(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're almost done with the whole book. We've got one more chapter left after tonight. And these two are very interesting and different from the rest of what we've been going through. If you notice there in verse number one, this says, the words of Agor, the son of Jachie, even the prophecy the man spake unto Ithiel, even unto Ithiel and Yukal. What we've been reading for the most part in the book of Proverbs is the Proverbs of Solomon, right? And that's really what the book is called. The vast majority of these came from Solomon, but Proverbs 29 and Proverbs 30, excuse me, Proverbs 30 and Proverbs 31 are not the words of Solomon. It doesn't really matter. They're all the words of God, right? This is all still Scripture. So even these wise sayings, God gave Solomon wisdom. God blessed him with that. He gave him understanding. He was used greatly to give us God's Word, but ultimately at the end of the day, God is still the author of these words. Now, what I want to point out is something I actually literally just pointed out, out soul winning today, when I was speaking to a man who was going to, his background is in an Assemblies of God Church, and there's a lot of things that we were talking about, but one of the things that came up, oddly enough, as I was talking about speaking in tongues and we went to, or speaking with other tongues, show them 1st Corinthians 14. I was kind of explaining a lot of that to him, and we got to the point, oddly enough, where it says, and this wasn't the point of why we went there at all, but in 1st Corinthians 14 it says, you know, let your women keep silent from the church, for it's not permitted for them to speak, but if they learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home. And that was a part of the Scripture, and he kind of just threw out there that like, well, I don't think that that's for today. I think we're living in the times of Joel, where it says that your, you know, your old men shall dream dreams, and, you know, in C-Vision, and your men and your women shall prophesy. So, which is interesting enough, and I'm not going to get into the whole discussion I had with him, but that word prophesy is what I want to cover right now, and this is what I explained to him, is that, you know, first of all, a lot of people are confused about prophesy and prophecy, and they think that it only has to deal with future events, and that's typically the way the word is used today. When people talk about prophecy, they're talking about an event that hasn't happened yet in the future. Now, I'm not saying that that's not prophecy, right, but the word prophesy or prophecy doesn't always have to refer to something that hasn't yet happened, as in some future event that's going to happen, and, you know, like, like the Antichrist coming into power, right? That's not the only thing that's a prophecy. What we see here in Proverbs 30, verse 1, it says the words of Agor, the son of Jacob, even the prophecy. Now, we read this entire chapter before I started preaching just a few minutes ago. There is nothing in this chapter that's talking about some prophetic future event, and actually in Proverbs 31, you're going to see the same exact thing. The words of King Lemuel in verse number 1, the prophecy that his mother taught him. And what's Proverbs 31 about? It's about the virtuous woman, by and large. I mean, that's pretty much what the chapter is about. It's known for the virtuous woman, and, you know, there's just bits of wisdom and truth is given to him, yet it's called a prophecy. Why? Because it's God's Word. Because it's the wisdom. It's the preaching of God's Word is how that word's used, and you could go all throughout the Bible. I'm not going to prove that just exhaustively tonight, but when you start to read that, and you say, you know, when your young men or your men and your women shall prophesy, that's preaching. It doesn't have anything to do necessarily with future events. So, and I explained that to this man, too, is that there is no problem with women prophesying. I'm all for it. I think women should be preaching. Preaching the gospel, getting people converted, leading people to Christ. We saw the woman at the well did that when after Jesus spoke with her, the first thing she did, she dropped her bucket, she ran into town and said, hey, isn't this the Messiah? Isn't this the Christ? Isn't this who we've been waiting for? Come see this man. And she started leading people to Christ. We see example of women doing that and praise God for it. You know, that Great Commission was given not just to the disciples, that was given to all believers. To go ye therefore in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. To do this stuff. I mean, these are the things that everybody's job is to do that. When you preach the gospel, you're prophesying. You're prophesying about Jesus Christ. So there's not a problem with that. 1 Corinthians 14, the problem is within the church, within the setting of the place that we all gather together to receive learning and wisdom from God's Word. That's when it's not permitted for women to speak. Go ahead, prophesy, go out. You know, go out door to door. Go out and reach the lost. Prophesy Jesus Christ. Amen. That's good. And there's no contradiction at all there. It's just a misunderstanding, for one, definitely of the word prophesy or prophecy. And what we see here, that's why I'm starting off here in verse number one, Proverbs 30 is a prophecy with no specific future events happening. It's wisdom. We're receiving knowledge. Verse number two, surely I am more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of a man. I neither learned wisdom nor have the knowledge of the Holy. Now this is really interesting because what we see here, the words of Acre, the son of Jacob, is humility. This is a very humble man, right? To say, I'm more brutish, right? Basically saying like, I'm stupid, I'm brutish than any man. He's like, I don't even have the understanding of a man. I don't know, you know, I neither learned wisdom nor have the knowledge of the Holy. But let me ask you this, is what he's saying scripture? Wouldn't you consider that the knowledge of the Holy? So in his humility, he's saying these things, basically saying, I'm not anything, you know, I'm not some special person. I'm not this scholar. But he's speaking pure wisdom and scripture and truth from God's Word. The reason why I'm making a point out of this right now is because there's an argument that comes out, and I didn't cover this on purpose because there's too many things to cover, when I preached on the preservation of God's Word. One of the arguments that people will make against people who believe in a King James only philosophy, a King James only church like we are, we say the King James Bible is a preserved Word of God. One of the arguments they'll use against that is to say, well, the translators didn't even think, they weren't King James only, so why are you? So the point to the foreword, you know, the letter from the translators before the Bible is, you know, in the preface to the Bible, basically, where they wrote this whole long letter and all these things, and how, you know, how humble, first of all, they are when you read that letter. That they are not exalting themselves at all, but they're just doing this work, and they're doing this service, and trying to glorify God and the things that they're doing, and they're doing their best to put everything together and to basically make a great revision of God's Word. Now, they were living at a time where there wasn't one complete source and text of the entire Bible just in its entirety right there to pick up and read. I mean, there were, you had, at least not a perfectly preserved one in English, they had these, you know, other versions prior to that, the Tyndale versions, other things, and a lot of those were still incomplete. The works were not just done. They had their Bishop's Bible, but they already knew that that was full of errors, which is what prompted this to begin with. They knew it wasn't good. I mean, it was known that, yeah, this isn't a great translation. So, what they will do is say, well, look at the translators. They don't even say, they don't think that they were being used, you know, that they were inspired by God. Now, the word inspired, you know, whatever. I may get into all that. Were they inspired? No. But did God use them to preserve His Word? Yes. But the argument of saying that, well, since they said what they said, that just means that King James only is wrong is a false argument. Because they were humble, I mean, look at, because Ager says here, I don't have the knowledge of the Holy, does that mean, well, this isn't Scripture then? Can we say that? No, it is Scripture. Of course it's Scripture. He did have the knowledge of the Holy, but he was being humble. Think about this. Turn, if you would, to John chapter number one. Keep your finger here. Turn to John chapter one. We have a perfect example of this from Scripture also. And even a better example than in Proverbs 30. John chapter one. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John in the New Testament. John chapter number one. We're going to look at verse number 19. The people were questioning John the Baptist. Verse 19 of John chapter one. And this is the record of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, who art thou? So they're saying, well, who are you? Right? The priests, the Levites, they sent people saying, well, who is this guy? Because John the Baptist was out in the wilderness, right? He's just out. He was a voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord. So they asked him, well, who are you? Verse number 20. And he confessed and denied not, but confessed, I am not the Christ. So right off the bat, he's saying, I'm not Christ, right? Because they want to know who he is, making this big stir in baptizing people and stuff. So verse 21, it says, and they asked him, what then? Okay, you're not the Christ. What then? Art thou Elias? And he said, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, no. Why are they asking if he's Elias? Because the prophecy of Christ says that Elias must come first. Turn, if you will, to Matthew chapter 17. So when they asked him, are you Elijah? Because that's what Elias is in, you know, translate from the Greek. It's Elijah. Are you Elijah? No. Are you that prophet? Nope. John the Baptist himself said, no. Let's look and see what Jesus said in Matthew 17. Matthew 17, verse number 10. And his disciples asked him, saying, why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? Talking about before Christ comes, Elijah is going to show up first and then Christ is going to come. Verse 11, and Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come. He's confirming that that's correct. Yes, Elijah must come first and restore all things, but I say unto you, verse number 12, that Elias is come already. And they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer of them. Verse 13, then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist. Jesus was referring to John the Baptist as being Elijah. Did John the Baptist know that? No. He said, no, I'm not. But was he? Yes. That was the prophecy coming fulfilled of Elijah coming first in John the Baptist. That was the fulfillment of that prophecy that had to happen first. John the Baptist said no. So because John the Baptist said no, then that just means that he wasn't. Because the King James Bible translator said, no, we don't, you know, we're not King James only or authorized version only, then that means that's just wrong. Do you see how the argument just falls flat on his face? It doesn't stand up. See, people being used by God don't even necessarily have to know what their role is or how they're being used by him in order to be used by him. There are people that have been unsaved. Listen to this, there are people have been used that are unsaved that have been used by God for his purpose and have even spoken God's words. The high priest when he said that don't you know that it must need to be that that one died for the entire, you know, for the nation and I'm misquoting that, but when he said that the Bible says this fakie not on his own but because he was the high priest that year and basically the Holy Ghost, you know, like he said that scripture because God was leading him to say that and it wasn't of his own. So God is able to use people when he wants to to perform his will and this is what we see and this is what we believe happened with the scripture. Go back if you would to Proverbs chapter 30. So if you hear people saying that well the translator said this don't let that shake you on being, you know, King James only because they don't have to know how important the role really was in the preservation of God's Word and in the translating into our English language. They don't have to have the full understanding of the of the impact that they actually had in order for it to still be true. Just like John the Baptist didn't have to have the understanding or Ager didn't have to have the understanding that what he was actually saying was actually scripture. He probably didn't realize it at the time which is why he says I don't, you know, I don't have the knowledge of the Holy as he's like speaking scripture. Just to go down to verse number four. Who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name and what is his son's name if thou canst tell? And I love this just just in questions all the doctrine wrapped up in the Old Testament in these Proverbs from the words of Ager here talking about Jesus Christ coming. You know who what is his name and what is his son's name if thou canst tell? Turn to Ephesians chapter number four because he mentions here in the very first part of that verse who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? Who is that? Well in Proverbs he's asking the question in the New Testament we've got the answer. We know exactly who that is. Jesus Christ is the one that ascended into heaven and descended. Because he asked the question who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? Jesus did both. Look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse number 8 wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men. Now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things. And there's a doctrine today that that's getting I don't even know how. Just getting left by the wayside where people are saying that Jesus Christ did not go to hell. And this is kind of mind-boggling to me because even like the Reformed Protestant churches have believed this for a long time. I mean this is just something that's so clear in Scripture. Turn to Acts chapter 2. This is something that's so clear in Scripture. I don't see how you could miss it. It's so clear that even the even the the false Christian religions are getting it right. Just like the Catholic Church has the Trinity right. It's obvious. I mean it's that's clearly taught in the Bible. So it's kind of like how could you not believe that? This Jesus Christ's soul going to hell is the same exact way. And what we saw in Ephesians 4 is you know hey yeah he ascended up in heaven. Okay everybody believes that Jesus said in heaven he says but what is it but that he also descended first. And it says here into the lower parts of the earth. So some people want to say that the desert is only referring to him being in the grave. Now first of all the tomb that he was laid in there was a rock like rolled over it and there was somewhere where he could like you could like walk into. Okay so maybe had to walk down a little bit. I don't know exactly how it was set up but would you consider that just to be like you said the lower parts of the earth is this little tomb that's maybe maybe six feet under I don't know I mean it does that really sound like the lower parts of the earth of course not because that's not where did when this is referring to it's not referring to Jesus's body being in that tomb it's referring to his soul and we're gonna see here in Acts chapter 2 how his soul went to hell and was there for three days and three nights and it's interesting because we go out so winning I try to explain this to people a lot of people don't even realize this you guys say well they heard about Jesus Christ dying on the cross and they heard about his resurrection so oftentimes I like to ask is well do you know where his soul you know the during those three days and three nights he died on that cross and he rose again from that do you know where his soul was during that time most people say it was in heaven that's not true and there's a lot of people that actually say what we teach is blasphemy and all his other stuff because we need that Jesus all didn't go to hell and they come up with this weird doctrine of Abraham's bosom they turn to Luke 16 and they see this story of Lazarus and the rich man and and how Lazarus went to Abraham's bosom which the bosom is a body part by the way he went and actually saw Abraham and Abraham gave him a hug you know Abraham was there saying oh you know you could be comforted now but they want to say that that place is in the center of the earth and it's just a whole bunch of nonsense because even science will tell you what the center of the earth consists of you don't even need science understand that you can look at a volcano and understand what is beneath the earth when you see it erupt and you see the the fire and brimstone shooting out of that volcano I mean it's totally proven science will do it for you science that's not falsely so-called science that just tells you that there yeah what's in the core of the earth magma I mean the it's it's super hot right we know that this is a geothermal planet that we live on there's there's heat coming from inside of the earth it's hell but well first that place called hell hell is never mentioned once in the Bible as a positive place to be not one time yet people want to believe that Jesus Christ so went to hell but he went to the good part of hell where it's not hot well let's just let's see what the scripture says okay because I mean if we're gonna believe something let's believe it because the Bible says so anyways not because it even makes sense but let's just look at here when Peter is preaching let's let's get this in context let's let's start reading here in verse 22 chapter 2 verse 22 of Acts you men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth the man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as ye yourselves also know him being delivered by the determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God has raised up having lose the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holden of it so what's he talking about Jesus Christ death he's saying you guys crucified him but God raised him up right he's talking about his death and his resurrection that's the context look at verse 25 for David speaketh concerning him now he's gonna quote the Old Testament quote the book of Psalms I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption thou hast made known to me the ways of life thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance and then he stops it it's a quotation from Psalms verse 29 men and brethren now he's speaking to them again after he's quoted the reference the scripture men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried in his sepulchres with us unto this day therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne so he started explaining here that what David was saying in this psalm it wasn't about himself but because he knew and he was a prophet he knew that God had already sworn him David had received a promise from God that there was not going to fail man to sit on the throne and basically that Christ was going to be coming through David's physical line his descendancy and that was a great blessing right it was a great blessing for you to have that bestowed upon you that wow one day from my son son son son son my children Jesus Christ is physically going to be born that's amazing right and that's what he's explained here so he knew this so explains it even further look at verse 31 he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption completely expounds this song he says it's not about David it has nothing to do with David it's just because he knew that the fruit of his loins Christ was going to come he was just speaking about the resurrection of Christ he says this is a prophecy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ that his soul whose soul Jesus Christ's soul was not left in hell now in order for Jesus Christ's soul to be left in hell it has to be in hell first you can't be left somewhere that you never were to begin with now it doesn't say his soul was not left in Abraham's bosom it doesn't say his soul was not left in heaven his soul was not left in hell now show me one reference ever ever in the entire Bible front to back where hell is used as a good as a good place to be not bad I'm gonna hang out here for a while gonna be in hell one referent just show me one where it uses the word hell you're not gonna find it every single mention of the word L guess what it means that fiery burning horrible place that even people who've never read the Bible one time understand what you're talking about when you say the word hell it is a concept that is that is widely known in our day and age in a word that is used commonly and the word means exactly what it says hell the fiery burning torturous place that Jesus soul went to because he was bearing the sins of all the world the punishment for our sins the wages of sin is death the place death not just your physical death we have punished if without Christ for our sins in hell the torture and torment is a punishment for our sins Jesus Christ came to pay for our sins he paid for our sins and now it's a real simple doctrine but we have the scripture just explicitly stating that his soul was not left in hell we have Ephesians 4 hey that he ascended up in heaven that's great and he needed to do that too because he had to go before the mercy seat in heaven and sprinkle that blood of the atonement on the mercy seat just as they did in the picture or the figure for the time then present when the tabernacle was around on this earth and the physical tabernacle reflected what's in heaven the physical mercy seat reflects what's in heaven that's why God gave them specific instructions on how to design and to build everything because he wanted it patterned after the way it is in heaven so this is the way it needs to be and everything that they acted out here was telling you this is what's going to happen with the Lamb of God the perfect sacrifice that came and you could go on and on and read about the the Passover sacrifice how the Bible explicitly says okay you need to shed the blood it needs to be without blemish it needs to be perfect shed the blood you eat of the flesh of the lamb but you can't leave any of it to morning says you can't cook that flesh with water not sodden with water not anything else it needs to be roast with the fire and it spells out says roast with fire and anything that's left over burn all of it in the fire let none of it remain into the morning why it's representation of Jesus Christ why it has to do I doesn't have to be burned with fire because Jesus soul went to hell for three days and three nights it makes perfect sense the scripture I don't I don't get how people can believe anything other than this and how you can try to reconcile all the references when you just accept it for what it says there are no problems whatsoever and it's interesting how we could even see this being darkly prophesied in the book of Proverbs right it's it's like in the Old Testament a lot of things they were seeing through a glass darkly just like we do now but the light of the New Testament really shines a lot on the understand I could understand in the in the in times past when these proverbs were given go go back if you were to Proverbs chapter 30 not really being able to understand what is he talking about what is his name and his son's name if thou canst tell right well what does that mean what what does it mean who have ascended up in heaven or descended right but now we have these these scriptures from the New Testament is completely explaining and expounding and say oh that's exactly what it means exactly what he's talking about here it's more of a prophecy saying that of Jesus Christ who was to come look at verse number five every word of God is pure he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him and again you know I don't want to get too far in this because I just preached on the preservation of God's Word every word of God is pure what is it what is purity there's no corruption there's no defiling it is I mean definition of the word pure you can't have any error you can't have any any corruptness you can't you can't have any of that stuff in order for it to be pure so how can you take a book and say and some people say yeah you know it's correct there's there's corruptions in here that's not it's not perfect how can you say well that's God's Word it's not God's Word because every word of God is pure there is no corruption it's the incorruptible seat if you're gonna make a claim and say God's Word you better not have impurities in God's Word because then it's not God's Word anymore every word of God is pure praise God we could have his words that are pure and unadulterated and exactly the way that he has them for us every word of God is pure he has a shield unto them that put their trust in him look at verse number six add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar and we stir many warnings in the Bible I'm gonna briefly go over a few of them Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse number 2 the Bible reads ye shall not add unto the word which I command you neither shall you diminish ought from it that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you turn to Revelation 22 real quick Deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 32 reads what things so ever I command you observe to do it thou shalt not add thereto nor diminish from it he's saying I'm giving you my words I'm giving you my law these are my words hey don't add unto it and don't remove from it and we need to remember both now the don't remove from it seems to be pretty easy and straightforward like I can't touch God's Word by taking something away I don't like right because that would be the the tendency is to think that like well I don't like this I'm going to remove it and that's real easy to comprehend that yeah we definitely shouldn't be doing that we also want make sure we're not adding the God's Word either in our life and in our zeal to live right and do right by God let's not get caught up and start adding to God's Word start calling things that are not a sin a sin well now you're starting to add to God's Word I mean that's what the that's what the Pharisees did right they're constantly trying to find the reason why Jesus Christ was wrong and why his disciples were wrong and in all this other stuff right we need to make sure we don't get caught up in that we don't want to add to or remove from God's Word let's be real with what the scripture says and hey what it says it says what it doesn't say it doesn't say and that's why what we know for example we look at the the list of the things that a person can do in order to be say kicked out of church you know you look at those sins I'm not gonna just start adding to those to those things and say well if you've done this to me or whatever then then you're not welcome here anymore that's not what the Bible says you know I mean we're gonna go exactly with what the scripture says we're not gonna add to it and we're not gonna remove from it either and say well we don't want to kick anyone out well no now all of a sudden you got a problem but God is very very very concerned with the integrity of his word so much so that we see in Revelation 22 the price of tampering adding to or removing from his word because this is all we have this is what we have to go on is God's Word right he's not audibly speaking with us and communicating it with us on a daily basis it's not something that we just say hey God you know and we're having a conversation with him what we have is his word so he needs to make sure that you don't mess with my word because I want this word to be real preserved for everybody to be able to get this and to get my message and to know exactly what I said so if anyone decides to try to mess it up and screw with it look at Revelation 22 verse 18 for I testify on every man that here at the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away the words take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out the holy city and from the things which are written in this book it costs you your soul basically to add to or remove from God's words that's how serious it is God says you know what you start doing that you've lost your chance of salvation forever not something I'd want to mess with that much even as an unbeliever I mean seeing something like that if I was an unbeliever I'd be like yeah you know what I'm the off chance that this is right I don't think I want to mess with that you know I mean oh I lose my place from the book of life but um let's go back to Proverbs chapter 30 verse number seven Proverbs 37 two things that I required of thee deny me them not before I die remove far from me vanity and lies which is the first thing you saying is asking for two things give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient for me lest I be full and deny thee and say who is the Lord or lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God in vain I love this these these few verses here on Proverbs I try to keep this in my mind all the time this is a very very good wisdom to live by to keep you humble and to keep you focused on what's important instead of and he says first remove far from me vanity and lies why I don't want to get caught up in vain things if it's removed far from me then I won't be tempted to get involved in things that are just vain and meaningless and and they're not that good I'm just gonna remove it far from me and apply this why don't you remove from yourself things that are vain that you know or it could be a problem for you just get them out don't worry about the vanity you know get the vain things that you have in your life right now get it out it says and lies right remove far I don't want to be deceived I don't want people lying to me God remove far from me vanity and lies I want to get caught up in things that don't matter I don't want to get caught up and things are just a bunch of lies I want to know the truth I want to do what's right get the false prophet books and preaching and whatever out of your out of your house to get it far from me I don't want any of that stuff and then he says give me neither poverty nor riches he said I don't want to be really poor but I also don't want to be really rich I don't want to be so poor just feed me with food convenient for me God just give me what I need provide for me the food so I'm not going to be or he says first of all so lest I be full in deny thee and say who is the Lord right so when you start accumulating riches and you start gaining all this wealth you can get to the point to where you get real proud because you have all this stuff and you start thinking I did all this I'm so great look at everything I've achieved look at all that I've done and you end up just denying God and he's recognizing look this is the way that people are and can be I don't want to be like that God so don't even give me the opportunity to be like this so don't let me get rich how many Christians today are willing to say God don't make me rich this is wisdom this is wisdom don't get fooled by thinking how great it would be to be rich because he for the Christian it's not for the unsaved law person yeah it's great but not for the one that really cares about God's Word and and actually is thinking about the afterlife and thinking about the things that I don't want to be rich and I don't I don't want to be rich cuz you know what when you have a lot of money you're not wasting a lot of time on vain things anyways cuz we have money what do you do you guys spend it you spend it on what what do you spend it on toys things things you have to maintain things you have to care for things you have to hire other people to take care of and you know it's vanity it's a waste of time you're wasting your entire life on that and you could just start thinking well I did all this look how great I am look all the stuff I have I have more than all that everyone else around me because I'm so great we need to watch out for that so he says let's not be fooled and I didn't say who is the Lord or lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God in vain saying I also don't want to be so poor that my only choice is like you know I might be tempted not my only choice is because no one's only choice is to steal ever that's never your only choice there's always another way around it but to be tempted in the thinking that I'm so hungry and I need food I'm gonna steal this to satisfy my hunger right because when you start getting real hungry you start thinking about all kinds of different things whatever you can do to get food to any saying I don't want to be in that situation either so please God give me what I need give me food convenient for me I don't want too much because I don't want to just deny you and just you know get puffed up in my own vain mind and I also don't want to get to the point to where I'm going to be willing to break your laws and your commandments in order to feed myself so just help me out great wisdom to live by memorize these verses I think they'll help you they'll I mean in today's as I this is extremely important we get it the number one one of the easiest things to get distracted with is money and the cares of this world and the pleasures in the vain things this will help keep you on track and this is a great summary of kind of like all the rest of the Proverbs that dealt with this subject dealing with riches and all these things let's keep going here verse number 10 accuse not a servant unto his master lest he curse thee and now be found guilty you're saying don't be a tattletale so what it said don't accuse accuse not a servant unto his master right the don't go and say hey boss look at you know what so it's you know this person did because we say is you know what what that's gonna turn around on you and then you're gonna be found guilty you don't need to be doing the the spying and enforcement of things that are going on and writing every wrong that that if someone else screws up or you're just going to be right there to tell them how your your fellow employees screwed up to your to the boss right I'm saying don't do that let let let the judgment come where it's appropriate because you know what's gonna happen is the same way that you judge is gonna you're gonna be judged also and then when you screw up because look we all make mistakes I don't care who you are you're proud if you think you never make a mistake you never make an error you never screw things up when you're looking and bouncing and pouncing on someone that makes a mistake and telling on them to the boss it's gonna come back and get you when you screw up then and you know what I'll probably be even worse for you because you did that don't be a tattletale look at verse number 11 there is a generation that cursed their father and doth not bless their mother there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness there is a generation oh how lofty are their eyes and their eyelids are lifted up there is a generation whose teeth are swords and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men there is a generation that we are going to be seeing probably in our lifetime and things are already getting this way right now this generation that is being described right here is going to happen in the end times turn if you would to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 Matthew 24 verse 12 reads and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold this generation that we're looking at here in Proverbs chapter 30 there's a generation that curse their father mother how wicked is that first of all just children that curse their parents the Bible says that a child you know when when the children are cursing their father mother they deserve the death penalty he said there's gonna be a society so backwards a generation that curses their father and does not bless their mother no respect whatsoever no honor for their parents at all an entire generation and we're not talking one person here one person is and there's a generation coming that they're not going to care anything about their parents there's a generation that are pure in their own eyes they're gonna think they're righteous yeah what we're doing is right and good we've got the truth we are and yet is not washed from their filthiness they don't have the truth they're not pure but they think they are they think what they're doing is right there's a generation oh how lofty other eyes are gonna be proud thinking how great they are how they've got everything figured out and their eyelids lifted up there's a generation whose teeth are as swords we're using your words like weapons and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor from off the earth they don't care about people they don't care about the poor and the needy from among men I believe this generation is almost upon us I think things are going that way I think as iniquity abounds the love of many is gonna wax cold and because iniquity is abounding right now people's love is waxing cold to breed this generation that's gonna think they have all the answers they're gonna be ruthless they're gonna be unmerciful as they use their teeth as swords they're proud they think they got it all figured out they think that they're pure but they're not they're filthy look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse number 1 this is why I say this is coming upon us and this is going to happen verse number 1 this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves lovers of their own selves right they're pure in their own eyes they can't do anything wrong their lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud right we saw that already in Proverbs 30 blasphemers disobedient to parents right a generation that cursed their father and does not bless their mother unfaithful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away again they have this form of godliness they think they're pure in their own eyes but they don't even know that they're filthy they didn't they deny the power thereof they have a religion they have a form of godliness but it's wicked and false and perverted they're proud and this is this is prophesying this is talking about the last days perilous time shall come and this is what we see in Proverbs chapter 30 now I know you're thinking because I'm thinking this you maybe you're not thinking this but at the beginning I said that word prophesy we see here in Proverbs there's nothing about you know end times here or future events let's say okay this is about future but now this isn't necessarily I'm applying this a few to end times events okay but Proverbs 31 also says that it's a prophecy and you read through that and that's not talking so the point still stands there's more than just one application for this okay and the word when you and I didn't do a full Bible study on it for tonight like I've done it before I've looked at it and it's definitely the truth but that's why I make sure I make that clarification because you say well wait a minute that's the person we're looking at future stuff here and it's talking about a prophecy right so we'll get to that you know I'll make a point of it next week when we do Proverbs 31 but just keep that anyway that's a kind of a sidestep go back if you were to Proverbs chapter 30 we see here how much they line up them when it's talking about there's a generation that has all these things now these generations I think also can can be they come and go throughout history right I mean as nations and people come wicked all this stuff repeats but there's definitely it's definitely coming in the end times there it's definitely gonna happen as we see it there in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 I mean we know for a fact that that's happening and we can see the way that's happening right now proverbs look at verse number 15 the horse leech has two daughters crying give give there are three things that are never satisfied yea four things say not it is enough now when I see what I when I was studying for this I didn't know exactly what a horse leech was and from my understanding what I could tell what it excuse me what is is just a leech like a big leech though that you know a leech is a is like a blood-sucking beast or creature right and it fits with the rest of what we're gonna read here because it says that the horses have two daughters crying give give right and and it's followed up with those three things are never satisfied yea four things say not it is enough and you think of a leech like it they're just gonna suck and suck and suck and they're never satisfied and just leech off of you right I mean that's that's what a leech does it's just it's just never has enough like a parasite that just is never satisfied and never full and that's why it starts off with that look at verse number 16 so these are the things the four things that are never satisfied the grave people always dying graves never full graves are never satisfied there's always people dying the barren womb right there's always people that aren't able to have children unfortunately there's there's barren wombs all over the place the people want to have children they don't have children the earth that is not filled with water I mean think about all the water that's in this world near you know we still have ground we still dry land and then in the fire that saith not it is enough I mean think about how consumptive a fire is right I mean burns everything in sight verse 17 the eye that mocketh at his father and despises to obey his mother the ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young Eagles shall eat it kids listen up I read diverse again this is important the eye that mocketh at his father we were just reading the verse about the the generation that's going to come that they're going to curse their father and not bless their mother it's a wicked generation and a Bible saying here the eye that mocketh at his father makes fun of their dad doesn't respect their dad doesn't have honor for the dead die that mocked at his father and despises to obey his mother don't want to listen to anything mom says I don't want to do what you say mom I don't want to go clean my room I don't want to do this look at what the Bible says the ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young eagle shall eat it there's all birds eating out your eyeballs does anyone want their eyeballs eating out because I know I don't that doesn't sound like one bit of fun I don't like getting a speck of dust in my eye it's really annoying and it hurts and it's like oh man and it disables you let alone a bird plucking out my eyeball this is how serious that God treats the the honoring of your father and mother and and saying that look kids you need to respect your mother and your father and listen to what they say look at verse number 18 there be three things which are too wonderful for me yea for which I know not the way of an eagle in the air the way of a serpent upon a rock the way of a ship in the midst of the sea and the way of a man with a maid and he's just kind of bringing up some things here that are just it's a wonder it's it's it's wonderful to look at these things the way eagle flies through the air and you know the way of a man with a maid the way that a ship just you know sail through the sea these things are our wonders and it's and it's just exemplary of God's creation right I mean some of these are you know a ship is man's creation but the way that everything works and the way that God's world works is wonderful verse number 20 such is the way of an adulterous woman she eateth and wiped with her mouth and said I have done no wickedness and we covered this earlier in earlier Proverbs we talked about the strange woman in the adulterous woman how she's you know extremely wicked and filthy and then in defiled but you know eats wipes her mouth you know I'm clean right there's nothing wrong with what I did and thinking that everything is just fine and this is the way that the world deals with adultery anyways it's just looked upon as not that big of a deal I mean people it happens oh I'm having a hard time at home and and oh I had an affair with so-and-so but you don't understand my husband he doesn't pay attention me going and on and on and on like you didn't do anything wrong when it's wicked as hell and the Bible put the death penalty on adultery verse 21 for three things the earth is disquieted and for four which it cannot bear for a servant when he reigneth and a fool when he is filled with meat for an odious woman when she is married and in handmade that is heir to her mistress so these are all things that are kind of like opposites that are happening here you know the servant that's that's ruling and reigning because the servant is working for someone else right it's talking about the the fool that is filled with meat right because a fool isn't going to be working they're not going to you know they're going to be acting foolishly and not doing and in being responsible so when they're actually filled with meat that's kind of the opposite of what should happen an odious woman you know someone who's loud obnoxious getting married right finding someone to marry them and in handmade that is heir to her mistress again the handmade someone that's like a servant then becoming heir to mistress he says that the earth is disquieted or for these things that it cannot bear right because that's not the way that that that it should be having any of these things happen like a verse number 24 there'd be four things which are little upon the earth but they are exceeding wise they may have paid that exceeding wise there's some wisdom that we can gain from God's creation from the way that he made the the animals and we're going to see specifically what we can learn here look at verse 25 the answer of people not strong yet they prepare their meat in the summer the Coneys are but a feeble folk yet make they their houses in the rocks the locusts have no King yet go they forth all of them by bands the spider taketh hold with their hands and is in Kings palaces so all these things are little the ants the Coneys the locusts and the spider but they're doing great things so the ants they're able to prepare all of their food and store everything away and they have this great wisdom even though they're super tiny right and they're able to store away their food and they prepare their meat in the summer so when the hard times come when they're not gonna find anything they're taken care of the Coneys it says they're a feeble folk yet they make their houses and rocks they got a strong a stronghold a strong dwelling place to live in but to these little things right but somehow they're able to have a great fortress for themselves locusts they have no King they have no leader giving them all their direction yet they're able to all come together and go in bands and and you know work together to achieve a task and says the spider taketh hold with their hands and is in Kings palaces right a little little things little creatures able to do great things even if you I think one of the things that we learn from this is even if you are small and weak and you think you're nobody as acre started off in the beginning of this chapter you know I'm not anybody I'm more brutish than any man I don't have the understanding of man you know I don't have the words of the you know the words of the holy I'm nobody he did a great thing here I mean you given us Proverbs chapter 30 you can be small and weak and still do great things if you're wise if you have the wisdom these these these creatures these creations of God these small creatures they're magnificent but Bible says that they're exceeding wise and the things that they do they're exceeding wise you may not have much you may not be much get wisdom which is why we're here every week learn learn in Proverbs right let's get this wisdom so we can do great things to God could use us to do many great things like verse number 29 there be three things which go well yea for our comely and going a lion which is strongest among beasts and turneth not away for any a greyhound and he goad also and a king against whom there is no rising up and that kind of summarize or not summarizes it it's bringing to a close the you notice as we're going through you know there's three things that are too wonderful yea for there's three things that you know the four things are a little upon the earth there's three things that the earth is disquieted for and and he goes through all these random things not necessarily not random but um he goes through all these different examples of these things and then wraps it up with the three things which go well right a lot of them there's problems here there's problem here there's some wisdom we can learn here and then there's things that are just kind of right the way they are you know the lion strongest among the beast turns not away for any and we're supposed to have boldness like a lion remember I think it was this last week I was preaching about having that that bold there was a having the boldness of a lion and and not being not cowering down when when the when the wicked arise and want to challenge your faith and and and spread their wickedness then he goes you know a greyhound he go and a king against him there's no rising up verse number 32 we're almost done if thou has done foolishly and lifting up thyself or if thou has thought evil lay thine hand upon thy mouth surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter and the ringing of the nose bringeth forth blood so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife so just as much as you keep on churning milk you're gonna get butter right you keep on mixing up you're gonna make butter as much as you're gonna you know you ring someone's nose blood's gonna come out that's a sure thing it's gonna happen he says so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife and strife of course is fighting so when you're when you're forcing wrath on a situation and just bringing wrath down you're gonna start a fight and you know we're not called to just start all these fights and force wrath obviously is something that we need to be careful of and it's tied in I think in that verse 32 if thou has done foolishly and lifting up thyself you know getting getting a little proud or if thou has thought evil lay thine hand upon thy mouth so he's saying you're thinking evil things and you're getting all proud and lifted up cover your mouth don't don't be saying the things that are gonna come as a result of your pride or as a result of you thinking evil against someone else because as surely as these other things happen the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife you're just going to bring a fight as a result of your pride or of your evil thoughts against other people let's bow our eyes have a word of prayer your heavenly father Lord we thank you so much for the great wisdom that we have here in the book of Proverbs Lord we pray that you would please help us all to study your words dear Lord and to just accept the Bible for what it says I pray to you please help us all to walk home tonight and not forget the things that we've read and the things that we've learned but that we would remember them and keep them and do them dear Lord in Jesus name we pray amen