(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Father, we thank you this night for giving us thanks for coming. Let's come here to gather together to hear the preaching teacher the Word of God And I pray you bless pastor David Burroughs right now fill the Holy Ghost in your strength forward and help him to teach clearly and effectively the Word of God and Pray that you help us all to have Open and attentive hearts to hear the Word of God so that we may apply to our lives Lord We thank for all you've done for us and thank you for saying your son Jesus Christ died for our sins And we pray things in Jesus name. Amen All right last week I mentioned as we're starting the book of Hebrews how the book of Hebrews is an excellent book for tying the Old Testament with the New Testament and you know, it's a go-to when you want to understand some of the differences and and why we don't do that the Sacrifices and things like that what it's also Excellent at is you know, what the book of Hebrews is really all about Jesus Christ now You could always say well the entire Bible is all about Jesus and that's true I mean there's it's very thematic but there's different books that kind of focus on different things and there's always a Direction towards Christ in every book of the Bible undeniably, but there's different focuses as well So you can think about the books of first and second Kings versus second Chronicles. I mean, it's historical books Is there stuff about Jesus in there? Absolutely. Is there teaching about Christ? Yes, but primarily when you look at it They all have their own kind of section Psalms is a song books Proverbs are just a lot of good Wisdom and knowledge and teaching the other Gospels was about the life of Jesus I mean, so it's all about Jesus, but it's more like I mean We're hearing what Jesus said and what he taught and what Hebrews does though. It's really expository, I said on Jesus Christ himself as a person as a fulfillment of prophecy how he fits in with prophecy with scripture with the Old Testament but really just geared around Christ himself and what we're seeing here in chapter 2 from a very high level is Jesus Christ the man, you know, Jesus Christ God made flesh the Son of God and how these Old Testament scriptures We're gonna see a few of them here that are referenced our litter. We're literally talking about Christ and not only that and we're gonna get into this in the next few chapters. It's really emphasized quite a bit how Christ is a brother Christ is Someone who partook in the flesh making us brethren with him and you know We'll get into that much deeper here as we get into the chapter specifically But that that humanity aspect of Christ that priesthood of Christ the sonship of Christ Like we saw in chapter 1 how Christ is is the Son of God, but he also is God Hebrews 1 8 just Real basic facts about Christ. I mean just kind of who he is. I Don't want to say outside of his doctrine teaching but but you know, just just the person the person of Christ Is really expounded in the book of Hebrews. So it's an awesome passage in that regard as well So all that being said let's dig down because there's a lot of a lot of a lot of truths to uncover here in Hebrews chapter 2 Starting with verse number 1 the Bible says therefore we ought to give The more earnest heed to the things which we have heard less at any time. We should let them slip now It's hard to just pick this up in the middle. There's a chapter division here We're starting off in chapter 2 and says therefore. Well, what do you mean therefore? We have to go back a little bit in the context a rumor last week I made a big deal pointing out the differences between men and angels I kind of covered the false doctrine of the Nephilim stuff and everything else But there is a definitely a distinction is being brought here in chapter 1 about how angels are different now Angels were made mightier in power and in glory than man was But Jesus Christ was made a man and we're gonna get more into that in chapter 2 this this thought process is a continuation here of really making sure that we understand Angels and men are completely different not the same function not the same purpose and If we just go back up a little bit to get this in context where we're starting in chapter 2 Talking about the heaven and the earth verse 10 says and now Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the Heavens are the works of thine hands. They shall perish but thou remainest they shall They all shall wax old as doth a garment and as a vesture thou shalt fold them up and they shall be changed But thou art the same and thy years shall not fail but to which of the angel said he at any time Sit on my right hand until I make that enemy's eye footstool. Are they not all Ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation therefore We ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard less at any time We should let them slip for if the words spoken by angels was steadfast and Every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward. How shall we escape if we neglect so great? Salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him I'm gonna unpack that a little bit, but just to give this overview He's saying look now we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have Heard this is important stuff. And you know, we really ought to Take this as just another reminder this passage of Scripture even those first few words there We ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard less at any time We should let them slip the things that we have heard the truths that you've heard and you've learned Don't let them slip We need to give more earnest heed to those and I think the the best application I make to this is don't Ever get bored with coming to church just in general and I don't care what church it is if you go somewhere and you're hearing things and you feel like you're not being fed men pay attention and listen up and You take heed You take heed to yourself you pay attention you make sure if you've got the most boring pastor in the world I hope that's not me But if you have the most boring bathroom the world or most boring preacher that you could you still Take heed to yourself and say I need to listen and pay attention And I don't care if it's stuff that I already have heard that I already know. I'm going to still Take heed I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure that I'm not gonna let this stuff slip And this is why I do take heed in general when I try, you know, and no it's very I try to I try to cover things Somewhat repetitively I give a break. You know, I've tried to cover different topics and different things Because just because you learn something one time it doesn't mean you never have to go back to it again And in fact, there's some things we really need to take heed that we do go back to and cover Regularly making sure that we're we're keeping up on certain things I just had a conversation with my wife today saying, you know, like hey, I need to do another reset I need to I need to reorganize some things. I need to reset some priorities I need to get things that not reset priorities. My priorities are already set I need to get my life in line with the priorities that I have We all have to do that I mean you always have to take stock and you should be analyzing that from time to time and going hey is the way I'm spending my time is the thing that I'm doing is this lining up with where my priorities are? right If God is your number one priority you take a look at your life and say well, does that reflected? Is that really reflected in my mind and in my heart? I could say God is number one But from an let's say an outside observer are they gonna be like wow that guy's really living for God I mean even someone who knows the Bible say a born-again Christian is real wise if they could look at your life be like Yeah, I could see that they're putting God first in their life Great. I hope so, right if not What aren't you doing? Right Because in your mind or in your heart you might think like Well, of course God's first And that's how I think that everyone in this room would probably say the same thing I mean, I'd our hearts are there right? We want to serve God, but are we doing so in our actions? and That's something that we have to all Take that look at for ourself But what's gonna help us in this area is making sure that we give that earnest heed to the things which we have heard Right and whether the things are new or old that we're heard, right? We need to really take heed to those things. I mean when we gain truth when we gain knowledge from the scripture Hey, let's let's take heed to that. So we don't let them slip We need we need to maintain we need to keep things Up and we don't we don't let those slip and one of the reasons why it says for verse 2 if the words spoken by angels was steadfast and Every transgression and disobedience Received a just recompense of reward. How shall we escape? So he just got done talking about these angels and the might and everything else, but hey, they're ministering spirits Keep your place here turn if you would the book of Jude and I brought this up last week as well, you know how Angels don't have a plan of salvation with God that we're aware of. I mean, there's nothing in the Word of God That's gonna tell us that an angel has a capability of You know being saved after Iniquity is found in them Where we do as human beings? Iniquity is found in us our spirit dies. We get born again that spirit revives Right and then and then we have eternal life and we have redemption. We have salvation through Jesus Christ who? became flesh not angel flesh male a man flesh as Again, this cover this chapter covers the importance of that that he became a man he didn't become an angel and Offered up that you'll offer it up this himself as sacrifice to pay for our sins so that we could receive that redemption angels don't have That luxury right and we also see this is also why people who want to turn to James 2 and Try to use that as a case as to well believing is not enough And if you're not familiar with the passage of James 2 What what some people will will look to or try to bring up as evidence? They'll say well the Bible says that the devil's also believe Right so if the devil's believe. I mean they're not saved right So believing can't be enough because the devil's believe Well hold on a second. I mean, it's there's a couple things wrong with with that statement because we look at James chapter 2 the devil's believe in that there's one God is Not the same anyone believing that there's one God because that's what James 2 says Thou believe is that there's one God thou doest well Right the devil's also believe in tremble Well now believe us that there's one God the Muslims believe that there's one God Even Hindus will tell you that they believe there's one God believe it or not As they have this polytheistic religion that some of them will actually tell you no no no we actually those are just all these different Avatars But there's still one God they'll tell you that I mean there's maybe not all of them well But I've definitely talked to them. It doesn't matter what what people say I mean believing one God first of all is in salvation but second of all No, or does it say that devils or angels or because devils are just fallen angels have a plan of salvation anyways Of course they believe That there's one God because they see one God Because they're in the presence of God they go there. They're like literally could see God on the throne That's not even really believing that which is insanity to reject It would just be like how could you not I mean you just you see it all the time It's right there. You know that that's the truth. You know that's reality. You don't have to believe in it. It's there It's it's Anyone who's ever seen my van outside Knows that's a white van if You've never seen it before and I tell you that you have to take that on faith that I'm telling you the truth All right that what I'm saying is true, but once you see it You don't need to believe it anymore, you know, it's true, right? Oh I believe I believe man. I believe Pastor Burns with all my heart. He's got a white van. You've seen it You don't have to believe it anymore. You know, it's true It's the same thing here the devil's they've seen God they know there's one God Okay, that's that's not what that passage is talking about. It's not about Devils being saved or anything like that You can't apply it in that manner saying oh believing sign up You're putting all your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation is all that's required That is what the Bible says believe and thou shalt be saved. So In any case I do turn the book of Jude look at verse number five because we're gonna see here You know the angels they don't have the same plan as us like a verse number five I will therefore put you in remembrance that you once knew this though you once knew this how that the Lord having saved the people of land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believe not and The angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation He hath reserved an everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the of the great day even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire So he's likening here the judgment of the angels being reserved that great day like Sodom and Gomorrah Suffering the vengeance of eternal fire that that's the punishment that's awaiting these angels that left their first estate They left their habitation, right? These would be the angels that transgressed these would be the angels or Devils that are drawn after Satan There is no they're like Sodom and Gomorrah the reprobate Basically, I mean there's there's no hope for them. That's that. Okay, they're drawn after Satan. There you go. They're done So there's a big difference between men and angels Very big difference. There is no plan For them that we can see at all in Scripture and I believe the Scriptures complete and we you know There's no reason to think otherwise and specifically Jude says hey They've got they're already in their their everlasting chains of darkness Like they're just waiting for that day to come just like the devil said that we're possessing people Hey art thou come to tremendous before the time to Jesus Like they know the condemnation they're in they know that they're just waiting to be cast into that lake of fire and they're saying like, okay Well, I mean look we still got some time left, right? What are you doing? You hear already before it's time? Because they know don't have to have faith they know But the point that's being made here in Hebrews to go back to Hebrews chapter 2 Every transgression disobedience received a just recompense of reward. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? Hey They're not escaping Right. The angels aren't the angels were made greater and mightier than us their transgressions have a just recompense of reward Well, so will ours The same exact thing. Hey, we have that threat of that judgment in that You know the the fiery judgment of God to come Which is why we can't neglect that salvation and then it talks about this salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and Was confirmed unto us by them that heard him God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own Will so what we're seeing here is of course the Lord Jesus Christ Spake of salvation. So That great salvation was spoken by the Lord Those that heard him directly his witnesses Confirmed those words that Jesus spake and taught they are his witnesses his disciples His apostles went forward and taught the same things that they heard out of Christ and they brought that great salvation and deliverance To the people around them and then on top of that they confirm the words of Jesus God confirmed their words Through the power of the Holy Ghost. So this is then when God is confirming their work Confirming what they're doing with these gifts of the Holy Ghost with these various miracles and these gifts right and he's saying how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which was delivered unto us in this manner right in the manner of Christ his disciples and then all these gifts being given confirming that now I want to just you know, this passage is one of the thing one of the places that we could look to as support for what was the purpose of The signs and the miracles and the gifts that God was given it was to confirm the message This is an important doctrine because people will want to say that Hey Things today. They're just like they were in the book of Acts God's got these gifts of healing and tongues and all these and again, it's a Pentecostal Church to which will cleave to this stuff and they'll turn to places I'll just turn to real quick like mark 16 and Try to teach That if you don't have these things and you're not saved or whatever and They'll look at a passage like mark 16 Verse Well verse 16 they'll say he that believeth in his baptized shall be saved But he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs Shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues They shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing and shall not hurt them They share a little hands on the sick and they shall recover So we're saying see hey, if you're saved you've got all you you're gonna have all these things you're gonna have these things because It says these signs shall follow them that believe now We see the snake handlers and We see them die From snake bites. I'm not kidding. I mean they're in Georgia Which I never thought about that before moving here But like this is this is one of the the areas that has the backwoods snake handling Bapticostals out there that'll that'll try to teach you that Yeah, I know that you you know We handle these snakes is you know, the Holy Spirit's with us and and these things follow them, you know, it's like this is ridiculous I don't want to get too in-depth on this but all of the things that are mentioned here we see come to fruition In the early church with the Apostles and disciples like the Apostle Paul had a serpent bite him and Then he shook it off and the people that saw it They're like man I was a venomous snake and they thought he was ready to fought like they thought he should have fallen over dead because they they identified the snake they saw the serpent that bit him and they're thinking like man this guy's gonna die and Then they thought that he was a god because he didn't die right but that was God Protecting him God had to work for him to do and now look any one of these things individually I think God still completely of course has the power to do today The power is not gone, but we also have to understand. Why is it that? While in the book of Acts you can see people I mean they were Peter and James and John and even Paul I mean they're going around they're able to heal people They're able to cast out devils. They're doing all these great miracles and wonders But you don't see that happening today The only thing you see happening today are the are the copycats and the frauds trying to mimic What was done here in the book of Acts, but they're they're clearly not of God The the the big names of the Pentecostal groups right the people like that. It's clearly a fraud. It's clearly not real The reason why is Because first of all there was and as we're going to continue the book of Hebrews see this and it's evident There is a change. There's a difference between the Old Testament and New Testament, so if you're going to change anything in the service to the Lord and things that pertain to God just at all the You've got the temple or the tabernacle your offerings all of this stuff We better make sure that any change is literally of God Now the changes there are changes, and I'm not wrong I don't want to use that term But they're really fulfillments of the law and was still all part of the the great plan It all has to line up with Scripture But God is confirming. Yes, these changes are authorized by me this actually is coming from me This is actually the Word of God. I'm actually telling you now to do these things I'm telling you now that things are a little bit different This is being confirmed through the power of God through the power of the Holy Ghost so that everyone can witness it and see No, man. This is I mean these things can only be done through the power of God So because there was these changes and because we have this whole New Testament delivered in such a short period of time Right with with all of the changes compact in a very small Time frame God confirmed that yes, this is of me. Yes. This is true. Which is why you have the signs and the miracles That's why it's there God's putting a stamp of approval going yep This is of me and it all of course the scriptures all match up they line up. There's no contradiction We know it's the Word of God, but God definitely had to add that just as Jesus did his miracles Proving he was the Son of God right he He had to John the Baptist did no miracle People believed or not based on the Word of God, but when Jesus Christ the Word made flesh came He proved himself over and over again beyond a shadow of a doubt And that's why when people were trying to say oh the work yo the works that he does there through Beelzebub They didn't receive forgiveness they were witness to everything that Jesus was doing and it's like it's it's kind of like the the angels who are witness to God in heaven and Still like if they're just still going to turn on them and still reject him then they're just going like okay Well, you're just damned forever now and those that never have forgiveness are those that see the power of the Holy Ghost They're right there. They're witnessing it all there is no other explanation. It is clear to them It is evident to them and they still just refuse to accept it and reject it Okay, you're reprobate You have never forgiveness now You're trying to say that that's of the devil that all these all the all the good Miracles that God is clearly showing you is of the devil then you are damned forever. You never have forgiveness This was the purpose of the gifts they were Confirmed the words were confirmed the words of the Apostles the words of the disciples Confirmed the Word of Christ and God confirmed those words Through those signs and miracles just like Jesus Christ had the signs and miracles that he performed Verifying his own words. Well the apostles disciples they would they were witnesses to those teachings That's why the Gospels are the book of Matthew the book of Jesus didn't write him down Matthew Mark Luke John they recorded what they heard with Jesus Christ Speaking and teaching to them and to the multitudes. That's their witness That's their record and God confirmed both the words of Christ and the words of the Apostles and the disciples With these signs and wonders and why we don't see as many today Because God doesn't need to confirm his word anymore Settled it's done. It's been established There's no purpose for it now From time to time can people be healed by absolutely absolutely Yay, someone could even be brought back from the dead I mean it happened in the Old Testament with Elijah with Elijah you see you see some of these rare examples of great miracles being Done sure, but it was never on the scale like it was in the book of Acts But again on that scale it was necessary because you're going literally from Old Testament to New Testament And In this it's the perfect answer as to why people say well, why why why could they do it? And why are we not doing well? That's why because you understand what the purpose is Hebrews 2 tells us the purpose verse number 5 front of the angels Hath he not put in subjection the world to come Whereof we speak So again another difference between the angel. He said there the world to come it are not angels aren't ruling the world to come But one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the son of man that thou Visitest him thou made us him a little lower than the angels so man is is in the you know in the pecking order Man's made a little lower than the angels Thou crown it's him with glory and honor and did set him Over the works of thy hands so even though man wasn't made higher than the angels man has been given a More superior position in the sense that they're being put given Dominion over God's creation and getting being put in charge of things And where those that work that were higher are ministering spirits It's you know the first shall be last the last shall be first You know if you're a servant you're gonna be a ruler if you're a ruler you're gonna be servant things like that That's that's how God functions and God operates Consistently throughout scripture you're gonna see Over and over again that that concept and it's it's the same thing with angels angels were made Hey, they're made with a lot of glory and honor in one sense But they're made the ministers and the servants right and you know what praise God for that, but then we're made lower We're more base of a creature, but then God has crown crowned us with some glory and honor Verse 8 says Thou has put all things in subjection under his feet for in that he put all in subjection under him He left nothing that is not put under him, but now we see not yet all things put under him now When it says in verse 6 one in a certain place testified saying this is a quote from Psalm 8 Verses 4 through and I'll read it for you could look down at Hebrews 2 you'll see that this is exactly what's being stated here Verses 4 through 6 and Psalm 8 says what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest Him for that was made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor Thou made us him to have dominion over the works of thy hands that was put all things under his feet Same thing that we see here in Hebrews 2 6 through 8 now What's great about this is that there is a dual application of this passage. There's the surface one I believe where he's talking about man in general. He's comparing man with angels He's saying hey, what is man anyways like who who is man Wow what a great thing that God just considered man Who I mean we're lower than the angels everything else, but he's still given us this this great job He's given us glory and honor and and has putting us in a great position And we're gonna be in charge of the world to come we're gonna be ruling and reigning with God and Christ and wow how amazing Is that for simple man to be put in that position that is absolutely true, and this is a searching But we're also gonna see that this is also specifically talking about Christ And this is applied to Christ specifically here, especially when this phrase hey not not yet are all Things put under him on the one end not yet are all things put in subjection yet because we're not ruling and reigning with Christ Everything is not in our Dominion now man in general has Dominion over the creation But not everything yet has been put in place from that perspective now From the perspective of Christ and I want you to see this too before before we I'm going to be turned to 1st Corinthians 15, but before we turn there Notice these similarities so From the man perspective, and we're looking at that quote from Psalms It Says that thou madest him a little lower than the angels in verse 7 thou crown. It's Tim with glory and honor Look at verse 9 in Hebrews 2, but we see Jesus Now specifically talking about Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels Just like it said that man was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death Crowned with glory and honor just like it says thou crown. It's Tim with glory and honor but Christ's Glory and honor is a little bit different than our glory and honor wouldn't you say? The glory and honor that we could receive from God first of all is only going to come through Christ anyways We don't have our own glory and honor So what man received now you could say it's a glory and honor that God would even Allow man to be in a position to have dominion over the world Okay, but that's nothing compared to the glory and honor that Christ has received by being made Like a man being made lower than the angels For the suffering of death that was the reason why he was made lower than the angels for the suffering of death and Because of that suffering of death that's why he's able to be crowned with glory and honor so This passage in Psalm 8 that's being quoted in Hebrews 2 It's also showing us how specifically this is a prophecy of Jesus Christ While on the one hand you can read it and be like yes, this applies to mankind in general but more specifically this is much more specifically a prophecy of Jesus Christ and these are exactly the reasons why and It's it couldn't be clearer Hebrews 2 9 saying we see Jesus. He's a subject and applying that passage to Him now turn if you want to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 because I just want to cover this quickly Not yet all things are put under him so understanding this as Jesus and his prophecy What what do you mean not yet are all things put under him look at verse number 25 1st Corinthians chapter 15 in 1st Corinthians 15 is a great chapter about the resurrection talks about the spiritual body versus the carnal body and and and You know how things are going to change and the different types of flesh and everything else 1st Corinthians long chapter but a lot of things there about the resurrection starts off talking about the gospel and about the promise of resurrection and seed and everything else look at verse 25 the Bible says for he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet the Last enemy that shall be destroyed is death Death is the last enemy death is the last thing that needs to be put under his Feet for he hath put all things under his feet But when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest Excuse me, it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him. That's meaning God the Father putting all things Under Jesus Christ, but God the Father is not under, you know, like Under him right too. So the one Giving him all of that is he's accepted from the all things and When all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that puts all things Under him that God may be all in all jump down to verse number 51 So it says here the last enemy is death that shall be destroyed verse 51 says Behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep But we shall be changed in a moment and twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead Shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption This mortal must put on immortality So when this corruptible shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality Then shall be brought to pass the saying that it's written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death. Where is thy sting Oh grave? Where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the Strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ so all things being not yet put under him. The last enemy is death But once death is destroyed then all things truly will be put underneath him Let's go back to Hebrews chapter number two and and just keep that in mind about this this concept of death being swallowed up because We're going to see that here Another another reference to that a little bit later on in The sermon the importance of death and Jesus conquering death specifically Verse nine again, but we see Jesus Who has made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death? Crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man for Every man Not for some men Not for just the elect for every man Christ died for every man. He tasted death for every man For God so loved the world The World not part of the world not the Middle East For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that who so whosoever Whosoever That's elect whosoever believeth in him Should not perish forever lasting life All men look this is this couldn't be clearer. I'm sorry that don't get sucked into the lies of Calvinism They want to sound all intellectual and smart But really when there's something so basic and so simple just right on the surface telling you look I mean Jesus Christ died for everyone you try to teach me limited atonement. You're a fool. You're a fool I'm sorry. You just you cannot accept what the scripture just plainly says on the surface at all One more example of this right here very easy truth That he by the grace of God should taste death for every now. Not every man is gonna have that Payment applied to him because they don't all believe but he did die for every person The opportunities there the payments already been made the gift just isn't given Because people haven't accepted it. They haven't asked for it But here's what's stupid about that if someone does ask for it's not like Jesus has to go and pay for it because it's already paid Oh Another person wants it. Let me go pay for it real quick No, it's all it's already been paid for everyone and since God wants God's not willing that any should perish God's not willing which means God doesn't want it to happen Sorry sovereignty of God everything that God will have a look God is not willing that any should perish God doesn't want people to die and go to hell but it still happens He wants everybody to come to repentance He doesn't force it on you That's the key. That's why things happen that God doesn't want to have happen It doesn't mean he's not in charge or doesn't have power or somehow is not almighty. Of course. He's almighty But he's chosen To give us a will and let that will play out and literally let us make decisions God's powerful enough to do that And it doesn't diminish anything from his power at all. I'm not gonna get too far off into that Let's keep reading here verse 10 for it became him for whom are all things and By whom are all things? For whom we're all here for Christ And we're all here by Christ because Christ great everything we saw that in Hebrews chapter 1 right God made the worlds and planets by Christ We were made for him and by him. He made us here for his pleasure We are and were created for that reason Some of us need to remember that a little bit more often too. You're not heat. You're not God's given you a will But he didn't put you here for your pleasure. He put you here for his pleasure that's why we're here and Honestly understanding that actually does Give you more pleasure Knowing that understanding that living that The more you live to please God the more pleasure you will find in this life It's amazing how that works. It's a simple formula and The more we try to think about ourselves and become self-centered and self-focused and me me me I got to take care of myself and I got to do this and do this and do this and do this for myself More miserable you're gonna be Honestly, it's it's it's amazing the way that works and it's so simple Yet so difficult at the same time. It's not complicated, but we have a hard time sometimes putting these things into practice For it became him again verse 10 for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect Through sufferings the perfect. Jesus Christ was already perfect as far as sinless goes He's made complete through sufferings. The captain of our salvation is completed by going through all of those sufferings and We're gonna cover more of this in the future But it's it's brought up in multiple chapters How amazing this is to have a Savior that was one of us That knows exactly what it's like Now he did it perfectly. He did it righteously. But but there is there is no greater connection that we could have With a God that that actually knows 100% what it's like to be in our shoes He's Made perfect through sufferings for both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one We're all of God in the sense. We're born if you're born again of that spiritual seed We're sanctified through Christ Christ sanctifies We're made sanctified all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren So why is it that God that Jesus Christ is not ashamed to call us brethren? Because we're born of the seed of God The inner man God's not ashamed to call you his brother now Our flesh is not of the same seed right So we don't want to be in the flesh making Christ ashamed because you know the Bible also says that that Whosoever is ashamed of me and my word, you know him also shall the Father be ashamed when he comes and On the one hand we don't want to be that shame But if we do that's through the works of our flesh that we are becoming ashamed But that inner man is never ashamed of that Of that spirit that born-again child of God that perfectly sinless Spirit in within us that is that is who we are In the spirit spiritual sense, right and this flesh will die away And that's all what we'll have left until that flesh has changed and we're given that perfect flesh as well He's not ashamed to call them brethren and what a great I mean that's just a comfort to have anyways Isn't it great to have someone? By your side Someone that you could faithfully rely on and depend on just so, you know, I know Jesus will always be there for me These I mean these days you can't even know if your spouse is gonna be there for you But you know what Jesus will always be there for you That's a comfort And of all things or any people whatever that you could have with you I mean Jesus is the most important one that you'd want to have with you. Anyways, that's gonna be the the most strength and the most support And Everything else obviously if we're living godly we ought to be able to be that way towards Others as well and reflect that faithfulness that Christ has for you Through your own actions unto others But it's great to know that that Jesus is not ashamed to call them brethren saying I will declare thy name unto my Brethren in the midst of the church while I sing praise unto thee So this is quoting Psalm 22 if you want to turn back to Psalm 22 We'll look this up real quickly. There's actually Quite a bit in the context here that I want to get to Or at least read through I have to cover all of it but And You'll notice there's a few References to Old Testament scripture we already had one reference to Psalm 8 now We've got Psalm 22 literally being quoted here and we're also going to see Isaiah chapter 8 being quoted as well In just a minute, so It's all talking about Christ Hebrews is in Hebrew in specifically in chapter 2 in relating Christ to these Old Testament passages confirming who Christ is that Jesus is the Christ and shedding light on these prophecies of the scripture and Hebrews 2 12 making the statement I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church while I sing praise unto thee calling out the point that We are brethren and that he's not ashamed to call us brethren based on this passage And when we go back to Psalm 22 It is abundantly clear that this is talking about Jesus Christ in the context look at verse number 14 The Bible says I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint My heart is like wax it is melted in the midst of my bowels My strength is dried up like a pot shirt of my tongue cleave it to my jaws And thou has brought me into the dust of death For dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me They pierced my hands and my feet I may tell all my bones They look and stare upon me Piercing my hands and my feet I wonder who that could possibly be about right Telling all his bones means he could count them because he was whipped and beaten And He's hanging on the cross They part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture of course. This is talking about Christ we see this Multiple place in the Gospels, but be not thou far from me. Oh Lord Oh my strength hasty to help me deliver my soul from the sword my darling from the power of the dog Save me from the lion's mouth for thou has heard me from the horns of the unicorns. I Will declare thy name unto my brethren In the midst of the congregation Will I praise thee now? I just want to make note of this Well, let's just read verse 23 and verse 24 Bible says ye that fear the Lord Praise him all ye the seed of Jacob glorify him and fear him all ye the seed of Israel for he hath not despised Nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted Neither at he hid his face from him, but when he cried unto him he heard Now in Hebrews 212 it says quoting this passage I Will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church Blessing praise unto thee and in verse 22 in Psalms. It says in the midst of the congregation So showing us that the word congregation and church are synonymous. There's a lot of people have issue with the King James Oh uses the word church instead of ecclesia or set, you know, whatever it's like look If you look at the scripture you could understand what the word church means people don't like it because well people nowadays Associate the word church with a building Okay, it doesn't mean it's a wrong translation of the word Because a church is a congregation and It is in English. That's what it means. And if people misuse a word, it doesn't mean that the King James is wrong Just Learn what the word means I mean there's a there's there's a handful of words Where has it has the meaning slightly changed over time? Yeah, it has. Yes, it has Honestly, these things have changed a little bit or our usage of the word isn't exactly the same It might primarily use one definition over another similar one fine But you could learn that and figure it out from from looking at the Bible anyways And if you're looking closely and if you're not looking closely, but at least you're coming to church, you're gonna hear this preached and taught And understand I mean how many of you already knew that church of congregation, right? Yeah Everyone's not in their head raise their head. Yes, you already knew that Why has he heard it before because he's seen it before? Because it's right there. It's plain. It's easy to it's easy to understand But We love this I love this view of Declaring that name unto my brethren. Hey, I'm in the mid he's in the midst of the congregation, you know, he's here with us Right Christ being with Christ is the head of the church But he's also right there with us. So like the Bible says we're two or three are gathered together in a name There am I in the midst? right Christ with us Gathered together in the hey when we're singing what a great vision that must be If we could think about it and call these things remembers when worse when we sing our last song tonight When we're singing praises to our Lord and Savior Just think Christ is here with us And he's not ashamed to call you his brother he's here amongst brethren as we sing praises unto the Father It's pretty cool What the passage is saying Now let's go up go back to Hebrews chapter 2 I just want to go up a little bit and re and recap this because we're gonna hit verse 13 And I want to make sure we get this in context again Verse 11 for both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one For which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren saying I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto thee and again? I will put my trust in him and again Behold I and the children Which God hath given me so this reference to not being ashamed to call them brethren He's giving three references of support for now that second one where it says I will put my trust in him I didn't take the time to try to figure out which specific time the Bible References I'll put my trust in him because it's actually in the Bible a lot Like I didn't even bother to try to look it up and see well, which specifically Place was he talking about putting my trust in him. It seemed pretty vague I'm sure with enough study I could go Oh this in the rest of the context is now gonna fit perfectly here, but I apologize. I didn't do that for you tonight So if you find it and and you go, you know what this passage where he's talking about putting his trust in him matches great Thank you. I'd be happy to hear that and see that But I believe it's there Because he wouldn't be referencing it Otherwise, but I do know where behold I and the children which God have given me comes from because that's a lot easier to find Isaiah chapter 8 Isaiah chapter 8 verse 16 the Bible says bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples and I will wait upon the Lord that hideth his face from the house of Jacob and I will look for him behold I and the children whom the Lord hath given me and notices in Isaiah 8 18 Are for signs and for wonders in Israel From the Lord of hosts which dwelleth in Mount Zion and that ties in again perfectly with this chapter as well with the signs and the wonders given for Israel so I thought that was pretty cool that this reference covers that In addition to just I and the children whom Lord hath given me the brethren were family with Christ It's awesome Hebrews 2 verse 14. Let's finish up this chapter here for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood He also himself Likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and Deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage For verily he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham so there's those who have a fear of death Were all their lifetime subject to bondage and without Christ you ought to be fearful of death right and Satan has that power of death because Satan lures people into sin and Then when you die you're gonna go to hell and have that condemnation with him But as I was talking about I said remember that in 1st Corinthians 15 death is swallowed up in Victory so through that resurrection through the death and sacrifice of Christ. We don't have that fear of death anymore No, safe person should ever have a fear of death at all because death has no more dominion over you At all it's it's a passing And it's not a passing to a bad place. We're passing on to a good place. Hey we have eternal life That's a swallowed up. It doesn't mean anything anymore that we have nothing to fear No reason to have any fear of death whatsoever not one not one You may fear maybe physical pain before death comes you don't have to pay your pay the other for death, right? So you might be like man. I don't want to be like tortured to death, but but the death would be a good thing though I mean if you're being tortured, it's like I just want to die now then just make me die a bastard The people who don't have Christ It's better to be tortured here on this earth than it is to go to hell. I mean literally that's even that's even worse We're delivered who through fear of death Subject to bondage all of our lifetime until we get that new life. We're subject to bondage and through this death Jesus the the the death that Jesus had He destroyed him that the power of death that is the devil now to destroy the devil notice He didn't take on the form of the devil who's a devil an angel The fallen angel he didn't take on the form of an angel to beat the devil He took on the form of man who is in Bondage to that fallen angel To defeat that fallen angel he was made the flesh of man to then swallow up and overcome that power that the devil is using over man and Provides a perfect escape from any of the wiles of the devil From any of the attacks of the devil to completely up and and overturn any power that the devil might have Through Christ it's nothing now nothing. What can he do to you? We don't have to fear death. That's the power that he uses fear of death We have nothing to fear no reason to fear the devil now It doesn't mean you mock or ridicule or say stupid things and and whatever about the devil But we don't have to fear him We have nothing to fear We don't want to tempt things and and go on and you know people make some stupid comments all Fight devil you come on and bring it down come on try to give me what you know like look. No. We're not I mean Angels are mightier than we are the devil's lot mightier than we are we're not afraid of them But we're just gonna do what God tells us to do we're not gonna have a proud attitude. We're gonna like God judge Him God will take care let the Lord let the Lord deal with him And that's even what we see in Scripture. You know even with Michael the Archangel. You know what the Lord rebuked you God'll take care of you Didn't even waste my time with you. God's already got you an everlasting chains under darkness for that for the punishment of that great day now I Just think it's great though that that this kind of this The And this is one of the reasons could we're kind of culminating here with why with the whole angel versus human thing Christ taking on the form of a human to overcome that Angel the fallen angel the devil the anointed cherub is what was he called in Ezekiel? Verse 17 wherefore in all things that behooved him to be made like unto his brethren That he might be a merciful and faithful high priest and things pertaining to God to make Reconciliation for the sins of the people for in that he himself hath suffered being tempted He is able to succor them that are tempted, and I'm gonna go into this in a little bit more detail Probably reference back to these last couple verses, so I don't want to go into them tonight Just that whole concept of Being able to identify with Christ because of him being made a man is like I said It's it's brought up multiple times in Scripture, and I want to I want to cover that more in a later chapter So this is kind of the beginning of that as we continue to go through these chapters and on with that same thought Let's bow our heads have a word of prayer do Heavenly Father Lord We thank you so much for this passage and for all the great truths here. We thank you for This excellent plan that you have for our salvation Lord. I pray to please help us not to let things slip, but that we would take heed take heed to ourselves take heed lest we fall dear Lord and Pray to please open up our understanding God. We all love you here help us to make sure that our priorities That our actions match our priorities dear Lord. I pray that you would work with us work through us dear Lord and Keep everyone safe as we go our separate ways this evening. We love you. It's in Jesus name. We pray. Amen All right, we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed Brother Peter, please lead us Song number two Song number two glory to his name Song number two on the first Down at the cross where my Savior died Or died down where we're cleansing from sin, I cry There to my heart was the blood of my glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood of my glory to his name I Am so wondrously saved from sin Jesus so sweetly abides within There at the cross where he took me in glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood of my glory to his name Oh Precious mountain that saves from sin. I am so glad I have been turning There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean glory to his name Glory to his name glory to his name There to my heart was the blood of my glory to his name on the last Come to this fountain so rich and sweet Cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet Plunge in today and be made complete glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood of my glory to his name Amen church great singing. Thank you so much for coming you guys