(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is where Jesus is being tempted by the devil in Matthew chapter 4 and it says in verse number 3 When the tempter came to him, and we know that that's the devil, it says He said if thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread Look at verse number 6 And saith unto him, If thou be the son of God, cast thyself down for it is written He shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Now it's interesting The first time that the devil approaches man in the Old Testament, right at the beginning of the Bible You remember the first thing out of his mouth was a question Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of all the trees of the garden So the first thing he did when he tempted man in the Garden of Eden, when he tempted Adam and Eve was that he questioned God's word Did God really say that? Well in the New Testament, the first time we meet the devil in the New Testament He's questioning whether Jesus is the son of God Cause right away he's saying, well if thou be the son of God Well, there's no if about it, Jesus Christ is the son of God But he said, well if thou be the son of God, see the devil wants to put a question mark Where God has already put a period, I mean Jesus is the son of God And he's saying, well if you are the son of God And he's trying to doubt that and question that Now tonight I want to preach on this doctrine of the fact that Jesus Christ is the son of God And what that means, you say well that sounds pretty basic, I mean everybody already knows that But we're going to go in depth here tonight and understand what that means Because a lot of people are attacking this doctrine today of Jesus Christ being the son of God I've run into many people out soul winning who try to say, well Jesus never claimed to be the son of God People said that about him but he never said that If you run into Muslims, I've been knocking on doors lately running into Muslims And they'll say, oh I believe in Jesus And they say, I know that the Bible will have verses that mention that Jesus is the son of God But he never said that about himself And another thing is that modern Bibles today, the NIV, the New American Standard These modern versions take out the places where Jesus Christ said that he's the son of God They actually remove those places To where you won't find Jesus saying that about himself in the NIV, it's removed Now, why is this so important? Well, because it's the deity of Christ that's at stake here, number one And number two, it's important because if that's the first thing that the devil attacks Then obviously this is a doctrine that we need to contend for and stand up And the other thing is that other people will take this doctrine And they'll say, well Jesus is the son of God but he's not God You know, he's not equal with God And they'll try to say, well because he's the son of God, that means that he's not God in the flesh And we're going to deal with that tonight too That's what the Jehovah's Witnesses or others would try to say So what does it mean, why does the Bible call Jesus the son of God? First of all, let's establish that the Bible does call Jesus the son of God And that he himself claimed to be the son of God First of all, look at Matthew 27, you're in the book of Matthew already Look at Matthew chapter 27 In Matthew 27, these are the ones who are mocking Jesus and reproaching him And they say to him, in Matthew 27 43, he trusted in God, let him deliver him now if he will have him For he said, I am the son of God So they heard him say it It says in verse number 54 That when the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus Saw the earthquake and those things that were done They feared greatly saying, truly this was the son of God Now go to John chapter number 9, I want to show you where Jesus flat out said that he was the son of God I mean there are many places but I'm just going to show you one of them But look at John chapter 9, while you're turning there let me go through some other verses about Jesus being the son of God First of all, it says in Mark 1-1 The first verse is the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the son of God Ok, so that spells it out right there But look at John chapter 9 verse 35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out This is a blind man who had been healed and he was cast out And when he had found them he said unto him, dost thou believe on the son of God? He answered and said, who is he Lord that I might believe on him? And Jesus said unto him, thou hast both seen him, thou hast both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee And he said, Lord I believe and he worshipped him So right there Jesus Christ said that he's the son of God right in John chapter 9 Well look at John chapter 10, you're in chapter 9 just go one chapter forward It says in verse 36, this is when he's being challenged by the Pharisees Here's what Jesus says to them in verse 36 Say ye of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world Thou blasphemest because I said I am the son of God Right, so did Jesus say he was the son of God? In chapter 9 he said, look you're talking to him He said, who's the son of God? Well you're looking at him, you're talking to him And then in the next chapter he said, yeah that's what I said, that I am the son of God Jesus Christ was truly the son of God So many multitudes of scripture, here's the NIV, the non-inspired version You want to look this up for me brother George? You can look that up for me in there Let me hand out some of these other phony Bibles And you say, Pastor Anderson, why do you do this so often where you hand these out? Because as sure as I'm standing here, you can go through this a million times But some people will still think it's not that bad or whatever Some people need the reinforcement to see it again and again To really know what these versions are doing Look up John 9.35 where we just were John 9.35, while we're turning there, I'll give you some other scriptures These are the disciples in Matthew 14.33 And then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying of a truth, thou art the son of God Matthew 26.63, but Jesus held his peace And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God That thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the son of God Jesus saith unto him, thou hast said He said, you said it He said, henceforth, nevertheless I say unto you, hereafter shall you see the son of man Sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven We're going to get to that a little bit later, why he's called the son of man And so are you there in John 9.35 and that portion of scripture? Now remember, in the King James Bible, look down at your King James Bible in John 9 He said at the end of verse 35, dost thou believe on the son of God? He says to this guy, do you believe on the son of God? And he says in verse 37, thou hast both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee What's it say in the NIV? It says, do you believe in the son of man? Do you believe in the son of man? So they take out the part where Jesus says that he's the son of God in chapter 9 Go ahead brother Garrett, what are you reading there, the new King James? Is this one the same or is it different? Do you believe in the son of God? Son of God, what do you got there in the living Bible? Do you believe in the Messiah? Okay, well yeah, they just pick whatever they want to call him in that one So, do you believe in the Messiah? What do you got? The son of man Yeah, do you believe in the son of man? But now in the NIV, look if you would brother Jordan at John 10.36 If you can even find it, I know the verse numbers are weird but Do you see John 10.36? I do What's it say in John 10.36? Go ahead and read it out loud What about the one whom the father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said I am God's son? So where did he say that? Because see, in the King James Version he said it in chapter 9 And then he refers back to it in chapter 10 Yes, I said I'm the son of God And that one he said, well do you believe in the son of man? And he's like, well because I said I'm the son of God you're angry See the contradiction there? He never even said that in the NIV So that's a contradiction But anyway, I don't want to go on and on about that But you know, you can see in these new Bibles they take out the word God 51 times In the NIV You know, they take out the word Lord I believe 66 times They're constantly changing things and making these changes And then people have challenged me and they'll say Show me one place in the Bible where Jesus said he's the son of God And I turn to them in John chapter 9 and show them and they're surprised Because in their Bible it's been removed And so they're like, wow, because they didn't expect it to say that Because they've got a phony Bible that's trying to make people question whether Jesus Christ is truly the son of God I mean how many different places did he say that he's the son of God? But then others will say, well wait a minute, if he's the son of God then he can't be God Oh, he's not God in the flesh, he's just the son of God Well first of all, let's establish quickly that Jesus Christ is God Then we'll explain that First of all, look at Hebrews chapter 3 Hebrews chapter number 3 I don't even need to take you to Hebrews 1-8 Which says, but unto the Son he saith Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever A scepter of righteousness, the scepter of thy kingdom I mean that right there spells out I'm not even going to take you to 1 Timothy 3-16 Where it says, and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh Justified in the spirit Preached unto the Gentiles Seen of angels Believed on in the world Received up into glory All speaking of Jesus Calling him God I don't even have to take you to the part where somebody called Jesus good master And he said, why call us thou me good? There's none good but one and that's God Let me tell you something If anybody was good it was Jesus Jesus said I'm the good shepherd He went about doing good I mean he was good He was the only one who was good Because he was God in the flesh I'm not even going to take you to Isaiah 9-6 Which says, for unto us a child is born Unto us a son is given And the government shall be upon his shoulder And his name shall go Wonderful Counselor The mighty God The mighty God Not a mighty God The mighty God The everlasting father The prince of peace But look at Hebrews 3 where it's just spelled out It says in Hebrews 3 wherefore holy brethren Partakers of the heavenly calling Consider the apostle And high priest of our profession Christ Jesus So Jesus Christ is who? He's the apostle of our profession Right? He's also the high priest of our profession Verse 2 Verse 2 Who was faithful to him that appointed him As also Moses was faithful in all his house So who is Jesus Christ being compared unto? Moses Moses right? He's saying hey Moses was faithful Jesus Christ was faithful But look at the difference between Jesus and Moses in verse 3 For this man Jesus Christ he's saying Was counted worthy of more glory than Moses How much more glory And as much as he who hath builded the house Hath more honor than the house For every house is built by some man But he that built all things is God Now do you see that? He says hey Jesus is to Moses As the man who built the house is to the house Because every house is builded by some man But he that built all things is God That's why it says in John 1-1 In the beginning was the word And the word was with God And the word was God The same was in the beginning with God All things were made by him Who? The word And without him was not anything made that was made That's why it says in verse 14 And the word became flesh and dwelt among us And we beheld his glory The glory as of the only begotten of the father Full of grace and truth The only begotten of the father was the word made flesh And the word was in the beginning with God And the word was God That's why it says in 1 John 5-7 Also removed from the NIV completely Removed from the New American Standard Removed from the Living Bible Removed from the New World Translation He said for there are three that bear record in heaven The father, the word, and the holy ghost And these three are one The father, the word, and the holy ghost You know what else that's known as? Matthew 28 18 Baptizing them in the name of the father And of the son And of the holy ghost Teaching them to observe all things Jesus Christ returns on a white horse In Revelation 19 And he had a name written that was called the word of God So the father, the word, and the holy ghost Also known as the father, the son, and the holy ghost Because Jesus Christ, the son of God Was the word made flesh And so he was in the beginning with God And he was God You see there are three that bear record in heaven The father, the word, and the holy ghost But these three are one Because there's only one God But he has three manifestations The father, the son, and the holy ghost The three and one Is what that teaches there in 1 John 5 7 As well as the trinity is also found It's not called in the Bible the trinity But the concept of the Godhead Or the three and one is found throughout the Bible It's found in Genesis chapter 1 When God said let us make man in our image After our likeness Notice the plurality there Let us make man in our image It's found in 2 Corinthians chapter 13 When it says in the love of God And the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ And the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost Be with thy spirit You got all three right there And all throughout the Bible you find the trinity In that way Father, Son, Holy Ghost Father, Word, Holy Ghost So Jesus Christ is God It's clear All things were made by him The Bible also says in Revelation That Jesus Christ is the beginning of the creation of God Look at Revelation chapter 1 The beginning of the creation of God Now people will try to say Oh he's a created being No He is the beginning of the creation of God It doesn't say he was the first thing created No Cause he was already in the beginning with God He had no beginning Let me give you another scripture on Jesus While you're turning to Revelation It says in Hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 of Jesus Christ Hebrews 7 verse 3 says Without father, without mother, without descent Having neither beginning of days nor end of life But made like unto the Son of God Abide to the priest continually Therefore Jesus Christ had no beginning of days And he had no end of life He is eternal from everlasting Micah 5 2 says that Jesus Christ is from everlasting He had no beginning of days nor end of life He is eternal He was already there in the beginning with God He was already there When the Bible says he's the beginning of the creation of God It means that he was the creator is what he was Because all things were made by him Colossians 1 teaches that Jesus Christ is the creator It says in Revelation chapter 1 And of course this is Jesus Christ speaking And he's speaking unto John and he says in verse 8 I am Alpha and Omega Those are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet The beginning and the ending Sayeth the Lord which is and which was and which is to come The Almighty The Jehovah's Witness will say to you Oh you know Jesus Christ is not the Almighty He's just a mighty God but he's not the Almighty God He is the Almighty God He said here I'm the beginning I'm the end I'm the Alpha I'm the Omega He says right here that he is, he was, he is to come He is existing in eternity Either direction as far back as you want to go or as far forward as you want to go He is God He said a little bit later on Because people will say oh that you know I was God the Father Okay well tell me if you're sure if this is Jesus It says in Revelation 1 17 And when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead And he laid his hand, right hand upon me saying to me Fear not, I am the first and the last Earlier on he said I'm the Alpha and Omega the first and the last You know he combined all those beginning and end He says verse 18 I am he that liveth and was dead And behold I am alive forevermore amen and at the keys of hell and of death So who's that that was dead? That's Jesus Christ right He was dead for three days and three nights And up from the grave he arose So this is Jesus Christ Saying I'm Alpha and Omega look at verse 11 I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last You see that in verse 11 And then you see in verse 17 he says I'm the first and the last I was dead now I'm alive Hey Jesus Christ is God in the flesh He dwelt among us and we beheld his glory As if he only begotten of the Father Jesus Christ was God incarnate Now you say well wait a minute Pastor Anderson Why was he called the Son of God? Turn back to John 5 17 You say well then why is he called the Son of God? Well we're going to get to that and explain to you why Because the Bible flat out tells us why We're not going to look at that verse yet First we're going to look at a verse in John 5 Then we're going to go to the verse that explains why Jesus is called the Son of God Because you say well if he's the Son of God how can you say he's God? Well he is God in the flesh and he's also called the Son and I'll explain why But look if you would at John 5 first of all In verse 17 But Jesus answered them My Father worketh hitherto and I work Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him Because he not only had broken the Sabbath But said also that God was his Father Making himself equal with God Now do you see that? Jesus Christ according to the narrator here of the book of John which is the Holy Spirit Said that Jesus Christ by making God his Father he said Made himself equal with God That he basically Now you say well I don't know if that's really what that means Okay look at Philippians chapter 2 Philippians chapter 2 would you mind turning there in that phony NIV as well? Philippians chapter 2 That piece of garbage next to you That's the NIV Philippians chapter number 2 And verse number uh uh Philippians 2 verse number 5 Let's start in verse 5 Everybody in Philippians 2 5 It says who being in the form Or let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus Who being in the form of God Thought it not robbery to be equal with God So look did Jesus Christ consider equality with God Something out of balance to him? No In John 5 he made himself equal with God Said in John 5 17 and 18 Here it says hey he thought it not robbery to be equal with God By making himself equal with God he's not stealing anything is he? Is he robbing some glory away from God? No It was not robbery for him to be equal with God What's it say in the non-inspired version? Who being in the very nature of God Did not consider equality with God something to be grasped You know according to NIV he couldn't quite grasp equality with God You know and the original New King James said that too Now they've changed it because people got so angry That now the New King James has toned that down But the New King James used to read exactly like the NIV when it first came out It used to say that equality with God was not something for him that he could really grasp You know what I mean is this is a little out of balance for him See how these versions are attacking the deity of Christ But the bottom line is here that Jesus Christ is co-equal with God because he is God in the flesh He is the Word made flesh He was in the beginning with God And people will say well I don't understand that how he could you know if he is God how is he praying to the Father It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not it's what the Bible says You know you can sit there and say and I always say this Well then explain this In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God How could the Word be with God and be God at the same time If you can answer that question then I'll answer the other question because you know what We don't have to understand we just need to believe it Amen You know because we don't understand everything because we are not as smart as God We're human beings I mean don't you think there are things that if I explain to my children they couldn't understand I mean if I explain to them calculus If I explain to them Einstein's theory of relativity They would not be able to grasp nor comprehend what I was saying But let me tell you something it's only because their intelligence is not high enough It's not that the theory of relativity is not something that makes sense It's not that calculus doesn't make sense calculus makes a lot of sense But to a young mind they won't understand it And it's the same thing when a human being says Well I don't understand everything about the Bible Look if you understood everything about the Bible then you'd be God No man understands everything about the Bible Because it's God's word God's thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts We don't know everything And the more I read this book I mean this week alone Just from talking to people about Genesis 1 and studying it I mean the most rudimentary basic chapter the first chapter Genesis 1 I've learned four new things this week from Genesis chapter 1 And there's 1189 chapters And I'll bet you a few years from now I'm going to learn other stuff about Genesis 1 The Bible is an unbelievably deep book And so we can't just sit there and say Well I don't understand it and so therefore I won't believe it Well then you're going to go to hell If you don't believe that Jesus Christ is God's word Because he said if you do not believe that I am he you shall die in your sins And he was referring to the verse that said in Isaiah 43 I am he and there's none else he said and beside me there is no Savior I'm the Lord before me there was no God formed Neither shall there be after me I'm the Lord and there is none else And beside me there is no Savior Isaiah 43 10 and 11 He said I'm it if you don't believe that you'll die in your sins Jesus Christ was challenged by the Pharisees they said to him Thou art not 50 years old and hast thou seen Abraham? He said verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am Remember that's what God said to burning bush He said they said what is your name? We want to tell the children of Israel Moses said I want to tell the children of Israel what is your name? And he said tell them that I am And said you unto them He said I am that I am He said my name is I am And Jesus said hey before Abraham was I am And that's when they picked up stones to stone him Because he was making himself out to be God in the flesh So why is he called the son of God? Look at Luke 1 35 See usually the answer to these things is just really simple It's nothing complicated The Bible gives us a very clear and simple answer To why Jesus is called the son of God Even though he was God himself incarnate in the flesh Why is he known as the son? Why did God choose to call him the son and to call himself the father? Why did he call himself that? And of course we know that Jesus Christ is also known as the father many times throughout the Bible Like in Isaiah 9 6 and elsewhere He calls himself the father He said if you've seen me you've seen the father You know I always point these people that balk at the deity of Christ I'll show them the part where he said I and my father are one And here's what they say They say oh you know that just means they're one in purpose They're just one in spirit And they say you know you and your wife are one You know? The two shall be one flesh You know the two shall be made one And I said yeah but would I ever say to you if you've seen me you've seen my wife Would that make any sense? We're one in purpose We're one in spirit But if you have seen me that doesn't mean you've seen my wife You know if somebody said show us your wife Show us your wife pastor I'd say well don't you get it if you've seen me you've seen my wife No it wouldn't work would it? Or what if they said to Solomon My son Solomon show us your father And he said don't you get it? If you've seen me you've seen my father That wouldn't make any sense would it? No But Jesus Christ was challenged by Philip Philip just said show us the father and it suffices He said Philip how long have I been with you and now it's not known me If you've seen me Philip you've seen the father You couldn't say that about someone who was not you I mean you know God was manifest in the flesh 1 Timothy 3.16 So real simple answer Here's just a simple question a simple answer Why is Jesus called the son of God throughout the Bible? He called himself that? The Bible calls him that Mark 1-1 many other places The demons the devils who possessed man and fell on his feet Said thou art the son of God And he silenced them because he didn't want them to make him known right away Remember he told them to be silent? The devil possessed people that came to him Because they said thou art the son of God Hey the people who mocked him as he was on the cross said he said he's the son of God The high priest said tell us whether or not you're the son of God And he said thou hast said I love it when they say are you the son of God? He's like thou sayest that I am No he didn't They get real mad They get in this big fight with him Because he wasn't cooperating properly in court for them They get real upset They're rending their clothes like Hulk Hogan or something Tearing apart their clothes And you know So they got really angry about it But in Luke 1 35 there's a real simple answer He just spells out why he's called the son of God It says and the angel answered and said unto her Well let's go back just one verse to verse 34 Just to get the context Let me turn to my Bible I was going off my printout here But let me turn there quickly It says in Luke 1 34 Then said Mary unto the angel How shall this be seeing I know not a man? Because basically this angel's telling her you're going to give birth to a son It's going to be the savior of man You know it's going to be Jesus Christ And she says how shall this be seeing I know not a man? She's saying look I'm a virgin You know how am I going to give birth to a child? How is this going to work? And the angel answered and said unto her The holy ghost shall come upon thee And the power of the highest shall overshadow thee Therefore Which means for this reason also That holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of God So why is Jesus Christ called the son of God? Because of the fact that he was conceived by the holy ghost Okay? Because he had no earthly father Because unlike the NIV says in Luke 2 33 Joseph was not Jesus' father And so because he had no earthly father And because it was the holy ghost that conceived the child within Mary's womb Therefore it was called the son of God Because he was not the son of Joseph He was the son of God because he was placed in the womb by God When she was with child of the holy ghost When the holy ghost came upon her And the power of the highest overshadowed her That is why the holy thing which was born of her was called the son of God I mean isn't that simple? Is that so complicated and hard to understand? He's called the son of God because of the fact that she was with child from the holy ghost And the holy ghost is God And so therefore that holy thing was called the son of God That's all there is to it Now you see why throughout the Bible is he known as the son of man? And truly Jesus Christ did call himself many times throughout the Bible The son of man Simply because of the fact that he had an earthly mother He was descended from man And he was descended from God Because his mother was a human being, right? His father was who? God And it was the holy ghost that came upon Mary and conceived the child within her Now the holy ghost, the father, the word, they all make up who God is And because Mary was his mother He was known as the son of man Because he was 100% man and 100% God He was God in the flesh but he was also a human being And so that's the amazing thing about Jesus Christ That he was human being He was completely human The Bible says he was tempted at all points like as we are yet without sin I mean the Bible says that he was a man That he was tempted That he never sinned but yet it records him being hungry It says when he fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward in hunger When he was on the cross he said, I thirst In Mark chapter 3 he became angry It says he looked round about on them with anger In Mark chapter 3 In John 11 he grieved and was sad and groaned within himself And of course the famous verse in John 11 35 Jesus wept The Bible says about Jesus in Hebrews chapter 5 Who in the days of his flesh When he offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was heard and that he feared That's the garden of Gethsemane When Jesus Christ prayed unto the father with strong crying and tears So he was a human being wasn't he? He was the son of man But he was also the son of God Because he was God in the flesh and because the Holy Ghost placed him there in the womb Now look at John 3 16 John 3 16 We're in Luke just go just a few pages to the right in your Bible John 3 16 It says for God so loved the world That he gave his only begotten son That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Now Jesus Christ here it doesn't say he's the only son It says that he's the only begotten son Because of the fact that the Bible says that we have received the spirit of adoption Romans chapter 8 Whereby we cry Abba Father So according to Romans chapter 8 we have received the spirit of adoption He has adopted us as his son He said in John 1 12 just go back one page But as many as received him to them gave the power to become the sons plural the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name That's why Jesus Christ is called the first born among many brothers He is the only begotten son He's also called the first born from the dead Because he's the first fruits of the resurrection But the Bible teaches that the moment that we believe on Jesus Christ The moment that our spirit is resurrected That we are adopted as his sons The moment that we believe on Jesus Christ we're born again And we are God's sons and God's daughters The moment that we believe on Christ Our spirit is Our flesh will then be resurrected one day And then our spirit and soul and body will all be the son of God You know right now we're just to have the first fruits of the spirit But you see I'm God's son tonight And if you're saved you are God's son tonight if you're saved Or you're God's daughter So does God only have one son? No There's the only begotten son Jesus Christ And really he's only called the son of God just because of the way he was conceived I mean he's really God in the flesh But we basically become God's sons when we believe on him When we get saved we become a child of God The Bible says in 1 John 3, 1 Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us That we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not Beloved now are we the sons of God And it does not yet appear what we shall be But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him For we shall see him as he is The Bible also calls us in 1 Peter chapter 1 Begotten again It says we've been begotten again unto a lively hope We've been born again Are we the natural born natural begotten sons of God? I mean were you born into this world a child of God? No You had to receive that spirit of adoption when you believe on Jesus Christ He said as many as received him that gave you power to become the sons of God That means that you weren't originally the son of God When you became God's son When you believe on Jesus Christ That's when you're accepted into the beloved That's when you're adopted as God's son But Jesus Christ has always been Always, always, all the way back has been present with God and always was God He has always been who he is The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost These three were one, are one, will always be one God Manifesting himself as the Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost Or later as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost And so we need to understand that you say well that sounds pretty basic And I have a lot of stuff in my notes here that I'm not going to go over just for sake of time I don't want to go on and on about this because I have tons of scriptures here But the main thing I want to point out here is that Jesus Christ is the son of God Don't be carried about with some false teacher And if somebody tries to tell you that Jesus is not the son of God He's a false teacher The NIV also removes Acts 8-37 And in Acts 8-37 when the eunuch had asked You know, what's the tender meaning of being baptized He said, if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest He answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God And he said also in, look at 1 John, last place I'll have you turn Look at 1 John And there's tons of scriptures that we're not turning to on the deity of Christ And on the fact that Jesus is the son of God But I just want to nail this down with you, this important point 1 John chapter 4 And look at verse number 15 1 John 4, 15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the son of God God dwelleth in him, and he in God Let me ask you something Is a person who says that Jesus is not the son of God saved? No way No way You've got to believe that Jesus is the son of God You know what else you have to believe? That Jesus is God You know, you can't sit there and say, well he's another God Or there's more than one God, or he's a God No, he said you better believe that I'm the key, or you'll die in your sins And so you've got to believe that he's the son of God And you've got to believe that he was God in the flesh That's what the Bible says, you've got to believe it And if you want to sit there and say, well I don't believe in that doctrine of the father and the son and the holy God Then you're not saved if you don't believe in that doctrine You are not saved Now I didn't say you have to fully understand that doctrine And none of us fully, fully, fully understands it But I'll tell you right now, you've got to believe it That Jesus Christ is the son of God Anyone who's preaching that Jesus is not the son of God Is a false prophet Anybody who's teaching that Jesus is not God in the flesh But that he's another God Or that he was a created being later on Is a false teacher and a false prophet And I want you to see here that It's not a contradiction That Jesus is God and that he's the son of God I mean, it goes together perfectly Once you understand where that term comes from And so let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father, we thank you so much for your word, dear God And help us not to be deceived or mixed up on things And confused by these doctrines Dear God, help us to read the Bible and study these things And know the truth That we'll be ready to give an answer to any man That would challenge us on this And try to say a foolish statement like that Jesus never claimed to be the son of God We'll just flip open the Bible and show them John 9.35 And so God, I pray that you would please just equip us With the doctrines and the scriptures that we need To know what we believe and why we believe And help no one here to ever be duped by these false versions That attack and strike at the core of the deity of Christ By removing Acts 8.37 By removing Jesus calling himself the son of God By removing 1 John 5.7 Attacking the doctrine of the Trinity And thereby damning their own souls to hell in the process When they made the NIV and these other versions Dear God, help us to stand fast And hold the traditions which we've been taught From God's word and from the Holy Spirit And in Jesus' name we pray, amen