(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you never mind we'll just find those later than I guess at some point when we go through all the rest of our ice cream we'll find them down at the bottom what else? is there any other food left over? there was some food left out right? but that's all gone rolls and buns if you want them take them home she thinks there's probably only like another day they'll be good for they've just been here so if you want that help yourself after the service rolls and buns alright but we had a really good time that five year anniversary appreciate everyone who put in there's a lot of work a lot of things being done and a lot of people stuck around and helped out and cleaned and helped me out tremendously with all the inflatables man that was something else but I think everyone had a really good time and looking forward to doing that again next year June challenge of course we're almost done so we've got till Friday I think through Friday is a challenge to attempt to give the gospel to at least one person every day to complete that challenge and then July is our off month for challenges so one out of twelve months we get a break from having to focus on something July is just focused on everything how about that if you want to challenge you can challenge yourself that way and then the Bible memory passage we're memorizing Hebrews chapter 8 so we're a little over half way done with that if you could quote the whole passage word perfect in the time frame you will earn a special prize for being able to do that upcoming birthdays and anniversaries are listed there and then the only upcoming event that we have scheduled for the moment is Pastor Anderson will be preaching on July 5th which is a Wednesday and if you want ice cream that might be a good day to get it we'll probably give a break or break or break I'm assuming we will Pastor Anderson has a tendency to draw the crowd so you want to make sure you get here get early get your seat get ready then after the service to get your ice cream and that'll be a great time I don't have I'll have some date for you for the next men's preaching class in July by this Sunday and then we will also be scheduling another soul winning marathon for somewhere at some time in the near future I'm not promising when we get that but normally what we've done in the past and what I'll probably do again this year is Labor Day weekend do a soul winning marathon where we're going to travel somewhere and whether it's however far away it is I'm not certain yet I've got multiple options I've got different people asking me for different things and they're all really good ideas so essentially we're going to do all of them we're going to go to North Carolina we're going to go to Gainesville we're going to go back to Alabama we're going to go up to Tennessee we're going to do all these things but we can only pick one of them for the next one so I'll be thinking about that but Labor Day weekend if you want to pencil that in that's most likely going to be the next time that we have a marathon on that Saturday we do a Labor for the Lord and I think that's about it so I will turn the service back over to brother Peter who can lead us in our next song alright church open up your notes a song for 229 song 229 since I have been redeemed song 229 alright let's sing this out in verse I have a song I love to sing since I have been redeemed well I redeemed her Savior King since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed I will never leave this land since I have been redeemed I will glory in my Savior's name I have the Christ that satisfies since I have been redeemed to you is where Christ is Christ since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed I will glory in his name since I have been redeemed I will glory in my Savior's name I have a witness I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed dispelling every hell in since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed I will glory in this name since I have been redeemed I will glory in my Savior's name I care a holy prayer for since I have been redeemed where I shall dwell eternally since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed I will glory in his name since I have been redeemed I will glory in my Savior's name I will glory in my Savior's name I will glory in my Savior's name I will glory in my Savior's name I will glory in my Savior's name I will glory in my Savior's name Once again that is Psalm chapter 62 Book of Psalms chapter 62 Says here Bubba reads Friends They only consult to cast him down from his excellency They delight in lies They bless with their mouth but they curse inwardly My soul wait thou only upon God for my expectation is from him He only is my rock and my salvation He is my defense I shall not be moved In God is my salvation and my glory The rock of my strength and my refuge is in God Trust in him at all times you people Pour out your heart before him God is a refuge for us Selah Surely men of low degree are vanity And men of high degree are a lie To be laid in the balance They are altogether lighter than vanity Trust not in oppression And become not vain in robbery If riches increase set not your heart upon them God has spoken once Twice have I heard this Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy For thou rendereth to every man according to his work Let's pray Father God, once again we thank you for this church We thank you for all the souls that have been saved And God, allow for Pastor Burns to preach for boldness Allow for us to be able to take your word Allow for us to go through this book of Psalms And to take whatever you have to place in our hearts We just praise you and thank you in Jesus name, Amen Amen Alright, we're continuing on in our Bible study through the book of Psalms We're in Psalm 62 tonight And let's just jump right in and look down there at verse number 1 The Bible says, Truly my soul waiteth upon God From him that cometh my salvation Or excuse me, from him cometh my salvation He only is my rock and my salvation He is my defense I shall not be greatly moved And again, this is a theme that we've been seeing over and over and over again Week after week Of just trusting in the Lord God being our salvation But I like in verse 2, it says, He only is my rock and my salvation He doesn't have multiple defenses Or multiple gods Or multiple, you know, sources of strength and defense It's, no, you only, Lord I'm trusting completely in you And that, you know, that's key for our salvation as well And we explain this to people Obviously just to be saved You have to trust completely in Jesus Christ And this is where a lot of people get it wrong Okay, and this is where Especially if you're a younger Christian Or if you haven't gone out sowing very much You haven't talked to people very much When you explain how to be saved It is extremely easy, very simple, right? And you say, we've got to believe on Jesus Christ Okay, that's, it is easy It is simple But a lot of people get that confused And many people, I don't know about you Maybe you'll say, oh, well, I'm saved already Well, hold on a second Let me, you know, let's talk about that a little bit Because you have to believe, like, only in Him Right? So it's not enough, it's not enough just to believe in Him But then I also believe I have to be baptized I also believe I have to go to church I have to, you know, kind of follow God's laws best I can I mean, I can't just do whatever I want You know, I got to try, I got to do something else But then if you add more things to it You're not fully just trusting in Him And that's the key Is that you have to believe on Him with all of your heart Or solely on Him That Jesus is the Savior There is nothing else that can save There is no aspect of saving And here we see the same concept being delivered here From the psalmist to say, look, my soul is on you Lord, from Him cometh my salvation My salvation comes from God and from God alone He only is my rock and my salvation It's only the Lord, it's only God Verse 3, let's keep reading here How long will you imagine mischief against a man? Ye shall be slain, all of you As a bowing wall shall ye be And as a tottering fence And now this is being directed at a wicked person, right? So there's always the seeking God's help Seeking that defense and that salvation from the wicked From the enemy And he's basically just saying, you know, how long are you going to try to Devise mischief and go after men And he says, you're all going to be slain And the judgment is coming, there is a judgment day coming Look, you're all going to be slain And he says, you're like a bowing wall Or as a tottering fence What's a wall and a fence, they're for defense They're to help protect you And provide you with the protection With just a good defense That you would need But if it's a bowing wall or a tottering fence It's not going to do you any good I mean, it's really unstable It's about ready to collapse is what those are And he's bringing that up, saying You won't stand Right after, he's like, my defense, my trust is in God God doesn't waver, God doesn't teeter God isn't going to fall But anything else you have out there that you're relying on I don't care if it's money I don't care if it's guns I don't care if it's a big wall Right? I don't care if it's the Great Wall of China If you're relying on that for your defense It's a bowing wall That's going to be broken That's not going to stand But the Lord is the defense that will always stand Verse number four They only consult to cast him down From his excellency They delight in lies They bless with their mouth But they curse inwardly Selah And this is continuing to describe the wicked person Who's trying to imagine mischief As we saw in verse number three Against a man Now, there's just a few phrases in here That come up multiple times in scripture About this type of person People who delight in lies They enjoy lying They like lying It's like They wait for the opportunity to lie For their advantage For, you know, for their own means They love it And then they bless with their mouth This shows how deceitful they are They'll bless real, real openly with their mouth And make people think you're a really good person But they curse inwardly So the same person They might be hearing all these blessings Come, oh, isn't that person just so sweet They always got something nice to say But then in their heart They're actually cursing They're lying They don't care about you at all And that's what's called flattery And that's what you gotta watch out for in people Is when they're praising or blessing insincerely And this is a trait of a wicked person That does this type of a thing And we're gonna see Turn it over, if you would Keep your place here in Psalm 62 Turn, if you would, to Jeremiah chapter nine Flip, go forward to Jeremiah chapter number nine And one of the things that I found While studying out this chapter in Psalm 62 Is just so much of the consistency Of similar topics being brought up Multiple places in scripture Where you see, like hear lies And then blessing and cursing Like in their heart with their cursing But openly, their blessing And all of these different things And there's more to come later We're gonna see how there's more concepts That are packed into Psalm 62 That also are found in conjunction Later on even in other passages of the Bible So it's just really cool to see How much the truth is just packed into scripture We're gonna start reading verse number one In Jeremiah chapter nine The Bible reads O that my head were waters And mine eyes a fountain of tears That I might weep day and night For the slain of the daughter of my people O that I had in the wilderness A lodging place of wayfaring men That I might leave my people And go from them For they be all adulterers An assembly of treacherous men And they bend their tongues Like their bow for lies But they are not valiant For the truth upon the earth For they proceed from evil to evil And they know not me saith the Lord So right away we're seeing in this context In Jeremiah chapter nine These people that they bend their tongues Like their bow for lies So they enjoy lying They like lying It's sport to them to lie And they're going about to proceed From evil to evil They're imagining mischief Against people Verse number four Take ye heed every one of his neighbor And trust ye not in any brother For every brother will utterly supplant And every neighbor will walk with slanders And they will deceive everyone his neighbor And will not speak the truth They have taught their tongue to speak lies And weary themselves to commit iniquity They're trying to do this This isn't an accidental lie That says they're teaching their tongue to lie They're getting better at it They're like I'm going to study how to lie And how to deceive people So I can be a better liar They weary themselves to commit iniquity See, and this is what we have to understand Is that these people exist Because I would still say A normal person Saved or unsaved Saved or unsaved Just a normal person out in the world Is not practicing their deceit They're not wearying themselves To just commit sin Most people still have a conscience And will be like Oh man, I didn't mean to do that Or I told a lie And yet you may have intended to tell the lie Because you wanted to get out of something But it still bothers you that you lied You're not like trying to really practice it But the people that the Bible is talking about here They're not like that They are trying to get better in their iniquity In their sin And to do so more and more Verse 6 says Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit Through deceit they refuse to know me Said the Lord Therefore thus And you know, be careful with lies and deceit You know, Jesus Christ said I am the way, the truth, and the life The more you love lies and wanting to spread lies And be involved and mixed up in lies The farther away you are from the truth And Jesus is the truth I mean, just You know, people just Will be real flippant oftentimes about lying Oh, everybody lies Oh, it's not that big of a deal Well, you know what? It's not the truth It's the exact opposite of the truth You want to involve yourself with lie after lie after lie You know, and some people, they'll justify it Right? How about the salesman? Right? I don't care what you sell You sell insurance You sell cars You sell whatever gadget, whatever gizmo, whatever thing And you're being instructed Well, just tell them they need this Look, don't get involved in that stuff Don't practice to lie And that's an area where You might not have thought about that before But there's training for lying in many cases Don't, as a Christian, as a believer You ought not to be one that goes down that path So they refuse to know the Lord through their lies Look at verse number seven Therefore, thus saith the Lord of hosts Behold, I will melt them and try them For how shall I do for the daughter of my people? Their tongue is as an arrow shot out It speaketh deceit One speaketh peaceably to his neighbor with his mouth But in heart he layeth his weight So again, now we're seeing that duplicity Of one thing's coming out of their mouth But in their heart it's something completely different And obviously that's a lie in itself But being able to practice Having ill intention towards someone And being able to speak the exact opposite out of your mouth Is a skill that wicked people Try to learn and improve upon And you need to be aware of that Because there are wicked people in this world That may try to tell you things And tell you things that you need Or tell you whatever you want to hear To get an advantage over you And then verse nine there says Shall I not visit them for these things That the Lord shall not my soul be avenged On such a nation as this? Of course God's not going to be mocked Of course you can't just get away with that And just as we started off in the beginning of Psalm 62 Which go back to Psalm 62 He's saying That, you know, that there When they imagine mischief when they do this stuff They're going to be like that tottering fence or a bowing wall It's going to come to nothing really quick They're going to collapse And God's going to bring judgment upon them And they won't be able to stand Psalm 62 verse number five And before we even continue there at verse number five You know we also see This is also a common Excuse me, trait Of the false prophet You know they speak great swelling words with their mouth They'll speak all these great things About how much they love God And they'll use the name of Jesus Or use the name of the Lord and say God said And God is on their lips But he's really far from their heart That they don't actually care about the things of God These are some of the people that use this the most Are the fake pastors The fake preachers That want to peddle the word of God They want to sell the word of God They want to just tell you anything that you want to hear In order to make merchandise out of you And they don't really care Because the people that care about you They'll tell you the truth The people that don't care about you Are willing to tell you lies It's that simple Psalm 62 look at verse number five The Bible reads My soul wait thou only upon God For my expectation is from him He only is my rock in my salvation He is my defense I shall not be moved And if you notice earlier in this passage It said I shall not be greatly moved And then he's just like I'm not going to be moved Not going to be moved God's my rock God's my salvation God's my defense Nothing can move me And that's where our faith needs to be too by the way It needs to be solid on that solid rock of the Lord So that you won't be moved Because the days of trouble come There's a lot of wicked people out there That might try to deceive you and do whatever But you need to be unmovable Unwavering in your faith Why? Because that's where your defense is That's where your salvation is going to come from Don't waver in that That's the best thing that you have going for you In fact you don't even need anything else So don't waver in the one thing That is going to be a surety For you and for your defense and for your salvation Verse number seven In God is my salvation and my glory The rock of my strength and my refuge Is in God Trust in him at all times At all times Not just when things are going bad And not just when things are going good Trust in him at all times We need to be looking to the Savior All the time, every day In good, in bad In trials, in comforts In everything at all times Trust in him Trust in him at all times you people Pour out your heart before him God is a refuge for us, Selah And you know, this might be harder for men and women I don't know But the Bible says to pour out your heart Before him A lot of men want to be, you know We ought to be tough God made us to be tough And to be able to be a rock for your family And to be able to be strong for everyone But you know what Everybody ought to be able to pour out their heart to the Lord Because whatever you got to deal with, man You know, you may not be pouring it out to Your spouse You may not be pouring, you know Definitely not be pouring it out to your kids But you know what We all have burdens that we have to bear And you can pour that out unto the Lord Pour out your heart to God He is your defense He's your rock So you want to draw strength from anywhere Draw strength from the Lord Then you can be strong Pour out your heart before him God is a refuge A refuge is a place of sanctity, right It's a place of rescue It's a place to be safe Verse number nine Surely men of low degree are vanity And men of high degree are alive To be laid in the balance They are altogether lighter than vanity And what's it saying It doesn't matter what degree you are And definitely on the side You know, the high degree Because people hold people up to these You know, elevations and statuses It says surely men of low degree, they're vanity It's like nothing But then men of high degree are alive There's no such thing Men of high degree To be laid in the balance They are altogether lighter than vanity Look at verse ten Trust not in oppression And become not vain in robbery If riches increase, set not your heart Upon them Now I'm gonna be spending the most of the time tonight On this verse probably alone Verse ten There's so many things packed into verse number ten Of trusting not in oppression Because this can be This can be used or seen multiple ways Trusting in oppression So on the one hand Think about it this way When it says trust not in oppression And I think this can be applied multiple ways But hear me out on this I think there's one primary application But there's many applications to be made Trusting in oppression The first thing that comes to my mind We're about to say trust not in oppression Is the children of Israel Right They were being oppressed They were in bondage Literally I mean being oppressed hard Hard labor And then they get freed And then they're talking They get scared And they get scared And they're talking about going right back To that oppression Like are we gonna trust in your oppressor You're gonna trust in that oppression To provide for you And to give you the things that you want And go back to that life As opposed to trusting in the Lord Your savior The one who freed you From that oppression Right So trust not in oppression Don't be trusting in the oppressors But also And here's Proverbs 3 Turn if you go to James chapter 2 Proverbs 3 31 The Bible says this Envy thou not the oppressor Envy not the oppressor And choose none of his ways Don't be envious at the people that are oppressors Why? Because the people who are oppressing They're in positions of power Otherwise how could they How can they Be an oppressor to begin with Unless you're in a position of power They have power If they have power that usually means they have wealth Right And these are the people everyone looks to Oh wow this guy's got so much power This guy has so much wealth This guy has so much fame Don't envy those people Don't envy the oppressor Choose none of his ways For the froward is abomination to the Lord But his secret is with the righteous God hates the froward God hates the oppressor Trust not in oppression James chapter 2 look at verse number 1 The Bible reads My brethren have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ The Lord of glory with respect of persons And remember in verse 9 It was just talking about the men of low degree And the men of high degree Well let's keep reading This is talking about being a respecter of persons Like caring about where they came from or whatever Or judging inappropriately Because of who a person is Or how they're dressed Specifically in this case Verse number 2 For if they come under your assembly A man with a gold ring in goodly apparel And there come in also a poor man in vile raiment And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing And say unto him Sit thou here in a good place and say to the poor Stand now there or sit here under my footstool Are ye not then partial in yourselves And are become judges of evil thoughts Now real quick This was written you know hundreds of years ago Back before the word gay was defiled So when it says you see someone in gay clothing That's not talking about You see a flaming faggot come in That's not what this is talking about here Gay, it's not talking about you know Some fag wearing I don't even know what Who knows what they wear these days Going you know shopping at Target And getting their swimsuit or whatever They're getting You know that's not what the Bible is talking about here Yeah you know what If someone comes in Some dude dresses like a woman coming in here They're gonna be sent right back out immediately If they even get through the door Okay that's not unrighteous judgment That is a righteous judgment That's not what this Bible is talking about right here The gay clothing Obviously you can get it from the context anyways And you know if you're ever confused about Well what does this word really mean Just read the context You could usually just figure out What it's talking about anyways But gay is just It's a happy or maybe a bright clothing Right so it's all about gay clothing He's got good clothing on He's you know maybe expensive clothes And he comes in He's got his gold ring You know he's dressed really well He comes in And you say oh wow Thank you so much sir for coming in here Have the best seat in the house And you don't even know this guy He just comes in Looks like he's got a lot of money Right Dressed really well Gold jewelry And then But then this other guy comes in Some homeless guy or whatever And he's not dressed well at all And you're like uh yeah We need you to go way No keep going Keep going Yeah yeah yeah You can stand back there Right And if anyone comes in Move even farther Whatever right That type of attitude Where you're just looking at their appearance Looking at how people look And you're judging just according to that When the guy who's rich Is probably way more Probably I mean It's more likely That just you know Just because someone doesn't have money That doesn't make them wicked And just because someone has money Doesn't make them good Right We don't believe in this prosperity gospel That where Oh you know if you're righteous God's gonna bless you And just give you all this wealth And if you're unrighteous Then you're not gonna have any money That's not what it's about There's plenty of righteous people That have no money And there's plenty of Plenty of really wicked people That have lots of money And if we keep reading here We'll see that So he's calling them out Saying well aren't you partial in yourselves You become judges of evil thoughts Verse five Hearken my beloved brethren Have not God chosen the poor of this world Rich in faith And heirs of the kingdom Which he hath promised To them that love him But ye have despised the poor Do not rich men oppress you And draw you before the judgment seat See like You of all people should know this Isn't it the rich people that are oppressing you So don't trust in that oppression Don't think highly of them And have this man of high degree He's alive Rich men oppress you Don't let that Change your judgment on things here Do not they blaspheme That worthy name by the witch Ye are called And that's what James is teaching So don't have respect to the rich guy The rich people are the ones that are oppressing you They're the ones that are blaspheming the Lord Don't now all of a sudden Just think really highly Because someone's got a lot of money You don't care about that So trusting not in oppression That's one aspect of it And that's one truth that definitely can be told Of giving more clout Or looking to the oppressor To trust in But I think even more in context here When saying trust not in oppression It also ties that in with Become not vain in robbery So it's talking about you not being the oppressor To gain for yourself You're not going to steal You're not going to do the wicked things As your trust As your defense He's just talking about trusting in the Lord So hey don't trust in oppression Don't trust in robbery Don't go to these things As your defense Don't think that you're going to be okay Well if I'm just the bully Then I'll be fine Because everyone's going to be scared of me I'll be the one oppressing And then no one can do anything to me That's not right That's not correct And in fact that's just false anyways Because you will get your day Bible teaches us not to envy them Teaches us not to have respect of persons Proverbs 22 Turn to Proverbs 23 Proverbs 22 verse 22 The Bible says Rob not the poor Because he is poor Neither oppress the afflicted in the gate For the Lord will plead their cause And spoil the soul of those that spoiled them So you think you could get away with it Oh these poor people They don't have anything I could just take from them They're not going to be able to do anything about it You know what They can't do anything about it Because they don't have their own means But you know what God says I see that And I'm going to take it out on you And I will stand up for them And I'll make sure that those wrongs are made right And people target the weak And they want to trust in that In that oppression And don't do it Don't trust in that oppression Don't think you could just get away With being wicked like that Proverbs 23 Look at verse number 1 The Bible says When thou sittest to eat with a ruler Consider diligently what is before thee And put a knife to thy throat If thou be a man given to appetite Be not desirous of his dainties For they are deceitful meat Remember men of high degree are a lie Oh he's got all this great food Oh I'm going to have this great meal With this rich guy I'm so lucky to go have a meal with him Put a knife to thy throat If thou be a man given to appetite Be not desirous of his dainties For they are deceitful meat Don't let that draw you in Don't let the riches and the food and everything Suck you in And blind you To what's really going on Labor not to be rich That's not what this life is about Don't work just to be rich Work does provide for your family Work hard to, you know, for a lot of reasons But don't work to be rich Cease from thine own wisdom The wisdom of this world is going to teach you To work, to get rich, to get all this wealth And accumulate all this wealth Don't worry about that Work hard, yes But don't, don't labor to be rich Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not For riches certainly, certainly make themselves wings They certain, riches will, one thing certain about riches They'll leave They go away I mean, I don't even, I won't even consider I have like riches, but you know what, my money's always going away It's going away sometimes faster than it comes in It seems to always be on the way out And why you want to set your eyes on things like that anyways It's because you're never going to be satisfied You're never going to be filled If that's what you used to need to have more Yeah, but it keeps on lowering That's why I got to get so much more Look, just be content Knowing that you'll never have what you think is enough And just live your life and serve the Lord Bible says, riches certainly make themselves wings They fly away as an eagle toward heaven Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye Neither desire thou his dainty meats For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he Eat and drink, saith he to thee, but his heart is not with thee Again, that same concept of saying one thing out of his mouth And a different thing in his heart He loves lying, it's deceitful meat He's trying to allure you with the flesh He's going to allure you with the money He's going to allure you with these different things But he doesn't care about you at all And you need to watch out for the traps Turn, if you would, to Proverbs chapter 30 This is all coming from Psalm 62, 10 Trust not in oppression, become not vain in robbery Proverbs 30 verse 8 says, Remove far from me vanity and lies Give me neither poverty nor riches Feed me with food convenient for me Lest I be full and deny thee and say, Who is the Lord? Or lest I be poor and steal And take the name of my God in vain You don't want to have too much, you don't want to have too little It's good just to have too little You don't want to have too little It's good just to be right in the middle Not going after, not being so rich I'm going like, man, I don't need anything I don't even need God Why? Because we need to be seeking the Lord every day Always, at all times, trusting in him And at the same point, we don't want to get to the point where we get so hungry And so, you know, that we're like willing to steal, to eat I don't want to be rich, I don't want to be poor Just feed me, Lord, and watch out for me And you notice, he said in verse 8, Remove far from me vanity and lies They're tied together I already preached on this not that long I'll turn to 1 Timothy chapter 6 But in Philippians chapter 4 verse 12, it says, I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound Everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry Both to abound and to suffer need I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me We need to know how to have riches We need to know how to not have riches And that was the last part there of that verse 10 in Psalm 62 If riches increase, set not your heart upon them So we're not supposed to be laboring to be rich But you may still be blessed with wealth With this world's good That might happen God has blessed plenty of people in the scripture with wealth With monetary good Job was blessed with a lot of things Solomon was blessed with a lot of things Other men, Abraham is a pretty good example Someone who had a great household He had many employees, a lot of people working for him Subservants He had a lot of wealth But not everybody did I mean, if you look at some of the prophets and how they lived Jeremiah spent quite a bit of time in a dungeon In the mire And Elijah and Elisha, they were walking around a lot And being fed with bread from ravens mouths And drinking at brooks until they dried up They lived pretty lean So we don't know what situation we're going to find ourselves in Whether we're blessed a lot or not But here's the thing If riches increase If they do If you just receive blessings You're getting bonuses at work You're getting stuff coming your way Whatever Wherever it comes from If they come your way Don't set your heart on them Don't let that Turn your heart from the Lord From what's right From anything Draw you away more into the world Because it can have that pull You've got, oh man, what am I going to do with all this money? And you know, sometimes it can just draw you in a direction That's not necessarily wicked or overtly sinful But just draws you away from serving God Oh, now I've got all this money Now I can go buy this toy or that toy Well, now I've got this thing So we're going to take it on a weekend We're going to go out and see less and less of you in church Less and less of the Bible Well, now I've got so many more things to do Because I've got so many more things to keep up with You just get busy with the cares of this world Don't let it affect your heart Because you can still do plenty of good things And we'll see that here in just a minute 1 Timothy chapter 6, look at verse number 17 Right here The Bible reads, charge them that are rich in this world That they be not high-minded So don't get lofty and proud You come into riches Don't get all thinking so highly of yourself Because you have so much money And you're so much better than everyone else And this is an instruction Where it says to Timothy, charge them that are rich So here's what you do to those who are rich in this world This is what you're going to tell them Don't be high-minded Nor trust in uncertain riches The riches of this world by the way Those are the uncertain riches Those are the ones that make themselves wings and they fly away The certainty in riches is that they're going to go away What we read from Proverbs Right, they certainly will go away So those are the uncertain riches That you don't want your heart trusting in Nor trust in uncertain riches But in the living God That's who you trust in Don't trust in your uncertain riches Trust in the living God Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy And I've mentioned this before It's okay if God bless you as well To enjoy what you have It's okay to enjoy this life And enjoy things just in general Enjoy the food you eat Enjoy the labor and the work that you do Enjoy it But always keep your heart focused And your mind focused on serving The Lord Keep it right Keep your heart right Verse 18 That they do good That they be rich in good works So the charge to those that are rich with this world's riches You need to be rich in good works Make sure you're doing that Focus your time on that Invest your energy and your resources in good works Ready to distribute Willing to communicate Ready to distribute Distribute what? Distribute to the needs of the saints God's blessed you Hey, I can help That may be, you know God brings together a whole bunch of different people to do a work And you happen to be someone that's been blessed with riches Well, there you go Maybe you'll then be able to have a special part in providing for a ministry But it's all around getting the work done Some people don't have much, but they're willing, they're ready to work Someone's got a lot Hey, brother, I'll feed you Let's go work together Whatever, right? It's real simple Because if your heart's not on that, who cares? When your heart's not on the money, it doesn't matter It doesn't matter where it ends up going to really It's just like, it's going to go away anyways I don't care Let's try to get the most good out of it as we can And not really concern ourselves with that I'm more focused on being rich in good works Raised for you, willing to communicate, verse 19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come That they may lay hold on eternal life So instead of laying up in store for themselves a bunch of money in a 401k To not work for the rest of your life It's the exact opposite He's saying, no, you need to be rich in good works And laying in store the good foundation against the time to come Well, you need the foundation of Jesus Christ, right? That'll save you And then why don't you build upon that gold and silver and precious stones In the spiritual sense with the good works Being rich in good works Because those dollars, that wood, hay, and stubble is going to burn up That's not going to abide the fire And these days it's not even going to abide the Federal Reserve before it even gets to the fire Your bank notes are becoming more and more worthless by the day You can put them under your mattress and they're just going to get more and more worthless It's garbage It's garbage You know what? Who cares? Whatever Whatever I don't like those thieves, I don't like those robbers I don't like the deceitfulness that they like to use And they try to trick everyone into making it sound like, oh no, we're trying to stop inflation As you print more money? I don't think you know what that word means Oh no, wait, I know you know what that word means I think you don't think we know what that word means For those of you who don't know what that word means, and this isn't supposed to be an economic class Inflation, why is it called inflation? It's not because the prices are going up It's because they're inflating the currency They're pumping more money into the system I mean, just imagine a big bowl And there's so much money that exists that's been already printed to this date And I'm not talking about replacing stuff that's been so worn and keeping the same level No, I'm talking about, well here's how much money we have We have a $1 bill, a $5 bill, $20 bill, whatever And then you just add a whole bunch more on top of that But someone gets to spend that first And the first people who spend that money, they're the ones who get the real value Everyone else has to pay for all the extra money that was printed So what do you mean you gotta pay for it? Because the money becomes less valuable the more there is The more there is circling around, the more there is It doesn't mean as much anymore It's not worth as much Anyways, do your homework on that if you don't know what I'm talking about If you're confused, you can learn about that There's plenty of resources out there for that And there's wicked people behind that Liars, people who have practiced really hard at their deceit To deceive a lot of people so that they could have a lot of money A lot of the riches, they're gonna fly away anyways And those are the types of people the Bible's talking about here Why are you giving them so much respect? Those are your oppressors J.P. Morgan comes walking in here with his top hat He's not getting the best seat in church Yeah, you could go all the way in the back Keep going Whatever, right? That's not the person that we're gonna give the respect to This is what this chapter is expressing to us Let's go back to Psalm 62 There's only two more verses left And we'll close out But you notice Obviously the contrast between trusting in the Lord And then trusting in the things in this world Or the riches or whatever And then you've got the people that are lying And they're saying one thing out of their mouth There's a different thing in their heart You see the lie and the vanity of the status Of one man versus another man We saw that in Psalm 62 as well And then You know, hey If God has blessed you, if he's given you a lot of riches Don't think on those things Don't let that get to you But just use it Verse 11 Psalm 62 Psalm 62 God hath spoken once Twice have I heard this That power Belongeth unto God At the end of the day, the power belongs to God So, you know, don't envy the rich Don't envy the wicked people of this world At the end of the day, God's got all the power So in this regard, I'll say, you know what? God is sovereign Careful with using that word Because, you know, a lot of Calvinists like to throw that word around And they kind of make it mean something that That it shouldn't They mean that God is just controlling every single last thing That happens in this world You can have all the power Without always exerting all of the power God has all the power He is omnipotent All powerful Power belongs unto God Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy You know, thank God that our all powerful God Is also a very merciful God in long suffering Because he allows stupid human beings To make mistakes But then he still loves us And will offer us forgiveness Unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy For thou renderest to every man according to his work Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Dear Lord Thank you so much for Your great mercy And Lord, thank you for teaching us the truth And for giving us an insight Into the hearts of some Of people in general And definitely The warnings about the wicked people that are out there The people that are liars That love to lie That love to say things with their mouth To try to deceive people But their heart is just set on wickedness Lord, and their heart is set on mischief To try to cause problems Amongst your people God, give us the wisdom that we need To be able to navigate this life And to not fall into their snares And their traps, dear Lord Please keep us from evil Lord, we're trusting in you I pray that you would please just help us No matter what is going on Not to be too proud To pour out our hearts Unto you, Lord Lord, we love you We thank you so much for being Such a great Heavenly Father to us And protector and defender And rock and shield for us Lord, we love you In Jesus' name we pray, amen Alright, we're gonna sing one more song Before we are dismissed for the evening Brother Peter, you please lead us Alright, church You can open up your windows Song number 146 Song 146 A Shelter in the Time of Storm Song 146 On the first The hordes are rocking Here we hide A shelter in the time of storm Send your whatever It'll be time A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus Is a rock in a weary Land A weary land A weary land Oh, Jesus Is a rock in a weary Land A shelter in the time of storm Church, we're gonna hold that note there at the beginning of the chorus, alright A shame My pain Defince My night A shelter in the time of storm No fears Of heart No fears of fright A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus Is a rock in a weary Land A weary land A weary land Oh, Jesus Is a rock in a weary Land A shelter in the time of storm The raging Storm They found us Feet A shelter in the time of storm We'll never Leave our safe Retreat A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus Is a rock in a weary Land A weary land Oh, Jesus Is a rock in a weary Land A shelter in the time of storm Oh, my divine Oh, refuge Here A shelter in the time of storm We now are Hell forever Here A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus Is a rock in a weary Land A weary land A weary land Oh, Jesus Is a rock in a weary Land A shelter in the time of Storm You