(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right Ruth chapter number two and let's start let's let's jump back there to verse number one it says here and Naomi had a kinsman of her husband's a mighty man of wealth of the family of a limelack and his name was Boaz so chapter two is starting off just giving us this information here the of of who Boaz is because we're gonna meet him in this chapter and Boaz is basically he was a near kinsman of a limelack and a limelack was Naomi's husband that that died in the land of Moab and it says here he's you know he's a man of wealth he's got a lot of money he's got a lot of goods and in verse two it says and Ruth the Moabite has said and this is just like that that first verse there that just kind of like setting the stage but Ruth doesn't realize who Boaz is until much later when Naomi explains that he's a near kinsman it's just letting you know the Bible is just letting us know who Boaz is and in verse number two it says in Ruth the Moabite has said unto Naomi let me now go to the field and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace and she said unto her go my daughter now excuse me as we're gonna see as we saw a little bit in the first chapter a little bit more here we're gonna see we'd see a little bit more about Ruth's character right in chapter 1 we saw how she was a great woman of God who you know who was gonna stick by Naomi her mother-in-law and take care of her and go with her and into her into her own land and she made she left her father and mother and went into a land that she didn't know but and she stuck by her mother-in-law and took care of her so now we see a little bit more of her character here because you see she was willing to work hard and do whatever she could to help take care of herself and her mother-in-law since they were both widows so she's saying okay well let me now go out to the field I'm gonna go glean some ears of corn and she was also humble when even just in her words when she said in whose sight I shall find grace right grace from someone else just allowing her to say okay you could come in my field and do this work so she was going out humbly ready to work and and it's just a really good character trait that she has now it was God's law actually to allow for this very situation what she's doing is completely according to Scripture in the way that God had designed for widows for the poor for people to be taken care of so that you don't need like we have today this government assistance and the state taking care of people from the cradle to the grave that's not the way God designed it at all he designed this when what they're going out to do is completely scriptural to go out and glean the fields keep your finger in Ruth chapter to turn back to Leviticus chapter number 19 third book of the Bible Genesis Exodus Leviticus we're gonna see where God kind of describes here the the gleanings of the harvest so what's gleaning anyways right gleaning is when you go and you know we have an apple tree out there it's just getting started but let's say you know let's say that apple tree was was fully mature and it was full of fruit right and it's got it's got all kinds of apples all over it well gleaning that tree is gonna be hey we're gonna pick up like all of it you're not gonna see one last Apple stuck to that tree that would be good you're gleaning you're get you're picking up every last little bit of fruit off of that tree and what God basically did we're gonna read this here he said look if you have a field you have a vineyard you know you go out and you reap you leave some of it behind you don't go and get every last little piece of fruit and food that's out there you need to leave some for the fatherless for the widows for the poor you know that they can eat too and that they can be taken care of you got enough as it is if you're going out and reaping a harvest from all this stuff hey be thankful for what you got don't go back and glean it you don't go over it a second time and just make sure that you've you've picked up every last little bit well we're looking look at Leviticus chapter 19 and then we're gonna go to Deuteronomy 24 Leviticus 19 verse number 9 verse number 9 Leviticus 19 says and when you reap the harvest of your land thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest and thou shalt not glean thy vineyard neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard thou shalt leave them for the poor and strangers strangers just like a foreigner I am the Lord your God so God's commanding them this is a commandment from God saying look you need to leave some of this behind and who is it for specifically it's for the poor and it's for the strangers the foreigners I mean people coming through your land they need to be able to eat poor people need to eat and I like God's method too because there his method wasn't just for the poor to just be taken care of and you're gonna go deliver it to their doorstep right he didn't say if you have a field and there's someone poor just go hand deliver it to their door and while they're still laying on their couch go give them a ear of corn all right he didn't say that no it's for them to go out and do the gleanings themselves they go out and do the work it's it's similar in the New Testament you know the Bible says and if any man shall not work neither shall he eat and that's that's a good philosophy a good model live by hey if you're not gonna do the work guess what you're not gonna eat okay you need to get your rear end up and go and do some work and hey some people are legitimately poor you know you fall you you have you know different circumstances happen in your life I mean you you might for whatever reason health problems especially these days you know you just you get hit with it with a big with a big debt or you know something that you owe because you had to get something taken care of you know some some circumstance happened and you know yet you wind up being poor but God allows so that you can still be fed you could still get taken care of by doing his gleanings and it you know and we see that with group turn to Deuteronomy chapter 24 we're gonna see again where God commands this and a little bit more detail in Deuteronomy 24 but Ruth is has got character she's humble she's got her priorities straight and she's willing to go out and do some work and then just to get that food as she's supposed to as a widow as a poor widow that has no one taken care of her look at Deuteronomy chapter 24 look at verse number 19 of Deuteronomy 24 24 19 Bob reads when thou cutest down thine harvest in thy field and asked for God a sheaf in the field thou shalt not go again to fetch it it shall be for the stranger for the fatherless and for the widow that the Lord thy God may bless thee and all the work of thine hands he's saying look if you do this you you just leave that alone you leave that for the fathers you you don't need to go and run them off your field that's what they're left for let them go get it and then God's gonna bless you for doing that that's exactly what this verse says he says that that that the Lord thy God may bless thee and all the work of thine hands look at verse 20 when thou beatest thine olive tree thou shalt not go over the boughs again it shall be for the stranger for the fatherless and for the widow when thou gatherest the grapes of thy vineyard thou shalt not glean it afterward it shall be for the stranger for the fatherless and for the widow and thou shalt remember that thou was the bondman in the land of Egypt therefore I command thee to do this thing and he's talking about people especially here who own a vineyard who own an olive here right these are people they have a little bit of wealth right I mean in order to have these fields and these vineyard you know and all this food source and stuff like we saw Boaz he's a man of great wealth this is very very important that for especially for someone who has wealth who has some money to keep themselves humble to not get lifted up with pride and and and getting greedy as well yeah I mean so there's a few things that go hand in hand here see the man that's got a lot of wealth they might they might start thinking man I like all this money that's coming in well I want more well let's go back and just get everything out of here because then they could go and sell even more of that food and make more money instead of saying no God command is no that is not for me that is for these other people that is for the poor you're not going to be in bringing the poor in the bondage the widows the fatherless because you go back and glean up your own vineyards and that's why he says in verse 22 you know thou shalt remember there don't forget hey you were a bondman you were a slave yeah you have a lot of wealth and riches now because God has blessed you don't let that get to your head don't let this wealth get to your head and forget the fact that you were a bondman in the land of Egypt God delivered you out of that by his grace and his mercy and hey every single one of us today we were all in bondage to our sin all of us we all were in bondage that sin we all deserve death but when we got saved God freed us from that bondage right don't forget that don't forget where you came from no and hey if God blesses you with material wealth God blesses you with vineyards and a lot of money or whatever don't forget that okay don't be stingy don't be greedy don't be withholding what you have from those especially from those in need and that's something we learn from this and that's why he said specifically to these people hey if you own a vineyard if you own it all of your you know don't go over it again that's for that's for these people to be taken care of and that was what's for for Ruth and we're gonna see what a righteous man that Boaz was because he completely obeyed this and actually went even further when especially when it came to Ruth but we're gonna see why he did that flip back to Ruth chapter 2 but we see that from the Old Testament that that was a commandment of God Ruth is doing what she's supposed to be doing to help support them that is that is that is God's design to take care of them to take care of the widows which her and her mother-in-law both were widows so she was gonna go to glean and and to go pick up that food so they could be supported they they have no man to go out and work and to provide for their family so they need to go and get their food somehow so this is what they were doing and this is kind of actually you know that this whole concept is a major theme to this chapter and we're gonna see you know I told you before the book of Ruth is very symbolic and we're gonna get into that here with Boaz and really really Boaz is symbolic of the Lord Jesus Christ and just just keep that in mind he's a he's a type or a symbol of Christ to come keep that in mind now as we're going back and reading these verses because you'll start to pick up some things maybe even things I don't I don't quite touch on a lot of the similarities and the attributes that you see coming forth out of Boaz is symbolic of Jesus Christ look at verse number four or verse number three says and she went and came and gleaned in the field after the reapers and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging on to Boaz who was with the kinder of limlech so she goes out she goes out to reap and then to glean and she just you know by chance happens to be in Boaz's field and she doesn't know who he is yet so she's just she just went out to glean in wherever she could find grace wherever people wouldn't run her off because not everybody even though it's God's law doesn't mean everyone's obeying God's law right I mean you're gonna have people out there saying get off my field you are not taking this food or what you know whatever and and Boaz we'll see later he makes it clear he's saying look I told my reapers not to you know not to not to scold you and and not to touch you and just to make sure that that you're you're okay and that you you're you know you're allowed to do this so she she goes off and she's out in the field of Boaz verse number four says and behold Boaz came from Bethlehem and said under the reapers the Lord be with you and they answered him the Lord blessing now I love I love this greeting this exchange it just I mean it's one simple verse but we see Boaz he comes in and he and he comes out to his field where his servants are doing his work for him the reapers are out there reaping for him that the fields all belong unto him and they're out there reaping and he comes up to him and he says the Lord be with you and they answer the Lord bless thee so right off the bat we start seeing you know Boaz has probably gotten the guy now you can't always judge just based off of someone's greeting right I mean a lot of people talk a spiritual talk and they're not necessarily walking the walk but Boaz is doing both and I just kind of like that greeting anyways like how often do you even hear that just just you come up on your service you come up on your workers you imagine that being in the workplace and your and your boss coming up to you mean hey the Lord be with you and you thought you know what God bless you too that would be cool I mean that'd be a that would be a nice place to work I think I mean that would be someone you know people giving God that kind of reverence and respect and just being part of your your daily conversation I think that's just that's interesting that he says that that's how he's he's speaking communicating with his reapers with his employees look at verse number five it says then said Boaz unto his servant that was said over the reapers whose damsel is this so he sees him he sees Ruth and he's a yes about he's like who is that verse number six and the servant that was said over the reapers answered and said it is the Moabites damsel that came back with Naomi out of the country of Moab and she said I pray you let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves so she came and hath continued even from the morning until now that she tarried a little in the house and again we see just a little bit more to her hard working character when they said she hath continued even from the morning until now so she was out there first thing in the morning started working and she basically he's like she's been working all day until now and it looks like she took a break for a little bit in the house but she's been working the whole time and then let's keep reading here verse number eight says then said Boaz unto Ruth here is thou not my daughter go not to glean in another field neither go from hence but abide here fast by my maidens let thine eyes be on the field that they do reap and go thou after them have I not charged the young men that they shall not touch thee and when thou are to thirst go unto the vessels and drink of that which the young men have drawn so we see here Boaz is speaking to Ruth he's saying okay look I want you working in my fields don't go and work in someone else's fields hey you you work with my maidens you you join yourself with them and and you reap here don't go after anyone else and he's saying look haven't I just I charged my young men that they shouldn't touch thee so Boaz is looking out for her he's protecting her he's making sure that she's gonna be taken care of and he's charging her you know don't go work for anyone else I want you here and he wants her there to be able to take care of her and I think it's interesting here again a little a little bit of symbolic reference of what's gonna come with Jesus Christ says when thou art a thirst go unto the vessels and drink of that which young men have drawn right I mean what did Jesus Christ say hey all that are a thirst come you may drink of the of the living waters freely right and and that's exactly basically what Boaz is saying to Ruth here saying when you're thirsty go and get yourself a drink and and and it's just one of those cool references here and that's that's just the beginning of this let's keep reading here look at verse number 10 it says then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground and said unto him why have I found grace in thine eyes that thou shouldst take knowledge of me seeing I am a stranger so again we see that that humility that humble attitude where she bows down to the ground I mean he just tells her you know like I want you to work here I'm looking out for you hey if you're thirsty get a drink you know my servants aren't gonna touch you you're gonna be able to glean here and everything's gonna go well and and she just bows down she's just kind of floored by this she bows out and just says you know why have I found grace in thine eyes she's you know this shows you the view that she has of herself she's not puffed up she's not proud she's not thinking well of course you better take care of me because I'm you know I'm helping out my mother-in-law and I'm doing this and I'm doing that and and Rayla listen off all of her good works she's saying no why would why would you take grace on me you know why me why would you why would you care for me so much and this is the same attitude that we ought to have and again you think about with Jesus Christ and the great the amount of grace that he's had towards us and she says here too that thou shouldest take knowledge of me seeing I am a stranger a stranger means she's a foreigner she's not oh she's not in Hebrew right she's not of the children of Israel so now she's asking all the more well why why are you taking grace why are you showing this mercy on me and bestowing such abundant grace on me seeing I'm a stranger I'm not even of your people and this is exactly this is really important for you know a port understanding for salvation and especially for us Gentiles right God shows his mercy it's not just for his people it's not just for that you know the chosen people the people of Israel God's mercy extends to everybody and and we ought to have this type of a humble attitude with God to where we would not think highly of ourselves and highly of our works and oh yeah we're deserving of of your grace and and of the things that you give us God no we should rather just be like why would you look why me I'm a sinner I'm a you know I'm nothing special why would you take the grace on me and and it's a great attitude let's keep reading here look at verse number 11 it says in Boaz answered and said unto her so Boaz answers her tells her it has fully been showed me all that thou has done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband and how thou has left thy father and thy mother and the land of thy nativity and art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore the Lord recompense thy work and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel under whose wings thou art come to trust now there's two things here there's there's two points and we don't want to get him confused you don't want to get him mixed up because there's two things that are going on here one and that last phrase of verse 12 says under whose wings thou art come to trust I want the Lord God of Israel he's basically standing like I know you're saved you she put her faith in God that's why she left her land she left her family she left everything else and she when she told Naomi hey thy God will be my God and thy people my people she clave unto Naomi and unto the people of Israel and unto God she made God her God she put her faith in the Lord and that is important to understand for salvation right and but the rewards that she gets is based off of her works so there's two aspects to this right obviously you get your soul is saved and you receive that grace and that mercy of salvation just by putting your trust in the Lord but she also receives some extra blessings and some extra rewards based on her works based on the fact that she did all these different things now again it's a great illustration for salvation I just wanted to bring up this point because I kind of missed it in my notes but those who have been brought up in an unbelieving household this is a great example when she said you know why have you found grace by seeing that I'm a stranger you know some people grow up they grow up in an atheistic household where people just don't generally believe in God you might grow up and you know a lot of people grow up in an Islam or Catholic or Buddhist really on all these other religions so you have this influence on you right and it's a strong it could be a really strong influence growing up as a child hearing this stuff learning this stuff right it could make a big impact and be a big part of your life but we can all find grace and mercy in God's sight you know no matter what your upbringing is but you're gonna need to forsake those ways and put your trust in the Lord I mean if you grew up in an household where no one believed in God you have to forsake that mentality you have to forsake that belief that mindset and put your faith and trust in the Lord if you grew up in a Muslim house and they taught you the Quran and they taught you Allah and Muhammad and they taught you all this stuff hey you're gonna need to forsake that you're gonna need to leave that behind and put all of your faith in the Lord put all of your faith in Christ and the same thing with any insert religion here right whatever it is however it was that you've been brought up asthma as Ruth was Ruth was brought up in the land of Moab as a heathen land an ungodly land they had false gods that they worshipped she forsook it all that is a true repentance of her changing her belief and regardless of her upbringing and her consequences hey she's still able to put her faith on Christ and she left all that behind her and just said you know what I'm just gonna put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ or in the Lord here as it is we today we put our faith in Lord Jesus Christ but you know not everyone has the best start but we all have the opportunity to get saved I believe that and the responsibility is gonna fall on each of our shoulders individually it saddens me when I go out and talk to people and they and they rely on the fact that well this is the way that I was taught growing up so I'm not gonna change that because that's an excuse and God's not gonna accept that excuse God's not gonna look at you say oh well since you were brought up and taught that way then I'm gonna give you a pass that he doesn't do that and unfortunately a lot of people think like that's what their faith is on that's what they're trusting on as well my parents taught me this and this is what my family does and this is the way it's always been so that's the way that's that's the way I believe in you know what I'm not gonna I'm not gonna change that and I find that more common with with with Catholics than anyone else because they'll say you know what I was born a Catholic and I'm gonna die a Catholic and I try to say well look but but okay you're Catholic you believe the Bible and I love saying that you cuz if you could just get people say well do you believe the Bible right because they'll say they believe the Bible they claim to okay well what can I just show you this verse and they start showing them and you show them and oftentimes no I don't believe that I don't you know you don't believe the Bible and they're clinging to a religion more than what literally religion is supposedly based on right I mean it's it's you've you've taken this you know it's supposed to be based on this on God's Word and it's become something else and you're just believing in that something else instead of on God's Word and we need to put our faith in God's Word obviously but that excuse doesn't hold up and and Ruth is a perfect example of someone who can overcome that and get past that and and that's and that's great it's edifying that's that's good news to hear that but all the more reason to get the gospel out to everybody let's keep reading here look at verse number 13 says then she said let me find favor in thy sight my Lord for that thou hast comforted me and for that thou hast spoken friendly unto thine handmaid though I be not like unto one of thine handmaids handmaidens and Boaz said unto her at mealtime come thou hither and eat of the bread and dip of thy morsel in the vinegar and she sat beside the reapers and he reached her parched corn and she did eat and was sufficed and left so here we see you know of course Ruth is comforted by by Boaz by his words the same way we'd be comforted by the words of Christ comforted in the fact that that he's going to watch out for us he can take care of us he can make sure that no harm will come to us when we're doing his work when we're out working and and in the fields you know he says I'll make sure that that my servants don't you know that the young men don't touch you hey if you're gonna go out and bear precious seed of God's Word and you're gonna go out to the poor neighborhoods to the slums to the fatherless to the widows and maybe an area that that might be considered dangerous or or a place that you know if you're a certain skin color you shouldn't go in there because you might get hurt hey look if you're doing God's work you ought not to fear because God can make sure that you are taken care of if you're out doing his will and if you're out doing his work hey let God be in charge of protecting you God can make sure that everything will be just fine for you if you're gonna put yourself out there to be his servant and to do his work and that's why people say like oh you go you go to South Phoenix or you go out to this neighborhood you go out to that yeah I go out to that neighbor and you know what I'm not scared not even for a second it has nothing to do with the fact that I carry a weapon with me most of the time that's honestly has nothing to do with it I am not scared because I know I know that if I am doing God's will and I know for a fact that preaching the gospel is God's will and I know that if I am in God's will I have nothing to fear I don't care where I'm led I don't care what the neighborhood is I don't it doesn't matter if I'm doing God's will I am not gonna fear what man can do unto me it doesn't matter God is is more powerful than any man that any neighborhood then then any you know anyone who is out to do harm or evil to me because of my skin color or because I'm a foreigner or a stranger or whatever I mean Ruth was a stranger in the land and she was probably visibly a stranger she probably didn't look like the Israelites women look she probably looked different she probably stuck out as a sore thumb and normally in in you know in any areas that's kind of human nature to to pick on people that don't look like you and and to you know persecute them and and and not and not give them grace and mercy that's unfortunately a common part of human nature the people tend to tend to group together and and and exclude anyone else and we see here Boaz the picture of Christ was was saying you know what no I'm gonna take care of you I'm gonna protect you you're gonna be just among my people you're gonna be among my handmaids and my servants that no one's gonna touch you and you can stay there and we can be confident of that same thing and we could be comforted in the words of Christ we'll be comforted in the fact that he is powerful and he is able to take care for us now that second verse that we read there I thought was really interesting because it says in Boaz said unto her at mealtime come thou hither says okay well it's time to eat when we all sit out and eat I want you to come here too and it says an eat of the bread and dip thy morsel in the vinegar so he wants her to come and sit down at the table with all the rest of the workers with all the rest of the weepers weepers Reapers and with you know with everybody else it says and she sat beside the Reapers and he fetched her parched corn and she did eat and was suffice left so here we see Boaz fetched her the food and served her and gave it to her and I couldn't help but but think of this verse in Luke chapter 12 turn there if you would real quick Luke chapter 12 here we see the servant here we see the the stranger right out working in the field she comes back and sits down to eat Boaz gives her a place among everybody else not not at her footstool not his footstool not not off in some corner or sitting on the floor he gives her a place with everybody else and he even serves her some food look at Luke chapter 12 look at verse number 34 the Bible starts in verse 34 for where your treasure is there will your heart be also let your loins be girded about and your lights burning and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord when he will return from the wedding that when he cometh and knocketh they may open unto him immediately blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching verily I say unto you that he shall gird himself and make them to sit down to meet and will come forth and serve them that's a parable a parable talking about the Lord Jesus Christ coming to those blessed servants that when when he comes back when the Lord returns that he's gonna come and he's gonna gird himself and make them to sit down to meet and come forth and serve them what a what a great prophecy what a what a great foresight here and in great picture of Boaz coming and serving Ruth the same way that that Jesus prophesied here in his parable in Luke chapter 12 for the for the servants who are watching and waiting for the Lord to return and we're keeping in doing his work as he commanded them to do and it says that the that the Lord of the servants will come back and make them to sit down and serve them and when they sit down to meet just it's a great great correlation they're not it not a coincidence right flip back to Ruth chapter 2 I'm sorry my brain is stuttering Ruth chapter 2 look at verse number 15 we'll keep reading here I think that's where we left off verse number 15 says and when she was risen up to glean Boaz commanded his young men saying let her glean even among the sheaves and reproach her not and let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her and leave them that she may glean them and rebuke or not so now he's even given her he's going above and beyond what you know basically what she should be allowed to do and what you can do because he's allowing her now he's saying let her glean even among the sheaves now the sheaves would be the bundles of what they're reaping where they've already reaped it and and have taken it in right not just the stuff that's left behind these and let her glean even among the sheaves and reproach or not don't you know don't yell or don't tell her hey you can't you can't take that that's not for you he's saying let that be open for her as well and in verse number 16 and let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her so he's saying let some fall on purpose like like you you're gathering this stuff in you're doing your work you're reaping hey let some fall down as you're working for her to pick up right instead of instead of doing a really good job and making sure as much as possible nothing falls because that's normally what would happen is you know you people would be they'd be working they'd be out in the field and then they'd be you know obviously doing a good job but some you know as you're working some things are gonna fall by the way that would be the gleanings but he's just saying you know just let some fall for her make sure that she is taken care of so he goes through the extra effort to make sure that that she will be taken care of let's keep reading here look at verse number 17 Bible said so she gleaned in the field until even and beat out that she had gleaned and it was about an Ephah of barley and she took it up and went into the city and her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned and she brought forth and gave to her that she had reserved after she was sufficed so she basically prepares what she has gleaned right you you get the wheat or whatever and to prepare it you have to grind it powder you know to process it to get a usable and usable form so she takes it she beats it out she gets the the good stuff out of it and it says there she had about an Ephah of barley now I wasn't able to look up exactly how much that is I know you go to a dictionary and figure that out I don't like going to the dictionaries because I don't trust them I like looking at the reference within the Bible when it says like an Ephah and I know that what one of the places where I found an Ephah it was talking about the sacrifice is given unto the Lord and it was for I think in Homer is like the tenth part of an Ephah and it was in Homer that people would give for an offering unto the Lord which would go that the priests would eat and and it was a it wasn't barley right but it would be something else and and they would eat that and make cakes out of it so they would kind of get a meal out of and Homer which was a tenth so she's getting like ten times that amount is what she ended up reaping from this one day which which which seems to be I think I think that's quite a bit is it you know when Selassie's an Ephah she got quite a bit they you know Boaz took care of her she came home with with a pretty good amount of food for the day and it says and she took it up you know when she goes back to her mother-in-law and she brought forth and gave to her that she had reserved after she was sufficed so when she was sufficed she had enough she had a sufficient amount for herself she gave all the rest to her mother-in-law she's okay this is what I need right I mean she needs to eat and then just gave all the rest under her mother-in-law again just just keeping what she needed not anything over not above that not saying well I work so I'm gonna get some profit off of this she said no this is all I need you could have all the rest great a great godly woman great attitude to have and now we see Naomi sees how much she came home with and then she wants to know where did you get that from you know cuz she comes home and she starts asking questions that look at verse number 19 it says and her mother-in-law said unto her where is thou gleaned today and where wrought is thou blessed be he that did take knowledge of thee and she showed her mother-in-law with whom she had wrought and said the man's name with whom I wrought today is Boaz and Naomi said unto her daughter-in-law blessed be he of the Lord who hath not left off his kindness to the living and to the dead and Naomi said unto her the man is near of kin unto us one of our next kinsmen so here we see that now now Ruth understands and because she didn't know up to this point that that Boaz was a near kinsmen or anything like that she was just going out and trying to get some work in the field and and try to glean Boaz showed us a great mercy and extended kindness on her Naomi realizes she says you know who did you work with today where did you get all this stuff from and she tells her Boaz and and she says basically you know she's real thankful that that he hasn't forgotten her and hasn't forgotten them and and explains to Ruth that he's near of kin unto them one of our next kinsmen look at verse 21 and Ruth the Moabites said he said unto me also thou shalt keep fast by my young men until they have ended all my harvest and Naomi said unto Ruth her daughter-in-law it is good my daughter that thou go out with his maidens that they meet thee not in any other field so she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz to glean unto the end of barley harvest and of wheat harvest and dwelt with her mother-in-law so mother-in-law is saying too yeah you know like don't go out in anyone else's field you need to stay here you need to stay by Boaz you need to stay with his servants and glean in his fields and obviously he's taking care of her so it'd be kind of silly to go in anyone's field anyone else's field anyways but you know since since he's doing all this for him that would be an insult even to go to someone else's field and to go work for them and we're gonna see how the how the rest of this plays out in chapters three and four great story lots of symbolism you know I didn't dig into everything with the symbolic references of Boaz but you can see with the with the amount of mercy that he has in the way he presents himself and even a little bit later here in the in the in the book he is a very dutiful man and Moa and Ruth was a very dutiful woman doing that which they were supposed to do and just basically living according to God's laws and doing that which is right we don't see you know we don't see them doing anything out of line or out of God's commandments or out of God's will it's a very very good very good examples in Boaz and in Ruth and this is gonna be very important we're gonna see I think in the next chapter how in the fourth chapter how it's how important it is with them basically being the in the in the line of King David and very closely related but we'll get to that in the next chapter so let's bow our heads have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for the Bible God I thank you for this for this chapter and for this whole book of Ruth God there's so much symbolism here there's so much for us to learn I know I barely kind of scraped the surface on some of these concepts dear Lord but there's so much for us to learn I pray to please just continue to open up our understanding open up our wisdom dear Lord help us to be humble and especially if we become wealthy if we become rich in this world that we would never get lifted up with pride and and and curse you or say you know who is the Lord and think that we've gotten all this wealth wealth unto ourselves help us never to forget that we were under bondage before we were saved and to show mercy unto those that need mercy dear God and it's in Jesus name we pray amen