(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, Job chapter 40, beginning in verse number 1, the Bible reads, Moreover the Lord answered Job and said, Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? He that reproveth God, let him answer it. Then Job answered the Lord and said, Behold, I am vile, what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth. Once have I spoken, but I will not answer, yea, twice, but I will proceed no further. Now in this passage we see Job's great humility before Almighty God. Let's not lose perspective of the fact, however, that Job chapters 1 and 2 made it very clear to us that Job was the most righteous man living on the earth at that time. Don't ever forget that. Very clearly the Bible tells us that he was a perfect and an upright man that feared God and eschewed evil. And when God spoke to Satan about it, he said, As thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in all the earth that feareth God and eschewed evil. So he was the greatest man living on the earth at that time. But the greatest man on the earth is still so much lower than God. And that's what God's teaching us here. It's not that God is ripping on Job for being a bad guy or accusing Job of having done all these things. Of course, if you read all the words of Job in the book of Job, you won't find Job basically reproving God or claiming to be like God or claiming to know all the things that God asked him about over the past few chapters or claiming to have all the power of God. You know, Job even showed humility throughout the book of Job. He never said that his own hand could save him. He very clearly talked about Jesus as being his redeemer. Of course, he didn't call him by the name of Jesus because that name was not revealed in the Old Testament. But he talked about his redeemer coming in the last days and resurrecting him from the earth. He talked about God being his savior and so forth. So what we can learn from this is that even the greatest man on the planet is still nothing compared to God's holiness, his power, his greatness. It reminds me of what Jesus said when he said, among them that are born of women, there is not risen a greater than John the Baptist, notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. And so if the greatest man living on the earth at that time was this humble before God to say, man, you know, I can't answer you, I'm vile, I'm going to lay my hand upon my mouth, how much more should we be humble? Because we're not even close to Job's level of greatness or righteousness. How much more should we humble ourselves before the Lord? And the Bible says, humble yourselves therefore in the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time. Humble yourselves in the sight that he shall lift you up. The Bible says that we should be meek and humble before God, and that's what we see Job doing here in chapter 40. Now when it comes to what God is asking him about, over chapters 38 and 39 he was asking him just if he was able to perform all kinds of acts of greatness that only God could perform. Asked him if he knew all kinds of knowledge that only God could know. But he has a different line of questioning now in chapter 40. Early chapter 40, there are two sections to what God speaks to Job about. First of all he talks to Job about salvation, and then in the second half of chapter 40 he talks about a great beast that he has created called Behemoth. And then the entire chapter 41 is going to be about another great beast known as Leviathan. But let's start reading in verse number 6, it says, then answered the Lord unto Job out of the whirlwind and said, Gird up thy loins now like a man I will demand of thee and declare thou unto me. Now let me just point out also the statement gird up now, he said gird up thy loins now like a man. Now what does that mean to gird up your loins like a man? This would be similar to when we would say, you know, to roll up your sleeves. It basically it's an action that denotes that you're about to perform some kind of a task or do some kind of a work. You know, and before you get to work, you know, you might unbutton your cuffs, roll up your sleeves just to not be encumbered by a long-sleeve garment. You know, this might be a taking off your coat, you know, before going to work and doing something. This is talking about the fact that in those days they will wear long and flowing robes. You know, they would wear coats. And keep in mind, the Bible uses these words often interchangeably. Robe, coat, mantle, garment, you know, whatever it calls it and it's something that goes over your clothing. Now a lot of people have this bizarre doctrine that men didn't wear pants back then but that rather they just wore just a coat. And you say where do they get this idea? From every single piece of Sunday school literature that's ever been produced on the planet? I mean when was the last time you saw Sunday school literature with a guy in pants? You never see it. And this has led people to the bizarre stupidity that pants weren't even invented. I've even had people say, you know, pants weren't invented back then. So basically the people who built the pyramids, the people who built the aqueducts, you know, the people who built these great walled cities and the people who came up with all these steel weapons and stuff, they just, pants never occurred to them. You know, and here's how pants, by the way, I know how pants weren't invented. This is how pants were invented. One day a guy accidentally grabbed his shirt and he started putting it on, he accidentally put his legs through the arm holes of his shirt. And then he realized, wait a minute, I might, you know, I might be onto something. Because some of the greatest inventions have been, you know, if I could just get rid of this hole in the middle, you know, maybe change this. But you know, that's how some of the greatest inventions have come about, through accidents like that. How bizarre of a teaching, hey, pants didn't exist back then. But then I noticed somebody sent me a news article recently, they dug up some fossilized thing of somebody wearing pants like, you know, 5,000 years ago. What a shock. Amazing. This, I mean, this is a game changer, folks. They had pants back then. But honestly, someone believing that pants weren't around back then, that's just ignorance. I mean, even just reading any secular history book, you know, for example, a famous example is the Battle of Thermopylae, where you have the Greeks facing the Persians, and the Persians made a mockery of the Greeks because the Greeks wore so little clothing. And they considered the Greeks to be effeminate, because they were long haired and they would comb their hair and make themselves real pretty, and they're pretty much in their underwear. Whereas the Persians wore pants down to the ankles. And this we're talking about hundreds of years before Christ. And even a secular history book will talk about the difference in clothing between the two sides and, you know, I mean, you just have to be pretty foolish to think that pants weren't around back then. And let me tell you something. The working man has always worn pants because of the fact that, you know, it's not practical to go to work in a toga. You know, that works great for some kind of a beer drinking college party to put on a toga or some stupidity like that, but, you know, people who actually have to work for a living need garments that are a little more practical than that. So this idea of just, oh, they just wore togas because they have pictures of some just really royal Caesars and everything, because guess what, there aren't a lot of pictures from back then. So we don't know what they wore except for what we read in the Bible, if we really want to trust something. But they'll have a picture of some Roman Caesar in a toga with an olive leaf wreath. That's not how the common man dressed, you know. Now look, I'm not saying that everybody always wore pants that go down to the ankles. The Bible talks a lot about pants that just go to the knee. We would call those shorts, but the Bible calls them britches or pants, you know, pants that could go down to the knee, pants that might go mid-calf, pants that might go down to the ankles. But the point is, men have worn pants throughout history, and the Bible five times talks about men wearing britches, which are pants, that's just another word for pants. People talk about being too big for their britches, I mean, that's a word that we still would even use today. But people still say, no, no, no, Pastor Anderson, they didn't wear pants. You know, I said, Jesus wore pants, they say, no, no, no, you're crazy, you're a radical, you know, for teaching that. They want us to believe that these guys just went around in like a trench coat with nothing else. I mean, that's just ridiculous, it's bizarre. You wouldn't be able to work effectively, and here's what's funny. The reason why people want to do that is because they don't like the teaching that men and women should dress differently, that men should wear pants and that women should wear skirts and dresses. So they just have to say, oh, everybody was in a dress back then. Everybody was in a dress, Jesus was in a dress, you know, they're all in a dress. But you know, in reality, the Bible says, a woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all that do so are an abomination to the Lord thy God. And you say, well, you know, that was back then, that was in the Old Testament, we're free in Christ. Well, you know, when Jesus died on the cross, there were a lot of things that changed about the law. Cross dressing wasn't one of them. You know, Jesus didn't die on the cross to liberate women from feminine clothing. He didn't die on the cross so that men could wear dresses. I mean, what kind of a bizarre doctrine? You know, yeah, he fulfilled the Sabbath, he fulfilled the dietary laws, he fulfilled the Levitical priesthood in the temple. He didn't die for people to be able to all dress the same now. You know, oh, thank God we're living in the New Testament where my wife and I can just both throw on a pair of coveralls and just be dressed exactly the same as one another. No, the Bible's real clear. There's a principle of saying, hey, you know, men have short hair, you know, women have long hair, men wear pants, you know, women don't. And you say, well, where does the Bible say that women don't wear pants? Well, here's what the Bible says. The Bible says that a woman should not wear that which pertaineth to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that doest our abomination to the Lord thy God. Let me ask you this. Isn't that saying that there's some garment that's a man's garment that a woman shouldn't put on? Let's not argue yet about what that is. There's some kind of clothing that pertains to men that women should not put on according to that, right? And then there's some kind of a woman's garment that men shouldn't be putting on. Now, if I came to church in a dress, would you say I'm in violation of that standard? Would anyone doubt that I'm in violation of that standard? You say, well, you're putting on a woman's garment. Now what if I said, well, it's a really manly dress? Maybe it's mowed out, you know, or, you know, maybe it's denim, you know, or whatever. Okay. You'd still say you're in violation. You're wearing a woman's garment. You're wearing a dress. Okay, but here's what's funny then. But then if you say, well, pants are a man's garment, it's like, whoa, no, no, no, that's not true. Pants go both ways. Pants go both ways. But here's the thing. Okay, let's, I'll give that to you. Pants go both ways. Then what's a man's garment that women can't put on? See, you have to use the process of elimination. If there's something that God says women shouldn't be putting on, because according to the, if you say, well, it's okay for women to wear pants, then here's what you're saying. Women can wear everything. They can wear pants, they can wear skirts, they can wear dresses. Women can wear everything. Nothing's off limits for women. But for men, it's only pants that are allowed. Pants only. No skirts, no dresses. Say well, it's based on culture. It's based on society. Well, our society's getting pretty weird, so if you want to base it on that, you know, you're in for a wild ride, because, you know, our society has some pretty weird standards that are constantly changing. Now there, like I said, there are five times that pants are mentioned. It's always associated with men wearing pants. You know, you don't see a mention of women wearing pants. And the thing is, to me, if you just look at the universal sign for a man and a woman, just look at the bathroom door. And it's clear, you know, one of them's pants, one of them's a skirt. So that's where this derives from, this idea that, you know, men wear pants and that women wear skirts and dresses. And in the United States, everybody agrees. My dad, listen to this, my dad was a teenager in the 1960s in Los Angeles, California. Now does that sound like a Christian stronghold of the Bible Belt? Late 60s, Los Angeles, California, and women were not allowed to wear. You couldn't wear to the public school. Girls could not wear pants to the public school. So I mean, it was completely just accepted in our society that that's just the way things are. Men dress like men, women dress like women. You say, well, time's changed. But you know what, if anything, in 2014, we need more distinction between the genders, not less. Why would we sit there and get all unisexed out in our attire with all the weird stuff that's going on? If anything, we need more distinction between men and women, not less. And when you think about it that way, you can see that obviously there's something that God doesn't want women to wear that pertains to a man. And there's something that God doesn't want men to wear that pertains to a woman. And shirts, it's not a shirt. It's not a sweater. It's not a jacket. I mean, those things all are just basic pieces of clothing. The difference between a man's clothing and a woman's clothing is pants versus a skirt. It's pretty obvious. But people who don't like that are going to resist that, even though it's just kind of common sense in my opinion. But here's what people will often say, and this is what I think is so funny. They'll say, well, wait a minute, Pastor Anderson, women can't always wear skirts and dresses because it's not practical, they'll say. You know, there's so much that they couldn't do unless they wore pants. I mean, it's just not practical. And then these same people will turn around, oh, everybody wore a skirt and dress in the Bible. So on one hand they're like, well, how's a woman going to go horseback riding in a skirt? But then it's like, oh, every person in the Bible, all those millions of people who rode horses in the Bible, they were all on skirts. It's like, well, which one is it? You know, like either it's possible to do stuff in a skirt or it's not. If it's impossible to ride into battle in a skirt, then why are you telling me that all the people in the Bible did it? You know, and if it's possible to do all that, then why are you complaining about wearing a skirt or dress if you can do everything? I mean, everything that happened in the Bible, if you're claiming that everybody was wearing a dress, well, they could do all the same things. You know, and honestly, you can do everything that you need to do in a skirt or dress if you want to. You know, my wife only wears skirts and dresses. My daughters only wear skirts and dresses. And honestly, they've gone to, you know, they've gone horseback riding, for example. You know, yeah, you can't wear a tight skirt, you know, horseback riding, but if you have a long, flowing, full skirt, you can actually ride that horseback riding, you can go on a roller coaster, you can do whatever. You know, my family, even when we go swimming somewhere, my wife and daughters, they all wear swim dresses. You're not going to believe this, but they don't show their naked rear end to the whole world when they go swimming. Isn't that radical? We're like the Taliban over here. We're like radical Islam. I mean, they actually don't show their naked rear end publicly. They actually wear clothing that covers their body. What a concept. You know, and guess what? They actually look pretty cool. They don't look like, you know, oh man, it's embarrassing. Actually every time my wife and daughters go anywhere publicly and go swimming somewhere in their swim dresses, they get compliments on them every single time because they look very good. They look nice, but they're modest. They're not revealing of their bodies. So again, the reason I'm bringing all this up, you say, what in the world does this have to do with Job 40? I want to hear about Behemoth. Well, hold on. You know, we'll get to Behemoth, okay? But first of all, let's talk about the elephant in the room. You know? No, I'm just kidding. But anyway. He says, gird up thy loins like a man. Why would he say gird up thy loins like a man? Because here's the thing. If you're a woman and you're wearing a skirt or dress and you were to gird up your loins, what does it mean to gird up your loins? The girdle or the girding would be some kind of a belt or a sash, you know, something around the waist. So if you were to gird up your loins, what you're basically doing is taking some fabric from down here and sticking it in your belt or in your girdle. Well, here's the thing. If you're a woman, you're not going to do that because there's nothing underneath. Because you're wearing a dress or a skirt, you're not going to be able to gird up your loins like a man. Whereas if you're a man, you have a pair of pants or britches or what we would consider long shorts on. I mean, when you go out to work, let's say you're going to go running, you know, you don't want your robe or your coat to be flapping everywhere. So you're going to basically gird that up. You know what I'm saying? And you'd basically grab the tails of your robe or your coat or your garment and you'd shove them into your belt. Basically that's what they would do to get it out of the way. So they would gird up their loins in preparation for doing something. See, the Bible is clear. You know, Jesus had a coat because if you remember Jesus' coat, they wanted it after he died because it was kind of an expensive coat because it was all made of one piece of fabric. It didn't have any seam. So that coat was something that Jesus wore, but here's where the Sunday school literature gets it wrong. That's not all he wore. You know, I wear a coat too. And when I lived in Chicago, I would wear a big long flowing coat that went down close to my ankles. Big woolen overcoat because it was cold. But I never went out of the house. I didn't even go to Walmart at 2 a.m. with just that wool coat on because you know what? As a man, you wear pants. Why? Because you say, well, what's the difference? Well, because you know with women, they wear skirts and dresses and everything, but they're not doing the same type of things that men are doing. And so therefore, it's easier for them to be modest and everything like that. That's why it doesn't just say gird up your loins, but it says gird up your loins like a man. Okay. And you say, well, I disagree with you, Pastor Anderson. You know what? That's fine if you disagree with me, but you're wrong. And the bathroom door proves you wrong. American history proves you wrong. You know, and honestly, if you walk away from this sermon saying that I'm wrong, that's fine. But I just want to tell you one thing. If you walk away from this sermon saying, you know what, I still think it's okay for women to wear pants, then here's what you're going to have to work out for yourself in your own mind. What is the men's apparel that God's telling women not to wear? You know, and if you decide that it's something different than pants, then that's fine. That's between you and God. But you know what? I think you're going to have a hard time thinking of anything that's off limits for women. Well, you know, you've got to wear women's pants, they say. Well, you know, what's the difference between women's pants and men's pants? It's a little more tighter and form fitting. That's not modest anyway, you know. So again, by the way, most churches, you won't hear this anymore because it's unpopular. But honestly, you know, my goal is not to be popular. My goal is to tell you the truth, you know. And then don't get mad at me and don't kill the messenger. This used to be even believed by the public school system. Even in the United States, less than 100 years ago, it was illegal for a woman to go in public in pants. Did you know that? There were women arrested in the early part of the century for cross-dressing because they were wearing pants. They were arrested and booked under cross-dressing because of the fact that our society has always recognized pants as men's clothing and skirts and dresses as clothing for ladies. And so I'm not going to change on that, you know. And even if I'm all by myself in the wilderness, even if a lot of the pastors that I know now, you know, their whole family, their wives and children are all, you know, poured into a tight pair of pants, you know what, I'm not going to change because I don't believe in it. I don't think it's right. I think that there should be a difference. By the way, I just like the way my wife looks in a skirt better than she looks in a pair of pants. Why would you not want your wife to be feminine? You know, why would you want your wife to, you know, I mean, I'd rather have a feminine wife. It's more attractive, you know, and by the way, manly men are more attractive too than queer little sissies, right? Okay. So anyway, you know, that was just kind of a little commercial break there on the part about girding up your loins like a man. But look at verse 8, it says, Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? Wilt thou condemn me that thou mayest be righteous? Hast thou an arm like God? Now verses 9 through 14 all go together in one unit. He starts out with the phrase, hast thou an arm like God? And then you realize by verse 14 that he's talking about salvation. Now God's arm is often in the Bible associated with his power to save. Why? Because the arm is often associated with strength. You know, when someone wants to show you that they're strong, you know, people will flex their muscle. You know, the arm is something that's often associated with strength. The legs are associated with strength in the Bible. And God often refers to his saving power by the strength of his arm and how his arm brings salvation. So that's why he says there, hast thou an arm like God? He's saying, do you have the power that God has? But let's keep reading. It says, Or canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Deck thyself now with majesty and excellency, and array thyself with glory and beauty. Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath, and behold everyone that is proud and abase him. Look on everyone that is proud and bring him low, and tread down the wicked in their place. Hide them in the dust together and bind their faces in secret. Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee. Now I love this passage. This has always been one of my favorite little passages where God speaks about how ridiculous it is to think that you can be saved outside of the Lord Jesus, outside of calling upon the name of the Lord. Because he says this is the checklist that you would have to perform if you want God to consider you worthy of salvation on your own. I mean for you to be able to save yourself, he said you'd have to be able to do all this. Isn't that what he said? Because he said if you do this, this, this, and this, verse 14, then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee. Look none of us can be saved outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. And people think there are exceptions to this. You know they think that somebody who is just a really good person, a really godly person, a person who is really righteous somehow gets a pass into heaven through their own works. And the Bible makes it clear that there is none righteous, no not one. The Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. So we're saved by grace and grace means it's something that we do not deserve. You know people will often say you know, oh you know you're saying that a woman who wears pants is a sinner. Well but guess what, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So why would you have such a hard time just admitting hey that's wrong? You know and then people will say oh you said that if women wear pants they're going to go to hell. No here's the thing, anybody's going to go to hell that doesn't believe in Jesus. And anybody who believes in Jesus, their sins are going to be forgiven, whatever the sins may be, whatever the greatness or smallness of their sins. But the Bible says here that our own right hand can't save us. And our right hand will represent our strength, our ability, the works that we do. The Bible tells us that it's not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. It's the power of God that saves us, not our own power, not our own strength. Now if you would flip over to Isaiah 53. While you're turning there let me just read you that list again of if you say well I don't think I need Jesus to be saved because I'm a pretty good person, I think I can get there on my own. Well here's the checklist again that you have to be able to perform in order to be considered able to save yourself. You have to be able to thunder with a voice like God. You have to be able to deck yourself with majesty and excellency. You say well I dress pretty well I think I can handle that. You know array thyself with glory and beauty, check, I got that. Okay cast abroad the rage of thy wrath and behold everyone that is proud and abase him. Are you able to humble and humiliate every proud person on this planet and bring them to their knees? I mean think about that. Are there a lot of proud people in this world, a lot of arrogant people? Are you able to bring them all to their knees? But you know what Jesus is because the Bible says that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. He's going to bring everybody down low. He's going to humble everybody. Everybody who's proud is going to be abased but only by Jesus, not by you. Saving yourself is of a similar magnitude or it would take similar strength to be able to do the one, to be able to do the other. And so it says here you'd have to look on everyone that is proud and bring them low and tread down the wicked in their place. These are all things that the Lord Jesus will do in the end times. Hide them in the dust together and bind their faces in secret. Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee. Now Isaiah is a powerful passage, Isaiah 53. It's one of these really classic messianic passages that's prophesying the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the first verse is what I want to point out. It says in verse 1, who had believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Now you stay there. I'm just going to read for you from John 12 where it says in verse 37, but though they had done, he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him, saying they didn't believe on Jesus, that the saying of Isaiah as the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake, Lord who had believed our report and to whom at the arm of the Lord been revealed. This passage is also quoted in Romans chapter 10 in the famous passage that talks about that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved and faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the word of God. All the great things in that passage, they point to this and they quote Isaiah 53. This is one that has to do with the fact that believing on Jesus Christ, believing the report, or believing the record that God gave of his son has to do with an acknowledgement of the power of God to save you. Jesus has the power to save you. It's not through your own power. It's not through your strength. You have to rely on him to save you. Now back up to chapter 52 verse 10. The Bible says in chapter 52 verse 10, the Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. So he's saying, I'm going to expose my saving power to the whole world. I'm going to expose salvation to all nations. And then in 53 one, he says, who hath believed our report and to whom at the arm of the Lord been revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground. He hath no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him, there's no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him. He was despised and we esteemed him not. Surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Notice how it's all in the past tense. Even though this is written 700 some years before the Lord Jesus Christ because God knows the end from the beginning and God speaks of the things which be not as though they were. We can talk about future prophetic events in the past tense. He says in verse 7 he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth. He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he openeth not his mouth. Jump down to verse 10. Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him. He hath put him to grief. Watch this. When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. This is not the Messiah that the Jews are looking for. They're not looking for somebody to come and be an offering for their sin. They're looking for a guy who's going to basically take over the whole world and put them in charge so that they can rule over the world and that they can receive all the gold and silver of all the Gentiles and they can rule and reign from their precious land over in Palestine. This is not what they're looking for but this is a great prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ and it has to do with the salvation that only Jesus Christ can bring. God's holy arm of salvation, God's great power and might to save was demonstrated through the ministry, the death, burial and most importantly the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's where it was revealed unto all nations. This is actually a theme in the book of Isaiah also. Go back to chapter 51. We can show you a lot of places in Isaiah just because it's something that God speaks of over and over again, his arm, his saving power and so forth but just to back up a couple of pages it says in chapter 51 verse 5, my righteousness is near. My salvation is gone forth and mine arms shall judge the people. The isles shall wait upon me and watch this and on mine arm shall they trust. So when the Bible talks about trusting on the arm of the Lord, we know in chapter 53 that's revealed as Jesus that they're trusting in to be saved because God's power to save is through the Lord Jesus. Now flip over if you would to chapter 59. While you're turning to chapter 59 I'll read for you from Isaiah 63, 5 and I looked and there was none to help and I wondered that there was none to uphold. Therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me and my fury it upheld me. Now here's the thing, there's nobody else that could save you. That's why Isaiah also says in chapter 53, he says I'm the Lord, I even I am the Lord in verse 11 and beside me there is no savior. You see that? Without Jesus there's no savior. There's only one and that's why the Bible says neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. But let me explain something to you about salvation. A lot of times when the Bible talks about salvation it's talking about going to heaven. You know it's talking about escaping hell and that's the salvation that we most often think of right? Having eternal life, going to heaven, escaping the fires of hell. That's the most important salvation that there is because what does a man profit if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? And so the most important salvation is the salvation of our soul. But God often also provides physical salvation meaning that we could be in a bad situation and the Lord could step in and save us, you know, physically. That's what the Bible talks about in Matthew 24 when it says except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened because there are times when we're in a jam we just need physical salvation. For example when Peter was sinking in the Sea of Galilee he said the Lord saved me. He wasn't trying to get to heaven, he was already spiritually saved but he was calling out to the Lord to physically pull him out of the water because he was going to drown. So we've got to be careful when we read the Bible that sometimes that's the salvation being referred to. Look at Isaiah 59, 16, it says in verse 16 there, and he saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor and by the way we know that the intercessor is Jesus because the Bible says there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus and an intercessor and a mediator are pretty much a go-between, two different words for the same thing. So the Bible is saying there is no intercessor outside of the Lord, outside of Jesus. Therefore his arm brought salvation unto him and his righteousness it sustained him. Look at verse 17, this should be familiar to you, for he put on righteousness as a breastplate and a helmet of salvation, does that sound familiar? Of the armor of the Lord in Ephesians 6? It says upon his head and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal as a cloak according to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompense to his enemies, to the islands he will repay recompense, so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun. And the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him and the redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord. Now let's stop and think about this for a moment, the Bible talks about the Lord's glory being known and his glory being seen when salvation comes. Now when it says in verse 20 the redeemer, do you see that at the beginning of verse 20? Who are we talking about? I mean who is our redeemer? There's only one, there's only one redeemer, there's only one savior that we have and that redeemer is the Lord Jesus and it says and the redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord. But back up and look at verse 19 it says so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. So what do we see here? Enemies coming in like a flood. What's Zion? Jerusalem. Right? Enemies coming in like a flood and then the Lord lifts up a standard against them. The redeemer comes and defends them right? But look it says unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord. Is that saying that God's just going to defend everybody and Jacob? That everybody and Jacob is just defended? No it's those that turn from transgression. See here's the thing, when it comes to personal salvation it's just based on faith in Jesus but when it comes to the salvation of a nation physically, you know, you got to turn away from sin for that nation to be spared. For example in Jonah's day they had to turn from their evil way the Bible says, it says God saw their works that they turned from evil ways. So you're thinking we're not saved by works. When it comes to our soul, heaven and hell is based on faith in Jesus. But here's the thing though, if we go out and live a sinful life, God punishes us on this earth. So here's the thing, if we're living a really sinful and ungodly life, you know, God could allow bad things to happen to us and not necessarily defend us. But the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him. Now go over to Psalm chapter number 44 because we see almost the same thing, the same idea of the Lord's arm and the salvation that it brings. The Lord's arm brings spiritual salvation through faith in Jesus but the Lord's arm also brings physical salvation when we need help. You know, whenever we just call out to him to get us out of a bad situation or to protect us. You know, as David said, yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me. A lot of people in the Bible would call out to God when they were in a jam. You know, you think of battles where the Israelites were losing and then they'd call out to the Lord and he'd step in and save them in a physical way. But which Psalm did I have you turn to? Let me get there myself. Psalm 44, look at verse 1, it says, we've heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us what work thou didst in their days in the times of old. How thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand and plant it's them. How thou didst afflict the people and cast them out. Verse 3, for they got not the land and possession by their own sword. Watch this, neither did their own arm save them. So here we're talking about salvation from physical enemies. We're talking about how when the children of Israel possessed the promised land it wasn't through their own arm, it was through the Lord's power that they got that land. It says, but thy right hand and thine arm and the light of thy countenance because thou hadst a favor unto them. Thou art my king, O God, command deliverances for Jacob. Jacob is another name for Israel. Through thee will we push down our enemies. Through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against thee. For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me. But thou has saved us from our enemies and has put them to shame that hated us. In God we boast all the day long and praise thy name forever. So look, we should rely on the Lord for our salvation. I'd say 90 some percent of the people here have already done that. Hopefully 100 percent. The vast majority of the people here are already saved. They've already believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, but we should also rely on him for physical protection. Safety is of the Lord. We should also rely on him to guard our home, to guard our families, you know, just to guard our nation. But wait a minute, the problem is our nation is turned away from God. Therefore I don't know if our nation can really rely on God to protect. So then on an individual level we just need God to protect us, protect our family, protect our church. We need to pray to that effect. Because honestly, rather than having the best security system in the world, the best weapons, the best watchdog, you'd be safer if you just knew the Lord's protecting you. But when the Lord's not protecting you, anything can break through if he wants it to. Oh man, the US has the most powerful military, but God can bring it down. You know, it'd be better if we just had the Lord on our side, if we just had Jesus in our corner, if we just had the Redeemer to come. Now a lot of people will love to quote these kind of passages that talk a lot about Israel and Jacob being defended from armies and people gathered against it. And they like to apply that to the modern day nation of Israel. Here's the problem with that. They don't have the Redeemer. They don't have Jesus. And the Bible says, whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. But he that acknowledgeeth the Son hath the Father also. You say, well they still have God the Father. Wrong. You either have both or you have nothing. He that receiveth you receiveth me, Jesus said, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. And if you reject him, he said, you reject my Father. He that hateth me, hateth my Father also, Jesus said. And let me tell you something. Those people over in Israel today, all those Polish people living over there, they hate the Lord Jesus. They are not saved. Therefore, they don't have the Redeemer in their corner. Now I'm going to prove that to you from this passage because it'd be easy to just stop at verse 8 and say, oh yeah, God's protecting Israel right now, you know, from Hamas. And it's funny because somebody just emailed me, actually, brother Chris Segura just emailed me this today. You've got to hear this. Just listen to this. And then we're going to see what the Bible says right here in the passage that you're looking at. Somebody sent me this today from Chick Publications. This is just hot off their presses, 4 o'clock today. God still fights for Israel. Okay, just listen to this. It is said that other nations do not use Israeli wars and military training materials because the outcomes of Israel's battles make no logical sense. An older video made the rounds a few years ago called Against All Odds, describing multiple acts of God. I thought that was Chuck Norris' life story biography, but whatever, different against all odds. Describing multiple acts of God during Israel's many fights for existence. A sudden sandstorm uncovered a minefield. Enemy soldiers fled after seeing apparitions of a giant warrior. And then it shows a picture of a bunch of anti-Christ Jews with their satanic prayer book of vain repetitions that blasphemes Jesus. And they're at the wailing wall praying unto Moloch or Remphan or whoever they pray to. No, no, they pray to the Lord. No, they don't have the Father because they don't have the Son. But anyway, so they're sitting there in this picture, listen to this. And the pattern seems to be continuing. Israel has developed an anti-rocket system called Iron Dome. Well they're going to need it because they don't have Jesus. They better have an Iron Dome. But he says, you know, that's been defending major cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. A commander in charge of one of the Iron Dome batteries watched a Hamas missile on target to land in central Tel Aviv. Two of his interceptor rockets missed it. As he watched, the Iron Dome, which calculates wind speed, picked up a strong east wind that diverted the missile into the sea. Just trying to keep the kids engaged in the service. The commander said that all he could do was stand up and shout, there is a God. No, there's not a God. There's Jesus. Not just a God, he has a name, Jesus. But anyway, no, there's a God. Well thou believeth that there's one God, thou doest well. So does the devil. You've got to believe I'm the Lord Jesus Christ. But anyway, he said there's a God. When one Hamas terrorist was asked why their rockets were aimed so poorly, he was quoted in the Jewish Telegraph complaining, we do aim them, but their God changes their path in mid-air. Listen, you know why he said that? Because he was probably an agent of Mossad. You know what I mean? That's why my wife said that. Oh, their God is diverting our missiles. Yeah, that's pretty convenient. But anyway, one Israeli senior officer reported, this is from Chick Publications, one Israeli senior officer reported that a planned pre-dawn raid on Gaza was delayed until sunrise, exposing his men to the enemy. However, a heavy fog suddenly appeared, shrouding their movements while they finished the mission. It really was a fulfillment of the verse in the Bible, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to give you victory, he said, quoting Deuteronomy 20 verse 4. From Abraham to today, a parade of stories illustrate that Jehovah has not abandoned his people. God promised the Jews that when they strayed into idolatry, they would lose the land and be scattered throughout the earth. That is a lie. That is not what the Bible said. He said that when they rejected the Son of God, they'd be scattered. Did you hear that lie? Oh, God said, look, get out of the Old Testament and get in the New Testament. You know, God said that he would scatter them because of idolatry. He already did that in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, long before Jesus. The real reason, go to, well, stay there, stay in Psalm. But anyway, if you want to read it later, in Matthew 21, he says, look, he sent all the prophets, lastly he sent his son. They rejected the son, and you know what he said? Burn down their city. Break down their town. Look, Jesus said your house is left unto you desolate. He said not one stone of this temple is going to be left upon another. Why? Because they rejected the Son of God. See this lying article says that the Bible predicted them being scattered because of idolatry. News flash, in the first century, in the time of Christ, the Jews didn't worship idols. Show me in the Bible where the Jews were worshiping idols in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Now why did they go to Babylon 600 years earlier, you know, idols? But wait a minute, they were worshiping idols in Jesus' day. They were scattered, this lying article doesn't want to acknowledge, they were really scattered because they rejected Jesus. That's what he said would happen in chapters 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24. He gives parable after parable, making it real clear why they're scattered, rejecting Jesus. Okay. Then he says this, you know, oh God promised the Jews that when they strayed into idolatry they would lose the land and be scattered throughout the earth. For nearly 2,000 years they've suffered almost universal hatred in dozens of countries. But he promised that afterward to gather them back from the ends of the earth. In our generation we've watched that happen. So according to him, they're scattered because of idolatry and then he brought them back. You know why he doesn't want to say they're scattered for rejecting Jesus? Because then you'd be like, wait a minute, why would you bring them back when they still reject Jesus? That wouldn't make any sense, would it? Listen to this, it says, now as Zechariah predicted, Jerusalem has become a burdensome stone for all people. All the people of the earth will be gathered against it. But the God of Israel promised in that same verse, all that burden themselves with Jerusalem shall be cut in pieces. Books could be written of nations and whole empires that have offended God by persecuting his chosen people. None retain their glory and power for long. One nation stands out in its history of welcoming the Jews, the USA, but that is not without periodic relapses. In much of the 20th century and even today, US policy became increasingly ambivalent toward the Jews and the new nation of Israel. Many have watched the pattern of God's swift rebukes when Israel is offended. Watch it and don't offend Israel. In his book, As America Has Done to Israel, author John McTernan reports story after story of disasters in America coinciding with some insult, betrayal, or failure to bless Israel. So according to them, like God's just bringing all this wrath on us every time we just make a misstep in regard to Israel. If we don't bless him enough or if we, you know, whatever, as a nation, his 320 page book will convince you. You know, I got a book that's longer than 320 pages that ought to convince you that this is a bunch of garbage. Well he's got a 320 page book. Well you know, okay, will convince you that God has not abandoned his people and that we as Americans must not either. So according to this, the unbelieving Jews are God's people. Weird. The tract, somebody's angry. So they're selling tracts because it's a chick publication. They sell a tract called Somebody's Angry. It carries the same theme, making it easy to open the eyes of other people. Another tract describes what our attitude should be, love the Jewish people. God promises to the children of Israel still stands, I'll bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee. Let's see what this 320 page book says. Look down at your Bible in Psalm 44, we just read, didn't we just read out, oh God's going to protect, he's going to defend Israel, it's going to be great, he's going to defeat all their enemies, he's going to tear it up. Okay let's keep reading verse 9, but thou hast cast off, and put us to shame, and goest not forth with our armies. Now was God going forth with their armies at this time? Thou cast us off, put us to shame, goest not forth with our armies, thou makest us to turn back from the enemy, and they which hate us spoil for themselves, thou hast given us like sheep appointed for meat, and has scattered us among the heathen, thou sellest thy people for naught, and does not increase thy wealth by their price, thou makest us a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and a derision to them that are round about, thou makest us a byword among the heathen, a shaking of the head among the people. Now let me ask you this, where was the big giant apparition of a giant warrior then? Where was the sandstorm then? Where was the east wind then? It wasn't there because they had been cast off because they had turned away from the Lord. And let me tell you something, the children of Israel today over in that land, which are roughly kind of sort of a little bit descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, you know, in addition to being really Polish and Kazarian, you know, but here's the thing. Those people, they don't have the Redeemer, they don't have God, they don't have Jesus. You know this article didn't mention Jesus one time. It's real careful to call him, you know, Jehovah, still loves his people. Like Jehovah's got his people, and then Jesus has got his people. Well let me explain to you, Jesus is Jehovah. And there's only one people of God, and it's believers. It's the saved, it's the chosen generation, the royal priesthood, the holy nation, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God. Welcome to the New Testament my friend, and this idea, go back to Job if you would, let's crank out Behemoth quickly, but anyway, we'll talk more about him in the Leviathan chapter if you want, but, you know, I just have to show you that because it just never ceases to amaze me that the cognitive dissonance practiced by people who still believe that the Jews are God's chosen people, but it's like, well are they going to heaven? No. Are they going to hell? Yes. Are they saved? No. So why would God be saving them physically? He's not saving them spiritually. I mean is that guy at the wailing wall, you know, going, is that guy praying to the Lord according to the Bible? No. He doesn't have the son, he doesn't have the father. So he can go like this, like an autistic person all day long, and you know what, he's going to burn in hell, he hates the Lord. You say, why are you so mad at the Jews? Oh, maybe because they said Jesus is a bastard and Mary's a whore. I get offended by people saying that about my Savior. You know what I mean? I get offended when people say that my Savior is a sorcerer, and that he's a fraud, and that he's being punished and dung in hell for all eternity. You know, that offends me. And in fact my Bible says that the Jews are enemies of the Gospel. You know, and you say, well we should still love them. Well of course we should still love unsaved people. I mean I love Muslims too though. You need to love the Jewish people. I do. I've given the Gospel to plenty of Jewish people, and I wanted them to get saved. I didn't want them to go to hell, I wanted them to get saved. But you know what, we shouldn't love them more or less than anybody else because we shouldn't be a racist that says that your race makes you more loved by God. Avoid genealogies. We're all one in Christ Jesus. We're all the same. But you know, I do get angry about somebody who blasphemes Jesus. I do get angry about somebody who denies the Son and teaches a spirit of anti-Christ. And you know, to sit there, you know these lying signs and wonders, that's all these are. If you want to be, and it's funny, you'll show people stuff from the Bible about how they're not God's people, they've been rejected, they've been cast off except for the believing remnant that's saved by grace according to Romans 11 one through seven. You show them verses and that's what they say. Oh but don't you know that God helped them win the battle in 1948 and 1967? Now look, if you base what you believe on these type of miracles instead of on the Word of God, are you going to fall for the anti-Christ? Because the Bible says the anti-Christ is going to do all kinds of miracles, going to bring down fire. But you say, oh no, but Pastor Harrison, explain the miracles. Well Janus and Jamborees did miracles. The Egyptian sorcerers did miracles. You know, oh wow, first of all, this stuff probably never even happened. It's probably a fable. Remember the Bible said avoid Jewish fables? So you know, it's probably just a fable, but even if it did happen, so what? It doesn't mean anything because I don't base what I believe on sandstorms and giant ghosts and you know, some giant warrior apparition, you know, some ghost, some fiction. I don't base what I believe on that. You know, and I don't base it on some 320 page book either. You know, I base it on the New Testament and the New Testament is crystal clear on this subject. The only people who don't believe in it are people who are just really emotional about just their love for Jerusalem and Jewish things. And they want to talk about Jewishness. I want to talk about Jesusness. You know, we need to get back to our Jewish roots. Let's get to the Jesus roots, you know. And Jesus said I'm the Alpha and Omega and those are Greek letters, by the way. But anyway, let's hurry up and finish in Job 40. That's a whole sermon in and of itself, Jews and their lies, part 3. But anyway, you know, Job chapter 4. Why did I show you all those verses? Those were all verses that had to do with the Lord's arm saving. He's the only one who can save you spiritually. But you know what? He's the only one that can save you physically too when you need it. He's not saving them. The devil's saving them because they don't believe in Jesus. But let me tell you something. We should rely on Jesus for personal safety. We shouldn't go through life scared and, you know, we should rely on Jesus for personal safety because he's promised that the angel of the Lord camps about them that fear him. He's promised that he's given us his angel's charge concerning us and that the angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. God can protect us. Let's quickly deal with behemoth and go home. It says in verse 15, Behold now behemoth which I made with thee. Now that proves right there that dinosaurs and man existed together because this behemoth is clearly a dinosaur. He's a gigantic creature. Now some commentaries which throw out all commentaries. Throw out all study Bibles. You know, get just the Word of God and let the Holy Spirit comment on it. And let preachers, spirit-filled preachers comment on it. But not books made by man to comment on it and to guide you. You should have a private Bible time where it's just you and the Lord and no one else. But commentaries and saved Bibles will often say this is an elephant. But the proof that this is not an elephant is in verse 17 when it says, He moveth his tail like a cedar. Now who knows what an elephant's tail looks like? It's not like a cedar. I mean, it's like a little nothing of a tail, right? This little tiny, you know, this little swinging, little swishing, like a very thin rope. A cedar is a big giant tree. So there's no way this is an elephant because whatever this gigantic beast is, you know, first of all it sounds even bigger than an elephant. Now elephants are huge. I'm not really real big on zoology, but my guess is that an elephant is probably the largest land animal on this earth at this time. I believe that obviously the largest animal is the blue whale, which would also be the largest mammal. But the elephant is the largest land animal. Are you nodding your head? All right. I got it. Okay. We first of the motion. Can I get a second? All right. All in favor say aye. All right. Opposed? Same. It's carried. So we've just declared the elephant to be the largest animal on the planet that's a land animal. But he says here, you know, his tail's like a cedar. That's not an elephant. But if you think about what's commonly shown as like a brontosaurus, you know what I mean? Big giant tail and so forth, that really fits. How did Job know this? How did the Bible know? Dinosaurs were discovered in the 1800s. People say, oh, dinosaurs proved that the Bible's false. No, dinosaurs proved the Bible's true because they were discovered in the 1800s and we already read about Behemoth and Leviathan long before they were ever discovered. So it just confirms the Bible. And what's interesting, it says he was made with thee. That's because God made the land animals on day six and he made man on day six the same day. So he made them together. He made them at the same time. And this shows that it wasn't like there was some preexistent deal where dinosaurs ruled the earth and then later man came on the scene. No. And look, do you think that anything in the Bible is accidental? Why would he say, behold, I made Behemoth with you? Why even bring that up? Because he knew that people would say it was made at a different time. Just like he knew people would teach the lie of evolution, that's why he said everything brings forth after its own kind. So he puts these things in for a reason. I made them with you showing man and dinosaurs living together. It says he eateth grass as an ox. So this gigantic beast is herbivore in nature. It says lo, his strength is in his loins and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar. The sinews of his stones are wrapped together. The stones are basically his reproductive anatomy. His bones are strong pieces of brass. His bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God. He that made him can make his sword approach unto him. God's saying I can defeat him, but man is going to have a hard time defeating Behemoth. And then it says, surely the mountains bring him forth food where all the beasts of the field play. He lieth under the shady trees and the covert of the reed and fence. The shady trees cover him with their shadow. The willows of the brook compass him about. Behold he drinketh up a river, so that's a huge beast. He drinketh up a river and hasteth not. He trusteth, meaning, you know, in his own mind, he trusteth he can draw up Jordan into his mouth, you know, a major river. He taketh it with his eyes. His nose pierceth through snares. And then in verse one of the next chapter, he begins to describe another creature, Leviathan. You know, can thou draw out Leviathan with a hook? Leviathan is a sea creature. That's why he's talking about fishing with a hook, you know, pull him out of the sea. So we have this great land animal, Behemoth, and a great sea creature, Leviathan. Now you say, do you believe in all the different dinosaurs that are out there, you know. I think a lot of them are just made up, to be honest, because, you know, they'll find one bone and then construct the whole, you know, people, they see those big dinosaur skeletons and they don't realize, like, one of those is a real bone and then everything else is fabricated. So you can't just believe everything you hear, because a lot of these dinosaurs, I believe, are fictitious. You know, especially when you look at something like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now I'm not saying there wasn't an animal similar to that or somewhat like that, but when you look at how it's just this big, strong body, strong leg, strong head, and then these little chicken arms, you know. And I think that what they're trying to do with that image of those little arms is just to basically say, like, oh, see, it's not really developed yet. And you know, modern science believes, you know, you found it hard to believe that you were descended physically from Jacob and the 12 tribes. You know, modern science believes that the modern day chicken evolved from Tyrannosaurus Rex. Look it up. Look it up in all the scientific journals and the well-respected, and you know, you can't expect an ignoramus like me, you know, a religious kind of, you know, one of these guys that's still in the Bronze Age, to really understand the greatness of the science behind the fact, you know, that chickens are the modern day Tyrannosaurus Rex. But look it up. That's what they believe. You know, and just quit showing that picture of apes turning into humans. I want to see a picture of Tyrannosaurus Rex turning into a chicken, you know what I mean? Evolving into a chicken. I mean, look, chickens are so stupid. We have so many chickens in our backyard. How many chickens do we have, Isaac? We have nine chickens and one rooster. They're fools. I mean, if you watch them, they're the stupidest animal ever. You're just shaking your head at these things. I mean, that's after all these millions of years of evolution. I mean, what was that Tyrannosaurus doing? I mean, how stupid was the Tyrannosaurus if it evolved into a chicken and the rooster, you know? I mean, just, you know, you know, I guess the Tyrannosaurus is going like this. But that's why they give it those little bird things, those little bird legs because that's supposedly, you know, it's like half evolved. And I think they make dinosaurs look half evolved just to kind of make you think that. You know, if you look at the stuff they actually find, you know, they did find woolly mammoth. Wow, it's a big hairy elephant. Oh, that's a missing link. That proves evolution. What? A saber-toothed tiger. Ooh. You know, that's what they actually found. They actually found a saber-toothed tiger. They actually found woolly mammoth. I have no problem believing in those creatures. Very believable. Now, something like a brontosaurus, I have no problem believing in. And, you know, I'm not saying there wasn't some, you know, these bones of Tyrannosaurus. It's obviously some giant animal, you know. I'm just saying they don't know how it looked and then they'll tell you how its eyesight was. Well, it could only see you when you're moving. What in the world? Like you're looking at a bone. You're looking at the thing's kneecap, you know what you're telling me? Oh, let me tell you about its eyesight. But, you know, it's just the pride and arrogance of man. So, yeah. But, anyway, what I'm saying is that this confirms, the Bible's always right. There's nothing in this passage that disproves the Bible. It just confirms the Bible. You know, God always knows what he's talking about. And I, you know, my source on dinosaurs, here's my motto. Everything I needed to know about dinosaurs I learned from Job 40 and 41. That's all I need. I don't need anything else, you know. I don't need to know about woolly mammoth. You know, I mean, it's dead. It's gone. You know, and we lose species every year. So what? Ooh! They're all coming back in the millennium. He's going to make all things new. And the new heaven and the new earth are going to be pterodactyls and saber-toothed tigers. It's going to be great. So who, you know, just let them go extinct now. Just focus on chickens and cows and pigs and stuff that we like. Okay. Well, let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word, Lord, and we thank you for your promise of protection, Lord. We thank you for salvation. Lord, it's a blessing to know that all our sins are forgiven. Those people over in Israel today are having no hope and without Christ. They don't have Christ. They have nothing. They're nobody without Jesus. Thank you so much for your son, Lord, that has saved us and has called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to your own purpose and grace, which was given us for the world began, Lord. And thank you for also just giving us physical protection, Lord, keeping us safe, Lord. We know we can trust you to keep us safe. And Lord, help us not to be confused by oppositions of science, falsely so-called, but to trust your word as the supreme science book, the ultimate science textbook, and in Jesus' name we pray.