(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'll read a little bit about the way God has ordered authority in the home and he basically talks about husbands loving their wives and wives submitting unto their husbands and then as we get into Ephesians chapter 6 he basically goes into great detail about children obeying their parents and how parents should treat their children and all throughout these two chapters there's a lot of talk about the family and I think that today one of the institutions that's more under attack than anything is the family. Even more than the church is being attacked by Satan, by the government, the institution of the family is under attack today and I want to preach a sermon tonight called Satan's attack on the family. Now an alternate title you could give this sermon is the government's attack on the family because really you'll see that as I go through the points tonight and show this a lot of this has to do with you know our government that's pushing this stuff but really the family is an important institution it goes all the way back if you would go down to verse number 31 of Ephesians chapter 5 it says for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh. This goes all the way back to Genesis 2 that's a quote from Genesis chapter 2 when God created the man and his wife he called their name Adam, he placed them in the Garden of Eden and he told them to be fruitful and multiply which is meaning what? Have children. So he made a man, he made a woman he commanded them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and he put them in that garden and he explains that to this day it's the same thing therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh. This is an important institution that goes all the way back to Genesis 2 it's important all throughout the Bible and today the family is being attacked and destroyed around us and the devil is the one who's behind it. Go back you're in Ephesians 5 just look at chapter 4 I wanna show you one thing it says in verse 26 it says be ye angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil. Okay so the devil is out to destroy you. The devil wants to as Jesus told Peter to sift you as wheat you know the devil wants to creep in it says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 you don't necessarily have to turn there but 2nd Corinthians 2 10 and 11 says to whom ye forgive anything I forgive also for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices. So the devil is out to attack us he wants to get an advantage of us he wants to get in and destroy our home he wants to destroy your marriage through a lack of forgiveness that could take place between a man and a woman and today he's doing a very good job of destroying the institution of marriage and the family today. Look just look at look around 75 percent of marriages will end in divorce now that is a symptom and that shows intrinsically that there is something wrong in America today with how we look at the family how we look at the home if 75 percent of marriages are going to fail 75 percent are going to divorce you look at children growing up today in single-parent homes you look at children growing up today and disrespecting their parents you look at children that are completely disconnected and isolated from their parents want nothing to do with their parents because the devil knows if he can attack the family if he can get a bunch of young people that are growing up and going to a public school system and just being brainwashed by the world being taught all this garbage that he can really just destroy an entire generation destroy our country destroy our churches because the future is in the children it's in the young people and so we can destroy the family take the children out of the family get them raised somewhere else destroy the family by turning it into a divorced home destroy the family by making there be a disconnect and a disjointed relationship between married people or between parents and their children then he can destroy the youth and there will be a whole generation that will rise up as they did in the days of Joseph where he says that Joseph died and there rose up another generation that knew not the Lord Joshua died there rose up people who knew not the Lord you know people rise up another generation because they haven't been taught by the previous generation they know nothing about God the Bible I wonder when I was growing up in Sacramento California we went to an independent fundamental Baptist Church that had six or seven hundred people in it and yet today churches in that same area have way less people going to them and you wonder where did all those people go where did all their children go it's because we're losing the next generation because we've lost the family as an institution let me just take you through the devil's attack on the family let me just take you through all the ways that he has destroyed the family today and we can make sure that even if he's going to destroy someone else's family we're not going to give place to the devil he doesn't have to destroy our family we're not ignorant of his devices I mean maybe the world out there doesn't know what's going on and they're ignorant of his devices but we in here don't have to be ignorant of his device we have the Bible here to show us what's going on and we are not going to give place to the devil and I'm not going to let him destroy my family but let me tell you where Satan's attack on the family begins it starts out when two people are married right that's where the family starts when a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves unto his wife and they too become one flesh that's where the family begins right it starts out just a married couple with no children well even just to get to that point most people aren't even leaving father and mother and going to be with their spouse anymore most people are already out living with another guy before they get to that point you know they grow up and they're living with somebody else or they've already committed fornication and been made one flesh with a whole bunch of people but you know what okay let's just start over though you know you've gotten married you know now you're doing it right you're a married couple you've forsaken father and mother and you're starting a new family you know the first thing that the devil's going to tell you to do and many people won't like this but it's true go to Genesis chapter 38 the first thing he'll try to do to destroy your family because look do you think he likes the fact that you decided to start a family that you want to raise that family in church that you're married and that you're not going to be out with everybody else it's just going to be you and your wife for life do you think that he wants that marriage to succeed do you think he wants you to raise godly children in that home and raise them up to be the next generation of soul winning Christians no and so his goal is going to be to destroy your marriage and to tear it apart and the first thing he's going to use to destroy your marriage is birth control you say oh I can't believe you'd say that yes that is the first thing that the devil will try to do to young people today is they get married and we've got young married people here and we've got other people who are single who are going to be married in the near future right guys anyway some point you're going to get married you need to listen to this because this is going to be the first lie of the devil that he's going to try to use to destroy that marriage did you know that statistically the most likely time for you to get a divorce is either in the first two years of marriage or in the first two years after your last child leaves the home leaves the home those are the two times my parents are divorced and my parents got divorced within two years of the last child leaving the home I mean this is true it's the statistic that is the two time periods why because having children is something that brings the bond of your marriage closer together it should build your marriage and draw you closer together and build a stronger union but today the devil is gonna want to tell you the exact opposite the children are a burden the children are going to come between you and mess up your relationship with your wife hey the Bible says in Psalm 127 3 children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward so the Bible says that children are a blessing children are a reward children are a good thing it's not a curse when you have a child it's a blessing and it shouldn't tear that family apart it should bring the family closer together to have a child it brings my wife and I closer together that we have children it doesn't make us further apart but the world and even Christianity and even independent Baptist churches will tell you wait two years to have a child after you get married wait two years get to know each other look that's not scriptural that's not Bible and the devil will use that to attack your family what are you talking about well I'm gonna get into several ways that the devil uses birth control to destroy the family but first let's just get into the Bible here I'm just gonna show you that God condemns birth control in the Bible because you say well you know I think it's just a personal choice now I always think it's funny that Christians always say well when I decide what I want to do for a living I want to do God's will right and they always say when I get married I want to be sure that I marry a girl that's the will of God for my life and you say where do you want to live wherever God wants me but then you ask people how many children do you want to have and nobody thinks to say well as many as God gives me you know whatever God has planned whatever God thinks it's up to God it says of he-man and you don't have to turn there but in the book of first chronicles there was a man named he-man I like his name but he doesn't sound like a little sissy you know he sounds like a manly guy but his name was he-man H-E-M-A-N and the Bible says the Lord gave unto he-man fourteen sons and three daughters you know and why did he have seventeen children I mean that's a lot of children right you know why he had seventeen children because that's how many the Lord gave unto him that's what the Bible says the Lord gave unto he-man fourteen sons three daughters but see here we have another man O-Nan so on one side we've got he-man God gave him fourteen sons and three daughters on this side we've got O-Nan so let's look at he-man versus O-Nan look at O-Nan in Genesis chapter 38 and verse number 6 is where we'll start the Bible says this and Judah took a wife for Ur his firstborn whose name was Tamar and Ur Judah's firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him so God basically just got sick of this guy Ur and just killed him okay and then it says in verse number 8 and Judah said unto O-Nan go in unto thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother so O-Nan listens to dad says okay so O-Nan marries this girl Tamar and he's basically going in on the wedding night to consummate the marriage and the Bible says in verse 9 and O-Nan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went in unto his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother and the thing which he did displeased the Lord where for he slew him also now look this guy basically got married to this girl and he went in and he basically consummated the marriage but he did not want her to become pregnant from this union and so he basically you know if you're old enough to understand you're old enough to understand if not then don't worry about it but the Bible said what happened okay and because of what happened this made God angry and God killed him okay now you say well I don't think that that story is really applicable okay then come show me the story that is applicable show me where else in the Bible anybody did anything like that that's the only example in the Bible anybody practicing a form of birth control that you can show me it was this wicked man who wanted to go in to his wife and yet he did not want to have the child that will be the result and you say well it's just because he did it for a selfish reason but you know what isn't it always a selfish reason when you disobey what God told you to do what's your selfish reason for practicing birth control what's your selfish reason that you want to have a bigger house and a bigger car or is it just because you don't have the faith to believe that God can provide your needs everybody's got a selfish reason when they do the wrong thing when they go their own way when they lean on to their own understanding instead of having the faith to believe that if God commanded you he said leave father and mother cleave unto your wife and be one flesh and look if you would at 1st Corinthians chapter 7 look at 1st Corinthians 7 and you know we need we need to get back to this kind of Bible preaching I mean it's sad that this story's probably not even preached in most most people have never even heard of Onan and they might have gone to church for the last 30 years and didn't even hear the name of Onan and it's yet it's a story in the Bible for our edification for us to learn from look at this scripture in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 now concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband right so God says look you know you don't want to be obviously going to bed before you're married fornication is a sin fornication is wicked he said it's good for a man not to touch a woman but he says to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every wife have her own husband it says in verse 3 let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife defraud ye not one the other except it be with consent for a time that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinence either who tempt you not you see how Satan wants to attack the family it seems like when we're talking about marriage in the Bible when we're talking about child rearing in the family doesn't it seem like Satan keeps coming up wanting to get in there get an advantage destroy the family and one of the ways that he's going to get in there is by creating a dysfunctional relationship between a man and his wife and then he could come in and tempt that man or tempt that wife to commit adultery you see that he said if you defraud one another as husband and wife if you don't render unto the wife do benevolence and render the husband do benevolence and of course you know if you're too young to understand that then then so much the better if you're old enough to understand that you know what this passage is talking about he said if you do then Satan can come tempt you for your incontinence and so if God is telling you that the only time that you should abstain from that relationship with your wife or that relationship with your husband is to give yourself unto prayer and fasting who knows what fasting means going without food you know do you go out without food for six months has anybody ever gone without food for one month you know do you go a week or two without food I mean we're talking about you know a period that's a short period of time we're not talking about this dysfunctional kinda marriage today God is commanding a man and wife to have that relationship together and if God has commanded us to have that relationship with our wife and for our wife to have that relationship with us guess what the result of that relationship is children I mean is everybody following the sermon tonight is this complicated or anything it's very simple tonight and people many times want to resist the truth but it's very simple what God wants he tells you look this is my plan you grow up you get married it's a man and a wife they come together they're one flesh he said you know you don't abstain and go without and go all these long periods of time he says have that relationship with your wife the product is going to be children in fact children are a blessing in fact children are a reward in fact children are a good thing that's going to come from that union where did God tell you to go to Walgreens and buy some contraption or tool or pill or drug or whatever in order to be like Onan in order to not have children from that union think about this where is God telling you to do that it's not in the Bible but I can show you in the Bible where he told you to be fruitful and multiply you say well I think he was just talking to Adam well let's go back and look at that let's go back to Genesis right at the beginning of the Bible and I'm going to explain to you in a moment the other way that this that this will be something that the devil will use to attack your family this thing of birth control look at Genesis chapter number 2 I'm sorry Genesis 1 actually we're going back even further than that Genesis chapter 1 says this in verse 28 and God bless them is talking about the man and his wife the male and female and God bless them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth now let me ask you a question what is the word replenish mean? refill now let me ask you something was the earth ever filled before Adam and Eve with people? No Adam was the first man on this earth and his wife Eve was the second person on this earth so if God were just talking to Adam and Eve would he have said refill that wouldn't make any sense at all I mean if he said to Adam refill he'd be like how can I get a refill if I'd never been filled this is a command to mankind because man is born he lives and he dies and so there's a constant replenishment it's like as if we had a bucket with a hole in the bottom we have to keep filling it up right we have to keep filling it up we have to constantly replenish it and that's what he's being told there to replenish and to replenish and replenish and replenish and replenish that's not just talking to Adam look at Genesis chapter nine also because if it were that's why every word in the bible is so important because did you know that all the modern versions change replenish to just fill they take out the replenish and just change it to fill the earth New King James NIV, HIV all these other versions will do that but in Genesis chapter nine it says basically the same thing in verse seven it says and you be ye fruitful and multiply bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein look at Exodus chapter one Exodus chapter number one second book of the bible Exodus one and the bible says in Exodus chapter one in verse number eight the bible reads now there arose a new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph and he said unto his people behold the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we now jump back up if you would to verse number five look at verse five and all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls for Joseph was in Egypt already so how many Israelites went down into Egypt captive well how many went down into it we just read look at verse five the answers right there how many how many went down into it seventy and when they came out yeah could be two and a half million four million it depends because it says that there were six hundred thousand men between twenty and fifty who were warriors so that could tell you that there were several million people at least two and a half million probably more like three or four million or even five million four hundred and thirty years later so in four hundred and thirty years they went from seventy all the way up to millions but after this period of time it says in the children of Israel look at verse seven were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceeding mighty and the land was filled with them and that's when they said the children of Israel are more mighty than we now when they went down there and there were seventy how many Egyptians were there? Millions it was the most mighty powerful nation in the world at that time millions of people why did seventy people outgrow millions in just a few hundred years because of the fact that the Bible says right here because they were fruitful and they multiplied did you know that if you go to Planned Parenthood's website it says right on it that birth control was invented in ancient Egypt the IUD was invented right there on their website did you know that Planned Parenthood the abortion mill that it is which performs literally millions upon millions of abortions per year and is funded with millions and millions of your government paid tax dollars did you know that the original name of Planned Parenthood was the birth control federation of America that's what it was started as by Margaret Sanger in the first part of the twentieth century it was called the birth control federation of America later they changed the name to Planned Parenthood and so we see here that God's people were fruitful God's people multiplied God's people had the command from God and they followed that command and the heathen of Egypt were the ones who were limiting their population and then they tried to limit the children of Israel's population by killing their children and every time a baby was born they told them to cast into the Nile River and the two righteous midwives basically refused to obey and they kept the children alive and they ended up being blessed by God because they would not put these children to death you see it's clear in the Bible that God wants us to have children that's why he gives us now does God give everyone the same amount of children? just because you don't go down to Walgreens and go down to the pharmaceutical industry and use all these bizarro devices and pills and drugs that they give you it doesn't mean that you're just going to have seventeen children like a he-man because God only gave Abraham and Sarah just one child God only gave Isaac and Rebecca just two children but the key there is that that's what he gave them God might bless you with one child two children three children five children ten children and people get angry at this kind of don't tell me how many children to have stay out of my business look I don't care how many children I don't care what your business is but I'm going to stand up here and preach God's word to you tonight that the devil is destroying America and he's destroying it with birth control he's destroying it with abortion he's destroying it with divorced homes he's destroying it with the public school system he's destroying it with Planned Parenthood and somebody needs to stand up somewhere and call it out and name it for what it is and say God's people I'm going to let Satan get an advantage over us and we need to just read and believe God's word if he told me what to do with my wife that's what I'm going to do and I'm not going to do anything else I'm not going to do Onan Method and I'm not going to do the perversion method of what they sell at the store you know I don't want to go into it obviously I don't want to talk about it but I'll tell you something these devices that they're giving out to first graders today these devices that they're giving out to sixth graders in elementary school for free at school they passed a law at a town in Connecticut that it must be given out to kindergartners on demand for free literally it was in the news these filthy devices that they're selling and giving out let me tell you something who do you think invented them? did they come from Bible believing Christians? or do you think they came from the devil and his crowd? did you know that those filthy devices that they sell down at Walgreens used to be illegal in this country until like 1950 in some places and that they were illegal everywhere in the United States until the 1930s it was against the law for married couples to buy those kind of wicked devices those kind of perverted devices it was against the law it's true and yet today God's people are giving them in a Bible college God's people today are recommended by their pastor to go buy that stuff I will never recommend you to buy and I don't buy it I won't use that garbage you know I just stick hey I eat organic food and you know what if you think I'm going to go down and get some filthy device and and use that for my love life you're wrong you need to get right with God you need to get the Bible and you know you say you don't know what you're talking about you need to read this book and figure out what it says about marriage and figure out that the Bible talks about every single subject that there is if you read this book from cover to cover you'll know what you need to do you'll know what kind of marriage you need to have and nowhere in here will it tell you to go to the world and use these devices and you say well pastor Anderson we're living in the modern age we've got birth control pills who here believes that life begins at conception I believe that I believe life begins at conception look at Hebrews 11 11 Hebrews 11 11 now let me tell you something I grew up an independent fundamental Baptist going to every hellfire and damnation Baptist Church and you know what I never heard this subject preached upon ever ever because people don't want to touch it you know people don't want to preach it but it's the truth where did I have you turn? somebody help me out Hebrews 11 11 they won't preach on this subject but it's the truth look at Hebrews 11 11 in Hebrews 11 11 we have a key doctrinal point here about conception what is conception according to the Bible? well the Bible tells us it says in verse 11 through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised so in Hebrews 11 11 here the Bible says that Sarah received strength to conceive seed now look, doesn't that mean that the seed is involved with conception? right? because let me tell you what conception is biblically speaking because people are trying to change the definition of this today so that politicians can get up and say oh yeah life begins at conception and what they mean is something completely different weeks later no, according to the Bible and according to any real true science conception takes place when the seed and the egg come together that's conception the egg from the woman and the seed from the man that is conception that's where life begins I'll prove it to you from the Bible go to Matthew 1 go to Matthew chapter 1 I'm going to prove to you that that life begins at conception right now go to Matthew 1 and while you're turning there I'll read you a verse from Hosea 9 11 Hosea 9 11 reads as for Ephraim their glory shall fly away like a bird from the birth and from the womb and from the conception though they bring up their children yet will I bereave them and on and on so basically God's talking about children and he says from the birth from the womb and from the conception because those are the three stages of a child they're conceived it's a child it's in the womb and then it's born ok but look at Matthew 1 this is an interesting verse Matthew chapter 1 at the end of the chapter there it says in verse 23 behold a virgin shall be with child does it say that she'll be with blob of tissue no she'll be with embryo with fetus no it says that a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Immanuel which being interpreted as God with us keep your finger there go to Isaiah 7 14 your finger is in Matthew 1 go back to Isaiah 7 14 Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 and the Bible says in a very very famous verse in Isaiah 7 14 therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel Matthew 1 23 is a quotation of Isaiah 7 14 right because the Bible says in Matthew 22 or Matthew 1 22 now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet so the Bible says here is what Isaiah the prophet said see the saying at the end of verse 22 Isaiah said behold a virgin shall be with child now is that what Isaiah said a virgin shall be with child look back at Isaiah what exactly did Isaiah say so in Isaiah Isaiah said a virgin shall conceive Matthew 1 says that Isaiah said a virgin shall be with child so is God wrong here is he quoting himself wrong or is conceiving and being with child the exact same thing it's got to be otherwise God is misquoting himself he said Isaiah said a virgin shall be with child you go back to Isaiah and Isaiah said a virgin shall conceive because conceiving is being with child because conception is when life begins because that's when it becomes a child when it's conceived and when it's conceived what is present according to the Bible seed the seed, conceived seed so it's not weeks later after it's been developing and implants no life begins at the traditional view of conception right when that seed hits the egg that is conception that's when life begins let me tell you something birth control pills did you notice that they're not called conception control pills you ever noticed that they're called birth control pills they don't prevent conception now they do in some cases but many times they allow conception to take place they don't allow birth to take place they're very good at controlling birth because you see birth control pills operate on two principles they stop a woman from releasing an egg many times but not 100 percent of the time because even if a woman's on birth control pills she still will release an egg from time to time depending on what type of pill if she's on what's known as the mini pill, the progesterone only pill the Depo-Provera shot or the patch or those type of methods she could be releasing an egg every month and is for sure probably releasing one every other month and if they're on the combination pill then they may be releasing an egg maybe once or twice a year but let me tell you something there's a backup mechanism to every birth control pill, I learned this by reading the package inserts of birth control pills and studying this subject and the backup mechanism is that any birth control pill you take, any birth control pill you take will harden the lining of the uterus to make a quote hostile environment so that once that egg and seed have conceived into a child it cannot implant and develop and will therefore die after just a few days of development and the woman will not even know that she was pregnant in the first place called breakthrough ovulation happens all the time constantly and so basically what's going on is people are taking a birth control pill thinking oh yeah I'm just not going to get pregnant, I'm not releasing you might even be, you might be becoming pregnant and depending on some pills that you take you could be becoming pregnant over and over again and the child just dies and that's why birth control pills if taken properly are literally ninety nine point nine percent effective because they have the backup mechanism that's why when you take birth control pills they tell you you need to wait for three months before trying to get pregnant because you turned your womb into a killing machine and so therefore you could have problems trying to become pregnant you know you gotta wait until your body gets back to normal from taking these kind of drugs and you say well I didn't know better, I didn't know you know what maybe you should research the stuff that you, the drug that you take from the wicked world that we live in and you know you didn't know okay that's fine you know when I first got married my wife took birth control pills for three months because we didn't know any better because we were waiting for the benefits to kick in at my job, we were waiting for the health insurance but you know what that's really not an excuse why I was giving that to my wife to take you know I shouldn't have done it, I was wrong I'll call it out right now that I did wrong but it doesn't make it right just because I did it you know ten years ago when I was young and ignorant and foolish but let me tell you something God looks down and he sees that that's a life and he sees you taking pills that are that are killing that life and destroying that life and it's Satan that has got you to believe that that's okay and that that's fine and just well it's out of sight, I can't see it so was it even really there did it really even happen but the Bible tells us by faith yes it is a child, yes it is alive and if abortion is wrong and if the day after pill is wrong and if we would condemn a woman going down and killing the child at Planned Parenthood we as Christians need to stop the wicked hypocrisy here and say you know what I'm not going to give my wife these birth control pills because you know I don't want to be taking human life here but not only that birth control pills are harmful to your health they increase the risk of all kinds of cancers I mean if you just study it they increase the risk of all kinds of health problems they have all kinds of adverse effects on the body by getting you out of balance hormonally and destroying the body and let me tell you something the devil loves that you know they don't love, the pharmaceutical industry doesn't love you they want to make money and they want to basically just put whatever poison into you that's going to fit their agenda and cost them less money that's all they care about and we live in a wicked society today when Christians and churches when a pastor gets up and preaches this sermon and it's called a fanatic right I'm radical I'm a fanatic I'm crazy even though the US government made this illegal 75 years ago and did you know that Theodore Roosevelt President Theodore Roosevelt at the beginning of the 20th century in a speech publicly as President of the United States said these words and I quote birth control is sinful did you hear that President Theodore Roosevelt stood up before a group and and spoke in a public publicized address and said that birth control is a sin but then if I get up and say it a bible believing independent fundamental baptist preacher if I get up and say birth control is sinful am I become your enemy because I tell you the truth who's ever heard of John R. Rice the famous preacher John R. Rice loved by independent fundamental baptist he wrote a book on the home he had three chapters dedicated to how wicked and sinful birth control is and that was in the 1960s condemned it but yet today show me the church that's condemning it show me the preacher that's standing up condemning it don't show me a mirror I mean somebody else but the point is we have strained it and swallowed a camel we're willing to accept something that even the world considered wicked and sinful just because everybody's doing it but because everybody's doing it doesn't make it right and if you're not ready to have children then you're not ready to get married because when you get married you're supposed to go to bed with your wife and the problem with that is well you're going to have a child and you're not ready for it then you need to get ready for both when you get married because when you get married you're accepting the responsibility of the child that hopefully God is going to bless you with and it ought to be looked upon as a blessing imagine what you're saying to your children when you say I don't know man I've had enough no more for me I mean you know if you were that child you'd probably say well if they don't want more of me you know and people whenever they you know confront me on this or or you know and I'll get it in public just because I have a lot of children in some people's mind I don't think I have a lot of children I have five children I don't think that that's really an astronomical number the average in America two hundred years ago was eight that was the average I don't think that five is exactly an astronomical number of children but you know we'll walk around with our five children and people just we went to the Grand Canyon we had all these Chinese people taking pictures of our family like we were like we were the tourist attraction you know like wow a family a normal family you know like wow five kids and they all look like both mom and dad and they lined us all up we were posing for all kinds of pictures and everything pretty soon we're going to be on display in a museum or something Cro-Magnon man you know with five children you know five isn't really that many but I get all kinds of comments in public like oh wow you know you've got your hands full and sometimes they'll say this hey don't you know what causes that you know or they'll look at you with all your children and basically say something like you know what in the world you're done right you know and the world will try to put pressure on you to conform be like everyone else I don't want to be like the seventy five percent divorce rate world I don't want my kids to grow up and have their face look like they fell out of a fishing tackle box and have their fingernails painted black you know what I mean and basically you know they're like some goth emo whatever I don't know the terms anymore am I on the right track? the eighties are back thanks for the tips hey I'm a child of the eighties you know what the point is I'm not trying to be like the world I'm not trying to be like everybody else I'm not trying to pattern my family after the failure that is the American family today in two thousand ten not doing it and you know I always tell those people this I always say well you know I like the children that I have so why wouldn't I want more or sometimes I'll say which of my children do you think I should have not had you know what I mean tell me which one and you know today I visit nursing homes and preach the gospel from time to time and that's where I learned how to preach was in a nursing home I didn't preach this sermon it wasn't really applicable but I actually learned how to preach in an elderly folks nursing home and I preached there for years in Sacramento California that's where I learned how to preach and that's where some of you guys are learning how to preach at our nursing home ministry I've never ran into somebody in a nursing home that says I just wish I would have had less kids you know like what do you want to change my life if I would have just had less children and just kept a little more of the money for me you know what I mean just had a little more free time to just play around every person in the nursing home I talked to that I told I had five children said you know what that is a blessing and they said one day you'll realize how great of a blessing that is one day you'll get to the end of your life and you'll be glad that you had those children nobody gets to the end of their life and says I wish I had less children they get to the end of their life and say I wish I didn't just have one you know and and and that one is basically you know doesn't want anything to do with me or whatever and let me tell you how the government's behind it let me tell you how satan is is is pushing this number one he's promoting it in the public school to your children when they're knee high to a grasshopper he'll start teaching them birth control the little sex ed talks and they'll teach them about birth control and contraceptives and how to use all these things and just brainwash it and pump it into their mind that it's normal that's where it'll start you know what else he's doing he's making it almost impossible today for a man to go to work and even pay for a family with that many children I mean it's to the point now where it takes some faith my friend if you're a young man you better before you say amen to this sermon young man it's going to take some faith for you to get married and go to bed with that woman and have as many children as God gives you because you're living in a society where it's difficult because the economy has been destroyed by design because we're taxed to death to where it's going to be difficult and you're going to have to work and toil and sweat in order to be able to support that family sir and have your wife at home raising those children on one income that's a tall order but with God all things are possible it's not easy though I'm not telling you it's easy to live for God what's easy is to go to college and go fornicate and go to your beer parties and your toga party and go play the fool and the idiot and be a drunken idiot and then when you get to be thirty get married and then pump your wife full of birth control and have your token one or two children that doesn't take any faith at all to follow America's plan for your life the government's plan for your life but I want to follow God's plan for my life and that's why I got married young and had children and trusted God and worked by the sweat of my face all the days of my life and it's not easy but it's what God asks you to do young man and so grow up and do it God's way don't follow the world's pattern don't you dare go out and commit the sin of fornication before you're married you keep yourself purer until you get married you cleave unto your wife you become one flesh with her and you have children with her and you are there until death parts you and you have as many children as God gives you and let me tell you something God opens and closes the world if God gives you one great if he gives you two great if he gives you five great if you're a he-man if he gives you seventeen great and let me tell you something if God is the one who gives you those children won't God provide for those children if he said my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus if you don't have it you don't need it but if you have children you're going to need it and God's going to provide it hey you got to work by the sweat of your face you got to go out and work and toil and earn and and you might have to do without you might not have everything that the Joneses have but let me tell you something it's God's will and the family today is being destroyed by design the government wants to make it almost impossible for you they want to make it difficult for you I heard in California and I don't know if this is taking effect maybe brothers and girls might know but I used to live in California and they passed a law while I was living in California but it was something that wasn't going to take effect for like ten years or eight years some law do you know when this was supposed to take effect? What year? 2010 I think they said a special tax on all minivans and SUVs where you're paying a huge additional tax each year of like a thousand bucks or whatever on top of what you're already paying just because you're driving a seven, eight seater vehicle well guess what when you have five children you're in a minivan you know you're not in a Ford Escort anymore you know you're not driving a Ford accent when you've got five children and number six on the way and they're making it difficult they want to make it hard because it's greener you know the only thing that's green about me you know I don't want to be green in my vehicle you know I want my wife to be like the Bible says a green and fruitful bough you know I want my wife to be fertile and green okay I don't want a green job and a green car that you know only holds five people in it because I only have my two little children that the wicked people in this world who worship Satan and worship the environment and worship and serve the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen they're the ones who want to tell you you're overpopulating the earth well guess what I got news for you Al Gore this world's not going to be here forever the Bible says in Hebrews one that the earth shall wax old like a garment it's going to fade away heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away Jesus said I'm not worried about overpopulating this earth I'm just going to be fruitful and multiply you know the Mormons are doing it they're pumping out all their little tricycle riding little missionaries to go spread all their satanic doctrine and yet a Baptist, a hair-legged Baptist preacher can't stand up and say hey God told you to have children well I'm saying it whether people want to hear it or not I'm saying it tonight I'm telling you get on God's program for your life get married have children and let God take care of the results in your life don't be an onan and by the way if you take birth control pills that cause that that that child to abort after seven days or fifteen days or whatever if you didn't know what you're doing if you didn't know that then you know what the Bible calls that crime of accidentally killing someone manslaughter because it's not murder because murder is intentional but if you take those pills because you didn't know or you take that Deborah Pavera shot or the patch or IUD if you have an IUD ladies that is not murder it's manslaughter if you didn't know about it but you're hearing me warn you about it right now if you do it again you're a murderer I'll say it right now because if you knowingly put in the IUD if you knowingly do these things after I've explained it to you and you can go get the research at the library my wife when we first got married drove to the library got out a bunch of books on the subject and studied that subject and learned the truth on it and I studied the package inserts I studied the science I looked at both sides of it and the side that was saying that it was false was just saying that life didn't begin at conception that was their only argument the people who said the birth control pills were not causing abortions were just saying oh well you know life doesn't begin until seven days later two weeks later that was their big argument is that going to hold up with God's word? No and so you're accountable today for what you hear preached when you come to church and hear God's word preached and when you hear somebody tell you about something bad in this world you're accountable from that moment forward to do something with that information and if not it's murder if you're just going to intentionally do it anyway and not care and I'll call it out for what and by the way abortion is murder I'll call it out for what it is say well it's no it's murder that's the only word for it that I will tolerate murder these abortion doctors, they're not a doctor they're a murderer they're a serial killer that's what we ought to call them, a serial killer we ought to call it an abortion mill, an abortion factory not an abortion doctor's office I'd be insulted to be called a doctor if that's what those guys are called to be a doctor in America you have to take an oath, did you know that? just like to become a police officer you take an oath that you swear to uphold the constitution of the United States did you know that to become a doctor you take an oath called the Hippocratic Oath where you swear not to do any harm to any of your patients, not to hurt anybody not to kill anybody you swear that it's more like the Hippocratic Oath if you're going to call yourself a doctor and you're going to commit murder whether you're Dr. Kevorkian or Dr. Tiller, whatever that guy's name was, was that the guy's name? Tiller the killer this abortion doctor see here I am saying it again, abortion doctor this abortion serial killer this murderer this pervert whatever you want to call them you're accountable for this information and you know I'm out of time, I had like all these other points about Satan attacking the family, I'm on point one so uh... I guess this turned into a sermon about one thing okay you know we'll save the rest for another sermon but you know what this one thing is destroying America in many ways it's true, why do people get divorced? because they're idle I-D-L-E, when people get idle they get bored, they do dumb things you know, you don't sit around worrying about some adulterous affair and going out and doing your own thing and you know what it's amazing how people get divorced when the woman's in the workforce too, you know there I said it that is true she's out howling around with other guys all day you know what I mean and she's got her own money coming in and her own lifestyle and her own spending or whatever whereas if we would just stick with God's plan and have mom at home raising the children having children she'd be busy with that you know, dad will be busy working his tail off working two jobs to pay for the whole thing and you know what, then they'd come together scripturally and they weren't going months with that and you know there are people, look you may think that that's a joke or that that's funny but you want to talk about sinful people and that there are sinful people in this world and I've known them on the job that have not gone to bed with their wife in six months it's true and that is ungodly and wicked and you say you shouldn't even talk about it I wasn't talking about it you think I go to work and tell people about my love life help us I wouldn't tell that and especially if that was the case you know, what kind of an idiot goes around broadcasting that but you know the bible says that a fool when he goes out into the street his wisdom departs from him and he tells everybody that he's a fool that's what the bible says and I don't think it's appropriate to talk about my relationship with my wife in public and I never would and I never will and I'm not talking about my relationship with my wife I'm just telling you what the bible says what I preached from first Corinthians seven that said that a man and his wife are supposed to be together and to only be apart for a short time for prayer and fasting and that they are not to go these huge extended periods like these idiots at work where you know have complained about you're an idiot sir and you think Christians are weird you're weird and let me tell you something this is bible preaching that could save America because if the family is strong then the church is going to be strong because a strong church is made up of strong families and a strong nation is made up of strong churches with strong families in them but today we've been hoodwinked and hornswoggled by this world to think that you know a women's lib and you know I want to preach a whole other sermon right now on women's lib I'm sick of it I hate it makes me sick it's the biggest lie of the devil the bible says that wives are supposed to submit to their own husband and to be obedient in everything any questions? we read it in Ephesians five and women used to be so much happier when they did what God wanted them to do and my wife's happy and wives are happy when they're at home doing what God created them to do not out doing what men were created to do and so the family needs to be reinstituted if we're going to have an America and a church that we want to live in we can't change the world but you know what it starts with my house as for me and my house we'll serve the Lord and I'm just trying to help you out tonight guys because this is how you're going to live the life that God wants you to live this is how your child will grow up and love you and take care of you when you're old I mean I had this whole sermon tonight that I can't preach because I ran out of time about how old people they stick them in a home when they get old and stick them somewhere like an adult I was talking about adult daycare they took their elderly to daycare you know that's not right I mean we need a closer family unit than that my grandma if she ever goes to one of these homes it's going to be against my way I would say I'll take care of you grandma she has 15 grandkids but you know what I'll be the first in line to say grandma can move in with me I'll take care of grandma I'll support grandma you know I mean and that's Bible you know she wants to live on her own she's very independent woman at 88 she's 88 she drives all over town does everything goes soul winning but you know I'd be the first one to take her into my own home you know that's a whole yeah but but but we drop our kids off everywhere and then there one day they'll drop us off because what goes around comes around you know what I mean but again that's just like what the sermon could have been about let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father it hasn't been a popular sermon tonight and I pray that no one would go away angry because I know that this subject can make people angry sometimes dear God and my intention was not to anger anyone and so father I just pray that you would help them to just those that are here that is to let these scriptures sink in about what you've said about being fruitful multiplying the warnings about Onan the scriptures about all the other subjects here God just help us to heed your word to take care of our house to feed our family to provide for our own and God please bless our families and and God I pray that you'll bless me with more children dear God because father I'm thankful for the for the for the five children you've already blessed me with and the six that's on the way but God my prayer to you right now in the presence of everyone here is just bless me with more God if six is the end then God I'm content with what you've given me and I'm thankful for but if God if you would see fit I would like to be blessed with more children and God please just provide help me to work and earn and provide what's needed and help every man in this room who has children to be able to provide in a in a nation where it's difficult help us to earn and provide what we need and help every young man to take this sermon and let it sink down so that when he gets married he can do right and in Jesus name I pray amen read a little bit about the way God has ordered authority in the home and he basically talks about husbands loving their wives and wives submitting unto their husbands and then as we get into Ephesians chapter six he basically goes into great detail about children obeying their parents and how parents to treat their children and all throughout these two chapters there's a lot of talk about the family and I think that today one of the institutions it's more under attack than anything is the family even more than the church is being attacked by Satan by the government the institution of the family is under attack today and I want to preach a sermon tonight called Satan's attack on the family now an alternate title you could give this sermon is the government's attack on the family because really you'll see that as I go through the points tonight and show this a lot of this has to do with you know our government that's pushing this stuff but really the family is an important institution it goes all the way back if you would go down to verse number 31 of Ephesians chapter 5 it says for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh this goes all the way back to Genesis 2 that's a quote from Genesis chapter 2 when God created the man and his wife he called their name Adam he placed them in the Garden of Eden and he told them to be fruitful and multiply which is meaning what have children so he made a man he made a woman he commanded them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and he put them in that garden and he explains that to this day it's the same thing therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh this is an important institution that goes all the way back to Genesis 2 it's important all throughout the Bible and today the family is being attacked and destroyed around us and the devil is the one who's behind it go back you're in Ephesians 5 just look at chapter 4 I want to show you one thing it says in verse 26 it says be ye angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil okay so the devil is out to destroy you the devil wants to as he Jesus told Peter to sift you as wheat you know the devil wants to creep in it says in second Corinthians chapter 2 you don't necessarily have to turn there but second Corinthians 2 10 and 11 says to whom you forgive anything I forgive also for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices so the devil is out to attack us he wants to give an advantage of us he wants to get in and destroy our home he wants to destroy your marriage through a lack of forgiveness that could take place between a man and a woman and today he's doing a very good job of destroying the institution of marriage and the family today look just look at look around 75% of marriages will end in divorce now that is a symptom and that shows intrinsically that there is something wrong in America today with how we look at the family how we look at the home if 75% of marriages are going to fail 75% are going to divorce you look at children growing up today in single-parent homes you look at children growing up today and disrespecting their parents you look at children that are completely disconnected and isolated from their parents want nothing to do with their parents because the devil knows if he can attack the family if he can get a bunch of young people that are growing up and going to a public school system and just being brainwashed by the world being taught all this garbage that he can really just destroy an entire generation destroy our country destroy our churches because the future is in the children it's in the young people and so we can destroy the family take the children out of the family get them raised somewhere else destroy the family by turning it into a divorced home destroy the family by making there be a disconnect and a disjointed relationship between married people or between parents and their children then he can destroy the youth and there will be a whole generation that will rise up as they did in the days of Joseph where he says that Joseph died and there rose up another generation that knew not the Lord Joshua died there rose up people who knew not the Lord you know people rise up another generation because they haven't been taught by the previous generation they know nothing about God the Bible I wonder when I was growing up in Sacramento California we went to an independent fundamental Baptist church that had six or seven hundred people in it and yet today churches in that same area have way less people going to them and you wonder where did all those people go where did all their children go it's because we're losing the next generation because we've lost the family as an institution let me just take you through the devil's attack on the family let me just take you through all the ways that he has destroyed the family today and we can make sure that even if he's going to destroy someone else's family we're not going to give place to the devil he doesn't have to destroy our family we don't we're not ignorant of his devices I mean maybe the world out there doesn't know what's going on and they're ignorant of his devices but we in here don't have to be ignorant of his vice we have the Bible here to show us what's going on and we are not going to give place to the devil and I'm not going to let him destroy my family but let me tell you where Satan's attack on the family begins it starts out when the when when two people are married right that's where the family starts when a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves unto his wife and they too become one flesh that's where the family begins right it starts out just a married couple with no children well even just to get to that point most people aren't even leaving father and mother and going to be with their spouse anymore most people are already out living with another guy before they get to that point you know they grow up and they're they're they're living with somebody else or they've already committed fornication and may have been made one flesh with a whole bunch of people but you know what okay let's just start over though you know you've gotten married you know now you're doing it right you're a married couple you're you you've you've you've forsaken father and mother and you're starting a new family you know the first thing that the devil's going to tell you to do and many people won't like this but it's true go to Genesis chapter 38 the first thing he'll try to do to destroy your family because look do you think he likes the fact that you've decided to start a family that you want to raise that family in church that you're married and that you're not going to be out with everybody else it's just going to be you and your wife for life do you think that he wants that marriage to succeed do you think he wants you to raise godly children in that home and raise them up to be the next generation of soul-winning christians no and so his goal is going to be to destroy your marriage and to tear it apart and the first thing he's going to use to destroy your marriage is birth control he said oh man i can't believe you'd say that yes that is the first thing that the devil will try to do to young people today is they get married and we've got young married people here and we've got other people who are single who are going to be married in the near future right guys no i'm just kidding anyway at some point you're going to get married you need to listen to this because this is going to be the first lie of the devil that he's going to try to use to destroy that marriage did you know that statistically the most likely time for you to get a divorce is either in the first two years of marriage or in the first two years after your last child leaves the home leaves the home those are the two times my parents are divorced and my parents got divorced within two years of the last child leaving the home i mean this is true it's the statistic that is the two time periods why because having children is something that brings the bond of your marriage closer together it should build your marriage and draw you closer together and build a stronger union but today the devil is going to want to tell you the exact opposite the children are a burden the children are going to come between you and mess up your relationship with your wife hey the bible says in psalm 127 3 children are in heritage of the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward so the bible says that children are a blessing children are a reward children are a good thing it's not a curse when you have a child it's a blessing and it shouldn't tear that family apart it should bring the family closer together to have a child it brings my wife and i closer together that we have children it doesn't make us further apart but the world and even christianity and even independent baptist churches will tell you wait two years to have a child after you get married wait two years get to know each other look that's not scriptural that's not bible and the devil will use that to attack your family you say oh what are you talking about well i'm going to get into several ways that the devil uses birth control to destroy the family but first let's just get into the bible here i'm just going to show you that god condemns birth control in the bible because you say well you know i think it's just a personal choice now i always think it's funny that christians always say well when i decide what i want to do for a living i want to do god's will right and they always say when i get married i want to be sure that i marry a girl that's the will of god for my life and you say where do you want to live wherever god wants me but then you ask people how many children do you want to have and nobody said thinks to say well as many as god gives me you know whatever god has planned whatever god thinks it's up to god it says of he-man and you don't have to turn there but in the book of first chronicles there was a man named he-man i like his name but he said he doesn't sound like a little sissy you know he sounds like a manly guy but his name was he-man h-e-m-a-n and the bible says the lord gave unto he-man 14 sons and three daughters you know and why did he have 17 children i mean that's a lot of children right you know why he had 17 children because that's how many the lord gave unto him that's what the bible says the lord gave unto he-man 14 sons three dogs but see here we have another man onan so on one side we've got he-man god gave him 14 sons and three dogs on this side we've got onan so let's look at he-man versus onan look at onan in uh genesis chapter 38 and verse number uh six is where we'll start the bible says this and judah took a wife for er his firstborn whose name was tamar and er judah's firstborn was wicked in the sight of the lord and the lord slew him so god basically just got sick of this guy er and just killed him okay and then it says in verse number eight and judah said unto onan go in unto thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother so onan listens to dad says okay so onan marries this girl tamar and he's basically going in on the wedding night to consummate the marriage and the bible says in verse 9 and onan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went in unto his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother and the thing which he did displeased the lord wherefore he slew him also now look this guy basically got married to this girl and he went in and he basically consummated the marriage but he did not want her to become pregnant from this union and so he basically you know if you're old enough to understand you're old enough to understand if not then don't worry about it but the bible said what happened okay and because of what happened this made god angry and god killed him okay now you say well i i don't think that that story is really applicable okay then come show me the story that is applicable show me where else in the bible anybody did anything like that that's the only example in the bible of anybody practicing a form of birth control that you can show me it was this wicked man who wanted to go in to his wife and yet he did not want to have the child that will be the result and you say well it's just because he did it for a selfish reason but you know what isn't it always a selfish reason when you disobey what god told you to do what's your selfish reason for practicing birth control what's your selfish reason that you want to have a bigger house and a bigger car or is it just because you have the faith to believe that god can provide your needs everybody's got a selfish reason when they do the wrong thing when they go their own way when they lean onto their own understanding instead of having the faith to believe that if god commanded you he said leave father and mother cleave under your wife and be one flesh and look if you would at first corinthians chapter seven look at first corinthians seven and you know we need we need to get back to this kind of bible preaching i mean it's sad that this story is probably not even preaching most people have never even heard of onan and they might have gone to church for the last 30 years and didn't even hear the name of onan and it's yet it's a story in the bible for our edification for us to learn from look at this scripture in uh first corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 now concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband right so god says look you know you don't want to be obviously going to bed before you're married fornication is a sin fornication wicked he said it's good for a man not to touch a woman but he says to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every wife have her own husband it says in verse three let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife defraud ye not one the other except it be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinence either who tempt you not you see how satan wants to attack the family it seems like when we're talking about marriage in the bible when we're talking about child rearing in the family doesn't it seem like satan keeps coming up wanting to get in there give an advantage destroy the family and one of the ways that he's going to get in there is by creating a dysfunctional relationship between a man and his wife and then he could come in and tempt that man or tempt that wife to commit adultery do you see that he said if you defraud one another as husband and wife if you don't render unto the wife do benevolence and render the husband do benevolence and of course you know if you're too young to understand that then so much the better if you're old enough to understand that you know what this passage is talking about he said if you do then satan can come tempt you for your incontinence and so if god is telling you that the only time that you should abstain from that relationship with your wife or that relationship with your husband is to give yourself unto prayer and fasting who knows what fasting means going without food you know do you go out without food with for six months has anybody ever gone without food for one month you know do you go a week or two without food i mean we're talking about you know a period that's a short period of time we're not talking about this dysfunctional kind of marriage today god is commanding a man and a wife to have that relationship together and if god has commanded us to have that relationship with our wife and for a wife to have that relationship with us guess what the result of that relationship is children i mean is everybody following the sermon tonight is it is this complicated or anything it's very simple tonight and people tonight and people many times want to resist the truth but it's very simple what god wants he tells you look this is my plan you grow up you get married it's a man and a wife they come together they're one flesh he said you know you don't abstain and go without and and go all these long periods of time he says have that relationship with your wife the product is going to be children in fact children are a blessing in fact children are a reward in fact children are a good thing that's going to come from that union where did god tell you to go to walgreens and buy some contraption or tool or pill or drug or whatever in order to be like onan in order to not have children from that union think about this where is god telling you to do that it's not in the bible but i can show you in the bible where he told you to be fruitful and multiply you say well i think he was just talking to adam well let's go back and look at that let's go back to genesis right at the beginning of the bible and i'm going to explain to you in a moment the other way that this that this will be something that the devil will use to attack your family this thing of birth control look at genesis chapter number two i'm sorry genesis one actually we're going back even further than that genesis chapter one says this in verse 28 and god blessed them is talking about the man and his wife the male and female and god blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth now let me ask you a question what is the word replenish mean refill now let me ask you something was the earth ever filled before adam and eve with people no adam was the first man on this earth and his wife was the second person on this earth so if god were just talking to adam and eve would he have said refill that wouldn't make any sense at all i mean if he said to adam refill he'd be like how can i get a refill if i'd never been filled this is a command to mankind because man is born he lives and he dies and so there's a constant replenishment it's like as if we had a bucket with a hole in the bottom we have to keep filling it up right we have to keep filling it up keep we have to constantly replenish it and that's what he's being told there to replenish and to replenish and replenish and replenish and replenish that's not just talking to adam look at genesis chapter nine also because if it worked that's why every word in the bible is so important because did you know that all the modern versions change replenish to just fill they take out the replenish and just change it to fill the earth new king james uh niv hiv all these other versions will do that but in genesis chapter nine it says basically the same thing in verse seven it says and you be ye fruitful and multiply bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein look at exodus chapter one exodus chapter number one second book of the bible exodus one and the bible says in exodus chapter one in verse number uh eight the bible reads now there arose a new king over egypt which knew not joseph and he said unto his people behold the people of the children of israel are more and mightier than we now jump back up back up if you would to verse number five look at verse five and all the souls that came out of the loins of jacob were 70 souls for joseph was in egypt already so how many israelites went down into egypt captive well how many went down into it we just read look at verse five the answer is right there how many how many went down into it 70 and when they came out yeah it could be two and a half million four million it depends because it says that there were 600 000 men between 20 and 50 who were warriors so that could tell you that there were several million people at least two and a half million probably more like three or four million or even five million 430 years later so in 430 years they went from 70 all the way up to millions but after this period of time it says and the children of israel look at verse seven were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceeding mighty and the land was filled with them and that's when they said the children of israel more mighty than me now when they went down there and there were 70 how many egyptians were there millions it was the most mighty powerful nation in the world at that time millions of people why did 70 people outgrow millions in just a few hundred years because of the fact that the bible says right here because they were fruitful and they multiplied did you know that if you go to planned baronhood's website it says right on it that birth control was invented in ancient egypt the iud was invented right there on their website did you know that planned parenthood the abortion mill that it is which performs literally millions upon millions of abortions per year and is funded with millions and millions of your government paid tax dollars did you know that the original name of planned parenthood was the birth control federation of america that's what it was started as by margaret sanger in the first part of the 20th century it was called the birth control federation of america later they changed the name to planned parenthood it's true and so we see here that god's people were fruitful god's people multiplied god's people had the command from god and they followed that command and the heathen of egypt were the ones who were limiting their population and then they tried to limit the children of israel's population by killing their children and every time a baby was born they told them to cast into the nile river and the two righteous midwives basically refused to obey and they kept the children alive and they ended up being blessed by god because they would not put these children to death you see it's clear in the bible that god wants us to have children that's why he gives us now does god give everyone the same amount of children no just because you don't go down to walgreens and go down to the pharmaceutical industry and use all these bizarro devices and pills and drugs that they give you it doesn't mean that you're just going to have 17 children like a he-man because god only gave abraham and sarah just one child god only gave isaac and rebecca just two children but the key there is that that's what he gave them god might bless you with one child two children three children five children ten children and people get angry at this kind of don't tell me how many children to have stay out of my business look i don't care how many children i don't care what your business is but i'm going to stand up here and preach god's word to you tonight that the devil is destroying america and he's destroying it with birth control he's destroying it with abortion he's destroying it with divorced homes he's destroying it with the public school system he's destroying it with planned parenthood and somebody needs to stand up somewhere and call it out and name it for what it is and say god's people i'm not let satan get an advantage over us and we need to just read and believe god's word if he told me what to do with my wife that's what i'm going to do and i'm not going to do anything else i'm not going to do onan method and i'm not going to do the perversion method of what they sell at the store you know it's i don't want to go into it obviously i don't want to talk about it but i'll tell you something these device these devices that they're giving out to first graders today these devices that they're giving out to sixth graders in elementary school for free at school they pass the law at a town in connecticut that it must be given out to kindergarten