(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now one thing I want to point out before I get into the sermon tonight is just, this is just a little addendum to my sermon this morning. Look at verse number 25 here, it says in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves, if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. There's where repentance is talking about somebody who is refusing to acknowledge the truth, repenting and acknowledging the truth, right? Nothing to do with repenting of their sins. So, that was just a little bonus part for this morning. But anyway, let's go to the sermon tonight. I want to preach on verse number 15 where the Bible reads, study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. And that's the title of the sermon tonight, rightly dividing the word of truth. Now turn to chapter 3, you're in chapter 2, because first of all I want to tell you how not to divide the word of truth, okay? Because if we're going to rightly divide the word of truth, you know what that means? That means that there's a wrong way to divide the word of truth. And many people today will just take this verse and they'll divide the word of truth all day long. And they'll say, see, you've got to rightly divide. And then they want to just divide it in all these unscriptural wrong ways. So, if God is telling us to rightly divide, that means there is a wrong way to divide. Let me show you what that wrong way is. It says in 2 Timothy 3 16, all scripture is given by inspiration of God. So, first of all, we're not going to divide the part that's inspired by God from the part that's not inspired by God, right? Because the entire book is inspired by God. I heard somebody say this, and he was claiming to be a Christian, he was a student of a Bible college, he claimed to be saved, he claimed to be a believer. Here's what he said, he said, I believe that the Old Testament is word for word inspired by God, but I don't really believe the same thing about the New Testament. He said, I think that Paul and Mark and Matthew put their own spin on it or whatever. That's garbage. All scripture is inspired by God. Okay, it's spoken by God. God spoke all these words. We'll get into a little more of the fact that obviously God does quote other people in His word. We'll get into that. But, first of all, I want you to see it's all given by inspiration of God. The other wrong way to divide the word of God is to say, well, part of it is not applicable today. Something doesn't apply today and we shouldn't be getting our doctrine from that part of the Bible today. Well, look what he says, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, present tense, for reproof. That means all of it should be preached because he said preach the word, approve, rebuke, exhort. So, it's all profitable for doctrine. It should all be preached. It can all be used to correct those who are in error, right? And it can all be used to instruct us today in righteousness, today, right now. Okay? Now, that's the wrong way to divide. Say, well, this part doesn't apply. Yes, it does. Now, there might be changes and so forth and we're going to get into that. But don't throw out parts of the Bible and say, well, that's not for you. Every promise in the book is mine, every chapter, every verse, every line and I'm here to tell you tonight that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine today in 2010, the whole book. But how should we divide the word of truth? Go to Romans 4. I'm going to show you a couple of verses in Romans 4. While you're turning there, I'm going to turn to Proverbs 26. That's where we're going next. So, if you're super fast at turning, you can go to both places. In Romans 4, I'll quote for you the first part. I already quoted it earlier today, but it says, But him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodliest, faith is counted for righteousness, even as David also described it, the blessedness of the man on whom God appeared with righteousness without work, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. It said earlier in the passage, Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now look at Romans 4.22. This is later in the chapter. It says this, And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness, referring back to the verse I just quoted about Abraham. Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but for us also to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead. Let me ask something. Has salvation changed since the days of David? No. Has salvation changed since the days of Abraham? He says, Look, read the Old Testament about Abraham and David. He said, That's not just written for David. That's not just written for Abraham. That's written for us also to whom it will be imputed just like it was imputed unto them, which is two words without works. That's what it said. It's imputed without works. It said earlier in the verse I quoted. So that's the wrong way to divide it to say, Oh, well, you know, dispensations, seven dispensations. Sometimes dispensations will believe in different ways of salvation in different dispensations. Well, that's garbage. I mean, we see that garbage right here. But then even just dispensationalism in general is garbage. Just dividing the Bible into these seven arbitrary theological distinctions. I got a division for you. It's called Old Testament and New Testament. But, you know, we'll get to that in a moment. So that's the wrong way to divide. Being a dispensationalist, teaching different methods of salvation, saying that parts of it don't apply to us, we should throw them out, or we don't need them, or that doesn't matter. All of it's profitable. Now let's get the right way to divide it. Number one, go to 1 Corinthians chapter two. And number one, maybe more than anything, it's kind of an introductory point. I guess it's not really one of the points. This is like a pre-point. The first thing that you have to do to rightly divide the word of God is you have to divide the word from the non-word. That's the first thing to do. I mean, I guess that's not really about dividing the word, but this is the pre-point. Divide the word from the non-word. So if you're going to rightly divide the word of truth, the first thing you need to do is go out and buy a Bible that is the King James Bible and that is just the text of the King James Bible, not filled with man's word. That's the first division you need to make. The first division is you need to divide what is God's word from what is man's word. The first division you need to make. And let me tell you something. If you don't have the King James Bible, you don't have God's word. You have what man has written about what God said or a twisting of God said or a perverting or corruption of what God has said. But you can't rightly divide the word of truth until you divide the word from the non-word by getting a King James Bible in your hand. I'm not preaching about that tonight. I don't have time. But look at 1 Corinthians 2 13. It says, Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. We should compare God's word with God's word. That's how we're going to rightly divide the word. And we need to get rid of non-God's word out of our hand and just get God's word in our hand. So get a Bible. Do yourself a favor. Get a Bible that is just the text of the King James Bible only. You don't need all the notes and the commentaries and the charts. Get rid of that stuff. Let the God be your teacher. Let the Holy Spirit teach you. Okay, now let's get into the true points of the sermon. How to rightly divide. Go to Proverbs 26. Number 1. We must divide the statements in the Bible from the stories in the Bible. That's the first division that we need to make to rightly divide the word of truth. You see the Bible is filled with two things. It's filled with statements and it's filled with stories. Statements are things that God said. God clearly stated to us commandments, directions to us. Stories are just stories about things that took place. Okay, we need to be able to divide the statement from the story. Now the first way we need to make that division is in the matter of parables. Look if you would at Proverbs 26 verse 7. Proverbs 26 says this, the legs of the lame are not equal. So is a parable in the mouth of fools. Now this is talking about a person who has one leg that is longer than the other and therefore they cannot walk properly. Well that's the way it is when a fool has a parable in his mouth. The interpretation does not match God's intent in that parable. Look if you would at verse 9. As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools. I don't know what that means but it doesn't sound good. You know what I mean? So the bottom line is if you have a parable in the Bible, a parable is a story that gives a spiritual moral or a spiritual signification or a means something spiritually an earthly story with a heavenly meaning is what they told me in Sunday school when I was a kid. You know breaking it down to our level a story about a farmer to help us understand some spiritual truth for example. Go to Matthew 25. But you see when we're rightly dividing God's Word we need to be able to divide the stories from the statements. Now here's the division that we make. We believe the statements therefore we let the statements interpret the story. We don't just read the parable or read the story and just make up our own interpretation. Just make up. Well here's what I think it means. No. We need to make sure that we've got all the statements from God's Word. God's clear commands and directives and that the story is interpreted based upon those clear statements. Now let's look at this example. Matthew 25.1 we find a parable. Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom and five of them were wise and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept and at midnight there was a cry made. Behold the bridegroom cometh go you out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said to the wise give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out but the wise answered saying not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with them to the marriage and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins saying Lord Lord open to us but he answered and said verily I say unto you I know you not. Watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh. Now many people will read that story and I've had many people I try to give them the gospel try to say it's by grace through faith you're saved you can't lose your salvation they'll bring out a story like this and they'll have their own interpretation of this story and they'll tell you well this is what it means you know what it's saying is you know if you're not living right when he comes you know you're gonna be damned you're gonna be doomed like these ones where he told them I know you not and he said you know if you don't have oil in your lamp and you know if you heard the song with your kid give me oil in my lamp keep me burning burning. Who's heard that song? I feel like such an idiot when I sing these songs and nobody knows all right a couple people thank you. Give me oil in my lamp I'll sing it out I'm just kidding. The point is you know the song combined with someone's messed up interpretation of this it's like well if you don't have oil in your lamp when he comes you know and they basically try to twist this somehow and do a work salvation but hold on if we use clear statements in the Bible to interpret the story the story is really easy to understand but if we just go into the story and just make stuff up then we can basically teach work salvation we can teach whatever we want think about some clear statements that apply to this story how about this clear statement notice what he said to them when they tried to get in right he said what I know you not does that remind you of something else that is said in the Bible like how about this I never knew you depart from me okay so hold on a second is this teaching someone losing their salvation no because he never knew them did these virgins ever have oil in their lamps in the story no they took a lamp but they didn't take any oil with them right the other five had oil in their lamps when the bridegroom came they were ready because they had oil in their lamps okay now how is a person safe we have hundreds of statements in the Bible I rattled off 30 or 40 of them this morning right at the beginning of the sermon didn't stop people from walking out but you know I ran off like 40 verses of the beginning of the sermon saying hey it's just believe all the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved okay but guess what these people in this story didn't have oil in their lamps and what were they told by the virgins that did have oil in their lamps look down at verse number nine but the wise answered saying not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves now look the one group had oil in their land they're ready they went in with the bridegroom and so forth they were safe the other group did not have oil in their lamp and they were told go go buy it so the picture here is actually if you put it with the rest of the Bible in context basically these people are trying to buy their way in you know that's the symbolism here they're trying to pay for it themselves or get their own way in but he didn't know them they don't come in they don't get in now you look at the story and you could look throughout the Bible that oil is representative of the Holy Spirit you know and you know I could go into that I can show you all the places and that where for example David was anointed with oil and that's when the Spirit of Lord came upon him as the oil came upon you know all throughout the Bible that symbolism is you so if you understand the parable in the context of the rest of the Bible these are people that were never saved he never knew them just like he said in Matthew chapter 7 in a clear statement where he said that many people would have works and he'd say to them I never knew you we see that the oil here is the Holy Spirit they don't have the Holy Spirit living inside of them because they're not saved and basically he's saying don't put off salvation you don't know how long you've got you know you don't know the hour of your death you don't know when Jesus Christ is going to return he's saying and obviously we don't think that that's at any moment I'm going to get that in a moment but basically he's he's just giving this warning here about being sure that you're ready to meet your maker here Jesus Christ okay but people can take this and twist this all different ways right so should we just read this passage and just base our doctrine on this parable you know like for example well there were five that had oil in their lap and five didn't that means half the people in the world are saved and half aren't is that a proper interpretation here but you see how you can take a parable and make it say whatever you want well of course this parable half the people in the world are saved do you see what I mean so the bottom line is you have to interpret it in the context of the rest of up don't take a parable and just base your doctrine on your interpretation that parable take clear statements in the Bible elsewhere and use them to interpret the parable now here's another thing that people will get mixed up on verse 13 watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour we're in the Son of Man coming go back one page you're in you're in Matthew 25 look at Matthew 24 you'll find almost the exact same statement not in a parable just in that Jesus Christ preaching on the end time second coming he says in verse 42 almost the exact same thing watch therefore for you know now what hour your Lord doth come go back a few verses to verse 36 it says but of that day an hour knoweth no man know not the angels of heaven but my father only go back a few verses before that he'll tell you what day he's talking about verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers the heavens shall be shaken and then shall the shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together is elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other that's the day that we don't know the day or the hour of that's the days refer it's clear so the day that we don't know is the day that Jesus comes in the cloud with the product but we do know it's after the tribulation because that's what it says in verse 29 okay so who is he talking to because we want to this is helping us interpret chapter 25 who is he talking to in chapter 25 verse 13 when he says watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh he's warning the unsaved there because he says clearly that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night but he says you brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief year all the children the light and the children the day we are not at the night nor the darkness therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober now look this passage in Matthew 25 is not speaking to saved Christians warning them to have oil in their lamp is it no it's speaking to unsaved Christians I mean not unsaved Christians good night unsaved people who not say people who think that they're Christians is what I mean to say unsaved so-called Christians unsaved phony pretend Christians which believe me there are plenty of those they're being warned okay because there are many who think that they're gonna get in right and they're not there are many who think they're going to heaven but they're not this is not a warning to believers it's a warning to unbelievers because we are not in darkness that that day should overtake us as a thief you say well we don't know the day or the hour either but yes but we will know the day or the hour yeah when Jesus said that no man knew the day or the hour as I'm preaching right now in 2010 nobody knows the day or the hour but he says when you see these things begin to come to pass know ye that it is not even at the door I mean when we see the Sun and Moon begin to be dark and we'll know the day you know I mean at that point but you know unsaved people they won't know they won't know what's happening they'll become it'll catch them totally off guard it'll come upon them as a thief but to those of us who know the Bible and believe on allergic we'll know what's happening we'll see it we'll look up and know that our redemption draweth not so you see how when we rightly divide here and say okay this is a parable this is a story it didn't really happen there were not really ten virgins or so it's a likeness it's a parable it's a make-believe story Jesus is telling to illustrate a truth here and if we get the interpretation that it's about a warning to the unsaved if we get the context then it's about the Holy Spirit is what the oil is according to other scripts in the Bible that teaches that and when we see that the I know you not is the same as I never knew you it's not I used to know you it's not you used to have oil in your lamp it's that they never had any oil in their lamp and they're trying to buy their own oil for their lamp but it's too it's not gonna do them any good okay so you see what I mean we can't just randomly pick up this parable and just make interpretations we've got to go to chapter 24 we got to go other places and let clear statements guide us in the matter of parables and you know there are many parables in the Bible we I just picked one parable that is often confusing to people and just try to shed a little light on it but what about this people will go to the Old Testament we were talking to a latter-day Satan words I mean say say latter-day Saint this week we knocked on the door of a Mormon latter-day Saint brother say Gorman I and this latter-day Saint was defending polygamy by saying look at people in the Old Testament who had multiple wives now hold on a second there are stories in the Bible about people having multiple wives but is there ever a statement in the Bible telling us to have multiple wives no so you see how you have to let the statement interpret the story so rightly dividing the word of truth divide the statement from the story there's no statement telling you to be married more than one wife in fact the opposite is true all the way back in Genesis chapter 2 he said therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife singular and they too shall be one flesh what therefore God has joined together let not man put asunder notice there it was male and female one man and one woman now if we take that statement found in Genesis 2 if we take that statement found in Matthew 19 when Jesus preached and reiterated that now how do we interpret the story of a man having more than one wife he's in sin you see what I mean so we use the statement to interpret the story just like we use clear Bible statements to try to help us understand this parable who is Jesus warning here what's he trying to say here what's he talking about okay it's the same thing with other stories in the Bible that actually did happen they're not parables but they're actually events that happen we need to interpret them based on what the Bible says hey if the Bible clearly said in Deuteronomy that the king shall not multiply wives okay then what do we do when we see David having multiple wives or Solomon having multiple wives we interpret that as they're in sin they have done sinful things by multiple marrying these extra wives and so the same thing goes with people will try to negate the clear teaching of God's Word when he said you know I suffer not a woman to teach nor do you serve authority over the man but to be in silence they'll try to go to the Old Testament and find a woman who had some authority but hold on a second just because something happened doesn't make it right so we take the statement here and we apply that to the story and say that wasn't God's will for that woman to be in charge if there were was a woman in charge in the Old Testament ruling over men at the lyle was one that wasn't God's will okay we can see that and on and on we could go on and on about that all the time people will take stories about what people did and say well this guy did it hey that doesn't make it right the Bible is a story many times about sinful people and what they did and then the consequences they had to live with sometimes I'll be honest with you as I read the Bible I'll look at what people did and I'm wondering was that right or not and sometimes I can't really quite tell so I have to search and search the scriptures trying to find some statement or some teaching tell me understand wait a minute was David right here when he did this was David right here when he said this okay that's what we have to do in order to rightly divide we have to divide the statement from the story what which one do we trust what do we go with the statement of the story well we believe both but we use the statement to interpret the story we don't use the story and just say well this story according to this is what I believe get the statement there are plenty of statements in the Bible to help you interpret the story okay next point number three turn to job 42 job chapter number 42 so just a quick review here the the pre point was hey you know divide the word from the non word get rid of all your commentaries and lexicons and dictionaries and concordances and all that stuff and just get the word you know I mean just get a strip down King Jane version you know it's it's available anywhere five bucks you know it's not hard to get your hands on one I'll give you one if you need one okay strip down as little as possible in it except just the text of God's Word you know maybe a page number okay I guess okay and then you know the first point was hey number one you got to divide the statements from the stories that's a major rightly dividing that you need to do but number two I think my numbering scooped up in here just whatever the next point is point number two I think divide what God is saying from what man is saying now as you read the Bible once we've divided the stories from the statements then we have to do some dividing amongst the statements because some of the statements are statements made by God and some of the statements are statements made by man and we have to differentiate because of the fact that man makes mistakes God never makes a mistake look at job 42 I'll prove it to you look at verse 7 and it was so that after the Lord had spoken these words unto Joe the Lord said to a life as the demonite my wrath is kindled against thee and against thy two friends for you have not spoken of me the thing that is right as my servant job at now God very clearly says the life as a demonite you have been wrong what you said was wrong what job said was right but what you've said and what your two friends said was wrong look at verse 8 and look at the latter part of the verse says lest I deal with you after your folly and that you have not spoken of me the thing which is right like my servant job go back to Joe verse 4 or chapter 4 verse 1 job chapter 4 verse 1 in job for one the Bible says here then a life as the team and I answered and said now according to job 42 is what a life has said right or wrong wrong he did not speak the thing that was right concerning the Lord the whole chapter of chapter 4 is the words of the life as the old chapter of chapter 5 is the words of the life as now should I just take a verse out of chapter 4 or chapter 5 and say the Bible says right here buddy and this is my third no because God told us this is man's words here this is a guy who was wrong what he said now in chapter 6 here verse 1 it says but job answered and said so this is where job is gonna straighten out his life fast right and basically tell him how wrong he is tell him why he's wrong and is what job said right yeah job was basically speaking the Word of God now when we get into chapter 7 job is still speaking God's Word that's God's Word that is authoritative chapter 8 then answered build out the shoe height and said the whole chapter 8 is again a man preaching that which is wrong chapter 9 then job answered and said now we get the true Word of God at the mouth of job and again the pattern continues throughout the book so here we have whole chapters of God's Word that are spoken by man we have to be able to divide here and say wait a minute is that what God said or is that just what a man said now look at you what at Luke chapter 2 in the New Testament Luke chapter 2 in Luke chapter 2 here's a famous example it says in verse 33 and Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him talking about Jesus Christ who marveled Joseph and his mother because God is very clear to differentiate here between Joseph you know and his real father which would be God the father because Joseph was not Jesus father that's why he's not called that it's just Joseph and his mother we'll look down at Luke 2 48 and Luke 2 48 it says and when they saw him talking about his parents they were amazed and his mother said unto him son why is thou thus dealt with us behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing now who is speaking here Mary is Mary God somebody tell it to the Roman Catholics you know Mary is not God right now is what Mary said here right no because Joseph's not her father that's why Jesus corrects her in the next verse when he says and he said unto them how is it that you saw me wish she not that I must be about my father's business is he referring to carpentry no because he's telling her hey that's not my father I'm about my father's business right now so you see here I've shown a lot of people in their phony modern Bible like the nan IV or whatever in Luke 2 33 it changes it and just says his father another and I said see that's false in your Bible and they said oh but later on in the chapter the Bible calls Mary our Joseph Jesus fuck the Bible doesn't call Joseph Jesus father Mary does you see that see the difference in Luke 2 33 it's the narrator of the book speaking the Holy Spirit and he doesn't make mistakes and so it's God telling us Joseph and his mother marveled but when we get to verse 48 that's not God speaking that's God telling us what Mary said now let me ask this is Luke 2 48 true yes it is every verse in the Bible is true because it is true that Mary said that but is what Mary said true no the Bible records the words of Satan right when it says Satan said unto him so you can't take well it says right here in the Bible you know you're quoting Satan right so you have to be able to divide between God's Word what God is saying and what people in the Bible are saying who are human beings or in the case of Satan you know that are not infallible do you see how you have to divide that in order to properly understand the Bible let me give you a great example of this here's a great example 2nd Samuel chapter 1 go back to 2nd Samuel 1 here's a perfect example because a lot of people will think that there are contradictions in the Bible but really they're just not rightly dividing the Word of Truth they think it's a contradiction because they're having trouble differentiating between God's Word and man's Word that's really the problem and that would clear up all of these so-called contradictions that people would get this right and rightly divide here between what God is saying and man is saying let me give you a perfect example of a so-called contradiction let's first read 2nd Samuel chapter 1 okay and you got to follow this very carefully so sit up straight we're gonna read a semi lengthy passage here but I want you to follow it carefully just these verses here 2nd Samuel 1 1 the beginning of the book of the Bible here everybody there now it came to pass after the death of Saul when David was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites and David had abode two days in Ziklag it came to pass on the third day that behold a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes rent and earth upon his head and so it was that he came to David and he fell to the earth and did obeisance and David said unto him from what's comest thou and he said unto him out of the camp of Israel my escaped and David said unto him how went the matter I pray thee tell me and he answered that the people are fled from the battle and many of the people also are fallen and dead and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also and David said unto the young man that told him how knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan his son be dead now David loves Jonathan he even loves Saul and so he really wants are you sure they're dead because he you know he's upset about that and David sent him how knowest thou verse six and the young man that told him said as I happened by chance upon Mount Gilboa behold Saul leaned upon his spear and lo the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him and when he looked behind him he saw me and called unto me and I answered here am I and he said unto me who art thou and I answered him I am an Amalekite and he said unto me again stand I pray thee upon me and slay me for anguishes come upon me because my life is yet whole in me so I stood upon him and slew him because I was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen and I took the crown that was upon his head and the bracelet that was on his arm and it brought them hither unto my Lord and David took hold on his clothes and rent them and likewise all the men that were with him and they mourned and wept and fasted until even for Saul and for Jonathan his son and for the people of the Lord and for the house of Israel because they were fallen by the sword and David said unto the young man that told him whens art thou and he answered I'm the son of a stranger Amalekite and David said unto him how is thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the Lord's anointed and David called one of the young men and said go near and fall upon him and he smote him that he died everybody got the story now who's telling the story the Amalekite right is he God it's a human being right let's go back a few pages and get the story from God's mouth okay go back if you would to first Samuel chapter number 31 so you're just going a couple pages back in the Bible first Samuel 31 now let's get the story from God's mouth now the Philistines fought against Israel and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines and fell down slain in Mount Gilboa and the Philistines followed hard upon Saul and upon his sons and the Philistines slew Jonathan and Abinadab and Malchaishua and Saul's sons and the battle went sore against Saul and the archers hit him what are archers they're firing arrows right so he's shot by archers and he was sore wounded of the archers remember this is God telling the story then said Saul unto his armor-bearer draw thy sword and thrust me through therewith lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through and abuse me but his armor-bearer would not for he was sore afraid therefore Saul took a sword and fell upon it and when his armor-bearer saw that Saul was what so was he dead according to God he was dead when the armor-bearer saw that Saul was I'm sorry when our bear saw that Saul was dead he fell likewise upon his sword and died with him so Saul died so how did Saul die so he died by falling upon his own sword because his armor-bearer would not slam that's how he died okay so Saul died and his three sons and his armor-bearer and all his men that same day together now is that consistent with the story that was told by the Amalekite in second Samuel chapter one no because the second Samuel chapter one the guy said he fell on a what did he fall on a spear no because he had a sword and a sword and a spear are two completely different weapons and in the Bible they're not the same thing they're used completely differently a spear is a very long weapon for a long-range combat okay before your enemy can even get close to you you basically can stab them with a you know everybody know what a spear is okay a sword is something that's used for close-range combat okay and that's what he fell upon a sword not a spear number one number two the story that the Amalekite is telling is a complete lie because he claims that when he got there Saul is still alive like it was an attempted suicide didn't work and that he finished him off is that what the Bible says happened no because the Bible says that he was dead and that's how he died and that someone saw that he was dead and killed himself too and so he wasn't calling out to this other guy hey come come finish me off okay you know now you say what was the Amalekites motive for lying because usually when people are lying it's because there's a reason why later on two men kill Ish-bosheth you remember him Ish-bosheth is killed in his bed by two men they thought that David was going to be happy about that and give them a reward Ish-bosheth was a descendant of Saul when they go to tell David David talks about this event and says an Amalekite came to me and thought that he was bringing me good news and he thought that I was going to give him a reward and I killed him when he told me that he killed Saul so the motive is found later when David explains that story and David says that guy expected me to reward him for killing my enemy Saul and in reality I killed him so his lie didn't really work out for him okay because David based it and the guy was killed very quickly before he even had a chance say because this is what happened David said to the young man David called one of the young men and said go in here and fall upon him and he smote him and died I mean just basically just you know the guys like you know gone so do you see how there's no contradiction here you just have a liar who's trying to get rewarded he's and why did God include this story just showing us about David's character showing us that David was was basically true to Saul even when Saul had turned on him he's loving his enemies and so forth and Saul of course was saved Saul went to heaven according to first Samuel chapter 30 we know he was a righteous man at one point he sees it will see him in heaven but at this point in his life he was doing he was doing wickedly and he'd become a personal enemy of David but yet David was gracious to him that's the purpose here of including look at first Chronicles chapter 10 so do you see how that we have two conflicting stories one of them says he fell on the spear one of them says he fell on the sword which one's true the sword because that's what God said the Amalekite said spear because the whole story was made up because think about it if the Amalekite was telling the truth you would have known whether it was a spear or sword he probably you know who knows how he got the bracelet or the you know because he had some gear from Saul to prove that he was telling the truth you know who knows where he got that gear he could have got it off somebody else that founded on Saul who knows how he got or maybe he did come upon Saul's body and just get the gear off him but the story about him killing Saul is not true here's another proof it isn't true go to first Chronicles chapter 10 and I'm trying to show you tonight why you need to trust God's words not man's words recorded in the Bible go with what God said not what man said and rightly divide that distinction verse 1 of chapter 10 now the Philistines fought against Israel and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines and fell down slain in Mount Geboah and the Philistines followed hard after Saul and after his sons and the Philistines slew Jonathan and Abinadab and Malchaishua the sons of Saul and the battle went sore against Saul and the archers hit him and he was wounded of the archers now this story matches up perfectly even though it's written by a different person then said Saul to his armor-bearer draw thy what sword and thrust me through therewith lest he's uncircumcised come and abuse me but his armor-bearer would not for he was so afraid so Saul took a sword and fell upon it and when his armor-bearer saw that Saul was dead he fell likewise on the sword and died and so so Saul died and his three sons and all his house died together now wait a minute here this chronicles account and first chronicles never mentions the story about the Amalekite whatsoever you know the guy who comes and tells that story David doesn't even mention it so if the Amalekite were telling the truth this chronicles account is totally wrong because it never mentions anything about another person killing him it just says he fell on his sword and died so it can't be true and it contradicts the Bible in two places so therefore the Amalekite was lying because he was greedy of some kind of a reward so he wanted to be like yeah I'm the one who killed him think about it today we have enemies so-called you know and basically they have a reward you know you think of the old wanted posters in the old days right you know reward million dollars I went to the FBI headquarters in Phoenix one time and it was to turn in a pedophile that I knew about so I gave him some evidence on some pedophile pervert weirdo of course they didn't do anything about it whatever so anyway somebody came to me with some evidence and I said well I'm gonna take this to the FBI you know so I took it to him and whatever well when I was in there I was waiting in the lobby and they had all kinds of posters on the wall of wanted like the FBI most wanted and they're offering like a million bucks two million dollars you know they had all these huge rewards that's the type of thing that this Amalekite thought you know this guy's David's enemy oh man I'm gonna get some kind of reward for this okay but anyway let's move on to the next point quickly go to John chapter one so we've got rightly and wrongly dividing the word of truth wrongly is saying the parts don't apply to us wrongly is going to some theologian who teaches you about seven dispensations even though that is never taught in the Bible and look you say well you don't believe in dispensations look you need to learn what the word dispensation means and I'll give you a little homework assignment go buy a PEZ dispenser figure out what it does and then come tell me and then you'll know what a dispensation is because the kingdom of heaven is likened to a PEZ dispenser my dispenser is something that dispenses now let me give you another illustration that this PEZ dispenser went right over your head okay I bought my sister for a wedding gift an automatic soap dispenser now this thing was really cool because it was totally automatic very sanitary it's in the bathroom you walk up you know you rinse your hands you hold out your hand in front of it's motion activated it goes like and put soap in your hand and you could say exactly how much soap you want to dispense everybody get it dispense each time so you hold out your hand it goes you know and the soap comes out into your hand and so forth that's what it means to dispense to give out just like the PEZ dispenser gives you candy when you cock back you know Luke Skywalker's head or whatever just like the automatic soap dispenser gave out soap just like a soda machine is a dispenser because it's dispensing cans of soap and if you look up the four times that the word dispensation is used in the Bible that's all it says it's talking about giving out a dispensation of the gospel it's talking about giving out the gospel and it uses the word give right there with it I did that in my sermon on changing the meaning of words where I went through and showed the biblical definition of dispense it's not a period of time it's not these seven periods of time like how can there be seven of them if the words only used four times you know and the four times it's used have nothing to do with periods of times it's just talking about giving out God look you can't just make up a meaning well this is what this position me no it means to give out PEZ dispensation I got an eighth dispensation for you PEZ I got a ninth this is whatever what is dispensation soap the ninth dispensation okay this is really groundbreaking doctrine tonight we're learning about new dispensations the dispensation of PEZ it began back in the 1950s you know and it will end with the second coming of Jesus Christ you know it was when PEZ began to be dispensed so we're out of the we're out of the dispensation of grace now we're in the dispensation of PEZ okay but you say that's stupid yeah you're right the whole thing's stupid you know what I mean and so we don't divide into this man's chart and man's this it no this is how God divides the Bible two testaments because people will say this well are you sacrificing a blood sacrifice on an altar uh no well then you're a dispensationalist you believe in a dispensation no I don't I believe in the Old and New Testament do you see the difference two testaments not seven dispensations two testaments look at John chapter one let's learn about these two testaments John 1 17 says this for the law was given by Moses okay you got that I want you to keep this verse in mind as we turn somewhere else for the law was given by who Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ okay so who was the law given by Moses grace and truth came by Jesus Christ now look if you would at Hebrews chapter 9 Hebrews chapter 9 people say we're living in the age of grace and people in the Old Testament we're not really saved because Jesus hadn't done on the cross yet but look Jesus Christ is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world grace is what God able to heaven people were saved how did Abraham have righteousness imputed unto him without works how did David have righteousness imputed unto him without works because of God's grace they were living in the age of God's grace which we all are living in the age of God's grace now yes it came by Jesus Christ but guess what he's the lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world he knows the end from the beginning I mean he's eternal okay Jesus in Jesus Christ's mind we're already in heaven I mean John already saw us in heaven in the book of Revelation when he looked upon the great multitude of those who were saved so where did I have you turn look at Hebrews 9 6 keeping in mind this statement from John 1 17 now when these things were thus ordained so we're talking about a time period of when these things were ordained the first tabernacle the priests went always into the first tabernacle accomplishing the service of God but into the second went the high priest alone once every year not without blood which he offered for himself and for the errors of the people the Holy Ghost this signify that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while as the first tabernacle was yet standing which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation so there we see that in the Old Testament with the first tabernacle who made the first tabernacle Moses right Moses made the first tabernacle look this up please in the non-inspired version Hebrews 9 in the Old Testament they had sacrifices that could not make the the conscience of those that offered perfect it said that in Hebrews 10 the blood of bulls and goats can never take away sins it's not that it saved them back then but back then they had a tabernacle that was temporarily imposed on them the law of Moses which included meats drinks carnal ordinances which means fleshly ordinances and divers washing like for example rules about if you have a if you have a rising or a scab you know I don't follow those rules like if I get a scab I don't shut myself up in the house for seven days and look at it and see if the hair is turning white like it teaches in Leviticus 13 right because those fleshly carnal ordinances because you say why not well you know what and then show it to the priest and go down to the tabernacle and offer a sacrifice those things have been changed according to the book of Hebrews here right there's a difference between the New Testament and the Old Testament and the Old Testament there were foods drinks washings and fleshly ordinances that were only imposed on them for a temporary time what is that time it says imposed on them look at the end of verse number not a 10 imposed on them until the time of Reformation but Christ being come so what's the time of Reformation Jesus Christ first coming that's the New Testament but Christ being come and high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not at this building neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling them clean sanctify to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God and for this cause he is the mediator of the new dispensation is that what it says no it says for this cause he's the mediator of the New Testament now this doctrine is under attack today because yeah Garrett are you following along in the non-spire version does this say New Testament Garrett well I'm gonna get to that in a second but the one that we were reading in verse number how about verse number 17 what's that say okay now look at verse number read me verse 15 now you see how the NIV has eradicated the word Testament every single time and so is the New King James you will never find the word Testament in the New King James or the NIV except like on the cover where it says Old and New Testament that's all they change it to a will or a covenant in different places they change it to different things but they've gotten rid of this idea of two testaments haven't they no that's a biblical teaching here okay the new this cup is the New Testament in my blood Jesus said this do in remembrance of me so in the in the NIV there they've removed the New Testament here but in the King James Bible here it's clear there are two testaments it says in verse number 16 for where a testament is they are I'm sorry go to verse 15 because we want to get old and New Testament it says for this cause he's the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the First Testament that's talking about what the Old Testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal narratives so in verse 15 we have two terms the New Testament and the First Testament right these are biblical terms now it says in 16 for where a testament is there must also necessity be the death of the testator for where it for a testament is a force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth whereupon neither the First Testament was dedicated without blood for when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and of goats with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book and all the people what he sprinkled with blood saying this is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you now the First Testament was the law of Moses okay the First Testament was when the tabernacle was built the law of Moses was instituted the book and all the people were sprinkled with the blood of bulls and of goats and it was clearly stated that the man that do it these things shall live by them that was the First Testament okay the first covenant was a covenant made with God where he gave them commandments and laws and precepts and said do these commandments and live but guess what they broke his commandments every single person broke his commandments because everybody's a sinner the New Testament is where Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for us please take the baby all the way out while I'm preaching thank you where was I the First Testament was when God gave them the commands the laws the statutes the precepts and so forth that they were to live by and it was stated in Romans 10 the man that do it these things shall live by them that was stated also in the book of Deuteronomy but because man of course broke the Old Testament or the First Testament as the Bible calls it Jesus Christ came to this earth the mediator of the New Testament for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the First Testament right so Jesus Christ died for the sins of all mankind the Old Testament believers and the New Testament believers so we see here that the New Testament in the blood of Christ the Old Testament was the law of Moses sprinkled with blood okay totally lost my train of thought but what I want to say is this the First Testament or the Old Testament is not referring to just the whole 39 books right that we would commonly think of Genesis through Malachi in the Bible when the Bible uses the word the First Testament it's talking about the Covenant made with Moses the law of Moses okay that he made which was temporary okay because the sacrifices the Levitical priesthood the the the meats the drinks the animals and so forth were only temporary Jesus Christ came on the scene and there's been a change of the law flip over if you would to chapter number chapter number seven we're in chapter nine look at Hebrews chapter seven in Hebrews chapter number seven it says in verse 12 for the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law so has there been a change in the New Testament to the Old Testament laws yeah there's a change of the law because the priesthood of the Old Testament in verse 11 it says if therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood that was the one instituted by Moses for under it the people received the law what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek and not be called after the order of Aaron so because there's a priesthood change there's a change in the law there is a difference between Old Testament and New Testament this is not dispensationalism it's just a difference between the way things were back then when they were looking forward to Christ and symbolizing Christ coming through animal sacrifices when they had a Levite priest when they had washings meat restrictions and so forth all those things were changed in the New Testament we need to be able to differentiate you see well how do we know which parts of the Old Testament we need to live under today and which ones have been changed because he spells out in the book of Hebrews specifically which things have been changed that's what the whole book of Hebrews is about chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 anything that was a physical carnal fleshly ordinance anything that had to do with the Levitical priesthood hey that's been abolished with Jesus Christ the new high priest okay but does that mean that laws about morality of right and wrong in the Old Testament should be thrown out now thou shalt not kill many people have the mistaken belief that if it's not repeated in the New Testament it's not a sin no if it's commanded against in the Old Testament it's not one of the specific things that's been changed of necessity because of the priesthood change and because of Christ coming we shouldn't throw it out for example the Old Testament says it's a sin to marry your sister now you can't find that in the New Testament is it okay to marry your sister in 2010 well no according to the dispensational says we're not under the law wait a minute are you trying to bring me back into bondage here I'm free in Christ I'm free from the curse of the law I can marry my auntie or my sister that's garbage isn't it the Bible also preaches against homosexuality in the Old Testament now that is repeated in the New Testament but you know the Bible talks about other even weirder stuff that's not repeated in the New Testament is that stuff okay no and when the Bible says that a man should not put on a woman's garment in the Old Testament guess what that hasn't changed people say well that's Old Testament that was another dispensation we're in the cross-dressing dispensation when the Bible says a woman shall not wear that which pertain to a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are an abomination unto the Lord thy God hey that is not here as being changed God did not change the difference between male and female he just changed the priesthood the fleshly ordinances the meats the drinks the carnal ordinances the divers watch until the time of reformation and that reformation is Christ coming interesting side note here I'll just got to drop in here about the NIV Garrett Garrett chomped at the bit and and he basically tried to steal my thunder on this one invert what what verse was that in I think verse 10 right okay now who's ever heard the term the New World Order right you hear that term okay get this in the King James Bible it calls Christ's first coming to this earth the time of reformation okay when he came and instituted the New Testament in his blood that is known in Hebrews chapter 9 as the time of reformation what is it called in the NIV Garrett it's called the New Order okay so in these modern Bibles they're basically teaching that you know Christ's first coming was a new order so I guess his second coming is going to be what a new world order with the Antichrist at its head pretending to be Jesus Christ and you know it's you know it's you laugh with that but it's it's true because look how the King James says you'll receive a mark in your right hand or in your port the NIV changes it to on your right hand or on your it really should be called the new Illuminati version you know the NIV because it basically is making strategic changes to get people ready for the Antichrist and his New World Order you know the New Order is come it says in the NIV in Hebrews 9 10 anyway that was for free tonight that had nothing to do with the sermon but I like it anyway I'm gonna skip my last point for sake of time but I'll close by saying this hey rightly dividing my friend not wrongly dividing rightly dividing along these two lines Old Testament New Testament rightly dividing on these two lines statements versus stories big difference rightly dividing along these two lines is God talking or is a human being talking these are the things that we ought to divide these three major divisions as we study God's Word we're not dividing oh this part's not for you you say what about all those washings hey you know what I can learn from that take a shower you know I mean that's what I take from it and you know I've actually turned to the Bible when I had a scab or something just to see if it was something weird according to Leviticus 13 and you know people would use Leviticus 15 in the Dark Ages they would have had a lot better sanitation it's telling you to wash with running water it's all profitable for doctrine it's all profitable for instruction and righteousness you say what about those sacrifices look we can learn about the atonement of Christ through studying those sacrifices so they are profitable for doctrine today because they teach us about aspects of Christ's suffering when we study all the things about the scapegoat in Leviticus when we study about the burnt offering when we study about the two turtle doves when we study all these things we can learn about Jesus Christ because we are living in the New Testament okay and not wrongly dividing by saying well that was when people were saved differently or people were not born again in the Old Testament people will say they were not born again in the Old Testament they did not have eternal security in the Old Testament you could lose your salvation in the Old Testament it was works in the Old Testament if you could lose your salvation in the Old Testament that helps all get to heaven somebody explain that to me if anybody would lost their salvation the whole Bible it was King Saul he did some pretty bad stuff right he ordered his wicked he had this wicked lieutenant named doeg the Edomite he ordered him to slaughter a town full of people because they had helped his enemy David that's wicked he went to a witch you know that's pretty bad he killed himself he didn't have his faith in the Lord he knew that God wasn't with him because of the fact that he was so backslidden that the Spirit of the Lord was no longer resting upon him if anybody would have lost their own their set salvation in the Old Testament would have been King Saul because he totally went against God's commandments went off the deep end and fought against the man after God's own heart yet it states clearly that he was safe that he went to heaven you know first Samuel 30 Samuel told him again who was talking according to the narrator of the Bible Samuel Samuel said I believe that that tomorrow thou and thy son shall be with me and Samuel wasn't in hell let me tell you he was in heaven hey if anybody would have lost their salvation it would have been Samson but he didn't lose it Saul didn't lose it David didn't lose it when he committed sin he said restore me the joy of thy salvation and you see they had eternal security I I preached old sermon on eternal security and we went to tons of Old Testament passages that teach eternal security but here's the big one John chapter 3 don't turn there but when Jesus is preaching unto Nicodemus about being born again when he's preaching to him the famous verse John 3 16 you know what he said to Nicodemus and this was very early in his ministry he said art thou a master of Israel and know it's not these things he rebuked Nicodemus for not knowing what he was hearing about being born again about the Spirit about salvation through faith he rebuked him art thou a master of Israel and know it's not these things why is that because in Acts 10 47 it says to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins Nicodemus should have known that but he didn't because he was not saved and hopefully he got saved thereafter let's borrow that word of prayer father please help us to rightly divide the word of truth help us not to wrongly divide not to follow the dispensational ism and man's theology you know these little man-made words Calvinism Arminian ism dispensational ism God help us not to be fooled by that but to just pick up our text only King James Bible and read it with your help father and help everyone to read it this week every single day to study to show themselves approved unto you and Jesus name we pray amen all right go ahead and sing one song