(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) men the part of the chapter that I want to focus on is there in verse 7 where the Bible reads for God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind and the title of my sermon this morning is the mental illness triad so I'm gonna talk about three different types of mental illness this morning and I think that this sermon is gonna be helpful maybe to put together some things that I've preached in different sermons over the years in the past I feel like I've touched on three different aspects of this in three different types of sermons so I'm gonna put it all together in one sermon to help us understand the three different reasons why people are crazy today or they would lose their mind or what the Bible calls madness right being crazy or what we would call today mentally ill okay so I'm gonna give the three types of mental illness I'm gonna put them in three categories and to help you remember this I've actually brought some visual aids today for my three categories and these might seem a little bit strange at first but it's gonna make sense as the sermon goes on we've got category number one right here okay the can of bug spray category number two we've got our crayons and then category number three I've got this tremendous faggot right here okay so this is a bundle of sticks you never thought that one of these would be allowed in faith board Baptist Church right this is the only one that will ever be allowed in here so anyway I feel like this could help you remember as I point to these things and and talk about these things this morning so first of all I want to talk about this text we're gonna get into some other texts but in 2nd Timothy 1 7 here it says God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind so I submit to you this morning that there are three different types of mental illness that we could break things down into and they're very different from one another obviously there could be some overlap and crossover between these but basically one of them is a physical problem that's actually just a chemical imbalance or a physical problem in your body another one is demonic in nature and then the other is being turned over to a reprobate mind okay and so what we would call these number one is psychosis and then this would be your multiple personality dissociative identity disorder schizophrenia and then over here this would be being a psychopath okay so what are these three things I may explain these three things we're gonna get into the scriptures okay first of all psychosis is a type of mental illness where it's sort of like when you're having a nightmare except you're awake so all kinds of bizarre things are happening and you can't tell the difference between what's real and what's not real now here's the thing about psychosis is that there's actually something in your brain that doctors could point to and show you hey this is the chemical reaction that's going on this molecule and that there's actually a physical indication of this right here okay this is someone who has a physical problem in their brain okay making them crazy and we'll get more into that when it comes to the multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder or even schizophrenia in many cases what we're actually talking about is people simply being demon-possessed okay when you're saying okay you know okay I want to talk to Charles now you know can I talk to Charles Charles is it here right now you know these people are demon-possessed all right so these multiple personalities that's simply someone who's demonic at that but you know they have other spirits coming in and indwelling them and taking control of their body these different personalities and so forth okay and then when we use the term psychopath we're talking about someone who has no conscience and even worldly psychology textbooks and psychiatrists will diagnose people with psychopathic this or that or the other and being a psychopath simply means that they have no conscience and if you look for a physical indication of being psychotic you'll find it this right here nobody knows what causes it of course we know what causes it but when it comes to the multiple personality disorder dissociative identity disorder there's all this controversy about what causes it because it's not like you can take a blood test or do an MRI or a brain scan and say well you know you got multiple personality disorder there's nothing that physically is wrong with that person's brain it's a spiritual problem and then of course the total lack of conscience is a spiritual problem as well it's called being given over to a reprobate mind so this is gonna make more sense as I get into the sermon and go through the scriptures on these three different categories and explain why it's kind of important to understand these three different things and to be able to differentiate between these three different things so over here we have the psychosis now it's represented by bug spray because one of the most shocking or interesting kinds of psychosis is what's called parasytosis where people think that they are covered in bugs and they think their house is filled with bugs they think they're infested with bugs I preached on this a couple years ago and I had multiple pest control guys contact me and say that multiple times per year they get called out to people who feel that their body is infested in bugs or how and there are no bugs anywhere and as a pest control guy they said everybody in their shop deals with this multiple times a year so it's actually quite common we'll get more into that later so that's why I have the bug spray representing what's known as sometimes cocaine bugs because I'm feeling a snort cocaine and get this idea that they're covered in bugs or whatever and then this is for the schizophrenia because of the famous art therapy that you know schizophrenics are often given crayons you know to draw with and then over here you know I think you I think everybody understands why this represents the psychopaths okay the reprobates and by the way if you haven't seen pastor Jimenez's documentary psychopath reprobates I highly recommend it you can grab a free copy off the back shelf there or watch it on YouTube or whatever all right let's go to Daniel chapter 4 first of all Daniel chapter 4 want to talk about psychosis first of all we're gonna talk about psychosis we're gonna talk about people that are crazy because they actually have a physical chemical imbalance in their brain where they can't discern reality okay let me give you some scripture on this job chapter 12 verse 24 says he taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way they grope in the dark without light and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man when he says there he takes away their heart what he means by that in this context is he takes away their understanding he takes away their mental capacity he basically makes them lose their mind now this right here can be a punishment from God now I'm not saying it's always a punishment from God because it's the same as any illness you know sometimes we just get sick other times God could smite someone with an illness as a punishment okay just like in the Bible they said to Jesus when they saw a blind man they said hey you know did this man sin or did his parents sin for him to be born blind and Jesus said neither had this man sin neither his parents and he was born blind for the glory of God so we don't want to judge other people and think to ourselves oh you are going through this bad thing you must not be right with God you must be living in sin because look at the whole book of Job is about what the whole book of Job is about a righteous man who was afflicted with physical ailments and lots of problems and his friends accused him of being sinful they said oh well job you must be into some serious sin or God wouldn't be doing this to you and job keeps insisting that he's innocent and of course he was innocent the Bible tells us that he was the most righteous man on the earth at that time and yet he was smitten with the worst possible place so we don't want to jump to conclusions that whenever we see someone suffering through something oh that's God chasing them that's got punished you say well how do I know the difference how do I know if I'm being punished by God or if I'm going through trials and tribulations that God's using to make me a better person here's the answer if you're doing the right things in your life and bad things happen you're going through trials and tribulations to make you a better person if you're doing bad things in life then it's chastisement from God it's special you know whether you love the Lord whether you wake up in the morning and desire to serve him and obey him you know whether you're going to church and reading your Bible and preaching the gospel and doing the stuff that you're supposed to do if you're doing the things that you're supposed to do and something bad happens you can have the assurance of knowing hey when I'm tried I shall come forth as gold he know it the way that I take but when you're out living a sinful life you're backslidden you're fornicating you're drinking you're taking drugs well then guess what that's chastisement that's punishment from God that's how you know the difference all right so you examine yourself based on scripture and figure out whether you're living right or not scripture can be the only judge of that not our circumstances okay so this right here can be a punishment from God for example where you are there in Daniel chapter 4 Nebuchadnezzar is punished with this look at Daniel chapter 4 verse 32 and they shall drive thee from men and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen and seven times shall pass over thee until thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will the same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar and he was driven from men and did eat grass as oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hairs were grown like Eagles feathers and his nails like birds claws and at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes unto heaven and my understanding returned unto me and I blessed the Most High and I praised and honored him that liveth forever and ever whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion and his kingdom is from generation to generation so here we see Nebuchadnezzar is Nebuchadnezzar a reprobate no here we see him getting right with God humbling himself and so he's not a reprobate at all but because of being prideful and arrogant he got punished with this right here right he got punished with insanity madness he's driven out in the field can you imagine what it was like from living outside for seven years eating grass being wet with the dew of heaven and the Bible says that his hair became like Eagles feathers right and that his nails became like bird claws so I mean his fingernails grew super long his hair grew like he's just a wild animal nobody could reason with him he completely lost his mind and then after seven years his mind comes back and now he's ready to be humble before God okay so if God didn't care about him God wouldn't have done that to him even though it was a horrible punishment it actually got him back right with the Lord so in the end God was actually trying to help him be humble and be righteous and so forth and I believe Nebuchadnezzar is going to be in heaven one day so he was punished with this okay now you don't have to turn there but in Deuteronomy 28 28 God says that he will punish those who forsake his word with madness it says in verse 28 the Lord shall smite thee with madness and blindness and astonishment of heart and thou shalt grope at noonday as the blind gropeth in darkness and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways and on and on it goes all the list of things that God will use as a punishment mental illness could be one of them okay and remember we're talking about the physical type of mental illness here now let me ask you this can a Christian become a reprobate no way the the reprobate mind is something that an unsaved person who rejects the Lord and doesn't even want to retain God in their knowledge they are given over to a reprobate mind where they have no conscience and they are past feeling etc ok now can a Christian be demon possessed no I do not believe that a Christian can be demon possessed for one second you know the Bible says greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world we're permanently indwelled by the Holy Spirit if we're saved now we still have the flesh that could lead us into sin but we would never be demon possessed ok and but could we be struck with this right here absolutely God could punish us with this or we could get this through just a physical means that has nothing to do with the punishment of God or maybe it does it just depends on the situation so we don't want to jump to conclusions I've seen some people jump to conclusions where they see somebody go crazy and they just immediately assume oh that person must not be saved because God gave us the spirit of a sound mind but wait a minute God gave us the spirit of a sound mind but what about our flesh could our flesh be compromised yes our flesh could be compromised I've specifically known two people who after getting their mercury fillings removed from their mouth went crazy okay because of the fact that the mercury in fillings is toxic you know it's it's the heavy metal toxicity and if they're removed carelessly it can release those toxins in your body so sometimes people think they're doing something good like oh man I gotta get these mercury fillings out you know get something healthier in there well that's a great thought but you better go to a dentist who knows the danger where they'll take extra precautions to make sure that none of that stuff gets in your system if you have a dentist that says oh don't worry about it I'd have somebody else take them out who understands the risk and is careful I personally have known two people that I knew well who when they got their mercury fillings removed went coo-coo right it's just totally crazy totally lost their mind now why is that is that you know was it a demonic thing was it you know was it a punishment from God or is it reprobate no what it was was that the mercury was poisoning their body and causing a chemical imbalance in their brain where they were just completely losing it and then they went back to normal and and and in fact both of these guys are saved so it's not a spiritual problem that they had they had a physical problem but let me talk about the biggest reason why this is applicable is that drugs will do this to you okay this is one of the biggest reasons why you shouldn't do drugs now look God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind you know that tells me that God wants us to have a sound mind he wants us to be sane and how many times he tell us to be sober so he doesn't want us drinking alcohol because then we're not fully in our right mind he doesn't want us taking drugs then we're not fully in our right mind but let me tell you something if you take drugs kids you can fry your brain permanently and be this guy for the rest of your life okay and I've known people also that that happened to I'm talking about people that I've been close to or friends of the family that these things have happened to this is not just some vague thing out there somewhere and I bet if I ask for a raise of hand how many of you know people who've lost their minds due to taking drugs and just gone completely nuts look at all the hands so listen kids it's stupid and foolish for you to mess with drugs you say well I'm just gonna smoke a little marijuana what's the big deal you know it's legal now go down to the dispensary or whatever and get some marijuana look I've talked to people that struggle with mental illness and said so which drug did you take that it was smoking marijuana you say that's impossible okay you know what you're listening to a bunch of garbage from people telling you that drugs are okay listen anything anything that's poisonous coming into your body can trigger psychosis now look some people can get mercury fillings removed and smoke pot and drink and take drugs they could snort cocaine and they won't go crazy but is that the chance that you want to take because guess what a lot of people who do those things do go crazy and here's a little statistic for you studies show that men who drink alcohol are eight times as likely to develop psychosis not even talking about drugs you are eight times as likely to develop psychosis if you're a drinker and for a woman if you drink your three times as likely so apparently more men are going crazy that are drinkers but the point is these things are all increasing your chances now now let me ask you this who's gonna get punished more for living in sin Christians or non-christians so look if you're a born-again child of God if you're a saved Christian and you go out as snort cocaine who do you think God's gonna cloud up and rain on more on the child of God who should know better and you know what God smote Nebuchadnezzar God smote the children of Israel he smote people throughout the Bible with insanity and he will punish you if you grow up in a Christian home and you're going to church and then you go out there and say oh I'm just gonna so my wild oats a little bit fool around with drugs a little bit smoke a little pot and not only that how many times has somebody been given pot laced with something else to try to get them hooked on a drug that's more extreme folks it's a slippery slope you drink that beer you smoke that pot those are gateway drugs to get you into worse things and you never know when you're gonna get that bad batch of drugs or when your body is just not gonna be able to handle whatever toxic poisons you're putting in and let me tell you something alcohol is poisonous if you take it in high quantities you'll die of blood alcohol poisoning okay drugs are poisonous toxic these are bad substances to be putting in your body you don't want to mess with your body's balance of chemicals and then you end up with a chemical imbalance and you might be crazy for the rest of your life you might not be like Nebuchadnezzar where seven years later your faculties are restored they just may never be restored you'll be one of these people who just walks around the city screaming at the sky and totally out of their mind or whatever so let me just run through some types of psychosis here before we move on to the the others here are some types of psychosis it's categorized into the bizarre delusion and the non bizarre delusion okay so another word for being psychotic is having delusions okay so you think things are there you think things are real that aren't real so a non bizarre delusion is something that's false but at least it could happen like for example someone thinks that they're under constant government surveillance or something when they're just kind of nobody sometimes this person is struggling from psychosis you know when they have just these unreasonable fears of they're constantly being watched and under surveillance and there's not really a reason to to think that then there's the bizarre delusion the one that just has no possibility that it ever could be true in anyone like for example there there is a really common delusion that people get with drug induced psychosis where they think that all of their organs have been removed for their body and replaced with someone else's and there's no scar so that's one of the most common bizarre delusions okay but let me give you some common themes here there's the Cotard delusion which is the false belief that the one does not exist or has died so people are afraid that they died even though they're here you know they're living they're here then there's delusional jealousy where someone believes that their spouse is having an affair with no proof to back up that claim there's the delusion of your mind being read where people go around and they think everyone can read their mind and it says makes them really upset and agitated and scared to get around people then here's another one erotomania this is the false belief that another person is in love with them and this is typically with celebrities and Paul Wittenberger and I we know somebody who suffers from this and he's fixated on Mariah Carey and he thinks that he's dating Mariah Carey and we used to know this guy when he was normal we knew this guy when he was a very smart articulate normal guy now he thinks that he's in a relationship with Mariah Carey he's constantly talking about it online and everything I mean he's just completely lost of mind and you know why because he took drugs took drugs lost my guy that we know oh by the way he's been to our church before when he was normal now he's completely gone cuckoo with erotomania where he thinks that Mariah Carey is his girlfriend or something and I don't know why Mariah Carey but whatever he's a child of the 90s apparently but anyway the thing is though a lot of times these people can then confront those celebrities and then get really angry when you know they act like they don't know who they are because they don't know who they are okay now here's a big one folks the delusions of religious grandeur now I always thought this was just a figure of speech I didn't really know it was a real medical diagnosis grandiose religious delusion is when people believe that they are some kind of either a god or some kind of a significant biblical character and I have gotten hundreds of letters and emails from people who suffer from this and I'm not kidding and I for you know I was perplexed by this for a long time then when I read up on drug-induced psychosis I realized I'm like I get it now these people so now when I get these emails I write back to them and say hey you clearly are suffering from drug induced psychosis if you're if you're still taking the drugs you need to get off drugs you need to seek some kind of professional help you know I write back to people like that and they're like and then and then I'll get a response like well yeah I take drugs but that has nothing to do with it all I do I just smoke some pot that's it you know I'm fine but what am I talking about I'm talking about I've gotten letters from people saying that they're one of the two witnesses of revelation I'm afraid I'm the Antichrist what do I do I've gotten like 20 of those I've heard from like 20 Antichrist 50 witnesses and look there can only be two folks somebody's lying you know they can't all be the two witnesses you know they're Moses they're Elijah I think I'm the second coming of Jesus Christ I mean I think I'm the Antichrist I'm afraid I'm the devil I mean I get these and you say oh I think they're just pulling your leg really because last time I checked people don't write a 40 page handwritten letter when they're playing a joke I'm talking about I get I get a registered mail I think I'm getting sued or something I have to go down to the post office oh I signed for it and they give me like 40 pages of hand I wanted to make sure this got straight to Pastor Anderson this is serious you know I'm Moses I'm one of the two witnesses I mean over the year folks I've been pastoring for like almost 14 years I've gotten a lot of this stuff and I've talked to these people in person and you know what one guy I talked to and he was totally normal a couple years later I started getting messages like this from him a guy who used to be normal and guess what he took drugs fried his brain I'm telling you this is a real thing folks and then of course last but not least delusional parasytosis delusion in which one feels infested with insects bacteria mites spiders lice fleas worms or other organisms affected individuals may also report being repeatedly bitten in some cases entomologists are asked to investigate cases of mysterious bites sometimes physical manifestations may occur including skin leaves because they'll scratch and I you know I don't want to cross the line being too graphic here but I heard from a pest control guy he went out to this woman's house and she was digging in her own arm trying to show him the bugs and there was just nothing there I mean it's a I'm telling you well oh yeah just go ahead folks don't listen to me go out smoke pot snort cocaine do drugs whatever but you know what this is your future and you know what how would you like your life to be a nightmare that never is how would you like to live a real living horror movie that just never ends where you're just covered in fleas covered in lice covered in bugs you have little things burrowing into you it's the worst thing that could ever happen and you know what God talks about he said I will choose your delusions I'll bring your fears upon you God can punish people with this and you know you go out and take drugs you are asking for this okay this is not fun but people lose their minds every day this is not some rare thing folks it happens all the time I'll read this for Isaiah 66 for I also will choose their delusions and will bring their fears upon them because when I called none did answer when I spake they did not hear but they did evil before my eyes and chose that in which I delighted not so you know you got choose what God does not delight in you don't listen to the Word of God you don't listen to preaching you don't listen to your parents you don't listen to advice you go out and live a worldly sinful life you start messing around with drinking and it by the way even cigarettes have nicotine in them the nicotine can be a trigger for this to any kind of substances you're putting in your body look just put food and drink in your body all this junk that you're putting in your body all these toxins eventually they reach a tipping point and it's just like you crack I don't want to crack you shouldn't want to go there and this is the worst thing that could happen to you so watch out for this okay let's move on to this go if you would to mark chapter 5 mark chapter 5 so we're talking about three different types of mental illness the the triad this morning right we've got psychosis we've got the multiple personality dissociative identity disorder schizophrenia and we've got over here the reprobates the psychopath now look a lot of people mix up these words because they're so similar psychopath psychotic these are not the same thing you know cuz I'll just say somebody's a psycho well what do you mean by that you know what I mean are we talking about this guy who's got a physical chemical imbalance which could be from toxicity it could be from taking drugs it could be a punishment from God or it could be just through no fault of his own he got exposed to something through whatever vaccines or just toxins in the air the water supply bad food I mean you know anything could trigger this or nothing and then of course so this right here this is different the site the psychotic guy is confused about what's real and what's not real he's living a life that's a nightmare all the time this guy right here is a guy with no conscience the psychopath we don't want to mix up these two things all right these are different and then this right here is the mic now you say pastor Anderson why are you differentiating these things because we've got a physical problem a demon problem and we've got a reprobate problem now look is everybody who's demon-possessed a reprobate no because you see all kinds of demon-possessed people in the Bible getting saved right the demons leave they get saved they believe on Christ so this guy and look is every reprobate demon-possessed no these are see these are different things now look can a Christian be reprobate no can a Christian be demon-possessed no but can a Christian become psychotic yeah because I was just talking to a guy the other day and he said you know I was really concerned because I won this guy to the Lord and then he developed psychosis and then I thought oh I guess the guy's not saved because God gave us the spirit of a sound mind we get our sense a physical problem now if somebody becomes this guy yeah he wasn't saved because that's a reprobate mind that's reserved for the unsafe if somebody's demon-possessed yeah they're not saved Christians can't be demon-possessed so anyway let's look down at our Bible and learn something about people that are demon-possessed Mark chapter 5 verse 1 and they came over under the other side of the sea into the country of the Gadarenes and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit that's another word for a demon or a devil an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plectus under by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High God I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not but when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worshipped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High God I adjure thee by God thou torment me not and he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirit did I just read the same verse a couple times yeah yeah I got a little mixed up that my notes got a little mixed up I'm losing it no no but what it is is my notes for some reason when I pasted this in it goes verse 5 verse 7 verse 6 verse 7 again verse 8 all right so we're skipping around a little bit all right sorry about that for he said to him come out of the man thou unclean spirit and he asked him what is thy name and he answered watch this saying my name is Legion for we are many folks this is your multiple personality disorder this is your dissociative identity disorder folks it's not one person who has many personalities or one person who has many identities what it is is there's the person and then there are the demons that are living inside them and when they're talking to this name and that name they're talking to this demon in that demon so here we have an example of someone possessed by multiple demons saying well you know my name is Legion because we are many okay so multiple entities living there go to Matthew chapter 17 another thing that we saw there with the demon possession not only did we see the the multiple personalities or the dissociative identity where Jesus isn't really talking to the guy inside he's talking to the demons that are indwelling him but we also saw the self-destructive behavior right cutting himself with stones and folks this is a big thing I mean I remember when I was a teenager these gothics that would be cutting themselves and lancing themselves and had all these scars of cutting themselves folks that is a demonic activity someone who is cutting themselves is either a demon possessed or be mimicking someone who's demon possessed and try to be like yeah I can be like Trent Reznor or something you know I can be like whoever you know because they they have heroes that are demonic but it's demonic make no mistake about it making cuttings in your flesh for the dead is in the same breath with you know eating blood and practicing witchcraft in Leviticus 19 the prophets of Baal who are worshipping Satan they cut themselves until the blood gushed out here we see a demoniac in mark 5 cutting himself folks people are doing that are either demon-possessed or they're following stars amongst these I don't think gothic's a thing anymore I guess now it's been replaced by emo is that right or is that a little bit of a different thing who knows emo is gone too man I need to get up to date here so who's cutting themselves these days who are the demoniacs these days all right emo is alive and well according to one source all right so anyway the point is that you know this is the devil wanting people to destroy themselves look down at your Bible Matthew 17 15 Lord have mercy on my son for he's a lunatic and what does lunatic mean to us when we hear the word lunatic we think somebody's crazy right they're nuts he's lunatic comes from the word Luna like lunar like the moon like they're crazy over the moon crazy yeah so he's lunatic and sore vexed for off times he falleth into the fire and often the water so here's a guy he's throwing himself in the fire the demons throwing him in the fire or throwing him in the water cutting himself this kind of self-destructive self-harming behavior multiple personalities 23% of schizophrenics practice self-harm 10% have already attempted suicide now here's the thing with skits schizophrenia could be now look multiple personality and dissociative identity disorder is right here for sure they're demon-possessed all right no question about that now some types of schizophrenia can be this over here because of the fact that sometimes what's called schizophrenia is really crossing the line over into psychosis a little bit where it's a different reality but the reason that I put a lot of schizophrenia in this category right here is because I wanted to use the box of crayons number one but number two is because of the fact that schizophrenia a lot of times involves people hearing voices and telling them to do bad things telling them to hurt themselves telling them to cut themselves telling them to hurt other people and they talked to these imaginary friends who tell them to do bad things well guess what that's demonic right there so that right that's why I'm lumping that in but some people who could have been to diagnose schizophrenia you know if they're not hearing these kind of voices and having these other entities and personalities then you know they could just be more in this category so I'm not trying to just draw like a hard line necessarily but we need to understand the three sources of these issues that people are having in their brain okay so now let's move on to this right here okay the psychopath go to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 while you're turning to Ephesians chapter 4 so let's let's review here we got the psychotic and then we got here the multiple personalities or schizophrenic and then over here we have the psychopath the psychopath is the person who has what do they not have they don't have a conscience and even the world will tell you this if you watch that documentary that pastor Jimenez made I mean they show all kinds of interviews with psychologists and psychiatrists saying these people can't be fixed there's nothing we can do for them they'll never get better all we can do is just try to make sure that they don't do too much damage and just try to mitigate the results of their behavior or their mentality but he said they basically teach once a psychopath is always a psychopath you know it's just they they have no conscience they have no normal human empathy for other people okay so look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that you henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart and look at verse 19 who being past feeling these people have gone so far they have no feelings anymore who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness but ye have not so learned Christ go if you would to Titus chapter 1 Titus chapter 1 also 1st Timothy chapter 4 speaks of those who are false prophets as speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron so their conscience has been seared with a hot iron what does that mean well think about this what if you have your fingerprints on your fingers and you just seared them or just melted the tips of your fingers and it's just it's just gone there's no indication so when the Bible talks about having the conscience seared with a hot iron you know it's the conscience is no longer functioning the conscience has been numbed or destroyed or rendered useless their past feeling look what Titus chapter 1 verse 14 says not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled the mind and conscience is defiled they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and under every good work reprobate so many of the false prophets and false teachers and religious charlatans are psychopaths they're what the worldly psychologists call the corporate psychopath if you saw that documentary the corporate psychopath the one who's not out there just being a serial killer but he is still just totally unscrupulous willing to hurt anyone for his own gain he'll lie he'll send people to hell he doesn't care it's he'll teach lies for money all that matters is his own fame his own success his own financial gain so people that are look at these terms that we're saying go to Romans 1 past feeling conscience seared with the hot iron mind and conscience defiled reprobate which means rejected right and in this context that means rejected by God so that's a psychopath and it's funny how even the world tells us that there are people amongst us who are past feeling have no conscience and they're just super wicked and they and they seem like everybody else they can they can act like they have feelings they can act like they care act like they love you but inside they're just conniving manipulating and really they have no moral compass at all they'll do anything they'll do anything they have no conscience look at Romans chapter 1 verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship the and serve the creature more than the Creator who's blessed forever amen for this cause God gave them up on to vile affections vile is that which is disgusting vile affections for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving themselves that recompense of their error which is me and let me tell you if you do that you'll do anything okay that is not normal as abnormal these vile affections these disgusting things the the men with men and everything else listed here and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient and let me tell you something this is appropriate in this discussion because we're talking about the mind see when we when we talk about the reprobate let's not forget it's the reprobate mind the reprobate mind okay so when we talk about different types of insanity we're talking about the psychotic we're talking about the multiple personalities and then we're talking about the psychopathic and let me tell you something the sodomites are in this category the Bible tells us that they are reprobates and if we if we don't have time to read the whole passage he talks about how their heart has been darkened their eyes have been blinded all the same things that it said about the people that are past feeling conscience mind defiled reprobate concerning the faith etc no conscience no limit that's why the Bible lists all these other activities that they will inevitably do because they have no conscience right so it tells it let me get there in my Bible because this is this wasn't in my notes this way but if we get there what we just read about you know the women changing the natural use that which is against nature verse 27 leaving the natural use the woman burning in their lusts wanted another men with men look what it says about this group of people in verse 29 being filled with all unrighteousness well of course if you have no conscience you're gonna be filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of God despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient parents now look the Bible's not saying that if you do these things you're a reprobate because of course lots of people disobeyed their parents or boasted or were pride that's not the point the point is that the reprobate does all these things it's not saying hey if you do any of these things you're a reprobate it's saying here's what reprobates do they may understand the difference there these are all the things they do why would they do these things why would they be so implacable and unmerciful as it says at the end of verse 31 the answer is because they have no conscience because the mind and the conscience is defiled the reprobate mind is not a normal brain it's not a normal functioning brain it's not a normal functioning mind okay our brain stops us from doing horrible things because of our conscience and just because certain things would just be revolting or disgusting does we're human beings we're not an animal you see animals like like you see the dog returned to his vomit or something you know stuff like that is disgusting to us because we're human okay but the reprobate mind is given over to just filth the reprobate mind is just given over to no conscience just harming other people what is it unmerciful mean it means someone's crying for mercy and you won't show them any mercy what's implacable mean it means nothing will stop you nothing will satisfy you nothing will get you to back down you're just gonna keep coming okay relentless and so this is totally different this person is super super wicked just doomed beyond salvation past feeling hey they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind they rejected God God rejected them Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 30 says reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord has rejected them okay but is this guy just totally doomed and rejected by God no not necessarily no because this guy even if even if somebody who's demon-possessed could still get saved okay and I'm not gonna ask for a raise of hand hey who was demon-possessed before you got saved you know I'm not gonna ask for that raise of hands but you know what I'm sure there are probably some people that are here that would testify to having some experience with this kind of stuff before they got saved okay and I definitely believe I've run into people and I'm not gonna get into all my stories of people that I've run into that I believe were demon-possessed obviously but you know this guy can still be saved and now is this guy already saved no I don't I do not believe for one second that a Christian could be demon-possessed when someone's demon-possessed they're not saved okay but they could get saved unless they're this guy too now let's face it there could be combos there could be a guy who's both of these right Judas Iscariot not saying he was a faggot but I'm saying he was a reprobate I'm not saying he drew with crayons either but I'm just you know these are just the categories this is the psychopath you know he was definitely a reprobate it was too late for him he was doomed but he was also possessed by the devil Satan entered into him right and then you know obviously yeah you know this guy could develop this and you know what a combination that would be okay or you know you could have somebody who has this and this you know an unsaved person right they could be demon-possessed and have a chemical imbalance could be a mixture of both but we just want to make sure that we don't just paint with a broad brush here's what I want to make sure that we know to say anybody who's having mental problems is unsaved and wicked is that really true that's not true because of the fact that there are chemical issues now now let me kind of just change tack a little bit in the sermon and talk about something else because I've got a list here and I'm just trying to kind of squeeze everything into this sermon that I can because of the fact that this is kind of an overview sermon you know I've done whole sermons on the reprobate and the psychopath I've done whole sermons on demon-possessed I've done whole sermons on drug-induced psychosis like I did that sermon called ways to destroy yourself where I went into more detail and talked about that but the thing is I wanted to do this sermon to give the overview and kind of show you how all these things are similar and how they're different so that we can get kind of the bigger picture okay now the world and the worldly psychology of this world you know they break down mental illness into six categories okay so let me read you the six categories according to the professionals as it were okay number one depression number two ritualizing which is like addictions number three phobias number four personality disorders and by the way if you think this multiple personality or dissociative identity disorders rare studies show that one to three percent of people meet the full criteria one to three percent of people okay that's according to worldly psychologists they say one to three percent of people are clinically multiple personality or dissociative identity okay number five perpetual distortions or schizophrenia and number six serial crime disorders serial crime disorders okay so let's kind of break this down you know serial crime disorders which one you think we're talking about here the reprobate right serial crime disorder somebody's a serial killer serial rapist serial adulterer whatever somebody who's just no conscience right so that's category six here okay the the personality disorders and schizophrenia that's four and five are covered here right what about phobias phobias you know I would tend that that could lean toward this over here because a lot of the psychosis could be like a phobia but of course there could be crossover because the Bible calls these people fearful it says that they're the that they're fearful people and and again that's another sermon and then you know the phobias could also be you know this right here of course it could be either one or somebody's just scared and then then we've got ritualizing or addiction okay well some of that's not even a mental illness that's just somebody who just keeps sinning okay you know what I mean so I think that isn't necessarily even a mental illness always it could just be somebody who's addicted to something and then depression okay well you know depression again it could just be somebody sad or whatever or it you know it could be a physical issue it's not necessarily psychosis but just a physical issue so a lot of your phobias are under this because of the you know you're scared of bugs you're scared of being wiretapped you're scared of all these things that aren't really happening or whatever so let me just briefly talk about depression in closing here okay so the Bible the Bible calls this heaviness okay so if you think about depression what does it mean to depress something means like press it down right you know depress such and such the button you'll read an instruction sometimes so depression is is something weighing down on you or the Bible calls it heaviness so some of what we call depression is just people are going through a hard time they're just sad and some of its normal and it's not a physical problem it's not even a spiritual problem necessarily it's just you're going through a hard thing I mean if your if your child dies or something you're gonna be sad that's normal you're mourning we don't mourn like those who have no hope but we still mourn amen so a lot of times people just want to just put a label on something and say it's an illness so they can give you a drug oh you're addicted to sin well ritualizing you're mentally ill here are the drugs that'll be a thousand dollars you know so you got to think about that oh you're depressed oh here take this pill oh your kid just died a week and a half ago and you're still depressed oh here you better take these pills folks that's normal to be mourning for a few weeks few months now obviously you do need to eventually get over that and move on with your life but the Bible indicates people when when someone dies someone's mourning for 30 days or mourning for a week or morning you know so there's a time period of mourning there that's normal but then of course we you know we cling to the promises of God we don't mourn like those who have no hope we know that we're gonna see our loved ones again if they're saved etc so a lot of the depression is just people being sad we're not support we're not designed to be happy all the time folks you know it's okay to be sad sometimes right Jesus wept you're gonna go through times of sorrow times of joy that's normal now some people though are perpetually depressed that is a problem and sometimes people are depressed the point of being suicidal obviously that's a serious issue now this could be one of a couple things this could be a spiritual problem you know some people if they're if they're not right with God if they're living in sin if they're not reading their Bible they're not praying you know they could get depressed partially just from feeling guilty and because they feel like they they have no meaning in their life or that they're not going anywhere because it guess what I got news for you if you're not serving God you're going nowhere in life right I feel like I'm going nowhere well if you're not serving God you're right you are going nowhere you got to serve God with your life all right you got to love the Lord you got to follow his his way for your life but look we don't want to make the mistake again of thinking that every single person who is depressed has a spiritual problem we don't want to just say oh you're depressed read your Bible it's like I'm already reading my Bible and I'm still friends you know alright hey oh you're depressed you need to pray more listen to more hymns you know go to listen to more preaching folks I agree that those things are the answer to our spiritual problems right the answers to our spiritual problems are what you know getting fellowship in the local church reading our Bibles going out soul winning praying keeping God's Commandments doing unto others and and and if we if we do things for other people we get the emphasis off our self we'll stop being depressed right because a lot of times being depressed you're just focused on self and sometimes when I've been sad if I can go out and do something else for someone else then I feel better or sometimes if I'm sad and depressed I go to church and then I feel great I read my Bible then I feel great I start singing a hymn I feel great so look yes those things can be the answer but those things are not always the answer because what if somebody has a physical problem what if somebody has a physical problem we don't want to just say everything's a spiritual problem that isn't true because we were made up of body soul and spirit and and here's the thing I'm gonna put these away because these aren't really relevant to the rest of the sermon and I hope those things are helpful just to help you remember a little bit and not not don't get too fixated on the crayons and the bug spray that was just a little memory thing to help you remember the sermon and and you know I'm gonna quiz you like a year from now and I think you're gonna remember the bug spray the crayons and that tremendous faggot that was up here so basically here's the thing okay if you're depressed it could be a spiritual issue like I said if you're not right with God but what if you're doing the right things and you're still depressed I mean what if you're what if you're reading your Bible you're going to church you love the Lord and you're still feeling like crud all the time look it's out there folks people struggle with this you know you might have a physical problem and let me tell you some drugs are not the answer antidepressants are not the end read the read the side effects on the antidepressants suicide depression they they literally say side effect depression side effect suicidal thoughts folks you don't want to get started on that stuff and then you know what that stuff folks you know you got the depression and then you take that and then that can trigger this that can trigger psychosis when you start taking a bunch of cocktail of psychiatric drugs now all of a sudden you're covered in bugs and they're not really there all right sometimes the bugs really are there so you know consult a professional but anyway so the point is there could be a physical now I'm just gonna in closing I'm gonna give you the threefold cure for depression here's my threefold cure for depression because when people come to me and they're depressed I always check them on three areas okay I check them on three areas if I can because when whenever I hear about people committing suicide a lot of times they they get a they get a strike on all three of these areas okay see our part of the way that our mood is regulated is by endorphins okay so we have endorphins in our brain we have we have a part of our brain known as the reward center so part of the way our brain works is that our brain will reward us for doing certain things okay and endorphins make us feel good and if you don't have endorphins you get depressed whereas the endorphins can lift your spirit okay so how are these endorphins released well exercising can release endorphins so let's say you're just living a very sedentary life you're sitting around you're just doing nothing you're watching TV a lot you're playing video games a lot you're on social media a lot but you're not physically getting out there and getting winded working up a sweat or doing any heavy lifting let me tell you something I'm not surprised that you're depressed because that's how our body releases endorphins to make us feel good you know you talk about the runners high or anything look if you go and do a hard workout at the time you're suffering but afterwards you feel great I mean you'll come home from the gym or from running or where and you're like hey everybody you know you feel great who has experienced that euphoric feeling of course you feel good right so now it doesn't have to be exercise maybe you have a physical job if you have a physical job where you're out working really hard physically you'll get the same endorphins just from doing some hard physical activity okay but not only that number two is that you can have endorphins released just from achieving something or accomplishing so it doesn't have to be like a hard physical activity it could even just be an achievement like for example you know every day I go through hundreds of flashcards for different foreign languages that I'm learning and stuff like that so I'm always going through hundreds of flashcards every day even just if you look at a flashcard and you get the answer right there's just a little endorphin there of like you got it right you win you know your body's like rewarding you your brain is rewarding you for getting the answer right so that way you'll remember tomorrow because you want to get it right again because it feels good to get it right or let's say you go to work and let's say you do a really good job at work you know let's say it even if it's not a physical thing let's say you go to your white-collar job you know your management job or your computer-aided drawings you know let's say you build something or finish something or turn in that project or deliver that speech or deliver that presentation or finish that report finishing things accomplishing things getting things right makes you feel good right and then of course and again this is not available to everyone but if you're married there's something else that makes you feel good they're released endorphins okay so here's the thing about this here's what you'll find you'll find people that are depressed and suicidal sedentary no job so they're not really they don't have any achievements or they're not working toward anything they don't have any goals and then often single okay and then it's you know now look again I'm not saying hey you can't be happy unless you're married or something because look you got two other avenues to get your endorphins right but let me tell you something look if you're single if you're a young teenage boy right and you're you know you're at that age where you know fornication is a temptation for you you know what you need to be doing you need to be doing some physical hard work okay so that you can find another way to get your endorphins and you're not tempted by the devil to do the wicked sin of fornication right get out there and do something else to feel good get out there and work hard build something do something exercise lift weights run whatever you like to do play sports whatever but you got to get involved in something you know Isaac Newton said something along the line my you know I I'm gonna botch the quote but I wasn't my notes but Isaac Newton said something along the lines of you know the key to being pure you know is not to fixate on purity all the time because he said if you're fixating on purity then you're thinking about women all the time you know how that I'm not gonna think about women or whatever so he said he said the way to stay pure is to get busy with other things you know be busy with other work and studies and other things you know to take your mind off of what the devil's trying to tempt you with because of the fact that out of sight out of mind and that's why the devil is constantly trying to put those images before us in 2019 he wants you to think about that and fixate on that all the time so we got to unplug from that stuff you know get in our Bibles get out and do some work you know get out get out in the wilderness and do some hiking go climb a mountain you know go on a bike ride get out there and you know what you'll get the endorphins and you won't be fixated on the wrong things but if you know well here's how I unwind at the end of the day you know I just plop down front of the TV and watch three or four hours of scantily clad women on TV oh yeah then you're gonna feel great you're sedentary you're putting a bunch of temptation in front of your mind you're not getting the endorphins from going out and physically doing something and then you're sad and depressed and gloomy okay so anyway you know I just want to let you know that every mental problem is not a spiritual problem some mental problems are spiritual problems some mental problems are physical problems okay and look the psychiatric industry doesn't have the right answer no matter what your problem is if your problem is a spiritual problem then you know what you got to get right with God read your Bible pray go to church go soul-winding get involved right amen that's that that's the fix for this we're constantly fixing the spiritual problem here three times a week we're we're dosing you with some some powerful medicine here three times a week okay if that's not enough hop on YouTube and listen to you know the sermons from our friends all the other churches how many how many sermons are being produced now amongst our friends about 80 sermons a week going on on YouTube or something it's impossible to keep up with it all so pick you know pick your medicine it's all there for you but but look if you have a physical problem don't go running to the doctor because you're a little sad or something what you need to do first before you you know now look if you're if you're you know pulling out your nails with pliers or something yeah you know you might need to go get some serious help you might need to get professional help at some point okay but what I'm saying is you know what you need to try to do is fix the physical problem by evaluating your lifestyle and this is biblical advice my friend because the Bible talks about the right kind of eating and drinking the Bible talks about working hard working by the sweat of our face all the days of our life right the Bible talks about you know it's better to marry than to burn and so look folks this is biblical base advice about how to fix the physical problem why don't you take a look at your new you depressed okay stop eating so much junk food that's why you feel so cruddy your reward centers like shall I reward you for this junk that you're putting in your body should I praise you for this I praise you not okay your reward center look you want to feel good you want to you want to activate the reward center hey start eating good food and get out there and by the way get in the Sun you know a lot of people are depressed because they live in cloudy places what's your excuse I mean we live in the valley look don't lock yourself up all day man get outside get in the sunshine go for a look and look you say well I'm not a big exercise guy okay take a walk yeah I'm not saying you got to go run a marathon but can you walk around the block a few times I mean can you go on a walk for a half hour hey get out there take a nature walk take a hike go for a run ride your bike lift weights swim whatever you like to do but you've got to get off your butt and get moving now look if you just sit on your butt all day and you're as happy as a clam well good for you but you know what if you're if you're feeling sad and depressed get active get this it's not just about folks it's not people don't just exercise just to lose weight it's it's about the psychological benefit it's a mental benefit is a huge benefit to it let's buy rides and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word Lord and and Lord I pray that people would take heed unto the advice that you give Lord and and you warn us so many times about hey that we need to keep your commandments or or you could you could punish us with with mental illness madness astonishment take away our hearts Lord help us to take those warnings seriously also help us to take the warning seriously that tells us to be sober not to be drunk Lord help us to take the warning seriously about being idle and lazy and slothful Lord help us to eat right drink right work hard get physical and Lord just please help everyone in our church to have a sound mind I know that's your will for our church and anyone who hears this message Lord please help them to have a sound mind if there's anyone who's afflicted with any of these things I pray that they would find the right solution and Lord help us to use discernment making a difference understanding you know what people's issue is understanding the difference between the reprobate and the psychotic and the