(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right the sermon This morning actually the title of my sermon this morning comes from verse number 15 in Galatians 5 We're just read where Bible says, but if you bite and devour one another take heed that you be not consumed one of another and I just want to preach on biting and devouring this morning and there's a reason, you know, there's a lot of reasons to preach this sermon and But of course most recently you continue to see things on social media and People get blasted all the time and and I don't you know, I don't like it at all I don't like seeing it I'm glad that our church pretty much stays off and out of those out of the drama and the nonsense now look I'm not saying that all drama is bad if we have a fight going on That's that's a righteous battle a righteous fight and things going on. We're gonna fight, right? But one thing that is a tendency to happen I think just in general and in on fire fiery Baptist churches is You know when you get used to being in a battle, you got to be careful not to To do you know turn around and start fighting amongst your brethren right and start biting and devouring each other That's where things get real bad another issue comes up with oftentimes with younger believers That that are new to hearing the concepts taught of you know The reprobate doctrine and things like that. We preach that here and I preach that relatively frequently just because it's something that hasn't been taught in a while and the schemes have gone by the wayside as far as just Churches in general and their doctrinal teaching and it's important to understand we see plenty of scriptures Where the Apostle Paul saying, you know I cease not to warn you day and night with tears and the warnings about the sheeps and wolves clothing and warnings about false brethren coming in and awares and these things and we need to have that understanding and we need to Have that warning and we need to know that there's bad people out there But at the same time how do you deal with that? It's not just turning everything into witch hunt and just being really suspicious of every single person in the church thinking like oh man Which is you know? Oh What wait, what did you say wait, what did you post wait, what did you like and just and it's like people get on a hair trigger To then try to identify and uncover who's the next reprobate? Who's the person who's that? Well, look we need to understand that they exist But we cannot we cannot live our lives Just trying to uncover who's the next reprobate? Who is that? Who's the next bad person? I Don't know We're gonna do but here's the thing the reason why we teach on that is so that you can have the proper You know precautions just put in place for yourself to protect you and your family so that you're not just letting your kids just go off and You're not just you know allowing way too much to happen Thinking that everyone is just great and you're opening up a door for things to happen We teach on it for that reason for you to be protected. It's not to just start questioning man. What is you know? All right, who's here, you know, and here's the other thing too. We don't demand unwavering unfaltering loyalty to every single thing that comes across this pulpit if you not in lockstep with Absolutely every single thing that I say. Oh, man, you're just I mean you're with the devil you're you know, like That's ridiculous Now the church ought to be in unity And the church ought to be like a big family and just like in any family You're gonna you can have some disagreements and and some problems and again and tonight actually this is kind of like a two-part sermon I'm gonna be dealing with just how do you deal with personal conflicts within church? Just dealing with conflicts that I'm gonna go over that more tonight. They're kind of related But this morning I want to focus just more on the biting and devouring and the proper spirit That we have because it's easy to get the wrong spirit One of the things that I meant to get this reference before we started I can't remember where it is off the top of my head right now, but when when the disciples Were seeking a place to stay and they and they weren't allowed in one area They asked Jesus and said hey Lord Should we pray that fire come down and consume them and Jesus is like, you know not what spirit you are of Right. We're not we're not here to destroy. We're not just on this hair like oh man, you're not gonna receive us Well, God just rained fire on them then, you know that that's not the attitude that we ought to have but you know Even Jesus disciples, you know kind of fell into that having that type of an attitude mindset again You could get caught up in the battles and the fights and everything else But we need to be careful that we maintain the proper spirit that's being taught in Scripture we don't waiver we don't waiver on doctrine, you know, we understand the teaching We know that there's bad people on there and for the bad people they deserve You know the utmost punishment that that the Bible dictates And we're not going to back down from from that and from that teaching but at the same time We need to understand that We are supposed to be in unity here and you know I want to make one more point before I get too far into this as well Is that I don't think From my observation my standpoint that there's any problem within any of the churches specifically that are like-minded with our church. I Have visited and been to almost all of the churches and they all have a good right spirit but what happens is that there's maybe one or two people online or A few other people that don't even attend the church or maybe you know, some may or may not attend a church But you've got some loudmouths that that put a really bad image on All of the churches in what I consider to be our movement in the new independent fundamental Baptist movement Because of how vocal they are and how stupid they are online with with the railing and the biting and the devouring and I want to preach this for a couple reasons one is to make sure that no one here would get sucked into that and Start following a bad example or a bad lead going after and attacking brothers and sisters in Christ where it's not Warrented and it's not right and it's not acceptable And to just to you know explain What is appropriate what's not appropriate and what spirit we ought to have I mean This is just a good sermon to have and to understand where we're at the Bible says in 1st Peter 5 8 be sober be Vigilant because your adversary the devil is a roaring lion Walketh about seeking whom he may devour Satan is the one who's going around trying to devour Christians Okay, we ought not to be jumping on Satan's side and devouring Christians ourselves That's not our job and we're gonna get in a little bit later I'm going to talk about marking and avoiding people and things like that because we need to understand that But again, those are going to be more of the exceptions to the rule when it when when those situations arise This isn't something that should just be a continual thing. Just all the time. We're Evan We're you know, oh this person's bad that person's bad. This person's bad that you know, it's like come on We can have disagreements and still have and and how do we deal with that? We're gonna deal with a little bit that more tonight. Let's go back to Galatians 5 here We started so much in this pad this one passage That's going to instruct us and help us to have the right mind verse number 13 The Bible says for brethren ye have been called unto liberty only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh But by love serve one another so right off the bat, what's it? What's the attitude right? I have one of service one to another Right service within the church ministry. Our church is a ministry. We're here to help other people when you come to our church Hopefully you have a mindset that is not give me give me give me do for me Church. What can you do for me? It's how can I help how can I be a blessing who can I help what can I do? I'm here to serve. That's what this church is all about. It's a service to other people Now if you come in here and you have needs we want to help you We want to help you with your problems want to help you if there's something that this church can help you with Amen, we'd love to do that. We're here for you But everybody's individual mindset ought to be well, what can I do to help other people? I want to help the people that problems coming in the church. I want to have that mind of love serving one another That's the attitude that we ought to maintain and may and keep as the main focus Not who can I uncover? Who can I get dirt about? Who can I expose? Who can I spend all my waking time following and seeing what they're doing? And if they're not doing something that lines up with what I think they should be doing Then I'm gonna report them to the authorities and I'm gonna publicly post it and make you know, whatever That is not the right spirit Verse number 14 for all the laws fulfilled in one word even in this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself Do you want people looking over your shoulder and looking at every single thing that you do and like and you know Like do you want someone scrutinizing every action that you make if you don't like that? Then how about you don't do that to other people either Verse 15, but if you do bite and devour one another it says take heed that you be not consumed one of another When you start striving and fighting and biting and devouring What's that gonna lead to you just gonna devour each other? It's not gonna be good for anybody you start tearing people down and biting and devouring And You're left with just being consumed verse number 16 this I say then walk in the spirit You should not fulfill the lust of the flesh meaning that the biting and devouring that's not of the spirit That's not of the spirit you start biting and devouring people by devouring one another within the church brethren Hey Instead of doing that. How about you walk in the spirit? First number 17 for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other So you cannot do the things that you would but if you'd be led of the spirit You're not under the law now the works of the flesh are manifest Which are these and it's gonna list off a lot of things I want to point out a couple and specifically You know brings up adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness. Those are all lost to the flesh works of the flesh verse 20 idolatry witchcraft hatred Variance emulations wrath strife Seditions heresies look hatred wrath strife. These are all things that are that are associated with the flesh Along with everything else here envying murders drunkenness revelings and such likes of the which I tell you before as I've told you also told You in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God and this is contrasted with the fruit of the spirit Right. So if you're walking and he's got done say if you walk in the spirit, you're not gonna fill the lust of the flesh And he told us the works of the flesh and some of those are hatred wrath and strife Right just fighting and hating and fighting and devouring But if you have the fruit of the spirit, it means you're walking in the spirit The fruit of the spirit is gonna bring forth love joy. Peace right Long suffering long suffering means you allow things to happen without just jumping to biting and devouring So let's face it, you know what we're all a whole group of imperfect people here Nobody here is perfect We all have our flaws. We all have our sins. We all have our problems And if you're gonna start nitpicking at people well, guess what? You're gonna find a cause of fault in everybody here and Should we have that attitude that just says oh man you I you're doing this you're doing that You know get out of my sight. Well, okay, be careful because with what judgment you judge you're gonna be judged And you know the people on Facebook that just love to just just every single time someone does something they don't like They better beware and take heat and watch out And social me whatever social media people are using that I mean whatever it happens it's out there people get super holy and Super self-righteous and start tearing down other people and Oftentimes without even knowing all of the details all the facts the whole story They just want to spout off their own opinion and you know what? people don't care about your opinion and Oftentimes what you end up doing is making yourself look like an ass That's what you end up doing Especially when you don't know what you're talking about and you just want to throw things out there. Oh, man Well, I'm with you and people have this attitude. I see it all the time. It's it's really frustrating I think it's not very many people But it's the I'm of Paul and I'm of Apollos and I'm of Cephas, you know, and I'm of Christ. Hey, it's Christ divided What's Paul crucified for you? There's a lot of people serving the Lord there's a lot of people doing good work Okay, let's not let's not worry about having to tear down everybody It doesn't mean you have to be friends with everybody, but I'll tell you what, you know Let's not be biting and devouring one another because then there's gonna be nothing left and there are a lot of people from the outside looking in and You know as far as strong old Baptist Church is concerned I don't want to have the the label of having the bad spirit and attitude that's just out after everybody because nobody's good enough To serve the Lord like we serve the Lord And if you just make one misstep then watch out because you're gonna be on blast you're gonna be on notice and we're gonna make sure that that Everybody hates you No We're not gonna have that here Not at all we're not gonna be in the in the in the business of biting and devouring one another and Like I said at the beginning The churches that I know and I've been to are not like that The churches are not the churches have the right spirit. They have the right attitude They do the right work and I know not everyone here is even visited You could get a false perception of what they're like when you go on the internet You get a false perception when you hear maybe different clips of their preaching or whatever You don't know what the church is actually like when you go in there And the churches have been the churches I've been a part of in the best churches I've ever been to in my life and some of the churches I've visited as since I've become a pastor that are like-minded are some of the best churches in the world and They have a right spirit and they have a right heart. So it's not the churches that I'm attacking at all There's individuals though that are going out and making a lot of problems And I think having a bad spirit and a bad attitude And you need to take to take heed to that Walk in the spirit the fruit of the Spears love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness Temperance against such there is no law and they that are Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust if we live in The spirit let us also walk in the spirit verse 26. Let us not Be desirous of Vainglory let us not you know provoking one another envying one another We want to be out goading people goading other believers and and provoking them Let's not do that Let's not be desirous of Vainglory. So everyone can see how righteous you are and how spot-on you are and lockstep you are Turn if you would to 1st Peter chapter 3 First Peter chapter 3 is another great passage that shows the attitude that we ought to have As believers as Christians in a church first Peter chapter 3 verse number 8 Bob reads finally be all of one mind. We should be in unity. We should be in unity We should be in unity doctrinally Spiritually, you know in our goal and our mission in this body the body of Christ that we have here We should be in unity Be all of one mind having compassion one of another When you have compassion towards people You're not trying to find all their faults When you have compassion on people even if they do a fault even if they do it wrong You're not going to be out just trying to stick them with it Love as brethren You need to remember that too, you know ideally in your home physically in the home that you grew up in ideally You had a loving family And I'd like to say that most families do have a loving family now There are every family screwed up at one point or another But in general the concept of having a family like oh man, that's my brother. Don't mess with my brother That's my sister. Don't mess with my sister. That's my mom. That's my dad, right? You have this bond you have this closeness That's how families ought to be I realize not every single family and every single person may have experienced that but that's how families are Your blood relatives your flesh and blood relatives. You are close and the Bible said here, you know, you need to love his brethren Because spiritually we are all brethren. You need to be there. Hey, that's you know You're my comrade. You're you're my you're my worker. You're my brother. You're my sister. You're here. We're here together Right, we're in there. We're part of this church family Don't go messing with my church members don't go mess, you know, that's the attitude that that that we ought to have is it and have that loved one for another and care for each other as If your flesh and blood Be pitiful be courteous Show some common respect for each other Not Rendering evil for evil Someone did wrong. Someone did you wrong? You don't go and do them wrong. This is the Christian mindset This is real basic stuff and it's taught all throughout the Bible, but we need to remember this or railing for railing There may be a point where someone in church rails on you and it's not good and it's not right and they need to be Rebuked for that but you don't go and turn it into a railing for railing But contrary wise blessing the Bible says not only you know, not only should you not rail you should you should bless Knowing that you are there unto called that you should inherit a blessing you get a blessing when you bless them That's going to help keep the peace that's going to help keep unity when you can have this type of a mindset First number 10 for he that will love life and see good days. Let him refrain his tongue from evil Watch what you say and what you say applies broadly to what your fingers say when you key something in a Refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile Let him eschew evil and do good. Let him seek peace and ensue it We ought to be seeking peace Unity within our church, that's what we want to have. That's what we're striving for And I think we have a great spirit here again. Don't get me wrong I just want to I need to reiterate this and make sure that that we have the right Attitude and the right spirit and you don't get sucked into Drama and nonsense and people do you know saying things and saying evil things that they ought not to speak. It's not right Not right Verse 12 for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil Those that do evil and do wrong God will take care of that We don't have to worry about that Verse 13 and who is he that will harm you if he be followers of that which is good But and if you suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror and either be troubled saying look you Just keep doing good Because who is it that's gonna be able to harm you if you're following the Lord who can harm you and if then if they do You'll harming you for doing right for doing good then you can be happy about that Why because God's gonna bless you for that because you've earned rewards for that verse 15 but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of The hope that is in you with meekness and fear having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as if evildoers They may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ The right thing to do when people start slamming you and this is how you can tell oftentimes who's more godly when you have you know a couple people doing a lot of railing and the person's getting railed on They don't do anything they just keep doing what they would what what's right they keep doing what what They believe in their heart is right and have that integrity and don't go railing for railing and You know what the person who's speaking evil of you. Just let them be ashamed if they're falsely accusing you by your good deeds and good works You just keep doing what's right? Because in it doesn't always come out right away Sometimes it just takes a while for people realize. Oh, oops. Oops. That really wasn't a bad person Oops, maybe I shouldn't have said anything so hastily oops Maybe I shouldn't have just gotten caught up in emotion and and just started spouting off my lips things. I don't really know Because I don't like what they did The Bible says in Romans 16 turn to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 the Bible says in Romans 16 17 I just preached on this a week or two ago marking and avoiding people Right, but I was now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine Which you have learned and avoid them For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple This verse is really clear about who we mark and avoid now You can also turn to 1st Corinthians 5 you can see people who are caught up in those sins Right. I haven't seen anybody guilty of any of the sins of 1st Corinthians chapter 5 that I've seen get railed on. I Also haven't seen anybody causing divisions and offenses contrary to doctrine I Haven't seen that happen People who by good words and fair speeches are deceiving the hearts of the simple Regarding doctrine and causing division and causing problems and that I don't I haven't seen that happen This is I mean this is the context this is what we're talking about these are the people you mark and avoid it's the people who caught like they're causing problems on purpose within the church and And they're completely going against the good doctrine that is that is held at a church and just trying to cause division and They're in there enticing people and using fair work it's kind of like a false prophet Right. I mean this is these are the people were saying, you know what mark and avoid those people They're causing problems. They're no good. They're trying to steer people away. They're trying to split the church or try, you know But does it say you mark and avoid brethren for political beliefs They say you mark and avoid brethren for for other things other opinions other issues other things that might be going on in the world Do we mark and avoid them for or how about this? They're doing something you consider that to be weak Oh, man, you're weak or you're lame. So you just mark and avoid them No People can do things that may you may consider to be weak or lame or whatever And if they're your brother or sister in Christ, you still love them You still be there for them and you don't put them on blast First Thessalonians chapter 5 actually when people do something you consider be weak look at verse number 14 The Bible says now we exhort you brethren warn them that are unruly Comfort the feeble-minded Support the weak be patient toward all men See that none render evil for evil unto any man but ever follow that which is good both among yourselves and to all men and I'll tell you this much anyone who actually really cares about somebody and Maybe thinks that a rebuke is necessary You know how you do that in person on the phone? privately If you're if you actually love a person you care about them, you're not gonna just oh man Well, they did it. You know what? Do you want to set them right? Do you actually really care about them? Do you think that they need repentance for something? Why don't you go and talk to them about it? Why do you have to air everything out? Online and air your grievances with people for the whole world to see Especially if they didn't do that to you Why are you doing that? Everyone has to decide decide where you're gonna draw the line on You know, how much is too much when do we separate from people whatever but the Bible gives us the answer on those things I mean in in Romans 16, it says divisions about doctrine causing divisions and problems first Corinthians 5 it talks about specific sins like drunkenness and fornication and Extortion and you know all of those covetousness Those are times where you break fellowship and you shun somebody Last place I'd be turn short sermon this morning second Corinthians chapter 2 Having A bad attitude and not being able to forgive people even when they do do wrong Especially brethren is one of Satan's devices. It's something that he uses against churches to harm churches So you need to be aware of this that this is this is some of the tactics of this the devil Try to pit people against one another try to cause factions try to say oh man. I'm on this side You know within a church, that's not good Okay, it's not good and when people aren't Creating a faction within the church against somebody you don't need to create something that doesn't already exist Because by you doing that that's gonna cause more problems within your church because you're being the loudmouth because you're being the one that can't just just love the brethren and And show some mercy and long-suffering with people that you think may be wrong and you know, maybe they're not wrong. Maybe they are But either way there's a proper way to behave and conduct yourself in the house of God And I'll tell you this much too. And that's why I'm again another reason I'm really thankful that our church in general does it I think does an excellent job now I'm not the internet police by any means and I don't get on social media very much at all Just because it irritates me Because I see things that I don't like because I see bad behavior and I don't like it and I really don't want to have Much to do with it. I think it's a good tool. We use it We try to reach people with it, but in general I don't like it It causes more problems than it's worth But remember that when you go to churches and yours, you know, you're a strong old Baptist Church and everyone knows I'm sorry You kind of represent the church Publicly when you're going out publicly and saying things And it's just a I mean it just is what it is So always be careful with the things that you say that you're not Misrepresenting our church and what we believe and what our spirit is here When you go online Because I think it's very clear what the spirit is here. I've been teaching on this since we started Because the the spirit of our church is critical for the the success of our church Success in God's eyes Success in reaching people Success in doing what we're here to do Success in having the humility of mind that Jesus Christ had that was able to suffer all kinds of things all kinds of slanders all kinds of heat and and you know punishment and Continuing to do the work to help others To preach the gospel to do what's right. That is the spirit that we're happy that we have here and That we're not gonna lose And we're not gonna give in to infighting and bitterness and strife and wrath and any other work of the flesh Second Corinthians chapter 2 verse number 6 the Bible reads Sufficient to such a man as this punishment which was inflicted of many He's referring back to someone who did wrong They received of the wrong. It's all done It's over they're repentant and he says so that contrary wise now in verse 7 Ye ought rather to forgive him and comfort him why because he's a brother in Christ He did wrong and he suffered for it. He paid his dues But now it's time to forgive and comfort him Lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with over much sorrow Hey when the repentance is there you forgive them And you welcome them back and when if they've done wrong to you Forgive them comfort them it says Because otherwise they might be swallowed up with over much sorrow like it's it's more now Punishment than then is warranted and they just quit give up It's too much too much to take then you need to have that forgiveness You need to have that comfort for them and that's what verse 8 says wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm Your love toward him. He's like I Know you love him now now show me that you love me. You'll confirm it prove it prove your love towards him For To this end also did I write that I might know the proof of you whether you be obedient in all things And he's saying you know what? There's another reason why I wrote unto you just to make sure are you really obedient all things? Are you really able to forgive him? Are you really able to comfort him and welcome him back into the fold? Are you really obedient at all things? You did a good job and maybe separating yourself and making sure that that whatever need to be done was done But now are you are you able to come full circle and allow him back in now that he's repentant now that things have been Done I do you do you have that proper forgiveness and cut and ability to comfort Verse 10 to whom you forgive anything I forgive also for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices Forgiveness is important because Otherwise Satan can get an advantage over you when you're not willing to be forgiving the people We're not willing to let some things go when you're not willing to just say fine You know Otherwise Satan's gonna use that and he's gonna use that bitterness and he's gonna use that division and try to drive a deeper wedge in between Brethren We're brethren we got work together There's already a lack of Laborers of workers of people who are willing to go out and do the work The last thing we need is someone just just coming up and trying to drive a wedge between the few workers that we have We got too much to do to be worried about being at odds and and strives with people and worried about it And and how about this that definitely not within our church? But how about just worried about what else is what other people have in fights and they're you know, like Look, I don't got time for that. We don't have time for that And I don't need anybody looking at my shoulder and who am I hanging out with and if I go and visit some other church Of people who are preaching the gospel and have gotten a good on their doctrine and and you know They're doing a work for the Lord. Whoever I go and visit. I don't need anyone, you know, oh well pastor versus What are you doing here? Well, you know, look Save it All right. How about you show a little bit of grace and Humility and If people want to serve the Lord and they're gonna serve the Lord with somebody that's doing a work already. Let them do the work leave them to their work and If some people end up leaving because maybe a certain church may not be the best fit for them and they want to go somewhere Else let them go You don't need to be railing on people on the way out and hating on people They must never been Satan look Let it go And if anyone here feels like you know what this church isn't exactly what I thought it was gonna be or it's going a direction I don't want to go or whatever You should be you should feel free to be able to leave a church without being worried about repercussions against you because that's cult-like You're worried about people destroying your name and character and your reputation everything online Just because you decide to leave somewhere that's cultish. Okay, that's weird. That's bad and and You know, you don't want to be considered like you're part of a cult yet You're gonna you're gonna rail on people that are leaving and not causing a disturbance and not causing a problem and not causing the vision You got something wrong with you if that's if that's the way that you behave You're welcome to come and go in this church And You don't have to worry about me. Just oh man this person. I'm gonna I'm gonna get them man They thought they do you think that I'm wrong? Well, I'll show them No And look I don't see any pastors doing this so again, I'm not I don't I don't want you to get the wrong impression of What's happening? I'm just saying you know, that's a weird behavior to have And no one ought to be acting like that Towards your brothers and sisters in Christ, let's keep the great unity that we have here you know, we're gonna work and do our work and you know what we're gonna join up with different people and I want to make friends with other churches that are better have some basics of doctrine I mean if there's other Baptist churches out here that are King James only That have the right gospel and they're doing soul-winning or if they want to do soul-winning I Want to help those people out if we can I want to have an amicable relationship Because you know what? That means it means their church probably has brothers and sisters in Christ and We need more people to work together Now, I'm not gonna sacrifice and just become ecumenical of just oh, well, we're all in this together You know, look we're looking for people who are saved and who already are holding to some good doctor now I don't care if they believe different on the reprobate doctrine. I don't care if they believe different on other doctrine I don't care about that I'm not gonna slander them I'm not gonna criticize them. I'm not gonna try to tear them down We're trying to help him out. I Got contacted recently from a from a pastor way down in South Georgia That was asking for a little bit of help because his daughter's having surgery up here in Atlanta. And you know what we helped him out We put it we're gonna put him up this week in a hotel so he can be with his daughter at the Children's Hospital up here and Hopefully that can open up another door I Don't know much about the church. Okay, but he was just looking for a little bit of help he was looking for a place he could just stay the night and Said yeah, we'll help you out They're an independent fundamental Baptist Church They're King James Bible Preaching Church, and I didn't see anything that says anything bad about him otherwise But I'm not gonna have to go Dig and turn the world upside down to try to figure out every little thing about him I want to be able to help people in need and I want to be able to make some good Relationships with people and you know what they look it'll work itself out real quick You know, it's not gonna be from us as much not wanting associated them. It's gonna be other people not wanting associated with us That's usually way it's gonna come Okay, if you're doing what's right and you're preaching hard and you're doing all they The it usually works itself out people separate from you So I'm not worried about that But it would be good to have good relations with with as many churches as we can again, there's there's there's everyone's gonna have their own opinion and point of where you draw the line on where you're not going to to fellowship or whatever but I Want to I want to see as many people doing a good work for the Lord as possible and we need to maintain a humble mind a Great spirit a spirit of ministry and serving and loving one another and not biting and devouring Let's bow rides have a word of prayer. Dear heavenly father. Lord. We thank you so much For all that you've done for us Lord help us never to forget the condition that that we're in and the sin that we've had and then and The judgment against that sin Lord and that you paid that judgment and that you've done everything for us and all that you've endured Lord help us to be mindful of that so that we can have the proper long-suffering and mercy that we ought to have especially for The brethren or especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ We know that there's you know, sometimes there may be rebukes necessary and people need to be corrected God But I pray that you would please help us to do so with a with a humble mind and the spirit and out of love And not out of envy and not of bitterness and strife dear Lord help us to walk in the spirit Not in the flesh help us to do many great works for you dear God I pray to you please continue to to build our church and help us to reach more people. We love you in Jesus Christ name We pray amen