(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It will joy and comfort give you, take ease in where you go. Precious name, all has been, hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, all has been, hope of earth and joy of heaven. Take the name of Jesus, heaven, as a shield from every spell. In temptations bound together, bring them holy name of heaven. Precious name, all has been, hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, all has been, hope of earth and joy of heaven. O God, precious name of Jesus, how it thrills us all to joy. When His lovely arms receive us, in His songs our tongues employ. Precious name, all has been, hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, all has been, hope of earth and joy of heaven. In the name of Jesus, valley, falling, castrate at His feet. King of kings and death will crown Him when our journeys complete. Precious name, all has been, hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, all has been, hope of earth and joy of heaven. Okay, song number one. Song number one. Jesus, all my cross have taken. Jesus, all my cross have taken. All to Thee can follow Thee. Nested to Thee, spies forsaken. Thou from this my all shall be. Perish every fond ambition. All I sought and hope and hope. Yet how rich is my condition. God and heaven are still my own. Let the world despise and believe me. They have left my Savior too. Human hearts and woods receive me. Thou art not life and not truth. And what thou shalt smile upon me. God of wisdom, love and might. Those they hate and friends they shun me. Show thy face and all is bright. Men may trouble and distress thee. Twill but drive me to thy breast. Life with child's heart may press me. Heaven will bring me sweeter rest. Hope is not in grief to warn me. While thy love is left to me. Oaks cannot enjoy to join me. Where their joy unmixed with thee. Haste me on from grace to glory. On thy faith and lead my prayer. Have eternal days before thee. God's own hand shall guide thee there. So shall both thy earthly mission. Swift shall cast thy pilgrim haze. Hope shall change to glad formation. Faith to sight and prayer to praise. We have a bulletin. Brother Segura will get to you with one. On the inside of our bulletins we have our service time. Sunday mornings at 1030 is our preaching service. Sunday nights at 630 and then Wednesday nights at 7 is our Bible study. This week will be in Jeremiah chapter 38. The soul winning times are listed there below. As well as salvations, baptisms and offering totals. Let's go ahead and count up the soul winning from the past few days. Going back to Thursday which would have been the 29th I believe. Anything from Thursday the 29th? Yes. Two for the North Phoenix group. Anything outside of that North Phoenix group? One additional over here. Two additional over here. Anything else for Thursday night soul winning? How about on Thursday? Anything else for Thursday? How about Friday? Anything from Friday? Six on the Indian reservation group. Anything outside of the Indian reservation group? One more over here. 19 for a group. Okay. Anybody outside of that group or either of those groups? All right. Very good. How about Saturday the 31st? Anything from the 31st? Did we get a group total for the main group here? You had a group with six? Okay. What about was there a group for the team here with brother Dominique Davis? Yeah? Was it 18 for the whole group? Okay. I'll double check that with him. Okay. Anything outside of that main group yesterday then? Anything additional to that? All right. And then how about today? Let's start with brother Scott's group. Seven for the main group. Okay. Two for Gilbert. Okay. Any other groups? Two more over here. All right. One. One over here. All right. Am I missing anything for today? All right. Very good. Keep up the great work. Off to another great start of soul winning in the new year. And then across the page there we have the birthdays listed and the anniversaries also. Next Sunday we'll have the donuts before the morning service. So if you want to have donuts and coffee show up a half hour early next Sunday morning. The church yearbooks are in. If you did not get one of the yearbooks then go ahead and stick up your hand in fact if you did not get one of these yearbooks. Put up your hand if you did not get one of the yearbooks and you still need one. Okay. Otherwise you can see myself or brother Baker after the service to get one of these. We do have a few left. And then on the back we've got the birth announcement for Joaquin Santiago Payan. So congratulations to the Payans on the birth of their baby. Be sure to congratulate them and be praying for a safe and healthy recovery for mom and baby. And then we've got Psalm 46. Tonight's the deadline. And Chris Segura Jr. quoted it to me this morning and he nailed it. So what's that? Oh, okay. Yeah, let's get a raise of hands. Who is already done with Psalm 46? You've already successfully quoted it. Keep your hand up high because we need to get a count of how many. We've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. About 30. Who hasn't quoted it yet but you're going to quote it tonight. You're going to get it done by midnight. At 11.59 you're going to have it done. All right. About another 7 or 8 it looks. Well, maybe even another 10. So 30 to 40. All right. So that at least gives us a range for the prizes. And then everyone is invited to the wedding of Caleb and Jenny this Saturday. Everything's still on, right? Nobody's getting cold feet or anything, right? No, I'm just kidding. All right. We're really excited about that. Brother Caleb has, I've known Caleb for, I don't know. It's been many years though. He came here visiting many years ago and he and I have gone running together. So we bonded over running. And so he's a really good guy. So I'm excited about he and Jenny getting married this Saturday. Everybody's invited. Don't be shy. Even if you're just brand new to our church, you're invited. This is a time of fellowship and edification for the whole church. And so just please RSVP. Let us know that you're coming. But everybody's invited. And that's about it for announcements. One other thing is that in 2017, because our church has grown to the point where this is realistic or necessary, we are going to be setting up the baptistry every Sunday morning in 2017. We've been setting it up just on an as needed basis. You know, if somebody needed to be baptized, they would just tell us before church and then we would fill the tank during the service and then do the baptisms after the service. So now we're to the point where we always have a lot of visitors every Sunday morning. There's not a week that goes by we don't have visitors. And so there are a lot of people that need to be baptized and new believers or just people who for whatever reason haven't been baptized or they need to be re-baptized because their first baptism was before they were saved or whatever. So just for your information on Sunday mornings, we're going to have it set up every Sunday morning. And then also on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights, we're just going to ask during the announcements if there's anyone who needs to be baptized so that we can have it ready on the evening services as well as needed. So let me ask right now, is there anybody tonight who would like to get baptized tonight after the service? You've not been baptized since you've been saved. Is there anybody like that here tonight? All right, very good. Let's go ahead and sing our next song then. I'm going to lead it. All right, I'm wondering, why is no song leader approaching me? All right, song number 52, Zion's Hill. I was waiting on myself there for a moment. Song number 52, Zion's Hill. Let's sing it out on that first verse, song number 52. There waits for me a glad tomorrow Where gates of pearls swing open wide And when I pass this veil of sorrow I'll dwell upon the other side Someday beyond the reach of mortal kin Someday God only knows just where and when The wheels of mortal life shall all stand still And I shall go to dwell on Zion's Hill Someday I'll hear the angels singing On the shadows of the tomb And all the bells of heaven ringing While saints are singing, home sweet home Someday beyond the reach of mortal kin Someday God only knows just where and when The wheels of mortal life shall all stand still And I shall go to dwell on Zion's Hill Someday my labors will be ended And all my wond'rings will be worn And all earth's broken ties be mended And I shall sigh and weep no more Someday beyond the reach of mortal kin Someday God only knows just where and when The wheels of mortal life shall all stand still And I shall go to dwell on Zion's Hill Someday the dark clouds will be lifted And all the night of gloomy past And all life's burdens will be lifted The day of rest shall gone and last Someday beyond the reach of mortal kin Someday God only knows just where and when The wheels of mortal life shall all stand still And I shall go to dwell on Zion's Hill Job chapter number 39 As we always do, we'll read the entire chapter, beginning in verse number 1 You can follow along silently with Brother Dominique Davis as he reads Job chapter 39, starting in verse number 1 Job chapter 39, the Bible reads Knowest thou the time when the wild goats of the rock bring forth? Or canst thou mark when the hinds do calf? Canst thou number the months, did they fulfill? Or knowest thou the time when they bring forth? They bow themselves, they bring forth their young ones They cast out their sorrows Their young ones are in good liking They grow up with corn They go forth and return not unto them Who hath sent out the wild ass free? Or who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass? Whose house I have made the wilderness And the barren land his dwellings He scorneth the multitude of the city Neither regardeth he the crying of the driver The range of the mountains is his pasture And he searcheth after every green thing Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee? Or abide by thy crib? Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? Or will he harrow the valleys after thee? Wilt thou trust him because his strength is great? Or wilt thou leave thy labor to him? Wilt thou believe him that he will bring home thy seed And gather it into thy barn? Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? Or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? Which leaveth her eggs in the earth And warmeth them in dust And forgetteth that the foot may crush them Or that the wild beast may break them? She is hardened against her young ones As though they were not hers Her labor is in vain without fear Because God hath deprived her of wisdom Neither hath he imparted to her understanding What time she lifted up herself on high? Who scorneth the horse and his rider? Has thou given the horse strength? Has thou clothed his neck with thunder? Canst thou make him afraid as a grasshopper? The glory of his nostrils is terrible He pours in the valley and rejoiceth in his strength He goeth on to meet the armed men He marketh at fear and is not afraid Neither turneth he back from the sword The quiver rattles against him The thundering spear and the shield He swalloeth the ground with fierceness and rage Neither believeth he that it is the sound of the trumpet He saith among the trumpets, Ha-ha! And he smelleth the battle afar off The thunder of the captains and the shouting Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom And stretch her wings toward the south? Doth the eagle mount up at thy command And make her nest on high? She dwelleth and abideth on the rock Upon the crag of the wok and the strong place From thence she seeketh to pray And her eyes behold afar off Her young ones also suck up blood And where the slain are, there is she Brother Gary, could you pray for us? Job chapter 39, beginning verse number 13, is where I wanted to begin, where the Bible reads Gave us thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks Or wings and feathers unto the ostrich Which leaveth her eggs in the earth And warmeth them in dust And forgetteth that the foot may crush them And that the wild beasts may break them She is hardened against her young ones As though they were not hers Her labor is in vain without fear Because they are in vain Her labor is in vain without fear Because God hath deprived her of wisdom Neither hath he imparted to her, understanding What time she lifteth up herself on high She scorneth the horse and his rider And the title of my sermon tonight is The Ostrich versus the Eagle The Ostrich versus the Eagle In this passage, the ostrich is mentioned And several verses are devoted to explaining things about the mentality of an ostrich And then later in this chapter, the eagle is mentioned And there's a contrast there between the two Now keep your finger in Job 39, go to Lamentations chapter 4 Toward the end of the Old Testament, right after the book of Jeremiah Lamentations chapter 4 The ostrich is only mentioned two times in the Bible It's mentioned here in Job 39, it's also mentioned in Lamentations chapter 4, verse number 3 And in fact, the same attribute is given to the ostrich in both places Lamentations chapter 4, verse 3 reads Even the sea monsters draw out the breast Now this is referring to the fact that whales are mammals And of course the word mammal comes from the same root word as mammary gland Or that which is used to breastfeed, that's what mammal means Mammals give suck to their young And even though whales swim around in the sea as a fish They're technically in modern times classified as a mammal for that reason So when it says even the sea monsters draw out the breast It's talking about gigantic whales that actually breastfeed their young They give suck to their young ones The daughter of my people, on the other hand, he's saying Is become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness Alright, so a person who does not have affection for their own child A person who would not care for their child properly and naturally Is likened unto the ostrich, being cruel like the ostrich in the wilderness As opposed to even the sea monsters drawing out the breast Even a whale Go to Job chapter 39 where we were, the Bible reads in verse 13 Gave us thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks Or wings and feathers unto the ostrich, verse 14 Which leaveth her eggs in the earth and warmeth them in the dust And forgetteth that the foot may crush them Or that the wild beast may break them She's hardened against her young ones as though they were not hers I mean this is a picture of a mother Who doesn't really worry about the fact that there are all kinds of hazards That could happen to their child, all kinds of dangers That could happen to their baby or their toddler And so they pretty much just drop it off wherever, leave it wherever And they don't really think about the fact that bad things could happen Because they're sort of hardened against their young ones as though they weren't even hers it says And it says her labor is in vain without fear Because God hath deprived her of wisdom That means this is a dumb animal This is a stupid animal, I mean you can just look at an ostrich And it doesn't really just scream out to you, hey I'm the smartest animal Right? They kind of have a dumb look on their face Now let me tell you this I actually really like ostriches as far as I like to go to the zoo and look at them Whenever I go to any zoo, one of the things that I go to see is the ostrich In fact I would say it's in my top five to go see But it's a very dumb animal It's interesting, it's fascinating to observe But it's a very stupid animal It says here that God has deprived the ostrich of wisdom This is not an animal that we want to be like This is a bad example in the Bible telling you Don't be like the ostrich Don't be cruel like the ostrich Don't be hardened against your young ones like the ostrich Don't just disregard the safety and the caretaking of your young ones as the ostrich would be want to do Her labor is in vain without fear Because God hath deprived her of wisdom Neither hath he imparted to her understanding What time she lifted up herself on high She scorneth the horse and his rider Isn't it interesting that one of the most foolish animals is also prideful She lifts up herself and scorns the horse and the rider I mean who do you think is more formidable The ostrich or a man on a horse Who do you think is going to win that fight A soldier on a horse or an ostrich But the ostrich is so bold that it just scorns the horse and the rider Doesn't care about the danger Basically pride and arrogance are often found in some of the most foolish people Sometimes the dumbest people are the biggest loudmouths You know they're not very smart but they think they know everything You know the Bible talks about how the slothful man is wiser in his own conceit Than what seven men or ten men that can render a reason And so here we see some bad attributes about the ostrich Now I'm going to preach on some things tonight That are very likely to offend people And I want to say this I don't want to offend anybody Alright I'm not up here just trying to burn you And trying to really sock it to you and offend you And just hit you right where it hurts That's never my intention when I'm preaching My intention when I'm preaching is to edify the body of Christ To build you up, to teach you, to help you Now if you are a thin-skinned person Meaning you're a person that gets offended very easily And you wear your feelings on your sleeve You know you're probably not going to last long in a real hard preaching fundamental Baptist church Because real preaching does sometimes hit us where it hurts It does preach against our sin sometimes Or maybe just preach against an area of our life that we need work in That we're a little bit weakened Look if you're just going to go to church to get a pat on the back What's the point? Just to tell you how everything you're doing is already great Just keep doing what you're doing You're doing a great job You know that's not going to help anybody The Bible says preach the word Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine And those three words all have to do with telling you that something needs to change When you reprove, when you rebuke, when you exhort I'm trying to speak the truth in love tonight I'm not trying to offend you or hurt your feelings or anything like that Now when you preach about issues that deal with women And especially when you preach about issues that deal with women In regard to child bearing, child rearing Anything to do with their children They get very, very sensitive and very touchy about that They don't like to hear anything negative about the way that they did things or do things So I just want you to remember the verse tonight Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them The Bible says Nothing shall offend them And always when I preach on any subject I would like for you to keep in mind That when I'm preaching Bible principles I realize that there are exceptions to the rule in many cases And I'm never up here to try to browbeat someone who made mistakes in the past Or up here to try to browbeat someone who was put in a weird situation where they had to do it differently Or I'm not preaching against the exception because they were the exception Look, I'm up here preaching what should be the normal biblical pattern For having children and taking care of those children and raising those children I'm preaching what the norm should be Are there exceptions to that? Sure I mean, for example, if I'm preaching about getting married And I'm preaching, that's normal Most people are going to get married, right? But is there that rare exception that's not going to get married like in Apostle Paul? Yes, it's out there But it's the exception And so we can't just spend all of our time worried about every exception And you know, if I'm going to sit here and only preach things that aren't going to offend people I'm not going to preach much Because I'm going to have to keep taking things out of my sermons Oh, there's a guy with long hair, can't preach on long hair on men Oh, there's a woman in pants Oh, these people are divorced Can't preach on divorce Then there's nothing left Okay? So, listen to the sermon tonight And especially you ladies, please just listen And don't get emotional, don't take it personal Just learn from the sermon tonight Because what I'm preaching tonight is important And it's the truth And it's biblical Whether it hurts your feelings Whether it upsets you, whether parts of it upsets you or offend you If I didn't teach you these things, I feel that I would be remiss You know, if I love you as a pastor Then I'm going to not withhold any knowledge or wisdom or understanding from you I need to preach everything that the Bible teaches So don't get offended about this Today, we are living in a day Where the way that your average person in America goes about having a child and raising that child Is a lot more like the ostrich and a lot less like the eagle Now, I don't know about you, I'd rather raise an eagle than an ostrich You know, all throughout the Bible, the eagle is a symbol of great things It's almost up there with the lion in the Bible as being a symbol of greatness And majesty Whereas the ostrich is just a big dumb animal that's the laughing stock of Job chapter 39 I don't want to raise an ostrich, I want to raise an eagle And we need to understand that today's methods of child rearing in America have serious problems And I'm not just talking about the fact that people aren't spanking their kids That's not all there is to child rearing I'm talking about all the way from conception to birth to breastfeeding to taking care of the baby Taking care of the toddler, taking care of the child I mean, folks, it's not biblical It's not natural It's like the ostrich in the wilderness Where women are hardened against their young ones as though they were not theirs And where there's a disconnect between the child and their mother We need a generation of mothers who love and care for their children And make their children the priority And realize that their primary role in this world is that of a wife and mother Now look, does my wife, does she help out with stuff around the church? She does, she helps a lot, she volunteers and does a lot of good things But let me tell you something, that is not why she's on this earth and that is not her primary function Her primary function is to be a help unto me And to raise the children that she and I have produced That's her primary function is as a wife and a mother Are there other things that she does with her life? Of course Does she have other aspects to her life? Yes Is she involved in church? Is she involved with winning souls? Is she involved in teaching other people? Yes But I'll tell you what her primary function is, is that of a wife and mother And we need to stop downplaying that and thinking that that's not that important When in reality the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world It's vital that we raise up a generation of godly young people And not just have this short-sighted view that just says Oh well who cares Jesus is coming or whatever Not seeing the future that we need to raise up another generation That's going to keep on serving God after we're gone And not just get so busy with everything that we don't raise our children And take the time to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord A child left to himself causeth his mother shame the Bible says We need an emphasis on mothers being mothers and wives being wives And the family having an important place in our lives Now, let me start out by saying this Just starting with birth right away Now look, is there a time when a C-section is necessary? Of course You know about one to three percent of the time a C-section is necessary Right? Because of extreme danger and so forth or you know things aren't working But let me tell you something, today the C-section rate is like 33% in hospitals That's not normal And again, I'm not trying to offend you if you've had a C-section I said there are times when a C-section is necessary It's a good invention because it does save lives I'm for it There are times when it's necessary But let me say this though When women are taking time off from their job on a Friday So that they can go in for their scheduled C-section on Friday And then be back to work on Monday Something's wrong with that picture That's what we see today, the elective C-section Just, I'm getting a C-section for no reason Or just so that I can work it into my schedule Because I've got all these other big plans Look, the Bible said here of the ostrich in verse 19 It says she's hardened against her young ones as though they were not hers Her labor is in vain without fear Her labor is in vain Look, if you're gonna sit there and have a baby And just drop it off with whoever So that you can go back to work You know, your labor's in vain When you're laboring at that job You need to be home with your children We need mothers who are stay at home wives Stay at home mothers Raising their children So that that child wakes up every morning And mom's there to feed it And spend time with it throughout the morning And have lunch and afternoon and evening Look, I am against you men sending your wife to work I'm against it, I'll preach against it If it offends you, I'm sorry It's the truth Now are there exceptions to that? Yeah, the exception to that would be If a wife is forced into that Because the husband's not providing Or the husband leaves her or whatever Single mothers or whatever Yeah, obviously they have to do something They have to, you know, live somehow But that is not God's plan And I would say that it's the husband's responsibility To step up to the plate To make the money necessary To pay the bills And to tell his wife, I'm the provider You stay home Let me pay the bills And you'll take care of the house We need that old-fashioned ethic To come back to the United States of America And because of the fact that women are in the workforce There are all kinds of bad things That have entered our society Children that are growing up Without having a good relationship with their parents Because they're just shipped off right away To don't care, I mean daycare You know, right away when they're born They're dropped off at don't care And then they go to the school system And they're not close with their parents You know, the mothers weren't there to raise them And it's like the ostrich doesn't consider That the foot may crush them Or that the wild beast may break them You know, how many times Have kids been dropped off at daycare And bad things happen to them Especially in the perilous times In which we're living Where you have all these pedophiles out there And you have all these freaks and weirdos out there And everybody's afraid to even say anything to them To offend them And they're just allowed free access to children Because God forbid we should imply that You know, homosexuals are pedophiles God forbid we actually state the obvious That they're filled with disease That they're 50 times more likely to get AIDS Than a normal person According to AIDS.gov Which is not a fundamental Baptist website But there are all these weirdos out there Not only that But if you drop your kids off at daycare At school They're not going to care for them The same way that the parent would care for them It's sort of like in John chapter 10 Where Jesus talks about the true good shepherd He gives his life for the sheep Whereas the hireling The one who's just hired to take care of someone else's sheep He flees when the wolf comes The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep People aren't going to protect your kid As well as you're going to protect your kid Not only that But people aren't going to discipline your kid The way that you would discipline your kid They're not taking your kid at the daycare Or the public fool system And giving it a spanking They don't do that But that's what the Bible teaches It says that we should withhold not correction from the child For if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die Thou shalt beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell He that spareth his rod hateth his son But he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes And so we're starting out right away Number one In order to have a good connection with your child From the beginning Number one A natural birth is preferable Now look A C-section is inevitable in many cases And that's life But then at that point you have to work to build the connection Realizing that you're starting out a little behind on that connection Let me give you an example on this About how people can become disconnected from their child Women can become disconnected from their baby in fact You know my grandma was having children a very strange time in our country Medically speaking You know in the 50s and 60s and 70s People had some really weird ideas When it comes to the medical world And especially when it came to babies You know this is when it got to the point Where even breastfeeding at all was in a really low minority What do you think it was during the 70s? What's that? Yeah I got Breastfeeding in this country got down to the single digits For a while Of who's breastfeeding Okay It's kind of a strange time in our country Well At this time In the late 1940s My grandma gave birth to her first child And just the normal standard procedure Was that she would be put completely unconscious And give birth completely unconscious Okay this is in I believe 1947 She gives birth to her first child And when the doctor brings it into her Once she wakes up and comes back from the anesthesia She bursts out crying and says That's not my baby That's not my baby And they're like no no this is your baby And she said That's not my baby My baby would be beautiful This baby is ugly That is not my baby That is literally what my grandma said When you know my aunt was born Okay Because of the fact that she didn't go through childbirth There was this kind of a disconnect there You know so then you have to work to overcome that Disconnect and build a bond with your child So the best way to establish that bond Is to give birth naturally So that should be the goal To give birth naturally Okay Not only that but number two is that Mothers should breastfeed their child They should breastfeed their child Okay And again people get real offended Because they didn't breastfeed Or they didn't breastfeed long enough Look Just be quiet and listen to the truth Breastfeed your child Okay The Bible says As newborn babes Desire the sincere milk of the word That ye may grow thereby What God made is the best thing for your child You know again in the 50s, 60s, 70s They convinced everybody that formula Is better for your child than breast milk It's even better they said It's a step up That's been proven to be false since then And today in 2016 everybody knows And everybody agrees that breastfeeding Is the healthiest thing for your child And that's why breastfeeding has made a huge comeback In this country And now it's much more common It's the majority now Whereas it almost went away for a while Because of just strange ideas About this Breastfeed your child That helps build a bond There are hormones that are released When you breastfeed your child That actually cause you to have more love And affection for your child And to connect and bond with your child These hormones are called You know the bonding hormones Or you know the relationship Or you know the relationship hormone It's sometimes called Just the stimulation of having the child Suckling at the breast Actually causes the mother to bond With their child The Bible talks about this Drawing out the breast Giving suck to the young ones And the book of Isaiah Talks about how the nursing mother Cannot forget her sucking child There's a connection there That's through breastfeeding Go if you would to Leviticus Chapter number 12 I know of a woman that was a friend of ours She gave birth to her baby And literally Less than a week later Like two days later She left the baby with someone else The whole day And went to Six Flags Roller coaster park Like within days Of giving birth That's not normal That is the ostrich mentality Okay Look if you would to Leviticus chapter 12 And understand That when a woman gives birth to a child This is not just some quick thing Some, you know, C-section on Friday Back to work on Monday Six Flags on Tuesday Drop them off at daycare on Wednesday You know, that's not biblical That isn't right Look what the Bible tells you It's not biblical It's not biblical It's not biblical It's not biblical That isn't right Look what the Bible teaches About when a woman gives birth to a child It says in Leviticus chapter 12 verse 1 And the Lord spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel saying If a woman have conceived seed And born a man child Then she shall be unclean seven days According to the days of the separation For her infirmity Shall she be unclean And in the eighth day The flesh of his foreskin Shall be circumcised And she shall then continue In the blood of her purifying Three and thirty days She shall touch no hallowed thing Nor come into the sanctuary Until the days of her purifying be fulfilled But if she bear a maid child Then she shall be unclean two weeks As in her separation And she shall continue in the blood Of her purifying three score And six days Now, what the Bible's teaching here Is a couple different levels of uncleanness Okay So, if a man child is born She's unclean For seven days Where she's completely set apart In uncleanness Okay But then after that It says for an additional thirty-three days She continues in the blood of her purifying So she can get back about her normal life But just during that time She's not supposed to approach the holy things In the Old Testament sanctuary Or later the temple She's not allowed to approach Under the holy things But, so there's two different levels There's one level of being set apart For the seven days And then there's an additional thirty-three days Okay If she gives birth to a daughter Then she's unclean for fourteen days Or, I'm sorry, unclean for fourteen days And then an additional sixty-six days Of not approaching the most holy things So, there's either a forty-day period Or an eighty-day period Now, some atheists and fools Which all atheists are fools, amen The fool said in his heart There is no God But they've said Oh, you know, God thinks that Women are, you know, inherently more unclean Than men or something, you know Why does it take twice as long? Well, this is just a fact That hormonally A pregnant woman's body After she gives birth Is going to react differently To giving birth to a man child Versus a woman child Because of the fact that Different hormones are at play And women will continue to bleed longer After giving birth to a daughter This is fact I have a lot of experience with this Because my wife has given birth to nine children So, it's not like I'm up here I'm some young guy And, you know, I don't know what I'm talking about You know, I've witnessed Every single one of my nine children be born You know I know about this subject I have personal experience with it My wife has studied extensively I've studied extensively We've both studied our Bible Which is our primary source For knowledge and wisdom and understanding In these issues And there's something wrong With a society that just tells you Give birth and just jump right back into life And then you wonder why breastfeeding Doesn't work for you Oh, I tried breastfeeding Doesn't work Yeah, but that's because you went back to work The next day That's because you're up Moving around Doing everything Listen, after you give birth You should be on bed rest For a week Totally set apart For a week And then after that You still don't jump fully into your routine Honestly, you know, from our experience In having children And by the way Not only has my wife had nine children But she's also healthy Okay And she's, you know, God willing She's able to continue even having more children There's no end in sight And so If my wife Gives birth For the first seven days She should relax And rest And take it easy And pretty much be on bed rest During those During that first week Okay Then after that You know, she's gonna start getting up And moving around And doing some more But she's not just gonna jump right back into her routine You know, she's not gonna be fully into her routine And fully back To a hundred percent For six months Okay But there's gonna be a one week Of total bed rest And really taking it easy Then there's gonna be, you know, the 33 days Of another level of activity And another level of being up and about And moving around And then there's going to be Of course, you know, six months later When she's pretty much fully recovered from the birth But you know, today, women It's like they just wanna jump back in To their lives And just jump back And you know It's like they don't wanna be a keeper at home They just wanna just be out and about And just gallivanting Right after they gave birth When they need to be Enjoying that time with their newborn And bonding with their newborn And making breast feeding And being with the child And taking care of it The main priority The one hundred percent priority And listen, there's no glory In giving birth And then bringing the baby to church The next day That doesn't make it easy I'm so spiritual I'm never gonna miss church Wait, is that what God said? When God's telling you to be set apart and everything God didn't tell these women Hey, be in church the next day Stay home for a week Stay home for two weeks You know, my wife usually starts coming to church About two weeks After giving birth Ah, she's just so unspiritual She's just looking for an excuse to stay home No, no, no She's actually following a biblical principle That we just read And you say Oh, you're trying to bring us back under the law Look I'm not saying this is some kind of a law That you have to keep and go down to the sanctuary And we don't believe in circumcision I get all that This is a biblical principle that is here for a reason And this chapter is profitable for doctrine All scripture is profitable for instruction and righteousness And if you're smart You would heed what the Bible is saying here And understand that when your wife gives birth She needs a break And you know, you don't want to expose a brand newborn baby To a bunch of germs The first day And the first couple of days You know You stay home You take it easy You let the mother recover You let the baby build up its immunity and so forth You focus on breastfeeding Getting enough rest Getting the right nutrition And starting off your child rearing right By bonding with your child And look, if you had a C-section Even more the reason why you need to bond with your child And you know, C-sections are even harder to recover from Than a natural birth So if you had a C-section You probably need to take even more time To rest and relax and take it easy And recover your body I don't believe in burning the candle at both ends You know, people think that maybe I'm real busy And crazy and working non-stop and everything And you know, I try to work hard and get a lot done But you know what I'll admit to you right now I confess I don't burn the candle at both ends I don't just drive it till the wheels fall off You know what I believe in getting a good night's sleep And you know, eating good food And spending time with my wife And spending time with my kids And taking care of my personal life And my family life I believe in that Because I'm not trying to just be here For six months or a year Like some kind of a Roman candle Christian That's just And then gone You know, I've been doing this for 11 years consistently I've been soul winning now consistently Every week for 18 years And I want to do it for another 18 years I want to do it for 40 years I want to do it for 50 years I'm in it for the long haul And I'm not just gonna just Well I just gotta go everywhere and preach to everybody And go soul winning everywhere And then I don't have a relationship with my daughters I don't have a relationship with my sons I don't have a relationship with my wife You think I'd be the first preacher to make that mistake? Neglecting the family? And going out and saving the world And then their own family Falls away Their own family Some of them are unsaved Or falling away to the world Not worth it Because if I can raise up godly children They're gonna continue the work of soul winning Even after I'm long gone And don't get me wrong I'm not for being lazy I do work a lot But I make time for my family Because it's critical And here's the thing That's me as a husband My primary function in this world As a man Is to work Okay So my main thing Is being the pastor Of this church And the work of the ministry That's my main thing My main thing is not child rearing But even I Am gonna take the time necessary To bond with my children And have a relationship with my children But how much more for the wife When that is her main role That is her main job I mean the man is created to work The wife is created to support the husband And raise the children Even as men We wanna connect with our children And bond with our children And make that But how much more do mothers Need to bond with And have a good relationship With their children We need to make our children The priority When it comes to our You know Or women need to make their children Their priority Being a mother Is their main job You know Second only to being a wife They need to Take that seriously When you give birth You stop everything You get on bed rest You take it easy You stay home You chill out And you build a relationship With your child From the very beginning And you breastfeed that child This is in a perfect world What everyone should be doing This is what God Has laid out as the standard Now not only that But if you do not Breastfeed your child Or if you do not Breastfeed your child properly You will have too many children In too short of a time Okay Now I've been teaching this Again for The entire length of my ministry I've been teaching this for 11 years I preached on this 11 years ago That You know We don't use birth control The only birth control That my wife and I use Is to just Get on our knees And pray for more children That's the closest thing To birth control that we do Is just praying for God To give us more children Okay We don't use any birth control We don't do natural family planning We don't do any family planning But yet our children Are all Approximately two years apart We don't We're not having Irish twins Every year You know Where we're having children That are 10 months apart 11 months apart And the reason why Is that You know It's a way to naturally space your children By breastfeeding them Now I have people All the time say Oh Doesn't work I tried It doesn't work Now look Supposedly this works for 99% of women So yeah There would be I guess One in a hundred Where this wouldn't work But every single person That I've ever personally talked to And I don't know everything And I haven't talked to everybody Every single person That I've personally talked to Who told me Oh that doesn't work for me Was They were not Doing it right Every single one Now I'm not saying that there's not somebody out there Who did it right And it didn't work for them But I'm telling you I've never met one That's what I'm saying And don't get all mad and offended The only way that this works You have to exclusively breastfeed your child And it has to sleep in bed with you And nurse And suck on your breast Throughout the night You do that And you breastfeed on demand Meaning every time the kid's hungry You feed it And it works That's how it works But then But what you'll have And if you would go to Hosea chapter one Hosea chapter one But here's what you'll have people do They'll put the baby in a crib at night And then say Oh you know I breastfed the baby But then You know my periods came back Two months later Yeah because You're not following the program though You're not following the plan Okay Or they'll say They'll say You know Oh well you know I breastfed the baby And it didn't work Oh but I breastfed it on a strict Four hour feeding schedule See my wife breastfeeds the baby like every hour Like literally every one hour That's how often the thing is eating I mean that's When you feed them on demand It's just a continual Lot of feeding going on Now this knowledge Is knowledge that people have had For thousands of years But a lot of this knowledge was forgotten in the 20th century Because we went through this weird time in our history And again I know there's So many women here who hate me Because of just something that I've preached so far You know because I've like touched several nerves So far But you know what The person who loves you Is the one who's going to tell you the truth So don't Nobody's perfect Don't get mad Don't get offended But This is a great verse Hosea chapter 1 verse 8 It says Now when she had weaned Lo Ruhamah She conceived and bare a son And nothing in the Bible is incidental, coincidental or accidental Why does he give us this detail Because the fact that she weaned Lo Ruhamah Is what caused her to conceive And bring forth another son Okay Because breast feeding Stops you from getting pregnant Okay This is how my children are naturally spaced It's worked for us nine times in a row And I know a lot of other people who it works for But they all follow the rules Of your child sleeps in bed with you You say show me that in the Bible Well Luke chapter 11 My children are now in bed with me And I cannot arise and give thee But anyway It's all in there folks The answers are all there But If the child sleeps in bed with you And you feed it on demand Right And You're resting and taking care of yourself It's going to work Okay You know experts say it's going to work 99% of the time Like I said I've never met someone who didn't work for who followed the rules The other thing is that because our society has gotten so weird on this In the 20th century You know this knowledge was forgotten For thousands of years people practiced this Mothers taught their children this You know they taught their daughters this But then this knowledge kind of fell off the face of the earth And we're having to like rediscover these things in the 21st century Now that we're getting back to breastfeeding And getting back to a more natural childbearing And childbirth Okay But another thing is that because we went through this phase Where nobody breastfed Or got down into single digits Now today people are weird about breastfeeding They're squeamish about it They get real awkward about it Instead of realizing that it's a very normal activity That people have been doing for thousands of years And that it's normal for women to breastfeed in public Okay Now I know there are people who disagree with me on this I'm sure there are probably people even here tonight that disagree I know that some of my fellow preacher friends disagree with me But you know what I don't care What I'm saying is the truth Breastfeeding is normal And I allow my wife to breastfeed in public Uncovered And people freak out about this But this is what people did for thousands of years Okay I mean I know people who are so squeamish about this That they literally Even in their own home Put a blanket over themselves to breastfeed Even in their own home Now here's the problem with that Okay Try eating your next meal under a blanket Okay I challenge you To go home tonight Put a blanket over your head And eat dinner And then when you wake up in the morning Put a blanket over your head And eat a bowl of cereal And bring a blanket with you to work And at your lunch break Get out a blanket Put it over your head And especially in the summertime This is going to be difficult Now Let's say you had to eat with a blanket over your head You know what you're going to do? You're going to finish that meal as fast as you can To get that blanket off your head I mean if I had to eat every meal under a blanket Here's what I'd do I'd put the blanket over my head I'd eat as quickly as possible And get the blanket off my head Well here's what happens When women are constantly breastfeeding their child Under a blanket Because they have this kind of Overly Over the top Prudish Overly modest Where You know even a normal thing like breastfeeding Has to be hidden and covered Okay Then what happens is The baby Just eats for a couple minutes And then it's done It just pretty much Gets in there Gets in there Eats it Gets out Well the thing that releases the bonding hormones And the thing that releases the Don't get pregnant again too soon hormones Is the constant suckling See a baby who's not feeding under a blanket Will sometimes just nurse because it feels like it It's not even hungry It just sort of chills out on the breast And just Enjoys it Just for the comfort It loves its mother So it'll drag that meal out For a long period of time As opposed So here's the thing People are breastfeeding their kid Hours apart Couple minutes Under a blanket Boom Move on Get back about my busy life That's the problem That's why it's not working Okay In order to be healthy And have a good relationship with your child And to be able to give birth to lots of children And not too close together You know you have to Make breastfeeding a little more priority And make it comfortable for you and the child And you know People are sometimes nervous too That someone's gonna confront them Cause there's always Horror stories about Women on an airplane Getting confronted for breastfeeding Or you know Women getting thrown out of a restaurant First of all All across the United States It's illegal for anyone to ban breastfeeding You know breastfeeding is not a crime Amen Amen They cannot They can't throw you out of a plane Or a restaurant It's not legal They have to allow you To breastfeed Okay And you don't have to be under a blanket That's what the law says Okay So you don't have to worry about that And here's the thing My wife has been doing this now For the last 15 years She's been breastfeeding Nonstop for the last 15 years I mean there's never been a time Virtually Hardly at all That she wasn't breastfeeding During that time right I mean she's breastfeeding Most of the time For the last Breastfeeding or pregnant You know For the last 15 years She's never Have you ever been confronted in public Has anyone ever said How dare you You know Draw out the breast And give suck to your young one In Costco No one has ever said that to her No one has ever confronted her About that And listen When my wife and I go to Costco She walks through Costco With the baby On the breast Right here And walks around Costco like that And it's totally normal It's as natural as rain Now usually Every once in a while You get dirty looks from old ladies Because they Pumped so much birth control And bottle fed their kid And they're all bitter Because their One grandchild has green hair And a nose ring or whatever You know So they're jealous of the fact That she's breastfeeding And has all these You know Nice clean cut kids I mean Where you're from in Botswana Is breastfeeding publicly pretty normal Or is it Is it Squeamish Very normal Alright That's what I thought So anyway You know I'm just saying You know It's normal We need to bring back a culture Where being a mother And breastfeeding And staying home with your kid Is not only normal But it's actually Looked upon as being a good thing Amen As being a blessing As being a righteous thing Not something to be ashamed of I mean We visit We took a couple of Families from our church To a preaching service At another church in this area And we went to the church And they were pulled out of the service For breastfeeding Which isn't legal But you know They didn't want to like Stage a nurse in Or do a civil disobedience So you know When the usher came And pulled them out For breastfeeding And they said Okay Well where can we go to breastfeed They put them in like A literal closet I mean They put them in a room That was like I think it was like Six foot By seven foot Or something Or maybe even smaller than that It was like A closet With no Furnishings No windows It was just like A couple of chairs And a They could barely even fit in there These mothers with their children Breastfeeding It was just like You know Lock them away In some dungeon I mean I've seen churches Where they The breastfeeding room It's like a stall In the It's like a stall In the toilets Like why would you Yeah Yeah You really want to breastfeed Your kid on a toilet But I mean Isn't that just So disrespectful And demeaning Like Oh well I guess if you must Breastfeed your child Cause you don't have it On a four hour schedule yet Here go sit on the toilet Go sit in this janitor closet Here sit in this mop bucket And do it And these churches are filled with people Who are using birth control And having one or two kids And then they don't understand People who actually do it normal And just have as many kids as God give them They don't even understand that mentality And I realize I'm stepping on all kinds of toes tonight But you know what Tough We need this preaching You know I just want to make it clear And look I'm not trying to run your life And look If you want to use birth control If you want to take a bunch of birth control pills So you can grow a beard And have no desire for your husband anymore And have all these hormonal problems And cancer risk And everything else You know what You go right ahead Go ahead take birth control Okay Go ahead Go to work Go ahead Don't breastfeed your child Live your life however you want to live it I'm not your boss I'm not your lord up here I'm just here to teach you biblical principles And sound wisdom I'm here to tell you the truth tonight And the thing is You can go out of here and do it however you want But I just want to make sure that everybody knows where I stand Okay Where we stand And this is what we believe here You know If you have your own opinions Fine That's alright You can have your own views You know Not everybody has to all agree And believe the same exact things to come to church here But the point is I want to make it be clear where I stand on this That I stand for the sanctity of womanhood And the sanctity of motherhood And the importance of giving birth And breastfeeding And staying home with your child Look That's a full time job And that is the greatest job that a woman can do It's a lot better than being the president of a corporation Or the president of the United States More respect for a stay at home breastfeeding mother Now if you would turn to Job chapter 39 once again Job 39 I got to hurry up There's a lot that I wanted to talk about in this sermon And look Be careful who you listen to And who you get advice from First of all number one Study the bible Study the word That's our primary source But number two Get advice from people that are having success In any area of life You know if you're in business And you want to get business advice Get advice from somebody who's succeeding If you want to have a good marriage Get advice from somebody who has a good marriage If you want to get child rearing advice Get advice from somebody who is You know The parent of godly children If you want to get advice on You know Childbirth And breastfeeding And child rearing You know Talk to somebody who's succeeding Who's doing well And get advice from them on this subject And you know what There are lots of people out there that will tell you Oh you know Pastor Anderson is way out to lunch on this breastfeeding thing He's crazy He's a liberal He's a hippie You know It's nakedness It's obscene But you know what Just be sure you're not listening to somebody who's having kids every Every nine months tell you that You got a breastfeed covered like me And they're having a kid way too often Just saying You know what I mean Think about this Again it's taking a long term view Instead of taking a short term view Okay We don't want to be foolish Where we're only looking at what's right in front of us We need to look at the long term like Okay If I'm in my twenties Or I'm in my thirties And I'm going to be having children for a long time I better take care of my body I better take care of my reproductive system I better take care of myself So that I can continue for a long time And continue to be fruitful even in old age As the Bible says Let's look at the eagle So the opposite of the ostrich is the eagle What does the ostrich do? Well it doesn't really have affection for its child It drops it off readily It's just It's looking for opportunities to just drop off its child At whoever will care for it Okay So that it can do other works and labors and so forth They don't have a natural bond with their child They don't have normal love and affection for their child They don't make their child their priority They have some other labor that's more important than their child When in reality the primary function of women Is that of a wife and of a mother That's the primary function Just as the primary function of a man is to do his job To work That's what the ostrich is like Let's look at the eagle Job 39 verse 27 says That the eagle mount up at thy command and make her nest on high She dwelleth and abideth on the rock Upon the crag of the rock and the strong place And you know That right there is symbolic Of the fact that if we follow the sayings of the Bible We're founded upon a rock The eagle's dwelling is on the rock Okay From thence she seeketh the prey and her eyes behold afar off Her young ones also suck up blood And where the slain are there is she So notice her eyes behold afar off Eagles have great eyesight They fly really high up in the air And then they look down and they can swoop down And pull a fish out of the river, right? But here this is symbolic Being able to see afar off This is like in 1 Peter where he says That if someone is blind they can't see afar off Meaning spiritually Meaning they can't see afar off Like they're only seeing right now They're not thinking about the consequences 5 years from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now The eagle looks at the big picture Of child rearing Go to Deuteronomy 32 Let's see more about the eagle Deuteronomy chapter 32 In Job 39 it also said Her young ones also suck up blood Because of course eagles are scavengers And where the slain are there is she You know providing food for her young ones Go to Deuteronomy 32 11 The Bible says As an eagle stirreth up her nest Floodereth over her young Spreadeth abroad her wings Taketh them, beareth them on her wings So the Lord alone did lead him And there was no strange God with him He made him ride on the high places of the earth That he might eat the increase of the fields And he made him to suck honey out of the rock And oil out of the flinty rock Butter of kine and milk of sheep With fat of lambs and rams of the breed of Bashan And goats with the fat kidneys of wheat And that is drink the pure blood of the grape And then flip back to Exodus 19 Exodus chapter 19 Exodus 19 says something about the eagle as well And this is referred to in the four gospels When Jesus talks about the rapture And he talks about two women in the field The one shall be taken, the other left Two men in the field, one taken, the other left And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is thither will the eagles be gathered together Look at Exodus 19 4 You have seen what I did unto the Egyptians And how I bear you I bear you on eagles' wings And brought you unto myself Just as Jesus Christ said If I go to prepare a place for you And if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself That where I am There ye shall be also So the eagle is seen as one who draws its young ones unto itself Leads them, guides them, feeds them Carries them on its wings And so forth So this is the good parent bird Versus the ostrich being the bad parent bird And again my intention is not to offend anyone tonight or hurt anybody's feelings But these are biblical principles Breastfeeding is praised in the Bible and exalted and lifted up It's normal It's righteous It's godly Okay Staying at home What does the Bible say in Titus chapter 2? That they should teach the young women to be sober To love their husbands To love their children To be discreet, chaste Keepers at home Good, obedient to their own husbands That the word of God be not blasphemed This is a biblical teaching Okay Now, if we look at baby Moses Baby Moses was breastfed by his mother Only up until he was weaned did his mother have access to him She breastfed that baby And then probably when he was two years old You know, one, two years old He was turned over to become the son of Pharaoh's daughter But his mother had him and breastfed him up to that time And what happened when he was come to years? Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God Than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season Not a coincidence that his mother took care of him and breastfed him And then even though he was brought up in all the learning and teachings of the Egyptians What happened when he became an adult? He reverted back to what his mother The faith of his mother The same faith that his parents had according to Hebrews 11 Is the same faith that he had Okay, why? Because the mother bonded with him during that time I'm sure as she breastfed him She, you know, spoke to him the word of God She sang songs to him You know, the Psalms and songs of Zion and so forth You know, whatever spiritual songs they had back then She sang those to him And she influenced him Even as a baby But today, people have this attitude that Oh, they don't really learn anything You know, you really start teaching them when they get older Wrong You've already failed You start teaching your children When they're born You start teaching them in the womb You say, well, how do I do that? You go to church And they hear preaching through the womb They hear the hymns through the womb It's been scientifically proven that children prefer music that they heard in the womb To music that they've never heard before Even if it's the same style, same genre They like what they've heard in the womb You show up to church when you're pregnant And they're hearing it even in the womb Okay Then when you give birth The way that God designed it Ideally, you know, unless there's a compelling reason To have a C-section You give birth naturally You take it easy You stay home You follow the Bible's plan of being set apart For 7 to 14 days And then still taking it somewhat easy For another 33 to 66 days You bond with that child You breastfeed that child You love that child You sing the hymns to that child You read the Bible to that child And you bring that child up in the nurture The nurture and admonition Not just the admonition of the Lord The nurture and admonition of the Lord And then as it grows up You spend time with it You talk to it You love it And as that child grows older You teach it to read You teach it the Bible You teach it science and history And English and mathematics And you do the job You homeschool the child That's a whole other sermon Homeschooling Homeschooling Not the public fool system Where they're handing the children a storybook About Joshua has two daddies or something That's the kind of junk that they're teaching down there now Everything's environmentalism Everything's feminism Atheism Agnosticism Wickedness Perversion That's what's on the curriculum today in 2016 17 17 Oh man I'm already blown It's the first day and I can't get the year right It was on the curriculum last year too Amen But 2017's gonna be worse 2017's gonna get even worse Believe me But today people think, well, you know What does it matter? It's just a baby If it's fed and diapered If it's safe Who cares? Well, you know what? Those are the formative years I mean that when Look, when a baby's born It's like a blank piece of paper It's like a sponge absorbing everything So important It's so important It's so important It's so important So important You know, it's interesting because When I was You know, I thank God I had godly parents who raised me And my mother She did a great job of taking care of me And raised me and loved me And my mom She did get a job when I was 12 years old But I thank God That from the time I was born to the time I was 12 She was a stay at home You know, she was there for me She taught me how to read She spent a lot of time with me She cared about us She did a great job But over the course of our years You know, spiritually We weren't always in the same place There were times when we went to Really fundamental Type churches And then there were times when we went to other more liberal churches So there were kind of ups and downs spiritually But you know It seemed like when I was first born And when I was a toddler Was when my parents Were the strictest It was when they had like the strictest rules And when they were kind of the most fundamental When I look at my childhood It was when I was like a toddler And then I wonder if it's any Coincidence that I reverted back to that as an adult Even though as a teenager I was really worldly When I became an adult It's like I reverted back to the values That I was brought up with When I was 1, 2, 3, 4 years old And the sad thing is Today That age Is being shipped off To some other junior church Or Sunday school Where they're not even hearing the hardest preaching They're not even learning how to sing the hymns They're somewhere in outer space You know All this wild Kitty music It's all dumbed down And then they wonder why their kids grow up And go to a charismatic church You're putting them in junior church Where there's a woman preacher Wild music Snacks and Kool-Aid And then you wonder why they grow up And they go to some charismatic church Where there's a woman preacher Wild rock music And there's a Starbucks in the lobby You trained them that way You taught them to be like that That's why we have all the babies and toddlers Right here in the service Say oh you just don't have the right facilities To split it up We're never gonna split it up And people said when we started And we had the babies and toddlers in the service They said oh yeah that works now When your church is small When you're running 30 What about when it gets bigger Well we're running 300 now Which is four times the size Of your average independent fundamental Baptist church In this country We still have the babies in the service We still have the toddlers in the service And everybody still knows what the sermon was about And you know what We have more babies and toddlers Than any other church Because we preach against birth control And yet we're able to keep it civilized here If we can do it Anybody can do it We have a generation today That ships off the kids They don't think they matter Short sighted Jesus is coming today Short sighted Ridiculous mentality Not seeing the future Not understanding That the children of the next generation They have their token One or two kids They bottle feed it every four hours Just so it can be as little disturbance to them as possible Because that bottle feeding will make it Be quiet and sleep longer Then they ship it off every chance they get To daycare Preschool School Put it aside And then they wonder Why the average independent fundamental Baptist church Today has no young people in it It's a bunch of old people They're dying Because And then they wonder why their teenagers have no one to date No girls to date No guys to date Where are all the young people? You didn't give birth to them And then the ones you did You didn't even You didn't even Spend enough time Winning their hearts And Rearing them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord So then they go away from the Lord The few that you even chose to give birth to In between your busy schedule And now we have all kinds of teenagers and young people That can't hardly find a spouse In a fundamental Baptist church Because there's a whole like missing generation practically Well you know what When these little babies and kids grow up They're gonna have It's gonna be All kinds of choices to date And look this is a serious issue When people are going out and dating unbelievers And ruining their lives Because church has no options And I'm not condoning it But you can see why it happens when Here's a young man Here's a young man He's 18, 19, 20 There's no girls Or here's a young lady 18, 19, 20 There's no godly young men Or one One kid that they have no interest in And everybody's like Well here's your option She's looking at some dweeb Like whoa Are you serious? And then she's looking at You know the hunk down the street Or whatever you know We need to raise up An entire generation of young people That are brought up In the nurture and admonition of the Lord You say Well what good is that gonna do itself That's 20 years from now Yeah 20 years from now it's gonna matter Maybe people should have thought about this 20 years ago When they were popping birth control So they could do more soul winning Or popping birth control So that they could serve God more Or work more hours Or run more day cares And vacation Bible Sunday schools Folks The family Is important And you wives and mothers Need to understand that That is your most important job And look If you're older And you didn't do it that way I'm not trying to hurt your feelings I'm not trying to offend you I'm trying to preach to the young people Who haven't Made the mistakes yet So that they'll understand Going into it What their responsibilities And what is required of them And what's expected of them And what they should focus on With their lives This is important stuff I don't know about you But if I have a successful ministry And serve God And preach And win souls And send out a bunch of other preachers And my children grow up And go to the devil That's not worth it to me And it's not even worth it to the Lord Because if I can raise even one of my sons To be just like me Then I've just doubled my efforts And if I can raise 10 of them to grow up And be like me Then I can do 10 times as much for the Lord So it just doesn't make any sense Just throw your family under the bus Your family is not some burden It's your primary responsibility ladies I just can't get anything done with these kids The kids are what you're supposed to be getting done Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father we thank you so much for the word of God And we thank you for these illustrations Lord Help no woman here today to be like the ostrich Ignoring her child Dropping it off with whomever Not supervising Not caring Just constantly on the smartphone Or watching TV Or goofing off Instead of caring for the child Lord Help every lady to realize That her husband number one And her children number two Those are the priorities Family life Help women to realize that being a homemaker Is their primary role And God I thank you for the soul winners in our church And that ladies are so many And Lord you know I believe that every lady Should be a soul winner But Lord help us to keep the main thing The main thing for ladies And help us men also to support our wives And to encourage her to do the role That you've created for her By paying the bills And working hard And doing our job As providers So that they can focus on their job As homemakers Lord Please just help everyone who's here To just tune out the world's garbage And their feminist junk And get a biblical view on these subjects And in Jesus' name we pray Amen Alright let's sing one more song before we go Song number forty-five Before we go song number forty-six Forty-six let's sing it out in that first verse My savior first of all Song number forty-six When my life work is ended And I cross the swelling tide When the bright and glorious morning I shall see I shall know my redeemer When I reach the other side And his smile will be the first to welcome me Him I shall know him I shall know him And redeemed by his side I shall stand I shall know him I shall know him By the print of the nails in his hand Oh the soul thrilling rapture When I view his blessed face And the luster of his kindly beaming eye How my full heart will praise him For the mercy, love and grace That prepare for me a mansion in the sky I shall know him I shall know him And redeemed by his side I shall stand I shall know him I shall know him By the print of the nails in his hand Oh the dear ones in glory How they beckon me to come And are parting at the river I recall To the sweet veils of Eden They will sing my welcome home But I long to meet my savior first of all I shall know him I shall know him And redeemed by his side I shall stand I shall know him I shall know him By the print of the nails in his hand Through the gates of the city In a robe of spotless white He will lead me where no tears will ever fall In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight But I long to see my savior first of all I shall know him I shall know him And redeemed by his side I shall stand I shall know him I shall know him By the print of the nails in his hand By the print of the nails in his hand Thank you for watching! 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