(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now tonight's sermon is kind of a different sermon, and it's a sermon that you will never hear in any other church, probably in America, okay? But, you're in Faithful Word Baptist Church, and so you're going to hear it tonight. Now, before I preach this sermon though, I want to make very clear before I get into this, you know, that I believe that we should obey the authorities that are placed over us in our lives. And we talked about this this morning, and tonight's sermon is a little bit of a continuation of this morning's sermon. Because, of course, the Fourth of July is coming up on Friday, and so I was preaching about this morning what the Bible says about liberty and freedom. And the Bible says, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. God's not the God of slavery and bondage and one man controlling another man. The Bible says that God has called us to liberty, okay? And so God is a God that appreciates freedom. Our country has been the freest country in the modern world. Religious freedom, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom to assemble. Why? Because the founding fathers said, in God we trust. They based the government on the Bible, and so we have freedom as a result, and prosperity, and God's blessings on our country. Now, in Romans chapter 13 we read, and we're reading about people who are living during the Roman Empire in the book of Romans, okay? And the Roman Empire had taken over most of the known world. Israel had become a province of the Empire. They were being taxed by the Romans. They were being ruled over and governed and garrisoned by the Romans. They did not have freedom, okay? They were under the control of the Roman Empire. And God is telling us here that we're to obey the authorities in our life. Children obey their parents. You know, we're to obey the laws of the land. We shouldn't go out and break the law and do all this stuff. And so I don't want you to think this morning, or tonight rather, that I'm teaching anybody to disobey the law, okay? Or to fight against the laws that are there. I'm just going to preach to you what the Bible teaches about a certain subject, okay? Now, should we obey the laws? Yes. Should we obey Mom and Dad if we're little children? Yes. Should we obey the boss at work? Yes. Should we go out and break the laws and defy the government? No. The only time we should defy the government is if the government has a law that contradicts God's law. The Bible says we ought to obey God rather than man. Okay. But I'm going to preach tonight on a subject that's not relevant to your personal life. You know, we live in a day where preachers only preach relevant sermons. I'm going to teach to you what the Bible teaches, and it's more of a political theory than anything, but it's straight out of the Bible, what the truth about this subject is. Now, before I get into it, you know, we talked about this in terms of Genesis chapter 4. And so reading Romans 13 was just to balance this sermon out so that you don't think that I'm teaching something about rebelling the authority, because I'm not. I'm just preaching what the Bible says, what the Bible teaches. We turn to Genesis chapter 4, and let me explain something to you. This morning in the sermon on liberty, I preached about how sin brings the judgment of God, which causes people to be put into bondage and slavery and to lose their freedom as people. Okay. And I also preached about how sin inherently takes away your freedom. I mean, alcohol takes away your freedom. You don't choose every day, hmm, am I going to drink today? No, the alcoholic must drink. The person who's addicted to smoking must smoke. They must take drugs. And so sin will rob you of your freedom, and Jesus said, whosoever, therefore, he said, you're the servant of sin if you commit sin. And sin has a way of enslaving you, whether it be gambling or drugs or alcohol, the television, pornography. It has a way of controlling your life and ruining your life. But not only that, when God looks down on a nation, and he sees a nation that turns away from God, he saw this morning, he brings judgment on that nation in the form of taking away their freedom, either bringing in an outside army that will oppress them, whether it be the Philistines and the Book of Judges or the Midianites or all these different people, or whether it be people like King Asa who bring internal oppression from the government. That's what God brought us once. Now I'm going to show you what God teaches about how a society should operate and the title of my sermon is this, and don't judge the sermon until you hear the whole sermon because you're going to see what the Bible says. So don't listen to the title and say, oh man, I don't agree with that. Listen to the sermon and then decide whether you agree with it because I'm preaching straight out of the Bible. The title of the sermon is this, why the police should not exist. What? The pastor's crazy. No, I'm not crazy, and I'm going to prove that to you from the Bible. I'm going to teach you what the Bible says. The title of the sermon, you heard it right, it's why the police should not exist. Now listen to me. We live in a society, and the Bible prophesied that it would be this way in 2 Timothy 3, this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. The word perilous means dangerous. And I'm going to tell you something. The United States of America is more dangerous right now to live here than it's ever been in the history of this country. I mean, it's a dangerous place. I mean, the murderers are on the rise. Thievery is on the rise in Arizona. Identity theft is on the rise. All this violent crime is on the rise. And I'm telling you, I've experienced it in my own life. I've lived here for two and a half years. We've had bolt cutters found in our front yard. We've had people shaking on our back door trying to enter our house. We don't live in a bad neighborhood. We live in a decent average neighborhood. We're not rich, you know, but we don't live in a slum. We've had people try to break into our house. We've had people steal my wife's purse and steal her identity, cash checks. I had somebody bust out the windows of my car and steal my laptop case. Thankfully my laptop is in the house. Steal my laptop case, steal tools. We live in a day where crime is on a rampage. I've experienced a hit and run where I've been hit and the people ran. I tried to get the police to do something about it. The police wouldn't do anything about it. I gave them the license plate. They wouldn't even run the plate. They wouldn't even go after it. They'd say, crime's out of control. We can't keep up with it. We'll run the plate if there's a homicide, they said. But we're not even going to go after it. We live in a day where crime runs rampant. We live in a dangerous time. Now this has not been the only time where mankind's lived in a dangerous society. And don't you know that God has the answer to solve the crime problem in America and in the world? Hey, the Bible has all the answers about everything. And so you better know that God has the answer for the right way. You say, what is it? Is it more police? Is that when you hire more police? Let's have one police officer for every ten people or what? Because there's already, I can't even drive down the road one mile without seeing five police cars. But what do we need? More police. It's not solving the problem. We're going to see what the Bible teaches. And so please, just put away your preconceived ideas. Open the Bible with me. And let's read the Bible about how they should be. Look at Genesis chapter 4, verse number 8. We're going to start out with a history of violence and a history of the death penalty in the Bible. Let's look at it together. Genesis 4, verse 8, the Bible reads, And Cain talked with Abel his brother, and it came to pass when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him. So Cain kills his brother Abel. And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel my brother? And he said, I know not, am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What is thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood cryeth unto me from the ground, and thou art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened your mouth to receive thy brother's blood from life. When thou tellest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield them in a year's strength. A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. So what's God's punishment on Cain? He's going to curse the ground. He's going to curse Cain so that nothing he does will prosper. He's going to end up wandering around being a fugitive and a vagabond for the rest of his life, right? Look what Cain says in verse 13. And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold thou hast driven me out of this state from the face of the earth, and from thy face shall I be knitted, and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth. And it shall come to pass that every one that findeth me shall slay me. He's saying, somebody's going to kill me. And the Lord said unto him, Therefore, whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on his seventh bowl. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding of him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, and he is to be eaten out. Now, did Cain receive the death penalty for committing murder? No. God did not give you the death penalty. He said to God, it's too big of a punishment for me to receive the death penalty. He said, I don't want somebody to kill me for this. Even though he committed murder, you know, he killed Abel. But he said, I don't want anybody to kill me. And God said, fine. You're going to be a fugitive and a vagabond. That's going to be your punishment. Now go down the page and look at verse number 23 of Genesis 4. The Bible says that Lamech sent unto his wives Ada and Zillah. Here's a guy who's got two wives, which is obviously wicked as the devil. Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech. For I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech, seventy is sevenfold. He said, well, if Cain could kill somebody, and get away with it, and not receive them, he said, well, then nobody can kill me either, because I actually had a pretty good reason for killing this guy. Ok, now look at Genesis chapter 6. Are you getting the progression here? First Cain kills Abel, he doesn't receive the death penalty. Then Lamech says, well, I'm not going to receive it either. Now look at Genesis chapter 6, let's look at the result, verse 11. The Bible says the earth also was corrupt before God, this is Genesis 6 and 12. And God looked, I'm sorry, verse 11. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt. For all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them, and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. And of course God brought the flood on the world. Now nothing in the Bible is incidental, coincidental, or accidental. Everything in the Bible is exactly the way it should be for a reason. God's teaching us here, Abel's killed by Cain, Cain gets away with it. Then Lamech says, well, if it's ok for Cain, well I killed somebody too, and I'm going to get away with it. And then the genealogy in chapter 5, and then in the next chapter, you see that hundreds of years have gone by, and the whole world is filled with violence. Do you see that? I mean, violence and filled the world. That's in Genesis chapter 9. So that's in Genesis chapter 6. The world became so filled with violence, where God says, I wish I had never even created the world. And he destroyed the whole world with the flood, only Noah and his family lived, they got on the ark, they survived, and of course, they're getting off the ark in Genesis chapter 9. God's got a new rule. Look at verse number 6. Whoso shedeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God may he man. That's pretty clear, isn't it? God says that if a person kills another person, they need to be killed for that crime by man. Now why did God institute the death penalty? Because when there was no death penalty in Genesis 4 with Cain, when there was no death penalty with Lamech in Genesis 4, the whole world became filled with violence. And the whole world became corrupt and evil and dangerous and perilous. And so God said, we're not going to let this happen again, Noah. We need to institute a law that says that if you kill somebody else, you must be killed. Now, God's laws are to protect us. The death penalty is to protect us. If there's no death penalty and murderers are running loose and killing and doing all this, and there's no consequences or a milder consequence, Cain had consequences, but this wasn't enough. OK, then crime runs rampant. Murder runs rampant. Now in terms of John chapter 10, I think we're looking at a lot of Bible tonight. It's kind of like a Bible study tonight. John chapter number 10. And we live in a day where the death penalty is being rejected by society. There are fewer people being executed right now than ever. And yet crime is out of control. There's more murder, more rape, more kidnapping than ever before. John chapter 10. And we're going to see, why is, according to the Bible, why is the police failing to protect us? Right? Why are they failing to stop crime? Why is it that the more police we hire, the more crime we have? And they are not doing anything to stop it. Let's see what the Bible says. Look at John chapter 10, verse 11. The Bible reads, I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth. And the wolf catches them, and scattereth the sheep. Are you reading this? The hireling fleeth because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and have known of mine. As the father knoweth me, even so know I the father, and I lay down my life for the sheep. Now you see, the problem is, when you hire somebody to protect you, are you listening to this? When you hire somebody to protect you, they see the wolf coming, and you know what they do? They run the other way, because it's not their sheep, it's not their kids, it's not their wife, it's not their family. That's why they're not in the job done, they're a hireling. Okay, you understand? And God's law, I'm going to show you from the Bible, you say, good night, what would we do without the police? It would be anarchy, it would be chaos. Well, we're going to see in the Bible, the law, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, the Bible says the law of the Lord is perfect, and yet you will never find a police mention in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. They're not there, they're not described, they're not alluded to, they didn't exist, and yet they lived in peace and prosperity. Yet it was not dangerous. Yet, in Judges chapter 21, or I'm sorry, Judges chapter 19, when a woman was defiled and abused, you remember that? By a gang, in Judges chapter 19, and when there was homosexuality, and when a man, remember, mailed out the pieces to the parts of Israel, if you've read the story, you know what I'm talking about. Why is it that they say, hey, there's never been anything like this since the day that God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt unto this day in the last 300 years? This has never happened, and yet it happens in America every day. People are being raped in America every day. People are being murdered in America every day. Children are being kidnapped every day, and I'm not even, forget nationwide, in Phoenix, Arizona, daily, if you get the Arizona Republic, daily, children are being kidnapped and violated in Phoenix, Arizona, on a daily basis. Yet the children of Israel said, this is a shock to us. This is surprising. This has never happened. We never even heard of anything like this. And yet they had no police. How'd they do it? How'd they do it? We have swarms of police, and yet it goes on. Well, let's read the Bible. Let's get the answer. What the hierarchy cannot accomplish, let's see who can accomplish it. Turn, if you would, to Leviticus, chapter 20. It's the third book in your Bible, Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus, right at the beginning of your Bible. And while you're turning there, let me read you another scripture. Romans 5, 6 says, For when we were yet without strength and due time, Christ died for the undaunted. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die. It's a rare thing, isn't it? Yet peradventure for a good man, some would even dare to die. But God convinced love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died. People aren't just willing to go out and die for anybody, you know what I mean? Or put their life on the line for just anybody. I mean, maybe for somebody that they love, somebody that's a good man, or somebody, they would be willing to die. Jesus Christ had the ultimate love, where he said, I'm willing to die for sinners, who, when he hung on the cross, remember Jesus hanging on the cross? He said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. The people who had killed him and put him on the cross, as he was dying, he said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Stephen, the first martyr of the New Testament, as he's being stoned to death by the Jews, said, Lord, lay not the sin to their tolerance, as he gave up the ghost, in Acts chapter 7. But you see, people aren't just willing to give their life for anybody, are they? No. Scarcely for a righteous man will one die. That's what the Bible says. Peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commended his love toward us, and the world we read as sinners Christ died for us. But look at Leviticus chapter 20. Let's learn a little more about God's laws, and about the death penalty, that's taught throughout the Bible. The Bible reads in Leviticus. I agree with that. Then you know what? Go get another Bible. Go get the Quran. Go get the Tao Ting Ching. This is the Bible, and the Bible is preached in this church, and read it, and that's what it says. You just gotta deal with it. Look at verse number 2. It says again, Thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Leviticus 20 verse 2, Whosoever ye be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech. It's talking about human sacrifice of your children. It says, Shall surely be put to death. Now look at the next words. The people of the land shall stone him with stones. I've got to underline that in the Bible. Give me a pen if you want to mark the Bible. It says, The people of the land shall stone him with stones. Somebody who would murder their own child. And again, remember, I'm not telling us to go out and take the law into our own hands because we do live in a government that's blah, blah, blah, you know, disclaimer, you know, the faith we have in this church will not be unliable for the actions of people who hear this story. But anyway, it says, What does the Bible say is the right method to carry it, though? Let's read the Bible, okay? The people of the land shall stone him with stones. If they do what? If they kill their own children? Okay. It says, And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people, because he hath given of his seed and the mullet to defile my sanctuary and profane my own name. And if the people of the land do in any way hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed and the mullet and killed him not. So who's responsibility? And I'm not saying it's our responsibility today, but whose responsibility was it in the nation of Israel when God was in charge to execute criminals? The people of the land. Is that what it says or not? Did I make that up? Did I put that in your Bible? No. And the law of the Lord is perfect, so let's keep reading. It says, The people of the land, you know, kill him not, it says in verse 4, look at verse 5, Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all the dull whoring after him admit whoredom with mullet from among their people. And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go whoring after them, as they mark witchcraft and Satanism, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy, for I am the Lord your God. And ye shall keep my statutes unto them, I am the Lord which sanctify you. For everyone that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death. He hath curst his father or his mother, his blood shall be upon them. And the man that commiteth adultery with another man's wife, Well, this is what will cut down on all the adultery and wife-swapping, wouldn't it? And the man that commiteth adultery with another man's wife, even he that commiteth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and adulteress shall surely be put to death. And the man that lineeth with his father's wife and uncovered his father's nakedness, both of them shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them, And if a man lieeth with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely put death. I don't know if God's really I don't know if God's really for the death penalty. I don't know if the Bible really teaches the death penalty. I'm not really sure that God believes in the death penalty. Okay, let's just keep reading it 500 more times. The Bible says, And if a man lie with his daughter-in-law, verse 12, Both of them shall surely be put to death, They have wrought confusion, Their blood shall be upon them. And if a man, oh here we go, now we're cooking with gas, If a man also lie with mankind, As he lied with a woman, Both of them have committed an abomination, They shall surely be put to death, Their blood shall be upon them. And if a man take a wife and her mother, He's saying to marry a woman and the woman's mother at the same time, He says, Well, verse 14, They shall be burnt with fire, Both he and they, That there be no wickedness among you. And if a man lie with a beast, And by the way, that's what's next, Mankind lies with mankind today, The queers marched up and down the streets in San Francisco, Today, they marched in New York City, Today, they had the annual gay pride parade, Today, on Sunday, the Lord's Day, The day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, They marched up and down the street with their gay pride, And they marched down the street in California, With wedding veils and wedding dresses on, Because it's been legalized in California, And the Bible says that next, It's coming next, After the man lies with mankind, He says, If a man lie with a beast, He shall surely be put to death, And he shall slay the beast, And if a woman approach unto any beast, And lie down there too, Thou shalt kill the woman and the beast, Thou, You see that word? Thou, Shall kill the woman and the beast, They shall surely be put to death. And again, I'm not telling you to go out and commit violence, I'm telling you, There's a system that God ordained in the Old Testament. Okay? The power was in the people to execute laws, And we're going to see it further. The Bible says, They shall surely be put to death, Their blood shall be upon them. Verse number 27, A man also a woman, That hath a familiar spirit, That is a wizard, Shall surely be put to death. They shall stone them with stones, Their blood shall be upon them. Now turn to chapter number 24. You're in Leviticus chapter 20, Turn a few pages to chapter 24, verse 13. You say, Why are you preaching this? This isn't relevant to my life tomorrow morning. Look, If preachers had been teaching the Bible all along, People would be electing officials that were carrying out God's laws, And we would not be living in a dangerous situation. So you know what? Is an elected official, Is some government official going to get this tape, And restructure the US government? Probably not. But you know what? Somewhere in the world, Somewhere in America, Somewhere tonight, Somebody is preaching what the Bible says that things should be like, According to the Bible. You take it and just put it in your computer, And do whatever you want with it. But you know what? You're going to walk out tonight knowing the truth, About what God says that society should be like. Okay? And so look at verse 24, verse 13. And look, I'm not doing, Have you noticed who's doing most of the doctrine tonight? It's not me. It's him. It's him. Because I'm reading a lot of scripture tonight. Look at verse 13. The Bible says, The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Bring forth him, And then curse without the camp, And let all that hurt him, Okay? He's talking about somebody cursing God. You know, I'm not trying to be vile, But it'd be like somebody said, Blankety blank, Jesus Christ. You know, This is the rules that God had. You know, And you know what? People want to have their own religion, As long as it's not some coercive religion, That's trying to take over the world, Like the Roman Catholic Church. You know, People want to have their own religion, But you know, Like God said, If somebody curses Jehovah God, And the Lord Jesus Christ, God had a death penalty for that, In the book of Leviticus. That's what it says. And so he says, Let all them that hurt him, Lay their hands upon his head, And let all the congregation suffer. So who's bringing the guy in, For committing crime? Who's bringing the guy in that's committed murder? Who's bringing the guy in that's committed rape? Is it the police? I haven't read about the police. Okay. It's saying the people of the land, Will take upon them to bring people to justice. That's what the Bible teaches. Look at verse number 15. It says, Oh yeah, By the way, It says, Let all the congregation stone him. That's the people. And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, Saying, Whosoever cursed this God, Shall bear his sin, And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, He shall surely be put to death, And all the congregation shall certainly stone him, As well as strength there is, He that is born of the land, When he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, Shall be put to death, And he that killeth him, And he that killeth any man, Is the death penalty for murder, Shall surely be put to death, And he that killeth a beast, Shall make it good beast to beast, And the man cause a blemish in his neighbor, As he hath done, So shall it be done to him, Breach for breach, Eye for eye, Tooth for tooth, As he hath caused a blemish in a man, So shall it be done to him again, And he that killeth a beast shall restore it, And he that killeth a man, He shall be put to death. Now, Look at Numbers chapter 35. And again, We're just going through a lot of Bible tonight, We're just seeing what the Bible says, It's not my opinion, It's what the Bible teaches. Now you see, And let me just, Water Attorney Numbers 35, Let me just explain to you What I'm talking about here. The Bible says, The Bible teaches, That a man, That the citizens in a free society, Should be allowed to have weapons. That's what the Bible teaches. I'm a strong believer in Second Amendment. In the United States. Now the Supreme Court this week, Did you hear about it? Did you hear about it? Did you hear about it? Did you hear about it? Did you hear about it? Did you hear about it? Did you hear about it? Did you hear about it? Did you hear about it? Now the Supreme Court this week, Did you hear about it? Now the Supreme Court this week, Did you hear about it? On Wednesday of this week, The Supreme Court overturned a law in Washington DC, That said that people were not allowed to have hand guns in Washington DC. And you know, The crime in Washington DC is totally out of control. Have you ever lived in Washington DC? I have. The crime there is out of control. It's a dangerous place, People are scared to death, And little old ladies, I mean their defense is that they've got a handgun. Okay? You know, They're not carrying some big rifle. I mean, They've got a handgun in their house, Just to be protected. Just to protect themselves. They wanted a handgun. And it's been outlawed since the 1970's for them to do so. But the Supreme Court said this week, You know, The Constitution of the United States says, The right of the people to bear arms should not be infringed. The right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed. And they threw out that law. And you know, Thank God that they made that decision. You know, We're retaining our right to have a weapon. I've got, By the way, I've got a 45. I've got a Ruger 45 handgun. Yes, I do. I've got an M1 assault rifle. Yes, I do. Now, You say, Where's that in the Bible? Well, Let me tell you what the Bible says. The Bible says, In the book of Numbers, You don't have to turn there. But in Deuteronomy 23, 13, It says, And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon, And it shall be, When thou will ease thyself abroad, Thou shalt dig therewith, And shall turn back, And cover that which cometh from thee. God says, You have a weapon. Of course. And then Jesus, You say, Well, what about the New Testament? Jesus Christ said this, Then said he unto them, But now he that hath a purse, Let him take it, This is Jesus speaking, And likewise his script, This is Luke 22, 36, And he that hath no sword, Let him sell his garment, And buy one. Say, If you don't have a sword, Sell a piece of clothing, And buy one. And the disciples said to him, They said, Lord, behold, Here are two swords, And they've got two swords. And he said to them, It's enough. That's why I have two guns. It's enough. God says, It's enough. You know, I got my assault rifle, I got my .45, It's enough. So God said, It's not a sword, But, I guess it's like a modern day sword. You know? A handgun. But it's some kind of a weapon. I'm not talking about what weapon. I'm saying, God said that people should have a weapon To protect themselves, To protect their family. And the Bible teaches that if a man breaks in on you In the middle of the night, If he's in your house, He says you have a right to kill that man. Because you don't know, What's he gonna do to you? Do you wait till he kills you first? And if it's the middle of the night, Nobody should be breaking into your house, And in your house, Right up on you. Okay? The Bible says, Kill him, And be done with him. That's what the Bible says. And if somebody breaks in my house tonight, And comes in there, I'm gonna pull out my .45 and blow their head off. And I won't even think twice about it. Because that's what the Bible says to do. Okay? And they're all singing him. While the police are on their way over to pick up the body. Okay? Now, look at Numbers 35, verse 16. Is that where I had to turn? Yes. Numbers 35, 16, the Bible says, Hey, you're gonna think I'm crazy. This is what the Bible says. I think you're crazy if you think that the way our society operates is normal. Because it's not. The Bible says in verse 16, And if you smite him with an instrument of iron so that he die, He is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death. Verse 17, And if you smite him with throwing a stone, Wherewith he may die, And he die, He is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death. Or if you smite him with the hand of a weapon of wood, Wherewith he may die, And he die, He's a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death. I don't know. Do you think God believed the death penalty for murdering him? I'm not sure. I'm still trying to figure it out. But watch this. It says, Verse 19, The revenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer. When he meeteth him, he shall slay him. But if he thrust him of hatred or hurtle at him by lying awake that he die, Or him that he smite with his hand that he die, He that smote him shall surely be put to death. For he is a murderer. The revenger of blood shall slay the murderer when he meeteth him. That's what the Bible says. Ok? Now, In Romans 13, where we started, The Bible says the powers would be. We must obey them. They're ordained of God. We can't fight against the government. We shouldn't fight against the power and fight against authority. But the Bible said of the government that we have said, But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid. For he beareth not the sword of faith. For he is the minister of God, a revenger, To execute wrath upon him that doeth thee. So today, we do have a revenger. We have the police. Ok? But is it the revenger that God ordained in the Old Testament? No. And I have in my notes to read all this, but Look at verse 24, and I'm going to explain a little more about the sermon. Look at verse 24, and the Bible says, Then the congregation shall judge between the slayer and the revenger of blood, According to these judgments. Now, here's the thing. We have three branches of government. And this is a lesson in the Bible. The Bible teaches to have branches of government. Three branches of government. Number one is the legislative branch. That's the branch that makes laws for our country. That's the Congress of the United States, right? They make our laws. Then we have the judicial branch. The judicial branch interprets the law. Ok? They determine guilty. Right? People go to court. There's a judge. There's a jury. And that judicial system decides whether a person is guilty or innocent. Right? Then we have what's called the executive branch. The executive branch is the one who executes the law, Enforces the law, carries out the law. Right? Now, in the Bible, They had legislators. They had lawmakers. They had elected officials, representative government. Ordained in Deuteronomy chapter 1. Where God explains to make rulers and to choose from among them men of integrity and odyssey that encompasses innocent. And, you know, put them in charge and they can make laws for you. Ok? And then of course there's God's laws. There's the supreme law of the land. Like their constitution was the law of God. Ok? Then you have judges in the Bible. There's a whole book in the Bible called the book of judges. And these judges would decide who is guilty and who is not guilty. And then they even had juries because the congregation would come to them. And people would decide and make the decision whether a person was guilty or innocent. Whether a person committed murder or if it was just an accident. The Bible talks about, for example, a man is chopping wood. And, you know, the axe handle flies up, hits somebody in the head. They got his accident. He's not a murderer, right? And so you've got to have a legal system. You've got to have judges to determine who is guilty, who is innocent. The Bible talks about a person being found dead in a field. And people come upon him. They find this dead body in the field. He said the judges and the elders are to make diligent inquiry to figure out who killed this person. Ok? So we're talking about investigation, judgment, to determine the guilt of somebody or the innocence. Right? The Bible teaches this. Laws. I'm not preaching anarchy. Laws. We need laws. God gives us many laws. He gives us punishments that are fitting to that crime. But who is the executive branch in the Bible? Who is the one who lays hands on them and brings them in and says, This person has committed this crime. This person is a rapist. This person is an adulterer. This person is a murderer. And they bring them in. The people. When they find them. And they bring them in. And they gather how they reached death. They determine guilt or innocence. And they stone them with stone. If somebody just clear cut blatantly murders a man, there's no question about it whether he did it. The Bible says that to revenge your blood, as soon as he finds him, as soon as he meets him, kill him immediately. That's what the Bible teaches. Ok. Then, the Bible talks about, you know, the judge is determining. If somebody killed somebody wrongfully, the judge will determine that. And take care of it. Does anybody understand what a concord's like? Ok. But the power line in the people to protect themselves. We live in a society where people don't protect themselves. People don't have weapons to protect themselves. And people rely on the police to protect them. The problem is the police is a hierarchy. You say, well, what's the answer for crime? Well, number one, the answer is that we reinstitute the death penalty in the United States of America. Every murderer, according to the Bible, should be put to death. That's right. That'll control crime. I don't think it's going to work. It worked back then. God said it would work. If it doesn't work, then God's a liar. The Bible says because judgment is not executed speedily against wickedness. He said that's why it's so wicked, because it doesn't happen speedily. People get convicted of murder, they don't die for 20 years. But the Bible teaches that they should be speedily put to death. In fact, right as soon as they meet him. That's pretty fast. That's a fast death penalty. And so here we see, how do we control crime? How could we have a safer society? Number one, reinstitute the death penalty in America. Number two, institute the death penalty in America for what God said. The term deserves a death penalty. Not just murder. Now, it has been 44 years. I have the news articles for this week. This is from one week. It has been 44 years in America since anyone has been put to death for anything other than murder. It's been 44 years. Now, the Supreme Court this week, in a 5 to 4 decision, on Wednesday, the same day that they said we'd have guns, thank God, and the same day, in a 5 to 4 decision, they outlawed executing people convicted of raping a child. Did you hear that? I mean, the Supreme Court today said it is illegal for any state, any city, any municipality, to put someone to death for raping a child. They said that does not deserve the death penalty. What did God say? You better know it does. And I'll be honest with you, I'd rather have somebody kill my child than to rape my child. And I wouldn't want either of those things to happen. But, you know, raping someone is a severe, serious offense. Raping a little child, can you think of anything more wicked? I mean, can you think of anything more twisted, more perverted? I mean, I could think of reasons why one person might kill another. I mean, I could think of a crime of passion, and it's still wrong. I mean, when Moses committed murder, it was wrong, but you know what? He committed murder because one of his brothers was being oppressed and beaten, and he committed murder and it was wrong. But I'll tell you something, what's the justification for a man who would rape a little child? It's as wicked as the devil. It's the most wicked, abominable thing imaginable, and the Supreme Court says it's not worthy of the death penalty. That's excessive punishment. This is what Kennedy, Justice Kennedy, he should be called Injustice Kennedy. This is what he said. There is a national consensus against capital punishment for the crime of child rape. We all agree, right? That's what he said. It's funny because four of the people on the Supreme Court didn't even agree. But there's just this consensus nationwide that everybody just agrees that that's way too much punishment for somebody who rapes them. You know what? If somebody rapes my child, I'm going to execute the death penalty myself. I promise you that. You mark it down, brother. But this is the day we're living. This is why it's so dangerous out there. This is why if I were you, I would have let my kids out of my sight. It happens every day. I can name people in my extended family that have been affected by this kind of stuff, that have been molested, that have been defiled. You could too. You know about your friends and loved ones that this kind of stuff has happened to. And why? They won't punish them. It's a revolving door down at the jailhouse. They let them out after two years, five years, four years to go do it again. The system's not working, my friend. Are we going to change the system? No. But we're going to walk out of here and understand what the system should be because we know the vibe of it. Say, why preach it? Because I'm preaching the truth. And you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free. Because maybe you won't go out and vote for these bunch of big government commies that are ruining our country. But let's get back into the Bible. Let's keep going with this. Let's look at even more scriptures. Look at Deuteronomy chapter number 13. Deuteronomy 13 is the fifth book in the Bible. Write to her at the beginning of your Bible. Deuteronomy chapter 13. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 13, 6, If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers, namely the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one of the earth, even to the other. And you know, these gods were wicked. I mean Baal and Molech, and they involved human sacrifices. I mean they involved dirty things, I mean horrible, wicked things. He says, thou, and of course we know the word thou is singular. That's why the Bible uses the words you and thou both, because thou is singular, you is plural. And he says, thou shalt not consent unto them in verse 8, nor hearken unto him, neither shalt run nigh to pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him, but thou shalt surely kill him. Thy hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards at the hands of all the people, and thou shalt stone him with stones that he die, because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and all Israel shall hear and fear, and they might not do any more such wickedness as this among you. No, it says they'll hear and fear, and shall do no more of these such wickedness as this is among you. Look at verse 17. I'm sorry, chapter 17. Look at Deuteronomy 17, chapter 17, verse 2. If there be found among you, within any of thy gates, which the Lord thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the Lord thy God, who transgresses his heaven, and God has served other gods, and worships them, either the sun, or moon, or any host of heaven, which I have not commanded, and it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and inquired diligently, and behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel, then thou, then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which hath committed that wicked thing unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones till they die. At the mouth of two witnesses, see, nobody should be killed, the Bible says, unless there's two or three witnesses, okay? So don't get me wrong, it's not just a killing spree, okay? It says, at the mouth of two witnesses or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death, but at the mouth of one witness shall he not be put to death. The hands of the witnesses, are you listening to this? Shall be first upon him. So who's the one who brings him in? Who's the one who throws the cuffs on him and brings him in? The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterward the hands of all the people, so thou shalt put away evil from among you. And if there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgment between blood and blood, between plea and plea, between stroke and stroke, being matters of controversy within thy gates, then thou shalt thou arise and get thee up into the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, and thou shalt come to the priest to lead by his hand unto the judge, right, if it's questionable, that shall be in those days an inquirer, and he shall show thee the sentence of judgment, and thou shalt do according to the sentence. Who excused the sentence, did you see this? Thou shalt do according to the sentence which they in that place which the Lord shall choose, shall show thee, and thou shalt observe to do according to all they inform thee. And I have so many more scriptures. I'm just going to give you the references on some of these because I don't want to just go on and on here, okay? But Deuteronomy 21, 18 through 23, he says the same thing. It talks about the citizens taking hold on somebody and bringing them in for the crime. Exodus 21, 12 through 19, Deuteronomy 22, 18 through verse 30, and those are three other long, lengthy passages that explain the same truth that I'm preaching to you right now. You see, here's what we live with, though. This is what we've got. Listen to this. Scottsdale officers hitting the streets. You see, now we have police being added in Scottsdale, not just driving up and down our streets every day, controlling us and watching us and policing us. Now we have them walking up and down the streets from house to house, policing in the city of Scottsdale. It says this girl, here's an example. This girl's mother had taken her son to school and left her daughter alone in the apartment with the door unlocked. This is not a child, though. This is an adult. Family being supervised by Child Protective Services. McDonough, this officer, also knocks on doors, warning residents that their garage door is open or that tools tossed in a truck bed are bait for burglars. Lori Stegall, 53, was surprised that McDonough aroused her because her front door was open behind a locked screen door, a possible sign of trouble. In the middle of the night, they wake up this morning in the middle of the night and say, I know your screen door is locked, but your door is not locked. Your garage door is open. Now listen, maybe you want half of your money to be taken out of your paycheck. I don't know, maybe you'd like to give all your money to government so that the government can be your babysitter and police you and walk up and down the street and make sure that your doors, both doors are shut, not just one of the doors, and walk up and down your street every day watching you. Hey, in a free society, you don't have a police stake. Are you listening? With police walking up and down the street, driving up and down the road, watching you, making sure that you're doing everything you're supposed to be doing. That's not freedom. Did you know in the United States it didn't used to be that way? Have you ever heard this term, the county sheriff? Has anybody ever heard that before? You know how big a county is? Yet they had a county sheriff, one man. They didn't have thousands going up and down the streets, cameras on all the street corners. I was in Chicago, Illinois this week. You listened to me and you listened good. I preached it this morning that when a nation forgets God, when a nation turns away from their God, when a nation does evil in the sight of the Lord, they lose freedom. That's what the Bible says. I was in Chicago, Illinois this week. I was ironically driving down Independence Boulevard. Do you know the street by the name? Independence Boulevard. If you want to buy drugs in Chicago, just get off at Independence Boulevard. So here's Independence Boulevard, ironic in the name. And I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't have my camera. But right next to the street sign that said Independence Boulevard, there was a metal box like this on the light bulb with a black dome with a 360-degree pan-tilt zoom camera. You say, I don't know about this because I'm in the electronics business. I know about this. It's a camera that they can control like a joystick. They can zoom in on the head of a penny. And this camera's at the intersection. And at the police logo on the side of the camera, it's at Chicago Police Department. And they are watching that street with a video lens. And they're watching what's going on all the time in the streets. In Great Britain today, and of course we're celebrating our independence this Friday, I wish people knew what that meant anymore. I wish people understood what this country was built on anymore and understood that this country is built on freedom and liberty and that July 4th is not just a day to blow off fireworks and eat a hot dog and a piece of cake. But to understand that we live in the freest country that's ever existed on the face of the earth, where we have freedom, well, outside of Israel and the Bible, the second freest. But I'm going to tell you something. You think that the founding fathers of our country, you think that God has ordained this police state that we live in where the government is watching us on camera? Great Britain is who we got our independence from. And you know what, in Great Britain today, go to any city in Great Britain, go to Manchester, go to London, go to any of these big cities, every square inch of that city is on closed circuit television. Did you know that? Probably didn't know that, did you? I talked to my boss, my boss from Ireland, he said, oh yeah, closed circuit television everywhere. You walk down the street, Big Brother is watching you in England today. Why? Because the crime got so out of control that the police could not control it anymore and they said we just have to put the whole cities on camera, every city is on camera. I don't know about you, but I don't want to walk down the street and have cameras watching you all the time. That sounds like oppression, that sounds like sleep, that sounds like bonkers. And that's what our country is going to because of Sid. Sid always brings violence, it brought to an individual violence, again and again in the Bible. Big Brother watching you, cameras everywhere in the United States of America, walking down the street, smile, you're on camera. In Tempe, Arizona, smile, you're on camera. It's in Tempe, they're building cameras all over the place. You say, those are just red light violation cameras. Oh yeah, we just saw another one, we drove down the road, it was a trailer, it has a trailer hitch that hooks up to the back of a vehicle and the police drops that off at different places and it has closed circuit television. It's not an intersection, nothing to do with speeding, nothing to do with the red light, there's no radar, it has nine cameras looking all different directions and it says mobile police surveillance unit and they're dropped off all of the city of Tempe. We can drive right out of the church, I can show you. And then when we're done with that, I can drive you down to the Tempe Public Library Action Service and I can show you a tank, a tank that will say on the side of it, I'm talking about a tank, does everybody know what a tank is? You know it's got those big wheels with the things on it, it's got the big cannon and armor, you know what it says on the side of it? Tempe Police Department. To the Tempe Library. My wife goes there every week, there it is, a tank. Now who's ever heard this word, garrison? What a brand you know that word. Don't be ashamed if you don't know it, it's not a word that's used very often. Who knows what a garrison is, who thinks you know what it is, a garrison? I'm not going to ask you to tell me, but who thinks you know what it is? A garrison is an army that's stationed among people to control it. The Bible uses this word a lot. When the Philistines took over the nation of Israel, they put garrisons in Israel. That means they had troops occupying that city, patrolling them, making sure that they were able to extort money from them, which is what the Philistines were doing, extorting grain, extorting money, taking away their freedom, controlling them. These garrisons were a result of God's good. They're standing troops and armies. What's the difference between some army controlling and oppressing you, and a police department that's got a tank and machine guns, and they drive up and down the road, and they have cameras and checkpoints, and all this stuff. Hey, it's not a God. It's not found in God's laws. It's not making us any safer because we're just as dangerous as it was yesterday. In fact, it's more dangerous, and tomorrow it's going to be even more dangerous. The statistics don't lie. The facts don't lie. Look, I've lived here for two and a half years. Look at the crimes that I've been facing. You know, that's just two and a half years in a decent area. But Scottsdale officers are hitting the street to walk up and down the street, making sure everybody's door is locked and the garage door is open. But what I want to know is who's going to protect us from them. Listen to this. I don't even need to read this. This is too bad. I don't even want to talk about some of this stuff. It's so bad. But listen to this. A late-go man says he feels violated after two police officers woke him up at 3 a.m. to tell him his door was unlocked. Okay? Their surprise visit was part of a public service campaign to remind residents to secure their homes to prevent that. Hey, Mike, we're paying for these people. The Bible says that when the children of Israel, or I'm sorry, when the Egyptians sold themselves into bondage to Pharaoh, they were taxed at 20%, which is much less than what we pay. Where do you think I'll have money? We've got to pay for all this, for these police to patrol us. And we don't need them. And I'm going to tell you, I'm not done with the sermon. Buckle your seatbelts. I'm going to tell you why we don't need them, why we're spending just thousands of dollars out of our own money to the Tempe police. I mean, if you live in Tempe, you live in Phoenix, you're paying these people. You're being taxed heavily to pay for these people to protect you, yet they're not protecting you. I don't rely on them for protection. I rely on my two swords. But the Bible says here, but they went further. So this guy got a little violated when they woke up at 3 a.m. to tell him his door was unlocked. How would you like to be woken up? That'd be a little scary, wouldn't it? Sir. The door's unlocked. What are you doing? I didn't invite you in here. No, I was certainly knocked on the door. I'm just kidding. Anyway, it says, but they went further in Troy Mould's case on Thursday. Police entered the house where four children under seven were having a sleepover and then went upstairs to Mould's bedroom. Okay, so this is when they went into the house. Oh, your door's unlocked. Oh, let's go upstairs into a bedroom with four children that are under seven. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. The police are God men. They never do anything wrong. We should just trust them. Let's just give all them the weapons. Let's give all the weapons to the police force and let's turn in all our weapons for a hundred dollar gift card. I've got so much material in this room, I don't know what to do with it. We can turn in for a hundred dollar gift card for bastards. We can turn in our guns to the police. That's what he said. They'll give you a hundred dollar gift card to bastards if you give them your weapon. I'm not giving my weapon. I'm going to get open. I don't even shop at bastards. I shop at Fry's Pools. Okay? I don't need a hundred dollar gift card to bastards to turn in my sword. But, they went into that. They went into Troy Mould's house. They went upstairs where Fortune and Under 7 were having a sleepover. They went upstairs to Mould's bedroom. The officers told Mould his garage door was open. The TV was on. The keys to his truck were left in the ignition and the door to his house was ajar. We had the house filled with people. A police spokesman said the intrusion was justified because the officers' initial door knocks went unanswered and they wanted to make sure nothing was wrong. Yeah, nothing was wrong until you got here and walked in and all that stuff. I mean, listen to this stuff. We're paying these people. Police chief won't... What does it say? Officer Chong Kim resigned on Wednesday to Scottsdale in the wake of a police investigation into a possible, inappropriate search of a 19-year-old woman. The mother of the 19-year-old woman sent an email to police saying that when a call about a possible break in, an officer inappropriately searched her daughter. An investigation into a similar allegation against Kim by different women in September was inconclusive. We're not really sure, but we keep getting all these reports about this same police officer, Chong Kim, who just... He'll be called out because they thought somebody's breaking in, and then he wants to pat down young women. We don't really know what to make of it. It's inconclusive, you know. The mom calls, and I think somebody's breaking in, and he says, Well, you know, I'm going to need to search her, your daughter, this 19-year-old girl. Can't really figure out why. No, let me just break this to you. Police are human beings. They're sinners, like I would say. I like you, sir. Number two, they're coyotes. They don't care about that. It's not their sheep. It's not their family. Did you know this? Did you know that if you... People aren't going to like this, officer. I'm not trying to offend anybody. But you know what? Did you know that if you take a test to join the police department, did you know that if you score too high on that test, you cannot be a police officer? That's true. Who can verify that what I'm saying is true right now? Yeah. It's true. I mean, they take a test, and they want you to score high enough so that you're not just a numbskull. But if you score too high, they're like, Sorry, you can't be a police officer. Because they can't control you enough, or I know them. So the people with the badge on are not always going to be the sharpest tool in the chain. And they're not always going to be the most righteous, as in the case of our friend, Sean Kim. It's not stable. Now, I'm not saying all police officers are bad. Don't, you know, say that I said things that I didn't say. I didn't say all police officers are bad. I said they're a hire wing. I said they're ineffective. I said they cost too much money. I said they're worthless. That's what I said. Now, listen. Let's bring the issue. That's your answer. What's the answer? This is the answer. You say, Okay, do you know what cops spend their time in? I've talked to so many people that have done a ride along with the police on an overnight shift. Did you know that my uncle is a sheriff's deputy? Did you know that my grandpa is a famous police lieutenant? I mean, people know him in Los Angeles. In fact, there was a movie character that was based on my grandpa. And so he's very well known. If I said his name, he'd laugh. If I said his name, he'd still know the name. And so his last name is Tackaberry, but people pronounce him Tackaberry. And you might have seen the movie, okay, literally. And we have all kinds of newspaper articles about him and everything. And he was well known in LAPD, literally. I know a lot of the police. And I've talked to people recently that have done a ride along. And you know what police are busy doing? You know, giving tickets, right? Harassing you. Number two, they're busy with domestic disputes. That's like what they do. That's what they do. I mean, talk to police, any police officer you know. Talk to police officers, talk to people who have done a ride along. They're dealing with domestic disputes. When I was a teenager, I don't watch TV anymore. When I was a teenager, we used to watch the show Cops. You know what I mean? Everybody's face is blurred out. Who knows what I'm talking about? All it is is domestic disputes. That's like what 90% of the show is, okay? Now, listen, you say, well, we've got to have the police. Look, do you want to pay somebody, how much are they making? $70,000 a year in Phoenix, the police officers? You want to pay somebody $70,000 a year to go mediate some argument between a couple of people in the ghetto who are getting mad at you? Now, you say, well, what should we do? We can't just have violence. You're right, we shouldn't have violence. Here's the answer to the problem. You've got some guy in an apartment complex beating up his pregnant wife or pregnant girlfriend. We have a problem here, right? What do people do in 2008 when that happens? They pick up their phone and they call the police. And the police comes and says, no, no, don't do that. Or they arrest them and turn them loose three hours later after they fingerprint them and take their DNA sample. Okay, well, here's what you do in Bible society. And, you know, I'm not recommending you do this. I'm not telling you to do this. I'm not saying you should do this. The powers that be are a name of God. But what do they do back in Bible times? I'd say, hey, man, this guy's beating up his pregnant girlfriend next door. He's beating up his pregnant wife. Let's go beat the fire out of ourselves. And the funny thing is that would actually solve the problem because he's not going to do it again because then he's going to face me and my buddies again, beating them. And we might even bring a baseball bat. We might even wear a lead pipe. Okay? And we'll take care of the problem. But the police aren't going to take care of the problem. The police are going to give him a little driver out of town and take his fingerprints and sit him on a bench and let him go. Look, it doesn't work, man. You say, oh, if we didn't have the police, we'd have anarchy. Oh, we've got to have the police. Oh, we've got to have welfare. Oh, we've got to have social services. Oh, we've got to have social security. Oh, we've got to have this. We've got to have that. This big government is not in the Constitution. It's not in the Bible. All you need is God and a man who works hard, pays his own bills, pays for his own family, and protects his own house and his own neighborhood. You see, when something is not our responsibility, we say, I'm not going to stop the crime on my street. I mean, I'm going to tell you something. If somebody was on my street beating up a pregnant woman, you know what I'd do? I'd call the police. Because I don't have the authority to go down there and take care of it. If I wouldn't beat the guy up, they'd put me in jail, right? So what do I do? I call the police. Somebody hits me in a hit-and-run. I was chasing them myself. I saw a motorcycle cop. This really happened about six months ago. I got rear-ended, hit-and-run. I'm chasing the guy. And we were in rush-hour traffic, so we're only going like 25, 30, but I'm staying right with the guy. I see a motorcycle cop off to the side of the road. I say, yes, this guy is here to protect and deserve. This guy will protect. This guy will solve the problem. What did I do? I pulled off the road, I jumped out of my car, and I said, right there, that white Monte Carlo license plate number, blah, blah, blah, blah. I sped it up to him. I said, go get him. He just hit me. Look at my car. And the guy said, okay, I'll get him. He hopped on his motorcycle. I mean, we could see the guy. Cars are going 25 miles an hour. He's on a motorcycle. He can go between the cars. He said, I lost him. And I said, well, run that plate. Can you run that plate? Well, maybe it was a homicide or something. I said, fill out a police report. He's like, no. He's like, I don't think the rental car company is going to charge you. The damage is minor. I said, look, the rental car company will charge me. They tried to sell me like $50 a day worth of insurance on my way out, okay. They're going to say, no, you will pay for that. He's like, I think this will wipe off. I mean, it was a couch. I mean, it wasn't bad. The bumper had like shoved up onto the car. He's like, it's my wipe off. I said, it's going to wipe off, you know. I said, if you would have caught the guy, what would you have done? He said, well, there's not much we can do. That's what he said. But see, if there were no police, see, we're just kind of, you might as well just go and do a little fantasy tonight. What if there were no police? If there were no police, I would have chased the guy. I would have caught the guy. I would have taken the guy to the judges. And I would have got the money for the damage to my car. And if I needed some help, I would have just got a few of my buddies together. We would have got to take care of it, okay. And see, the police don't protect us. They're hire leads. They don't care. It wasn't his car. He didn't care. We call the police. We have burglars breaking our house. We call the police. They show up 20 minutes later when they know it's safe to show up. And don't tell me they were far away because they hang out. I know where they hang out. They hang out at the Chevron station right here. And they're all pulled up. You know, they pull up their cars and face each other so they can put their driving windows right next to each other. And they're talking and drinking coffee and hanging out all night. At 48th Street and Broadway at the Chevron. That's only, what, two minutes from our house? You know, the response time could be fast. But you know what? I'm not really trying to be funny tonight. I mean, I'm preaching the Bible tonight. This is what the Bible says. What's the moral of the story? What does all this mean? Hey, this is what it means. It means that if our society continues on the wicked downward spiral that it's on, we are headed for a police state in this country. It's happened before. It'll happen again. I mean, they're tapping our phone lines. It went through Congress weeks ago. You know? And you know, I'm a conservative. But I guess I'm a libertarian almost in some ways more than I'm a conservative. But you know what? I'm a conservative, but you know what? The conservatives just want to tap my phone lines and check our emails. You know, the liberals want to take away our freedoms in other areas. They want to take all our money away. And I'm going to tell you something. The answer is not even a political answer. The problem is that when you spit in the eye of God and when you do evil inside the Lord and turn away from God's laws, your nation will, will go into bondage. You can't have liberty without the Spirit of the Lord. That's what the Bible says. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And where the Spirit of the Lord is not, go to the nation that rejects Christianity, there's no liberty. There's no liberty today in communist China where Christianity is illegal. Where it's against the law to have more than one child. There's no liberty with the United Nations who forces sterilizations around the world, who forces people to be sterilized against their will in third world countries. There's no freedom with the United States. There's no freedom with communist China. And you'll have the only answer for America, out of the situation we're in, the police state that's coming, the big brother that's watching you that's coming, where all of our freedoms are going to be taken away and we're going to decide, well, I guess it's time to dissolve the bands that have died in this government like they did in 1776. We're not going to be able to because there's going to be a policeman waiting outside our door and a camera pointed at our front door. And so what's the answer? We've got to cleanse the wickedness out of our lives in this country. You can't live in sin and wickedness and expect to live free. You've got to choose. Now look, you've got to choose in your personal life. Do you want to be free or do you want to live a wicked and ungodly life? And then our nation's going to have to decide, do we want to be free in America or do we want to have eat, drink, and be merry and free love and free dope and alcohol and wickedness? We've got to decide between those two. Porno or freedom? Sin, freedom. In your personal life, yes. In your, uh, as a nation's life, yes. I don't know about you. I like what Patrick Henry said, give me liberty or give me death. Live free or die. Hey, I don't want to be a slave in my life. And I don't think you want to be a slave. And I don't want America to go into slavery. Let's knock these doors. Let's preach the gospel. Let's stand on the rooftops and cry out against sin and turn this nation back to God. That's the only answer. Let's bow our eyes and have a word of prayer.