(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you alright welcome everybody to our old Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening Can we all find our seats and grab a song book? We'll get started. If you would please open up the song number 325. Song number 325, Trust and Obey. Song number 325. Singing out on that first verse. When we walk with the Lord, in the light of his word, what a lonely heat sheds on our way. Longing to his good will, he abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies, but it's found when he drives it away. Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear, he'll find while we trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, but a soul we have which we remain. Not a grief or a loss, not found or ungrossed, but his last gift we trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. But we never can prove the delights of his love until all are the altar we lay. For the favor he shows, and the joy he bestows, but for them who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. When fellowship's sweet, we will say it at his feet, or we'll walk by his side in the rain. All he says we will do, where he sins we will go. Never fear, only trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. Amen. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you for bringing us all here together safely on this Wednesday evening. We pray for your blessing upon the service. We pray that the music and the singing will be a blessing not only to us, dear Lord, but especially to you that we bring you honor and praise. Lord, you're so worthy of it. We pray that you please help us to not only trust in you, but to trust and obey so that we can be happy in Jesus as this great song says. We pray that you would bless the service tonight. Help me to be able to preach your word in truth and boldness. Lord, just help us all to learn before we go our separate ways this evening. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, let's turn to our next song, song number five. Song number five. When I survey the wondrous cross, song number five. When I survey the wondrous cross, on which the prince of glory died, my richest King I felt the loss. And for the tenth of all my life, for many more that I should boast, save in the death of Christ my God. All the main things that sure behold, I sacrifice them to his blood. Shave from his head, his hands in his feet, sorrow and love totally cooled down. If such love and sorrow be, for thoughts composed to reach the ground, fur the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small. Love so amazing, so divine, demand my soul, my life, my own. All right, this time I'm going to go through our announcements. If you don't have a bulletin, just slip your hand up real high and one of our shows we'll make sure that we get one out to you. If you open up to the first page, you will see our service times listed there as always Sunday morning at ten thirty Sunday evening again at five o'clock. Wednesday night at seven is our Bible study. Pardon me, we got the soul winning opportunities listed there as well as our salvation and baptisms for the month of August as well as for the year. We've got the offering totals down there at the bottom of the page also received through the month of August. Let's go ahead. If there's any salvation numbers to report, just slip your hand up real quick. We'll get those counted up. Yes, sir. One on Monday. Amen. Anybody else? All right. Good job. Keep up the good work. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Prayer requests. We had an update added for Rigo. I'll have to reread Rigo's update. I know he's been released, but they're still going through some other hardships. He's unable to walk on his own, unfortunately. That's obviously going to be very critical for him being able to work, his being able to walk. I'm pretty sure he does work with Brother Jeff. They do a lot of landscaping, construction, all kinds of that type of work, manual labor work. So he really is going to need to get back to work. So pray for him and his family. Pray he gets complete healing, gets good employment, and they're also looking for a new place to live. So I believe they're out of the place they were staying at. So please pray for Rigo and his family. I don't know how he didn't make it on the list. I had him on there, in any case, to make sure they stay on the list. And then, of course, pray for all of our ladies who are with CHILD and everybody else who is on this list. We may not be receiving updates all the time, especially with people who are dealing with some very serious long-term health problems. Please don't forget to pray for all of them. And does anyone have any updates? Yes, sir? His grandmother? She passed. How long ago? Do you know about, like? Okay, so probably not too long ago. So if you didn't hear that, we were praying for Victor's grandmother, and she had passed away a little bit earlier this week. So I believe it's earlier this week. They just had a funeral services today. Just pray for comfort for his whole family and any other updates. And that wasn't unexpected. That was what they were anticipating already. But obviously it's still a very, very sad time for the family, so please pray for them. All right. If there's no other updates, then on the next page. We had a great soul-winning event on that Saturday. Last Saturday was awesome. We went to Charlotte, North Carolina. Seventy people were there. And just a really good day overall. A lot of people got saved. Sixty-six salvation is what we counted up. And yeah, there was a lot of people joined us from North Carolina, some people from South Carolina, people from Georgia, all over the place. And beyond. Canada, Tennessee. So we're really reaching a lot. A lot of people are following our ministry, so this is awesome, too. It's exciting to get more people excited about serving the Lord. And when people get real excited to just take it on themselves, to drive out and join up with us and just do the work, it's amazing. Because even though a lot of those people don't necessarily attend church here, they bring that same zeal and excitement back with them wherever they're serving the Lord in their local churches. So just remember that. Remember that when we have events, that you are an encouragement for all those other people that show up, too. It really is. I mean, they're a big encouragement for me. I love seeing all those people. I'm sure you do, too. But at the same time, of course, it's reciprocated. We're a blessing to them, and they get a lot of edification from coming to our events. So if you don't normally attend our events, think about starting to come to especially the soul-winning events. It's a big deal. So anyways, appreciate everybody that was there for that. And we've got another one that will be coming up in the fourth quarter this year to Chattanooga. So I'll give the details on that a little bit later. It won't be in December, I can tell you that much. December is just too busy as of a month in general. So it'll probably be November if you're just kind of trying to gauge it, but not too late because we've got Thanksgiving at the end of November. So probably at that time frame, but I'm not ruling out October either. So just something to think about. I'm going to kind of check on the weather up in Chattanooga and see what it looks like things are normally like different October, November time of year. So in any case, let's continue on here. September challenge. September challenge is a church attendance. So the goal is to just basically come to church every time there's a service, which is for us three times a week. And if you are unable to make it to our church, to go to a church, a legitimate church, go to church for one of the services. If you're not able to make it to ours, find a church to go to. And church is so important. So that's a challenge for this month. Give me a little bit of break after that. The Bible memory passage is significant. I think that's a good that was a really good challenge. He was chapter nine. So we definitely had had some people complete that, and it was a lot of hard work went into that. So good job for those of you who completed that. You will be getting prizes soon. I'm not making any guarantees, though. I don't I don't make vows on prizes because I don't have the best track record for being on time with all that. But it will come. So just keep coming. This is how I keep people coming back to church. Like, oh, you sold me a prize. You'll get it. Just keep coming. You'll get you'll get a prize. Hebrews 10 is our next Bible memory passage. I split this in half because it's a pretty long, long chapter. So we're going back to our pace of about two verses a week. And I'm telling you, I fully believe this space is possible for anybody to do this. All Bible memory requires effort. But but this is very doable. It does not require too much time on a on a day to day basis. It doesn't really require a whole lot to do that. If you stay consistent, if you can do it, say, I'm going to set aside. Five to 10 minutes, really, two verses a week is about five to 10 minutes per day. Maybe a little bit more as you start adding on more of the verses getting closer to the end to try to keep all of it in context, but really in memory. But it's it's not it's not that much time. So I encourage you to participate in this if you don't normally do any Bible memory. Hebrews 10, great passage to memorize upcoming birthdays and anniversaries are listed there. Let's see what what is today's date? Anyways, today's the sixth. Man, we got all these September birthdays, anniversaries and none today. So, Silas, you just barely missed it one day. Next year, next year, you get that birth, that ice cream. Although I don't know, I think next year is a leap year to screw everything up. So we'll see. All right. On the back, we've got the upcoming events. The homeschool field trip is this Friday. So if you haven't RSVP'd already, it might be too late. I don't know. Is it too late or maybe squeeze them in if people want to want to show up. OK, make sure you get you get your let the Johnsons know if you plan on attending homeschool field trip. It's going to be right here. So it sounds like it could be a lot of fun. The sign up sheet is over there. They have a couple more that are in the works and being scheduled. There's there's more field trips to come. We'll give more announcements about that on Sunday in the bulletin. But and just for those of you that may be curious, I am there's a lot of things coming up. I'll be announcing them soon, but I've been trying to not spend as much money for the church in general, because we've got some bigger plans that are coming up. So homeschool field trips is one of those things, which is why we're not doing some of the more expensive trips that we've done in the past. We're trying to really just keep pay close attention to where we're spending on everything. And it's it's for a very, very good reason. So like I said, I think everyone will be on board with that. And this ties in also with part of the decision making for the camping trip as well with the cottages. So that is going to be left up to you if you want to reserve a cottage to decide if it's if it's worth spending the money on it. We'll keep them held and then let them go when it gets when we have to. If if no one wants to sign up for them. So that is how that is going to work. But, you know, it's it's only up to you. We're going to hold the place so that no one else can scoop it up before you get a chance to to do that. And then, of course, the other events are listed there. Talk about these quite a bit. So that's about it for our announcements. Let's go ahead and turn to our next song. Let's turn our song books to song number one hundred and twenty nine. One hundred and twenty nine. Rock of Ages. One hundred and twenty nine. Rock of Ages. Rock of Ages. My. Amen. All right. At this time, I'm going to ask the ushers to come forward and take our offering. Of course, our Wednesday night operate goes to support our missionary right now is brother to brother Matthew Stuckey, which he is going to be ordained as pastor very shortly within, I think, within a couple of weeks. So that's really exciting news. I need to reach out and speak to him to see how their ministry is going. We may or may not continue to support him as their independent if they if they need resources still because the Philippines doesn't. You know, it's not the richest country that we I have no problem continuing to support church just as much as someone who's not ordained as a pastor. You know, I mean, whether or not he's actually ordained as pastor doesn't necessarily mean we have to stop sending support if they need it. So, of course, we'll give the support if he needs it. But just the fact that he's being ordained and becoming independent, I'll talk to him and see if they are pretty financially stable anyways. And then maybe we'll consider some other options. But just so you know, Wednesday night giving you give on Wednesday night. Or you can obviously still give to missions on a Sunday as well. Just make it marked on your giving. However, you decide to give that you want that money to go towards missions because we do keep that money separate. And that money goes 100 percent to people that I know are doing a very good job out on the field. So they're not just sitting back like a paycheck and wasting your money on a permanent vacation somewhere with a cush job. They are doing the work of Lord. And that's that's where I want my money going. I want to support someone. I want someone doing the work. And Brother Stuckey is an awesome guy. Great soul winner. Great heart for the Lord. And definitely someone that I'm very happy to support in any way that we can. So anyway, all that being said, let's open up our Bibles this evening. This evening, Psalm 70, Psalm 70, I'm going to ask brother Dakota. He would come up and read this song for us this evening. That's Psalm 70 once again. Make haste, O God, to deliver me. Make haste to help me, O Lord. Let me be let me let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul. Let them be turned backward and put to confusion. That desire my hurt. Let them be turned back for reward of their shame. That say, aha, aha. Let all those that seek to rejoice and be glad in thee. And let such as love thy salvation say continually, let God be magnified. But I am poor and needy. Make haste unto me, O God. Thou art my help and my deliverer. O Lord, make no tarrying. Let's pray. Thank you for allowing us to gather here tonight. And I say you will bless Pastor Burdens and allow him to edify us. And just thank you for allowing us to come here and keep us all safe as we make our way home and bless the singing and the brothership afterwards. Thank you. And we love you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. All right. Obviously Psalm 70 is not very long. It's only five verses. It's also a very familiar theme that we've seen quite a bit in the book of Psalms as well. And one thing I want to point out, and I believe I mentioned this when we went through Psalm 40, but if you want to put another bookmark in Psalm 40, we're going to be comparing the two a little bit tonight, because the latter portion kind of last section of Psalm 40 is almost identical to Psalm 70. So these are like literally the same concepts coming up being repeated in the word of the Lord. And as I mentioned before, when things are repeated more frequently, we ought to pay more attention to them. And that's why I have no problems preaching, even if some of the topics are very similar. And I kind of cover some of the same things. It just means let's absorb as much as possible. If we need to keep on hearing some of the same type of theme, then let's strengthen ourselves in those things and be aware of those things. And especially in this particular Psalm, in these five verses, there's one thing in particular that really stood out to me that's throughout these five verses, called the feeling of this Psalm, is what I subtitled the sermon for tonight. It's make haste unto me. And let's just reread this real quick. The Bible says, make haste, O God, to deliver me. Make haste to help me, O Lord. And then it says there on the, you know, let them be ashamed, confounded, that seek after my soul. Let them be turned backward and put to confusion that desire my hurt. Again, it's this theme of people coming after you and you being in trouble. And he's saying, O God, please come quickly. Like, I need you now, Lord. Please come and help me out right now. Let them be turned back for reward, for the shame that say, aha, aha, let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee. So, and this is a much more truncated version of what we've seen elaborated on a lot more in some of the other Psalms, where there's the plea for help, there's the wicked people being mentioned, judgments coming upon them, and all those that love the Lord being rejoicing and being happy in God, in their defender, in their salvation, such as love thy salvation, that continually thy God be magnified, references to praising the Lord. And then verse five, but I am poor and needy, make haste unto me, O God, thou art my help and my deliver, O Lord, make no tearing. So the first verse and the last verse twice makes mention of the speed with which the psalmist here wants God to help, to deliver, to be there. And of course, we could probably all relate to this. When you're going through the difficult times, when someone's literally might be coming after you, that's when you want God, I want you here now, right? Like, like, please help me now because there's threats now because the whoever is seeking after me and seeking after my soul wants to do me harm. Lord, please help me now. And there's nothing, first of all, I want to say there's nothing wrong with asking God to help you like immediately with issues right now. This is a common theme. This is something that we see being asked of the Lord many times. But we also have to remember along with that, that our time frame is not always the same as God's time frame, right? While we have the urgency in our minds and in our hearts, oftentimes that urgency is really because we don't we just don't know how things are going to go. We don't know what's next. And it's not our fault for not knowing. But that's why the urgency there is like, man, I don't know what's going to happen. God, just please come and save me right now. But see, God does know what's going to happen. God has foreknowledge in everything. And the hard part is when things are urgent for us to remember to remember that to call to memory. That even though it might not seem like God is right there saving you in that instant. It doesn't mean he's not hearing you. It doesn't mean he's forgotten about you. It doesn't mean that he's, you know, well, now I'm just going to where is God? I'm just going to lose my faith in God. Right. Because God knows all things. And the purpose for why God does what he does and when he does is known only unto him. Right now, oftentimes we know later we could come to understand and see some of the wisdom and going through some of the hard times. Much later. But in the moment, we don't always know that. And in this, the main thing that stuck out about this to me is that is that urgency, that sense of Lord, please come right now. And, you know, that ought to be the first place that we go to at any sign of trouble is going to the Lord and just seeking him early. Right. And not waiting the last minute, but sometimes it's just the way it comes up. We ought to have a good relationship with the Lord. We're listening to him on a regular basis. We're hearing from him. We're in the word. We're in prayer to God. So then when things do happen, it's not out of the ordinary either. Right. We're maintaining a good relationship. Now, I had you turn to Psalm 40 and we're just going to go through this. Really quickly. As well. And we're going to compare. Psalm 40 with Psalm 70. So you could if you want to look at Psalm 40, you can look at Psalm 40. If you want to look at Psalm 70, you can look at Psalm 70. I'll be reading out of Psalm 40. In fact, if you want to just look at Psalm 70, this might be better. I'll start reading from Psalm 40, verse 13, and you can just look at the words in Psalm 70 and see how close they are and where the differences are. So verse 13 is where we're going to start in Psalm 40. Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me. O Lord, make haste to help me. So at verse 13, make haste to help me is found verbatim in verse number one of Psalm 70. Verse 14, let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it. So one thing that's that's added here, of course, is to destroy it. It's pretty much inferred in Psalm 70, but here it spells it out verse 14 of some 40. Let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil. Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame that say unto me, aha, aha. And that's that that attitude of aha, aha. And the wicked doer that he's saying, let them be desolate for reward of their shame. And it's that attitude. It's the same attitude that the wicked people had of Jesus Christ when he was up on the cross. And they're saying, oh, you know, come down from the cross now. Oh, you know, you're not so tough now. Where's all your miracles? Why don't you just come down off the cross? I mean, if you're really the Christ, you know, and they're mocking and scorning and ridiculing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But this is the same thing that, you know, it's the same pattern that a lot of wicked people will do is use this scorn and have that aha type of an attitude. And what's being requested here of the Lord is saying, hey, let them be turned back. Like when they think they're winning, when they think everything is going good for them and bad for you, that's when they want to score. And that's when they want to have this type of an attitude. And he's saying, you know, let them be desolate. Let them be emptied out. Let them be turned away backward. God, you know, turn them around. Turn the tables back on them and let that be a reward of their shame. Now, shame, the shamefulness and the shame that goes along with the wicked doer is found, again, all throughout Scripture. And I'll get back to going through Psalm 40 if you just stay in Psalm 70. Actually, flip back if you go to Psalm 35. Psalm 35 also is very similar in the theme, at least this portion of Psalm 35 that we're going to read with Psalm 70 as well as the latter portion of Psalm 40. Not quite as identical as Psalm 40 is, but we're going to start reading Psalm 35 in verse number 15. The Bible says, But in mine adversity they rejoiced and gathered themselves together. Yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not. They did tear me and ceased not. With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. And, you know, this gnashing upon with the teeth, this isn't like a literal like they're chewing off parts of his flesh. It means they're like backbiting and they're saying a lot of nasty things and they're using their mouth like a weapon against them. And that's what it means when they're gnashing on them with their teeth. And I've heard some people say things before that they might think otherwise. But this is this is literally just talking about them saying just just biting and devouring like the Bible say, biting and devouring one another. You do that with your words. Obviously, that's not a physical thing. And these are the the abjects or rejects, right, that are gathered themselves together. He says, Look, I didn't even know it. They tear at me. They don't stop. It's it's giving some of the characteristics of people who are who are rejects like Romans one talks about that they're that they're unmerciful. And and they they have that they have this this rage inside of them against everything that's good and godly. And it's it's amazing how triggered these people that hate God can get. I mean, it's exactly what we experienced. And it's amazing when you when you get across these people sometimes when when when they're going to let their true colors show, because sometimes they don't let their true colors show on who they are. As the psalmist says here in Psalm 35, he's like, I didn't know it right. They gathered themselves together against me, but I didn't even know it. They're doing things in secret because a lot of times these people do things in secret. And then when it comes out the open, it's like, oh, man, these guys are relentless. And for those of you that didn't hear, we had this story of going out soul winning on Sunday. And I mean, it's like I knew right away. First of all, I had a little bit of an understanding just because Brother D.J. told me in the past, like he's like, hey, I went to this place and told me what happened. But I didn't really understand much about it other than just this this happened. They called the cops on us, which is like, OK, just because someone calls the cops doesn't mean that they're just like a total God hater or anything else. People get upset about about different things and that doesn't automatically just make them some some reject or God hater. Right. But in this case, it's like we just show up. And as soon as we just get started doing anything, it's just they're coming out and they're just like, yeah, you got to get out of here. And they're yelling and all this other stuff. And just from the very get go, lies just start foaming out of this guy's mouth. So that was like, I know who you are. You've been here before. I'm like, you're a liar. You're a liar. You know who I am. And what's my name? If you know me. Oh, you can't tell me my name. You see, you said you've seen me here before. I've been here. I've never been here a day in my life. Never stepped foot on that property ever once in my life. It's true. Never have never been here before. Never been to this place. Never seen me before. Doesn't know me. But just right off the bat, just starts lying. And it's like, that's how you know that that's a very first like like that's the first interaction. It's not going very well. And you guys got to get air. It's like, you know what? No, we're going to we're going to keep doing what we're doing. I'm going to call the cops. Go ahead. Call the cops. You could you could call the cops if you want. Fine with me. But I've got work to do. So we'll see him. And they would not stop. It was relentless. The people, they just harassing and going after. And, you know, they were angry because then the cops didn't kick us out because they're like, you know, we're just doing what we have every right to do. And the guy ended up posting something on social media. And it's like every single statement that he made on social media was a lie. It's like these people just won. They're in such a rage against the Lord. And the reason why they didn't want us there, by the way, you know, these people are homos. And by one testimony of one of the residents, they're a pedophile. So I don't know specifically, like, but the guy the guy admit, I'll tell you this much when we were leaving, because these people just just would not stop. And when we're leaving, I was like, oh, are you guys are you the sodomites? And he said, well, yes, like. And I said this, I said, well, that's why you hate God so much. And we left. I mean, that was it. That wasn't a big confrontation. They're sitting in their car and they're recording and, you know, like, like I'm recording like, go ahead, record me. I'm being recorded right now, too, as I tell the story. That's exactly what happened. I actually record everything that I preach and I put it out for the world to see. So you could record me asking you if you're a sodomite. And why don't you put that part up where you said, well, yes. Because, because he's not going to put that up because he lied when he posts on social media saying, oh, we have to live in, why do we have to live in fear of these people? He preaches kill the gays. Like, no, no, I don't. I preach that it ought to be against the law and that there ought to be a court and a trial and that it ought to be a law on the books and it ought to be a capital crime. It's not, it's not a, oh, let's go gay bashing, right, which is why he's making it sound like, oh, I was in fear for my safety. You are so in fear for your safety that you're chasing us around the complex. Boy, you sound like you're really afraid. But that's how he wants to portray it to everybody else. It's the victim card, oh, it's the, oh, woe is me, oh, we have to be fearful. Who knows what these lunatics are going to do when, in fact, they're the lunatics. And again, based on the, and man, I had to leave because there was one family I was talking to and they were just going on and on and on and on about all these stories with these people because they're running their HOA there. I mean, you talk about the worst HOA in the world, I think this takes a cake. They said they had some transgender as the president and then these other homos on the board as well. It seemed like every member who's on this board is just a sodomite. And they had it out for not just us but everyone in that community. It's just crazy. It's the only place I've been to where the people were telling us how crazy they were. I mean, I live in an HOA. I don't even know who's on the board, let alone if some stranger came to my house to talk about the Bible. It's not some big thing in the forefront of my mind. I'm just going to be like, man, these guys are so wicked and they're nuts and they're doing this and they're doing that. And they're, you know, it's like good night. Right, people tell me like they're evil, they're wicked. Yeah, that's what I've been saying for a long time. And then I find out they're homos. It's like, well, yeah, of course, that makes perfect sense. That's what I've been saying. Anyways, I don't want to get too far. Every single statement that that person made, though, was a lie. Every single one was a lie. He said, I called him a sodomite. No, I didn't. I asked him a question. Are you sodomites? To which he said yes. You're calling me names. He said I called him a name when he first came to our door and I called him a liar. So that's not a name. It's an adjective. That's not a name. It's an adjective. It describes what you are. You're like, you're lying. Are you calling me names? Crazy. These are the type of people, though, and even why this even popped in my mind, besides that we were just talking about before service, is, you know, in this place they have cameras all over the place, too. And they're, like, watching everybody that comes in and all the residents all the time. That's how they knew at the very first building we were there that they approached us to get us out of the community. Because they're just watching. It's creepy. It's weird. But it's this... Conspiring weirdos. Anyways, let's keep going here in Psalm 35. I don't even know, like... Let's keep going here in Psalm 35. Verse number 17, I think, is where we were. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? Rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation. I will praise thee among much people. And one more point here real quick. And keep your place in Psalm 35. Turn, if you would, just real quick to Romans 1. I just want to make this point. I think it's important to make this point. And this is the point that people like me, other preachers that believe the same way that I do about this subject. There's a reason why we scream and yell about this and why it comes up and why we warn and why we preach about this. It's because the brainwashing has been going on for way too long. Because the public perception of the alphabet animals is nowhere near where it needs to be. We need to ratchet things back to the way it used to be where people would understand, no, these guys are freaks and perverts and weirdos and don't let your kids around them because they're dangerous. People used to understand that fact. It's a fact. They prey, they're predators. They prey on people. They want to hurt people. They hurt each other. It's the most destructive lifestyle, if you want to call it that. It is extremely destructive to those in it as well as those around them. To the kids that are around them, to the people involved in it. That's why you've had, look, this is no surprise to law enforcement or anyone else that's involved because they see what happens. There's a reason why all these serial killers and mass murderers, you find out, oh yeah, they're homos. Because who they really are is not who the media is portraying them to be. They're not this simple, harmless little, oh, he's just a silly little faggot. You know, just, oh, he's cute and funny and whatever, right? And just some flaming fairy bouncing around that wouldn't hurt a fly. No, that's what they're going to try to tell you and make you think that they are. But look, don't be deceived. That's how they act when they want to be accepted. That's how they act when they don't want to be viewed as a threat. But make no mistake about it, the more bold they get, the more their true colors are really going to come out, the more they feel like they can get away with stuff, the more the law is going to endorse them, the more that people in general are going to be accepting it, the worse and worse they're going to get until it literally does turn out to be like Sodom, where the Sodomites can environ a house roundabout that just has some righteous people doing wholesome things inside, enjoying a meal, and people are just going to come banging on the door, looking to do vile, reprehensible, unspeakable things to the guests that showed up to the house. And they're not going to be afraid to do it because there's so many of them. Because now they're going to feel comfortable doing that. And Romans 1 gives us an insight into what they're really about in the heart. See, anybody can put up a mask, anybody can put on the costume, anyone can put on the sheep's clothing, and make themselves look harmless. But don't be deceived by these people, which is why the Bible outlines everything that it does right here. And when we look at this, it talks about people giving over to reprobate mind, verse 28, and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. And just to point this out, show me the pride flag-waving person marching up and down the street that doesn't hate God. And when I say hate God, I mean the God, like the God of the Bible. Not some made-up God, not some spiritualness or anything else. I'm talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. They hate the God of the Bible. They hate the Word of God. They hate it with passion. And that, I mean, anybody can see that. Verse 29, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, they're filthy, they're dirty, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, maliciousness, it's full of malice, right, wanting to hurt people. That's what maliciousness is, full of envy, murder, deceit or debate, deceit, malignity, maligning people, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, there's your pride, boasters, inventors of evil things. This will be in parents without understanding, covenant breakers without natural affection. Implacable, unmerciful. They can't be placated. That's what that means. They'll never be satisfied and they don't show mercy. And if you haven't already started to see this picture with today's cancel culture, it's not enough for someone to say they're sorry. They want to destroy them down to the ground. Anyone says anything contrary, they want you dead. They want to stamp them out and wipe them off the face of this earth because they're implacable and they're unmerciful. And it was, oh, we just want to love who we want to love. Oh, we just want to get married. Oh, we just want to adopt children. Oh, we just want, you know, and it's never enough. They're never going to be satisfied. To the point to where there's going to bite and devour one another, too. It's insanity. We need the word of God to shed light on this stuff because there's so many lies out there. But as we continue, I think it just becomes so much more obvious that that was right. You see the attributes, you see the characteristics more and more increasingly coming out and making themselves known to where the things that I say now are being, are considered less and less radical in light of what people can actually see now. Even five or ten years ago, it seemed more extreme because they hadn't gotten as open as they are now and they're going to continue to get worse. I mean, I'm sorry when you could just boldly march into some public library dressed, you know, cross-dressed and just literally just go for the kids and try to teach them that perversion is just fine. I mean, how far is society gone when that is going to be considered acceptable by anybody, by anybody in a society and people aren't just completely flipping out. I mean, Jesus flipped over the money changers tables. Anybody in a library like that ought to be flipping out and flipping those people out the door. They're going to try to influence children with their perversion. That's disgusting. And that's why, you know, Jesus flipped over the money changers tables, but he rained fire and brimstone down on Sodom and Gomorrah. Let's keep going here. So the plea in Psalm 35 to rescue, rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions, I will give thee thanks in the great congregation. I will praise thee among much people. Here comes that praise, right, which we also see in Psalm 70. Verse 19, let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me. Neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause for they speak not peace, but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land. Yea, they opened their mouth wide against me and said, aha, aha, our eye hath seen it. It's the same attitude. You notice how these are linked together. They're saying the same thing. It's the same type of people. It's the same wicked group that are going to go after the righteous without a cause because they hate God, because they hate the things of God. They hate the people of God. And they won't rest unless they do some wicked, some evil. Verse 22, this thou hast seen, O Lord, keep not silence. O Lord, be not far from me. Stir up thyself and await to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord. Judge me, O Lord, my God, according to thy righteousness, and let them not rejoice over me. Now, when you say here judge me, he's not saying like judge me for my sins. He's saying judge me because I haven't done anything to them. Judge my situation. Judge me. Judge everything that's happening to me, God. That's what he's asking for. It would be anyone who's being wrong is going to want to go to judge and be like, hey, can I get some judgment here? Can you please judge me? Can you judge my situation? That's what he's saying. That's why he's going to God saying, look, judge me according to thy righteousness, and let them not rejoice over me. Let them not say in their hearts, ah, so would we have it. Let them not say we have swallowed him up. Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice and mine hurt. Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor that magnify themselves against me. Flip back, if you would, to Psalm 6. I'm going to read from Philippians 3. Philippians 3, 18, the Bible says this, For many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. It's like how many different ways can we spell this out? How many different groups of people are there that, if you just think of the most shameful thing, that they're going to take pride in or glory in that? I mean, literally, pride as it's known today. What is that pride in? It's pride in being a pervert. It's pride in doing something that is probably one of the most shameful acts that any person can commit. It is full of shame for a man to lie with a man or a woman to lie with a woman, and they glory in that shame. This is what the Bible is talking about. This is what he's talking about. Like, come on, wake up people. This is what the Bible is talking about. These are wicked people. They're not the only wicked people in this world, but it's kind of like, to those that want to say, oh, we're tolerant, we love you. No, no. How tolerant and loving are you towards a pedophile? That's the same amount of tolerance and love you should have towards these guys, towards the pride community, because it's the same people. For the enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, God is in their belly, and glory is in their shame, who mine earthly things. Psalm 6, verse number 10, the Bible says, Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed. Let them return and be ashamed suddenly. And Lord, Lord, please, let these wicked perverts be ashamed. Even though they glory in their shame, God, let them be ashamed and confounded in the sight of the whole world. That's my prayer today. Just like the psalmist. Let them be ashamed, dear Lord. I'm sick of the righteous having to, you know, people trying to even feel ashamed for what they believe in if they're believing in the truth and they're believing in the Bible. And it is a shame if you're ashamed of the truth. Don't be one of these people that's afraid and ashamed to say what you actually believe about the word of God and about these perverts. They're the ones that ought to be ashamed, not you. Let them be ashamed. Let mine enemies be ashamed. Psalm 25, I'm going to turn to Psalm 25, verse number two, the Bible reads, Oh my God, I trust in thee. Let me not be ashamed. Let not mine enemies triumph over me. Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed. Let them be ashamed which transgress without cause. Similar themes talking about, look, don't let me be ashamed. Let them be ashamed. I'll read this for you. Psalm 119, verse 78 says, Let the proud be ashamed. Let the proud be ashamed. For they dealt perversely with me without a cause. But I will meditate in thy precepts. Jeremiah chapter 20. Jeremiah chapter 20, verse number 10, the Bible reads, For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure, he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him. The mercilessness of the word of God the mercilessness of the enemy against the Christian, against the believer, against the righteous, I mean, they are just going to be watching. And you know, the more that you serve the Lord, the more enemies you're going to garner of people that want to bring you down. It's a fact. Just wait. It's coming here. It's coming here. It's a matter of time. It's just a matter of time. People that hate God are going to be doing the same exact thing like they did to Jeremiah, like they did to Ezekiel, like they did to John the Baptist, like they did to pretty much every prophet of God, Elijah. Go on and on and on with all the men of God that had these people watching and waiting. Daniel, how about that? These people, just wicked people, just looking to tear them down at any moment. Nothing but hatred in their heart for Daniel. And Daniel's a righteous guy. What did he do to them? Nothing. They were just envious and covetous. Verse 11, Verse 11, Praise ye the Lord, for he hath delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers. The righteous indignation and the righteous pursuit of judgment from the Lord is found throughout the Bible. This isn't a one-off passage. The book of Psalms is not a one-off book of like, Oh, well, yeah, in the Psalms he's looking for judgment. No. There's nothing wrong with seeking judgment against the evil doer, the wicked people that hate the righteous for no cause, that are the enemies of the cross of Christ, whose God is their belly and they glory in their shame. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see God bring judgment upon those people. There's nothing wrong with it. It's literally being taught in scripture here. We see holy men of God as they spake by the Holy Ghost saying these things. And as I've mentioned in the past, yes, we need the right balance. Because this is not your average person. The wicked doer, the evil doer here that they're talking about, that's not your average unbeliever or your average sinner. It's not. It's not the same thing. The majority of the world is just full of what I would just call or categorize as average sinners. The vast majority of the world. And then you've got a small amount of the world that are believers and another small amount of the world that are these evil wicked doers that don't sleep unless they've done some evil. And it's that simple. And that's where we just have to have the discernment and understanding of going, okay, well, take the Bible as a whole. As a whole, we see a lot of mercy and a lot of long suffering and a lot of loving our enemies and a lot of doing good unto those that hate us. And, you know, yes, absolutely. But, hey, how many times do we see, Lord, these people, I didn't do anything to them and they're coming after me and they're judging me and all this other stuff. God, judge them. God, they hate you. Judge them. Don't let them prevail. Psalm 70, let's go back to Psalm 70. There's not much more I wanted to point out there with Psalm 40. It's almost, they are almost identical and I did kind of cover that a little bit before the differences. I don't think there's anything striking between the similarities between the two. A lot of times when you find parallel passages in the Bible, there's a lot you could learn. And it is good for understanding meanings of words if anything seems to be particular troubling or you're not quite understanding what something means and you've got a parallel passage. Yeah, look at, put them side by side and you just get the same sense of what something means when you read them side by side. I didn't seem to think, at least in my estimation, that there's anything that's very difficult to comprehend in either Psalm 70 or Psalm 40, which is why I'm not going super in-depth on that. They're all words that are relatively common for us that are not going to be that hard to understand. But just making the point abroad in general that when you see things like this, and they're two different Psalms and they're songs, right? So having things that kind of repeat themselves, I mean, even in our hymns, there's songs that are very similar, right? There's Alas and Did My Savior Bleed, right? And was it At the Cross, right? There's kind of reusing some of the same words, the same lyric, but two different songs and one has more words than the other. You know, it's the different compositions of similar truths with the same truth. Well, it's the same thing here with Psalm 70 and Psalm 40, right? It's the same truths being expressed, but literally in the Word of God, of course. But let's finish out this. There's one other thought. So the reward of their shame for those that say, aha, aha, the wicked doer. And that's how I tied that in with some of those other passages to give us just a little bit broader context. We only got like a verse or two on these wicked people to just expand that out a little bit to see in other contexts, other scripture, the type of person we're talking about here. And we see how it is the same type of person that's consistent with the same teaching throughout scripture. Verse 4, let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee and let such as love thy salvation, look at this, say continually let God be magnified. As we often see in the Psalms particularly, the command to praise God, to exalt his name and let those that love God say this continually. Don't keep silent about this, whether it be opening up your mouth and praise to the Lord in song or just in general out in the world, okay? How about you praise and glorify God, especially in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation and a dark world that we live in now. We need that light to shine ever increasingly as it gets darker and darker out there. But verse 5, I'm just going to, this is the last point. And this really, this also really stood out to me in this passage as I was preparing for the sermon. Keep in mind, Psalm 70 is a Psalm of David, according to the title. To the chief musician, a Psalm of David to bring to remembrance. Verse 5, but I am poor and needy. Wait a minute. Wasn't David the king? Didn't he have a lot of riches? Didn't he live in probably a pretty nice place as the king? Sure. But that's not what he's talking about. He's poor and needy in another sense, right? And this is his self-view of himself. He's not looking at himself as high and mighty and powerful and wealthy and oh, everybody look to me. He had a humble, contrite heart and spirit. This is why he got so far as he did. This is why he's used as the example as you look at the subsequent kings of Judah that were to follow after him and in his household that he is being the standard of, well, they did well, but not like their father David or he did followed in all those ways like David his father did. He's just constantly being compared to David. It's this attitude. It's the mindset because we can look at David and be like, you know what? He did some really bad things. Really, really, really bad things. Murder, adultery. Look, it's horrible. I mean, he sent one of his own mighty men to his death after he slept with his wife and got her pregnant and made him carry his own death sentence to Joab. That's pretty cold. He definitely deserved the death penalty. God had mercy on him, but here's what we see about David though. He absolutely was far from perfect, but he did have the right heart, and that's the exception in his life that that horrible grievous sin was the exception over all those years though in general of the way that he lived, the way that he served. He served God with his heart. He glorified the Lord, rejoiced at bringing in the Ark of the Covenant and bringing in the things of God and trying to build up the house of the Lord and wanting to do all of these things for God, adding the instruments and the music to praise and worship the Lord, as well as having the heart for the people, a heart for righteous judgment and justice and doing what's right. Even when his own family is trying to do things wrong, he's saying, nope, we've got to do what's right. It was right in the eyes of the Lord especially, whether it's King Saul who the Lord's anointed. He's saying, nope, can't lift my hand up against him. You know what he had? Integrity. It's called integrity. And it's called a humble heart to where he could say, look, I'm poor and needy. And it's not a mockery of people who don't have physical goods because this is even more important in the sense of being humble and being in need of the Lord, being in need of the things of God, being poor spiritually, being poor and needing the things of God. Look, I am poor and needy. Make haste unto me. O God, thou art my help and my deliverer. O Lord, make no tarrying. God, I need you. He didn't rely on his physical strength. He wasn't relying on his army. He says, God, I need you. I need you. I'm poor. I'm needy. I'm weak. I need you, Lord. That's the attitude that we need to have. That's why the Bible says in Matthew 5-3, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Not just the poor on this earth, but the poor in spirit. How meek and lowly are you? Jesus Christ was our example, right? The Bible says he was meek and lowly when he rode in on an ass and a colt the full of an ass. Turn, if you would, to 2 Corinthians 6. It's the last place we'll look at tonight. We'll wrap this up. There's a lot of statements made here in 2 Corinthians 6. I'm not going to go through all of them, but just to get the context of what we're talking about before we get into this great list of things, verse number 4 says, But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God. So then it's going to go through this list of all these ways that we approve ourselves as the ministers of God in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in all these different things. Jump down to verse number 10. It's in the same context of approving ourselves as the ministers of God, as the servants of God, as the people who are humbly serving and ministering. Verse 10, As sorrowful yet always rejoicing, as poor yet making many rich, as having nothing and yet possessing all things. That's the heart. That's the mindset. That's the attitude of being someone. Look, I'm poor, but I'm going to make you rich. I'm willing to give of myself. I'm willing to give everything to help you succeed. That's the heart of a minister. That's the heart of someone who's going to succeed. That's the heart of someone who's going to approve themselves in the sight of God. I care about you as having nothing and yet possessing all things. That's why, bless all the poor in spirit, there's a kingdom of heaven. You give up the things here. You sacrifice here. You live for God here. You allow yourself to be mocked and ridiculed and made fun of. But you know what? In the end, there's going to be a reckoning. In the end, God will exalt those that have humbled themselves. Those that are based here and now, God's going to lift up and glorify. You just stay at it. You stay meek. You stay humble. You stay as the poor in spirit. And you know what? You've got the whole kingdom of God in front of you. It is all worth it. It is worth it. And sometimes the troubles will just help to keep us in that mindset of being poor and needy. Hey, I'm needy, God. I'm needy. We don't like being needy with other people in general, right? Like I don't want to be needy towards someone else. But we ought to be needy towards God. Because we're recognizing, hey, God's a father. I'm just an adopted son, okay? I love God. I want to please Him. But I need a lot. I'm in this wicked flesh. I've got all kinds of things coming at me that are going to try to get me to stop serving Him. Lord, I need you to help me. Lord, I need you to help me when people are coming after me. I need you to help me protect my children. I need you to help me get through each day before I could serve you. You know, look, I'm needy. And when we recognize how needy we are, then your eyes should be on the Lord. When your eyes are on the Lord, your eyes are on the ways of the Lord, how can you fail? You can't. You may not possess anything here, but that's not failure. As possessing nothing, yet what? Having all things. What does it say? Possessing all things. Not having nothing, yet possessing all things. That's how we live. Who'd have thought? Oh, you guys know me by now. Five verses. Five verses. But so deep, so profound, so much meaning packed into five verses of the Bible. The truth is all throughout Scripture. And I know a lot of these things are repetitive. But hey, I'm not calling it quits after five minutes. Because it's important, right? And I don't know about you, like this isn't boring to me at all. I hope it's not for you. I hope hearing the Word of God, even if it's the same theme, isn't boring and you can still gain and be edified and learn and be strengthened from the Word of God, even if we were to continue going over the same subject week after week. And you know what, though? And I'll close with this. It is important to receive the edification. And I wasn't even going to speak to this at all. But there was, just real briefly, I don't really know any details. But this is why it's so important. It's one of the reasons why it's so important. There was a young couple that visited our church, I think about two years ago. And the husband just recently committed suicide. Okay. Saved couple. They were here. They went soloing with us. You know, they lived in Illinois. And he had one child and one on the way. I don't know details. I don't know specifics. As far as I know, they're both saved, serving the Lord. Okay. But, you know, this is why I preach. And even lately, there's been so many different sermons on, look, stay with it. Hang in there. Okay. There's so much in Psalms. Go to God. Be poor and needy. But go to the Lord and He will strengthen you and He will get you through. And don't ever think that there's something that's too big for you to handle here because there's nothing too big for God. Nothing. Nothing. It's not worth inflicting about the most amount of pain that you probably could on the people who remain by taking your own life. So you just get through that with God. And you seek out help. And look, you've got a church here. There's other believers that will, you know, brothers and sisters in Christ that will help you. And you absolutely have the Lord to help you too. Don't quit. Don't faint. It's not worth it. But look, we need to hear these messages. Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. We don't want to fall. So let's humble ourselves. If God just had the same message every week, let's humble ourselves and be like, well, then I must really need to hear this again and again and again. And instead of going, I already heard all this before. I should have just stayed home. It's a bad attitude. I'm telling you, be careful with that. Careful with that. I would never... It boggles my mind, the people that think, oh, I know everything the Bible has to say. Oh, I already read it once. I know all about it. No. I read it every day, and I don't know all about it. Not even close. Keep reading more. You're going to realize how much you don't know. Let's bow our eyes to that word of prayer. Dear Lord, we love you, God. We thank you so much for the encouragement that you give us and the strength from your word. Lord, help us. We know that the times are just seemingly just going to continue to get worse and worse. We know absolutely right before you return that the days will be like they were in the time of Noah with the flood and in the days of Lot when he rained fire and brimstone down on Sodom and Gomorrah, Lord. So I pray that you'd strengthen us. I pray that you'd please deliver us from evil and wicked doers and that you'd watch over us and protect us, Lord, but also help us not to keep silent, but that we'd praise your name and just continue to preach truth. Lord, please open up our understanding. Grant us wisdom. Help us to just know your ways more perfectly. God, we sincerely love you and want to serve you. And Lord, I pray that you'd just strengthen our church. Help us to be a good beacon of light that's going to stand on your word and shine forward the truth, Lord. We love you. It's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, we're going to sing one last song before we're dismissed for the evening. So if you'd please open up your songbooks to song number 22. Song number 22, Are You Washed in the Blood? Song number 22. Sing out on that first verse. Have you been to Jesus for the planting of? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you fully trusting in His grace? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood? In the soul, there's the blood of the Lamb. Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you walking daily by the Savior's side? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Do you rest each moment in the crucified? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood? In the soul, there's the blood of the Lamb. Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? The bridegroom cometh, will your robes be white? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Will your soul be many for the mission's right? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood? In the soul, there's the blood of the Lamb. Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? At last burst inside the prophet's first name is sin. And be washed in the blood of the Lamb. There's a fountain flowing for the soul of King. And be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Are you washed in the blood? In the soul, there's the blood of the Lamb. Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Amen. Thank you all so much for being here tonight. Church, we're dismissed. Thank you.