(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right Isaiah chapter 11 it's kind of a fun chapter to preach through for me just because it's a hopefully it's fun for you to listen to and study because this is a lot of prophecy here in Isaiah chapter 11 it's all about Jesus Christ again and you know the book of Isaiah is just chock-full of prophecies about Jesus about his first coming about a second coming and it's just it's just amazing how much is here and as we study this too it's just it's just another you know glory to God proof of the Bible being the Word of God in a sense you know I was thinking about this last week or earlier this week I forget exactly when the thought came to me but it's not the first time it's come to me it's come to me in the past too when you when you read the Bible and you study the Bible and you think about these things and you read and you see the connections and we're going to see a lot of connections between this evening specifically with the book of Revelation and Isaiah chapter 11 and this is just one place just just these two places in the scripture how how how perfectly they fit together and in a sense it's obvious but when you're reading it it just makes perfect sense on its own also and the reason I'm bringing this up is this you know with God's Word having multiple offer authors it's written in such a fluid way that these connections aren't forced they're not contrived it's not something that was done after the fact those people would like this to try to disprove Bible prophecies and things by saying like oh well I mean yeah well they read the Old Testament then they wrote something to try to make it match right so they try to come up and you know some people will even say that Jesus Christ himself was fictitious that he never really existed and it's all just this story about people who believe this religion wanted to make up so they made up all these stories about this person and wrote it and you know and tried to make it look like this Savior that was prophesied came and it's a bunch of that's a bunch of nonsense for many real I mean that's that's pretty ridiculous it's pretty well documented that Jesus Christ is a real person I mean the fact that we even have our time dated from the birth of Jesus Christ is is a testimony to how influential and important he was on the world as a world figure that it cannot is not just someone who is made up right I mean that that alone is just one huge thing but people will say these types of things and say oh you're so good but these the way the Bible fits together is just completely amazing and again what we'll see you know when you when you like I said we read through the book of Revelation it all just flows when you read through Isaiah it flows but then you start seeing like wow they're talking about the same exact thing here and sometimes they might be using slightly different words but it's it's close enough where you can see that is definitely talking about the same things then we're gonna see that in a minute from verse 2 with the Spirit of the Lord well let's just let's get started here in verse number one I won't get too far ahead of myself but as you start to see these connections it's just like yeah there's no way that some man was able to write such a good sounding book like Revelation and include all of these things to just support it with that that you're just thinking about that and being able to write in a way to incorporate all of these different things and especially with other chapters of Isaiah and include all of that in just just two books just revelation Isaiah but then also looking at the Gospels also looking at other prophets also you know it's incredible how well everything just fits together and it's just a testament to the Holy Word of God that it actually comes from God because it is perfect because no human authors could could contrive such a work of perfection just impossible impossible there's too much here there's too much that the most brilliant author alone can do it let alone a whole bunch of authors spanned over time and even in geographic locations coming up with things that work so well perfectly together but let's get let's jump in here verse number one buzzes and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and and keep a finger here and turn to Revelation and keep a finger in Revelation also we're gonna flip back and forth for multiple places here Revelation 22 so last the last chapter of the Bible and we see this this these terms actually used a few times in Scripture about Jesus and just from verse number one this is obviously talking about Jesus being the rod out of the stem of Jesse Jesse was David's father and a branch shall grow out of his roots roots excuse me verse 16 of Revelation 22 the Bible says I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star so Jesus Christ himself is just saying in Revelation 2 hey I Jesus I am the root and the offspring and and that alone is just amazing showing that he is God's like how could he be the root and the offspring and that's what Jesus was trying to confound the Pharisees with well if David saith in spirit my Lord said unto my Lord how can how could he be the son of David then if he's his Lord well because he's God that's how he's the root and the offspring that's how we could be at both ends of the genealogy right because physically he comes from the line of David when he was physically Boris Earl but when it comes to the creation of mankind he created man all the way going back to Adam right so that's how he's the root and the offspring of David and of course Isaiah 11 one says is basically saying the same thing there's a rod that's gonna come forth out of the stem of Jesse which is the root and a branch shall grow out of his roots but it's still coming out of Jesse which is coming out of David which is going through that that same line unto the the birth of Christ verse 2 is continue to talk about the same person Isaiah 11 keep your place in Revelation also go back to Isaiah 11 verse 2 the Bible says in the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him and the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord all these things that the Bible says these spirits are going to be on Jesus when he comes and look at Revelation chapter 3 verse number 1 because what you might have noticed there is that this spirit the Spirit of the Lord in verse number 2 of Isaiah 11 if you count all those up you're gonna find seven spirits the spirit of the Lord is one the spirit of wisdom is to the spirit of understanding is three the spirit of counsel is for the spirit of might is five the spirit of knowledge and then the spirit of the fear of the Lord those are seven spirits brought up about Jesus Christ having those seven spirits revelation 3 verse number 1 the Bible says and unto the angel the church in Sardis right these things saith he that hath the seven spirits of God and the seven stars I know thy works that thou is a name that thou liveth and are dead so again this is Jesus Christ himself speaking as he's speaking to these churches and giving the messenger you know giving the angels their their charge for each of these churches he's saying I am he that hath the seven spirits of God flip over to Revelation chapter 5 and we're gonna see another reference to the seven spirits of God in verse number 6 the Bible says and I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders to the lamb as it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth in all the earth so the lamb has the seven spirits of God and again this and and what I'm saying about this all being so amazing is that Isaiah is really cryptic in the way that it's written caught talking about a stem and the spirits and and you know the fact that that he's gonna have this spirit of the Lord and the spirit of wisdom and understanding and then it's spelled out much more clearly in Revelation 3 and Revelation 5 no this is Jesus I have the seven spirits of God I have you know the lamb has the seven spirits of God it just becomes so abundantly clear of what's being spoken go back to Isaiah chapter 11 keep a place in Revelation we're gonna be going back there in just a minute but also what's interesting about this too because this is foreshadowing the the reign of Jesus Christ and and one of the things that I guess emphasized about Christ apart from him being the Savior which is the most important thing and that's that's what's emphasized most but his second coming revolves around him being the king of kings and Lord of Lords and the Prince of Peace and in ruling and reigning and you know and in sitting on the throne in judgment and in righteousness and in mercy and all these things that's that's another main theme of the coming of the second coming of Jesus Christ and just as we saw in Isaiah chapter 9 remember we went through all the attributes in his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God right the everlasting father all of those things and I went through and taught how all of those attributes are relating to someone who would be a ruler or a king every single one of those fit that perfectly well we see the same thing with the spirits of the seven spirits that he has to the spirit of the Lord being upon him you see people getting the spirit of the Lord no not just Jesus but getting the spirit of the Lord the spirit Lord came upon Samson the spirit Lord came upon this person and that person they do these great mighty things right they do mighty acts are endued with power from on high to do great acts that's the spirit of the Lord coming upon as his resting upon the spirit of wisdom obviously we went over that in revel in Isaiah chapter 9 wisdom and understanding is extremely important for someone who's going to be a judge and ruling over people to have counsel as well just giving good advice and might being a mighty ruler a mighty person to be as a king the spirit of knowledge knowledge wisdom understanding counsel all of these things are so tightly close together and then of course the fear of the Lord and and a king can be very smart and have wisdom and have knowledge and if they don't have the fear of the Lord you know they're gonna fail these things are all very important and having to fear the Lord because you're gonna you need to lead in righteousness so I just it's interesting seeing these prophecies and what the Bible is specifically talking about when referring to Christ and referring to a second coming and as we continue on here in Isaiah 11 we're gonna see a picture of the millennial reign of Christ that's what's gonna end up being prophesied here in this chapter this isn't the the first coming this is the second coming look at verse number three the Bible says and he shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears so when Jesus judges it's not just gonna be you know what's on the surface right he doesn't just make quick judges just just well how do things appear he gets to the to the heart of the matter he goes deeper than just what's on the surface well what do you see with your eyes what do you hear with your ears he judges righteously it says but with righteousness shall he judge the poor you have to dig deeper if you're gonna be a righteous judge in any in any matter if we're gonna be righteous judges right we ought to judge things righteously everybody judges now some people are in positions to actually have impact over others when they judge and most people don't necessarily but you still want to be a righteous judge in all that you do just as much as you would expect a judge sitting in a judge's seat to be a righteous judge and in order to judge righteously you need to not just look at what's on the surface now this is really time I wasn't even thinking about preaching this tonight it didn't come up in my notes but but how important is this in the time that we live in today with the ability to see screenshots or like quick clip videos of different things and start forming judgments and forming opinions on things without even hearing the whole matter or really knowing all the contacts or knowing everything that's going on look people manipulate all the time using that you can see small bits and small pieces I mean we're having this happen all the time just in the media with you know with all the and people are rioting over this stuff you get these little clips of you know people you know cops with their knees on necks or what are you know dealing with people in a way that's that's looks horrible right it's like man I can't believe they would do that but you only see that really small section but then you start to understand it's like man this guy was high on drugs he was combative he was doing all this stuff and then you start to realize you know what maybe that's not quite the picture that it looked like upfront you know the narrative that I was told in the context of the situation now all of a sudden it really doesn't look quite as bad as it was being portrayed to be judging unrighteously is just taking the side of that whoa yeah that's just I mean you just can't do that or whatever understand the context dig deeper understand what's really going on and and you can say that for a host of things don't ever don't ever just and I don't care who it's come from comes from either obviously you know some sources are more credible than others but if you are going to be a righteous judge don't just be a respect or a person's don't form a judgment or opinion until you can get all the facts and if you can't get all the facts then reserve judgment so why thing to do it's prudent it's going to keep you from getting into problems because when you make your judgments too hasty and then you start speaking out about it you're gonna put your foot in your mouth when you start finding out oh well maybe that wasn't exactly what the truth was well but someone else told me yeah you know what though but if you start going forward and saying stuff that someone else told you yourself in the problems you shouldn't be saying that if you don't know don't be repeating matters that other people say just be careful with that I mean it's a that's it's it's it it's so easy to fall into that trap it's so easy to fall into that trap and this is honestly the reason why I take the stands that I do in our church and with different things that I hear going on is because a lot of the time I don't know all the facts on different things when people have problems with other people and things like that I don't know all the facts so I'm not going to stand up here and start pronouncing judgments on things that I don't really know all the facts on I don't know all the context of things I don't know how everything was said so I'm going to reserve judgment on that and I think you ought to as well and I think that's the wise thing to do and if at the end of the day is no bearing on you then what what then you know what leave that off and if you're if you feel compelled that you need to judge on something then make sure you get all the information get all the information and then make a judgment and then and then make that and make the righteous judgment this is how Jesus judges it's not just what he hears with the ear what he sees with the eye just just oh someone said it so it must be true oh that's what I see it's on the internet it must be true right no you're gonna dig deeper challenge it test it try it the Bible says try the spirits whether they be of God right you got tested you don't just say oh this person said he was of God that was the the big problem that the man of God that was sent in to preach against Jeroboam the son of Nebat right when he was preaching against the altar and the altar came down and he was told to go in he's then God says you know what go in there preach his message leave depart don't have a meal there don't stop just go in this way and don't even go out the way you came go out and leave that place and what happened another man met him in the way he says oh well I'm a man of God too and an angel talked to me and he said you need to come over and eat with me and he didn't challenge that and it actually contradicted the word of the Lord that he got from the Lord and it cost him his life major problem there I mean that that's huge you say ball he did was go back he disobeyed the word of the Lord that he received from God and just trusted in someone else that lied to him a liar probably just because he was hungry like a meal sounds good right about now and you just give into that oh you said it's from God okay great no stay true to the word of the Lord and then and then you know don't just accept everything that you hear with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked and righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins and faithfulness the girdle of his reigns so now we're seeing what we're seeing a picture of here in Isaiah chapter 11 verses 3 through 5 is Jesus Christ coming to set up his kingdom in righteousness because things have been wrong up to this point but you know what he's gonna come and he's gonna be a righteous judge and he's gonna have the right spirits of God he's gonna come and set up his throne he's gonna judge the poor he's gonna reprove with equity for the meek of the earth right the meek shall inherit the earth the Bible says and he's gonna make sure that the meek inherit the earth when he comes and sets up his kingdom because right now the meek aren't hearing the earth like as a right now now they do inherit the earth when Jesus comes back but then it says he's gonna smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lip shall he slay the wicked so there's judgment coming against the evildoers and that also happens when Jesus comes and you know in preparation to set up his kingdom look at Revelation chapter 19 Revelation chapter 19 we're gonna see this when he comes on the white horse Jesus Christ comes on the white horse we see these events playing out that we were reading about in Isaiah chapter 11 and and I've put in bold specific words in my notes here in these verses because you see these same things that were in Isaiah 11 like righteousness righteousness he's judging the poor and righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins and it says faithfulness is the girdle of his reigns look at Revelation 19 verse 11 verses and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war well judging and making war isn't that the exact context that we saw in Isaiah chapter 11 judging and then making war and destroying people with with his mouth verse 12 his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God obviously this is Jesus Christ in the beginning with the word word was with God and the word was God and in John chapter 1 it says in the word was made flesh and dwelt among us we bells glory the glories of the Lord be gotten of the Father full of grace and truth and and you know the word being made flesh dwelling among us in Jesus Christ the only begotten of the Father Word of God this is Jesus Christ revelation 19 verse 14 and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations doesn't that sound familiar to what we saw in Isaiah chapter 11 where says he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and he shall rule them with a rod of iron revelation 1915 which it says there the rod of his mouth and in Isaiah 11 4 and he wrote with a rod of iron and he treaded the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God that's in Revelation 19 let's go back to Isaiah chapter 11 because if you continue reading in chapter 19 if you continue reading there in context then he sets up his millennial reign where he rules and reigns for a thousand years because he's casting the Beast and the false prophet into the lake of fire and and gets rid of them for that whole turns to cast Satan into the lake of fire where the where the Beast and the false prophet already are and then he rules and reigns for a thousand years on this earth before Satan's loosed again and we're gonna get to that too because Isaiah 11 I think is talking about that as well Isaiah 11 I believe encompasses the entire reign of Christ on this earth verse number six now back in Isaiah chapter 11 because what happens during the millennial reign of Christ is there's this great time of peace and in a minute we're gonna go back to Isaiah chapter 2 because we read about this in Isaiah chapter 2 as well it lines up perfectly with what we read in chapter 11 but that's what we if you remember in was it chapter 5 or 7 where they beat their their swords and the into in the pruning hooks right and and and we we looked at the other references for those in thing is in Micah or Joel and we Scott to see the the other references were definitely in Joel and and that also symbolized the the coming time of peace right because there's not gonna you don't need the weapons anymore living in peace and prosperity because Jesus Christ would be ruling with a rod of iron and there's gonna be no more war is going to bring you a thousand years peace on this earth with Jesus Christ at the helm and on top of that what we see here in Isaiah chapter 11 is that it's more it spans more than just human beings in their conflict it actually goes into the animal world as well where things kind of revert to the way that they were at the beginning of creation so until the fall of man and really until you know until sin entered into the world when God created you know the Garden of Eden you know all of the animal I remember in Genesis got you know all the animals of the earth were created it during creation land animals sea animals you know all these different creatures were created but until sin happened there wasn't like the violence didn't occur and there wasn't this got there were no carnivores on the earth that that basically all creatures including mankind was eating of the fruits of the garden or you know of the the the land of what the land was producing for them and it wasn't until after the flood then where all these other things were then opened up and there was freedom to eat of all these creatures and the sleigh and eat and do all these other things and that's also around the time when when animals were you know became carnivorous as well but look at verse number six the Bible says the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb now right now a lamb is a meal for a wolf right that'd be a nice tasty meal for that wolf to go devour a lamb in the natural world they've got those big fangs they're gonna go tear up a lamb and they're gonna love it they're gonna enjoy it but when Christ comes to the earth and sets up his reign God's gonna make it so that that doesn't happen anymore the wolf is good well with the lamb the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them so look at all these predators here a leopard a wolf the the lion right with this prey and then a little child just gonna gonna be leading all of them I imagine I wouldn't keep let a little child around a wolf or a leopard or lion for a second I mean you you'd be protecting like get in here those are extremely dangerous animals but how awesome how awesome is that gonna be when Jesus sets up his kingdom here because there's gonna be all these magnificent animals and these creatures that right now if we're gonna enjoy them we enjoy them when they're locked up behind bars to admire their beauty and the creation that God gave them from safety but during the millennial reign will truly be able to enjoy all of God's creation without fear or threat of harm you'll be able to understand what it's like I just got an email sent out to my community about there's been a lot of break-ins and people you know going through cars and stuff like that not break into houses but like vehicles and stuff and you know we always lock our doors and you know people get security cameras and everything else you don't have to do that during a millennial reign you leave doors unlocked you're gonna live in safety and prosperity you're gonna be able to do your own work and and eat of your own vine and eat it you know not have everything taxed out of you and be able to just live a great free you know no fear based life during that time of Christ and and we're gonna get a true taste of what God intended from the beginning and and how awesome is that to look forward to and you know when you feel beat down and everything just seems dark and gloomy here you know think about that millennial reign they're just brighten your day up a little bit and just start thinking about that and going like how cool is that gonna be how much you ever want to go up and just pet a tiger and just be like give them a big hug or something cuz they look so soft or grab hold of a lion's mane right but you'd never do that in this world you'd never do that in this life but you'll be able to it during that millennial reign because they're not gonna just devour you and Satan won't be walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour because he's gonna be burning in hell for those thousand years it's gonna be great verse 7 and the cow and the bear shall feed so you have cows you know grazing and on the grass and you have bears going and grazing on the grass right next to them and their young one shall lie down together and the lion shall eat straw like the ox and the sucking child shall play on the whole of the ass an ass was a snake a sucking child as a a little baby is gonna be able to go oh yeah pick up a venomous snake but it won't be venomous it's not gonna be striking and attacking and killing a child it's they're gonna be able to play with the aspen the wean child shall put his hand and the cockatrice dens they shall not hurt nor destroy and all my holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea and and even that is just amazing the earth is being full of the knowledge of Lord there's how many people today are just ignorant of God's Word ignorant of the Lord this don't understand anything about God I mean just really just have no understanding at all and there's such a lack of knowledge in the world today but the knowledge of the Lord is going to be spread abroad across the whole earth verse 10 and in that day there shall be a root of Jesse which shall stand for an ensign of the people to it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious so it talks about the holy mountain and again referring to Jesus the root of Jesse which he all right we already saw that in Revelation that he's the root and the offspring of David David and Jesse is you know it's father and son same family same same lineage same person essentially for our purposes here and go back to Isaiah chapter 2 because we see basically the same picture that we saw that we're seeing here in Isaiah chapter 2 look at verse number 2 of Isaiah chapter 2 the Bible reads and it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow unto it so this is where we're seeing you know the Gentiles shall seek where Jesus is going to be this ensign unto the people the Gentiles are gonna seek unto that meaning you know people the whole world right not just the people of God but everyone's gonna be seeking unto that wisdom and unto that knowledge so it says here the Lord's house shall be established on top of mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow unto it verse 3 and many people shall go and say come ye and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem and he shall judge among the nation's and shall rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war anymore okay as I say a chapter 2 I was saying 5 or 7 silly me I just prepared this and forgot already that was chapter 2 but I've been looking at a lot of different things so forgive me for that infraction but this is where we see you know no war knows nation lifting up sword against another not learning war and not learning war is actually important as we get into the rest of this passage here right so for a thousand years there's gonna be peace and prosperity people aren't gonna have weapons so the Bible teaches that you know those of us who are in Christ and those of us that suffer with Christ are gonna be ruling and reigning with Christ and the Bible talks about the rewards given in the kingdom of God and you know those who are being productive and good servants and and being fruitful and doing the work of the Lord that God is going to reward them in and I think a multiple ways but in one of the way specifically it talks about you know well done now good and faithful servant that has been you know faithful in a few things you know be that ruler or you know being rule over many cities and being ruler over over different you know having different status as far as ruling and reigning with Christ like not everyone is going to be ruling to the same degree some people are gonna be over a lot more than other people and the reason for that is because there's gonna be nations the world is still gonna be populated with a bunch of people and not everybody's gonna be saved during millennial reign of Christ there's gonna be plenty of unsaved people and we're gonna see that because at the end of the millennial reign all the unsaved people Satan's gonna come back and he's gonna deceive the world into fighting against God this one last battle and of course they're not gonna win but that is going to happen and what's interesting about that too is just the fact that it's talking about you know there's gonna be no weapon so so think about this as a ruler you know if you're ruling and rating in a high position you're still not gonna have any weapons you know today you think that's kind of strange right all rulers and people high position they've got if they don't have it themselves they're gonna have people close to them bearing arms for protection that may make sense we do in the world of women today I mean I'm bearing arms right now protection not that I've not worried about it but like you know it's that's a prudent thing to do in this world that we live in today but because it's gonna be so peaceful we're not gonna need that you know and people are be even you know rulers are gonna be able to rule and Jesus ruling and raining with a rod of iron yet still doesn't need that physical protection of swords or guns or anything like that because there's still gonna be peace because this law is gonna be out there it's gonna be enforced and we will have confidence knowing that everything's working the way it ought to be even when people are are breaking the law and need to be punished and those things are being dealt with you you won't need these it's still gonna be peaceful to be very peaceful so and again I don't even know to what extent people are gonna be breaking law you know I mean obviously I would think it's gonna happen but this level of peace is gonna be so great that you don't have to worry about the you know losing stuff and having to defend yourself and things like that so obviously there's certain things that we don't have full comprehension of exactly how it's going to be with unsaved people yet still having things run great but I'm looking forward to it because it sounds good but the fact that they're not gonna have these weapons it actually makes sense for what we're gonna read for us this chapter let's get started here in Isaiah 11 continuing verse number 11 we're gonna finish off the rest of the chapter and then we're gonna go back we're gonna look at Revelation 20 and then look at Ezekiel verse 11 about reason it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assyria and from Egypt and from pathros and from Kush and from Elam and from Shinar and from Hamath and from the islands of the sea and and this is talking about various places kind of all around scattered around he's gonna gather them back a second time so this isn't the first time he gathers all of his people that were scattered abroad now this is the second time that he's doing this and I believe that this is happening at the end of that rain where his people have been scattered abroad because of ruling and reigning with him but now he's gonna call them back and look at what it says here in verse 12 and he shall set up an ensign for the nations and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth so I mean he's calling them from all over the world to come back the envy also of Ephraim shall depart and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off Ephraim shall not envy Judah and Judah shall not vex Ephraim and this is the the strife within the house of Israel right Ephraim is still one of the children of Israel and of God and and they're gonna be unified that's that's a point of this here but then it says in verse 14 but they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west they shall spoil them of the east together they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab and the children of Ammon shall obey them and the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river and shall smite it in the seven streams and make men go over dryshod now this is talking about the Nile River that's the it you know the tongue of the Egyptian sea that's your Egypt is in northern Africa basically and you you've got the Nile River flowing up into the Mediterranean Sea up there and at the at the the Delta where that breaks off and goes into the water you've got these seven streams that come off that it splits off into and the Bible saying that God is going to smite it in the seven streams and make men go over dry so he's gonna he's gonna dry that up he's gonna stop that that flow so that so that people can cross through there and not just there verse 16 says and there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assyria like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt now we know when they came out of Egypt what happened God parted the Red Sea and prepared a way for his people to cross over and to get and to be saved essentially from those that were trying to destroy and kill them and what I think this is I think this is you know kind of a darker way you know of putting this these things are gonna happen that when God calls his people right near the end it's gonna be because when Satan's loosed and he goes to deceive the nation's that they're gonna go and then try to to surround Jerusalem and and destroy we'll read about the turn of Revelation chapter 20 and we'll read about it but he's gonna come and try to destroy them so I think this is God's way of making that safe passage for his people just like he made safe a passage for his people coming out of Egypt when Pharaoh was coming with his armies to destroy them God protected them and God made that way so they could make it in you know we're not gonna have these weapons and other means of defending ourselves with people decide to come come forward against you to kill you and destroy you so we're gonna go to our hope and our shield and our defender and go to the Lord who's ruling and reigning in a mountain in Jerusalem and is going to protect us and God makes that way so that we can get there from from the four corners of the earth essentially to be able to get their dry shot and be able to make it now look at verse number seven of Revelation chapter 20 this is what I think it's talking about now I may be incorrect about this but this is the way that I see it I mean I think this is so far up to this point everything's been very clear on on the prophecy of the millennial reign and everything else this just seems to me like it fits perfectly revelation 20 look at verse number seven the Bible says and when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog and again the four quarters of the earth he's you know deceiving these nations and God's calling his people out of the four corners of the earth so I mean so you could see how there's again the same type of language being used with his people coming out as Satan's going out to deceive the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea and they went up on the breadth of the earth and compass the camp of the Saints about and the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven devours so we know how God's gonna destroy them where God is gonna destroy them with his mouth he's just gonna just rain fire and brimstone down on them and they're done so it's not much of a battle right we don't have much to worry about but God is still calling his people home because these people are gathering together and obviously if they're if they're you know encompassing the camp roundabout that's where all the Saints are congregating to to be close to the Lord because during the rain you're ruling and rain well you're gonna be ruling and raining over all different parts of the world all over the place wherever God has a place for you to you know maybe if you weren't that great of a Christian you're gonna be ruling and raining from Siberia or something I don't know I mean gonna be you're gonna be somewhere else yeah it's gonna be peaceful but like you're like man I wish I would've done a little bit more I'll be ruling and raining raining from Hawaii or from you know some other really nice place I don't know but anyway I mean who knows what the weather is gonna be like but turn if you go to Ezekiel chapter 38 because what's mentioned in Revelation chapter 20 is Gog and Magog okay and Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 is also a reference to Gog now real quickly when we're reading about especially in the Old Testament you're reading prophecies they are much more cryptic and oftentimes I would say probably even the majority of times it's mixed in with like current events that are about to happen or happening right then and future events so especially with Gog and Magog I believe that there is really a Gog like during Old Testament times that's being prophesied about but then also referring to this future battle here and I think Ezekiel 39 probably has more to do with the past than with the future Ezekiel 38 has more to do with the future than with the past but we're gonna read this anyway so we could glean based on what we what else we know from especially from Revelation from other books of the Bible on this event that's going to happen after Satan is loosed and deceives the four quarters of the earth because this is mentioned Gog and Magog is being mentioned on purpose because the only time that's mentioned in Scripture is in Ezekiel so it's drawing our attention back to Ezekiel to get more info on this event Ezekiel 38 verse number 8 the Bible reads after many days thou shalt be visited in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword and is gathered out of many people against the mountains of Israel which have been always waste but it is brought forth out of the nations and they shall dwell safely all of them I mean again this is talking about that rain amelior rain people dwelling safely everyone's dwelling safely and in the latter years they're brought back from the sword you know gathered out of many people which is what what the the Saints are going to be gathered out of the many people brought back to Jerusalem the mountains of Israel where the Lord's house is going to be okay verse 9 that and this thou is not is not you know it's not talking to a good a good person he was just talking to this is this is someone doing bad things so good thou shalt ascend and come like a storm thou shalt be like a cloud you know he's talking to like Gog right thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land thou and all thy bands and many people with thee so this is this huge army at this huge force coming against the mountains of Israel against the Saints verse 10 thus saith the Lord God it shall also come to pass that at the same time shall things come into thy mind and thou shalt think an evil thought and thou shalt say I will go up to the land of unwalled villages I will go to them that are at rest that dwell safely all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates so like I said when it's when it's a thousand years of peace and prosperity you're not going to need to be locked in your doors you're not going to have to build gates and I have to worry about building all these walls because it's going to be a time of peace and safety but this evil thought comes in when Satan goes about to the sea people go man look how easy it is these suckers you know they're living carelessly they're living at ease we just go and take all their stuff right and you know that God has blessed those who be ruling and reigning with them who knows what the rest of the of the world especially the unsaved world what they're going to be doing and how much prosperity they're gonna have I don't know but that was gonna deceive them into thinking hey let's go get their stuff right make them covetous make them wondering yeah yeah who do they think they are anyway let's just go take it's gonna be real easy we've got tons of people here and it also demonstrates to how even with Jesus ruling reign you're still gonna be a bunch of unsaved people because for whatever reason like just like when Jesus was on this earth and walking around people chose to reject him and not believe on him it's gonna be same time during that millennial reign there's still gonna be unsaved people that are still gonna it's like well and then you know maybe we'll probably understand more about how that could even be because as we read scripture now we know what happened and we could see it it's obvious but it's it's harder to fathom that you know because I would think you know if I saw a guy walking around and doing all these things and preaching the Word of God it's kind of like why wouldn't you believe them but it will understand more during the window reign of Christ because it's gonna happen again because these people are gonna end up just just turning to want to kill God again and kill the people of God and it says here so here's the evil thoughts you know he says let's go up to these unwalled villages these people are not protected verse 12 to take a spoil and to take a prey to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited and upon the people that are gathered out of the nation's which have gotten cattle and goods that dwell in the midst of the land Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions thereof shall say unto thee art thou come to take a spoil hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey to carry away silver and gold to take away cattle and goods to take a great spoil therefore son of man prophesy in saying to Gog thus saith the Lord God in that day when my people of Israel dwell as safely shalt thou not know it and thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts thou and many people with thee all of them riding upon horses a great company and a mighty army and thou shalt come up against my people of Israel as a cloud to cover the land it shall be in the latter days and I will bring thee against my land that the heathen may know me when I shall be sanctified in thee O Gog before their eyes so how is God gonna be sanctified before their eyes when he rains down the fire and brimstone just destroys all of them they say you know what I'm gonna be sanctified in their eyes they're gonna see this and and again just know that's why we're trusting in you right so you know that that's all I ever you could finish reading Ezekiel 38 39 later and see what you think about that connection but that's kind of where I was able to stop with with the connections I think it makes a lot of sense to me to me it seems pretty clear that that's that's what this is talking about we know it's talking about future events I just see that last part as being also like the end of that millennial reign I think there's enough evidence there to support that view and if not well it's probably not going to change anything about the way you live right now if you feel different about that that's your opinion that's fine but I think I think there's a lot of cool a lot of cool insight there and and it's amazing how all the way back in Isaiah they're receiving this information and then but then how much the New Testament sheds that light on all of these darker sayings again just continuing in my mind to prove this is of God because nobody could shine so much light on all of these passages and have it fit together so perfectly I mean we jumped from you know Revelation 3 Revelation 5 Revelation 22 Revelation 19 you know all these different places in that book we're covering different parts of Isaiah chapter 11 and other parts of Isaiah as well but but it's it's it would be too much for for one person to be able to fake it it's got to be of God glory to God let's borrow as ever what a prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for preserving your word for us and just for all the amazing insights that we have Lord I'm really looking forward to that millennial reign but we know that we're going to go through tribulation before that day comes God I pray to please strengthen us help us to be built up and established and grounded in our faith that we could stand in the the difficult days and the trying days Lord and that we could stand firm unto the end please strengthen us Lord help us to to walk in the spirit and and not in our flesh that we could we could strengthen that that spiritual walk that we have and that we will be able to see that that glorious day of your coming and if we don't dear Lord we're looking forward to be able to come back to this earth and be able to rule and reign with you Lord help us to be prepared for that day we love you in Jesus name we pray amen