(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you things get crazy the more medications you end up taking they could really have these conflicting and weird side effects when you especially start taking multiple things together and yeah, that's a whole nother thing but We'll continue to pray for you. I'm glad I mean It sounds good. Hopefully she can get off and and not have a negative impact to her health by getting off of those medications That would be ideal, right? So continue to pray for her As well her health improves. Thank you for that update anybody else have An update for people who are on the prayer list Okay, very good we'll continue to stay in prayer for The people here and then just one quick update on that new church plant before I get into the rest of the announcements so it was a place that we looked to the thought was gonna be really good for us and looked real promising and I got involved and started to do what we can to move forward and it Not gonna work out for us. So it is what it is That's all right, because I just see that as an answer to prayer And this is the way I pray about things just in general when I'm when I'm looking to make a big decision It's a big decision, right? We're gonna plant a church somewhere and let's pray God lead us to the place And if I see something that looks like I think it's gonna be really good say Lord We're gonna like we're gonna we're in our intention is to is to do this. We're gonna move here So if this isn't good, then just close the doors for us and that's good And if it is then open the doors for us, right? Like this is if you if this is you could tell that you know, it's gonna be good for us then then do that So when you make important decisions, I think it's a good idea to to ask God to shut, you know We don't we don't want a place that won't be good for us in long run. So it is what it is will be patient and we'll continue to look and We will I know this will be successful and I was actually just literally trying to put together all my documentation for this and the people who have registered and Just just to share this with y'all Based on all the registrations that we've received That Church plant will be starting If everyone shows up on the same day that has registered with 50 to 60 people That will be they have committed to come at least every Sunday So that's huge and Only 20 of those people are current church members here So That's awesome, right it's that's you it's great this is why we're doing this Exactly why we're doing this and of those 20 not every not necessarily every person comes every single week Sometimes it's harder to get here for people who live farther away and things like that. So this is Definitely the right decision to choose to plant a church there. So really really looking forward to continue to pray for that Of course, there's why I'm bringing up now as we just got done with the prayer list Pray for the church plant. Okay, January Bible reading challenge today's last day So get that get whatever you need to get done done before midnight. Hopefully it's not too much I'll try not to go too long tonight. So if you do have any Extra reading to do we get out of here at a reasonable time and you get that done But really you should have had it done already. All right, that's all I got to say, but I understand procrastinators. I'm one of them so I only have one chapter left So, there we go, that's the generation and then tomorrow starts our February challenge Which is just spending one hour, but you don't it doesn't have to be any one thing So you'd be Bible reading and you could do different things on different days However, you want to use this time. The whole point is to make sure you are Allocating time to the Lord so I do I am okay with with using say like Wednesdays or Sundays you go to church as Fulfilling an hour to the Lord that absolutely works But I would encourage you just you know Depending on the day maybe Wednesday or some other day if you normally come to church to just push yourself and do a little bit More anyways, right for the purpose of the challenge great fine. No problem, but In the spirit of it, you know push yourself on those days if you can't on Sundays I mean if you spend all day here Sunday, I'm not asking you to do anything more But But yeah, so that's coming up. That's February. We've got 29 days February this year So it is a daily challenge. You have to do this every day in order to complete that challenge and to earn the prize for that Already talked about the new church plant Bible memory passage deadline was Sunday. So not tonight. That's over that's past So if you did not quote that passage, then it's too late. So we will be starting Hebrews 11 on Sunday so if you need to know if one or we're going that is the next passage Birthdays and anniversaries are listed here. We have a birthday today Elizabeth has a birthday today It's the 31st brother Denzel's got one tomorrow and barely's got one on Friday and Zoe's got one on Friday and then like every day practically in the month of February We've got people have birthdays so much so that we could only fit The first 14 days on our bulletin without just using an entire sheet of paper But we will Sing a happy birthday to Elizabeth since it's her birthday. She's here And of course, that means that you are entitled to ice cream After service of your choosing so we'll sing happy birthday to Elizabeth Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday. God bless you Happy birthday to you And Then on the back we've got our upcoming event So February 10th is the next men's preaching class Saturday morning 1030 be here if you are interested in attending that Whether you preach or not, you're welcome to attend February 18th is a Sunday for miss Courtney Taylor We have a baby shower in between the church services. February 23rd is our next home school field trip It's a roller skating event between one and three April 9th and 10th next-gen youth rally at a very Baptist Church There's information on that wall back there about that on the poster if you want more details about that May 13 through the 18th, of course is our church camp and then May 24 through the 6th Faith for Baptist Church is putting on missions trip to Fiji and to Valu. So if that interests you at all And you need contact information. You could talk to me. Otherwise, you reach out to Faith forward Baptist Church and Ask them more about that It's my understanding that they are covering costs for lodging if you plan on going that you just have to make sure that you get You get out there and and back home and they will cover your lodging. I don't know about food I think sometimes they cover food. I don't know all the details on that, but I know for sure that I'm pretty confident that the lodging is definitely is paid for so That is about it for our announcement. So I'm gonna ask brother Peter if you come up and lead us our next song All right church you can open up your nose again to song number 312 Song 312 open my eyes that I may see Song 312 I Church to see the sound the first Ready I The last I In Church while the offering plates are being cast around him if you can please open up your Bibles to the book of Psalm chapter This book of Psalm chapter 90 and ask me to custom area here in stronghold Baptist Church You're going to read the entire chapter Thank you, sir Amen church once again, that's the book of Psalms Psalm 90 Psalm 90 the Bible reads Lord thou has been our dwelling place in all generations Before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou has formed the earth and the world Even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God thou turnest man to destruction and sayest Return ye children of men for a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday When it is past and as a watch in the night thou carriest them away as with a flood There as a sleep in the morning They are like grass which groweth up in the morning get flourishes and groweth up in the evening it is cut down and withers for we are consumed by thy anger and By thy wrath are we troubled thou has set our iniquities before thee our secret sins in the light of thy countenance For all our days are passed away in thy wrath. We spend our years as a tale that is told The days of our years are three score years and ten and if by reason of strength they be four score years Yet is their strength labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away Who knows the power of thine anger even according to thy fear? So is thy wrath. So teach us to number our days That we may apply our hearts unto wisdom Returnal Lord how long and let it repent thee concerning thy servants Will satisfy us early with thy mercy that we may rejoice and be glad all our days Make us glad according to the days wherein thou has afflicted us and the years wherein we have seen evil Let thy work appear unto thy servants and thy glory unto their children And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish thou the work of our hands upon us Yay, the work of our hands establish that way. Let's pray Father God, thank you for this Wednesday evening Thank you for all the souls have been saved recently and also the future souls to be saved Thank you for the plants that have been watered and the seeds that have been planted as well and God that you ultimately get the increase God we thank you for the book of Psalms and also for the whole entire Bible Allow for our ears be attended to your word If they'll pass the person with your spirit that he could preach for boldness and if we could take something home with us So God we praise you and thank you for everything that you do. We say this in Jesus name. Amen All right, so Psalm 90 as we start Psalm 90 here, of course I do I've chosen to do my divisions of preaching through the book of Psalms By preaching 50 Psalms and then taking a break and doing another 50 and then of course the final 50 But the book of Psalms is broken up a little bit different just in general Into more books than just three divisions like I'm doing so as we start tonight and some of you may see this in your Bible You may not We're starting book four in the Psalms and you'll notice also that when you transition to these different books They are assembled in a way that kind of makes sense or you see As you notice this evening This isn't exactly the same as ever is a lot of the similarities that we've been dealing with a lot of similar topics over the past few months of going through each of these Psalms, so That's one of the reasons because we've hit a new division in The book and this one is actually entitled a prayer of Moses the man of God so this is attributed to Moses, but I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time on this being a tribute Moses because obviously it's worth God is truth and Let's dig into this Psalm. There's a few things I definitely want to make sure that we cover this evening because a lot of good stuff here. Look at verse number one So I was Lord thou has been our dwelling place in all generations and this is about the extent where I'm gonna still tie into to Moses, but Just having this spiritual mindset of God being our dwelling place Like you say you've been our dwelling place. You've been our home. You've been where I have been abiding in and staying with and wanting to be you know being close to The Lord and just kind of living with God and being with God he's saying like you've been our dwelling place in all generations and Think about that. That's that's it's an important Concept is important mindset to have and especially if we think about Moses For example, because Moses he says in all generations just think about Moses life lifespan in general So from growing up in fair in Pharaoh's household Right raised as a daughter. Obviously. He was he was born of Hebrew parents, but then spent a lot of his time growing up most of his life growing up in Pharaoh's household and Then choosing to suffer affliction with his people to reject Pharaoh rejects the household reject the god of of the Egyptians or the gods and Serve the Lord and Of course from there face opposition and lead the people and you know He spent time away before he even got into that position of leadership It was all these various things that when he was he was kind of all over the place And you think about facing off against Pharaoh you think about all the the miracles and everything that was done God's strong arm bring them out of Egypt and then even wandering through the wilderness So when there's no certain home, no certain dwelling place nowhere to stay and they're just kind of being guided through the wilderness God has been the dwelling place, right? It doesn't matter where you're at physically We all ought to see the Lord as being our dwelling place of just being with God and that's the the most Important thing and that is the most important thing anyways, like no matter where someone is physically on this earth You need to be making sure you're spending your time With the Lord and that you consider that like hey, I'm dwelling with God. I'm walking with God. I'm living with God That is that is that is what my focus is on is on the things of God And it's and it literally is a Mindset is something that we need to put forward there as the very first verse of this psalm is saying hey You've been our dwelling place verse 2 before the mountains were brought forth or ever that has formed the earth in the world even from everlasting to everlasting Thou art God and this is This occurs a few places in Scripture this attribute of God being from everlasting and to Everlasting so if you say, you know everlasting never ends Right. So when you're saying the starting point is from everlasting that means there is no beginning. It's it's Always was in the past And if you say well, it's to everlasting. Well to everlasting never has an end either so it never Ends you have never beginning never ending because God always was which is why when God introduced himself to Moses in the burning bush He says I am When when Moses is like, well, who should I say that I am talking to you right? Like you're God What what should I tell the people he says I am tell him I am a senti He said tell him I am that I am it's the it's the God is he doesn't there is no Creator of God he is he always has been he always will be that's who God is and since God is a creator of Everything that we know everything we experience all creation whether that be the the creation itself physically meaning The the earth and the heavens and the Sun and the moon and stars everything that you could physically touch and handle everything It's tangible. It's more than just that. It's the principalities. It's the powers. It's the the laws It's the way that things are governed it's space it's time it's matter It's it's all of those things and the things that we don't even understand I don't know about God created all of it So everything that could possibly be contained in creation was created by the Lord. He is the Almighty and is is From everlasting to everlasting now I want to point this out since this is referenced here and if you want to keep your place you could turn to Micah 5-2 because there's another place where this same Terminology is used about God being from everlasting From eternity past and and wouldn't you say that this is a pretty important? characteristic of God To know to understand that God always has been That there was nothing before God because there was no before God There's there is no there is no time before God It didn't exist time came into being after God because God didn't come into being God always was so look at Verse number two in Micah chapter 5 the Bible says, but thou Bethlehem Ephrath them Though thou be little among the thousands of Judah Yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel and As we know and I'm not going to go in and prove this from Scripture We know this from the New Testament. This is clearly talking about Jesus Christ Jesus Christ came out of Bethlehem and This is out of these shall come forth Shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting The ruler that has come forth is Jesus and Jesus because he's God incarnate because he's deity He comes from everlasting Because he also didn't have a beginning because he's God the only Beginning that you had any type of beginning was when he was born into this world, but but that he didn't come into existence then he was he just Came to this earth in that form right from the conception. He came forth that way that's that is not His beginning it clearly isn't and the fact that this is referencing and using the term from of old and then it says from everlasting it's exactly like what Psalm 90 is talking about, but I bring up Micah 5 2 because other versions modern versions of the Bible Do not say what we just read here and obviously there's some verses that they'll use slightly different words But you kind of look at and be like, you know, I think this is still saying the same thing That is not the case at all Here in in the ESV and the end of air two examples I have and many other modern versions as well They do the same exact thing But I'm going to read for you what those versions say here and this is why we make such a big deal about being King James only Because it does have a huge impact on what you believe and just on being true Right, if you people could say oh, but I could believe on the deity of Jesus Christ and that he's God in other places of these versions, yeah, but What it says in Micah 5 2 in the ESV and what it says and Micah 5 2 and the NIV are false And when I read them you understand why I say that. I mean, it's it's literally a lie. It's not true The ESV says this it says but you O Bethlem Ephrathah who are too little to be among the clans of Judah And again, I mean you could go through a lot of this and you see this a lot in these other versions You'd be like what that's not what it says though that though that would be little among the thousands of Judah Which is what the Bible says the King James Bible says This says who are too little to be among the clans of Judah from you shall come forth for me One who is to be ruler in Israel who's coming forth is from of old from ancient days I'm sorry from ancient days isn't the same as from everlasting We study archaeology we study things from ancient times right we might be studying ancient Egypt we might study ancient Mesopotamia we might study study other ancient things on this earth, but it's all gonna have to be revolving around The creation right just old old old times ancient times But it's not the same as from everlasting. The NIV is even worse. But this is I mean this the ESV is bad enough Because it's clearly not saying he's from everlasting if he's just from ancient days then That implies he has a beginning of ancient days, right but the NIV is even more bold in their lies It says this it says, but you Bethlehem Ephrathah though You are small among the clans of Judah out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel whose origins are from of old from ancient times Now does Jesus have an origin an origin is a beginning? That that is the exact opposite of from everlasting That is oh, there's an origin And if you say like where would this origin come from Well from ancient times. It's not a you came and say it's referring to his birth It's just saying his or his creation is From it's from before he was born because he some people would might want to spin to say Oh, no, it's just talking about you know, they wouldn't say ancient times if it's talking about his birth like physically on this earth And why would it be talking about that anyways in Micah Before he's even born there's a ruler to come and His birth is from ancient take like no His birth is in the future, right? No, his beginnings. Well here it says his origins Which would be this beginnings his creation is from no, there is no origin. So this is this is a total lie and This is not the Word of God the NIV and the ESV. It's not the Word of God. It's not true It's not what that's not what the Bible says. It's it's a it's a total falsehood and And this is so clear like this should stand out and be like I don't have to have like Specific doctrine or be some theologian to understand that God always has been I mean, this is so so clear and even using the text of those books you could show and prove that God always has been and That Jesus is Deity and that Jesus is God So what that means is that you have contradiction right here inherent in those books and Clear contradiction not something not the type of contradiction that people like to try to point out in the King James saying like oh look This says that you know No These are this is this is undeniable contradiction Throw those books in the trash Let's go back to Psalm 90 Verse number three the Bible says thou turnest Man to destruction and sayest return ye children of men, so God's heart is that man would return from their destruction right man turns To destruction on their own like it's it's their own will that they do it. So you say well it says thou turnest man to destruction God is gonna bring man to destruction because it through his law because man is sin as a sinner Right. It's not God's not like forcing people to Sin, but God will bring people to destruction because of their sin But that's not what God desires He wants people first of all not to sin. He wants people obey his law And second of all, he wants people get saved that do sin which is all of us Right, and he says return ye children of men and then look at verse four for a thousand years and I cite Our but as yesterday when it's passed and as a watch in the night Thousand I mean think about for us a thousand years. That's a long time to pass by But when it's over he's in God's eyes. He's just like it's just like yesterday a Day or a thousand years to the Lord doesn't matter keep your place here turn your food a second Peter chapter 3 Which it's it's it's stunning how close This truth is expressed in second Peter chapter 3 as well Second Peter chapter 3 is referencing promises to come still end times events that are that are going to come and the state of the world That is going to come and the people who are going to be hating on the Lord and the fact that Jesus Christ is going To come back. That's the context in second Peter chapter 3. That's not exactly what we're looking at in Psalm 90 Right, but the same truth is expressed here that a thousand years in God's sight. It's like it's like yesterday When it's done it It's not that long for God at all Or it says and it's a watch in the night a watch in the night is just I mean those are just that's just ours That's just oh, I've stayed up late. Okay, my watch is over done Verse 8 of 2nd Peter chapter 3 the Bible says but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as 1,000 years in a thousand years as one day Isn't that interesting? I was just saying this is the same exact thing and this should also highlight as We saw in verse 2 of Psalm 90 God's from everlasting to everlasting God's outside of time God always was God created time God's not bound by time So what we are bound by and we live by and we grow and we only know a progression of a starting point of birth we live we die right and there's time that goes by in between and we Experience time and yeah, sometimes as we get older, especially time seems to go faster We perceive it to go a little bit faster than when we're younger But imagine how if we Perceive that God doesn't have a beginning. So he's been around Forever. So there's this even the sensation of time and God created time. He's outside of time It doesn't matter for God what time it is He knows that's how he knows the beginning from the end by the way Because to a God that knows everything and created all things. He's that's why the the the Bible Prophesies things that are to come because to God it's like everything has already happened And simultaneously is already just starting He's just outside of time and I the way I think about this Because if you think about it too hard You might just hurt your brain trying to trying to wrap your head around it because we're so confined to Everything we know being here in this system but I like to think about it like like a DVD or VHS or something where you could like fast forward and go back and kind of pick and choose a starting point And those are all technology. It's better even just streaming you just drag and drop your little Pin-drop and say okay. I want to start from here like for God That's that the entire existence of everything he can do that because he just knows everything but for us we're still going through time as it stands but Just more of the attributes of the Lord, but look at this in verse number 9 of 2nd Peter chapter 3 Said the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but as longsuffering to us word Not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so in in second Peter chapter 3 He's warning against having this this wicked mindset of going. Hey, it's already been thousands of years Where is when's God coming back? Huh? What you know, what are the signs of his coming? When is he really gonna come back and just have this mindset of thinking like well, I mean it's been so long That's not he must not be coming back. This must not be true so hold on a second a Thousand years to God. It's like a day like it's not you think it's a long time to God It is not at all. It's nothing. It's no big deal and The reason why he's allowing time to continue so long is because he's merciful Because he's long suffering and because he genuinely wants people to get saved He wants people to have enough time and enough space to repent to put their trust in Jesus and to get saved and that is the desire that God has and Isn't that exactly what's being taught in Psalm 90 verse 3 when he says return you children of men? Says hey you're turned to destruction Return return to me. All right, come come back to me. I want you to repent. I want you to Turn to me Let's go back to Psalm 90 So Great so far on sort of Going through even just who God is in these first few verses of Psalm 90 verse number 5 thou carriest Them away as with a flood There is a sleep in The morning they are like grass which groweth up in the morning of flourishes and groweth up in the evening It is cut down in withereth and Continuing to to I guess emphasize or bring up our own mortality But like the the time frame that we have where a lot of this is revolving around time. God's remember lasting to everlasting Thousand years like nothing to the Lord, but for us our whole lives It's like he's just likening this to the grass. Hey, it grows up It's beautiful. It looks great. And then it just withers away and dies like it's just That just happens and that's like our life and you think about thousands of years how many people have been born lived died born lived died born the psycho just keeps on repeating over and over and over again and Really our life like the Bible says it's like a vapor Which appear for a short time and vanish of the way it is so short in the grand Scheme of things and one of the points of this psalm I think is bringing up this being minded That we don't really have a whole lot of time here To God a lot of like a lot of time that we get there's a lot of time is like nothing and in reality our lives Really aren't even that long either Even flourishing and think about this too even flourishing in this life because he's likening, you know, men You know, it says they're like in the morning. They're like grass which growth up in the morning It flourishes and groweth up. So you think about a life that's maybe you're flourishing. Maybe you're being blessed There's a lot of things going really well and and and you kind of have a lot Well, what's gonna happen to that though still? It's ultimately just gonna wither and go away Right, so Instead of worrying about being the prettiest little flower that you could be right on of the the of your life here on earth that grows up real quick and then and then It's gonna be gone and done away You know focus more on the things that are going to matter eternally And and you know everything even of the flourishing life it all gets cut down at all fades in death So it's a it's a reminder to think on the important things Verse 7 for we are consumed by thine anger and by thy wrath are we troubled Thou has set our and this is why God's angry in verse 8 Thou has set our iniquities before thee Our secret sins in the light of thy countenance and keep your place here in turn if you would the first Timothy chapter 5 Everybody has secret sins The sins that no one else knows about but you know what there's always someone who knows about those sins and it's God and That should be a sobering thought To know that God knows all of your secret sins and That's why verse 7 says hey, we're consumed by your anger writing by your wrath. We're we're troubled by the wrath. It's this is All of our iniquities are open before God he knows all of them he knows our secret sins He knows the sins that we do that we did not we even necessarily know our sins ourselves he knows all of them If I was in first Timothy chapter 5 verse 24 some men sins are open beforehand Going before the judgment and some men they follow after So don't think that people are getting you know, like like that somehow your sins are just not going to be known And especially not known unto God Because they will verse 25 says likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand and they that are otherwise cannot be hid God is a God that brings light God is God of truth and brings just light and truth to everything and we need to be living our lives knowing that God will bring things to light and The way that we live in the way that we act in the way that we talk When we're at church and we're around other people and other believers, you know, you ought to be living at least the same way if not even better at home and in your private life and and Just day to day to day Not putting on a show not putting on a facade and when you're by yourself and not in front of anybody Right, and it's just you and the Lord like you live your life to a standard and and and knowing that God is aware of everything that you do and everything that you think and everything that you say and You know, obviously we ought to have a fear of God Of course that is one very good reason To choose to live your life. Holy and as unblameably as you possibly can but there's so much more to it than just the fear One the the God's laws and God's rules for us our they're for our benefit They're they are absolutely for our benefit There God does not put any restriction on us. That is like oh man. Why does he have to do that? And why can't I do this if you don't understand? Okay, you need to learn more but it is for your own benefit Anything that would be considered a sin in the Bible is bad for you and not just because oh well God's gonna punish me and judge me for it. But because inherently it's bad and here they just not good for you So, of course we ought to fear the Lord and of course, we ought to fear being chastened for our sins But of course, we also should know hey, it's still good for us To live holy to live justly. It's also good for us to have a good testimony It's also good to lead other people to Christ. It's also good to earn rewards There's a whole host of reasons why it is good to be to have the right mindset and just be aware Hey, you know your secret sins. They come to light in God's eyes and may also become manifest to Beyond that and and one last point on that too is you know when it comes to secret sins I think you know God is long-suffering and merciful But when you choose to continue in sins, they always come to light it always will come to light Don't think that oh I've been getting away with this for this long and that long or whatever and and I could keep doing this and no one's gonna Know and no one's gonna find out it always comes to light and especially like the worse the sin is the the more egregious it is the just The the the Really bad things that they will be exposed. It's always just a matter of time And that's that's the way that God works because God does shed light on these things Like it said there in verse I mean we're going back to Psalm 90 But some men sins are open beforehand going before to judgment and some men they follow after but it doesn't say anything About men were and some men it just never at all. No, it's not what it says It's either it's either you know before a judgment, but at the very least a judgment time It's all gonna be exposed. It's all gonna be brought aboard above water and people are gonna know What you're guilty of? So, let's keep reading your verse number nine Psalms Psalm 90 verse 9 for all our days are passed away in thy wrath We Spend our years as a tale that is told it's like a story The days of our years are three score years in ten Which is seventy years the score is twenty three score sixty ten seventy and if by reason of strength, they'd be four score years Yet is their strength labor and sorrow For it is soon cut off and we fly away and and again is highlighting What do we live 70 years maybe 80 years and this is still pretty normal for what we see today, too And I don't know exactly what the average lifespan is, but it's got to be somewhere in that range Right, that's pretty much how old people and I know there's always these outliers and people who live to 90 and 100 and you know A little bit beyond maybe but but generally speaking you're looking at averages. You're gonna look at you know, 70 years pre normal 80 years Okay, you've lived a pretty good life a long life living up to 80 and And beyond but at the end of the day he's saying like it's really not that long It's soon just cut off and we fly away So we're not here very long. This just continues to get expressed the notice how with with everything that's being mentioned Whether it be a thousand years with the Lord, it's all talking about the the shortness of our time At the end of day the thousand years is short with God Our lifespan 70 years 80 years. It's not that long We're gonna be cut off and fly away verse 11 who knoweth the power of that anger Even according to thy fear. So is thy wrath So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom So bringing up the point Asking God hey teach us to number our days to treat all of our days as precious and to take advantage of all of our Days and use them wisely Give us the wisdom because we don't have a lot of time here on this earth. Let us be aware of that Let us be conscious of that and look. I mean we might have 70 years 80 years and from different perspectives It might seem like that's a long time But it really isn't And and as I mentioned before, you know The older I get it seems like I feel like I get less and less and less done But I'm even more motivated to try to get stuff done and it's like I think I'm continuing trying to do more and trying to accomplish more and it just Increasingly feels like my feet are just like getting stuck in the mud and the wheels just are barely turning Because the time just goes and goes and goes and it doesn't stop and year after year after year after year It's just like man all these things you want to do. I mean I could think about the things I wanted to do Just a year ago But it's like it's been a whole year and many of those things haven't gotten done at all And I'll confess my faults to you which you already know like our security team We had meetings about that a year ago, okay, and I'm a little bit embarrassed about this The plans I want to get things done you only want to do stuff, but this is just an illustration It's an example, right? There's so many things and I've talked to many of you about the things that I just personally have and I know you all have All things that you want to do right and the things I want to do here like man I want to do this at church I want to do this and I want to do this to serve God and I want to do these things and this is all I want to do all these things but then the time just keeps going doesn't it? The time keeps going it doesn't stop in fact it just feels like it speeds up So what does that mean it means we have to value our time Put a high priority on your time your time is important Because that's all you have to get things done. You you don't have you don't get any more time So how are you gonna use it? are you gonna use it taking naps and sleep with the day away and just being lazy and watching TV and Just doing all these things that will distract you and suck your time away that valuable resource that you have to actually get stuff done So then at the end of your life and at the end of the days You're gonna look back and be like what in the world was I thinking? Because at the end it's like you're done You really last but there's you don't have any more time. Oh, I'll do that tomorrow. I'll do that next week I'll do that next year. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I want to do this. It'll happen at some point Look, you've got to make things happen. You got to make use of your time Prioritize and use it and do it and stop stop with the life-sucking stuff and the time draining activities that really have no value This is why I focus so much on having these challenges and trying to push you to do more and to get rid of the Stuff because it's so easily creeps in and because we have this flesh and the flesh doesn't want you getting stuff done And the stuff the place wants you to do is bad for you. So you want to Get get away flesh stop stop stop drawing me into your web. I Want to get things done I want to do stuff I've realized that my time is short This is one of the main points of Psalm is getting across to us Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom Let's live wisely Verse 13 return Oh law Oh Lord, how long and Let it repent thee Concerning thy servants and notice near the beginning The the admonishment was for man to return To God and and let it repent, you know men need to repent and turn to God and now it's Lord please return to us All right, God God come back to us let it repent thee Concerning thy servants because we just got done talking about his wrath and time while the other stuff and he's saying look Here's what we need to do. We need to count our days as precious. We need to be wise We need to consider all our time We understand this God now, please return to us We want to use our time return unto us Lord. Let it repent thee concerning thy servants Oh satisfy us early with thy mercy God be merciful unto us. We've been wrong. We know that we're you know, we cause you anger and wrath But but Lord, please show us your mercy. We're gonna we're gonna make the best use of our time now That we may rejoice and be glad all our days verse 15 make us glad According to the days were in now us afflicted us and the years were in we have seen evil and what he's saying here is You know for all the days For all the days That we've been afflicted and chastised and and you know brought punishment upon us We now please let us enjoy good and mercy for the same amount of time, you know, like like now instead of instead of all that We want to have Goodness, we want to be glad According to the same number of days that we were being afflicted In the years were and we have seen evil verse 16 let thy work Appear unto thy servants and thy glory unto their children and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and Establish thou the work of our hands upon us. Yea the work of our hands establish thou it this concludes with the with the you know, of course after all the observation of time and Being considerate and getting them getting the wisdom of your time and how important that is and how precious that is and not being in God's wrath but being in his good mercy and saying finally God God Let us help us to make the best use of our time here and bless and establish the work of our hands Help us to get things done bless us so that we can do good things and we could build good things for your sake or for the kingdom of God's sake and That you'll bless us and help us to use our time wisely What a great Psalm and in fact We have a little bit of time left and I want to turn if you would now to Proverbs chapter 8 Proverbs 8 because there's a lot of similarities between Proverbs 8 and What we just read in Psalm 90 The exposition of Psalm 90 is done But Proverbs Proverbs 8 is the chapter that is written as a personification of wisdom Okay, where wisdom is speaking in like a first person as a creature as a being as a person Okay, this is what we read in Proverbs 8 But I also want to point out here and I just want you to be mindful of this and kind of think about this There's also just attributes of God included in Proverbs chapter 8 and there's many things as you're reading this in the first person that can also be applied to say Jesus Christ and That there is absolutely a connection there between that now of course primarily what this is is about just about wisdom being personified but keep that in mind and everything that we just read in Psalm 90 will see some of the similarities there because of course we could we were closing near the Closing verse 12 was numbering our days that we could apply our hearts unto wisdom, but let's start reading in verse number one Proverbs 8 death not wisdom cry and Understanding put forth Her voice she standeth in the top of high places By the way in the places of the paths she crieth at the gates at the entry of the city at the coming in at the doors unto you Oh, man, I call and my voice is to the sons of man. Oh ye simple understand wisdom and he fools be of an understanding heart Here for I will speak of excellent things and the opening of my lips shall be right things and I want to just point out Real quick before we continue and you'll see this as we continue to read as well The the the wisdom is being spoken abroad and allowed into everybody He's saying hey Fools, hey be an understanding her. Well, I want you to I want you fools. I want you to get wisdom Lord's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Hey, I want I want everyone I want the wise to hear this and I want the fools to hear this. I want everyone here I'm gonna be at the entering of the gates I'm gonna go through the city and I am gonna proclaim wisdom, but you need to listen up You need to pay attention you need to be listening here verse 6 For I will speak of excellent things and the opening of my lips shall be right things for my mouth shall speak truth and Wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness. There is nothing forward or perverse in them They are all plain to him that understandeth and right to them that find knowledge receive my instruction and not silver and knowledge Rather than choice gold for wisdom is better than rubies and All the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it The flower in the grass that groweth up and flourisheth and it's kind of in reference there to our time here on this Oh, you can flourish in the silver and the gold. Hey don't seek after that. That's what he's saying here in Proverbs 8 Don't don't see get that get the wisdom Get the knowledge I Wisdom and this is this is clearly the the personification right here say I wisdom I wisdom dwell with prudence and Find out knowledge of witty inventions. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil Pride and arrogance in the evil way in the froward mouth. Do I hate counsel is mine and sound wisdom. I am understanding I have strength by me Kings reign and Princes decreed justice by me princes rule and nobles even all the judges of the earth. I Love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me Riches and honor are with me. Yay durable riches and righteousness So notice as you're seeking wisdom You're seeking the Lord And all of these things are applicable to both My fruit is better than gold yet in fine gold and my revenue than choice silver So In verse 18, he's talking about the riches and the honor and the durable riches that you receive by seeking wisdom Then the next verse he's saying yeah, but what you're going to get that revenue what you receive it's better than gold It's better than the silver. It's better than those physical things It's much better than that. I Lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of the paths of judgment That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will fill their treasures and look This is not talking about you getting rich on this earth Isn't talking about God filling up like the prosperity gospel preachers are gonna tell you Oh, man, you you know you give a hundred and he'll give you ten thousand and you get you know Like you reach deep into your pocket and you pull out that money and you know and God will bless you and you'll have all you know Not with this world's riches It's entice people with with this thought of making you know Like winning the lottery or something and be like I've got I've got the special secret of getting the right numbers to win the lotto It's giving all my money to that preacher. That's telling me that if I do that then God will will Make me win the lot or you know, somehow bring all kinds of money into my life. Look that's not It's not what this is talking about at all It's the things that are way better than that Way better than the gold way better than the silver way better than the money that oftentimes destroys people anyways, I Mean who really wants to be rich The fool wants to be rich. I'll tell you that much right now Say well past versions. I want to be rich Not changing what I said, I Don't care who it is that says well, I want to be rich You're full you're full You don't have a lot of wisdom Like like Proverbs states that you know, we you know, we ought to be we don't want to be poor And we don't want to be rich You want to have food and drink and clothing and we want to be able to be provided for we want to be able to Live so that we're not tempted to steal and that we're in such a bad situation So hungry and without so much that we they were tempted to steal but at the same time We don't want to be so lifted up and so exalted so rich that we just forget about God And get so comfortable here on this earth that we're not we're not knowing how to abound and how to stay Focused on the things of God and we just kind of get turned off into the ways of the world It's it's all it's all facade anyways you think Think that money is gonna solve your problems and it never does never does And and just for my own experience I've continued to make more and more money as kind of makes sense over the Decades of work that I put into my industry you just show you know slowly and generally that's why most people do you work and you? Kind of make more and more and more you crease it crease crease And there's always It's always a reason to feel like you need to make more always If you give yourself to that thinking to that mindset You know, what's great is when you're already content And you're not stressing about that stuff and then you get more and like well cool Cool Great it's fine. Awesome But I don't want to get too deep in that let's keep reading here There's a there's another at least one more verse that I want to point out here In Proverbs 8 Let's see we'll pick up in verse 20 I lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of the paths of judgment that I may cause those that love me to Inherit substance and I will fill their treasures the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way Before his works of old look at this verse 23. I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was Wisdom from everlasting because the wisdom comes from God, right and we see there a very clear tie to a lot of these truths just being tied in with seeking Lord seeking God seeking Jesus For the same reason that you seek wisdom verse 24 when there was no when there were no depths. I was brought forth When there were no fountains Abounding with water before the mountains were settled Before the hills was I brought forth Well as yet he had not made the earth nor the fields nor the highest part of the dust of the world When he prepared the heavens I was there When he set a compass upon the face of the depth when he established the clouds above When he strengthened the fountains of the deep when he gave to the sea his decree that the water should not pass his commandment When he appointed the foundations of the earth Then I was by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight Rejoicing always before him rejoicing in the inhabitable Part of his earth and my delights were with the sons of men Now therefore hearken unto me. Oh you children for blessed are they that keep my ways Hear instruction and be wise and refuse it not blessed is the man that heareth me Watching daily at my gates waiting at the posts of my doors For who so findeth me findeth life Another attribute of Christ, right? And shall obtain favor of the Lord, but he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul all they that hate me love death and The other thing I just want to point out here about saw a Proverbs 8 to me is Wisdom is of old The wisdom isn't found in new things wisdom has been around since before even creation because the ultimate wisdom truth comes from God and Hey Final thoughts, let's use our time wisely You don't know what a day is gonna bring we don't Even even if you continue to survive you don't know what a day is gonna bring you might you might lose Things that you never thought you'd lose You might get an accident you might lose your mobility you might let you know Like just totally different conditions to your life that you never imagined we're gonna happen because we have all the tendency to think That things are going to continue the same way as it has been that's the way we work That's the way humans operate we tend to think every day is going to be like the day before just in general, right? I'm not saying that's bad and I'm saying that's wrong Okay, but we also need to have the wisdom to know that that may not be the case And so we can't just assume and think that we can just do all of this other stuff and especially just be putting things off to the future Especially when you could do them today right make And of course you can't do everything at once so prioritize the importance of the work that you want to do So that the things that you do want to do later Okay, you know keep it on the list but do the most important things first and start getting the the most important stuff done Let's pray and have a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you so much for the wisdom that we find in your word, we thank you for Psalm 90 and What a great prayer Psalm 90 is and I pray that you would please help us to Make the the best use of our time and understand that we have a short time here Lord, please Please bless everyone here tonight. Help us all to learn and grow and understand more and to Stop wasting our time with things that really don't matter but Find more ways to get things done and serve you better. God. We love you. We are sincere We want to do some things in our church to help to bring about the gospel of Jesus Christ at the end of the day That's the most important thing. We want to do help us to reach people with the gospel help us to Get people baptized and get people Discipled and learning and growing and truth so they could join us and continue to do the work that we're doing here God bless our church and keep us all safe as we go our separate ways this evening. We love you It's in Jesus name we pray. Amen All right, we're gonna sing one last song before we are dismissed brother Peter, please lead us All right church grab your handles and open up the song number 396 Song 396 so little time All right church let's sing this out in the first Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh All right church great singing thank you so much for coming you guys You