(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, Isaiah chapter 56. Let's dig right in to the chapter there Let's look down again verse number one the Bible reads thus saith the Lord keep ye judgment and do justice for my salvation is near to come and my righteousness to be revealed and you know, this is Something I wish was taught and preached more often in churches in general You know, we live in a day and age where we're so-called Christianity wants to say how you can't judge can't judge I mean that's also oddly enough what the what the wicked people out there all the evil doers want to say judge not judge Not it's you know, of course We expect them to say that just like they said that to a lot right the sodomites were saying that oh this man coming through The sojourneth and he must become you know, he must needs to be a judge now Right you're saying like who are you to judge? It was a sodomites back then saying that it was the same thing today The sodomites are saying the same exact thing today You know what shame on the churches when the churches are they're saying Oh judge not judge not in the same way that the sodomites do now obviously, you know when you put in context No one should be judging Hypocratically no one should be judging in a way that you know, unless they're saying hey that same judgment that you judge You shall be judged But it's not hypocrisy To call out sodomites when you're not one yourself, right? There's nothing hypocritical about that But this isn't this whole sermon isn't about judgment But this very first verse is thus saith the Lord keep ye judgment and do Justice and what what's justice? Justice is what's just? What's right and where do we get a sense of what's just what's just is according to God's law? Right, it's right and wrong. There's the scales of justice and he says keep judgment do Justice for my salvation is near to come and my righteousness to be revealed look at verse number two Blessed is the man that doeth this that doeth what keeps judgment and does justice You're gonna be blessed. It's a blessing from God by keeping judgment doing justice. Amen Blessed is the man that doeth this and the son of man that lieth hold on it that keepeth the Sabbath From polluting it and keep it his hand from doing an evil now, obviously this is written in the Old Testament But at the same time, you know, God's laws aren't gone Jesus Christ didn't come to destroy the law or the prophets He came to fulfill and he said, you know Verily realize saying to you until heaven and earth passed away there shall not one jot or tittle and I know I'm not quoting this exactly verbatim passed from the law till all be fulfilled and You know all hasn't been fulfilled which means, you know, the law hasn't passed away either It's still there now. It's not our means of salvation, but you know what? It never was It never was God still wants us keeping his laws and keeping judgment and doing justice even today It was very applicable just as much now as it ever was and you know what you're blessed if you do so Verse number three neither let the son of the stranger that joined himself to the Lord speak Saying the Lord hath utterly separated me from his people Neither let the eunuch say behold. I am a dry tree now As we continue here, we're gonna see just some great Promises of God and hopefully this is something Depending on what your own personal background is that everybody can rejoice in this regardless of where you come from Right when you come to the Lord It doesn't matter where you came from Because once you come to Christ once you put your faith in Christ and you're born again you've joined a spiritual family you've joined the the family of God where God is your father and Other believers are brothers and sisters in Christ and this is this is a great thing and what he's explaining here he's talking about the who's the stranger a stranger in the Bible is a foreigner a Stranger is someone you know The Word of God came unto Israel as a nation just in general right without going way too far back in history But for a long period of time, you know God chose Abraham and then through his seed He was Isaac Isaac was a son of promise and then Jacob who was later renamed Israel and of Israel came the twelve patriarchs and then this whole nation of Israel from people who God chose but through that group of people is who God was using Sending prophets and revealing his word unto but they were supposed to be the lighthouse for the world because that's where the oracles of God were coming from and But God never intended that only those people would be the people of God or the I should say the people who are saved People are always welcome to come and join the nation of Israel Regardless of where you're from if you want to make the Lord your God, which is the exact story of Ruth You know the story of Ruth she left her people right in the land of Moab when Naomi and her sons went and and sojourned in Moab because of the the the Famine that was going on in Israel and then they married the ladies there which they weren't supposed to do but you know what Ruth decided to make the Lord her God and Thy people my people is what she was saying. Like I'm hey, I'm gonna go return with you to Israel Because that's now my that's my new home Though I want to be among God's people. That's my God I'm gonna forsake the God of my parents the God of my you know Where I grew up and I'm gonna join myself unto the Lord, you know what the Lord says. Amen. That's good. That's great God wants that and there's you know, and that was totally open and available back then as it is now I'm bringing this up. I'm kind of getting a little ahead of myself, but there's many verses that continue on here They're gonna talk about this very fact. So we see here, you know, don't let the son of the stranger That have joined himself. That's a that's a very important condition there. That's joined himself to the Lord Speak saying the Lord has utterly severed me from his people the Lord separates him from The Strangers people but not from the people of God and don't let him say that God has separated me from from the people of God And he says Neither let the eunuch say behold. I am a dry tree Well, what's a eunuch a eunuch is someone who's I mean for lack of better someone who's castrated a man who's been Castrated or unable to have children. Okay, that's a eunuch So what he's saying is don't let the eunuch say behold. I'm a dry tree Well, why would he say I'm a dry tree because he can't procreate he can't have children Right. So naturally you would think oh man, you know that that would be a terrible situation to be in obviously That would that would be horrible to be in that position. But you know what he's saying? He's saying no unit You can't say I'm a dry tree And he's gonna explain why obviously physically he's not having children But verse 4 says for thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my Sabbaths and Choose the things that please me like as we started off in verse 1 keep my judgment Do justice and you'll be blessed right verses 1 & 2. He's saying he's making that statement So he's continuing to say hey, hey you eunuchs, right you too. Hey you strangers this applies to you, too This applies to everybody if you keep my Sabbaths, right the Sabbath part of the Old Testament law You do might you do what's right? You choose the things that please me you take hold of my covenant you embrace my word You'd live right you do what I'm asking you to do you do I'm telling you to do Then you're gonna be blessed too. He says in verse 5 even unto them Will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters? He said I will give you things that are way better than having children And that's you know, what that's a great promise now now look The desire may be To have children on this earth and that could be a very strong desire and people look I had that desire very strong desire Many of you have that same desire But the good news that God is saying here that regardless of your situation where you're coming from You know I would say this applies just as well to women who are barren as much as the man who's a eunuch Okay, anyone who's unable potentially to have children to say? Hey, look do what's right in the eyes of the Lord and God will bless you and God is able to give you things that Are better than of sons and of daughters? Now look that requires faith Because in the flesh right now you may want those things you want to have those kids you can't understand I don't see how anything can be better than that right now because that's what I want right now and and look I Understand that I feel that right I get that This is what the Bible is teaching us this is an extra special message for those who may have had bad things happen to them in the past and There's people today, you know men or women that might have had things done to them Maybe it wasn't a total castration, but you know, there's men today that have had operations done That essentially castrate them Called vasectomies Okay, and then maybe they get right with God somewhere along the way Maybe they get saved or whatever something changed and they go wow I didn't realize this I Shouldn't have done that because children are a blessing of the Lord and they come to this understanding and you know But but maybe there's damage done then maybe there's something that's been done that can't be undone There's people out there that find themselves in the situation same thing with women Right. There's there's many different ways women might become barren. There might be you know, I Don't even want to get into all the difference a lot of different ways where women's bodies can become damaged Whether it be through surgery abuse, you know whatever all kinds of different things that could go on and and but here's the good news right through all those bad things and Having a great desire God's saying look don't say I'm a dry tree Because God will bless he says just just embrace my word Follow my commandments and I will bless you and and the thing is what we you know What we still don't even fully 100% comprehend is the goodness of God's blessings that we'll receive at the judgment seat of Christ There's not a lot of detail about that other than it's going to be greatly rewarded for those that serve God and And I've said this before and I'll say it again as just another reminder in case you've already heard me say this before It's good to remember this if God is so great and so Generous and give such an awesome gift of eternal life for you doing nothing How much more will he give For those that work and do something After receiving that gift. I mean think about that He gives the greatest gift for free No payment whatsoever Well, then on top of that He's going to pay and reward for the things that you suffer here for the work that you do here for the things that bring honor and glory in his name here and We don't fully understand. I know I don't at least Exactly what all that will entail But we are reminded many times in Scripture to have that faith of him saying look He says I will give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters Now what exactly does that mean I Don't know it says here. I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off So obviously your posterity is what he's talking about here Having the name of sons and of daughters or carry on your name. He said you know what? The everlasting name that you're gonna get in my house is way better than some name on earth Right and think about that you could say like oh, well, what about people who had these great names? We don't we're off a Jimmy Carter Boulevard All right, Jimmy Carter's got this great name to some people maybe I Mean he's got a street named after him Martin Luther King jr. Right that's even more you can go downtown Savannah. You can you know drive down MLK There's MLK's in all over the United States. It's not just here in Georgia, right? What a great name But do you think when the streets are paved with gold? You're gonna be walking down MLK jr. Boulevard to the to the house of the Lord No That name is gonna be forgotten and gone But your name that's in the book of life God's giving you an everlasting name And in since you have an everlasting name you have an opportunity to build that name and That name will last forever and that's not dependent on What your posterity does after you either? That name resides with you and what you do with it and God gives you that name and he says that name will never be cut off All the world's great figures here all these great names so-called great names. They all go away. I Mean I just heard on the radio they're talking about renaming. I don't know. I don't know what the people are just stupid but And I don't I don't care one way or the other but it's a I just heard on the radio something about some Confederate generals or something and they're like wanting to change and I don't know if it's schools or who cares, right? Who cares see the the seasons change and people change and they want to change names and stuff And you know what that stuff comes and goes That's it But not the everlasting name And this is what God's trying to express here. He's showing them like hey, look, you know, don't say you're a dry tree You know, hey, it's stranger That came to the Lord and you're bracing and things of God. Don't worry that you gave up everything Don't worry that you you know, you're not maybe welcome in your homeland anymore Don't worry about that past there Don't worry about the inheritance that you had in this world in your life When you when you left your father's house and your mother's house and enjoined yourself unto the people of the Lord Don't worry about that. Don't worry about any of those things that you don't have now and you'll never have Because God will give you so much more God does give so much more. That's it. There's a great comfort. It's a great comfort. Look at verse number six Also the sons of the stranger that join themselves to the Lord to serve him and to love the name of the Lord to be His servants everyone that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it and taketh hold of my covenant Even then will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar For mine house shall be called in a house of prayer for all people look, this is an important teaching today as the world continues to try to divide people amongst colors and races and things like that and You would think like we'd gotten to a point where that's not a thing but now it's just like turning the other direction It's crazy it's like people just can't get over this concept and This is just a way. I think that people in their sinful nature are They like cleaving to these types of identities that are tied into their race or their genealogy or things like that It's evident all throughout scripture it's all throughout scripture of people's doing this the Jews did this read the book of Acts if you don't believe me of how racist the Jews were and still are to this day, by the way, just in general as a people and Christianity buys into that modern Christianity Elevating the Jews as some special race of people Oh, they're God's people. No, they're not You know what the people of God are believers in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and People who follow Judaism do not believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Which means they're not the people of God It's not a hard concept But you know, but like I said, you know, who is the people of God those that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Well, let's see who here believes on the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Wow, look at that I see you know, look at look at all the different yeah, I was like wait no, no No, what do you say? Yeah, like that's me. That's it We've got a pretty diverse group here We don't all come from the same heritage or the same people's or the same Area in in you know when you start going back of the world people descend from different regions people descend and have different physical attributes But we're all brothers and sisters And we've all come to the house of prayer. That's for all people It's not the god of the white man. It's not the god of the Jews It's not the god of the Native Americans. It's not the god of any people. It's a god of all people He's the god of all nations The Jews let it go to their head because they were the nation that was chosen Not because of anything great they did but they are the least of all people and God wanted to show himself strong in that people and really it was Abraham that was the friend of God. It was Abraham that God had respect unto. It was the works of Abraham and his faith and His just complete faith and following the Lord and doing what God said that God appreciated God liked I said, you know what? I'm gonna make a people out of you The Descendants didn't live up to Abraham's name But he made a promise unto Abraham and he kept that promise but see they let that go to their heads thinking wow We're so special Not for anything you did Don't glory in another man's work Keep your place here to if you would to Colossians chapter 3 Is Important subject my house shall be a house of prayer for all people. This is why you know, I don't believe in You know making these churches the black church the white church the you know, whatever these other different just groups of churches How about just God's Church? Now I don't care like if there's a You know, we're talking about doing a Spanish ministry, right? It's not gonna be the brown church It's gonna be for everyone who speaks the language Right now obviously if you have a church geared for a specific language in our country It probably will consist most of Hispanic people. I mean, it's just It's natural because that's the language they speak and similarly with other languages as well So I'm not saying there's anything wrong with doing that But the point is we don't Segregate on purpose to just say well, no We're only gonna worship together with people who look the same as I do That's ridiculous Look that's existed. You know, I would probably tell you it still exists today It's not biblical it's not scriptural Colossians 3 verse 9 the Bible reads lie Not one to another seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds and have put on the new man Which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him Where there is neither Greek nor Jew now Greeks and Jews are kind of you know, they're pretty separate Just physically speaking even you know, they're not they're not exactly the same group of people ethnically But he's saying there is no Greek nor Jew there is certain either circumcision or uncircumcision Barbarian Scythian bond nor free but Christ is all and in all and he's talking about after the new man because that's after the man That's born again Because we all have the same heritage. We all have the same Genealogy as it were spiritually because we're all born of the Word of God It's Pretty simple, right and This was the same case. It's not I mean, we're reading Isaiah. Obviously, that's the Old Testament turn if you go to Acts chapter 17 Leviticus 24 22 says this you shall have one manner of law as well for the stranger as for one of your own country For I am the Lord your God God saying there isn't a separate law for Everyone else in the world and then for you he's saying no There's one look there's one law and it doesn't matter if it's a stranger if it's a foreigner that comes in and joins himself unto You they are just treated under the law as everybody else's the same rights that you have Everyone else has right that whether the stranger or not they get those rights And you know what the laws that that you have to follow they have to follow the same laws Same thing you apply it equally because God doesn't care about if they were born in a specific country He cares about his people those who join themselves to him acts chapter 17 verse 24 Bible says God that made the world and all things they're in seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth dwell if not in temples made with hands and this is the Apostle Paul when he's You know at Mars Hill, he's and he's in in Greece. He's telling him. Hey, look, he's tell him a little bit about God God doesn't dwell in temples made with hands neither is worship with men's hands as though he needed anything Seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things verse 26 and hath made of one blood all Nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and that determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation He specifically says right here. You know what God has made of one blood all nations of men All nations of men it's funny when we're out soul winning and making a month or two ago I ran into some nation of Islam people you want to talk about some racists. Oh, man I don't remember if I brought this up in a sermon. I think I might have Those guys are crazy crazy like nuts They're insane and I tried telling them But I was quoting this verse to him because I know that the races I know that they they think the white man is the devil and Whatever like I've had I've had nation of Islam people in Phoenix Follow me around soul-winning and just scream at me you white devil you get out of here all this other stuff That's where a Farrakhan's got a house down in that same neighborhood that I was so winning at in South Phoenix but so I've run into these people before and You know these guys come up and and start you know, I I was approaching them I thought they were Joe was witnesses to be honest with you There are three of them, but I was thinking they were a little bit younger Than usual and they were walking faster You know Joe's witness is always just like they kind of go as slow as they possibly can to drag out and do as little As possible and the 59 minutes and 59 seconds that they have to spend out on the street And these guys weren't walking that slow. So I was like, well, that's a little odd Like I you know, I stopped them and I was just sorry I started I'm trying to ask them about the gospel but like what do you guys believe and I don't remember now the whole exchange of words, but you know that one guy said oh what like you I bet you're not used to seeing you're a black man dressed. So nice as me or so, you know, it's just like Talking about Like I'm not that's not that didn't even cross my mind once Kind of care what you're wearing. I Actually think it looks kind of silly personally, but you know, I didn't tell them that but I'm just thinking like it's probably some really Fancy designer stuff. I mean they pulled up in some BMW or whatever Like I mean they they had they were dressed really sharp So it was probably some designer thing. I don't know that stuff though to me. I'm just looking at it It's like it's like brown and gold plaid Like like it's a weird design just thinking like maybe that was cool in the 70s or something. I don't know but like whatever, right I That's nothing to do with what I'm trying to talk about and all he kept talking about was oh wow You know, I tell people is you know how they could be free from people like you and you're like you don't even know me That's racist You don't even listen to what I have to say and you're just you're just making stuff up based on the colors Well, you know, I'm like you're a racist. He says I can't be a racist Can't be racist You know, there's this new definition out there of racism and I forget who put it out there. I read it somewhere And actually when that one girl came into an interview with me she had written on it before to us So I asked her about it. She has the first time I had been exposed to it but apparently some big name Which if they're a big name in the world, it just shows you how foolish the world is made this Statement about about you could only be racist if you are if you have the power To to like oppress people or something like that's the only way that racism can exist so like it Supposedly, you know because I'm white I have the power to oppress black people Or brown people now. Does anyone here feel like oh man pass a person if you start oppressing me I'm just gonna have to be oppressed because you're white and I'm not Does anyone feel that way? Like does anyone think like look at me like I don't know if he decides to to start, you know, making making slavery a thing again And and you know, I'm just gonna have to submit because he's got all this power. Does anyone feel that way? It's ridiculous. Yeah, brother Matt's like yeah, I do It's nonsense, I mean isn't nonsense now if I start saying a bunch of things That Are that are just based on someone's skin color and just talking trash about people Based on nothing other than the pigmentation in your skin that makes me racist But it works for anybody if brother Brian starts talking trash about people based on the pigmentation of their skin is different than his and Just base his decisions on that that's racist, too It has nothing to do with who's in power None of us are in power We're all subjects of our government that we have right now So whatever man That's ridiculous It's ridiculous. It really is it's a stupid argument. But anyways, I don't get too far on that the Bible teaches there Oh, how'd I get my story because I said I was trying to explain it It was so hard to get a word in edgewise with this guy I mean you just blah blah blah blah blah just racism racism racism, but you can't call me racist Because and this guy was so light skinned I'm just thinking like I I Don't even know what race you are Like you Whatever right, but who cares? But it's just kind of funny to me You're gonna embrace this religion that hates white people and you are like a shade away In in the right light Your own so-called people of your religion might look at you and go You white devil get out of here And it's just it boggles my mind. I mean, it's kind of like the black guy ran into does a Mormon It's like do you know what they teach? And if you don't know what they teach Mormonism teaches that that you're like the mark that was that put upon Cain was he was made black and That the more righteous people are the more white they are That's what Mormonism teaches and That's what they've taught and historically now they try to change that today because it's not very popular But Brigham Young Joseph Smith all of those guys were total racists and That's what they taught and then it's like you run into someone. It's like oh you of all people You're gonna embrace this this religion That says you're like a devil When you have a really must have a really really low view of yourself like yeah, I'm a devil. Sorry It's Stupid it's stupid I Made so I made this comment to him about quoting this verse. He has made of one blood all nations of men and he says something really stupid that like What was he saying? Well, what about this blood? Yeah, he thinks he thought I said that all blood is red And he was trying to come up with some example of like an animal whose blood is not red And I'm just like What are you talking about? Like God has made us of one blood. I'm not talking about creatures. I'm talking about men Because that's what we are And this is the point that the Apostle Paul was making and these guys claim they believe the Bible We a lot of people do that but this is this is obviously they don't He's made of one blood all nations of men all nations, I Mean, it's pretty clear Turn if you go to mark chapter 11, but we'll see the New Testament quote where you know, Jesus quotes Isaiah 56 where we're reading here Because where did all this come from in Isaiah 56 mine? How shall be called in house of prayer for all people for all people? Jesus quotes this In mark 11 we're sorry in verse number 15 about says and they come to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and Over through the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and would not suffer that any man Should carry any vessel through the temple and he taught saying unto them is it not written my house Shall be called of all nations the house of prayer But ye have made it a den of thieves and the scribes and chief priests heard it and sought how they might destroy him for they Feared him because all the people is astonished at his doctrine now here. He's obviously drawing more attention to the fact that the house of prayer Whereas I'm drawing attention the fact that it's the house of all nations or all People but notice I mean this applied in the New Testament Old Testament. Hey, God's house is a house for all nations It's also a house of prayer The house of peace not a house of merchandise Which is what they were trying to turn it into which is why by the way, we don't sell anything in church We don't sell anything in church ever We don't sell anything in church and you better not bring anything in the church and try to sell it here either because you'll be dealt with the same way that Jesus dealt with the people who tried to bring in stuff to buy and sell in church and It wasn't pretty and it wasn't fun and it wasn't funny Jesus got really angry and drove people out with a whip And if you want to see pastor burzins get angry try coming in here trying to sell stuff to other church members Let's go back to Isaiah chapter 56 And when I'm talking about selling I'm not just talking about pulling something out of your pocket and be like hey I got this I got this watch or going. Hey, you want a gold chain, right? Like obviously that would apply but it also means like coming in and just selling your business to people Don't do that If people find out what you do because we get to learn about each other and Whatever, you know There's people here who have skills and and and are in Professions that could be very helpful to other people in church and you choose to do business with each other great. That's fine But first of all conduct that business outside of church right And say well don't come around trying to make merchandise of the people of church and advertise like hey, I'll do this Now if you're doing stuff for free go ahead and do stuff for free Go ahead and advertise if you're if you're giving away stuff but don't go around trying to Get customers of God's people and God's house It's wicked and it's wrong Isaiah 56 look at verse number 8 If I reads the Lord God which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith Yet will I gather others to him beside those that are gathered unto him? And you know something about the outcasts of Israel and and again, you know going back to kind of just a spirit of all the things He's been obviously I went off on a little bit of a rabbit trail there But but everything to this point that has been talked about Has just been the people who might be outcasts the people who the eunuchs right the strangers the people who who are coming from a? Different background and then the in crowd The outcasts and he said you know what I'm not only am I gonna gather the outcasts of Israel He says I'm gonna gather others also. God wants his house to be filled God wants you know wherever it is that you come from and he's got a great gift for you Not only they have eternal life, but if you choose to Follow him and obey his commandments and do what's right. He's gonna bless you even further, and you'll have a name. That's great That's everlasting Now it kind of transitions though after verse 8 into verse 9 And there's a there's a big difference here About the beasts of the field come to devour ye all ye beasts in the forest And there's a reason why is it why does why is he talking about beasts now coming in to devour and He's he brings up now the watchman So the watchman This is a warning against and about Essentially false prophets is what we're dealing with here, so when you've got false prophets in charge The flock is wide open to Beasts coming in and devouring the flock Because the watchman is derelict in his duty the watchman isn't doing his job the watchman isn't watching and That puts everybody at risk Bible says here in verse 10 his watchmen are blind so I mean Talk about qualifications for a job if your job liver says watch man, and you can't watch because you're blind that's pretty bad That's why you can't have unsaved people being leaders in church Because they're blind they're supposed to be spiritual light, but they're blind it says here. They are all ignorant Meaning they don't know they simply don't know and and you know it's a great way You know you could you could spot these false proch Prophets that are watchmen that are blind they're ignorant of God's Word It's amazing how people don't understand this, but when the people are ignorant of God's Word, too It's a lot easier for the for the false prophets to deceive people when everyone's ignorant of God's Word But for those who are not ignorant you can ask the questions and be like you should know this look. I'll tell you this If you can't have some Meaningful conversations with a pastor about the Bible Like I'm not saying that the pastor is going to know every single. You'll have like every verse memorized or something But if you want to ask a question of your pastor or any preacher for that matter right of a pastor of a church They ought to be able to know what you're talking about And not be ignorant of the Word of God I'm not saying they're always gonna have an answer for everything that you come up with But they should at least know what you're talking about And unfortunately, I think there's way too many pastors out there that if you start bringing up some passage of like Maybe somewhere in one of the minor prophets or someone you know they're just gonna be like Looking at you like they've never heard that before They're ignorant and shame on them Bible says study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed You know who we studied to show ourself approved. It's not to be approved I don't study the Bible so that I could approve myself unto you I Study the Bible so I can prove myself unto God But in order for me to be a watchman I can't be ignorant of God's laws I can't be ignorant of the Word of God. I have to be watching and looking Knowing God's laws and knowing the wisdom that God has given so you can spot the wolves So you're like like Jesus was saying he gave examples on how to Identify the false prophets in Matthew chapter 7 he gives you that information that information is given in Second Peter chapter 2 that information is given in the book of Jude. You know a watchman needs to know these things So you can identify him and spot them and know hey this guy's wicked this guy's evil this guy's not of God he's coming around trying to deceive people and We're not gonna let him we're gonna call him out So just here his watchmen are blind they're all ignorant they're all dumb dogs and that word dumb It's not stupid dumb means someone who can't speak Right so when it calls them dubbed dogs, and then it kind of clarifies that in its own sentence here It says they cannot bark now look I'm a dog person through and through okay. I like dogs. Do you like cats? You know I won't I'll try not to hold that against you This is one area of my life right you know I kind of I love I'm thankful for my allergy because I'm allergic to cats my kids love cats and They probably would convince me to have one If I wasn't allergic, so I have an excuse, but here's enough about cats right. I don't I don't I don't say I don't care. I'm just I'm kind of trying to have fun here if you love cats. That's fine But good luck training them The reason why dogs called man's best friend right, but but here's the thing dogs. They do have a purpose unlike cats All right all right all right all right enough all right enough enough Dogs have a purpose have many purposes And the reason why is because you can't train dogs and one of the things about dogs is that they bark now Why is that a good thing a lot of people get irritated with dogs barking look I get irritated dogs barking I hate we go out so winning and dogs are barking barking barking, but you know what that serves a purpose Why is the dog barking when you come the door because they're trying to protect the house? They're trying to alert the owners the the people in the house. Hey someone's here. Hey something's going on. Hey. This isn't right They're defenders Right they're barking to try to alert you that's and this is one of the reasons why I love having the dogs Because it's an extra defense of my household I've got dogs not you know they don't have to be these raging pit bulls that are gonna like Chomp on someone's arm as soon as they try to like open up the door. I don't want them hurting my guests and visitors Barking is enough because that barking sound is Gonna make me get my shotgun and then go out and see what's going on right. That's the alert They're gonna. Let me know they're sounding the alarm that something is going on This is what the Watchman's job is supposed to be they're supposed to be a dog in the sense. They could go Oh Watch out for that Don't get involved in a sin That's that's you know. That's a good dog doing his job shouting out the warnings Right, but the false prophets. They're dumb dogs. They can't bark They shut their mouth There's a stupid little dogs that don't do anything or whatever that like I've got one of those two Someone's gonna come in and it's gonna wag its tail and like what good are you? That's no good. You're not doing your job Don't be the dumb dog But shame on the pastors right the watchmen that are not doing their job. They're dumb dogs They can't bark Why because people don't always like the barking? It turns people away, but the barking is needful You know I'm not gonna like Getting woken up by barking in the middle of the night when I'm trying to get some sleep because I have to go to work the next day It's not pleasant. It's not fun but if the dog is barking to alarm me that my house is on fire or that there's some Prowler trying to get into my house And trying to harm my family Then yeah, I want to be woken up in the middle of the night. Yeah, I want to know that there's danger there I Want to hear that barking? It's good. It's good for you But not everyone wants to hear that people would rather just be told lies and live in a fantasy land and have their ears tickled Then be confronted with the truth But Here it says you know these watchmen they're blind they're ignorant. They're dumb dogs They can't bark and that's why you know the dogs that aren't barking the pastors that aren't preaching You could spot those guys, and you know what you know about those guys. They don't care about the people They don't the pastor that never preaches on sin hates his congregation And I know exactly what I just said the pastor that doesn't preach against sin hates his congregation no No, you understand this pastor so-and-so so nice and love it They're loving and friendly and he's always greets me so much when I come when when I come to church And he tells me how great I am and how great he doesn't love you if he's not preaching on sin From the pulpit. He doesn't love you You Should be warning you Not because I think you are so bad But we all need that warning because we all need to hear the Word of God And we need instruction and wisdom from God's Word, and that's his job His job is to be on the watch His job is to be on the lookout instead. It's like it says here sleeping lying down loving the slumber lazy Watch out for the preachers that get into preaching because they're lazy and they want a cush job And they want to just just say some things to make people feel good and have all that money coming in and then just be Lazy throughout the week. They're ignorant They can't even put in time to read the Word of God because they just want to say whatever people like a politician just want to say what's gonna make people happy and Collect that money and then they could take their naps and not have to work and this is why you know pastors get a bad rep because of people like that because of the dumb dogs, I Mean I've heard people I've heard I've heard one person I knew as a you know It was an old friend of mine a long time ago. Say something like oh, yeah must be really nice And she's there, you know commenting something about my church. He doesn't know anything about our church He doesn't know anything about me anymore. You know that me he knew is me of 20 years ago But even then I wasn't some lazy jerk Whatever These guys give pastors a bad rep Because they are lazy and watch out for the watch out for the lazy missionaries that don't go out and preach the gospel Oh, I'm trying to learn the language Keep giving me a paycheck as I enjoy Whatever beautiful tropical place I move to that you sent me to with all your hard-earned money and I'm gonna immerse myself in the language No, no one's gotten saved. Yeah, I just I'm having a hard time It's hard to pick up this language Appreciate the prayers brother You lazy jerk Why don't you learn the language and then go do some work Why don't you do the work where you know the language? And let someone who knows the language go and do the work over there Why don't you take the time to train someone who knows the language? How to win people to Christ and then let them go out there and do it. I Have a heart for these people you have a heart to be lazy Verse 11. Yeah, they're greedy dogs. I love money Which could never have enough. Yeah when you're covetous when you're greedy, you'll never have enough Never it's never enough. Joel Osteen never gonna have enough never You Kenneth Copeland never gonna have enough doesn't matter how many jets he has or how much property it's never gonna be enough Greedy dogs, they can never have enough and they are shepherds that cannot understand. Okay. It says there it uses the word cannot They cannot understand it's not that well, they're just a little slow No, they can't understand why because they're not saved And when it comes to the false prophet what the Bible called the brothers it's because they're a reprobate It's because they really are a dog Not just figuratively like, you know, hey the dog is the watchdog and you know The illustration I use it's because they literally are a beast because they're a dog Because they're filthy Because they're like the dog that returns to his own vomit They Cannot understand they all look to their own way Everyone for his for his gain from his quarter. They care about themselves and that's it and you know, I Try to preach the exact opposite as well I just preach on Sunday and I continue to do this because this is the exact opposite of the mindset that we ought to have As Christians, it's supposed to be the exact opposite. You're focused on other people serving Ministering, you know these pastors that are supposed to be as watchmen. They're supposed to be called ministers, but they minister to themselves They make merchandise of the flock to minister unto themselves It's exact opposite of what God's Word says and what they're supposed to be doing verse 12 come ye say they I Will fetch wine and we will fill ourselves with strong drink bunch of gluttonous drunkards And tomorrow shall be as this day and much more abundant They're living high in the hog Living fat no regard for the Word of God. Hey, let's go drink some booze man. Praise God Praise God from whom all blessings flow as the wines flowing into my cup man getting drunk Greedy dogs, they don't care about you They'll be your buddy they'll go hang out at the bar with you and Let their eyes behold strange women and their heart utter perverse things because they don't care about the Word of God. Oh But they're so cool Maybe in the world's eyes not in God's eyes Oh I Haven't been preaching for any time. My timer is at blank. It's at nothing. What does that mean? It's a good thing. We have a clock up there, right? Turn if you would really quickly to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 because I know we just went through all the verses here in Isaiah 56 Bible says in Micah 2 11 if a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie Saying I will prophesy under the of wine and of strong drink. He shall even be the prophet of this people You know watch out for the preachers that that that have no problem with booze no problem alcohol Hey, we'll preach unto you of wine and stronger. You know, that's the the Jeff dirt bin He wants to preach unto you of his Guinness and and whatever other garbage booze that he's all into There's a good mark of a false prophet someone who's walking in the spirit and falsehood he's lying he's lying Just like the dumb dog that can't bark Fill ourselves with wine and strong drink and you know tomorrow's and they have this false vision this false Understanding thinking hey every day is just gonna keep on getting better. It's all gonna be great It's all gonna be the great you fool you fool Second Timothy chapter 3 The reason why we're going here is that there's a statement in here that reminded me that that I was reminded of and studying for this when we're talking about the You know the shepherds that cannot understand and that they're ignorant Verse number one there second Timothy chapter 3 Bible says no this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men Shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce Despisers of those that are good traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof from such Turn away the people have these attributes. He's saying watch out for these guys. Yeah, they have a form of godliness They're gonna. They're gonna invoke the name of the Lord They're gonna invoke the name of God, but this is who they really are These are their attributes watch out for these people it says for of this sort Are they which creep in the houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lusts ever learning and Never able to come to the knowledge of the truth They're ignorant, and they cannot understand No matter how much learning they try to do no matter how much reading or studying they cannot understand Because they're false prophets because they're wicked people because they're unsaved because God is hard in their heart, and they cannot understand Now As Jannes and Jamborees withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds Reprobate concerning the faith, but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be met shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was They have this mindset that they're gonna keep on going and things are gonna continue But it but that's not God's morning. I'm saying it's not gonna happen. Just like in Isaiah 56 They're thinking hey tomorrow is gonna be like this day No, God is gonna make things known God always makes things known these false prophets They only get away with stuff for so long before everything comes to light before everything is made known It's just a matter of time We'll close in 2nd Peter chapter 2 Man I wanted to I'm not gonna go too far into this I know we're starting to run late 2nd Peter chapter 2 We're kind of closing as a 56 on these attributes of false prophets So we might as well just look a little bit at the passage that specifically talks about false prophets here Look at verse number 1 the Bible says But there are false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you there shall be Right something that's gonna happen This is something that again the pastor's job is supposed to be someone who's watching out for the false prophets And you know you but you can't rely solely on a pastor to do that for you because you may go to a church You know, you have to make sure you don't go somewhere where you have a false prophet in charge Right, I mean you got you got to look out for that you you that that responsibility is on your shoulders To watch out for people God's given us instruction on this. He's told us what to look for So you need to look out for that. This is going to happen people are gonna creep in There's gonna be people that false prophets are gonna try to creep in our church. They're gonna be among us If they're not already they will be Don't know There shall be false teachers among you privilege shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves Swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways So, you know, they're gonna be effective some degree or another Right, many are gonna follow their pernicious ways whether it be people within our church or just other people these false prophets try to come in and they try to Gain and watch out for the people that come into church and look and watch out for these people If anyone if you notice anyone starts coming into this church starts talking trash about me or About other preachers or other people who might come in and like like maybe are holding leadership in our church or preachers Watch out for the people who are gonna subtly Start bringing things up and And start nay-saying on Oh, well, did you know that but you know and just start bringing in things to try to poison your mind and then eventually start leading people astray and gathering a following after themselves and The people that do this, they're probably gonna be really big on the soul-winning They're gonna try to make themselves look like oh man, they're so spiritual and they're so great Just like Absalom tried to draw people away from his from King David Right and tried to flatter people. Oh, you're going to see the king. Oh, well, let me hear your matter right now, and he's like Kissing their ring and bowing down to them and you know and doing whatever he can. Oh, yeah, you know, he's Unfortunately, he's just too busy for everybody Let me hear your matter and trying to steal the hearts to get people to draw it that that is The the mo of false prophets, that's what people like to do Especially when they creep in the churches and they want to draw follow So be on the lookout for people like that because people like that I won't always know about because they try to do that suddenly under the radar and try to get in the ears of people in the congregation Now look, we're still a small church. So it's gonna be harder. It's harder for things like that to happen in smaller churches Generally speaking and especially churches that have a lot of people who read the Word of God It's even harder to do but it's going to happen It's gonna happen Just just be aware of that Verse 3 and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you Through covetousness because they don't care about you care about themselves So they want to make merchandise with you with feigned words it's fake they don't mean it they're gonna say the things that they think you want to hear and Reprobates and false prophets a lot of time. They know what the truth is They don't believe it, but they'll use that to their advantage over you To gain your trust to gain your following to gain your support to make merchandise of you Whether they're a pastor or not It could be the false prophet. That's like a teacher Right or not and and see these people have to start somewhere So they try to get up the ranks and churches so that they can be their own Teacher right to get to that position and start doing things like this Jump down to verse 12 the Bible says but these is natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed. There's your dumb dogs brute beasts I Speak evil of the things that they understand not just like I say 56 said they're ignorant. They don't they don't understand it They don't get it they can't understand and Shall utterly perish in their own corruption and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime Spots are they are and blemishes sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you Having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin This Is the type of person they are on the inside the problem is it doesn't always manifest itself outwardly until later eventually it does Eventually the when the heart is so decayed and wicked that it's just eyes that are full of adultery and they can't Stop from sinning now. Look we're all sinners, but if you're walking in the spirit, you're not walking in the flesh When you're walking in the spirit, you're not just sinning all the time. They have eyes that can't stop sinning This you know, there's you know, men have problems with their eyes, you know, maybe even on a daily basis Okay, I don't know but it's not all the time unless you're like one of these guys I Mean just as constant continual eyes full of adultery that can't cease from sin This is what the Bible is talking about. That's pretty that's pretty wicked and depraved in the heart to just Can't ever stop sinning beguiling unstable souls In heart they have exercised with covetous practices Cursed children and that's you know, again, they're reprobate because they're cursed They're cursed children because they're children of the devil. They're not children of God What child of God is cursed? Zero These aren't child children of God children of the devil Which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor who loved the wages of Unrighteousness but was rebuked for his iniquity the dumbass speaking with man's voice for bad the madness of the Prophet These are wells without water Clouds that are carried with the tempest to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever for when they speak great swelling words of vanity They allure through the lusts of the flesh through much wantonness Those that were clean escaped from them who live in error see and they like Preaching on the things like the wine because they want to lure through the lusts of the flesh because they want people right if people start hearing a Many people if they start hearing something man. I thought that was a sin. I thought it no, it's not that bad People will really eat that up Now I'm not saying our church would do this, but if I just started to start introducing You know this being real easy and lag well, you know what it's really not that bad I guarantee you there'd be some people that would just love it and then probably start getting into booze Because they've just been waiting to hear get the green light that that's okay And there's plenty of churches filled with pastors that do that very thing I'm never gonna do that But it's out there It's abundant and This is this is how the false prophet works. They try to allure to the flesh to the lusts of the flesh It draws people We're not trying to draw people with the flesh we're trying to draw people with the spirit That's a key difference between a false prophet and a real prophet Verse 19 while they promised them liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption For of whom a man is overcome of the same as he brought in bondage Yeah, they they claim they have salvation, but they don't they have bondage For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ They are again entangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them than the beginning for it had been better for them Not to have known the way of righteousness and after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them like Judas Who the Bible says it would be better for him to have never been born But has happened unto them according to the true proverb the dog is turned to his own Vomit again and the sow that was washed were wallowing in the mire Watch out for the dumb dogs, but you know what praise God for his blessings regardless of your background the everlasting name that God gives you and In the future that you hold with Christ regardless of any physical limitations You may have on this earth. Let's bow rides a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord Thank you so much for the great wisdom that is found in every single chapter of this of this book of your Holy Bible Dear Lord, I pray that you please help us continue to grow to understand your words dear Lord, please increase our wisdom Please help us to be aware of the false prophets that are out there that are that are very sneaky And they're trying to beguile people Lord I pray that you please help us to have better discernment and be able to spot the the signs of the false prophet that you've given to us in Scripture dear Lord and Just just so that we won't be deceived God. We love you. It's in Jesus name. We pray these things. Amen