(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you turn to our next song song 89 song number 89 does Jesus care song number 89 let's sing this out on the first does Jesus care when my heart is painful to deal with our next song as the burden rests when he wears distress and the wave grows weary and long oh yes he cares I know he cares his heart is just my dream when the days are weary and long night's dreary I know my Savior cares does Jesus care when the way is dark when the day is red and clear as the day my faith is in thee night's shade is there in us to be near my heart is just my dream the days are weary the long night's dreary I know my Savior cares does Jesus care when I try and feel to resist the temptation strong when the hope is deep when I believe my tears will fall on my heart oh yes he cares I know he cares his heart is just my dream when the days are weary the long night's dreary I know my Savior cares on the last church does Jesus care when I say goodbye to the tears on my to me if I sad heart aches to you it breaks is it all to get what you see oh yes he cares I know he cares his heart is just my dream when the days are weary the long night's dreary I know my Savior cares Amen. Alright, great singing. It's good to have you all back with us here on this Sunday evening at Stronghold Baptist Church. At this time we're going to go through our announcements. If you don't have one of these bulletins just slip your hand up real high and one of our ushers will get to you with a bulletin. Keep your hand up real high. Make sure until they get out to you we'll get one there. If you open up to the first page you will see our service times there. Sunday morning at 1030. Sunday evening at 5 o'clock. Wednesday night 7 is our Bible study. We will be in Psalm 63 this week. We've got the soul winning opportunities listed there as well as the salvations and the baptisms for the month of July as well as for the year. Offering totals listed down there at the bottom of the page. Let's go ahead and count up the salvations. I forgot to count them up this morning. Let's go ahead and just count up for today first. You went out soul winning today and had any salvations. Slip your hand up real quick. We'll get those counted up. 1 1, 2, 3 2 2 Awesome. Anybody else that I missed for today? Okay. Now how about anything other than today that needs to be reported? Yes, sir. One yesterday. Was that with the normal group for that? Okay. Mark reported that one to me then. Yes, sir. Yes, he did. Yesterday as well. Alright. And then anyone else that I missed? Very good. How's that soul winning group going out there anyways? Very good. Yeah. Yeah. It's been pretty consistent though. Yeah. Good. Great. Amen. Amen. And how's your health? It's good to see you here. How's yeah, both of you. You're up and about? That's great. Amen. That's the most important thing. Very good. Well, glad that you're able to be here with us. Yes, new knees. Jump in. Get on a trampoline. Yep. Yeah, the bionic woman. Awesome. Alright. Very good. Any other salvation's report? Did I miss anything at all? I don't think so. Alright. Continuing on prayer list. We do have a lot of people that we're praying for. Many very, very serious prayers. Please, please keep these people in your prayers. I went over most of the updates this morning. Does anyone have any updates for this afternoon? And I'm going to add myself just in general here because time kind of creeps up on me real quick. I'm going to be going to the Red Hot this week, so I'll be traveling Friday, and I won't be here on Sunday. So there's going to be some other preachers. Brother Carter and Brother Devon will be preaching on Sunday, so they'll be here. They'll decide morning, evening, whatever, so we won't let you know in case you don't want to be here for Brother Devon or something. Brother Devon's the bad guy. He's a bad guy lately. He's a bad one at the retirement home, and he's getting all this flack lately, so I like poking fun at him. No, he's got some really good sermons. I'm sure you'll enjoy that, but yes, I will be in Sacramento, so just pray that everything goes well there. I'd appreciate that, and of course, everything else. Everyone else on the list here continue to pray for everybody here, and then on the next page, I've added a bunch of different events that are outside of our church. There's a Toronto Sewing event that Brother Rob is kind of hosting and involved with, working with some other pastors to get that worked out really well. If you feel like going up north for a little bit, maybe escape some of the heat down south, you could drive up and go to Toronto, and it's August 2nd through the 6th, apparently. There's a lot of different things going on, so if anyone's interested in that and you don't have contact information for either Brother Russell or Brother Rob, then just let me know, and I'll help you out with that. Men's preaching class is announced here. The next one's going to be on Saturday, August 12th. I really had a good time yesterday. There's a lot of people here. It's really awesome, so it's exciting to see the number of men that are getting involved with the preaching. Come on out to that. Even if you haven't been before, check it out and see what it's all about. We've got the last week of the Hebrews chapter 8 Bible memory passage is this week, so we will be starting something new, and in fact, the next week is the 23rd. We'll probably give Yeah. You know, I'm going to give you an extra week on this passage. I'm going to give an extra week, and then the August challenge is going to be a Bible memory challenge, so that's what we've done in the past. It's going to work out coming to an end with this one, and I'll give you a review week for this one, just for those of you that might have been working on this. I know it's only 13 verses, but it'll give you a little bit extra time to get this wrapped up, and then for the challenge, it'll start on the 30th or whatever, which is fine because there will be a significant more. We don't do two verses a week for the challenge. It's a little bit more than that, so you'll be ready for that, and then it may or may not be Hebrews 9. I'll just say that. If you want to get a head start on it, I'm not going to say that you're not guaranteed to have Hebrews 9 as the passage, so just going to throw that out there, and then the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries are listed there, and then the events down at the bottom of the page. Of course, the Red Hot Preaching is really, it's this week, so looking forward to that. We have our soul-winning marathon scheduled for September 2nd. It is a Saturday for Labor Day weekend. The St. Lucia missions trip is being put on, I think, by Faith Award Baptist Church in September also, in middle September there, and then Fire Breathing Baptist Fellowship is being hosted by Set Fast Baptist Church, and then the missions conference also is at Faith Award, and that's November 8th through the 12th, so those are all various things that are coming up. If you have any interest in traveling or going to visit any of those places, I'm sure you'll be blessed by going there. That is it for our announcements for this evening. I'm going to pass the service back over to Brother Peter. And he walks with me And he talks with me And tells me I am his own And he talks with me And he talks with me And tells me I am his own And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me Oh, the night around me be falling But he lets me go Through the voice of love His voice to me is calling And he walks with me And he talks with me And he talks with me And he tells me I am his own And the joy we share As we tarry there As we tarry there Another has heard Another has heard We'll give a church a great sing this time we'll collect our Sunday evening offering and I can ask the ushers to begin to set up the collective offering Church, while the offering plates are being passed around open the Bibles, the book of Romans, chapter 5 the book of Romans, chapter 5 as we do customary our troubled Baptist Church the entire chapter is for the Michael Ricardo once again is Romans, chapter 5 Romans, chapter 5 the Bible reads Therefore, being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God and not only so but we glory in tribulation also knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shattered broad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die but God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sin for unto the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come but not as the offense so also is the free gift for if through the offense of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ is bounded unto many and not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where sin abounded grace did much more abound that as sin had reigned unto death even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Let's pray. Father God we just thank you and praise you God we thank you for grace thank you that by grace we are saved through faith it is not of ourselves it's the gift of God and it's not of ourselves it's the gift of God not of us as any man should boast and God we just thank you that it's what you did on the cross God uh God we thank you that it's what you did on the cross God we thank you that it's what you did on the cross God we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross Lord we thank you that it's what you did on the cross It's really stupid because their answer for every verse that we're going to look up is going to be well when it says all or if it says the world it's really not all it's really not the world it's actually only groups of people and I spent a little bit of time even just reading up and saying okay well what are you going to say about because some of these verses are just so obvious just on their face okay they say what they say it's just kind of like how could you even think anything else they just revert back to well this is just talking about groups of people you know the Bible sometimes will you because sometimes the word all could be used to talk about a whole group of people right they'll say well sometimes all is used to talk about all the nation of Israel okay it's true sometimes in the context it is it is using that but you'd still have to say this though in regards to Jesus's atonement so then did Jesus die for all of the nation of Israel see they don't want to be specific on well who are those groups of people then when it uses the word all or when it uses the world right it would have to still include unbelievers because I'll tell you what the entire nation of Israel every single physical person who existed at any given time under the nation of Israel were not all saved I'm confident in that and being able to say that even without ever having talked to those people that not 100% of every single person who ever lived in Israel that just yep every single one of those was saved they called the name of the Lord and they put their trust in the Lord as their Savior no they didn't know they didn't now some of them did many of them did right but it's never going to apply to all of them that they were all ever saved in any large group of people you could say the same thing because we know that that salvation it's not the majority of people it's not most people that are saved it's actually the opposite most people are not saved again scripture clearly teaches that but that's the logic they try to use to say well Jesus couldn't have died for everyone well no he did die for everyone but it's just not applied to everyone I mean that's and that's the bottom line it's a real simple doctrine but let's start off looking at some of these passages that bring up the fact that when Christ died on the cross he died for everybody because God wanted everybody to be saved he's you know God wants everyone God wants every human being has ever born to be saved but that's not what happens some people get saved and some people don't but the opportunity is still there the option was still there the the payment is waiting and ready to be applied to the unbelievers account so let's look I know we just read the entire chapter but we're going to dig through into Romans 5 a little bit because it's it's very significant here look at verse number six the Bible says for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly now there are references as they'll say oh yeah but they end up getting saved later but when he died he died for sinners he died for the people who were not saved it's clear I mean if you're ungodly right this is talking about the loss and as we continue reading you're looking at through to verse eight which I always use out soul winning or very regularly use out soul winning verse seven says for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die but God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so this verse in verse eight great verse exalting that great love of God like just commending God's love of saying how great is God's love hey there's some people on this earth that you know what for a good man someone might trade their life for them someone might actually you know make a sacrifice for another person to die for them right you might hear that here and there most people won't but you know what you may find that example you may find that case where someone would be willing to die for someone else but God's love is so much greater than anyone else's love that might potentially die for someone else in that while we were yet sinners even while we sin against God we transgress against God we are sinners we are lost God still made that sacrifice the death payment was still made even while we're yet sinners so right off the bat we're seeing the concept being formed that God loved us first that's why we love him we love him because he first loved us he loved us how in unbelief he loved us as sinners died and then gives the opportunity for the sinners to be saved but it's for all sinners and we'll get more into the all portion because that comes up later but we see this already being illustrated that it's not saying anything about well God commends his love by dying for the elect or dying for this small group of people it's for sinners for the ungodly verse 11 and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement now I'm also going to Romans 5 because the other doctrine is called limited atonement well this is and I don't want to just spend too much time on this but this is the only time in the New Testament that the word atonement is made the word atonement is used in the Old Testament quite a bit but in the New Testament it's only used here now the concept is still there the fact that Jesus Christ is reconciling us to God because a way a good way to understand what the word atonement is at one meant we're making us at one with God we're making is bringing reconciliation between the the the creature and the creator right so so us as sinners are being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and that atonement is made but and I'm not even going into this you could if you know enough about the Bible you know about the Old Testament sacrifices you'll know this is true or you could look it up later there were a sin there were sacrifices made for individuals right an individual would bring their sacrifice for sin offering trespass offering right when they do something that they need to get right with God they'll bring their offering to make an atonement right which ultimately our pictures of you know Jesus Christ replaces all of that as the atonement for us but there are also sacrifices made in the Old Testament for groups of people even for all of the people and if there's people who sin through ignorance and then if it's like the whole nation there are offerings made for many many people to make an atonement with God for whole groups even though not everybody in said group was necessarily saved right eternally their soul wasn't saved but the but the sacrifice was still made in the name of all of them and that's true in the Old Testament go look out so you say well how does that apply in the New Testament well it has to apply somehow all of these Old Testament sacrifices point to Christ as the full you know he's the fulfillment of all of those so how does he fulfill those sacrifices again we don't need to get that deep which is why I didn't even include it in my notes and I'm just sort of saying in passing tonight because there's the evidence is so much stronger just flat out Bible says what it says clearly without having to look at well how would this symbolic reference apply you know that that is that is not the strong argument that I want to put forward but it's just another truth that just more support showing that that this doctrine is is incorrect it's limited atonement doctrine verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned what's funny is that even within the context of these passages they have no problem saying oh yeah that all means all there but then when when when you come to all later it's like well but not there but it means all here but then not here it's here okay but there it's not okay and they kind of jump back and forth even just within the same like sentence sometimes now there's another thing that comes in and see this limit atonement it intermingles with original sin with the with the total depravity okay which I'd swap original sin back and forth because that's kind of what what what total private is all about but I'll cover that in just a minute because as soon as we get a little bit deeper in the passage it gets more apparent so one man who is that one man that brought sin into the world Adam right that's the one man is being talked to death by sin so death pass upon all men for that all have sinned but this point I'll make this point right now death pass upon all men see Adam brought sin into the world right and what's being referenced here but people every individual is still held accountable for their own sin we do not die for Adam sin when Adam ate of the forbidden fruit like it's not like now every single person who's born has that judgment of what he did on their soul no no they don't have to somehow atone for what Adam did but death pass on all men but why for that all of sin because everybody then has sinned yes he's passed down a sinful human nature that the flesh will will drive us to sin but you still all have your own choices and that's why babies those in innocency don't die and go to hell because it's not like they have someone else's sins to pay for they don't even have their own before they could even consciously make judgments and decisions and be able to say no this is you know I'm not going to do that even though I know it's it's wrong to do or whatever right like the age of accountability I'm not going to get deep into that that's still under original sin and things like that but you see how these will already start to intermingle here these concepts which is why they have to have their main points to support their doctrine and I would say this I was talking to someone earlier after the morning service you know all you really need to do is just knock out one of the points in Calvinism because then the rest of it is going to is is is by necessity going to have to fall I've heard of people say they're two point Calvinist three point Calvinist it's nonsense they just don't really understand how it all works it fits together because as soon as you knock out one leg one one as soon as you rip one pedal off of that tulip the the rest of the flower wilts right it's it's it's twice dead anyways but as soon as you rip off one of those one of those dead tulip petals all of it's going to crumble away because it can't be supported without all of the other points they had they have to be together otherwise you start getting into too many contradictions so all it takes is one to fall to destroy the doctrine so verse 13 the Bible reads for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law nevertheless death rained from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's trans aggression who is the figure of him that was to come just further explaining that even though they didn't sin the same exact way that Adam did death still rained right they didn't eat of the forbidden fruit but they had their own sin right but not as the offense so also is the free gift for if through the offense of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ had the bounded unto many and not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification what the language here might sound a little confusing but as you just read it basically it's it's what's describing is that the what Jesus did grace is the exact opposite of what Adam did with sin so Adam one man bring sin into the world and then that sin is just bringing forth death unto everyone well equal likewise on the other side of the coin Jesus Christ one man brings righteousness into the world and brings grace into the world and dies for the sins of the whole world therefore that's going to counteract the effect of that sin brought in by that other one man to overcome the sins of the world that that's in a nutshell what what this is all saying here is that it's the exact opposite that's why it says not as even though it's it's just like it but just like it in the exact opposite way does that make sense hopefully yes verse seventeen for by one man's offense death reign by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ verse eighteen therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men the condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life this is the perfect verse it's gonna say well the first time it says all men that's talking about all men but the second time it's talking about all men it's really not talking about all men it's only talking about the elect within the same sentence within the same birth that's stupid but here's one of the reasons why they fail at understanding this well besides the fact that they're not saved here's why they can't understand this passage is because they're assuming now let's read this verse eighteen by the offense of one man by the offense of one excuse me judgment came upon all men to condemnation because of what Adam did now that is not stating we can we I could prove this again going back to the other doctrine with original sin everything else you can prove that we are not responsible for Adam sin so just because of what Adam did it doesn't mean that every person could die and go to hell because of what Adam did it even says in this passage that no you still done your own sins right and that's why you deserve death that's why the judgment would come upon you it's for your own sin Adam sin he brought the sin nature into the world but it's still your own sin that you would be paying for but what Adam did was he made it now much easier and more possible for people to conduct their own sin and then fall into the trap of sin in the exact same way on the opposite side Jesus paid for all men for all the sins making it possible for them them to be saved right the same way that that Adam made it possible for everyone to be damned Christ made it possible for all men to be saved that is the perfect understanding because it's using all men the same way see they look at that saying well all men are damned to hell without Christ because of Adam which isn't exactly true Adam brought in the sin nature but then it's still our own individual sin that we choose to do that causes us to be in the condition of being dead spiritually because again that all men wouldn't apply unto infants to the babies right but it is using this generic statement of all men which is extremely broad and all men not all sucklings right it's it's but but all the way in this passage there is the equal counterpart right and that's that's what we've seen all the way through here so why would one be different from the other just in this one verse that makes no sense now now you're trying to force fit a doctrine into a place where it doesn't belong verse 19 they do the same exact thing for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous now it uses the same word in both places for the same exact reason to show that it's a counterbalance it is the offset it is the equal opposite of the one so they'll say oh yeah see but many are made righteous not everybody okay but then it says many were made sinners not everybody right I mean you have to apply it both way like like you have to be consistent with the way that you apply the language it only makes sense moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where sin abounded grace did much more about that as sin has rained unto death even so might grace rain through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord so if anything the scale would be tipped you know that I was saying everything's like kind of equal opposite grace still overcome sin that much more so where sin abounds grace did much more about it well how could you even say that if Jesus didn't die for all sins because then it would have to only be exactly equal you see I mean like like if he only died it's only the elect then the grace is only literally covering exactly that much no it abounds more way more than the sin God's grace covers that in abundance and there's so many other illustrations in scripture that show that that that illustrate the same truth that that you know there is enough God always provides enough for everybody whether or not they choose to partake Christ the Christ payment is enough for everybody but not everyone is going to choose to receive that payment but but it's there turn if you want to first Timothy chapter four and I'll actually just have you turn to all of these places because there's not that many but there's not that many but here okay the only thing I have on my notes are just Bible verses like all of these passages are referring to everybody in in the context and we're going to look at these all and these aren't like the exhaustive list so I say that to say you know there's there's so many of these choose one that you feel is very clearly sufficiently destroying this limited atonement garbage heresy saying that Jesus didn't die for everybody and then all of Calvinism falls first Timothy chapter four look at verse number nine and like in my opinion like if this doesn't get you I don't know it's kind of like hello is there anybody there can you how many times can you just make excuses for what the Bible actually says before you just accept what it says verse number nine about so this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God who is the savior of all men specially of those that believe these things command and teach so we're actually commit Timothy is being commanded to teach against Calvinism like these things command and teach okay what that God is the savior of all men why would you even single out anybody well specially of those that believe those that believe are those that are saved that would be the elect that would be you know the people who are predestined to be conformed to the image of his son but why are they special because he's the savior of all men big group literal all men all people but who it's really special for are the people who have gotten saved because that's when it becomes actually meaningful because the fact that Christ died for everyone doesn't mean anything to the person who hasn't put their faith in Christ in fact it does mean something it means that they're gonna have to live with that in death for all of eternity that they had the opportunity and they blew it and they're gonna have to go through an eternity of hell knowing hey that that I had my chance God did love me and he loves me no more and again that those verses when even makes it I didn't even cover that one I think in any of my sermons yet that that he says I will love them no more well that means God loved someone to a point and then he stopped loving them but why would he love anyone who's all he's already damned ever like if you're just fitted to destruction and damned why would I ever love you in their view of things right in their view of things we understand of going oh he because he loved everybody and why did everyone to be saved but through their own choices they caused God to stop loving them to where he would love them no more which everybody every soul burning in hell right now God doesn't love them if he did they wouldn't be burning in a fiery furnace in the heart of the earth because you don't do that to people you love I know this is really deep doctrine here but Savior of all men how else can you read that when it gives a caveat specially of those I believe pointing out no and especially this group what especially everybody because if you're saying all is only the saved but it's really special for only the same how is that special it's like the participation trophy when everybody gets the same award it's not special anymore it's not even really an award like you just what's the point everyone gets the same thing anyways turn if you want to first John to this is the one place I won't have you turn because I think everyone's got this memorized anyway John three sixteen turn to first John chapter two John three sixteen Bible says for God to love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth so that's anyone right whosoever believeth in him should not perish but everlasting life the next verse says for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world now when we're talking about the world there do we think that that actually means the whole world because I do I don't think that that's talking about a group of people why would it say that he did he wasn't sent in to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved the world through him doesn't mean they they they shall be saved that they might be saved why because it's still dependent on them believing in Christ but the goal the mission wasn't to condemn the world but that the whole world might be saved now how could he even accomplish that if he didn't die for everybody wanted the whole world to be saved he came to die for the whole world but not the whole world doesn't choose him I mean over and over again this is this is blatantly obvious first John chapter two verse number one while reads my little children these things have these things right I unto you that you said not and if any man sin we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins look at this colon and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world oh but that's just some other subset of people the whole world is just the Jews what it's just the elect how do you get that you have to force the doctrine to just mean something different than what it actually says God is not the author of confusion he's not just putting all these verses in the Bible that reference everybody the whole world all many different ways of saying it hey this group is special because they believe but it still is all for everybody how many times does it have to be there and I mean I could just like close the book right now and stop but there's still so many more that explain this all in various ways about the same concept it's like God knew that John Calvin was going to live and just be this promoter of this great heresy so he made sure that the Bible is very clear about this and has it in his word over and over and over again but no I don't even think it's directed John Calvin just because this is the truth and it's so foundational and fundamental God didn't want there to be any confusion and there's enough Bible there's enough passages to just completely explain this truth so that there should be no confusion and you know the people that want to cause confusion are deceivers and whether they've been deceived or not they're still deceivers whether they're doing it consciously knowingly deceiving or because they've been deceived it's still a deception to say that Jesus Christ did not pay for the sins of the whole world with any common sense understanding of what the whole world is. Galatians chapter four turn over to Galatians chapter four and I've referenced this verse a lot so in second Peter three while you're turning Galatians four second Peter three nine says the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but his long suffering to us were not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Not willing means he doesn't want it it's not his will that any now there's there's another good word right any any does any really mean any or any of his believers that's not what it says it just says any that any should perish but that all all should come to repentance. Galatians chapter four verse number three the Bible says even so we when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons. I think this is talking about salvation do you not see the same thing you came to redeem people that we could be called sons of God that we could be adopted sons of God right was talking about well who did he come to redeem those that were under the law well who's under the law who's who's not under the law. The only people that you could say are not under the law would be people who are already saved right because we're not under the law anymore we're under grace but he came for those who are oh now you got a problem because the only people that could be exempted from that group of people are saved people everyone's under the law. So waiting Calvinist what do you say to that huh you have to you have to make up something that doesn't make sense. He clearly came to redeem those that were under the law because we need a savior because by the works of law no flesh could be saved. Everybody needs a savior. First Timothy chapter two turn to first Timothy chapter two. And while you're turning there you know I already I already quoted here second Peter three nine at that says that God's not willing that he should perish for that all should come to repentance. Likewise in first Corinthians three verse five the Bible says who then is Paul and who is Paul is but ministers by whom you believed even as the Lord gave to every man every man has a minister to give them the word of God. God has a plan for everybody to hear the gospel that supports the mindset of not wanting people to die the minister brings the word of God. He sows the seed of God in their heart but then it's up to them whether or not they're going to choose to put their faith in Christ because God's desire would that be that all men would get saved because Jesus came into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved. I mean it's all consistent doesn't it make sense for a God of love to want everybody to be saved which oh yeah by the way we actually see reference of that in scripture and we actually see that there's a plan for that in scripture and we see that God's made ministers for people to be saved but we also see that not everybody gets saved but it's not because of God the people who don't get saved it's not God's fault God has done everything that he could for them which puts the full responsibility on the unsaved themselves not God's fault he did everything that he would do for a person to hear for the person to have the atonement for the person to have their sins paid for you know it's all done hey it's done and and Christ is a lamb slain from the foundation of the world it is there it's been ready for people to accept but it's on you their responsibility is on you to choose choose you this day chapter two verse number one the bobberies I exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth wow imagine another verse that says that God wants God will have all men to be saved if he didn't want all men to be saved and why did Jesus Christ command his disciples to go out and preach the gospel to every creature wouldn't it be more efficient to be like hey God can you just give me a list of the elect so I could just go preach the gospel then why should I waste my time giving the gospel to people who just aren't even going to hear anyways why would we even need to do that why would you say oh well because you know but but you know you don't know but I know let's keep reading your verse number five for there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for what for all to be testified in due time God wants all men to be saved two verses later Christ gave himself a ransom for all was a ransom for some no a ransom for all and notice all of these verses that talk about that use the word whole world all it never specifies well all the elect or all the it never does that that is all inserted by people who prop up a false doctrine turn to go to Titus chapter two real close first Timothy just go past second Timothy and then Titus chapter two verse number eleven the Bible reads for the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men God's grace has appeared to all men to pay for all men look this is consistent with everything else we've seen is a consistency in the scripture teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope in the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ how about this turn to Hebrews chapter 2 Hebrews chapter 2 Hebrews 2 verse number six the Bible reads but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the son of man that thou visitest him thou made us him a little lower than the angels thou crown it's him with glory and honor and it set him over the works of thy hands thou has put all things in subjection under his feet for in that he put it all in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him and notice how it's even still defining they're all in subjection which means there is nothing left because it really is all put in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him but now we see not yet all things put under him but we see Jesus who is made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man the sacrifice that Jesus made was for every man it was for the whole world it was for all I mean how many different ways can that even be expressed I can't really think of any other way if you wanted to express no he died for the sins of the whole world oh wait that's in the Bible if you wanted to say Jesus paid the debt the sin debt for every man oh wait yeah every man that's in the Bible I mean how else would you say it literally is for everybody I guess the Calvinist needs to see is that it's for all and all means everybody and it's not just one group of people and it's not just believers and it literally is every human being who's ever existed on the entire book like that's what they would need to see in order to be convinced because apparently these verses aren't good enough but God's not going to do that for you he's already given you this over and over and over again that is the the result someone who could just reject all of these verses is someone who's not interested in the truth they're only interested in their doctrine and not being wrong about it no no no I know this to be true no you don't let the Bible teach you and you know what this should apply to any doctrine that we have any doctrine that we hold to be true if you start seeing scripture fly in the face of something that you believe you better take a second take a second look at what you believe and be humble about it and be willing to be taught by the word of God instead of trying to force a belief into the word of God turn to second Peter chapter two I'm going to close on second Peter chapter two and I'll read this passage from Isaiah for you Isaiah 53 even in the Old Testament and again I was sticking with verses and passages in the New Testament that are six in my opinion just extremely clear like I'm failing to see any other way and when I tried to look for what a reformed person what a Calvinist might say against these verses it was like the same canned answer for everything well when it says all it does it like it's just a variation of it doesn't really mean oh it doesn't really mean everybody it just means a certain group but it's kind of like you can't even say that in a good kind I wouldn't feel in a good countries because it doesn't you don't get that from any of the context and you may be able to find and there's a couple passages where I could say okay I can see how you could make that conclusion even though it's a false conclusion given the context of that passage but there's just too many here to make that conclusion with that's why I start with Roman chapter five because it's very clearly doing a comparison in a contrast and using literally the exact same words to show both sides of the coin to show the death to show the life to show the sin to show the grace to show it to show Adam to show Jesus it's using that on purpose because they are the positive and the negative the one to the other the exact equal opposite of the other but they use the same language they both use the all they both use the many the boat you know it is it is terrible understanding it's terrible exegesis of the scripture right about the talk in their language to say that that to say otherwise really so I'm reading from Isaiah 53 you're in second Peter chapter two as a 53 verse three the Bible says he is despised and rejected of men because prophecy of Jesus Christ of course right a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way now we've turned everyone to his own way is that everyone yeah and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all they've all gone astray but he's laid on him the iniquity of us all now I don't if they're going to say well the us the hour this is all just only talking about Israel because that's the Old Testament it's Isaiah okay was every member of Israel saved every physical human being that was within the nation of Israel that could be considered Israel were they all saved no so if you're going to say that's who the us and our in the us all well you're still having a savior pay for the sins of people who never get saved you see what I mean which then why wouldn't it apply to the whole world then when it says the whole world if you already can make an allowance for it be the all there being this group of people that could include unsaved people but they again there's no no it's only the same like every time it's only saved if that literally were the truth God wouldn't be sloppy in his language in all of these places to use words like that that would be so ambiguous and so hard to really get to that truth that God is not the author of confusion and is not trying to deceive people by using hey this will be funny I'll put the whole world in there I'll say that that Jesus died for everybody for every man for all their sins that all their iniquities are all laid on him and just see what they do with that and only these few people when John Calvin comes along are going to be able to finally have the key to understanding this when he said oh it's not really all like an insane person that's what is this insanity when you just sit like wow hey I got it's like someone on a lot of drugs I figured it all out man and then they just say something really stupid like you're a fool I figured it out when it says the whole world when when it says all it's not when he says every man it's not every man it's amazing this will blow your mind oh it's stupid we're gonna take God at his word for what it says last reference and again it doesn't mean this is the last reference in the Bible it's the last reference that I decided to put on the paper before I was like okay if you can't get this then I have nothing else for you 2 Peter chapter 2 verse number 1 but there were false prophets also among people false prophets are they saved or not okay we can agree that they're not saved and 2 Peter 2 talking about like reprobate false prophets okay just just want to make sure we understand that but there are false prophets also among people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privilege shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves with destruction well that's pretty interesting they're bringing in heresies they're bringing in their own destruction yet the Lord bought them huh now now how else can you describe describe a group of people who are damned and read all of 2 Peter chapter 2 these people are twice dead plucked up by their I mean go through and see all the descriptions of this group of people specifically that it's talking about here the Bible literally is saying that God bought them how were they purchased how were they bought well when we look to scripture how was anybody bought with the blood of Jesus Christ we've been purchased with the blood of Christ he bought everybody even the false prophets but it does them no good because their faith isn't in Christ so they don't have the grace and the forgiveness applied to them but they belong to God just like everyone else and you know what God's going to throw them in the trash of hell and he can do that because he bought and paid for them but without that ransom being paid without that the it's of necessity that Christ died for everybody he had to for things for everything to play out the way it does for God to do what he wants with his purchased possession because if they reject that well you're all you're missing out on is a benefit when you reject Christ all you're missing out on is eternal life all you're missing out on is forgiveness of sins all you're missing out on is all the grace right there's there's nothing bad associated with that but when people still just reject that and God has God has called and they didn't answer God has reached forth his hand and they refused right like Proverbs one says hey I tried I was there I was called out to you I was there to help you but you refused therefore you're done see you but he was there but he did love them but he did try but Christ did still die on the cross to pay for the sins of the whole world so that there could be nothing standing in the way of somebody putting their trust in Jesus Christ because God wants them to because Jesus Christ came in the world not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved Cal is really stupid okay full of people professing themselves to be wise they are really stupid you believe a doctrine like this like I'm not sorry you're stupid now if you are ignorant because you just simply have been duped by someone who didn't really see all these verses you didn't see what the Bible says well now you know don't be stupid and continue in error don't reject what the Bible clearly says just accept it and once this leg falls like I said good luck now trying to harmonize the rest of Calvinism doctrines you can't they need this to be true in the depth of all of the word of God they need this to be true to try to prop up their false doctrine every of the five points you needed to be true let's let's pray dear Lord we love you thank you so much for loving the world so much that you would give that ultimate sacrifice in the death of Jesus Christ to pay for the sins of the world dear Lord we thank you for loving us so much because that's the only reason why we could even love you I pray that you would please help us to bring the truth and bring your word to people and help them to know that you do love them and you want them to be saved dear Lord and that we could be confident in saying that as much as we can be even though we we don't know what they'll end up choosing but we could bring them the good news and and offer them up that option to put their faith in Christ as you've commanded us to do dear Lord and we know that our work is not in vain and that you you are willing that all would come to repentance so help us to fulfill that will and equipping us to go out and preach the gospel every creature Lord we love you it's in Jesus name we pray Amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed this evening brother Peter will you please lead us so number two hundred and sixty four so number two hundred sixty four once for all so two sixty four right church sing this out in the first once for all once for all believe it Christ Jesus here he saves us once for all sinner receive it once for all brother believe it lead to the cross the grave of God Christ and redeem us once for all on the last church God always calling surely his grace will keep us from falling casting from death to life at his fall bless his salvation once for all once for all sinner receive it once for all brother believe it lead to the cross the grave of God Christ and redeem us once for all Amen church great singing thank you so much for coming you guys you you you you you