(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) pages of God's word and see exactly what you want me to preach and Father I just pray that you would speak to every heart and please bless those that are here and help them to go away with something that will bring them closer to you and make them a greater servant of God in Jesus name I pray, amen. Now in this chapter here there's a little phrase that I want to bring to your attention at the end of verse number 20 there that phrase that says without excuse. God hates excuses. God hates excuses and we're living in a time when it seems that everyone has an excuse for everything people just make excuses constantly. Boy in the business world if you work you probably work around people that are like this they just always have excuses there's always a reason why it can't be done they're always coming to you with the problem we can't do it and this is why or people that person that's just always late but don't worry they always have a good reason it was always a legitimate reason why they were late and so sorry I'm not pointing you guys out this morning that were late look I already wrote it down before you even came I'm just gonna preach the sermon but anyway we're living in a day when people just make excuses for everything God hates excuses he says listen and this is dealing with the unsaved in Romans chapter 1 here he says I don't want anybody to have an excuse for not being saved and so here's what I've done I've created this marvelous creation I've created this magnificent sky in the heavens and he says I want to show everybody my glory and I want to show them that there's a God and I want to even show them the power of the Godhead through the natural world why because I don't want them to have any excuse for not being saved you see people that are not saved they have no excuse they can anytime they want look up at the stars and see God's magnificent hand of creation anytime they want to they can look at the plant life and just see the intricate design of God and the Creator anytime they want to they can look at the animal kingdom they can go to the zoo and just examine the beauty and the majesty of God's created animals you see there's no excuse if you look at it all and say well I don't care and I refuse to believe that God created this world I refuse to believe that God has revealed himself to us through his word and you say I call God a liar you don't have an excuse for that you see God wanted that way because he hates excuses he wanted it to be such a way where nobody can make an excuse you see if you go to hell you have to just ignore what God has created and shown us if you go to hell you have to ignore every verse from the Bible that you've ever heard quoted your whole life if people always make excuses about people who've never heard the Gospels but look you most people on this earth for about 70 some years and how many times they haven't heard the Bible quoted to them how many times they haven't seen a verse of scripture how many times they haven't come across a saved loved one or saved co-worker how many times somebody hasn't maybe knocked on their door and nobody has an excuse for not being saved if you go to hell you have to ignore God's creation you have to ignore every verse that you ever hear quoted from the Bible or preached in the church pulpit you have to stumble over the broken body of Jesus Christ in order to go to hell see God God doesn't want anybody to go to hell and he's not gonna give you an excuse you'll have to climb over and stumble over the broken body of Jesus where he said this is my body which is broken for you and you have to just walk right by it and say no I refuse to be saved I'm gonna go to hell you see if you go to if you go to hell you'll have to go through all the prayers of everybody who's ever prayed for you every ends every saved loved one a relative or friend at work or pastor that was in your area trying to trying to get people saved you'll have to go through the prayer of Jesus Christ himself in John chapter 17 where he said neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word you see Jesus Christ himself on this earth prayed that people would be saved through the testimony of his disciples he says I'm praying for the unsaved that they'll be saved you there's no excuse for anybody who goes to hell now there's always some hypothetical that people bring up and they say well what about this guy that's in this deep dark jungle and it's just some crazy story that they make up what about some guy who's in some deep dark jungle somewhere and he is just never heard of Jesus never heard the gospel surely God's not going to send him to hell if he doesn't get saved there's no way a loving God would it yes he will send them to hell yes they will go to hell because the Bible says neither is their salvation and any other but there is none of the name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved you see let me let me let me quote this for you from Romans chapter 10 the Bible says for whosoever it starts in verse 13 if you want to follow along for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him and whom they've not believed and how so they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how so they hear without a preacher and how should they preach except they be sent you see God is saying here yes people are unsaved yes people are lost yes they need to hear the gospel but how are they going to call on somebody to be saved that they don't believe it how are they going to believe in somebody that they've never heard of and how so they hear without a preacher and after they preach except they be sent as is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace that bring glad tidings of good things but they have not obeyed the gospel for his eyes say it Lord who has believed our report so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God now listen to this part but I say have they not heard yes barely their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world see in Paul's day in Romans chapter 10 people are saying well they these people haven't heard the gospel it's not fair he said no yes he said yes they have heard their sound went into all the earth their words went into the ends of the world he's talking about the Apostles he's talking about the witness of Jesus Christ has gone all over the world friend and they heard they've heard the gospel and and you say well I don't think it's fair because today there are some people that haven't heard the gospel and they're in some jungle somewhere and you know what I don't think it's fair either I don't think it's fair that there are people in some country somewhere that haven't heard the gospel so instead of crying about it why don't we go preach the gospel to everybody we can and get them saved see he said how so they hear without a preacher the problem is not that I'm not fair God saying the problem is not is that you're not preaching the gospel that's the problem he says anytime you want to you can preach the gospel and win the win people to Christ now I was looking at I love math and I was looking at an interesting statistic here trying to follow this logic but everybody in the world let's say if I talk to somebody there's certain people that I come into contact with I'm not going to come into contact with everybody in the world am I but there are certain people I'm going to come into contact with you know probably a lot around Tempe and I travel different places in California and everything and I come into contact with certain people then those people come into contact with certain amount of people and it's interesting you can trace a line between any two people in the world I mean the guy in the deep dark jungle the guy in China you can trace a line statistically it's impossible this is not work you can trace a line of no more than 12 people where I know somebody who knows somebody who knows them who knows them who knows them to that guy in the jungle it's just because we come into contact with so many people and people travel around so much and just it would be statistically improbable that you can't draw a line between any two people in this world and there's only 11 people between them so if we would just get the gospel to everybody we know and then if they get the gospel to everybody they know and then they get the gospel to everybody they know boy we would get these people safe and not only that but there are missionaries who go and bring God we support a missionary Barry Hoffman to Korea he takes the gospel and preaches it to all these people in Korea and then they can preach it and they preach it the answer is that we would preach the gospel to every creature that's the answer and see their words went under the ends of the world in policy we need to get it on the ends of the world in our day and instead of crying about what we don't think is fair of God not giving people an excuse to go to hell no matter what let's do something about it let's be a soul winner let's preach the gospel let's get people saved but not only that not only that but God's people many times we make excuses that was the unsaved that we were dealing with turn if you would to Luke chapter 14 third book in the New Testament Luke chapter 14 you know that's the unsaved people who have an excuse they think for not being saved for not believing on Jesus Christ but God says they're without excuse I've given my body I've prayed for them I've sent out preachers I've given the Word of God I've shown in the natural world they said they have no excuse but sometimes God's people make the same make excuses also this philosophy creeps and look at Luke chapter 14 verse number 15 let me just have a second turn here it says and when one of them that sat at meet with him heard these things he said unto him blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God here's a man in verse 15 who understood the value of the things of God it says in verse number 16 then said he unto them this is Jesus speaking a certain man made a great supper and bade many and sent his servant at suppertime to say to them that were bid and come for all things are now ready and they all with one at consent began to make excuse the first said unto him I bought a piece of ground and I must needs go and see it I pray they have me excused and another said I've bought five yoke of oxen and I go to prove them I pray they have me excused and another said I've married a wife and therefore I cannot come so that servant came and showed his Lord these things then the master of the house being angry said to his servant go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in either the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind and the servant said Lord it is done as thou has commanded and yet there is room and the Lord said unto the servant go out into the highways and hedges and compelled them to come in that my house may be filled for I say to you that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper you see God in this story the the man the Lord there is representing God himself and he's he's prepared this great meal he's prepared this great supper and he's inviting people to come and partake of this meal that he's worked so hard to provide and they all are making excuses now look at these excuses look at one of verse 18 it says he bought a piece of land a needs to go look at it you think anybody really buys land without looking at it so he's gonna buy property without looking at it no that's not true look at verse number 19 he bought these oxen it says and he has to go test them out this would be like in our day like buying a car without even taking it for a test drive right didn't you test drive a car yesterday right okay well can you imagine just buying a car and saying well no God I don't have time for you right now I have to go test drive the car that I already bought that's ridiculous it doesn't make any sense look at look at verse number 20 it says and another said I've married a wife and therefore I cannot come look this is ridiculous everybody knows that when you first get married a free meal will be like the best thing in the world okay nobody you have a lot of money when you first get you have a lot of money when you first get married if I if that was me when I just got married I'd bring my wife there and we would skip breakfast and then we would eat this meal till we were sick and we would need to eat for another 24 hours and save the money and so people make stupid excuses about why they don't want to come to God's meal it's silly they make the most ridiculous excuses what am I talking about what kind of meal well what about the meal right here that God provides for you every day in the Word of God Job said I have esteemed the words of thy mouth more than my necessary food he said this is more necessary to me than eating food and so if you remember on Wednesday night I touched on this how it might have been a couple weeks ago but on Wednesday night I talked about how when the children of Israel came out of Egypt and they were in the wilderness God provided the manna on the ground and we saw in Deuteronomy chapter 8 that God said I suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with manna that thou mightest know that man does not live by parade alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God that man live and so what he did was he got them eating this manna he was trying to teach them the Bible says their need for the Word of God and being sustained by God's food not about physical food and so if you remember the manna was put out there every morning and they had to go out before the Sun was hot and they had to gather up the manna and they couldn't gather it for two days they had to gather it every day and if they tried to store it up it would breed worms and so they had to just get it just enough for that day only and they would get it and guess what if they didn't get it by the time the Sun came out it was gone I mean if they slept in if they were lazy and just slept in bed and the alarm didn't go off or whatever and they get up in the morning okay God what do you have for me God nothing it's gone and the next day it's gonna be totally different manna you missed it forever you missed what God had same thing when you when you skip a day of reading this book when you wake up in the morning or rather don't wake up perhaps and you don't read this book you missed the truth that God had for you for that day it's gone and just as the man in this story he says I made this supper for you you don't want to come you've got an excuse I'm sure you could come another day but he says I'm gonna invite all these other different people and he says the people that were big shall not taste of this supper see that meals never coming back that meal that God the Father was offering here the opportunity was never gonna be there because it's gonna be consumed by someone else and that's the same thing when we don't partake of God's meal every day when we don't eat the food that God has provided for us it's gone you missed it so don't get hung up that you missed in the past just don't miss it tomorrow so miss it today you've got to get your food out of the Word of God but what else think about the meal that God provides here on Sunday morning and Sunday night and Wednesday night think about the meal provided in church the Word of God that's preached you see God provides the meal right here this way provides the ingredients and I'm like the I'm like the chef okay I'm the cook all right and here's what I do I get out I go to my pantry here and I get out all the different ingredients and I open them up and I mix them together and I I seasoned it up a little bit and sometimes like oh man but but I cook up something every Sunday morning every Sunday night and every Wednesday now let me ask how would my wife feel if my wife was in this kitchen slaving over a hot stove for three or four hours and she got flour all over her and her hair is all messed up and oil splattered all over because she's been sleeping on this meal and I come home and say oh honey just about a block from the house I had Burger King I don't I'm not gonna be having your meal tonight don't worry you know I'm not hungry what wouldn't that be ridiculous or what I call her up and say you know I'm busy I don't have time to come eat this meal that you made how's she gonna feel she's gonna she's gonna feel exactly the way that God felt in the story well how do you feel angry it says the master of the house being angry and he's gonna be angry saying I made this meal I went through all this work and you're out test-driving your ox he says look I made this meal you need to be here and eat it and look I cook these meals for you because I want you to get the meal I want you to come in and bring your tray and I'm gonna serve it up for you and you need to get this meal I don't look I never I'm gonna tell you something I never get up here and just rattle my cage oh you can ask my wife I agonize over every sermon what I'm gonna preach because I take very seriously Sunday morning Sunday night and Wednesday night I'm not up here trying to fill some kind of time slot I'll tell you something if tonight's sermon wasn't just vital if it wasn't just necessary and important I'd cancel church tonight I don't have time I don't have time to mess with that I got other things to do I got I got you know I got bills to pay and I got work to do but if I didn't think that tonight's sermon was just necessary and vital and important I would cancel church in a heartbeat because I'm not gonna get up and fill some time slot in the name of Jesus Christ and in the name of the institution that he died for preach something that's just oh yeah that was kind of neat or you know no it's important this is the this is the the food groups that you need and if it wasn't some kind of food groups that you need it's not some Twinkie that you're gonna get tonight okay it's not just something that's gonna make it fill you up a little bit no it's important you know Wednesday nights Wednesday night is the most important service that this church offers Wednesday night Bible study because I'll tell you it's my favorite service number one because I put the most preparation into Wednesday night church you say wait a minute wouldn't you put the most preparation into Sunday morning because that's like the main service that's when a lot of people just think that they feel they need to come no because I put those the work into Wednesday night because if somebody's gonna come back on Wednesday night I want to give them something that makes it worth their while to come out on a Wednesday night you know when you got work the next day when you're busy when you're in the middle of your week look it's harder to come to church on Wednesday night so I'm gonna make sure that you get something that's that's well prepared it's not going to be you know hamburger helper on Wednesday night it's going to be something that's made from scratch and and so that's why every Wednesday night service those Bible says I do I memorize every chapter that I preach on Wednesday night every chapter that I preach I preach through one chapter every single week since I started the church every time it's a chapter that I already had memorized for weeks and I have it memorized I mull it over and I beg God to show me something from the Bible and I meditated on that chapter and I quoted that chapter literally hundreds of times and I'm ready to give you the meal this isn't some little devotional that I got out of some book by you know dr. Dobson or something some hocus-pocus on the family little devotional somewhere some little our daily bread that I read somewhere and I brushed it up and personalized it a little bit this isn't something I bought off the internet you know ten sermons for $39.95 that I saw the other day from an independent fundamental Baptist Church hey this is something that's made from scratch friend this is something that I have memorized and prayed over and worked on because it's important that's why and look I don't care who shows up and who doesn't show up there's gonna be it there's gonna be a sermon on Wednesday night it's been well prepared and there's gonna be a sermon on Wednesday night with the Holy Ghost of God power on it I don't care who comes I don't care if my if my family's here here that's enough for me because I'm telling you something Wednesday night church is important I have right now 81 chapters that are memorized just waiting waiting until the opportunity that I have to preach that sermon on a Wednesday night Wednesday nights are important but I'm sure that there are a lot of excuses not to come on Wednesday night not to come to church on Wednesday night but there's always going to be an excuse it's always gonna be some ox somewhere it's always gonna be some wife you married but there's always going to be something right so just be there don't you the whole point of the sermon is God doesn't like excuses don't have excuses just do what needs to be done so number one there are excuses for skipping God's meals but number two there are excuses for not living for God look if you would have Matthew chapter 8 verse 19 Matthew chapter 8 verse 19 and of course this Wednesday is gonna be Matthew 8 I want to steal my own thunder here but I was just as I was preparing my sermon for this Wednesday night I couldn't help but see this just jump out of me these excuses that people are making in Matthew chapter 8 verse 19 it says in Matthew 8 19 and a certain scribe came and said in a master I will follow thee with us so ever thou goest and Jesus saith unto him the foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but the son of man hath not where to lay his head see here's a man who's got a big mouth and he says Jesus I'm gonna follow you wherever you go he's a scribe now scribe is somebody who studied the Bible incessantly back then and they would copy out copies of the Bible that's how they didn't have a printing press so they would reproduce the Bible by these men called scribes and they would just study the Bible and copy it out word for word and they learn the Bible and here he is faced with Jesus Christ in the flesh he says master I will follow thee with us so ever thou goest but see what Jesus say says hey the foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nets but the son of man hath not where to lay his head he says do you really want to follow me because I hope you realize that if you follow me we're probably not gonna end up in the holiday in tonight when we're traveling around preaching he says it's not going to be the the Hyatt Regency when you're on the road with me it may not be Marriott resident sin and you're not going to be eating a continental breakfast with me at comfort sweets tomorrow he says and this little pansy wimp you know what he does you can tell by the stories you read on he didn't follow Jesus why didn't he follow Jesus and see Jesus obvious Jesus looked at the guy he saw his pink little tie you know he saw his cute little hairdo and he said I can tell exactly what your problem is he says I can tell exactly what your problem is you want to follow me but you don't want to suffer you don't want to pay the price you don't want to go without you just want to live the comfortable Christian life and he says that's not the kind of life that I live he says sometimes I don't know where I'm gonna sleep tonight can you deal with that can you handle that can they can you handle that sweetie and he said and he couldn't handle it and so he left you see he had an excuse though he had a pretty good excuse right I mean he's got to have his beauty rest on his feather down pillow he had a good excuse look at this look at this excuse and this is a great excuse Matthew 821 just right there it says and another of his disciples said to him Lord suffer me first to go and bury my father but Jesus said unto him follow me and let the dead bury the dead see that's a man that if there's any excuse that's a good excuse this guy's dad died he says I'm gonna go bury my dad and then I'm gonna follow you and Jesus is like I'm leaving right now are you gonna follow me or not see Jesus was only on this earth for a very short time and his ministry of preaching only lasted three and a half years and he's already into it at this point here's the Son of God in the flesh and you know what he's just not gonna stop everything to go to this guy's funeral service for his dad he says no he says there is no excuse for not following me that's the point these make is I can't think of a better excuse but he says no there is no excuse you must follow me I'm going somewhere get on board obey this book there's no excuse there is no excuse for not living for God he's saying seems kind of harsh but see you have to understand that if God starts letting people make excuses everybody will make excuses nobody will be doing anything for God because there's always something that's gonna come up let's face it and by the way this attitude this will make you succeed at your job this will make you succeed in business because there this is so rare today a person who doesn't make excuses boy if you could if you want to succeed at your job I'll tell you how I'll tell you how you want to make more money you want to get raises at your job it's not by sending your check you know put your checking offering plate and you're gonna get a raise it's not by that it's not by putting your hand on the screen of Benny in and you're gonna receive a check in the mail and it's not by send your donation now no I'll tell you how to make more money at your job it's called not making excuses it's called working harder it's called when a problem arises you just find a way to solve it you don't always go to the boss see this is what bosses hate bosses hate somebody coming to them with problems because they're busy you know they have their own job and then they have all these people under them working for them coming to them every time oh I can't figure this out I don't know what to do you know that's what bosses say if you could just find a way to be a person that says I will not make excuses I'm just gonna find a way to get it done every time and I mean the boss is gonna forget that I even exist he's just gonna see how the work done and he's not even gonna know about me because I'm not gonna be coming to him constantly with excuses I'm just gonna find a way to get done I don't talk about being on time being on time to work is today if I could just find an employee that would just show up on time every time even if they were a bad worker used to be thrilled you just be elated just be ecstatic to somebody who knew how to get out of bed and just be on time every time you just know that they're gonna be there I mean you know you're gonna think I'm crazy but this is how I am at my job I was never late for my job in Chicago for three years never late one time and sometimes I worked like four hours away and in Chicago there's two seasons winter and construction and either of them you can't go anywhere construction is worse than winter winter there's snow everywhere and construction just everything is under construction in Chicago 24 hours a day I don't know what the deal is I don't know what they're making those roads out of but they relayed them a couple times while I lived there they relayed them a couple times and I would literally set three alarm clocks in the morning I'd set one right next to my head and they're all powered from independent power sources I'd have one right next to my head I'd have one across the room because otherwise I just go shut it off I got one across the room and then I got the wake-up call you know if I'm in the hotel also and I've got like three independent ways to wake me up and then I get there an hour early I just get there an hour early and you know if I you know instead of reading my Bible before I left the house I just get ready get in the car and just get there and then do my Bible reading there I'd eat breakfast there I do whatever it took to just know that I would never be late because there's a huge massive difference a huge difference and my wife thinks this is funny but there's a huge difference between being late one time and being late zero times huge massive difference colossal difference and in order to be late never you got to really get up early and you've got to really make sure you've got to have no excuses because I and people would be late all the damn Ryan expressways on the construction it's under construction 365 days a year now there's always traffic Chicago thank God to live in Phoenix hallelujah you don't realize Phoenix like the worst rush hour in Phoenix is like 2 a.m. at Chicago on you know Tuesday night or something it's like the worst rush hour Phoenix thank God but just you've got to get out of this philosophy of making excuses find a way to get the job done find a way to be the church Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday find a way to be out soul winning find a way to read the Bible find a way to get it done so number one people make excuses for skipping God's meals as Bible reading that's where you feed yourself out of the fridge and then church that's where you come here and I serve it up for you and by the way I've been here's a phrase that if anybody who's been in Christianity for a while has heard this phrase people used to leave our our church that we went to in Sacramento we used to go to a great church segment or Regency Baptist Church and people leave the church and that's what they say I just wasn't getting fed and they came Sunday morning only it's like look you're gonna starve to death you come Sunday morning only you don't come back Sunday night you don't come back Wednesday night you never go so winning you're not getting the balanced diet of what this church offers you're just getting the hors d'oeuvre on Sunday morning look that's why you're not getting fed because you're not gonna be able to survive on that I hate that phrase I just wasn't being fed feed yourself are you a baby need somebody to feed you all the time be a man and feed yourself but anyway number three people make excuses for sin look at you at a first Samuel chapter 15 first Samuel 15 Old Testament about this about the eighth book there I believe first Samuel chapter 15 now this is a maybe a familiar story from the Bible I'm not sure but first Samuel 15 Bible reads here in verse number 24 get there myself here says and Saul said unto Samuel I have sinned well what a great attitude he just says look I'm wrong I'm sorry said unto Samuel I have sinned for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and then here's the excuse because I feared the people and obeyed their voice now therefore I pray thee pardon my sin and turn again with me that I may worship the Lord and Samuel said unto Saul I will not return with thee for the house rejected the word of the Lord and the Lord has rejected thee from being king over Israel and as Samuel turned about to go away he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle and at rent and Samuelson the Lord has rent the king of Israel from thee this day and have given it to a neighbor of thine that is better than now now turn back just a few pages show you the same man mr. excuses Saul in chapter 13 first first Samuel 13 11 I love it's funny reading this it says here and Samuel said what is thou done I mean here he's again blowing it what is thou done and Saul said because I saw that the people were scattered from me so this is excuse number one the people were scattered from me and that thou came it's not within the days appointed he's like you were late that's my other excuse and that the Philistines gathered themselves together at McMash therefore said I the Philistines will come down now upon me to Gilgal and I've not made supplication of the Lord I love this I forced myself therefore he forced himself therefore and offered a burnt offering and Samuel said to Saul now it's done foolishly now it's not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God which he commanded thee for now with the Lord have established thy kingdom upon Israel forever and so here's Saul again making excuses he says look I forced myself I mean this is exactly contrary to what God had commanded him to do and I don't have time to go into the story unfortunately but there are a few things that God has commanded him to do he says I was just afraid the people were leaving you were late and so I just forced myself to do this and he says look it doesn't matter what I did that wrong by being late it doesn't matter what the people did wrong by telling you what to do he says I don't care what your excuses he says you could have been king of Israel forever your son would have sat on the throne and his son and his son but because you've rejected the Lord these two times you disobeyed God's command I know you had your excuse but I don't care he says you will not be king and your son Jonathan is not going to be king and of course we know the story David became king instead of Saul in his house became that eternal king ship that went all the way down the eternal kingdom that went all the way down to Jesus Christ and the Jesus is going to come back someday and he's going to set up his kingdom on the throne of David and he's going to rule this world from the throne of David in Jerusalem the city of David and Israel and not nothing with Saul Saul is known as mr. excuses and David is a man whose kingdom was set up for an everlasting kingdom and you see it doesn't matter today that the people gave him a bad time and talked him into it it doesn't matter today that saw Samuel showed up late what matters is the fact that he disobeyed God you know so many times we find excuses for the things we do wrong but people that are married their spouse is always their excuse you know I would I would just boy you understand what kind of an on fire soul-winding preacher I would be I spent so much time just trying to keep her straight I can't even I can't even hardly live for God it's always some crisis just trying to keep her reading the Bible and it's pray for me it's like it's so stupid so ridiculous and people always want to point the finger at something you were late therefore I'm gonna sin and do wrong you know well you know my husband does this and so otherwise I'd be man I'd just be in church I'd just be straight down the line but you know how my husband is yeah boy that's so ridiculous and then nothing makes me more sick than a man or woman criticizing their spouse I mean it's to me it's disgusting especially when I hear a man criticize his wife makes me want to throw up when I listen to a man some little pansy tell oh I do such and such business my wife couldn't handle it you couldn't handle it you pansy why don't you be a leader and and why don't you teach your wife that'd be right with God you're just a pansy liar who's hiding behind your wife for why you don't live for God feels it oh God's called me to preach I'm gonna go into the ministry and start a church but my wife said no I'm glad she said no I'm glad you're not gonna be in a pulpit I'm glad she needs to give you a spanking then maybe you'll learn how to be a man and get some discipline that you obviously didn't get when you were a kid she beats the fire out of you and it gets you in your place so that you'll learn how to obey God and not be some little pansy that always points to somebody else see we'll live in a day where it's everybody else's fault oh you don't understand when I was a kid well where's the sailboat rod I can't find when I was a kid my dad spanked me with the sailboat rod and I have it here but I can't find it but is it on the fridge it's buried somewhere but my dad spanked me with a sailboat rod that's why I'm so that's why every time somebody you know it talks about sailing I go like this or that's why every time I go to the down to the marina in San Francisco I get a little sorry kind of well you know you're scared because my dad beat me with a sailboat rod and my kids are gonna be scared of spoons for the rest of their life they're gonna eat with a fork and knife every meal they're gonna eat clam chowder with a fork because they got spanked with a spoon and it's all somebody else's fault you don't understand my upbringing you understand my child that's all psychology is that's all dr. Dobson and his hocus-pocus on the family is that's all Christian psychiatry and worldly psychology it all goes back to some pervert named Sigmund Freud there was a there was a weirdo and a pervert yes he was a pervert and he taught everybody to blame mom and blame dad well look yeah we can blame dad and he can blame his dad he can blame his dad it'll go all the way back to Adam and Eve who committed the first sin in the Garden of Eden so yeah it goes back to Adam and really it wasn't it was really God's fault because if you remember Eve said no it wasn't my fault the serpent beguiled me and then Adam said well man I'm all mixed up but the serpent said the serpent didn't say anything he said he said the serpent beguiled me you know and then Adam said well it was the woman that you gave me so whose fault was is God because you're the one who gave me this woman who deceived me so God it's your fault and that's all psychology isn't psychiatry is is just blaming God we don't need psychiatry when I was a kid psychology was like a cuss word in the churches that I grew up in psychiatry was a dirty word I remember I came home from school with a book a chapter it was a it was a health and safety book a chapter about psychology a chapter about stress and my dad said don't read that chapter that's wicked and the churches that we went to they preached against psychiatry they preach against psychology now the average independent fundamental Baptist Church the preaching is psychology and the preaching is psychiatry and it's just examining you and psychoanalyzing you and they they need to get rid of the pews then just line up sofas say that's the kind of preaching we need the word of God preach we don't need somebody oh wow it's like he knows me oh he knows what I'm going through he knows what I'm struggling with oh I love this church no we need somebody to kick you and say hey read that Bible go to church do what's right it's why we live in a wicked ungodly society because the preachers are all your poor baby because the Bible said that it would happen he said and they shall turn away from the there is from the truth and shall be turned under fables therefore shall they keep to themselves teachers having itching ears you know a preacher not a preacher I'm sorry a teacher because they preaching we need teaching and the teacher is gonna come scratch you behind the ears a little and you can go because he's gonna tell you what you want to hear and God said there there there's gonna come a day when they'll turn away their ears from the truth he says they'll not be able to endure sound doctrine but they'll be turned into fables and shall he to themselves teachers having itching ears and on and on with that so number one people make excuses for skipping God's meals number two they make excuses for not living for God and number three to make excuses for for sin because they blame somebody else why they're a pervert because they got molested as a kid and on and on number four they make people make excuses for not soul-winding now turn if you would day Ecclesiastes chapter 11 it's my final point turn to Ecclesiastes 11 and while you're turning I want to read you a scripture in Psalm 126 but just turn to Ecclesiastes 11 the Bible says they that sow in tears shall reap in joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed that's the Word of God shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with them you ever heard the song bringing in the sheaves it's an old hymn bringing in the sheaves well here's what it's about it's saying if you take the precious seed not the NIV in the ASV in the RSV in the HIV but if you take the KJV and you go out soul-winding he says if you weep and get your heart right and say I'm gonna bear the precious seed and I'm gonna sow the seed you know sowing the seed of God that means you're gonna talk to that person at work and give them the gospel and you're gonna show them the scripture and you're gonna knock on that door and give you the gospel he says if you do that you'll doubtless doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing your sheaves with you see the sheep is what you've gone out into the field not just planted not just watered the sheep is the finished product when you actually reap the sheep and you've got your convert with you that you wonder the Lord that's the sheep that's the finished product he said you'll come back with your sheaves if you go forth weeping bearing precious seed now look at Ecclesiastes 11 with that in mind Ecclesiastes 11 verse number 4 the Bible reads here he that observeth the wind shall not sow and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap see he's saying look if you let the weather determine whether you're gonna sow the seed if you say wow you know the winds blowing I don't think this would be a good time to what to sow the sea because something blown away or well I'm looking at the clouds and I forgive me I know nothing about farming but I don't know when the good time is to sow the seed but you know oh man the clouds I don't know it's gonna start raining on me out there and I'm not gonna sow the seed today and well but then it's windy again he says look you're never gonna end up doing it because there's never gonna be that perfect time that perfect opportunity he says you just have to do it now look at verse number five so he that observeth the wind shall not sow and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap as thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child even so thou knowest not the works of God who makest all in the morning sow thy seed and in the evening withhold not thine hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that whether they both shall be a light good he says look you don't know which door you're gonna knock on he says you don't know which week you're gonna win people to Christ to see people saved you don't know which time you're gonna win that person the Lord that's that's gonna be a great soul winner that's gonna live for God for the rest of their life that's your sheep that you won the Lord about the church yeah you don't know when it's gonna prosper you don't know when you're gonna get the door slammed and you don't know when people are gonna get saved and you don't know when somebody's gonna receive the gospel you don't know when somebody's gonna reject that he says you cannot understand what God is doing you just can't understand it he says look do you understand how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child we don't understand that you know the abortion doctor he thinks he understands it you know he thinks oh well it's alive here and it's not alive here no he's talking about he's an idiot the Bible says we don't understand these things these are the things that are belong unto God and we don't have any understanding of the pregnancy process and see alike we don't have understanding of the soul winning process many times we can talk to somebody increase the gospel it seems like they went in one ear and out the other we don't know what God's doing we don't know what the Holy Spirit's doing maybe 20 years from now that person might get saved and a part of it had something to do with the seed we planted or we win somebody the Lord and they get saved and they trust Christ the Savior they don't come to church they don't get baptized we don't know what's going on maybe 10 years from now they'll get in church and get on fire I've known so many people who said I got saved when I was 13 but I never got into church until I was 22 or whatever and then now they're living for God and you do not know which of your seeds that you throw out there are gonna prosper you don't know which ones are gonna go by the wayside so he says look just have a pattern you know in this case he said every morning and every night he said I'm just gonna sow my seed as the farmer and I don't know which one's gonna prosper I'm just gonna keep doing it just every time I'm gonna be there I'm not gonna miss because I don't want to miss the soul anytime when something big could happen when I could have really seen the power of God he said I don't want to ever miss because I just don't know when that's gonna be that's what he said I don't understand good night I'm not God so don't let the weather affect so winning and here we are in Phoenix Arizona it's hot outside don't let the weather stop you from solving be a soul winner anyhow there there are places you can go indoors and there's times you can go in the evening and and so forth you've got to be a soul winner because you don't know which seeds gonna prosper and you don't know which person which day you're gonna win somebody the Lord and just that one person's worth it worth everything and boy they can go on and win people Lord boy your life can be doubled when you if you could reproduce yourself and when one other person and they could do exactly what you do for the rest of their life you've just doubled your efforts in one time out so winning you don't know but see we don't know when that's gonna happen we don't know if it's gonna happen all we know is to sow our seed and doubtless we're gonna come again rejoicing let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer God I thank you so much that you've given us the Word of God and and you've shown us your power through creation father boy none of us has an excuse in 2006 here we are we've got the King James Bible the preserved perfect Word of God