(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen the title of my sermon this morning is the blessing of marriage the blessing of marriage now marriage is under attack today from so many different angles and many people because of all the Bad things about our society and the direction that we're going as a culture and as a nation They're starting to give up on marriage or be Disillusioned with marriage or even think that marriage is a bad idea or that we should not get married at all And we should boycott marriage there are movements like that out there and this is the opposite of what the Bible Teaches so I'm gonna expound to you this chapter 1st Corinthians 7 But I'm gonna take you a few other places as well first of all let me start out just with Hebrews chapter 13 and if you would turn to Proverbs 18 in your Bible go to Proverbs 18 Hebrews 13 4 says this marriage is honorable in all and the bed Undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge so the Bible tells us right away that marriage is honorable in all meaning that Every aspect of marriage is honorable every component that goes into being married Everything about marriage is good everything about marriage is honorable and the bed Undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge so going out and having a physical relationship with someone that you're not married to is wicked whether that's Fornication when you're unmarried or adultery when you're married those are sins that God will judge But keeping that relationship within marriage is a good thing it becomes a godly and a righteous thing in its proper place So marriage is good not being married and engaging in that is bad Okay Look at Proverbs chapter 18 verse 20 a man's belly Shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof Whoso findeth a wife Findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord you say why would you read those verses leading up to that? What in the world do they have to do with being married? Well, let me just show you a little comparison Keep your finger in Proverbs 18 and flip back if you would to Proverbs chapter 8 Go to Proverbs 8 33 and you'll find a verse that's worded in a very similar way now in Proverbs chapter 8 Wisdom is being personified as a woman so this is just a metaphor where God is talking about wisdom as if she were a woman and In Proverbs chapter 8 verse 33 it says here instruction and be wise and refuse it not Blessed is the man that heareth me watching daily at my gates waiting at the posts of my doors For who so findeth me? Findeth life and shall obtain favor of the Lord, but he that sinneth against me Wrongeth his own soul all they that hate me Love death, so you'll notice the similar wording there when it says who so findeth me findeth life and shall obtain Favor of the Lord remember back in chapter 18 verse 22 who so findeth a wife Findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord now. What does this mean? Well, if you back up a little bit It says in verse 20 of chapter 18 a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth And with the increase of his lips shall he be filled death and life are in the power of the tongue And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof So we see that the tongue can either be good or bad it can either be used for good or evil It's not that the tongue in and of itself is a bad thing right the tongue is good You know and the Bible says that with the fruit of our mouth We can be filled and the power of life is in the tongue They that love it shall eat the fruit thereof the Bible says They that love it right well Here's the thing he says who so findeth a wife find it the good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord but here's the you have to love your wife though and Then you're having a wife can be a good thing all right now You say well marriage can sometimes bring the most pain and the most suffering But if you love it You'll eat the fruit thereof you have to love your wife and obviously your wife has to love you So it can go either way in that sense okay, but we don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater and And just throw out the concept of marriage because there are bad examples or because there are those Who do not love their spouse and and have a bad marriage and and it all goes wrong okay now Go if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter 7 1st Corinthians chapter 7 the Bible says Who so findeth the wife find it the good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord period that's what God says That's what the Bible says so this is a good thing and anybody who tells you otherwise is a liar Okay, I preached on this not that long ago, and somebody commented on there and said oh Who so findeth the wife findeth child support and alimony there. I fixed it for you. Well you blasphemous devil I know you're gonna split hell wide open Since you apparently hate God's Word and want to change God's Word and have the gall to say that you fixed God's Word You queer looking little soy boy who doesn't want to get married because men are so mean and that my wife beats me up or Whatever you know what you need to go with what God said God said that it's a good thing to get married God said Whoso findeth the wife findeth the good thing so you're blasphemous if you if you're gonna correct that God can't be corrected because God's always right Alright, so don't listen to these men going their own way MGTOW fools Who attack marriage and say oh, it's just it's just a prison sentence is a death sentence It's just you know destroying your life. It's suicide whatever Folks this is foolishness It is not biblical the Bible said you found a good thing marriage is honorable and all and the bed undefiled But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge now Let's look what the Bible says here in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 now concerning the things Whereof ye wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication Let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own Husband you see here that God's plan is for every man to have his own wife and for every woman To have her own husband in the beginning God created them male and female Okay, and he said it's not good for the man to be alone I will make and help meet for him and so God designed marriage to be a blessing to man It's God's will for the vast majority of people to be married. Okay. That's why he said let every man Have his own wife. Why to avoid fornication the truth is that the way human nature is Most people are not going to be able to go through their whole life Abstaining from that physical relationship that we're designed by God to desire and crave and so therefore to avoid fornication To avoid doing this in the wrong way outside of marriage. Let every man have his own wife Let every woman have her own husband and enjoy that relationship in the context that it's designed to be enjoyed Within marriage. That's what the Bible is saying here They I don't think this is a difficult to understand passage But today our society rejects this passage doesn't believe this passage even many Christians shy away from the truth of this passage But this is what the Bible says to avoid fornication. Let every man have his own wife Let every woman have her own husband It says in verse 3 let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife under the husband the wife Half not power of her own body, but the husband well so much for my body my choice That's not what the Bible said The Bible says the woman half not power of her own body But the husband does have power over on by and it says and likewise Also, it says the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife So here's the thing when you get married you're giving up some autonomy You're giving up some freedom in that sense where you're basically Yielding yourself unto the other person the husband belongs to the wife and the wife belongs to the husband, right? Not what the Bible saying here is actually a two-way street the wife's body belongs to the husband The husband's body belongs to the wife This is what marriage is according to Scripture whether the world likes it whether the United States today likes it This is what the Bible teaches He says defraud ye not one the other Except it be with consent for a time now What does it mean to defraud someone if I owe someone something and I don't give it to them I have defrauded them right if I say you do this work and I'll give you $100 and then I don't give you the hundred Dollars I have defrauded you right because I owed you something and I didn't give it to you Well, the Bible is saying here that husbands owe something to their wife Wives owe something to their husband and if they don't give it to them It's fraud and he says don't defraud each other unless it be with consent for a time Why would you do that? Why would you defraud one another with consent for time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again? That Satan tempt you not for your incontinency So what the Bible is saying here is that in times of fasting where you're actually abstaining from food during these times Obviously you are to abstain from having a physical relationship with your spouse during that same period now Typically in the Bible is a one-day fast. Maybe a three-day fast There are certain extreme situations where people would fast for seven days or or even 14 days The longest fast ever in the Bible is 40 days and 40 nights Which you know, you have to drink water and it's and that's very extreme and you know, not necessarily recommended Okay, you know, I'm not really trying to be the next Elijah or whatever Okay, but you know, typically a fast can just be a one-day thing. You just go one day without eating any food Just drink only water for 24 hours. That's the most common kind of fasting maybe three days or whatever But the point is during that time you wouldn't want to Enjoy the other when the whole point of fasting is to basically go without right? So if you're fasting from food, you would also skip the other you'd skip the bedroom, right? So that's what the Bible is saying here, but it's saying, you know that even that needs to be with consent Basically your spouse has to be okay with that if you say not just well, I'm fasting Sorry, I have a headache sorry, I'm fasting, you know or whatever look that's not what the Bible's saying here Okay, this should not be used as a bludgeon to punish your spouse Well today's a fasting day or whatever So, you know It's supposed to be actually somebody who actually wants to serve the Lord and pray and fast and so this would be something that's consensual, okay, and And here's the thing about this today we live in such a warped perverse Society that there there are literally men today who get charged with rape of their own wife Like how does that work? How is that even possible? But that's the kind of warped stupid society we're living in and you say I don't know if you should be preaching this Well, you know what? I don't know if you're in the right church because I get up and preach what the Bible says I don't care what anybody thinks about it and you can either like it or lump it I don't know if you stumbled into the wrong place But let me explain something to you the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 7 that the husband Doesn't have power over his own body, but the wife does and that the wife doesn't have power over her own body But the husband does and you don't come lock me up. Come drag me away I'm gonna preach that until I die because it's what the Bible says Let all the atheists rage about it and fume about it and call me names. You know what? That's what the Bible says and if I don't preach it then I'm neglecting to preach the whole counsel of God I'm not gonna do that So take your feminism somewhere else. Okay, the Bible says here when you're married You know what? You've just consented to a lifetime of that physical relationship So I consented to my wife when I said I do She consented to me when she said I do I don't have to come to her and say honey Is it alright if I give you a kiss? Is it okay, is this okay, you know, if you're uncomfortable at any time just let me know That's stupid But then again, we're living in a society where people don't even know the difference between men and women We have you know We have dudes dressed up as women winning track meets and getting a gold medal because they can outrun girls That's the society we're living in. So of course this kind of dumb garbage is gonna follow It's kind of crazy talk about how like oh my wife raped me, you know Stupid It's not what the Bible says and you know, I challenge anybody to prove me wrong from this passage Prove me wrong from the Bible. You can't it's what the Bible says Okay, and and we need to preach and believe what the Bible says and you know what as our society gets weirder and weirder We need to believe more what the Bible says preach more what the Bible says and not be afraid to say it because it's faux Pa or it's not Politically correct. We're to be instant in season and out of season with this kind of teaching And so the Bible is teaching that marriage is God's will for the vast majority of people Let every man have his own wife. Let every woman have her own husband. Most people need this relationship in their life Okay Now there are some exceptions this the Apostle Paul himself who's writing this is an exception to this. He is unmarried and He basically said that he had a gift of God where he did not require that relationship He was okay to just go through life being single and there are gonna be people like that that they're just perfectly happy To go through life single and there's nothing wrong with going through life single if you're perfectly happy being single But the vast majority of people are not happy being single and they desire this relationship 99% of people say okay now the Bible says here in verse 6 but I speak this by permission and not of commandment Okay, what he's saying here is there is no command to either get married or not to get married We're not commanded like you must get married because there are Exceptions of this like the Apostle Paul and then he goes on to talk about that exception He says in verse 7 for I would that all men were even as I myself But every man hath his proper gift of God one after this manner and another after that I say therefore to the unmarried and widows It's good for them if they abide even as I But if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn So he's saying personally from his perspective as a single man who doesn't have a major compulsion in this area It doesn't bother him being single. He thinks it's great to just stay single. He likes being single He doesn't mind being single and he says, you know from my perspective You know, I think it's great to be single I like being single if you know, if you're unmarried or a widow and you just want to stay single I think it's great, but he said if they cannot contain the vast majority of people Let them marry for it's better to marry than to burn burning here is talking about burning with lust, right? So the unmarried man or woman who's just burning with lust burning with passion. They desire to have this relationship It's better to marry than to burn and folks this isn't just the physical relationship that we're talking about here It's also just the companionship It's just about the loving husband-wife relationship that we've been created by God to crave and desire that Companionship and and really all of what marriage encompasses not just the physical aspect But the whole package okay, because the Bible says marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled So marriage is not just something physical it's something emotional something spiritual It's something that most of us need. What did the Bible say? It's not good that the man should be alone, but the exception proves the rule So in general, it's not good for men to be alone It's not good for a man to just remain single his whole life But there are exceptions to that and that's what the Apostle Paul is talking about in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 Now look what he says in verse 10 here he says and unto the married I command Yet not I but the Lord so what's he saying here? I'm not coming up with this commandment This is actually what the Lord commands. I'm giving this commandment on behalf of the Lord. I'm delivering this message for the Lord He says let not the wife depart from her husband. That's a pretty clear teaching We see that from Jesus's teachings in Matthew Mark Luke He goes into that repeatedly So that's pretty obvious that God says, you know, don't divorce your spouse, right? Don't let not the wife depart from her husband. Women should not leave their husband. He's saying But and if she depart let her remain Unmarried or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife So let me ask you this if the wife departs from her husband is she supposed to go marry someone else? No, it says look she shouldn't depart in the first place But and if she depart she needs to either remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband now you say well What's that but and if there I mean, why didn't he just say don't do it Well, what about when he said my little children these things right at you that you sin not But if any man sin right and if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous So the reason that that allowance is there the but and if is because he knows human nature people are gonna break this commandment People are gonna do these things So if she ends up leaving which God told her not to do But if she ends up doing that she's to either remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband makes perfect sense Right, and that is a commandment from Paul or the Lord according to verse 10 It's from the Lord, right? Crystal clear and guess what it matches perfectly with what Jesus taught in Matthew 5 Matthew 19 Mark chapter 10 I believe it is and Luke chapter 16. Okay, so it all matches up Look what he says next though verse 12, but to the rest speak I Not the Lord Not the Lord Now who are the rest When he says to the rest speak I but not the Lord the rest or he's talking about singles Okay Because he's talking to the married Hey look if your wife don't leave your husband if your husband don't leave your wife if you leave either remain unmarried or be reconciled So who are the rest unto the rest meaning unmarried people to singles? He's saying unto the married To the unmarried speak I not the Lord now, let me just stop and emphasize this point. This is very important The Apostle Paul is writing the epistle to the Corinthians Now do we believe that everything in the Bible is true Every word of the Bible is true right every single word from Genesis to Revelation is true It's inerrant right the inerrancy of Scripture is what we call this also We believe in the inspiration of Scripture that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, right? It's God breathed now Is the Bible written by human beings yes it is So We want to make sure that we understand both of these two ideas and balance these two ideas which are both true The Bible is written by human beings But the Bible is inerrant Infallible and inspired by God and it has no error in it. So I'm not trying to do anything tricky with the language here This isn't a trick question or trick teaching but these two Ideas are both compatible. Now. This is the same way that we say Jesus is a human being Jesus is 100% man, but that Jesus is also God. He's also divine Isn't he both of those things? Well, guess what? The Bible is the same way. The Bible is a reflection of Jesus Jesus a reflection of the Bible Jesus is the Word made flesh Okay, so just as Jesus is both human and divine So is the Word of God both human and divine now to ignore this is just ridiculous to ignore the human authorship of the Bible is Crazy because if you read the Bible you can tell the difference Based on who's writing. I mean if you read what Paul wrote Does it sound the same as what Peter wrote or what John wrote? No, it sounds completely different if you read the way Matthew wrote Mark wrote Luke wrote John wrote they are writing Indifferent styles. They're using different vocabulary They're putting their own Personality into it because they are a human being writing But that does not take away from the fact that everything that they wrote is absolute truth Everything that they wrote is the Word of God and it's inerrant Okay now sometimes in the Bible though, the Bible records people saying and doing things that are wrong or Saying and doing things that are just neutral. It's just here's what happened. Here's what they said Here's what they did now The Bible is always true in the sense that those people really did those things and they really said those things But is what they said necessarily always true. No is what they did always necessarily right? No, I mean the Bible records people committing adultery Polygamy murder lying. I mean the Bible records the words of Satan and There's no truth in him. So the Bible is true in the sense that Satan really said that But what Satan said is not true because when Satan speaks he's a liar. Okay. Does everybody understand what I'm saying? So the Bible like Job's three friends, they were wrong about all kinds of things So the Bible is true that Job's friends really accused him of those things But what they said wasn't true. Okay. Now when God is speaking if it says thus saith the Lord we know it's true if Jesus is speaking we know it's true If the Bible tells us about some Old Testament prophet that the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and here's what he spake then we know it's true because it's the Holy Ghost speaking through him and When the narrator of the Bible whether it's the narrator of Matthew Mark Luke John, whatever is speaking We know that it is Absolute truth and when Paul is speaking in his epistles When James or Jude or John or Peter are speaking in their epistles, that is also absolute truth Okay, that is inspired scripture. It's the truth. So with all is everybody understand everything I just explained Okay, so with all that in mind when Paul says here In verse 12 but to the recipe guy not the Lord what he is saying there has to be true And you know what? That means this is not the Lord speaking This is not and and people will say oh you're saying that part of the Bible is not the Word of God Well, what about when I quote Satan? Is that the Word of God? It's the Word of God telling us what Satan said, but what Satan said is not the Word of God. It's the Word of Satan somebody see the difference so in order to actually believe the Bible here if Paul says I'm saying this not the Lord this cannot be coming from the Lord because if it were then verse 12 would be a lie everybody understand if you're gonna sit there and say Everything in 1st Corinthians 7 is directly from the mouth of God It's all just from the Lord then you know what you're basically saying that verse 12 is a lie because you've created a paradox now Okay, it'd be like a person who always tells the truth saying I'm lying That would create a paradox wouldn't it Isn't there some riddle like that one guy always tells you the truth and one guy always tells you a lie And you have to ask one of them which key opens the door and basically you ask the guy who always lies What would he say? Or whatever. I don't know. I mean I probably messed that up Who's ever heard that one before you know lots of people say all right there you go, but anyway I'm not trying to bend your mind this morning But I'm trying to make a point here that if the Word of God specifically tells us that something is Paul's opinion And not the Word of God not from the Lord then guess what it is It's Paul's opinion, and it's not from the Lord now what the Bible is showing us Here is that men of God have opinions look I get up sometimes, and I preach my opinion But when I do that I should be like Paul and say hey everybody. This is my opinion This is not the Lord commanding this I'm giving my opinion right now, and so Paul's showing us an example of somebody giving their opinion and Giving their thought, but it's not Directly from God here It's something he said and look if it is directly from God then explain to me How the beginning of verse 12 can be true when he says this is not the Lord talking I? Believe it's all the word well Then you'd have to believe the first part of verse 12 is the Word of God when he says is not the Lord I You know I hope that didn't go over anybody said, but anyway it says if any so this is not is this God talking No, this is Paul talking and he's specifically saying This is not from Lord if any brother hath a wife that believeth not and she be pleased to dwell with him Let him not put her away and the woman which hath and husband that believeth not if he be pleasing to dwell with her Let her not leave him for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband Elsewhere your children unclean, but now are ye holy But if the unbelieving depart let him depart a brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases But God hath called us to peace for what knowest thou a wife whether thou shalt save thy husband or how knowest thou Oh, man, whether thou shalt save thy wife verse 25 now concerning virgins. I have no commandment of the Lord Yet, I give my judgment as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful So we see here that he's given his opinion again, isn't he hey? I don't have a command from the Lord on this. I'm just gonna give my opinion about singles I'm gonna give my opinion about these complicated situations So the Lord's clear commandment is just don't get a divorce. Don't leave your wife. Don't leave your husband He expands on that with his opinion and says, you know what if you're married and you're married to an unbeliever and They want to dwell with you and they're happy to do it then just stay with them You know and but if they want to leave then just let them depart, you know You don't have to sit there and and and chase after them and force them to stay with you if they don't want to be With you because they don't want to be with a Christian or whatever, but he says, you know if they depart let him depart You know and he says who knows, you know, you might save your husband or who knows Oh husband Maybe you'll save your wife. So don't don't give up on it. Maybe they'll get saved yada yada. Yeah, here's what's funny People will try to take this part Where Paul says if the unbelieving depart let him depart and they want to just jump on that and say basically See if they leave you you can get remarried Is that what the Bible says? It's not what the Bible says at all The Bible is just saying let him depart It's not saying and then go get married to someone else in violation of the scripture that says who so marrieth her that is divorced committed adultery That's a clear scripture from Jesus. So am I gonna take Paul's opinion? And pit it against the command of Jesus. Absolutely not. It makes it absolutely no sense Okay, and I don't think that Paul's opinion contradicts the words of Christ Anyway, he's not contradicting Christ. If you actually read this carefully, he's just saying you know what? You don't have to go chasing after them. Okay, let him go The Bible also says he that is unjust let him be unjust still doesn't mean it's okay to be unjust He's just saying look people are gonna do what they're gonna do now The Bible says in verse 25 now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord yet I give my judgment as one that has obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress. I say that it is good for a man So to be being single he's saying being a virgin being single This is verse 26 verse 27 says art thou bound unto a wife seek not to be loosed Art thou loose from a wife seek not a wife But and if thou marry thou is not sinned and if a virgin marry she hath not sinned nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh But I spare you but this I say brethren the time is short it remaineth that both they that have wives be as though they had none and They that weep as though they wept not neither rejoice as though they rejoice not and they that by as though they possess not Look, let me just for sake of time. Let me just break this down for you what this chapter is about. Okay? He starts out giving some clear commandments from the Lord that are Exactly what Jesus taught in Matthew Mark Luke and John right exactly what he taught. Hey When you get married, let not man put asunder what God has joined together You stay married. You don't leave your wife. You don't leave your husband period okay, but he says to the rest Speak I not the Lord but he's gonna basically talk about people with weird situations or or just different situations or Complicated situations rather than just your your basic married people. He's talking to people who are unequally yoked He's talking to people that are single He's talking to people that are widows or divorced or all these different situations, and he's covering these things now What this chapter is meant to be is an encouragement to those people on the blessings of being single So basically the Apostle Paul is just making a case saying you know what? I think there are a lot of benefits to being single. I think it's good to be single I'm glad I'm single and I think that if you are widowed or divorced, you know what? You're probably just happy to just stay that way because being single can be great. So here's the thing Let's say you're in a situation where you're single and it's not because you're choosing to be single Okay, maybe you're just having a really hard time finding someone Or maybe nobody wants you. No, okay. Just kidding or you know, maybe You're just it. Maybe you got maybe maybe you're divorced, you know And so and so you're supposed to remain unmarried until your spouse dies And so you're in that situation and you don't want to be in that situation Well, then this is gonna be a great chapter for you to run to to get encouragement and basically see the virtues of being single the blessings of being single and How you can really focus on the things of God and serve God and he's also encouraging you by saying look life is short You know the time comes when there's gonna be no difference to be being married and single You know what? I mean? He said he said brethren the time is short and He said in verse number 29 He said it remaineth that both they that have wives be as though they had none, you know We're all gonna be single in eternity Sorry LDS, but basically what he's saying here is that look, you know when you Look at life and say oh man, it's just horrible being single. He says look time's short Anyway, just hang in there serve God is a vapor that appear for a little time. Isn't that what he's saying here? This is an encouraging passage for the single now. Listen to me. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible One of them is here for an encouragement to the single So they did help them have a good attitude and see the bright side of being single and to talk about the fact that there are exceptions To everyone getting married some people are gonna stay single should stay single whatever but the whole rest of the Bible is Overwhelmingly Teaching you to get married. Does everybody understand what I'm saying? So the whole Bible is overwhelmingly teaching you to get married and then you have Paul in chapter 7 here talking about hey There are some benefits and virtues to being single. I think you could be happy being single great I'm glad this chapters in the Bible. I think it's a great chapter But I will say this to turn this chapter and say well This is the main chapter on the Bible's teaching on marriage is ridiculous when it has so many caveats And it has so many Disclaimers saying like hey, this is just my opinion. Okay, here's some stuff that the Lord clearly taught but the rest is my opinion Here's what I think. Does everybody understand what I'm saying? So don't go crazy with this chapter and think that the Bible's teaching Celibacy or staying single or that we shouldn't get married or the getting married is somehow bad Hey getting married is God's perfect will for the vast majority of people I mean look if all Christians were single then Christianity would die out If Christians don't reproduce our church isn't dying out, you know, we're reproducing like crazy. All right now Let's talk about this this bogus movement that's attacking marriage called men going their own way Who's heard of this movement mig tau or men going though? It's a dumb acronym because it doesn't even sound good mig tau You can come up with something better than that something that actually spells a word or something men going their own way So I looked up on Wikipedia and I looked it up on mig tau calm So let me first read to you from Wikipedia It says mig tau is an anti-feminist mostly online community I Mean we could just close our Bibles and go home at that point, right? Mostly online that speaks volumes Because in real life, most people don't have the guts to come up to you with this Stupidity, they'd sound like such a dork Hey, buddy. I'm a man going my own way. I'm a big town be like get this queer bait out of here Just like the flat earth is mostly online Because you'll get mocked and scoffed at in real life if you come up with that junk so the mostly online community advocating for men to separate themselves from society and Particularly to a shoe heterosexual marriage and cohabitation So I guess being a homo is fine with these people Mig tau have quote vowed to stay away from women Stop dating and not have children So cool The community comprises websites and social media Presences as part of what is more broadly termed the man o sphere Mig tau reports to focus on men's Self-ownership rather than changing the status quo through activism and protests which to participants Differentiates the community from men's rights movements So you have the women's rights and the feminism and then you have men's rights where men are going out and saying hey We're getting the short end of the stick here, but that's not mig tau mig tau just says I'm just gonna go crawl into the fetal position with just me and my laptop and I'm gonna enter the man o sphere You know as a protest The community has been called misogynistic now the word misogynistic means hateful toward women and that is exactly what this movement is Hateful toward women when you listen to these mig taus talk, you know what they'll say things like oh all women are so bad And they're just out to rip you off and trap you and enslave you and and you know Or they'll say things like this. Well all women in America Are this way or that they're all a bunch of harlots and they're wicked and what you know, just these stupid generalizations Such as the Bible rebukes in Titus chapter 1, you know, the Christians are all liars You know, all these women are out to you know to rip you off and whatever So it is very hateful toward women and misogynistic now you say well, that's Wikipedia Okay. Well, let's go straight to the source, you know, let's go to them themselves mig tau calm This is what they say about themselves Men going their own way is a statement of self-ownership Where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else It is the manifestation of one word. No Now this right there is already unscriptural to sit there and say I'm gonna protect my own sovereignty above all else and Here's the thing Mig tau says this That it's self-preservation Isn't that what they said preserving their own sovereignty among but guess what Christianity is self-sacrifice? Did Jesus just preserve his own sovereignty above all else? Did the Apostles do that? Is that what the Bible tells us to do as Christians? Here's what the Bible says for whosoever will save his life shall lose it Whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it How about this? whosoever Will save his life shall lose it but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospels the same shall save it This is found in Matthew 16 25 mark 835 Luke 9 24 and Luke 1733 virtually the same statement over and over again and then in John Jesus says verily verily I stand to you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone But if it die it bringeth forth much fruit He that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal Does the Bible teaching it's just all about protecting yourself Preserving yourself keeping your own sovereignty. No, we're to be submitted to the will of God Not men going their own way men going God's way women going God's way, right? Christians need to be going God's way. Even the name going their own way is a prideful arrogant wrong anti-christian statement, so these Christian make towels Just no. All right, it's no No, no, no, no, no, no, no He said You know, he protects his own sovereignty above all else it is the manifestation of one word no Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a man is, you know, like men are supposed to be strong Masculine. Oh get rid of all that silly stuff because we're gonna be all soft and cuddly or whatever No I'd rather go with what society says a man should be like what nature says a man should be like what the Bible says a Man should be that man should be a breadwinner a provider Providing for their wife right working hard Working with their hands sweat of their face Producing something for their family. Those are good things Looking to no one else for social cues Refusing to bow serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility And living according to his own best interests in a world that would rather he didn't yeah We would rather that you didn't live for your own selfish interests in other words common sense for men And then they have a definition of sovereignty from the dictionary supreme power or authority autonomy independence self-government self-rule Self-determination freedom self-governing self self self self self go there to the MGTOW website Yourself and look how many times is a self self self self me me me me I I self self self You know what I'm not surprised these guys can't find a decent girl Because they're a selfish jerk Of course they can't find a nice girl Who'd want to be who wants to be married to the guy who wrote this website or who wants to be married to anybody? Who's visiting this website? Besides a preacher who's trying to attack it you know I mean somebody who's actually visiting it for the wrong reasons So you know I yeah, it's in my browser history. I went there Men have gone their own way for centuries welcome to version 2019 There's been much chatter about when MGTOW originated online as a recent social phenomenon But one would really have to pull the camera back Way back to Schopenhauer Tesla Beethoven Galileo or even Jesus Christ So Jesus Christ and MGTOW that's blasphemy Jesus Christ said I came not to do my own will But the will of him that sent me I do always those things which please him That's not like a man going his own way. I can have my no self do nothing He doesn't have any of these attributes He did everything by and through and on account of and for God the Father Came not to glorify himself Came to glorify him that sent him right and even his disciples. What did he do? He got on his knees and washed their feet Right he said I came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give my life or answer many and by the way Marriage is a picture of Jesus and guess who the husband represents Jesus See husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church doesn't sound like a MGTOW to me Jesus is getting married to the bride of Christ The church we're part of that bride of Christ. So how is that a MGTOW if he's engaged? Tesla Beethoven Galileo Wow cool is here. I got a better list for you Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo, let's just start listing famous queers They didn't do what society said a man should do MGTOW is is not as old as fire But it's as old as man's first discovery of it ooga booga Fire always exists even when you can't see it and it only takes a spark or a bolt of lightning to ignite a blaze blaze MGTOW could be recorded as a Reaction to recent cultural shifts but the exact phrase men going their own way can be found in print and newspaper clippings dating back to 1853 There's nothing new under the Sun folks So lame Just giving up on marriage throwing the baby out with the bathwater and going and being an herbivore man as they call it in Japan Going and just being by yourself Being selfish living on your own and well, you know, you're living in the 1800s. You're the one quoting some newspaper from 1853 folks There are still good women out there Okay, don't be this woman hater Don't be a manager, but you know what you say? Yeah, but there are a lot of bad women out there Yeah, there are a lot of bad men out there too. Like these guys Right Self-centered Only care about themselves It's wicked This movement is not a Christian movement. It's not a godly movement. God said hey, it's not good for the man to be alone I'll make and help meet for him He made them at the beginning male and female Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh Also, you know these guys talk about how you know all these women they won't submit they won't obey Well, you know what? You need to find a godly Christian girl that will right, why don't you marry someone who's godly and And so you'll find that these guys they they hate all women. There are nice girls out there Well, here's what they want. They want a girl that looks like a hooker That's a godly feminine Christian who wants to be a submissive housewife That dresses like a hooker It doesn't folks. You're not gonna find that Right, you know, you need to you need to stop looking at the favor That is deceitful and the view beauty that is vain and start looking for a woman that fear at the Lord Right a lot of these guys they they are just interested in themselves That's the thing that comes across loud and clear from this MGTOW movement obsession with self So when they're looking at marriage, they're not looking at it as you know what? I want to have a loving relationship with someone where I can provide for them I can be a companion to them. The Bible says a man that have friends must show himself friendly and So going into marriage should be a thing of hey, I'm gonna be a good husband for her I'm gonna provide for her. I'm gonna love her. I'm gonna take care of her. I'm gonna treat her Well, I'm gonna lead her spiritually. That should be the goal not like well, what can she do for me? Let me just find the most gorgeous babe that can be my slave That's how a lot of these guys mentality works folks and then they get disillusioned Because people like that they attract other people like that So because they're a rotten person they end up being around a lot of rotten people Anyway, I don't want to spend the whole morning on this MGTOW movement But we need to not give up on marriage folks marriage is honorable and all the bed is undefiled It's God's perfect. Will are there some exceptions to people that should be single? Yes, but the vast majority of us should be Married producing children raising children for the glory of God. This is God's will now another Attack on marriage comes from the Roman Catholics Okay, now go if you were to Proverbs chapter 5 the Roman Catholics have a warped view of marriage today Okay Now this should not come as a surprise since if you go to a Roman Catholic Church who's teaching you the Bible a Guy who's not married who's running the Roman Catholic religion a guy who isn't married Who's the archbishop a guy that's not married. Who's the Cardinal a guy that's not married Who's the bishop a guy that's not married. So you have all these people that are not married Running the church teaching the doctrine preaching the Bible They don't even know how to be married because they've never done it. Okay, so you have all these guys now Look the Apostle Paul Taught some things that were straight from the Holy Ghost On marriage that were right because they came from the Holy Ghost then he gave his opinion on some other things and you know his opinion is Great for single people, but it's not really on the mark when it comes to people that are married Because he can't understand that experientially because he's not married. Okay? But 1st Corinthians 7 functions as a great chapter With a few things from the Lord that are helpful for married people and a lot of very encouraging things for the singles You know and I bet some of you out there have read 1st Corinthians 7 appreciated it as a single I even even the short time that I was single I appreciated 1st Corinthians 7 and found it encouraging when I was single Okay, but it but I didn't say like well, I'm never getting married. This sounds great I'm like, well, okay, that sounds good for you Paul, but it was still, you know It helps you get through that period of being single. Okay? But because but Catholicism has a warped view on The bedroom in general and part of this because it's a religion run by perverts You know you have all these pedophile priests and and they're all covering for each other and Swapping them around and everything like that and it's a bunch of guys that are forced into Celibacy because they take a vow of celibacy Now no one should ever for any reason take a vow of celibacy ever for any reason You know why you say well prove it, uh swear not at all Case closed above all things my brethren swear not Right. So don't swear oaths You shouldn't make vows of this and vows of that celibacy and all that and sit there and say well I'm never gonna get married. I'm never gonna have that physical relationship Well, you know that didn't it didn't really work that well for Martin Luther He took that vow of celibacy as a Catholic monk But then once he realized that the Catholic Church was full of baloney, he got married Okay, so the point is that I've had some some guys come to me before and say you know what? I don't want to get married. I want to serve God. I want to preach. I want to live for the Lord I'm not interested in getting married It's not a big thing for me. It's not that important to me. It's not a big compulsion for me I want to be like the Apostle Paul and just be single and serve God and you know what I say to that great and I said to that person I said look and Multiple people have said that to me over the years and I said that person I said hey, that's great but Don't ever make any kind of a vow or any kind of a promise like that Because of the fact that you might change your mind later Maybe at this time in your life God just wants you to be single and you can do a lot of great things, but keep an open mind about the future But if that's good for you now, hey, amen. I'm for I'm not against that. It's fine. You know, the Bible's clear but what the Catholics do is they have them take a vow of Celibacy number one and number two in order to be a priest or a bishop or a cardinal or Any of those you have to take that bow. So if these guys want to be a full-time servant in the church They have to take that bow Forcing them to be celibate the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches because the Bible specifically teaches the bishop Must be the husband of one wife The Catholic Church teaches the bishop must not be the husband of one wife It's the exact opposite folks. You have to be married to be a pastor You have to have children to be a pastor or a bishop or an elder or a deacon You must be married and have children. That's what the Bible says the exact opposite of what the Roman Catholic Church teaches But the reason for celibacy in the Catholic Church because they have a perverted view of the marriage relationship What do I mean by that? They teach? That having intimacy with your spouse is actually kind of mildly sinful In fact many of them teach that's only for procreation that's why my wife and I have only done it 11 times You know, it's like it's only for procreation Folks this is a lie. This is not what the Bible teaches Okay, look what the Bible says in Proverbs 5 15 drink waters out of thine own cistern and running waters out of thine Own well chapter 5 verse 16 of Proverbs let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of waters in the streets Let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth He's saying look enjoy Rejoice with the wife of your youth Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant row let her breasts Satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love now last time I checked a woman's breasts are not necessary To get her pregnant You know not trying to give you a lesson on the birds and the bees up here this morning But I'm here to tell you that the breasts don't have anything to do with reproduction Okay, he's saying enjoy why because this is something that God created to be enjoyed Within marriage just like he said that meats Have been given to us to enjoy Right to receive meat in and eat it and enjoy food Enjoying good food and drink and enjoying our spouse These are the gifts from God and by the way, the whole book of Song of Solomon would have to go out the window Proverbs 5 would go out the window But they have this warped view That teaches that somehow you should feel guilty about doing things with your own wife It's a you know or a woman with their own husband. He said marriage is honorable and all in the bed undefiled It's a good thing. It's a good relationship within marriage. It's a bad relationship when it's outside of marriage, okay? Now where does this garbage come from it comes from their garbage doctrine where they worship the Virgin Mary? Okay, and their doctrine on the Virgin Mary is so weird. I think most people don't even know how weird it is Okay, they have this doctrine called the Immaculate Conception Now I guarantee you that 99% of people think that the Immaculate Conception is the virgin birth of Jesus Who thinks the Immaculate Conception is probably the virgin birth of Jesus? That's what everybody thinks until they're taught this until they hear this if you look it up in Wikipedia It says in Christian theology the Immaculate Conception is the conception of the Virgin Mary It's Mary being conceived free from original sin By the virtue of the merits of her son Jesus well, thanks for throwing Jesus in I appreciate that The Catholic Church teaches that God Acted upon Mary in the first moment of her conception keeping her immaculate The Immaculate Conception is commonly confused with the virgin birth of Jesus While virtually all Christians believe in the virgin birth of Jesus It's principally Roman Catholics that believe in the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, okay? This doctrine was made official in 1854 Right around the time that that newspaper article came out about MGTOWs. Okay. I was a rough year for marriage, okay? But It's funny when you read this Wikipedia article on the Immaculate Conception it talks about how some people took it a little too far in 1677 the Holy See condemned the error that taught that St. Anne in the conception and birth of Mary remained virgin Which had been a belief surfacing occasionally since the fourth century so people were trying to say that Mary was born of a virgin and Then how far you gonna take it back? Maybe her mom was born of a virgin These people are crazy, and you know it gets even weirder their doctrine so there's this apocryphal book called the infancy gospel of James and Let you ever wonder what books were left out of the Bible. They're all garbage Just spend 10 seconds reading any of them, and you'll be ready to throw up in your mouth a little bit They're the dumbest books in the world Matthew Mark Luke and John are all masterpieces Pick up the gospel of Thomas James Bartholomew, it's nonsense They were written by very bogus people, but they were written by perverts as well Okay, because in the infancy gospel of James when it gives the account of Mary being born You know she's immaculately conceived and and Mary's like raised in seclusion She's only allowed to take seven steps on the earth, and they're like that's enough. You know you're getting too defiled there It's we it's super weird then when Mary gives birth to Jesus. She doesn't give birth to him in the normal way like he doesn't come out of her body in the infancy gospel of James instead, it's like it's like a Cloud and then like rematerializes into like a train like he had to be like a transporter beamed Out of her belly into the cave And Then the midwife comes in and does a check on Mary to make sure that she's still a virgin Like she can't even give birth Folks the Bible teaches that Mary had at least six other children After she brought forth her firstborn son Jesus if you have a firstborn son guess what you have a Second and a third and a fourth Mary didn't remain perpetually a virgin It's crazy She had other children and she gave birth and you know what by the way that doctrine that she didn't even give birth to Jesus Naturally, you know that that's like saying he's not even really human like if he's just some little misty smoke that like materializes into a baby That sounds like Jesus Christ didn't come in the flesh so what that's not it sounds like Antichrist right So this kind of garbage doesn't come from the Word of God Even though the Catholic Church says oh the infancy gospel of James is not scripture Catholics have been reading it in the early days of the religion Catholics read it in the second century third century fourth century. That's where they got these crazy ideas of the Immaculate Conception Original sin all this junk baptizing babies folks None of that stuff comes from the Bible if you want to know where it comes from it comes from stupid books like the infancy Gospel of James, that's the kind of crazy Stuff that they read instead of reading the Bible alone sola scriptura only what the Bible actually says So all that to say this folks today There are people out there that want to say that being single is better. We need to take a vow of celibacy Or we need to be a MGTOW or just you know, the world has corrupted marriage So we just need to walk away don't throw out the baby with the bathwater Marriage is a good thing marriage is a godly thing and marriage can be the best relationship in your life Now is marriage gonna sometimes have problems? Absolutely. Is there pain involved? Sure But don't give up on God's institution of marriage no matter what the weirdos are doing No matter what the Catholics are doing to corrupt marriage No matter what the MGTOWs are doing or the sodomites or anybody else, you know We need to stay with God's plan of Marriage and and get married and have children and you know what instead of having this MGTOW subculture The manosphere what we need to have is the fundamental Baptist fear the baptosphere and It ought to be that in the baptosphere That basically women do submit to their husbands and men do love their wives and men do provide for their wives and men are Masculine and women are feminine and men love their wives and wives love their husbands and they follow what the Bible says That's what we need as a subculture and you know what the whole world can change out there, but in here We're gonna do it God's way. Amen as for me in my house. We shall serve the Lord I'm not gonna say well, it's just impossible to have a godly marriage in 2019 really cuz I'm doing it Which is impossible to race. Well, I'm doing it and look around at all the other people that are doing it in the baptosphere So hang your mano smear mano smear smear the queer amen, you know You know hang the Baptist hang the mano sphere okay, don't be caught up with this craziness and And you'd be shocked how many people are constantly contact me. You're mean to make towels. Yes. I am mean to him Yes, I mean But we need to get to the Bible's teaching on this amen and and love marriage love your wife Don't be you know what the Bible says husbands. Love your wives and be not bitter against them It's MGTOW movements a bitter movement. They're bitter toward all women. We shouldn't be bitter toward our wives or anyone else Let's just love our wives and love being married and enjoy and don't be some Catholics like oh, man I feel guilty about this Wait, is that what the priest told you this wearing a dress? Is that what he told you? Cuz I feel great about it All right, because I went to I grew up going to church with a hair-legged man behind the pulpit who was married with kids Telling me how to be married and how to have kids not telling me to go, you know to some cloister somewhere and Drink beer with a bunch of other dudes in some monastery You know being a being a Catholic MGTOW or whatever. All right spirits and have a word of prayer father We thank you so much for your word Lord. We just pray that you would just bless the marriages that are here Lord God, please just give us wisdom To follow your word in our marriage and to live our lives in a way that would be pleasing and honoring glorifying to you Lord help us not to get caught up in the woman hating or the man hating or the the anti-marriage talk or or This this this idea of we all need to be celibate or did whatever stupid things come up Lord Just help us to stay on the path that you've taught us In the Word of God and help us not to be carried about with with every wind of doctrine or fables or Apocryphal books deuterocanonicals other false lying scriptures Lord help us to just do the 66 books Between the covers of our Bible in the King James Bible in Jesus name we pray. Amen