(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jeremiah 28 the Bible reads in verse number one and it came to pass the same year in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king Of Judah in the fourth year and in the fifth month that Hananiah the son of Azar the prophet Which was of Gibeon spake unto me in the house of the Lord in the presence of the priests and of all the people saying Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts the God of Israel saying I've broken the yoke of the king of Babylon Within two full years while I bring again into this place all the vessels of the Lord's house that Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon took away from this place and carried them to Babylon. Now. This man is a liar He's a false prophet and in chapter 27, if you remember Jeremiah, who's actually speaking the Word of God He made it really clear that the children of Israel are doomed Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians are going to take over they're going to win and chapter 27 was all about the fact that if they wanted to survive and prosper They had to just surrender to the king of Babylon at this point because there's no hope they're doomed and if they surrendered to Him they would live if they resist him they will die That was the message that actually came from the Lord this false prophet comes along in Chapter 28 and he claims to be speaking the Word of God He says thus speaketh the Lord of hosts and he gives this lying message that within two years Nebuchadnezzar is going to be defeated and the yoke is going to be broken from off of Judah and they're not going to be in Subservience to Babylon any longer now This is a really positive message because in chapter 27 Jeremiah preached a really unpopular message. Hey, it's over God's angry with us. He's gonna punish us We're done but in chapter 28 this liar comes along and basically tells people what they want to hear Now the first thing I want to point out here about this guy Hananiah Is that he's claiming to be speaking the Word of God, but he clearly did not get this message from the Lord number one it Contradicts God's Word. Okay. God had already given his word Through Jeremiah and other prophets that were preaching the same thing that we're preaching the truth of God's Word that we're predicting Doom upon the children of Judah because of their sins and wickedness So God's Word had already been spoken and this guy comes along and contradicts God's Word Claiming to be a prophet with a different revelation now any time a prophet comes along and preaches the Word of God It should jive with the Word of God that's already been revealed. It should not contradict See the New Testament does not Contradict the Old Testament if it does then one of them's not true Okay, the New Testament Fulfills the Old Testament it builds on the Old Testament It actually fits together with the Old Testament It does revise and change some things from the Old Testament, but it does not negate the Old Testament it fulfills explains and Revises some things not because they were wrong in the Old Testament But because Jesus did bring in a new covenant and so there's a change in the priesthood There's a change in the law all those changes are explained in the book of Hebrews, but there's not a contradiction Jesus did not come on the scene and point to something in the Old Testament and say that was wrong He didn't come and say what Isaiah preached here was wrong or what Jeremiah preached here was wrong or what Moses preached was wrong No, no, no, he did not come to destroy the law or the prophets He came to fulfill the law and the prophets Paul said do we then make void the law through faith God forbid Yeah, we established the law. So the New Testament Confirms every word of the Old Testament Jesus Christ when he was on this earth confirmed the authenticity and inspiration of the Old Testament Scriptures he confirmed that the law of Moses was the Word of God He confirmed that Isaiah and the book of Psalms and the rest of it was the Word of God He quoted from it and said that it was spoken by the Holy Ghost that it was the Word of God the Apostles did the same thing in the book of Acts so when a prophet comes along and Preaches something new it better match What the Bible says what we already know to be the truth the Word of God which has already been revealed Jeremiah better not come along and preach the opposite of what Isaiah preached one of them's wrong So this guy is preaching contrary to everything in the Word of God The Word of God said that if they commit all these sins and worship false gods, they're gonna go into captivity They're gonna be judged this guy's telling them that even though they're still continuing in the same sins They're gonna be delivered contradicting real men of God other prophets like Jeremiah and others and So when we see a prophet come along that contradicts the Bible whatever he says should just be rejected out of hand You know and that's why Joseph Smith and Muhammad and all these other phonies that come along and claim to be somehow bringing in another Testament or coming in and bringing the next revelation They all negate the teachings of what came before which is just an instant proof that they're a false prophet because the New Testament Confirmed everything in the Old Testament Book of Mormon comes along and contradicts that which is found in the Old and New Testaments Muhammad comes along with the Quran and Contradicts that which is found in the Old and New Testaments and here's how they lie about it. They say well You know It's just that they bet that the Old New Testament have been tampered with or they're not preserved Or they haven't been translated properly or whatever excuse But the Bible said in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 if you just memorized it, you know I know that whatsoever God doeth it shall be forever. Nothing shall be taken from it You can't add to it. God does it that men may fear before him and here's the thing God's Word Stands forever the the grass withered the flower faded but the word of our God Standeth forever heaven and earth shall pass away But my words shall not pass away It's easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one jot or one tittle of the law to fail Until all be fulfilled see God's Word is eternal and it doesn't just oh, whoops We lost it. We need some illiterate Arab to come and fix it for us. Oh We lost it. We need some treasure hunting con man from New York To fix it for us. No, it ain't broke and we don't need to fix it. God's Word is eternal He said the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them Oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever And this guy is a false prophet He's adding to the Word of God by claiming thus speaketh the Lord of hosts the Bible says the words of the Lord are pure words and The Bible says add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar We need to be careful that we don't add to God's Word. I know a lot of people even today in 2016 even independent Baptists that will say God said to me and then they'll say something out of their own heart and they'll say well God Told me this God said this to me We need to be very careful because that is blasphemous To say God told me and then you're just saying something that didn't come from the Bible. Just something that you came up with. Oh The Holy Spirit told me X Y & Z. How do you know that? That that wasn't just your own imagination They told you that and people are and I've heard people say it and then it didn't come to pass I heard a pastor say well God told me that this is the building we're supposed to be and then it fell through Or well God told me to go witness that guy no, no, no God told you to give the gospel to every creature that should be enough and if God brings that verse to your Remembrance and you're moved upon to go speak to somebody because he told you to preach the gospel to every creature great But don't say God told me, you know, yeah Stephen go talk to that guy John go talk to that guy. Yeah, you're just making that up Or God told me this God told you know We need to be careful because we don't want to be found a liar and I don't like these billboards either that have some Doofus dorky quote and then they say God at the end of it If you must swear use your own name God Wait, you know you knows what I'm talking about. He's stupid bill. It's like a black billboard with white writing you know that just all these goofball things and they quote it as God or quoted as Jesus and and people do stuff like or what about when they say well Jesus said to Hate the sin and love the sinner But Jesus never said that that's what Gandhi said The Hindu Gandhi who unsaved false-teaching Hindu said Love the sinner hate the sin, but people say well God said that or Jesus said that well You know what? That's blasphemous and you're adding to the Word of God if you're gonna say thus saith the Lord You better have chapter and verse ready and not just flippantly or lightly say that Oh, I love it didn't God say just start blowing off your mouth what you think? Well didn't God say something along the lines of and then just all this junk that you came up no No quote the Word of God accurately or bring a Bible with you so you can open it and read it but don't just sit there and just throw it out there as God's Word when it's not okay this guy is Lying he says well thus speaketh the Lord of hosts and its lies now The next thing I want to point out is that this guy he sets a time frame That's actually a pretty short time frame. He says, you know within two years This prophecy I'm preaching is gonna come to pass now. This guy knows that he's making it up Isn't that kind of brazen isn't that kind of bold to just set this date when you know, you just made that up You know, you're a false prophet and you're just coming up with this stuff out of your own heart and yet he's setting a date that's only two years out and Claiming this is gonna happen. Wouldn't you think he'd be afraid of being embarrassed when the two years comes and goes wouldn't you think so? Because it's not gonna happen but have you ever noticed how many false teachers set dates like that even now and Those dates come and go and does it just blow your mind when you think like man aren't these guys embarrassed? Wouldn't they be ashamed to do that? some examples are Harold Camping is one who's Predicted the the second coming of Christ multiple times throughout the 80s throughout the 90s And then he did a huge big deal. Oh I would say around what 2011 2012 or so and he Spent millions of dollars of people's donations putting up billboards all over America saying This is the date of the rapture. This is the date of the second coming of Christ. This is the final judgment This is the end of the world and you know, what just made my blood boil. I mean I was just like When I saw this one billboard that said, you know, October whatever 2011 and it this way it said the Bible guarantees it I Mean I wanted to pull over my car and just climb up that billboard just start ripping it apart with my bare hands Because you know what that does that destroys people's faith in the Bible because then they think to themselves Well, the Bible guaranteed that he was coming back in September and it never happened the Bible is full of baloney and In the end times the Bible predicts that the scoffers will say where is the promise of his coming? So the devil's minions make all these false dates and false claims and false Predictions to get everybody all pumped up to let them down so that eventually people will start believing a false doctrine He's never coming back Because they'll say oh you guys keep saying he's coming back It never happens and then they get into weird doctrines like preterism or a millennialism or pre or post millennialism Or just weird doctrines that take away from the second coming of Christ or they just say oh the Bible's not true There's no second coming. It's all false alarm because they teach this junk that you know Christ has to come 6,000 years after the creation or that Christ is coming 2,000 years after his Death or after his birth or a they make these false claims and false predictions and it's part of the devil's work And it destroys people's faith in the Word of God, you know I wonder how many people heard this fake preacher say oh in two years thus speaketh the Lord in Less than two years. It's all gonna be fixed and then two years go by and it's not fixed And I wonder how many people thought to themselves. Well, the Lord's full of baloney Instead of realizing that that guy was full of baloney and that the Lord never said such a thing So people who set these false dates they destroy people's faith in the Word of God But yet people just keep doing it. They keep doing it all the time I mean, I don't know but I'm sure that there are plenty of dates set For the next few years if we were to go on the internet or go on YouTube and just search for the predictions We could probably find dates in 2017 2018 2019 that people are already predicting and whole websites about it. I guarantee it It's always like that that people are making all these false claims and predicting all of these false phony Dates that don't make any sense okay, now what you could do is you could get out a calendar and get all those predictions and you can cross out all those Dates as dates guaranteed to be not the second coming of Christ Because he said no man knows the day or the hour and he said that he's coming at such an hour as you think not So I promise you that any date that John Hagee's telling you or any of these other Phonies herald campings or whatever telling you you can know for sure. He's not coming on that day But we don't know the day or the hour Okay, we're not going to know the day or the hour To be able to predict it way in advance. That's not biblical. Okay, and so beware of this false teaching But you say why do they do it? Why do people set these dates when they know they're gonna be proven wrong? I'll tell you why because people respond to it When people make a prediction and say it's gonna happen on this date and they confidently say that People get excited about it. Just I mean foolish people Ignorant people they get on board and they send it they sell everything and send in the money It's like people just want to fall for this stuff And so it's popular if you set an exact date and just boldly proclaim that it's popular People like it and you'll get a bunch of weird followers. That's what will happen Harold camping's whole ministry is built on just repeated false predictions of Christ's second coming and Even after they fall through you'd think that all of his followers would just disband at that point Right and just say well this guy was a bogus But they don't they stay with him. Well, he made a little mistake, but he's right this time Or well, it was just it was something else happened that day I mean, I remember Hagee's big blood moon thing It was a big the four blood moons and the tetrad of the blah blah blah You know and it all has to do with Israel and God's timeline and he's held all these different charts about it And he's got the book about it and he's going on TV about you know The blood moons and he had this whole thing about it, right? So then it the day comes and goes nothing happened and Then I saw I'm like, okay, what are they gonna say there was some earthquake In some Arab country and The roof caved in in one mosque You know, I think about how many just millions of churches there are and think about just how many millions of mosques there are The roof caved in in a mosque and they're like, this was the fulfillment This roof caved in in a mosque, that's the fulfillment right there. That's literally what they were saying I was just like good night. You got to be kidding me And idiots keep on following these people like John Hagee and all the rest of their false prophets you know and and you go back in time to the 1800s and The event known as the Great Disappointment When a guy named William Miller Preached that the second coming of Christ is coming on a particular date I mean this was a huge movement millions of people are falling in. They're selling everything that they have I mean it was based on some really sketchy weird math and and and calculations okay, the date come came and went and a whole bunch of people Even after it came and went they still stayed with it and they became known as the Seventh-day Adventists And that's why if you go and you say oh, you're just talking bad about seven days Okay, go to their own website go to Adventist org their own website and look at their statement of faith and everything in their statement of faith is Claiming to be based on Bible verses and you know obviously they have a lot of false doctrine but they're at least you know backing things up with Bible verses and everything and Twisting things but but you'll get to this one point when they're like we believe that in the year 1840 whatever I forget the date offhand you know that God started doing this thing in heaven called investigative judgment And he started cleaning up the sanctuary in heaven and blah blah blah Because they their whole religion is based on this false prediction of the second coming of Christ that didn't happen in The 1800s known as the Great Disappointment, so they whitewashed it by saying well it turned out the math was right It just wasn't the second coming of Christ. It's just stuff started happening in heaven on that day He started a thing called investigative judgment he started cleaning up the sanctuary You know the place needed cleaned up Yeah, you know the sanctuary and it I mean 1800 and some years after Christ that you know the sanctuary in heaven was in need of some some housekeeping So Jesus started doing some housekeeping up there, and he's still doing it like what a hundred and sixty some years later or whatever He's still sweeping the place up, and he's still doing his investigative judge. It's it's so stupid Look when when they come up with some date, and it comes and goes it's a false prophet That's what the Bible says in Deuteronomy. It's a false prophet the guy's a phony They should have just said but Ellen G white and her husband and a few other dudes They oh no no no it all just happened up in heaven look The Jehovah's false witnesses, that's where they came from They predicted the second coming of Christ falsely six times Six different dates in the early 20th century and when he didn't come they said well. He just came and talked to us and The Bible says that when it comes to the second coming of Christ don't believe him if they say oh, he's in the secret chambers Low he's here. Low. He's there. You know oh well. He met with us in Brooklyn. That's what they said He just came to Brooklyn and met with us behind closed doors and and went to have any or oh well It wasn't the second coming of Christ, but it was just it was just the end of World War one whoops You can always find something that happened that year But these false religions still exist Seventh-day Adventists still exists Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses still exists Harold Camping still around Why these people don't care about the lies that they tell they do it because it works It gets a bunch of people riled up it gets a bunch of people to sell everything and send in their money Everybody sends in the money, and yeah, they lose people who have a brain in their head But they just suck in more weirdos and get more money to put out more tracks and more radio Stations and whatever and it's just what they do You know I there was this other foolish guy that I saw on YouTube recently his name's Robert breaker This guy's just a nobody he's some failed missionary some bozo Not a pastor of a real church or anything he stands in front of a whiteboard and and talks nobody cares But here's how the guy got just a bazillion YouTube subscribers was because he put out a video September 23rd 2015 what will happen and then that video gets like 2 million views You know his other stupid lame teachings nobody cares, but that's what put him on the map now He's got people that listen to his stupid lame teachings because he started out by putting out this fake Prediction about September 23rd 2015 where he makes up all this stuff that never happened, and it's all this Zionist Judaizing junk Israel Jewish kind of junk that he puts out and none of it came to pass But did he take down the video no because it's as big as video. It's got 2 million viewers It's still bringing him subscribers. It's still bringing people I mean hello That's why people do it because it builds their YouTube channel because it brings in money and donations and breach, but it's lies It's wrong Preach the Bible don't make up dates and set all these fake dates and fake predictions You make all these predictions Oh God told me who's gonna win the election look if I said right now that God told me Who's gonna win the election? I'd get a bazillion views on YouTube with that video And I got a 50-50 chance or whatever But it's wrong It's a lie. It's not real and So don't get sucked in by these people and look at that if that idiot Robert breaker had any and he's a false teacher On so many doctors. I don't have time, but if the idiot had any integrity He'd either take down the video or say hey I was wrong and actually you know I it was Zionism stupid and all this Jewish calendar thing Screwed me up But no of course not he just says oh well. You know I didn't really say it was for sure could happen I just you know said what will happen on you know September 23rd 2015 explained What was gonna happen, but you know I didn't really mean that it was for sure gonna happen You know it's it look. It's just a bunch of con artists Getting people excited about a bunch of fake dates You know and look I'm not I've never said any fake dates And I'm never going to set any dates or anything like that because honestly It's my job to preach what the Bible says not to just make things up, and I don't believe in this continual revelation you know the Word of God is complete Genesis to Revelation and Revelation leaves us on the note to expect The events of the end times to expect the second coming of Christ he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him That's what we're waiting for and we're not waiting for new revelations and new prophecies We already have all the instructions. We need to get us all the way to the millennium We don't need something else okay, and so God's not giving us anything else and so people It's fine people haven't even read this book cover to cover, but they're looking for a new revelation read the old one It's like you're looking for a new one It's yeah, it doesn't make any sense anyway. I got to keep going with the sermon here This guy is setting a false date He says in verse 4 of chapter 28 And I'll bring again to this place Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah with all the captives of Judah That went into Babylon sayeth the Lord for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon Then the prophet Jeremiah said unto the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests and in the presence of all the people that stood in the house of the Lord even the prophet Jeremiah said Amen, and obviously he's being mocking and sarcastic here He says amen the Lord do so the Lord perform thy words which thou has prophesied To bring again the vessels of the Lord's house and all that is carried away captive from Babylon into this place He's basically saying yeah, that sounds great. That'd be great. Amen. I sure hope so nevertheless Hear thou this word that I speak in thine ears and in the ears of all the people the prophets that have been Before me and before thee of old prophesied both Against many countries not for many countries they preach against many countries He said and against great kingdoms, and you know what they preached about war and of evil and of pestilence That's what they preached about The prophet which prophesiest of peace When the word of the prophet shall come to pass then shall the prophet be known that the Lord hath truly sent him What's he saying? He's saying you know what any preacher who preaches a positive message a peaceful message? Yeah, we'll believe that when we see it When we hear a preacher talking doom and gloom War and destruction and against this country and against that country and against this kingdom we can reasonably think yeah This is probably coming from the Lord This is the kind of stuff the Lord always sends this is the kind of stuff that the prophets are always preaching about This is always what biblical preaching sounds like look the the peaceful preaching is suspect The Peaceful preaching the positive preaching. He's saying yeah, whoa We'll believe that when we see it Negative preaching he's like well you have me at hello When you're preaching hard against countries But when you're preaching about how great this country is and how great that country is and how great this kingdom is and how? Peaceful things are gonna be you know that right there needs to be taken with a grain of salt And we better wait and see whether this guy pans out because I am doubting this guy that's what he's saying This is a great chapter. I Wish that everybody in America 2016 will read this chapter and understand just a quick way to just right away You know get a red flag about preachers when it's way too positive When it sounds too good to be true Now Look what the Bible says in verse number 10 then Hananiah the prophet, you know in response to Jeremiah's rebuke to him then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck and break it and Hananiah spake in the presence of all the people saying thus saith the Lord even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years and the Prophet Jeremiah Went his way so Jeremiah remember God had told him to make a yoke and and bonds and he's wearing that This guy takes that off Jeremiah and breaks it he breaks his toy and hands it back to him and says, you know, ah does say it the Lord why I'm gonna break the yoke of The king of Babylon and Jeremiah just you know, he pretty much just took it He just said whatever and he just walks away. He goes his way, right? Okay, let's read the aftermath then the word of the Lord Came unto Jeremiah the Prophet after that Hananiah The Prophet had broken the yoke from off the neck of the Prophet Jeremiah saying go and tell Hananiah saying thus sayeth the Lord Thou has broken the yokes of wood, but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron, you know He didn't say I'm gonna make them yokes of iron. He said you're making yokes of iron for them What the Bible saying here is that these phony preachers who preach preach peace peace when there is no peace They make the judgment worse On the nation they make God's wrath greater. God said I was gonna give you a wooden yoke Now I'm gonna give you an iron yoke Jeremiah preached destruction I'm bringing an even greater destruction because this phony preacher that you're all listening to is making me so angry and he tells Jeremiah go confront this guy go tell this guy see Jeremiah didn't care And I see where Jeremiah is coming from because I don't have any desire to argue with false teachers with false prophets A lot of times people will say to me, you know, well, why don't you go talk to this false pastor? Or why don't you go talk to this false teacher? Have you talked to have you tried to straighten them out? Have you tried to get from look? I know what these false prophets are about. I know what these false teachers are about. They're not about the truth They're about lies and I don't want to spend my life arguing with them and you know Trying to just cast my pearls before swine with them so I don't want to get in an argument I mean look even when I'm out soul winning When I run into some died in the wall Mormon or Jehovah's Witnesses or if I see the Mormon missionaries I don't go and engage them and spend an hour with them Arguing with false prophets. It's a waste of time I mean God had to tell Jeremiah look you just need to go give him this one rebuke Because Jeremiah just didn't even want to argue with the guy Jeremiah is just like you know What if you guys want to believe this phony preacher Do you guys want to listen to Joel Osteen you want to listen to Rick Warren you want to listen to Joseph Prince? You want to listen to all these these positive preachers? You know what? He's just like fine. Whatever. I'll go to the next house I'll go to the next door. I'll go to the next place and preach I got a lot of people to preach to there's plenty of fish in the sea, but God tells him hey I want you to go back and rebuke that false prophet and I want you to tell him that he might have broken a physical Yoke of wood I'm but he's gonna make them a yoke of iron He said in verse 14 for thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel I've put a yoke of iron upon the neck of all these nations that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and they shall serve him and I have given him the beasts of the field also and The Bible says verse 15 then said the prophet Jeremiah and to Hananiah the prophet here now, Hananiah The Lord has not sent thee but thou makest this people to trust in a lie Therefore thus saith the Lord behold. I will cast thee from off the face of the earth this year Thou shalt die because thou has taught rebellion against the Lord So Hananiah the prophet died the same year in the seventh month. This is kind of funny. He basically said oh you want to set a date You Want to make up fake dates and set a day I get a date for you Oh within two years God's gonna Deliver us from Babylon. He said okay. I see you. I see your two years. Somebody shut that out I don't know why that thing's ringing. I See your two years and I'll raise you a year You're saying it's gonna happen within two years. I say within one year you're gonna be dead Men would to God for that anointing to say that about, you know, hey Joel Osteen within one year You're gonna be dead, you know, but again, we're not living in those days. We're not adding to the Word of God. Amen I don't set any dates I'd like to set that date, but I don't have that kind of power. I don't claim to I never will But anyway would to God, you know to have that anointing to have that message from the Lord But he says within one year you're gonna and if you look at it It's really only a couple of months and the guy dies the guy dies right away So they didn't have to wait long for the fulfillment on that prophecy But here's a key phrase I want to point out at the end of verse 16 He says this year thou shalt die Because thou has taught rebellion against the Lord now There's no record of this guy actually saying hey everybody. Let's rebel against the Lord Because that's not what false teachers do they come to you as a wolf in sheep's clothing They don't just come right out and say hey everybody. Let's worship Satan Hey everybody, I know the Jews believe that Jesus is not the Messiah and that makes them Antichrist because the Bible says who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ He is Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Son or that whosoever denied that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh You know is the spirit of Antichrist there are many Antichrist the Bible says and They don't come out and say yeah, but it's cool to be Antichrist Yeah, but let's let's join with Antichrist they're not gonna say that no no they come in and they they Lie, and they make it sound positive and good, and we're just supporting the chosen ones or whatever okay, so What he did here to teach rebellion. He didn't get up and say all right everybody. Let's rebel against the Lord Here's what he did. He said even though We're disobeying all of God's laws even though. We're worshiping other gods Even though we're shedding innocent blood and filling Jerusalem and Judah with innocent blood God is still gonna bless us and by teaching that he was teaching rebellion against the Lord See when you teach people that they can sin and have no consequence. You're teaching rebellion against the Lord That's what you're teaching When you sit there and say well, I know America aborts 3,000 babies every year, but God can still bless America I know it's LGBT month down at the White House but God's still blessing America God still is gonna bless America and God's gonna protect us and God's gonna keep us safe and God's gonna bring you know you're teaching that rebellion against the Lord's okay That's basically what you're teaching You're teaching that our country could still be filled with innocent blood and sodomites and be filled with adultery and drunkenness and Fornication and that God's still gonna bless You know when you come out with a book called God is not mad at you no matter who you are You're teaching rebellion against the Lord because the Bible says that God's angry with the wicked every day He's angry with the wicked every day the Nick the way. Oh, here's here's a good verse The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God Now the reason I thought of that verse is because I watched that BBC documentary That they did about our church and they cut out so much Bible, you know, cuz of course I'm so I'm constantly look when I preach I'm constantly using the Bible Do account on how many Bible verses I use in a typical sermon typical sermon I probably use about 50 verses from the Bible in a typical sermon sometimes more sometimes less My sermons have pages of verse from the Bible I know that in our film after the tribulation feature-length film that film has 91 Bible verses in it You know and some of them are mentioned repeatedly but 91 different Bible verses are in that film That's how my preaching is that's how our church is But isn't it funny when the media covers it and when they show excerpts of the preaching there's never any Bible And it just sounds like I'm just up here. Just ranting I'm just up here. Just rattling my cage and just ranting and just they cut out all the evidence all the Proof text all the biblical look the the Bible is the foundation The Bible is the rock that everything is built on They remove that and by doing so they think they're pulling the rug out from under us, you know And in many ways for the viewer they are for the ignorant because the viewers thinking well what gives him the right to say it? but if I was up here saying well, here's what the Bible says and I'm reading verses a Lot of viewers would be sitting at home thinking well, that's what the Bible says, but it's funny how in a 44-minute documentary They just cut out all the Bible verses and you know, but that was one verse that slipped in I Remember I'm sitting there watching it just minute after minute after minute as they just edit out all the Bible edit out all the Bible edit out all the Bible and I get brother pile I guarantee you you quoted Bible to her and told her hey what I believe is based on the Bible She made it out like you just believe it because it's what the church tells you. That's how did you notice that? That's how they tried to make it like oh, I just heard that sermon and then yeah I was just yeah, I just did it for no he read it in the Bible That's what sealed it for him, but they they take out all the Bible But you know, they accidentally let that one verse sink in Well, you know what United Kingdom, you know, what British Broadcasting Corporation, you know What you left in the perfect verse for you the perfect verse If you were only gonna leave in one you left in a good one The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God Hey, at least the people who watch that documentary got a seed planted of the Word of God in their mind. I Hope that that verse sinks down into their ears I hope it rings in their ears I hope that I hope that that Hannah wakes up with that verse on her mind some morning While she has her tea and crumpets I hope that that verse comes into her mind and I hope I hope that millions of people all over the UK Think about that verse the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God Whoops, you forgot to edit that one out when you were editing out all of the Bible proof that everything I preach is biblical Of course those bunch of street preaching bozos preach all kinds of unbiblical things like where the guy said he's not even a sinner. I Don't sin anymore. I used to really love sinning. I used to he's listing all the sins He used to love but I he doesn't do it anymore liar Say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us and These people that say that they've not sinned they make him a liar and God's Word is not in them There's not a just man upon the earth that do with good and sin is not But these bunch of prideful arrogant street preachers. I also thought it was funny while I'm talking about that documentary. I Thought it was funny how They asked these bunch of circus clown street preachers that they tried to lump us in with That I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole They asked them. Well, do you guys think you're ever really gonna reach anybody with these methods? Because the obvious answer is no, they're not gonna reach anybody with their dumb methods, right? But you know what? They forgot to show us successfully reaching thousands of people with our methods They forgot to mention that and you say well, maybe they didn't know about it Well, it's funny because the reporter from the BBC She came with us to the Atlanta soul winning marathon Who is it the Atlanta Georgia soul winning marathon put up your hand if you were there? Yeah, several people from our church. Okay, Paul I'll single you out a lot of people were there but you remember she was with us for 12 hours She did not leave our side She was with us from 9 a.m. To 9 p.m. It might even been 930 She was passing out at that Chipotle like hey, are we gonna go are we gonna be done soon at the end of the day? I mean we kept her out for 12 and a half hours She was with us every step of the way she was there for hours of soul-winning She sat and watched me and listened to me give people the gospel. She saw people get saved She filmed the whole thing. She filmed all day long. She filmed me baptizing 26 people On that soul-winning marathon, right? Hey, not one second of that day made it in the documentary Because it would make us look too good and they want to make us look like we're just all hateful and it's just so that's All we do is just angry and hateful and you know And by the way, she was also in Sacramento and filmed that soul-winning marathon in Sacramento, California Which also resulted in huge results, you know, we had 171 people saved in Atlanta 26 baptized in Sacramento hundreds of people saved tons of people baptized and she was there for all of it filmed all of it None of it made it into the film instead her evangelism She shows a bunch of clowns Talking about how they don't sin anymore. I mean these guys look, you know what it is. This is what I told my wife She wasn't familiar with this, but I told my wife I said, you know what? These guys are like these these street preaching weirdos. I said that it's like it's like cow tipping. I Said that's about how spiritual and intelligent it is It's like the same kind of people who enjoy cow tipping Who knows what cow tipping is? Yeah, it's like that. Hey, you guys wanna go out have some fun There you know and simple things I mean So they think it's fun to go out there and just basically start stuff with a bunch of freaks and start stuff and yell Hey, you're going to hell Hey a bunch of drugs Hey, and I mean they're and they're there and they're going into graphic detail about what these sodomites do and and yelling it out publicly in front of little kids and stuff or you know taking it too far and it's just like It's literally the same type of people. They just hey, let's go out and you know, I don't know blow up somebody's mailbox I mean somebody give me an analogy. Hey, let's go cow tipping. We're looking for some thrills What shooting yeah, let's go shoot some street signs TP yeah, let's go TP. Let's go TP. Somebody's house. Hey, I don't know when I became a man I put away childish things A bunch of clowns and look Jesus Christ had multitudes saved John the Baptist multitude saved the Apostles multitude saved book of Acts multitude saved Paul multitude saved the Thessalonian Church Multitudes say these guys go out and fail and fail and fail and fail Even if you ask them how many people did you win to the Lord? Oh, well, you know one was close We're going out and getting hundreds of people say we're starting churches all over the place. We're bringing in the converts We're bringing in the sheaves. We're you know, but they don't want to talk about that Of course because they have their fraud agenda And look don't fall into this chest-pounding cow tipping Christianity I Mean people they live you know what these people have literally accused me You just don't have the guts to go down there to the to the gay pride parade with us You're too scared to go down there. Oh Okay, you know am I too scared to go cow tipping with you, too Am I too scared to go shoot at street signs with you too? No, I'm just not an idiot It's not stupid. I just don't waste my time doing stupid things Why would I want to go down to that queer pride parade and look at a bunch of homos? You know, I hey I'll said no wicked thing before my eyes I thought that's what the Bible said Who wants to go look at that and look if God gave him up God gave him over and God gave him up according to Romans 1 I think I'm gonna give him up, too I mean look if what so God can give him up, but I'm not allowed to give up If God gave up, I'm gonna give up look. I'm not better than God if God can't reach them neither can I The Bible says give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast ye your pearls before swine Lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you I don't want to be rendered by a bunch of AIDS filled homos The Bible let me just look the Bible calls sodomites dogs Bible says beware of dogs. It's not That's Talking about sodomites go back to where that's brought out in the Old Testament where that term is taught and introduced in Deuteronomy it uses the word sodomite and dog side-by-side Synonymously in the same two verses anybody know what chapter that is off the top of your head. What is it? Matthew 23, or I'm sorry Deuteronomy 23 17 and 18, you know, what other church in America would somebody know that off the top of their head. I love this church This is a cool church. I mean you just you know, hey, where's that verse where the Bible teaches sodomites or dogs? It's just like boom Deuteronomy 23 17 and 18 BAM Okay, so the Bible says give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast ye your pearls before Swine Don't cast your pearls before swine. Why would I just purposely seek out people that are reprobate? When there's all these other people that are not reprobate that have not been given over to a reprobate mind to give the gospel to I have an idea why don't you give the Gospel to every person on this planet who's not a reprobate and then go talk to the reprobates But you don't want to do that because that's not as fun as cow tipping That's not as exciting enough that's not your little adrenaline rush that you're looking for I guess it just doesn't give you an adrenaline rush to just Open the Bible to a normal person and walk them through the Romans Road and win them to the Lord with being kind That's not as exciting for you. Apparently I Mean don't even get me started that that needs a whole sermon in of itself. I yeah, I don't have time for that So anyway, the Bible is teaching here that This false prophet Hananiah, he's a positive only preacher He's teaching rebellion against the Lord what that has to do with the BBC interview. I don't know. Okay Oh, I remember because the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God like the UK and South Africa And other nations that forget God. But anyway, let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father We thank you so much Lord for your word and thank you Lord that we have the whole Bible Genesis to Revelation We have more Bible than the people in Jeremiah's day had they didn't have the whole Bible like we do and So it wasn't as easy to spot the false prophets But Lord we have the whole Bible so we can read your whole word and we can easily spot false teachers and false prophets Whether it be the street preachers saying that they don't sin anymore and that you have to turn from your sins to be saved Or whether it be the false date setters of you know, the Judaizing Israelite blood mooners Lord We know that these people are false because we can compare it with Scripture Lord Help us to study to show ourselves approved help us to do due diligence Lord and help us to do real soul winning not to just go out and and pick fights with people and Grandstand and check pound our chests Lord help us to skip the people that aren't receptive You know gave first and second admonition Lord and then help us to move on to that one Who actually wants to be saved and in Jesus name we pray these things. Amen