(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and so the title of my sermon this morning is seeing their unlawful deeds seeing their unlawful deeds so i just took a look out the window a moment ago and it looks like there are about 30 protesters of course there are well over 100 people in here normal people that want to hear the preaching of god's word i also noticed that there weren't any reporters out there no tv reporters or anything like that i think it's because the media is slowly starting to realize what the media in phoenix realized several years ago that by covering us all they're doing is making us more popular they're just getting our message out to more people because there are always still 7 000 men in every area that haven't bowed the knee to bail and so in our city of phoenix our local media never covers anything that we say or do no matter what happens no matter what countries i get banned from they held a press conference back in 2015 and said we need to stop talking about this guy we have to stop covering this and see they just didn't realize that patrick boil was going to look so good on the news they didn't realize yet that grace in france is going to look good on the news they're used to dealing with westboro baptists and all these bunch of weirdos that look stupid because they are stupid you know they're not used to the genuine article real men of god getting up and preaching the word of god clearly coherently and people who are saved are going to understand the message that's being preached and it's going to resonate with them and especially uh the news reports that i saw from orlando here where they even said you know well he's preaching leviticus 2013 which says that homosexuals should be put to death look anybody who's a christian is going to get their bible off the shelf they're going to blow all the big cloud of dust is going to come up they're going to open it to leviticus 2013 and they're going to see that he's telling the truth and i guarantee you this church is going to grow all scripture baptist church in knoxville tennessee is going to grow faithful words going to continue to grow all these churches are going to continue to grow because the weirder it gets out there the darker this world is the brighter the light is going to shine and so in psalm 101 here i want to start out just by expounding this scripture verse by verse in psalm 101 i want to start out with verse number one it says i will sing of mercy and judgment unto thee oh lord will i sing let me explain to you one of the problems today in modern christianity is that we're singing about mercy but we're not singing about judgment this is why it's important to bring back the psalms the psalms completely died amongst independent fundamental baptists when i was growing up we rarely sang any psalms and listen i'm all for the hymnal i'm not one of these psalms only kind of guys i think that's that's silly you know god wants us to sing in the lord a new song you know he wants us to sing songs that have been composed by man and sing songs that are from the hearts of golly christians but we need to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs we need to do all three and here's the thing about the hymnal it's 99% mercy and one percent judgment but god's songbook the book of psalms is more balanced and so you end up singing about mercy and judgment you see people wouldn't think that hate is a bad word people wouldn't think that there's never a time to hate if they were singing psalm 5 about god hating all the workers of iniquity they wouldn't think it was a bad thing if they sang psalm 11 where it says him that loveth violence his soul hateth they wouldn't think that this preaching were radical if they were singing psalm 139 and that's why that song is so important because it makes every liberal christian's head explode because this is and let me explain to you why because on one hand they want to reject that song they want to say that's not appropriate that's in poor taste that you know we shouldn't be singing songs like that but then on the other hand it's god's word on the other hand the bible commands us to sing psalms that's in the psalter and so they don't know what to do it makes their head literally explode because they don't know what to do and so songs like psalm 58 psalm 106 psalm 69 okay all of these songs if they were being sung on a regular basis would help get this doctrine deep into the hearts of people you know music has a way to just really get into your head and even 20 years later you'll remember the lyrics to a song that you haven't even thought about in 20 years and so the music gets ingrained in us and if we would get back to singing of mercy and judgment then we'll have a balanced view of who god is we'll have a balanced view of the word of god we don't want to be all judgment but we don't want to be all mercy either we want to sing of mercy and judgment unto thee oh lord will i sing verse two i will behave myself wisely in a perfect way oh when wilt thou come unto me i will walk within my house with a perfect heart i will set no wicked thing before mine eyes because remember the title of our of the sermon this morning is seeing their unlawful deeds i will set no wicked thing before mine eyes i hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me now what does that mean to cleave well we all know the famous verse that talks about that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh so cleaving to someone or something is to be connected to be joined to be united right cleave is one of those funny english words that means its definition and the opposite because cleaving can mean to separate also like a meat cleaver but then cleaving also means the opposite to join together to be connected so when the bible says it shall not cleave to me what's not going to cleave to him the work of them that turn aside he said is not going to cleave to him now what does that have to do with not setting any wicked thing before his eyes because the things that we see with our eyes cleave unto us when we look at something when we see something it comes into us it goes into our mind it comes into our brain it becomes a part of who we are it cleaves unto us now obviously in this world we cannot help but see bad things i mean we're living in the world we're not going to go live in a in a monastery somewhere or be a hermit somewhere or isolate ourselves so we're going to see sinful things we cannot help but see sinful things in the world where we live jesus did not want us to be taken out of the world he just wants to be kept from the evil and so david here when he says i'll set no wicked thing before my eyes he's talking about the fact that he's not going to intentionally put something wicked in front of his eyes obviously he can't help but see wicked things in the course of his life but he's not going to set something wicked before his own eyes and then when he sees something wicked he's going to hate it that's how you stop this stuff from cleaving to you and influencing you and being a part of you you've got to hate the work of them that turn aside so that it does not cleave to you you know the right reaction if you are going to see this stuff is to get mad about it to hate it to be disgusted by it and then it could have the opposite effect instead of getting you to feel sympathy or watering you down toward these things it can actually fire you up more in fact i got more and more excited about this conference over the last two weeks just as all the garbage was being put out there by the sodomite crowd it got me more fired up because i hate the work of them that turn aside shall not cleave to me but god forbid that we would ever willingly or knowingly put this kind of filth in front of us and actually watch these sodomites and look at these pictures and that's why i say to people quit putting this filth on your facebook feed even if you're preaching against it even if you're exposing it even if you're attacking it i don't want to see that picture and anytime i see that it's i it's hide this post snooze this person till jesus comes or you know unfriend unfollow whatever because i don't want to see that stuff you know and there's a way to to attack this stuff without showing any of that look i made a whole short little film called aids the judgment of god and you know what you're not going to see any filthy images in that film you're not going to see a bunch of dudes kissing all this weird stuff you know there was even one shot that i had this one interview where some faggot is holding hands with another faggot and i zoomed in i don't even want to see their two hands touching i want to show that to people i don't want to set that before my eyes when i sit down to watch something christian something godly something bible-based and so we need to not set any wicked thing before our eyes are we going to see wicked things sure but we need to hate the work of them that turn aside and not let it cleave to us news flash things go in but they don't come out when you see things when you hear things they go in but they don't come out we need to guard our eyes we need to guard our ears from seeing and hearing their unlawful deeds it says in verse four a froward heart shall depart from me i will not know a wicked person who so privily slandereth his neighbor him will i cut off him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not i suffer now we know that the slogan of the sodomites is pride literally a one-word slogan that they have just pride you know they have a faggot pride parade in phoenix but they don't call it faggot pride they literally just call it pride or they call it phoenix pride it has nothing to do with being proud that you live in phoenix although that is something to be proud of but that's not what they're saying they're basically just saying you know pride one word sums them up and the bible says here that those that have a high look at a proud heart we should not suffer and you know what suffer means to put up with shouldn't put up with it shouldn't just allow it that's what suffer means just allow it look the other way let it go put up with it no he that hath a proud look he that is high and lofty in his mind and arrogant and puffed up against the lord he's not going to dwell in my sight i'm not going to put up with that garbage he's going to be cast out it's not going to dwell in my house he's not going to dwell in the church with us somebody who's one of these queer pride uh supporters or whatever pride it's wicked and then their other symbol because they have that word that they use pride as a slogan their other symbol is the rainbow and this is not an accident that the rainbow is god's symbol that he will not destroy the entire planet by water once again because if you remember god ended up wiping out the whole humanity and the animal kingdom because of the sins of man in the days of noah the world was flooded and then when noah gets off the ark he sets his bow in the cloud as a token of the fact that he is not going to flood the earth ever again so when it starts raining a lot you don't have to get nervous like this is it's happening again he's letting us know this is my symbol that i will never flood the earth again and i believe that the sodomites have chosen this symbol as a way of saying like you know you're never gonna destroy us again you're not gonna wipe us out you're not gonna flood us again well you know what they forgot to read second peter chapter three about how next time the world gets baptized it's gonna get baptized by fire just as god's people started out with john the baptist being baptized by water and then in acts chapter one and two it talked about how they're gonna be baptized with the holy ghost and with fire hey this whole world has been baptized by water and this whole world is going to be immersed in fire that's what that rainbow symbolizes right there he's not gonna flood it and you know i guess god is kind of messing with them like hey don't worry never gonna flood you again i didn't say i wasn't gonna burn you to a chris but i'm not you're not gonna drown no you you're gonna go up in flames so the bible says here mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land you say who's that well you know we just took a picture of a bunch of them up here the faithful land hey you want to know the faithful of the land well from where i'm standing i can see a bunch of them looks great to me my eyes right now we're on the faithful of the land and that's who we should lift up that's who we should love and exalt and that's who we should glorify to our children not a bunch of sodomites in hollywood a bunch of sodomite athletes and a bunch of weirdos and perverts if our children are going to have heroes let them have heroes amongst god's people let their heroes be godly men and women let their heroes be pastors preachers let their heroes be godly mothers and fathers soul winners missionaries let those be the heroes the soul-winning heroes people who serve in the local church mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me he that walketh in a perfect way he shall serve me he that worketh deceit shall not dwell in my house he that tell it lies shall not tarry in my sight i will early destroy all the wicked of the land that i may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the lord see if we're singing this kind of music we'd have a little bit different attitude wouldn't we and you say well that's old testament really because last time i checked ephesians chapter 5 is in the new testament so that takes everything in the book of psalms and brings it to today's worship service because he says in colossians and he says in ephesians to sing these psalms and if we don't do it we're being delinquent if you don't preach this stuff you're delinquent you have to preach the imprecatory psalms the psalms that bring curse you have to preach those or you're delinquent if you're not singing the psalms you're delinquent and today christianity is lacking in its doctrine because of shallow music in many cases or positive only music and so we need to bring back sing of mercy and judgment go if you were to matthew chapter 6 what's the title of the sermon seeing their unlawful deeds seeing their unlawful deeds we don't want to set any wicked thing before our eyes because that which we see cleaves unto us it attaches itself to us the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 22 the light of the body is the eye if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light but if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other or a third option is that he just doesn't hate anyone or anything because he just loves everybody like all those bunch of trannies out there that have dropped everything on a saturday to go parade their filth in front of a baptist church out of love yeah folks everybody everybody is going to hold to the one and despise the other folks you're not neutral in this you either hold to the faggot agenda or you despise it you either hold to bible preaching or you despise it you're either going to love the one hate the other you're going to despise the one hold fast to the other look everybody has love in their heart for someone or something some people it's only themselves but they're everybody has love and everybody has hatred in their heart for someone or something anybody who told me i don't hate anyone i could literally in 30 seconds name someone where they'd be like well okay him seriously i mean everybody i mean look and here's the proof all the people who say they love everybody hate me so there you go but look if our eye be single our whole body's full of light if the eye be evil the whole body's full of darkness so this is an important thing right what we look at what we see what comes into our eyes and we cannot help but speak the things that we've seen and heard so what comes in is going to come out it's going to manifest itself in our speech but not only this when he says if therefore the light that is in the darkness how great is that darkness well what about baptist churches today aren't they supposed to be the light i mean shouldn't we be the salt and the light and the lighthouses of america well if the light that's in us is darkness if those lights have gone out if the candle has gone out in the house of the lord how great is going to be the darkness today folks we need the lights to start springing up you know we need like a satellite image of the united states spiritually where a little light pops up over here in orlando and then a light pops up in this city and a light pops up in that city and just until the whole thing is just lit up like a christmas tree that's what our goal is and look yes we want to shine the light of the gospel yes we want to preach the good news about the fact that jesus died and was buried and rose again and that salvation is a free gift and that if we believe on the lord jesus christ will be saved but that's only step one of the great commission the second step is to baptize them and the third step is to teach them to observe all things whatsoever christ commanded i liked what was said in the sermon uh yesterday i believe by brother thompson where he said the fact that christ might have been brother he man is i don't remember but uh the fact that that that the lord jesus christ did not specifically talk about homos while he was on this earth you know what he's basically saying then he's basically just saying leave it alone nothing nothing to see here nothing to change because he already affirmed moses think not that i'm come to destroy the law or the prophets i came not to destroy but to fulfill so he affirmed moses the apostle paul affirmed moses he said do we then make void the law through faith god forbid yay we establish the law so if jesus affirmed the law of god if jesus quoted from leviticus he quoted from deuteronomy if he said these things and then he didn't change anything he didn't modify anything he didn't give any uh caveats or any disclaimers or back anything up that means he left it the same he didn't change it so we go back to the old testament to get the teaching not that it's lacking in the new testament because we've got the apostle paul we've got peter we've got jude the lord's brother to teach us about all these things so it's it's all there everything we need is there now if you would go to second peter chapter two second peter chapter number two you know one of the things that we get criticized for saying is that homos are pedophiles now this should be obvious to any rational person because it doesn't matter what angle we look at this from homos are pedophiles okay so let's take it from a few angles let's look at the historical angle yeah let's go back and look at all the ancient greek literature that deals with homos and it's all centered around pedophilia well you know you talk about ancient sparta and you could talk about plato and his writings and they look it doesn't matter what you look at homosexuality has always had pedophilia as part and parcel of that lifestyle historically so we could start with ancient greek literature and take that all the way until now and we got the north american man boy love association and we can look at the different gay rights movements in the 70s and in the 80s and look at what they said their stated goals were and you know one of their biggest goals is always lower the age of consent 12 years old is what they want to lower it to and they'd make it even lower than that if they could and then in filthy place like the netherlands it's 12 by the way right now today the age of consent in the netherlands is 12 and that's what they want in america that's the future of america that's the goal and and they won't stop you think they're satisfied with that they're implacable so then they'll say well 11 folks they will grind you down and they will never be satisfied so uh so if we look at the history it points to the fact they're pedophiles okay then let's look to the let's look at it scripturally okay scripturally they're pedophiles because number one they're full of all unrighteousness they'll do anything they're capable of anything number two we see that the sodomites and sodom and gomorrah young and old from every quarter came to assault the two angels that came into lot which shows right there that if they're gonna bring children to something like that if a bunch of sodomite dudes are gonna bring children because it mentions the young people it shows that they're already inducting the young people into that lifestyle which shows they're pedophiles number three or we're still on number two i suppose i i don't this is in my notes so i'm kind of just freestyling the numbers and letters so some of the letters and numbers might get a little bit confusing but anyway uh you know the second thing about that story is the fact that the cry of sodom came up to lord who's crying he's not listening to a bunch of sodomites because his ear is closed under their prayers the bible says but he hears the victims he's hearing the children he's hearing the the young babes and children that are being abused there and then uh scripturally we see that they're always portrayed as a predator in all three instances whether it be genesis 9 genesis 19 or judges 19 they're always forcing someone there's always a predatory aspect and so scripturally and historically we see the same thing then we could look at it statistically let's look at it mathematically because i know there are so many people who love science these atheists and agnostics they really love science and so let's look at it statistically okay and if we look at it statistically we find that open and this is the key word open homos account for 40 percent of pedophiles even though they're only two percent of the population the math's not adding up folks two percent of the population that are open sodomites are 40 percent of the pedophiles that means that a homo is 20 times more likely to be a pedophile so we could look at it statistic although that's a you know hey that's statistically significant you want to talk standard deviations after the service let's go actually i'm just bluffing because i hated statistics class and i didn't do very well but i love math i did well in calculus but statistics a lot of it went over my head as far as the the actual standard deviations but you know what you don't even have to excel in statistics to figure out that if 40 of the pedophiles are two percent of the population hmm let me crunch some numbers somebody have a calculator i mean look folks that's easy to figure that one out right yeah so we can look at it mathematically we can look at it historically we could look at it spiritually we could look at it anecdotally here's how you look at it anecdotally you sign in to pastor roger jimenez's email server whoever that is and all the stories come up as he said yesterday or you know my wife just mentioned to me today that she looked at the news and it was a story after story after story of violent predators that are sodomites and and we've even seen it in our own lives where we've known people that were involved in this stuff we've seen instances of this anecdotally so it doesn't matter how you look at it it doesn't matter what angle you're from these people are pedophiles and let me tell you one of the ways that they molest kids besides just getting their filthy hands on them because some people might be still too stupid to realize that homos are pedophiles well here let me just break it down to you even simpler okay let's just say for a minute that you're right which you're not but let's say you're right okay they're not actually grasping them well you know what by putting bruce jenner in drag on a magazine that everybody in america saw you just molested every kid in america and by the way just like the fbi will arrest someone for showing pornography to a minor that's that's a crime to show pornography to a minor well let me tell you something that picture is just as damaging to a minor showing a dude in drag to a minor that is damaging unto them you have just molested them and if you remember that video from the 1950s in black and white called boys beware that was put out by that radical right-wing fundamentalist christian organization the los angeles police department which you know which does not abbreviate fwbc la by the way it actually abbreviates lapd not fwbc la lapd okay that video is put out by the lapd and the la school district back in the 50s boys beware what's the first thing in that who's seen the video put up your head if you've seen it what is wrong with the rest of you you need to get on youtube immediately yes not while i'm preaching but as soon as the sermon's over you need to go on youtube watch later isn't there a feature like that save for later watch it later add to favorites okay uh 1950s homosexuality video or boys beware i'm sure it's not hard to find my dad told me he was watching the history channel and they played that on the history channel just with no comment they just played it it was like the best thing on the history channel all day but in that boys beware video the first thing that the guy does the number one first thing he does he gets the kid in the car with him he's giving him a ride and what does he do those that have seen it he hands them a stack of pictures of pornographic images says hey do you like this hey listen there's a guy in my town in phoenix that owns a gym okay and i went to the gym and worked out there i got talking to the owner he was an old guy and this guy just hated homos but he goes to james white's church he gave me a cd he's like oh you gotta listen to this hard preaching by james white against homos i'm like you keep using that word hard preaching i don't think it means what you think it means because i popped in the cd and it was the most soft watered down i got like 30 minutes into it and finally just i couldn't take it anymore but it was so soft it was so wired up but anyway i'm talking to this guy and uh he told me he said you know if you could and this so this guy's not a fundamental baptist is he and but he was going to james white's old church james white has moved his membership to the beer and tattoos church but with uh with dirt bin but but james white at that time was at like a uh confessional type reformed church reformed baptists in uh in phoenix and that's where this guy went so it's like a protestant type church calvinistic leaning type church and and so he told me and this is not a fundamental baptist he said if you could give truth serum to any homo and asked him what's his greatest desire he'll tell you a 12 year old boy and he talked about how he basically was attacked when he was that age he was they tried to recruit him and one time he got he he gave me two stories one of them where that you know they tried to molest him and his friends on some kind of a catholic camping trip or something so it was a catholic priest that was the pedophile if you can believe that you know but anyway the other time he said one time he was hitchhiking so it was a lot like in that video he was like 12 years old he hitched a ride from a guy and he said the guy handed him a stack of pictures like straight out of that video and he said hey you know are you interested in any of this and he just looked at it and just said no i'm not interested the guy's like okay and then he's just like yeah this is my stop you know and just so he kind of played it off because he didn't know what to do because he didn't want to freak out like ah get me out of here you know so he just kind of looked at it just like not really interested and then just left but he knew what that guy was trying to do to him by showing him those images he's trying to get him thinking along those lines trying to get him curious he's basically like the devil in the garden of eden coming to eve and and showing her of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil trying to get her to look at it and see it and so forth look this is one of the ways that they are destroying america look they are molesting the eyeballs of our children by showing them this garbage it's wicked it's disgusting and i'm telling you by showing it to our children they are corrupting and hurting their minds no child should ever have to look at them well they're not hurting anybody they're hurting everybody just by existing in the public site by walking into the grocery store they just defile their eyeballs by walking in in drag by walking into the restaurant by walking into the church they have perverted the children that have to look at them say oh well we gotta invite them into the church why so our children can be molested visually by having to look at their filth why don't okay well then why don't we just let nudists into the church why don't we just let a naked lady come in the church and just sit in the front row and say well jesus loves her and jesus died for her how's she gonna hear the gospel she doesn't wear clothes folks she's naked all the time and she needs to hear the gospel and so who who's for that who thinks that's a great idea no one but you know what i would rather that my children saw a naked lady walk through the door of the church than a dude in drag it's even filthier it's even weirder it's gonna even do more damage to them to see that filth my friend when are people gonna wake up and realize that our children are being molested at the magazine rack when they show that bruce and look whenever i went to the store and i saw that faggot bruce jenner i turn it around every single time and you know if everybody in america would do that nobody would have to look at that crap everybody in america and if they ever put that filthy pervert on the magazine again everybody in america just needs to turn that around or they should put a little cover over it like they do with a porno mag right at the gas station where they put a little cover over it so that our kids don't have to look at a naked lady well you know what it's infinitely worse to look at that perfect and by the way while we're on the subject of being infinitely worse okay let me stop and say this the hagalian dialectic is what's at work here now what is the hagalian dialectic that's a big fancy word but i guarantee you in this crowd probably a lot of people already know what it means put up your hand if you know what the hagalian dialectic is yeah well if you don't i'll make it real simple for you it's called problem reaction solution thesis antithesis synthesis and here's what it basically is they create a problem or show you something really extreme and then they come in with a solution that's halfway between where you started and where that extreme was so there's the thesis is where you start the antithesis is the other extreme and then you end up in the middle at synthesis okay so i'm not trying to be all complicated here most people are pretty familiar with this concept but let me just break it down to you this way if they can cram sodomy down your throat now fornication doesn't seem as bad think about that if they can get you uh taking drugs now alcohol doesn't seem as bad so this is the hagalian dialectic they'll hit you with an extreme and even if they don't get you all the way to that extreme they get you part way toward that extreme so basically you know we have god's way over here thesis right so over here we start out with you know no sex until marriage right you know you you keep that within marriage amen you know the marriage bed is undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers god will judge that's the thesis right here okay then we have the devil's antithesis which is going to get you into just every weird freak and drag queen and fags and weirdos and then this the the sense is well okay that's that's extreme but you know and then basically now fornication seems almost normal that's what the devil's trying to do with our minds he's desensitizing us to the weirdest most extreme possible sins and then when we look at fornication it doesn't seem as bad anymore god forbid that we as god's people would ever get to that place we need to stay all the way over here we need to live in god's word we need to go to church every time the doors are open we need to be reading our bible singing hymns praying right and just stay here stay over here don't leave this spot right here because if we're constantly seeing and hearing this look we're not going to end up over here nobody in this room is going to end up over here unless they're unsaved they could become a reprobate if they keep rejecting the gospel okay but anybody who's saved is never going to end up over here but can save people end up here oh yeah so what happens is if we're reading this and then we're constantly seeing and hearing this we're going to read synthesis and that's what the devil wants so we need to stand our ground you see that's why it's so important that we don't even move one inch because if you give them an inch they'll take a mile and and it's a slippery slope next thing you know you're moving moving moving moving moving moving moving moving moving until next thing you know you're right here where the devil wants you right in the middle right so this is what's going on and so showing this stuff to our kids is destroying them and hurting them are you in second peter chapter two second peter chapter two says this in verse six and turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an example under those that after should live on god oh i'm looking for an example of what the bible thing you know what what did jesus think about there what does god think about it well first of all jesus is god right jesus is divine jesus is deity so therefore whatever god thinks about it is the same thing that jesus thinks about it because jesus said well i do always those things which please him and i came not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me it's not like jesus is looking at god the father saying come on sodom and gomorrah really because i think love one another is a better approach is that the conversation between jesus and god the father that you envision no because love love your neighbor is from leviticus 19 which is right between leviticus 18 and leviticus 20 and so obviously god the father god the son and god the holy spirit are all in agreement on this doctrine when there's war in heaven it's not between the members of the godhead it's between michael and the devil it's michael and his angels and the devil and his angels folks because jesus and the father and the holy spirit they all agree there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost these three are one if one testimony one witness there's one bible there's not three different bibles the father bible the son bible and the holy spirit bible it's one testimony and then he compares it to the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree in one just like the father son and holy ghost agree the spirit and the water and the blood agree okay so god has set forth sodom and gomorrah as an example give me an example sodom and gomorrah show me in the bible sodom and gomorrah you say i want a different example no that's the example you've been given you know it's sort of like jesus said hey an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given it but the sign of the prophet jonah as jonah was three days and three nights in the will's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth well here's the thing an evil and adulterous generation seeketh an example of jesus dealing with homos in the bible and there shall no example be given them but the example of sodom that's the example that's right he turned the cities of sodomy gabor into acid yeah exactly he was actually there the son was the one who walked up to abraham because god the father doesn't have a physical body to walk up to people that was jesus and that's why i said the lord rain fire brimstone from the lord out of heaven that's a famous verse because of the way that's worded that the lord rain fire brimstone from the lord out of heaven because you got the lord walking on the earth and you got the lord in heaven because we've got the trinity amen don't get me started on that all right so he says here he condemned them with an overthrow making them an example or an ensemble unto those that after should live ungodly and delivered just lot vex with the filthy conversation of the wicked and let me tell you something lot was not a model christian who thinks lot was a great christian great guy oh man i'm for it let's all pattern out in fact if it's a boy let's name it lot is that what christian families typically say no so here's the thing if lot was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked and you're not you make lot look like a good christian you're making a lot look good because you're so lame that basically lot is such a better christian than you are think about how ridiculous that is you're not even as godly as lot why because any saved person even lot who is probably one of the worst christians in the whole bible even lot was vexed by seeing and hearing their wicked deeds even lot uh was vexed and and i said wicked deeds but actually it was their unlawful deeds you know wicked is in verse for that righteous man dwelling among them and seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds okay unlawful let me break that down to you it means against the law and so today we have people saying well don't try to legislate that morality you know don't try to bring the law into this hey the bible says it's against the law it's unlawful you say what law was it against the law of sodom no the law of god how about this the laws of nature it's against every law of any reasonable society that has ever existed in the history of mankind but our society today has gone crazy and we just it looks like we just got the media here filming me hey get a good shot of this let me give you a little quote for the evening news buddy let me tell you something i hate all homos and i wish they would all die i wish every single one of them would die i hate them they're filthy they're disgusting they're pedophiles put that in your pipe and smoke it you bunch of liars from the media and then go out there and portray those filthy animals out there as nice people when there are a bunch of pedophiles and freaks and weirdos and you know what maybe today on the news you can also mention that there are a lot more people in here than there are out there and you know what a lot of people that agree with us aren't here because they're afraid to be here because they're cowards but the majority of people in this country are disgusted by filthy homos that's why you and your buddies in the media have to work so hard to put that faggoty filth in front of everybody all the time because guess what otherwise nobody would accept it nobody would accept it except if the media and hollywood and the magazines and the news weren't working full-time to cram it down our throats every single day nobody would accept it because everybody knows it's disgusting and filthy and we're the ones off the guts to say it oh you're preaching on politics since when is being a fag a political party i guess ever since uh you know uh booty judge you know started running for president and they put his faggoty booty on the cover of time magazine since when did being a fag become a political party so uh it's just a cultural thing since when is being a fag culture it's lack of culture it's lack of civilization it's barbarity it's worse than even the animals would put up with well you're forcing your religion on people since when is being straight a religion being straight is not a part of being a part of a religion it's part of being a human being and not an animal now let me just close with this because i'm out of notes here i only had one i only had one page so i i made it go as far as i could there's one verse at the bottom of the page but i'm saving that to have a nice ending so i'm going to just put that right there and come back to that but let me just let me just start out with with a little bit of this i printed this out this is from saint john chrysostom okay now saint john chrysostom is a saint in the roman catholic church he's also a saint in the greek orthodox church he's also a saint in the lutheran church i mean this guy's got a broad base of support right i mean he's being venerated they're they literally have idols of this guy they literally kiss pictures of this guy and worship him as a saint okay so this guy is from the fourth century ad this is the end of the fourth century so the late 300s ad let me give you some excerpts from his sermon on romans chapter one okay here in the place of the world he sets the pleasure according to nature which they would have enjoyed with more sense of security and greater glad-heartedness and so have been far removed from shameful deeds but they would not whence they are quite out of the pale of pardon he's saying they can't be forgiven they're out of the pale of pardon they're reprobates and have done an insult to nature itself and a yet more disgraceful thing than these is it when even the women seek after these intercourses who ought to have more sense of shame than men so here is saint john chrysostom who they venerate but you know what if he were alive today he'd be run out of every roman catholic church he'd be run out of the lutheran church he'd be run out of the orthodox church he'd literally be banned from countries where everybody's catholic everybody's orthodox or whatever he would be thrown out you say how do you know because i preach the same stuff and i got banned and thrown out these people are like the jews who basically would uh their fathers killed the prophets and then they build their sepulchres okay so here's another clip from his sermon for these are treated in the same way as women that play the whore or rather their plight is more miserable for in the case of the one intercourse even if it's lawless it is yet according to nature but this is contrary to both law and nature for even if there were no hell and no punishment had been threatened this were worse than any punishment he's saying the worst punishment for the sodomite is the fact that he's a sodomite and that's why so many of these people kill themselves because they know how disgusting they are see see now the media can get crowd shots because i already gave him all the sound bites now he can just get like b-roll see i'm saving you time buddy all right for if when discoursing about fornication paul said every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committed fornication sin is against his own body what shall we say of this madness which is so much worse than fornication as cannot even be expressed it's like i can't even put into words how much worse the sodomites are than even just people who fornicate for i should not only say that thou has become a woman but that thou has lost thy manhood and has neither changed into that nature nor kept that which thou is he's saying you're not a woman he said i can't say you've turned into a woman but you have lost your manhood you're in a no man's land and look i didn't say that that's what saint chrysostome said okay he said you're neither male nor female you've i can't call you a man but it's not like you successfully turned into a woman i mean isn't that what he said am i am am i understanding this you've neither changed into that nature of being a woman but he said you've been a traitor to both of them at once you're a traitor to men and women everywhere and deserving both of men and women to be driven out and stoned he said you deserve to be stoned by men and women to be driven out and stoned that's what you deserve let's keep going as having wronged both sexes and that thou mayest learn what the real force of this is if anyone were to come and assure you that he would make you a dog instead of being a man would you not flee from him as a plague if someone said hey i'm going to turn you into a dog you'd be like no thanks but lou thou has not made thyself a dog out of a man but an animal more disgraceful than this for this is useful into service i mean dogs are good for something for this is useful into service but he that hath thus given himself up is serviceable for nothing good for nothing useful for nothing but if you would know the enormity of the evil from other grounds ask on what account the lawgivers punish them that make men eunuchs and you will see that it is absolutely for no other reason than that they mutilate nature and yet the injustice they do is nothing to this for there have been those that were mutilated and in many cases were useful after their mutilation he said look if somebody were to castrate someone against their will if someone were to chop off their organs okay he said you know that's a major crime you would get serious trouble for doing that that's a violent crime to assault someone in that way but he said at least that guy could still live a life that had some use to it then if you turn someone into a fag there's no use you know they're look at their eunuchs in the bible like daniel who did great things for god but nothing can there be more worthless than a man who has pandered himself for not the soul only but the body also of one that has been so treated is disgraced and deserves to be driven out everywhere how many hells shall be enough for such how many hells are enough for these homos not enough for christmas dome man i'm making the media's job so easy that what was he in and out of here in five minutes i'm just like here you go buddy you don't even have to edit this it's all right here for you get a little b-roll and he's out to the freaks all right man these people would have an easy life if everybody were as easy of an interview as we are because we're not careful to answer these i'm here to rend amen consider how great is that sin to have forced hell to appear before it's time you know like they like people are still alive and hell had to like come to them instead of them going to hell hell had to come to them and rain from the sky sodomy gomorrah amen for whereas many thought scorn of his words his deeds did god show them the image thereof in a certain novel way for the rain was unwanted for that the intercourse was contrary to nature and it deluged the land since lust had done so with their souls where for also the rain was the opposite of the customary rain now not only did it fail to stir up the womb of the earth to the production of fruits but made it even useless for the reception of seed for such was also the intercourse of the men making a body of this sort more worthless than the very land of sodom just like nothing can grow in sodom these freaks can't produce a child with two dudes and what is more detestable than a man who has pandered himself or what more execrable oh what madness oh what distraction more shameless than dogs that's some good preaching you think you're gonna hear that at your catholic church you think you're gonna hear that in the orthodox church today you think you're gonna hear that at the lutheran church today no way folks every normal person has known these things and now i will i challenge anyone to name anything that was preached at this conference that he did not hit on worthy of death check beyond the pale of forgiveness check disgusting filthy check animals check dogs check worst sin check folks every single thing that was preached at this conference is right here in homily number four on the book of romans by saint john chrysostom so i'll close now with this verse that i've been saving finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things guard your mind and don't let them corrupt your mind or your children's mind molesting you visually i didn't even get into the audible molestation of having to listen to the way they talk i feel violated just listening to one of these faggoty dudes talk we need to meditate on these things and give ourselves holy to them let's borrow that word of prayer father we thank you so much for this conference lord thank you for people's patience through you know three hours yesterday three hours today lord i pray that these things would sink down into our ears lord that we would be be steadfast and unmovable lord and help us to support pastor patrick boil help us to support pastor grace and fritz help us to support the men that are on the front lines of this battle right now lord and and just we need to just thunder forth our support and because because lord if we resist the devil he'll flee from us help us to resist lord and never to back down and give in in jesus name we pray amen