(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right now Romans chapter 10 of course is a very famous soul winning chapter where it's talking about whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and that's what we're gonna be talking about this evening is salvation now I actually had somebody email me a question and I've been wanting to kind of preach an eternal security type of a message anyways for a while I've been wanting to to do this and this kind of just helped prompt me to preach this sermon tonight and first we're gonna just go over some real basics real basic method for for determining what we believe just in doctrine in general and especially about salvation you know how are we going to understand what the Bible say and analyzing any doctrine that you hear this is real simple real real straightforward just kind of make sense because number one when you when you hear something first of all you got to be saved for the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truth that's like the foundation that's the groundwork no one that's unsaved is going to understand Scripture they're not going to understand the Bible their eyes are blinded they don't know the Bible is a spiritually understood book you need to have the Holy Spirit help you to understand the words of God you have to be saved that's that's number one so if you're not even saved you're not gonna be able to understand the Bible and that's you know honestly that's where this false doctrine all most of it just stems from anyways it's when people who aren't even saved trying to understand the Bible and coming up with these doctrines that aren't real they don't exist that they've just they've come up with this stuff out of their own heart because they're not saved because they're not being guided into all truth but number two okay we need to make sure that our doctrine is coming from the King James Bible it has to be coming from God's actual words this is where we this is the true source of our doctrine so you need to believe that the King James Bible is God's Word and that it's without error as soon as you start introducing or believing that well there's errors in the Bible is that you could come up with any doctrine that you want because all you have to do to to to throw away a doctrine is to say well that's an error that's not what the Bible is really saying right there it's really something else they got that wrong and you can apply that to just about anything when you you know when you when it boils down to it if you don't have God's real words if you don't know what God said then who's to stop you from from coming up with with whatever doctrine you want or believing any doctrine anyone you have to understand that the King James is the work God's Word and I'm not gonna prove that tonight but this is just you know I'm laying down the foundation and things that you need the prerequisites for just determining what doctrine is right everyone that's here tonight I know is already far as I could as far as I know fits one and two number three that I mentioned this before when we're when trying to understand if a doctrine is correct we need to be able to list the clear statements that are in support of that doctrine there has to be some clear statements to prove whatever doc whatever major doctrine that you're trying to prove I mean whether it be the virgin birth of Jesus Christ the fact that Jesus Christ was without sin you know salvation by grace through faith all of these different core document core doctrines and and fundamentals of the faith that we believe there needs to be some clear statements in the Bible that just pretty explicitly say whatever it is that you're believing and we need to be able to differentiate between clear statements and parables oftentimes these false doctrines are a result of in people trying to take a parable and apply it to mean whatever it is that they want it to mean and it's easier to do that with a parable than it is with a clear statement I went over this quite a bit in John 15 last Wednesday so if you want I would recommend going back and listening that if you missed that but talking about the difference between parables because John 15 as the the parable of Jesus and the vine and bearing fruit and how people misapply that we're getting a little bit tonight but I want to repreach that since we did already last Wednesday number four do any of the clear statements that you found to support whatever doctrine you're analyzing do they contradict other clear statements in the Bible right so if you find say okay this looks like a clear statement from the Bible it's clearly saying you know that that Jesus that that Mary was a virgin when when Jesus Christ was born if you define were to find another very clear statement that was to say that no you know that Mary was not a virgin when Jesus Christ was born well you've got a problem either one you have the wrong Bible you got to go back to step number two and get yourself a King James or you're not understanding something right because God does not contradict himself God is not the author of confusion God is not going to have things that contradict yourself so you're obviously not not reading something right now to have clear statements contradicting each other shouldn't ever happen that would be a pretty gross understanding of a what we're considering a clear statement to have contradictory clear statements that shouldn't happen at all you're definitely misunderstanding something or you definitely have the wrong Bible then number five you got a you got to think about what are the implications of the doctrine and follow it through to its logical end and think about all the aspects of what am I really saying here so when someone says you know for example with recovering salvation if someone says well no you can lose your salvation right you'll have to see well what are the clear statements for that clear statements in the Bible just say you can lose your salvation can you find any right and if you can is that just in direct contradiction to other things that we've seen about eternal life or everlasting lives as well as last forever right obviously a contradiction isn't gonna work but listen you know when you when you're taking a doctrine to its logical end you're thinking okay well let's just say for example we can lose our salvation well how do we do that and and what would be a case what's a scenario where we can lose our salvation that's why I like talking asking that question to people at the door because it has to get you thinking on that path let's just assume that you're right let's say we can lose our salvation assume it's right well what does that imply then what is the worthy implications of that okay well then how how do we lose our salvation you're gonna have to be able to prove that from Scripture as well what would we have to do okay if you're gonna list off some sin and say well if you murder somebody and you lose your salvation then you have to go back and say well when the Bible says here that it's not you know to him that work if not but believe it I'm gonna justify the Bengali his faith is counted for righteousness now all of a sudden you got yourself a contradiction you see what I mean like maybe maybe you're looking at a doctrine and you can't find the clear statements but you're like well maybe it's still true you start thinking it all the way through what are all the implications of this when you start contradicting other other doctrines that are very solid solid and clearly found in the Bible then you've got a false doctrine and then you get to look at all of the supporting evidence and analyze it in context to see if it truly is supporting the doctrine so if you start passing the tests right and start saying okay this doctrine looks pretty good it's got clear statements it's not contradicting other clear statements we you know I'm thinking about it and it and it makes sense it doesn't seem to be to be contradicting anything else then you can start looking at okay well what are all the supporting evidence for us look at parables look at other things is this truth you know fleshed out and does it seem seem legitimate and true and you know if you could pass all those tests and say okay this this looks legitimate it should be fine then it'd be pretty safe to say that you've got yourself a good doctrine anyways these are all different things that you can do to analyze the doctrines that you believe and that's why you'll always find because the Bible has to has to fit together appropriately I mean it has to mesh you can't have contradictions otherwise it's not God's Word as we mentioned earlier and that's why when you'll find these false doctrines it's never just one so for example the pre-trib rapture it's never people don't believe in the pre-trib rapture but then are not either dispensationalist or Zionist like those are those are all doctrines that just go hand in order to make that one doctrine fig you have to you have to start tweaking and twisting other doctrines and start saying oh well in order for it to be a pre-trib rapture then when it says the elect here that can't be talking about Christians that's talking about Jews so then you start going into the Zionism route of all the elect it's God's chosen people who aren't Christians and all this other stuff and see how it starts affecting other doctrine otherwise it wouldn't make sense because there's clear scripture that would prove it to be false and then they also bring up dispensationalism say oh well that's in a different dispensation in the end times they're saved by works and all this other nonsense and it you know in order to make their doctrine fit it has an impact and it goes out and affects a lot of other doctrines it's an in their attempt to make it merge and fit in with with scripture so just just be aware of that but this evening what I really want to what I really want to focus on is lordship salvation this is a doctrine that's gotten popular lately with the John MacArthur crowds and what's that other heretics name Paul Washer you know these people who believe that you have to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life in order to be saved meaning that you in order for a person to be saved they have to recognize and submit themselves unto Christ's authority as in if Jesus Christ says jump I'm gonna say how high on the way up of that level of obedience in order to be saved that that is what is required that that subjugation of just saying that like it's not enough to just completely put your faith in trust on him to save your soul you have to be willing to stop all of your sins and to do everything that's right and that's the and it's it's really a repent of your sins type of message which is a core part of their doctor now what I have is I went to this website it is great it's a grace to you I was trying to find like John MacArthur's official stuff because he's real power I talk to people all the time they've got the John MacArthur study Bible and all this other stuff and the guy's a heretic out of hell okay and I don't want anyone to get deceived by this stuff and one of the the emails I received was along these lines of a lordship salvation and when you're listening to these false prophets that's why there's so many people that are confused about salvation it's the devil's work using these false prophets to confuse people what they do is and this happens very frequently is because I've listened to him I preach a sermon beware of false prophets back I don't know in February or something like that and when I was studying for that sermon I went and I just kind of checked out a few of these guys because I never list I never got into any of these heretics before and then you know they get viral videos or whatever so then you click on okay what's this all about and you realize right away yeah this guy is this guy's a false prophet he's teaching another gospel and they need to be a curse if you want to know why I say John MacArthur's a heretic out of hell it's because the Bible says in Galatians chapter number one that if any man bring any other gospel I'm you know I'm not gonna quote it because it says very simply in verse 6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ was exactly what John MacArthur does but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you then that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you then that you have received let him be accursed these false prophets need to be accursed because they're bringing another gospel and their gospel is a works based salvation and they'll try to tell you no no no we believe it's salvation by grace it's not of your works but in everything that they say it's works it's defined in the Bible source I'm gonna prove that to you so I got all these different quotes and they have this whole thing on like describing their lordship salvation and what it means to believe in Lord they don't even like they don't even look at the term as a negative term they embrace it the same way that we would embrace easy believism and they use that term as a derogatory term towards us you know I look at lordship salvation and that's a derogatory term that you know you believe in lordship salvation but they embrace it they explain and they explain that here and there's no way I'm gonna get through all this stuff and I don't even care because once I start getting into this I'm just gonna get whatever I have time to do is what we're gonna get through but and everything else then whatever but this should be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt one of the questions I got though in an email and I want to address this first before I really get into this lordship salvation stuff was and it was a good question and he and he asks a question and this is where he's coming from you look at like John chapter 3 okay in John 3 John 3 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life so there it says whosoever believeth and over and over again throughout the scripture you're gonna find present tense right present tense of verbs whosoever believeth in him so okay that's a present tense John 3 36 is he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him so where they're going with this is saying well it's a present tense so you have to continue believing right all the way through until you die that you have to maintain that faith and it has to just continue and continue and continue because otherwise then this wouldn't be true does he that believeth not the son shall not see life so if you stop believing later it's saying that you're not going to see life so you could see where they come up with a lot of it I'm saying it's not it's not a bad thought process right it's someone who's looking at this analytically and trying to trying to understand explain it well one of the things you gotta understand with the Bible just in general you read the Bible cover to cover especially in the New Testament it's written all in a in a in a present tense active verbs like when it's when it's telling you the stories and when it's going through the language that it's written in is is all like present tense right so when you come up with something like this and you say okay well first of all let's just look at John 3 36 he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life what does that mean if you believe on Christ you have hath this present tense right and believeth this present tense you believe on Jesus you have everlasting life well how long is everlasting it's forever when we go through this oftentimes with people at the door and just try to explain it everlasting means forever if you stop believing on Jesus and according to the verses and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him the person stops believing on Jesus later on just doesn't believe on him anymore and because this verse says this they go to hell did they ever have everlasting life I would say no because it didn't last forever by definition everlasting means everlasting it means forever so there's one thing now I wouldn't expect you just to just say okay well that's good and never look at it again but there's lots of other scriptures John chapter 5 verse 24 for example says Jesus said verily verily saying to you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life so again present tense you believe you have it you have everlasting life but look what he says he says and shall not come into condemnation now he's using more of a future tense saying you shall not come into condemnation but his past past tense now from death unto life so here we get three verb tenses being used in one scripture where he's saying you have already passed from death unto life signifying that this is a one-time event that happens you pass from death unto life you shall not come into condemnation he doesn't put any qualifiers on that statement he doesn't say well but if you stop believing you will he says you shall not and there's no extra qualifications to that and there's many others there's many other scripture that do the same thing but John 5 24 is a very powerful verse to explain the eternal security of the believer that once you believe you've received the free gift you're born again I mean you could go into so many scriptures about being born again and and and plenty of others in John 3 he says except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God so when you're born how many times how many births do you have it wouldn't make any sense to think well you have multiple spiritual birth I say I'm born and again and again and again and again and again but if you're saying if someone were to stop believing could they be saved again after that by believing could you just keep on switching back and forth you know you have to start asking yourself these questions when you're when you're analyzing a doctrine how does that work and really with it with the mountain of evidence pertaining to eternal life everlasting life in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began you know it's a promise from God it's eternal life it means it's forever God can't lie he's not gonna go back on his word and there are no conditions anywhere in the Bible I'd say well unless you do this right if you save you're gonna go to hell no examples of anyone being saved and losing their salvation doesn't exist anywhere in the Bible so there's really a lack of evidence to believe that and when you actually just just study the way that the Bible is written in the words that are actually used it's an active present tense writing and translation of God's Word that it that the whole book is is really written in in a this is happening right now even what you I mean we're reading about events that happened a long time ago and these events were written down after the events actually happened but they still you were use words like and the disciples come to him and say it doesn't say the disciples came to him and said in a recount of what actually happened in you know as a historical reference it's written in the in the present in the here in the now and I believe that's also important understand because it's you know when you're when you're preaching the gospel to people who need to be saved they don't already believe it's saying hey look you just need to believe you need to do it now it's a present tense type of a thing but anyways I wanted to kind of cover that first the rest of this scripture should hopefully help address some of this as well but I'm gonna read to you some of what's written on their website and just kind of refute it and we'll just go through this for until we run out of time okay I promise I won't go through all of my notes on this because it's a lot and I start going to and it's so easy to disprove what they're claiming and okay and here's another thing be careful because when you read books when you read commentaries when you read even doctrines whatever you're reading often what people usually do is they'll put a little scripture reference that says and or they'll put a few of them or whatever this is why will we believe what we believe so they'll write a statement and they'll put their references that they're referencing there don't ever if you if you're really interested if you're gonna read this stuff don't ever just accept that and saying oh yeah there's their proof right it's like someone writing a you know a research paper or something then they just have this bibliography and you say oh well this must be true because they just have all these these these sources listed here how good are those sources do you really know if you know are they are they sourcing dr. Seuss and you just look at this list and be like okay yeah well they got a big list they must have done their homework is it legitimate is what they're quoting is what they're saying true so when you're looking at the doctrines which is exactly what I did they would they would make a statement and then just in parentheses say these are the scriptures why we believe this so I look them up and the majority of times you know when you read them in context it's not really what they're talking about you can see what what it's really saying or it's just not saying that at all and they're just using that as a reference it's it's funny well we'll get into that the first one the first quote that I saw and I don't have the whole web I could get it later if you're interested in it I don't recommend looking at it but I'm just using this as a reza as a platform to expose lordship salvation because it's a wicked doctrine a lot of people are deceived by him so this website says the gospel that Jesus proclaimed was a call to discipleship a call to follow him in submissive obedience not just a plea to make a decision or prayer prayer this is their claim this is and this is talking about salvation right so this is what they believe about salvation that the gospel is really a call to discipleship that that is what the gospel is I thought the gospel was a death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that it's the good news that it's you know obviously Jesus wants us to be as disciples I'm not disputing that but they'll take these these thoughts and ideas and just kind of twist them and make them to mean something they don't then what they're doing here essentially is equating getting saved with being a disciple now again I covered this in my sermon on John chapter 15 so I'm not gonna go through all that again where I made it very clear that being a disciple is not the same as being saved but I'm gonna reread the scripture that I read in John 15 from Luke chapter 14 Luke 14 26 Jesus Christ is defining what a disciple is so they're saying here that the gospel that Jesus proclaimed was a call to discipleship that that's his gospel here's Jesus is called a discipleship Luke 14 26 says if any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea in his own life also he cannot be my disciple and whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple Luke 14 33 says so likewise whosoever he be of of you that forsaketh not all that he hath he cannot be my disciple so right away according to lordship salvation according to what these people are saying in order believing the gospel requires you to hate your father and mother wife and children and being will it and not even it doesn't say being willing it says forsaking all that you have and bearing your cross you have to bear the cross you have to forsake all that you have and you have to hate all of your family in your own life also or else you can't be saved that's what they're saying that's what they're saying is salvation that's what they're saying is the gospel of Jesus Christ because that's how Jesus defines a disciple now is it a good thing to be a disciple yes it's a good thing to give up all that you have and to follow Jesus Christ and just do everything he wants you to do yes but if that's what if that's salvation how many people are saved all those people all of you I follow Jesus what about when Jesus Christ was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and everybody forsook him and fled does that mean that even his apostles weren't saved that means at that point nobody was saved right because they all forsook him he had nobody following him when he got arrested they all went somewhere else is that I mean is that does that sound legitimate to you they go on to say this and they're they're they're trying to battle easy believe ism they're trying to to battle the belief that you just need to put your faith in Jesus Christ to be saved and they try redefining believing and redefining faith into being a disciple which is exactly what they've done here but believing on something trusting something relying on something to save you is completely different than doing all these works so right away you can see that they believe it works based salvation because they're equating the gospel with being a disciple of Jesus Christ but you know I preached a lot about that in John 15 then move on to the next point they say our Lord's words about eternal life were invariably accompanied by warnings to those who might be tempted to take salvation lightly he taught that the cost of following him is high that the way is narrow and few find it he said many who call him Lord will be forbidden from entering the kingdom of heaven now again they're equating a disciple with a believer when they say that he taught the cost of following him is high yeah the cost of following him is high if you're going to follow Jesus if you're gonna walk in his steps if you're gonna do the things that he did sure there's a high cost to that that is not gonna come easy because guess what Jesus did a lot of great works he did many wonderful works he did the works of his father that had bitten him all of the works that needed to be done Jesus did him and if we're gonna follow him guess what we need to do we need to do the works now if we need to follow him and do the works for our salvation then you believe in a workspace salvation just come out and admit it but they won't admit it they will they'll say nope we don't believe in workspace salvation because anyone in their right mind can clearly see that the Bible condemns that is in and does not support a workspace salvation but they try to repackage it and say oh it's not workspace salvation but you have to be his disciple and do all these works to be saved but it's not workspace and then they say you know that the way so they're what they're doing is kind of fusing they're also fusing different verses together so you notice how it says that the the cost of following him is high yeah he says that one place but then he says that the way is narrow and few find it okay he didn't talk about the cost of following him being high in the same verse they talked about you know many are not saved broad is the way that leadeth and destruction destruction and many there be that go in there at and few there are there saved because narrow is the way the reason why it's narrow is because it's only through Jesus Christ that's narrow he is the door it's not some huge big RV gate Jesus Christ is the door it's a narrow way because it's only through him not because it's difficult because you have to do all these works which is what they're trying to imply with their statement and ironically the lordship salvation crowd that calls Jesus Lord are the ones that are saying that are referencing Matthew 7 turn to Matthew 7 real quick they're referencing this in their statement they say he said many who call him Lord will be forbidden from entering the kingdom of heaven and that's a clear reference to Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 and it's so ironic that they that they try to use this scripture what does Matthew 7 21 say it says not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven lordship salvation crowd listen up because this is you who he's talking to you call him Lord and you think he has to be your Lord in order to be saved not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works see this is what they're trusting in I was a disciple of yours Lord look at all the works that I did look at I went out and preached for you I prayed I read my Bible I did all of this stuff Lord look at all the works I did because you were my Lord and I was obeying you and what's he gonna say verse 23 and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart for me that work iniquity you're trusting in your works you've got a lot of iniquity to account for if that's what you're trusting in and that's why they were cast out and that's exactly what's going to happen to people who just have their faith in this lordship salvation and I just I just found it funny that they are actually even referencing that verse when it speaks so clearly against them I'm gonna keep reading there's another point that they make instead of calling men and women to surrender to Christ modern evangelism asks them only to accept some basic facts about him this is their argument so they're saying instead of instead of telling people instead of telling one men and women to surrender to Christ modern evangelism asks them only to accept some basic facts about him twofold that this this statement is an error and this this is another great example that typifies so many false doctrines out there because they build these straw men that we don't even believe and that'll be wrong so they use these half truths and they mix them in with their lies to get people to swallow this stuff right so first they imply that one must surrender to Christ for salvation so like you're saying you're not telling people that they need to surrender to Christ as if it's just a foregone conclusion that you have to surrender to Christ to be saved they're just saying like you're not even telling people that and they don't prove this anywhere from dot from scripture that you have to surrender to Christ you know why they don't you know why in this statement there was zero scripture references because the word surrender is not even found in the Bible not even one time the word surrender is never used in the King James Bible so then I was thinking okay well maybe this is one of those things that the new translations use you know maybe this is one of those will those instances where they're getting this false doctrine from from a new translation which they do get it from that but I was I was looking to find that you know surrender to Christ verse you can find it I didn't look up all the different false versions I looked up like the ESV and the NIV two of the more popular versions out there I know it's not going to be in the New King James so I couldn't even find it there then now they did use the word surrender but it was in the Old Testament for like battles when an army surrendered unto another like a normal usage of the word but never once used to even promote this concept that we have to surrender ourselves and just completely give up ourselves unto Christ as if we're giving him a gift instead of receiving the gift that he gave for us and this is one of the things this is one of the reasons why what they believe is so backwards you they think like you have to do something for him you have to give yourself over to him when John 3 16 says for God's love the world that he gave his only begotten Son God's the one who gave who did who does the giving he's the giver of the free gift we are the recipient of the free gift it is not required of us to give of ourselves we just need to receive it because it was given unto us that's one of the reasons why they're so perverted and backwards but so then the other thing that they do besides saying oh you don't even tell people to surrender to Christ yeah we don't tell them that because it's not scriptural it's not in the Bible it's not found anywhere that we have to surrender to Christ but then they make this claim modern evangelism asks them only to accept some basic facts about now is that what we do when we go out so winning is just say okay in order for you to be saved you just have to accept some basic facts about Jesus the fact okay fact one Jesus Christ was born of a virgin fact two Jesus Christ died for the world fact three you know he rose again from the dead now do you believe that factual statement okay you're saved is that is that is that how we go out and try to win souls of Christ no because we don't believe that either and they're trying to make it sound like this is what modern evangelism now if anyone does that I'm against that too if it's just a matter of just accepted of just of just believing some basic facts no obviously the scripture talks about when you believe on you're believing on the Lord Jesus Christ now you're not believing just on some facts about him you're believing on him you're trusting him to save you you're calling out as we read in Romans chapter 10 whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved we're calling on him and asking him to save us we're relying on him for salvation that is what believing is it's just trusting him relying on him putting your faith on him say Jesus did all the work he paid for everything we die on the cross so I'm gonna take my faith boom it's right on Jesus Christ it's not just on the fact that he was born of a virgin on these these facts I am literally trusting him to save me I'm trusting him with my soul to save me because he did all the work necessary for me that is what believing is and that's what we explain to people you go when you go out and talk to them there are so many people that will be an agreement over a lot of things that we talk about and say yeah okay yeah I believe that but they're not willing to stake their fate on what Jesus did for them they're not willing to just to just put their trust only on him to be saved a lot of people think we have man believe is born a virgin I believe he died for a sense of world I believe this I believe that I believe these facts about Jesus but I believe you know I got it I got to do something to that person isn't saved we're not asking him just to accept some basic facts about about the life of Jesus we're asking them to convert their soul and put their faith on Jesus Christ to be saved huge difference but they'll they'll lump everyone together and just say see this is what what they do this they just ask people to to believe some facts about Jesus instead of making them surrender their entire life to him it's false watch out for that so the next statement here it says to put it simply the gospel call to faith presupposes that sinners must repent of their sin and yield to Christ's authority this in a nutshell is what is commonly referred to as lordship salvation this in a nutshell is completely heretical and every one of their statements that they made is false and is not found in Scripture when someone's telling you that we just presuppose something look out for that too where is your evidence where you you're just making an assumption about something is it well this is all all of this is presupposes that sinners must repent of their sin and yield to Christ's authority repent of their sins we're gonna get to that so now they have always they have all these points like I said there's no way I'm gonna get through them I don't even have all I mean there's just there's tons of pages here I'll try to get through as many as I can but it'll become apparent pretty quickly so their first whole major point on trying to defend lordship salvation is they say that first scripture teaches that the gospel calls sinners to faith joined in oneness with repentance joined in oneness with repentance so they give these scripture references and we'll go out we're gonna look them up acts 238 so the further first statement is just saying that the gospel calls sinners to faith joined in oneness with repentance so that basically that joined in oneness means that their faith and the repentance are joined together that that's that those two are inseparable that their faith and repentance which okay I'm not gonna I'm not gonna spend too much time arguing that but so they say acts 238 x 238 says then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost it's funny because they're using the same exact verse that the Pentecostals were used to try to say well you need to be baptized to be saved because he says and they don't tell you you know verse 37 verse 37 is a little bit more in context says now when they had heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do what shall we do they were pricked in the heart they heard about they were the ones responsible for killing Jesus well what should we do what should we do about this then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost okay all he said was repent and be baptized now should we do that yeah of course but does John MacArthur then believe baptism is necessary for salvation too if he's saying that repentance is is is linked with that well in this verse he's talking about being baptized to act 1730 this is his next reference he gives he says in the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent okay it's just the usage of the word repent in all these you're gonna notice it just uses the word repent it doesn't say repent of your sins to have everlasting life it doesn't say any of those things it just I mean this is just verses that use the word repent commands you to repent okay God commands all men everywhere to repent does that say for salvation does that say for anything other than God commands I mean it seems pretty obvious to me I mean if you're if you're looking for a definition of repent just to say well God commands everyone to repent well yeah if everybody's a sinner he wants everyone to change he wants everyone to to not be a sinner doesn't but this is this verse saying that you have to repent in that sense to be saved doesn't say anything like that just says that God's commanding everyone to repent but in context verse 31 says because he at the point of the day in the which he will judge the world and righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead and when they heard of the resurrection of the dead some mocked and others said we will hear thee again of this matter so why does he commanding all men to repent because he at the point of day in which he will judge the world in righteousness and there's gonna be a judgment coming so that's why he's asking I want to repent next verse verse 20 or chapter 20 verse chapter X 20 verse 20 says and how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you but have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house testifying both to the Jews and also the Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ again okay he's he's testified he showed him and taught him repentance toward God and faith toward Jesus Christ so what what are you trying to prove here you know this is and he says repentance toward God comma and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ to me those look like two different things they may or may not be but you know trying to say that this scripture proves that it's just a oneness that faith and repentance are always just one like it they're inseparable not necessarily true and then they use 2nd Peter 3 actually you know I'm gonna skip that cuz we're get on to repentance is a big point and this is just all they said in that statement is that there's this oneness they went to 2nd Peter 3 9 it says but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years is one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but his long suffering to us were not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance okay again in this in the context of that it's talking about the day of the Lord okay something that's going to happen in the future so again we look at it in context is this really talking our salvation when it's talking about the day of the Lord I mean people all throughout history have died before the day of the Lord ever even came and this is talking about the day of Lord so but the next statement they make is really critical for understanding this doctrine because this is what it all relies on they say so first they said that the gospel calls sinners to faith join in oneness with repentance repentance is a turning from sin that consists not of a human work but of a divinely bestowed grace it is a change of heart but genuine repentance will affect a change of behavior as well so they say right off the bat repentance is a turning from sin that's what they define repentance as well what about all the times that God repents in the Old Testament is God repenting of sin is God turning this God have sin that he needs to turn from it's got someone that needs oh I need to turn for my sin Jonah chapter 3 is a great example of this when it says that when God saw their works that they turn from their evil ways and he repented of the evil he thought to do unto them God repented in that verse but it also describes people turning from their wicked ways as being works and we've covered that so many times I don't want to really I don't even bother with turning that but let's go to these verses that they claim supports their definition they say so they say repentance is a turning from sin and then parentheses acts 3 19 and Luke 24 47 turn if you would to Luke 24 I'll read acts 3 19 so this is what they're saying when they say repentance is a turning from sin what does acts 3 19 say he says repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of Lord so does that saying does that define repentance as turning from your sins turn from your sins therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out no the only time sins mentioning there is that your sins are we bought out when you get saved your sins are blotted out you don't have to use the word repent you could say believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and your sin shall be blotted out because that's what the Bible says when when it's using the word repent here it's not it's not referencing what you repenting of he says repent ye therefore and be converted so they're using this statement to define repentance as a turning from sin when nothing is mentioned about turning from sin just a mention saying that your sins will be forgiven that's all it's saying so when you get saved your sins are forgiven but this is not not clearly stating anything about repentance being a turning from sin but they found a verse that has repent and it has sin somewhere in there and they'll say well let's use this as a reference so that the the reader who's lazy and wants to read all this stuff that doesn't want to take the time to look up these references will just assume all well it says it in Acts 3 19 Luke 24 we'll get this in context they reference 47 but we'll look at verse 46 says and said unto them thus it is written and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem okay so it tells us that it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day it's the gospel right Jesus Christ suffered he rose again from the dead after third on the third day and repentance now remission of sins what does that mean it's forgiving of your sins right it's it's the doing away with of your sins that's what remission of sins means so that both of these things should be preached in his name repentance and remission of sins does that say turning from your sins and remission of sins well if you define repent as turning from your sins I guess it does but this does not support the claim that repentance is a turning from sin you see what they're doing it's real subtle and I hope I'm being clear with this but what they're what they're doing is they're taking these these two verses that if you kind of read over them real loosely you know yeah and the repentance and remission of sins so that's returning from your sins no repentance is and just real briefly look repentance the word repent by itself has nothing to do with sin nothing the only way you could understand what you're repenting from or turning from is in the context that it's used you can turn from all kinds of things it doesn't even have to be sin I was gonna eat a chicken sandwich for lunch today but I repented and had a ham sandwich what's that to do with sin I changed my mind I changed my course of action I changed my change what I wanted there's nothing to do with sin but it's a proper usage of the word repent it doesn't mean I was sorry for that chicken for that ham sandwich that wasn't being eaten and I was so sorry for that ham sandwich that I repented and I just decided to take that sandwich no that's not what that means at all the word repent can be is used because the word literally just means to change your mind about whatever you use it in context with so to understand how repentance is used you have to get it in context and if it doesn't say in context you can't judge like it doesn't here it just says in that repentance and remission of sins should be preached it doesn't tell you repentance from what but we get that in other places of the scripture when it says repent and believe the gospel change what you believe and believe the gospel because both of them have to do with your belief with you you know that's where you're changing you change your belief you repent change turn from something and believe the gospel you're believing in something false and that's evident so they use that as those are their scripture references for because I was interested to see I like oh what what are they going to use how are they going to tell me that repentance is turning from sin because I'd really like to see it those those are it I was kind of let down by that because neither one of them define repentance at all I mean Jonah 3 does Jonah 3 10 I think it is a verse 10 that says they turn from the God saw their works that it turned from their evil way that's turning from your that's that's not defining repentance but that is clearly saying turning from your evil way which they're saying is turning from your sin which they define as repentance God defines that as works but it's not a workspace salvation and it's funny how they like to quote acts so much and you notice a lot of these are quoting acts they quoted acts 238 they quoted acts 3 19 and then they quote acts 11 18 for God divinely to bestow in grace and I'm not even gonna get into that point and they're saying that it's a genuine change a change of heart but genuine repentance meaning if you really repented it's gonna affect a change of behavior as well they skip over this verse and acts acts 19 4 says then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance what was that pet wrote that baptism of repentance well he tells us as we keep reading saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus that's the repentance he's talking about that they believe on Jesus Christ that is the repentance that's repentance necessary for salvation no mention of sin just that they need to believe so I and what they do what they end up doing is equating believing just believing I mean think about the word believe it's not a very hard a difficult word to understand believe what do you believe I believe this what is a belief something you hold to as true right it's a belief it's it's a belief system or a belief that you have it's something that you think those that were to get think it's true right you believe is the things that you think a belief isn't an action it isn't a work a belief is something that's a thought it's it's a belief it's something you believe either in your heart or in your mind whatever you want to say how you want to define it you believe something to be true you think something is true that's your belief it's not a work but their definition a belief is that what you have to forsake all you have you have to follow Christ you have to do all these things and if you don't do those things then you then you're not a believer you don't believe completely destroying what these words even mean and and a complete misunderstanding of the English language and trying to make words mean something that they don't so they say that genuine repentance will change your behavior they go to turn to Luke 3 we're gonna see what they what they mean by that because they they reference Luke 3 8 is their text verse for that we're gonna start reading in verse 7 again we want to get these things in context verse 7 says then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him this is John the Baptist he's in the wilderness he's baptizing Oh generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance and begin not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham and now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire again and then when we go into further context and compare with the other with the other Gospels who's he talking to the generation of vipers he's talking to the Pharisees that came out to see what he was doing and to see his baptism and to hear what he was saying and he was calling out to them and these Pharisees are the same Pharisees are the ones that killed Jesus Christ that were reprobate that were snakes that were vipers that didn't bring forth good fruit they were evil trees that brought forth evil and corrupt fruit they were bringing forth children of hell that were twofold more child of hell than themselves they were making proselytes of in that manner because they were reparate they were false prophets this is who John was talking to and that's why he tells he says unto them understanding who he's talking to in this in this reference is important when he says bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance so he's asking them okay if you really believe this you know I want you to show it to me bring forth fruits worthy of repentance that is not saying that true repentance will always bring forth the fruit which is what they're claiming a change of behavior that's what they're claiming that that's that one statement means when he was talking to the vipers when he was talking to the false prophets that all people who believe or repent or whatever are gonna are definitely gonna have a change of behavior and they also quoted acts 26 18 through 20 as their other proof text for genuine repentance will definitely change people's behavior they say in acts 26 18 says to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me whereupon Oh King Agrippa I was not disobedient under the heavenly vision but showed first unto them of Damascus and at Jerusalem and throughout all the coasts of Judea and then to the Gentiles that they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance so if true repentance is gonna automatically you will just do the works then if you truly repented then why did Paul have to be have to even teach them and tell them to do the works that are meet for repentance why did he even have to say that if it's an automatic foregone conclusion which is what they're claiming right if a person truly repents and they believe on Jesus Christ in their mind if I just turn from all my sins if I make Christ the Lord of my life and that's how I get saved why would I even need anybody to tell me that I need to do works meet for repentance because it's gonna happen automatically it's already gonna be there it doesn't make sense but that's what there's this is their proof text and because Paul said that they should repent and turn to God which is true that is something that they should do they should repent they should turn to God they should believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and do works meet for repentance well that's also what we do we tell people the same thing hey you need to believe on Christ you need to put your faith in him yours you you believe on him amen you're saved good great okay well now you need to do works let's go out let's come to church you know go out soul winning with me do everything right do the things that you're supposed to be doing do your works meet for the repentance I mean you you you put your faith in Christ now let's start doing the work start showing that you put your faith in Christ but you know try to make it evident but it doesn't mean that you that you have to do those things in order to be saved and it doesn't mean that if someone chooses not to do those things that they're not saved because we still have our free will yes we have a new spirit and that new spirit is a new creature and and old things to pass away and all things have become new for that creature but it does not mean that we are automatically going to do those things which is what they're saying so here's their second point so I'm I don't even think I'm gonna pass like the second point tonight but um let's look at their second point they say scripture teaches that salvation is all God's work those who believe are saved utterly apart from any effort on their own they say Titus 3 5 so it's a they say that because I 3 5 says not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration renewing of the Holy Ghost that and that's true I mean those who believe are not saved from our efforts but it depends on if they're saying believing on Christ is an effort or not I don't think it is an effort I don't think it's it's a work that we do but then they say even faith is a gift of God not a work of man and now now they're starting to get into this Calvinistic doctrine saying that you know faith is a gift of God that no man can even put their faith in Christ unless it was given to him by God and that essentially this is how the Calvinists work into the predestination and saying God picks and chooses who gets saved because to some people he gives the ability this grace to be able to put their faith in Christ and other people don't get that from God which is again is another heresy this is but this is the way that they're leaning and but what they say here next they say real faith therefore cannot be defective or short-lived but endures forever so saying if you have real faith it cannot be defective meaning you can't ever I mean I guess that means you can't ever stray it can't be short-lived but endures forever and they use Philippians 1 6 as our proof for that Philippians 1 6 as being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ again is this saying anything about your belief is this saying anything really about the works that you do this just says that the the same person God who has begun a good work in you God began a good work in you when you were born again when you have that new spirit he began that work in you and he says he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ you're gonna get redeemed a full redemption is when you get that your new body with your new spirit that is the the day of Jesus Christ is when you're gonna get that new body and that is going to be the completing the completion of the work that he started when you got saved when you got sealed with the Holy Ghost when you got that new spirit you're not complete yet we're saved we have a new spirit but we're not complete yet we are not going to be complete until the day of Christ when we get our new body then that work will be completed right now we're an uncompleted work and it says here all he's saying is that he's gonna perform it until the day of Jesus Christ that that work then will be completed again not I don't know what that has to do with a defective or short-lived faith that's not that's not what that verse is talking about at all the third point they say scripture teaches that the object of faith is Christ himself not a creed or a promise and they say John 3 16 for that okay I have no problems with that the object of faith is Christ himself of course he is the object of that that is where we need to place our faith on then they say faith therefore involves personal commitment to Christ so first they say something that's true okay well yeah Jesus Christ is the object but then they say faith therefore because of this which doesn't make any sense again it logically it doesn't even make any sense scripture teaches that the object of faith is Christ himself so because Christ is the object of our faith they're saying faith therefore involves personal commitment to Christ that we have to commit ourselves unto him because he's the object it doesn't follow it doesn't it doesn't even make any sense it's it's not a it's not a logical train of thought there and then they say in other words all true believers follow Jesus now what they're saying there is that a personal commitment is faith basically that's what they're saying that that faith and Jesus is a personal commitment to Christ that that's those two are equivocal that they're the same thing well I thought God's the one that gave not us that gives again making a commitment you're giving yourself to him you're giving your time you're giving your your you know everything your will everything you have you're giving unto him which is that a bad thing to do no it's a good thing to do but is that what's required for salvation absolutely not we need to receive the free gift we're not giving ourselves and they quote John 3 16 is where they reference it if they would read it they would see that so their their reference though for faith therefore involves personal commitment to Christ is 2nd Corinthians 5 15 which says and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again and that's their reference verse but if we keep reading it says wherefore henceforth know we know man after the flesh yet though we have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth we know him no more therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new this is what this verse is talking about he says what is he saying he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves does this say they will not live and forth unto themselves because that's what they're teaching they're saying if you have true faith you will not live unto yourself you will live for Christ you have given him a personal commitment and that is what you're going to do no it says we should not should we live under ourselves no we should live under Christ of course but does that saying that we definitely if we have faith in him then there's no way that we won't live unto ourselves no that's not what that's saying at all they're just they're twisting scripture and they're trying to force their their false doctrine their false gospel into scripture and this is the verse that goes on and I'm gonna probably I'm almost done this is what so many people like to turn to and say oh see if you if you don't if you're not living different than you were before then you weren't truly saved and they'll point to this verse 2nd Corinthians 5 17 where it says therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new so they're saying see if there's not something new in your nice life then you're not saved well when old things are passed away what you you well when you have that new creature yeah the new creatures bore inside of you but it says all things are become new so if they're saying well all only means some no all means all old things are passed away that's gonna be all old things right and then all things are become new so if we're going to interpret this verse the way that they do then you would have to say you don't just have a small change you have all things that become new right you're doing all things new and if your old things are passed away you're never gonna go back to those old things again so if you ever if you were a sinner if you are drunk if you smoke cigarettes if you did any of these things before but now you're saved now you have that new creature well all those old things need to be gone you can never tell a lie again you can all all the things you've ever committed if we're gonna interpret this verse the way that they interpret it and what they fail to realize is that the new creature is not the same as your flesh we still have the flesh which causes us to sin the flesh is unchanged the flesh still wants to do the things of the flesh the only difference now is we have a new creature we have a new creature inside of us hey all things are new to the new creature those old things are passed away that new creature is brand new that new creature wants to do good things it wants to do what's right it does not want to follow the the ways of the flesh and then they also use they said in other words all true believers follow Jesus and they say John 10 27 through 28 is the reference for that and John 10 27 28 says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand now I've said this before but when you're forming doctrine when your only scriptural evidence is a parable is very foolish and this is the only reference they gave for that and this is a parable in John 10 where Jesus and we went through this in our in our series where Jesus is saying that my sheep hear my voice I'm the Good Shepherd and I have these sheep and I have sheep and another fold and I'm the door and he goes through all this stuff and he's talking about a parable so in his parable he's talking about leading sheep and he's saying okay when I'm leading sheep you know they hear me they know my voice I know them and they follow me and he's using a reference of sheep and I mean you have to remember that that's a physical reference of a shepherd and there's in a sheep and and sheep that know the shepherds voice and follow me she's trying to get you to understand some basic concept which is why he uses a parable and they're trying to say well see because in this parable it says my sheep follow me that means that that all true believers you imperatively you must follow Jesus all the time otherwise you're not saved which is stupid because what happens when you sin are you following Jesus I mean if you're saying that's Jesus didn't sin as soon as you sin then then you're no longer following well what do you but you do follow him if you're saved right according to them according as lordship salvation it's nonsense there's one more thing I want to get to and we'll be and we'll call it a night there's so many references to disciples and being a disciple of Christ it's all throughout their their their doctrine of what they believe let's see I'll read for you number their fourth thing there's like seven or nine of these or something we're not getting through the fourth thing says scripture teaches that real faith inevitably produces a changed life okay well this is this is a section I'll get to we'll be done so and it inevitably it produces a changed life and they reference 2nd Corinthians 5 17 which we just read you know you're a new creature old things are passed away build all things or become new okay in the sense that we have a new creature sure there's a changed life in that regard that you have a new creature now but not in the way that they're trying to say then it says salvation includes a transformation of the inner person and they say Galatians 2 20 which is I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me it's not a transformation of the inner person it's a new birth so they're trying to say there's a transformation going on at salvation but it's not nets and that's where they're getting confused I think is that they're confusing your flesh being transformed with just a brand new creature of an inner man because it's not a transformation it's it's a it's a new person the nature of the Christian is new and different okay and they say Romans 6 6 for that and then the unbroken pattern of sin and enmity with God will not continue when a person is born again so they're saying that I guess now they're saying that you you have a broken pattern of sin and enmity of God but then they quote 1st John 3 verses 9 and 10 to support their statement here that where they say the unbroken pattern of sin and enemy with God will not continue when the person is born again and I'm gonna I'm gonna close it with this with this passage because this is a gross misunderstanding of 1st John in general 1st John I preach about this when I preach about the new man but 1st John 3 9 says whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin if they're gonna start using these verses to see they apply it lightly but they're still trying to apply this to the Christian whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for a seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his brother it's funny because they'll say that the unbroken pattern of sin and enemy will not continue when a person is born again but they won't say that a person won't sin which is exactly what this passage is saying they try to light soften up and basically are saying like well see if a person saved and I mean something's gonna be different because this verse says that you know whosoever is born of God is does not commit sin so if this is saying that you don't commit sin well at least I mean you should clean up something about your life we ought to see some evidence of that they don't understand the verse at all because they're not saved they don't understand what this is talking about I mean in order to apply it the way that they're applying it you have to take it for what it says and say okay whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin the version the way that they're interpreting that would mean that in order for a person truly be saved they can no longer commit any more sins otherwise if you do that's evidence that you're not saved but this is not this not what they they obviously don't believe that because that would be silly because they know everybody sins we're all sinners and this crowd doesn't believe in sinless perfection I don't think that's a whole nother false doctrine but very simply this is talking about your new creature that doesn't commit sin it's the new man and when you walk in the spirit when you walk in the new man you don't commit sin and when you walk in the flesh you do commit sin it's that simple and it goes on and on here it's I almost feel like it's a way it's not a waste of time there's so many people deceived by this but I mean I spent too much time on this I think just even and I didn't even like write down any notes I was just copying and pasting scriptures I was just saying okay here's the reference and just copying and pasting and putting in here this is what they're claiming this is what they're claiming and as I was copying and pasting I was reading and it's like none of these references that they're using are what the verses mean at all they're just they're just putting some stuff together and really I think what they're counting on is that people are gonna read this and say oh okay well yeah that's in the Bible because they have all these references and they're just gonna read their false doctrine and they're gonna read it all the way through and they're gonna see okay well yeah that makes sense so scripture teaches that genuine believers may stumble and fall but they will persevere in the faith now I'll close it with this turn if you would to 2nd Timothy 2 because it's important that you see this verse it's important that you see this scripture reference because this is in the Bible and the things that they just make claims about contradict what the Bible actually says 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and we get this question all the time out so winning what people will say and it comes from people who are using their brains and they're thinking about stuff and they'll say okay Bible says if we believe we have eternal life well what if you stop believing right what if what if you do that do you still have eternal life or not I mean I mentioned this earlier but it's a good question but the Bible actually has the answer because this question is answered specifically in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 look at verse 11 we'll read it in context it says it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him he also will deny us if we believe if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to know profit but to the subverting of the hearers study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness so of these things we need to put them in remembrance and that we don't strive about words to know profit these people who who are claiming in this lordship salvation are often striving about words to know profit but to the subverting of the hearers they're trying to get you to doubt your salvation or make you think you weren't really saved when you put your faith and trust on the Lord Jesus Christ to save your soul because they'll say oh look you're you're in sin you must not be saved and this is the people who get puffed up in their minds thinking that they're better than everybody else because they're living such a righteous life and you're not naked point the finger at you now it's said right there in verse 13 if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself the reason why we're still saved is that God has sealed us he has put the Holy Spirit inside of us the Holy Spirit beareth witness with our spirit that we are saved that we are the children of God ours you know we have his spirit inside of us and even if our spirit were to say that we don't believe the Holy Spirit can't say that the Holy Spirit can't say he cannot deny himself and God is faithful which means that God is true when God makes a promise he won't go back on that promise we can trust him God does not lie so when God is faithful and he says you have been sealed with the with the with the earnest of the Holy Spirit with the with that spirit of promise you have eternal life I've sealed you now because you believe once he does that he doesn't go back on his word even if you go back on your word we're human we have a sinful flesh if we go if we make a promise or a vow and then we go back on that which happens all the time I mean people getting divorced left and right they make vows to their spouse that they're only gonna be with them till death do us part and then I changed my mind we're getting divorced men can go back on the words God never goes back on his word so once he makes a promise like Jesus did in 5 to in John 5 24 he says you shall not come into condemnation you've passed from death unto life that promise is true and even if we stop believing that's not evidence that you were never saved God is still faithful if you put your faith in him he's faithful and true to keep his promise it nowhere in the Bible does say that we're saved by being obedient and having an obedient faith and keeping up these works and all this other stuff because again if you if a person tries to claim that you need to have this live this this enduring faith right continuing faith well what happens when you don't have works that faith is dead so what the what they're gonna be saying is that if you don't if you don't continue with your works then you are never saved that's heresy this flat-out that's just that's just flat-out air see it goes against everything that the Bible says about us is for by grace you saved through faith and that not of yourselves that is a gift of God not of works as any man should boast don't let these people try to try to twist you around or subvert your your faith or subvert your your your doubt your salvation because they've perverted the gospel and twisted it and anytime someone tries to teach you a doctrine or show you doctrine from the Bible don't just trust some references whether you read it whether it's spoken whatever it is don't just accept it as truth look it up for yourself and say are these verses really supporting what they're telling me or not is it is this really legitimate because if you do that like on this website I did it with this lordship salvation garbage not I okay I want to say not one there was maybe one or two verses that actually were saying what they were claiming but those are things that we already believe anyways those were the little nuggets of truth that they mix in to their false doctrine to try to again make it more acceptable to people they have to have some kind of legitimacy and truth and that's why they'll say it's not a it's not a work so we don't believe in salvation by works because that's exactly what they're trying to get you to believe is a workspace salvation but they lie to you and say that that's not what it is to get your guard down say oh yeah they don't believe in works but wait I have to be obedient I have to give myself to Christ he has to be my Lord I have to do everything he says or else I'm not saved that's what they believe anyways as far as I have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for your word we thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit to help guide us and all wisdom and all truth dear Lord I pray to a please help us not to be troubled by any of these false prophets that are out there that espouse to this this this belief of lordship salvation that's basically just a different way of packaging works salvation dear Lord we know that you've given us a free gift and we love you for that we thank you for that dear God and we know that we should do all the good works and that is something that you want us to do that you demand us to do but we know that that has zero impact on our salvation that our salvation comes completely and 100% by just trusting Jesus Christ to save our soul since he paid for our sins since he's the one that suffered and bled and died for us and that our faith is completely on him to save us not in works of righteousness which we have done but according to your mercy you've saved us dear God and we and we love you and we thank you it's in Jesus name we pray amen