(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you all right, let's sing the song of the first of joy . And he shall to the lovely angel lay free and be free in his cradle our Savior and King Amen. Great singing. Brother Jerry, open this up. Absolutely. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for gathering us together in your house, Lord. What a privilege it is to be with like-minded brother and sisters, Lord. We're afraid to be with the Lord. We pray that you work in the hearts of those that want to hear the gospel. There's a special time that our Savior came and was born and lived a sinless, perfect life. And Rachel will grow up and die for all of our sins, Lord. We love you and all that you do for us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Amen. All right, let's turn to our next song. Our next song is not going to be on our hymnal. It's going to be on our songs, hands and spiritual songs. Look. It's going to be O Come, O Come Emmanuel. It should be about four pages through. Anyone not have a book? Everyone have O Come, O Come Emmanuel? All right, O Come, O Come Emmanuel. All right, let's sing this sound on the first. Come, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, Emmanuel. Come, It is the night of the dear Savior's birth. Long lay the world, his sin and error pining, till he appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices. O night divine, O night when Christ was born. O night, O holy night, O night divine, led by the light of face, yes, we've been feeling, with glowing hearts by his cradle we stand. So let what light of stars we've been gleaming, here came the wise men from all he had led. The King of kings made us and slowly manger in all our trials, born to be our friend. He knows our need, for to our weakness is no stranger. Behold your King, before him only then. Behold your King, before him only then. Truly he taught us to love one another. His law is love and his gospel is peace. Change shall be great, for the slave is our brother. And in his name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy, in grateful chorus raise we, let all within us praise his holy nature. Christ is the Lord. O praise his name forever, his power and glory evermore proclaim, his power and glory evermore proclaim, his power and glory evermore proclaim. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen." sculpt notice Numbers Chapter 30 And Moses spake unto the heads of all of the tribes concerning the children of Israel saying... This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded. If a man vow avow unto the LORD or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond... he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth. If a woman also vow a vow unto the Lord, and bind herself by a bond, being in her father's house in her youth, and her father hear her vow and her bond, wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth, not any of her vows or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand, and the Lord shall forgive her because her father disallowed her. And if she had at all and husband when she vowed, or uttered ought out of her lips wherewith she bound her soul, and her husband heard it, and held his peace at her in the day that he heard it, then her vows shall stand, and her bonds wherewith she bound her soul shall stand. But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard it, then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips wherewith she bound her soul of done effect, and the Lord shall forgive her. But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced wherewith they have bound their souls, shall stand against her. And if she vowed in her husband's house, or bound her soul by a bond with an oath, and her husband heard it, and held his peace at her, and disallowed her not, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand. But if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them, then whatsoever proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stand. Her husband hath made them void, and the Lord shall forgive her. Every vow and every binding oath to afflict the soul, her husband may establish it, or her husband may make it void. But if her husband altogether hold his peace at her from day to day, then he establishes all her vows, or all her bonds which are upon her. He confirmeth them because he held his peace at her in the day that he heard them. But if he shall anyways make them void after that he hath heard them, then he shall bear her iniquity. These are the statutes which the Lord commanded Moses between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father's house." Let's pray. Brother Austin, can you pray for us please? We can all learn something from this. It's the plight of our lives, and help us be better Christians and better servants. God bless the rest of the day, and bless the soul, and in the name of Jesus. Amen. Here it is. All right, before we get started, if you haven't noticed, we're a family integrated church here at Songhold Baptist Church, and that is by choice. I think it's a very good thing to have children in the service with us. They could learn the Word of God. Don't put anything past children of being able to pick up and learn the truth from the Bible. We also just don't want to separate parents from their children, and leave their children with strangers. But at this time we normally have a mother baby room. It used to be right here, where when children are acting up, and being a little bit disruptive, we have a place for parents to take their children. We have other places right now that are under construction still, so it might be a little bit more distracting. Hopefully not. Obviously parents can, there's still, there's one room back there that is available to use, but we are going to suffer the little children, and hopefully it won't be too much of a distraction for you to pay attention here. Now I'm going to say this, there's certain sermons I preach that are more controversial than others, and this morning is one of the more controversial sermons, okay? And the only reason why it's controversial is because of the society that we live in today, and the culture that we are part of, and I'm going to be preaching on raising godly daughters this morning, and the the Bible's definition of godly is is dramatically different than the American definition of godly, or of what a woman, I mean these days you can't even say what a woman is, you know the people out there that can't even define a woman, let alone try to give attributes of what a woman should be. Here I believe, and I've said this about preaching entire sermon called why I'm a feminist, and I am a feminist, not in the political sense, not in the way it's used today, I believe in women being feminine, and I believe in men being masculine, because God made man and women, and he made them different, and he made them to be different, and he made them beautifully different. I don't want women acting like men just as much as I don't want men acting like women. It's weird, and it's not just weird, it's abominable according to the Bible, okay, but I don't want to, you know, we're not going to get too far away, but I'm just I'm just preparing you, and I'm going to warn you, and I'm going to hopefully, you know, if you if you start to get angry at what's being said, all I ask is that you ask yourself, is this what the Bible teaches or not? My job as a preacher, as much as I want to, especially with all those Christmas songs, is to just get up here and preach about the birth of Christ, because man, it's moving, singing those Christmas songs, and it's beautiful, and it's great, and I love it, we would, the Christmas caroling yesterday is awesome, but I need to preach the whole counsel of God, okay, and this year's Christmas falls on a Sunday, and I'll be preaching a Christmas sermon, you better believe it, on Christmas Day, so you want to hear about the birth of Christ, come on out here on Christmas Day, and that's what's going to be the subject matter. This morning, you're stuck listening to other parts of the Bible, and if you haven't noticed, we read the entire chapter of Numbers chapter 30, and look, the Bible teaches us that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, okay, and it continues on, but there's, you know, we're going to teach, I'm going to teach doctrine this morning, and it's a cultural doctrine, and the things that I'm going to be teaching this morning fly in the face of this world's culture, but look, do we want to conform ourselves to the ways of the world as Bible-believing Christians, or do we want to conform ourselves to the Word of God? I mean, that's what you always have to ask yourself, and we have to fight against the flesh, and oftentimes we have to fight against the norms of society to be right with God. God has called unto himself a peculiar people. We are to be different from the world. We are in the world, but we are not of the world, so keep that in mind as I preach and say things that might shock you, I mean, hopefully they don't. Anyone who reads their Bible faithfully should not be shocked by anything that I preach this morning, and take it in the spirit that's being preached in. It may be bold preaching, but this is not meant to be inflammatory against anyone, or try to make people upset, but it is a natural result when people have been brainwashed a certain way, and the Satan's agenda against women, against godly women, has been in effect for so long that people will get angry at sermons like this. So, in your own heart, just, and look, I write down on the back of a bulletin, there's a place for sermon notes. You can write down every reference that we go to. We are going to go to a very good mix of Old and New Testament scriptures for this teaching this morning. Write them down for yourself, and check to see, well, is Paul Sabros and Satanists out of context or not? You decide for yourself. Is all this the world we serve? Remember, that's all done away in Christ. Well, hold on a minute, I'm not going to get in and preach through all of that, because that's an entire sermon of itself. When we're saved by Christ, we are saved from the curse of the law, but the law is still good. Okay, I don't think anyone would argue that people still shouldn't murder, but we're saved from the law. I mean, that's probably the Ten Commandments, right? Yeah, look, but it's still good. We should still be following that. Now, the parts of the law that had to do with the Levitical priesthood and the offering up of sacrifices, yes, that's been done away. We just went through a Bible study going through the entire book of Hebrews, explaining some of the differences between the Old Testament and Levitical priesthood laws and the laws that would still be in effect, as it were, according to God's law in general and things that we should still be following. So, I can't dig into all that this morning, but we are going to look, and even if nothing else, you say, well, this was part of the law, but there's a reason why this is part of the law, and there's an overwhelming culture being taught and values being taught and authority structure that's taught in Scripture regarding men, women, children, okay? And the New Testament does not upend the authority structure within a family, and we started in Numbers chapter 30, because this demonstrates the authority of the man or the husband in the household, okay? And my first point for raising godly daughters is that daughters ought to be prepared to always have a male authority in her life. Starts with dad at home. Dad is the authority, dad is the boss in the household, but then when she leaves home it ought to be to marry a husband. Not to be sent off to some dormitory, but to marry a husband, where she leaves father and mother and cleaves unto a husband. Where the husband then becomes the new authority in her life, but here's the thing, and I'm going to be preaching next week on raising godly sons. The father, the man of the house, is supposed to be the provider. So one of the nice things, in my opinion, about women is that they are being cared for, or they should be being cared for and provided by, in God's plan for men and women. Women get to be provided for completely. Now they don't make the decisions in the household. That's something that is the man's job, but they also get to receive of the benefit of having things provided for them. There's a balance. There's a, you know, in order for everything to work in the home, no one person can do the job of everybody, and God has decided what the proper roles are. I mean, it's impossible for a single parent to provide everything that their child is going to need and to be raised properly. Now look, people are in situations, I know it happens, okay, but children were designed to have a mother and a father, and I know there's situations that go outside of people's control. I'm not talking about every single individual situation that's out there. You have to make do and make the best with the situation you're in at the moment, absolutely, but the plan that God designed is that you would have a woman to be able to be in charge of the things at home and run the household and be able to raise children and be there because little children need to be watched over, and they need to be taught, and they need to be instructed, they need to be cared for, and they need to have other things going on, and someone needs to be out earning and doing the work so that everyone could eat. I mean, you have to, you have to have both. When you have a family, you can't just have one person trying to cover all the world. There's too much responsibility, too much work, and look, there is a lot of work in a woman's life, in a godly woman's life, a lot of work, and we're going to get into that a little bit later, too, so it's just do people bristle and shudder against, oh man, you know, it makes me sick in a culture now where people just think, well, they say to my wife, oh, you don't work, because she's a homemaker, because she works at home. She doesn't go off and work for some other man and work for some other boss. She works for her family at the house, and you better believe she does a lot of work. She does some of the most important work of the world when it comes to my family with my children. No, the value doesn't just lie, but see, this is where the world's culture, the world's, the world's mentality is where does the value lie in money. Where is a value lie in your own personal ambition to become some boss over people? Is that Christian values, or is that the world's values? Let's review a little bit here of Numbers chapter 30 just to see this authority structure being put in place. The Bible says in verse number three, if a woman also vow to vow unto the Lord and bind herself by a bond, being in her father's house in her youth, just talking about a daughter in her father's house. And this is also something that's very personal between a person and God, making a vow to God. I mean, just imagine a daughter wanting to make a vow unto God. Okay, you could say that's very personal. Yes, it is very personal. But look what the Bible says, verse four says, and her father hear her vow. So if dad hears what she's saying, what she's vowing, making this promise to God, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her, means he doesn't say anything, then all her vows shall stand and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth, not any of her vows over bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. And the Lord shall forgive her because her father disallowed her. You know what that means? Dad has the veto power even over a vow that his daughter makes that's living in his household under his authority. She makes a vow unto God and he hears it and he says, no, no, no, no, no. Maybe dad thinks that's a foolish vow. Don't be getting yourself, you know, making these types of vows to God. Dad knows better. You say, no, don't do that. Dad has the authority to make that vow. And, you know, this reaches even farther into, even into marriage. Traditions and customs that I think most people today in today's society have no idea why these things are even done. But they're done for scriptural, the vast majority of them are done for scriptural reasons. Like when when people are getting married and and the the man of God, whoever is officiating, says, you know, who gives this woman in marriage? And it's the dad, usually, the man of the household. Why? Because people go and they would at least used to ask permission, hey, I'd like to see your daughter. Hey, I'd like to marry your daughter. Why? Because dad has veto power over vows. And what do people do when they get married? They're making vows to each other. And as long as a woman is living in her dad's house, dad has that authority, which is why, hey, you want to marry my daughter, you better go through dad. And I personally like that model. I think that's a good model to have. I think that dad who has a lot more worldly knowledge and experience just in general, a dad that loves his daughter is going to be looking out and caring for the best interest of his daughter. And sometimes younger girls are naive and may not understand what they're getting themselves into. Because they don't have the experience and because they think differently than men do and don't understand the way that many men think out there. But dad understands and dad's going to be there to help guide and protect his daughter from getting into a really bad situation. And this is God's design. Okay, God gave the father this authority in the house in Numbers chapter 30. And again, if you want to say, well, that's the law. As we continue through this and look at New Testament scriptures, you tell me if you think this has really changed that much on what the authority structure is in the household, because I'm going to tell you, it hasn't changed. Okay, this is just a very clear, explicit example of the authority that God has given to the husband, to the head of the household at home. And having this mindset alone is important for raising godly children and raising godly daughters. Because the world's going to tell you, oh, you know, I mean, who does your dad think he is to tell you what you can and can't bow unto God? That's definitely what and that's, you know what, unfortunately, that's not just what the world's going to say. That's what the vast majority of Christians are going to say. Yeah, I'm not kidding. I mean, that's that what I'm even I'm barely getting started in the sermon. And and people are gonna think that I'm nuts for thinking this way. And when I say we're an old fashioned church, I don't mean old fashioned of the 90s. I don't mean old fashioned of the 80s. I don't mean old fashioned the 70s or 60s or 50s or 40s. I mean, old fashioned like biblical old fashioned. Okay, because no matter what point in time you go to, you're going to find all different flaws with the culture. Now, American culture, was it better in the past? Yes, it was. Was it perfect? Absolutely not. Some things were better. Some things were worse. You know, you could you can go through as it was. That's why we don't look to American culture as our standard. We look to the Bible culture as our standard and what's been ordained of God. Let's turn, if you would, to 1st Corinthians, chapter 11. And something else that could be important to raise godly daughters is to bring them into church with you, into a good, godly church that holds these values and holds these things dear, because they're going to be, I mean, we are out in the world more often than we're in church. And you're facing the norms of society more than you're facing norms amongst God's people. So bringing them in and being part of a culture where you can at least be around other people that believe the same way and be like, no, yeah, we're raising our daughters the same way isn't going to make your daughters feel isolated as if they're the only ones in the world that are being raised this way because all their friends and everyone they run into and everyone else just thinks they're weird. And you know what in the world that that's going to happen. And we need to teach our daughters the importance of sticking to God's Word above what other people think of you. And that is hard. It is hard as children grow up to be able to embrace that. But we need to start at a young age getting them prepared and getting them ready for the the obstacles are going to face in their life. And it starts with with teaching them about Jesus Christ and the gospel and getting them saved, leading them to Christ. Nothing else is going to stick like it will if they're saved, if they know the Lord is their Savior. Because then it's personal. It's not just a rule. And it needs to be instructed to our children that way. It's personal. We all have choices to make. Now as a father I'm going to teach my children and I am teaching my children the right way. But they are going to ultimately have the choice and they know that they're going to have the choice when they're older to do what they want to do. I do not want to raise children that are going to then turn around and just want to have nothing to do with the Lord. It's important that they have their own beliefs but that their beliefs are guided the right way in the Word of God. And that's what we're doing as parents is try to help them to understand, hey look this is what the Bible says, this is what it means, this is what the Bible is teaching, you know, but at the end of the day every individual is going to choose their own way in life. And you have the formative years. The Bible tells us, hey, you know, train up a child the way he shall go and when he's old he will not depart from it. Bring your children to church. Get around the culture to combat the world's culture. 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse number 3, the Bible says, but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. New Testament teaching on authority structure. You flip over Colossians chapter 3. Colossians chapter 3 which is a parallel passage to Ephesians chapter 5 because I have so many other passages I didn't I decided not to go to Ephesians chapter 5. You could read through Ephesians chapter 5 later cross-reference Colossians 3 with that where it goes much more in detail about the roles of husbands and wives in the home. New Testament teaching on the authority structure. We're just going to get it summarized in Colossians 3.18 where the Bible says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord. New Testament teaching of wives being in submission to their husbands because the husband's in authority. He's the one making the decisions. He's the one who's supposed to be in charge and the wives are supposed to submit themselves and again in today's society that is just blasphemy against the God of this world Satan to teach something like this and you know people when you sit just by saying this is what people say oh man that's just be this tyrant and this must be horrible live in his house and he's telling his wife what to do and she's got to be in submission she's got to obey everything that he says. You guys were at my house last night did it was it just the sound of tyranny thundering forth from the moment you stepped in the door until until you left this morning to come to church? Okay I mean we got we got witnesses right here. You could ask my wife. Now do we have disagreements sometimes? Of course we do. Do we argue and fight? Yes. We're normal human beings right? We have sin. We're not perfect. Okay I'm not always a perfect husband and she's not always a perfect wife and sometimes there's friction but you know at the end of the day we still both believe the Word of God and at the end of the day that is that is keeping us in line as much as we possibly can because she has her own faith with the Lord Jesus Christ and I have my own faith with the Lord Jesus Christ but we both believe that what God has put forward is right that he has given us these roles and that she is going to be taking care of the family and running things at home while I'm out working and providing for the family and at the end of the day I'm making the rules in the house and she is in submission to those rules and you know what it's great not just great I'll be all you're sitting there because you make the rules no it's great for all of us ask her try it out for yourself you know getting in the will of God is great let's put it that way walking in the spirit is great looking at a verse and not trying to just explain it away and try to make it mean something that it doesn't it's great not doing that it's great having integrity to be able to say you know what I believe the Word of God and I believe every single verse in this book and I'm gonna take it for what it says and not make excuse for it that is great turn if you would to what do I want you to turn turn to Ezekiel chapter 16 looks like I need a new battery while you're Turner I'm gonna read a few passages for you because there's there's and I'm gonna spend a little bit more time on this just because this is something that stands out to me in the culture that we're in right now when it comes to raising godly daughters especially with social media and stuff you kind of see more things sometimes and even want to and it's hard to sometimes understand how things have fallen so low I don't have any expectations for the world in general right unsaved unbelievers people who don't hold to scripture at all and don't care about the Word of God nothing's gonna surprise me out in left field out there just whatever right but what bothers me and what's troubling is seeing how much people who claim to be Christians have fallen in their standards have fallen in in being godly and what's striking is seeing the way that younger girls not even women younger girls are dressing these days it's getting worse and worse and worse there's less and less clothing to cover the body and we're seeing 12 year olds 11 year olds five year old six year olds dressed up like hookers wearing clothing that could easily be put on a prostitute selling a body but hey that's the style wearing you know skirts or dresses or whatever that barely cover and go past the the the split in the legs it ought to disgust any Bible believing Christian to see that especially on people who are raising daughters that claim to be Christian the Bible teaches over and over and over again about this subject about even about what women should be wearing and we're gonna get to that in a little bit but what message are you sending forth about your daughter when you allow her to dress in in garments in a dream in in clothing that is form-fitting low-cut or high-cut and wears next to practically nothing in this world what what are you doing and and a young impressionable female what type of attention is she going to get from the men of the world when they go out dressed in practically nothing is that the attention you want your daughter getting now look dads the responsibility is on you at the end of the day for how your daughter is going to be raised and shame on you if you're allowing your daughters to just run around dressed like little tramps and yeah it's crude language but you know call it what it is it's not cute seeing some little girl dressed up like a floozy that's not cute it's disgusting and when people even think it's cute that's disgusting I'm gonna read some passages for your Ezekiel 16 now these passages are talking about raising daughters now this is all about the daughters of Israel in the Old Testament but somehow raising them not to be a whore Deuteronomy 23 17 you can write down these references if you want Deuteronomy 23 17 the Bible says there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel nor sodomite of the sons of Israel we'll get to that next week thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord by God for any vow for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God Leviticus 19 29 says do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore lest the land fall to whoredom and the land become full of wickedness Leviticus 21 9 says in the daughter of any priest if she profane herself by playing the whore she profane if her father she shall be burnt with fire is this the Word of God or not and again you want to say oh yeah okay is this how God feels about it or as he changed his mind now if something was was wicked enough to deserve the death penalty and being burnt with fire you're gonna know one no if you're gonna tell me this isn't the Word of God well that's not I don't believe that you're gonna pick and choose what you believe by the Bible then what are you doing here you're in the wrong church we actually believe the Bible here all of it and then to what do you really think that God has gone from saying well this person deserves to be burnt with fire to oh I don't really care about that anymore or the culture has changed so it's okay now no I am the Lord I change not right Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever the Bible God doesn't change morality based on the world standards ever so Leviticus 19 29 which I already read about not prostituting my daughter causing her to be a whore I mean that's that's for everybody but then in Leviticus 21 9 he's saying look the daughter of a priest okay this is supposed to be like in God's house God's people people who are serving the Lord directly you got a daughter that's profaning herself by going out and playing a whore she profanous not only herself but her father she shall be burnt with fire that's what the Bible teaches so why am I bringing us all I was just talking about how people are dressed if the Bible is so serious about someone being burnt with fire your own daughter being burnt with fire for going on being a whore maybe we should try to do things and raise them so that they wouldn't even be led in the direction of being a whore and maybe we should raise them not to dress in a way so that people would even confuse them of being a whore I mean what thing about guys propositioning oh well I thought I thought that's what you did why would you think that when because of the way you're dressed and it's dad's job I'll read this one last we're staying Ezekiel 16 I'm gonna read from Deuteronomy 22 for you you're driving me 22 verse 20 dude I told you he's talking about if a man finds his wife to be not a maid not pure when they get married okay there was a law on how to deal with that because the man is expecting his wife to be a virgin to be a maid and if he's sold a false bill of goods so to speak then there was a punishment against the woman for being a whore and the Bible says the way that they find out whether or not this is true I'm a read from verse 20 but if this thing be true and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel you know who is responsible for keeping that is dad the tokens of virginity I'm not going to go into detail what that's all about read the Bible figure it out for yourself anyone who's of understanding to be able to get that and it says if they're not able to find those tokens it says then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stoner with stones that she died because she had throughout folly in Israel to play the horn her father's house so shalt thou put evil away from among you now I know that these aren't our laws today and I know that this isn't even our culture today but it's still the word of God I mean you you could choose I don't want to hear that I want I don't want to even listen to that or maybe think hey maybe if this is really that big of a deal we should we should incorporate something in the raising of our daughters to prevent this from happening Ezekiel 16 now this passage is 100% just full disclosure is talking about a spiritual application but we're going to read through this because the spiritual application is based on reality it's based on something that already is what you're going to find happening in real life versus and I'm not saying that spiritual application isn't reality it's it's you'll see what we get through this that's that's the way in verse number 30 Ezekiel 16 verse 30 how weak is thine heart saith the Lord God seeing thou doest all these things the work of an imperious whorish woman and that thou buildest thine eminent place in the head of every way and makest thine high place in every street and has not been as an harlot and that thou scornest higher but as a wife that committeth adultery which taketh strangers instead of her husband they give gifts to all whores but thou giveth thy gifts to all thy lovers and hirest them that they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom and what this is basically saying here is that it's it's even worse what the chin of Israel doing when it's talking about them whoring around it's like they're saying well a whore at least gets paid for what they do they're selling a service they're getting some benefit they're getting paid and they're being a whore but he's saying but you guys are like the wife that commits adultery and you're giving your own goods to someone else for your own whoredoms and he's in the Bible just saying that's how how low you are how bad you've gotten and you say well I'm not raising my daughter be a whore she's not going to be selling her body for money well if she's just giving it away to every guy that she meets or any guy that she meets or any guy she meets it's not married okay she's playing the whore whether she's and it's even worse than collecting money then because it's according to the scripture here said hey they give gifts to the whores but they'll give us thy gifts all thy lovers and hirest them verse 34 and the contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms whereas none follow of thee to commit whoredoms and in that thou give us a reward and no reward is given unto thee therefore thou art contrary wherefore Oh harlot hear the word of the Lord and notice even though they're not collecting anything the Bible or God is still calling them a harlot whether or not they're actually receiving it doesn't matter saying it's still the same term being applied to them thus saith the Lord God because thy filthiness was poured out and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers and with all the idols of thy abominations and by the blood of thy children which thou didst give unto them behold therefore I will gather all thy lovers with whom thou hast taken pleasure and all them that thou hast loved with all them that thou hast hated I will even gather them round about against thee and will discover thy nakedness unto them that they may see all thy nakedness and I will judge thee as women that break wedlock and shed blood are judged and I will give thee blood in fury and jealousy and when when you know women go around and play the whore you know what's gonna happen it's gonna come back around on them and their shame is going to be exposed to everyone and it's gonna bring a bad name on them and you know what girls need to know that that's what's gonna happen in this world and you know fathers I don't know of any father in the world personally that could say that yeah that's what I want for my daughter but you know what there's no more parenting on these issues it seems because you don't want to push the child away look you need to be firm and there's you already have some rules and some boundaries and some standards where you're gonna say look you know what I love you but you know you cannot be participating in this type of behavior at least definitely not in under my household and nowadays it's like people aren't even getting married they're shacking up the living together they're doing like this test run of being a family and being married so that way they don't have to get divorced if it's not working out look it's ridiculous you know both sons and daughters ought to be raised like the Bible teaches that they ought to be pure until their wedding day because fornication is a serious sin that's gonna have serious consequences especially to believers and the bad you know marriage is honorable and all the bed undefiled when you're married right there's a great relationship you could have but you got to teach hey you're gonna make a vow you're gonna stay with one person for the rest of your life and you're not going to be a whore and guess what that actually is a great blessing to live that life as opposed to the life of the horror or monger that goes around and has all these experiences and then gets married you are you are missing out on having that one sacred special relationship with that one person one thing that you can give to another person that you love yourself only to one person and that's gonna be harder for children to understand than it is for the adults to understand that's why adults raise children flip over please if you would to 1st Peter chapter 3 we'll get some New Testament teaching like I said there's there's old there's New Testament but it's consistent because the Word of God is consistent and doesn't contradict itself 1st Peter chapter 3 we're gonna start reading verse number ones an admonition to wives which can also apply to the daughters that are not yet wives that they at least know and they could be prepared if you're gonna get married this would this will be married life this is the way it should be this is the way God intends it to be this is the will of God in your life verse 1 likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands now you're gonna find that that is taught over and over and over again scripture multiple places Ephesians 5 Colossians 3 1st Peter chapter 3 many places why are you that's repeated so much why I'll tell you why because I think that that is one of the areas that is probably the maybe one of the hardest for women to handle in their sinful nature just like men have a sinful nature and maybe one of the areas for men is is keeping their eyes only on their one spouse on their love as opposed to wandering around like that's the sinful nature of man would not be loving their wife enough and keeping her special and keeping her and that in that position well it's one of the harder things potentially for women to not necessarily always be in subjection to their own husbands so it's repeated but it's still taught likewise he was being subjection your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price so what's the Bible saying here that look first two verses if any obey not the word talking about the husbands that they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives the conversation isn't just what they speak about it's how they act it's how they behave that's what that it's an older world the meaning is slightly changed in modern English but in 1600s when this was translated in English conversation meant it had more to do with the whole the whole way you carried yourself in the way that you lived that's your conversation so they may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear so the men that maybe they're not being godly maybe they're not even saved they're gonna see how you are acting because you are acting godly you are doing what's right you are being chased you are being proper you are being discreet you are living a godly life and you are being in submission to your husband and he's gonna see this and maybe you know get one over then and say yeah you know what I'm and and this happens a lot too where you know if I mean especially in a marriage what the vast majority of people get married because they love each other right I like to least think that you'll get married because they love each other and while there may be bitterness and problems within marriages if the wife starts feeling like maybe neither person is is being godly neither one and they both have the problems and whatever but the wife says you know what I want to fix things and I'm gonna just try to do what's right by God and starts filling her godly role and becomes real submissive and is just okay what can I do you know and start for your husband it's gonna be harder for the husband to continue to say be a jerk and dishing things out to his wife when the wife isn't just being a loudmouth in his face and and fighting everything that he says and it's gonna be harder to continue the fighting when you can just say no I'm gonna I'm gonna be godly here I'm gonna have a chase conversation coupled with fear and then it talks about this adorning and it's and it's describing here not the outward adorning it's not the plating of hair wearing of gold or putting on of apparel that draws the attention to you well so everyone could look at me and how great I'm dressed no that's not the godly way of a woman it says but it let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornaments or maybe something that you're putting on of a meek and quiet spirit this is how the Bible is describing a godly wife a meek humble quiet spirit which about says which is in the sight of God of great price that's very valuable to have that spirit as a wife and then it continues to go on I'm not actually in the passage myself it talks about how Sarah is an example of that how Sarah obeyed Abraham she was in submission him and called him Lord that's what first Peter chapter 3 says when you continue to read that passage which I'm there right now verse 5 says for after this manner in the old time the holy women also who trust in God adorn themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters you are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement and then it goes into the husband like I said next week we're talking about raising godly sons so we're gonna cover both they're both equally important values taught to your daughters a purity chastity meekness we need to shield them from the influence of the women that are promoting the exact opposite in this world the influence or the teaching or indoctrination it comes from many sources it's gonna come from everything popular it's gonna come from the music it's gonna come from the movies it's gonna come from the TV shows it's even coming through the public education system all around they're being taught the exact opposite of what we are reading in Scripture this morning turn if you would to Titus chapter 2 we're almost done actually you know what turn to Proverbs 31 I want close with that Proverbs 31 and obviously some things that we teach our daughters need to be taught age appropriately but at some point they're gonna need to understand and we try to teach our kids on some level about this as early as possible that there are wicked people that exist in this world first and foremost that literally plan to do evil and do harm and do bad things to people like and they actually plan it and plot it and they want to do those things and and will will do things intentionally to cause harm and to cause damage to people and it's it's something that I would say most normal people have a hard time understanding because your average person isn't plotting and planning to do really bad things to people so like it's gonna be less likely for you to even think that that's a thing and especially children their world experience and exposure is a lot less so you need to teach them look this happens because God forbid that anything would happen to your children or a predator or some evil person is gonna get their hands on them and you know a lot of this is gonna have to come to one protecting and ensuring the safety of your family and not putting them out in situations where anything could happen and to being able to teach them the truth and help them to spot problems before they become problems help them not to be targets already not not dress in a way or act in a way that's going to already make them to be an easier target for a predator to do something to that's going to attract the wrong person like dressing the wrong way might do and keeping them safe as well as not just the wicked people but also teaching them that because of sinful flesh people who might otherwise not do some things given the opportunity might fall and do some things that they shouldn't be doing like committing fornication and women are weaker than men and that's a fact that's the truth we're not gonna lie to ourselves and say that's not true no that's true men are physically stronger than women fact and you know your daughters need to know that and they don't need to be indoctrinated with GI Jane into thinking that I'm gonna be just like a man and I'm gonna do all these things like a man I'm gonna have all these muscles and do anything a man can do no you ought to be a woman y'all fill a woman's role that God has outlined for you and not go off and try to be a man just as much as no man should be going around trying to be a woman feel the world that God gave you to fill but they need to be worn hey you shouldn't be putting yourself in these situations you want to keep your purity then don't put yourself in a situation where you're alone with somebody even if you like that person they could you know don't put yourself in that situation temptation arises and good people quote-unquote can do bad things avoid that teach your children about that teach them when it's appropriate what they ought to be doing and have rules for them to prevent that from happening dad because at the end of the day that is your responsibility that is your watch over your daughter I'm gonna read you from Titus chapter 2 you're in Proverbs 31 Titus 2 verse 3 the Bible says that the aged women likewise that they may be in behavior has become a holiness not false accusers not given too much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women so it's all about aged women older women teaching younger women to be sober well there's a good start right and not just sober in the sense of refraining from drugs and alcohol but also sober in the sense of being serious right teaching them how to be serious to love their husbands to love their children you don't need to be going off and finding any other area to put your affection on love your husband love your children to be discreet chaste keepers at home this is what the older women should be teaching the younger women is this happening in Christian circles where the older women are saying hey be chaste be a keeper at home be good be obedient to their own husband well the Bible says that the Word of God be not blasphemed oh yeah by the way Titus is another New Testament book is this what the Bible teaches or not it's crazy pastor birds in his crazy old-fashioned beliefs and his crazy cult-like family where he wants women to be submissive you know wives to be submissive their husbands and stuff yeah it's so nuts isn't it Proverbs 31 we're gonna close on this I know I'm running a little bit late we're gonna start reading in verse number 10 about the virtuous woman all right these are the characteristics these are the qualities that won't be raising our daughters to look to this is a model this is this is a good example of what our daughters ought to be raised to be like it's a virtuous woman good right this is this is good this is what we want our children our daughters to be looking to as that example verse 10 who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies you know what daughters you're gonna be very special if you could be the virtuous woman this is a starts off saying you know what who could even find the virtuous woman her price is far above rubies above any amount of money that people can give you this is valuable be a virtuous woman if you're gonna be different from the vast majority of other women in the world if you could be a virtuous woman the heart of her husband that safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life now isn't it interesting that when we get started reading about the virtuous woman it immediately brings up the husband the wife's role is to be the help that is meet for her husband which is why Eve was even created going back to the beginning of man and woman and look I don't know whatever you know people are gonna think about this this is not putting women down at all and I'll put it this way does anyone here any man I want to see a razor man for men do you have a boss that you work for because I do now who feels put down because you're working for someone has authority over you do you just just because now do they have authority over me do you just feel like you're put down and you're just less of a person because there's authority structure at the place of your business I didn't think so because I don't I work very well being able to go and do my job and work for my employer and work for my boss and try to please him and do the things that he wants to have done and do a good job for that boss and that doesn't change the value of me it doesn't change the value within the company right you know look it's my role is a very valuable role but I work for someone well the wife's role is a very valuable role in the family very valuable it's critical the family's not gonna function properly without that role is necessary and it's a role to be praised and valued and lifted up and exalted a very important role but there's still a boss there's still someone in charge and that is one of the primary functions of the wife is to support the husband that her husband death safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life you want to be a virtuous woman how about you do your husband good and not evil all the days of your life that's what the Bible saying she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands now this is we're gonna get into the hard work of the virtuous woman it is a lot of hard work she's seeking wool flax to work not does it say grudgingly oh no it says willingly with her hands oh man I gotta make the clothing from a family no you're working willingly because you love your family right she is like the merchants ships she bringeth her food from afar so she's resourceful she works hard she rises also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens she's taking care of the house from early in the morning the virtuous woman is getting up before dawn so this is saying to start working to start preparing and start helping and being there to help support other people they're gonna go and do other jobs it's a very supportive role but man how much more gets done when we have support you know that's one of the things I love just even about this church has nothing to do with the home but it's a similar thing we've got different function we a lot of different things to do here and you know how much more we get done because we have so many people that volunteer in so many different areas we could reach more people we have more ministries we have a lot more work being done because we have so many different people that volunteer and and chip in and fill different roles and different functions in the church you know what that's great we had people here yesterday morning that came early just to set up for our function they showed up early now I don't think they were here before dawn right like the virtuous woman is in her household but it helps so much having that support and then the time is used greatly everyone you know other people can do other jobs on the test it's great it's great and a well-functioning household you're gonna have everybody doing their different roles and different jobs and doing them the best they can and this is what the Bible outlines for a virtuous woman getting up early getting up while it's dawn or before dawn while it's yet night giving meat to a household a portion to her maidens verse 16 she considered the field and buyeth it now look she's not dumb okay fully believe in full education and smarts and wisdom and intelligence for men and women because very important way wisdom is the principal thing knowledge is the principal thing it doesn't say just for men it's men and women our daughters ought to be smart they ought to be wise we definitely ought to be teaching them we're not trying to repress their education and oh look they need to have good understanding they'll be more valuable that way there's a lot more things that they'll be able to get done like considering a field and buying it with the fruit of her hand she planted the vineyard that's physical work but it's still all being able to be done while managing the household she good with her loins with strength and strengthen at her arms she perceive it that her merchandise is good her candle goeth not out by night I was a hard worker getting up before dawn and in the candle still going still working into the night I mean the virtuous woman who puts the men to shame and the amount of work being done right and who's supposed to be known for doing the hard work men are a virtuous woman is supposed to be a hard worker too she lay with her hands of the spindle and her hands hold the distat verse 20 she stretched without her hand to the poor yeah she reaches forth her hands to the needy what a great heart and she's able to do that after she's already provided for her family and their needs in making the clothing and making the food and doing you know getting the family all set and ready to go and has is doing so much that she's even able to help the poor and needy she is not afraid of the snow for her household because she lives in Georgia no it's good for all her household are clothed with scarlet she's making sure her family's prepared for things to come right for the for the the winters ahead for the for the troubling times ahead she make it herself coverings of tapestry verse 22 her clothing is silk and purple verse 23 her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the others her husband's respected you know what the virtuous woman married a respectable man not some deadbeat not some lowlife not some oh but I love you look ladies and parents we teach our daughters look for a godly man look for someone that has integrity teach them to go after a man that's going to to love God that's going to be respected that it will be you know that that's not going to just just be some crook or some criminal marry a righteous guy verse 24 she made it fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles unto the merchant and then those are both things that she can do while taking care of things at home the linen the girl you know that type of stuff is able to work with her hands while still dealing with everything else that's a lot of work how to work and you had kids in the mix it's a lot of work strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come she openeth her mouth with wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness she's wise and polite I mean you want to know how to raise your daughter go through these attributes in Proverbs 31 and try to instill this and teach them this value she looketh well over 27 to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness I start teaching and training our kids not to be idle you don't want them forming habits that are going to continue on into adult life in adulthood and and this thinking that everything should just come their way and be and be given to them no look I know where it's like having daughters I have four and in one sense the little princesses right they're cute they're adorable they're they're they're beautiful they're you know they're they're they're cuddly and warm but you can't just raise them to actually be this princess that just gets everything that she wants and become this spoiled brat because they need to learn how to work hard and do this and do the type of work that a godly woman would do so you know what dads resist that urge you can have that little place in your heart for your princess don't get me wrong I do too okay but you also want to make sure that we're raising them properly because you only get them for a portion of their life and they're gonna live the rest of their lives without you and the part that you have is the most important part of their life you're gonna be for you know molding them into the the adults are going to become you you have the most influence on your children and don't ever throw that away be careful who you might let in to have that influence I mentioned the announcements you know we have these homeschool field trips I believe in homeschooling because I believe in the parents teaching their children what's important to them and if you you don't know what is and these days it is insane it is should be deemed mentally insane some of the things that are being taught in public schools crazy I would never allow my children to sit under that tutelage by anybody and be taught that perversion and wickedness is normal and acceptable and ought to be tolerated absolutely child abuse and in teaching gender bending and all this other abominable filth no you formative years take advantage of that teach them to be godly young ladies and you know what ends up as a result over 28 her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also any praise of her now isn't that the type of life you'd like to see your daughter living in her adulthood having this great life working hard because anyone who works hard knows that there's even joy and value to working hard there is a sense of satisfaction and gratification gratification that working a good hard days work and doing good things and like all these types of things is gonna bring joy and peace in your life anyways and satisfaction as well as how about the people that you care about the most calling you blessed and praising you great that's what I want for my daughters to live in a household like that where they are doing godly things they have integrity they're wise they have the law of kindness in their mouth they're serving and they're being respected and honored for their work to where their children call them blessed and her husband also praises her many dollars done virtuously but Alex Ellis them all we need to fight the culture that's being promoted and is just spiraling out of control and it's gonna lie in the next generations who knows how much time we have we don't know we don't know when Christ is coming back but we need to keep on following the old path following the Bible as our light and as our guide to do some of the most important things like raise our children if the Bible is not telling you how to raise your children then what's it I mean it's kind of like what's it good for it absolutely is telling you how to raise your children it's telling us right and wrong I mean it's telling us how to do everything so let's look to the Word of God and let's borrow that word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for all the instruction that you give us God I pray that you would please help us to be able to raise our children properly and Godly Lord and that you'd help us in this endeavor we do live in the midst of a wicked and perverse nation dear Lord but I pray that you would help us to to be able to teach the the children our own children especially dear Lord that the right way is following you even if that goes against the way that most people are living their lives today Lord I pray to please help us to have the strength and the courage and boldness to be able to do so and the faithfulness to stay with it and to not backslide and give in to the pressures of the world but Lord help us all to be diligent especially the dads in watching over their daughters and and retaining their purity and being able to to help them guide and navigate their life dear Lord we love you to Jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed brother Peter please lead us you song 228 I love to tell the story so Q28 my church's signals him out with all the hearts on the first Oh Oh I Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh you