(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) He notices that the wicked are prospering and he knows that he's done everything right he's been living for God He's been serving God. He's been a good guy, but let's start reading this It says in verse 2 but as for me my feet were almost gone my steps as well. I slipped For I was envious at the foolish When I saw the prosperity of the wicked so he's been living for God He's been serving God But then he starts to slip a little bit because he starts to notice a lot of really wicked people around him Prospering and things are going great for them He says in verse number four for there are no bands in their debt, but their strength is firm They're not in trouble as other men neither are they plagued like other men therefore pride compasses them about as a chain Violence covered them as a garment their eyes stand out with badness They have more than heart could wish he's saying man They have everything in life more than anybody could ever want and he said I looked at them and said why are the wicked prospering? He said in verse 8 they're corrupt and speak wickedly concerning oppression They speak loftily that set their mouth against the heavens. He said they're blasphemous I mean they blaspheme God they take God's name in vain yet. I don't see them be punished I don't see anything bad happen to them their tongue walking through the earth therefore his people return hither and Waters of a full cup are rung out to them and they say how does God know and is their knowledge in the most high? Behold these are the Godly who prosper in the world they increase in riches Barely, I've cleansed my heart in vain and washed my hands and innocency for all the day long Have I been plagued and chasing every morning So he's looking around and he's saying all kinds of bad things are happening to me. I'm plagued every day I'm chasing every morning Then I look around at these ungodly wicked people who blaspheme God Blaspheme the heavens seems like everything's going great for them. They're prospering their fat flesh They have everything anybody can want and he says it's in vain that I'm even serving God Yeah, I've washed my hands and innocency. He said what I'm doing is vain He said I've cleansed my heart in vain. What's the point now? This is something that we could probably look around and see today You could look around easily today and find people that are wicked and ungodly people who are successful Who have money who are healthy who are happy everything's going great for them And yet we can see a lot of believers in Jesus Christ and people who really serve God with all their heart That are suffering that are going through bad time and we could probably find ourselves in the same place as ASAP here where we start To question this and say why is this? Why are they blessed and I'm having all these bad things happen to me Now part of this is because we live in a day of prosperity preaching We live in a day where the message is preached across pulpits across America is that if you serve God or if you love God? Everything's going to go your way the Joel Osteen gospel Which is just basically that if you believe God if you come to church and do what's right Everything's gonna be great and you're gonna have your best life now You know what Joel Osteen preaches we drive around we see the billboards of the churches showing You know good-looking people with rings on their fingers and fancy suits saying hey, you know, this is the blessed life This is the life of living for God and yet we go to Reality and we see that many of the people that are serving God the most are suffering Look at the Apostle Paul. He's beaten with rods. He's thrown in jail. He loses everything that he had in the Jews religion Hey, he wasn't being prospered financially He wasn't being physically blessed and we sit there and we listen these preachers that tell us that Everything good is gonna go for you. You know, everything's gonna go good for you when you serve God, but it's just not reality It's not reality in the Bible. It's not reality in our lives. And so we look at the wicked and they prosper Another thing that you'll often hear breach that's false Is first of all, it's false that you're gonna prosper financially everything's gonna go great for you just because you're living for God That's not true. But the other thing you'll hear preached is that every unsaved person's unhappy, you know Who's heard that preach before like everybody if they're not saved? They're unhappy and they have this god-shaped hole in their life and they can't fill it and they're just they're really miserable And even if they're happy on the outside, they're missed on the inside, you know, that's not really true either There are a lot of people out there who are wicked who are happy to be wicked they're they're happy They love it and they're living it up. They're partying. They're enjoying everything that the light that life has to offer They have a big smile on their face and like you can go smile You can go so many of some of these richer areas Sometimes you see people are happy and smiling and they're doing great and they basically have the attitude that these people have like, you know What does God have it? You know, I don't care about God You know, you'll knock the door and ask if you know for sure if you died here you could have it I don't need that. I don't have time for that But they're having fun in life. They're happy in life And so ASAP is seeing that reality maybe he'd had some preachers in his life lie to him and preach this prosperity gospel and maybe preach this thing that all Unsaved people are happy and miserable and those who are saved everything's going to go great for them And they're going to be happy all the time. So ASAP starts to slip He starts to you know have these crazy thoughts these foolish thoughts of Envying them and maybe thinking maybe he should live a wicked life That's what he started to think like maybe I should just go be one of them It says in verse number 15 He kind of checks himself they shouldn't be having these guys bombs So he says in verse 15 if I say I will speak thus Behold I should offend against the generation of thy children, so he said wait a minute. I don't want I Don't want to say this out loud what I'm thinking because he's having these doubts about his life, right? He doesn't want to say that out loud because he doesn't want to offend others and children And he doesn't want them to live a wicked life Maybe I shouldn't be saying this out loud And he says in verse 16 when I thought to know this it was too painful for me, but watch verse 17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God, so this is where it gets his head straighten out here Until I went into the sanctuary of God then understood I therein Surely thou did set them in slippery places verse 18 thou casteth them down into destruction How are they brought into desolation as in a moment? They are utterly consumed with terrors as a dream when one awaketh so Oh Lord when thou awakest thou shalt despise their image Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my race so foolish was I ignorant I was as a beast before he said then I went to church and I went into God's sanctuary He said then I understood therein Hey, God has set them in slippery places, and he said their destruction is coming someday in a moment I mean how long does it take to die just a moment? He says in a moment they're gonna be brought into desolation in a moment. God's gonna despise them in a moment They'll be burning in hell He said how could I envy whatever pleasure that they have in this earth for just a short time when they're gonna spend eternity in hell I Mean wouldn't that be silly to envy the Hollywood stars to envy the rock stars to envy the party crowd to envy the people Who dishonestly gain wealth or dishonestly rise to the top in this world? Oh, they're smiling, and they're happy, but they're enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season That's not an enduring happiness, that's not an enduring joy it may endure in this life It may endure till they're old and gray-headed, but what is your life? It isn't even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanish it away, and they are going to go to hell What in the world? Could you say to God to say well, it's not fair God How could you look at some wicked person prospering some unsafe person who's because we're talking about people who are just blaspheming God They don't believe in God. I don't care. Okay. How could you envy them and Say well, that's not fair. God's not punishing them when God's gonna punish them for all eternity in hell I mean you tell me that that's not enough punishment. I Mean I don't care if they live to be 200 years old if they spend eternity in hell That's a major punishment right there. They're gonna get what's coming to them So don't ever look at the wicked people in this world and say oh wow, they're getting away with everything No, if they're not saved They're not getting away with anything. They're going to hell and they're gonna be punished And so that was why ASAP said man I was so foolish to think that way To start actually ending and you may come to a point in your life because ASAP was a great guy He was a pretty strong Christian here and you may get to a point in your life Where you start to think wait a minute I'm looking at some of my old friends maybe some of the old crowd that I used to run with man It seems like they're happy seems like everything's going great for them and you start to think that the grass is a little greener on the Other side of the fence. He says that was a really foolish size a dumb thing Thank now go if you would to Joe go to Joe chapter 21 Joe check number 21 ASAP said this and I'm gonna point out one more thing about what ASAP said he Said for all the day long have I been plagued and Chastened every morning. He says here. I am being constantly Chastened but I don't see the wicked being chasing. I don't see them being punished I don't see them being disciplined by God for all the wicked things. They're doing, you know, I do some little thing Wrong and then God's all over me chasing me and disciplining me and I see these wicked people just get away with everything Look at Joe 21 see in the book of job. There's a similar thing going on here Joe has had all kinds of bad things happen to him He's in physical pain. He's lost his wealth. He's lost his business Everybody's turned on him and his friends start coming to him and preaching this Joel Osteen type of prosperity gospel to him Joe friends come to him and say oh man everybody who does right is gonna be prosperous and Everybody does wrong bad things are gonna happen. So they're saying okay, Joe. Tell us what your sins are You bet you must have been into some really bad stuff And Joe keeps telling no guys. I mean, I'm No, Joe you must have some wicked saying in your life that you're hiding, you know We need to go on your hard drive your computer and find you know, figure out what you've been into We didn't go into the cookies on the web browser, you know the history We need to go into your room and find out what do you would even hide it What are you into Joe and he tells them? No, I haven't done anything I'm just living for God. They say that's impossible. You live for God over these appearance So his friends are idiots and God tells them later. I'm angry at your friends because they're a bunch of liars But job answers them in job 21 They're telling him and if you do right everything could be great. You must be living in sin Well Joe's response to that is in chapter 21 here It says in chapter 21, let me turn there myself It says at the beginning of the chapter chapter 21 just so we can see who's talking As his friend just finished talking in chapter 20 so far than the amethyst But it says in verse 1 but job answered and said here diligent with my speech and let this be your consolations Jump down if you would to verse 7 Wherefore which means why why do the wicked live become old ye are mighty in power He says come on guys, who are you kidding? I can look around and see wicked people that have all kinds of power They have all kinds of health Everything's going their way. He said why is that? He said in verse 8 their seed is established in their sight with them and their offsprings before their eyes Their houses are safe from fear and watch. Here's the key Neither is the rod of God upon them So are these people being chased into discipline by God? No, he said the rod of God is not a problem. Now ASAP was being chased in every morning He said the wicked are He said in verse 10 their bull gender athen failed not their cow caveth and casteth not her calf They send forth their little ones like a flock and their children dance They take the timbrel and harp and rejoice at the sound of the organ They spend their days in wealth and in a moment go down to the grave He said boy, they live a prosperous life And you know, they die a really peaceful like a quick he says they go down the moment to the grave Like it's not a drawn-out painful death. It's like a really smooth death Therefore they say unto God Depart from us, you know, therefore they say to every soul winner that knocks on the door depart from us Sorry, not interested, you know, oh, we're good. We're okay. We're fine. We're okay. You know for sure you're going to heaven? No, but we're fine You're a church anywhere. No, we're fine. We're good. We're good to go. You know, it's a depart from us God We don't care. We're too busy having fun For we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. We don't care. We don't want to know how to go to heaven We don't really care about God in the Bible What is the Almighty that we should serve him and what prophets should we have if we pray unto him? Lo, their good is not in their hand The counsel of the wicked is far from me. So Job says hey I'm not saying that that's what they say. The counsel of the wicked is far from me He said I'm not saying that what they're doing is right. He says in verse 17 How oft is the candle of the wicked put out and how oft cometh their destruction upon them? God distributed sorrows in his anchor They are a stubble before the wind and a shaft of the storm carried away God lieth up his iniquity for his children He rewarded him and he shall know his eyes shall see his destruction And he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty Now Drinking of the wrath of Almighty that reminds me of Revelation 14 10 and 11 When the Bible talked about those who take the mark of the beast, if any man worshiped the beast in his image and received his mark and his right hand and his forehand of his hand The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God Which is poured out without mixture into the cup visiting nation and he shall be Tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment Ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night He worshiped the beast and his image and whose whoever received the mark of his name He says look The counsel of the wicked is far from me because they're gonna drink of the wine of the wrath of God They're gonna spend eternity in hell. So what? But we as Christians on the other hand We're not going to hell. We're going to heaven the Bible says in John 5 24 verily I say to you he that heareth my word and Beliebeth on him that sent me have everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation But his past from death and the life now alone. Am I going to be condemned by God for my sins? No, I'm not going to come into condemnation I've been justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus I'm not gonna have to stand before God to be judged for my sins Like the unbelievers will at that great white throne when they're gonna be judged every man according to his works Hey, I'm already saved. I've been delivered from that. I've been freed that the unsaved however are gonna spend eternity in hell But you say okay pastor Anderson. I understand Those who are unsaved we shouldn't envy them. Okay, because they're gonna get what's coming to them when they go to hell You know, I get it But you say what about people that are saved them? You know, I know some people that are saved But they're living a wicked life. They're not in church. They're not serving God What about them? I mean, yeah, you know, it's not fair. I'm sorry God I'm doing everything and it seems like bad things happen to me. I see them do it pretty good Now I say go to Hebrews chapter 12 if you would Because if you remember Joe clearly said, you know the unsaved ungodly don't even believe in the Lord he said The rod of correction is not on them a Sap said the same thing, you know, I'm chaste and every morning them on the other hand everything goes their way Look at Hebrews chapter 12 It says in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 5 and you've forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as of the children my son Despise not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faith when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loveth he chaseneth and Scourge it every son whom he receiveth You know what the implication there is whom he doesn't love he doesn't chase him and whoever's not his son is not being scourged You know if you're not a child of God if you're not saved you're not going to be disciplined by God and that's why you See people that are ungodly unsaved people Prosper because God doesn't chasen them. God doesn't scourge them. God doesn't have to pray They're gonna reap what they sow and their children are reap what they've shown us over But you do see a lot of people do a lot of bad things and you know go down to the grave in a moment Of course, we know they're getting what's coming to them in hell, but he says here that God loves those who meet chases He says in verse 7 if you endure chastening God dealeth with you as with sons For what son is he whom the father chaste did not watch this But if you be without chastisement where of all our partakers then are you bastards and not? sons so that right there says That if a Christian if you as a believer You know could go out and just do everything wicked in this world and nothing bad ever happens to you. He said well, that's impossible That would mean you're not even safe because he said he disciplines every child It is impossible for the child of God to go out and live like the devil and not be disciplined for it Believe me. There are many Christians who do a lot of wicked things There are a lot of believers in Jesus Christ who fall into sin Look at David backslid, you know, David committed adultery with Bathsheba David had to ride a hetai killed David went back into some wickedness there, but he was disciplined for it. He was chasing for it He suffered severe consequences in his life for that because he was saved And see that's the difference between the same dance. Let me give it to you this way My children when they disobey me, I'm not gonna kick them out of the family You know, they're still my children. I'm still gonna love the same thing with God. We're God's children. He'll never cast us out We have eternal life. We have everlasting life. We can never lose our salvation But when my children I definitely have rules for them and if they disobey those rules I will discipline Okay, the Bible says that if I love them I'll discipline them I'll spank them I'll I'll spank them with the rod and so forth the Bible teaches that but let me ask you this What about my neighbor children? If I see the neighbor kids doing something wrong, am I going to go over there and spank the neighbor children? Well, you know you're acting up and just go what can you imagine me going across the street with my belt Hey little Johnny You know, do you think that that would fly And it's not my responsibility But who do you think I love more my neighbor kids or my kids? I don't even know the neighbor kids I love my children. I did I discipline my children. I chased in my church I don't chase in the neighborhood and God's the same way, you know whom the Lord love it He chased me and scourges every time And so before people are saying they could get away with a lot Let me tell you something after you're saved You're not getting away with stuff in this world because God can't punish you in the next world He can't send you to hell or he'd be lying because he already promised you everlasting life. He has to punish you right here It has to happen if you as a born-again child of God Commit sin and live in sin and commit wicked sin. You better know you will be punished here on this earth. It will happen He said it doesn't happen. You must not even be saved because he said if you're saying it will happen Because that's the only place that God disciplines you he's not going to punish you when you get you know There's a well, you know, you're not dancing to God. That's it You can have to answer God for that right now If you're saying or in the coming years, but it's gonna be on this earth God will take care of it is there and that out of that out and put some fear of God it does You know so many people just think you know, well it's a sin but so what you know I'm just gonna do it anyway I'm still going to heaven and you know, that's true. You are still going to heaven But you know, there's a lot of really bad things that can happen to you in this world before you get to heaven Did you know that I? Mean look at jokes life, you know, he wasn't being disciplined used being tested But he had a lot of really bad stuff. Look at David David had his children grow up and rebel against him He had his wives defiled he had You know his children died He had all these horrible events happen to him because of his one little one night fun time his one little pleasure His one adult to explain, you know, was it worth it David? I guarantee it wasn't worth it For suffering, you know pleasure for a moment pain for a lifetime wasn't worth it and So we Christians ought to take heed here and understand that if we go out and commit sin We're gonna be punished by God and you know, sometimes Christians will complain and say oh why are those bad things happening? You know a lot of us is reaping sin that you've done in your life You know because God's chasing doesn't always come instantly, you know, a lot of it is you're reaping what you sell, you know But you know what? How should we react to that because nobody likes to be chasing do they you think that my children are just yes I'm getting is thinking this me dad dad loves me Now now later on Sunday, why are you shaking your head son? Yeah later on some day They're gonna thank me. I thank my parents. I've actually said to them to their face. I thank you for spanking me Thank you for spending me the hardest that you spanked any of the kids No, I needed it it's good for me and I look back at that say hey my parents loved me my parents raised me Right, they spanked me they discipline but the Bible says look down if you would at verse number 11 now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, right? It doesn't seem fun. Does it? Nevertheless afterward it yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised there But in the long run, you'll be glad that your parents chasing you children. You'll be glad that they spent but listen to this Christian You'll be glad that God disciplined you someday You know, you ever live your life and you feel like you keep trying to get ahead you keep and there's everything is going bad Everything is not going your way, you know, some of that's God's discipline Some of that's God's chasing and you know what someday you'll be glad for that Because you needed that to knock you down a little bit so you don't get too high and mighty Just like my children could get too high and mighty if they're never disciplined when they do wrong cry Arrogancey haughtiness God has to humble us through chastening God has to spank us and put us in our place and it's good for us in the long run Even though it doesn't seem fun at the time and we look at the unsaved and they're partying having fun and we envy them That's a foolish stuff. We look at the Christians You know Don't know some watered-down Community church where they just show up for an hour every week and that they live exactly like the world the rest of the week And boy, it seems like everything's going great for them And we might envy them But you know what? You're a fool if you envy them because you ought to be rejoicing that God loves you and cares about you enough to chase you And the one that he loves the most, he's going to chase you the most You're probably thinking, man, God really loves me a lot, you know God, if you love me a little too much, you know, I'm getting a little bit too loved right now, you know, too many spankings But you see, it's actually good for you, that's why David said in Psalm 23 And you know, everybody knows Psalm 23 He said, yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me, but the verse isn't over there How do you know he's with you David? Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me You know, that's how he knew, I mean he said, well, you know, hey, I'm not afraid of anything because I know God's with me Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me You know, I know God's with me because he's constantly giving me a word I mean, my parents, my children, they don't wonder whether dad lives with them They've experienced the law of dad's wrath But what I'm saying is, you know, when we're chased in by God and we do something bad And then something bad happens as a result, or we fail in our attempt to do something wrong You know what, that's just God showing us that he's with us And instead of having the bad attitude that ASAP had for a little while Where we're down on the fact that we're being disciplined And we envy those who go through no discipline I wonder if my children have ever looked at other people and said like It'd be great to be in one of these families where it's just a time out But you know what, that'd be a foolish thought because that kid's going to grow up and be a wicked person I mean, he's not going to grow up and live for God, period Because he's not been disciplined, he's not been raised right And they ought to be thankful that they're in a home where they're disciplined The rod and the staff is a comfort unto us as believers Hey, at least it's assurance of salvation, too I know I'm saved because I can't get away with anything, you know Everything is disciplined to me But you know, you look at some people and it seems like they just live a wicked life And they claim to be saved and nothing bad ever happens And you know, we don't really know necessarily what's going on in other people's lives But you know what, you wonder, is that person really even saved? You know, because they're not being disciplined by God And that's between them and God Because he says if you're without chastisement So that's kind of a self-examination right there, you know Then you're a bastard and not a son, you know And that's why he said in 2 Corinthians 13 5 Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith, you know You know, are you even really saved if you can just live a wicked life And everything goes great for you And you don't feel bad about it, nothing bad ever happens And everything goes great You know, God says you're not my son I spanked my sons And if you're not getting spanked, you're not my son That's what he's saying And by the way children, if I ever stopped spanking you That's when you can start doubting that I'm your dad, okay So other than that, you can be sure of it So the bottom line is this Everybody gets what's coming to them in this life The scales of justice will be balanced The unsaved, they're going to be They may get some punishment in this life But it's nothing compared to what they're going to experience in eternity, in hell Don't you dare ever be envious of the rock stars and the Hollywood star They are going to go to hell And that is not something to be jealous of, okay And those that are the lame liberal Christian They're going to get chased in like madness in this life If they don't, then they weren't even saved in the first place And not only that, you know We're going to rule and reign with Christ Jesus according to our works You know, we're going to be rewarded according to our works See, the unsaved, they're going to get zero reward They're only going to be punished for every bad thing they did With the sage, it's the opposite We're not getting punished in eternity for the bad things we did Because Jesus paid it all But we will be rewarded for the good things we've done And you can have all eternity to enjoy the rewards that you earn by serving God By keeping your life, by living a godly life, by going out and winning souls to Christ By being faithful to God's house and being faithful in church And being faithful to God's word and prayer You're going to be rewarded for all eternity You'll rule and reign with Christ The lame old Christian is probably going to be sweeping the floor somewhere, you know And they're not going to be exalted in the same place I'm sorry, but it's a biblical doctrine The thief on the cross and the apostle Paul are not going to be rewarded the same When they get to heaven Now hey, thank God they're both going to be in heaven And that's the main, you know, I'd rather be the worst up in heaven You know, I'd rather be the guy who's just the garbage man in heaven You know, than to be the, you know, in the coldest, you know, spot of hell You might have been the coolest little spot You're just better off just to be in heaven But don't envy the temporary prosperity of anybody It's all temporary God's going to reward the just and punish the wicked, period Period It's a fact, you can't get around it And those who are the lame old Christians They're going to get punished in this life And they're going to miss out on all kinds of rewards for all of eternity And so how are we going to keep our heads screwed on straight Go to Psalm 73 and I'll close with this How do we stay straight on this? Because look, Psalm 73 records Asaph starting to slip into this mentality Job's friends definitely had this mentality And they were trying to spin him around on this How did Asaph finally get straight on this? It says in verse 17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God, then understood I therein You know, stay in church Because if you get out of church is when your attitude's going to start to go bad When you get away from God's house is where you're going to start to doubt yourself And doubt the things that you're doing And doubt living for God And start to envy the wicked Because when you get outside church, you know, you're amongst the world And all the worldly pleasures are going to become what's important to you The money, the cars, the clothes, the fun You know, and just all the hobbies and just fun And I'm not saying the hobbies are bad But that's just going to become everything to you And it's just going to be all about driving your fancy car And your nice clothes And your fun weekend And your trip here And your game here And that, you know, you got to get in God's house Where you get eternity in view, right? You get out in the world and it's just the here and now You're just thinking about, hey, what's my Tuesday going to be like? Is it going to be a good day today? Am I going to have fun? Is it going to be pleasurable? When you get in church, when you get in the Bible When you spend time reading the word, getting around other Christians You get the perspective of eternity The big picture Hey, this life's a vapor Heaven and hell Let's go get people saved We're going to be ruling and reigning with Christ You know, it's not about having fancy things right now And it's all vanity anyway Solomon had all of it He said it's all vanity Brother Garrett and I were out soloing this week We're in some fancy neighborhoods And we were really just admiring the houses Because there were some pretty cool looking houses They had these big round Like what was the word you used? Turrets or? Yeah, like these round turrets Looked like a medieval house With like a big stone round turret Like a castle You know, we're looking at these houses And I looked at these houses Me and Brother Garrett were kind of just pointing out Some of the architecture and just enjoying looking at it I was saying to them, I said, you know, the people who live here They probably thought that turret was pretty cool for the first week But do you think that just years later They're still just standing in awe of that turret every day? No, because it gets old I mean, it's cool at first You know, you have that fancy car Pretty soon it's just your car You know And I told Brother Garrett, I said, hey, we get the best of both worlds You know, we live in our humble lodgings That we can afford and pay for, you know Without having to do everything to get in these fancy houses And I said, we still get to look at the turret Just as much as they get to look at it I told Brother Garrett, I said, I have no desire to own this house I have no desire to own this turret I said, I'd rather just walk down the street Knock every door Preach the gospel And just look at it And just enjoy it And we just enjoyed it Like, why do I need to own it? I looked at it I thought it was cool I'm sick of it already I'm sick of talking about a desert You know what I mean? So what? And I come home to my house And I'm totally content with my house and where I live I'm happy with it I'm sure Brother Garrett's happy with where he lives But we enjoyed, you know, looking at somebody else's turret You know But what good is your turret gonna do you someday? You know, and he turned Your turret Am I pronouncing that right? Your turret's gonna burn up someday when God destroys this whole world And I looked at it just as much as you did By going soul wedding in your neighborhood where every house looks the same For a giant subdivision And we saw turret after turret after turret They were all the same And we saw it We came We saw We conquered We like it But we're tired of it But you say, you sound like a mad person You sound like you're being silly Yeah, but it is silly Isn't it silly to work your whole life for that turret? We knocked on a guy's door in the turret neighborhood And we asked this guy Do you know for sure he's gonna I don't have time to talk to you guys He literally said this, didn't he brother Garrett? He said, I don't have time He said, I'm just busy making this house payment See ya So he's literally working his life for a turret Most of you don't even know what that word is Or how to spell it I don't know how to spell it I don't know what it means But I'm not gonna spend my whole life working for it I'd rather work for God Something eternal Do something with my life that matters And people today, they just want to have their house You know, it's all the physical things But it's not really what matters And when you get in church Church is here to remind you of that And that's why you're here tonight So that the pastor can remind you That that house with the turret You can go see it whenever you want It's on baseline and whatever You know, 19th avenue or wherever we were You can go look at it all day long And then come soul any with me And serve God and don't work your life away For riches that are gone in the moment And so let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father, we thank you so much for your word, dear God And thank you for the eternal home that we have in heaven The riches that we have in heaven The streets of gold That's what's really gonna matter, dear God And thank you for giving us these promises of eternal riches And help us never to envy the wicked Help us never to envy the watered-down Christian Help us to be on fire, zealous, sold out, winning souls, godly Christians And help us to never get these crazy ideas in our head Help us to stay and cherish So we can really keep eternities, values in view And in Jesus' name I pray, amen