(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] All right, good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Stronghold Baptist Church. If you can grab your hymnals and open up the song 364. Song 364, Standing on the Promises. Let's do it again. Hymn 364. ["Standing on the Promises"] On the first, standing on the promises of Christ my King. Through eternal ages, let his praises ring. Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises that cannot fail. When the holy swords of doubt and fear are sealed, by the living Word of God, I shall prevail. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord. Bound to him eternally by love's strong port. Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises I cannot fall. Listen every moment to the Spirit's call. Resting in my Savior as my all and all. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Amen. Let's open up in a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, thank you so much for keeping us safe as we gathered here together, Lord. Thank you so much for keeping us safe out there soul winning as well, Father. Thank you so much for using us as vessels to go out and preach your gospel, Father. And Lord, I just pray that you be in this service, Father, and you can fill Pastor Burgess with your spirit as he comes up to preach so he can preach with power and with authority, Lord. Lord, we love you and we pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen. All right, so let's turn to our next song, song number 20. Hymn number 20, When I See the Blood. Song 20. On the first she faced a fool, died on the cross, died for the sinner, paid all his due. All who receive him need never fear. Yes, he will pass, will pass over you. When I see the blood, when I see the blood, when I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. Chief is of sinners, Jesus will save. As he has promised, so will he do. O sinner, hear him, trust in his word. Then he will pass, will pass over you. When I see the blood, when I see the blood, when I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. Judgment is coming, all will be there. Who have rejected, who have refused? O sinner, hasten, let Jesus in. Oh, he will pass, will pass over you. When I see the blood, when I see the blood, when I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. O great compassion, O boundless love, Jesus hath power, Jesus is strong. All who believe are safe from the storm. Oh, he will pass, will pass over you. When I see the blood, when I see the blood, when I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. All right, at this time we're going to go through our announcements. Do not have a bulletin slip up your hand, we could get one out to you real quick. First page, we will go over our announcements again. Service times at the top there listed, as always Sunday morning at 10 30, Sunday afternoon again at 4 p.m, Wednesday night at 7. I'm glad to see that everyone seemed to make it here on time, in spite of the time change, but I guess y'all are used to that if you've been living anywhere but like Arizona for for a long time. You've already gotten used to the time change. All the announcements was more for my benefit than for yours, because I have to get back in the swing of things. Yes, growing up in Illinois we used to do the same thing, but I lived in Arizona for like 20 years, so that's a long time to not have to deal with the stupid setting time forward back and everything else. It's not fun when you're up at two and then all of a sudden, oh it's three. Where did that time go? I don't know. We'll get it back in the fall. And if they're going to pass legislation, right, you got you got to wait until we get that hour back. I mean we've invested this hour now and I'm coveting getting that hour back in fall, so they can't change it now. You have to change it after we get that hour back. Then we'll be good to change it to not have to worry about that anymore. Anyhow, good to see everyone here this morning. Wednesday night we got our Bible study. We are closing up the book of Esther, so come on out for that if you could tune in. We've got three verses left to go before the book of Esther is complete. You feel like you're back at old IFB church with three times the amount of verses as normal. All right, that's uncalled for, Pastor Burson. We've got the soul and opportunities listed there as well as the salvations and baptism. Let's go ahead and count up the salvations for today. If you want to have soul winning today and anyone saved, just slip up your hand real quick. Matt and Emily had one. All right, any? Yes, you had two for your family and one over there. All right, we had two as well. Very good. We'll keep up the good work out knocking on those doors. I don't have a scheduled plan yet, but I was thinking that would be pretty fun to have a soul winning event in South Carolina, and I also kind of want to do one here, but I haven't decided if I want to do one in both places or not. I may do that depending who lives here in the area and would be probably willing to do a soul winning marathon in town, but not necessarily going to South Carolina. If that has any impact on whether or not you're going to attend, and I know I'm not even giving you a date, but on some Saturday next month, would anyone only be able to make it if it was in town and would not be able to drive up to, say, like, Greenville? Would that would that influence anyone at all? All right, I'm just trying to see if, you know, planning everything because I'd like to do both. I want to do one here and I want to do one there, but I'd really like to be able to do it on different days if possible so we could get more marathon, more soul winning done, right? I mean, that's what I really would like to do, and I also, I mean, I haven't heard anything anymore about, like, mega marathons. I think some people are kind of doing it around the same time that it has been done previously, and I'd like to join in on that even if it's not a, you know, an organized thing anymore like it had been. So just plan for that. I should have a date by next week, but normally it's, like, right before Easter. I'm either going to do it the week before Easter or the Saturday. I'm not exactly sure. I'll be planning on something like that to try to do an event like that. We've had, we've had, South Carolina is getting pretty hot with the with the amount of people that are making the trek here now, so, I don't know, it seems like it would be a good place to have a church plan one day. Hopefully soon we can get more, more churches out there. It's too bad that people feel like they need to have to drive down here, you know, come to church. Hey, we love you being here, right? Everyone that's making the trip, believe me, but it's too bad that, you know, that type of a drive is even, you know, necessary to feel like you're going to a decent church. So, you know, hopefully we'll be able to get more churches started. Especially locally, relatively locally. So, be praying about that. We got the offering told us down there at the bottom of the month of March. Was there, was there any more, Denzel gave me some soul-winning numbers for your whole family, right? Was there any other soul-winning numbers before? Because I know some people just came in. Anyone, anything else to report? All right, good. That's why I make sure I don't miss anything else. Prayer requests. We, I got an update this afternoon on Angelica's brother, that he's doing much better. I'd mentioned before that he was, you know, he was suffering from some depression, but now he is, he's actually improved, and he's not taking the medication, which is good, and not only is he not taking medication, but he seems to be doing a lot better. So, your prayers are much appreciated for him, and that's good news, again, to get that. And, you know, with all this good news, don't feel like, oh, we don't need to pray for, you know, that's because you're praying, right? Let's, let's, let's keep up the prayers. I know the prayer challenge is over, but, but please continue to pray for everyone on this list. Not much else to update on. On the back of the prayer request is the, I call it the tentative preaching schedule, but it's, it's pretty solid, right? I mean, something may change a little bit here or there, maybe a time shift slightly, but this is, this is the schedule that we're, that we're going off of. Very minor change, if anything, would probably just be the times fluctuate, minor change, 30 minutes here, 15 minutes there, something like that, if at all. I'm not planning on changing anything, but, but that's kind of where that is. So, this will give you an idea, especially if you're not, if you're not camping, you know, the itinerary, the lineup, what's, what's going on, and then during the daytime, we'll have loose activities. I don't want to, I don't want to have, like, things just scheduled, like, okay, now we're doing this, now we're doing this, now it's time to do this. We go camping, there's gonna be a lot of things to do, but it's gonna be a lot more at your leisure of what you want to do. There'll probably be a couple times where I'll say, like, you know, we're gonna rent kayaks or, or something like that, and, and that might require more people to be involved at a particular time, but other than that, there's, there's not going to be a whole lot. We're bringing some stuff up there, we're going to have the, like, the, the beanbag, cornhole, whatever, that game, and we've got another, we've got, we've got a bunch of stuff for, like, outdoor fun, and it's gonna be a good time, so I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully y'all are, are planning on, well, we know who's planning on being there. If you're not, we've got, I think, two campsites left, so let me know if you or you, if either yourself or you know someone who would want to come and join us for that, let me know about that. March challenge here on the next page, redeeming the time. This goal is something that really is not specified like most of our other challenges. It's, it's really personal for you just to figure out where you can make better use of your time at the end of the day. That's what it's about. Nitrozone is scheduled for March 26th, which is a Friday. We're going to be there from 6 until 11 p.m. Obviously you don't have to stay that long if you want to, but that's, that's when they close, so we will, I'll be giving you some more details coming up for everyone who's, who's coming on signing waivers of, like, you're not going to sue them if you get hurt or whatever it is, acknowledging that jumping on trampolines could be dangerous and riding a go-karts and whatever else. So, but it's gonna be a lot of fun and don't expect any fancy, anything fancy for the food. There's gonna be pizza and wings and chicken tenders and stuff like that. If you have any special dietary needs and you're coming, let me know. Look, they actually have a menu on the website and the church can buy something special for you if, you know, everyone's gonna get some food. If you need something that's not gonna work based on what I just said, I'm happy to get something here or there. We're not taking special orders for everything, but, you know, anyone has a dietary need, just let me know and we can work with you on that. And then the camping trip, of course, I just talked about that. You've got the schedule here April 26th through May 1st. Next week, I'm shooting for getting some type of a sign-up sheet because this only gives you the preaching schedule. It doesn't tell you how long the various pastors are actually going to be there for because some people are, they're flying in and flying out. They're going to be there for like a night. Some are going to be there for two nights. Some are going to be there for three or four or whatever. So, I'm just asking for a little bit of help giving attention and just making sure it may not be very much work at all, but just to make sure that everyone has what they need. And if they don't have what they need, you can volunteer to help get them what they need. So, we're going to be providing food and stocking up their cottage where they're going to be staying in. So, again, that should minimize the amount of work I'm going to be asking for from people here to help out with, but I do want to make sure that all of our guests feel very welcome and that they have everything that they need. So, I'll be asking for sign-up sheets for people to help, you know, call sponsoring any one of our guest pastors that are going to be in town. And I appreciate the help with that. I'm going to try to get that done by next week. We've got the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries there. So, you can see all of the all of the birthdays and anniversaries for the month of March. And then on the back is a Bible memory passage, John chapter 8. We are plowing through trying to get this entire chapter memorized. We've chunked it out into different sections, so we've got a few weeks left for this. And if you're able to memorize it and quote it backward perfect without making any mistakes for verses 12 through 30, you'll earn a prize for that. And then one last thing. Brother Micah told me today that him and Brother Lindsey are planning on coming down here one week from this Saturday coming up. They're going to come down here to help install the rest of the of the lights that we have here so we get consistent lighting throughout, get the LED lights up there. Anyone who wants to come and help, your help would be very much appreciated. So, I'm going to see what I can do on my plan coming down here. I was saying before, it's a lot less motivating when when you're investing the time for yourself because you don't get that much done by yourself. But the more people we have, the more hands we have on deck, you know, it's a lot easier to knock things out. So, that's the plan. I don't know when you guys are planning coming, morning or about 10. Yeah, so not super early, but you know, coming around 10. If you want to come and help, the church will supply lunch and drink, you know, whatever. Like, we'll feed you to do work always. You want to come and you want to come and get some work done for the church, we'll take care of you. Appreciate all the time that you invest and donate into making this place a little bit nicer. And you don't have to let me know, but that's the plan. If you want to come and help out, it's going to be a week from Saturday, so 13 days from today. We'll be installing the lights and then anything else that needs to be done too. If you've already noticed things that need to be done, you can bring it to my attention. Remind me about it again. That'll be a good day to help to get some other small things wrapped up and taken care of. And that's about it for announcements. Did I forget anything? We're good. All right, Brother Peter, please lead us in our next song. All right, church, if you can open up your handles to song number 410. Song 410, Faith is a Victory. Song 410. On the first, encamped along the hills of light, ye Christian soldiers rise and press the battle ere the night shall veil the glowing skies. Against the flow, when veils below, let all your strength be hurled. Faith is the victory we know that overcomes the world. Faith is a victory. Faith is a victory. Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world. His banner over us is love for the word of God. We tread the road, the saints above, with shouts of triumph trod. By faith, they like a whirlwind's breath swim on in every field. The faith by which they conquered death is still our shining shield. Faith is a victory. Faith is a victory. Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world. On every hand, the foe we fought, drawn up in dread array, left tents of easily left behind and onward to the fray. Salvation's helmet on each head, when truth augured about, the earth shall tremble beneath our tread and echo with a shout. Faith is the victory. Faith is a victory. Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world. To him, that overcomes the world. Before the angels he shall know his name confessed in hand and onward from the hills of life our hearts with love aflame will vanquish all the hosts of night. In Jesus' conquering name, faith is a victory. Faith is a victory. Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world. Amen. Great singing, great shout. All right, I'm gonna ask Mother Lindsay if you can take our offering. All right, church, while the offering plate is being passed around, if you can open up your Bibles, the book of Matthew, chapter 16. That's the book of Matthew, chapter 16. And as we do customary here at Stronghold Baptist Church, we're going to read the entire chapter. I'm going to ask Brother Carter if he can please do that for us. Once again, that's the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 16. The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came and tempting desired him that he would show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, when it is evening ye say it will be fair weather for the sky is red and in the morning it will be foul weather today for the sky is red and lowering oh ye hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky but can you not discern the signs of the times if wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given unto it but the sign of the prophet Jonas and he left them and departed and when his disciples were come to the other side they have forgotten to take bread then Jesus said unto them take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and other sadducees and they reasoned among themselves saying it is because we have taken no bread which when Jesus perceived he said unto them oh ye of little faith why reason ye among yourselves because ye have brought no bread do ye yet not understand neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets ye took up neither the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many baskets ye took up how is it that ye do not understand that i spake it not to you concerning bread that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and other sadducees then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and other sadducees when Jesus came into the coast of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am and they said some say that thou art john the baptist some elias and others jeremiah's or one of the prophets he says unto them but whom say ye that i am and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon bar jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven i say also unto thee that thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven then charge he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was jesus the christ from that time forth began jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go unto jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day then peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from the lord this shall not be unto thee but he turned and said unto peter get thee behind me satan thou art an offense unto me but thou save is not the things that be of god but those that be of men then said jesus unto his disciples if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me for whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it for what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give and exchange for his soul for the son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels and then he shall reward every man according to his works rarely i say unto you there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom let's have a word of prayer lord god we thank you once more to gather this evening to hear your word this evening lord we pray lord that we will have our hearts ready to hear and receive what you have to say this afternoon father and that we be blessed and most importantly that we live out your word and be doors of it in your son in jesus name we ask and pray amen all right so we are continuing on the series the more about jesus series and this one is again very fundamental very basic but the title i start tonight is jesus the christ jesus the christ now we we commonly refer to jesus as you know jesus or jesus christ without that the in the middle but i think a lot of people unfortunately you could hear the name jesus christ you could hear jesus christ over and over again and i think a lot of people don't even know like what the christ means the fact that he is the christ just because you get so used to hearing jesus christ jesus christ you know some people may even think that that's just like his name like his last name or something like jesus christ like just like i'm david burzins right he's jesus but that's not what it is the christ is actually a title and and the word christ as we're going to see a little bit just means messiah so um interesting word interesting you know whether it be christ or messiah because it has multiple meanings if you will but it's just they're all kind of similar right he's the he's the anointed one the chosen one the deliverer he's the the figure that was that was being looked to in prophecy in the bible in the word of god of the savior of the world right he was the one looked to now as we go through the scripture about jesus the christ and and we're going to look at these various references to jesus being the christ and that's important that he is the christ that he is the one that came as the savior as a deliverer the one that's being expected the one that's supposed to bring righteousness and truth the king of kings who one day is going to reign right we're going to see a little bit of an insight into what people in the old testament actually believed about the messiah and about the coming one now some of the things that they believed they were spot on with and other things they would you know i'd mentioned this last week they got a little bit confused and understandably so with some of the old testament scriptures regarding the the first coming of jesus christ and the second coming of jesus christ and they were conflating the two and honestly because some of the scriptures i could exactly see why you would do that right when you when you have references to the second coming of christ there's not as much there in in my understanding in reading the bible to be able to see that it's very clear that oh this is talking about a separate time now i'm not saying that you couldn't derive all of that from the old testament given enough knowledge enough insight i think it's just harder to do without the benefit of all the new testament scriptures that god has opened up and revealed so much more truth to help us along the way right easier for us to look back and say oh yeah we could see that here here and here but it's also you know interesting if nothing else to see how much people in the old testament did understand i mean as new testament believers and understandably so there's a lot more of an emphasis on the new testament in general and there's a lot more of an emphasis when i preach sermons on the new testament you're going to find if you look back at the history of all my sermons and we look at all the scripture that we turn to yes i do turn a lot to the old testament but there's still more of a focus on the the writings that are found in the new testament and i think for very good reason as well because there's there's more reveal that shines the light and gives us more understanding of the old testament so it makes sense to use those passages but people forget sometimes because there's so much revelation in the new testament and might assume that well they just didn't know anything about any of this stuff but that's not true and we're going to see you know just the fact that there was a christ coming if you and this is where the people who want to go back to judaism and go to the jews to find their answers on on old testament scriptures and extra understanding about the bible it's so much folly because when you go to the jews for your answer you're going to get a warped view of what's already been taught in the old testament anyways for example you know the messiah which is the subject matter this evening what we're looking at is the christ the messiah if you go to judaism if you go to the jews they're not looking for the son of god so they reject and they say well that's why they rejected when jesus christ you know he was a son of god they weren't expecting a son of god but you know what i'm going to prove to you that they were expecting the son of god you can see it from the scriptures they didn't believe that now the Pharisees didn't believe it anyways they didn't accept that because they didn't understand the old testament scriptures to begin with but the people who were saved in the old testament that could under actually understand the prophecy that the pharisees couldn't understand because they were unsaved false prophets they did know these things and they were able to read into it and see that and get that from the teachings in the old testament prophesying about the savior about the christ about the messiah let's look in matthew 16 where we started at verse number 13 the bible reads when jesus came into the coasts of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am so he's asking his disciples now you know obviously he's making a lot of waves he's out there preaching and everything else and he's getting some fame of people knowing who jesus is and he's asking hey what's the word on the street right who do people think that i am because it's obvious with the miracles and everything the healings everything that he's doing that people are talking about him so he just asked his disciples hey so so what are people saying about me verse 14 says and they said some say that thou art john the baptist because by this point john the baptist was beheaded right so they're thinking well this is like a reincarnation of john the baptist or whatever some elias and others jeremiah's are one of the prophets so these are all very famous people in the scripture all very powerful you know great men of god in the scripture and it's obvious that they're comparing jesus with these men because of all the great works that jesus was doing so that's where that's coming from right but we know that he's none of those people it's not like he's he's elijah come back from the dead you know he's not john the baptist he's not jeremiah other people are thinking that based on the way you know on what he's doing but then he asked his disciples verse 15 he says unto them but whom say ye that i am okay well that's what they're saying so what are you saying and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ look at this the son of the living god notice how he ties in the son of the living god with the christ i mean just just hand in hand as if they're synonymous because that's who they're expecting that's who who you know who he is you're the christ the son of living god i mean that's who we're waiting for the messiah the christ who is the son of the living god you are the son of god and we went over i did a whole sermon on jesus being the son of god right the son of god and the son of man so i'm not going to re-preach that but obviously understanding who jesus is that he's the son of god is extremely important to knowing jesus and to having the right jesus but equally as important is that jesus is the christ and you know we get so much overlap in these sermons but and i like seeing how they all play together hopefully you do too but the fact that he is the christ is tied into the fact that he's the son of god so if you go back to the jews religion judaism the false religion they're going to tell you well we were never looking for a son of god and when they're still when when the antichrist comes in who's going to fit the bill for who they're looking for they're not going to claim to be you know they're not looking for someone claiming to be the son of god they're just looking for a great leader they're looking for someone who's going to have all this great clout and able to bring peace and everything else right they're looking for these various things but the reason why they're looking for all those things is again because their eyes are blind to the scripture just like anybody who's unsaved they just come up with all kinds of different things out of the bible because they can't understand this book at all because it's spiritually discerned so we have no reason ever to try to gain insight into a spiritual book never go to unsaved people to try to get insight into the bible they're not going to help you understand more they're going to confuse you more and just add confusion because they don't get it they don't understand obviously simon peter knew that the christ was the son of the living god the jews didn't know that they didn't believe that they weren't expecting that they're still not expecting that they don't accept jesus christ as being their messiah right judaism today and when they're the messiah they are expecting not the son of god just another prophet just another man which is actually closer to islam than the god of the bible because islam views jesus as just another prophet views abraham as another prophet and then they just add in mohammed as another prophet but like greater than everyone before which is really bizarre to put some pedophile up there as a anyway i'm not going to go into that that maybe i should make a whole sermon just on islam but not going to be today so simon peter says here in matthew 16 you know thou art the christ the son of the living god verse 17 says and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven so god has revealed to peter that he is the christ the son of the living god and this understanding came peter didn't have the new testament to to study and scriptures to look at he had jesus there with him but he didn't have the you know all the new testament so obviously the teaching from jesus could help him understand this as well but i believe that when when we see this that they were looking for a christ who was a son of god a son of god who was able to perform the miracles who was able to bring which we can see the scriptures on that to heal the sick and to do the things that he was doing verse number 18 and i say also unto thee that thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loose in heaven then charged he is disciples that they should tell no man that he was jesus the christ and that's where i get the time i started from jesus the christ right this is obviously i'm not going to go into all the reasons why jesus didn't want to make himself known as the christ just yet but a lot of it had to do with them wanting to take him and make him the ruler because of their lack of understanding the difference between his mission and his purpose being there at this time to to be the sacrifice to be the passover lamb that's why he was referred to by from dr baptus as behold the lamb of god because he was there to to to offer up himself that sacrifice right to be crucified to shed his blood to make that atonement for sin when he comes back he'll be the king of kings but either way jesus is still the christ he's still the messiah his job in the future is going to be to come back and set up that kingdom they thought he was going to do it now which i think personally is the primary reason why he's saying hey don't tell people i'm the christ right that i am that messiah that's to come was for that specific reason now flip over to matthew chapter 22 and what we're going to see is just just these various references to who the christ is and how they apply to jesus right that's that's what we're we're honing in on this evening verse number 41 of matthew 22 the bible reads while the pharisees were gathered together jesus asked them saying what think ye of christ whose son is he so again now he's talking to the pharisees because they're expecting a christ they have it in their prophecy they have in the book well what do you know about the christ so he's asking them what do you think about the christ they say unto him the son of david that's whose son he is right and we accept that and believe that and that and that part is true they got that right that when christ is born he's going to come from from the lineage of king david because that is prophesied in old testament scripture but again the fact that he's the son of god is now what he's going to confound them with that they just completely don't understand verse number 43 says he saith unto them how then doth david in spirit call him lord saying the lord said unto my lord sit thou on my right hand till i make thine enemies thy footstool if david then called call him lord how is he his son right because if they're if they're expecting to have just a human being just a regular prophet come through the succession come through the genealogy that that one of david's ancestors was going to be the christ how could david possibly be referring to him as lord it doesn't make any sense it would be the other way around and even just lord not the all caps like god but just just lord like like you're like you're my lord right a child would say like you know would call maybe their their father lord because you know they're they're under them they're the descendants they're lower on the chain and people higher in the chain are the ones you know i mean it just makes sense i shouldn't have to really break it down that much but that's what he's saying there then how is he calling him lord how would david be calling him lord this is going to be like one of his great great great great great great great great grandkids right how could he call him lord it says no man was able to answer him a word neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions he stumped him i don't know well what's the answer to that because jesus christ is the son of god because he's god in the flesh because he has without father and without mother having neither beginning of days nor end of life that's why because he is david's lord because he's everybody's lord that's how that works and that's how it fits and you know what they had this scripture and people who are saved i firmly believe that god's able to open up that understanding to old testament believers without even having to have the new testament shine the light on it because god can still work with people in their understanding and and preachers to expound on this the fact is we don't know and i don't like getting too hung up on this on well what did they all know because people ask the question like well how did people before jesus go soul winning how did they explain it's like i don't know i don't know what passages they use i i could guess but i don't know that information is retained and you know what that information doesn't really matter for us today in the new testament i don't know all of the various levels of understanding they had i don't know how much of the scripture was revealed unto man before it was written down i don't know but i know that it was we have evidence that it was we have evidence that god has revealed that holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost and that that happened and was capable of happening and happened before it was ever written down we knew that we can see from the book of job which is a very old book that he knew that he was going to see god in his flesh we knew that he understood a resurrection we can see that from scripture we could deduce that that oh he must he must know that this is going to happen we knew that that cain and able had to bring a sacrifice and the only acceptable sacrifice was an animal sacrifice right that the animal blood needed to be shed that was it we can see that now we don't have the record of how of how much they were told but we knew they knew enough of the word of god to understand that we knew that the gospel was preached unto abraham we know all these different things all the details of how things happen you know at this point doesn't matter for us it's interesting nonetheless to go to see it and it's important to see that it did that they did have understanding back then too especially when you think of things because people want to downplay or or maybe criticize soul winning and say well if things have always been you know if salvation has always been by grace through faith then then why don't we see you know them going two by two in the old testament you know they'll bring up all these objections but you can prove that they believe these ways you can see it all from scripture and even the new testament bears witness unto their understanding that they had in the past even if it was more limited which i don't doubt that it was the point being we don't know to what extent they had and we shouldn't worry ourselves about the unknown of those things we don't need to worry ourselves how what scriptures would they use to show someone how to be saved we have an example of an ax chapter 8 with philip and ethiopian eunuch he was reading the old testament when he went and preached unto him jesus christ there's no reason why that same scripture couldn't have been used before jesus christ to say well this is obviously talking about the messiah that's going to come and and you know shed his blood for us or going to come and make the atonement you know what whatever words they use to explain the truth of the savior that's a good scripture to use there's plenty of them in the old testament just because we don't know exactly how they did it doesn't matter and we don't need to worry about it thinking that oh we're going to improve and do better at soul winning by going back to the old testament no let's use the clear text of the new testament that's what we need we need to preach jesus christ not a nameless messiah because we know who the messiah is there's no point in going backwards to to not have that name the name that's that's that's given um that there's no greater name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved we're going to use that name and and not get off on on foolish questions and um but like i said it's it's interesting to see what they didn't know turn if you would to um to john chapter one john one is an important scripture there i'm going to read you from luke 23 so we saw that when peter answered jesus when he said well who who do you say i am he said that was the christ the son of the living god and as we see these mentions of christ this is where i'm saying we get kind of a a fuller meaning of what christ or messiah means because even if you look it up in the dictionary the dictionary definitions for messiah and christ are all tied to the bible anyways this is like a biblical word it's something that i think mostly just has to do with biblical history anyways in prophecy more than just some word that's used commonly anywhere else so when we get our meaning from this word when we get it in the context of scripture you're going to get a more full idea of what it really means luke 23 35 i'm going to read this for you the bible says and the people stood beholding and the rulers also with them derided him saying he saved others let him save himself if he be the if he be christ the chosen of god so there the christ is being referred to as the chosen of god which we know jesus christ is elected too right he is the elect he is he is the chosen of god that also ties in to him being christ the christ is the chosen of god christ is the son of god christ is the chosen of god he is the anointed and we'll see that as well in a minute john one i already mentioned this i brought up the fact that the word christ literally just means messiah but here's the scriptural evidence for that john 140 the bible reads one of the two which heard john speak and followed him was andrew simon peter's brother he first findeth his own brother simon and sayeth unto him we have found the messiahs which is being interpreted the christ because in hebrew it's the messiah the messiah but interpreting that into greek it's the christ it's the same thing it's the messiah is the christ and i know this is this is old news but for for people who like to to find information this is why you got to be careful on who you follow and what resources you use but there's a there's a preacher out there that that has made his name or his mark kind of defending the king james bible and there's lots of people who do this right now look we're king james only and amen i like defending the king james bible but be careful with the resources that you use and just because someone claims to be king james only and they are king james i don't mean his claims but like you know they they hold to that truth just because someone's right on something like that doesn't mean you should just start listening to everything that they have to say don't let that that oh well we have this in common here just just be like well you must be good then because you're king james only i mean just to break it down real simple there's you know there's pentecostals that are king james only there's plenty of pentecostal churches out there they're king james only are you going to get your doctrine from a pentecostal i sure hope not now yeah okay they may be right about the king james bible you know who else is the mormons the mormons use the king james bible now they're not king james only the way we are but that's the bible that they use i did sure i'm not going to get any doctrine from horman so when you see someone and even just if they call themselves a baptist and they're king james only it still doesn't mean that you should just not have the filters open to to judge what you're hearing and what you're receiving and the guy that i'm referring to is sam gibb doctor sam gibb i don't know what he's a doctor but sam gibb is someone who's made a name for defending the king jesus a lot of resources out there lots of books he's one of these traveling salesmen i mean preachers that goes around and sets up his book tables at churches where they they buy and sell in the church in the house of god it's supposed to be a house of prayer for all nations yeah they set up their tables in church and they peddle these books that that they call to donate we're not we're not selling them it's for a donation yeah except you're not going to give them away for free are you there's a suggested donation of twenty dollars right suggested donation of ten dollars okay what if i don't want to donate anything well it's a suggested donation of ten and i mean that's a whole other subject but but you know what it's wicked to go and try to sell anything in the house of god and i've actually been to way a long time ago after i first got saved i was i was visiting churches with my brother and he knew more about this than i did and he followed sam gibb because of the king james bible thing and he took me to a church where he was actually coming and speaking at and i i actually own a book that he had authored and it's total garbage it is and i'll show it to you if you want to see it um unfortunately i got wrapped up and that's in because the bible says you're not supposed to buy or sell in the house of god and you know what i bought it oh i mean i donated and then they gave me the book and i bought a book on the on the book of acts because that's my that's always been my favorite book in the bible i think it's the most exciting book but um for someone who's supposed to be king james only sure does go back to the greek a lot and try to tell you what all these words mean in greek but um that's a whole other story but okay what did this guy say what is it that's so crazy about what he said you know what he made his statement he said jesus is not my messiah the reason why it's crazy is because this is he's supposed to be a christian he's he's promoting himself as someone who believes the bible king james bible i'm a baptist you know all this stuff right now the ironic part irony is that jesus isn't his messiah he's actually telling the truth and not the way that he means it he tries to spin it off and say well he's a jew for the jews he's a he was the messiah for the jews but i'm a gentile so he's not my messiah he's not your messiah because you're not saved and trying to derive and again this is part of the folly of trying to go back to the greek and try to have you you have all these hidden meanings of all these words and stuff when you can just look at scripture and you don't have to go any farther than the book of john chapter one read the gospels how about that you want to know what the word messiah means the bible defines it for you we have found the messiahs which is being interpreted the christ so if you're going to say well jesus isn't my messiah you're saying jesus isn't my christ really so you're gonna say jesus isn't christ he's not your christ he's not the christ what is it that level of foolishness okay i'm sorry if someone is that ignorant and claims to be a doctor they're a doctor of the law they know all this stuff they're supposed to be this expert are thou a master in israel and knowest thou not these things you know what that proves they're not saved now it's one thing you say oh there's a person how can you say that i mean you don't know what he look if some random person repeats something like oh well messiah because they hear the teaching on this and they don't know the bible for themselves and they probably never even read this or you know don't think about what they're saying i'm not going to call that person unsaved right i'm not going to say anyone who makes that statement is unsaved but for someone who's supposed to be this scholar and has been doing this for decades and decades and decades and should know his bible and knows better and has read john chapter one who knows how many times i mean i don't know but if you're going to go up and claim to be this expert and be this doctor and have all this stuff and you're going to say that jesus is not your messiah you know what i say you're not saved and try to apply different meanings to messiah than the christ which is what the bible says and you're going to claim you believe the king james bible that it's perfect and without error how can you say that this book is perfect without error if you're going to make messiah mean something different than the christ when that's what the scripture says that's literally what it means so anyhow i don't want to go i've already preached against that false prophet once before which should be enough but be careful who you listen to you know check them i'm not saying you can't listen to other people but but don't let your guard down because they have some doctrine that they're right on right and he's even his stand on the king james bible is not is not completely accurate either but don't get fooled by i mean you've got you've got a lot of you've got a lot of clowns out there and when i say clown i mean like capital c clowns that are king james only like the the youtuber denlinger that guy is not even really worth mentioning other the guy is nuts total psycho but that shows you the type of crazy that you can find out there on the internet if you're just looking for people who are king james only and i'm not going to spend any time in that because it's a waste of time flip over if you would to daniel chapter nine the book of daniel chapter nine and one of the interesting things is that you know for all the talk of jesus christ and christ meaning messiah and this is why it's also important to understand that that word messiah has like a multiplicity of meanings like it kind of implies a lot of different things is because the word messiah is only found in daniel chapter nine in the old testament so while they were looking for a messiah jesus being the messiah or the messiah himself is referred to as other things than just messiah if that makes sense right it's not like like in the new testament you see jesus christ jesus christ jesus all the time like that that term is used i mean abundantly right just tremendously but the messiah is not referenced tremendously in the old testament by the word messiah that's my point right so but but obviously it's prophesied in every book of the old testament multiple times just using different ways to identify the messiah without using that so in daniel chapter 9 we see the the messiah being referenced here by that term daniel 9 verse 24 the bible reads 70 weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision in prophecy and to anoint the most holy so there again you're going to see that that anointing of the most holy the anointed one the chosen one the elect the most holy verse 25 know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build jerusalem unto the messiah the prince so again the messiah is is someone that's being referred to as a prince as someone who's uh you know a king a leader shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble as times and after three score and two weeks shall messiah be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood and unto the end of the war desolation they're determined there's a lot of prophecy built in here but this is referring to by name messiah right by a messiah but this is the only place you're going to find that um turn to luke chapter two and the point of of bringing that up and showing that is just that that term that the reference to the person who is the messiah he has there's a there's a multiplicity of of words associated with that or titles associated with that that help define what messiah even means or expound upon it expand upon it luke chapter two we see the birth of jesus christ again giving us insight into what people were already expecting before jesus christ came i mean this is at his birth look at verse number 26 luke 2 about says and it was revealed unto him by the holy ghost that he should not see death this is talking about a certain man that that came in the temple before he had seen the lord's christ so god had revealed unto this particular person by the holy ghost that he wasn't going to die physically he wasn't going to die until he had seen the the christ right the messiah coming the lord's christ verse 27 and he came by the spirit into the temple and when the parents brought in the child jesus to duper him after the custom of the law then took him up in his arms and blessed god and said lord now let us thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people a light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of thy people israel so look at this great understanding that this old testament saint had even at the birth of christ he not only knew that there's a christ coming and god told him that it was going to happen in his lifetime and he was going to see him then after he sees him he says i've seen your salvation he knew that he's going to be the christ he's the savior he knew that god had prepared you know the face of all people and then he said a light to lighten the gentiles he knew all this why because it's in the old testament scripture and this is what saved people were expecting to come the messiah the christ he was a light to lighten the gentiles and again you know the the word of god is there for people who are willing to yield themselves to it even in spite of different cultural influences i've gone over this in the past but when you go through the book of acts you can see cultural influences of jews who had a superiority complex and thought that they were better than everyone else in the whole world and looked down upon the gentiles and looked down upon everyone else in the world and they thought that they were like more like a master race ironically enough like they kind of felt like they were superior to everyone else when you read the scripture and that's how they treated other people and that's why they wouldn't even sit and eat with you know one of another nation you can't come into one of another nation stuff like that but that's not what the bible taught and that's not what god taught but that was the cultural influence but you know what this man that came in knew hey he's gonna be a light to lighten the gentiles and he had no problem with it if you remember the jews got really really angry at the apostle paul he's preaching you know he's getting arrested and everything else and he's trying to explain all this stuff and then he talks about going to the gentiles with the gospel that makes them lose it and they're ready to kill him again just because he mentions that he's going off the free they're insufferable with that because of that mindset but see that wasn't a mindset taught by god but that is one that was prevalent at the time but the scripture has has i mean the truth is the truth the truth doesn't change and if you're reading and studying and looking hard enough and god's going to open up some you know his word to you you can get that understanding of who to look for and who the messiah you know that there is a messiah to come and everything else which is why it's not that hard to understand that people could be saved the same way whether jesus christ had been there in history or not that they were looking for jesus christ without knowing him by name very simple john chapter 6 turn if you would to john chapter 6 where's he another reference to jesus being not only the christ but bringing the fact he's the son of god just just in tandem with the christ right showing that that's part you know part of the meaning or it just it's just tied in inseparably to the fact that he's the christ john 6 verse 67 barbara then said jesus under the 12 will you also go away which by the way we referenced john 6 earlier this morning right with the hard preaching and the hard sayings and after after many of his disciples departed because they couldn't handle what he was preaching because the the preaching of jesus christ was hard preaching and a lot of people couldn't hand it and they got offended and they left and they're like oh we're not coming back here again we didn't read this far but he turns to his disciples said okay you're gonna leave too right go ahead you want to leave is this too hard for you verse 68 then simon peter answered him lord to whom shall we go where are we going to go thou hast the words of eternal life peter knew it you know some of the other disciples didn't get it apparently but we're not going anywhere i mean who else can we follow it you've got the words of eternal life verse 69 says and we believe and are sure that thou art that christ the son of the living god notice how he brings this up again that you are that christ which christ the son of the living god that understanding of knowing that jesus that the christ who was identified as jesus that christ was the son of god flip over to chapter seven john john chapter seven bowery's in verse number 40 many of the people therefore when they heard this saying said of a truth this is the prophet others said this is the christ but some said shall christ come out of galley hath not the scripture said that christ cometh of the seed of david and out of the town of bethlehem where excuse me where david was and just you know a little bit more insight to people talking about trying to identify like is this the christ this is the christ how could this be the christ and comparing it to old testament scriptures and again in this place they're right about knowing that the bible is prophesying christ to come out of bethlehem but unfortunately some of the people there didn't know that jesus was born in bethlehem they assumed that he just was born in uh nazareth right because that's that's where he ended up living and came you know but that's not it's not true like it's not where he was born he was born in bethlehem and if they would have bothered to ask the questions and research it they could have actually gotten um you know they probably still would have rejected but who knows right uh but that's that's the problem with just making assumptions about things but in mica five verse two i'll read this reference of what they're saying of why do they believe that christ comes of the seat of david and out of bethlehem because in mica chapter 5 verse 2 the bible reads but thou bethlehem ephrata though thou be little among the thousands of judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting powerful scripture in the old testament and again a lot of these we don't focus as much on because we have so much more clear verses about jesus christ being the son of god but when you read this passage you can see well who else can it be then the son of god if he's from old from everlasting that's not a normal person and they're saying that out of bethlehem is where they're going to come from right and he's going to be the ruler in israel which he is going to be the ruler now the first time he came it wasn't to be the king of kings and be the ruler but the second time it is he still holds that title and it says that that this person this messiah who's coming who's going to be brought forth will come out of bethlehem which jesus christ did and his goings forth have been of old from everlasting i mean that's just it's there it's in the old testament we don't study it as much but they had that information available to anyone who's going to study out meditate on the word of god and have the holy goes reveal things you're in john seven go to john chapter 11 why is all this important because just like pretty much everything that i think every topic that that i've been talking about with jesus um the more about jesus series this is salvation related if you don't believe that jesus is a christ you're not saved you have to believe that jesus is the christ which is why none of the jews are saved because they believe there's a messiah but that it's not jesus and we're going to get to that last that's the last thing we're going to look at but in john chapter 11 look at verse number 25 the bible reads jesus said unto her i am the resurrection in the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believeth thou this she says on him yea lord i believe that thou art the christ the son of god which should come into the world again the christ the son of god which should come that was been prophesied to come into the world i believe that you're him and he's saying hey i'm the resurrection in the life and if you believe in me you're going to live forever right and say well i do believe that i do believe that that's you verse 30 no excuse me i've been too close together flip over to john chapter 20 so right there you know in john 11 jesus is saying hey if you believe in me you're never going to die you have everlasting life and her response is i do believe you're the christ i do believe that i do believe you're the son of god and for salvation look we need to know who jesus is we are believing in the christ so if jesus is not your christ or also known as your messiah based on what language it's coming from then you are not in christ you don't have christ you're anti-christ john 20 verse number 30 the bible says and many other signs truly did jesus in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book but these are written so it's talking about the things written in the book of john these are written that you might believe that jesus is the christ the son of god and that believing you might have life through his name of course this is tied in to salvation jesus the christ he is the christ now it ought to make you sick and this is a total side note when people throw around jesus christ as a curse word that title of christ that's tied to jesus's name like all like so many times when you read it through bible it's not just jesus it's jesus christ identifying who he is that he is the savior he's the prophesied one he's the anointed one he's the son of god he's the savior to bring salvation to the whole world jesus christ not just any jesus not jesus not any other person named jesus but jesus christ that jesus that christ turn to first john chapter two first john chapter two we're going to close on this thought again just the importance of jesus being the christ if you couldn't tell already just by reading the testament jesus christ all the times yeah i mean i could have started with this sermon in this whole more about jesus series because it's that important but don't forget when you use the name jesus christ what you're saying and what you're referring to it's all tied into who jesus is first john chapter two look at verse number 18 the bible reads little children it is the last time and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us but ye have an unction from the holy one and ye know all things i have not written unto you because you know not the truth but because you know it and that no lie is of the truth who is a liar but he that denieth that jesus is the christ he is antichrist that denieth the father and the son whosoever denieth the son the same as not the father but he that acknowledges the son hath the father also and this is the inseparability of putting your trust in the lord is that you can't trust in the father but not the son and you can't trust in the son but not the father because these three are one because there's one god but you you have to have both you have to understand that there's not just the father there's a father and the son and the holy ghost and and when you're when you're believing in one you're believing in all and if you're not believing in all then you don't have any of them and if you're denying that jesus is the christ then you're antichrist because it says you're denying the father and the son and turn over to john first john chapter five first john chapter five verse number one the bible reads whosoever believe it that jesus is the christ is born of god right so you believe that jesus is the christ the messiah the savior now people will claim that they believe that a lot of christians claim that they believe that oh of course i believe that he's a messiah of course i believe you know that that he's the savior but when you ask them out they don't really because inherent in in first john chapter five later on in the passage of course pretty much everyone here is probably very familiar with that in fact you know let me just turn there let's keep reading here in verse number uh from verse number one who's ever believed that jesus is christ is born of god let's say if you believe in jesus christ you're saved you're saved and everyone that loveth him that begat loveth him also has begotten of him by this we know that we love the children of god when we love god and keep his commandments for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments his commandments are not grievous for whatsoever is born of god overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith who is he to overcome with the world be he that believeth that jesus is the son of god so again jesus being the christ means you're born again and jesus is the son of god is he that overcometh the world because you're essentially saying the same thing the son of god being tied in with being the christ and if you jump down here to verse number nine or verse number 10 excuse me he says he that believeth on the son of god hath the witness in himself he that believeth not god hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that god gave of his son and this is the record that god hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his son he that at the sun at life and he that not the son of god hath not life these things have i written unto you that believe in the name of the son of god that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name the son of god if you don't believe that jesus is the christ you're denying the father you're denying the son you're not believing the record that god gave of his son if you don't believe that he's the son of god you're not saved if you don't believe that jesus is if you don't believe jesus is a christ you're not saved it's the same thing it's so it's so important to understand who jesus is that he's not just jesus the son of the carpenter he's jesus christ the christ of god the savior the deliverer the son of god all of those things hopefully you have more appreciation and reminders when you're reading your own scripture in the new testament and you see you read about jesus christ jesus christ that you don't forget that he is the christ that title is extremely important and it gives more glory and honor under who he is that we never ever ever should forget as far as our word of prayer dear heavenly father lord we thank you so much for giving us a savior we thank you for saving our souls and for loving us enough to to make the sacrifice that was made dear lord i pray that you will please help us to to bring honor unto your name and god help us as we go through this series to learn more about jesus and to learn more about about everything about jesus christ dear lord and help us to to clear clear up any misunderstandings or any false doctrines or love you in jesus name we pray amen all right brother peter please lead us in our last song before dismissed for leaving all right church we can open up your hymnals of song number 115 song 115 no one ever cared for me like jesus hymn number 15 on the first i would love to tell you what i think of jesus since i founded him a friend so strong and true i would tell you how he changed my life completely he did something that no other friend could do no one ever cared for me like jesus there's no other friend so kind as he no one else could take the sin and darkness from me oh how much he cared for me all my life was full of sin when jesus found me all my heart was full of misery jesus place is strong and loving arms about me and he led me in the way i ought to go no one ever cared for me like jesus there's no other friend so kind as he no one else could take the sin and darkness from me oh how much he cared for me every day he comes to me with new assurance more and more i understand his words of love but i'll never know just why he came to save me till someday i see his blessed face upon no one ever cared for me like jesus there's no other friend so kind as he no one else could take the sin and darkness from me oh how much he cared for me amen great singing thank you so much for coming you guys are dismissed