(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, so This evening it's kind of like a part two with what I was preaching this morning Of course is my series on debunking Calvinism and I'm gonna specifically just target the you in the tulip acronym unconditional election and Near the end of my sermon I'm gonna go back and revisit some of the things that I wanted to get to in this morning sermon about pre destination But I kind of ran out of time in but there's definitely a few things I want to make sure that I could still express in a sermon So but I'm gonna save that till till the end and just kind of go over what I can and I have other I also have some some Verses that I found for a Calvinist will use say hey this supports this doctrine That again if there's time I'm gonna get to those things at the very end I Did that more was the structure last week when I was going over total depravity and just literally was going through all these verses That they say this supports their doctrine and we're looking at them in context and determining is this saying what they're claiming? It says but this evening. I'm doing something just a little bit different One of the reasons why I covered predestination this morning is because when they say unconditional election Essentially, that's what they're getting at. Is that idea of things just being Predetermined so therefore There is no condition on who is saved and who is not saved because of the concept of Predestination but They're the ones who chose Unconditional election to describe their doctrine and I'm gonna start off showing how stupid that is Because Being saved being one of the elect is Conditional and to say it's unconditional means you don't even understand what a condition is or what conditional means or you just completely reject like the Bible as a whole and tons of verses hundreds of verses Okay Now I don't know you don't have to be you know, a mathematician or computer program But who has any experience at all? Even the most basic experience of doing any type of computer programming or anything of the sort? Okay, so there's there's some It doesn't have to be very deep Who's familiar with or ever heard of if then statements All right. Yeah, even more people raise their hand, right? if Then statements are called Conditional statements the condition would be if such-and-such is true Then You do this and then if it's not true, then you would do Something else. It's the condition is the if part so when you see if That is describing then everything has describing your condition and then the result comes with the then if this then this if Fill in the blank then you're saved, right? There is a condition to being saved and we started off in Romans chapter 10 and we're gonna go through a handful of verses that have Clear conditions in the scripture of being elect of being the elect Are the saved? plain and simple Those that are chosen are those who have been saved Okay so unconditional election Would mean unconditional salvation Because The election salvation are gonna be synonymous in that context of using them And this is what we're talking about and in all of the doctrines of Calvinism revolve around salvation Which is why I have a big problem with it Because they all impact salvation doctrine so Romans 10 verse 6 we have this awesome outline of how people get saved Verse Number 6 but the righteousness which is of faith speaker than this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven That is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ Again from the dead but what sayeth that the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart That is the word of faith, which we preach that if you see you see that if there if Thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and Shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved Now this this is a complicated conditional statement because it actually has an and in there and means you have to have both in a logical statement or Would be you could have one or the other But you see that and you need to have both so in this statement it is a fact it is truth that if a person confesses with their mouth the Lord Jesus and They have faith they believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead that person saved That is the result that is the conclusion and this is talking about salvation Well, it looks to me that we have a condition on salvation of someone needs to confess with their mouth and believe in their heart That God raised him from the dead That is a condition So to say there's no condition unconditional election no there is not one person who is elect That has not put their faith in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Because that is a condition of being in that category. You cannot be there without it it is Conditional you have to have faith you have to believe John 8 24 the Bible says I said therefore unto you that you shall die in your sins for if well look at that word again if you believe not that I am he You shall die in your sin. So now this is looking at it from the other angle. There's a condition on Going to hell and What is that condition if you don't believe in Jesus if you don't believe Jesus is the I am he that Jesus is God if you don't put your trust in Christ You shall die in your sins That's conditional John 8 31 now, this isn't have to do with salvation But again another just conditional statement of being a disciple of Christ Bible says then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him if you continue in my word Then are ye my disciples indeed if you continue, so what does it take to be a disciple? continuing in his word What does it take to be saved believing notice those are two different conditions Believing on him is not the same as continuing in his word This will be important later when we talk about the P in the tulip which is perseverance of the Saints you know about perseverance then you could talk about disciples a Disciple not every believer is a just man. I should get my whiteboard out here We could do sets and subsets Doesn't sound like fun. Am I the only nerd here? You have a big circle that that's a set right this includes it would include all of everybody who's saved Just think of one big circle, right? And then within that circle you'd have disciples, but there would be a smaller circle It'd be a smaller portion maybe like a pie chart you could just section off a little piece of that You have to be saved to be a disciple But not everyone who's saved is a disciple Because they didn't meet the condition of Continuing in his word You've received his word. You've received eternal life. You've received the gift, but they're not really continuing in the word. They're not Acting on it. They're not doing the things that they ought to be doing by continuing in the word But they're still in that pool because they met the condition of well, they believe that he's he They've confessed with their mouth the Lord Jesus and believed in her heart that God raised him from the dead So they're in that set They met that condition. Oh, but they're not meaning condition of a disciple Fine but it's still all conditional Acts 13 38 the Bible says be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe are Justified The condition all that believe Those are the ones who are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses Obeying the law Well y'all fall everyone falls short of that So you didn't meet that condition of salvation because that would be one can it one condition of salvation is I'm perfect I've never broken the law once ever Okay, well we all fall out of that category Jesus is standing alone in that category Okay, so we've got but we got another statement another conditional statement that we can meet believe faith Turner if you were to Roman chapter 4 great passage having all kinds of conditions in it and They're not all as easily identified with the if statement that I love so much That just clearly shows this is absolutely conditional But it teaches the same Concept teaches the same thing. What is the condition? Look? I know we all know this and I'm sorry for belaboring the point I hope it's not too boring for you but I love looking at how simple the got the gospel is how simple the Bible is in this regard and Honestly like you have to be trying really hard to try to complicate the gospel and that's what Calvinism does And and it's so illogical to say that election or salvation is unconditional People I mean a total depravity I can see how some people get confused on that Like I could I could see that but as soon as you get to the you should be like this is dumb What a dumb doctrine unconditional election really I I Mean even people are unsaved are gonna say well, you got to believe and do the works. You got to go to church Yeah, you know there's all these conditions on salvation Everybody has a condition of salvation except for the Calvinist apparently. Well, there's no condition You're either saved or not because God chose you or not because it's your destiny All Right, let's let's look down in Romans I love Romans chapter 4 just look through this chapter real quick and look at all the places that it gives us the condition of those that believe being justified because that's that is ultimate the Bible teaches over and over and over again ad nauseum How often the Bible talks about a condition for salvation Roman for one Bible says what shall we say then to Abraham our father's Retain the flesh is found for if Abraham were justified by works He hath whereof to glory But not before God and there we see that if But that if is the statement saying well if he were right, it's not it's not the If this then that but if he were I mean, it's a conjecture, right? It's saying he'd be able to glory and and and I want to point this out, too And I meant to say this much earlier even this morning In Scripture when we're reading these passages and we're looking at these doctrines and we're looking at the context of where everything comes from You know what? The Bible is really The the message that's coming out of the scripture It's always defining for us or clarifying works versus faith I mean Over and over and over and over and that is the big Dilemma or the the big difference in the big Clarification that the Word of God is expressing to us. You've got works. You've got faith. They are not the same They're completely different faith saves works does not works are good in the sense that you should have works after you're saved You should be focused on doing the works of God but they are completely separate and isolated one from the other and You can't mix the two because if you try to do that then you're just left with works and and They have to be separate I mean over and over and over a chapter after chapter chapter the Bible goes into this in so much detail and all these letters That is what you ought to be focused on But then see the Calvinist turns to these same passages where that's clearly what it's trying to express and then comes up with this Well, it's unconditional to be elect I mean There's so many reasons why that's dumb my mind is about ready to explode Thinking about all the things you could say like I mean we have we have a presidential election, right? Imagine if that was just unconditional Conditions people have to vote like you know, you're you're choosing you're electing There's a lot that goes into there's so many more things anyways You Romans 4 1 let's we read verse 1 verse 2 verse 3 for what sayeth the scripture Abraham believed God and it Was counted on him for righteousness. What is the it his faith? The believing was counted to Abraham for righteousness now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace But of debt but to him that worketh not But believeth on him that just by the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness Even as David also describe it the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed righteousness without Works saying blessed are they who's iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man whom the Lord will not impute Sin people who are saved. They're not saved by the works. They're saved by believing That is the condition I mean that condition is the one condition that stated over and over and over and over and over again I don't care where you turn in the Bible Someone's eternal life someone's salvation is dictated by whether or not they believe bottom line Let's jump down here verse number 13 for the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law But through the righteousness of faith for if They which are of the law be heirs Faith is made void and the promise made of none effect so that is a conditional statement if if People are saved by the law if the law is making people have an inheritance that that's why they're heirs then Faith is meaningless If you're saved by the law faith is meaningless that's a conditional statement if this then that and The conclusion is not only as faith made meaningless, but the promise has no effect anymore Because it's of the law which is showing us the isolation or the total separation between faith and works here When it comes to our salvation, which is what Romans 4 is all about? Because the law worketh wrath for where no law is there is no transgression therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end The promise might be sure to all the seed Not to that only which is of the law but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all Jumped down to verse number Twenty-three the Bible says now it was not written for his sake alone It was imputed to him, but for us also to whom it shall be imputed If we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord From the dead who was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification again conditional if we believe Roman 6 you're in chapter 4 slip over to chapter 6 Verse Number 5 the Bible says for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death We shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. This is why we have the hope of a resurrection because we have mortified our flesh with with the right with the burial of Jesus Christ and We are expecting a resurrection like he was Resurrected from the dead knowing this our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth We should not serve sin shouldn't Doesn't mean you're automatically not going to sin and how stupid would that be? We're talking about this a little bit earlier before service tonight because there are two usages of the word should and I didn't cover that this morning But there's the word should which is which is an like the word shall So like like who's ever believeth on Lord shall be saved is a shall is a is it's going to happen Like it's a sure thing, right? But should it could be used in a sense of it's going to happen right just in that different tense or It could be used in the way that I'm explaining right now of well We should do that as an as in we ought to it's something we ought to do But aren't it's not something that necessarily happens and I think this is pretty easy to determine Which one this is talking about Because Everybody that sins is a servant to sin to some degree right everybody does and we can see that in Scripture, so you'd have to show me somebody who doesn't sin in order for that should to mean the That is just going to happen the imperative like that's that's just the way it is guaranteed, but Nobody doesn't sin So so this has to be well, yeah, that's not what you're supposed to do you're not you know, everyone everyone Should not serve sin for he that is dead is freed from sin Now if we be dead with Christ if we be dead with Christ We believe that we shall also live with him knowing that Christ being raised from the dead diet no more that that no more dominion over him conditional conditional statements Election is conditional It's condition. I'm based whether or not you believe flip over flip back to Romans chapter 5 real quick. I want to show this also Just real briefly and then we're gonna we're gonna actually skip back and go to some of the other things I wanted to cover earlier Romans 5 verse 1 the Bible says therefore being justified by faith We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also We have access by faith Into this grace wherein we stand and Rejoice in hope of the glory of God now The reason why I wanted to cover this verse is because notice there in verse 2 it says we have access by the faith that you have Into grace I'm making a deal of that because some people will try to say That the gift of God or the grace of God is the faith That God is gifting you the ability to have faith, but this is stating no No, no the faith is what gets you access to the grace The grace is eternal life the grace is forgiveness of sins But without the faith you don't even have access to that grace God doesn't give you the grace to believe he gives you the grace of eternal life He gives you the grace of redemption from sin That's the great. You don't deserve eternal life. You don't deserve salvation You don't deserve that God gives it to you because he loves you, but it's conditional It's conditional on you putting your faith in Jesus Christ Not you putting God's faith in Jesus Christ, that's dumb It doesn't even make any sense and God doesn't have to give you the faith you all everybody has the ability To put their faith in whatever they want And that has nothing to do with Well, you know and this that's you know when it boils onto it that is one of that is like the main problem with the Calvinist Doctrine that right there turns everything on its head But the the passage clearly says the only way we have access is by the faith You have to have the faith first and then you have access into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice and hope of the glory of God We're saved by grace through faith Right for by grace. Are you saved? Through faith faith is a vehicle that gets you to the grace It's essential that's the condition Without it no grace But faith is separate from grace it is the two different things All right, let's now turn if you were to Roman chapter 9 Because I did there's there's more of this chapter I want to go into this morning I didn't get a chance to now The other the other Word in unconditional elections we covered unconditional just doesn't make any sense But then election is thrown in there also right unconditional like so instead of saying unconditional salvation or unconditional Unconditional eternal life. I think that would probably make things too clear as to what they're saying so they use unconditional election because Well election can mean a lot of different things. Honestly election can refer to many different things I'm teaching on this because what they really are talking about is salvation That is what they're talking about But they're gonna try to obscure that by bringing up election and then he could bring you down all these other rabbit trails trying to Describe their doctrine which at the end of the day is still just talking about being saved Well, I mean if you really want to look at the elect then we need to do you know and then they're gonna lead you down Okay, okay, and you're gonna try to follow along and follow along and follow along But at the end of the day what they're gonna try to teach is unconditional salvation And it's gonna be a long drawn-out process that's meant to confuse That's meant to get people to go man I don't really understand this and no one's willing to admit that they don't understand it because they want to look stupid and And Everyone's just going like I don't know. Well, I'm just gonna go along with it because if I if I You know the the perception what other people might think if I say I don't get this And then I'm gonna look like someone who's not saved and you know, there's so many social reasons why people won't Be like wait a minute. That doesn't make sense in a church. That's teaching this garbage And then those and a lot of times people just be like, well, I just must not be very smart So I'm just gonna trust what so-and-so is saying because he's really smart. He studies this stuff. He knows this way better than I do Well, no don't have that attitude either. How about you just read the Bible more and if something doesn't make sense ask about it and if you're not willing to ask about it then study it out for yourself and If if the person who's teaching you isn't really making any sense You ought to be comfortable enough to ask him a question if you're not then I mean Are you maybe you're not in the right church? I hope you you know people here have have the comfortability to be able to ask a question if there's something that That you don't understand. I mean, I already know a lot of people do ask me questions. So I feel like I Can't be that bad at putting off that that like, oh no one could ask me anything right but You ought to be able to say hey, this is kind of confusing What do you think about this and if someone is a teacher they ought to be able to show you And be able to make it like pastor Anderson was preaching was here on Wednesday you know the the job of the pastor is supposed to be someone who's apt to teach and someone who's able to break things down and Be able to explain things in real simple terms Because that's what a teacher does is taking something that may be complicated and be able to express it like oh, yeah I can understand that That makes sense And If it just can't make any sense there's a good indication that that might not be a good doctrine honestly, because the Bible is written for the common man and And you know, God wants everyone to be able to believe these things. It's not that you know, you could just be any level of just have zero Education but In general, I mean a Bible is written for the common man to receive the truth and the things of God. It's not that difficult. So Let's see, where are we have Oh election so that's where I was getting into you're in Romans 9 Unconditional election. Well, what do you mean by election? Right? This is this is the first thing you should be asking yourself What does that even mean? Just because someone first of all just because someone's called elect or chosen in Scripture Does not mean Every individual is either saved or damned based on God's choosing And what I mean by that is the word election or the word choose Is dependent on the context? What is it even talking about? For example? the the the elect in One usage is talking about Jesus Christ personally the the the you know, God Jesus Christ the man Jesus Christ is the elect Some passages that he's elect in other passages. It's talking about the whole nation of Israel are the elect Why because God chose Abraham God chose Isaac God chose Jacob who was renamed to be Israel To be the people who were going to bring the chosen one Jesus Christ the elect So there are plenty of passages that refer to a whole nation as being elect It's also referencing God's people in a spiritual sense of all people who are saved can also be called the elect of God and again each Passage is going to give you what is it specifically talking about? So that terminal and on another another way that that word is used also is when Jesus is choosing his disciples He's not choosing them to be saved He's just choosing them to be his followers to be on his team to be his ministry workers Like I've chosen you and you and you and you and you and in that sense Judas was elect and he was unsaved But he was chosen to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and be part of that have a part in that ministry now his his purpose for being chosen was different than the other disciples purpose for being chosen right he was the traitor and Jesus knew that from the beginning But he was no less chosen Than anyone else in that regard and The word elect is used and the word chosen or choose is used in Scripture. So Again, if we're gonna say well unconditional election What are you talking about? It becomes confusing and Oftentimes and I've seen this which is one reason why I'm even bringing this up They'll try to bring verses forward to support their doctrine because it has the word elect in there and It's literally like Jesus talking about choosing his disciples How does that support your doctrine at all? Because when when you really get into doctrine they're talking about salvation They're not talking about Jesus picking people to be in his ministry But they're just gonna use that anyways because it sounds good and maybe because they even believe that because they think that Well, of course, you're gonna be a disciple and of course, you're gonna have all these works because of the perseverance of the Saints And that if you don't have that then you're not saved anyways But then I don't know what they do with Judas who had the works supposedly had the outward appearance But wasn't saved anyways, he was devil but I digress let's look at Romans 9 So when you when you break down the term unconditional election that alone just destroyed like is self destroying Self-destructive doesn't make sense Doesn't compute but what they're really trying to get at instead of just calling it that maybe they couldn't come up with a good acronym So they had to have the you in there like another vowel and and that's when they decided to do I don't know. I don't know I don't know enough about the history of the acronym and who came up with that and things like that, but Really? They're they're they're they're mostly focusing on the Predestination aspect of it where The reason I call unconditional is because God does the choosing and it has nothing to do with anything about you Now the truthful part about that is nothing to do with your works But the untruthful part about that is that it's still conditional in the sense that you still have to believe Now there are some verses that may seem problematic to someone who doesn't believe in Calvinism in Romans chapter 9 and I do want to get to some of those and the other major fail when it comes to Calvinism I brought this up before is their Misunderstanding of the reprobate doctrine really is in this regard reprobate doctrine is critical It really is key to understanding this in many other ways The reprobate doctrine isn't as important for a lot for a lot of things but in the Calvinist perspective It's very important because they have they make the application too broadly Than it ought to be when it needs to be very narrow in scope. Let's let's look at verse number 16 here I think this is right around where we left off this morning in Romans 9 The Bible says so then it is not of him that willeth Nor of him that runneth but of God that showeth mercy for the scripture and remember right before they were talking about He's gonna have mercy on whom have mercy and whom he will of compassion But then it brings up Pharaoh verse 17 for the scripture saith unto Pharaoh Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up that I might show my power in thee And that my name might be declared throughout all the earth Therefore hath he mercy on whom you have mercy and on whom he will he hardeneth Now it's not about hardening the heart now It's saying that God it's who ever God wants who he's gonna do this to But It's not that we don't know how God's will is as I stated before we saw that God's not willing They should perish with it all should come to repentance. That's what he wants But he also will choose based on his will but we have the information on that also on when it comes to people whose heart is hardened It's those that that have rejected the gospel that you know As the Romans 1 as Romans 10 gives us that great outline and how people get saved Right faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God It says how shall they preach except they be sent and how should they hear except don't freak you all those different Steps in which people are gonna hear the gospel receive it believe it get saved call name Lord all that well Romans 1 Explains how a person gets to the point of being Reprobate because it says that when they knew God they glorified him not as God Neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and the foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise They became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God Into an image made like the corruptible man and birds the four-footed beast of creeping things Wherefore so for these reasons because they did this because of this condition being met because that is the place that they got to God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves Specifically this is obviously talking about people who? Then do some pretty vile discussing things but as we keep reading we see that it's more than just an explanation of People doing vile acts. It's it's giving us more into the mindset of oh these people are actually just Rejected themselves, it's not just rejected to do something vile But it's just because they're completely rejected because they're totally reprobate Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever Amen for this cause God gave them up unto vile Affections for even the women to change the natural use in that which is against nature and likewise also the men Leaving the natural use of the woman burn into lust one to another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving it Themselves that recompense of their error, which was meet and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient and then it lists off all the things All the sins that they're filled with all unrighteousness all these other things describing a person who is Given over to the reprobate mind Okay, that is not your there's not every unbeliever. I'm sorry. It's not Every unbeliever is not given over to this That is the folly of Calvinism is to make that assertion, but that assertion is not true That's also important to understand When someone's heart gets hardened or darkened or blackened that it is made so that they cannot believe Now The unconditional election they're gonna try to tell you yeah, I mean a person can't believe in their natural state But that's the reprobate that can't believe and it's actually specific to the reprobate It's because it's only those people who God has darkened and hardened their heart But God has not taken that action on every unbeliever in this world He's not done that this is something specific that he's done to this specific group of people because they already heard the truth They already knew about it and they chose to not retain God. Nope. Don't want to believe that. Nope I'm gonna make up my own God. No, I don't want to have anything to do with that I want to just do what I want to do and they've rejected it. They've heard it They've known it and had nothing to do with it then they're given over to the reprobate mind And that is consistent in Scripture also That's consistent on a high level when Collectively as a nation the children of Israel turned idols and turned other gods and rejected the Lord That's when God brings the destruction. That's when God sends them out. That's when God reprobates them out of the land But that also happens Individually with people that we're seeing here in Romans chapter 1 Where people themselves individually get to that point and it's the same pattern though It's the turning to idolatries rejecting the Lord and everything else now Romans 9 Brings up Pharaoh and I'm not gonna go through the time do this on your own later if you want to see this in detail But Pharaoh starts off Rejecting the Lord on his own Of his own accord says Pharaoh hardened his heart and there's many instances where you can see The narrator of the Bible the Holy Ghost saying that Pharaoh did it for your Pharaoh's the one who hardened his heart But then you'll see where it gets to the point to where God is hardening Pharaoh's heart Pharaoh had the will he had the choice. He had the ability to either harden his heart or not when confronted with the Word of God But He chose to say well who is the Lord he chose to not have anything to do with it he chose his own way even when confronted with the truth and He chose his own damnation Now that's who God chooses to harden their hearts are those people You know who else God chooses to harden their hearts the people who will corrupt the Word of God You know who else God chooses to harden their hearts are the people who take the mark of the beast You know who else God chooses to harden their hearts the people who blaspheme the Holy Ghost Whom he will yeah, that's who he wants to he wants to do it to that group into that group into that group Those are the ones he hardens the hearts of and he did the same thing to Pharaoh It's not a mystery He's given us the information. We know how he chooses to do it Just as much as we know how he chooses to save people through faith in Jesus Christ, that's how That simple and everyone who doesn't do that everyone who doesn't receive Christ is going to hell Verse 19 says thou wilt say then unto me why doth yet find fault for who hath resisted his will Nay, but oh man who art thou that reply is against God Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it? Why has thou made me thus? Hath not the Potter power over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel in honor another under dishonor? What if God? Willing to show his wrath and to make his power known Endured with much long-suffering The vessels of wrath fitted to destruction and That he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had a for prepared unto glory Even us whom he hath called not of the Jews only but also of the Gentiles now I'm gonna make this statement out and I want to make sure this is really clear. Hopefully it's clear to you When it comes to the predestination there are things that are going to happen that we are destined for Because of our choice The choice of putting your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is something that can't be undone right? Thank God for that, too It's the the the it's a decision that you make and it's something that once you do it There's no going back to you. Can't undo salvation Right, but at the same token people who are damned there's no undoing that either So when you're when you're born a child of the devil as opposed to a child of God There's no undoing that either now those who are born again we ultimately have a Transformation ahead of us. We're gonna have a new body and we're gonna be conformed to the image of Christ That at the very end there's no getting around that there's nothing you could do to change that So on the one hand that is a destined thing and that's predetermined and God already knew when God knew you were gonna like to Get saved that you're gonna choose to put your faith on Jesus Christ That's when he chose you and said, okay now here is what you're good. The end is going to be it's going to be Result in you being conformed to the image of his son When we get our new bodies and we and we actually have the image of the Sun that way Okay well Everything Now as a result of that God is trying to prepare us for that and goal And He's chosen us to work with us in that regard because he already knew that we were making that choice The people who make the choice to become reprobate God also knew that in advance So he chose to use those vessels in a way that will also bring him honor and if He wants to use Pharaoh who he already knew before would choose to reject the Lord and become reprobate What it says here he's allowing him right he wants to show his wrath Which he did through the plagues that Moses brought on Egypt and the only reason he was even able to do that is because why Pharaoh's heart was hardened and He wasn't even thinking clearly anymore because he was reprobate because he was just I mean his heart was stone right Which is also the psychopaths That have their heart is hardened and they don't really think clearly they don't think that rationally anymore They do all kinds of weird things Okay, and even in the face of everything that was going on Pharaoh still just was like that adamant stone and just Unchangeable and you could not get through to it. Why because God had hardened his heart But it's not because it was on a whim or just God felt like you know what? I'm just gonna take Pharaoh here who would have normally just believed And I'm just gonna harden his heart because I just I just want to make myself look Powerful No, he knew in advance that Pharaoh was gonna harden his own heart He knew in advance that Pharaoh's gonna be one of those people that chooses through his own will To reject God to reject the Lord to reject the gospel and since God knows us in advance. He's like, okay Well, I'm gonna use this to my advantage I'm gonna allow this. I'm gonna allow this Pharaoh to be lifted up in power. I Know that he's not gonna accept me And I'm gonna allow him to get in this position so that way now when the plagues come it's gonna have that much more of an impact and He chose Pharaoh as opposed to some other reprobate. He could have chosen anyone he wanted but he chose that one So when the Bible saying here well How you know how you can't speak against the person who's doing that? Yeah, he wants you to be used in that capacity Well, he's not forcing whether or not a person chooses To accept the gospel or not or to reject the gospel. He's not that's not something that God made that choice for him But because he made because God knew he was making he was gonna make that choice Then he had things work out the way he did Does that make sense? And maybe you can see how closely relate like like Calvinism gets pretty close to some of this stuff But it's just so completely wrong on This unconditional stuff and the fact that a person can even make a choice themselves that that is where it's completely falls apart But it's similar to this too. You know, we're conformed the image of his son But but think about this didn't God doesn't God give different gifts of different people Doesn't God make up his church and there's different members that are gonna have different functions and not everyone's gonna be the eye and not Everyone's gonna be the ear and it Well, that's God's doing too Right. So God is equipping all of us with the things he wants us to have and He's ordained for us to have these particular gifts and to walk this way and to do these But whatever whatever the work is, whatever the ministry whatever it is that he wants you to do. He's equipping you for that And he's ordained that and he knew that from the beginning But he it's been he's doing that because he already knew the day that you would put your faith in Jesus Christ And now he's prepping you for the work that he has for you to do God's able to do the election and the choosing of who's gonna do what and who's gonna be used in what capacity because of his foreknowledge That he knew from the beginning That Is what the Bible is teaching us about the predestination about the election and everything else is It all boils down to that foreknowledge Because nowhere do we see any concept of a person not having the ability to choose for themselves. I Mean choose you this day whom you will serve. Well, what point does that make if you can't really make that choice? It's stupid. It's a you know what that is then that would be deceitful Now is the Word of God deceitful or Is it confusing because you know, I seem to remember the Bible saying that Satan is the author of confusion Now to me it's really confusing if the Bible's gonna tell you all kinds of stuff that is just either completely irrelevant Or just simply not true like well, hey, I'm gonna tell you make a choice. You can't really make that choice Not in the flesh not unless I just give you the gift of being able to make a choice And why would you say that to people who can't make the choice just cuz I'm God and you're not I mean, that's not that's not the Lord. I mean, that's that's not the God of the Bible God is truth He's light in him is no darkness And he's not willing that any should perish so he's gonna he's giving all the information out there It's it's not it's not and shouldn't be a problem So when we're looking at Romans chapter 9 and It kind of goes in this long thing about Pharaoh Well, we all we shouldn't be looking at that example too because that example is showing that Pharaoh was a reprobate He rejected the Lord multiple times on his own and then it was just God's a boy We're just like well now God's it's hard in his heart And that's been proven I preached on that before you go back I don't remember what sermon is called, but you could go back and find that for yourself and other people preach the same thing So, let's see where we left off here verse number 24 Even us whom he hath called not of the Jews only but also the Gentiles as he saith also an Aussie I will call them my people which were not my people and her beloved which was not beloved And it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them You're not my people there shall they be called the children of the Living God and that's you know Again talking about his people the spiritual people not being Israel anymore, but but coming of the Gentiles and things like that Let's turn turn to John chapter 6 now. I do want to try to cover John chapter 6 I think I got just enough time for this and it's also gonna this is also important Romans 9 brought up the reprobate Pharaoh Which was which is also one of the key Passages that Calvinists love to turn to on this subject of predestination. We looked at Ephesians 1 this morning, which I Don't think had any references to a reprobate that nothing's popping off in my head right now about that But John 6 was another passage that comes up very frequently in defense of their doctrine and We're not gonna go through this is a really long chapter. There's a lot here, but we're gonna start reading in verse number 35 Bible says and Jesus said unto them I am the bread of life. He that cometh to me shall never come hunger So there is a condition if you come to me, you'll never hunger. He that believeth on me shall never thirst Right, but I say unto you that ye also have seen me and believe not All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and Him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast out now We're gonna get more and we're gonna see some more statements similar to this But we have to have an answer of how to understand what some of these things say now first and foremost we're gonna just say that these statements are true and There shouldn't be any problem with these statements just on the surface The problem comes is when people try to make them say something that they're not necessarily even saying on the surface so All that the Father giveth me shall come to me that statement is true So whatever that even means whoever whatever God give to Jesus. He says they're gonna come to me Okay, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out and said well then everyone that comes to me They're not gonna be cast out Okay, great. Now this says nothing about the condition under which God will give someone to Jesus Nothing mentioned. It doesn't say well, there's no condition here. It's just whoever God picks and chooses This could very easily be the people who God knows are going to believe that he's giving to him, right? But doesn't explicitly say that either Which is why we would use the rest of what the Bible says to help us understand a passage like this But on the surface what it says is absolutely true. All the father give me Shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out for I came down from heaven not to do mine own will But the will of him that sent me and this is the father's will which hath sent me that of all Which he hath given me I should lose nothing But should raise it up again at the last day. Now what this says to me is These people are secure. They have eternal security Right once you're in Jesus once Jesus has you once you're in his hand once you're in the father's hand No one could pluck you out. He keeps you secure Verse 40 and This is the will of him that sent me that everyone which seeth the son and believeth on him May have everlasting life. Wow, we see that condition again Believe on him and I will raise him up at the last day The Jews then murmured at him because he said I am the bread which came down from heaven and they said is not this Jesus the son of Joseph whose father mother we know how is it then they say if I came I came down from heaven Jesus therefore answered and said unto them murmur not among yourselves. No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him up at the last day now because Jesus said it that is a true statement We said no man can come to me Except the father draw him Okay Now this is where they'll get in and I'll get into the irresistible grace another day But they're gonna say okay. Well once the father draw it, but does it say that Like if the father draws you you're automatically saved. No, it doesn't but anyways he says no man can it like you can't even come to Jesus right unless you're drawn and They're gonna say well see this is limited atonement. This is irresistible grace and all these other things But keep your place here in John 6 flip forward to John chapter 12 real quick Again These doctrines all intermingle so this is This does apply to the limited atonement factor But that's what you have to believe in order to believe that God picks and chooses because not he doesn't in their eyes choose everybody because everyone that he chooses automatically it's saved and then You could say well then he didn't Draw everybody right Well, what did Jesus say then in verse number 31 in John 12? now now as a judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me Now it was Jesus lifted up from the earth because that was a condition where he said look if I be lifted up from the earth Was He that was that condition met is that a true statement was Jesus lifted up from the earth and hung on a cross Yes, he was well then then what did he say he's gonna do Will draw all men unto me. Oh Wait, did he say some men did he say the elect men? He did say men. So I guess that means no women Ready No, all men and That's a huge we'll get to that with the limited atonement thing. That's another just huge problem that People just get so smart that they become dumb Because these I mean the words like this like all or guys will love the world and like these all encompassing words That any normal person will be able that must mean All men the cow is gonna say well, no, no, actually that's just talking about certain men In every instance where you see that a statement like this. It's oh, yeah. I totally just talking about Boy, just talking about some people. It's only just talking about the elect. I know it doesn't really say it there But that's that's what it means Yeah, it means that because you're forcing your doctrine into the Bible instead of letting the Bible teach you good doctrine And it's simple simple statements like this That can tell us clearly that's a false doctrine That's because this is so easy to understand. Look if I am lifted up from the earth. I'm gonna draw all men unto me Why because he wants all men to be saved because God so loved the world That he gave his only begotten son in reference to his crucifixion Those verses seem to match up perfectly. Hey you lift me up and crucify me on the cross. I'm gonna draw all men unto me and God so loved the world that he gave that sacrifice that he gave his only begotten son That whosoever believeth in him should not perish whatever last thing life That makes sense the all there and the whole world makes sense. He died for everybody because he wanted everyone to be saved Well, you gotta be drawn by the father well look Hey, you gotta be drawn by the father But if the son is drawing you is that does he have less of an irresistible grace than the father has? Just saying I mean You seem kind of silly let's go back to John chapter 6 Well, wait that might imply then there's an element of a human will there yeah exactly Because he is drawing everyone because he does want everyone to be saved but not everyone's responding Now if that didn't happen Nobody could come to Christ because he wouldn't have been drawn But he did draw you he drew me he drew you he drew everybody Because he was because he paid for the sins of the whole world on the cross therefore he drew all men Verse 45 it is written in the prophets And they shall be all taught of God every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the father cometh unto me Not that any man hath seen the father save he which is of God he hath seen the father Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. There's that condition again It's amazing how many times we see that condition you that believeth hath everlasting life I am that bread of life your father's a deep man in the wilderness and are dead This is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread He shall live for ever and the bread that I will give is my flesh Which I will give for the life of the world The life of the world Now the world as in like the globe or the earth Doesn't have a life to save Right. In fact, we know the world's gonna be destroyed So obviously the world when he's using that word it's talking about the people in the world Which if you're talking about the people in the world you're talking globally you're talking everybody You would not use a phrase like that if you're only referring to certain people Sorry, I know I'm getting ahead of myself with the limited atonement thing that's coming up next week The Jews therefore strove among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat Then Jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you Except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you You know and that sounds conditional to me also If you don't do this, then you don't have this Now obviously later in the chapter he explains Like we're gonna jump down to verse number 63 that he's not Literally physically talking about flesh and blood as the Catholics want to believe Which yeah, I mean talk about people who are unbelievers not understanding scripture, that's the perfect example But like verse number 63 says it is the spirit that quick that quicken it the flesh prophets. So he gives the the the explanation That he's not it's not supposed to be taken literally even though he's saying like you need my flesh you need my blood Why because he needed to break his body and he needed to shed his blood and they need to receive that to be saved But then he says it's the spirit that quicken it the flesh prophet is nothing the words that I speak unto you They are spirit and they are life verse 64 But there are some of you that believe not for Jesus knew from the beginning Who they were that believed not and who should betray him he already knew He already knew that it was gonna be Judas but Judas had to fill his purpose and he knew who didn't even believe on him But just because he knew Doesn't mean that he caused it Verse 65 and he said therefore said I unto you that no man can come unto me Except it were given unto him of my father now I might have Let me just get there real quick. Oh No, never mind turn if you were to John chapter 12 now The way that all of these verses fit together is with the understanding of the right rebate doctrine How you don't have contradictions here and how it is possible for people have free will and this is the only The only conclusion you could make on this It doesn't make sense that every unbeliever is a reprobate that just doesn't make sense The passages that Calvinism will use to show every person reparate or every person is totally depraved are reprobate passages And Where they get this concept of an unbeliever not having the ability to believe Also comes from a reprobate Passage which also is who Jesus is talking to in John chapter 6 when he's talking to these people who they see the work that he's doing and they don't believe him and And he's even said before like look if don't you don't believe me but believe me for my work's sake you know I mean the work is of God and That's where the Bible also just explains the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is when the people literally saw what Jesus was doing They saw that he was doing the things that no man could do they saw him and heard him preaching the Word of God They saw him healing people. They saw all this stuff and they said yeah, that's of the devil And It doesn't matter what they see they're just they've hardened their hearts And you know what because of that then God hardens their then God is the one doing the hardening of their heart Because they've already chosen. Yeah, I'm not I'm not gonna accept this and if you get to that point You're like you're seeing what Jesus does and just saying that's of the devil I mean what else is gonna convince you you're done at that point. You're done And God says you're done Look at verse number 27 John chapter 12 or excuse me 37 37 John 12 37, but though he had done so many miracles before them yet. They believed not on him That the saying of his eyes the Prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who hath believed our report and to whom? Had the arm of the Lord been revealed Therefore They could not believe Because that is I said again he hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts That they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them These things said is I as when he saw his glory and spake of him This is describing the Reprobate now these are passages. I didn't get to last week that Calvinist will use to support their total depravity doctrine Look, if you're saying total depravity is a reprobate. I'm all for that In the sense that yeah, they can't they could never believe on Christ. They're never gonna have that but here's the thing They're also never gonna be given that gift of be you know, what they call the gift of being able to believe Because God doesn't want them to believe because he the reason he even blinded their their eyes and harden their heart So that they wouldn't believe Now if God wants everyone to be saved Then why would he just make it so that they can't be and why would he do this act and and here's the thing This is showing a fulfillment of This prophecy and saying this is why they can't do it because of what Isaiah Isaiah said back there This isn't something that that happened to them from birth or whatever this is like they got to that point and Then and now God has hardened her heart and he doesn't want them to Be saved and he's made it so that people can't be saved and that's what he did to Pharaoh That's what he did to Judas That's what he did to people who have crossed the line and have made their choice and have been born of the devil children of the devil and And Now they can't be saved and that is a permanent thing. That is a forever thing. Like Hebrews says look it's impossible For them which were once enlightened If they should renew themselves repentant there, you know to renew themselves unto repentance. It's impossible for them To do that why because their heart is already hardened why because as it says here in the book of John quoting Isaiah God's harden their heart and They can't believe because if they could then they'd be converted and he's not nope not gonna be converted I'm not gonna heal them not receiving it That doesn't sound like a God that wants people to be saved if that applied to everybody that's unsaved already Makes no sense that's saying that that everybody is just like by default if the Calvinism were true Until a person gets saved God just doesn't want you saved Saying, you know, I'm harden your heart And I don't want you to be healed and I don't want you to be converted Because that's what the Bible saying in that in that passage is that God doesn't want those people to be Saved but it's be it's not because he never wanted them We saved It's because he loved them like the Bible says another place I'll love them no more God So loved the world he loved everyone at one point but then it gets to a point where he doesn't love you anymore It's not from the beginning it's not like he hated you from birth and Then if he's chooses to well, I think I'll just show mercy on you and just save you whether you like it or not I'm just gonna do it That's a weird God That is not the God of the Bible That's the God of Calvinism And I hate this doctrine And and I really hate it because a lot of people who who will teach Calvinism are so close to the truth When it comes to when you're trying to give them the gospel and say oh, yeah salvation is by grace through faith. Oh Yeah, it's just believing. Oh, yeah, you can't lose it. I Mean these are some really core beliefs But you see how Calvinism corrupts and perverts salvation in the gospel, but it's so underhanded and so Sneaky and tricky that it like like this is a really bad really bad doctrine Everything's turned on its head and And it's some this is some of the hardest people to get through to because of its its closeness or proximity to the truth Because it really is just just it's twisted. It's corrupted It's there but it but it makes it harder to see because it's pretty close You say a lot of things depending on what you mean Well, it's true. Yeah. Well, not really but that you know, what do you mean by that? All right, we're closing it with that let's borrow a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father I Thank you so much for for the simplicity that is in the gospel and that we're not gonna frustrate the gospel with works and we're definitely not gonna frustrate the gospel with with these weird philosophies of men and I pray that you would please help us to be able to preach the gospel clearly and help us to reach others with the Truth or your word and help people to understand The simplicity and clarity and gospel dear Lord that that all they need to do is to put their trust in Jesus Christ And that they don't need to wait around for a special unction or gift from you That would allow them to believe Lord but that they would they have that ability right now To put their faith and trust in you and that the decision is up to them to choose life to choose the Lord Jesus Christ Lord, and I pray that you please help us to To make express that truth and make it apparent to everyone and we talk to you and Lord We love you to Jesus name we pray. Amen