(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . And if you would stand, we'll sing song number 32. . . . Christ the Savior came from heaven's glory To redeem the lost from sin and shame On his brow he wore the thorn crown glory And upon Calvary he took my blame He lives on high, he lives on high Triumphing over sin and all its stain He lives on high, he lives on high Someday he's coming again He arose from death and all its sorrow To dwell in that land of joy and love He is coming back so I'm glad tomorrow And he'll take all his children home above He lives on high, he lives on high Triumphing over sin and all its stain He lives on high, he lives on high Someday he's coming again We result to Jesus come confessing Redemption from sin and shame with thee To look to Jesus and receive a blessing There is life, there is joy and victory He lives on high, he lives on high Triumphing over sin and all its stain He lives on high, he lives on high Someday he's coming again Alright, let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, we just want to thank you, God, for today. Lord, just a beautiful day to gather in your house and hear your word preached. Lord, thank you so much for the weekend that we had together at the retreat. I pray, Lord, that you would just bless today, everything that's said and done, be with Pastor Burzins and Pastor Robinson as they bring their messages today. I pray, Lord, that again you would receive all the honor and glory for it's in Jesus' name we ask all of it. Amen. Alright, may you be seated and turn just one page back to song number 31. Song number 31, we'll sing He Lives. Song number 31. I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today I know that He is living whatever men may say I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer And just the time I need Him, He's always near He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way He lives, He lives, salvation to impart You ask me how I know He lives He lives within my heart In all the world around me, I see His love and care And though my heart grows weary, I never will despair I know that He is leading through all the stormy blast The day of His appearing will come at last He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way He lives, He lives, salvation to impart You ask me how I know He lives He lives within my heart Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing Eternal hallelujah to Jesus Christ the King The hope of all who seek Him, the help of all who find None other is so loving, so good and kind He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way He lives, He lives, salvation to impart You ask me how I know He lives You ask me how I know He lives He lives within my heart So I hope everybody had a good time. I know we had a lot of kids that are sick now So I guess that happens when everybody gets around each other But just being a prayer for those that are healing and all that stuff from sicknesses But just excited, go to Papaw or Mamu But excited to have the Burzins family with us Dr. Burzins preached a great sermon on Friday evening, so that's a great one Actually he already has it up on his YouTube channel, I'm going to be uploading it on ours as well But a really good sermon there, but he's going to preach for us this morning And then I'm going to preach this afternoon, so we're going to do like a tag team preaching today And so I'm excited to hear him preach again this morning My wife's excited that I actually get to sit with the children in the morning And so I haven't seen her this happy on a Sunday morning in a while But yeah, the struggle's real But anyway, really excited to have the Burzins here, have Pastor Burzins And it was a good time, we got to hang out for a little bit and talk and all that Everybody had a good time, but just announcements here, all the church times are normal here We're going to have our normal soul winning time at 1pm And so that's going to be our main soul winning that we're going to be doing today So if you can get back here after the service, before one, we'll all get teamed up and go out soul winning But don't forget about the regional soul winning times, we have the Tuesday evening And then we have the Wednesday soul winning time that brother Richie leads up And so if you can't make it on Sunday or if you want some extra soul winning times, we definitely have those available Our memory chapter for the month is Galatians chapter 5 And don't forget that if you memorize a chapter, you get a sword drill Bible If you memorize a medium sized book, you get the calfskin Bible And if you do two medium sized books, you get the goatskin So it depends how far you want to go with that But I do recommend Galatians, out of all the books to memorize, I think Galatians is a really good one And then John 1.29, just make sure I don't mess this up John 1.29 is our memory verse for the week The next day John seeeth Jesus coming unto him and saith, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world And so that's our memory verse for the week And I know a lot of you probably know, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world But you want to make sure you get a word perfect Even things like sins to sin, I know it doesn't really change the meaning But I always want to be, I want to know whether it's plural or singular and all that stuff But that's a good verse to have memorized It is pertinent to what we're going into Revelation And dealing with the Lamb a lot in the book of Revelation And so, but that is our memory verse for the week And if you didn't get enough candy, if you memorized that, you get some candy for memorizing it And then as you see on here, we have our guest preacher, Pastor Burzins, today And then we have the women's prayer meeting that's coming up this Saturday So this Saturday at 11am And we didn't get a chance to do the men's prayer meeting Because we were going all over the place So we'll just get it next month So don't worry about that We'll get that on the schedule for October there On the next round there So on the back of your sheet there We have, do we have any birthdays that are coming up? We got David Oh yeah we do We have Brother Levi You look surprised Like I looked at you and I was about to say that And you're just like, no So how old are you brother? 33 Youngins I always think that you're the same age as me Because Brother Dave is the same age as me Well he's old, he's older He's already 37 right? But 33 We'll sing happy birthday to you And then anniversaries The Slagels That would be coming up So we have the Spinos too right? We have the Spinos And yeah So is Ruth here this morning? Okay, we'll get you next time Because we don't want to just sing happy anniversary Just to yourself And be like Yeah that's right That's right, thanks for pointing that out We'll get the Morris family as well So we'll sing happy anniversary to the Morris family To the Spinos And then we'll get you guys next time Just so you guys are together there But going into anniversary now We'll remember And Brother Dave will remember if anything So And then pregnancies All the ladies on the pregnancy list here And so be in prayer for all these ladies And specifically Miss Joyce Because she's the next on the calendar And so just be in prayer for them As it's their first as well To be prepared for that As much as you can prepare So But be in prayer for that Exciting stuff And Lord willing this will be our last Sunday In this building So Pastor Berson came just in time To be here in our first building So he'll be preaching the last Sunday morning Unless everything falls apart And we don't get moved in at times But we still will have Wednesday night here But Lord willing we'll be in the new building Next Sunday And so exciting stuff But just know Men at the end of the week We're going to be pushing to try to get stuff together And all that so I'll be putting stuff out on the Whatsapp If anybody's available Obviously help is Going to be needed But we'll get it figured out So So exciting We're excited to get into the new building I think it's going to be a lot more room We ordered some new chairs So do you know if they'll be in in time They sent an email Saying it's shipped But I didn't look at the tracking So they may not be in for the first service But we got those Hercules chairs I know I talked to Pastor Berson He's like ah they collect a lot But we went with it anyway He's probably like why did you ask my opinion It's like that where you ask the opinion And be like are these good We're going to get them anyway So Anyway we were looking around Anyway they're comfortable They may not be clean After the first week or two They just collect a lot of hair and stuff Ladies you're just going to have to carry around One of those rollers And just start rolling your seat every time you get in it And luckily we don't have a lot of women In this church right No we have a lot of girls But excited about that But being in prayer that Obviously works smoothly in the transition Of the buildings But that's about all I got for announcements Brother Dave is going to come He's going to sing Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary And then another song And then brother Anthony Is going to be reading Leviticus chapter 19 And then Pastor Berson is going to come up and preach for us Alright Take your songbooks And turn to song number 36 Song number 36 We'll sing Christ A Rose But before we do that we need to sing Happy Birthday to brother Levi And then Happy Universaries So we'll sing Happy Birthday to brother Levi When's your birthday? Tomorrow Here we go You don't play the Happy Birthday song What am I thinking? We've never done that Ok we'll just sing Happy Birthday then Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday God bless You Happy Birthday To You That would be a good idea Alright We'll sing Happy Anniversary to Jason and Abby Right there And then Nick And Amanda, you've got to go over there with your wife You all want to stand up? Stand up When we get done Nothing? There we go See, see, see You just wait it out Alright we'll sing Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary To You Happy Anniversary To You Happy Anniversary God bless You Happy Anniversary To You Alright I don't have any time Alright we'll sing song number 36 Lo and the grave he lay Jesus my Savior waiting the coming day Jesus my Lord up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph over his foes he arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with his saints to reign he arose he arose hallelujah Christ arose vainly they watched his bed Jesus my Savior vainly they sealed the dead Jesus my Lord up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph over his foes he arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with his saints to reign he arose he arose hallelujah Christ arose death cannot keep his prey Jesus my Savior he tore the bars away Jesus my Lord up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph over his foes he arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with his saints to reign he arose he arose hallelujah Christ arose alright if you would take your Bibles and turn to Leviticus chapter 19 Leviticus chapter 19 we'll have brother Anthony come and read that for us Leviticus chapter 19 Bible reads offer it and on the morrow and if ought remain until the third day it shall be burnt in the fire and if it be eaten at all on the third day it is abominable it shall not be accepted therefore everyone that eateth it shall bear his iniquity because he hath profaned the hallowed thing of the Lord and that soul shall be cut off from among his people and when you reap the harvest of your land neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest and thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger I am the Lord your God you shall not steal neither deal falsely neither lie one to another and ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God, I am the Lord thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor, neither rob him the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning thou shalt not curse the deaf nor put a stumbling block before the blind but thou shalt fear thy God, I am the Lord ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, thou shalt not respect the person of the poor nor honor the person of the mighty but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor thou shalt not go up and down as a tail bearer among thy people neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor, I am the Lord thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart, thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, I am the Lord ye shall keep my statutes thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee and whosoever lieth carnally with a woman that is a bondmaid betrothed to an husband and not at all redeemed nor freedom given her, she shall be scourged they shall not be put to death because she was not free and he shall bring his trespass offering unto the Lord, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, even a ram for a trespass offering and the priest shall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before the Lord for his sin which he hath done and the sin which he hath done shall be forgiven him and when ye shall come into the land and shall have planted all manner of trees for food then ye shall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcised three years it shall be uncircumcised unto you, it shall not be eaten of, but in the fourth year all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise the Lord with awe and in the fifth year shall ye eat of the fruit thereof that it may yield unto you the increase thereof I am the Lord your God ye shall not eat anything with the blood neither shall ye use enchantment nor observe times, ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shall thou mar the corners of thy beard, ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks upon you I am the Lord do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore lest the land fall to whoredom and the land become full of wickedness ye shall keep my sabbats and reverence my sanctuary, I am the Lord regard not them that have familiar spirits neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them, I am the Lord your God thou shall rise up before the hoary head and honor the face of the old man and fear thy God, I am the Lord and if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him but the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you and thou shall love him as thyself for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt, I am the Lord your God ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meat yard, in weight or in measure just balances, just weights a just ephah, a just hen shall ye have, I am the Lord your God which brought ye, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, therefore shall ye observe all my statutes and all my judgments and do them, I am the Lord let's pray, dear Lord thank you for this morning where we can gather and hear your word preached again Lord and thank you for this opportunity to have Pastor Burzins preaching for us I pray that you would fill them with your Holy Spirit and help us all to learn this morning, in Jesus name I pray, Amen Alright, it's good to be here at Mountain Baptist Church I had a great time over the weekend this past few days at the camp I appreciate the invitation and all the hospitality, thank you brother Robinson for all that you've done in providing for our family out here and the hotel we had last night and everything it was great, it was really nice getting a chance to hang out and you know, meet the people at the camp this past few days and we're here all day today, I'm looking forward to going out soul winning and see you're a little bit you learned a little bit from Pastor Mejia I think with going into the new building next week because when I preached out at their first building that one ended up getting bombed so that was like the last service that went out with a bang over there obviously you didn't want that happening at your new place so you're like yeah go ahead bomb the old building, right? that's the way it works here so that was pretty smart hopefully hopefully that doesn't happen, obviously but what I want to teach about this morning is basically it's a sermon because of the society that we live in today there's a lot of things that are kind of going down the tubes, right? just in general with morality but I'm going to be teaching on manners and respect this morning and this is something that you know was way more common place and commonly taught in the home and you know even in public schools they would teach a lot on being respectful having manners and things like that but things are getting so out of control the families are being destroyed with all the divorces and everything else that's going on and this is something that we need to understand that not only is it just good to be polite and have manners but the Bible actually teaches this as well so we're going to start off here excuse me we started off in Leviticus chapter 19 and before I even get into Leviticus 19 excuse me let me say this because I was trying to decide whether or not I wanted to add you know part of the most important respect that we ought to have so I'm going to bring it up right now is respect for the Lord right? it's honoring and respecting God is first and it's primary and it's number one if I was going to preach a sermon on that I'd probably preach an entire sermon on that because there's so much content to that so most of what I'm going to be focusing on this morning is just every other aspect of our life with other people other authorities in our life but you ought to recognize how important just respect and what the Bible uses for respect oftentimes is honor now depending on the context of the word honor it also includes other things like caring for and providing for but honoring, respecting this is big with the Lord and this is huge in the Bible I mean you just look at the ten commandments you know the first four commandments have to do with God doesn't want any gods before him like he gets the honor he gets the respect he wants no one before him he doesn't want any idols any false gods anything else anything being built to bow down and worship why because he deserves a respect he deserves a credit he deserves the honor and we see that all throughout the scripture you know God wants his word respected God wants um you know parents respected we're going to get into that a little bit later and and all throughout scripture you know we ought to be have respect for the word of God just in general and have respect for the Lord we start off here in Leviticus 19 I want you to look down at verse number 32 the Bible says thou shalt rise up before the hoary head and hoary just means like aged or like white hair like gray white hair um someone who has been around for a while the Bible says thou shalt rise up before the hoary head and honor the face of the old man and fear thy God I am the Lord now oftentimes children you know you teach them manners you teach them respect you teach them to do certain things and oftentimes they don't understand well why do we do this and a lot of people in general in public just don't understand well why do we do certain things and it's important to teach why you do certain things so that they don't just go by the wayside and get lost well it's just the way we do it right well give a little bit more explanation as to why you know when this used to be way more common place when an older man older one an older person would come in the room you know and everyone's sitting down what do you stand up and show some respect and show some honor for that person this actually comes from the Bible rising up before the hoary head hey when someone comes in you're supposed to show a level of respect for that person being older and honoring the face of the old man the Bible says and fear thy God I am the Lord this isn't this is part of the law of God this is part of his commands this is you know it's not just a tradition this is something that we ought to be recognizing and we've gotten so relaxed in our culture and oftentimes too with the children are growing up to show total disregard for their elders and for people who are older than them and you know they ought to learn to respect people that are older than you and the whole point of that is because you know people who are older have a lot more wisdom and knowledge you know they ought to the Bible says that you know the hoary head is it's a crown it's a crown of glory for those who live righteously now again I'm not quoting that verbatim but obviously it's important not every single person who is aged obviously lives a righteous life or is a righteous person but for those who have lived a righteous life and did so throughout you know getting into their old age like I was preaching on the camp about Caleb right there's someone who you know definitely is it demands respect from people around them especially the hoary head you know 85 years old still fighting the Lord's battles you know you ought to respect someone like that you ought to rise up and show that regard and show that respect for your elders turn if you would to 1 Timothy chapter 5 1 Timothy chapter 5 1 Timothy chapter 5 1 Timothy chapter 5 1 Timothy chapter 5 1 Timothy chapter 5 1 Timothy chapter 5 1 Timothy chapter 5 I'm going to give you my understanding of 1 Timothy chapter 5 and if your pastor says something a little bit different then you listen to what he says because he's right and I'm wrong but 1 Timothy chapter 5 you look at verse number 1 the Bible says rebuke not an elder but entreat him as a father and the younger men as brethren the elder women as mothers the younger as sisters with all purity honor widows that are widows indeed and what I believe this is talking about here because there's two different usages of the word elder right there's an elder and the reason why this even comes from for an elder being synonymous maybe with a pastor or a bishop this is completely proven easily in scripture that this is true and I believe even in this passage that's true but the reason why you call a bishop or a pastor an elder is because they're supposed to be more mature in the faith they're supposed to be elder at least in the sense of having you know biblical knowledge and wisdom and understanding and that's why they're called an elder even though some pastors some bishops may be a little bit younger in age and in physical years the whole point is that they've already proven themselves they're not a novice they have a lot of experience they have a lot of wisdom and they're referred to as elders I believe in the first part of 1 Timothy 5 here though this is talking about just people who are older in general just in physical years because it's in the context of rebuking not an elder retreat him as a father and the younger men as brethren so it's saying elder and younger talking about people who are older and younger now you can still apply this truth to entreating a pastor as a father because he's spiritually elder so it's still applicable in that regard so if you hear people preaching say you know what rebuke not an elder retreat him as a father talking about a pastor it still completely falls into you know it makes perfect sense still even in this context but just directly without applying this to a pastor you can still say you know what you ought not to rebuking just older people younger people shouldn't just be going up and rebuking elders and especially in the church right we're talking about here a setting where you've got people who are we're a family here and this is you know we're supposed to be brothers and sisters in Christ we are brothers and sisters you're born again you are brothers and sisters in Christ and we ought to be treating each other like a family so you know younger people shouldn't just be rebuking elders we need to be entreating as you would your own father right and hopefully your father commands enough respect in the family that his kids aren't just back talking and just talking just totally disrespectfully to the dad you're supposed to be entreating and saying excuse me sir may I please you know these are the types of manners that should be starting off young with kids in the household and being taught and trained at home and then they could show those same manners and respect when it comes to even as you grow up into adulthood not rebuking elders but in treating them as a father trying to treat them humbly and if there's someone because obviously look we're all human we're all sinners whether you're old or young everyone's capable of doing wrong and if someone needs to be corrected there's certain ways that are appropriate and people who are older you don't just go up to them and you start rebuking them in their face you entreat them as a father right and the younger men the bible says as brethren so it's not just a nobody to you these are people who are your brethren in Christ so you're supposed to be entreating them as such and dealing with them as such the elder women as mothers and the younger as sisters it's that whole family concept with all purity but here's the thing if you don't have if you don't understand what it's like to have these manners and respect at home then how are you going to even have that that level of respect and honor within the church it needs to start at the home if you jump down to verse number 17 so you know respecting your elders just people are older than you obviously is taught in scripture something that we ought to be making sure we're doing jump down to verse number 17 though I'm going to you know shift gears here a little bit to respecting your pastor respecting your pastor the bible says in verse 17 let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor especially they who labor in the word and doctrine now this is talking about someone holding that position of being a bishop of being an elder which would be a pastor in a church and that the bible says that they ought to be counted worthy of double honor you know those who are laboring those who are laboring in the word in doctrine they're reading they're memorizing they're doing the work of the Lord they ought to have double honor and here again this is where I'm talking about that word honor I don't want to take too much time in this but it's important to understand this as well because earlier in the chapter it talks about honoring widows that are widows indeed that's not just talking about respecting them like just saying yes ma'am or yes sir to someone who's a widow because this is talking about and if you read it in context I'm not going to go into all the passage you can read that later it's talking about supplying the need of widows and usually it's going to be female widows you know have not been you know they've been cared for their entire life by their husband their husband dies and then it tells us okay well I mean there's a certain criteria before the church is charged with taking care of a widow and it's actually a you know there's a lot of people who are trying to get handouts from church but if you look at what the Bible is teaching here about you know who you're supposed to who the church is actually responsible for caring for you know most people who are seeking money aren't even close to fitting the bill of even a widow right let alone just just look you know it's funny people who are strung out in drugs they want to call and just use the church like their personal atm the church is under no obligation to start shelling out money that is people who have made really foolish decisions now and they want to pay their rent that's not that's not where the church's obligation is to but so here it's all about honoring widows and widows indeed and then it goes about honoring you know double honor for the elders especially they who labor in the word and doctrine verse 18 it follows up with that with saying for the scripture saith for means because the scripture saith thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn and the laborer is worthy of his reward this is talking about compensating the the pastor the elder for doing the work that they're doing and he's saying you know what they are they're worthy of double honor if you got someone who's really working hard really in the word teaching good doctrine you know doing this you're doing all the work that they're supposed to be doing then they ought to be worthy of double honor and obviously it was honor and a sense of respect first just showing a manner showing respect for your pastor but not just that also making sure they're well taken care of I mean if they're doing a really good job and this only makes sense right people like to turn this on and say oh that's not very spiritual and everything else look if someone's doing a really good job for you doesn't it make sense to just make sure they're taken care of pretty well I mean makes perfect sense to me but people like to see and you know I know pastor Robinson he's not a man that's just focused on money and just money money money money money I mean if he were he's already got a job to be able to do that there'd be no point in in you know even taking on the obligation the task and responsibility and all the work that goes into a church right so the point is is that is that someone who is ruling well and doing a good job is worthy of double honor and you ought to understand that and recognize that as such and you know especially when you're dealing with someone I mean pastor Robinson I know he was just saying like oh these youngins but now I'm gonna say you know he's still a younger pastor right and I'm waiting for the next person's older than me to say yeah pastor Burzins is one of these younger guys but you know it's harder when you you have less years of age you know it's easier for people to disrespect pastors that that are seemingly younger but you know I'll tell you what pastor Robinson knows a lot of scripture we have really good conversations about the Bible sometimes we talk to each other call each other on the phone and kind of pick each other's brains about certain things that we're studying and reading on the Bible and he knows a lot of Bible and he knows a lot of things outside of the Bible too he's worthy of the respect and the honor and you need to treat him with that double honor and sometimes it's hard you know it's hard sometimes also for people who are older to give the proper amount of respect to someone who's younger but as someone who's in that position of being an elder they deserve that respect they deserve that honor and the Bible's saying that you know what if they're working hard the laborer is worthy of his reward he's laboring in the word and doctrine he's worthy of double honor and then verse 19 says against an elder received not an accusation but before two or three witnesses so again this is still in the same context of someone who's a pastor and it's saying don't just receive these accusations because why because someone who's put in the position to pastor church has already or should have already been you know monitored and viewed and deemed you know worthy to be put in that position and has met the criteria of 1 Timothy chapter 3 in which we're going to get there in just a minute so you don't just start receiving any random accusation against a pastor and just be like oh you just you know and start to tarnish their name just from any one person now look it doesn't mean that pastors can't commit sins or can't commit grievous sins or can't you know that they're just above and holier than everybody and everything but it needs to be done appropriately which is why the Bible says you can't just have people you know spreading rumors and spreading gossip and stuff and just receiving this accusation just one person says something like look if it's going to be something like that you need to at least have two or three witnesses so that they can establish okay this is what this person is saying this is the evidence they're bringing forth here's and you can deal with it appropriately and then the Bible says them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear so people who are going to start doing this and start bringing forth these accusations when it's not done properly and there's bringing forth railing accusations they need to be rebuked before all so that people can stop and think and go wait a minute maybe I shouldn't just start spouting off my mouth against the man of God and show some respect just because you know what happens a lot of times people just get upset often times at the preaching because it may apply to them and then they want to lash out with their tongue and start spreading rumors and things like that and that ought not to be done turn if you would actually turn to 1st Timothy chapter 3 you're in chapter 5 already just flip back a page or two I'm going to read a couple verses for you from Hebrews chapter 13 again just going along the lines of respecting your pastor and showing proper you know manners and respect for him Hebrews 13 verse 7 says remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation this is referring to someone who has the rule over you in the house of God God set up different authority structures he set up authority structure in the home which is with the father as the head of the household where dad has the say the rule of the house and the things that pertain to the things of the family God's also established authority in society with a human government where there's there's authority given to certain rulers to be able to punish evildoers and carry out sentencing and make sure that justice is served from a human standpoint and then there's also a rule governing body within the church and that authority is given to the bishop is given to the elder and they have the rule now it doesn't apply to every single aspect of your life but the way things are going to be run in this church and in any Christ following church is going to be under the authority of the under shepherd the underbishop which is the pastor of the church they have the rule over you within this church pastor Robinson has the rule over you because he's speaking unto you the word of God and you're supposed to be able to follow his faith he's supposed to be leading and setting a good example and pattern and considering the end it says of their conversation a conversation is not just what words you speak the word conversation in the Bible is kind of an older usage of the word here it's the way that you live it's the way that you behave yourself that conversation are the things that you do and then in verse seventeen it brings up this again about obeying them that have the rule over you Hebrews thirteen seventeen obey them they have the rule over you and submit yourselves and again if you're submitting yourself to someone you know what you're going to be you're going to be showing respect you're going to be humble you're going to be looking to them for guidance and looking to them for um for the truth or for you know for help or whatever um at least just showing reverence and respect unto them by submitting yourselves it says for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you and what this is saying is that you know it's the pastor's job to be watching out for your sake for your benefit the pastor has the job most people when you come to church you come to church you fellowship you have a good time you learn something you know you edify one another you go out soul wedding and then you go home the pastor does all those things but then the pastor day in and day out ought to be considering all the people of the church making sure hey is there a problem here is there a problem here is there a problem there that's not anyone else's responsibility but that is the pastor's responsibility to be thinking about these things to be considering these things to be watching for the souls to make sure that wolves aren't coming in to be having this position you know you think about a bishop or you know with a shepherd you're watching over a flock you're making sure that there's going to be no animals are going to come in and destroy any of the flock and you know what the part of the pastor's job is to be watching for that and looking for that and remember that sometimes you may think oh man why was pastor so harsh with this person so I don't think he should be like that and then you start talking and you know running your mouth to everyone else you know why he's probably doing that and you've got to consider this and remember this he's watching out for your souls it's his job to watch out and to protect and even more recently with like COVID stuff there's a lot of people giving flack and nacing and just complaining and murmuring about pastors who you know stopped holding some church services temporarily and were doing things because they were concerned about the unknown not knowing what type of diseases you know what's going on especially early on you know our church closed for a few weeks there's other churches doing the same thing and then you've got these people just murmuring you know what it's easy to murmur and complain when you're not the one responsible for everybody else and for all the safety for everything else that's going on in the church you have to show respect to the person now as a human being it doesn't mean a pastor's perfect but that is their job and you need to recognize that and show the respect of the person who's making those decisions and don't just start complaining and murmuring if they don't do everything the way that you think that they should do them because you know what God's put them in that position of power God's put them in a position of authority to make those decisions and it's not this isn't a deacon run church this isn't a democracy you don't just put everything up for a vote and saying oh well we all here you know that is the mindset of Cora, Dathan, and Abiram who died straight to hell when God opened up the earth and devoured them because they were the ones saying well aren't we all here children of God, don't we all have the spirit aren't we all just basically the same no you're not you know what Moses was appointed the man of God not you Cora, not you Dathan, not you Abiram Cora was and he was the one and God stood up and backed up Moses even when Aaron and Miriam who were you know elevated in a sense among the people when they started talking bad about Moses you know what God defended Moses then too showing you know what you show respect unto the man of God God treats these things very seriously and we ought to as well and look when you honor and respect someone this is the exact opposite of despising them or just blowing them off when you don't honor someone when you don't respect someone what do you do you just blow them off you don't care what they say it doesn't really mean anything the words don't have any weight or you just despise what they say now 1 Timothy chapter 3 is where I do turn we're going to start reading verse number 1 just to show you you know one of the reasons why you ought to have respect for your pastor is because they should have already met this criteria in 1 Timothy chapter 3 and I can speak personally with Pastor Robinson I know this that he does fit this look at verse number 1 this is a true saying if a man desire the office of a bishop he desireth a good work a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behavior given to hospitality apt to teach not given to wine no striker not greedy of filthy lucre but patient not a brawler not covetous one that ruleth well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of God and again talking about ruling we saw in Hebrews 13 who they have to rule over you well the person who is counted worthy to be a bishop to be in that position they need to rule their own house where the Bible says in verse number 5 so they could take care of so ruling and taking care of are being used here synonymously you're ruling your house you're taking care of your house you're ruling the church you're taking care of the church saying if you don't know how to rule if people don't show your respect at home how are you going to take care of the church and here's the thing how are you going to take care of your family if no one respects you at home you're going to be telling them you're supposed to be guiding and teaching and showing your family no this is the right way and this is the way we're going to go and if no one respects you no one's going to follow you no one's going to listen to what you say you could be the most wise person in the world and say no you really ought to listen to me you ought to you know because if everyone's just going to blow you off and disrespect you it's going to do no good for your family which is why there's this rule in here about pastors they need to be able to rule their own house if they can show themselves to be leaders at home and show that hey at least the people at his house are following him then he should be someone that can also lead and have other people follow because obviously he's a real bad leader if no one's following that leader verse number six when you have a pastor that fits the role of a biblical pastor and you ask for advice seriously consider what you hear and it's funny because brother Pastor Robinson brought this up in a sermon where he was talking about the chairs obviously he was joking about that but we talked about that those are really nice chairs and you guys are going to love them alright so it's a really good choice but he made mention to something that is just true and you see this all the time and I'm sure he sees this all the time I know I've seen this a lot don't be one of those people that's always asking for advice and then you never take it right now look let me be clear you don't always have to do like if you ask someone for advice you don't just always have to do what they say okay that's not what I'm saying but seriously consider who you're asking because it's wise to get counsel and it's wise to have multiple counselors and it's wise to ask people questions and say hey what do you think I should do or I'm going through this what do you think is appropriate right what is right what should I do in this situation and getting advice and getting counsel is a wise thing to do and I encourage you to do that and I encourage you to find people one being your pastor and two just anyone else who you know to be pretty solid in the word someone who knows the word of God really well to get good advice from people like that but what I'm talking about is that people who are always asking questions and then never taking the advice of the you're going to the right people you're hearing what they're at the statement of the word of God and then you just never take that advice that's actually turns out to be disrespectful you ought to just not ask then at all because people like that and don't be someone like that you're just looking for someone to say what you want to hear instead of genuinely being interested in hearing the advice given to you by someone who could be considered an elder because they're spiritually mature and they're trying to give you good sound biblical advice don't be like that that's disrespectful when you start doing that and respecting a pastor because of their wisdom by the way it's not the same as being a respecter of persons because people get that confused pretty easily it's just a simple matter of not understanding what the Bible's talking about when the Bible's talking about being a respecter of persons it's talking about being a respecter of persons in judgment look it up every time that that's used when the Bible's talking about being a respecter of persons it's talking about not considering the truth or the facts of a situation and just siding with someone because of who they are that is different than respecting someone who's in a position of authority and someone who's giving you good advice those are two different things so we'll break it down if Pastor Robinson were accused of something and there's these people who are bringing forth all this evidence of he did something really wicked really evil and people have all this evidence and people are saying well you know what we're just going to side with Pastor Robinson because of who he is that would be a respecter of persons and just completely disregard ignore anything else but if you're just talking about respecting someone right you can show respect without being a respecter of persons even the Bible talks about God having respect on the children of Israel and having respect for different people but it doesn't make him a respecter of persons you have judgment and justice that's handled equally but the respecting ought to be there you ought to honor and respect pastors and respect those that have authority over you now I'm going to turn if you would to Matthew chapter 15 because there's other people that you ought to respect in your life you know one we respect the Lord we respect God two you respect your pastor respect the spiritual leader at church three respect your parents Deuteronomy 5 16 says honor thy father and thy mother as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee that thy days may be prolonged and that it may go well with thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee so we ought to honor our mother and our father now again I brought this up earlier for a reason in 1 Timothy showing you how honor yes you can look at honors as a way of respecting and acknowledging and just showing respect for your parents but this is also not just talking about saying yes sir yes ma'am to your parents this is talking more about you know making sure that they're cared for so as your parents get into their older years and are going to start needing more help because their bodies are in decline as they raised you and brought you up when you needed help when you need assistance it's your duty and it's your job according to God's law to honor your parents and take care of them and care for them in their older years and this is shown much more clearly in Matthew chapter 15 and I want to show you this too that this isn't some oh that's the Old Testament that's the old law that's you know that's done away with that's not done away with Matthew Matthew 15 verse number 3 the Bible says but he answered and said unto them why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition for God commanded saying honor thy father and mother so now he's referencing the 10 commandments so I was just reading for you from Deuteronomy chapter 5 and he that curseth father or mother let him die the death now that's another law that the Bible has about someone who would curse their parents cursing your mother your father which you know you think of what's a curse well it's the opposite of a blessing if you're wishing good things when you're cursing someone you're wishing really bad things upon that person that's a curse and you want to talk about how God treats having respect in manners well the child that's going to curse their parents out they deserve the death penalty according to God's holy law God's righteous commandments I mean that's really serious we ought to take a step back and be like whoa okay God really cares about having the authority structure and the honor system set up appropriately and having the right manners in the home because it's worthy of death to curse out your parents now this isn't talking about some little child mouthing off like a two year old mouthing off to their parents no I'm not you know whatever it's talking about grown children who know better who start cursing out their parents and the Bible says no and Jesus is reiterating this saying why are you Pharisees breaking God's commandment with your tradition because God said God's law says honor your father and mother and he that curses father and mother let him die to death verse 5 he says but ye say this is how they're breaking it whosoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift by whatsoever that I might as be profited by me and honor not his father or his mother he shall be free so the honoring the father and mother Jesus said the way they broke that is when is when they say okay you just consider that consider yourself lucky that I gave you a gift if you do anything what to profit them that's what says to profit them so it's a child going okay here you go mom here you go dad here's a little you know a little something let me just consider yourself lucky that you got that gift whereas you know Jesus is rebuking him here for having that attitude because he's saying you know that's your duty that's your responsibility you need to honor them you are commanded to do so it's not just you are so great and wonderful that you just decided to help them out you know you could thank me later I'll do this nice thing for you no that's your responsibility that's your duty you need to honor your father and mother that is a command of the Lord it says thus have you made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition you hypocrites well desires prophesy of you saying this people draw nigh unto me with their mouth and on earth me with their lips but their heart is far from me they didn't care about God's actual law about obeying the law of the Lord they just like looking good in people's eyes and they would give lip service to the law of God but they didn't really care about it sorry if you go to 1 Peter chapter 3 there's a lot of areas that we need to be showing honor and respect as I said at home at church with the people who have the authority in your life and the people you know in this case with fathers and mothers you know obviously the parents have authority in the house until the child's grown and then they leave father and mother in Cleveland to their wife and then that's a new authority structure that's set up with a new family but at the same time you still show honor and respect unto your parents even though you're not necessarily under their authority structure anymore you still honor them 1 Peter chapter 3 shows us and in many other places in the scripture as well that you know what wives you need to respect your husbands we're talking about showing having good manners and showing respect where respect is taught in the scripture and wives need to show reverence and respect for your husbands now look this is extremely important if you want your kids to show respect if you want your kids to listen to you and respect you moms you show respect unto your husband because you know what they're going to do? they're going to see what you do and they're going to learn that behavior so if they understand dad's the head of the household but mom never respects what dad says mom never listens to what dad says well guess what they're not going to care if you have authority over them because they see what you do with your authority and they're going to say okay well mom said this well I'm not going to do that anyways I don't care when you're just backbiting and back talking to your husband when he's commanding something to be done and you're just saying no I think you know just disrespectful it is and that's not popular today and people call you crazy for that and misogynistic and all these other names in the world but we're going to look and see the good example in scripture and if your heart is right if you're not just someone who gives lip service to the word of God if you're someone who actually cares about this then listen up and pay attention and look at what the bible's teaching here and give your heart to God and to God's word and take this in and cleave to this teaching because it's very important it's important for you it's important for your husband it's important for your children to learn this respect look at 1 Peter chapter 3 verse number 1 the bible reads likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise and I mentioned this earlier conversation is the way that you live so people will see you know if you have an unbelieving husband they're going to see how you how you live how you operate and that's actually going to have a big impact on them verse number 2 while they behold your chase conversation excuse me coupled with fear who's adorning talking about the wives the way that you dress you're adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting of the hair and of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel so you're saying don't be concerned with that outward appearance that's not what you should be worried about with how you present yourself but verse 4 let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament so if you're going to dress yourself up if you're going to put on some ornament to make yourself look good let it be even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price so you know what's precious to God to see wives how they present themselves meek and quiet does it say something different that's what it says I'm just repeating the word of God now you can accept that or not but this is what God's word says God sees wives that are meek and quiet as a high price in his in his economy right the value that the Lord sees wow that's very valuable for women to be meek and quiet for after this manner in the old time the holy women also who trusted in God adorned themselves saying that the women who were godly women that's what they did being in subjection to their own husbands you know what being in subjection means? it means you're submissive and you're doing what your husband's saying to do verse 6 says even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters ye are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement now we're going to flip back and look at where this one event actually takes place in scripture in Genesis chapter 18 where Sarah calls Abraham Lord this and she's being used as a good example she's being used as an example of a godly wife who has a meek and quiet spirit she's a good example of someone who is in subjection unto Abraham to the point where she's calling him Lord now we don't use that word very often today but you know what a common word would be like boss or even sir right? someone who's showing respect to someone who has the authority over them this is something that the godly women did and it's being brought up to Sarah's credit saying that she called him Lord how degrading right? the modern famous how degrading how terrible how dare you say something like that this is the word of God now you either believe that this is God's holy word and not just the word of man or you don't and if you don't then I don't know why you're here we believe that this is the word of God Genesis 18 verse number 10 this is the story this is the example where Sarah calls Abraham Lord this is when Abraham's talking with the angel by the way right before they're going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 19 Abraham comes out you know he sees these men walking and he's like come sit down let me make some food for you right? so Abraham's real hospital real friendly he's entreating these people he tells his wife Sarah hey you go and eat some dough and he goes and kills the calf you know he gets on the grill and cooks up some meat and she goes and handles with the rest of the fixins for these people who are coming into their household and you know even in the story we're not going to look at the whole thing but you can see Sarah listens to him Sarah's obeying him he says hey you go do this she goes and does it and then he goes and does some work too and then he's talking with this angel verse number 10 it says and he said I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life and lo Sarah thy wife shall have a son and Sarah heard it in a tent door which was behind him now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women therefore Sarah laughed within herself she didn't just obnoxiously loudly oh what do you think I'm going to have a child in my old age and be a real loud woman right just disrespecting the guests that came in and were blessing them saying hey you're going to have a child now she laughed internally so she still had the meek and quiet spirit but she did so internally but that's not where this ends she laughed within herself saying after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure my lord being old also now what this also demonstrates is that this was all internal so within her mind she's saying these things she's referring to Abraham as her lord not just in front of other people so other people can hear that she has respect for her husband she actually has the respect for her husband in her heart because this is how she's referring to him within herself no one else knowing this we would never know this except it's in the word of God because God knew this and God honored Sarah for having this holiness and being a godly wife by putting this story in the Bible in his word for everyone to see and to learn from this is the event being referred to in first Peter chapter three because this is the only event where we see her actually calling him lord and it happens to be in her heart and that is a godly attribute there for wives Ephesians chapter five of course a very famous passage you turn there Ephesians chapter five highly recommend I know you guys do some different Bible memory and stuff if you're married or you're planning on getting married memorize Ephesians chapter five especially the latter portion here it will bless your marriage if you follow the word of God husbands and wives right obviously this morning sermon has to do with honor and respect specifically with people who are in authority well the husbands in authority in the marriage in the house so I'm not getting as much on the husbands for loving their wives but you know what the husbands need to love their wives and they need to show honor unto the wife as under the weaker vessel okay so there's there's there's a lot there's a lot that goes on in a marriage I'm not trying to just be one sided here but you know what it fits with just the points that I'm making here and obviously there's only so much time that I have to expound on on this subject so let's read though in Ephesians chapter five verse number twenty-two the Bible says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the lord and again you know the Bible is saying very clearly the way that you would submit yourself unto the lord is the way that a wife is supposed to submit herself unto the husband and this is this is not common today it's not common definitely in the world and you know what it's not even common amongst the majority of Christian churches people are going to claim the name of the lord people are going to claim to be believers in the Bible you don't see this verse twenty-three explains why for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ now let me ask you this church do you want are you considering yourself subject unto Jesus Christ are you following Jesus Christ's command are you willing to submit yourself unto what Jesus Christ authority and do what Jesus Christ would have you to do I would think yes well the same way that you want to be submissive unto Jesus Christ the Bible says you know what so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything and you know where in everything stops at the point where your husband is trying to make you do something against the law of God because God is the greatest authority but you know what that's the only point where that stops because if he says in everything I mean it means in everything and then at the last verse I jumped down to verse thirty-three it says never the less that every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband reverence show respect honor now if you jump up just a little bit you know we ought to have not just respect not just reverence at home with wives not just for your pastor not just with your parents but also just having some mutual respect for your brother and for your brothers and sisters in Christ we ought to be treating each other properly and probably not talking down to people in giving common courtesy and respect and manners excuse me and others look at verse number twenty Ephesians five the Bible says giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God we ought to have this mindset where we're not thinking about ourselves as being better than anyone else but actually you know the way of Christ is a way of a servant Jesus Christ came not to be ministered unto but to minister he came to serve other people and we need to be living that way where we're thinking of others above ourselves and this is the heart of humility to be able to have that manners respect and be able to show other people that courtesy and to live in that regard see if you start thinking that way even just with everyone I think it's gonna be even easier for wives at home to say okay well I'm already trying to be nice and polite and helpful to everyone else I meet well how much more so should I be to my own husband right how much more so should I be to my own pastor how much more if you're already starting to do this and trying to get over yourself in day to day life and seeing well how can I be a benefit to other people hopefully it can continue forward into these other areas of your life as well the Bible says in Romans 12 verse 9 turn if you would to Colossians chapter 3 Romans 12 9 says let love be without dissimulation so it shouldn't be fake right love shouldn't be fake abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love in honor preferring one another it all boils down to this humility Colossians 3 says this very well Colossians 3 verse number 12 the Bible says put on therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also do ye and above all these things put on charity which is a bond of perfectness to the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also ye are called in one body and be ye thankful having that level of humility humbleness lowliness of mind should make it very easy to have the manners and the respect that the Bible says that we ought to have why because you're not just thinking you're not just sitting around thinking about you you you you you even to the point when someone walks in you know the hoary head and you're supposed to rise up if you're just thinking I don't want to get up that's a selfish mindset you know what no show some respect all I don't want to do my husband's you know what show some respect kids they need to learn some respect you know dad tells you not to do something mom tells you not to do something mom tell you respect your parents listen to what they have to say they're teaching you know what they love you and the rules that they put in place for you is because they care about you show some respect under your parents that actually love you and want to protect you by obeying their commandments for you because you know what there's a God in heaven that made rules for all of us to follow it's not because he hates us it's because he loves us and he wants to protect us from evil and from heartache and from having a lot of problems in this life from the problems that sin is going to bring which is why he gives us these commandments you know what we ought to get over ourselves and say you know what I'm going to submit myself under the law of God and listen to what he has to say and show respect to the word of God and not just give lip service to it but actually respect it in our hearts I'm going to close on this one passage because there's you know manners and respect need to be taught there's so much disrespect these days in all areas of life it's just things are getting out of control there's no respect for elders there's no respect for parents there's no respect for husbands there's no respect for pastors and ultimately there's no respect for God and we just we just had something happen recently where you know it's I just had to shake my head because it's just common culture it seems these days we're getting off an airplane and you know how it is on an airplane no one likes being stuck on an airplane nobody does as soon as you land you want off you've been sitting long enough right it's time to go it's uncomfortable you're cramped whatever but you know what it is what it is you have to understand that right when you're going to go travel it is what it is and normally in polite society and people who have manners and can show respect what do you do you wait for other people to go you give everyone their turn okay you're near the front you're going to go and then the next row and then the next row right it's well understood and well known right this isn't some crazy teaching you just you okay well let's let them go let them get their bag give them a second you know it's not a big deal you don't have to try to squeeze by them and rush by or whatever wait an extra five seconds ten seconds maybe even a minute right I know it's crazy to think that you might have to wait for someone who's trying to do you know get their collect their things and go off the plane but just recently we were on the plane you know there's someone literally in the very back the last row of seats and we've got our whole family and I'm you know I'm getting all these bags and stuff and let me tell you I wasn't slow either I wasn't just taking my time I'm like trying to get because I want to get off the plane and they start you know mouthing off and I don't even remember everything the guy said it wasn't that big of a deal it affected my wife more than me she kept on talking about man I can't believe these people but it's like mouthing off with some younger guy you know I wanted to say you know believe me I said a few things just saying look it's not a big deal we all want to well it doesn't seem like you want to get off the plane like really but it's and look it's not because I think it's so highly of myself it's just kind of like where are your manners for people who says that just out in public these people are just getting brazen brazenly disrespectful brazenly just not caring at all about anyone but themselves someone else in their group would like ran up you know five rows as much as they could before other people started getting in the in the row and it's like and they ended up having to be next to me it's like well great now I can't step out and get my things because you just ran up here you know whatever it's just it's this concept of not caring about anyone else but yourself it's what it all boils down to now that's some minor thing it's not a big deal but it's the way that I see things going and the reason why is as iniquity abounds and as people just continue to go down this downward spiral in our culture of accepting and promoting all manner of wickedness all manner of perversion all manner of sin as iniquity as iniquity abounds the love of many the Bible says it's going to wax cold and I'm just going to read for you from Matthew 24 the Bible says in verse 8 I believe we're in the end days I believe it's going to you know that things are going to come to a head sooner rather than later I don't know obviously exactly how long it's going to take but we see iniquity abounding and the natural outcome of iniquity abounding is the love of people waxing cold people care more and more and more about themselves I mean we live in the selfie culture everyone focused on them hey everyone look at me let me see how many likes I could get I want people liking me this is what our you know kids the younger generations are growing up with it's going to be no shock when godly people are going to start being turned in by their own children because they don't have respect for them anyways so when the mark of the beast time comes you better believe there's going to be you know children turning against their parents oh yeah they didn't take the mark their belief you know all this other stuff this is going to be going on rampantly why because of the degrade of society because the iniquities abounded and even just basic manners and respect haven't been taught at home and they're definitely not being taught anywhere else taught in church but even churches these days aren't touching on it very much we need to make sure you know that we love god sincerely in our heart we're going to take all the word of god seriously we're going to show the world honor and respect and it's funny every time we go out as a family every time people are always making comments about oh wow your children are so well behaved oh wow you know it's like because we're teaching them respect at home it's not it doesn't just happen out of nowhere it's a lot of work okay the people who are lazy and self centered of course their kids are going to be terrible because they don't care enough about their children to discipline them they don't care enough about their children to teach them and to train them they just let them to their own devices well then that's what you get and the fact that people even make so many comments shows me how rare it's becoming in this world it's not because our family oh man my kids are perfect no they're not not even close you've been around my family long enough you should know that they're not perfect okay but the world has gotten so bad and people just give up and they've got these horrible role models now for children to look up to you know if you're looking at Hollywood you're looking at music you're looking at everything what is this society saying me me me me me it's all about me everybody look at me the bible teaches the exact opposite manners and respect is easy when you get the lowliness of mind you're considering other people more important than yourself just like John the Baptist said he must increase I must decrease our goal is leading people to Christ not leading people to ourselves as far as that word of prayer dear heavenly father lord we thank you so much for all the truths that we can learn from your word I pray that you would please help us all to incorporate these truths into our lives and that we wouldn't be influenced so much by this world and to undermine your word dear lord and undermine the family and undermine just basic manners and respect dear lord and I pray that you would please help us all to be good examples of what your word teaches out in the world and within the church and just even in the home dear lord I pray that you would please just help us all to grow in this area and to improve and to live the way that you would have us to we love you in Jesus name we pray amen all right take your song books and turn to song number 154 song 154 if you would stand we'll sing bless be the tie that binds song 154 54 bless be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that love before our father's throne we pour our art and prayers our fears our hopes our aims our wants our comforts and our cares we share those our mutual burdens bare and often for each other flows the sympathizing tear when we asunder part we shall still be joined in heart and hope to meet again all right you are dismissed