(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Conference and the stop location is tonight here in Vancouver. So we have a pastor Steven Anderson here to preach for us great friend and Obviously a great preacher very excited to have him preach for us tonight And he'll also be going to Spokane on the 26th So this Sunday in Spokane, he's preaching both services in Spokane If you would like the location for the secret location in Spokane Please see me after the service or show up for those a soul winning marathon on Saturday in Chaney, Washington The details are on our YouTube page and I think we're meeting for our regular times But if you want to go soul name on Saturday in Spokane, it's actually gonna be in Chaney, Washington You're more than welcome to do that. I know we have some families that are traveling to Spokane for the services on Sunday Um Let's see. So yeah the 10 30 a.m. 3 30 p.m. There'll be lunch provided after the service and Yeah, if you need the location for that, I'm not gonna say it over The the airwaves here because you know what happens. But anyway, I Encourage you if you want to go up there and just spend a weekend supposed to be really hot here I don't know what's supposed to be like they're probably as hot or hotter. So anyway pastor Anderson brought the heat with them. So thanks pastor appreciate that and Let's see. We got What do we got else? Let's see. The 4th of July fellowship is gonna be at the Yankee residence. That'll be a Monday and Then miss Alana's baby shower here at the church building at I want to say 12 o'clock. Am I right about that? Somebody can I get a witness here? 11 okay, I was close 11 o'clock So that'll be July 9th and they're registered on Amazon and then July 14th through 17th We have the red-hot preaching conference. So that's very exciting if you can you're gonna want to go It's gonna be bigger and better than ever and there's gonna be more preachers More ping-pong. Hopefully everybody's gotten a chance to own their skills at the very established sport of table tennis and They don't want to play football anymore after what happened the first year. So they don't want they don't want none of this. Trust me Anyway, so I think that there might be a sign up for the ping-pong. I haven't seen the video So if they're if you're wanting to play, I think you need to contact Verity Baptist to make sure that you're in on the tournament. Can I get away brother Adam? Do you know you're not gonna play area? You scared? Okay. I'm just kidding. All right, so that's going on That's the 14th through the 17th and at the end of July we're gonna have our fourth year anniversary I can't believe it's already been four years and to celebrate we're gonna have pastor Jared Pizarnsky He's gonna preach for us on Friday night And then that'll be the last weekend in July and then Pat the infamous pastor Joe Jones will be here for Sunday. So He's been under a lot of fire lately so pray for him but Yeah, pastor Shelley too. It's it's been a whirlwind June. I don't know why they're so agitated this month, but a Lot of sermons preached against them Anyway, if you're a first-time guest, we're very happy that you're here and we do have some gift bags There are in the past that little divider there on the left hand side. There's some gift bags It's got a film being Baptist and a really nice pen and some other stuff about our church please feel free to grab one of those on your way out and We're really thankful that you're here tonight Miss Sheila had a birthday was it yesterday? Two days ago, I'm sorry miss Sheila. Happy birthday. Miss Sheila. Did they sing happy birthday to you already? You weren't here. Okay, we're gonna sing happy birthday then And to Kohath and Karina if they weren't here God bless Oh All right Anniversary did you guys get your anniversary sang to you? Yeah. Okay. Yes, sir. All right. All right. Well, happy anniversary It's been what eight wonderful years That what it was. Okay. Anyway, I'll shut up. It's time for the Sing another song and then we'll receive the offering I'm writer next on the song number 49 in your blue hymn books. How great thou art Song number 49 in your blue hymn books, how great thou art Song number 49 how great thou art. Let's see it out on the first Oh my god Oh When I an awesome wonder Consider The world's my hands have made I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder Thy power throughout the universe displayed Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee Oh How great Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee Oh And Forest glades I wander and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees When I look down From lofty mountain grandeur and Hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How great thou are How great thou Are Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee And when I think That God his son not sparing Sent him to die I scarce can take it in That on the My burden gladly bearing he bled and died to take away my sin Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How great thou How great thou Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How great thou When I shall Wish out of Acclamation and take me home what joy shall fill my Then I shall bow In Adoration and their proclaim my god Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How great thou How great thou Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How great thou How great thou And then good scene brother Sean, could you bless the offering for us Pray you would bless this offering bless both the gift and the giver in Jesus name You You You You You All right, would you turn with me please to the book of Genesis chapter 38 The first book of the Bible the book of Genesis and chapter 38 As is our custom we'll read the entire chapter beginning in verse 1 If you don't have a Bible there should be one in front of you And if there's not you can raise your hand and one of our ushers will bring you one Genesis chapter 38 Starting in verse 1 of Genesis 38 and it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brethren and turned into a certain Odullamite whose name was Hira and Judah saw their a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shuah and he took her and went in unto her and she conceived and bear a son and he called his name err and she conceived again and bear a son and she called his name onan and She yet again conceived and bear a son and called his name Sheila and he was at his Eve when she bear him and Judah took a wife for err his firstborn whose name was Tamar and err Judah's firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him and Judah said unto onan go in unto thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother and Onan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went in unto his brother's wife That he spilled it on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother and the thing which he did Displease the Lord wherefore he slew him also Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter-in-law remain a widow at thy father's house till Sheila my son be grown for he said lest peradventure he die also as his brethren did and Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house and In process of time the daughter of Shua Judah's wife died and Judah was comforted and went up unto his sheep shearers to Timnath He and his friend here are the Adulamites and it was told Tamar saying behold thy father-in-law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep and she put her widow's garments off from her and covered her with a veil and wrapped herself and Sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath For she saw that Shayla was grown and she was not given unto him to wife When Judah saw her he thought her to be in harlot because she had covered her face And he turned unto her by the way and said go to I pray thee Let me come in unto thee for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law And she said what wilt thou give me that thou mayest come in unto me And he said I will send thee a kid from the flock She said wilt thou give me a pledge till thou send it and he said what pledge shall I give thee she said thy signet and thy bracelets and thy staff that is in thine hand and he gave it her and came in unto her and she conceived by him and she arose and went away and laid by her veil from her and put on the garments of her widowhood and Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adulamite to receive his pledge from the woman's hand But he found her not Then he asked the men of that place saying where is the harlot that was openly by the wayside and they said there was no harlot in this place and he returned to Judah and said I cannot find her and also the men of the place said that there was no harlot in this place and Judah said let her take it to her lest we be shamed behold I sent the kid and thou hast not found her and It came to pass about three months after that it was told Judah saying Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath played the harlot and also behold. She is with child by Hordom and Judah said bring her forth and let her be burnt When she was brought forth she sent to her father-in-law saying By the man whose these are in my with child and she said discern I pray thee whose are these the signet and bracelets and staff and Judah acknowledged them and said she hath been more righteous than I because that I gave her not to Shailah my son and he knew her again no more and It came to pass in the time of her travail that behold twins were in her womb And it came to pass when she travailed that the one put out his hand and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread saying this came out first and It came to pass as he drew back his hand that behold his brother came out and she said how hast thou broken forth this breach be upon thee therefore his name was called Phares and Afterward came out his brother that had the scarlet thread upon his hand and his name was called Zara Brother Brandon, would you pray for us? Here to try Amen it's great to be here tonight. Thanks everyone for coming out. We're on a road trip of course, so I've already preached in Los Angeles on last Thursday and then Fresno on Sunday here. This is our third stop and I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea to drive this many thousands of miles and I'm only like 1 4th of the way in so I don't know but I'm here we are All right So we're having a good time though, and I'm preaching a series where I'm going through the sons of Jacob So virtually I'm going through the 12 tribes of Israel Reuben Simeon Levi and now we're at the fourth son of Jacob, which is Judah and So we're gonna start out actually in chapter 37 here tonight with this story About Joseph being sold into slavery and I'll just kind of quickly bring you up to speed in the story Of course Joseph is hated of his brethren because he's the favorite He's the baby of the family and if you remember Jacob has multiple wives and he's got the one wife that he loves more than the other and So her son Joseph gets special treatment and he loves Joseph more than the others So Joseph's brethren they envy him they hate him and Joseph makes things worse by having these dreams where he has a dream that they're basically about bowing down and worshiping him and Of course that literally is eventually going to happen. He's having a foreshadowing of that but You know when they hear this they're very angry and so they're out on a trip and Joseph goes to meet them and When they see him coming they conspire to actually murder him. I mean think about the wickedness of Murdering your own brother. I mean murdering anyone is wicked but murdering your own brother and so they see him coming They're gonna murder him, but then Reuben Steps in and intercedes and says hey, let's not kill him. Let's just throw him in this pit Okay So he wants to deliver him out of their hand Reuben's plan is to actually come back later to the pit And rescue Joseph and take him home to dad But while Joseph is in that pit the rest of the guys sit down to eat Reuben's not there. They sit down and they see this company of Ishmaelites coming so that's where we're gonna pick up the story in verse 25 of Genesis 37 they were gonna murder their brother Joseph instead They just threw him in a pit and now we pick up in verse 25 They sat down to eat bread and They lifted up their eyes and looked and behold a company of Ishmaelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh going to carry it down to Egypt and Judah said unto his brethren What profit is it if we slay our brother and conceal his blood? Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites and let not our hand be upon him For he is our brother and our flesh and his brethren were content And so of course they pulled Joseph out of the pit and they end up selling him into slavery Selling him into the Ishmaelites. This was all Judah's idea. Remember the sermon tonight is about Judah We're looking at this biblical character Judah. So what do we see from Judah right away? First of all, he is one of the conspirators that wanted to murder his brother so you can see that wickedness right there But at the same time he has somewhat of a conscience about this and says, you know, maybe we shouldn't Murder our own brother. I mean, he's our flesh and blood. Maybe we shouldn't do this and not only that He says well, what profit is it? We can actually make some money off this so this is another level of wickedness of wanting to get financial gain or profit by selling Joseph into slavery and So he suggests this his brethren go along with it and Joseph ends up being sold now It might be easy to just kind of read over this and not really grasp Just how wicked this is because you think like well, at least they didn't kill him You know But stop and think for a moment about human trafficking in our day because we don't really call it being sold into slavery We would call it like human trafficking, right? The the merchandise of human beings Kidnapping someone because I mean that's what they're doing here. They're basically kidnapping their brother and selling him to human traffickers and Stop and think about the types of things that would happen to someone today if they got human trafficked It could be a lot of horrible things In fact, sometimes it could even be a fate worse than death and when we read the story Sure things turn out okay for Joseph, but that's only because the Bible says the Lord was with Joseph So because the Lord's with Joseph things end up going well for him But what if the Lord hadn't been with Joseph? Chances are if you're being sold into this kind of human trafficking bad things are gonna happen even in the Bible We see people that are taken as slaves like this and they end up getting castrated They're made eunuchs their their body is mutilated in that way you know other people could be forced into who knows what kind of strange things or wicked things or perverted things or Just put to work in extremely dangerous conditions, you know working in some mine somewhere or something or Somewhere where OSHA isn't there to kind of you know, make sure that everything is is safe You know, they could be put into a super dangerous situation The bottom line is this they don't even know What situation they're putting him in. I mean they could be sending him to certain death They could be sending him something worse than death. Who knows what is gonna happen to him they're all manner of horrible things that could happen to him and Yet they just do this to Joseph their own brother and you know Just before the service we were talking about different things that are going on and it's crazy How many of our pastor brethren are being persecuted right now in a big way now? I'm not one of them You know, I'm doing great But a lot of these guys are getting persecuted pretty hard right now And we're talking about this before the service and manage it just gets me fired up The wickedness and and I was thinking about how it kind of connects to what we see here in this chapter Because what is this? It's the wicked Persecuting the righteous, you know, Joseph is a godly young man The Lord's with him and the Bible talks about how he had brought to their father Jacob the evil report of Dan and Naphtali and the and Gad Asher the sons of the concubines, you know He brought their evil report They were wicked and obviously the fact that they're gonna murder him the fact that they're gonna traffic him makes them Super wicked and Joseph's a godly young man. So this is actually also an incidence of wicked people persecuting the righteous Okay, and it's the same way now the Bible says he had all that will live godly in Christ. Jesus shall suffer Persecution and let me say I support my pastor friends and my pastor brethren who are being persecuted right now I have no problem identifying with them Backing them up. I approve their message Okay, pastor Thompson's son-in-law and and his clip that's going around. That's a great clip. I like it I approve this message Okay, thank God somebody's got the guts to tell it like it is and preach the Word of God with boldness in the midst Of a crooked and perverse generation. We're supposed to be shining the light of the Word of God and these cockroaches these wicked scum of the earth They don't like having their sin exposed, you know, the pastors of America need to be bringing that evil report Doesn't matter whether the persecution comes or not Okay, they need to preach the Word of God and woe unto this nation For the persecution that they're bringing on God's people where you have judges, you know ruling to evict a church In Texas, you know because of preaching the Word of God You know and you have all of these freaks surrounding church buildings with their protests and their signs everything like that and just defiling everybody's eyeballs with their very existence and then you have God's people and The vast majority of Christians not standing with the man of God, but rather defending the perverts and weirdos today They're not standing with Joseph. No, no They're hanging around and eating bread with Dan and nap to lie and the rest of them saying hey let's go ahead and kill him and Then you know, so Judah we see here You can see that he's not a total reprobate. He does have a conscience and so he says, you know, maybe we shouldn't do this of Actually murdering him. Maybe that's going too far So, you know, hey, let's make some money too while we're at it so Judah is still super wicked But he still has some level of a conscience and and you know He feels a little bit of bad about it because what you'll notice is after this incident takes place in Genesis chapter 37 Look at chapter 38 verse 1 it says and it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brethren and Turned into a certain Adolah might whose name was Hira. I don't think it's a coincidence that this is the time when a family that had been working together and They're shepherding together and they're living together as a community Why all of a sudden Judah leaves the family at this time? That's not a coincidence that at that time He leaves why because now that they've committed this horrible act Obviously, there's a lot of guilt there their conscience is bothering them and you know They they all know that that they were guilty They kind of know each other's guilt and they probably feel weird around each other And so this ends up estranging Judah from the family So Judah ends up actually leaving the family and just going off with the heathen So he's gonna go hang around with a bunch of Canaanites and Adolah mites. He's he's leaving his family he's leaving the people of God and He goes to be with the worldly crowd. Why because he's in sin He's guilty of a major sin. And so he feels bad about it And so he wants to leave, you know, it'd be like if you committed some awful sin and then you just say why you know I'm just gonna get out of church because I don't want to face anybody And I'm just gonna kind of just go to the world because they'll accept me over there No matter what I do over there because you can see that these people that he's hanging around with the Adolah mite and the Canaanite You know, they're a little more loose with their morals over there then then with Jacob and them So it says in verse number two and Judah saw their a daughter of a certain Canaanite Whose name was Shewa and he took her and went in under her and she conceived and bare his son And he called his name Ur. So he marries this Canaanitish woman. He has a son called Ur verse 4 She conceived again and bare his son and she called his name Onan She yet again conceived and bare his son and called his name Sheila and he was at Kizib when she bare him So we see here that he's with these people for a long time, you know, he's gone to the heathen He's there for many many years Enough time to get married have three kids and so forth Now the main point that I want to make in my sermon tonight is that when we do something wicked when we commit sin We always end up facing a greater Consequence than what we expected, you know sin takes you further than you wanted to go It keeps you longer than you wanted to stay and it cost you more than you were willing to pay And so a lot of times we could commit a sin and think it's not That big of a deal or that or maybe that we got away with it or something like that But you know God is going to punish the sins that we commit on this earth the Bible said even if we're saved the Bible says whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son and we receive it and the Bible says God is not mocked whatsoever a man showeth that shall he also reap and so We see here in Judah's life That he faced serious consequences for the sin that he committed every step of the way now Let's stop and think about what went into this sin that he committed Why did he hate Joseph he hated Joseph because of the fact that dad loved Joseph more than him, right? So he wants more love and affection from dad or whatever He feels like Joseph's getting all the attention and whatever so he's bitter about that and envies that You know Joseph has these dreams about leading the family and and Judah is thinking that you know He'd rather lead the family or whatever But stop and think about the result of Judah's sin does this get him more attention from dad No, in fact, it completely estranges him from the family. Not only is he not leading the family Not only is he not getting more attention from his dad. He's completely separated from his family now He's completely estranged from them and goes off to live with the heathen But not only that what sin did he commit by selling Joseph into slavery? He's basically depriving Jacob of his favorite son This is Jacob's favorite son Joseph and Judah has deprived him of that Well now what's going to happen to to Judah as a punishment? What does the bible say? It says in verse number seven and ur Judah's firstborn Was wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him So now what happens to Judah he ends up losing his son So he took away Jacob's son from him and now he's losing Is it his favorite son? Well, I mean it's his firstborn son He only has three sons. The firstborn son is killed now not only that but why was he killed? His son was killed because he was wicked in the sight of the Lord. Well, look just having wicked children is already Not something that you want, you know, the bible says he who so beget it the fool has no joy And so he already had to go through The the pain or the nightmare Of raising this wicked son of dealing with ur and raising him and then his son dies So this is not a happy story about his son ur so think about how much time is going by He said he's had enough time to have these three kids Now they're growing up Now one of them is old enough to get married And to die So, I mean who knows how long has gone by, you know, 20 years or something. I don't know could be less than that But probably somewhere in that neighborhood But you know long time is going by right Whatever the time period maybe they're getting married as young teenagers or whatever. But the point is that ur Is killed and that's no coincidence That's a punishment from God because he deprived Jacob of his own son because look what happens next Then Judah said unto Onan verse eight go in unto thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed under thy brother And Onan knew that the seed should not be his And it came to pass when he went in unto his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest he should give seed to his brother And the thing which he did displeased the Lord wherefore he slew him also So now out of three kids the first one dead Wicked and then dead second one also wicked also dead I mean, this is a this is not the kind of family that you want to have. Okay, and not only that But if you think about why was Onan killed Because of his resentment toward his brother Onan resents ur and says well if I know this seed Is going to be counted For ur well, then i'm just going to go ahead and spill my seed on the ground rather than to give him a child You know what that shows that Onan hated ur So isn't it interesting that now Judah who hated his brother Joseph who mistreated his brother Joseph who deprived? His father of his children and now what happened? He has children He's deprived of his children and his children also hate each other They hate each other to the point where Onan You know commits this sin right here Of refusing to raise up seed unto his brother a selfish act on his part and showing his disdain for his brother And so we can see that Judah is reaping everything that he sowed back in chapter 37 So it says in verse 11 then said Judah to Tamar his daughter-in-law Remain a widow at that father's house till she let my son be grown For he said let's peradventure he die also as his brethren did and Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house So i'm going to go ahead and summarize the next part for sake of time But basically what happens is, you know, there's a third born son And again, they're getting married young but the third born son is not quite old enough to get married yet and so therefore Uh Tamar is told hey, you know, you need to wait Until he's old enough and then you're gonna marry the third son, you know, you've already been married to the first two You know, we're gonna keep you around We like you as a daughter-in-law, you know, so you're going to be married to the third son, but we gotta wait until he's grown Okay, so she's hanging around. Well, what happens is Sheila gets to the age where he's old enough to get married and she notices that They're not getting married. Nothing's happening So Tamar is kind of in limbo And she's impatient about just being held in limbo because it's like, you know, what does she do? She can't really marry someone else But here she is and she's waiting and she feels like maybe Judah is not going to make good on his promise To marry her to Sheila. So she's in limbo. She doesn't like it So she does something super bizarre and horrific Okay And you know, sometimes you read the stuff in the bible and you're just like wow This is some really gnarly stuff that we're reading in the bible like What's going on with the bible? But you know, the bible is a reflection of the world that we actually live in It always cracks me up when people say like oh man, you know, I don't believe the bible because you know, i've seen some things You know when I was in the when I was in nam I saw some stuff And so, you know, I don't believe in god, right? You know, that would actually make sense if the bible was all sweetness and light and unicorns and rainbows Okay. Now there are some unicorns and rainbows in the bible But the thing is, you know, if the bible was all sweetness and light and people said like oh man The horrific things in this world. I can't believe the word of god, but hold on a second the word of god accurately reflects the wickedness of the world that we live in And if you wonder why these rough things are in the bible, it's because these kind of weird Thick evil horrible violent perverted type things that you read in genesis. They're going on every day out there in this world my friend Just because you don't always see it. Thank god You don't always see it But the bible says it's a shame even to speak of those things which are none of them in secret And the dark places of the world are full of the habitations of cruelty There is a lot of wickedness and let me tell you something. The truth is stranger than fiction Okay, and so the bible is the truth Don't be surprised if sometimes it gets a little stranger than fiction, but let me tell you something in this world There are all kinds of hair-raising things going on every single day because of the wickedness of man, you know We thank god live in the most prosperous peaceful country in the world pretty much where we live In the nicest place of the world and we live on the west coast So we live in like the nicest part of the nicest part of the world You know pacific northwest california arizona I mean, these are some beautiful areas and it's like, you know, we are are so blessed There are so many countries around this world that you know trump would call a whatever hole And and that are just some really rough places Of this world am I right? But even in america, there are all kinds of horrible sick violent things going on all the time because of the wickedness of man And so don't get offended When we read a bible story like this because you know, this bible story is in the word of god God has given us this story. We need to hear it preached. We shouldn't skip this chapter and say it's too weird It's too wild, you know, well guess what? It's it's in the word of god And it's nothing weirder than what actually goes on in real life in this world And by the way, sometimes the same people who are offended by bible stories like this will also go home and watch all kinds of Sorted things on tv and movies and everything and then they're just like shocked when We see a bible story that gets a little bit jerry springer over here. Okay So basically, you know, this is what happens And again, you know the bible's just recording the wickedness here but tamar decides To dress up as if she were a prostitute and she veils her face So that juda doesn't know that it's her And she actually lies in wait for him puts herself on display As though she were just a prostitute. Okay And he comes along and he doesn't know That this is his daughter-in-law. Okay and so He decides to hire her And he falls for the trap and by the way For her to even have this idea. She must have known a little something about the character of juda in the first place That he's going to go for this now juda's wife is dead Okay, because not only did his first two sons die this happy family. His wife is now dead So he goes down there And he's with his buddy. He's with his worldly buddy that he's been hanging around with And he sees tamar He just thinks that she's a prostitute He ends up hiring her but he doesn't have the money on him, you know because he's going to pay one goat All right, so that's the price one goat I don't know what that is in today's money But he basically Says i'm going to send you a kid of the goats and she basically wants to hold on to his id To make sure that he actually comes back and pays and that he doesn't just take off and not pay the bill So, you know he ends up leaving her with his staff and his ring and he leaves her with these tokens That are basically like his identity like what we would have as like a driver's license or a passport or something He leaves her with tokens of his identity And and in the process of taking advantage of her services he ends up impregnating tamar Okay, so she's pregnant now Well, she goes back to living in his household like nothing happened puts on her normal clothes nobody knows what happened Judah just assumes that he went into this prostitute or whatever and then he sends his buddy with the goat But they can't find her anywhere And they ask around and they the people are like what you know, there was no harlot in this place What are you talking about? So then judah says hey, this is embarrassing to keep asking around about this, you know, like hey I'm trying to pay this hooker, you know, you guys know so, you know, it's kind of embarrassing after a while So he said, you know, we don't want to be ashamed Lest we be ashamed. Let's just let her keep my id. Let's just go to the dmv and get a new one Okay, let's just it's not a big deal So he ends up, you know going back to his house life goes on Okay, and then several months go by and all of a sudden It becomes apparent that tamar is pregnant Now here's the thing, you know tamar is supposed to be betrothed Onto sheila remember she's kind of in limbo and wondering why it isn't happening She got impatient Well because she's betrothed unto sheila And she's going out and basically getting pregnant from some other dude This is basically Adultery, you know in their sight it's like an adultery, you know, because it you know, for example later in the law of god if you Uh, basically lie with the woman who's betrothed It's it's you know, it's like an adultery in that sense because she's promised to somebody else or whatever. So basically judah declares a punishment and says You know, oh she's pregnant well Burn her with fire You know, she's gonna be put to death for playing the whore In my house and dishonoring us and and cheating on her future husband and doing this But then of course then she pulls out and says, oh, okay. Well just so you know the guy who's the father You know, it's the guy and and they did this on a tv show by the way. No, i'm just kidding no, it wasn't a tv show but You know, that was a big reveal the ratings went through the roof Because she when she pulled out the signet ring and the staff and said well, this is the dude That knocked me up and then and then when judah sees that you know now he's In a real weird position And he says oh well, you know, she's more righteous than I am because you know, I didn't give her uh, I didn't give her she loves As a husband, you know, it's like well, dude You're in a real weird position because now these kids are going to grow up and like what do you tell them? What do you tell the family? Like what do you talk? You know, what do you say at thanksgiving when people come over and you know, it's like what's It's horrible Now stop and think about this for a minute, you know The first thing I pointed out was the fact that when judah sold his brother into slavery. He got a big punishment Because for that act of trafficking his brother down into egypt what happened to him? His firstborn son is wicked dies second born son hates the firstborn son wicked dies wife Dies, okay. I mean bad things are happening to this guy It's coming back to get him Big time but then not only that how about the sin of going to a prostitute? Folks the bible teaches that we should not be whoremongers And that we should not commit fornication. We should flee fornication And fornication is a wicked sin in the sight of god Old testament new testament is wicked And so he commits the sin of fornication And i'll bet he probably thought that it wasn't a big deal But think about this If you commit that sin of fornication You could get some serious punishments from god, but stop and think about this for a minute Let's say you were to go out and commit fornication And you could think about all the bad things that could happen as a result, especially what he did going to this worker Right what he thought was a a prostitute, okay? well Think about this you could say, okay, you could get an std Doing that and not just from a prostitute but even just from the the loose women of this world You know, you could pick up a disease And you say man, that'd be horrible to pick up some std But not only that, you know You could end up getting some girl pregnant out of wedlock and that could be a big disaster and a shame And a humiliation and then there's just the financial aspect of the child support or whatever that you're gonna have to deal with All the drama all the problems that are associated with that Or you could say, you know that if you committed that sin People could find out about because we're talking about earthly punishments that could happen people could find out about it And then you're exposed and you're humiliated and you're embarrassed because you know Maybe he was okay with his buddy hira the idolamite knowing about it because that guy's kind of a probably a sleazy kind of guy But he doesn't probably necessarily want the whole family to know about it and everything so you can think about all of the the pitfalls of committing that fornication You know of it could be a disease. It could be humiliation. It could be Getting getting her pregnant just dealing with whatever problems You can think about all the scenarios, but you know what if you sat down and you hadn't read this story And you sat down and thought of all the bad things that could happen all the horrible scenarios Nothing is as bad as what actually happened I mean think about like because you because think about it you might be thinking to yourself. Oh, you know what? I let's say I go out and commit fornication. I mean, maybe maybe i'll get an scd, but I probably won't Maybe i'll get caught but I probably won't you know, maybe i'll be well, you know I'll go for it probably not going to be a big deal. I'll probably get away with it But stop and think about this. Okay of all of the things that judah could have imagined as a person imagined as a punishment Never would he have thought you Are going to be fathering children with your own daughter-in-law It's just like What You know, this is sick. This is perverted. This is humiliates. Oh, and by the way, it's going to be written in the bible People are going to be you're going to be roasted You know thousands of years from now You know approximately four thousand years from now You're going to be getting roasted in vancouver washington on a thursday night four thousand years from now by the way But I mean just stop and think about the enormity of this This horrible Incestuous union and the children is just like what in the world and you might not you you're like well, what's so weird about it? I know things are getting really weird today But this is weird The the father and the son being with the same woman is horrific The word of god paints it as horrific and weird and sick and it is and so What we see here is judah reaping The worst that he could possibly get from this scenario and if you stop and think about it It's sort of like when you go to court and and and you've been convicted of a crime and then there's a sentencing And the judge has a certain leeway to give you maybe he could give you Five years or he could give you eight years or he could give you 12 years or what? You know, he might have a certain latitude where the law says here's a minimum sentence Here's a maximum sentence, but you know what i'm seeing in the life of judah is i'm seeing him It seems like he gets the maximum sentence for what he does I mean what he did to joseph. He gets the worst possible punishment what he does with that prostitute It's the worst possible punishment. Why i'll tell you why because he's growing up in a godly home And when you grow up in a godly home unto whom much is given of him so much be required And so you don't want to think to yourself young people like oh, you know I could go out and commit fornication and I can do these things and you know, yeah pastor anderson Is trying to scare me with all these things that could happen Yeah, I could die in a in a car wreck or I could get a dui if I get drunk or yeah I guess I could get an std. But what are the chances that i'm actually going to get an std? Well, i'll tell you this if you're raised in a christian home If you're under the sound of my voice right now hearing this bible preaching your chances just went through the roof Of getting hit with the maximum punishment that god could send your way If anybody's going to get the dui, it's going to be the christian young person who's who's out drinking If anybody's going to get the std, it's going to be the christian young person who's out Uh fornicating if anybody's going to be humiliated and exposed and have these things happen, you know Judah is reaping what he showed and let me tell you something you don't get to pick When and where and how the punishment for your crimes come? You don't get to pick and you can't predict I mean judah probably thought he got away with it. I mean he committed the crime Think about how much time went by he goes down there and has three kids before anything bad happened. He's down there He's married. He's three kids. That was before anything bad happened But then what happens the punishment start coming it doesn't always happen right away But this is a real poetic justice for him the type of things that are happening to him And that's not even to mention The stuff that he's going to deal with just going down to see joseph and joseph really messes with their minds And kind of messes, you know, that was that was stressful I mean, that's not the worst thing judo went through with his kids dying his wife dying, you know Fathering these weird bastard children, you know and and all this stuff but the thing is You know, he also then had to deal with all the stress of of of you know being put in that really weird situation With joseph down in egypt where he eventually finally just breaks down And actually gets right. I think you know, what is this chapter about? It's it's about judah kind of hitting rock bottom I think in genesis 38 because it kind of interrupts the joseph story if you think about it because the joseph story is in Chapter 37 and then we just have chapter 38 is just kind of this wild story And then it's like boom. We're back to joseph in 39 But everything in the bible is that way for a reason And I believe that this chapter is here to show us judah hitting rock bottom And just getting all these punishments because then later a few chapters chapter 43 We're going to see judah actually having something of a change of heart and he ends up actually Getting right with god and he actually is willing to sacrifice himself for his brother As opposed to wanting to do away with his brother. It's like a it's like a total 180 and he turns it around completely But now stop and think about america, you know because we were talking about how You know this story can kind of picture The the wicked persecuting the just because joseph is a godly young man and these uh brethren are wicked including judah punishing him But you don't think about america under whom much has been given of him shall much be required, you know America has been given more spiritually than any nation on this earth Not even israel Could even hold a candle i'm talking about the ancient is the real israel not the anti-israel fake israel Over there in the middle east i'm talking about the real israel back in in the old testament days You know america has received more Because america has been given what the entire word of god on a silver platter the bible in the english language Right there case closed But now with that, you know ancient israel they saw through a glass darkly. I mean we have the new testament We've got an english bible Perfectly accurate translation in our language the word of god king james bible in english best translation in the history of mankind perfect without error We've got the word of god at our fingertips I mean what a blessing but not only that We've had more baptist churches more Evangelical preaching more door-to-door soul winning than any country in the history of mankind It's not just us. It's not just the new ifb. I mean think about it before we were even born You had the ifb churches knocking doors preaching the gospel using the roman's road winning people to christ We've had more missionaries that we've sent out all over the world I mean the united states has sent more missionaries all over the world than any other country So we've had so much church so much religion So much of the bible the bible is in every dollar tree and walmart and every corner drugstore Churches everywhere the true gospel of jesus christ everywhere. I mean look I go out soul winning in phoenix arizona Every single time I go soul winning for an hour. I run into at least one person who's already saved I mean you run into people that are saved all the time This country knows the gospel this country has heard the gospel now that this country's heard a lot of hard preaching I mean, there's all kinds of hard preaching on youtube. I mean some of it's been removed, you know I mean i'm a little bitter about that But i'm saying like there's some there's some great preaching on youtube even to this day In spite of all the censorship and everything. Hey, there is some great Preaching that has thundered forth in the english language for hundreds of years now and even right now even today Sunday morning sunday night midweek service the word of god is thundering forth in churches all over america You got baptists everywhere. You got 50 million people in america identifying as baptist Out of 340 million people in america 50 million of them are identifying as baptist I mean, you've got all the non-denom that are basically baptist But the pastor wears skinny jeans and a and a graphic tee and they have a rock band But they're pretty much baptist a lot of these non-denom churches. You've got baptist. You've got the king james version You've got soul winning folks. We Have received more blessing from god Spiritually and we've had all of this preaching and spiritual investment in this country And what are we doing with it right now? We're flushing our country down the toilet right now And committing all these sins and persecuting god's people So let me ask you this Do you think that the judge who's sitting up in heaven is going to give the minimum sentence to america? Or you think he's going to give the maximum sentence to america. I mean stop and think about it You know, why is judah reaping the whirlwind Because he's jacob's son. That's why Because he should have known better Okay, he is a son of jacob. He is growing up worshipping the lord and knowing these things Okay, and so today we in the united states And Are throwing away? our spiritual heritage today And then those of us that are actually trying to fight back and stem the tide and speak up and preach the word of god Are persecuted and hated even by our fellow brothers in christ, you know, even by our own brothers christ You say well, this is different because this is his own brother and persecuting him folks. Most of the persecution that we face today Is at the hands of fake christians Or even real christians who are just so backslidden and so watered down and so lame And so worldly that they're so stupid that they don't even know whether they should stand with the man of god They're a bunch of angry sodomites You say yeah, but you know pastor shelley used a potty word the other day Do you think I give a rip about that I don't I I couldn't care less about that Because you know what he's surrounded he's surrounded by freaks every single week for years The guy's going to church for years surrounded by freaks Okay, that are saying the most filthy Vile things to him and his church members every week They're just trying to go to church and they're surrounded by freaks and you know, the christians around him Are all backing up the perverts People that are literal satanists and perverts and then you have the christians around him Backing up the weirdos giving them aid and comfort giving them water You Know and and and helping them And and and saying that you know that they will support them and that pastor Shelly is horrible and that he's the bad guy and that dylan is a bad guy and all these things, right? I mean dylan's your guy. Am I right? He's your boy So But you know He's going through all this he's surrounded by all these weirdos surrounded by all these freaks saying all manner of vile horrific things Doing all manner of vile and horrific things. I mean, it's it's the battle of our generation my friend Okay, you've got the judges You know, uh, just just totally unjust totally wicked You know, just just allowing his landlord to defraud him And sitting there and supporting these freaks of nature. Okay? And then Everybody wants to basically just find a reason To not support the man of god. You know what i'm gonna support the man of god And I don't even care if he doesn't do everything just right I don't even care Because i'm just gonna i'm just to me. It's like you have to be a complete idiot To side with those freaks out there for any reason against the man of god, even if the man of god You know, let's say he preached a little too hard against the sodomites or something Hey idiot side with the man of god and not these evil god hitting represent and i'm not saying he did because like I said whatever pastor shelly said about homos and whatever pastor or whatever, uh, brother dylan aus said I Agree with 100% I don't think they went too far With what they said about homos no way like i'm there i'm right there with you, buddy But i'm saying even if they did Even if they did how can you not be disgusted and horrified by the things that are going on in our nation? I mean just even just driving just driving through oregon today. We saw so many weirdos in oregon. What is wrong with oregon? You know, we just drove from ashland to portland and it was just like, you know Don't look back kids you're gonna turn to a pillar of salt if you look back at that at that last town we just left It's been bad I'm like what in the world is going on? But it's like oh but you know, he he did something really bad I mean, I know that there's no verse in the entire bible that actually says what he did was a sin But i've been all the new ifb guys just get defended I mean, I know there's no verse in the entire bible that says that what he actually did was a sin But you know, I mean, you know, come on And you know what obviously I get it I understand that that you know Things aren't always appropriate, you know, I mean look i'll put you this way, you know I get it that there's a time and a place and and things can be appropriate or inappropriate But you know, i'm not going to stand in judgment of him and I don't even care quit quit messaging me about it You know Stop forwarding that crap to me. Amen, you know, that's why I don't I don't care nuts to you Like i'm supposed you know what they're doing they're straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel Right, like we're all we're all supposed to freak out We're all supposed to freak out Because pastor shelly had a you know, a different judgment call than you or a slip or said something inappropriate or whatever But it's like, you know, why don't you try walking a mile in his shoes? You know and and why don't you you know next time you want to tell me? You know the iniquity of one of my pastor friends make sure you have a bible verse ready that they actually violated. How about that? Yeah You know if you want to you know, if you want to come at me and talk smack about one of my pastor friends How about actually having a bible verse that mentions what they did? and not just some catch-all verse that just says like don't you know, it just says like do right or something and he And he didn't do right And this verse says that we should do right so that's the verse that he violated I mean somebody somebody came at me and said well, what's this verse mean unclean lips? Hmm? And i'm just thinking like are you are you do you really think that this verse is referring to an english Vocabulary word it's it's it's like prophesying an english vocabulary word 2700 years in the future Like that's just like like it was just like a mic drop it was just like unclean lips Okay What now You know what you know what you want to know what unclean lips are the lips of every filthy faggot in this country And every faggot loving preacher who's getting up and preaching that we need to love them and bring them into our church And that we need to uh, love them if they're in our family and our aunts and uncles that are queers We need to have them over for a barbecue. No. Hey, that's unclean lips my friend And you know what I don't care If people out there are gonna get mad at me for being a little too mean or mad at my friends For being a little too harsh a little too. Hey you nothing that you say about these sodomites will ever offend me Let me just say that right now you when you can never there's nothing That anyone could say about these homos that would offend me. I'll just be like I'm serious. Nothing you say will offend me now I might say like well be careful saying that because you know, you might get arrested or something but like But it won't offend me There's no there's no vocab you could use about these sodomites that would ever offend me There's nothing you could call them where i'd be like, whoa That's too harsh I'll just be like, okay So But you know what we live in a real strange time don't we You know, we live in a time where evil satanic Filthy pervert predators are indoctrinating our children in schools They're indoctrinating our children In in through cartoons this new buzz lightyear cartoon that I see all these billboards for buzz lightyear Oh, okay. You know, this is a nice thing for the kids Right. I mean it's a it's a toy astronaut or whatever Sounds great Right except that it has a sodomite Love thing in it. Who knows what i'm talking about Well, the whole auditorium knows what i'm talking about So this this is a buzz lightyear cartoon showing it to a kid showing kids and perverting their minds Corrupting their minds. Let me just say right now Anyone who wants to corrupt our children's minds with that evil smut is super evil And ought to be destroyed by god and let me tell you something and let me tell you if that's half of america Then so be it I don't care. You say well, it's a billion people Because you know what anybody who wants to indoctrinate my kids with that evil sick Filth is wicked and should be destroyed and let me tell you something right now Let me tell you something right now I'm 40 years old. I'm a grown man. I'm sick of seeing this crap myself I don't want to look at it either You know, I want to go through life having a clean mind, too I don't want to be exposed to this junk. I don't want to be exposed to this filth They say well, why are you bringing it up? Because i've been looking at it all stinking days just trying to drive through oregon just trying to stay with the high five I barely even left by five and i'm seeing weird things Let me tell you something my friend You need to stop getting so offended and worried about a pastor who who who rips a little face You know raises a little hell and you're worried about that Folks let me tell you something Baptist pastors who preach too hard are not ruining america. You remember that verse Do you remember that verse in the bible where one of the prophets of god god had to take him aside and tell him? He was preaching too hard You remember that part i'm trying I can't remember what part that was You remember the part where god told him? Whoa, don't use that word You remember the part where he said whoa, buddy. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you know, you need to be a little nicer to Dagon and his crowd and you know, you're being a little rough on the sodomites. Did you really have to break down their houses asa? You know josephat you think that you really had to do that Can somebody show me that in the bible Somebody show me in the bible where the prophets of god or anyone were ever told that they rebuked sin too hard You know what so where is this coming from you know what I mean, but but we're just so brainwashed by our society Into thinking that our pastor is supposed to be like the guy on little house on the prairie reverend alden on the tv show or whatever And and you know, look I don't care You know the men of god in the bible They were some bad dudes. They preached hard. They ripped face. They raised hell and so, you know what? You know like it or lump it You know and there and if you don't like it, there's plenty of the other kind of church around You know, i'm not going to change i'm not going to stop I'm not worried about it and look again. I'm not saying that everything I do or say is always right I'm, not saying that everything I say behind the pulpit is right I'm sure I say things behind the pulpit that aren't right I'm sure sometimes I get carried away and maybe say something that's that's that's uh over the top I'm sure that some of my pastor friends say things that are that are out of bounds or overboard or inappropriate or offensive or whatever But you know what i'm not going to worry about that I'm, not worried about that because you know what god has chosen to use the foolishness of preaching Whenever I feel, you know, sometimes I look at my own preaching. Sometimes I just think like man You know my preaching isn't really what it should be And i'm just thinking like man, I wish I could be a better preacher I wish I preached a better sir. I wish my sermon was more polished, you know, or I wish that I had done a better job, but you know, sometimes, you know, we as preachers sometimes we feel bad about Sometimes the sermon that we preach because maybe it just wasn't really It didn't come out the right way or wasn't really the quality that we wanted You know, we work hard to prepare a sermon and then it just kind of it's a dud or whatever You know, I mean we're human and we feel that way we sometimes feel that way but you know whenever I feel that way whenever I preach and I feel like man that sermon was not a good sermon like I it was just a dud Yeah, I kind of just kind of get in the car and leave kind of fast because i'm kind of embarrassed about my sermon You know, but you know the thing about that is that you know, what I think to myself is that you know God has chosen the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe And so i'm thinking to myself, you know what that god uses Imperfect people he uses the foolishness of preaching now Look, if one of my pastor friends is out getting drunk and fornicating and doing something that's actually mentioned in the bible Then then yeah, you know, we're gonna have an issue Yeah Something that's actually a a big sin something that's actually mentioned in scripture once Or twice, you know, but but but what i'm saying is, you know, we ought to have patience with pastors That are Doing the job that no one else will do And you know, here's here's the funny thing. It's like oh, you know, you don't like, uh this pastor or that pastor You don't like the new ifb Here's the thing about that is that you know There aren't really a lot of choices if you're actually looking for a pastor that's actually going to preach the whole bible And if you actually want a pastor that's actually going to confront this issue, that's the big fight of our generation With the sodomites, you know, it's not like you just have a ton of options It's not like you're just like well, there's 15 churches in portland preached in leviticus 2013 Which one am I going to go to? So, you know don't you can't just sit there and pick apart The guys that are actually doing something for god because you know what? Hey You know, they're doing something big for god And they're they're going through a lot. They're being persecuted have some grace when they make a mistake Or even or even just they do something you don't agree with or that you don't like or that you feel is inappropriate You know, there are a lot of things that the that the preachers did in the bible that were Inappropriate if you think about it, I mean didn't isaiah preach naked. It's I mean, you know I mean, there's some there's some there's some pretty wild stuff That these guys did In the bible, you know, and i'm not i'm not saying That basically anything goes behind the pulpit, but you know, it's like oh the sacred desk and you know, how dare you desecrate? The sacred desk and everything, you know but but here's the thing about that is that You know I think god's a lot more pleased When his words thundering forth with power and uncensored and unfiltered and boldly the king james bible's being preached hard from behind his sacred desk Even if a few eggs get cracked in the making of the omelet Rather than the guy who's just oh the sacred desk, but he never preaches anything worth listening to Across his sacred desk now. He never said anything. He never said anything bad or whatever, but he didn't say anything It's easy not to get it's easy not to get a little too worked up and say something a little crazy When you're just never worked up Because you're just not even preaching hard Because you're just not even preaching from the heart because you're so scripted, you know You got your you got your script out there and you know You're preaching your eloquent perfect little sermon that you downloaded from paul chapel's website or whatever You know, i'd rather listen to somebody that actually has somebody something to say rip some face, you know That's how that's how I feel about it personally, you know I don't know about you, but you know, that's how I feel, you know And you know, look I get it that certain things aren't aren't appropriate, you know In certain situations and you say well, are you condoning what he did? I'm not condoning what he did, but i'm not condemning it either I'm, just minding my own business Because I don't care because it's not it's not my it's not my choice. It's not my job to judge another man's servant I'm not going to sit there And i'm not going to sit there and and and decide Whether what he did is okay or not because that's not my place You know, whatever he does and says is his business and he answers to god and frankly I think that's going to be a great day for him when he answers to god because I think he's doing a great job So whether you know the the issue of whether it's appropriate or not, you know You're rearranging deck chairs on the titanic as far as i'm concerned. It's such a nothing. It's such a nothing burger You know, the whole ship is sinking And you want to rearrange the chairs on the titanic? That's how I feel about it You know That's where i'm at my friend. I'm just just telling you And so i'm not i'm not worried about it. I'm not judging him Uh for or against I will say this it's as far as i'm concerned It's for sure not a sin because the sin's the transgression of the law and there's no law like that in the bible. So Amen All right, I don't know how we got off on that but judah But you know as nor, you know, you say that was a pretty gnarly rabbit trail. Yeah, but it's it was like Mellower than the story we're reading because I mean the story Judas is 38 is wilder than anything. I just said In the last 15 minutes, okay Can we all agree on that? And so my friend let me tell you something sin That is major sin that is an abomination in the sight of god things like You know murder human trafficking Uh, you know, uh whore mongers and and whores and the these terrible things these big things. Let me tell you something They bring serious consequences And there are going to be some serious consequences That come upon our nation There are going to be some serious things that will come into your life And I don't know about you, but I don't want to live judah's life at all I don't want to have a family like judah had I don't want to have the kind of fate that judah had where everything I do is going wrong and everything's falling apart. I mean We need to take this as a warning as a nation and personally And say you know what we need to be We need to be careful That we don't go into sin and in our generation that's become so wicked it could be easy to start justifying sin And saying well, look how these horrific sodomites at least i'm straight, you know as you commit fornication Or well, at least i'm not you know, like these weirdo transvestites were but let me tell you something fornication is wicked Drunkenness is wicked. Hey, I don't care how many billboards I saw today smoking pot is wicked I saw 703 Pot billboards on the way up here Okay, and it's wicked. I don't care if it's legal. I don't care if everybody's doing it drunkenness drugs fornication stealing murder Hey, we as god's people we need to be holy. We need to follow the word of god the laws That were given us in the word of god for our benefit for our protection Quit listening to these weirdo freaks out there Quit letting these people brainwash you even with their cartoons And teach you that this stuff is okay and gets you all mad at the preachers of god's word Instead of getting mad at the people you ought to be mad at people are actually ruining america We need to make sure that we don't as christians squander our heritage like juda Squandered the good teaching that he's getting and the good christian home and go out and waste a few decades In the world and Ruin his family and his life and everything now eventually it gets right with god and things go well for him You know, you can always come back as a christian and and and fix things but you know, I don't know about you I don't want to be gone for 15 years messing up my life You know, I want to stay with the lord. I want to stay in church I want to stay doing what's right and i'm not going to let them out there Tell me what's right and wrong and tell me what to believe And tell me who I should be for and who I should be against i'm going to let the bible tell me that It's fine and have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word lord And we thank you for these stories. Some of these stories are a little rough to read lord, but I just pray that every single person here would realize that We're living in a in a in a crooked generation There are a lot of horrible things going on out there in this world lord Help us to be sober and to be vigilant and help us to keep ourselves pure Help us to keep our loved ones pure help us to keep the church a place where it's a culture that's against fornication And against drunkenness and against idolatry and everything else lord help us to stand as lights in the world and lord Just please just bless the soul winning on saturday and sunday and spokane and everywhere else lord Help us to win many more people to christ and get them get them saved from hell before it's eternally too late And in jesus name we pray. Amen All right our last one is 368 in your blue hymn books blessed assurance Song number 368 in your blue hymn books blessed assurance Let's sing it out on the first blessed assurance Jesus is mine Oh what a foretaste of glory divine Heir of salvation Purchase of god Born of his spirit washed in his blood This is my story This is my song Praising my savior All the day long This is my story This is my song Praising my savior All the day long Perfect submission Perfect Visions of rapture now burst on my side Angels descending Bring from above Echoes of mercy whispers of love This is my story This is my song Praising my savior All the day long This is my story This is my song Praising my savior All the day long Perfect submission All is at rest I in my savior Am happy and blessed Watching and waiting Looking above Filled with his goodness Lost in his love This is my story This is my song Praising my savior All the day long This is my story This is my song Praising my savior All the day long Amen, good scene brother alex coach you and us a word of prayer You You