(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, if you notice we're not in the book of Joshua tonight, so we normally are on Wednesday night but recent events have led me to Change the the normally scheduled Bible study into a different kind of a Bible study tonight And as we get going here, I think you'll figure out really quickly what we're doing and but what I want to notice and the reason why we started out here in 2nd Chronicles chapter 35 is A little bit about the life of King Josiah King Josiah was a great king He's actually one of my favorite Bible characters in all the Bible. I love Josiah. He comes on the scene He's pretty ignorant to the things of God. He begins ruling at a very young age he's like eight years old when he takes over the kingdom as king and He has a zeal and a desire to serve the Lord Even before he even really knows the Lord even before he really knows, you know All the stuff that's written in the Word of God He doesn't really have the Word of God to guide him But he's got this great desire to serve God and to rebuild the church and then when they're rebuilding You know the house of the Lord they find hey, we found a copy of the book of the law and he's like great You know cool. Let's read it, you know, and and they read it and he's and he's just realizes Wow We've been doing things wrong Our fathers have really done a lot of bad things and they've really done things that are wrong and he goes through and just cleans House, so he just has this zeal and gets on fire and just thus saith the Lord He runs the sodomites out of the land. He goes and just starts getting things right we see in this chapter He's holding this great Passover there. I mean, he's really excited about it He gives and sacrifices and offers of his substance and and so that everybody can participate and everybody's got some Some meats to eat on the Passover and he inspires other people to give of their substance other Princes other rulers other people who have wealth to give so that everybody can Participate in this and the Bible says that there wasn't a Passover like that since the days of Samuel And of course the days of Samuel he was the last judge before they started anointing kings and Josiah's one of the last Kings there's a few other that come after him before they get carried away captive into into Babylon So Josiah here. He was a great guy He was he was someone that really I mean Just like everyone else. He made some mistakes and we see he made a mistake here at the end of his life He kind of he was used to fight in these fights and fight in these battles and there was one battle He kind of really didn't have any business getting involved with and he got a warning from God, but he disregarded that And went and fought anyways, and it actually cost him his life, but that doesn't undo all of the great works that he had done for the Lord and just just was a great individual overall and What we see here near the end of this chapter is that the people have a great mourning for him they were sad they were upset that this great ruler died and Let's look down here verse number 23 It says in the archers shot at King Josiah and the king said to his servants have me away for I am sore wounded His servants therefore took him out of that chariot and put him in the second chariot that he had and they brought him to Jerusalem and he died and was buried in one of the sepulchres of his father's and All Judah and Jerusalem mourned for Josiah. Everyone's upset about this everyone goes into mourning and Jeremiah lamented for Jesus now, we see the Prophet Jeremiah a great man of God is Showing his respect unto Josiah Underscoring How righteous Josiah really was that he's got the attention of Jeremiah and Jeremiah is mourning and Lamenting the fact that this great king that was trying to bring the people back to serving the Lord and doing what's right had died It says in all the singing men and the singing women spake of Josiah and their lamentations To this day and made them an ordinance in Israel and behold they are written in the lamentations Now the rest of the acts of Josiah and his goodness according to that which was written in the law of the Lord and his Deeds first and last behold they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah When great men die when great leaders and rulers die it makes sense that people could be upset and should mourn that loss and show honor and Respect and you see Jeremiah and the people are all upset about this turn to Genesis chapter 50. We're gonna see another example of this It is a good thing and a right thing To mourn the loss of great men of God a great people people who? Did a lot of good things and good works and serve the Lord Genesis chapter 50 we see the passing of Israel and The lamentation in the in the morning that was kept for him look at verse number one the Bible says and Joseph fell upon his father's face and wept upon him and kissed him and Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father and the physicians embalmed Israel Look at this and 40 days were fulfilled for him For so fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed and the Egyptians mourned for him Three score and ten days, so he's involved and they're embalming processes Oh, you know it takes them 40 days to make sure you know everything's he's prepared for his burial and stuff and the way they did things in Egypt, but This alone should stand out to you remember These are Israel's a Hebrew You know he's the father of Joseph of course Joseph came in he saved Egypt and saved a lot of people and saved Ultimately saved his people alive. That's why God allowed him to be in charge there to was to sustain God's people first and foremost and then of course Egypt benefited from that as well during the years of famine and Joseph was Elevated in the kingdom of Egypt you know above pretty much everyone else except for Pharaoh But they had so much respect for Joseph and then in turn so much respect for his father Israel That even the Egyptians I mean they're not Hebrews either just the Egyptians even they have this great mourning of 70 days that they keep a more me think about that's over two months That's a long time to be showing honor and respect unto someone To 70 days. I mean just think about that that'd be You know going into February Someone were to die today of this stature someone like Israel and You've got the world Showing that respect for 70 days and keep that more. That's that's that's pretty significant That's why this underscores Israel though look at verse number four it says and when the days of his morning were past Joseph spake unto The house of Pharaoh saying if now I found grace in your eyes speak. I pray you in the ears of Pharaoh Saying my father made me swear saying lo I die In my grave which I have digged for me in the land of Canaan there shalt thou bury me now therefore Let me go up. I pray thee and bury my father, and I will come again and Pharaoh said go up and bury thy father according as he made thee swear and Joseph went up to bury his father and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh the elders of his house and all the elders of the land of Egypt and all the house of Joseph and his brethren and his father's house only the little ones and their flocks and their herds they left in the land of Goshen and There went up with them both chariots and horsemen, and it was a very great company So they have this huge procession of people Again even some of the Egyptians and that you know the the the leaders and the rulers are going out now To what we call the funeral right they're going to bury Israel because he's been in Bob He's been prepared for his burial they mourned them now They're going to actually bury him It says in verse number 10 and they came to the threshing floor of a tad which is beyond Jordan and there they mourned with A great and very sore lamentation, and he made a mourning for his father seven days So they had another week on to the morning And when the inhabitants of the land the Canaanites saw the morning in the floor of a tad They said this is a grievous morning to the Egyptians Wherefore the name of it was called a bell miss rayham, which is beyond Jordan. They named this place in the land of Canaan After this event that took place, so it's a very big deal. There's a very very big thing that's going on here Recognizing and honoring showing respect and mourning the loss of Israel on this earth Turn if you would to Isaiah chapter 5 No doubt It is right to honor great men when they die and they're passing But Just because somebody dies doesn't mean they were great Now we have a tendency to When someone dies to just oh, we're only gonna talk good things about that person and you know in general I don't think that's a bad thing, you know to have good manners To show it's just some respect in general for people passing there are certain things that are Inappropriate or appropriate given different times and you know If you just had someone that you work with or some acquaintance that you knew and they were kind of a jerk And you didn't really like them that much and they died It wouldn't necessarily be appropriate to go around and just start bad-mouthing that person after they died Just let it let it go. Let it be But There's a difference between a person like that and Someone who's just really evil and wicked and just to give you an illustration think about this What did the world do when Saddam Hussein was killed? everyone rejoiced, right This is something that people can remember. This was in the 90s Saddam Hussein died every oh man. It's a party in the streets. You can see is this great about Osama bin Laden, right? Everybody was thrilled. So there's this sense that that people just in general have I mean, I'm not talking about Christian I was on a people in general have a sense of rejoicing when wicked people die They do I mean it's that's that's a fact But what's gonna what's gonna be the problem in the sermon tonight is that I think a lot of people aren't gonna agree with me About the man that just died that really was a wicked man and should not be mourned and lamented for his loss But I would say rather rejoice in the fact that there's one less wicked reprobate person on this earth And of course, I'm talking about George HW Bush Just Had his funeral today and the media and the world's gonna tell you all we're gonna honor this great president And here you go and and try to bestow honor upon honor upon this wicked man that was responsible for the death of thousands of people him personally was responsible as The one given the command to go and and and fight wars for greed We'll get into that a little bit later But let's look at Isaiah chapter 5 now because we've seen some good examples of Good men of God being revered being lamented being mourned. That's right But let's look at Isaiah chapter 5 verse number 13 Bible says therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge and Their honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up with thirst Therefore hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure and their glory and their multitude and their pump and he that rejoiceth shall descend into it and The mean man shall be brought down and the mighty man shall be humbled and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled but the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness Then shall the lambs feed after their manner and the waste places that the fat one shall strangers eat woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity and sin as it were with a cart rope That say let him make speed and hasten his work That we may see it and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come that we may know it woe unto him verse number 20 that woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter People are calling things the way they're not that they're not really are You're saying something that's wicked and evil and wrong is actually good. And oh, let's let's mourn for this person He's a wicked man. Let's not call him good Bible says woe unto them that call evil good and good evil and you get things all backwards and twisted up Verse number 21 woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine and men of strength to mingle strong drink which justify the wicked for reward and Take away the righteousness of the righteous from him Therefore as the fire devourer at the stubble and the flame consume at the chaff So their root shall be as rottenness and their blossom shall go up as dust because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts and Despise the word of the Holy One of Israel turn to 2nd Kings chapter 3 And what's funny about these puppets these charlatans these wicked men in pie and positions of great power They claim in many cases not at all to be Christians You'll see the video footage of them going to church or carrying a Bible with them or whatever. It's a facade. It's a joke But people are so ignorant today They think that just because they see someone hold of all they miss must be a righteous Oh, wow, they actually they go to church. So they must be a god-fearing man. They must love the Lord They must be just like you and me and it's Christian and they want to do what's right by God's eyes Just because someone claims the name of the Lord doesn't mean they really believe in them doesn't mean they really just because they carry around A book doesn't mean they actually believe what the book says Why don't you just look at their actions and look at their deeds? When you consider whether or not they really believe that this book is true 2nd Kings chapter 3 look at verse number 11. The Bible says but Jehoshaphat said is There not here a prophet of the Lord that we may inquire of the Lord by him and one of the king of Israel servants answered and said here is Elisha the son of Shaphat which poured water on the hands of Elijah and Jehoshaphat said the word of the Lord is with him So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went down to him Now of course in this situation Jehoshaphat is not right Jehoshaphat's leading up and joining himself up with wicked rulers and wicked king Jehoshaphat himself was actually a godly king He was a righteous ruler. He was doing that which was right in general in the eyes of the Lord He was trying to stand for God, but he made affinity with the house of Ahab. He joined up with him he married his daughter or whatever and and and Became in-laws with the house of Ahab and then he decided hey, you know You're your people like our people doesn't matter that you're wicked as hell We're just gonna fight your battles for you We're gonna come in and we are all for you and here he is now yoked up with the wicked king of Israel and also with the king of Edom and They're going to fight and he's saying hey before we go and do this Let's go get counsel from the Lord. And of course, they had all their yes, men All their their bail worshiping, you know, they call themselves prophets of the Lord but they didn't actually have the word of the Lord and And they're all saying yeah God's with you go you're gonna win you're doing great, you know And he's like, can we find someone else? Can we find a different prophet of the Lord to just you know That we could hear from here here what the Lord doesn't say about this and they're like, well, there's Elisha's here Like yes get him Elisha is a great man of God Joshua recognizes that yeah. Yeah, go get that man of God He tells it like it is And Elisha comes and look at Elisha's attitude. Elisha is a great man of God, by the way He is he is what probably one of the greatest men of God that have ever walked this earth And Look at his attitude towards the king Towards the the person in charge of Israel right the king of Israel nonetheless God's people Israel Look how he talks to the king of Israel verse number 13 about was in Elisha said on the king of Israel What have I to do with thee? What what I've got no business with you, I don't even want to talk to you, what are you doing here this is answer to him Get thee the prophets of thy father into the province of thy mother go go talk to your your religious people You've got nothing to do with me you don't want to hear from the word of the Lord go jeer Yes, men that they could tell you whatever it is that you want to hear to your wicked prophets you go Just talk to them. He's just sending them away out of hand He says the king of Israel said unto him nay for the Lord has called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab and of course you know The king of Israel is just down in the mouth. He said because they were without water and stuff They're going through some real hard times And that's when he decided to call on the Lord and just see what God has to say and he's saying well God just brought us here to kill us Right that's what the king of Israel is saying Look at verse 14 Elisha said as the Lord of hosts liveth before whom I stand surely Were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah. I would not look toward thee nor see thee He's saying the only reason why you're even getting a chance to speak with me right now And look at look at his attitude here, and it's not a pompous puffed up attitude What he's doing is just demonstrating how extremely wicked the king of Israel was and he's saying I wouldn't even be having a conversation With you if it wasn't for Jehoshaphat being here with you because I actually have some respect for Jehoshaphat Because at least Jehoshaphat serving the Lord at least he's trying to do what's right. I've got zero respect for you Now we see Elisha Speaking that way to the face Not behind his back to the face of the king of Israel And you mean to tell me that if this when this king of Israel dies Elisha is gonna go Oh, we all we all need to have a moment of silence We all need to show our respect for the king of Israel Yeah, I know I told him to his face that I wouldn't even have anything to do with you Why don't you just get out of here in one of his times of need? But that's all just water on the bridge now that he's gone let's just look at the good things about his life Elisha wasn't like that He was telling it like it is and The king of Israel was wicked And he's calling him out of such and he might have nothing to do with them He's gonna have nothing to do with them in life, and he's not gonna have anything to do with them in death either He's not gonna pretend to say good things about him just because the guy died Turn to Proverbs chapter 28 Proverbs 28 Verse number one the Bible reads the wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion for the transgression of a land Many of the princes thereof but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged a Poor man that oppress at the poor is like a sweeping rain which leave with no food They look at verse number four they that forsake the law praise the wicked You know when the wicked people get praised it's because people who don't want to keep the law already They're gonna praise someone who's standing for not keeping the law, right? They that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them People actually love the law in this case when people actually love God's Word They're gonna contend with the wicked person that doesn't care about God's Word They're gonna stand up for it. We have fight against it the Bible says verse 5 evil men understand not judgment But they that seek the Lord understand all things now What I think we have today We definitely have a lot of people who don't care about God's Word in God's law And that's evident and there a lot of them are ignorant. They've been brainwashed by the world Maybe you can say they have some good intentions, but the fact of the matter still remains that these people Really don't care that much about God's Word Because if they did they wouldn't be letting the most abominable filth just be accepted and tolerated and promoted There'd be a lot be a lot more language against some of the worst Disgusting vile things that can happen in this earth There'd be a lot more Opposition to that type of wickedness. So that's just evident I mean when you can when you can just when people can just accept and tolerate the most stomach-turning Disgusting vile things that can just be done out in public and just be okay with that and oh, we don't want to offend anybody Oh, I don't want I'm supposed to love everybody I'm not supposed to stand up and make any judgment because you know, I'm not supposed to judge They don't love God's law, they don't even know God's law let alone love it Turn to Ephesians chapter 6 The wicked man that just died Is wicked and this is what the Bible is talking about we're gonna see here in Ephesians chapter 6 He's just one example. He's not the only one. He's one of many But the Bible warns us about spiritual wickedness in high places in the book of Ephesians chapter number 6 look at verse number 11 the Bible says put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers Against the rulers of the darkness of this world Against spiritual wickedness in high places high places are positions of power There is a lot of spiritual wickedness in high places in this world Not just in this country in the world Global look at how many global leaders are there What global leader comes to the mind as? Hey, that's actually a good guy. I can't think of one I mean you hear about Putin and you know the the I forget the guy's name in Canada that effeminate little pansy guy what Trudeau right yeah Trudeau and and you know we've got we've got Trump. Oh, yeah Trump came as he's an answer to prayer of God. Yeah, right That greedy pompous proud full of himself Love of money is the root of all evil yet That's more the judgment of God said that an answer to prayer. I'm sorry But There is spiritual wickedness in high places, and we need to recognize it as such and and George HW Bush and George W Bush and Bill Clinton I don't care if they have an R or a D after their name. They're all playing the same game They're all part of the same clubs and the same groups. They're all buddy-buddy with each other You've got John Kerry, and you've got George Bush both members of the Skull and Bones They're both brothers in their fraternal order. They're both there for each other. They don't care about The R or the D or the principles or anything like that they care about their power they care about The their wickedness ultimately is what it boils down to and they're not gonna. Tell you You know just come straight out and just be like yeah, I'm real wicked right so what I'm gonna hear and about the you know Oh, he was such a nice guy. Oh, he was real funny. You know what you know What's funny about that or interesting about that? John Wayne Gacy's neighbors said the same thing. Oh, yeah, he's real friendly. Oh, he's really good with the kids. Oh, he's real funny He's real personable. He was a great neighbor Yeah, except he he sodomized and murdered young men He's wicked he's an animal he was vile and refuse and Disgusting, but he hid that part the best he could And the spiritual wickedness in high places guess what they're trying to hide that part from you So sure they could come across. Oh, yeah, huge. I heard I heard someone on the radio say today. He didn't hate anybody Well you already got something wrong with you then because you're just a liar you say you've never he's never hated anyone in his life That's just weird Who's never hated anybody in their entire life? I'm not saying you go around just hate everybody, but I mean just The person that even said that probably would say well yeah, I hate Saddam Hussein I But George HW Bush he loved Saddam Hussein, right It's a big love fest that he's dropping bombs on the people of Iraq The wickedness it The lies see I remember so might I had to go back and kind of refresh my memory and so if it's been a long time now since since he was in charge of things and was the ruler of Of the United States right for those four years or whatever he was president But he had that war you know how many thousands of people lost their lives In that war I mean there's not many Americans Right that's when they televised it, and they did their shock and awe and they had all the you know these bombs They were just bombing Bomb and just unloading all these bombs on the on on these towns Guess what when you see all those bombs exploding. There's people living there People that were living under oppression. Yeah, look this isn't I'm not pro-Saddam Hussein. He was a wicked man, too He was a wicked dictator All these world leaders are None of them are good, so it's not like because I'm against one. I'm for the other. I'm not for any wicked people I Am for the people that are being oppressed I'd like to see them not have to face all that Persecution and suffering and I don't think they deserve to be bombed and died as a result of them Just living being born where they were born and being born in that condition I George hw bush was also one who kind of coined that that term the new world order You know anything about the new world order. That's a religion of Satan That's a code word for just bringing in together a one-world government. That's his new world order. It's a global government I I Mean he was involved with the CfR the council for relations He was involved with all these various think tanks and all these groups That are in these positions of power and influence that really are the spiritual wickedness in high places He was buddy buddy with all the the puppet masters that pull the strings that that manipulate the people that are the public Figureheads he was a public figurehead for a while, but it doesn't mean he wasn't there before and after along with all the the the puppet masters Pulling the strings in this country. He was a wicked man Turn to psalm 58 to the last place I'll be turns a shorter sermon tonight Well, I drive home this point. I don't care if he was 85 years old or over old he was the Bible says that though that there's honor, and I'm not quoting it's exactly for the hoary head you know for the old man If it be found in the way of righteousness, so it's not just every old man just because some frail old man dies Doesn't make him a good person just because he had a family doesn't make him a good person just because he held a position of President of the United States doesn't make him good doesn't mean he's deserving of any respect. It doesn't Holding a position doesn't make a person deserving of respect And people argue with you about it, but it's the president you have to respect the president. No, I don't Not if they're a wicked person You Could use the same example the other the the what everyone would think of well, what about Adolf Hitler? What if he were your president? Oh, yeah, I have to respect them though. I Just have to show respect to this guy that wants to do genocide No, I don't Know what when they stand for wicked things when they do wicked things you don't have my respect Try a spit on your respect. I was spit on your grave That's What they did in the Bible they dug up they dug up the bones of the bail worshippers They dug them up and burned them why to show the disrespect unto them. They're not respecting them And Bush is not any deserving of any respect of anybody And I and I hear this stuff and you've got all these so-called Christian. Oh, yeah, George W video there You know why they they they care so much about this is because politics has become their religion because they've substituted the Constitution of the United States and the Republican Party and And all of their politics and Fox News for the Word of God for the Holy Bible Because they care more about that than what this book says Because the more time you spend in this book and you can start comparing this against George HW Bush. You're gonna realize He's a really wicked person He's not deserving of respect And you also have to see through the lies of the media as well to uncover the truth about the man I Thank God that we have You know the internet and in an age where Information can actually be passed And Distributed among so many people without the few gatekeepers making sure they could filter what it is you actually hear Because back in the 90s. You didn't really have that not in the early 90s I mean the internet was just kind of starting you didn't have everyone in heaven whatever they had was a dial-up and you know the Not very not very many places there wasn't a lot out there I didn't really get Ramped up until later in the You know 90s or early 2000s, but in any case Regards to the history there now. I thank God for that the information to come out Because otherwise you just have a bunch of people just continuing and spreading and contributing to the lies I mean a reason why that that war in Iraq was so popular is because he was it. I mean it was all about oil Go yeah, it's easy to go back and look at it now, but back then It wasn't a lot of people got deceived Because they propagandized it he kept talking about it was it was the the incubators right the kids Oh, they they came in and you know they took these incubators at these chill these poor little babies were on and the babies Died and that's what they sold I mean just over and over and over and over again to the American people to just say This is a righteous fight We need to go in and fight the battle because by and large the people don't want to get involved in political wars Yeah, there's wars going on in the Middle East Iran and Iraq They're fighting against each other and guess what the United States funded Iraq against Iran before turning around and fighting against Iraq Because You got globalist power-hungry people in charge That care about making money, and there's a lot of money to be made in the in the war machine a Lot of money be made there a lot of money be made in war and and they say We don't care about the people get hurt by it because we're making a pretty pretty penny here We're making a profit so they prop up one dictator against another and then they turn around and have wars with it Just to continue a warfare back and forth you always have to have some enemy some boogeyman to go and chase Oh because America was really threatened by Iraq I Mean they were they were having their own struggles Just fighting Iran between the two of them You think they're going to come across the ocean and just have the forces to come in and have any real impact on the United States of America no, but the propaganda in the media along with the with the spiritual wickedness in high places are Teaming up which is a spiritual wickedness in the media and the spiritual wickedness and the the political ruling class Team up to sell it to everybody else. Oh, here's why we're going in there This is why you should accept this and this is why you should support this As opposed to just seeing the real reason and seeing through the lies and that these are just wicked people going to make money wicked people that don't care at all about human life and only care about themselves and If there is any other Principles behind it it's a satanic religion that they're into It's a satanic Illuminati type type of belief system their skull and bones and then all the other Garbage that he's into the satanic influences That's what they are and these people they get so proud and puffed up. They think that We're doing humanity this great service and that's where they come up with the things like that Like you'll see in the Georgia Guidestones and in how big the population should be Because they're the masterminds and they're smarter than everyone else and they know we really ought to have a lot less people So we need to introduce eugenics and and things that are going to keep the population down and we could start injecting people with these heavy metals and and getting You know Population rates down birth rates down abortions up they love death If I was as all day that hate me love death in the book of Proverbs Talk about wisdom They love darkness rather than light They don't want their evil deeds exposed. They do everything in secret. That's why the oh, by the way That's why secret societies are wicked. You don't need it. You know church is not a secret It shouldn't be The Bible tells us to preach from the house house tops That we're need to boldly go out and preach the Word of God That's why we record our sermons and we post them up on here. We want people to see it It's when you have a cult a Death cults like the you know, like the like via cult Don't want to keep things hidden keep knowledge hidden They want to have their ruling class to rule over the slaves Or when you have other cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses that don't have windows on their buildings They do everything right and closed doors or the Mormons in Their temple and they freak out when someone records what actually goes on inside of those places and they don't want that coming out and being known what they actually do and when they Baptize people nude and whatever like all the weird things that they do inside of their temples I don't know if they still do that, but they definitely did that for a long time They do all kinds of weird bizarre perverted why because they're cults And when they want it all being kept a secret it's not good I Mean think about that and that's why you know, the government has all this. Oh, we need to keep everything secret You've got all this classified stuff from decades and 50 and 60 years ago and they just don't want to cover Why because they're wicked and they don't want their deeds to be made. Oh, it's national security because you know if someone knows About this and then we're just wide open for you know to be destroyed If it well if it really is that serious, you know what some of that stuff probably really is that serious Because they're thinking you know if the whole world found out about this we're gonna be in some really bad shape that I mean That's all that tells you Why I don't know why people don't put two and two together thinking why would something so old Have any bearing on our national security right now? Like what in the world would we have to protect ourselves from? a bunch of angry people around the world that the United States has gotten involved in and And committed all kinds of atrocities and war crimes. That's what they have to worry about They want their evil deeds being made known because what what else could it be? Don't expose our technology of 50 years ago or the the political climate or the motivation whatever it is Because Wicked people don't want others to know what they're doing. They want to have everything clouded and covered and You know what? That's who George HW Bush was He was all for the secrecy. He's all for the New World Order the the the religion the the One-world government the Antichrist coming in he's all for it. He's a wicked man. He deserves no respect Let's honor and revere and respect the true men of God that stand up That aren't going to get the public acclaim that aren't going to get the world to just you know to honor and recognize them The people like Jeremiah who is thrown in a dungeon the people like Jesus Christ who is crucified on a cross That's who deserves our respect Not Wicked people as far as have a word of prayer dear Lord We thank you so much for giving us knowledge and wisdom from your word. God. I pray to please help us to Take all the things that we see from the Bible and and all the truths that we learn from your law to to apply them Rightfully in in this world dear God and I pray that you would please just open up our understanding of the scripture and Help us to increasingly read and meditate on and love Your law and your words and help us to to live righteously dear Lord, and I pray that you would please send truly great leaders To help lead like a Josiah To help turn the people to serve the Lord and and to do great exploits for the Lord dear God I pray to please help us to Raise up more leaders like that and and that you would really Work with a group of people that love you and want to serve you and in Jesus name we pray. Amen