(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right one of the things that I love about just the book of Isaiah in general is how much how many references are to Jesus Christ I mean there's so much that's quoted in the New Testament in the book of Isaiah in this passage alone I mean it's like all about Christ I mean there's another one of those chapters I have said this in the past we've looked at other chapters and I was like you know this chapter is all about Jesus Christ well here's another one that is all about Jesus Christ and real quick you know keep your place here and flip over to Acts chapter 8 and I just want to want to show this to you and just make sure you understand that there are many prophetic passages in the Old Testament that can be definitely about Jesus Christ even if there's you know maybe a statement made here or there that would imply that the that the person who is who is representing Jesus or is a picture of Jesus or is about Jesus themselves like they may be a sinner they may not be perfect and there may be something to that even though it still is a definitely a fitting to be a picture of Jesus Christ within those passages you may be like well this can't be representing Jesus because see it's talking about him being a sinner it's like well no that that's you know because it's a dual type of a property there's it's the man himself that could be doing the speaking the man of God but then is also giving this speaking in in you know in regards to Christ or whatever so there's you know it the way that the the prophecies work in the Old Testament it's it's not you know that that the the pictures you can't be super literal on every single aspect of it I guess is one way of putting it out it's not that's literal it's not that's not literal it's that it's it's showing you something that's not always extremely explicit but we're gonna see all these clues to be without a shadow of doubt that this passage talking about Jesus Christ for all the references that we're gonna see in the future and you're in Acts chapter 8 this is similar to what to what I'm you know what I'm talking about here is we go the the the passage of the Ethiopian eunuch and Philip that preaches on the gospel of course familiar with that passage look in verse number 28 is we're gonna start reading the Bible says was returning about the Ethiopian eunuch was returning and sitting in his chariot read as I as the prophets which were he's reading Isaiah right then the spirit said unto Philip go near and join thyself to this chariot and Philip ran there to him and heard him read the prophet as I as and said understandest thou what thou readest and he said how can I accept some man should guide me and he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him the place of the scripture where he which he read was this he was led as a sheep to the slaughter and like a lamb dumb before his shearer so opened he not his mouth in his humiliation his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth and the eunuch answered Philip and said I pray thee of whom speaketh the prophet this of himself or of some other man so even the eunuch is unsaved has has at least the understanding of knowing okay well when a prophet speaks obviously this could be Isaiah speaking these words he's a holy man of God speaking as he's moved by the Holy Ghost but it doesn't mean that he's talking about himself right and what I was saying about references to someone maybe being a sinner he might not always be speaking about himself but sometimes he may be in a section of a passage right so he might make this a statement likes being what's being quoted here like what the product what what the eunuch is reading but then later on say something about all I'm a sinful man or so you know whatever so something to that effect right so obviously in the one hand he's speaking as Jesus but then on the other hand he's speaking as himself and you have to be able to discern which is which right and it's a little bit darker it's a you know it's a little bit harder to see which is why the New Testament shines so much light on all these passages in the Old Testament that may not have been as easily understood you know until we get more information about them and thank God we have we have the whole Bible we have everything compiled we've got all these books we've got it it's great right so it give us that information I just wanted to point that out to you because then of course Philip preaches Jesus to him obviously he was you know that passage that he read it was talking about Jesus Christ he wasn't just talking about himself he was he was speaking as Christ instead of as himself so he wasn't you know that's what he's talking about there but all that said as a preface here to get into Isaiah chapter 49 just because there's so much there's so much here I'm gonna do my best to get through this in a timely manner let's look down at our Bibles at verse number one the Bible says listen Oh Isles unto me and harken ye people from far the Lord have called me from the womb from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name and he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword now before I even get into verse number two from verse number one you know we have references of other prophets saying that the Lord you know he formed me in a womb and called me to be a prophet and things like that that I believe that is talking about that particular person or that prophet right like Jeremiah or whatever it was formed in fashion and God chose him to be you know this this great mouthpiece and I just saw something on online recently where someone's like see look this is Calvinism how could it not be Calvinism it's like it's so stupid it's so stupid because here's the thing it's stupid on many levels right and it just kind of got me thinking about that and I better be careful here because this is not my notes at all and I already have a lot in my notes I want to go through but I do want to explain this point and help you understand in case anyone's confused about this issue when you read passages like well how can God choose me from my mother's womb and everything else God could choose a lot of people to do a lot of things but it doesn't mean that they will always do that either so God is God wants everyone to be saved by what says that the Lord is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance so in one sense God's choosing every way I want everyone to be saved but not everyone is going to God has a plan for everybody's life but not everyone is going to obey and follow the will of the Lord for their life it doesn't mean that he doesn't have a plan or it hasn't chosen them to do certain things and on top of that God can choose people to do things that aren't even saved to appropriate for his will to be done also he can lift up Kings and bring them down and do all these different things but the choice is always still ultimately up to them to do what they're going to do we have free will I mean that's where Calvinism fails is if you follow it to its logical conclusion you're gonna end up coming to the point where you have to say well we don't have a free will because God is just ordaining everything to be as it is and then how could anyone do anything contrary to what God wants and that is ridiculous for how many times the Bible talks about us having free will there's a free will offering there's if you whosoever will let him come and eat of the tree of life freely like it's you know God has given us these choices so does to say you know that oh see look just you know that's ridiculous and nonsense and it's the words of a fool but I don't want to get too far down that rabbit trail like I said that's not so when you see something like this obviously we're gonna see the Lord calling me from the womb and from the bowels of my mother as he made mention my name I think this is talking about Jesus Christ we're gonna see this here for many reasons as we continue on this passage verse number two and he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me and made me a polished shaft in his quiver hath he hid me so he's he's protecting right this prophet this this this person who's called from the womb he's been protecting him in the shadow of his hand and as a quiver in his quiver at he hid me but look in your quote he would use a quiver for it's still for a weapon right and that's why he says he made my mouth like a sharp sword so he's protected him but he's also gonna bring him forth to have this sharp sword going now throughout Scripture there's only one person you're gonna find as a sharp sword going out of their mouth and if you flip over to Revelation you'll see in multiple places start with Revelation chapter 1 where we see descriptions of a sharp sword going out of somebody's mouth it's only talking about Jesus Christ Revelation chapter 1 verse number 14 just to get in context this is the vision that John sees on isle Patmos in the first chapter right he has a vision he sees and here's what he sees as his head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass as if they burn in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters and he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth when a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was as the Sun shineth in his strength and when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying fear not I am the first and the last how many times have we seen that already through the book of Isaiah I am the first and the last I am he that liveth and was dead and behold on my life forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death who's that Jesus Christ of course right so chapter one out of his mouth when a sharp two edged sword how about chapter two verse number 16 because the same person speaking all the way through chapter two giving the the letters to the trot to the churches the seven churches verse 16 says repent or else I will come unto thee quickly and we'll fight against them with the sword of my mouth and then go chapter 19 as a revelation chapter 19 verse number 15 the Bible says and out of his mouth go with a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and he hath on his vesture and honest I a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords and I'm not going to go through time to prove you that Jesus Christ if you need me to do that you need to read the Bible a little bit more I mean just try one time cover to cover to see that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ go back to Isaiah chapter 49 so when it says here then this is just the first reference mind you this isn't my whole claim based on one verse either but we can see pretty clearly when he's talking about you have made my mouth like a sharp sword and the shower of his hand he hid me and what did what did the father do that you know God protected Jesus as a human being on this earth you know when he was a child even when he was an infant when Herod wanted to have him killed right he hid him he saved him right there got you know he was protected until it's time for him to go forth and he was in that quiver he was that he was a you know a weapon so to speak ready to go but was waiting for the right time to be brought forth verse 3 says and said unto me thou art my servant Oh Israel in whom I will be glorified and I was gonna take the time to do this but there's too many things I want to get into and I brought this up in the past now I kind of need I feel like I need to do this at some point and prove to you that there there are many places in the scripture when the Bible brings up Israel like a person like Oh Israel you know sometimes he's talking about nation sometimes he's talking about lit like like Jacob who became Israel but sometimes he's talking about Jesus Christ being Israel being the chosen one the chosen one of Israel he's the you know he'll refer to Jesus being Israel and this is one example of that being the case here thou art my servant Oh Israel because I don't think he's just talking to Israel the person and he's definitely not talking to Israel the nation here because he said unto me thou art my servant Oh Israel right unto an individual not unto a whole nation verse 4 then I said I have labored in vain I have spent my strength for naught and in vain yet surely my judgment is with the Lord and my work with my God and now set the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob again to him though Israel be not gathered yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and my God shall be my strength so what I think was being said here about laboring in vain and saying my strength for naught and vain you know the work of the Lord is never ultimately in vain but this is referring to you know he's supposed to bring Jacob again to him right but when Jesus came unto his own his own received him not so there's a aspect of the job going to bring Israel back but they don't all come back now obviously he still gets people saved and does it you know does a great work but this is what I believe that this verse is referring to that it's it's just having to do with this idea of it you know though Israel be not gathered yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and my God shall be my strength and don't worry about the fact that says my God I've already pointed out that many places where Jesus said about the father that he's his God right verse number six and he said it is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved of Israel I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth and if this doesn't convince you I don't know what else will in this passage saying I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles so who is given to be the light for the Gentiles other than Jesus Christ well turn if you would to Acts chapter 13 obviously keep your place here and we're gonna see where this is also being referenced that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth now this is quoted for a similar purpose but not exactly the same you know the same exact meaning was being used here and you'll see I'll explain that in just a second when we look at acts 13 but the the warning being used here I'm giving thee for like to you know that thou mayest be my salvation on the ends of the earth obviously don't Jesus is the Savior Jesus is the salvation Jesus is the light unto the Gentiles it's all about Jesus Christ here but what this is going to do and especially in the context of Isaiah 49 as we continue going we're gonna get this theme of believers going forth and doing this work even through persecution and God being there ultimately to make everything right in the end and to be your Savior and to help you through and we're gonna we're gonna get all this meaning especially as we compare a New Testament Old Testament all these these various passages I know I'm throwing a lot out there right now I kind of feel like I'm talking fast I'm just trying to give you a little bit of a heads up of where we're going as we keep going through this so I'm sorry if it's a little confusing but but hang with me all right let's hang together so we don't hang separate right something like that I don't know verse 45 in Acts chapter 13 let's take a look at the scripture here verse number 45 but when the Jews saw the multitudes they were filled with envy and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul contradicting and blaspheming then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said it was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to you but seeing ye put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life lo we turn to the Gentiles now this I still think even just the the the context of using the passage because he's gonna now quote verse Isaiah 49 6 to them we saw in verse 4 & 5 Isaiah 49 how he's going to basically do his work in vain and even though he's supposed to go and bring Jacob back together they you know Israel didn't return so these are Jews that are rejecting Christ rejecting salvation didn't have anything to do with it so now they're turning to the Gentiles right which is exactly what we see being prophesied in Isaiah chapter 49 was the light being brought forth now to the Gentiles it says for so at the Lord commanded us and I and I like that he's saying hey this is what God commanded us saying I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles that thou shouldst be for salvation unto the ends of the earth and when the Gentiles heard this they were glad and glorified the Word of the Lord and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed and and what a great passage even though this is an Isaiah 49 6 talking about hey I've given these talking in the singular you're saying you know this is a command unto us to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to bring Jesus to the Gentiles and that was all the way back in the Old Testament that that was given and they're saying look this is what God wants us to do to go be a light unto the Gentiles so that was I thought that's pretty cool let's go back to Isaiah chapter 49 and it's very fitting the application of that passage with the context in Acts 13 as well as in Isaiah 49 verse number 7 the Bible reads thus saith the Lord the Redeemer of Israel and his Holy One to him whom man despiseth to him whom the nation abhorth and who was despised and afflicted again Jesus Christ was a man despised and a man that the nation that the world hates and people you know Christians need to get this through their head that Jesus was not loved by the world that Jesus was not embraced of the world that Jesus was hated hated by the world and the Christians that wanna you know they they are willing to say up and down oh you can't say anything hateful and hate hate hate they talk about hate all the time but who's hating them how Christlike are you when nobody hates you now I'm not saying you go around trying to be hated of people that's not that's not what I'm saying but the more Christ like you are the more the world is going to hate you if they called the master of the house Beelzebub which is another name for Satan okay if they're calling Jesus Christ the devil he said how much more they have his household are you a child of God well you're of the household of Jesus Christ then are you born again you're a child of Jesus you're a child of God okay if you're gonna be living and actually acting like a child of God well if they hated Jesus enough to conspire and spread rumors and and do all this to kill him and torture him what do you think they're gonna try to do to you as a world gotten so much better is the world such a great place is the world now all following the Bible and living godly and righteously no the world can't receive the things of God because they're contradictory the one to the other Jesus was a man despised Jesus was a man whom the nation abhorred let's keep reading verse 7 that's at the Lord the Redeemer of Israel and his holy one to whom to him who man despises to him whom the nation of horror to a servant of rulers Kings shall see and arise princes also shall worship because of the Lord that is faithful and the Holy One of Israel and he shall choose thee we're gonna start getting into some of the good news that even though you may be despised and afflicted in this lifetime that God's gonna turn things around that God is going to bless that there's going to be a time when Jesus Christ is ruling and raining on his earth where everything is put in the right order where the servants of the Lord are gonna be the ones possessing they're gonna be the ones in charge they're gonna be the ones ruling and the the you know the rulers of the world are not going to be in charge at all and they're gonna be the ones serving and they're gonna be the ones going and and and you know coming to those who are in charge where it says princes also shall worship so the prince is you know they're gonna be the ones falling down on their face before the Lord as opposed to the way it is right now in this world verse 8 thus saith the Lord in an acceptable time have I heard thee and in a day of salvation have I helped thee and I will preserve thee and give thee for a covenant of the people to establish the earth to cause to inherit the desolate heritages that thou mayst say to the prisoners go forth to them that are in darkness show yourselves they shall feed in the ways and their pastures shall be in all high places and again you know we see there in verse 8 he says I will preserve thee and I and give thee for a covenant of the people who is he giving as a covenant what's a covenant right well we've got the old covenant which is of the law what's the new covenant the New Testament Jesus Christ I mean who do you think is given as that new New Covenant that New Testament Jesus he's given for this new covenant of the people to establish the earth to cause to inherit the desolate heritage is so that the heritage is or the inheritances of people of you know these lands and stuff that they're desolate no one was ever able to inherit them because they were taken away from them because they weren't able to to gain those things on this earth when they're alive because we're not promised the things of this earth right now but the time is gonna come when you will receive what's rightfully yours you are gonna inherit you are going to have God give you these things is that thou may say the prisoners of course go free or go forth to them that are in darkness show yourselves right so Jesus is bringing the light he's making you know the captives that go free he brings salvation they shall feed in the ways and their pastors shall be in high places but that this passage in verse number eight we're gonna turn if you would a second Corinthians chapter 6 we're gonna see this quoted also in the New Testament where it said in an acceptable time have I heard thee and in a day of salvation have I helped thee and I'm gonna turn there myself because I think there's a few more verses I want to get to besides what's in my notes second Corinthians chapter six we're start reading in verse number one the Bible reads we then as workers together with him beseech you also that you receive not the grace of God in vain for he saith I have heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of salvation have I suckered thee but then he says behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation right so we've heard it said you know in an acceptable time if I heard the in a day of salvation if I help thee saying you know what that time is now that time is right now and this still applies or say hey this time is now the time is now to get saved the day of salvation is now verse three giving no offense in anything that the ministry be not blamed so it starts off in verse one because he's using this passage you know to exhort and it's a parenthetical reference to Isaiah 49 but what I think is really interesting is that verse number one he says hey we're workers together with him beseech you that receive not the grace of God in vain so for nothing right receiving it go get saved and then do nothing right that's what we basically say just receive the grace of God in vain because then you don't do anything with it you don't use that you don't serve the Lord you don't do anything and he in prayer in parentheses is saying hey look now's the time of salvation now is the the the the accepted time we need to get things going now we're not waiting around for anything but then he's going to continue on saying giving no offense in anything that the ministry be not blamed but in all things approving ourselves as ministers of God in much patience in afflictions in necessities in distresses in stripes in imprisonments in tumults in labors in watchings in fastings so all of these things are difficult things to go through right fastings and prison mints labors afflictions right all these various things it's those are hard times to come and he's saying we need to just keep getting through this knowing that hey now's the time to accept the time and and now's the day of salvation so we need to approve ourselves minister of God and get through these afflictions because there is going to be a time when we're going to be rewarded for the work that we do here Isaiah 49 verse 10 turn if you were to Revelation chapter 7 as if we're intense as they shall not hunger nor thirst neither shall the heat nor Sun smite them for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them even by the springs of water shall he guide them so the people that are being referenced in Isaiah 49 are being told about the day of salvation and that that is I'm giving thee as a covenant for the people just to recap and bring us back into context here to set the prisoners free to go forth and then it says they shall feed in the ways their pasture shall be in all high places they shall not hunger nor thirst right so when you get saved when you're when when when that day of salvation happens for you and you have that new covenant you're never going to hunger or thirst as neither shall the heat nor Sun smite them for he that and obviously this is talking about spiritually but not just spiritually we're going to see the time when this is literally going to happen not just spiritually speaking because obviously spiritually we can say hey we have everything that we need right we I've drank of that spiritual rock with this cry which is Christ so I'm never gonna thirst again I never have to worry about having a need that needs to be met spiritually speaking I have eternal life that is that is a very valid point to make and a very valid truth but this not hungry not thirsty and not neither shall the heat nor Sun smite them for he that mercy on them shall lead them even by the springs of water shall they guide them is also a literal reference and in Revelation chapter 7 we're gonna see that reference and to get this in context we're gonna start reading in verse number 9 of Revelation chapter 7 the Bible says after this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the Lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying salvation to our God which sit upon the throne and unto the Lamb and all the angels stood round about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell before the throne on their faces and worship God saying amen blessing and glory wisdom and Thanksgiving and honor and power and might be unto our God forever and ever amen now we're gonna start to pick up reading in just a second but this great multitude which no man can number that appears in heaven in Revelation chapter 7 you know if you're not aware of this this is the rapture excuse me these are where people are being or just may not be a rapture where people are have been persecuted and martyred and put to death for the cause of Christ and actually this is the this is the rapture right so this is a great multitude no man could number and then and and they are going to be standing there before the throne and they're given white robes and then he's gonna ask about them in verse 13 and one of the elders answered and said saying unto me what are these which are raiden white robes and whence came they and I said unto him sir thou knowest and he said to me these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb so again this is like the only time or one of the only times great tribulation is used you know people want to talk about the tribulation of last seven years will show you know it's a great tribulation well where does it say a great tribulation well you've got here in Revelation chapter 7 and you've got Matthew 24 it talks about you know tribulation which was not since the world began no one or ever shall be right so there's like only a couple places we're gonna see great tribulation we could even tribute it to be the great tribulation and both passages are clearly showing that the Saints went through that tribulation right is that you weren't taken out before that tribulation started you're going through it Matthew 24 says after the tribulation of those days and just like Revelation 7 is saying here hey these guys came out a great tribulation verse 15 therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them verse 16 look at this they shall hunger no more neither thirst anymore neither shall the Sun light on them nor any heat Isaiah 49 10 they shall not hunger nor thirst neither shall the heat nor Sun smite them sounds pretty pretty close right and what is this in reference to this is a reference to Saints going through trials and tribulations and persecutions which is why I read so much in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 about in the accepted time and then he goes on talking about making full proof of the ministry going through the persecutions and fastings and in all the difficult times everything fits together so well when the Bible is referencing these different subjects in different areas Isaiah 49 has it all kind of compact together but it's talking about being able to make it through these difficult times through Jesus Christ and getting to a point where you can where ultimately we will be rewarded and we will be saved and God is there to protect us and defend us and make everything right so when things don't seem to be going well stay the course and keep pushing forward in faith because like Isaiah said and like Revelation says hey they shall not hunger nor thirst neither shall the heat nor Sun smite them because even though you may be going through extremely difficult trials and troubles and and and famines and pestilence and whatever whatever God's gonna judge this world with and we might end up just going through the same things just you know just to one degree or another things aren't gonna be easy for us here you might be persecuted but you know what the day is coming when you're never gonna thirst you're never gonna hunger and you know you don't have to worry about these these persecution these problems and the physical ailments anymore there is that day is coming and we are gonna work until that day comes and then in verse 17 if you're still in Revelation 7 says for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes amen what a great day that will be and because when God wipes those tears away they're done no more tears to come again you're done with the pain and the grieving and the sorrow and the in the hurt and the persecution you're gonna be cared for for the rest of eternity go down to let's go back to Isaiah 49 so many great references hopefully you kind of see the theme now I've been I've been hinting at from the beginning as we've gotten into all these references now what's going on I hope it makes a little bit more sense I try not to be too scatterbrained and hopefully you could follow along now it's not complicated but you know sometimes I might not be the most clear so hopefully you got it verse number 11 here in Isaiah 49 I'm gonna pick up here and I will make all my mountains a way in my highways shall be exalted so basically God's gonna make anything that's difficult right he's gonna when he says he's gonna make it away it's like a street a path that's gonna be the way to travel and making his mountains away means he's gonna be removing the obstacles it's not gonna be hard anymore he's gonna be making the mountain bringing mountains down so that hey now you could just this is gonna be the path that you go obviously going through the mountains is not the easiest path it's the most difficult path if you're gonna take a path anywhere going through the mountains is is the the hardest path to follow he you know there's already plenty of references of making his mountains low and you know exalting the valleys which says here my highway shall be exalted verse 12 behold these shall come from far and low these from the north and from the west and these from the land of Sinnom so people are becoming from all over serving the Lord verse 13 single heavens and be joyful o earth and break forth into singing Oh mountains for the Lord have comforted his people and will have mercy upon his afflicted this day is coming but Zion said the Lord had forsaken me and my Lord had forgotten me verse 15 can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb yea that they may forget yea they may forget yet will not I not forget thee what verse 14 I believe is referring to here Zion is just referring to a body of believers right the holy Zion a city the group of believers doubting just just having doubt saying you know the Lord's forsaken me because of how much trouble maybe they're going through whatever and they kind of feel like God and God reassures them and says hey can a woman forget her sucking child I mean just that nurse Ling that little baby that's completely dependent on you a mother is not gonna forget her nurse Ling that her nursing needs to be cared for mother is not gonna forget that I mean mother knows and cares about that child and knows hey that baby needs to be nurtured it needs to be cared for I need to be there to watch out for that baby he says that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb and he says yay they may forget so the human beings they may forget he says yet will I not forget thee so you know and I like using examples when I try to explain to people the love of God and how you know when I talk about being born again how you know relating that to a family and I talk about my children and how I'm always gonna love them and I would never put them in my oven and turn it on broil and leave them in there forever when I'm trying to explain that once you're saved you know God made discipline he's gonna punish you but you're never he's never gonna cast you into hell so I try to make that that equivalence and explain how like you know most people understand this that well yeah I mean you just have an unconditional love for your children once they're born that no matter how mad they may make you they're still always your child you're still gonna have a love for them and you'd never want to just just hurt them or do you know do anything like horrible like that right that's just out of the question but you know what that might happen in our in our world it does happen it's really sad you have psychopathic parents that destroy their children right so so what he's saying is that you know obviously for the most part the women you know moms are caring for their children but even if that may not happen the way it's supposed to in this world like they made to fail he says I will never fail so the same way that a parent might not have the love for their children like they ought to like most parents do he says I will always have that love I will never leave the nor forsake thee I will always be there for you I will never forget about you so he's assuring them saying you know don't say that I forsaken you I haven't forsaken you he may have let you go through a trial he may let you go through persecutions but he has not left you and he's not forsaken you so always remember that through the difficult times and then look at verse number 16 behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands thy walls are continually before me I think this is the the the prophecy of the crucifixion I've graven thee on the palms of my you know do you know what I went through for you to be saved I can't how could how could Jesus forget about you with what he had to go through with that crucifixion with carrying and bearing your sit do you think he's ever gonna forget that that how could he forget about you because he did it for you with that much love for you there is no way no way that he is going to forget or forsake you can't happen he did way too much more than we've ever done for anyone else he did for us and when you give of yourself and our self-sacrificing someone you don't forget those people you don't forget them how much more Jesus Christ I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands a constant continual reminder God's never gonna forget about you verse 17 thy children shall make haste thy destroyers and they that made the waste shall go forth of thee now I believe this is talking about people who you know they're not of us but they came out from us right this is the type of person that died destroyers they're gonna go forth of thee and in some cases it's gonna be the children putting their parents to death in the end times we see that that you know the father-in-law against her mother or the father against her daughter-in-law a dollar against her father you know I'm totally screwing that up the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law and a dollar against mother-in-law and you know the the man's foes shall be they have their own household right and this is the way it's going to be in the end times and when Satan establishes the mark of the beast you're gonna have this this tattle-tale type of a culture where people are gonna be be going oh yeah here's you know they're gonna be delivering their parents to death and parents will be delivering their children unto death say no they didn't take the mark of the beast right and and watch out I mean this is what you're gonna be in condition to anyways already the government is in the government media ultimately it's Satan you know it's not not to make it sound like there's oh all the the the when I say the government I'm not talking about like senators kind of plotting and planning like here's what we're gonna do they're just all pawns and puppets of Satan so they're being used probably for the most part unwittingly right the the spiritual darkness in high places aren't the ones you're gonna know about they're not the elected officials they're the people behind the scenes that you never know their names and believe me that is taking place and we see that all throughout scripture as well where Satan is ultimately in charge like he was in Tyrus right even though there was a king of Tyrus Satan was the influence behind that King again whether it's it's wittingly or not for that for that specific human being doesn't matter these are the forces at work and these are the forces that are trying to condition people see something say something start tattling on people be this reporting type of of a mentality thy destroyers and they that made thee way shall go forth of thee verse number 18 lift up thine eyes round about and behold all these gather themselves together and come to thee as I live saith the Lord thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all as with an ornament and bind them on thee as a bride doeth so what's he saying these are coming together against you all these people coming together but but what's gonna happen you're gonna own them you're just gonna adorn them as clothing like they're not going to succeed they are not going to prevail you are going to prevail when they all come against you he says in verse 19 for thy waste and I desolate places in the land of thy destruction shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away so the people who came to destroy you he says your places your waste your desolate place the places that were left empty that belong to you he says now they're gonna be too like too little for all of for you all to dwell just because of how many people could be living there so they used to be barren and empty and and just completely just desolate he's saying well I'm gonna turn tables and you're gonna be inhabiting this and thriving and multiplying so much that you're gonna be going hey I need some more room hey I need some more land whereas before they were completely empty and he's saying those that were they that swallowed thee up shall be far away so your threat you know they're gonna be the ones living far away you're gonna be having a good land verse number 20 the children which thou shalt have after thou has lost the other shall say again in nine years the place is too straight for me give to me give place to me that I may dwell so he's saying you know these the wicked children that went from you you know they're gonna be far away you lost them but you're gonna have new children that are gonna be basically replacing the others is after you've lost the other shall say again in nine years then shalt thou say in thine heart who hath begotten me these seeing I have lost my children and I'm desolate a captive and removing to and fro saying well where did these children even come from how did I get these I mean I was taken captive I you know and who has brought up these behold I was left alone these where had they been so where are these children coming from thus saith the Lord God behold I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles and set up my standard to the people and they shall bring thy sons in their arms and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders and kings shall be thy nursing fathers and their queens thy nursing mothers they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet and thou shalt know that I am the Lord for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me now there's two ways that I think you could kind of look at this passage and one would be as I was just saying about you know the sun's going forth from you and and being wicked and then you receiving new sons where you know you could have you have spiritual children when you lead people to the Lord right so in the afterlife you're gonna have that much more you know in Jesus Christ said this to you know whosoever shall forsake your father or mother or their sons or daughters for my sake and the Gospels shall in this world receive you know the hundred four I think it was a hundredfold you know sons and daughters and brother and you know and and in a life to come life everlasting and we gain a new family when we when we lead people to Christ and when you become a child of God but this can also be potentially the children that you might lose during the Great Tribulation and persecution that end up dying but then you see again in after the rapture right being brought then in glory and I think that might be a little less likely but that's a possibility I think both can be argued for I haven't heard either of those preached necessarily but that's that's what what I get out of this I think you can kind of see you know maybe a an example for both there but the you know the the the main takeaway here is you see the kings and the queens that you know there used to be the rulers now there are the servants right the nursing fathers nursing mothers those are jobs for servants those are jobs that you that you hire someone to be your servant to help with the kids you say and those were going to be you know the old kings and queens now they're gonna be the ones serving you this is they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet and thou shalt know that I am the Lord for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me wait on the Lord you won't be ashamed serve God you won't be ashamed even unto death even unto you know people persecuting you say all manner of evil against you falsely for his namesake you won't be ashamed God won't let you down God hasn't forsaken you God won't leave you he's there for you he knows that you're there he knows you're going through the hard times but just stay faithful and man just wait just wait patience and your patience possess your souls have patience verse 24 shall the prey be taken from the mighty or the lawful captive delivered you know delivered meaning set free right he's saying is that gonna happen I mean how often does that happen in real world where where the mighty creature is gonna lose their prey right no the mighty is gonna keep their prey right and the lawful captive is not gonna be set free but thus saith the Lord even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children and I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine and all flesh shall know that I the Lord and my Savior and thy Redeemer the mighty one of Jacob you can't mess with God right it doesn't matter how strong they are it doesn't matter what the odds look like it doesn't matter how impossible it may seem and there's no way that anyone could free me from this there's no way I could get out of this God saying you know what those that oppress you I'm gonna press them I'm gonna come back on their own heads and you know what I love about this and this is why I kind of brought up that meant that reference about the children because this has been a thought and a concern just in general I'm sure many of you might have already thought about this you know you've probably heard people say well I don't even want to have kids as times are getting even you know darker and it's harder and it's so wicked like I don't really feel like I want to bring kids into such a wicked world but you know what God is a just God you know God command is you know hey be fruitful and multiply God tells us that children aren't heritage of the Lord God tell us is you know basically it's a blessing to have children and that you know happy as the man has a squibber full of them you know that is a good thing to continue and I would I am a proponent of continuing to have children until Jesus comes back have faith in the Lord I know times maybe get difficult and and and dark and and everything else but have faith in God don't you think times were hard for the children of Israel when they were in bondage in Egypt and they could say I don't want to I mean we're slaves we're already don't have anything we can't have any kids because that you know they could have they would have never been made set free I mean you know it's like obviously God could do anything but it's kind of what was it that that Pharaoh was even worried about hey these guys are populating you know they're gonna outnumber us and that put they made Pharaoh afraid and and what happened to God bless them even when they tried to make to make laws to kill them God bless them it allowed for them to not be killed like he was making it so that the people who were serving him and not being murderers were being protected and they didn't lose their life God made sure that those things would happen he's able to do that in any circumstance so don't be worried about all I can't bring kids in this world what did God say I will contend with him that contended with thee and I will save thy children so as we get to the Great Tribulation and things become extremely difficult you know what I don't know how it's all going to play out you know with kids especially if I have young children around time I'm not gonna worry about it because God is just God is just in everything it may be difficult it will it will be difficult let's say that and not may it will it's not called a tribulation for nothing and it's not called a tribulation like as was not since the world began no one ever shall be okay for no reason it's gonna be difficult it's a trying time tribulations but God is just in God will defend and God ultimately is going to bring the victory and maybe if you're parted from your children for a season during difficult times guess what the Gentiles we bring them forth on their shoulders to greet you during the reign of Christ it's our eyes that word of prayer dear Lord we love you thank you so much for all that we can learn in Scripture God we thank you for giving us these these various prophecies it gives us a lot of hope and I pray that you would please help us as this world continues to get more perverted and dark that you would you would just help us to retain our hope and that we would not be discouraged but rather encouraged because of all the promises that you've made and we know that you're true that your word is true and I pray that you would just help us to be able encourage others and to continue to follow your word through faith whether it be having children or just going out and preaching a word dear Lord and not being afraid of what man can do unto us because we know that that that you are never gonna leave us or forsake us that you're always there for us no matter how difficult things may seem to be or impossible the situation may be we know that you're always there and you can see what is going on and that you won't just leave us Lord even if it may seem to us that you're taking a while you know in the end we have to just fully trust in you and we love you dear Lord and we thank you for all the love that you give us to Jesus name we pray amen