(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you If you can grab your niggles, you know that the song number 18 Song number 18 take the name of Jesus with you Verse Oh Oh Oh Oh Just pray this time Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh All right, well, it's very good to have you all here with us on a Wednesday night at Stronghold Baptist Church At this time we're gonna go through our announcements if you do not have One of these bulletins just slip your hand up real high one of our ushers will get one out to you If you open up to the first page, you'll see our service times listed There's always Sunday morning at 1030 Sunday evening again at 5 p.m. Wednesday night 7 is our Bible study we've got the soul winning opportunities listed there as well as the salvation's and The baptism through the month of August as well as for the year Let's go ahead and count up if there's any salvation's to report to slip your hand up real quick We'll get those counted up Monday Amen Anyone else have anything to report for the week Very good. All right. Keep up the good work preaching the gospel. Jesus Christ We got the offering totals received through the month of August down there at the bottom of the page Pray requests lots and lots and lots of prayer requests, please Please please please remember to keep all of these folks in your prayers Does anyone have any updates for those who are on the prayer list right now? Yes, ma'am Okay Okay Do they have any more testing that they plan on trying to do or no, so they're just okay Right They ruled out seizures and now they've found that it doesn't appear that the child has autism either so I Guess I'll just monitor and see what type of behavior She has Okay, well very good I mean I'm glad she's not having seizures and and doesn't appear to have any other medical problems, so That's that's good news. We'll take that We'll take that and then are there any other updates? I've got a few updates for yes, sir Is she out of the hospital out of the hospital Doing well, just medications just in case for a future stroke, maybe Is that for temporarily or? Okay, right So right now she's got to take the medications They'll go back do some testing and then hopefully just be able to stop the medication altogether No permanent damage from the stroke. Oh, very good. Praise God for that. That's great. Very good. Very good news Very good news. So that's for Adelaine, is that how you pronounce it? Is that right? Okay, just make it yours. You're like you're smiling like I didn't I didn't pronounce it right. Did I say it right? Okay. All right So miss miss Santos Miss Santos is doing well after her stroke, so she's out of hospital and is now still taking some medication but it's due for a follow-up visit and But everything is going well, no permanent damage from that stroke. So praise the Lord for that's good news And then My Abigail and Sarah are doing really well, they're healing up nicely So they don't really even have that's not it's not too Bad for them and then my mother-in-law just wants a doctor today with her cancer Diagnosis or the results from her biopsy, unfortunately, she's she's at stage three with her cancer because it did go into her lymph nodes and She needs to take chemotherapy and she'll be taking six treatments over With every three weeks starting next week so just continue prayer for her that she will be completely healed of the cancer and That everything will go well through her chemotherapy obviously, she's not the only one on our list that has cancer So many people have been undergoing these types of treatments, which definitely take a toll on the body So just pray for her as well as everyone else who has been suffering with cancer on our list that the Lord will Strengthen her body help them to fight off this disease and heal them and that Wisdom will be given while treatment is being Evaluated and determined we also have a few additions from Sunday at the retirement home and John has cancer. So please pray for her another another person with cancer Rose Locksley is recovering from a stroke Melody has some lung complications. So these are three people three prayer requests. We always receive prayer requests from the retirement home and Include them here For our church to pray for these people as well and then on the next page We've got the men's preaching class scheduled for September 9th Now this time we are also including a song leading class right before that about an hour before that 930 So brother Peters could be leading that and teaching that is an excellent job for us here So I'm sure you'll be able to learn a lot Those of you are interested in learning how to do song leading Obviously if you have no interest in the preaching class just come for the song leading 930 and you could head out of here but as long as you're here might as well stick around even if you don't want to preach and check out the the preaching class and See what that's all about it really is a good time lots of good sermons and lots of good preachers and it's just a good environment to be able to Get it. Give give it a shot and give a chance to learning how to do some preaching so and even just to get just get a feel for what it is, what's it like to stand behind the pulpit and and preach a sermon and See see if it's as easy as you think it is So that's September 9th, I'm trying to schedule these Every month, so we're gonna continue doing these for the foreseeable future Probably won't have any in December. December is always very busy, but September October November We should be having preaching classes all three of those months. So I'll be on the lookout for the next Event scheduled there Hebrews chapter 9 is also not only our Bible memory passage of the church But it's the challenge for the month of August Since we were attempting to memorize the entire passage this month. You should be halfway through with this chapter by now To to stay on pace it always it just gets more and more difficult the more reverses you add so you really want to make sure you're staying ahead of this and If you're if you're attempting this challenge to get all these verses quoted sometimes it might take you Extra time to set aside on a day that you have off to say, okay, I'm gonna really get this nailed down so I encourage you to Participate in this challenge, even if you don't finish it I encourage you to try it attempt it do more Bible memory than you normally would during this month We've got the upcoming birthdays anniversaries listed there and what what day is it today is a 16 there's this 16 so you had a birthday yesterday. Happy belated birthday No ice cream for you. Sorry Next year next year. It should be the next day, right? And you could see all the rest mrs. Taylor's got one on the 18th and a few more people they're Closing out the month of August and then the upcoming events down there at the bottom of the page Our soul winning marathon that we're doing here as a church could be September 2nd Labor Day weekend. It's a Saturday We're gonna be meeting up in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have a place picked out. I will have the exact meeting location there I'll try to get that finalized see if I need to do any reservations for Park that we're gonna be meeting at to make sure that that we actually get it and there's gonna be space for us covered space As we always do and that'll be so winning in the morning a Little bit of breakfast provided for you. So winning Take a break for lunch and then do more so in the afternoon and then we'll take a break for dinner and then head home Same format as we've been doing it. I already heard from a few people if you want a hotel room reserved for Friday night To make it more Possible for you to be able to make it out there and kind of put in the whole day Then just let me know and any time that you don't have to go for the whole day If you don't want to go for whatever time you have you want to spend spend an hour or two hours Whatever you want to do Come out and join us. We'd love to have you there and just Do what you can but if you want to go the whole day, we take care of you the whole way. So breakfast lunch and dinner and if you need like I said, Charlotte's not that close. So if you need a To be able to stay out there in order to make this happen then just let me know we're happy to accommodate and The rest of the events are listed. They're not all put on by our church in fact, none of these are put on by our church the rest of those events, so If you have any interest in attending those you could See if you don't already know details, I'll let fill you in on those If you're interested in that that's about it for our announcements for this evening So with all that being said, I'm gonna turn the service back over to brother Peter who lead us in our next song We've got a couple of extra vacuums now, so We're probably gonna be switching up a little bit the way that we do the cleaning everything's always voluntary, of course But it seems to be a very big burden to do for after church for one person to do So, um, we're in the talks of devising a new plan Maybe if there's just more hands available for people to sign up for some specific jobs We could really get things done really quickly after church if we have enough interest for someone saying well I don't know that I'd be able to stick around and clean the whole building up after a service But you know what I could do I could vacuum with two other people and do an area and get that taken care of Along with like the similar things with the other tasks to cleaning some bathrooms restocking supplies doing things like that So I think I'm gonna move more in that direction. It seems like a lot of people are very willing to help But if we and if we make the jobs more specific on just what exactly needs to be done I'm gonna we're gonna try doing it that way just because it's a lot of work for one person to do to be responsible for everything so We're gonna we're gonna see how this Pans out for us because I really don't I think it's gonna be a waste of money if I have to Outsource cleaning. I think we could handle doing this. I just want to do it in a way that makes sense. So We still have the calendar for people to sign up for helping to clean up The building and we'll utilize that until I come up with a better list or way of being able to sign up for smaller Jobs and obviously you don't have to sign up for just one So my thinking is there'll be Everything that needs to be done on there sign up for as many of those as you wish to devote of your own time All right Thank you for that brother Peter. Come on up and lead us our next song, please Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh The book of Psalm chapter 67 Amen church once again, that's the book of Psalm chapter 67 Psalm chapter 67 the Bible reads God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us Selah That thy way may be known upon earth thy saving health among all nations Let the people praise thee. Oh God, let all the people praise thee Oh Let the nations be glad and sing for joy for thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth Selah, let the people praise thee Oh God Let all the people praise thee then shall the earth yield her increase and God even our own God shall bless us God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. Let's pray Father God, we thank you for your word. Thank you for the book of Psalms We thank you for all that you have done for all of our lives Thank you for this awesome church fill pastor persons with your spirit Allow for him to speak in boldness and allow for us to be intended to your word and God We praise you. We thank you. We thank you for your son Jesus Christ What he did on the cross died for us and resurrected and sitting right hand of you God We thank you for all that you do say this all in Jesus name. Amen Amen All right, let's dig right into Psalm 67 not very long psalm very Simple and straightforward with what with what we're seeing here Some repetition definitely one of the things that popped out at me right away when I was looking at the psalm was the the multiple Times that the the Bible is saying here to bless us God bless us We see there in the first verse God be merciful unto us and bless us then in the sixth verse The Bible says then shall the earth yield or increase and God even our God shall bless us and God shall Bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him and I might have missed another reference there I'm not sure. I'm just kind of looking at this real quickly. So You know, hey God bless us what a great what a great song what a great song to sing unto the Lord just requesting being merciful and God's blessing and his face like it says there in verse number one to shine Upon us that's very good. And then in verse two though, it says why why do we want God to be merciful? Bless us and cause face to shine on us that thy way may be known upon earth Upon earth so the the request for God to bless us be merciful on us cause your face to shine upon us Lord You'll have your hand on us. Help us Lord be with us Lord Why because we want your way to be made known unto the whole earth We want your way known upon the earth and by saving health among all nations. This is a very Evangelistic Psalm of Preaching the gospel and showing that saving health among all nations now this full this is Restated in Matthew 28 you could turn there if you'd like We're at the very end of the passage where Jesus is giving that what we commonly refer to as the Great Commission this this charge What's a commission or a charge given by Jesus Christ to his disciples of what they are supposed to do now that he's died He's risen his ministry on earth is ended and he's charging them at the very end of the gospel of Matthew Of course at the end of his essentially of his ministry his life here on earth after his resurrection Right after this, of course, he's telling them. Hey, you need to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Ghost comes upon you and you're in dude with power from on high Which is when we get into the book of Acts we see all of that happen and then the fulfilling of this Great Commission Look at verse number 18 in Matthew 28 The Bible says in Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me and heaven and earth Go ye therefore and teach all nations and what was Psalm 67 to saying that thy way may be known upon earth and You know not bound and then saving health among all Nations, this isn't just a New Testament thing First of all, that that God's truth that the saving health that the gospel would even go forth unto all Nations that is not just a New Testament teaching The way of salvation has always been the same. It's always been by grace through faith It's never been by the law that first covenant was never able to save the soul because we all have been Guilty of breaking that first covenant everybody everyone who's ever lived There's not a Jew that lived in the past. I was able to keep that whole law No one was ever saved that way. Jesus was the only Jew that was able to keep that whole law the Son of God Okay, that's the only Fulfillment of the old covenant law. No one else has been able to keep that so salvation's never been by the law It's always been by grace through faith and God has always wanted Everyone on the earth all of his creation every human being to come to him. That's been his desire The Lord's not willing that any should perish by all should come repentance not just a New Testament doctrine Old Testament New Testament alike. This is important I want to you know, we see here Jesus Christ giving that command go ye therefore teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things Whatsoever I have commanded you So Tie in perfectly with thy way may be known upon earth God's way God's commandments the teachings of Christ For us in the New Testament, of course, but we're not forsaking any of the old Commandments either It's the commandments of the Lord the commandments of God being taught to all Nations you're in Matthew 28. Just go back real quick to Matthew chapter 24 Romans 1 16 Of course very famous passage for I'm not shamed The gospel of Christ for it is the power of God Unto salvation everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek Right that the the gospel is intended for all nations all people Matthew 24 14 the Bible says in this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then Shall the end come so this is Matthew 24 very highly prophetic things to come but we see here also, just another Statement saying you know what the gospel is going to go forth and it's going to go to all nations for a witness to everybody God wants everyone to hear this message and this is the you know, the truth of Salvation the healing power of salvation. This is you know, the Christianity is not the white man's God first of all, that's about the dumbest thing I ever hear anyone ever say and And it's a bunch of ignorant Americans that say something so stupid It really is what about all the crew I mean first of all, where did Christianity start It didn't start in Europe It didn't start in England. It didn't start in the United States It didn't start in any of these places that would be where the people have a lighter tone of skin Started in the Middle East. I mean if Christians literally Jesus Christ Israel Judah, right Jerusalem That area of the world How many really fair light-skinned people are over there not Not that many. I mean there's they exist right there all over the place, but there's not There's a lot more darker brown whatever right Whatever though who cares what color of pigmentation is in your skin? It is the truth. It is the gospel. There is one God of heaven and earth There is one God that created all things There is one God that created all people all nations and he wants his truth to be known among all nations So praise God for that don't get don't get caught up or sucked into any of the race Baiting that goes on it's gone on forever It's gonna continue to go on until Jesus comes back, but don't get sucked into it No, Christian should ever get sucked into this garbage don't get sucked into the the black lives matter or The the you know, what what other what other groups are even out there or the you know that now there's all this you know because there's You've got the one side. You've got these other side. You got the anti-white thing going on You've got the anti-black thing going on look racism is always going to exist So to say that people aren't ever racist is stupid. Of course, there's racist people out there those people who judge people based on the color of their skin and Nowadays though you got people saying well Racism can only be against people who are in power or some some stupid definitions Because and you know who makes up those definitions racist people Because they don't want to be called racist No, literally if you don't know what I'm talking about good for you It's a real thing. There's a lot of people out there that that even our academics or scholarly or whatever. I Don't know from where or who could accredit them at all But it's it's the fake media that that really pushes these people up to the front and even allows you to know who they are to begin with Because without someone pumping them out there. No one would know who these people are But they literally will say things like Well, no, no No, the only people who can be racist are those who are in power and actually can exert power over other people And it's based on their skin or whatever that those people races but but if someone else that's of the oppressed class or has historically been Oppressed or suffered from racism if they judge people based on their skin color, then that's not racism What? Since when do you start changing these definitions of words? Judging people based on the color of their skin or their ethnicity is Stupidity and that's racism. That's dumb. There's there's no there's no value to that And this goes all like whatever group you're in everybody can succumb to this and say and want to identify with I Want to have more white people or black people or brown people or Asian people, whatever you know, whatever it is Don't don't get caught up in that It's dumb It's it's not that's not the Christian mindset that you ought to have They're saved and unsaved. Those are those are categories that the Bible splits up people into for sure right? There's the believers in the heathen But Other than that You know and yes, do we withdraw from some people? Yeah, but it's not based on something they can't control You control who you believe in you control even how you live your life and how wicked of a life you're gonna leave So yeah, we're gonna withdraw some from some people based on more of the content of their character then What they physically look would look like on the outward appearance I Mean this this is throughout scripture Over and over and over again Luke 24 46 turn if you were to Genesis 22 Luke 24 46 the Bible says and said unto them thus it is written and Thus it behooved Christ to suffer and arise from the dead the third day and that Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem Is that gonna start here and you're gonna work your way out and you're gonna preach all nations You're gonna preach repentance and remission of sins Salvation God is the God of everybody Jesus is the Savior of the world For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Genesis 22 This also ties in I still think with Psalm 67 what's being promoted here in Psalm 67 in Genesis 22 with Abraham look at verse 15 but I was as an angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time and said By myself have I sworn set the Lord for because thou has done this thing and it's not withheld thy son Thine only son so in the context of this passage just earlier. This is the story where Abraham was commanded to kill Isaac And it was that great picture of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ his Abraham's promised son his begotten son. They go up into the mount and and you know he's bound and He's gonna he's gonna kill him and then they find the the ram Caught in the thorns Right by his horns. They're symbolizing the the Crown of thorns on Christ and the lamb that was was provided for them so that he was a substitute for Isaac And they were able to make that lamb sacrifice in the whole nine. It's great. It's a great story, right? It's and it's it's So much symbolism there. He had just gotten done though proving himself Proving his faith and why was he gonna sacrifice his son because he knew Hebrews tells us this Hebrews 11 tells us He knew that God was able to raise up Isaac even from the dead Because he trusted and knew that God doesn't break his promises and God had already promised that of his seed that of Isaac He was gonna bless him and all nations were going to be blessed and he was gonna make of him a mighty nation And he knows that God can't go back on his promises So he knew that even if he were to go forward With that command that God would just raise him from the dead because he believed in a God that's able to Raise people from the dead He believed in the resurrection and he believed it wholeheartedly and he knew that God would never fail from his promises That's why he was gonna do it You know and the stupid atheists out there want to make it sound like he's just as lunatic Hearing voices and demon-possessed and all this other stuff tell him to kill people. No, that's not the story at all Not even close So Then he promises on this so he said God sees this God sees Abraham's faith he's tested He tells them what and and he passes with flying colors. I mean Abraham's faith is Real it is genuine. He is solid on that faith And then he says this in verse 16 said by myself have I sworn said the Lord for because thou has done this thing It's not without thy son and only son that in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore Nice seed shall possess the gate of his enemies and in thy seed Shall all the nations of the earth Be blessed Because thou hast obeyed my voice Now this is also referenced in Galatians stay in Genesis because we're gonna flip back to Genesis chapter 12 in a minute I'm gonna read from Galatians chapter 3 But look at I mean even in Genesis the first book of the Bible We see the reference to all the nations of the earth being blessed God has always wanted all the nations of the earth to be saved to be blessed to Receive Christ to receive that promised seed that yeah, I mean it had to go to someone Right if he's gonna bring the Savior into this world it had to be of someone He chose a man not because of how he looked not because of where he was from Not because of who his parents were not because of what region of the world he lived in but because of his character Because of his faith because he trusted the Lord because he's someone that God said hey I want you to do this and he would do it And he had obedience unto the Lord So he chose him and he became the friend of God and he was he was the one that was given this great Promise to have this great historical impact of being someone who's chosen To be the the forefather progenitor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ humanly speaking on this earth And to have this great nation, but what we see and what Galatians explains and what we see in many other parts of the Bible is It's still this spiritual application is the whole point to all of this Yes, the nations are all going to be blessed by him But it has nothing to do with the physical land has nothing to do with the physical seat It has nothing to do with all the physical things in this earth. It's a spiritual blessing It's it's it's about being born again Because that's why Jesus came into this world so people could be born again and receive life and receive that saving health among all nations as psalm 67 said Galatians 3 6 the Bible says even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham and The scripture for seeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed Clearly clearly defining that that blessing being referred to is the gospel and That gospel that Jesus was saying hey preach the gospel to every creature The gospel message that we see just being commanded over and over again in the New Testament to go out and preaches This was already prophesied in the gospel of something that God wanted everyone to hear for all time Now the methodologies and the way that things were done changed a little bit He at first when he instituted that his people and his nation and he had The place where the Lord was going to be named and where people are going to worship and serve the Lord He did have one place where he wanted people to congregate to that he wanted people to gather to from all over the world from all stripes of life people were welcome to Come and worship the Lord. He wanted to have people to join themselves unto the people of God But as things spread out as the world grew bigger as population increased and Many other reasons. I'm not saying that's the only reason that's that's probably one of the least reasons there's so many reasons why though God decided to then change things from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant and Change the service of the Lord and where he puts his name and focus more on local churches than on one specific place to Where God places his name just as one place on the earth. It's going to be more spread out and Organize a little bit different yet. The message is still meant for everybody It was never meant to be concealed by one group of people It was only it was never meant to just be well, this is only for us Never never I mean from Genesis to Revelation It's meant to be shared. It's meant to be proclaimed. It's meant to be Shouted from the rooftops. It's meant to let that light shine And I love that Galatians 3 tells us hey as many as are of faith therefore they which are of faith The same are the children of Abraham So we read about these blessings on Abraham and the blessings on his seed and the blessings that are to come It's not about a race of people You know I started off this sermon talking about not getting don't get caught up and all this Racial stuff and the race baiting and the you know The division that people want to start putting people in and you know if you're why you need to be all mad about the the the black people who are trying to be racist against you because you're white and if you're if you're black you need to be mad about all the white People who are being racist against you because you're black and you know And you know all of the different people are trying to just pit everyone against each other because of how you look it's dumb But I'll tell you what there's other racism that exists And you don't hear it as much in the news but you hear it in the churches and it's the racism towards the Jews And I'm not talking about the anti-semitic racism I'm talking about the racism of lifting up a group of people that reject the Lord and reject Christ And we have nothing to do with them yet They're treated as this special class and this special group of people based on their heritage and who they're physically born of That's the people and I can't believe I still see this to this day and I see this I'm not even just talking about some apostate some people who don't even have the right gospel some people who don't just just Off doing their own crazy doctrines and everything else. I'm I see this from people who are saved Even from men of God that are saved they've been serving the Lord they go soul winning and stuff and they still get Hung up on this and it's like why why do you think God is racist and it and it boggles my mind They'll turn to a place like Genesis chapter 12 turn there if you would if you didn't already turn there We see that God is blessing all nations God wants people to hear the truth he wants everyone to hear the gospel We know that God is not a respecter of persons either And what does it mean to be a respecter of persons? Oh? Where you come from matters right how much money you have matters some other arbitrary thing is going to influence your decision on Whether or not you're gonna have righteous judgment Right, so it's a very important thing to understand that God is not a respecter of persons Right so as for respecter of persons is gonna is gonna pervert justice or pervert judgment For some other reason like oh, well, there's a white guy in the black guy that that are you know in this dispute Over someone wronging the other person well I'm white and they're white so I'm gonna side with this guy because I mean of course the white guy couldn't have done it Right it must have been the black guy That's being a respecter of person. That's stupid Right that is no value, but it's it's the same thing as God going well. We've got Greeks here, and we've got Arabs here, we've got Jews here, and we've got this other group view well the Jew though. I mean they're just they're just I mean Everyone else needs to serve that guy and I just have a special place for them in my heart Yeah, they have nothing to do with me. Yeah, they blast free my name Yeah, they blast me from the Holy Ghost, but you know what doesn't matter because they're just my they're just my people They're the apple of my eye you know and as Genesis 12 says what some people will use this to say is if we read it Bible says verse number one now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy Father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee And make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation A blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that cursed at thee and indeed shall all Families of the earth be blessed see I mean it says it right there right. How dare you curse Unbelieving Israel today, I mean isn't it clear I mean I Might drop right I mean I proved it There case closed Genesis 12 I Don't know if we just let the Bible teach us Let the Bible teach us what this is talking about because you know what you know, it's amazing It actually fits with everything else that we've been seeing tonight from the Bible It fits with Psalm 67 it fits with Genesis 22 it fits with Galatians chapter 3 It fits with all those places and notice there and at the end of verse 3 Bless him and bless thee and curse him and curse thee and indeed shall all families of the earth be blessed Why are you singling out one family of the earth in Saying that this is about one family of the earth When he's saying look all the families of the earth are gonna be blessed in you That's what I see all families that you know that that Would I think apply to all nations? All families of the earth would apply to all the nations not one nation But what's happening here? Literally what's happening here? God is speaking to Abraham one on one Mano a mano It is a one person to one person conversation here God and Abraham How many times you see the the thou thy thou thee thee? Well highlighted them One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven times in three verses Thee thou thee thee thee thou thou thy And if you don't know what that means it's singular It's not plural Like many people it is one. It's one person one One one person Abraham Now the Lord had said unto Abraham Get thee. Oh wait, I missed one out of thy country is 12 12 times I didn't have that one bolded out of thy country and from thy Kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee Is there any reason to think that he's referring at this point to the nation of Israel No, he's talking Abram and I will make of thee a great nation a great nation. That's it I Make of thee a great nation. I will bless that great nation. No, I Will bless thee And make thy name Great, so who's getting blessed here? Abram in verse 2 is being blessed Abram and thou shalt be a blessing Abraham is getting blessed. God's gonna make his name great God's gonna have a lot of descendants make a great nation of Abraham why? because of his great faith Because he told him to get out of his country and just go to a place and I'll tell you where you're going on The way and he did it Verse 3 and I will bless them that blesses who thee Thee And curse him that curses who thee Abraham Not Isaac not Jacob not any of the rest of the descendants going on through all the twelve tribes thee Where do you get off? Saying that verse number three in Genesis chapter 12 is your proof text to say Well, if anybody says anything bad about the nation of Israel if you have a curse on the nation of Israel a God's gonna curse you Because Genesis 12 3 Try reading the Bible in context. I Know that the world is trying to throw out pronouns But they actually matter Don't be a liberal Old IFB pastor don't be a liberal and say when you see thee well, maybe it means them Then they is not their preferred pro. It's not Abraham's preferred pronoun is not they them It's not Abraham Abraham's of thee He's a he He him And God is talking to Abraham Saying look if someone blesses you it why because Abraham's blessed of God so anyone else is gonna bless Abrams You know what? I like that because I want him to be blessed so if you're gonna bless Abraham, then I'll bless you and He's protecting Abraham and Abraham's blessed of God So if somebody come along and try cursing Abraham guess who's gonna do well, I'm gonna curse you We even see this played out in Scripture We see the protection of God on him with Sarah's wife when he's going to these heathen lands And and you know, he's saying is their sister and brother, but God's not allowing Anyone to touch him or do anything to him? Why because he's blessed because he said this in Genesis 12 to him In fact you have a much bigger problem When you try to apply this to an entire name this verse try to apply to entire nation The nation of Israel specifically and I know many of you know this reference already, but we're going to turn there Anyway, 2nd Chronicles chapter 18 You got a big problem here. You got a massive problem This passage alone destroys the stupidity of Saying that when God said I'm gonna curse him that curses the Abram that that just applies to all of the unsaved Unbelieving Christ rejecting Jews that would ever come from your loins at any point in the future That is dumb The nation of Israel didn't even exist at this point. First of all Second of all, he's talking to a man Third of all, what happens when we have a king Deciding to bless Israel and he doesn't get blessed. In fact a curse comes on him That would be contradictory if we had to apply Genesis 12 3 to the nation of Israel 2nd Chronicles 18 verse 28. So the king of what? Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth Gilead and the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat I will disguise myself and I will go to the battle but put thou on thy robes So the king of Israel disguised himself and they went to the battle Now the king of Syria had commanded the captains of the chariots that were with him Saying fight ye not with small or great save only with the king of Israel Now this is exactly how a Christ rejecting rejecting wicked child of Israel is going to act Hey, you go out. He knows that they were after him. You go out there like a king. I'm gonna hide myself It's literally what the king of Israel does here You saying I don't want them to know that I'm out here because they're all after me but you go out there you come help me and And we're gonna fight and they in the opposing army got the command the Syrian army says hey don't fight with anyone Don't worry about these other side battles you you just head straight for the king the king of Israel verse 31 and it came to pass when the captains of the Chariots saw Jehoshaphat that they said it's the king of Israel They mistaken Jehoshaphat as the king of Israel. Why because he's out there dressed like a king He's on his horse and he's you know, he's decked out. That's that must be the king Therefore they compassed about him to fight but Jehoshaphat cried out and the Lord helped him and God moved them to the part No, Jehoshaphat was a godly guy. He was a godly king He wasn't perfect, but he was definitely serving the Lord He was a saved guy and and God was there and was going to protect him He still doesn't forsake his own child Even in this battle that he never should have been a part of which we'll see in a minute But God still protects him God helps him and God moved them to depart from him For it came to pass that when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel They turned back again from pursuing him. So as soon as the people realized wait a minute. We got it wrong That's not the king of Israel They're done. They're not gonna keep fighting Jehoshaphat. We don't want anything to do with this guy We're looking for the king of Israel And a certain man drew a bow at a venture and smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness Therefore he said to his chariot man Turn thine hand that thou mayest carry me out of the host for I am wounded and the battle increased that day Howbeit the king of Israel stayed himself up in his chariot against the Syrians until the even and about the time of the going Down of the Sun going down. He died. That's the battle. But now let's go to chapter 19 I want to just get this in the context so that when we go to chapter 19 You know what happened in chapter 18. That's the battle Jehoshaphat king of Judah yoked up with Ahab king of Israel Teamed up Earlier in chapter 18. I think it's in chapter 18 you'll see that he made affinity with the house of a there is a marriage that brought the two families together and That and that yoked them up and When he was asked he's like hey My people are like your people. We're gonna we're gonna go and do this together and And Jehoshaphat's just promising them saying yeah, sure. We'll help you. We'll do whatever you want. We'll bless you We'll give you military aid. We will do whatever it is to help you out Israel Then By Genesis 12 3 Jehoshaphat should have been really blessed It's Israel, it's Israel right it's Israel you ought to be blessed Verse number two chapter 19 and Jehu the son of Hinei the seer went out to meet him Do it because Joshua returned and said to King Joshua fat. Shouldest thou help the ungodly and Love them that hate the Lord Does it matter who they descended from But their children of Abraham their children of Isaac their children of Jacob, they're the tribe of Israel They're your people Shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord Therefore is wrath Upon thee from before the Lord, I don't know about you, but that sounds like a curse to me It sounds to me like Jehoshaphat blessed Israel and God cursed Jehoshaphat. I Think you got a problem with how you understand Genesis chapter 12 verse 3 if you're gonna apply that to all of Israel Because now you've got a contradiction from God People need to get past the racist mindset of Elevating any group of people based off of who their progenitors were Because the Bible says in Luke 3 8 John the Baptist said this and you know, hey Baptist. Why don't you be like John the Baptist? Why don't you be a little bit more like him and a little less like this? Bootlicking Zionist Jew-loving Jehoshaphat trying to bless those that hate God and Be more like John the Baptist who said you'll bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance and begin not to say within yourselves We have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham Because he doesn't care about the physical seed. It doesn't matter You want to boast yourself of who your physical father was Abraham God could take these stones and create children unto Abraham There's like relation three says, you know who the real children of Abraham are the children of the promise the real children of Abraham They're the ones who have the faith of Abraham that put their faith their trust and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Just as Abraham received the gospel and believed it those who've received the gospel and believe it are also Children of Abraham and all those promises and all those blessings Everything that was bestowed upon Abraham was on Abraham and his seed singular spelled out in Scripture seed Singular Jesus Christ. So all of those in Christ received the same blessings Why in the world Should we be sending our kids sending our money sending our resources to defend a nation that hates Christ Obviously there could there's a remnant still That our believers and praise the Lord for every believer But if we're talking about a nation as a whole the nation as a whole rejects Christ And That is The opposite teaching of what we're getting from Psalm 67 it is for all God wants all nations to be saved and One day there will be all nations flowing unto the Lord. That's gonna be great We'll get to that at the end of the sermon tonight But thank God that he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son And he's not a respecter of persons And that he did send people to the Jews and to the Greeks To the Jews and to the Gentiles and he sent people for for everyone to hear the gospel And who was Abraham anyways, he wasn't of Israel he begat Israel He was just some guy called out of Haran But he had faith turn if you go to Acts chapter 17 I Read for you from Isaiah 56 as your turn in Acts chapter 17 Isaiah 56 is also referenced by Jesus Christ when he drove the people out of the temple Isaiah 56 verse 6 About says also the sons of the stranger That join themselves to the Lord to serve him and to love the name of the Lord to be his servants Everyone that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it and taketh hold of my covenant Even then will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer their burnt Offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my an altar who is this again the sons of the stranger? Foreigners Not children of Abraham or of Israel Physically, they were strangers. They were foreigners that came from other places. They joined themselves to the Lord They joined themselves to Israel and he's saying you know what even them I'm gonna bring them with me They're gonna be part of my holy mountain. I'm gonna accept their sacrifices I'm gonna accept them why because they joined themselves to the Lord. They made the Lord their God And it pleased the Lord that they joined themselves to the Lord and it was open to them to come and join themselves unto the Lord He says for mine house shall be called in house of prayer for all people Again Old Testament teaching this isn't just New Testament stuff All people Act 17 verse 24 the Bible says God that made the world and all things therein Seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth Dwelleth not in temples made with hands neither is worship with men's hands as though he needed anything Seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things and if made of one blood All nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and at determined the times before Appointed and the bounds of their habitation That they should seek the Lord if happily they might feel after him and find him Though he be not far from every one of us again The Bible teaches that he's made all nations of one blood all people one blood Go back if you would to Psalm 67 We only made it to verse 2 That that way may be known upon earth by saving health among all nations, and I just want to I'm gonna run through a few verses that I have reference here. You don't have to look them all up But I love I love that this uses phrase the saving health by saving health among all nations the health that is Provided of the Lord the healing that's health right God brings healing among all nations and We see a lot of this referenced with Jesus Christ's ministry All of the healing if you started if you just were looking go through the gospel sometime Matthew Mark Luke and John Matthew Mark Luke and John look at all the healing that Jesus does and Oftentimes, it's you know, there's obviously some some specific cases about specific people who get healed but more often You're just gonna find he healed All the people in this city that's brought out They're sick They brought out and he healed them and in this city in another city in another city So it's kind of like when you actually think about it, that's a lot of people like individuals You have one half of a verse sometimes that'll say yeah, he went in this city and healed everyone there They brought out all this it's it's so it's so short it takes up so little space But how much healing is that? Right I'll read For you just a few verses four verses. I have hand-picked here kind of discussing this but obviously While Jesus did physically heal all these people exactly as the Bible says It's illustrative of The spiritual healing and that spiritual health that saving health that he provides to completely heal those of their sinful condition and to be reconciled unto the Father Matthew 4 23 the Bible says in Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people Matthew 9 35 says and Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and Healing every sickness and every disease among the people Isn't that interesting that it's almost identical verse But they're both in Matthew. It's not like a parallel passage for Matthew to mark. This is Matthew 4 and Matthew 9 So the first one was in Galilee and then it says he went about all the cities and villages Doing the same exact thing. What is he doing teaching preaching the gospel and healing? Teaching the Word of God preaching the gospel and then comes the healing Luke 9 6 and they departed it went through the towns preaching the gospel and healing everywhere Luke 9 11 and the people when they knew it followed him and he received them and spake unto them of the kingdom of God and healed them that had need of healing As many people as came to Jesus he's able to heal And praise the Lord for that. He doesn't run out of healing Right there. There's no oh, sorry. I'm all tapped out for the day come back tomorrow. I'm all done I've got no more healing left in me and It didn't matter how severe of a case The matter was Jesus was able to provide healing and Think about that with your sin No matter how much sin you have no matter how much you've done. Jesus is able to heal you of all of it There is no case he never runs out of being able to save sinners He's always capable people who come to him as many as are in need as many as came to him he healed You just got to go to Christ He provides that healing. Amen And it wasn't just I mean he came Specifically when he was here to the to the nation of Israel right to his own people But the plan wasn't just to stop there obviously, that's why he taught them and said okay, you know He came unto his own but he also came to train up and to teach people one-on-one specifically Okay. Now your job is to go out and get in and get everyone else saved Go out and bring this message to everybody He had a limited ministry He wasn't able to go you didn't and it wasn't his plan to go out and Just be a missionary for a super long period of time on this earth to travel to all the various ends of the earth That's not a job for one person It's a job for many And no one per your favorite preacher your favorite missionary your favorite evangelist is never gonna evangelize the whole world ever The burden falls on all of us You Reconcile the world to God Psalm 67. Let's keep reading your verse number three Let the people praise thee O God let all the people Praise thee and you're gonna see I you know I spent most of my sermon tonight covering all the nations all the people it's because of how much we this comes up in This passage even though I didn't read through all of it While I was referencing the other places look at verse number four. Oh let the nations Be glad and sing for joy. This is all nations for thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth God's got great judgment and his judgment is for all people Let's not limit God's righteousness and God's judgment to one particular nation on earth either people I say oh God the Old Testament law does just for Israel. That's just for that time. That's just right look Let all the nations be glad and sing for joy for thou shalt judge the people righteously He gave us his righteous judgment, yeah, of course it was for the nation of Israel Why because the nation of Israel had God as their king But those laws should apply to any nation that's gonna make the Lord their king His law isn't gonna change. It's good. He's gonna have the same laws in effect watch During the millennial reign of Christ you tell me We'll see but we'll see together But but you tell me if you think that oh no no no I mean he's not gonna have all those Why wouldn't he have all those laws? You think he's not gonna have capital crimes There's gonna be unsaved people on the earth. I don't think that there's just never gonna be ever any crime of any kind I mean, maybe maybe there won't be but I'll tell you what the laws are gonna be on the books They're gonna be enforced if anything ever does happen There's gonna be a lot of safety and a lot, you know, it's gonna be a great place but The law is still gonna be the law and he's gonna and there's a reason why I was gonna rule with a rod of iron Iron doesn't bend Justice will be served appropriately Verse 5 let the people praise thee Oh God let all the people praise thee Then shall the earth yield her increase and God even our own God shall bless us God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him Now We see in the second half of this passage a little bit more of like this prophetic Blessing on all of the earth and all the all the ends of the earth shall fear him, right? That's not happening In the broken condition that things are in today until Jesus Christ comes back on the throne It's just it's just not gonna happen. We know it's not gonna happen when all the ends of the earth fear him But we see it here as a day to look forward to and That's when we're truly gonna receive those these great blessings We're saying then then shall the earth yield her increase in God even our God shall bless us. God shall bless us All the ends of the earth shall fear him Psalm 86 verse 9 The Bible says this all nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee O Lord and shall glorify Thy name for thou art great and doest wondrous things thou art God alone One other reference to how things are gonna be is in Isaiah chapter 2 very prophetic passage Isaiah chapter 2 verse number 1 the Bible reads the word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem And it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all Nations shall flow unto it that's gonna be the time when everybody's gonna be having that fear of the Lord and Many people shall go and say come ye and let us go up To the mountain of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob And we will teach he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths fraud of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem The last days people are gonna be going up for what justice to hear the law at his mouth Because guess what in those days people are gonna love the law There's some people that love his law today, but unfortunately, it's not very many We need a lot more people to love the law of the Lord and not to judge the law of the Lord Shame on any Christian I mean a real Christian a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ shame on you if you judge God's law and Have any disdain. Oh, I can't believe that he would have the death penalty for Sodomites or I can't believe that he would do this or do that or what? You know, whatever you think Or the child that smites their parent being put to death. Oh, I can't that's terrible I can't believe you'd ever do that. What a what a bad, you know, how dare you? Judge the righteousness of God's law. Who do you think you are? You think you're more righteous than the Lord who made that law Shame on you if you think that way In the last days people are gonna be happy to hear the law of the Lord He will teach us of his ways Psalm 67 his ways being proclaimed among all nations And the Bible even says that even he the nations when they hear those laws Wow, you got those always that's a wise nation they're pretty smart and As the United States has slipped farther and farther and farther away from having Christian laws having the laws of the Lord in place We become a laughingstock to the world Seriously travel around and see what people think of Americans Either they're wanting to be just as wicked and decadent as America is or they're seeing us and going what a joke. What a laughingstock If we went back to putting his laws into place People be going. Wow. Hey, that's that actually makes sense. What a smart people He will teaches of his ways We will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem And he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords Into plowshares and their spears and the pruning hooks nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither Shall they learn war anymore? They're gonna be at peace, but the law is gonna be the law of the land and Jesus is gonna be ruling supreme And then we'll be blessed truly blessed and understand the blessing of the Lord here on earth When God's in charge? Amen what a day that'll be, huh? Let's bow our heads have word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord. We thank you so much for your blessings We thank you for the healing and thank you for being the God of all people of all nations I pray that you please help us not to get sucked into the nonsense of all the fighting over race and and gets sucked into These Stupid arguments trying to pit people against each other Lord We know that it truly doesn't matter. I pray to please help us to just proclaim the truth and That you love the whole world in order for them to hear the gospel and Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for their sins and There was no specification on On What families of the earth were supposed to hear and what families of the earth were not supposed to hear it dear Lord because you wanted All the families of the earth to hear the gospel. I pray that you please help us to fulfill that great Commission and God we love you and thank you for all that you do for us in Jesus name. We pray. Amen All right, we're gonna sing one last song before dismissed for the evening brother Peter we please lead us in our final song For our final song we'll be seeing Psalm 67 The ushers will be passing out their songs And song 67 The ushers will be passing out their songs Oh Oh Oh Oh You