(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And first thing I want to point out in luke chapter 12 is that there's a lot of hard preaching in this chapter But jesus is really coming off some even harder preaching In chapter 11 and I want to just point that out at the very end of chapter 11 He says in verse 49 therefore also said the wisdom of god I will send them prophets and apostles and some of them they shall slay and persecute That the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world May be required of this generation from the blood of able under the blood of zacharias Which perished between the altar and the temple verily I say unto you it shall be required of this generation Woe unto you lawyers for you've taken away the key of knowledge you entered not in yourselves And then that were entering in you hindered so jesus preaching pretty hard. He's taking the pharisees to task He's taking the lawyers to task and then verse 53 It says that as he said these things unto them the scribes and the pharisees began to urge him vehemently I mean they're getting mad and they're trying to provoke him To speak of many things look at the next And it says laying wait for him and seeking to catch something out of his mouth that they might accuse him But look at the next verse the first verse of chapter 12 in the meantime When there was gathered together an innumerable multitude of people In so much that they trode one upon another He began to say unto his disciples first of all beware ye of the leaven of the pharisees Which is hypocrisy? And the first thing I want to point out here is that hard preaching drew an innumerable multitude in this passage I mean in the midst of jesus preaching really hard calling out false religion calling out the phonies And then he's doing it before and after verse one and yet verse one says that in the meantime There's gathered unto him an innumerable Multitude so it's a lie today when you hear people say that hard preaching is going to turn people away It's going to turn people off people can't handle it people can actually handle a lot more than you think And if pastors today in america would just get up in their pulpit this sunday morning And just really just cut loose and preach and just take the gloves off And take the filter off and just get up and just preach the word of god As it's written and tell it like it is and apply it to the day We live in with no regard for the face of man I guarantee you the vast majority of people That are in actual bible believing churches where the people are actually saved are going to be able to handle it They're going to be able to take it You know, it's the leadership that's failing in this country the people in the pew can handle so much more It's just that the pastors are not dishing it out You can have a big church and still preach hard You don't have to be tired. I don't like this attitude that says well if you preach hard, you'll never be big Well, that's not really true Because we've seen in the past churches that preached hard growing and and becoming large our church is growing And as independent fundamental baptist churches go our church is very large And our church is growing quickly and our church is one of the largest independent baptist churches even in arizona now Why because hard preaching doesn't scare people away except the kind of people that you want to scare away Keeps all the weirdos out But hard preaching can still gather a multitude today You don't have to choose between reaching a lot of people and preaching hard. You can do both Our church has hard preaching and we reach a lot of people We don't have to choose so we don't need this defeated attitude that says well if you preach hard You can't grow and we don't need the scared Oh attitude in the pulpit that says well, you know if I preach hard i'm going to run everybody off It just isn't true and christ proved it right here But he says there in his preaching to this great multitude at the end of verse one He said beware ye of the leaven of the pharisees Which is hypocrisy for there's nothing covered that shall not be revealed neither hid that shall not be known Now jesus at various times his ministry spoke about the leaven of the pharisees here He says that the leaven of the pharisees is hypocrisy Elsewhere the bible said that when he talked about the leaven of the pharisees he was referring to their doctrine Now why was the false doctrine? Of the pharisees called their leaven. I believe it's in matthew chapter 15 somewhere around that neighborhood in the book of matthew the reason why That doctrine that they taught was known as leaven is because if you remember leaven Could be hid in three measures of meal and then the whole thing is leavened right leaven spreads It grows it's it's it's something that multiplies Leaven is what we know today as yeast Or we could know it as a bacteria Something that multiplies and grows and it causes bread to rise and it pictures sin in the bible which is why the the body of jesus christ was was uh pictured by the unleavened bread With no yeast in it, right and then obviously the the unleavened fruit of the vine The unfermented not with yeast in it Which is by the way, what ferments alcohol in grape juice is the yeast on the outside of the grapes. So it was the Unfermented fruit of the vine and it was the unleavened bread because it's a picture of sin there so leaven What does leaven have to do with doctrine because if you get a false doctrine It'll spread to other doctrine in your life So when people get a false doctrine that's not biblical And they're not willing to let go of it and they hang on to it What ends up happening is that they they start getting a bunch of other false doctrine as well Because they're looking at everything through that wrong lens or through those wrong glasses And I heard a great illustration about this like a guitar that has a string that's out of tune So if you get one string out of tune on the guitar the logical thing to do is to tune that string And now you're playing again, but what some people want to do today They have a false doctrine that they just will not let go of So what they end up doing is trying to tune the other five strings to match that string now all six strings are tuned Wrong, and if you just listen to that person play It sounds good why because all six of their strings are in tune with each other, right? They've got a false doctrine. They got that bad string and they tuned the other five to match up with it It's like yeah, this makes sense. Yeah, this sounds great, right? Yeah until they start actually playing with the rest of the band Until the piano player starts playing until the bass guitar starts playing until the trumpet starts playing until the song leader starts singing And then it sounds horrible But when they're all isolated by themselves they're making sense until somebody actually pulls out a bible which is like the tuning fork Pulls out the bible, which is a little electronic tuner and says whoa, buddy. You're way flat You need to you know, you need to get tuned up to this thing But it all starts with just having one thing wrong And we've seen that over the last week at the prophecy conference all the different sermons about end times and everything There's one thing you can't deny And that is that the false doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture Goes hand in hand with the doctrine that the jews are god's chosen people This doctrine that's stuck in the old testament program Of israel and the physical nation those two things are hand in glove if you can get people to see That they're wrong about the jews Then they'll have no problem seeing that the rapture is after the tribulation and vice versa But they've just tuned all their strings But but here's the sad thing about that crowd is that when they they've got their their pre-trib string out of tune Right, and then they they get their String out of tune on the jews. Well, here's what they end up doing. They start tweaking the salvation string Because you'll notice that every single person who goes into a detailed Explanation of the pre-trip rapture and actually tries to refute our film after the tribulation in any kind of a detailed way You'll notice that they always end up teaching a different salvation in the old testament different salvation during the tribulation and they teach that there are three gospels Or three different programs and you know what? It's it's a wicked false doctrine and I believe that when people when people get to that point where they're that Deep into it where they're saying that there's three different gospels. Let them be accursed at that point You know it but but the the most people who believe in the pre-trib rapture They don't believe in the three gospels thing. They just haven't even studied the issue Your average pre-tribber is just pre-trib because they're just doing that because that's what everybody has been telling them They haven't actually studied the issue on their own for themselves okay, but The ones who actually have studied it And they have delved into it and they're still pre-trib, you know, there's something wrong with those people. They're bad people I said they're bad people. I mean look why don't they preach what the bible says? Why don't they believe what the bible says, you know if you ask it'll it'll be given to you If you seek you'll find if you knock it shall be opened unto you How could somebody sincerely go to god's word and say oh god show me the truth and read matthew 24 And read mark 13 and read luke 21 or read second thessalonians 2 and still walk away pre-trib unless they're a bad person Look because what are they doing? They're they're basically teaching lies believing lies ignoring what the scripture says But like I said 90 some percent of them. It's not that they're bad people. They just haven't even looked at it They haven't studied it. They're they're relying on other people's study of it And they're just kind of going with the flow riding the coattails And some of them don't even want to study it because they don't want to be responsible for that knowledge But the and you say well, what's the big deal? I mean, so what if people are wrong on the rapture? But you know what it's indicative Of every other area in their bible study and every other area in their life Because if they're refusing to acknowledge the truth on this which is as plain as the nose on your face What else are they going to ignore? And what kind of a person are they if they're scared? To preach what the bible says for fear of offending their preacher buddies and their bible college alma mater And if they're just and you say no no pastor They they really studied it hard and they're sincere, but they just can't figure it out Then they're not even fit to be a pastor because they don't have enough intelligence to pastor You know, they're not smart enough to pastor then if they can't figure out that it's not pre-trip They need to step down because their iq is too low at that point But again, like I said most of them they just haven't looked at it They just haven't even studied it and you said how dare you insult them You know what somebody ought to insult them because i'm sick and tired of them persecuting anybody who actually read the bible and believed what it says the bible says that they're the ones who are deceiving us by saying That the day of christ is at hand and the bible says let no man deceive you by any means that day shall not come Unless there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition Anything other than that is a lie And I can't even find one of these pre-trippers who will even try to defend their doctrine without teaching this false salvation Where they say oh it used to be salvation by works in the old testament And in the tribulation it's going to be salvation by works again You know when they're teaching different salvations And different gospels that just shows they're a complete false prophet, right? Right, so which side you know my message to the pastor of america would be well Which side are you going to be on you're going to be inside with the the hyper dispensationalists With their three gospels that are cursed of the lord. Are you going to actually figure out? That the your big name heroes from the last generation were wrong on the timing of the rapture Get over it move on with your life and believe what the bible says And nobody can provide any kind of a meaningful refutation Of a post-trip pre-wrath rapture without appealing to the ruckmanites the hyper dispensationalist and the wrong salvation It's that simple and so, you know people need to wake up And the time is is is possibly going to come in our lifetime It's pretty important that people know now that's actually what this chapter is about jump down to verse 35 it's interesting because Uh, we we just sang the song Will jesus find us watching and it's funny because as I was studying this chapter That's the song that kept coming into my head because that song is based on this chapter And then I thought it was pretty cool when I got here and I was oh, that's what we're singing tonight. Perfect But it says in verse 35 let your loins be girded about and your lights burning And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord When he will return from the wedding that when he cometh and knocketh they may open unto him immediately Blessed and this is where the song comes from blessed are those servants whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching Verily I say unto you That he shall gird himself and make them to sit down to meet and will come forth and serve them now What does it mean to be found watching? Well all throughout the bible? You'll find the word watch as in the first watch second watch third watch fourth watch of the night The word watch means to be awake Right those who watch all night until the morning are those who are staying up at night, right and they're watching Jesus christ said to the disciples that fell asleep in the garden of gethsemane Could you not watch with me for one hour? So the servants that are watching are the servants who are awake and paying attention to what's going on, right? as opposed to the ones who are Asleep that is the opposite of watching. It's to be asleep, right? So the bible says blessed are those servants whom the lord when he cometh shall find Watching look at verse 38 and i'll prove it to you and if he shall come in the second watch Or come in the third watch And find them so blessed are those servants So the night is broken up into these different watches of the night when they would maybe the guards would trade off You know the first watch second watch third watch of the night blessed are the servants that he finds Watching that are awake that are paying attention That know what to look for it says in verse 39 and this know That if the good man of the house had known what hour the thief would come He would have watched And not have suffered his house to be broken through be ye therefore ready also For the son of man cometh at an hour When you think not now the pre-trib rapture doctrine is based on such a shallow understanding of scripture They don't even seek to understand what the bible is actually teaching here But instead they just grab hold of one sentence here, you know be ready. You don't know what he's coming It just becomes a slogan or a catchphrase They don't realize that that's the tail end of his teaching and they need to get the whole teaching Not just the catchphrase not just be be ready brother. You don't know when he's coming could be denied Wrong it could not be tonight The one who doesn't know when he's coming is the one who he's going to overtake as a thief Do you see that? I mean look what he says here. It's amazing how People could not see this It says if if the good man of the house had known what hour the thief would come he would have watched And not have suffered his house to be broken through be ye Therefore ready also he's saying be like that guy Who's watching so that he knows? when The thief is coming right He's not saying hey, we're all going to be surprised. We're all going to be shocked He might have to come tonight. Wouldn't that be a surprise? It's not what it says It says be the guy who's awake and paying attention and ready so that you'll see him coming Before he comes You will be aware of it You will be aware Of when he's coming. I mean, isn't that what it says? It's pretty clear, right verse 40 be ye Therefore ready also for the son of man cometh at an hour when you think not so we can't predict when he's coming Can we? Can any of us predict and say it's going to be on this date or on that date or this year that year? We can't predict it He's coming in an hour that we think not it's it's a date that nobody's predicting. It's not september 23rd 2018 Or any other goofball date that people come up with You say well, when is it then here's what we have to stay awake all the time watching So that we can watch for the signs of his coming before they happen Now go to first thessalonians chapter 5 first thessalonians chapter 5 So luke chapter 12 goes into more detail on this. We're going to go back to luke chapter 12 and see more detail about This idea of christ's return and him coming upon people unawares people not being ready now first thessalonians chapter 4 is The quintessential rapture passage is the most famous most detailed Everyone agrees that it's the rapture all the pre-tribbers agree that it's the rapture and they love to quote it and they they think in their warped understanding that somehow this provides a Proof of a pre-tribulation rapture even though in first thessalonians chapter 4 there's no timing given There's no timing of the rapture given in first thessalonians 4 he describes the rapture He tells us that it's going to happen, but he doesn't give the timing until chapter 5 verse 1 Which they won't even touch with a 10-foot pole They love to just comfort one another all day long They're just so busy comforting one another in chapter 4 verse 18, they never even make it to chapter 5 and the bible says In verse 17 then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord In the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words but But But See there's this big but that they are not facing today They won't even look at it it's a conjunction I mean don't make me take you to conjunction junction to figure out what a conjunction is I mean, it's not done. The book isn't over right And the most important stuff is coming in chapter 5 because he's going to explain to us the timing of the rapture right because he says this but Of the times I mean, isn't that pretty important That sounds pretty relevant. I mean, we just finished explaining the rapture now. We're going to talk about the timing Great But of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you Why not? Why don't you need why don't we need to know for yourselves know perfectly Know perfectly That the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night now how in the world do they know? That the day of the lord's coming is a thief in the night. Somebody must have taught him that You know who taught him that jesus christ taught them that And this is what's so foolish about this idea of oh jesus never taught on the rapture That was only revealed to us through paul Paul's our apostle to the gentiles and blah blah really if paul's the apostles gentiles Why did jesus give the great commission to all the apostles and tell them to teach all nations, right? He commanded every one of those disciples to go reach the gentiles. They just refused to do it Most of them that's not his fault But the point is that it says right here That they already know perfectly that the day of the lord cometh as a thief of the night Isn't that the exact illustration that jesus taught in luke 12 when he said He's coming like a thief And if the watchman if the good men of the house would have known what time the thief was coming You would have watched you need to watch look jesus already taught the doctrine Of the day of the lord coming as a thief in the night So he says well, I don't need to tell you about the timing because christ already taught you the timing Right, you already have heard what jesus taught in matthew 24 You've heard what jesus taught in luke 12, you're familiar with what jesus taught in luke 21 You're familiar with what jesus taught in mark 13 You're for and i'm not saying they had those written books, but they'd heard that teaching they'd heard that preaching of christ's words From the apostles and so paul says well You don't need me to tell you the times and seasons For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief of the night now Let me ask you this is there any way possible to read these two verses? And walk away saying that the day of the lord is not the rapture Because it wouldn't make any sense to tell us about the rapture And say but of the times and seasons You have no need that I write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as even light Unless the timing of the day of the lord is the same timing as the timing of the rapture That's the only way that would make any sense I mean it would be like Let's say you know, um Uh brothers say gora and myself, right? We're gonna be going to a soul winning marathon In tim buck two, right? And brothers say gora and I we're both going to the soul winning marathon in tim buck two And we're both planning to arrive on the same day. We're flying on the same flight We're sitting next to each other all the way there We're gonna land we're gonna do our soul winning We're gonna preach and then we're gonna fly home again on the same exact flight, right? And then what if I were to forward my itinerary? To somebody in tim buck two so they could pick me up at the airport And know my schedule and know how to plan the event, right? And then if they said well, you know, can you send me brother chris's itinerary as well? Well Well, you know what of the times and the seasons of brother chris say gora's arrival you have no need that I write unto you Because i've already sent you my itinerary Now what if we were on totally different flights and arriving in totally different days would that make any sense If they said send us brother chris's itinerary, we want to pick him up at the airport. I said well You already have my itinerary Huh, the only way that would make sense is if chris and I are on the same plane Does everybody understand what i'm saying? If chris and I are on the same plane, then it makes sense if you got the one itinerary That's all you need But if we were coming that's the only way this verse makes any sense He's saying oh the timing of the rapture. We already know That the day of the lord's coming is at the end of the night. What does he mean by that? Of the times and the seasons brother and you have no need that I write unto you You already know what to look for you already know What's going on with the timing of the rapture? You don't need me to tell you because you already know the day of the lord's going to come as the evening Okay, everybody got that. Okay. Well, what does the bible say about the day of the lord like 10 times? The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the lord come So what has to happen before the day of the lord sun and moon have to be darkened Well, isn't that interesting that in matthew 24 and mark 13 it says that after the tribulation Sun and moon are darkened and then christ comes in the clouds to gather the elect But you see This is what i'm saying people it comes a point where people who refuse to see theirs are just liars at some point At some point they just have to be seen for what they are a liar Who sees it and they know it and they just refuse to admit it because they're a liar because they're a coward Because they want to be everybody's friend and everybody's buddy at some point They need to be either called out as a hyper dispensational works teaching heretic Other gospel teaching heretic or they need to just be uh called out as a liar Now they've never studied it that one thing but if people are going to study this and walk away i was still pre-trib either they're an imbecile or they're not saved or they're just being Extremely stubborn which makes them a liar because they're refusing to admit what they see And you say well you you know, you got all radical on this from the conference hey I've been saying the same thing Since back in 2012 when I made my post-trib moments watch post-trib moment number 60 I said hey if you watch all these moments and you're still pre-trib. You're either an idiot Not saved or you're just being stubborn and refusing to see it and I stand by that statement And I think that the vast majority of them are just being stubborn Or they just haven't even looked at it I mean look when I tried to talk to my pastor back home about this when he broke fellowship with me You know sends me into the hottest part of the battle literally and then withdraws the troops from me I'm talking about phoenix, arizona If that's not the hottest part of the battle then you must be in death valley california at that point Hey, my pastor sent me to start a church in the hottest part of the battle and then withdraws all blessing from me Withdraws the troops from me breaks fellowship with me over the issue of the pre-trib rapture And then when he's pinned down with questions to defend it, here's what he said well, I haven't really studied it Well, isn't that interesting how you'll break fellowship With somebody over it, but you haven't even studied it So you haven't even studied it, but that's the story with 99% of these pre-trib pastors They haven't even studied it for themselves They're just repeating stuff that they've heard and that's why isn't it funny when they when they have to defend themselves against After the tribulation film they have to bring in a specialist They have to bring in Evangelists and missionaries and specialists that will come in and teach their people They can't even get up and teach it themselves because they don't even understand it themselves And many of them are just refusing to look at it because i've pinned some of these pastors down and proved it to them from the bible And then after I proved it to them from the bible, they said well, you know, I I'm pretty sure you're right But I need to study it and digest it talk to them a year later still studying two years later Still studying three years later still studying five years later. I'm still studying it Why because they're putting it off and putting it off they don't want to be held responsible for the information They want to have plausible deniability So what's going on? but the bible says here that the timing of the day of the lord is the timing of what he just told us about in first thessalonians 4 and that matches perfectly with Everything else that christ taught but look at verse three and let's go even deeper with this For when they shall say peace and safety Then sudden destruction cometh upon them The they and the them is talking about the unsaved, right? They say peace and safety destruction comes upon them and they should not escape but ye brethren Are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief you are all the children of light and the children of the day We are not of the night nor of darkness Therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober again Remember, I was telling you that watch means to be awake Well, that's why he says don't sleep But watch and be sober. So what's he saying here? He's basically saying that a lot of christians Are as asleep as the unsaved So the unsaved are the children of darkness That day is going to come on them as a thief in the night But here's what he's telling christians don't be that guy don't be like them the unsaved It will come upon them as a thief But you brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief He says don't sleep as do others. Who are the others the unsaved people don't sleep like them Be awake But sadly most of even saved christians today are asleep They're not heeding this admonition to be awake and to watch and look if you're pre-trib, you're automatically asleep Automatically because you don't even know what to watch for you don't even know what you're looking for You're not even expecting the thief to even come You just think that you're going to be just beamed up with no warning with no suffering with no Time leading up to it where you're going to have to make some hard decisions About what to do with your life during that time and and how you're going to handle that So the bible says let us not sleep as do others But let us watch and be sober for they that sleep sleep in the night Neither be drunken or drunken in the night But let us who are of the day be sober Putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for an helmet the hope of salvation We have hope of salvation why because god has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain Salvation through our lord jesus christ and when we see these things begin to come to pass We will look up and lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh Super clear, isn't it? Super clear and you know what? This is super clear and we didn't even look at second thessalonians chapter two, which is even more clear And we didn't even look at matthew 24 or mark 13 or luke 21 that are all super clear So to be pre-trib, you just have to ignore Super clear super clear super clear scripture one after the other and just refuse to admit what the bible's saying Go if you would to luke chapter 12 where we were before let's get back to this parable So the parable makes perfect sense christ is teaching that which paul taught in first thessalonians five, right watch Be awake Don't let it come upon you as a thief Right be awake be sober be watching and jesus, of course said at the end of mark 13 what I say unto you I say unto all watch Watch therefore for you know, not what hour your lord doth come You don't know if it's going to be in the second watch or the third watch so you got to stay up all night Right you stay up all night. And when you see the abomination of desolation Spoken of by daniel the prophet who so readeth let him understand, you know, that's when you know That it's going to happen Now luke chapter 12 He said in verse 35 let your loins be girded about your lights burning. What's he talking about being awake? Leave the light on Now we already covered verses 36 through 40 Be therefore ready also for the son of man cometh at an hour when you think not but look at verse 41 This is pretty interesting Then peter said unto him lord speaketh out this parable unto us or even to all Now jesus does not directly answer his question. He doesn't say yes or no But the things that he says next will answer the question Of whether this is being spoken just to them Or to all now when he says all there That's everybody that's even referring to even unsaved people Okay, so when he says are you saying this to everybody? Jesus is going to answer him By now including unsaved people in the parable because when he when he first gave him the parable about the thief here He's actually just talking to the saved He's telling the saved to be ready. Okay? Just like paul is telling the saved. Hey, don't sleep, you know be awake pay attention So he's dealing with the saved but now he's going to deal with both saved and unsaved in the next part of the parable Why in answer to the question that peter gives? so you gotta stop and pay attention to the question that peter gives in order to understand the next few verses because Peter asked the question. Hey, is this just for us or is this talking to everybody? Which would even include the unsaved. All right, look down at verse 41 or verse 42 and the lord said Who then? Is that faithful and wise steward whom his lord shall make ruler over his household to give them their portion of meat in due season Blessed is that servant whom is lord when he cometh shall find so doing of a truth. I say unto you That he will make him ruler over all that he hath ruler over all that he hath Verse 45 but and if that servant Say in his heart now some people will try to apply this to save people But no, this is talking about unsaved people and i'll explain to you why in a moment And it's in response to the question that peter asked but and if that servant say in his heart my lord delayeth his coming And shall begin to beat the men servants and maidens and to eat and drink and to be drunken The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him And at an hour when he is not aware of and he will cut him in sunder meaning cut him in half And will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers And that servant which knew his lord's will and prepared not himself Neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes But he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes for unto whomsoever much is given Of him shall much be required and to whom men have committed much of him They will ask them more now in order to understand this parable You have to get the context of the rest of christ teachings because christ gave this parable over and over again About a lord of a household who goes on a far journey and then comes back And he finds the servants Have taken over and rebelled and mutinied Okay For example, you remember the famous parable where jesus talks about how the lord of the vineyard? He goes off into a far country And while he's gone, he sends his servants To the vineyard to to receive the fruits thereof. And what did the servants? Of the vineyard do they beat them up and sent them away He he sent more servants they beat them up made fun of them and sent them away A third time right then last of all, he sent his son And he said they'll reverence my son but when they saw Him a great way off. They said this is the heir Let's kill him And let's see we'll seize on the inheritance ourselves and they killed him What's the lord of those servants going to do when he comes? He's going to miserably destroy those murderers and he's going to give The vineyard to others who will bring him the fruits in their due season and then he explains what it means He tells the jews the kingdom of god shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof So some people will mistake this parable and they'll say oh well if they're servants of the lord They must be saved but they're not servants of the lord lord. They're servants of the lord in the story Okay, the lord of the manor has servants in his vineyard That are supposed to be bringing in the fruit thereof They're supposed to be doing the work and what did they do in this story? The servant said oh my lord delays is coming. He's not coming back And what do they do they begin to beat the men servants and the maid servants? And they begin to eat and drink with the drunk. Look, this is what the jews did The jews are the servants who knew the lord's will and did it not And they'll be punished worse than the gentiles who did not know the lord's will And did it not okay because the jews we're supposed to be the servants of the lord And instead of bringing in the fruits of the vineyard serving god, what did they do? They rebelled against god And they beat The maid servants and the men servants who are those people well in other parables jesus equates those servants that they beat up to to the prophets So the prophets that he sent unto them From other countries or the prophets even from their own country that preached to them were killed They you know, jesus said which of the prophets have you not killed? Which of the prophets did you not persecute? Right, so these servants that are beating their fellow servants and eating drinking and saying he's never coming These represent the jews Okay, that rejected the lord and this could also just represent Unsafe people in general who believe that you know christ is never coming. They say where is the promise of his coming? For all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation And so those who knew the bible Are going to be held to a higher standard than those who didn't know the bible They're going to be punished worse and and see that's why the jews were punished so severely in christ's day And that's why they will be punished severely again In the end times because of the fact that they are supposed to know the bible I mean who do you think's more accountable to know about the bible and the true god a hindu or a jew? You know, I mean think about that Because I mean at least the jews have got some truth because they have The torah and they have the tanakh and they have the actual script now They have a bunch of other lies that they mix with it But they're accountable for having heard real scripture in their life and knowing who the god of the bible is And they know who jesus is and they are held Very accountable because unto them were committed the oracles of god So obviously the jews who rejected christ That's why he said it'll be more tolerable for sodom and gomorrah in the day of judgment than for you He said you're worse off being a jew at the time of christ and going to hell Than being one from sodom and gomorrah who went to hell or the men of ninova You know would rise up in the judgment and condemn them The queen of the south will condemn you he said it'll be more tolerable for sodom than for you That's I don't think sodom is going to have a uh an easy day at judgment, right? I mean you think sodom is just going to have a smooth judgment They're going to have a serious judgment. That's why he's using that as an example. He's saying guess what for the jews? It'll be worse Why would you how could anyone in their right mind join that religion? Think about what you're joining Yep, sign me up for the worst possible judgment You know sign sign me up with the christ killers You know sign me up with and you know what people people get uncomfortable with that They say how dare you say the jews killed jesus. What did it say in luke chapter 11? We just read it He that had an ear let him hear look what it says in luke 11. Let's back up and see it again It says in luke chapter 11 Verse 50 that the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation from the blood of able unto the blood of zacharias now Correct me if i'm wrong Jesus is blaming The death of able on the jews, you know people are like, oh you blame everything on the jews Right How dare you say the jews killed jesus Well, the bible says in first thessalonians chapter two that the jews both killed the lord jesus and their own prophets Peter preached them and said whom you slew and hanged on a tree Okay, but right here. Jesus is saying even able was killed by the jews you say how does that work? I thought cain killed able Why because it's the same spirit of cain that is the spirit of judaism, right? So he looked at the jews and said i'm going to require of you i'm going to blame on you I'm going to hold you accountable for the blood of all the prophets from able to zacharias from a to z Right able the first martyr in the old testament right to zacharias the last one killed In the old testament for the faith and he says it's going to be required of this generation and you know what? He wasn't talking to the gentiles Right, he's talking to the pharisees He's talking to the jews. He's talking to the people who screamed crucify him crucify him The people who said his blood be on us and on our children. Yeah So why don't you just back off? On saying how dare you say that about the well, how dare christ say it about able right? Now look if you would at luke chapter 12, I gotta hurry up to get through this But it says that The lord of that servant will come in a in a day when he looketh not for him Why because he's not looking he's not watching he's not paying attention. He doesn't even know what to look for He doesn't even know what the signs are go to luke 21. This is pretty interesting. Look at luke 21 This is the very end of luke 21 And you'll find something pretty similar here he says in verse 34 He Says and take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness Now let me just start out by saying this in this chapter luke 21 one of the things that really stands out is the difference between ye you your and they them theirs So when he's talking about the unsaved he says they them there You know and we and you know, it's funny whenever he talks about israel or the jews in luke 21 He says they them there. So it's bizarre that people say that this chapter Is toward the jews because every time he talks about the jews he says they them And then when he talks to the christians is ye you your right Your redemption draweth nigh but there's going to be all this wrath on this people The jews, okay, that's what he said read luke 21 when you get a chance but He when he says you I mean here this is one where he's talking to his disciples and he's saying to them you Okay, because because he distinguishes in this passage they them are the unsaved He says take heed to yourselves. Listen anytime your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness now Remember, that's what the unsaved are doing They eat drink and are married because tomorrow they die And he brought that up in luke chapter 12 of something to unsaved do they're they're eating drinking beating the servants But it says here Take heed to yourselves. Let's say anytime your hearts be overcharged with Surfeiting you say what's surfeiting? Surfeiting and drunkenness. Let's just say partying and drunkenness, right? That's probably a word that we would understand in our vernacular That probably gets the same point across You know just partying drunkenness cares of this life And so that day come upon you unawares watch verse 35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth So to all them out there the unsaved those that dwell on the face of the earth It's going to come upon them unawares. It's going to be a snare to them. It's like a thief in the night to them But he's saying don't you be like that? You don't want that day to come upon you unawares So he says verse 36 watch ye therefore Right watch ye therefore Watch this and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass And to stand before the son of man, so you say well pass your hand why watch What does it even mean to be ready when christ comes? Now the to the pre-tribber the only thing you have to do to be ready is just to be saved Right, I mean if you're pre-trib You only have to do one thing to be ready just be saved Because if he just shows up You're beamed out It's fine But what about if we actually have a biblical understanding? Of the fact that there's going to be the tribulation the abomination of desolation Persecution affliction a time of trouble such as the world has never seen What does it mean for us to watch why be awake? Why be ready? Does it mean hey, you better have your mres ready? Hey, you better have your water filter ready, is that what he's saying Hey, you better stockpile enough ammunition. You better you better have the bunker ready That's not what he's teaching He tells us why we need to be ready. He tells us what it means to be ready for the lord at his coming He says don't let your heart be what overcharged with Surfing and drunkenness and the cares of this life. Why not because you don't want this day to come upon you unawares. Why not? What does it matter if it comes upon you unawares? Listen to what he says for as a snare Shall it come on all them that dwell in the face of the whole earth watch ye therefore And what pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before The son of man, what does it mean to watch to be prepared to be ready? It's not talking about physically being a prepper What it's talking about Is to be paying attention and praying to the lord to protect you Praying always that you'll be counted worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the son of man Now a lot of people they they wrongfully have this idea that there's pretty much two options in the end times You're either going to go hide somewhere In a bunker and survive Or you're going to gloriously give your life as a martyr for christ, right? This is what people think like you're either going to gloriously boldly preach and be beheaded And be beheaded Or you're going to go hide somewhere and cower in a bunker, but you but you know what? There are a couple other options of what could happen to you in the end times And and this is going to really drive home why it's so important to to watch to be prepared There's another option of boldly preaching the word of god and surviving Because god can protect you But you know what it's going to take prayer Now the pre-tribbers have never even prayed this prayer ever Because they don't even believe in it So that puts us in a pretty good position to get answered because we're actually praying the right thing if we pray lord please Account us worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the son of man, you know, we're likely to be answered Since so much of christianity has failed to even pray that prayer or even understand that prayer But then there's yet a fourth option right because we think of the guy who's hiding in the bunker with the mres We think of the one who gloriously dies for christ, which is great. Amen. If that's our if hey if that's our destiny. Amen even so amen We sometimes fail to think of the fact that you don't have to compromise You could boldly preach and win souls to the bitter end and survive because god protected you I think there's gonna be a lot of that But then there's a fourth option that I bet most people have never thought of and you know what this is where a lot of Christians who aren't ready are going to end up with this terrible fourth option These are your these are your christians who are into surfeiting and drunkenness Right, and they're not paying attention. They're not awake. They're not ready. They're not praying. This is your typical They're not praying. This is your typical watered down pre-trib christian. They're going to end up in category number four sadly You're backslidden christian Or the one who's living in drunkenness or fornication When these things come to pass, you know what they're going to end up in category four And you know what that is to die in some other Dishonorable way Hello, it's the tribulation You know what people are going to be dying of in the tribulation You know what? They're going to die of starvation There's going to be great famines and you know what if you seek first the kingdom of god Then all these things will be added unto you. And by the way, that's from luke chapter 12 So don't say I didn't preach on luke 12 tonight because I did Preaching a lot of stuff from luke 12 Hey He said if you seek first the kingdom of god Food and raiment will be added unto you What if you're not seeking first the kingdom of god is god guaranteed to feed you when you're living in fornication? When you're living in drunkenness when you're out of church When you've quit serving the lord, you've quit soul winning you've quit reading your bible You don't even care about the doctrine. You don't even know what's going to happen in the end tides You skipped all the prophecy sermons you skip the book of revelation you skip daniel And you know what you think god's just guaranteed to feed you I hope I hope he does but you know what he might not But i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread Hey, if you seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness, he will provide and feed and clothe you but when you're backslidden And you and you know what the one who's not ready for these end times He could be in a position where he finds himself starving So let me ask this would you rather be beheaded in a split second and feel a split second of pain or would you and be Greeted in heaven as a glorious martyr of christ And handed a white robe and cheered on or would you rather slowly pine away of starvation because you're so backslidden god's like well I got other You know you you you had no time for me. You didn't pray to me at all your your disgrace I'm ashamed of you and you're in fornication And that's to you Okay, what about this how about dying in warfare? There's gonna be the whole world's gonna be at war You don't think that's gonna kill a lot of people and you think that no christians are gonna die in that warfare. Oh, yeah They will but you know what there's no reward for dying in that war You're not a martyr if you die in that war, you're not a martyr for starving to death What about the pestilence, you know pestilence is disease outbreaks? During the time of the tribulation disease is going to break out mass plagues Unlike the world has ever seen earthquakes. You think people are going to die in those earthquakes? Earthquakes warfare famine pestilence disease starvation Hello, and you say well, what does it matter? What does it matter if we know what's coming? Why do we even need the prophecy conference? What why do we even care? Why does it even matter? It's not even relevant. Okay, i'll tell you why Because when you see those things come to pass you better be dropping on your knees and purifying yourself and saying, you know Man, I got 75 days left It's time for my living girlfriend to move out Right You know or even before that even years before that when you start seeing the one world government coming together When they start saying hey We're going to rebuild the temple in jerusalem When you start seeing the signs of the false prophet or the anti-christ look the more awake you are The more you're going to see and you know, that's an extreme example of somebody who's living in fornication But you know what? Everybody has little sins in their life and little things. I guarantee you're going to tighten that up In those last few months Right, you're going to tighten that thing up You are going to be on time and you're going to be at soul winning and you're going to be Doing you know, whatever those things are in your life, you know, you're going to be like, okay now it's time to quit smoking Right Think about it Now the pre-trippers have such a warped view they say well Yeah But our view is even better because you feel that way all the time Except guess what if you feel that way all the time, then you never feel that way Nobody's on edge all the time Are they You think you're just 365 days he's coming back today. I better get my I better get my act together It's going right today. No, no, no, no, they're not to be always to be always Awake and ready and light burning is to be never why because you can't stay up every night every day every week every month It's today, you know Nobody can live like that Right The point is we don't know when it's going to happen. So here's what we do. We serve god We work hard we do our best, but we're always paying attention And we know what to look for And we're ready so that when we see these things come to pass. Hey, we realize you know what he's coming It's time to light up that lamp. It's time to get ready to roll. It's time to stay up all night It's time to make sure that we're ready To face what's coming, you know, it you said what are you guys gonna do go build a bunker or something? I don't know. I'm never building a bunker somewhere. You know what i'm why would I? If I got 75 days left to serve the lord if I got three and a half years left to serve the lord I want to use every day. Why it's the last chance. Yeah It's the last why would you go hide when it's the last chance? Okay, what if what about this? What if I could go hide out in the woods and survive? Or what if I could just even win one person in the lord And you say yeah, but what if you're killed Okay, so how painful is it going to be for me to be guillotined if that's if the worst happens, right? You might not even feel it You might not even you'll probably it'll probably just be such a shock to your brain the lights will probably just go out But you know what, let's say it hurts really bad for 10 seconds Worst case scenario, okay Worst case scenario like that old story in the 1001 arabian nights where the guy gets his head chopped out And he could talk for 10 more seconds before he's gone Nobody else has read that except me. Okay, that's all right Worst case it oh it hurts bad for 10 seconds. You know what I will go through I will go through 10 seconds of excruciating pain If I can save somebody an eternity of hellfire, right? What kind of a person would say no don't put me through 10 seconds of pain maybe? Let that person go burn in hell for eternity that makes no sense And you know what? I'm not going to win one person lord during that time You're not going to win one person lord during that time. We're going to win five people lord We're going to win 10 people lord We're going to win 15 people lord during that we're going to win 25 people lord during that time We're going to be out there working hard and doing great exploits for the lord. Yeah We're not going to be hiding But the pre-trippers have this straw man. Oh, you're just into guns and prepping and and storeable food or whatever. Not me, brother I'm going to be out there screaming my head off Preaching the word of god until the bitter end Until the bitter end and i'm gonna i'm gonna do my best At the end it's like you run a long race. See the christian life is like a marathon. It's not a sprint, right? See the pre-trippers are telling us just sprint the whole time because you never know when the finish line's coming Right like oh this might be the finish line this might be the finish line Pretty soon, you know what you're gonna do like I don't think this finish line's coming So then they're just chill all the time, but then they claim like yeah. Yeah, we're ready all the time Yeah, I can tell by your life I can tell by all the pre-trib churches in our town that are just ripping it up on soul winning I mean, they're just going nuts because they know they only have a little time left But see the true story is that the christian life is like a marathon right where you're cruising along at a steady pace That you know, you can maintain Right, you don't want to just burn the whole tank at the beginning So you're cruising along at a steady pace you can maintain But as you get toward the end of the race You realize you know what there's only a little time left. I know i'm gonna finish I didn't start too fast. I didn't burn it all off too early I know I have a little time left. And so now I got nothing to lose There's the finish line and you sprint to the finish You sprint to the finish But but but they're running it with their eyes closed they don't even know when the finish is But what's jesus say open your eyes be ready so that when you see the finish line, right You can sprint to the finish When you see the finish line, you'll know and by the way, you're you're actually going to be able to pray The whole time That you make it because you even know what race you're even running It's not like we don't know. Is this a 5k? Is this a 10k? This is a half marathon We don't know what we're running if we're pre-trib But with with the bible doctrine here he's saying look You watch and when you see it getting close You ramp it up You ramp it up so that's what it means to be ready It means to be prayed up And to be living a godly life why so that god will protect you so that you can have a glorious finish So that you can either survive to the end And be one of those that are alive and remain which would be awesome, right? I don't want to die. I'd rather just live through the whole thing and just make it the end, right? Or you could die a glorious death for christ Or you can just be a backslidden christian Who a rocket lands on their head Right I'm serious, or you could just be some backslidden lame christian. Oh, I don't know what's going on I thought it was gonna be pre-trib, you know, and the next thing you know, you're picking up some disease And you've wrought away of some disease They're more than just the two options that people are thinking about folks Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you lord for this great chapter lord in luke chapter 12 Help us lord to be ready And and not just ready in the sense that we're saved I think the vast majority of people here tonight already have that taken care of We already know that we're saved and going up in the rapture lord, but help us To be ready so that you're not ashamed before us at your coming lord You said you'd be ashamed of many of your people at your coming Lord help us not to be those people that you're ashamed of where they They end up dying a stupid death lord either either let us survive Or or die a glorious death lord, but help us to serve you And earn rewards and please you and that you will uh Gird yourself and serve us lord and and and welcome us home as opposed to us uh being a shameful Black sheep of the family and in jesus name we pray