(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Holy Spirit you would fill me with your power and that you would Speak to those that are here this morning dear God through the Word of God and through preaching Father I pray that everyone that's here would not have a hard heart To the subject that's being preached on but that they would Open their heart and let you speak to them about the truth of this matter and in Jesus name I pray amen Now turn if you would you're in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 pull it back just one page to 1st Corinthians chapter 8 And I'm going to I'm going to read a verse for you as we get into message in 1st Corinthians 8 4 the Bible reads as Concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols We know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is none other God, but one So there's only one God the Bible says and these idols that the Gentiles worshiped and these idols that people in our day worship They're not real is what he's saying, but but flip over if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 We'll see this clarified in Verse number 20 the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 10 20, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils and Not to God and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table And of the table of devils, so let me ask you something although the idol is not real Doesn't it represent something that is real which is a devil that people are worshipping when they worship an idol That's what the Bible says And so I'd like to preach to you this morning And this just segues into my first point only of seven I'm preaching for you this morning the seven sins of Halloween the seven sins of Halloween you say I don't like the sermon already. You know it's only gonna get worse alright so if you don't like it already you better just leave right now because it's only gonna get worse from here and So number one the first sin of Halloween is idolatry idolatry The Bible says here, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice And we know he's talking about things sacrificed unto idols. He says they're not sacrificing it to an idol They're not just sacrificing it to a piece of wood or stone or gold or silver some kind of a graven image Cunningly graven by the work of man. Hey, we know that they're sacrificing it to a devil You see the false gods of this world and if you study the word in the Bible God small G The little G God and God is always referring to a devil or a demon as people call them today the Bible calls them devils Now the Bible says in Exodus 20 verse 4 and if you've been working on the memorization with us You'd know that the second commandment is thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of Anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters under the earth thou shalt not bow Down thyself to them nor serve them now before he told you not to bow down or serve them He says don't make them don't make any graven images don't make any idols now Let me ask you something when you walk down the street or drive down the road in the month of October And you drive by a person's house whose house is decorated for Halloween What will you see on their porch if it's not a carved image of a evil face in a pumpkin? Oh? But that's not idolatry is it of course it's idolatry the Bible says not to make the any graven image let alone taking a pumpkin or it doesn't matter what it is and Carving an evil mean face into it. I wonder who came up with that idea in the first place anyway You know what it was it was probably some Baptist pastor somewhere Right no I know what it was it was some godly soul winning Christian grandmother Who decided that she was gonna carve evil faces into pumpkins and put a put a little candle in it and put it out on Her front porch right next to her little home is where the heart is decoration that hangs on her front door Good, where do you think it came from huh it came from idolatry? It's demonic now. I'm gonna tell you something I'm not one of these preachers who Preaches a lot of extra biblical material everything I preach is found in the Bible So I'm not one of these guys who's going to give you some kind of a history lesson I'm not going to get up here and tell you about the ancient origins of Halloween because you know what I don't know what that's really True you won't know what I'm saying is true, but Jesus said thy word is truth Referring to the Bible and so I'm going to preach to you from the Bible the seven sins that are become being committed By celebrating and practicing Halloween number one is idolatry look at the idolatry of Halloween look at the images of skeletons Look at the life-sized skeletons look at the dead bodies look at the the witches and the mummies that are in people's front yards Look at them and tell me that it's not idolatry. It's an image of something evil It's an image of something Satanic and I'm going to tell you something if I were to go down to the store right now and go to one of these Exotic stores and bring home one of these tiki masks, and I've seen them on display in a Christian's home You know who knows what I'm talking about put up your hand the tiki the big wooden carved mask the big evil face What if I just put it on the wall today? And I said this is my decoration, but I don't don't worry. I don't worship it You think it'd be right for me to do that when that image comes from a culture that that participates in human sacrifices When that comes from a culture of evil and Anti-jesus christ you think I'm gonna hang that kind of an abomination or an idol in my house I think not and you ought not either and so the sin of Halloween number one is idolatry the sin of having images all over your front lawn images all over hanging from the door a Skeleton a jack-o'-lantern, what do you think that stuff represents the Bible says it represents something it represents a devil You don't like that. Let's move on to the second point number two the glorification of death and darkness and evil that's the second sin of Halloween number one it's idolatry, but number two it glorifies death darkness and evil Proverbs 836 reads, but he that sinned against me wrongeth his own soul all they watch this all they that hate me Love death, that's what God says All they that hate me Love death What is the fascination with death about Halloween? It's all about death. It's all about dead bodies skeletons ghouls ghosts goblins I was thinking about this story turn if you would to mark chapter 5 in your Bible mark chapter number five You see Halloween glorifies death number one it also glorifies darkness, and it also glorifies evil and Don't try not to resist the message this morning Just think it through just maybe keep an open mind and listen to all seven points and then decide for yourself But please keep an open mind don't and you say why I just don't agree with you Well, that's because you already have plans for Halloween That's how you don't agree with me The reason you don't agree with me is because you're already scheduled to go to that Halloween party the reason you don't agree with me Right now is because you've already made plans, and it's too late to break your plans or here's why you don't agree with me Right now because because you sir or you ma'am I don't have the guts to stand up to your children who are running your house who? Terrorize you they're the ones who decide what church you go to in many cases They're the ones who decide what the rules are in your house God help us when when children run the house and the parents are afraid of the children If you sir if you ma'am at the end of this sermon agree with this And if you believe this you ought to stand up to your kids and say This is the way it is as for me in my house. We will serve the Lord and so You know part of the reason why you may not agree with the sermon is because you already have plans You've already bought that expensive costume. You've already told your children that you're going to take them out trick-or-treating But look down at your Bible if you would have marked chapter 5 the Bible reads in mark 5 1 and they came over onto the other side of the sea Into the country of the Gadarenes and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit this is a man that's demon possessed and Who had his dwelling among the tombs where does he live where does he stay in a graveyard? It is one among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in Pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day. He was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worshiped him and Cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the most I God I? Adjure thee by God that thou torment me not for he said unto me come out of the man thou unclean spirit here We see a man who's demon possessed. What are his telltale signs well number one. He loves the graveyard He loves to hang around death He loves to be around the tombs and and death and dead bodies. He thinks that that's cool He thinks that that's fun. That's what he likes to do and not only that but he cuts himself If you ever known people that cut themselves if you go to if you go to public school right now There are all kinds of kids at public when I was in school there were girls Many of them you'd see on their arms where they'd cut their own body Why because they're demon possessed because they're listening to demonic music because they're involved in idolatry They all these different things, and that's why they cut themselves That's what the Bible says okay, and not only that but the Bible says no man could bind him Nobody's gonna. Tell them what to do nobody's gonna. Give me any rules Nobody's gonna Give me a thou shalt or a thou shalt not You see these are some of the signs of of someone being demon possessed according the Bible But you see I was fascinated with death and Halloween glorifies death all of Halloween's about dead dead bodies dying gravestones in people's yards Skeletons whatever the case may be but not only that it glorifies darkness now God throughout the Bible is always describing things that are good as being light Everything that's good is the light and everything. That's bad is epitomized by darkness. Let me read a few scriptures for you The Bible says in Luke 22 53 no need to turn there when I was daily with you in the temple Jesus said You stretch forth no hands against me, but this is your hour and the power of darkness You see Jesus was arrested in the middle of the night in the Garden of Gethsemane And he said why aren't you resting me in the daytime? I'll tell you why because this is your hour and the power of darkness you know darkness Nighttime is when most violent crimes are committed You know nighttime is when the evil people come out you remember the story in Genesis 18 and 19 of Sodom and Gomorrah when did those? Queers surround lots house and try to attack him it was at night The Bible makes it clear was the night and in Judges 19 the same type of a story It was nighttime again, and the Bible makes it clear that as soon as the sun arose they all fled away They all ran away and went back to normal because at nighttime people do bad things they do strange things the Bible says they that Be drunken are drunken in the night People get drunk at night people commit violent crimes at night people sneak around and commit adultery at night Night is the power of darkness night is when wickedness happens the nighttime the darkness is is something That's glorified with Halloween. It's all about nighttime It's all about waiting until it gets dark so we can go out trick-or-treating John 3 19 and this is the condemnation that light is coming to the world and men loved darkness Rather than light because their deeds were evil the Bible says John 8 12 then spake Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the world He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life John 12 35 then Jesus said of them yet a little while is the light with you Walk while you have the light lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth John 12 46 I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness Acts 26 18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan Unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me Romans 13 12 the night is far spent the day is at hand Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of life. You say pastor Anderson Why don't you just preach the Bible? Why don't you just preach about Jesus? Why do you have to preach about Halloween on Sunday morning? If I'm not if this isn't Bible preaching I don't know what Bible preaching is You're gonna hear more Bible this morning, then you'll hear down the street at mr.. Rogers Baptist Church. I'll tell you right now Oh hello neighbor It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful Would you like to be my special neighbor this morning she had to be my friend You know the Bible needs to be preached somewhere And you know what you say well, this is so negative come back tonight I have a positive sermon tonight for some of you Sunday morning glories can show up on the evening service, and you'll hear the positive sermon tonight But this morning I'm trying to expose to you something that could be very positive in your life if you protect your children and protect yourself From an influence that's wicked nothing could be more positive Nothing could be more helpful. Nothing could be more of a blessing than to be protected and safe from harm and ill of the devil So Second Corinthians 4 6 for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts To give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ How about this one 2nd Corinthians 6 14 be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship at? Righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion have light with darkness Ephesians chapter number 5 or 6 let no man deceive you with vain words For because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience be not ye therefore partakers with them Don't partake with this wicked world in their glorification of death and darkness and evil For you were sometimes darkness But now are you light in the Lord walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness And truth proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness But rather reprove them for it is a shame to even speak of those things which are done of them in secret the Bible says Ephesians 6 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood But against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Colossians 1 13 who have delivered us from the power of darkness and have translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we Have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins 1st Thessalonians 5 5 You're all the children of the light and the children of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness. Let's put on the armor of light the Bible said previously First Peter 2 9, but you're a chosen generation a royal priesthood Unholy nation a peculiar people that you should show forth the praise of him what called you out of darkness into his marvelous light Now think about this scripture for a moment Let me read this for you turn there if you would actually to Matthew chapter number 6 turn your Bible to Matthew 6 And I want you to see this verse in Matthew chapter 6 verse number 22 Now number one we saw the sin of idolatry number two the glorification of darkness and death and evil But let's look if we would at Matthew 6 22 the Bible says the light of the body is the eye If therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light But if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness How great is that darkness now? Let's think about this for a moment? God is saying here that what goes into your eyes Will affect your entire body is that what it says it says if your eyes are right? Your whole body will be right if your eyes are wrong your whole body is gonna be full of darkness He said the light of the body is the eye if therefore that I be single my whole body shall be full of life And if I be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness Now think about this when you take your kids out trick-or-treating Or take them out through Halloween and and to the Halloween party into the haunted house. What are you filling their eyes with? You say oh, you don't understand pastor Anderson my little daughters dressed up like a princess Okay, she's not dressed up like Satan or you know or goblin or a dead body. You know She's dressed up like a princess pastor Anderson. I'll have you know and so Let me ask you something. What is your little princess looking at? What is she filling her eyes with and this is you know this is the problem with television? This is why no Christian ought to watch television Ouch This is why I haven't had a television in years and years This is why if you would be honest before God you know that when you sit down and watch television You're filling your eyes with images that are wrong and ungodly Why do you resist? Stephen in his great sermon in Acts chapter 7 right before being scorned to death for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ He said you do always resist the Holy Ghost You know you sit in front of your TV and resist the Holy Ghost telling you this is wrong. This is every every Cursing of Jesus name you go. Oh And the Holy Ghost is saying are you watching this every nudity that comes on the screen every? Scantily clad woman that comes on the screen every dirty off-color joke every reference Dysautomy that comes on the screen you say oh, but why do you resist the Holy Ghost? When God wants to use you in your life God wants to be filled with the Holy Spirit But if you're crunching the spirit you're not gonna be filled with the spirit like God commands you to be filled You wonder why you don't see the victories in your life you wonder why you don't see souls save You wonder why your friends and loved ones never get saved you wonder Why you don't see the power of God in your life you wonder why you can't give up the sin in your life because your whole Body is full of darkness because your eye is full of darkness. That's what the Bible says Clean up your eyes clean up your video case clean up your house and quit putting darkness into your eyes But when you take your kids out on Halloween, they'll see the ghoul They'll see Lucifer. They'll see the devils. They'll see the dead bodies the skeletons They'll see the women that are that are in their little Sleazy mini skirts and dress like their their hoochie mama a little outfit. They'll see it all So The so not only is it darkness and glorifying darkness But you're exposing them to darkness the Bible says in first Psalm I thought this is the message which we've heard of him and declared to you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all if we say that we have fellowship with him and Walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth, but if we walk in the light as he is in the light We have fellowship one with another in the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin So the sermon really could be let's change the title of the sermon how to have fellowship with Jesus Christ How to fellowship with Jesus right is that better? How does how to fellowship and walk with God? How to walk in the light as he is in the light now that boy. That's wonderful isn't it? But see you got to get that you can't you can't have fellowship with him and walk in darkness God says you're lying if you say you have fellowship with me and walk in darkness so number one Quick recap number one we had the this the seven sins of Halloween number one we have idolatry number two the glorification of Darkness and death and evil, but number three how about the glorification of fear? The Bible says in 2nd Timothy 1 7 for God have not given us the spirit of fear But of power and of love and of a sound mind now flip over your Bible to Philippians chapter 1 And let me let me ask you this question As you've studied the Bible and maybe you've studied the Bible some people more than others in this room obviously everybody here is at a Different level of growth in their Christian life, but in your studies of the Bible What do you think is the most common usage of the word fear? Who what who or what are we supposed to fear? I mean most commonly mentioned in the Bible think about it for a moment God On on fear God fear God fear the Lord the fear of the Lord fear God fear the Lord fear God keep his commandments I mean on and on many times. That's the most common usage of fear, but did you know this that? Every other time in the Bible that fear is mentioned It's a negative thing did you know that the only fear that God ever tells you to have is to only? fear God Only fear the Lord that's the only thing I mean if you I'm telling you fear does not come from God God has not given us the spirit of fear the only fear He says is fear me But any other fear that you have is not from God you have the fear to go soul wings is not from God Okay, if you walk down the street on a dark night And you're afraid that didn't come from God because the Bible says yea, though I walk through it what it doesn't yeah, you know I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort Jesus How many times did Jesus say fear not I mean many times just do a search in the Bible in the steward fear Not fear not fear you not therefore fear them not fear not fear not fear not And you know really the Bible says there is no fear and love the perfect love cast about fear Because fear hath torment he that fearth is not made perfect in love We love him because he first loved us first John chapter 3. I believe and so fear is not from God It's wrong the only fear that is not a wrong fear is Fear in God because no matter where you are what situation you're in you should have the faith in God to not possess fear now If you disagree with that go home open what's called the concordance and look up the word fear every time the word fear occurs and Tell me if I'm not telling you the truth. It's it's that's how I that's how I came to that conclusion That's what I did okay, and every time fear was mentioned. It's either fearing God or he's telling you not to fear But look down if you would in your Bible at Philippians chapter number one the Bible reads in verse 28 And in nothing terrified by your adversaries Which is to them an evident token of perdition? Perdition means damnation But to you of salvation and that of God now the Bible says here that that fear or terror or being terrified Is a is it a token in those that are that are unsaved now now I'm not saying that if you have fear you're not saved because you know none of us are perfect And so all of us have fear from time to time okay, but I'll tell you something the more that you're living Ungodly the more fear will characterize your life Because fear is not the spirit that God has given us He's given us the spirit of power and of love and so let me give you another example You don't turn there, but revelation 21 8 where he lists that great list of sins. He says, but the fearful and unbelieving The first thing listed the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters And all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone Which is the second death, but why is that put right at the beginning there right before believing? unbelieving rather the fearful and unbelieving How about this Hebrews 2 14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part The same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death That is the devil and deliver them who through fear of death while their lifetime subject to bondage so the unsaved man The Bible says in a bondage of fear of death But when we get saved we're freed from that bondage, and we're given a spirit not a fear But a power and of love and of sound might now if you begin to live the Bible talks about being entangled again in the yoke Of bondage as brother Jimenez so eloquently preached to us last Sunday night, and so You can be entangled again in that bondage of fear But you know God's will if you're saved is to bring you out of fear that you had before you're saved and Bring you to a point in your life where you grow to a point and where the love in your heart increase to the point Where it casts out the fear in your life and the only fear that you have is of God That's the only fear that God wants you to have this morning. It's a fear God all other fear. I mean ask yourself this quick whenever you have fear in your life Just say am I fearing God right now, okay? Then I need to get it out of my life the fear I need to trust God. I need to fear God alone But you see Halloween glorifies fear Think about this you go to the haunted house and Whenever I was a teenager, and I would go to some kind of a haunted house Before I knew these things this is what people say like you will be scared, okay, and I'd be like come on you know I Don't get scared. You know I don't get scared of haunted houses right you think I'm a little kid But this what they'd say this is a really good haunted house because you will be scared now What do they say they're saying that being scared is good right? I mean, they're saying like it's cool to be scared Pay money be scared that that's what the whole the whole horror movie industry I mean, how do you judge a horror movie, and I've never been in the horror movies. I don't really know About them or whatever, but but let me ask this how do you judge a horror movie? Is it scary isn't that right like how? Scary was it? Now is that good or bad? But let me say when you go in the haunted house and all the scary You know dead bodies are popping out at you and everything. Do you just fall on your knees and just say? Fear of the Lord is just you know is this invalid. Oh, man. I just fear God right now I'm just fearing the look no. What are you fearing? Who are you fearing some devil some skeleton some zombie some demon some satanic thing? now let me ask them if God is commanding us over and over and over again to fear God and Then we're sitting there taking our fear and taking it off of God and putting it on the devil Man that sounds pretty bad it sounds like you're taking what belongs to God which is all your fear, and you're putting it toward the devil and That's what he wants because God he always said I'll be like the most high see the devil wants people to fear him God wants people to fear him and so why don't you choose who you're gonna fear the Lord or the devil? Fear is nothing to be glorified fear is a negative thing And so advertising how much fear you can feel in your heart why because every unsaved person is filled with fear And they don't like that feeling of fear, so they try to pretend like it's something cool They try to pretend like the fear that they're experiencing is actually a positive thing when it's not it the Bible says fear have torment And so they're tormented by their fear But they want to pretend like it's something good that they're afraid and they want to drag you as a Christian As one of God's people into their same life of fear I Won't I won't allow the devil to do it to me and so number one the sins of Halloween number one is idolatry Number two the glorification of darkness and death and evil and number three the glorification of fear itself, but number four not only that How about the appearance of evil First Thessalonians 5 22 says abstain from all appearance of evil now think about this Let's say you're dressed up like Prince charming and princess, and you're out trick-or-treating You're basically when people look at you. They see you participating in Halloween you're putting your stamp of approval on Halloween by your actions I mean when they see you participating in it. Nothing. Okay. Let me let me put it to you this way Let's say you thought you know I don't think Halloween is right and by the way I never taught my kids that Halloween was wrong My kids announced to me without me even telling that this is bad. This is wrong I Mean it's not that hard for him to figure out little kids They they look at the skeletons and the demons and the ghouls and they just said this is bad. It's wrong Because they weren't brainwashed that it's okay. That's normal, but think about this Let's say you thought to yourself. You know I don't think Halloween is such a good idea I don't think all this darkness and death and demons. I don't think it's of God I think it's of the world. I don't think it's of the father. I don't think it's wholesome But then let's say you got in your car, and you drive somewhere, and you saw me out trick-or-treating Okay, and you saw me out, and I've got you know Some kind of a costume on and I'm out there. You'd look at that fancy. Well. You know I mean pastor Anderson we like pastor Anderson and He's not doing it, and I mean he reads the Bible he goes to church. He wins souls Maybe it's not bad after all you see you see how it works when people see you doing something And then they think that it's okay because they they're emboldened by you doing it That's what it says in 1st Corinthians 8 and 1st Corinthians 10 where we started the sermon They're emboldened if they see you go to that temple and eat meat sacrifice them to idols, which is a sin against God And so you are not emboldened other be people's consciences because when they see you out Participating in Halloween in your little benign fashion You know they may be emboldened and really you're putting your stamp of approval on the whole thing All the weird sick stuff that goes on in Halloween the fornication the adultery the human sacrifice the weird things You're basically saying I approve of Halloween because you're out participating in it. You're right there with them, but number five all hasten Number five how about the sin of not thinking for yourself turn to Exodus chapter 23 verse 2 so number one We had idolatry number two the glorification of death darkness and everything that's evil number three the glorification of fear number four the appearance of evil, but number five How about the sin of not thinking for yourself the Bible says in Exodus 23 to thou shalt not? follow a multitude to do evil Neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to rest judgment Don't follow a multitude to do evil Don't do evil just because everyone else is doing evil. That's what he's saying now think about this I I'm young you know I've grown up in America So all my life Halloween has just been taught to me is something that's acceptable and every church that I went to it seemed like Everybody was out. You know participating in Halloween or whatever. I mean, that's just the way I grew up And so I thought it was just fine. I thought it was normal There came a time my life where I decided to think for myself and decide this this is not right. This is not godly Now think about this for a moment. Let's say that Halloween did not exist Let's say you or let's put this way it exists, but you've never heard of it It's just not that big in America. You've never heard of it You don't really know anything about Halloween and let's say you have somebody on your street, right? And you don't know what's going on. You don't know what this is about, but every October 31st Their whole yard is decorated with dead bodies And I mean are you using your imagination this morning, okay? There's no such thing in your mind of Halloween and all of a sudden you see somebody on your street And they've got dead bodies hanging from the ceiling they've got jack-o'-lanterns Lit on their front porch They've got skulls and dragons and and that a dead body and it that rises out of a casket And they've got a mummy and all this weird stuff And they just have this this tape player on their front porch. Just playing all day long Okay, what would you think of that person You think they're weird you think they're nuts You think that they're satanic wouldn't you say that I mean come on be honest you'd say that person is worshipping Satan What is wrong with them? Okay? You'd flip out You'd go nuts, and then you find out oh and by the way Did you know that they go to Faithful Word Baptist Church? They say I knew that church was crazy I knew there was something weird about that church that church is apostate church look at their yard Think about it, but see when you you say well come on though everybody's doing it Is that what you want to guess what you want to teach your kids right? Whatever everybody else does kids here you go go off to school. Here's your brown paper sack lunch. Hey, son Whatever they do just do it Whatever your friends say just go along with it. Son is how you tell your kids we drop them off Hopefully you don't even drop mom. Yeah, you drop mom and say Son if all your friends are smoking dope and they're taking meth you know You got to just go with the flow son I mean if it's just you don't do it. You know, but I mean everybody's doing it go ahead Go ahead and do whatever they say son is that but see that's what we're teaching our children with our actions When we do something that we would not normally be comfortable with doing That normally would be considered freakish and weird But we celebrate some sick holiday Halloween because everybody else is doing it that terrible And so the the the fifth sin is the sin of not thinking for yourself And you know you ought to think for yourself in every area of life Don't let other people push you around. I don't even I don't want to do your thinking for you either by the way Okay, that's why I preach all this Bible and anybody who goes to this church knows that I always say I challenge you if I don't If what I'm saying is not in the Bible you go home and find it and don't believe a word I'm saying if it's not from the Bible because I'm not God. I'm not infallible I can make a mistake and so if you don't have your own walk with God if you're not reading the Bible daily for yourself Don't lean on me as your crutch or your your decision maker I Don't have some counseling session after the service where I'm going to tell you how to live your life Come to church Sunday morning and Sunday night and Wednesday night You'll know how to live your life And then you but but you know that's not gonna be enough either You better read the Bible every day for yourself and let the Holy Ghost be your teacher He did not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you of all things this truth There's no lie, and he doesn't have taught you you shall abide in him The Bible said the Holy Spirit should be your primary teacher of the Word of God and so you got to think for yourself You know the Mormon Church has this standard and their rules is what they have no r-rated movies allowed But I'm telling you my Mormon extended relatives and my Mormon friends that I had in high school They watched everything else except r-rated. I mean they would watch anything that was pg-13. I Mean it didn't matter the vulgarity it didn't matter what it was promoting it didn't matter the filth that was in it If it was pg-13 the church allows we watch it Now here's the problem with that you know the r-rating has changed over time okay the movies that are now pg-13 Would have been like not even allowed to be r-rated You know 30 years ago. They would have been like x-rated. Okay. I'm not kidding I mean some of the filth and smut that's in these pg-13 movies even pg movies when I was growing up I watched a pg-rated movie that used the f-word When I was growing up, I watched pg-rated movies that talked about filth and sodomy and homosexuality And you know what I don't care if the movies about homosexuality or not all these bunch of Hollywood actors are a bunch of faggots Anyway, yes, they are and so that's what they are in their personal life So why do you want to sit and watch them? Yes, Keanu Reeves is a faggot. Yes. He is I'm sorry Did I burst your little bubble did you know that Keanu Reeves is a sodomite? Did you know that Leonardo DiCaprio your little heartthrob is a sodomite? He doesn't like girls, honey Sorry, he likes other guys because he's a queer And I'm not gonna let it into my house. I'm sorry I don't want to raise a bunch of little sissies and queers in the back there I'm gonna raise some manly men who know how to get up and work hard and don't be in a permanent queer little sissy They're gonna dress like men and talk like men and act like men and if you had any sense at all You wouldn't take your kid down to some church where the pastor's a sissy Then you sit them down in front of a TV where they're watching a bunch of sissies and then you wonder why they grow up And they get their earrings and their rings in other goofball places You wonder why that they grow up and they buy all their clothes at Abercrombie and Fitch and Urban Outfitter and the Gap Hey, why don't you grow up be a man and put on some manly clothes put on some work clothes put on some clothes And make you look like a man Is there any question right now what gender I am? Are you scratching your head right now when you look at my outfit? Is there any question for you whether Pastor Steven Anderson is Steven or Stephanie right now? I get so tired of looking at people I can't even tell whether they're a boy or a girl If you're a man, dress like a man, get a haircut like a man, talk like a man, walk like a man, and quit acting like a girl And women, dress like ladies, be feminine like ladies, and you know what, maybe then, God will make you look like a woman Dress like ladies, be feminine like ladies, and you know what, maybe then, God will be pleased If we actually have a distinction in the genders once again in America Wonder why God's judgment is coming on America And so the sin of not thinking for yourself, I don't want to be like an LDS Latter Day Satan worshiper Mormon, okay I don't want to do that because they don't think for themselves They got some prophet in Salt Lake City telling them Watch all the smut, watch all the Ben Stiller and all the comedy and all the dirty jokes and all the sodomy Because it's PG-13 will allow that, just don't watch R-rated Heavens no, don't watch an R-rated movie You say I'm never coming back to this church, that's why you're getting it while you're here You'll get it all while you're here because you're not coming back And I hope everybody does come back, you know And I wish to God that everybody would believe the most simple basic thing I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm preaching against the worst sin in the Bible which is homosexuality Wow, I'm really taking a stand right now Wow, I'm taking against having a dead body in your front yard, isn't that terrible Can you believe what a fanatic I am, I must be Little House on the Prairie I must be an Amish person right now Because I don't think that you should hang a skeleton in your front door And worship Satan But not only that, not only the sin of not thinking for yourself, but number six Idolatry we saw, glorification of darkness, death and evil, glorification of fear, appearance of evil, number five The sin of not thinking for yourself But how about number six Let's say you're not into all the death, how about the promoting of Hollywood and its worldly characters Because let's face it, if you're not dressed up like a witch or a devil or a dead body You're going to dress up like your favorite Hollywood character Like Spongebob Or you're going to dress up like Spiderman Or Batman Or Catwoman And by the way, did you ever notice that all these characters are the merging of an animal and a human being Oh that's godly That's every false god in the Bible is a merger between an animal and a human being Dragging God down to the image of a beast, the Bible says And so we've got Spongebob, Spiderman, Batman and all these different Hollywood characters If you go to buy costumes, if you look at the costumes, there will be satanic, demonic, grim reaper, Satan And then you walk over to the other aisle and it's all your kids' favorite characters from Hollywood and Walt Disney Walt Disney? No That's so wholesome Walt Disney Okay, let's talk about how wholesome Walt Disney is Let's park it right there on Disney for a while Here I've got the list right here This is the list that comes from Walt Disney himself And this is the thing where it's the magic You know, some of the Disney movies, they come in like a plastic white case You know what I'm talking about? They still do that? And they come in like a white plastic case and it's a special collector's series They're called the Disney Masterpiece Series And sometimes Disney puts out more B-type movies But their main releases are called the Disney Masterpiece Well I have a list of every Disney Masterpiece in the order it came out All the way up to Chicken Little, I guess that's a modern one, I've never, you know, I don't know But the first 45 of the classic Disney Masterpieces Walt Disney, it's so wholesome, it's all about the family Oh really, is that why Disneyland in Los Angeles, California has a day every month just for homos? Where you wear a red t-shirt if you're gay? Did you know that? We're down at Lego, this is a funny story, we're down at Legoland And we overheard a conversation, we were riding on a rider, I think they were actually conversing with us a little bit And there was a guy wearing a red t-shirt, okay, Legoland And he was there with his family and with his mother, his elderly mother And all his kids and a big nice family And he said, you know what? He said, you want to talk about long lines Because they were talking about how the lines were pretty short, it was a really nice day He said, you want to talk about long lines, go to Disneyland on one of those gay, those gay pride days at Disneyland And he said, when you go there on those gay pride days, he said, I accidentally went on one And he said, see how I'm wearing a red shirt right now? I was accidentally wearing a red shirt that day I mean honestly, the guy just made an honest mistake, he just went to Disneyland wearing a red t-shirt He didn't know that that's the sign, okay, that he's a funny boy And so he's talking about how he went to Disneyland with a red t-shirt on, didn't even know it, okay And he said the lines were unbelievable He said it was packed with all these little red shirted little couples cuddling and kissing and making out with each other That's what he said, that's what he said, okay And he said they were all there with their little red t-shirt on He said, I was embarrassed, I felt like a fool, you know, he's wearing a red t-shirt, can you imagine? And this guy was a nice guy, you know, a masculine, normal guy But that's what they have, okay, that's the truth And did you know that they performed commitment ceremonies between gays at Cinderella's castle at Disneyland? Did you know that? Now you know Well, how about, let's go through Disney's wonderful masterpieces that you And I've been to Christian's houses where they said like, we don't watch TV, we don't watch the smut We don't watch Hollywood, but then they had just every Disney movie lined up The whole collection, the whole library, filled the whole wall Let's talk about Disney movies Number one, how about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, that's the first Disney movie that ever came out, the first Disney masterpiece Well, let's think about it Every Disney movie has some kind of a warped, twisted undertone All of them do And they're perversions of the Bible and so forth For example, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, do you remember a witch coming to the door of Snow White and what does she offer? An apple Wow, does that sound familiar? Sounds kind of like the Garden of Eden, right? You know, Eve with the apple And then she takes the apple from the witch She bites into the apple and what happens? She falls asleep She goes into a coma And then she's resurrected You know, by some kind of a prince charmer So it's some kind of a twisted view of spiritual things You know, witches and all this stuff You know, why do you want your kids to be exposed to a bunch of witches anyway? Is what I'd like to know Let me read for you what the Bible says about witchcraft Witches, wizards, well I'll get there in a minute Number two Number one, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs is the first one Number two, Pinocchio Now Pinocchio, I don't know if I've ever even seen the whole thing But I remember one major part of Pinocchio is where he lies Okay And he does something wrong or whatever And because of his lies and because of his sins He becomes, somehow he's in this alternate reality You might know the movie better than I do And he ends up in this weird land where all the boys are turning into donkeys You remember this? It's like kind of this twisted weird concept of hell Like instead of hell, he goes to this place where he turns into a donkey And they're all turning into donkeys And then another point in the movie, I remember Pinocchio is swallowed by a whale That sounds kind of familiar You see what I mean? And so there's really weird stuff in these movies But number three, this is the third Disney movie that ever came out Fantasia Fantasia Okay, let's talk about Fantasia By the late 1930s, I'm reading this off of an internet source describing, you know, promoting Disney By the late 1930s, Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse was losing his popularity with movie audiences Mickey Mouse cartoon short series had spawned the spinoff Donald Duck series But it wasn't proving to be any more profitable than the Mickey Mouse series So they're motivated by making money, of course However, Walt Disney wasn't ready to give up his favorite character And devised a special short that would be produced as a comeback film for Mickey Mouse The Sorcerer's Apprentice Now we'll get back to what the Bible says about sorcerers, okay The Sorcerer's Apprentice, based on Gaidy's story of the same name, was planned as a special Mickey Mouse short And would be completely silent, save for the classical music piece by Paul Ducat The story's artists who developed The Sorcerer's Apprentice originally suggested Dopey from Snow White for the title role But Disney insisted upon using Mickey Now Fantasia, if you remember, is a cartoon of Mickey Mouse with a wizard cap on With a big hat pointed up like a witch hat with all the stars and moons on it And he holds a magic wand and he casts spells, he says things and weird things happen And he's casting all these spells as a magician or sorcerer Listen to this though Fantasia did not turn a profit until its 1969 re-release By then Fantasia had become immensely popular among teenagers and college students Many of whom would take illegal drugs such as marijuana and LSD to better experience the film Are you listening? Disney therefore promoted the film Disney therefore promoted the film as a trip film That's what they were promoting it as, are you listening? As a trip film for its 1969 re-release even creating a psychedelic styled poster to match this campaign The re-release was a major success especially with the psychedelic young adult crowd Many of whom would come, lie down in the front row of the theater and experience the film from there You lie down in your living room and experience the film from there And so they're putting out movies intended to be a trip film So you can take dope and go down to the theater and watch not dopey but Mickey Mouse Trip out and do spells and witchcraft and sorcery This is what the Bible says about sorcery Preach the Bible, okay 2 Chronicles 33, 6 And he caused his children to pass through the fire, isn't that pleasant? 2 Chronicles 33, 6 Through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom He also observed times and used enchantments and used witchcraft and dealt with a familiar spirit and with wizards Did you know that the emblem for Disney World is the Mickey Mouse head with the sorcerer cap on? That's one of their icons, that's one of their emblems Leviticus 20, 27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit or that is a wizard shall surely be put to death Did you hear that? That's what the Bible says Leviticus 20, 27 They shall stone them with stones Their blood shall be upon them Deuteronomy 18, 11 Or a charmer or a consultor with familiar spirits Or a wizard or a necromancer was to be put to death Regard not them that have familiar spirits Neither seek after wizards This is Leviticus 19, 31 To be defiled by them I am the Lord your God Leviticus 26 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits And after wizards to go a whoring after them I will even set my face against that soul And will cut him off from among his people 1 Samuel 28, 3 Now Samuel was dead and all Israel had lamented him And buried him in Ramah even in his own city And Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits And the wizards out of the land 2 Kings 21, 6 And he made his son to pass through the fire And observed times and used enchantments And dealt with familiar spirits and wizards Do you see what wizards and sorcerers and magicians are associated with? He wrought much wickedness in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger Moreover the workers with familiar spirits 2 Kings 23, 24 And the wizards and the images And the idols and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah And in Jerusalem did Josiah put away That he might perform the words of the law Which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the Lord Isaiah 19, 3 And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof And I will destroy the council thereof And they that seek to the idols And to the charmers And to them that have the familiar spirits And to the wizards That's what God thinks about sorcerers and wizards He thinks he's a demon possessed freak that needs to be killed According to the Bible A wizard or a sorcerer or a demonic enchanter or a magician So that's the first three Do I need to keep going down the list? So far we're only on the third one Oh I know what it is Disney is getting better all the time, right? They're getting more righteous and godly with every release They started out bad, right? With debt with Donald Duck That was really the worst that they ever got, right? I don't believe that for one minute Dumbo What's wrong with Dumbo? What about the scene where Dumbo falls into a vat of liquor That the carnies are drinking And gets drunk And sees pink elephants on parade You remember that scene? Pink elephants on parade And he's drunk But it's fun Pink elephants are blowing bubbles He's got a stupid grain on his face You know, getting drunk is not fun I don't know, I've never been drunk But you know what? I've seen alcohol destroy people's lives I've seen people die because of a drunk driver I've seen women abused because of alcohol I've seen people commit adultery because of alcohol I've seen people's lives ruined because of alcohol I don't think there's anything fun about it And you think I want my six year old watching a movie that makes it look fun? I don't Dumbo is not in my library that I don't have Bambi What about Bambi? Oh, Bambi Bambi Okay, come on This is number five in the list The hunter is the bad guy, right? That's a real good message It's just an environmental wacko message The hunter is the bad guy Destroying wildlife Animals are more important than people Giving human attributes to animals Number six Saludos amigos I don't even know what that is The three caballeros I don't know Make mine music Never heard of it Fun and fancy free I don't know Those of you Disney diehards will have to help me out Melody time Never heard of it Eleven The adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad Never heard of it Cinderella Well Again, I don't know I'm not the expert on these But didn't she have like a Fairy godmother Who comes and appears to her? Godmother That sounds like a certain religion called Catholicism And the godmother is a fairy that does magic And she makes the floor mop itself And all that kind of... I don't know that one that well Alice in Wonderland I'm just mentioning it because last time I preached against Disney Somebody came to me after the service and said You forgot the worst one Alice in Wonderland But I've never seen it So I don't have anything to preach against it So I'm just giving it an honorable mention right now Peter Pan Number fourteen Peter Pan It's an effeminate little boy who wears tights He's a boy who he grows up but he doesn't want to grow up He just wants to hang around with a bunch of kids And he's effeminate and girly I mean If his name weren't Peter I would be wondering if it was a boy or a girl I mean you know that's right You know that's true I wonder When I was a kid I questioned whether it was a boy or a girl You know you're a kid you don't understand I literally questioned Is this a boy or a girl? Because his name is Peter But he looks like a girl Okay And I could create Lady and the Tramp You know I don't know I'm not going to go through this whole list whatever Sleeping Beauty A lot of weird witches and witchcraft And weird stuff about that one The sword and the stone You know the Merlin The wizard and the witchcraft And the He's got all these potions brewing And all these weird drugs that he's brewing up in his meth lab On the On Murvin What's his name? Merlin The wizard The Little Mermaid She's half naked the whole movie It's half animal half human being Again Wonderful Beauty and the Beast All the girls have little cut tops The hero is a long haired man Yes long hair on a man's a sin Read First Corinthians 11 It's about bestiality Aladdin Long haired man character again Promoting false religion The Lion King Soundtrack by Elton John Sodomite that he is The queer that he is Milan Is all about a girl who dresses up like a man Cross dressing Tarzan Promotes and makes a joke of nudity Lilo and Stitch As sodomite and effeminate characters And on and on and on and on and on Don't resist the Holy Ghost my friend These characters Anything that's put out by the world The Bible says Love not the world Neither the things that are in the world For all that is If any man love the world The love of the father is not in him For all that is in the world All that is in the world All that is in the world The lust of the eyes And the lust of the flesh and the pride of life Is not in the world The pride of life is not of the father but is of the world And the world passeth away and the lust thereof But he that doeth the will of God abideth forever And so I'll hasten and close here But number six You're promoting Hollywood You're promoting worldly characters You're promoting ungodliness and sin Even if it's Disney Whether it be Disney That's one example, Disney We could go through every I mean if we had time We'd go through every single movie Every single cartoon show I'll tell you what's wrong with all of them Dora the Explorer Has a family on it That's monkeys That dress like people And have careers and have clothes on What's wrong with that? Well cause then you go to school And you're taught that you're a monkey And you believe it cause you grew up watching Dora the Explorer That's why I don't think there's anything funny about it But number seven The final sin We had number one Idolatry Number two The glorification of death and darkness and evil Number three The glorification of fear Number four The appearance of evil Number five The sin of not thinking for yourself Number six The promoting of Hollywood and worldly characters Yes including Disney And number seven Fellowshiping with devils The last sin of Halloween Fellowshiping with devils The bible says Have no fellowship With the unfruitful works of darkness But rather Reprove them Now I'm not My purpose this morning Is not to make you angry My purpose this morning Is to open your eyes And maybe you don't agree with everything I said But come on You've got to agree with some of it Maybe you didn't agree with all seven points Did you agree with five? Well how many sins do you have to commit Before it's wrong? Did you agree with one of the points? Well then that will determine where you are this October 31st You know I'll give you two places that you ought to be Number one The place that you really ought to be Is in church Because it's Wednesday night Okay So you should be in church on Wednesday night Okay Then number two If you're not going to be in church You know what you ought to do? You ought to go in the house Turn off the lights And shut the door And go to bed You know but really you ought to be in church Is where you ought to be And you know come to church on Wednesday night You'll hear John chapter 1 preached In our new series You know it's all about Jesus It's all about in the beginning was the word And the word was with God And the word was God The shame was in the beginning with God All things were made by Him And without Him was not anything made that was made In Him was light And the light was the light of men And the light shined at the darkness And the darkness comprehended it not There was a man sent from God His name was John The same came for a witness To bear witness of the light That all men through Him might believe He was not that light But was sent to bear witness to that light That was the true light Which lighteth every man That cometh into the world He was in the world And the world was made by Him And He was in the world And the world was made by Him And the world knew Him not He came unto His own And His own received Him not But as many as received Him To them gave He power To become the sons of God Even to them that believe on His name Which were born not of blood Nor of the will of the flesh Nor of the will of man But of God And the word was made flesh And dwelt among us We beheld His glory The glory As of the only begotten of the Father Full of grace and truth You know that's what you could be hearing On Wednesday night You hear John chapter 1 priest The whole thing Or you can go out and fellowship With devils The choice is up to you Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father I love you dear God I love the Bible I love everyone who comes to this church dear God I love those that are here visiting I pray that you would let these words sink down Into their ears dear God And Father I pray that we would all Decide not to have any fellowship With darkness and sin and Satan But rather that we would be filled With the Holy Spirit Filled with the Bible Fill our lives with winning souls And loving and caring about people Doing good things for people Not harm and hurt and death dear God And please help everyone here That's under the sound of my voice dear God To decide I'm going to be in God's house On Wednesday night I will not be at the table of the devil And Father please help those that are here Children Young people Whoever it is Help them to have the maturity And the godliness And the love for God To understand The things that I preached tonight Were from the Bible And they're true Father bless everyone that's here