and this isn't necessarily on the deceptive side of things but we were talking about You know when you're trying to figure out if somebody's saved or not. What do we do? We ask them? Well, we ask people What do you believe and try to dig into? What is it that this person is gonna say? What's gonna come out of their mouth that we expect is going to be reflecting their heart as to what they actually Believe in order to determine whether or not someone is saved But what happens very frequently and you know, and normally people are able to discern this pretty well by what you hear But where people get clouded and where they start to lose that clarity and might be coming to wrong Conclusions and don't discern things properly is when it comes to people like family family and friends because you add this emotion in this feeling and Even just what you want to be true Clouds your judgment a little bit from just what you're hearing right and One of the ways to help with this is if you go, okay Well, wait a minute if I just knocked on someone's door and they gave me the same answer that My father my mother my brother just gave me Would I think that person saved? Right, so try to remove emotion from from that understanding That's what's gonna give you the right answer That's what we you know, we need to be relying on things more like that instead of just on a feeling now That being said, you know, so God has built in some Types of feelings for intuition on when you're in getting in danger and things like that. So those things can be helpful But that is not Used as a fact of just going like nope I absolutely know this person's bad or this person's good or anything like that. Just based on a feeling It's way too prone to error We Need to be able to use things that are objective right, so hearing the sound using his ears to hear is Much more objective than just getting some kind of a feeling a warm fuzzy fuzzy real fuzzy feeling From Esau that is not something that you can just you shouldn't be basing your decisions on On that alone and the discernment here would have been better used if he said wait a minute No, I know your voice. I Know your voice and I'm gonna go with the voice just like similar to Jesus saying, you know, my sheep hear my voice They know me Right and another Shepherd they won't follow did they know they know my voice My sheep are gonna follow me Because we need to be listening to that voice Not Just looking for the things that's gonna tickle your ear As some people like to keep to themselves teachers having itching ears and just want to hear what they want to hear That's gonna satisfy themselves. That's gonna make them feel good But just hearing what the truth is because it's the truth because we care about the truth because Ultimately, it's a truth that matters lies are deceptive. They're deceptions. They're they're they're not real It's fake anything that's that's a lie. That's false It's like it doesn't exist because it's not reality People try to spin lies and tell you lies and deceive you But at the end of the day, it's not real It's not the truth and we're gonna be left only with truth at the end of everything When this world is destroyed and has changed Into a new heaven a new earth. There's gonna be no more lies Whatsoever loveth and maketh a lie It's not gonna be in the kingdom of God It's gone. It's out. So you're only left with truth. That's all that remains. That's all that exists. It's all that that really matters Turn if you would to Joshua chapter 9 We're gonna see just one more example from the Old Testament of deception that's being used And We'll tie this in with what we just read in Genesis In just a minute just read this story real quick. This is when the children of Israel are going and Destroying all these nations in the lands in the Promised Land and they're going in to inherit and they're they're winning all these wars Let's let's pick up here in verse number three Joshua chapter 9 the Bible reads and when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho unto AI They did work wily and went and made as if they had been ambassadors and took old sacks upon their asses and wine bottles old and rent and bound up and old shoes and clouded upon their feet and old garments upon them and all the bread of their provision was dry and moldy and They went to Joshua unto the camp at Gilgal and Said unto him and to the men of Israel we become from a far country now therefore make ye a league with us And the men of Israel said unto the Hivites Per adventure ye dwell among us and how shall we make a league with you and they said unto Joshua We are thy servants and Joshua said unto them Who are ye and from whence come ye and they said on him from a very far country thy servants are come Because of the name of the Lord thy God for we have heard the fame of him and all that he did in Egypt and All that he did to the two kings of the Amorites that were beyond Jordan to Sion king of Eshmon and the odd king of Bashan which was at Ashtoreth Wherefore our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spake to us saying Take vittles with you for the journey and go to meet them and say unto them. We are your servants Therefore now make ye a league with us This our bread we took hot for our provision out of our houses on the day we came forth to go unto you and but now behold it is dry and it is moldy and These bottles of wine which we filled were new and behold they be rent and these are garments and our shoes are become old by reason of the very long journey and the men took of their vittles and asked not counsel at the mouth of The Lord so now we hear them saying well pastor persons. I mean aren't they asking them? Isn't that what we're supposed to do is listen their voice. Yeah, that's I mean that's a better start Yes, you should be talking and trying to figure this out But they're the key where they went wrong is that they didn't seek counsel at the mouth of the Lord They didn't go and use the wisdom of God and go to use a discernment from God to find out who these people really are They could have been more diligent in their inquisition And especially when it comes to something like obeying God's commandments God explicitly told them you better not make any leagues with any of the people of the land You need to destroy them utterly and they already had this thought in their mind going like wait a minute You might be one of these people that we're supposed to destroy. We don't want to break God's commandments by doing anything with you and instead of being more diligent Looking to the Word of God seeing wait a minute. Let's let's see if we could really discern this they just Said oh, wow. Well, yeah, I guess you have moldy bread and and you've got this. Oh, you know, it's like they're presented with The evidence from the people who are trying to deceive and just saying hey, look at this. Look at this. Look at this Look at this see look see see this proves it They're being painted a picture But they stopped really thinking critically about it They've been given the evidence and the answers and she's saying see that's it. Nothing to see here. We're from really far This type of deception this type of illusion is used all the time People will tie the dots to connect the dots together for you and just tell you see look here it is That's it. That's the truth When if you're gonna think critically about something you need to figure out are there other scenarios that could also be true Like maybe these people instead of maybe all this stuff isn't old because it took them so long to get here Maybe they just brought old stuff with them Maybe they just dressed in old clothing and now they're just telling us it's old right like obviously that's what actually happened But instead the narrative is fed to them to just accept this now there. This is being used all the time This is what happens on the mainstream media the news channels Very often they're just gonna tell you here's this bit of information. Here's this bit of a video and essentially here's the conclusion And it's molds and shapes what you believe to be true and You have to be on guard for this and learn how to think critically Because you can't just believe everything that you see especially when people are framing things a certain way People want you to believe all this is I mean it's been going on forever It's just much more prevalent when you have means of communication and ways of disseminating information That could reach massive amounts of people It's called propaganda And it's been used for a very very very long time It's been used against people to pit people one against another one nation against another nation and just telling you Oh, see look look at what happened look at this event look at the sinking of this ship look at that you know So and so did it Wait did they did they really adjust no It's just used to get a bunch of people angry and upset and want to go fight and kill people Could be my point is you can't just accept everything that you hear You need to learn especially on you know big events This is big you know going to war with someone or not making this this this Treat this truce and peace agreement with someone like hold on a second. We don't really know anything about you You would have been a little bit more prudent to say hey well, why don't we send someone back with you and Show us where you live Because we got some doubts we really want to make sure we're doing things right by God Let's be a little bit more sure and investigate and be diligent in Our search and in our inquiry and in this case all they had to do was just go to the Word of God They literally could have just sought counsel at God. Just like literally just gone to God and God God help us. God give me wisdom. God give me discernment and God would have given it to him and told them the truth And you know the Bible still says for us today to that that we can go to God and ask him to give us wisdom Because he'll give it liberally unto us. That's what it says in the book of James So we want to start to understand and be able to see illusions and see the tricks that people want to present to you Ask God to give you that wisdom and When you start seeing see this there's a pattern here The more wisdom you get you can start to see when people start piling on evidence It's like this Overabundance of evidence and I just want to point you to this this this this this and they already have it thought out like you haven't Even asked the question yet, and they're trying to prove their Innocence or prove their point or prove you all like well see look at this this that well I didn't even ask you about that. Why are you so bent on trying to get me to believe you? When I haven't even Gone down that path, and they're just like ready to throw anything at you that that should be suspicious in and of itself That's a big red flag when people are just trying to trying too hard to convince you of something Usually a big indication that there's an ulterior motive that they're trying to paint this picture for you to see and And And for whatever their reason is to whatever their end is whatever their objective is to get you to buy into that and One of the ways that people like to do that the most Is by trying to paint a picture of what they think you want to see and what you want to hear That's the easiest way to deceive people is to make is to get you to accept something that you already wanted to hear anyways And now you're hearing it and you're able to pull apart anything that you want out of what they say We need to go to the Word of God We need to see Get the wisdom from the scripture and the guidance from God's Word and thankfully not only do we have the Word of God But we also have the Holy Spirit now. I'm gonna read for you turn if you would to Turn to John chapter 16 The Bible says in Psalm 119 verses 104 and 105 through thy precepts I get understanding Therefore I hate every false way. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path We should be looking to the Word of God to help us to guide us and instruct us and to show us the right way the way of truth the way of righteousness That should guide us and thankfully as believers we have you know We have a God that wants us to know the truth in all matters He doesn't want us turning to the right hand or to the left He doesn't want us falling into pits and snares and traps He wants us to go the right way and he's given us what we need in order to be able to do that But we have to have the faith in God's Word and as God's people we ought to be less easily duped or deceived Because we have the truth, I mean the more you know the truth the harder it's going to be to deceive The more you know the truth about anything the hardest could be to see you so Think about it Just it just makes sense the more the more you study on any one thing and it doesn't have to be anything spiritual religious Just think of just anything. You know a lot about let's say I'm a pen manufacturer, and I just know All about how pens are I mean I know the ins the outs how the ink gets in there the sources all this stuff and I Just know this really well and someone tries to bring me something else. It's like a fake pen writer trick pen to be like No, that's not right right cuz I cuz I know like when you know the real thing and then someone tries to give you a fake You know counterfeit money is an easy example of that People who are trying to figure out whether or not money's counter for now It's because they study the real thing so much that when you give someone something that's off from that It's like spot the difference. Okay. Yeah, that's not right because that's not there and that's there and that you know This is this is a mistake. That's not right The more you know the truth and the more you learn and the more wisdom you gain from the Word of God When people come at you with something else that's conflicting with the Word of God Well guess what's gonna gonna win out the truth the Word of God now Even that you can't just think well You know like there's going to be two possible Conclusions of someone's if someone presents something to you that's in conflict with your understanding of the Word of God either your understanding is wrong Or they're wrong The Word of God is never wrong Right. So if something someone tells you something and like wait a minute This seems like a contradiction with what I know is true from the Word of God You could check your own understanding and be like wait is this right what I believe Yep, that's what the Bible said then then they're wrong Then they're lying And see people like to tell lies all the time again for various reasons people will try to let tell you lies especially about spiritual things You know a good example we believe in in the reprobate doctrine we believe that people can reject the Lord and be rejected by God and That once they once they cross the line where they have become rejected by God They cannot be saved anymore And there's certain things that people can exhibit and show that demonstrates that God has given them over to a reprobate mind Like just becoming a sodomite That's something in Romans 1 that the Bible is very clear about like look They're burning in their lust one towards another men with men working that which is unseemly Okay, and likewise the women Changing the natural use and that which is against nature and they start doing these things and it's showing us You know what you know why that happens because God's giving them over to reprobate mind So that's the evidence that they've been given over to reprobate mind well Then you get someone who is saying oh, yeah, I'm a former sodomite I was out and proud not you know I burn in my life, but not but now I've given off and now I'm saved Well what's true What's true Bibles true Now is it possible you might have a wrong understanding of the Bible yes, it's always possible So we always want to make sure that we can check what we believe But if the Bible is very clear and you can look at it and be like no This is what it says look. I'm gonna call a person a liar That's gonna claim something that contradicts what the Word of God actually says The end of the day, that's the way it is And you know when we're talking about about those people anyways I mean Romans 1 go down the list of the attributes that they that they possess being a liar is one of them I Mean there's a lot of deception there Some of the most deceptive people in the world are these reprobates How do you turn to John chapter 16 right? So You know through the Word of the Lord we gain understanding and wisdom because it is the truth You know pilots like well. What is truth right? He wants to just throw everything out there make everything relative like oh who even knows what truth is well You know what yeah to the to the loss or you know so again. They don't know you know we know the truth Jesus Christ is the truth. He says I am the way the truth in the life Look at verse number 12 there in John chapter 16, though We also this added benefit to knowing Christ knowing the Word of God Verse number 12 Bible says I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now Howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth For he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come so Thank God has equipped us not just with his word Not just with the mind of Christ as the Bible says we have the mind of Christ But also with that Holy Spirit of truth To help guide us, but how is the Holy Spirit of truth gonna guide us through the Word of God? To help increase our wisdom increase our understanding and being able to spot what we know in the Bible to be true and apply it In our own particular situation understanding if you like okay, well, I've already read about this I know about this It's like you know one perfect example. Also is just people that are just flattering all the time It's like oh well I you know I read about that in the Bible already and people who don't know and you know a lot so that's why so many people just eat it up and go down that path and and fall into problems or people that love money Wait the Bible's already warned us about that I was warned us about loving money and being covetous and wanting all these things But how many people are out there how many false teachers are out there not even just faulty from Bible I mean just these people want to say Put the million-dollar bill on your mirror And you look at that every day And you see yourself owning this money and having the yacht and have you and you? Visualize this for yourself, and you just make sure every day when you wake up you see yourself having that money, and they make your life all about money and people eat it up and They and they they buy into that and they live their life. Just just worshiping money and going full-fledged down that path of covetousness and you know what they fall and They pierce themselves through with many sorrows And Hurtful lusts, that's what happens to those people because they're not wise according to the Word of God The more you know the Bible you hate it's gonna steer you away from a lot of these other Deceptions because that's what they are It's just a bit. It's it's a big illusion The Tony Robbins the guy oh, yeah, you're gonna go out. You know it's an illusion It's just a facade They're just trying to get you down some whatever right, so they could get rich Because he gets all these you know however much money from the speaking engagements and stuff like you know Astronomical amount of money and write a book or whatever You know making merchandise of you We Need to get wise when you get wisdom from the Bible Bible says in Proverbs 14 turn if you would to 1st John chapter 4 you're in John 16 turn to 1st John chapter number 4 Proverbs 14 verse 15 the Bible says the simple believeth every word The simple is believe every word, but the prudent man looketh well to his going You Need to be able to judge to discern Everything that you hear whether it's behind the pulpit or not okay your day-to-day life People try to influence you all over the place you come across information on the internet And you know on the TV. Yeah, you're wherever We need to be able to not be deceived by an illusion by something. That's just not real by something. That's a fraud There Are deceptions and illusions being put in place out there on purpose Part of that is just magnifying certain stories or certain events with the sole intent purpose of pitting people against themselves I Cannot believe how much Racial Division is trying to be purported in this country now. I mean more than I've seen in my entire lifetime Which actually doesn't even make sense? If you if you're trying to listen to their narrative you would think that it would be way worse You know the further back you go as you get closer to The times of slavery in this country that there would be you know that it would be getting better and better and better But it seems like the tensions and the wedges and the you know the just the focus on all of this Looking at people's colors. Just is just being Continued just be spotlighted and shown just be like look at this look at this look at this You know it's it's it's crazy and look there's an agenda for this There's an agenda for that you got to be aware of that that you know At the end of the day does racism exist of course it does Of course it does be a fool to think that it doesn't But here's the thing it's always going to exist There's a lot of foolish people in the world And there's a lot of people that just want to identify with how they look or whatever And that's always going to be the case But how bad is it? Overwhelming is it how much influence they have how many people subscribe to that ideology of going? Oh, well how I look no. This is who I am and that's who you are and you're the devil and I you know Not as many as they'd like to to think that there are It's it's the highlighting of some you know sure there's bad things that happen. There's bad people that do bad things for bad reasons but when you just Spotlight that and then try to make the insinuation at all. This is this huge problem, and there's all that you know it's Trying to paint that big picture and tell you how to think That's when it becomes a problem And I look at this going you know I hear one thing But then all of my day-to-day interactions does not match up to that at all Maybe I'm not being told the truth When I'm actually talking to real people I mean look around at this church It's a pretty diverse group of people here And it doesn't matter who I'm talking to so far. I mean unless someone just doesn't want to Say they disagree you know when we talk about these topics come up. We're all on the same page It Doesn't matter the the the the tone of your skin how it how pigmented it is on being able to see through The lies that are being purported to try to get people pitted against one another, but you know When you have the understanding when you know from Scripture You know that God is made of one blood all the nations of the earth When you can look at you know God has made his house a house of prayer for all nations You know you can see very easily, okay, well God doesn't want us just you know warring against each other because of how we look Now did God separate and divide the nation sure he did, but how was it that he wanted the nation's form He wanted to have a righteous nation That followed him and anyone who wanted to join themselves to the righteous nation could do so Regardless of where they're from hey you want you want to join up and become one with Israel with the Israel of God great And you could get an inheritance, too That's the way it was it was not a racial thing It wasn't well God's chosen people. They're real special and then everyone else in the whole world Has to to worship them because they were born of the physical seed of Abraham That has nothing to do with it People have always been allowed, but you see First of all we need to understand that as just being the truth you get that from the Word of God and then second now you can apply that and go I See someone trying to teach something different You're teaching lies you're trying to get people to believe something different. That's a lie I'm not gonna fall for your illusion The simple believe every word People who are not very smart anything they hear that is believe it Do not be one of the people well CNN said it so it must be true Or okay, don't be one people well Fox News said it so it must be true Doesn't matter Insert major news corporation Because so-and-so said it it must be true no No Yeah, was it the Locally WSB that's there. They're one of the conservative news channels out here, right? in this area Well guess who it was that put up that our church is like this hate group You guessed it that great right-wing conservative group of people Just reporting the fair news as they turned off all the lights to do that interview with me and Then put a spotlight on me to make me look like I'm a criminal and make it my face like shadowy And I called him out on it like oh no no it's a you know No, it'll look. Okay. It's it's actually just because you've got different temperature lights here Because at the time we had soft wide or bright You know whatever in the auditorium oh, no, no, that's why we just need like no You've got your big LED lights shining on me anyways But they went ahead and did it and it's funny because they didn't do that to anyone else that they interviewed the guy at the ACLU The you know whoever I forget who all they they talked to but I was the only one that it looked like they actually turned Off the lights on and I'm the shadowy figure go figure But See that's first-hand experience, and I'm not the only one I've seen this firsthand with Pastor Anderson I've seen this firsthand with other people as well when you are actually in the store, and you actually know the truth Oh hold on a second. That's not right. That's not true. That's not the way things actually went down or oh well Yeah, that was actually said, but that is not how it went down. That's not the context. That's not how things were happening at all When someone actually knows the truth you can spot these things and see it like But here's the thing most people have no idea and most people are just gonna see that they're gonna form their opinion They're gonna judge just be like and just move on the simplest believe every word And it follows their narrative. Oh Yeah, these guys are you know they're so hateful whatever Like I seriously think that people That people on the internet if you just follow the news like they're gonna think that if you walk in a new IP church It's gonna be like we've got like Torches and pitchforks, and we're just like ready to go and just like kill people or something Like that's the impression you're gonna get Of our church if you just go off of news stories And the right Alright guys, let's go Lead that Lead the way with the torches That's not what we're about at all. I Mean yeah, we call out sin. We call it all sin. It's like the same people were you know saying oh? How come you don't preach about these other death penalty sins? How come you don't preach about the adult or something like we do We do, but you've only heard one thing Because that's all they want you to hear Why don't you listen to everything? Why don't you actually hear a matter before you answer it? Because you're a fool Fool answer at the matter before you hear with it The simple believe every word We ought not to be simple okay in order to dissemble these these Illusions you can't just believe everything you see you can't just believe everything you hear you need to investigate it a Wise man fear with and departed from evil, but the fool rages and is confident The fool said it's it's ironic how this happens I mean fools could get so convinced That they're right about whatever and they don't know they do like almost no research, but they're all kind Oh, no, I just know the truth. You know like you can't tell them any difference But they rage and they're confident You know the prudent man he looks to his going he's gonna do the research He's not gonna believe every word And he's gonna look at well to his own going Bible says in first John chapter 4 verse number 1 where you are if you look down there Bible says beloved believe not every spirit But try the spirits whether they are of God Because many false prophets are gone out into the world. There's a lot of people out there trying to deceive We are called to try the prop the the prophets We are there to try the spirits and see whether or not they actually are of God And not just trust like oh is the Baptist pastor said this it doesn't matter try see is it of God or not? There's a And what's funny what's interesting too is that you know we may not always be able to understand What is the reason why people do what they do and why people try to deceive you might not know the end of? their means But you still need to be able to spot the deception for what it is And these days too with with the internet There's a there's a lot of room for deception and first of all we're going to tell you about this in case you it's actually Been coming on the news. I've heard about this for I don't know maybe about a month now And being in my field of where I'm at This is one of the things that actually prompted me to even preach on this at all so that you can think critically there's there's always ways for for people to try to deceive and And Extremely wicked people and and people who are in power are gonna try more and more ways to deceive and It's already been Happening under social media if you haven't seen our documentary put out censored the war on free speech There's a section where I'm talking about how? social media and Facebook particularly was being used to manipulate like the voting and How people think and how people feel based on what they see what's controlled That's coming up in your feed. You know so to dovetail off of this morning sermon. You are being manipulated by even your Google search results You're being manipulated by your social media. You're being manipulated by these things because there's people who control What you're going to see and it needs to fit their narrative otherwise you won't see it at all There's manipulation going on now. There's a new technology out there. It's called chat GPT is anyone familiar with this It's it's an artificial intelligence an AI software It's amazing. It's it's it's incredible. It's really neat. It's really cool. You could have a lot of great uses for this But it's also scary because of what potential it has for being used to do evil as well What this software can do? is create Content in such a way that if you read what's created by this software You would not be able to tell that a computer wrote what you're reading and it can do it like that You can say you know like hey Siri right now now everyone's phone is going to be going yes You Can use that to say you know write me an article about fundamental Baptist churches in the United States and How they hate fags or something right whatever and it's going to go out and get whatever Resources it can find and put together this whole you know multi-paragraph story and You would look at it and have no idea that it was computer-generated Like in the past. It's easy to tell computer-generated stuff. It doesn't sound Natural It sounds forced it may have correct grammar, but it doesn't sound right, but they've gotten it down really well now To be able to produce things that are fake That wasn't written by anyone, but it's just using whatever sources. It has like at the internet on the internet And why is this so this so who cares if you could do that well? Think about the amount of content that can now just be put out there Really easily and really quickly and it's different from one another see what search engines use to determine Whether or not they think something is true is how many different sources there are? And this is a way of creating multiple different sources that all can say different things and be worded differently But can all be used to drive a point and it can all be fictitious You can tell it to say whatever you want it to say and It isn't going to say, but that's not true. It's just going to do what you tell it to do Write a story that tells me this and support it with facts And it does it And now you can flood The information age you can flood all this bad information out there That could influence what other people see and think and hear and that's just one Really small mild example of how it can be used The more that this type of stuff is being used that we need to be on our game that much the more and First of all, just understand you may not be able to determine whether or not something was written by AI or something written by a human being Right, you may never be able to know that But you need to examine everything that you're consuming now, especially Whether or not it's true and give it the proper level of trustworthiness That it deserves which Isn't necessarily much I Mean For the longest time, you know, we've had books we've ever this recorded history even that is susceptible to You know falsehoods Who writes the history books it's those that win the wars right They usually want to silence the opposite. You know, the person who wins are the good guys and the people who lose are the bad guys The good one wins out right? I mean, that's that's how the victors want it to look throughout history and Sometimes they want it to look that way so bad that they'll destroy the evidence to the contrary And then the truth can just be lost to antiquity because we lost in the history you have no way of knowing that We have no way of knowing that You know Can George Washington tell a lie? I mean when I was growing up the answer would be no Who knows right the guy's been dead for a long time. We don't know We just know what we could read about you have to take these things with grain of salt But here's at the end of the day, you know compare that to the Bible Well, the Bible says like God be true with every man a liar So yeah, sorry George Like I know I'm not saying that story exactly right, but it's just a joke get over it Chat GBT. That's one of the things that's out there. Another thing that's out there now is the deep fakes Deepfakes, you know a deep fake is it's video content We could take a real video and put another person's image in the place of whoever the real person is that was in that video and just make it look like it's somebody else and Not just look but sound too So you can you can come up with this video evidence Saying look at what the President United States said It could be something didn't say at all So Even something like that you go like but but I saw the video But did it really happen? I Mean, this is where we are and this isn't this, you know sci-fi Futuristic type of technology this exists now It's only getting easier and more accessible and cheaper for everybody to do it, but it's been around for a long time That technology around longer than you think You're just hearing about it You can't always trust What you see and you can't always trust what you hear, you know I just got this phone call recently and I have no idea what the purpose of this phone call was But that someone was trying to you know Rebuke me for being friends with Pastor Thompson and Whatever right, I sometimes I get hate mail Sometimes I get hate texts and phone calls and messages and stuff like that from time to time And I just ignore but this person said they were a pastor. So I was just like That always fires me up and I get angry and you know what whoever whoever this was I think knows that Because they started responding to my eyes I responded in text and I was just like, you know Calling them out and giving them Bible verses to show why they're an idiot and then it's like They're hitting these hot-button things like he like right off the bat he says well I have my master of divinity And it's like People don't normally know people who have those degrees. They still don't just normally just bring that up That's something that's been brought up a lot in the new IFB by people trying to expose Bible College Right, but your average old IFB pastor something isn't just automatically when he when he's trying to rebuke you for something Just saying well, I have a degree, you know, like that's not what they do Okay, so there's the first sign of that doesn't sound quite right like why would you even say that because they know it's a hot-button issue to try to get you to respond and then it's the I said something like you're spending too much time and you know listening to your seminary then you were Reading the Bible or something. It's like well, I read the NIV But why would you say that no you'd you know a normal person would say why read the Bible I'm not gonna just specify the version that they read When it didn't come up in the conversation at all It's these little now. Look I'm saying this now. I didn't pick it all up at the time Okay, I was talking back and forth and I thought that the person was legit Thought it was a real conversation Because let's face it, you know You should Give people a benefit of doubt in general and having a conversation with someone that they're not just flat-out lying to you Yeah Right. So being deceived it's like yeah, it's gonna happen But then going back and thinking you know, it's just like some things just don't quite seem right Something's just not sitting right. But see I had the conversation I talked to him and then then it's like they were like, oh, yeah I see what you're saying now You're making sense And then it's like well I've been listening to pastor humanism pastor and you know Like I actually talked to this person on the phone and they're telling me how they've got a wife and four kids and they're in Canada and they're you know, all this whole story, right? And at the time I'm just thinking like wow, this is incredible what's you know, like Like this never happens There's another red flag This never happens To where a point I'm thinking like well, this is either totally of God like some this amazing You know Dialogue where this guy's heart is just is just now he's gonna do the right thing And he's been encouraged and emboldened to do what's right? Or he's just a really good troll Right because those are like the only options and I'm going this never happens So then I was like, you know, I'm gonna call pastor Thompson And just let him know about this, you know, what happened here I thought I thought at the time I still thought was kind of cool. I'm thinking like hey this guy got it Before it all really sunk in I started thinking about it and then he's like, you know what I had I had a Similar experience and he starts telling me before I even tell him what happened. I'm going oh Yeah Well one time Happening is very odd and would be very rare, but this isn't happening twice with like almost the same story And of course a guy that was talking to me he's like yeah my wife grew up in Norcross And I'm thinking about moving. I'm either gonna go to New Mexico maybe to Georgia, you know, they try throwing you Like throw me these bones to just keep me engaged and interested whatever now, what was the end of that? I have no idea And if this guy's listening right now, you know Maybe you could comment in the comments and let me know like what what was the purpose of that? You just want to waste my time But there's weird people out there There's weird people out there that just do weird things for who knows why You know and I saw the pastor times I said, you know sometimes Cuz after talking to him I was just like yeah, this guy can't be this can't be legit All right, there's just too many things and then it's like if it You know, whatever the story was too similar with what this guy told him. It's like do you think we don't talk? But there's there's people there's these trolls do things sometimes just like they could be real narcissistic and They just like to See what they could do they feel real powerful and they can make things happen like in the real world while they're sitting Behind their computer and doing these things. They think it's real funny or whatever It reminds me I saw this This documentary about people who would call in and swat people There's a guy that was that started off Like just doing things to just to see if he could do it just to see if it would happen He's just sitting there behind his computer doing these things and and he starts causing people to it started off I don't even I don't remember that much about the story but it was like he was doing some little things and then it just kind of developed into Being able to swat people and then you see it on the news and then you see this stuff or calling him bomb threats And stuff like that. It's like people just get this weird perverted Satisfaction that they can do something that they matter and they're meaningless life To like have this impact on the world, but it's a big fraud. It's a big fake So I have no idea why this guy's bothering me and you know trying to eat up my time when I'm Trying to get ready for my daughter's birthday. It's like But people do that stuff it's weird We want to be on the lookout for whatever. The the thing is we can't always trust what you see You can't always trust what you hear Take A step back sometimes and you know the deception here with me personally with that phone call is probably just Trying to tell me what I want to hear Right, like oh you want to hear that someone's coming around to your point of view to what you believe but You always got to be able to think clearly and rationally and be able to look at still does this even make sense Does this line up? Does this line up with what you know? Thankfully I have a lot of experience just in general dealing with people now for pastoring for almost 10 years This doesn't line up with my experience and You know You you should be gaining wisdom as you get older and being able to discern and see through the illusions as they're brought Up to you as we continue and things get worse and these Technologies get get harder and harder easier to lie and give you illusions We need to be aware, you know, even the Bible and of course the truth the Bible Gives us this warning in Matthew chapter 24 About people the false Christ coming and using signs and wonders to try to deceive the world The Bible says in Matthew 24 23 then if any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not For there shall rise false Christ and false prophets and Shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect We know that people are going to come being able to perform these great signs and wonders and just wow the world With what they can do With what they can show whether Wow, look at this power. Wow. Look at this great, you know Don't believe it don't fall for it Try it right, you know the miracles that Jesus did they're amazing miracles But you know how you tested that was following up with what is he saying? He's preaching the truth. So we know that that's right Moses was able to perform some miracles, but you know what so were the the Egyptian sorcerers They could do some of those things to there You know, they were able to make their rods in the serpents and stuff, but you know what Moses was preaching the truth So His was out of the power. His was the power of God what he was doing he was preaching the Word of God and Everything that he said came to pass Which how you know, it was the Word of God One last place we'll go over this more on Wednesday, but 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 The Devil the false prophets they have Inherently in them to lie and to deceive The Bible says that that you know, the devil is a liar and a father of it We know that there's children of the devil walking around deceiving being deceived just trying to deceive people especially Believers Trying to get you to be deceived the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 13 for such are false prophets deceitful workers Transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works What is saying is, you know, they want to come across looking good. They're gonna put on the facade They're gonna put on the front. They're gonna make themselves look like an angel of light They're gonna look like they're good like they're gonna look like Someone would that's going to preach the truth, but they're not they're full of lies There are lots of illusions there's lots of falsehoods there's lots of things that are fake out there and You know virtually everything when you turn on the television is fake It's fake This it's made on a set Somewhere there's a story being told Now information being presented to you, maybe it's true maybe it's not But don't ever just become so simple that you think well I saw it on Anything it must be true. I Mean With the media they're even taking the you know, the concept of a documentary It used to be something that hey this style of of media Can be relied on as just people who are just trying to be factual and just bring evidence and say here you go Right. Here's some information. It's kind of an information dump But that's been used and abused Now it's like they're making They're just have actors and actresses Creating these documentaries It's like react reality TV a Great example, right? I think at one point it used to actually be reality TV Maybe when it first started that they would be like hey Let's just get some crazy people together and start recording them and and make a show out of it and just see how they How they interact or whatever, but then it just turns into it's all manipulated. It's all Planned it's all scripted. It's all you know, it's like that's not real. That's right They call it real and it's not It's the exact opposite, but they want you to believe it's real. So they call it real. Well, it says reality Okay Because they want to trick you It's like they want to make that pact see look we came from really far Look it's reality. I mean we said it's reality. That's what the name of the show is. It's reality, right? No No Use good sense at the end of the day though. What the thank God we have we have the truth We have the Word of God That is our guiding light We have the stories in the Bible we have the book of wisdom the books of wisdom Given to us, you know in Psalms and Proverbs and Ecclesiastes Song that's all you have. We have all this wisdom from the scripture that we could use in Compare what are we hearing? What am I seeing? What am I being told? Does this line up with what the truth? I know the truth is and anything else At the end of the day doesn't even really matter right if something just completely outside of The truth contained here. It's like whatever Someone may be lying to me like this guy that called me up. He may be lying whatever I have no idea how many lies he's told me but doesn't matter to me. I don't care He's wasting time There's lots of other people might try to pitch you something that may be true. Maybe not it doesn't matter but You still don't want to be deceived But you still need to learn a challenge then you still need to be able to look and and not just accept blindly Whatever you see whatever you hear Look to the Word of God to guide you to be that guy in light Let's bow as a word of prayer to Heavenly Father. Lord. We thank you so much for giving us The wisdom especially that you promise to give us wisdom for anyone that's gonna ask and that's gonna ask you Faithfully and ask you without doubting or any wavering dear Lord that you'll You'll give to us liberally and a braid not and Lord. We thank you for Giving us the shining light of your word to illuminate our path Pray to please help us to be able to spot illusions and not to be deceived and that You just help us to promote the truth of us understand your word that we wouldn't be an error in our Understanding of your word dear Lord, but that we would be you'd help just correct our doctrine correct our thinking and our understanding of the truth so that we can be right on and Lord we love you. It's in Jesus name we pray. Amen Amen All right, we're saying one last song before dismissed this evening brother Peter, please lead us 49 trusty Jesus Oh I Oh Oh Oh