(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) motivate us and increase our faith in Jesus' name I pray, Amen now verse number one the Bible reads how long wilt thou forget me O Lord forever how long wilt thou hide thy face from me how long shall I take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long shall my enemy be exalted over me basically David's just crying out to God in desperation I mean you can feel the despair when he says how long wilt thou forgive me O Lord forever so he's been enduring a lot of tribulation he's been suffering at the hands of his enemies and he's just in desperation crying out to God saying how long shall I take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long shall my enemy be exalted over me consider and hear me O Lord my God lighten mine eyes lest I sleep the sleep of dead and watch verse four this is a key verse lest mine enemy say I have prevailed against him and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved now here's what I want you to understand about this chapter there are people out there whose goal it is to move you okay there are people out there whose goal it is to destroy you to make you fall remember what we saw let's go back to Psalm 11 real quick I just want to show you verse number two it says for lo the wicked bend their bow they make ready their arrow upon the string that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart the Bible says in Proverbs that the adulterous woman will hunt the precious life it's like a sport it's her employment to go after and find someone who's upright someone who's righteous and cause them to fall uh Proverbs 4 flip over there if you would Proverbs chapter 4 there are bad people in this world evil people whose goal it is to destroy you who would rejoice over nothing more than to watch you move and change and stop serving God and quit look at Proverbs 4 the Bible says in verse number 14 enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men avoid it pass not by it turn from it and pass away watch verse 16 for they sleep not except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence this is basically their whole goal in life I mean they don't want to let a day goes by they'll lay in their bed awake at night if they haven't destroyed one or caused one to fall it says that's their goal to destroy to harm and who are they going after who are they setting their sights at who is the devil want to attack well who did he attack in the book of Job the most upright person in the entire world the most righteous man that there was was the one that he set his sights on to destroy look at the book of Acts where the devils that were possessing the man that attacked the seven sons of Siva and the devil's called out the seven sons of Siva you know Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are ye their goal is to destroy those who are doing right the most righteous people are their targets now look at Psalm 13 David was a righteous man David was preaching the true word of God David was a righteous king that was leading the children of Israel to worship the Lord and to follow him alone to keep his laws and so forth and basically he's begging God not to let him be destroyed he says in verse 4 lest mine enemies say I have prevailed against him and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved what does he mean by being moved well I was looking up all kinds of scriptures on being moved and this is something that the Bible mentions a lot now I first Thessalonians chapter 3 go ahead and turn there if you would first Thessalonians 3 while you're turning there I'll read you this Colossians 123 if you continue in the faith grounded and settled and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you have heard and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven whereby Paul made a minister Acts 2 25 for David speaketh concerning him I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved look at first Thessalonians 3 1 wherefore when we could no longer forbear we thought it could be left at Athens alone and sent to Mothias our brother and minister of God and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ to establish you and to comfort you concerning your faith think of the word established as when you see a gigantic skyscraper and at the bottom there's a stone at the bottom there's concrete there's the base the foundation that's holding up that whole building and it says established and then such and such the date he's saying grounded established you're you're not going to be moved look at verse number three that no man should be moved by these afflictions for yourselves know that we are appointed there unto for verily when we were with you we told you before that we should suffer tribulation even as it came to pass and ye know. Now what tribulation is he talking about? Well look back to chapter 2. In chapter 2 he describes the tribulation that he's talking about he says verse 14 for ye brethren became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the Jews. Now the words affliction and tribulation in the Bible are talking about someone else attacking you okay the Egyptians afflicted the children of Israel with cruel bondage the tribulation that's coming one day at the hand of the Antichrist at the hand of all the wicked men in this world that will be enforcing his satanic regime. The tribulation in Matthew 24 is called in Mark 13 great affliction. It's called in Mark 24 great tribulation Mark 13 the same statement great affliction being afflicted, being attacked, going through persecution having people try to tempt you and try to wear you down and grind you down to get you to be moved and Paul said I said Timothy to build you up, to establish you so that you wouldn't be moved by these afflictions because you say I know that the goal of those that persecute you what we saw in chapter 2, I know that the goal of those that afflict you is to make you move, to get you to change and there's great pressure always to change. Have you noticed how many people change? Have you noticed how many pastors change? Have you noticed how many preachers preach the truth, preach what's right, people quit the church people attack him, people persecute him and then all of a sudden he's moved. All of a sudden he's preaching something different that's a little more popular that people like. That's the goal of persecution and tribulation to get you to move, to get you to change the Bible says in Proverbs 24, meddle not with them that are given to change. We live in a world of shifting sands and the foolish man is he who builds his house upon the sand. But the wise man builds his house upon the rock which never changes. Jesus Christ is saying yesterday and today and forever and so we ought not move. If Jesus has not moved and Jesus is set at our right hand as David said then we should not be moved. But you see the further you get from Jesus you're going to start moving. If you're right there with Jesus he's not going to move and if you're right there with him you're not moving either. That's why I should be preaching the same thing today that I preached a year ago, that I preached two years ago, that I preached three years ago that I preached four years ago. Now I'm sure that I've learned more and grown more and fine-tuned some things but let me tell you something when I was six years old I told the neighbor across the street that salvation was by faith alone and that's why I believe today I'm not going to change on that. Nobody's going to move me with all their cute little doctrines of repent of your sins and oh you know way of the pastor or way of the master and you know this new evangelism method and the grow program and you know awake program and all these dumb programs. No, I want to stay the same. I want to grow, I want to get better, I want to get closer to God but I want to stay the same. When I started the church it was based upon hard preaching. It was based upon preaching the truth calling a spade a spade, like it or lump it whether it's popular, in season, out of season, pulling no punches not caring what people think, caring only what Jesus thinks and I have to continue to preach that way until I die. It's not good enough that oh I preached it back then. Yeah, I preached it hard and I went through the persecution. No, I need to keep preaching it the same way. The way that you became great is the way you're going to stay great and let me tell you something, this is a great church and the way that it became great is the way it's going to stay great and the way it became great was through heavy emphasis on door to door preaching the gospel to every creature, heavy emphasis on faith alone for salvation and heavy emphasis on hard preaching, purity, cleanliness righteousness, godliness because God has not called us to uncleanness but unto holiness and somebody needs to tell that to the average Baptist church today that God's called us to holiness not watching Hollywood, not watching TV not listening to all the world's rock and roll but holiness being set apart, different than the world. I was sitting on the airplane today bored out of my mind. You know, what else is new? I fly so much that I've pretty much gone through so many different entertainments you know what I mean? The crossword puzzles, I mean just everything and I mean I've just gone through everything I've read my Bible, I've read this, I've read that and I'm always flying flying, flying and sometimes it's just too much, you know, just being on a plane over and over. Well, you know, I pull out the magazine the little one that's provided by the airline I say, you know, this is some interesting articles. There were a couple interesting articles like something about science and, you know, I was looking through it and there was some article about some some actress that's coming on the scene, this big scene and I read a couple paragraphs of it and you know what, this woman's a whore is what she is, you know, and it's telling her life story like she's just a nice person but she's some whore, you know, and that's what, it just it just reminded me why I don't watch TV and why I don't watch movies because you read it and she looks like a real nice person but then you start to read it and, you know, basically she just had a baby or something and then now she's in some movie, you know, acting in all these love scenes with some other guy and you sit there and say oh I watch these movies but they're clean because they cut out, you know, all the all the bedroom scene but you're watching people kissing with people that they're not married to and going to bed with people that they're not married to and you say oh I didn't show anything, they're in bed with somebody that they're not married to and they're married to somebody else this woman has a newborn baby at home and she's acting in this kind of smut and I'm going to tell you something, you can try to justify movies and justify TV but you are taking pleasure in the ungodly of this world David said I'll send no wicked thing before my eyes, I hate the work of them to turn aside it shall not cleave to me and so it's as you know, as if I needed a reminder just to look at this and just to get a biography of one of these people just how wicked they really are in real life it's all looking good on the outside and inside it's full of rottenness and dead men's bones and so we're not going to change, Faithful or Baptist Church will not change, by God's grace we will not be moved, let me give you some other scriptures on being moved you don't have to turn to these because I'm just going to blow through them, if you want to turn to them you can, they're pretty much all in the book of Psalms, but Psalm 121 says I will lift up mine eyes under the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved, he that keepeth thee will not slumber he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep, did you hear that? he will not suffer thy foot to be moved, God can cause you to stand if you're moved, if you change if you let people push you around, when the Bible said to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the word of the Lord if you're pushed off of your position it's not God's fault because God said that he'll not suffer thy foot to be moved, if you want to stand you can stand, if you're saved, if you have the Holy Spirit living inside you can do all things through Christ which made you you can succeed, you can stay in church you can't stay with the right doctrines, you can do it it's just a question of will you do it, because God's there to give you the support it's just a question of whether you can handle it, look at 112, you don't have to turn there but if you want to you can, 112 verse 6 surely he shall not be moved forever the righteous shall be an everlasting remembrance, he shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord, his heart is established he shall not be afraid until he sees his desire upon his enemies, Psalm 66 8 oh bless our God ye people and make the voice of his praise to be heard which holdeth our soul in light and suffereth not our feet to be moved, God can hold you up, God can lift you up, God can keep you from being moved Psalm 62 1, truly my soul waiteth upon God from him cometh my salvation, he only is my rock and my salvation, he is my defense, I shall not be greatly moved how long will ye imagine mischief against a man, ye shall be slain all of you, as a bowing wall shall ye be and as a tottering fence they only consult to cast him down from his excellency they delight in lies, they bless with their mouth but they curse inwardly Selah, my soul wait thou only upon God, my expectation is from him he only is my rock and my salvation, he is my defense, I shall not be moved, what a great statement, that ought to be your motto, your motto your mantra should be I shall not be moved, Pastor Anderson shall not be moved, Faith Ward Baptist Church shall not be moved, now if I move it's because it's going to be because I moved, it's not but I'm not going to be moved you understand what I'm saying, I mean if I move I want to move I'm going to move where I want to move, I'm not going to let other people move me okay, the only person who's going to lead me is the Holy Spirit and he's not going to force me to do anything, he's going to lead me and direct me, I'm going to follow him of my own volition but I'm not going to be moved, I'm not going to be pushed I'm not going to have people from this church come to me and say well you know tone it down not that anybody in this church would say that but if somebody in this church did say that I'd tell them to go jump in a lake yes I would, I told brother Dave one time I said if anybody ever comes to you and tells them you know that they don't appreciate me preaching so hard you know this is when we were going through the whole battle and the persecution and everything and it was getting real bad I said if anybody comes to you and tells you that you know that you know I don't know Pastor Anderson's going too far, I said just tell them to go jump in a lake and get out of our church because we don't need people in our church who want to be moved all the time who want to go with the shifting sands who say oh I love that sermon and then the world hates it and then all of a sudden oh well I don't know about that sermon anymore I mean some of the same people who said oh I love that sermon then all of a sudden the sermon becomes unpopular and all of a sudden it's oh you know don't even call yourself a man if that's if that's the way you are you stand up and be a man and say this is what I believe this is why I believe it I'm not going to let other people push me I'm not up here to be a puppet you know hey what do you want to hear tonight you know and a lot of pastors today are puppets of some denomination first of all if they're a southern baptist they're a puppet if they're a north american baptist they're a puppet if they're general association of regular baptists they're a puppet hey independent baptists have cut the strings thank god if you're a real independent baptist and you're not anybody's puppet and that means you're not trebor's puppet or scott's puppet or chapel's puppet either okay because you should be doing your own thing that's what it means to be independent okay and uh it's important to be independent by the way and uh I want to go into that but I'm not going to for sake of time because I'm thinking about preaching a whole sermon on why we're independent because I've got a lot of new things that I can say in the bible about that just interesting things just all the more reasons why our church needs to be independent because it needs to be and that's why we're independent baptists but we don't want to be moved and by the way churches that are part of a denomination they have to move with the denomination you know the denomination says accept the homos they have to move or else they have to quit the denomination I mean look at look at the baptist churches that are part of some of these liberal baptist conventions and you say oh there are no baptists like that there are these big baptist associations where jimmy carter is like one of the head guys I forget what it's called but there's this big baptist association where jimmy carter is like one of the head guys what does that tell you okay and he's telling people you know and and that group said accept the homos well if your church is tied in with that group you're going to be moved every time jimmy carter decides to move you know think about that for a while and uh basically uh where were we at here how about psalm 21 7 for the king trusted in the lord and through the mercy of the most high he shall not be moved a lot of verses on this isn't there psalm 55 22 cast thy burden upon the lord and he shall the stain he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved what does that tell you if you're being moved that you're not righteous you know i mean no he's never going to suffer the righteous to be moved when you see a pastor get up and preach the truth and then somebody backs him down and backs him into a corner he's not righteous he's not doing what's right it's not preaching right because god will never suffer the righteous to be moved psalm 55 23 but thou oh god shall bring them down into the pit of destruction bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days but i will trust in thee psalm 46 5 god is in the midst of her she shall not be moved god shall help her and that right early and then psalm 16 8 we already heard upset the lord always before me because he is at my right hand i shall not be moved say wire how do you know you're not going to change because the lord is at my right hand that's why because he's right right here and you know what i'm staying close to god staying in the word that's the only way i'm not going to be moved otherwise you're going to change so you got to set the lord at your right hand you got to have him there all the time right there where you can reach out and touch him right there you got god's word on the tip of your tongue in your heart and in your mouth the word of faith which we preach that's how you're not going to be moved psalm 15 who memorized this with us back back when we were memorizing this did you memorize the whole psalm who can still quote it right now lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hill he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart he that backbiteth not with his tongue nor doeth evil to his neighbor nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor and whose eyes a vile person is contempt oh oh oh but he honoreth them that fear the lord he that sweareth to his own hurt and changes not he that putteth not out his money to usury nor taketh reward against the innocent and here it is he that doeth these things shall never be moved there's your formula right there for not being moved we'll preach on in a couple weeks the formula for not moving don't move stand fast therefore in the liberty where with christ have made us free and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage stand fast having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace stand is what he's saying don't move look at mica seven i love the book of mica and mica chapter seven is probably my favorite chapter in the book of mica but look at mica chapter seven minor prophets at the end of the old testament but mica is a really great book in the bible a lot of great preaching look at verse two this reminds me of uh last week do you remember the the sermon last week help lord for the godly man sees it for the faithful fail from among the children of men you remember that verse number one look at a similar statement in mica seven two the good man is perished out of the earth and there is none upright among men they all lie and wait for blood they hunt every man's brother with a net that they may do evil with both hands earnestly the prince asketh and the judge ask it for a reward basically taking a bribe to pervert justice and i think that's probably what a lot of judges are doing today you know i i otherwise i can't explain otherwise it's like what god said you know i hate to say this so hopefully you know well never mind but anyway i remember what god said to the children of israel he told the children of israel he said you're worse than a prostitute because he said at least the prostitute is getting paid you remember that statement in the bible who remember put up your head if you remember reading that in the bible he said you're worse than a prostitute and you're you're playing the harlot for free so you know and so you know i sometimes i hope they're getting paid is all i can say by by some of the things that they rule you know the supreme court and you look at our justice system i mean if they're if they're not getting paid i i don't know if they're what they're doing okay maybe they're just working for satan or whatever when they make all these rulings protecting the homosexuals and all these rulings uh basically you know damning the innocent lives of babies to to be murdered and so forth in the name of uh you know the woman's right to choose or whatever they you know euphemistically call it but he says hey the judge ask it for a reward a corrupt justice system and the great man he uttereth his mischievous desire so they wrap it up the best of them is as a briar the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge the day of thy watchman and thy visitation cometh now shall be their perplexity trust ye not in a friend put ye not confidence in a guide keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom for the son dishonor the father and by the way this is the day we're living in because this these verses are quoted in matthew 24 talking about the last days he said in the last days this is the way it's going to be and he quotes mica 7 he said the son dishonor at the father the daughter rises up against her mother the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a man's enemies are the men of his own house verse 7 therefore i will look unto the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation my god will hear me and look at verse 8 this reminds me of what we just read in psalm 13 rejoice not against me oh mine enemy remember they just want to see him fall and rejoice about it he says rejoice not against me oh mine enemy when i fall i shall arise when i sit in darkness the lord shall be a light unto me you see the just man fallen seven times and rises up again go ahead lock me up in darkness and the lord will be a light unto me go ahead cause me to fall and i'll rise once again because it says in verse number nine i will bear the indignation of the lord because i have sinned against him until he plead my cause and execute judgment for me he will bring me forth to the light and i shall behold his righteousness then she that is at mine enemy shall see it and shame shall cover her which said unto me where is the lord thy god mine eyes shall behold her now shall she be trodden down as the mire in the streets let's go back to psalm 13 psalm chapter number 13 and so if we're trusting in the lord not trusting in man we don't have to be moved people are going to constantly try to move us they're going to try to get us to buckle under the pressure and this is what it is it's an endurance game the devil wants to wear you down the devil wants to wear you down and the people that work for the devil they want to wear you down and so they'll constantly wear at you wear at you wear at you and and after just daily remember what remember samson and delilah remember how delilah came to him and he said no i'm not going to tell you we're in my great strength life but she kept bugging him and bugging and what she did she warmed down the bible says just because she kept doing it daily it finally warmed out and that's a picture of the devil there he wears you down he wants to take the power of god off of your life he wants you to be blinded as samson was he wants you to be binded as samson was he wants you to be grinded like samson was he doesn't want you to serve him he doesn't want you to be a great leader like samson was fighting against the enemies of the lord no he wants to knock you down and make you fall and he will keep on pushing and pushing and pushing and you have to have the endurance and it's got to come from god it's got to be because the lord's at your right hand or you're not going to be able to handle it look at the worldly people look at the worldly people whenever they get attacked when they get persecuted they buckle they give in it's going to take the lord's help for you to stand up and not be moved but he says here in uh psalm 15 i'm sorry psalm 13 how long now this is again three times he says how long because of the fact that we're talking about endurance we're talking about something that's not going to be one day you get attacked and then you win the battle no we're talking about the devil constantly working on you wearing you down people who just want to wear it you and wear it you wear it you and that's why it's how long it's an extended process how long will thou forget me oh lord forever how long will thou hide thy face from me how long shall i take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long shall my enemy be exalted over me consider it hear me oh lord my god lighten my eyes lest i sleep the sleep of death lest my enemies say i've prevailed against him and those that trouble me here it is rejoice when i moved they'll rejoice about it look at verse five but i have trusted in thy mercy my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation i will sing unto the lord because he had dealt bountifully with me now don't you just want to do what's right because it would just make you sick to think about all the wicked people rejoicing if you fall i mean that should motivate you think about that for a minute think about all the people who would just love to see you fall they'd love to see your marriage fall apart or they'd love to see you go into sin they'd love to see you quit church they'd love to see you change your doctrine they'd love it doesn't just make you sick to think about them rejoicing the enemies of the lord rejoicing the devil rejoicing boy just to show them stay with it you know don't quit don't be moved stand up for what's right but let's just look at the last verse that's that's verses one through five let's let's finish up with this last verse i'll sing unto the lord because he had dealt bountifully with me now every single person in this room can say the lord has dealt bountifully with me everybody here has had good food durable clothing you know you've had blessings from god not everything has gone your way in life but you have a lot of things to be thankful for and praise hopefully over thanksgiving you were thankful and thinking about these things and meditating upon all the things that god had done for not only that but he saved us and called us within holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in christ jesus before the world began so we're saved we're on our way to heaven our sins are forgiven he's dealt balance with us he's fed us clothed us blessed us and we ought to sing unto the lord because of that and so when you come to church say i will sing unto the lord not i'm just going to move my mouth or listen no come to church and sing with all your heart sing like you mean it when you sing songs of praise to god because you ought to be singing praises to him with a loud noise because he's dealt balance with you and not only just on sunday i wouldn't limit it to just that throughout the week monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday sing unto the lord a new song the bible says sing songs of praise to the most high praise the lord for he's good for his mercy and doerth forever and so we ought to sing unto the lord because of all the great things that he's done for us see i don't like to sing do it because god told you to do it and you will learn that if you don't like singing you'll learn to love singing i mean if you just start praising god and singing you will like saying why is the longest book in the bible a song book why is it look at psalm 22 and we'll close with this psalm 22 will close with this thought verse 3 psalm 22 3 but thou art holy oh thou that inhabits the praises of israel now isn't that interesting statement that inhabits the praises of israel basically when you're when we as a church are singing song god is present with us god is inhabiting our praises okay where two or three are gathered together in his name he said there am i in the midst and when we sing these great songs god is here that's why he said be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the lord that's part of being filled with the spirit you say how am i going to become filled with the spirit sing praises to god sing psalms and hymn spiritual songs seven days a week that's how you're going to be filled with the spirit let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father please just bless our church dear god and thank you for the great church that we have and god help it to stay great help us not to be moved help us to be steadfast and unmovable because you've commanded us to dear god and help our enemies never to rejoice over our destruction dear god but help them to be confounded that seek our hurt dear god help us years and years from now to still be doing the same thing we're doing right now getting people saved preaching hard on sin breathing fire against the enemies of the lord and we love you and we'll thank you for all the wonderful things you do for us in jesus