(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Zechariah chapter 2 beginning verse number 1 the Bible reads I lifted up my eyes again and looked and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand then said I wither goest thou and he said unto me to measure Jerusalem to see what is the breadth thereof and what is the length thereof and behold the angel that talked with me went forth and another angel went out to meet him and said unto him run speak to this young man saying Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein for I say it the Lord will be unto her a wall of fire round about and will be the glory in the midst of her now chapter 2 is picking up exactly where chapter 1 had left off and I'm just gonna very quickly mention to you what chapter 1 was about if you remember the timeline of the book of Zechariah this is going on this is being preached in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah okay the children of Judah had gone away captive into Babylon for 70 years that 70 years is expired now they're coming back to the promised land and the preaching of Zechariah and Haggai was to encourage them as they're going back to rebuild and it talks about how when they're building the wall and when they're building the temple how they prospered through the preaching of Zechariah and Haggai is what Ezra told us that that preaching was there to strengthen them and encourage them and so forth so that's the context of what we're reading so in this passage at the beginning of chapter 2 it's talking about the fact that Jerusalem is going to be inhabited it says in verse number 4 as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein what he's saying is they're gonna be so many people dwelling at Jerusalem you couldn't wall it in as a walled city it's gonna be spread out with just so many inhabitants he's just trying to impress upon them the fact that they're gonna be brought back from captivity and that they're going to once again possess you know the promised land he's just encouraging them with that and so forth now in chapter 2 some of this also has to do with a future fulfillment with having to do with the millennial reign of Jesus Christ because during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ the Bible teaches that they will be dwelling safely and that they won't be worried about any enemies or anything like that because of the fact that you know the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be ruling with a rod of iron the wolf is gonna lay down with the lamb and all that in the millennium and we're gonna get into that later in the chapter here but I just want you to know the context of what Zechariah is preaching about he's encouraging the people talking about the fact that they're going to come back from Babylon that's what chapter 1 was about and they're going to repossess the promised land but he also gave a stern warning in chapter 1 that said you need to obey my word the reason why you went into captivity in the first place and were kicked out of the promised land was for disregarding the words of the prophet so you better listen to the preaching and draw an eye to God and he'll draw an eye to you that was the message of chapter 1 but I want to point out an important verse here in verse number 5 where it says for I say at the Lord will be unto her a wall of fire round about and will be the glory in the midst of her what he's teaching here is he's saying you won't even need a physical wall to protect you I'll be your wall I will be your defense I will protect you now keep your finger there in Zechariah but flip over to Isaiah 26 Isaiah chapter 26 Isaiah chapter number 26 to the left in your Bible and we'll begin reading in verse number 1 the Bible reads in that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah we have a strong city salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks so what's the wall here in this verse he says salvation is the wall salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks open ye the gates watch this that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee you know this is a great verse that we hear quoted all the time Isaiah 26 3 this is the type of verse that someone would have framed on the wall isn't it or that you would get a greeting card with this verse inside of it and I think it's great the way that this verse is used to talk about the peace of God in our hearts the peace that passeth all understanding but you know that's not really what this verse is actually about in context that's a great secondary meaning you know I'm not saying to take it down from the wall you know it's a great secondary application but what he's talking about literally here is being at peace from your enemies because God is protecting you if you actually read the context here because he talks about the fact that salvation will be their walls they'll have a strong city open ye the gates verse 2 that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in you notice that when the children of Israel in the Old Testament worshiped the Lord and did that which was right in his sight he would give them rest from their enemies roundabout he would put the fear of them on the nations around them and they would have peace then when they would disobey the Lord turn after other gods worship Satan then they would God would bring in foreign enemies that would come in and and wreak all kinds of havoc amongst them right I mean look at the book of Judges but then look at the days of the Kings and you'll see that same pattern going on and you'll see God blessing the Hezekiahs and the Josiahs and then you'll see him bringing judgment upon those who did that which was wicked inside of the Lord but the reason I want to point this out is that many people would like to take the promises of Zechariah chapter 2 and they would like to import them into 2015 Israel they would try to apply this to the state of Israel in the Middle East today in 2015 and I've even heard that the John Hagees of this world say that the Lord will be a wall of fire roundabout and glory in the midst can you say amen to that you know and they preach this about Israel God's gonna be the wall of fire and the glory but hold on a second what's the wall salvation hey listen if you don't have salvation you don't have God's wall and they can build their iron dome that's not God's wall see God's wall God's bulwark is salvation verse 2 says open ye the gates that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in let me remind you of a little verse John 14 6 I am the way the truth and the life and who said that Jesus Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me so let me ask you this is a nation that denies Jesus a nation that keeps the truth no way it's a nation that rejects the truth okay see the Bible says here open ye the gates that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in okay that would not describe 2015 Israel now in Zechariah chapter 2 that did describe them because in Zechariah 2 they were trusting the Lord they did have salvation and God was talking about the blessings that he would bring that he would be that wall of fire around them that he would be the glory in the midst of her even if you just think about that word glory hey God forbid that I should glory saving the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ you know without Jesus there's no glory right without Jesus there's no salvation without Jesus there's no wall of fire about you and glory in the midst of you that's all through Jesus ok but today in 2015 unfortunately Israel is without Christ and that means that they don't have any of these things now go to Isaiah chapter 60 Isaiah chapter number 60 now did they have them in the time of the Old Testament in Zechariah 2 yes now another point that could be made is that in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ ok then it will once again be a righteous nation because Jesus will be on the throne ok but what you have to understand about the millennial reign of Christ is that there's something that happens before the millennium that's known as the first resurrection ok also known as the rapture also known as you know the dead in Christ shall rise first so what's going to happen is before the millennium takes place there's going to be a resurrection of all the saints who've ever lived Old Testament New Testament saints are going to be resurrected and Jesus said that when he comes in his kingdom his 12 disciples would sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel ok now in the millennium when the apostles are judging the 12 tribes of Israel those are Old Testament saints that have been resurrected this is what a lot of people miss it's like they miss the fact that before Israel is is in safety and and in the millennium with Jesus reigning that first is going to be a resurrection of the saved ok that takes place first it's known as that doctrine known as premillennialism you know there's a resurrection before the millennium ok and it's biblical and of course the Bible talks about you know the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus in the Word of God how they lived and reign with Christ a thousand years you know that resurrection blessed and holy is he that part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power etc etc so 12 tribes that doesn't describe the the Israel that we see today because they're not in tribes over there it's just a mass of people bunch of Polish people that say hey we're Jews but they're not there and nothing gets Polish people of course I'm part Polish myself but the point is though that we don't see 12 tribes but here's the thing in the Old Testament we did see 12 tribes existing even at the time of Christ there was a remnant of a little bit of the 10 tribes still floating around although most of the Jews were of the tribes of Judah Benjamin and Levi there's still a remnant of some of the other tribes whereas today many of those tribes have totally ceased to exist whereas in the millennium though will the tribes be back in the millennium of course why because you're resurrecting the Reubenites you're resurrecting the gap you know those that were saved you're resurrecting the Gadites you're resurrecting the Asherites and the Simeonites and all of these is a car rights that don't exist today because they've been lost and mixed and and and so forth they're all coming back though and they will be judged by the 12 apostles in the millennial reign of Christ so there's a foreshadowing of that in Zechariah chapter 2 did I have you turn to isaiah 60 look at isaiah 60 verse 18 violence shall no more be heard in thy land wasting nor destruction within thy borders but thou shalt call thy walls salvation so is the Bible being consistent here thou shalt call thy walls salvation and thy gates praise the Sun shall be no more thy light by day neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light and thy God thy glory that thy son shall no more go down neither shall thy moon withdraw itself for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light and the days of thy morning shall be ended thy people also shall be all righteous they shall inherit the land forever the branch of my planting the works of my hands that I may be glorified this is talking about way in the future isn't it this is talking about when there's going to be no night there you know and and how they have no need of the Sun for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne you know the lamb is the light thereof the Bible says Jesus is the light so they you know this is way in the future isn't it this isn't now this is in the future this is when Christ returns to this earth so let's go back to Zechariah chapter 2 with that in mind we're using scripture to interpret scripture we're comparing spiritual things with spiritual see when you compare God's word to man's word you're comparing God's word to that which is carnal but when you compare Bible with Bible you're comparing spiritual with spiritual so we compare Zechariah with Isaiah we see that both of them are prophesying of a time when Jerusalem will dwell without walls and when salvation will be the wall Jesus will be the light the glory will be the glory of God and it'll all be through Jesus Christ it'll be a righteous nation that keeps the truth not an ungod not a nation that has a gay pride parade every year in Tel Aviv that's not a righteous nation not a nation that was voted the number one homosexual tourist city in the world in 2014 you know that's not what we're talking no we're talking about a righteous nation and Israel of today is not a righteous they're an ungodly nation they reject Jesus they're rejected by Jesus so that's you got to keep that in mind when he says in Zechariah 2 5 for I say that the Lord will be under her a wall of fire roundabout and will be the glory in the midst of her that's what it's talking about look at chapter 2 verse 6 ho ho come forth and flee from the land of the north saith the Lord for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven saith the Lord deliver thyself Oh Zion that dwells with the daughter of Babylon so he's referring to fact that they've been captive in Babylon they've been scattered from the Promised Land they've been dwelling in Babylon they've been dwelling in the north he's saying he's gonna bring them back okay he's saying deliver thyself Oh Zion that dwells with the daughter of Babylon so stop right there Zion there in that particular verse is not a place is it it's a group of people in this particular context isn't it because when he says deliver thyself Oh Zion he's not talking about a place talking about the people when he says Oh Zion he's talking about his people God's people are spiritually known as Zion okay deliver thyself Oh Zion that dwells with the daughter of Babylon for thus saith the Lord of hosts after the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye now what is this saying he's turned again unto them he turned away from them for 70 years he had them carried off into a foreign land but now he has turned back unto them that's the word that he used in chapter one of Zechariah and he turned back toward them and he's saying now I'm gonna side with you and against your enemies and anyone who touches you is touching the apple of my eye okay he's talking about the fact that he's gonna protect them now again this is a scripture that that the Jews that are Christ rejecting Jews would love to apply this scripture unto them and say we're the apple of God's eye and basically they'll say oh anyone who touches Israel is touching the apple of God's eye I guess they think it has to do with the dirt but actually it has to do with the people God's people but here's the thing people who reject Jesus Christ are not God's people in the New Testament see it's not ethnic it's spiritual okay who is Zion in the New Testament and in fact the proof for that is right here in this exact chapter and it's amazing to me this verse Zechariah 2 8 is one of the most often quoted verses by people that are Zionists people who basically teach that the physical Jews are the chosen ones not Christians not believers but no it's the physical Israelites they are the chosen people this is one of the most oft quoted but isn't it funny how they quote verse 8 but they don't make it down to verse 11 just three verses later look at verse 11 and many nations now is this one nation no many and many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day and shall be my people did he say one nation is my people just Israel just that one nation is my people no no he says many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day and shall be my people many nations shall be God's people why because he said to Abraham I made thee the father of many nations why because he's the spiritual father of many nations and people say oh well but what about the physical hey the flesh profit is nothing this is a spiritual book you're in a spiritual service this is a spiritual Church spiritual preaching spiritual subject you know we sing Psalms hymns and spiritual songs we're not here to talk carnality you want a glory in your flesh you came to the wrong place you know we're here to talk about the spirit okay we're not here to talk about how white we are how black we are or how it Jewish we are how Gentile hey in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile doesn't matter so the Bible here is teaching that many nations shall be joined unto the Lord in that day and shall be my people look at the beginning of verse 11 there what is it that makes you God's people when you're joined unto the Lord the Bible says he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit see being joined unto the Lord makes you one of God's people if you're not joined to the Lord you're not one of God's people no matter what nation you are oh well I get an automatic pat well think not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our father for I stand to you that God is able these stones to raise up children unto Abraham so they'll quote verse 8 but they'll forget the context of verse 11 many nations many nations are part of the spiritual Zion spiritual Israel of God God's people the elect in the New Testament it's believers in Jesus Christ that fit this bill and he's already predicting it back in Zechariah saying many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day now you wonder why is it that of all the verses in the Old Testament that talk about Israel they talk about the fact that they were the chosen people back then okay you say you know why do they quote Zechariah 2 8 so much what is it about this particular verse when there are so many verses that they could choose from that say something similar to this back when Israel physically the nation were God's chosen people in the Old Testament before Christ came and said the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bring forth the fruit so why this verse well you know there's something really creepy about that and I'll tell you why because the book that Judaism uses as their final authority they claim it's the Torah but it's not you know the Torah tells you that you know about the creation and the flood and it tells you to circumcise and and to do animal sacrifices I mean look the Torah talks a lot about animal sacrifices you ever read Leviticus what's the first nine chapters a lot of sacrifice a lot of animal sacrifice but do you see the Jews doing any animal sacrifices no oh but we have to do it in Jerusalem that's not what the Bible says the Bible says in Exodus that they can make an altar anywhere they want all they have to do is make a pile of rocks or dirt pile of dirt it says that right after the Ten Commandments in Exodus go to the Ten Commandments Exodus 20 keep reading few verses you'll get the part where he tells them how to make an altar out of dirt and out of stones and not only that but long after the temple was already built you remember that Elijah offered a sacrifice unto the Lord was he at the temple was he in Jerusalem no he's on Mount Carmel and he piled up stones and built the altar the Lord and God sanctioned that offering by sending fire down from heaven and consuming so this this excuse of oh we don't have the temple we can't do a sacrifice that's ridiculous that would be like that you know what that would be like that'd be like if I was married to my wife for decades and I said oh I can't have relations with my wife because we don't have a bed one day when we get a bed we'll do it I mean that's how stupid that is like basically you're so hung up on that location that you can't even do a major command I mean look that's a pretty big part of being married be kind of weird abstain from that for decades right well here's the thing a major part of their religion is the animal sacrifice huge commandment Passover atonement you know the daily offering the morning sacrifice the evening sacrifice we're talking every time they get a cleansing hey almost all things by the law are purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission but up can't do it don't have the temple don't have the location and it's it's not even like they can't do it in Jerusalem they possess part of Jerusalem I mean they could pile up stones and they can even do it in the city that God chose oh but no we can't see it's just an excuse for them to disobey the Bible now here's the thing I don't believe in animal sacrifices because Jesus is the Lamb of God which take it away the sin of the world but if they don't believe that it just makes zero sense for them not to do these sacrifice it doesn't hold up biblically even from an Old Testament standpoint so you say well what do they believe in well they have a different book it's not the Bible Christians think oh Jews believe the Old Testament no no they have a different book it's called the Talmud the Talmud is the holy book of the Jews that is what they and if you talk to an Orthodox Jew they'll tell you it's the Word of God it's divinely inspired and that is the true authority unto Judaism the religion of Judaism especially Orthodox Judaism it really is focused on the Talmud to get the actual practice of what they actually do and what they actually believe they'll give lip service to the Torah but what they actually do matches up with the Talmud now the Talmud mentions Jesus in it only a few times the Talmud was written around 500 AD it's based on stuff that was written as far back as 200 BC but it was actually compiled in its present form around 500 AD the Babylonian Talmud okay so because it was written after the time of Christ it mentions Jesus several times now it's a huge book 36 volume encyclopedia like book but it mentions Jesus only a handful of times but when it does mention Jesus it's to blaspheme him and to ridicule him now one of the worst passages in the Talmud that ridicules Jesus quotes Zechariah 2 8 that's what I find creepy because it talks about Jesus being in hell for all eternity and then it even goes a step further it asks Jesus what his punishment is in hell and and and the fake Jesus of the Talmud you know this figment of their imagination the fake Jesus says that he's in boiling excrement for all eternity so that's what they think of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ they think he's boiling an excrement right now that's what their holy book says the Talmud look it up and not only that but but the the fake Jesus of the Talmud who is boiling an excrement you know what he says he said he warns the people that are on earth you better be nice to the Jews he says seek their good seek their welfare do them no harm for he that toucheth them toucheth the apple of God's eye and quotes this Zechariah 2 8 so isn't it funny how the Jesus of the Talmud is being punished and humiliated in excrement and he's telling you oh please be nice to the Jews treat them well treat them good don't make the mistake that I made and he said that you know why it's that you know why the Talmud says Jesus being punished like that for for mocking the rabbis for mocking the sages because Jesus did make them look stupid remember when Jesus showed up to the rabbis and he confounded them and astonished them and defeated them and they dared not ask him another question and they went away humbled and they went away humiliated so that's the biblical the real story is that Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah and Jesus the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father and he humiliated them while he was on this earth that's why they crucified him because they didn't like being humiliated that's why they crucified him and you know when he comes back they're gonna be humiliated once again and here's the thing they write this blasphemous book where he's humiliated it's a lie he's not in boiling excrement blasphemous Jews no he's reigning he's at the right hand of the Father in heaven right now and he's not whining he's not whining about oh please seek the good of the Jews now I'm gonna seek the gospel I'm gonna seek the gospel of Jesus Christ I'm not gonna seek the good of Christ rejecting Judaism not interested but you know when you think about the fact that in the number one most blasphemous passage in the Talmud the holy book of the Jews the most blasphemous portion just happens to quote Zechariah 2 8 and then isn't it funny how these Christian Zionists they're repeating Zechariah 2 8 now here's the thing Zechariah 2 8 is a wonderful scripture but here's the thing Zechariah 2 8 is about the Old Testament nation of Israel back when they worship the Lord whereas the quote from the Talmud is applying it to unbelieving Jews so you know when you hear these Christian Zionists talking about the apple of God's eye they're not doing it in the context of Zechariah 2 many nations those who believe in Christ those who are saved those are joined under the Lord the righteous nation that keeps the truth they're doing in the context of oh just if you're a Jew you get the free pass that's what the Talmud teaches and that makes it creepy to hear them miss apply and misquote Zechariah 2 8 the same way that the Talmud does in its most blasphemous section I mean that just shows you that Satan is at work that's the way I see it that's my opinion that's what I believe about these people who spout this stuff off but but what does the Bible say here in Zechariah 2 let's keep reading he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna claim that promise for myself right now because you know what the Bible says touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm okay so he that toucheth me touch at the apple of God's eye and are you saved tonight he that toucheth you touch at the apple of God's eye why cuz God loves you and God loves me and we're his people so you know we've really been gypped of some of these promises this is a great promise I mean when was the last time you heard a sermon that applied this promise to us as believers that's who it's intended for anybody who's joined under the Lord can claim this promise red and yellow black and white if you're joined under the Lord this promise is for you God bless those who bless you God will curse those who curse you why because you're in Christ because unto Abraham and his seed where the promise is made he saith not seeds as of many but to thy seed one which is Christ and if you be Christ's then are you Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise what does it mean to be an heir an heir is someone who inherits something right what are we an heir of the promises made to Abraham the promises of God every promise in the book is mine every chapter every verse every line this is what the Bible is teaching here but it's amazing how people will just disregard verse 11 they'll disregard the whole book of Isaiah they'll disregard other scriptures look what the Bible says here let's keep reading and verse number eight for thus saith the Lord of hosts after the glory at the sent me unto the nations which spoiled you for he that toucheth you touch at the apple of his eye for behold I will shake mine hand upon them and they shall be a spoil to their servants and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts have sent me this is the Prophet Zechariah saying you'll know that the Lord of hosts has sent me when these things come to pass that I'm preaching he says in verse number 10 sing and rejoice Oh daughter of Zion for lo I come and I will dwell in the midst of thee saith the Lord now what is there to sing and rejoice about what are we supposed to get excited about in verse 10 sing and rejoice Oh daughter of Zion for lo I come and I will dwell in the midst of these we're supposed to rejoice that Jesus is coming that he's gonna dwell in the midst of them right so here's the thing that's why the Bible says also for we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh see we rejoice in Christ we rejoice that he's gonna come and dwell among us we rejoice that he's gone to prepare a place for us and that if he has gone away then he'll come again and receive us unto himself that where he is there we may be also that's something to be excited about some to rejoice about but no no no this is all about Jews getting excited about the piece of dirt that they possess no it's about Jesus isn't it great how the whole Bible is about Jesus hey of him give all the prophets witness does that include Zechariah him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive the remission of sins that's the message of the Bible so he says here sing and rejoice Oh daughter of Zion for lo I come and I will dwell in the midst of the same thought have you ever noticed how many songs are about the second coming of Christ how many hymns deal with heaven and Christ returning and things like that because it's something that we should sing and rejoice about you know when he says hey sing and rejoice our daughter of Zion he's not saying like you know what's he said why because that's a bunch of vain repetition babbling because it's not about Jesus that's why you say well what did you even know what they're saying even though I don't care what that means it's not about Jesus it's vain it's vanity no I want to sing about Jesus I want to sing about the second coming of Christ hey blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine visions of rapture now burst on my sight you know I'd rather sing about Jesus why should we sing and rejoice Oh daughter of Zion because I come he says and what did Jesus say at the very end of Revelation 22 behold I come quickly so he said I come and here he says look I come and I will dwell in the midst of these sayeth the Lord and many nations not just one nation many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day and shall be my people well they're joined unto the Lord but they're still not his chosen people no he said and they'll be my people they'll be joining the Lord and they'll be my people that's what makes you his people and I will dwell in the midst of thee and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee and the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in the Holy Land and shall choose Jerusalem again be silent to all flesh before the Lord for he is raised up out of his holy habitation so let's ask ourselves this question verse 12 the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in the Holy Land and shall choose Jerusalem again well think about this if you choose it again it's like you weren't choosing it for a while and then you start choosing it again think about that you know what if choosy moms who chose Jif okay what if they were eating Skippy for a while and then they said I will choose Jif again now if they were continuously eating Jif the whole time there would be no choose again it would be just I'm gonna continue to choose Jif does everybody understand what I'm saying all right try it you know I'm getting down on the level I'm making this so simple that even a theologian could understand okay so you know there was a time when he's turned away from them okay now in Zechariah's day that was the 70 year Babylonian captivity and then he turns to them again and says hey we're going back to the Holy Land we're going back to Judah we're going back to Jerusalem you know you're coming back you will be my turn to me and I'll turn to you okay now it says the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in the Holy Land and shall choose Jerusalem again okay when is that gonna happen well what did he just say in the last verse I'll dwell in the midst of thee I come I will dwell in the midst of these saith the Lord in verse 10 in verse 11 I will dwell in the midst of thee in verse 12 the Lord shall inherit Judah's portion in the oil that what are we talking about millennial reign of Christ what are we talking about now in the short term we're talking about them coming back from Babylon and repossessing the promised land but there's a there's a further out interpretation where he's talking about I'm gonna come I'm gonna dwell in the midst of you the Lord himself shall be with them and be their God the Bible says okay the Lord will dwell in the midst remember they'll have no wall there will be the wall of fire Jesus will be the glory salvation will be the wall the truth will be there what's the Bible saying here yeah the Lord's gonna inherit Judah his portion in the Holy Land in 1948 only one catch none of them believe in him you know don't let that bother you that little hiccup okay that's small yes I know this is a small detail the Lord's gonna inherit Judah in the Holy Land he's gonna inherit a bunch of unbelievers you think Jesus looks down from heaven and sees a bunch of unsaved unbelievers that this is my inheritance whoa that's not the inheritance no no no this is talking about the millennium because in the millennium it's gonna be all saved inheriting it it's gonna be the resurrected Saints inheriting it it's gonna be us ruling and reigning with Christ for a thousand years but it's also gonna be the resurrected Israelites the twelve tribes that's who's gonna be inheriting that land over there because that's their that's their homeland from you know from where they lived back see it's like we it's like we just forget about these people like they ever existed it's like we just it's like we just forget that there were like about four thousand three hundred years of human history before Jesus came and there were saved people who are in heaven right now I mean stop and think about that how many saved people do you think are in heaven right now from before Jesus for four thousand three hundred years of human history right I mean how about guys like David I mean did you forget about him hello guys I'm still up here you know David is gonna be on this earth in the millennium it's gonna be resurrected Daniel God tells Daniel in Daniel chapter 12 he's talking about the the resurrection he's talking about the tribulation and everything in Daniel 12 and he says to Daniel you'll you will sleep in the dust the earth until that and then you'll be brought back his body is in the dust his soul is in heaven he's coming back you know he's saved and he will be in that millennial reign of Christ and people need to remember that when they're reading scriptures like this they I don't think anyone could really dispute that this is talking about the millennium when he's talking about I'm gonna dwell among them there's gonna be no wall it's gonna be totally safe obviously we're talking about the millennial reign of Christ you know in the in the time that I've left here I don't have a lot of time left but go to Romans 9 Romans chapter 9 because I want to point out where it says in Zechariah 2 11 and many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day it says and shall be my people right I just want to reinforce that point with a New Testament scripture okay because we're in the Old Testament I know I quoted some New Testament to you but I want to reinforce that by just having you turn to a New Testament scripture here in Romans chapter 9 look at verse 22 what if God willing to show his wrath and to make his power known endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction and then he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he had a for a paradigm prepared unto glory even us whom he hath called not of the Jews only but also of the Gentiles as he saith also in Ozzy Ozzy is Hosea I will call them my people which were not my people and her beloved which was not beloved so instead of just the Jews being God's people he says now it's gonna be not of the Jews only but also of the Gentiles as he saith also in Hosea I will call them my people which were not my people and her beloved which was not beloved and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people there shall they be called the children of the living God what is that place where he said you're not my people that place is Israel read Hosea chapter 1 but in that same place it shall be said unto them ye they are the children of the living God but it's not just the Jews it's also the Gentiles both everybody who say what's what's the common denominator if it's Jews and Gentiles Jesus is the common denominator is I asked also cry it's concerning Israel though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea all of them are gonna be saved no a remnant shall be saved and who's that remnant the Bible says in Romans 11 that it's the remnant according to the election of grace so it's election by grace not election by race election by grace get that G on the front and he will fit for he will finish the work verse 28 and cut it short in righteousness because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth and as his eyes said before except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed we had been as Sedoma and been made like into Gomorrah isn't it funny how it kind of reminds you of Sodom and Gomorrah over there because they don't have the seed what's the seed Christ because members said not seeds but one seed Christ hey if we didn't have the seed we would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah ain't that the truth right but also what he's saying is except the Lord of Sabbath had left us a seed he's saying if there were not a remnant left behind they would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah who's the remnant according to the election of grace it's a salvation through faith who's the election those who believe in Jesus who are the remnant well okay who was the remnant and Elijah's day remember when Elijah said I'm the only one I'm the only one left and they seek to kill me and what did God tell him no you're not the only one I've reserved to myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the knee to Baal and he said even so then at this present time also there is an election there is a remnant according the election of grace so who are the election who is that remnant it's those who aren't bowing the knee to Baal but they're bowing the knee to Jesus that's the remnant he says in verse 30 what shall we say then what shall we preach in 2015 what should I teach the Baptist Church that I'm the pastor of it says what shall we say then that the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness have attained to righteousness even the righteous which is a faith but Israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to the law of righteousness wherefore why because they sought it not by faith they sought it in the flesh they sought it not by faith so what am I supposed to be preaching in the New Testament I'm supposed to be preaching hey the election of the chain obtained it it's both Jews and Gentiles Israel has not obtained it they didn't seek it by faith is that what's being preached in most Baptist churches tonight on November 4th 2015 sadly no but it's biblical they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at that stumbling stone what was the stumbling stone Jesus was the stumbling stone because he said behold I lay in Zion a cornerstone a rock of offense see to us Jesus is the cornerstone to the Jews he's a rock of offense he's a stumbling stone that they stumble at he says they stumbled at that stumbling stone as it is written verse 33 behold I land Zion a stumbling stone and a rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed so notice he'll substitute the word stumbling stone elsewhere it says cornerstone why because to us he's the cornerstone to them he's the stumbling stone why either you're building on him either because other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Christ so either you're building your life on Jesus because you believe in Jesus and he's in your heart and he saved you or else you you trip on Jesus and fall on your face and that's what they've done that's what the Bible says so it says and look here's a great closing stumbling stone a rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him should not be ashamed now that word ashamed is a little different than we would use the word ashamed today when it says whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed here's what it's saying you're not gonna be disappointed he's not gonna let you down because think about it if you were to put your trust in somebody and they let you down then you're left with egg on your face sometimes right here's what he's saying whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed he's saying Jesus is not gonna let you down if you believe on him he will he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ you believe on him you shall be saved whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life the Bible says let's buy rides and have a word of prayer Lord thank you for this powerful chapter in Zechariah 2 Lord and thank you that we found some wonderful promises for ourselves Lord and instead of for Christ rejecters in a far country Lord or in Los Angeles or New York or anywhere else Lord thank you for promises that we can apply that you love us that we're the apple of your eye that you'll bless those who bless us Lord and that you're our glory you're the wall around us Lord we can go to sleep tonight and put our head on our pillow and feel completely safe for thou art with us Lord thank you for being that wall of fire around us in the glory in the midst of us as a church and as families and as Christians Lord and in Jesus name we pray amen