(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Please help me to say what you want me to say and please just help us to understand this great truth from the Bible. It is the quintessential truth of the Bible, of life, dear God. And so please speak to our hearts this morning. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Now we saw a few verses in Psalm 12. I'm going to read these for you. Again, you don't have to turn back there, but the Bible says, the words of the Lord. Well, it starts out the first five verses talking about the terrible condition that he saw around him of society. And then he says in verse number six, the words of the Lord are pure words. As silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. And then notice this, thou shalt keep them, O Lord. Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. I'm going to preach to you a sermon this morning on the King James Bible. Why we use the King James Bible? Not only why we use the King James Bible, but why we believe that the King James Bible is God's word and why we believe that he's preserved it for us. Now the first thing that we need to establish is number one, the Bible was written by God. You say, well, men wrote the Bible. Well, let me read this for you. Second Peter one verse 20, the Bible says, knowing this first. See, this is the first thing that you have to know. It says, knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scriptures of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God, spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. You see, it wasn't somebody's private interpretation. It wasn't somebody saw a vision from God or God spoke to them some way and then they put in their little private interpretation. No, my friend. It says there was no private interpretation. It says they spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. I mean, the Holy Ghost literally controlled their mouth as they spake, controlled their hand as they wrote, as God delivered to us the word of God. You see, before the world ever was, before there ever was a Bethlehem's major when Jesus was physically born in this world, before there ever was a man named Moses getting the Ten Commandments off Mount Sinai, before there ever was men throughout the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, who wrote the gospels, my friend, the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. You see, this word of God has no beginning, it has no ending, it's the eternal word of God. It's always been and it always will be God's word. You see, forever, oh Lord, thy word is settled in heaven, the Bible says. And that was written in the book of Psalms hundreds of years before the New Testament was written. He says, look, it's already settled. It's done. It's in heaven. It's not God, but God delivered it to mankind. Now, how did God deliver it to mankind? Holy men of God speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So God just used these physical men as human instruments to write it down. Now you say, well, men wrote the Bible. Well look, see this Bible that I have in my hand, this is my brand new Bible. I just got this and this is the nicest Bible I've ever had in my life, to be honest. Leather-bound, sewn binding, all this. Great. Now let me ask you something. Who wrote this Bible? Because it doesn't look to me like anybody wrote it. I don't see any pencil and pen marks. It looks like it was printed by a machine. Looks like it was printed on a printing press. So I guess the printing press is the author of the Bible. Now what kind of stupid sense does that make? Well, who's the author of this book that you're reading? Oh, it must be Cambridge. It must be Cambridge Publishing Company. I mean, that's ridiculous to say that the machine that printed this is the source of the words. So you say, well, John wrote down the Gospel of John. Does that make him the author? No, he's not the author. The author is God. The Bible says Jesus Christ is the author and the finisher of our faith. You see, who physically wrote it down or who printed this Bible that I'm holding in my hand means nothing. What matters is the words that are in this book. The words have been preserved. God said, Thou, Lord, shalt keep them. Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. Let me ask you something. Why would God, and this is all introduction into what we're going to get into, but why in the world would God take the trouble? God, eternal God, and this is him. I mean, the word of God is God. And here he is up in heaven. He spends 1600 years and uses 40 different authors to deliver this book into the hands of mankind, to get the words of God into the hand of human mankind so that we could know the truth and the truth could make us free. Why in the world would he go through all that trouble if he wasn't going to preserve it for us? You see, why would he give it to just one generation and he give it to Moses and then just let it fall off the face of the earth? It's ridiculous. See, if he's going to go through the trouble to give it to us, obviously he wants us to have it. And here's what happened. When this book was given, what did people do? They copied it and they copied it down and they copied it down and they copied it down and they copied it down and they copied it and copied it and copied it and copied it and copied it. Now you say, well, wait a minute. If they copied it and copied it and copied it and copied it and copied it, didn't somebody make a mistake somewhere? Well, here's the wonderful thing about it. If you copy a book millions of times and one person makes a mistake, it's pretty easy to figure out where the mistake is because all you have to do is look at the other 999,999 and see where the mistake is not. And so if you go by just the masses of Bibles that have always been around in the world, this is the best selling book in the world, by the way, the King James Bible. No other book has been sold more copies of. No other book is more popular. I don't care whether it's Harry Potter or whatever the popular book is. This is the most popular book that's ever been printed. And you see, how can someone tamper with a million and two billion and millions of copies of the Bible? They'd have to, you telling me that somebody went and changed them all? They went and got all a million of them and changed them? No. See, there are a few that have been perverted. There are a few that have been corrupted. And nowadays there are many that have been corrupted. But if you just look at the mainstream King James Bible, go to the Dollar Tree and pick one up, go to Circle K and get one. This is God's word. It's available to anybody who wants it. You can go to the corner drug store and pay a dollar for this thing. This is God's word available to mankind. You see, in our day though, people will cast light on the King James Bible. This is the Bible that, when it came out in 1611, displaced every other English Bible. Every other English Bible stopped being used. It went out of print. I mean, the Geneva Bible, the Great Bible, the Matthew Bible, you know, on and on down the list. Because this was the finished product. They worked on it and worked on it. This is the finished product of God's word. And here's what happened. For 350 years it was good enough. And then come the 1960s and 70s, real great time in our country, right? When all the queers came out of the closet, when all the men grew their hair long and shaggy like a bunch of girly sissies, when they took their mom's jewelry box and put on all the jewelry, and when the girls put on their pants and blue jeans and went out and went to work like men and so forth, and we got the whole unisex movement and all the peace, love, dope, rock and roll, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Great time in our country, huh? So that's when people decided, no, the King James Bible is not good enough. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to go to the archeological Dr. Fatbottom in some university somewhere. He has dug down into the earth and has found an older and more reliable manuscript of the Bible. Now keep in mind our whole premise of what we're saying. God has always told people to copy it and to distribute it. You know, he wanted the word of God to be proliferated. Well how are you going to tamper with something that there's a million copies of? You can't do it. But what happened is they dug down in the earth, right? And they found in some monastery somewhere and they dusted off and they did their little carbon testing and they said, this is older. This is only, you know, 200 years after Jesus died as opposed to what we have now is hundreds and hundreds of years after Jesus died. And so this must be more reliable because it's closer to the original, right? Because it's only 200 years after he died. First of all, 200 years is a long time. But second of all, why would you put all your weight in one document? I mean one document could have mistakes in it, right? I mean one document somebody could easily change. And why in the world would God let the real Bible be shitting under some rock somewhere and for the last couple thousand years we've been using a certain Bible and then all of a sudden we find the real Bible underground somewhere? I mean it makes no sense. But that's where we're at. They started translating these new Bibles from a totally different manuscript, totally different text, and that's why they have 15 verses missing in the New Testament that's not in the King James Bible. I mean it is in the King James Bible. That's why they changed literally every verse because it's translated from a totally different text. It's not just a different translation. It's translated from new findings that they found. In fact I was just looking at a few of these and I'm going to just blow through this but I was just looking through these introductions to these perverted Bibles that I have in my collection here. And it says right here in the New American Standard here, this is the New American Standard, very commonly used translation of the Bible, it says here, consideration was given to the latest available manuscripts. I mean this is the latest and the greatest. This is brand new stuff. To determine the best Greek text. In most instances the 23rd edition of the Nestle Greek New Testament was followed. So they're just going with the brand new, hot off the printing press. Look the Bible's not new, it's old. It's been around a long time. That's simple logic. Listen to the NIV. In 1973 the New Testament in the New International Version was published. Since then suggestions for corrections and revisions have been received from various sources. The Committee on Bible Translation carefully considered the suggestions and adopted a number of them. These were incorporated so they said, people suggested, they said, we don't like this, change this. And they changed it is what they're saying. And then it says here, like all translations of the Bible, made as they are by imperfect man, this one undoubtedly falls short of its goals. Now do these people believe that this book is the word of God? The NIV, does the person who made the NIV even believe that this is the word of God? No. It falls short, it's a let down, people keep telling us to change it and we just change it whenever they tell us to. And then here's the, this is the worst one of all, the Living Bible. It says, let me read this for you. The book you have in your hands is a paraphrase of the Bible. What does paraphrase mean? To paraphrase is to say something in different words than the author used. They are definitely using different words than the author used. It is a restatement of an author's thoughts using different words than he did. Now the whole point of this discussion is, what's important? The thought? The idea? Or the words? God said, my words. He said, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God shall man live. And so if we have the ideas and the thoughts and the stories, but we don't have the words, we don't have what God wanted us to have. That's where God places the emphasis. Let me read this for you. Matthew chapter 5 verse number 18. Remember they say that we've got to keep finding more. We've got to keep finding the latest and greatest because God can't preserve his word. Well listen to this, Matthew 5 18, for verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no lies pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. He said one jot or one tittle is not going away. In Matthew 24 35 he said, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words, and you've got to see that S on the end. He doesn't say my words, he says my words shall not pass away. You see they believe that his words have passed away, so they've got to go dig up some piece of a manuscript somewhere in some monastery. They believe that God's word has passed away and that's why they don't believe that the right Bible is the one that's been used for hundreds and hundreds of years and other Bibles translated from the same source used for thousands and thousands of years. God has preserved his word for every generation, including this generation I'm standing in right now. Well, listen to this Proverbs chapter 30 verse number five. You can just listen to this. Every word of God is pure. That's written hundreds of years after the Mosaic law. That's the book of Proverbs. That's about 500 years after Moses, I believe, approximately 500 years. Every word of God was pure when it was written? No. Every word of God is pure right now. He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar. He says, you add to my word and you're a liar. Hey, I want to tell you something, Mr. NIV. You're a liar. Hey, Mr. Living Bible, you're a liar. Hey, Mr. New American Standard, you're a liar. Hey, Mr. RSV, you're a liar. Hey, Mr. New American Standard, you liar. Hey, Mr. New King James Version, liar. Hey, Mr. RSV and NIV and HIV, you're a liar. Hey, God says, you add to my word and you're a liar. You say, I don't like you throwing the Bible around. I didn't throw around the Bible. I threw around trash. I threw around a liar. I wish that the guy was here. I'd throw him around, the guy that wrote that piece of junk. But here's what we need to see. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3.14, I know that whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever. See, when God does something, I mean, he does it forever. He doesn't mess around. And it says, nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it. And God doeth it that men should fear before him. Now turn with you to Isaiah 30. I want you to see this. Isaiah chapter number 30. You say, come on, Pastor Anderson, why do you get so excited about the King James Bible? You know, why is it such a big deal? I mean, come on. It's only God's word. I mean, it's only the basis of everything we believe. I mean, it's only the only way that we know anything about God and Jesus Christ. What's the big deal, man? Get with the times. Well, look at Isaiah chapter 30 and turn to verse number 8, if you would. Isaiah chapter 30, verse number 8. And I want you to see this. Why is it so important? Look at Isaiah chapter 30, verse 8. The Bible says, now go write it before them in a table. He's telling Isaiah basically to write the book of Isaiah, if you know the context here. He's saying, now go write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come forever and ever. He's saying, look, I'm giving you these words, Isaiah, so you can write this book. Why? So that it could be forever. So that everybody can read it, so that we can read it today. And look at verse number 9. It says that this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord. He's saying these people will just refuse to hear what God has said. They just don't want to hear God's word. He says write it down, it's going to be preserved forever, but for some reason people just don't want to hear it, he's saying. They will not hear the law of the Lord. See, part of the reason why people don't want to believe that the Bible has been preserved for us today is because they don't want to hear what it says. You see, if we just believe, well, this is a pretty good translation or it's in the ballpark, well then it's open for interpretation and when it says something that we don't like we can say, well, I don't think that's really what it meant. Or, well, let me just go to my library of versions and I'm sure you can find a version that will tell you what you want to hear eventually. There are 412 English versions of the Bible and I guarantee you, go through 412 of them, you're going to find what you want to hear. You're going to find one that tells you exactly what you want to hear. Well look at verse number 10. It says, which say to the seers, see not, and to the prophets, that's the preacher is the prophet, it's a Bible word for preaching, and to the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy the seats. Listen to that. He said, don't preach to us what's right. Don't tell us about the preserved word of God. He says, preach us something smooth. Give us a smooth little sermon, pastor. And it says, get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from among us. Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, this is verse number 12, because you despise this word, you're saying you hate the word of God, because you despise this word and trust in oppression and perverseness and stay thereon, therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant, and he shall break it as the breaking of the potter's vessel that is broken in pieces. He shall not spare, so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a shred to take, assured to take fire from the hearth or to take water withal out of the pit. You see, God is saying here in verse number 10 through 12, if you see that, he's saying, because people don't want this preserved word of God, because people don't want the real sharp two edged sword of the word of God, because they just will not hear the commandments of God, what's the result? In their society, he says, two things are the result, oppression and perverseness, you'll see in verse number 12 there. You say, what's oppression? Well oppression is lack of freedom, that's when people take away your freedom, that's what oppression is. It's when somebody rules over you and takes away your freedom. You say, what are you talking about? Well what about the oppression that we're facing in America right now? What about the oppression where I'm not even allowed, supposedly, to spank my kids, because it's against the law. I'll spank my kids until they haul me off to the jail cell, and I'll spank them on my way there, because I'm not going to let some government agency tell me how to raise my kids, that's oppression. When the government comes into my house and tells me how to raise my kids, that's oppression. When the government comes in here and tells me how to preach, and what I can and can't preach out of that book, that's oppression. That's a lack of freedom, that's taking away my freedom. That's like in Canada, where they just made it illegal to read portions of the King James Bible, where you cannot read the portions of the King James Bible that deal with homosexuality. It's against the law. I mean, I'm not talking about preaching. I'm not talking about some guy that preaches like me and yells and so on. I'm just talking about a guy who just opens the Bible and just literally just reads what the Bible says, where it talks about giving the death penalty to the homosexuals, you know, goes through death. Against the law, you go to jail, it's hate speech. Massachusetts, United States, the same thing. You see, oppression, as soon as you get rid of the Bible, as soon as you get rid of the things of God, you have oppression. Look around the world. Look at the places in the world that do not respect Jesus Christ. Look at the places in the world where Christianity is looked down upon, and tell me if you want to live there. You want to go live in Red China tonight? Would you like to be living in some dark jungle of Africa right now? Would you like to be living in Soviet Russia? Would you like to be living in these places? No. Because any place that dishonors God, freedom is gone. And the Bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. That's why this country was the freest place, when it came into existence, it's the freest place that's ever existed in the world, was the United States of America. More freedom for everybody. Why? Because they said, in God we trust. That's why. Because they honor God. Because they honor Jesus Christ. Because this book says freedom, liberty, don't tell me what to do. You know? I can obey God, I can do what I want, I don't need the government telling me what to do. I don't need these people telling me what to do. It's freedom. God gives you freedom. You see, the world thinks that freedom is found in sin, and that freedom is found away from the things of God. So what do they do? They say, I'm free, I can do whatever I want. And they pick up a bottle of booze, right? And they say, I'm free, I'm going to drink this. And then what? Then they're a slave to the bottle? And then the bottle controls them, and they have to have it, and they have to have it, and they have to have it. They can't go a day without it, they can't go weeks without it. You know, same thing, cigarettes, you know? You say, I'm free, I can smoke. The next thing you know, you're addicted. And then you're not free. You're a slave, you're chained to that addiction. Same thing, you're gambling, you know, you name it. These addictions that supposedly say, it's going to be freedom. Don't tell us what to do. Don't tell us what the Bible says. We want freedom. And what the devil just puts you in bondage to sin, where you can't even control yourself, because you're just a slave to the devil's addictions. And on and on, we can go on and on about the lack of freedom that we're facing. And it's coming more and more, you know? Since 9-11 and everything, they want to invade your privacy, they want to tap your phone calls, you know? It's just a lack of freedom. We're going to be living in a police state before we know it. Because why? We've kicked out the Bible, we've kicked out the Bible, we don't want God? Liberty goes out the window also. You know, how about the right to not send my kids to a government school, where they'll be indoctrinated? You know, I don't want to send my kids to the public school. Do I have that right? Do I have that freedom? Well, I hope I continue to have that freedom. And then, number two, not only oppression was the result, but number two, of not having the Word of God around and not wanting it and not believing the preserved Word of God? Perverseness. What's perverseness? Good night. Look around and see the perverseness. Look at the queers. Look at the homosexuality. Look at the... You say, wait, I don't like that kind of preaching. Well, okay, you're like these people that want a smooth sermon, right? You want me to get up here like Joel Osteen and smile real big and say like, I'm hoping for God's best in your life. You know, like smooth, right? Like hey, hey, brother, how you doing, brother? Good to see you. God bless you. You know? Hey, you want me to get a white suit on? Get white and leather shoes like Minnie Hinn? And be like... Pose for some pictures and everything? No. See, that's what you want. Smooth. But God says the opposite of smooth, you say, what's the opposite of smooth? Rough? No. God says the opposite of smooth is right. I love that. He says, don't prophesy what's right, prophesy what's smooth. You say, that's hard preaching. No, it's right preaching. And it just happens to be the exact opposite of smooth preaching. You see, the Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination. It's a sin and it's a death penalty. He said, get the queers and throw rocks at them until they're dead. This is Steve Anderson's modernized version, but that's not the King James version. The King James version says, and if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with womankind, both of them have committed an abomination. It says, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. That's what it says. You don't like that? Then get a new Bible. And there's 411 of them for you to choose from. Well, the NIV and these other new Bibles, I'm going to use the NIV because the NIV is the big one. The Roman one. You can take a Roman Catholic Bible, you can take a New American Standard, you can take the Living Bible, it's all the same. They all agree, except this one. Instead of sodomites, like this book uses, a word that means homosexuals, they change it to male prostitutes. So it's okay to do it, just not to sell it. Instead of fornication, they change it to immorality. Instead of damnation, they change it to condemnation. Instead of hell, they change it to Hades and Sheol, who the Sheol even knows what that means. In these days, you go down the street and tell somebody about Sheol, they don't know what Sheol you're talking about. And so the bottom line is, this book is like a two-edged sword that cuts to the chase, it uses words that are easy to be understood, the NIV is vague, and it goes soft on sin. Anyway, so quick review. Number one, the Bible's written by God. Number two, the Bible has been preserved by God. Glory to God. We have a copy of it right here this morning in my hand. And number three, we must have every word of God. We've got to have it. Not the thoughts, not the truths, not just Jesus' teachings, we must have every word. Remember Matthew chapter four, we read that at the beginning. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. That's what the Bible said. Now listen to this. Number one, we need the word of God. This is why we need the word of God. Number one, to grow as a Christian. You're not going to grow as a Christian until you get this book right here. And not just what you hear in church on Sunday mornings, Saturday night, Wednesday night, not just some little devotional, not just where you rely on somebody else to spoon feed you, but I'm talking about where you get the word of God, and I'm talking about having the preserved word of God, not one of these modern smooth Bibles. You get the King James Bible, this is what God says, 1 Peter 2, 2, as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby. He says, look, you need the sincere, sincere means pure, you need the sincere milk of the word if you're going to grow. You're not going to grow as a Christian with some corrupted Bible. You need the sincere milk of the word. Job said in chapter 23 verse 12, neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips. I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. He said more important than McDonald's, more important than lunch, more important than dinner he says is the word of God. He said if I had to choose between skipping a meal or skipping reading God's word, he said I'll skip the meal because my spiritual health is more important, my spiritual well-being is more important than my physical appetite being fulfilled. He said I must have the word of God. It's more important than food. So number one, to grow as a Christian we must have every word in order to grow as a Christian. He said every word of God you have to live by. Number two, and by the way if we have to live by every word then wouldn't it make sense that we must have every word? Like God would give us? Live by every word. Pastor Anderson, live by every word. It's like where is it God? Show me what it is. Is it the NIV? And hey listen, if you love the NIV stand up and say the NIV is the word of God. If you love the New American Santa stand up and say his word. Nobody says that. Nobody believes that. It's just some close, you know, in the ballpark. They don't even believe that it's the word of God. They don't even have a Bible that they believe is the word of God. This is the only book that claims to be the word of God right here, the King James Bible. So we must live by every word. But number one, to grow as a Christian. But number two, to fight against the anti-God traditions of churches and religions that how are we going to know the absolute truth if we don't have this book? We're just going to be relying on what some Baptist told us somewhere or some Methodist told us somewhere, some Presbyterian or Catholic told us somewhere. Unless we know what the Bible says. This has got to be the authority right here. You see the Bible says in Mark 7 13, making the word of God of none effect through your tradition which you have delivered. That's what Jesus said about the Pharisees. He said the problem with you Pharisees is that you will void the word of God, you'll make void the word of God by your traditions. He says your traditions versus the word of God, you go with tradition. You see the word of God is the only thing that will give us the clarity to know what is right and wrong despite traditions and wrong things that we've been taught. Look I was taught wrong things growing up. Even in Baptist churches, independent Baptist churches, I was taught things that were wrong. Do I just swallow what I was taught that was wrong and just say well I'm just a Baptist, this is how I am, I'm just a Baptist, I was born a Baptist, be a Baptist. Look, no, I'm going to say well look, yeah I'm a Baptist but you know what, I don't care what you say, this is what the Bible says right here and this is my authority, not some church somewhere, not some preacher somewhere, not some man somewhere and I'm not anybody's authority, this is the authority, this book right here. And that's why you've got to read this book for yourself in order to fight against these traditions that will creep in. You know that's what's so wrong with the Catholic church. The whole Catholic church is based on tradition, that's all they're about, not based on the Word of God. Walk up to a Catholic, walk up to a Catholic priest and ask them, say, does the Bible have any mistakes in it? Like any Bible, I mean their Bible, your Bible, anybody, they'll say well yeah it has mistakes and it's written by a man. Any Catholic will tell you that. I've never had a Catholic priest tell me that the Bible is the Word of God. They'll say it's written by man so you know it has a little bit of private interpretation in there like we talked about. They put their little spin on it and the Bible's not 100% the Word of God because it's written by man. Well no, the Bible's written by God. I'll go a step further. The Bible's not just written by God, the Bible is God. He said in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. You see, maybe that's why they don't believe that salvation's by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. And they say you've got to work your way to heaven, you've got to live right, you've got to do this, you've got to do that, you've got to get baptized, catechized, sanctified, whatever, because they don't believe that the Bible's clear teaching believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. See, you open this book and read it, you know what you'll see? Flip open the Bible, you'll see Jesus Christ on the cross. You'll see the Son of God himself hanging on a cross, beaten so bad the Bible says that you can't even recognize him as a man. Bible says he was beaten with 39 stripes to where he could actually look down and count the bones of his ribcage. He could actually see his ribcage exposed just from where the flesh was torn up. The Bible says that he had a crown of thorns shoved into his brow. His face was marred, the Bible says, more than any human being could even look this way. And he says he's despised. He was rejected. He says we hid as it were our faces from him. He says we didn't want to look at the grotesque sight of Jesus Christ on the cross. And then he had the sins of the whole world, the Bible says. He said he bare our sins in his own body on the tree. Every wicked, disgusting sin that me or anybody else has committed was on Jesus Christ in his own body. He had the sins of Adolf Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer, the sins of the whole world. And here's Jesus Christ beaten. It says there's nothing about him that we would desire. He says there's nothing attractive about this picture. That's what he's saying in Isaiah 53. We see this despised, rejected. He says I'm a worm. I said I'm a worm and not a man. He says my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? This wretched man dying on the cross with the sins of the world on his back. And it's not a pretty picture. And it's our sins that put him there. But we say are we going to get on our knees at the foot of the cross and say Jesus Christ save me and put your faith in Jesus Christ, dying for your sins, suffering shame and humiliation for our sins, suffering the punishment that we deserve. And then he died on the cross. He gave up the ghost and the Bible says his soul descended into hell for three days and three nights. And he was in hell, praying for our sins, three days later after suffering an eternity of hell and torment and punishment, up from the grave he arose, Jesus Christ, having conquered death and hell, having died for our sins, having been mocked, humiliated, spat upon, hated, rejected, even his own father turned his back on him. You know obviously there's only one God but somehow that separation occurred between the father, the son and the Holy Ghost and the father turned his back on his son because he just couldn't even look at the sin. God can't look at sin. God hates sin. And he said I'm going to have to send my own son to hell. And that separation occurred and here he is, Jesus Christ, he's come from dying on the cross, he's been buried, his soul went to hell, he rose again from the dead. And he says I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the father but by me. He says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I shall be saved. He says I paid it all. When he died on the cross he said it is finished. He said I paid the whole thing. I did this because I love you and I want to give it to you as a gift. You can receive it as a gift. You can't try to pay for it. You can't afford that. Nobody can pay for that. You don't care how good you think you are. I don't care how good anybody is. Nobody is good enough to pay the way to heaven. The only way to pay the way to heaven was for Jesus to be punished on the cross for our sins. And you say well I don't like that. I don't like that. That's gory. I don't like that. That's not pleasant. That doesn't make me feel good that somebody died for me. I want to feel like I made my way to heaven. I don't want to feel like somebody had to die for me. That makes me feel guilty. That makes me feel bad. And you say so here's what I'm going to be. I'm going to be a Catholic and I want pretty stained glass windows and I want candles everywhere and I want to go in and feel religious and bow down to a man who calls himself papa and looks like my mama and dresses like a homosexual and wears a dress and I'm going to bow down to him and I'm going to have him put a piece of food on my tongue and I'm going to feel good and oh I'm tingled and oh wow I feel so religious and I'm going to have a man be my authority instead of the King James Bible. I'm going to have a man in Rome, Italy who's going to dress up with a goofy hat like the tooth fairy and spoof little poofoo dust everywhere like you know it looks like he's emptying out a dust buster and he's sprinkling little poofoo dust all over and sprinkling holy water and blessing people and calling himself holy father which the Bible says call no man your father upon this earth for what is your father which is in heaven. You see the Bible says that there's one God and one mediator between God and man. The man Christ Jesus on the cause. You say well I don't like Jesus Christ. Well then my friend go to hell buddy because the Bible says neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. You see the word of God takes that garbage of religion that this world will try to teach, try to control people, trying to tell them if you don't live right, if you don't go to church, if you don't put your money in the offering plate you're not going to be saved, you're going to go to hell, you're not going to go to heaven. You must be baptized to go to heaven. You know they say all this garbage because they're trying to control people, they're trying to manipulate people, they're trying to get their money. You must put your money in the offering plate. You got to go to confessional booth, you got to buy indulgences, you got to come to church, you got to do this, you got to do this, you got to live the way we say you live and Jesus says no there's none righteous, no not one, nothing to do with how you live. He says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I'll stop you. You say but wait a minute Pastor Anderson if you just believe that people all they have to do is believe to go to heaven, how are you going to control them? How are you going to get them to come to church? How are you going to get them to put money in the offering plate? I'm not trying to control people and see the religions of this world are all about control, oppression but how are you going to know that? The only way you're going to be able to tell these religious perverts that they're a liar is to say thus saith the Lord because if you don't have this book you don't have a leg to stand on. If there's not some absolute truth, if there's not some authority that we can say I don't care what I say it doesn't matter my opinion, it doesn't matter your opinion, the only thing that matters is what this book says because this is what God said. And see Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, he suffered, he bled and died, he loves us, he wants us to live with him home in heaven but it's going to be on his terms because he's the one who paid for it and we are not in the driver's seat because we're sinners and we do wrong. So number two, number one we've got to have every word if we're going to grow as a Christian, if we're going to mature as Christians, if we're going to be strong in spirit, if we're going to strengthen ourselves and be a good Christian and live right, try and get the sin out of our life and try to get other people saved, we've got to have every word. Number two if we don't have every word, if we don't have an accurate Bible that's 100% right how are we going to prove somebody wrong that tries to deceive us? Can't do it because our Bible might be wrong. Well number three, you need every word to get saved. Now let me put an explanation in here because some people just, they don't think right and they don't, I don't understand why they can't comprehend simple logic. No you do not need every word of the Bible to get saved like the whole Bible, Genesis to Revelation because I've said you know what you can't get saved from the NIV, I believe that. Why not? Because being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. You see, no you don't need the whole Bible to get saved, Genesis to Revelation, obviously not, I mean most Christians haven't even read the whole Bible. But you do need the word of God to be saved, you must have God's word to be saved. Let me read you some verses to that effect. James 1-18, of his own will begat he us with the word of truth. The Bible talks about the sower, it says the sower sows the word. And it says some of it fell on good ground and the people got saved and some of it fell on bad ground. You see, the Bible says in Romans 10-17, so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. It says, how shall they, it says whosoever shall call in the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they've not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? Now so they preach except they be sent. And it says, as is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, that bring glad tidings of good things. And it says, but they have not all believed his report, for as I have saved Lord who had believed his report. And then it says, so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. He says, look, this is how you get saved. He that heareth my word, this is John 5-24, he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life. See, it starts with you hearing God's word and then you get saved when you believe God's word. Well, the devil knows that. So here's the devil's plan. The Bible says in Luke chapter 8-12, I'll read this for you. This is the devil's plan. This is the parable of the sower where the sower is sowing the word. The preacher is preaching the word of God so people can be saved. It says right here, those by the wayside are they that hear, then, so they hear God's word, then cometh the devil and taketh away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved. He says, look, the devil knows that if they hear the word of God, they can believe and they can be saved. But he says, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to take away the word of God from them. I'm going to get the word of God away from them. Because if I can take away the word of God, then they can't believe and they can't get saved. That's what he's saying. His goal is to take away. That's why he says here, you know, this one's newer, this one's better, newer and better and he substitutes the word of God because he says, I'm going to take away the word of God lest they should believe and be saved. Because if they don't have the word of God, they can't believe and they can't get saved. The Bible says, so look, one verse is enough to get saved. I mean, good night. You could get saved. You could show somebody John 3 16 and they could pray and receive Christ as Savior and be saved and believe. You could show somebody Romans 6 23. You know, you could show them just one verse, but you can't get people saved without any verses. You can't just get somebody saved by your words because they said, he says, they've got to hear my word and believe on him that sent me. You take an NIV, you look up every verse in the Romans road, you know, that most people use like soul winning and stuff. You know, Romans 3 10, Romans 6 20, Romans 3 23, Romans 6 23, Romans 10 9, Romans 10 13, every one of them changed in the NIV. Every one of them changed radically, changed dramatically. Every single one of those verses I just mentioned has changed. In fact, almost every verse in the whole NIV has changed, literally. I found one verse, I found two verses that were not changed. Jesus wept is one of them. It's not changed, which doesn't even make sense because wept is Old English, but they don't change it just because they don't want to clue you in how much they're changing. Jesus wept and Adam set Enos. Those are the two verses I found. If you find another one, let me know that hasn't been changed. Every other verse has been changed. I sit there and look at them. They're all different. They're all different and it changes it because they don't, the devil wants to take the word out of people's ears so that they can't believe and be saved. Well, I'm running out of time here, but there's so much that I was going to go through on this, but here's the key. The Word of God is powerful, just the very words itself. See, it's not just the truths that are being conveyed. This is the point of the whole sermon. This is the crux of the whole matter. If you understand this, you'll understand the whole thing. This book is not about God. This book does not just tell us about Jesus. This book does not just tell us stories. These words are alive. The Bible says the Word of God is quick. Quick means alive. It's an old word. Quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight. He is referring to God's Word, because God's Word is a person. When you're reading the Bible, God is talking to you, literally. When you read this book, God is speaking to you. When you read what He said, and that's why when you read the Bible, take it personal what He's saying. I mean, if it says, Thou such and such, or You such and such, He's talking to you, because this is a person that's talking to you. This is a living, breathing book. And then you say, well, I get the same point across when I read the NIV. And I still get the same idea, and it still gets the same gist. I mean, Jesus still dies on the cross, and whatever. It doesn't matter what the gist is. It doesn't matter if it's the same story. It doesn't matter if it's the same facts. It doesn't matter if it's the same truth. God says the words of the Lord are pure words. He says, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that perceives out of the mouth of God. The word of God is powerful. I've given the Gospel to somebody who was a hard case, somebody who did not want anything to do with God. They didn't want anything to do with Jesus Christ. They were into drugs. They were into everything. And I remember I just went through and forced them to listen to me. And I said, You need to see this. I tried to show them that Jesus loved them, and that He died on the cross for them, and that they needed to be saved. And I tried to show them that they were a sinner, and that they were going to hell, that God loved them and was willing to save them if they just believed Him. He was going to save them just for free, just a gift. And I went through and I felt like they weren't even listening. It was just like, right over their head. So I just said, So finally I left. Well, a couple weeks later, that same person quoted verbatim to me, the same verse that I'd used, because it had just been in their head. Because see, God's word has a way of just cutting to the heart. God's word is powerful. And I've heard many times where people would quote something back, or I remember just growing up, somebody would say something to me from the Bible, I mean a verse out of the Bible, and I could not get that verse out of my head. And it was just like, God would just use that verse to prick me. But see, God's not going to use the verse that was smote on the anvils of some Bible-correcting liberal, who doesn't believe we have a Bible, who doesn't believe that salvation is by grace or faith. The liberals that were on these boards that made these Bibles, whose whole goal was just to change the Bible. Do you think that God's going to use some corrupted, perverted word and speak? No, God speaks through His exact words. He said, I feel so strongly about it, that in Revelation 22, at the end of the Bible, He says, If you take away the words out of this book, He says, I'll send you to hell. He says, now obviously, once you get saved, you can't lose your salvation, don't get wrong, because the Bible says, I give unto them eternal life, and no man shall pluck them out of my hand. And He says, unsaved people, these unsaved people who tamper with the Word of God, who made these false Bibles, who take out verses and add things in, He says, I get so angry when somebody is a liar and they say that I said what I didn't say, and it's the devil that's behind it. And He says, if you participate in that, if you pervert My word, He said, I'm going to send you to hell. I'm going to damn you to hell. He says, you're going to have all the plagues that are written in this book of Revelation, all the bad things that it talks about for 22 chapters. He says, all of it is going to come on you. And He says, all the good things that I talk about in these 22 chapters of Revelation, the home in heaven, the mansions in glory, the perfect place, salvation through Jesus Christ, your sins never even being mentioned to you, having all your sins forgiven and forgotten by God Almighty. He says, a home in heaven being God's son, joint heirs with Jesus Christ. He said, you'll not even be able to have an opportunity to get any of it. Because He says, I'll blot out your place out of the book of life where your name would have gone. It's gone. I'm blotting it out. I'm taking it in place. You have no opportunity to be saved because you've crossed the line, sir. You don't mess with My word. God feels strongly about His word. You say, why do you feel strongly about it? I feel strongly about it because God feels strongly about it. I'm going to get up and preach and yell and holler about it because if I don't, I don't want somebody to deceive my kids when they grow up. They grow up and somebody puts some NIV in their hand. I want my kids to know the truth. I don't want them to just, well, we just use the King James because that's what Dad uses. No, I want them to know why we use the King James. I want them to know that I feel strongly about it because God feels strongly about it. Because God said, that's what gets you saved. That's what makes you grow as a Christian. That's how we can fight the traditions of people who are trying to oppress us. That's how we expose the perversion. That's how we do anything we do because everything that God ever has done, everything that God does right now and everything that God ever will do, He's done by His word. Starting in Genesis 1 when He said, let there be light and there was light. And God said, let the firmament appear and let it divide the waters beneath the firmament from above the firmament. And God said, let the dry land appear. And God said, let there be light in the firmament of heaven. And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the living creature of this kind. And God said, let the earth bring forth abundantly the creature and the creepy thing. And God said, let us make man in our image and after our likeness. And God said, and it was so. Because that's what God works. How does God work? To get people saved? Through His word. How did God create this world? Through His word. How does God save us? Through His word. Because that's how He does everything. Everything is through the word of God. That's why the word of God is everything. And that's why if I don't have a real Bible, then I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know what I'm preaching about. I don't want to read some book that's got mistakes in it. It claims to be God's word. No. I want the perfect word of God. I remember, and I'll close with this, when I was 16 years old, I found out, I figured out that this book was the perfect word of God. Because people my whole life had been trying to take it out of my hand. My whole life I always had a King James Bible. For some reason I just knew that this was the right Bible. But I didn't know why. And people just constantly, you need to get the NIV. You need to get the New American Standard. You need to get these new Bibles. It's easier to understand. How can you read that archaic old thing? And they were always trying to get me to get rid of it. And one day this liberal preacher took me out to eat. This liberal Baptist preacher sat me down and he said, I'm going to explain to you why you need to get rid of your King James Bible. I'm going to explain to you why you need the New American Standard and these new Bibles and how messed up your Bible is. I mean, this is the one that everybody has been using for the last 400 years. This is all there ever was. It didn't even used to say King James Version. It used to say the Bible. Because it's all there was. Literally. If you find a Bible that's more than 75 years old, it will just say Holy Bible on it. Literally. I've seen them many times. But he said, you know what? He said they're translated from two totally different things. He said these are new findings like I was explaining earlier, archeological discoveries. It's closer to the originals. It's more accurate. And he said, you need this. These newer ones are more accurate. I said, whoa. I thought my whole life that they were just two different translations of the same book. And I could not believe it. And I went home and I started doing some research on it. I put the NIV next to the King James Bible and I just looked through them and I saw the 16 missing verses, completely missing, where it goes verse 35, 36, 38. 15 different times and I thought, these are not the same book. These are very different. And just through studying it, I looked up in my concordance every time the Bible uses the word word. Every time the Bible uses the word words. And I looked up every instance just to see what does God say about his word. And I came to the conclusion that God wrote the Bible. It's written by God. It was preserved by God. I have a copy of it in my hand right here today in the 21st century. I, what are we in now? The 21st century. I get confused about that. The 21st century. All right. Yeah, that's right. 20th century today. But the 21st century, I have in my hand the word of God. And you know what? That revolutionized my life. I was a worldly teenager. You know, my hair was all bleached blonde and punked out and I was dressed all funny. You know, listening to all this industrial electronic music and all this crazy stuff. And I realized that this book was God's word. And that not only was it God's word, but I realized that there was not one word that was misplaced in this book, but that this was every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. And I just remember just sitting there just staring at it saying, wow, this is exactly what God said. And man, I started reading it. I read through the whole thing cover to cover that year. Read it through several times cover to cover the next year. And I just was just enthralled to hear God speak to me. Not what some man said, not what some religion said, but what God said. And when I realized that this book was the word of God, all doubt was gone out of my mind as far as, you know, if it was just a translation or pretty close or in the ballpark. Once I figured that out, good night, I read it like I'd never read it before. I believed it and loved it like I'd never read it before. And you've got to come to the place in your life where you stop doubting the Bible and stop wondering about it and explaining it away and say, you know what, this is my Bible. I believe every word of this book. And you come to that place that when you have the faith to believe that, your life will be revolutionized. Then you'll want to read it. Then it will be exciting to you. Then you'll want to obey it. Then you'll want to live it. Then you'll have freedom. And let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. God, I thank you so much for this great truth that the word of God is in my hand. And Father, I just pray that you would please just bless the remainder of the service, God. It's not exactly maybe a typical Sunday morning type sermon, God, but it's just so vital that we understand where the Bible is. Because if we don't have a Bible, then we might as well be having a barbecue today, you know, find some river, lake somewhere, have a barbecue and have a party, dear God, instead of wasting our times in church. But if we have the word of God, boy, there's nothing, no place I'd rather be than in church right now listening to preaching and reading the Bible and reading the Bible and reading the Bible and reading the Bible.