(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you and, uh, just to drop it in the offering plate, or you could hand it off to me personally, uh, if you don't use a card, you could send me a message, send me a text or something. I need it written down so I could, um, get it on paper. Alright, on the next page, we've got the March challenge, of course, is our prayer challenge. So this month, the challenge is to pray for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. Um, and I would challenge you, if you already had this part of your schedule, because 20 minutes is not a lot, but 20, if this already been part of your schedule, try to challenge yourself to do a little bit more. You know, add another 5 or 10 minutes, whatever the case may be, to your own, uh, uh, prayer list, just to give yourself a little bit of a challenge. But the, to meet this, this requirement, it's going to be minimum 20 minutes a day spent in prayer, where you know you're spending 20 minutes not guessing or thinking, oh, it feels like 20 minutes. Uh, you know you're doing, and you're praying for everyone on our prayer list, so I recommend taking a snapshot with your phone, some of the easiest ways to keep this with you in case you forget your bullets in here or something like that. Obviously, take these home with you too, but, um, fold it up, put it in your pocket, whatever, and make sure you're praying for everyone on our list every single day. The Bible memory passage there, Hebrews chapter 7, we're about halfway through, uh, verses, the first half of that chapter, verses 1 through 14, if you memorize that, and quote out loud to get a, uh, uh, a prize for being able to do that, if you could do it word perfect. We've got the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries. What is today's date? Today is the 15th, no, no, nope, man, we have all these, all these people have birthdays and anniversaries and stuff, and it's just like we're not hitting the days where, the church days, so. Better luck next year for all that ice cream. If you're, if you are in church for your birthday, you get a free, a free ice cream from our freezer, so that's always pretty cool, and you know what? These days, our attendance records are, have been, you know, set so high, that's about the only time we're looking forward to getting ice cream anytime soon, so. But I'll say this much, okay, coming up, and this, we have the upcoming events down here at the bottom of the page, of course in April, there's the homeschool field trip on the 7th, and then the 8th, we're doing our soul winning marathon. That is gonna be, uh, we've got that settled now, it's gonna be in the, in the Marietta Smyrna area-ish, so that's, that's the, the general vicinity that we're gonna be targeting for soul winning on April 8th, so we'll be meeting up here, same plan as normal, and, um, we'll be hitting up that area, and then May 1st through the 6th, of course, is our camping trip. I have the sign up sheet, so if you want to, uh, come and you didn't sign up, then please let me know, and I'll, I'll say this much too, okay, so a lot of people requested cottages this year, and just so you know, my way of thinking, I'm trying to accommodate everybody, I'm doing the best I can to do that, there may be one or two people that would need to, to share, because the cottages are two bedrooms with two beds in each bedroom, and a bathroom in each one, so you get a good, nice, isolated spot, but then you have a whole common area, kitchen, dining, living area, so they're really nice cottages, and it's hard to justify putting, like, two people in such a big place, so, especially when we have so much interest in people wanting to come, and people traveling, it's harder for them to camp, and stuff like that, so, but I, I am, I am, though, and I don't want you to think, like, oh, man, no, you know, we're not gonna be able to get, you, you, you should be able to, um, um, I've got everything down on paper, and depending, I still need to contact some pastors, I did some confirmation calls this week, but there's two more that I need to get ahold of, and if, depending on if they come or not, is gonna also free up some of the, you know, the cottages, so that, that will give people a little bit more space, as well. Uh, I definitely want people to, to use them, and, and, you know, I mean, we rented them, so we're definitely gonna, gonna use them, so I don't, like, I don't wanna even feel bad about it, I just, I want you to understand, my thought process is, in general, I'm giving them, I'm giving priority to people who have the really large families, that, that are requesting one, because it's hard to take care of little children, and stuff, when you're out camping, and then also people who are dedicating a lot of time for helping out, um, with the work that's involved with putting this on. So some people have volunteered to do a lot of activity, things, and stuff like that, so, um, that is what I'm looking to. I think, though, if you requested it, you should be just fine. That's my thought right now, but I need to get all the details verified, and my goal is to have this done by, by the end of this week, so I've got two more pastors to call. I do have verified, though, confirmed that Pastor Anderson is coming, Pastor Roger Jimenez is coming, Pastor Jonathan Shelley is coming, and, um, Ed Williams is gonna be here, he's gonna be preaching. Now, I did find out recently that their church has closed down near the end of last year, so Sword of the Spirit Baptist Church closed their doors, and they basically ended up kind of merging with another church that's, that's in a small town that's real close to them, and, uh, Pastor Ed was saying that they, um, just a lot of the churches, the small churches in rural Georgia have been having problems getting people to come to church and things like that. They knocked all the doors in Bowman, they knocked all the doors in their area, you know, out Sowening, and they got some people saved, but it was just, it was just hard to get people to come, and, and small, man, I know, because I pastor a church in a small town, it's not, it's not easy at all. It's really not easy, so they're gonna be a blessing to another church, and just help them, support them, they're doing Sowening still, so, um, but I did invite him to come and preach for us, though, uh, during that camp, you know, he's still, he's a great guy, and, um, you know, obviously it's sad to hear that, uh, church closing its doors, but, but if he, you know, he spent his time in prayer, and, and, and he, uh, he came to that conclusion. And, and I'm gonna, you know, trust him on, on that judgment, and, you know, hopefully God will, will work in all the lives of people who are part of that ministry, and still be able to reach a lot of people, and, you know, they praise God for all the, the souls that they say, got saved, uh, during the ministry, so, um, that is the camping trip news. Then, we actually did get the construction stuff, looks like it's done, so I walked around, I did, I did a final check, they said they were bringing a good, uh, their, their best crew out this week to fix all the problems that were, that were remaining, and they did, and, and actually, they did a good job, everything looks, uh, like it was done professionally, and done well, so we are scheduled for tomorrow for our building inspection for the fire marshal inspection, so, uh, we're gonna, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna do, uh, but if we get that pass, then we're moving on from that company. We're gonna move forward with getting everything done. If that goes well tomorrow, we're gonna try to get all the chairs moved. I'm gonna see if I could schedule a carpet cleaning for Monday the carpets and stuff so then we can get everything set up kind of the way we want it to be set up and bring all the furniture back in and get all the the rooms ready and get the construction the remaining construction materials will all go back out in the storage and now really start looking nice around here so appreciate your patience but we there is a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak so that's exciting and then oh I was that's right the I was talking about the ice cream in our attendance records so this year Pastor Anderson is doing another one of his road trips like he did last year we was traveling around and visiting all the new IP churches and we are I believe we're first on his tour we were like near the end last time and now we're at the beginning and it's gonna be on a Wednesday evening so come for that if not to hear pastor Anderson preach just come for the ice cream because I bet you we will have a record breaking attendance on that Wednesday night service and you know we always have ice cream when we have the the record breakers and I get to actually be here for that one I'm gonna be in town but I'm leaving I'm actually going out to preach at faith for the following week on the 12th so July 5th is when he's gonna be out here you know we have a lot of fun with that too maybe I'll get some extra fireworks or something since the fourth will just be one day in the past I mean why not right we'll do something cool like that so it'll be a great time so make sure you get out for that and that's it for the announcement so I'm gonna turn the service back over to brother Peter we please lead us in another song Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh That was Malachi chapter 4 For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud gay and all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the Lord of hosts that it shall leave them neither root nor branch but unto you that fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and you shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall and you shall tread down the wicked or they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this saith the Lord of hosts remember ye the law of Moses my servant which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel with the statutes and judgments behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers lest I come and smite the earth with a curse brother DJ can you pray for us please all right not a very long chapter but don't worry I've got plenty of content for you tonight it's a lot packed into these six verses as we close out the book of Malachi obviously the last chapter before the New Testament so last chapter of the Old Testament and kind of ends here on an interesting note we're actually gonna I want to read read a little bit from chapter 3 because it's it's all part of the same thought in general so well let's start let's read their verse number one in chapter 4 and then we'll go back and and look at chapter 3 a little bit Bible says for behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud yea and all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up said the Lord of hosts that it shall leave them neither root nor branch and if we go back up to we'll start in kind of verse number 13 of chapter 3 and remember God's speaking and bringing up these various questions and stuff and and bringing up these accusations against the children of Israel and these you know a lot of false prophets around at that time and you know the the people in general just had no clue that they were you know that they thought that they were wealthy and doing well and that they loved God but they knew not that they were miserable and poor and blind and wretched and naked you know like they didn't even realize their own spiritual condition so God's like really pointing it out to him verse 13 there says your words have been stout against me said the Lord yet ye say what have we spoken so much against thee ye have said is vain to serve God and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of hosts and now we call the proud happy yay they that work wickedness are set up yeah they that tempt God are even delivered and you know I preach on this a little bit last week but we saw we saw this and of course we know in our day and age who this applies to when we're calling the proud happy you know another word for happy is gay we know that there's a group out there that's that couldn't be more proud of their abominable filth and shame they're proud and they're wicked but they you know they're exalted in in the day and age that we live in today they're trying to be oh people are trying to push that agenda and trying to lift up the wicked and you know it's it's definitely perilous times but we're gonna keep reading here because praise the Lord for his judgment the Bible says in verse 16 then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another and the Lord harken and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that's thought upon his name and they shall be mine said the Lord of hosts and that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare them as a man spare with his own son that serveth him and notice that the language already talked about in that day because by the time we get to chapter 4 we're gonna we're gonna cover this real quick here there's a specific day that he's talking about where the judgment is gonna come where where the the proud are gonna be dealt with and also God's people and those that fear his name are also gonna be remembered and they're gonna be exalted the Bible says in verse 18 there then shall you return and discern between the righteous and the wicked between him that serve with God and him that serve with him not for behold going into chapter 4 the day cometh and again mentioning the day that shall burn as an oven so there's a day coming that there's gonna be a lot of heat it's gonna burn like an oven and all the proud you know the proud that that we call happy they was just mentioned in chapter 3 yay and all that do wickedly shall be stubble so if you have heat in an oven fire what's gonna happen to the stubble it's gonna burn up it's gonna burn quickly I mean it's gonna go like that I mean it's gonna incinerate stubble I mean you throw you think you get a fire going and you start throwing in some stubble just some little kindling pieces up man that stuff just goes up quick and it's gone it's not even like you know a green log it's gonna last a while nope those things burn up and burn easy so they're gonna be a stubble in the day that cometh again a reference to the day that cometh shall burn them up said the Lord of hosts that it shall leave them neither root nor branch so it's bringing utter destruction there's gonna be no roots left like even though it's gonna burn you think about if a tree gets caught in a forest fire burns up oftentimes it still has roots so it could keep growing there's still gonna be something that could remain and survive through a fire to be able to continue on beyond that fire but this is saying no they won't have a root and there's not gonna be any branches left basically there's gonna be destroyed from under heaven this destruction of this day that's gonna burn and of course this day that it's referring to is the day of the Lord which is also mentioned in verse number five Bible says in verse five there behold I will send you a lie to the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord we'll get into that a little bit later but I just wanted to point that out in this passage and everything all the context leading up to this is very consistent with the day of the Lord now I'm not gonna go through all the passages for the day of the Lord we did that in Isaiah heavily on the day of the Lord and all the consistent teaching about the day of the Lord but there are a couple places that really emphasize the burn they really emphasize the fire and the fervent heat that's going to be found during this time of the day of the Lord that's mentioned in Scripture and turn if you would to 2nd Peter chapter 3 I just want to cover this a little bit because the reference is here about the wicked and the proud being burned up there is a time of judgment coming that God is gonna pour out wrath upon the earth and he's done this once before on a global scale except the first time was with water with which we know and called Noah's flood right we know it is Noah's flood where God saved Noah and his family and everyone else and everything else everything that was not on the ark essentially perished in the flood and just draw total utter devastation and and death upon the earth because of the wickedness of the people that had increased so much to the point to where it repented God that he even made man on the earth in the first place where he's just like man you know this is not what I intended for human beings this is not what I intended for this earth this is not how I wanted things to go you know so he's he basically is saying well we're just gonna start over it's a it's it's it's the great reset from God okay way better than the great reset by a politician okay there's a great reset that's coming from God people at all the great reset well there is a great reset coming and things will be set straight you believe me but it's not gonna be pleasant for the people pushing the great reset currently totally different from that one second Peter chapter 3 look at verse number 3 the Bible reads knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished this is referring to the flood to Noah's flood that back you know way back the world that then was was overflowed with water and perished but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word okay by the word of God are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men so the the judgment that's to come God's promised he said I'm never gonna I'm never gonna destroy the earth with water there's never gonna be another flood like that and in fact he gave the promise in the sky of the rainbow the beautiful glorious rainbow that God gave as a token as a sign to mankind so that they wouldn't be afraid they wouldn't fear they wouldn't they wouldn't worry that oh man there's these huge storms coming and it's beaten and howling is you know don't worry God is not gonna bring destruction on the earth with those storms it's not gonna happen so he gave the rainbow to remind people that that would never happen again now we're living in such a perverted world that people have literally take wicked the wicked the happy that they're not happy the the ones that are called happy the proud have taken that great symbol of God and perverted it just like they pervert the Word of God just like they pervert who God is and pervert themselves and basically everything they come into contact with because they're perverts and that's what they do perverts pervert all that's good all that's holy so it's not a big surprise that they want to take something godly and turn it into something gay but he gave that sign and that's a sign from God and that's something that they out you know that shows how little regard they have for the Lord and for the judgment to come it's a mockery that the wicked would take that I mean it you know if anything it's just a false hope because just because God is not going to destroy the earth with a flood you know you want to cling to that badge thinking that you're gonna be safe uh-uh no proud there's actually a fiery day like an oven and you're gonna be like stubble and God is gonna rain down literal fire and brimstone on the earth literal it's not figurative it's actually gonna happen and as we read these various passages that these are not none of these are figurative but as you read them you could see like well how could it be it's the same type of description being made about the same day about this day of judgment that's coming that's the with the world being reserved unto fire verse 8 there second Peter chapter 3 says but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is what the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years is one day because we already read there's gonna be people scoffing and going oh yeah you got you Christians we talked about that for a long time now but everything just keeps happening everything keeps going where is your God right just like Pharaoh who is the Lord who is the Lord that I should serve but why should I listen to that that's not gonna you know who is the Lord yeah we saw what happened to Pharaoh reprobate we saw the people who are mocking Moses or mock excuse me mocking Noah I'm sure they were there's as he's building the ark he's a preacher of righteousness but no one else was following his lead no one else followed exam no one else was going oh man maybe I maybe I should do the same thing and then it comes be not ignorant one day with the Lord is like a thousand years so even if when a thousand years past two thousand years three thousand years it's nothing to God in our human life so yeah it seems it's a long time but not to God Lord is not slack concerning his promise if God promises something you better believe it's gonna happen as some men count slackness but it's long suffering to us we're not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance God wants people to be saved but he's a God of judgment and God of justice it's going to happen but he's he prolongs that time purposely to give the mercy for people to come to Christ verse 10 but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise look at this and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also in the works that are therein shall be burned up so another reference to this great heat of things being burned up and torched and the earth and the works being burned up on this day of judgment at the day of the Lord verse 11 seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness looking for and hasting under the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness wherefore beloved seeing that you look for such things be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless flip over if you want to revelation chapter 6 revelation chapter 6 we're just going to get another reference here of the wrath to come in revelation 6 we get the the seals that that that are opened in the book of the Lamb the the book that only the Lamb is able to open he's able to open up all the seals and you see the seals breaking open are not the wrath of God it's the vents are gonna be happening it's gonna be the wars it's gonna be a setting up of the Antichrist is gonna be the various things that happen and then the we're gonna pick up their reading in verse number 12 this is the time of the rapture where it's also the day of the Lord okay also the day of Christ and I'm not going to go to in detail on any differences there but essentially when you read through it's all talking about the same day when you look at the scripture you look at the events study it out for yourself go to all the passages that talk about the day of the Lord the day of God it was also mentioned there in first Peter chapter 3 along with the day of the Lord day of Christ look them all up and when you start seeing the pattern and going like wow the Sun is darkened and the moon and the stars fall from heaven you all the same type of things are all happening yeah it's because it's talking about the same day so I'm at the same event it's a cataclysmic day it's a serial it's a day unlike other days any other day so in verse number 12 we see this and I be held when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black a sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood and the stars of heaven fell into the earth even as a fig tree cast at the run timely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll one is rolled together and every mountain and island were moved out of their places and you could compare this passage right here we're reading with Matthew 24 it talks about you know after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun and moon be darkened your Chanel gave her light and that's when he's gonna gather together as elect from under heaven but let's keep reading here verse 15 says and the kings of the earth so we remember we were talking about the proud we were talking about the wicked in Malachi who's gonna be more proud than the kings of the earth the great men the rich men the chief captains and the mighty men I mean these are all people in places of status places of high regard those are gonna be the most proud people on the earth I mean that's the way it is now the people in our political power the people who are regarded especially when it's a wicked world already you know ideally they would be the most humble people right there's a righteous government and righteous people in power they would speak they should be some of the most humble people that are leading and guiding a country but at this time when Christ is God's gonna pour out his wrath and his long-suffering has reached its max and he's gonna say okay I'm done there's no more opportunity because you pushed me too far over the edge I'm gonna pour my wrath it's because of all the wicked people in charge doing wicked things and I mean the whole world in general is gonna be just full of wickedness like it was in the days of Noah when it was just full of wickedness so tip God to just do such extreme measures of wiping people out in in mass so here we see the Kings the great men the rich men the chief captains might even these are your proud people these are gonna be though the wicked people it says in every Bodmin every Freeman hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sit on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand and I just want to bring this up as a side point in case any of you are unfamiliar with the doctrine that we believe here when it comes to the timing of our depart from the earth when Jesus Christ comes back in the clouds and where we go to join him and meet him in the air which was commonly known as the rapture we believe it happens at this time and the events leading up to this that's why I said the six seals that is the tribulation period that's it that's the troubling time where the Saints where the saved people are being persecuted and and experiencing trouble and tribulation like has never been experienced on the world in the earth before but that's followed by God pouring out his wrath and I'm not going to go into detail about this but just if you take something away if you're unfamiliar with the doctrine just understand there's a difference between tribulation and wrath God's wrath being poured out the saved people are not appointed to God's wrath the Bible says but God's people always go through tribulation Bible says yay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution so persecutions tribulations believers do go through that stuff and the great tribulation is when it's the greatest that it's ever been so I that's why it's notable that's why I think we call it the Great Tribulation but that Great Tribulation does not last for seven years so don't be deceived by that okay again I'll teach on this subject another day I already have in the past I just want to throw this food for thought out there in case you are unfamiliar with that doctrine you could look into that a little bit more but let's turn now to Revelation chapter 14 just some more fiery judgment at the day of the Lord more descriptions of essentially the same thing here during this time now chapter 13 talks about the mark of the beast okay chapter 13 is where the Antichrist sets up his kingdom and he's gonna have you know no one may buy or sell except they receive the mark or his name you know the mark of his name in the forehead or in the right hand and that's where you get the 666 from that's from Revelation chapter 13 so as we get into chapter 14 I'm giving you that timeline to show you again even though yes the rapture happened in chapter 6 there's a reset in chapter 12 where where the the time the chronology of the book of Revelation goes back to the birth of Christ and then and then fast forward through the end times again so when you read the book of Revelation chapters 1 through 11 are gonna go through a chronology to the end and then the second portion starting over in chapter 12 will go through and it goes a little bit farther then it's stopped in the first half so it picks up a little bit later so you kind of get the full picture but just from two slightly different perspectives but it's it's the same story essentially being told so you have some overlap so that's why even though I was saying that the rapture occurs in Revelation chapter 6 it hasn't happened yet in chapter 14 because of that reset in that overlap of the timeline hopefully that makes sense I don't want to get too complicated this is this I'm not really trying to get into all of that tonight with the timing of everything but I just want to make sure that you don't get confused when we look at these things verse number 7 Revelation chapter 14 about what says saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come so God's judgment now is coming and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters and there followed another angel saying Babylon has fallen has fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast in his image and whosoever receive at the mark of his name here is the patience of the Saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus and I you know I read that verse 12 there because in Malachi 4 we see the contrast between the proud and the wicked who are gonna experience this burning torture you know it's just gonna be a day of heat and a day of fire and a day of destruction for them contrasted with the saved those that know God those that fear God here's the patience of the Saints here are they that keep the commandments of God in the faith of Jesus okay they will receive salvation and I'm talking about physical salvation because Christ is gonna come back and and take them out of this world save those that are alive and remain from the Antichrist from the wicked people who are persecuting them and bringing great tribulation upon them and going after them Christ is gonna come back and save them out of that right before wrath starts getting poured out on those that remain on the earth this is the picture this is what we're seeing this is the warning that Malachi 3 & 4 essentially but mainly chapter 4 here is giving forward as we close out the Old Testament is prophetic now and I'll get in let's go back to Malachi chapter 4 I want I want to read verses 2 & 3 real quick but as we read prophetic scriptures don't forget that there's usually more than one application of the scripture it's consistent it's it's it's so consistent throughout scripture I don't understand why anyone really has a hard time getting that and and we'll see I don't want to get too far ahead of myself let's let's look at verse number two here so verse one was talking about the wicked the proud that are gonna be burned up verse 2 says but unto you that fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall so here's the blessing for those that fear God here's the blessing what the wicked yeah they're gonna face their punishment but you know what those that fear God as we even saw in chapter 3 you know the the book of remembrance that's made for those that did you know no other God that's been that feared God again those that fear my name the son of right you know I just love that that title there the son of righteousness because it's spelled S U N there instead of S O N we know Jesus Christ is the son of righteousness S O N but but here's referring to him as the son S U N of righteousness that shall arise with healing in his wings so the healing is gonna go towards God's people it's gonna go towards those that actually fear his name and but the destruction is gonna come on those that don't and you shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall now I don't raise cattle but I think this is pretty obvious even for those that don't raise cattle like what does it mean to be calves of the stall well think about a stall is an area like in a barn or whatever where you're gonna have a shelter and they're gonna be safe and kept safe and sound and fed and everything is cared for the calves of the stall right and the calves are the young one so they're not just left out in the field and I just left out to the elements they're brought into the stall they're brought in locked up safeguarded and well cared for that's the imagery that's being brought forth here for those that fear God for those that love God who those are gonna love Christ that is a come at his coming that is appearing he's gonna treat us as you know the son of righteousness and think about how dark that day is and how wicked evil a day is gonna be when things are going really bad and you're suffering persecution and then you see that great Sun arising you know figuratively talking about Jesus Christ but that that great light that's gonna shine through the darkness hey that's great for us the wicked doers they hate the light they don't want the light being shined on their wicked deeds people who do wickedness usually do it under cover of darkness under cover of night they don't want to be seen they want to get away with things but when the son of righteousness arise he's gonna bring healing in his wings for those that fear that fear him and he's gonna protect you like like the calves of the stall so that's gonna be a wonderful glorious day just just you know you can tell you it's out later but we want to look at the difference between the day of Christ and the day of the Lord day of Christ is is always mentioned in a positive light as we're looking for the day of Christ because he's gonna save us out of this but then the day of the Lord always has the negative connotation where the wrath is poured out but those two events the day of Christ the day of Lord happened on the same day verse number three and you shall tread down and ye shall so these are the people who fear his name who are gonna be protected and ye shall tread down the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this at the Lord of hosts who says you're gonna tread down the wicked and you're not gonna tread down the wicked because you're gonna have to fight them you're and what's tread mean tread means to walk over you're gonna be walking over the wicked but the reason why you'll be walking over the wicked it's not because you're gonna have to get in there and you're gonna be kicking them down and putting a boot to the face or anything like that you don't have to do that right thankfully got you because God's already taken care of that because it's gonna be there's gonna be a day of fire he says they're gonna be like it's gonna be ashes beneath your feet so the wicked that were persecuting you and afflicting you the ground just could be covered with their ash so you're gonna be walking on safe ground on top of the wicked that have bare zero threat to you whatsoever because they're destroyed that's good news I don't know people have weird twisted minds about who God is what how do you not like justice like that I mean even innately God created us with a conscience and with these desires to see just justice come forward I mean people unsaved people I don't care who you are people have a desire to see justice brought forth now there's always an argument on what's just and what's not but but we are innately naturally given the desire to have justice done so when people do wickedly people do it it is a good thing and it's only people who are extremely perverted that are gonna try to teach you and indoctrinate you by telling you oh no that's not you know what type of a horrible God would do something like this and burn people up and they're turned to ashes you know what a righteous great awesome God would do that that's gonna bring forth good judgment on on the the extremely wicked proud people that are called happy I'm so hateful this is this is reality my own emotion it doesn't even matter this is what's gonna happen it's gonna happen whether people like it or not maybe we ought to get a proper fear of God in our life and one up on the right side of things here obviously we're not going to be experiences rather you're saved you're born again you have to worry about that but for those that are not saved this this is going to come and it just like you know this reminded me of the Apostle Paul when he was preaching to I think it was Felix the Felix when he was in prison and or I think it was Felix it was a Festus when when he preached to him on righteousness and truth and judgment to come and then he was like he trembled and was like just put him back and I'll call you a time when it's convenient for me I forget the name I apologize for that but but it's Felix yeah thank you it's within that story and you know he's preaching about judgment to come obviously preaching about truth the righteous is preaching about the things of God but he's preaching about judgment to come his judgment coming and everyone needs to understand that you know that's why we preach the God when preach the gospel people would preach that look you're a sinner and there's a judgment for that there's a punishment for your sins everyone needs to understand that and get that through their heads that you're not just okay this is you think you're not that bad that's not reality reality is if you've sinned which we all have there's a there's a punishment for sin the wages of sin is death and you understand that you need to understand our judgment to come and yeah it may be a little scary but how do you were going to respond to that you're gonna get right with God by putting your trust in Jesus Christ and and accepting him as your Savior and and and that he paid your way for you are you gonna reject that well you reject that then I mean that's all on you verse number four Malachi 4 4 remember you the law of Moses my servant which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel with the statutes and judgments this is after he's talking about them treading down the wicked hey remember you law of Moses my servant the statutes the judgments don't forget those things that's going to be ultimately the way it is when Christ sets up his kingdom here on earth to by the way verse 5 behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children in the heart of the children of their fathers lest I come and smite the earth with a curse now I'm gonna take the rest of the time and go over this the sending of Elijah the Prophet it's it's fascinating to me it's it's it's awesome when the you know the more you learn and read and understand about the Bible Elijah is a very special character in Scripture from like beginning to end Elijah's name comes up quite a bit Elijah is definitely a man of God that's that's has been exalted now this is also important and I'm just gonna tell you in advance it's important to know how prophecy works in Scripture we're gonna see multiple examples of the same thing to prove my point but my point is this when we see prophecies I mentioned this already there's usually more than one application and oftentimes there's an application in one occurrence but then it could also reoccur later in the future as well you could have more than one fulfillment of the exact same prophecy come to pass later now it does depend somewhat on the prophecy right so like when a virgin conceives and brings forth a son that happened one time that's not happening again okay a literal virgin bringing for the child that is a one-time miracle that's a one-time prophecy that was fulfilled through Jesus Christ other prophecies could be similar to that where once it happens it's fulfilled it's good it's not gonna happen again but some I believe can be fulfilled more than once and usually what you're gonna see with that is when it's clear that the whole thing in the context hasn't been fulfilled by the first fulfilling okay and I think very clearly here when he says hey I'm gonna send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord the day of the Lord has not happened yet the great and dreadful day of the Lord and again outside of the time frame and scope of this sermon tonight you could do this the work on your own I preached on this listen to it online without a doubt that day hasn't happened yet undoubtedly okay but the sending of Elijah the Prophet has absolutely clearly been fulfilled in Scripture and we're gonna see this but it's fulfilled by John the Baptist okay he was that coming of Elijah the Prophet and this is 100% true before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord because the Lord hasn't happened yet so his coming was definitely before that way before that 100% true I'll get into a little bit later I still think there may be another appearance I won't we pretty confident there's gonna be another appearance that's actually closer to the dreadful day of the Lord but I want I just want to prove this all from Scripture as much as possible just to help us to have that proper understanding we're rightly dividing the Bible we're not I'm not trying to make up anything crazy here and try to fit something that's not there literally this is taking the Bible let the Bible teach you because we can see things and and there's more than one example of this too so we're gonna we're gonna look at a couple examples but it it will help you in your understanding so that you don't necessarily completely dismiss something that well that was already fulfilled and think it may not happen again okay and this and this is some of the error that I've seen out of people who are treating the book of Daniel and Daniel chapter 7 and a great as like events that have have happened in the past and just have no more significance for the future now look and I'm not gonna get Daniel at all but it's just it's just been popping up lately people teaching on it and I'm and you know I've listened to it I'm just going no like like it's they're so close but they're missing that why can't why is it so hard to understand that while there is all this amazing fulfillment of Scripture 70 AD with the various you know people leaders rulers have come in and fulfilled so much of the prophecy that Daniel was given like it is that alone is all amazing I just because every time God's Word is fulfilled it's amazing it's it's wonderful it's awesome you see it it's just how he said but that's not where it stops it's not like that was everything in the prophetic scriptures of Daniel just like Isaiah has so much prophecies about the children of Israel being taken away captive and the return but that doesn't stop with that either even though so much of that gets fulfilled there's still further future prophecies to be fulfilled and many of them will be duplicated the some of the signs and wonders will happen again or the you know the the the events whatever it is that's being prophesied oftentimes you can apply it this way and again in the future let's look at this so first let's get the first without a doubt Elijah the prophet being sent is John the Baptist Matthew chapter 11 I be turning at Matthew chapter 11 we're sorry in verse number 10 and this is where Jesus is talking about you know what went you out for to see and and you know when John the Baptist was asking if you're the Christ or we look for another that whole that whole passage we're gonna pick up in verse number 10 he said and this is Jesus speaking of John the Baptist for this is he of whom it is written behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee verily I say unto you among them that are born of women there is not risen a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he and from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force for all the prophets and the law prophesied until John and if ye will receive it this is Elias which was for to come now don't let that name Elias confuse you or trip you up okay I know when I first started reading the Bible I didn't understand who Elias was but because the New Testament language was written it was in Greek essentially and the Old Testament written in Hebrew the way the names translated it's the same person but it's it's written or said a little bit different that the name changes slightly you know for those of you that know Spanish you'll know that there's the same name will be slightly different in Spanish than it is in English and sometimes it's only a pronunciation like David is David but other times you can have like like Joe would be like what Jose right as an equivalent name so it's not exactly the same and even in the Bible you have Jesus and Joshua it could be the same name okay that's it's it's it's just the way that that translations work over time and but it's it's the same name it's the same person okay so Elias when that was translated from Greek that's Elijah and then you have Alyssa in the New Testament is a lie sure so that's how you know the difference Alyssa says the extra s there Elias doesn't have the extra one it's Elijah and I could you know again this can still also be proven if you're studying your Bible enough and you read about Elias and you can see where the Bible the New Testament is talking about Elias it should be like well who is that oh well that was Elijah right you don't you don't have to even know Greek and know how to try it you know you don't have to know that stuff because if you just study the Bible enough you can figure it out you figure it out it's not that hard so Jesus is saying this is Elijah which was for to come meaning the one that was prophesied to come this is him this is Elijah who was to come he that the years here let him here he confirms this again in Matthew chapter 17 so flip over chapter 17 so Jesus said already in Matthew 11 hey this is Elijah that was to come chapter 17 verse 9 the Bible says and as they came down from the mountain Jesus charged them saying tell the vision to no man until the Son of Man be risen again from the dead which again that's there's so much here I'm gonna keep reading verse number 10 and his disciples asked him saying why then say the scribes that Elias must first come so the scribes were teaching that Elijah needs to come first and they were teaching it because of the prophecies from the Old Testament like what Malachi chapter 4 says that I am going to send Elijah before the great and before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord and we can also see I think pretty clearly that there was definitely some misunderstanding and a conflation between the second coming and the first coming of Jesus Christ it was not really clear to them at that time and they didn't have that full understanding that when Christ came he was actually gonna he was gonna come and die and rise again and then come again later in the future they had the understanding that when he comes he's gonna set up the kingdom and everything is gonna that's why John the Baptist was confused that's why we can see their understanding that way when things aren't working the way that they thought that they should work but it's just because they didn't have enough information to draw the right conclusion we have the luxury now of being so far in history and having the Bible preserved for us and in completion to see these things and all the events that happen but so they asked to say we could tribes describe excuse me the scribes were saying the Elias was first come and Jesus answered said to them Elias truly shall first come and restore all things but I say unto you that Elias is come already he is already come and they knew him not but have done unto him whatsoever they listed likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer of them then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist notice it doesn't say then the disciples thought that he spake unto them of John the Baptist as they understood they knew it and that's the narrator telling us that they knew it because they aren't that understanding of who he's talking about because he is talking about John the Baptist so Jesus says twice there we had two references of him saying this is Elijah now John the Baptist didn't think that he was Elijah which is also interesting turn to John chapter 1 but John the Baptist understanding of the role that he played and who he really was doesn't mean anything to the fulfillment of the scripture because he did what he was supposed to do he was the voice crying in the wilderness he prepared the way of the Lord he was getting the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers like it says in Malachi to he was doing those things but he didn't know it and that's just fine look at verse number 19 of John chapter 1 the Bible says and this is the record of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who art thou and that's all about John the Baptist and he confessed and denied not but confessed I am NOT the Christ so first he's saying look I'm not Christ because they're coming to be like who are you he's making all this big all this all this splashes and noise in the wilderness like all these people coming out to see him like man you haven't heard anyone preach like John the Baptist preach like you got to go out there he's baptizing people all kinds of commotion going on through the ministry of John the Baptist so he's crying okay I'm just like who are you like like what do you think you're the Christ or something he's like no I'm not the Christ and asked him what then art thou Elias because they knew that Elijah should come so they're asking well well then are you Elijah and he says I am NOT art thou that prophet and he answered no he's not trying to lie to him he just doesn't think that he's that's who he is then said to them who art thou that we may give an answer to them that sent us what sayest thou of thyself he said I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord as said the Prophet Esaias which is Isaiah okay that's written in Isaiah that he's gonna be the boy and he knew that much he knew he was doing the work of the Lord he knew that he was he had a very important job I mean he had to have known something because he had a pretty miraculous birth himself not like Jesus but you know his mom was kind of past age and then you know and she or she was barren and then she had that child and he was raised knowing he was supposed to be a godly person he was basically raised as a Nazarite because he was supposed to have no strong drink and and and you know he's gonna be a be filled with the Holy Ghost from the womb and and and everything he was set to do great things so he knew that he had a very important job to do I'm sure he was raised that way and of course he's performing this but he did not know why am I even making a point of this because one God's fulfillment of the prophets is gonna happen no matter what whether people know it or not people unwittingly do things I don't think Judas knew in advance that he was going to be the traitor God knew in advance he's gonna be a traitor and obviously then he betrayed Jesus and he became the traitor but it was known beforehand of God well before Judas knew anything about it John doesn't have to know that he is Elijah that's to come but he was if Jesus says so I'm gonna believe Jesus and this is the reason I am making a point is one more thing because you can also apply this to when people try to tell you you know when we say King James Bible is a preserved Word of God it is preserved it is perfect it is without error and then inevitably someone will argue that you say yeah but even the translators didn't think it was perfect even they were just trying you know they said that you know they did their best but they knew that there could be some errors and everything else and if you read the letter and everything else they're gonna see yeah you know what first of all they were really humble and second of all they don't have to know that their job really was done complete I mean if I was on that board and I had the knowledge and experience and everything else that any of those guys had I would still probably go I mean this is the Word of God right we're trying our best we're doing you know they're praying and doing everything that they thought they needed to do diligently in an order but who would be bold enough to on themselves say I did everything just right you know I mean of course you're not gonna say that so just because they were saying and they don't have to believe that their work was done perfectly but it was it's it's been proven it's been tested as silver tried in the furnace of earth tried seven times I mean the pure words are here so whether a person knows it or not doesn't change the reality turn to Luke chapter 1 and Luke 1 is talking about you know when he was conceived when he's a baby right like who he was gonna be and we'll just see even more confirmation just without a shadow of doubt Jesus said he was Elijah which was for to come but in Luke chapter 1 we actually get reference literally to Malachi chapter 4 I mean this this you cannot shake this whatsoever because it's literally gives a quote from Malachi chapter 4 start reading verse number 13 but the angel said on him fear not Zechariah as for that prayer is heard and that wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son and thou shalt call his name John this is Zacharias they've been praying for a child couldn't have one angel shows up and says you're gonna have that child you're gonna call him John and thou shalt have joy and gladness and many shall rejoice at his birth verse 15 and he shall be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother's womb and many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God so here he's talking about the children being turned to the father and the father to the children he's leading people to the Lord he's leading people to Christ which is what verse 6 and Malachi 4 says and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children in the heart of the children of the fathers in verse 17 says and he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just to make ready a people prepared for the Lord so it literally says to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children would like it says in Malachi chapter 4 that's the only place you're gonna find that it's talking about the coming of Elijah Elijah now the other key piece of information here Jesus said it's Elijah John said I'm not Elijah but what does it mean is he literally Elijah is he a nation of Elijah no Elijah's soul does not come back down to earth but what it says is and he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah so the same spirit that God was giving to Elijah the same power the same gifts right that same the same spirit I mean what we think about someone who has a spirit it's you know everyone's a little bit different but John the Baptist you put John the Baptist Elijah next to each other they're gonna be like two peas in a pod they're gonna have that same spirit a preach in the Word of God and and you'll be in hey Elijah spent a lot of time out in the wilderness right he had a lot of rough time and John the Baptist is out there in the wilderness right I mean you're this just just to like people and it's of the Lord God's giving him these blessings given his spirit he's giving them these these tools to do this ministry and it's intentional because the prophecy saying look I mean a guy like Elijah is gonna come along like Elijah's come in and then you got John the Baptist like you know you read about Elijah there's John the Baptist for you and you get a little bit of a feeling as we read the record of Elijah kind of the type of preacher he was the type of guy he's kind of rough around the edges he's a hard preacher and I would say on the flip side you know when you read about Elijah he was a little different not exactly the same style both of them very solid men of God and preachers of God's Word and very effective in their ministries absolutely and Elijah even got a double portion of the spirit right and kind of in perform more miracles on his during his ministry but when you see the way they interact with people and I'm not saying Elijah back down he's real bold but the way Elijah dealt with people wasn't always the same as Elijah Elijah is the one who's raining fire down from heaven on the guys that showed up the soldiers showed up to take him to the cage is like you know if I be a prophet let fire come down from heaven I you know and that's the type of guy he was you know and it wasn't a bad thing he's just just a little bit different you know John the Baptist was I say equally as hard had a hardline preacher but it was it's clear that it's not like it's reincarnation it's the spirit power of Elijah has come forth now no doubt Malachi 4 is fulfilled in John the Baptist right but we also have this hanging out here that you know because it says I'm gonna send this prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord kind of a long time in between when John the Baptist lived and when the coming of the day when the day of the Lord's actually gonna come it's 100% true he did come before the coming of the dreadful day of the Lord and this is my belief it turned to Acts chapter 2 this is just my opinion okay my belief on this I think it's not just without you know it's not just holy without any evidence but the Bible doesn't specifically tell us that there's going to be another specifically necessarily Elijah that's gonna come before Christ comes back again but I think it would make sense that before Christ comes back again that there's gonna be another Elijah if you will that will come in the spirit and power of Elijah to stir up the people and those that remain and those that do know their God and those that love God to do the great exploits to do the great works and and be the martyrs and do and and and be you know kind of carried through that time of that great tribulation to me that would make sense that in a similar fashion that John the Baptist shows up on the scene of course before Jesus shows up on the scene and then John the Baptist is beheaded and Jesus continues his ministry someone in like manner before Jesus comes back will show up on the scene to be this type of a prophet of a preacher to get people fired up again to serve the Lord and the reason why I think that is because you have both me or the mention of Elijah and then the dreadful day of the Lord which we know now for sure are two separate you know kind of distant things when we see the the fulfillment of John the Baptist now if I'm wrong well the Bible is true no matter what I mean it's it this is already we know it's fulfilled for sure I just have the the impression that this will happen again and and when you look at Acts chapter 2 the day of Pentecost we see a similar reference where after the people are filled with the Holy Ghost and they're speaking with other tongues right there be able to preach the gospel and all these other languages that they know not it's explained through scripture that hey this is a fulfillment of Joel what's written in the Prophet Joel but what's interesting there too is that Joel also references the day of the Lord the passage that's brought up talks about the day of the Lord which do your study again I can't prove everything in one sermon but the Bible is very consistent about the events that happen on the day of the Lord and the events are cosmic events they're very serious events that have not occurred yet so you can't say the first coming of Jesus Christ was the day of the Lord you just can't there's no way you can prove that from scripture so but both of these prophecies of events that were happening during that first coming of Christ have a reference to something that's still to come later so to me it would just make sense and we'll just read this passage but to me it just kind of makes sense that we may see these other patterns and similar things happening again in the future and that's kind of exciting chapter 2 there of acts verse number 14 the Bible says but Peter standing up with the 11 lifted up his voice and said unto them you men of Judea and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem be this known unto you and hearken to my words for these are not drunken as you suppose seeing it is but the third hour of the day but this is that he's talking about those that were speaking with other tongues because some of the people are mocking them and saying oh yeah these guys are just drunk because they were they couldn't understand what they were saying because they're speaking foreign languages and they're just looking at him going like this is crazy these people just must be drunk they're babbling whatever he says these are not drunken as you suppose seeing as what the third hour of the day like it's morning you know it's not they're not drunk but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel so the Basel Peter is telling us this is a fulfillment of what was spoken in Joel verse 17 and it shall come to pass in the last days saith God I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy this is what was happening right then but he doesn't stop his quotation right there which is also I think interesting he doesn't stop quoting Joel he continues verse 19 and this isn't by accident by the way it's to help us to still continue to understand and I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before that great and notable day of the Lord come and shall come to pass that whosoever shall call the name of the Lord shall be saved now maybe he was just completing this passage to give out there that whosoever shall call upon name Lord shall be saved don't know but the fact is that even in Joel it's talking about the spirit being poured out on the young man handmaidens and the spirit being poured out and people prophesying I believe that that will happen again before like much closer to before that great and notable day of the Lord so similar as we see here with the Malachi prophecy we will see these things and even though you could say yeah but that was fulfilled I know it was okay but it's like a partial fulfillment because the day the Lord hasn't come yet similarly with Elijah coming yes it was fulfilled without a doubt but that I still it doesn't mean it can't happen again that it can't be fulfilled again in the future and it's reasonable to say there's enough evidence for that it's the same thing in Daniel it's the same thing in Isaiah it's the same thing as you as you study prop prophetic statements throughout the Bible you see this you see the dual applications and the references both to the then and present and to the future it's there it's just the way that God works in them and the more you get familiar with the scripture you see this over and over and over and over again so I don't want to write off the prophecies I just say well that was all already completed so we shouldn't just even look at that anymore I don't know why you're calling this Daniel 70 week and everything else like look there is a good reason for that because everything was not fulfilled just as much as Acts chapter 2 in Jesus's time from the time that Jesus was born a time that Jesus was crucified did the moon turn into blood were these great signs in the heavens done at all do we have any record of that at all from any source no no but is it clear that the prophecies and the pouring out of his spirit did happen yeah Peter said so under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost similarly these you know the other passages Daniel they weren't completed there's things left the abomination of desolation okay was not set up even if you can there was abominable things done or set up in God's temple but why then would Jesus reference it in Matthew 24 as something that's still to happen and why would he reference it in this in the way that uh let me just turn it real quick as as a as a point to go off of for the events that we're going to continue to take place so verse 15 in Matthew 24 says when you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the holy place who so read it let him understand he's referencing the prophecy in Daniel clearly the abomination desolation that Daniel talks about is referenced here and he talks about them fleeing okay you're on the house up don't come down don't get your clothes leave and then it's then it said it continues as the same thought okay the subject matter isn't changed verse 20 says but pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day for then shall be great tribulation such as not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be this is marked by the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet you would have to say then if you think that was all fulfilled in 70 AD that this great tribulation that has never been the likes of which has never been seen before was accomplished in 70 AD that the destruction of the temple I don't believe that now so many things line up with the destruction of the temple that was prophesied absolutely yes but not everything the great tribulation is something that's still to come because then it continues if we just keep reading and accept those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened point that out to me in history when the days were shortened where no one was going to be saved none of the elect were gonna be saved but then because the days were shortened they were saved this fits perfectly with what we read in other prophecies of Scripture of the Antichrist going after the Saints going after those who are sanctified when we read about the mark of the beast and that that pursuing of those who won't take the mark of the beast to be put to death this makes that makes sense because it's gonna be on a worldwide scale but the thing the the events that happened in Jerusalem was very local and there were already believers scattered about and they weren't all in one place so how could you say that this has been fulfilled that's pretty weak and then it continues then if any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not for there shall rise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders and so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very liked before I've told you before wherefore if they say unto you he's in a desert go not forth he's in secret chambers believe it not for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth and even unto the west so shall also be the coming of the Son of Man be and then it says immediately in verse 28 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened so if the again the Great Tribulation already happened around 70 AD I know that one day is with the Lord's a thousand years thousand years one day but I doubt that God would use the word immediately if it's been 2,000 years roughly since that day when oh look again the Sun shall be darkened the moon shall not give her light and the star shall fall from heaven which matches up with so many other places in Scripture so why would we just think why would we disregard then the prophecies from Daniel as if they can't also be fulfilled further and again and that they weren't completely fulfilled at the time it's the way the Bible works it's the way the prophecy of the scripture works it's it's a it's it's a for God has a lot of fortune you know what it also makes sense and this just I just thought about this right now it makes sense if God is interested in us knowing the truth and not being offended and not being shaken the foreshadowing of these events it makes sense he's giving us more time he's giving us information hey look just as it was in the days of Noah just as it was in the days of God look at all of these events that you could look back to it's gonna happen this way again it just could be a little bit worse but you just just look back at the history at the prophecy it's going to repeat itself it makes sense and that closes out the Old Testament it's a pretty good closing chapter you know the warning of judgment to come but also the prophecy of what's happening next to kick off the New Testament is that Elijah coming first it that it again it perfectly fits and makes sense that we close with I mean literally the last verses in Malachi 4 are the prophecy of Elijah that's to come and then what happens a lot you know Jesus and John the Baptist are born of course but then like you know the next minister the next event that's taking place is John the Baptist's ministry he was the next in line prophetically to come and fulfill scripture him first Jesus next Jesus coming back and I didn't even have time to get it we're already I can't believe I told you I warned you I warned you the six verses might take a little bit longer tonight I really don't have time to flesh this out but the two witnesses that's going to be around during the wrath of God it's reasonable to think that the two witnesses will be in the spirit power of Moses and Elijah but another sermon for another day don't worry I won't keep you for another half an hour or 45 minutes unpacking all of that because that's kind of fun but we'll let you go tonight let's bar eyes have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for your word for all these great truths thank you for giving us the information thank you for telling us the truth in advance Lord and confirming your word and proving it true over and over and over again Lord we love you and and thank you just giving us this knowledge Lord help us to be more clear and understanding help us to reach more people help us to preach of the judgment that's to come and that and that you know some people be saved by fear pulling them out of fire Lord and that you would just guide us and lead us Lord and help us to do great exploits excuse me in your name Jesus Christ name we pray these things amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed brother Peter will you please lead us song 157 come down almighty king song 157 let's sing the sound the first Oh Oh Oh amen church great city thank you so much you