(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you so let's go ahead and count up any salvations for today. I heard it was a little rough out there. I know we had our own experience. Everyone seems to have a fun experience today. Any, any salvations to report for the day? Alright. The, the, the guys that didn't go to the place they were assigned got a salvation today. Praise God. See, it was meant to be. Someone, someone had a heavenly appointment today. God, God called you out of that uh, he called you out of Sodom. Just kidding. Yeah, you know, what's funny, man, I love when, when things just kind of come together here. The song is just great. Everett, you know what I'm talking about. Is it uh, uh, verse number two? Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's literally, literally happened today out soul winning. So verse number two in, in song 45 there, it says um, then I can smile at Satan's rage and face a frowning world. And uh, we literally, where we went, I know other people, cops called you and stuff. We had a cop show up and um, the, one of the guys that was just, just vehement, like kind of raging, like telling us to get out of there and everything else. I found out, someone told me that these guys are Sodomites, so it makes perfect sense why they hate God and they want us out of there. And one of the guys, and I don't know if it's the same guy who's door I knocked or not, but when we're leaving I was like, are you, are you guys the Sodomites? And he said, yes. Like, wow. Alright. I guess, I guess that guy told me the truth then. But um, he was, he had a ring doorbell. And I didn't know it was his place, right, so I do the ring doorbell and then like, he starts talking, he's like leave. Like, well have a nice day sir. And then he started, I turned around and knock on the other door, like I own that one too. You gotta go. And I just knocked and he kept talking and he said something like uh, don't preach your hate you're a hate group. I just started laughing. He's like, you think that's funny? Like, I do think it's funny. So this reminds me of this, this song reminds me of that smile at Satan's rage. Just uh, anyways. Uh, but I did, I did want to bring this up, it's um, you will have to deal with stuff like this from time to time. You go out and knock on doors, get the cops called on you. Um, I always tell everyone you know, you can do whatever you want to do, everything you do, obviously it's voluntary. But when you know the truth you know the facts, you don't have to be intimidated to leave from anywhere from preaching the gospel to people. We have that right and it's established and it's well established. And one of the benefits of being in this state particularly is it appears that Georgia has trained their police officers very well in this regard and in this freedom. And our interactions so far, even as a church and people I've talked to in general, have been very positive of them not uh, stepping on our rights to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ that like I said, they're already established. So, but it's good for you to know that just because it's an HOA or just because it's an apartment complex or just because of someone else and you get someone mad and huffy and puffy and it's apartment manager or whoever that wants to say you're trespassing, you got to leave and everything else, it's not true. It's not true. You don't have to leave. Every individual that lives at that place has the right to have visitors and you have the right to go and approach them and nobody has that ultimate authority to say like, you're just barred completely from all these people. You can't, that's not true. So um, but still, you know, some people you feel you feel intimidated or pressured or whatever and you just think it's best to go, that's fine. You could always go, you could always leave and go back another day if you choose to do that. You don't want to deal with cops getting called on you or something, that's fine, but just know this in general, at least here, the cops do a really good job and the cops haven't harassed us at all. It's just the people. So if you just put up with some of the people that are harassing you a little bit, um, just keep going and just ignore them. Don't get into fights with them. Don't get into arguments. You know, a guy pulled up on us and was telling us, oh, you guys got to go and we're like, no, we have every right to be here. Well, no, it's probably right for you guys to say, okay, well, I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and we just left. Just not going to engage. Just what's the point, right? We're out there to go soul winning. So, and same thing with people who want to yell at you and argue with you at the door. Just, all right, see ya. You know, I'm going to go talk to someone else. Don't waste your time. Right? Reach people who want to. So, anyhow, it's all good experiences though, uh, getting out there and if you ever have any questions about anything or you need to be backed up, I'll back you, I'll back up every soul owner any day of the week. Uh, you go out and face any opposition and you're uncertain about something, just let me know and I'll back you up. So, just don't get violent. Ever. I shouldn't have to say that, but I will. You know, just don't, don't get violent with people. There's no reason. Don't, don't, don't ever, you know, go and think you need to get in some kind of physical altercation with people. It's obviously not why we're there. It's not the, not the point. So, if it gets to that, then just go. I mean, if because we will go back. Right, if someone's gonna, gonna physically try to harm you or something, you know what, just, we could always come back. Just circle back. No big deal. But, anyhow, um, that was, uh, an interesting experience today, so stay at it though. Stay faithful. Yesterday, we had a lot of salvations. Today, not so much. And that's the way it goes, but we gotta knock on every door and yes, I didn't realize, just so you know, I didn't realize I was sending you to, like, a really rich neighborhood or a nice neighborhood. Um, for those of you that did go, they're, they, but you see, they're, they're generally not very receptive. That's why we focus on the poor people first, and then uh, move on. But, you know what, every door needs to be knocked, and anyone can get saved. You know, with, with man, it's impossible. With God, all things are possible. So, uh, rich people get saved, not nearly as frequently, but they do. So, we're gonna knock every door. Alright, uh, continuing on here, we got the offering tolls listed down there, received through the month of August. Prayer requests, uh, we got that update on Mrs. Gonzalez this morning, so please continue to have her in prayer, and that, that the doctors have wisdom, giving her treatment, but that God will just heal her of her problems and of her pains and stuff. And then, uh, just, yeah, pray for everyone else on our list here. Mount Baptist Church, Pastor Jason Robinson, on the next page, labor for the Lord, huge success, 66 salvations yesterday with 70 soul winners, a lot of fun. Looking forward to the next one, we'll be planning on Chattanooga sometime in the fourth quarter this year, and, uh, so be on the lookout for that. September challenge is to attend church three times per week for the whole month. Alright, so, uh, if you're here, if you're here this morning and you're here now, you're doing good, you're meeting that challenge. And, uh, just keep it up for the rest of this month to, to do this challenge. If you miss this morning and you're here, you know what? Take the spirit of the challenge anyway and say, even though you missed this morning, just keep going now, just say I'm gonna go the rest of the month, we're gonna, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna try to make sure I get in church three times a week. It is important. Uh, Hebrews chapter 10 is our Bible memory passage. We split this in half, so verse 22 verses is, it's roughly in half, it's not exactly in half. First 22 verses is our first portion that we're memorizing right now. 12 weeks, that's three months. Three months to memorize 22 verses is very doable. Just, just stay at it, do a little bit at a time, couple verses a week, not a day, but a week. You get, you get a significant amount of time to be able to do this and, uh, commit this to memory and if you're able to do that and quote the passage word perfect, you'll get a prize for being able to do that. We've got the birthdays and anniversaries listed there and it's Mary's birthday. We sung to her this morning, so hope she's having a good day back there and she got her ice cream. And then on the back we've got the upcoming events. Homeschool field trip sign up sheet is right over here. If you plan on coming to this event, please sign up if you haven't already, uh, RSVP'd to the Johnson family. Uh, let them know you plan on coming. The ninth is the next men's preaching class with the song leading class at 9.30, preaching class at 10.30. All men are welcome to attend. Please join us for that. Missions trip put on by Faithful Word is listed there. Uh, a preliminary soul winning in Chattanooga being put on by Jared. His, uh, brother Jared Paris is going to be at the end of this month and, uh, we'll be following up in probably a month or two after that and making a full on scheduled trip from our church to go up there. And then the Fire Breathing Baptist Fellowship put on by Steadfast, Missions Conference, Faithful Word, and then of course our church camp. I went over all the details this morning about that with, in regards to the cottages. If you have any questions about that please let me know. I'm, you know, I'm happy to talk about it or answer anything. If you're uncertain about it or whatever, please just come and talk to me. So, uh, but that's the way I plan on doing things. So, uh, I recommend for our church especially get your reservations in early if you want to camp. If you want anything really for that matter just get it, get it in and, uh, we'll make sure that you got your spot reserved before I open this up to anyone else that wants to join us because, you know, every year there's more people that, that become aware of this and know about it. Even people who aren't members here, they find out and then they're going to start getting in there. So, uh, get, get your spot reserved for yourself. It's a lot of fun. You don't want to miss it. It's always a good time. I, I got verbal confirmation from everyone that came this year that they were going to plan on coming next year. So, and, and hopefully even more. I think there were, there were other people that said they would come as well. So we'll see, hopefully we just get a full week with, like, all of our friends just coming out here and being able to get, get that preaching in. Um, but good time. So, so try to sign up for that and that's about it for announcements this evening. Turn the service back over Brother Peter and lead us in our next song. Hey church, you can open up your Bibles. Song number four hundred and seventy-two. Song four hundred and seventy-two. This is My Father's World. Song four seventy-two. Now let's sing this other verse. This is My Father's World. I rest me in the floor. The rocks and trees of skies and seas glisten the wonders long. This is My Father's World. The birds raise. The morning light, the lily one, declare their maker's praise. This is My Father's World. He shines in all that's there. In the rustling grass I hear him but he speaks to me everywhere. This is My Father's World. Won't let me near forget that the world sees justice from God is the ruler yet. This is My Father's World. The battle is not done. Jesus, who died, shall set his hope in earth and heaven. Amen. The Church, while the offering plates are being passed around, if you could please open your Bibles to the book of Mark, chapter 10. It's the book of Mark, chapter 10, and as we do customary here at Strong Old Baptist Church, read the entire chapter as Brother Michael Ricardo. He can please do that for us. Amen. Thank you, sir. Once again, that is the book of Mark, chapter 10. The book of Mark, chapter 10. The Bible reads, And he arose from thence and cometh into the coast of Judea by the farther side of Jordan, and the people resort unto him again. And as he was wont, he taught them again, and the Pharisees came to him and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife, tempting him? And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you? And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And they twain shall be one flesh. So then, they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let no man put asunder. And in the house his disciples ask him again of the same matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another, commit adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another, she commit adultery. And they brought young children to him that he should touch them. And his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But Jesus saw it, but when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased and said unto them, Suffer the little children that come unto me, and forbid them not, for as such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms and put his hands upon them and blessed them. And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running and kneeling and kneeled to him and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God. Thou knowest the commandments, do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, defraud not, honor thy father and mother. And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus, beholding him, loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest, go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, take up the cross and follow me. And he was sad at that saying and went away grieved for he had great possessions. And Jesus looked round about and said unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God? And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answered again and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God? It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved? And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible. Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all and have followed thee. And Jesus answered and said, Verily, I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my sake and the Gospels. But he shall receive an hundredfold, now in this time, houses, brethren, sisters, and sisters, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions in all the world to come, and in all the world to come, eternal life. For many that are first shall be last, and the last first. And they were in the way, going up to Jerusalem. And Jesus went before them, and they were amazed, and as they followed, they were afraid. And he took again the twelve, he began to tell them what things should happen unto him, saying, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man shall be delivered unto the chief priest, and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles. And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him, and the third day he shall rise again. And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come unto him, saying, Master, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire. And he said unto them, What would ye that I should do for you? Then they said unto him, Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory. But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask, can ye drink of the cup that I drink of, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? And they said unto him, We can. And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of, and with the baptism that I am baptized with all, shall ye be baptized. But to sit on my right hand, and on my left hand, is not mine to give. But it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. And when the ten heard it, they began to be much displeased with James and John. But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you, but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister, and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be a servant of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. And they came to Jericho, and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples, and a great number of people blind, Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold his peace. But he cried the more a great deal. Thou son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. And they called the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise, he called thee. And he, casting away his garment, rose and came to Jesus. And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man saith unto him, Lord, that I may receive my sight. And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the way. Let's pray. Father God, we thank you for the book of Mark. We thank you for the whole entire Bible, the King James Bible. God, we thank you for your the power that you that you placed upon the church that you allow for us to be able to go out and win souls. And God, we thank you for the souls that were saved and also for the souls that were warned. And God, feel past the burdens with your spirit. Allow for him to preach whatever you need for him to say and allow for our ears to be open and minimize distractions. God, we just praise you and thank you for all that you do. In Jesus' name, Amen. All right, so this evening is going to be more of a doctrinal sermon, um, but it's it's another one that might be worthy of a disclaimer. I don't know, I I, you know, I say the disclaimer is just so because things can get very, uh, some people get very uh, it's very personal, right? And and especially when we have a culture that's really accepting of a lot of different types of sin and and, you know, people become unaware of what the Bible even teaches on things when they hear it. Uh, a lot of times it just invokes anger and stuff like that and it's not intended to make you angry by any means. It's intended to to preach the truth so that you know what the Bible says and you just be right with God. I mean, that's the whole point, right? We want we want to be right with God. We love God. We love his commandments. We want to follow him uh, closely. So, interested in learning what the Bible says about different subjects and and this evening the subject is divorce and remarriage. Divorce is real common. Unfortunately, it's really common in our culture. It's another one of those things that that has changed dramatically over a real short period of time. It wasn't as nearly as common as popular as it is today. Even just within the past 50 years, things have changed dramatically just like with the clothing and all kinds of other standards. I mean morality, biblical moralities is going down the tubes in this country. But all the more reason why we need to hear about it and if you already know this uh, how you think about this, how you believe about this, great! Especially if you if you believe right about it but it's important to look at it and refresh our minds and know why you believe what you believe and we're going to look at the scripture and let the scripture speak for itself. Right? We always be careful when it comes with to anything that we believe. Not to let our own feelings or desires lead us astray. If you want things to be a certain way, don't try to make the Bible say what you want it to say. Let the Bible teach you. And which is why we always have to be humble when we approach the word of God so that we can receive the word of God as it is in truth, as it's the word of God. It's not the word of man. This is you know we come across things that if we happen to be guilty of, man just just suck it up and take it and and change. I repent. Do something different. You know, make sure you're just getting in line with God at every every chance you can and you know you're not you're not going to change right and wrong. It's best just to know right and wrong. So let's let's look at this. Let's look at the subject. See what Jesus said. I mean Jesus himself is teaching us not that that should really matter. You know some people like to put more emphasis on the red words, the words of Christ, something like that. Look the whole Bible is the word of God and Jesus is the word incarnate. So like whether whether the word literally physically kind of came out of his mouth or not, if it's in if it's in the scripture it's a word of God and it's the truth. But in any case let's let's look and see what Jesus did say to these Pharisees. And mind you you know before we even get into this who the Pharisees are and and don't have the Pharisaical attitude. The Pharisees contrary to popular opinion these days popular opinion is going to tell you well the Pharisees were just they were legalistic and what people mean by that because that term could mean a lot of different things. Well what do you mean by legalistic? Right because you could call me legalistic and depending on what you mean by it it could very well be true. Legalistic in the sense that should we be looking to to God's laws and trying to follow them like as perfectly as possible? Yeah I think so if you want to call that legalistic sure I mean I mean we should really be digging down every aspect of our life and be like can we make this in accordance with God's law? Amen yeah yeah if that's legalistic and your if that's your definition then sure go ahead and count me legalistic. But more I think more common usage of legalistic is where people want to say like oh well you just you're just so focused on the rules and you don't even know what the bible is all about or things like that just kind of like no the rules are important and of course God's grace and forgiveness and mercy is important too but but like let's let's follow the rules right there are some people like the Pharisees here they were hypocrites and they were always looking to not follow the rules so they knew the rules but they were fought they were trying to find any loophole any way where they could say well I mean really like like like does it apply for every reason or something we're going to see that as we get into this let's not get that Pharisaical attitude of trying to come up with any excuse or any reason why this shouldn't apply to me right and that's whether it's the sermon this morning whether it's any sermon going forward teaching the truth of God look let let the bible say what it says let's read let's read this a little bit I know we read the entire chapter let's go back there at the beginning chapter verse number two the bible says the Pharisees came to him and asked him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife and when it says they're tempting him and so they're testing him they want to see what he's going to say and we're going to we're going to turn to Matthew 19 later but what they say in Matthew 19 is is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause because they're always looking like well can I just if I'm if I want to divorce and put away just means divorce right so if I if I want to divorce my wife I mean could I just do it for any reason like just I just want to divorce her that's what they want to know I mean because that's what they want they want to be able to do that it's not that they care about like well what does God want they're just like can I just get any reason I want and just be able to divorce my wife and to be done with that like that's not the attitude we should have at all and and think about this too you know hopefully if even if you've been divorced you realize like divorce is not a good thing okay and if you have been divorced before you know like you can't change that but we need to teach everybody else who hasn't been divorced before that you shouldn't get divorced okay so so like it's not like this term is directed at you like oh you're preaching this because I've been divorced no not at all I'm preaching it because it's in the bible and we need to know the truth is on this and even if you have been divorced before that maybe you know you're married now don't get divorced again right it's just wherever you're at right like like stay there if you've been divorced remarried you can't change that now but don't just go and get divorced again or something but we're looking to see let's let the bible teach us so so the question is is it lawful for a man to put away his wife and he answered and said unto them what did moses command you so i love to reflect well what does the law say what does the law say what does the bible say that's a good answer is it lawful but what does the law say verse four and they said moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away so they say well yep moses said we could give a divorce like we're gonna look at the law too don't worry we'll look and see what what the law actually says it's not quite as simple as just well the law just says yep just give her a bill of divorcement and you're good jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept jesus acknowledging that that there is divorce is in the law of as there being a situation where it could legally happen where it would be acceptable in god's law to get a divorce so it's not that there's zero cases where you could ever do this there is a case you could do this okay and it is it is explicitly written out in the word of god but what he's trying to explain here and this is really important and don't miss this because this is where the heart should be and where the spirit should be right you've got the letter of the law you got the spirit of the law the pharisees were looking at the letter of the law and completely missing the spirit of the law and they were just viewing it as as just too closely as a kind of nitpicky on things but not even considering what the spirit of the law is and totally misapplying the law too when they wanted to be this holier than now type of person publicly that's what they were doing to jesus when he was like you know jesus is healing people on the sabbath day and the pharisees are losing their mind because he's healing people like you're not supposed to be working like he's healing people what do you mean it's not supposed to be working like and jesus you're not you you totally missed the point you know man wasn't made for the sabbath the sabbath was made for the man for man right and it's good to do good on the sabbath it's okay to to to save to heal to you know like like to do good and help somebody is is okay that's not what god is trying to prevent on the sabbath day he doesn't want you going off to work and working and doing you know and exerting things it is a day of rest but yeah healing is not breaking the sabbath it's it was fine anyways i digress let's let's keep looking at what he's saying here so he's he's explaining experience that for the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept verse 6 but from the beginning of the creation god made them male and female by the way male and female right i feel like i'm in an alternate reality sometimes never would i ever have dreamed like i should i should repeat male and female you know like like that's some some really profound biblical truth god made man and woman all right it is it is let's keep moving i don't want to get i really don't want to get stuck in that nonsense for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh so then they are no more twain but one flesh so god made man and woman and then when they come together and they get married he says you become one you become one flesh that marriage that union it's it's special it's a big deal god created that and and and when people join together you really need to see yourself if you're in a marriage you are one you two have become one so you need to live you need to operate operate as as one this this this division and and and then ripping apart back into two what god is already joined together and you've already become one you don't want to do that it's destructive that's bad and this is what's being taught here he says they twain shall be one flesh so they're no more twain you're no more two just just get that out of your head you're not two you're one what therefore god had joined together let that man put asunder i mean this is the real teaching about divorce look if god has brought you together you know he's intended that a man and a woman a man would leave father and mother and cleave under his wife and they too would be one flesh and then they would raise a family and they would live and and keep going on and and you've got one there from the two that are going to be joined together until death do us part that is the teaching of marriage so this idea of even getting a divorce really shouldn't exist from the beginning that just wasn't even a thing because god made it this way and we all have a lot more respect to the way that god made things than trying to find well can i just do it anyways and he says look it's for the hardness of your heart there is an instance where god did give the okay so it's not just like you're you're wicked or wrong if you were to do things according to the law right it's not sinful but the only reason it's in there is just because man's heart is hard and would not be able to get past something that i that god would say you you know it's better if you get past that it's better if you could just forgive and get past that and still stay uh stay married verse 10 says in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter so you know he gave that answer publicly to the pharisees about divorce and he said that uh you know basically he said yeah i know that that that's in the law he said but that's not the way god intended that was his answer trying to teach them like don't be worried about trying to find every way to divorce your wife god never intended you forget a divorce so his disciples then ask him again and he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another commit adultery against her so this is like even a double down i would say this is this is getting really you know he's saying if you divorce your wife and then go and marry another you've come you're committing adultery because god still sees that that union you know if you if you're unrighteously just going and getting divorced you know you're not supposed to be doing that because now you're going to go commit adultery because you know it's kind of like in god's eyes you're still married to that person right you're breaking apart this thing that really can't be broken apart and then going and trying to marry someone else and you know people think about like oh i made a mistake when i was younger i got divorced and yeah but that doesn't change what what jesus is saying here about getting remarried and and look this is a tough pill to swallow if you are the one in that situation you know you say well it's easy for you to say pastor burzins because you haven't been divorced i know i haven't and i thank god for that honestly and i'm not saying because like oh it never could have happened to me yeah sure it could have when i was especially not knowing any better not really knowing uh as much about the bible and stuff sure it could have i mean it didn't i said thank god but it doesn't matter if you think it's easy for me to say this or not because it's still what the bible says it's still what jesus said and if we care about doing what's right well let's look to what the scripture says the bible says and if a woman shall put away her husband so it's not just be like oh oh well it's only if the man puts away his wife right then he can't get rid of me no if if the woman puts away her husband and be married to another she committed adultery doesn't matter man divorce woman divorce he's saying don't do it flip forward or flip back if you would to matthew 19 matthew 19 we'll dig into this a little bit more because divorce and remarriage are two separate issues right first you just got the divorce of of ending a marriage splitting that up but then after that divorce well what about getting remarried what about finding some what if someone else comes into my life and i really like this person i'd like to marry this person well is it right to commit adultery and that's a pretty easy one right and that's what jesus now now do people do this sure they do they do a lot is that what they're supposed to do no no and go into my sermon this morning are there plenty of women that wear jeans and pants sure there are is it what they're supposed to do no all right people do things they're not supposed to do but and i don't want to try to make light of it either because jesus is definitely not making light of it if he's saying like you're committing adultery by doing this you know adultery carried a death sentence it's a pretty pretty bad sin i mean it's not just something that's like oops sorry i just committed adultery so you really need to be aware of this and and for those of you who haven't been divorced and maybe thought about divorce or maybe in the future you might think about getting divorced you know first of all just realize you're not going to just be able to go out righteously and then just get remarried like if you already just sinned by getting a divorce that's not righteous you'd be adding sin on top of that again by then getting married to somebody else so like if you're thinking well i'm kind of sick of my wife or i'm kind of sick of my husband i just want to find somebody else that i mean you'd be sinning twice like major like big big deal here this isn't just a little a little thing matthew chapter 19 look at verse number three i already read this uh this first verse here verse three we'll read it again the pharisees also came on him tempting him and saying on him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause and he answered and said unto them have you not read and i love that answer too like people come to him asking him stupid questions haven't you read you know it is can i just do it for every cause that is a stupid question because the law doesn't say you could just get divorced for every cause like i said we'll get to that in a minute we'll go we'll end up looking at that verse four have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and he said and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh but therefore god joined together let not man put asunder same story essentially is what we saw in mark 10 but let's keep reading because there's a there's a little bit more uh added at the end of this one they say unto him why then why why did moses then command to give a writing of divorce from him to put her away he saith unto them because moses because of the hardness of your heart suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so and i say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery so in this verse here we see the one the one caveat the one issue the one thing that says okay well if you divorce your wife for any other reason except for fornication and marry another committing adultery so this would be the law part that is accepting of that divorce which would then allow you to get remarried because it was done lawfully according to the law of god so just keep that in mind that it says fornication there now fornication and adultery are the same physical act same physical act that happens but fornication is usually what's referred to when it's these people are not married because once you're married that becomes adultery adultery carries the death sentence fornication does not typically okay when people commit fornication you know if a man and woman commit fornication it's found out then the man's supposed to marry that woman okay but it's but it's that's not a capital punishment or anything like that if you didn't like the guy very much you might think it's worse than the capital crime but you know hey you're the one that's doing it but seriously though the adultery and fornication even though it's the same act that they are used in those different circumstances so when it says here okay if it's for fornication well we'll say well how does that that happen well we'll get to that in a minute i don't want to get too too far ahead we'll see this play out in a minute but let's keep reading here in matthew 19 verse number 10 his disciples say unto him if the case of the man be so with his wife it is not good to marry and you know i think this gets a little bit in the mindset too of what maybe popular culture was at that time because they're just saying well like i mean if that's the way it is then maybe it's just not good to marry you know like if i can't just get a divorce and just marry again then maybe i just shouldn't marry at all and that's kind of sad to have that thought it really is like really you can't commit yourself to one person and just devote your life to to spending with them and and you know enjoying that that great relationship of two becoming one and and yeah i mean it's kind of sad that they that they even thought that way because you know as someone who's married of course every day isn't perfect and yes you have your fights and yes you have your ups and downs and and and you could you could get at each other a little bit but but i mean still the whole like marriage is great marriage is great like i love having a wife i mean it's a great blessing it's a great blessing i wouldn't and and to think like to ever have that thought to be thinking like just allowing the thought to even come in and be like well maybe i'll just divorce my wife you know marriage isn't always easy so you can't you can't even have that thought as as an option too many people have opened up the door to that even in their mind of saying well this is why you start to see more divorces but when you know what the bible says you know what jesus says hey look what god has joined together let not man divide asunder like if you have that going into your marriage you're going like look this isn't gonna break this isn't gonna split like this isn't gonna happen we're gonna this is gonna work divorce is just off the table we need more people getting married to know and and to believe and have the integrity and say this is how this marriage is gonna go i don't care if everyone else in this world goes gets married divorced married divorced married divorced this marriage is gonna last because i well we need to have like the mind of christ i will never leave you or forsake you with your own spouse and have it settled in your mind that even if your husband or your wife does this or this or this or this or this you're not you're not you're not gonna get divorce we're gonna make it work we're gonna stay one we're not gonna split up what god has already joined together so they think well maybe it's just not good to marry then and jesus answered he says but but he said unto them all men cannot receive the saying save they to whom it is given and then look at verse number 12 for there are some eunuchs which were so born from their mother's womb and there are some eunuchs which were made eunuchs of men and there'd be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake he is able to receive it let him receive it now i've heard some really weird teachings in just recent years about this and i'm not going to cover all that because it's not complicated i know that we don't use the word eunuch in common language today at all it's not a thing for us but it's not hard to understand what that word means and a eunuch is a man who has lost his privy member okay been castrated essentially that's just that's just the easiest way to put it he's no longer able to procreate okay and this happened for various reasons throughout history when we read and you'll see some of this in the bible when uh if you if you had a king maybe had a lot of concubines or you know had these side women he had his his side girls or his wives or whatever and there's a man kind of in charge of keeping them then that would be the condition sometimes that that person the man that was in charge of all that would be in is that they were made a eunuch to to to have the full trust that that person isn't going to defile any of the king's women okay that was one instance in which that would happen to men and so what jesus is saying here is there's there are some that were so born from their mother's womb okay and just that just happens and there are some which are made eunuchs of men right where that the kind of situation i'm talking about where other people have just sort of put that on them and then it says and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake now i don't believe like when it's using this word eunuchs it's drawing from the fact that they're not having those relations it's not saying they're literally physically doing things to themselves to to ever prevent that from happening it's people who are withholding and abstaining for the kingdom of heaven's sake so for example someone who does end up getting this divorce but then they're going to say well now i'm going to remain celibate and remain unmarried because it's not right to go and get remarried now that i've gone through with this divorce so i am going to make myself a eunuch because i'm following the law of god it's not that hard to figure out right so it makes sense it's not talking about some other weird perverted stuff that's going on today it's just he's saying look i mean because he literally follows up that statement is followed up with saying look if you get remarried you're committing adultery so in order to not commit adultery you need to just abstain from having that type of relationship because you've been divorced and like i said that that could be a really hard pill to swallow it's not a it's not something that people like to hear it's not something that people want to hear and honestly i've had to i've i've taught this subject to people before and they've left the church over this and i hope that doesn't happen here but i wouldn't be surprised ever if it does because it's so personal to people and because it's something that people if you if you are in that situation you do not want to hear that you do not want to hear this truth but you need to hear it you need to hear it if you especially if you love god you need to hear it and not just loving god think about this though you know god all of god's laws all of god's commandments everything he has for it it is for our benefit even if you don't understand why you have to trust god that he actually cares about you and does want the best for you i don't know how i could live this way and i'm missing it you know just trust god okay if that happened then then still just keep your trust in god that this is righteous this is true i mean i understand why i can't uh just just go ahead and and get remarried anyways well trust that that what jesus is saying here is for your benefit because because it is the Bible says in matthew five you flip back to matthew five verse number 31 matthew five verse number 31 it has been said whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorcement but i say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committed adultery and again now look if you're thinking about getting married to someone and say well i've never been divorced but if you're planning on married marrying someone who's been divorced the Bible says whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committed adultery so if you say well i've never been divorced but this woman that i love she's already been divorced before the Bible says you commit adultery by marrying her so let that sink in too when you're looking for a spouse you're looking for a partner a wife a husband that that you consider these things right they're important so now again we see this saving for the cause of fornication now turn to Matthew chapter 1 because this exact case comes up with Joseph and Mary at least seemingly comes up right this is what Joseph's thinking we get a little bit into Joseph's mind about this but what we have to understand about marriage is uh you know you get you get married when you have your ceremony you get married when you uh and and the way we do it is you perform your vows right you have the ceremony and you're married but the marriage gets finalized once that marriage is consummated and the the two flesh come together to become one flesh that you when that union happens that is the solidifying that's the cementing of the deal right that is ultimately when that marriage is is complete kind of like our salvation right now like you're saved but that salvation isn't complete yet because we still have the redemption of our bodies right so you've got that new spirit you are saved no doubt about that you're saved but but the completion the fulfillment happens when we've got that new body in conjunction with our spirit and soul right that's all the the whole package deal so marriage when you make the vows you get married right well the whole thing then is is fulfilled and finalized at the consummation at that uh time when you join together become one flesh prior to that happening and this is what the law is going to teach we're going to see this example playing out with joseph and mary you can be married but you haven't consummated the marriage yet and you find out that your wife that you've just married is not pure right and you want to back out and you say well this isn't what i signed up for so you find some kind of uncleanness you find out that she had commit fornication because you weren't married yet and she had already done this and now you haven't consummated the marriage yet but you got married and you're you're you're going wait a minute i didn't know that you commit for you i didn't know that you did this i thought you were made i thought you were virgin i thought that's what i was getting here this is what the law is going to be talking about and this is what joseph is thinking about because he's espoused to marry they're married right into one sense but they haven't come together yet because mary's still a virgin but then when she becomes with child of the holy ghost she she becomes pregnant with jesus christ well she's pregnant and joseph's thinking she must have commit fornication because how else could she be pregnant right i mean it kind of makes sense i see where joseph's coming from there but god has to inform joseph well you know that thing that is that is in mary is of the holy ghost so you know you don't have to promote her but let's read this story in in matthew one verse number 18 about says now the birth of jesus christ was on this wise when as his mother mary was espoused to joseph they were espoused before they came together she was found with child of the holy ghost so she became pregnant before they consummated that marriage then joseph her husband is there any doubt that they're married no it's her husband right being a just man he he followed god's law he was a just man and not willing to make her a public example was minded to put her away privately so he's thinking man like i didn't want to he didn't want to make a big deal out of it make a big show about it and just put her out in front of everybody but he's thinking like i got a divorce this way you know like i can't i can't go forward with this she's pregnant it's someone else's baby you know and the law gives me this option to be able to back out of this thing so he's thinking about these things and he's thinking you know i think i just i think i'm just going to do this quietly i'll just let her go her way and we'll we'll get a divorce from this marriage and just be able to move on you can understand joseph's mindset there and you can also understand you know why god put that in the law for the hardness of man's heart because it's a hard thing to deal with someone that you know we're getting married and and you're supposed to be committing yourself to the other but it's like you just got pregnant with another man you know like with another man like not that long ago obviously because you're being found with child now so that's that hurts that that betrayal happening right at the beginning you're thinking like how can i how can i spend the rest of my life with this person right so it is a really hard thing to get passed which is why it's it's it's put into the law as being the exception there to the rule of being allowed to to to get a divorce when god doesn't want people getting divorced that is the rule there and let's read that well look at verse number 20 but while he thought on these things behold the angel of the lord appeared on him in a dream saying joseph thou son of david fear not to take unto thee marry thy wife for that which is conceived in hers of the holy ghost so he gets like like look she didn't she didn't cheat on him she didn't go she didn't commit fornication like the only guy in the entire world the history of the universe ever to have this situation happen happened to joseph so like man what a tough thing to have to just be like you'd be like really like all right i guess uh but turn if you want to do it around me 22 i wonder how many women tried to use that after the like no no no i didn't i didn't i wasn't with anyone else this is like a miracle like i don't think so it happened once so deuteronomy 22 here's here's what the law says now about about the divorce verse number 13 if any man take a wife and go in unto her and hate her and give occasions of speech against her and bring up an evil name upon her and say i took this woman and when i came to her i found her not a maid then shall the father of the damsel and her mother take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city of the gate in the gate and damsel's father shall say unto the elders i gave my daughter unto this man to wife and he hateth her and lo he hath given occasions of speech against her saying i found not thy daughter a maid and yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity and they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city and the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise him and they shall immerse him in 100 shekels of silver and give them unto the father of the damsel because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of israel and she shall be his wife he may not put her away all his days so this is the story of someone who's trying to get a divorce and he's making the claim that look when i came to her like we got married i came to her she wasn't a maid she's not a virgin right but in this situation he's lying and notice and this is a little bit of a side issue but i'll bring it up anyways the father of the bride is the one that has the proof and the evidence that no she she was a maid up until you know you married her and we don't need to get in details about that but if you're old enough you probably know what that means and if you're not don't worry about it but the reason i bring up the father is because dad's responsible for his daughter's purity and dads now more than ever need to make sure that you are raising your daughters that you're protecting your daughters you're looking out for your daughters and and you are going to be there to prevent any other things to happen to them so that they won't be defiled prior to their wedding night right and that's what a righteous dad is going to do and part of that's going to mean you don't give them the freedom for these events to be able to take place they'll be chaperoned they'll be somewhere public somewhere where that situation can't happen similar to the way that we do things here hey there's windows there's doors there's things are open like they you know we're going to make sure that no untoward things happen here things that ought not to happen aren't going to happen and dad you know my man dad of course yes but dad especially you know men know men dad needs to be checking boyfriends at the door and no you're not going to be able to go and just be alone with my daughter somewhere because that's how these things happen so and he's saying here no you know she was pure you know he's making making sure and you can't you can't because he's also then bringing a bad name on the father and on his daughter so what would result in that is you know this guy then gets fined and he's trying to bring a slander and it's guess what you can't get divorced now if someone's trying to lie about this he probably doesn't he doesn't obviously what doesn't want to be married to her anymore but even in this situation the law is saying no you divorced her she was a maid i don't care if you hate her you're going to stay married to her you cannot put her away that's the law now it's unfortunate just in general that you'd have someone that wants to divorce his wife so bad that he's willing to lie about it but what i'm pointing out here is that just god's law is saying but you can't do that obviously you can't just divorce your wife for every cause just by reading that passage in the law there is a specific reason and it has to do with the fornication which is what he's claiming which he's why he's even bringing it up to to be considered to be able to get this divorce but when they find out that no you're lying then he's not able to get that divorce but then it says and but if this thing be true and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she died because she hath wrought folly in israel to play the whore in her father's house so shalt thou put evil away from among you now that's pretty serious too so dad you love your daughters now look i know we don't have this law today like of course we don't but you ought to be raising your daughters like that law is in effect because that's how god views this stuff you're raising your daughter to play the law go forward to deuteronomy chapter 24 we're going to see what the law says then about remarriage because it also brings that up as well so is it pretty clear though what we're seeing about the law and about about divorce and and what god's law says are what is the criteria and if you think i'm just leaving stuff out tell me where i'm leaving out it's just there's there's it's not there it's not there so do your own bible study and look for all the places try to find for yourself all the places where the bible talks about being divorced especially in god's law now i'm not referencing every single one of the gospels where it's basically saying the same thing that jesus said you know like just restating the same stuff we saw but i'm just talking about like god's law show me some other instance where it's like oh yeah but this is okay too because it's not there now granted if if someone commits adultery there is the death penalty right that was a way out of a marriage right for the spouse that got cheated on that that their spouse would be put to death and we don't have that today but there still isn't this exception for a divorce because he's saying well it shouldn't be divorced it should just be you know justice being carried out anyways so uh but when we're looking for a biblical reason to be able to divorce someone i mean we gotta let let's let's do things right and i think where you start is don't look for a reason to get divorced and don't don't divide what god is brought together verse number one deuteronomy 24 the bible says when a man had taken a wife and married her and it come to pass that she finds no favor in his eyes because he hath found some uncleanness in her then let him write her a bill of divorcement and give it in her hand and send her out of his house and when she has departed out of his house she may go and be another man's wife now this is telling us he found uncleanness in her which would be related to the fornication prior to the marriage and this event happens and it and they get divorced right prior to the to consummation he's found his uncleanness okay we're divorced so in this situation she is allowed then to go and marry and so would he they'd both be allowed then to go because they hadn't come together yet they hadn't um consummated that marriage but then verse three says and if the latter husband hate her and write her a bill of divorcement and giveth it in her hand and send her out of his house or if the latter husband die which took her to be his wife her former husband which sent her away may not take her again to be his wife after that she is defiled defiled meaning she consummated the marriage for that is abomination before the lord and thou shalt not cause the land to sin which the lord thy god giveth thee for an inheritance so you know people get married divorced and even if it's for the wrong reasons though this still would apply like if people get divorced whether it's for the right reason or wrong reason and and the person goes out marry someone else and then either that that other spouse dies or they get divorced from them and say you know what no i actually had a better you know i'm gonna go marry this guy and then wow this guy is actually a bigger jerk than you so i'm gonna divorce him i'm gonna come back to you like no you can't do that like there's no there's you've left it's gone you're done you can't you can't play this back and forth type of a game and what i mean what you had your shot you you divorced you're you're over now if no one goes out and remarries you can reconcile that marriage because because no one's been defiled by being with another person right you can you can still get that back together you could put that back together but i'll tell you this much just as far as reality goes of people that would do that it's slim to none so if you're thinking like well we'll just get a divorce now but i mean maybe if things work out we'll get back together again just don't get the divorce because once you get that divorce i mean you're you're you've already quit you've already said we're done don't think mate well maybe no it's not it doesn't happen or at least it doesn't happen righteously because what people will do is they'll go they will go out and then get defiled and and then want to come back and that may happen but again that's not right turn if you go to first corinthians chapter seven we're almost done i'm gonna wrap up wrap up the sermon so we saw jesus referencing the law right pharisees were asking him hey can i just divorce for any reason the answer is absolutely not we actually saw the law that talks about that we saw an example of joseph being a just man someone who's doing right and and in this situation it all it all fits it goes together and now we're looking first corinthians chapter seven we're going to get some more teaching on this subject which talks a little bit about marriage and these types of things look at verse number 10 the papa says and unto the married i command yet not i and in first corinthians seven you know there's there's part of first really having to say like i think this right and and this is what i think people should do and i think people should be like me where he's talking about like being unmarried but now he's specifying in verse 10 he's saying unto the married i command yet not i but the lord like like there's no doubt like this is this is god's command so this isn't just like the apostle paul thinking what's best for people when he's thinking just say hey you know don't get married you could spend all your time serving the lord and that's great but here he's saying well this isn't just my commandment this is uh god saying this let not the wife depart from her husband unto the married this is what i command yet not i but the lord let not the wife depart from her husband but and if she depart because let's face it just because you're commanded not to do something doesn't mean people won't do it so there's still further teaching on that event okay look just right off the bat don't do it if you do it let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband those are your two choices then okay fine if you do it either just stay unmarried or go ahead then and be reconciled and let not the husband put away his wife so you've got that seeing this goes for for both people respectively husband or wife husbands don't put away wives don't leave your husband but to the rest speak i not the lord if any brother hath a wife that believeth not and she be pleased to dwell with him let him not put her away and is this really though any different than let not the husband put away his wife what god already commanded right it for this statement it's the same okay if you have an un and what does it say what did he say here what's the situation if a brother someone who's saved has a an unbelieving wife now first of all we'll see this also from this chapter as well if you're saved and you're seeking a husband or a wife you need to be finding someone else who's saved okay but this situation could happen let's say two people get married and they're both unsaved but then one of them gets saved right then you could be in this situation where unfortunately now you're kind of unequally yoked because you've got one person who's saved one person who's not right so these things can happen for sure out in the world like they definitely happen um even not really through anyone's fault right you're just unsaved you're living your life you get married and then hey praise the lord you get saved but now you find yourself in this situation and what he's saying here is well hey look i mean if it works out great like don't divorce her just because you're saved and she's not like don't just be like well now i gotta now i gotta put you away heathen woman you know like well you're already married so and and you know it sounds funny to us but there are people who would who would take these weird extremes and think no you just gotta divorce her because she's not a child of god she's not saved so you know like no no just just stay together and the woman which hath a husband that believeth not and if he be pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him so don't don't get divorced for that reason at all for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband else were your children unclean but now are they holy like it's still good the children are there the children are holy you don't have bastard children that don't have a father around anymore because you just decided to split up and get divorced he's saying this can all still work out but then he says this verse 15 but if the unbelieving depart let him depart now people believers like to to turn to this passage to justify divorce but who's doing the departing the believer or the unbeliever are you saved today you're the believer so guess what that means for you you don't get to depart so if you end up finding yourself you're you're saved your spouse is not your spouse wants to divorce and leave you it seems like this is probably over this whole issue because now you're saved you want to serve god and this has become this this this big problem in your marriage right maybe you're drastically different now than you used to be and like she's like this isn't what i signed up for like now you're going to a cult that stronghold baptister it's crazy what are you doing going out and talking to people and getting you know that property manager called me what are you doing out there but they you know but what he's saying here is then just just let them depart let let them let them go instead of just fighting tooth and nail you can let them go it doesn't say you do the divorcing this is their choosing to go not the same you're not initiating divorce you're not trying to put them away you're not doing anything of the sort but they've decided that they're going to go that's where he says let him to let him go then just let them depart now does that mean you can just go ahead and just get remarried then no because you're not getting divorced for fornication which was the the the caveat in the law but this is someone who doesn't care about god's laws anyways they're an unbeliever i mean they're just going to go and and divorce you they say well let them go a brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases but god has called us to peace like you know and two people believing two completely different things a safe you know that goes to the heart the the most personal thing you have is your faith with god where that can be that can cause some really serious rifts in a marriage because that's like the only thing that's going to be closer than a husband and a wife is you with the lord like that's the relationship that supersedes and is more it is more intimate more close more special is your personal relationship with god followed by your relationship with your spouse verse 16 says for what knowest thou a wife whether thou shalt save thy husband or how knowest thou a man whether thou shalt save that wife so basically like you're saved you just you keep things together you stay you stay married even if it just becomes really difficult maybe over time you can you can win your spouse over maybe they could get saved right like that of course that's that would be the best result but if it gets to the point where they just are leaving he's just saying well then let them leave totally different from saying well then just get rid of them it's not it's not at all so we see even still if you're a believer that's not a reason to get divorced you don't seek that divorce at the end of the day it's until death do us part look at verse number 39 there in chapter 7 the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth this is why jesus was saying hey if you get divorced and then you marry someone who's divorced or you know you get remarried you're committing adultery because the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth because you make that vow until death do us part so you're you're committed that person you're married to that person until death but if her husband be dead she is at liberty to be married to whom she will so that's when that contract ends that's when the law ends okay well now that person's dead and till death do us part happened now we're parted but then it says this so she's married to whom she will so whoever she wants to and look this is the christian bible right this is the apostle paul by the way teaching this that misogynistic apostle paul he's teaching that she is at liberty she a woman you know because he was so oppressive against women she is at liberty to be married to whom she will what does that mean whoever she wants to the apostle paul isn't teaching no you have to have arranged marriages and they can't decide for themselves or anything like that look get married who it well but it says only in the lord only the lord look for people who are saved and that applies to all believers look you want to get married to someone get married to someone you you can get married to whoever you want only in the lord this also by the way destroys the stupid notion of like people that are trying to say that the bible teaches against interracial marriages right against you call mixed families or whatever uh we got we got a bunch of mischurch i think it's great like like who cares like like it doesn't matter at all how much pigmentation you have in your skin versus your your spouse that doesn't matter you get married to whoever you want just get married to someone who's saved last place we'll look at look at malachi chapter two at the end of the day god hates divorce we're dealing with the subject of divorce divorce and remarriage right i think it's pretty easy to see hey don't get don't get divorced it's really not uh you've already consummated your marriage you don't really have any grounds left to to divorce your spouse so and if god forbid that does happen then you can't get remarried i mean you shouldn't get remarried right according to god's law according to word of god you shouldn't get remarried because now you're just committing adultery you already know you shouldn't fornicate so what do you got to do you gotta now withhold having any of those relationships for the kingdom of god's sake because it's the right thing to do and anyone who unfortunately has already been in this situation right i'm definitely not mad at you and i'm not even preaching this to make you feel bad or anything like that hopefully it'll help you it's the word of god it'll just maybe strengthen you and what you need to do going forward but even i would say even more importantly think about all the kids all the other people who they haven't gotten any marriage yet they haven't done anything yet they need to know this stuff so even even though some people might think this is an offensive sermon i'm not trying to be offensive but like i think it's more important that kids know this stuff i didn't know this stuff when i was growing up i mean i i kind of knew some things but it like wasn't like no what the god the word of god says this and this is how serious it is ever so and that ignorance and that unknown not knowing how god feels about this stuff is huge kids need to know this stuff and then they can make their decision after that but look at malachi chapter 2 verse number 13 the bible says in this have you done again covering the altar of the lord with tears and with weeping and with crying out insomuch that he regardeth not the offering anymore or receive it with or receive it with goodwill at your hand yet ye say wherefore so why because the lord hath been witnessed between thee and the wife of thy youth against whom thou hast dealt treacherously yet is she thy companion and the wife of thy covenant so what verse 13 is saying is this is what you've done you're covering the altar with tears weeping crying out right with with their entreaties to the lord as they bring their sacrifices and is saying that he's not regarding the offering anymore and he's not receiving the good will he's not accepting it god's not accepting it and they say well why i mean we're crying out to you why aren't you accepting it and he says because you've dealt treacherously against the wife of your youth because you're not treating your wife right you're you're leaving or you you you've put away it's the wife of your covenant and did not he make one verse 15 yet had he the residue of the spirit and wherefore one that he might seek a godly seed therefore take heed to your spirit and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth for the lord the god of israel saith that he hateth putting away god hates divorce he hates the putting away he doesn't want that happening and you're dealing treacherously against the wife of your youth by putting her away and god's saying you know what i don't you know i don't want to hear you anymore don't you be bringing your offer i don't want to hear that you make god angry for one covereth violence with his garment saith the lord of hosts therefore take heed to your spirit that you deal not treacherously you have wearied the lord with your words yet ye say wherein have we wearied him even ye say everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the lord and he delighteth in them or where is the god of judgment and you know you're familiar with the book of malachi these people are so backwards and so many different things and they thought they were holy and righteous and god just saying like look you got this wrong you got this wrong you got you know everything you're doing is just is just just out of line and wrong and it gets to the point here where they're just thinking like everyone that does evil is good like no i'm good no it's okay i could divorce my wife i could i could deal treacherously with my wife i'm not i'm not bad there's nothing wrong with that i'm still good no you're not how does god how does jesus feel about divorce how does the lord feel about divorce he doesn't like it he hates it don't do it the end no seriously treat treat marriage as a holy thing everyone who's married today treat it as holy treat it as special okay you have to make the sacrifices to make it work divorce is never an option the word that d word should never roll off the tongue of anyone who's married and don't ever use it as a threat or as a suggestion just don't even let it come out of your mouth don't do it don't even play around with with the thought of getting a divorce it's not worth it no matter how stressful things may get or how hard things might get there there's there's there's just no good option how about just try to make it work and you say well i already tried that try harder and i'm not even saying that facetiously or anything i mean it like like put a lot of effort into it and and put more effort into it it's special don't don't divide what god is has brought together god brought you together with your spouse he's made you one let's let's have respect to that and in the words of god from the beginning of creation cleaving under your wife cleaving under your husband maintain that unity it's important if you've got children support for the children it's important you know what and i didn't even have this in here but it's important to uh greater spiritual truths about christ in the church that's what we read ephesians five a little bit earlier this morning and and marriage is relatable to christ in the church so so keep that in mind that you are representative of christ dealing with the church in your marriage so just as christ loves the church hey your husband ought to be showing that love for the wife and just as uh the uh the church is obedient submissive to christ so should the wife be to her husband you are acting out that trait that truth in your marriage uh by that and in the same way that jesus said i'll never leave you or forsake you we ought to have that commitment to our spouse in our marriage let's bow our heads have a word of prayer dear lord we love you thank you so much for your words i pray that you please uh bless us all here i pray to please help especially those who are unmarried to um just have a very solid um understanding and and commitment to when they do get get decide to get married they find somebody they find a wife they find a husband lord they want to get married to that they would truly mean their vows that it's until death do us part and that they would not even consider divorce as being an option and that they would uh consider carefully before getting married so that they know uh that that they're they're gonna be committed for the rest of their life and i pray that you would please help strengthen our marriages especially within the church and um lord that that divorce would never even become a thought for anyone who's married already and lord for for those that might already be divorced now and are unmarried i pray that you would please just help strengthen them and uh bless them for for remaining unmarried and following uh what the word says on how they should live now where we're at and lord just uh please continue to open up our understanding and truths that might be hard for us help us to to not just to stay humble and be able to receive your word and in jesus name we pray amen all right we're going to sing one last song before we're dismissed for the evening for the peter please lead us all right church you can't open up your emails song number 185 song 185 my savior's love close this out this uh service out of this hit tonight song 185 sing it out love okay oh how marvelous oh how wonderful if my song shall ever be oh how marvelous oh how wonderful is my savior's love for me for me was in the garden he breathed out the will but died he had no tears for his own reasons the sweat drops the blood for mine oh how marvelous oh how wonderful if my song shall ever be oh how marvelous oh how wonderful is my savior's love for me he took my sins and my sorrows he made them his very own he bore the burdens to calvary he suffered and died alone oh how marvelous oh how wonderful if my song shall ever be oh how marvelous oh how wonderful is my savior's love for me on the last wind with the red sounded glory his face i last shall see will be my joy through the ages to sing out his love for me oh how marvelous oh how wonderful and my song shall ever be oh how marvelous oh how wonderful is my savior's love for me Thank you so much for coming you guys. Thank you so much.