(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew chapter number 7, the part that I wanted to focus on is in verse 17 where the Bible reads, Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Now a couple months ago I preached a couple of sermons, I preached on Hinduism in light of the Bible, I preached on Buddhism in light of the Bible. More recently I covered Islam in light of the Bible and today I'm going to preach against the fifth largest religion in the world, that's a false religion, which is called Sikhism. And the title of my sermon this morning is Sikhism in Light of the Bible. Now part of what the devil wants people to believe today is that there are just so many different religions in the world and how do you know which one's right? Have you ever heard people say things like that? I mean there's just so many different religions and people believe so many different things. How do you know that your religion is the right religion? But honestly there really aren't that many religions in this world at all once you break it down. And in fact I'm going to give you the breakdown real quick, in fact I'm going to write it over here on this board just so that, you know, those of you that can see it otherwise you can just listen in. But first of all, you know, the largest religion in the world if you were to just break it down into giant categories like Christianity, not to distinguish between all the different types of Christianity, but to just say, okay, number one, Christianity is basically, you know, about 2.3 billion people would claim to be a Christian, okay? And then secondly you'd have Islam, which is 1.6 billion people that would claim that. And then you have thirdly Hinduism, which would be about 1 billion. And then you have number four would be Buddhism, which is basically a half billion. And then fifthly of the world's organized major religions you'd have Sikhism, which drops all the way down to only 30 million people, which is a lot of people, I mean 30 million people is a lot of people, but you can see you've already dropped a lot here. And then once you get down below this, it gets even less to where these religions have like 6 million people, 5 million people, 3 million, it gets smaller and smaller. And when you look at these religions, this is not even really five different religions because what you have to understand is that this religion right here, Hinduism, these two are just spinoffs of Hinduism. Buddhism and Sikhisms are just spinoffs. So really you can lump all three of these into the same category of having most of the same beliefs when it comes down to the core of what they believe in. And then when you look at this religion right here, Islam, all it is is just a corruption and a perversion of Christianity, something that came later and claimed to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, claimed to follow in the footsteps of Moses, denying all the teachings of Jesus and Moses, teaching things that were completely different than what the New Testament and Old Testament taught. So this is just a corruption and a perversion of this. And then you have these three right here. So really there aren't just a ton of choices and I'm so confused and I have no idea what the truth is. No, it's not really that hard to find the truth in this world because you can easily rule out these three, which is what I'm going to do in a moment, and then you can easily show this to be the counterfeit and fraud that it is of following the false prophet Mohammed. And so you're left with Christianity. Then once you get into the realm of Christianity, it's pretty easy to figure out who actually believes the Bible and who doesn't. It's pretty easy to figure out who's just kind of giving lip service to the Bible and following a bunch of traditions and putting on a bunch of funny hats versus people who actually are believing in the Word of God for what it says. And people who want to know the truth in this world are able to find the truth and it's not that complicated, people, as people would make it, is it? Now the reason I showed you that scripture in Matthew 7 is because it clearly tells us that a corrupt tree is only going to produce corrupt fruit. And the reason I point that out is that because Sikhism is a spinoff of Hinduism, is a derivative of Hinduism, and we know that Hinduism is satanic and corrupt, Sikhism must also be satanic and corrupt. It's that simple. And if you don't know that, well, you can go back and listen to my sermon on Hinduism in Light of the Bible where I showed that it's a religion of serpents and it's a religion of demonic beings that they worship and all the different human sacrifice and all the pagan wicked things. I'm not going to re-preach that sermon where I exposed all that. But once you realize that Hinduism is the mother of Buddhism and Sikhism, it all comes from that same corrupt tree. Here are the similarities that they have. Number one, Sikhism, like Hinduism, believes in this endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth, being reincarnated over and over again millions of times. Number two, you know, this thing of karma from your past life affecting where you're born and so forth. Number three, Sikhism affirms all of the Hindu gods and says that, well, there's only one true god, but he created all these Hindu gods. And so it affirms their existence, basically pandering to the Hindus by mentioning all their gods and saying, oh yeah, they're created beings, but they're real. And then fourthly, they both cremate their dead. And fifthly, they both do meditation and chanting, et cetera. Okay, what does the Bible teach on these subjects? Well, the Bible says it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this, the judgment. The Bible teaches that the Hindu gods would be demons or devils. According to the Bible, all false gods are devils. They're not just, oh yeah, they're good guys. I mean, they're not the supreme being, but no, they're devils. That's what the Bible teaches. Go to 1 Corinthians 15, because the Bible teaches that we are to bury our dead, not cremate the dead. And it's disturbing today how in our once Christian nation, a lot of these Eastern practices have come in and now people are opting for cremation in order to save money. Now I understand that people want to save money. They're losing a loved one. They're already going through enough and they don't want to be saddled with that additional financial burden. And I wish that our society would make it cheaper and easier for somebody just to bury their dead. Something so simple and every day has become expensive and complicated in a lot of places. But you know what? This is just the devil's plan to get us on this heathen pagan practice of cremating the dead. It is not biblical. The Bible teaches the burial of the dead. We could go to many scriptures on that subject. I'm not going to for sake of time, but in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 42 it says, so is also the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption. It is raised in incorruption. It is sown in, wait a minute, what does it mean to be sown? To be sown is a seed that's planted, okay? A seed is buried in the earth and then a new plant grows up. It says this is the resurrection. It is sown in glory. It is, I'm sorry, it is sown in weakness. It is raised in power. It is sown in dishonor. It's raised in glory. Look at verse 44. It is sown a natural body. It is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. What does it picture when we bury our dead? It's a picture of the fact that they are going to be bodily resurrected one day. This is why, this is what Christian people have done throughout history. They bury their dead and it is symbolic of the fact that they will bodily rise again. Well, hmm, what would cremation symbolize? I mean what's the, what do saved people have as their destiny? Hey, being resurrected to be caught up in the air to meet with the Lord and to be forever with him in heaven, whereas what is the fate of the unsaved? To burn in hell. And isn't that what would seemingly be pictured by cremation? Now obviously whether a person is buried or cremated has nothing to do with their salvation, but it is symbolic nonetheless. And why would we want to symbolize burning up of the body when we should be symbolizing that the body is planted and will rise again? That is the Christian teaching of the Bible. And so this thing of cremation is not godly. And like I said, these Eastern religions do meditation and chanting. The Bible says on the other hand in Matthew 6, 7, but when you pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do, for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. It's not hard to figure out when you put the Bible and these Eastern religions side by side that these Eastern religions are under demonic influence. Even when you study the Bible, the children of Israel, when they started to worship the devil, what did they make as images and idols? They made two golden calves and the children of Israel had them in place for 390 years in Dan and in Samaria, these golden calves. And what do the Hindus revere and lift up and make images of and treat as a sacred animal? Do you think that's a coincidence? Do you think it's a coincidence that the Hindu gods hold pitchforks and are surrounded by flames and serpents? Do you think it's a coincidence that pictures of the Hindu gods look like Baphomet and Satan? It's not a coincidence, my friend. And so it's not that confusing, all these different religions in the world, I'm so confused. No, Hinduism, the satanic religion, gave birth to other false religions. Sikhism is one of them. All the things I just listed are things that Sikhism has in common with Hinduism. And you say, well Pastor Anderson, maybe one of these just really small religions is right. But think about it. Why would God only reveal himself to some tiny group of people or an ethnically isolated group? Even if we were to take a bigger religion like Sikhism. Why would the true nature of God only be revealed to these 30 million people, the vast majority of which are all from one place? They're all from one Punjabi, India, or I'm sorry, Punjab, India, they speak Punjabi. So they're all from this one place, the Punjab, okay? And why would God, this religion is only 500 years old. So I guess God just 500 years ago decided to reveal himself to this tiny group of people. Here's my question, what's so special about them? What about all the rest of us? What about the whole rest of the world? Why would this one ethnic group have the corner on the market of the knowledge of God? It doesn't make any sense. The true God would reveal himself to all people of the earth. Because we're all human. We're all of one blood. We're all the same. So it wouldn't make any sense for him to just single out a certain group. Now even in the Old Testament, when God chose the nation of Israel, he said, I've chosen you to be a light unto the heathen. I've chosen you to be a light unto the Gentiles. He chose them to teach the whole world. And all throughout the Old Testament, as you read the Bible, you will see constant reference being made to all nations hearing about the glory of God. And you'll see the prophets of God traveling to all nations and the word of God going forth unto all people. It's never been, the true religion has never been this exclusive to a certain group type of religion. It doesn't make any sense that only they would know. Listen to these scriptures. You turn to Romans 1 if you would. Romans chapter 1. Galatians 3 verse 8 says this, and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying, in thee shall all nations be blessed. So we see how Christianity is something that's for everybody. Which is why the Bible's been translated into every language. Which is why there are believers in Jesus Christ in every country, every language group in this world. It's not just isolated to this one group of a certain nationality where that's the people who believe in it. No, it's in all nations. You can't even really associate it with a certain group. You couldn't even say, hey, it's the white man's religion. Because there are so many black people and Asians and so many people of all nationalities who embrace the word of God in Jesus Christ. Even amongst fundamental Baptists, there are so many different nations and countries. The Philippines has a huge number of soul winning type Baptists, Christians and so forth. So it's everywhere. The word of God's gone everywhere throughout history. Look what it says in Romans chapter 1 verse 1, Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God. Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord. Which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh and declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead by whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name among whom are you also the called of Jesus Christ to all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be saints. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. So notice over and over again mention is made like in verse 5 where it says, by whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations. He says in verse 8, first I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. Go to Romans chapter 16 and look the whole Bible is like this, Old Testament, New Testament, it's always for all men. The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men the Bible says. Look at Romans 16 25, now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began but now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting God made known to all nations for the obedience of faith. To God only wise be glory through Jesus Christ forever, Amen. And so that right there should tell you something about this religion when 90 some percent of the people who follow it are all from one place, Punjab, India and speak one language and have one culture. It just doesn't seem like it has appeal unto everybody. Why would God not reach out to everybody with the truth? Well the true God has reached out to everybody throughout all time and that's why the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached and taught in all nations. Now let's talk about some of the false teachings that are unique to Sikhism. First of all one of the big things that they go on and on about in Sikhism and who has ever met a Sikh out soul winning or run into, yeah lots of people, I've run into, they're easy to spot because they wear a turban. Now not everybody who wears a turban is a Sikh okay but everybody who's a Sikh pretty much wears a turban okay and it's kind of a different style of turban, they also have a real long beard so it is easy to spot them. So I've definitely run into them out on soul winning and talked to them and tried to give them the gospel before. I know my wife ran into one in Tempe here, soul winning. But one of the things that they really emphasize is the name of God and they say oh man it's all about the name. In their language it's the Naum okay, you can tell it's pretty much the same thing. So you know the Naum, you know it's all about the name and they talk about you know remembering the name. One of the things they practice is remembrance of the name and then they say hey we gotta meditate on the name and oh man you know we just want to say the name over and over again. So you're like what is it, what's the name? Can't tell you. What in the world? This is the major teaching of their religion is to remember and meditate on this name. But they're like well God you know he predates human language so you can't, you can't express it in language. Then how am I going to meditate on it? How am I going to remember it? Oh you silly white man you just can't understand. No if I'm going to, if you're going to make a big deal about a name I want to know what that name is. Until you can tell me what that name is I'm not interested. That doesn't make any sense my friend. It's bogus is what it is. But you know the teachings of Christianity on the other hand make real clear what the name is. Don't they? Philippians chapter 2, wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. I can tell you what the name is. It's Jesus. Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. You look at their holy book of Sikhism and over and over again it's talking about the name the name the name the name over and over again. You know listen to this I found this just I was just kind of just leafing through it just just looking looking for mentions of different things and here's a quote from their holy book in Sikhism. The insect loves the milkweed plant perched on its branch. It eats it. It becomes good and pleasing to its master if it chirps the name of the Lord. How can this I'm assuming we're talking about a monarch butterfly since it's eating milkweed. Okay how is it going to chirp the name of the Lord if we don't even know what the name of the Lord is. But it's just this mystical the name. But what it is is they just it's just shrouded in all this mystery because there's nothing there. That's why it's shrouded in mystery because it's not a name that can save. It's this impersonal God they believe in they make a big deal hey we believe there's only one God and a lot of people think hey if you believe in one God you're saved. There are people who think that hey as long as you're worshipping one God you know we all believe in the same God. Nope we all believe in Jesus and it's not the same God. They believe in this impersonal God. Our God is a personal God. He has gender. He him and he has personality. Their God is without beyond color. Let's listen this weird quote that I found in their book. God is beyond color and form yet he is an elephant with eight arms. Look folks I don't know what to say about that quote okay but that's from their book and here's what they'll try to say when you point out all these weird quotes and stuff. Oh you just don't get it because it's English. Well listen the true word of God should make sense in any language. I'm tired of Muslims telling me oh if it's not in Arabic it's not the real word of God or hey if it's not Punjabi it's not the real word of God. No the true word of God can be translated into all languages. I'm sick of Christians trying to tell me it has to be in Greek and Hebrew. It makes no sense friend. You can read it in English it has the same power. It has the same majesty and greatness. It makes just as much sense in any language. It doesn't have to be in a certain language. That elephant with eight arms thing doesn't make sense in any language my friend. I don't care. I mean I don't know all languages but I think it's a pretty safe bet. Now go to 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Let's talk about another one of the strange teachings of Sikhism. Now Sikhism teaches that if you're going to be a Sikh, now some people will pronounce this a Sikh but it's actually pronounced Sikh like when you're not well you're Sikh. That's actually how it's pronounced. So the five K's that you have to wear if you're going to be a Sikh okay is and I'm not going to give it to you in the original language sorry I'm going to give it to you in English because that's what we speak here because in God's house I'd rather speak five words with my understanding than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue. So basically the five K's they don't start with a K in English are number one uncut hair. This is what distinguishes Sikhs or Sikhs I'm sorry physically is that they have uncut hair. Just never cut it. I mean just let it grow forever as long as it'll grow the beard all of it. Okay number two a wooden comb. Now you don't see this under the turban but they have a wooden comb stuck in there. Now listen when I was in high school there were some black kids that I think must have been a Sikh in another life because they had you know they had the afro and then they had the pick. Who knows what I'm talking about. You remember that style. Is that still are they still doing that or no is it still cool. The pick you know is just kind of sticking in there into the. So you know what that proves reincarnation. I mean these people were reincarnated from India. Now I'm just kidding. But anyway you know they have the wooden pick in the hair all right. And then number three is the sword. They always carry a sword with them. So I think to fit in in certain places they do like a real small one just to kind of not just have like a big old you know sword or whatever. And then okay special underwear. Little cotton shorts. So the Mormons didn't make that up you know. Cotton shorts same for both men and women. And then a little steel or iron bracelet. So these are the five K's. So let's talk about this thing of uncut hair on a man. Is it biblical. Look at first Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13. The Bible says judge in yourselves. Is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered. Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him. But if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious we have no such custom neither the churches of God. Now let me point out a few things about this passage. First of all it makes it clear that if a man has long hair it's a shame unto him. Pretty clear. But if a woman has long hair it's a glory unto her. So there's a difference between how men and women should wear their hair according to the Bible. Now when it says does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him. That should show you right there that this isn't some new teaching that's being revealed in the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 11. Because if nature itself would teach you then that would show that the same thing was true in the Old Testament as the New Testament. If it's just something that's just part of the natural order of human beings that mean that men should always have had short hair and that women would always have had long hair. Which is why even in Ezekiel you'll find a scripture about the priests and it clearly says that they should not grow their hair long and neither should they shave their heads completely bald but that they would pull their heads or cut their hair short. Old Testament, New Testament, same thing. And then in verse 16 some people will try to use verse 16 to just negate the whole passage. I mean here God spends a bunch of verses from verse 4 all the way from verse 4 all the way to verse 15 teaching on this thing of men having short hair and women having long hair. So from verse 4 to 15, half the chapter. And then they expect us to believe that God's just going to come in and say, oh but if you don't like it just forget it, forget I said anything. No when it says if any man seemed to be contentious we have no such custom neither churches of God. He said look if anybody argues with this remind them that we have never had this custom of having long hair. This is not a custom that we have as the churches of God. I mean that's what he's saying. He's not saying hey if any man seemed contentious run away scared and don't face him with the truth. I mean that just doesn't make any sense. So anyway Jesus did not have long hair. Now people would say oh what about Jesus? They'll point to a picture that was painted four or five hundred years ago. Now how could somebody painting a picture four or five hundred years ago know what Jesus looked like two thousand years ago? Now the Bible is careful not to give us a physical description of Jesus because the Bible prohibits idolatry and images. So God did not want us to make an image of Jesus if there were a description of what he looked like, what his skin color exactly was, his hair, his height, his build. Then people would have made images of it and he didn't want that. Of course they make images of it anyway and they just make up some dude. I mean when you look at a picture of Jesus and say that you're just pointing at some random dude. It's just a picture of a random dude. I mean and you're just saying this is Jesus. On what authority? None. There's no evidence that he looked anything like that. And in fact there's evidence in the Bible that he didn't have long hair because the Bible says it's a shame for a man to have long hair. And if the Bible teaches short hair on men and long hair on women then why would he have long hair? And not only that you could say well but Jesus was an exception. But here's the thing. Jesus was not an exception because when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane being arrested he had to receive that kiss from Judas for them to know that it was him. Why didn't they just say hey it's the guy with the long hair? Get the guy with the long hair. Because Jesus looked like everybody else. That's why. He just looked like an ordinary person. He did not have some distinguishing character. Oh they say he was a Nazarite. No he was not. He was a Nazarene. That's a misunderstanding of the language. He was from a town called Nazareth. Difference there. So he did not have long hair. The Bible teaches against having long hair on men that is. And so this Sikh teaching that you know hey men need to let their hair grow and it's supposed to be there. Just let it grow. Well you know your fingernails keep growing too. Are we not going to cut them? Are we going to let them become like bird claws or are we going to cut our fingernails? It's just part of what we do as men to cut our beard, cut our hair, cut our fingernails. But it's funny there's this guy on YouTube because I was researching this Sikh religion and there were, that's what it's called friend. But I was researching it on YouTube and there's this white Sikh. And basically you know like I said the vast majority are from India but there's a movement of some white people who've kind of gotten into this religion. And he has this channel called Sikh Net. Like Sikh Network. And he's on there and he's basically promoting the Sikh religion on there. So I clicked on this video about you know why he wears a turban. Because I was like why do they wear the turban? It's not one of the 5Ks you know. But they do have that real long hair okay. So they wrap up all that long hair into the turban. But I was trying to see is there something more to it than that. So this guy's talking about you know his journey to becoming a Sikh, this white dude. And he's in New York and he would ride the subway every day and he'd already started growing his hair real long and growing his beard real long and didn't really know why. I know why because you're a hippie. He's like then he realized it was because he was a Sikh in a past life. I think you just were probably a hippie and growing your hair real long. So he'd ride the bus every day and this is what he said. He said you know I was trying to be peaceful, trying to meditate, trying to think good thoughts. And he said I was sitting on the subway and just these real perverted thoughts would come into my mind. Just these really Sikh perverted thoughts. And he was like where is this coming from? Where are these Sikh perverted thoughts coming from? And then he said I would look up and see kind of a weird looking guy across the train and I'd say oh that was his thought. Look you can't blame your perverted thoughts on some guy you don't even know. I mean think about that. He's sitting on the subway thinking a bunch of perverted stuff and then he's just oh it's him. I mean what did that poor guy do for you to throw him under the bus? But he said oh it's him. But then he figured out that once he started wearing a turban it kind of blocked all that. You know maybe you should line your turban with aluminum foil. You know maybe that'll block out even more of these thoughts. But he said oh you know block out because he said our hairs are like these antennas. You know so he wrapped it all up. You know put it. Look I just just get shorter antennas bro. You won't need a turban. But you know he wraps up in the turban and he said you know he didn't think these perverted thoughts. Where do those perverted thoughts come from according to the Bible? Out of the heart of man. Okay you know and here's the thing. You know everybody has evil thoughts or sinful thoughts. The Bible says out of the heart of man come thoughts of foolishness, adultery, theft, blasphemy, foolishness, pride. Those type of things come from within from the heart of man. But you know if you're thinking really perverted stuff it's probably because you're a reprobate. If you're thinking stuff that's that perverted where you've been given over to vile affections and un and things that are against nature and so forth. And so you know I wouldn't put it past this guy especially when you see how he panders to the sodomites trying to act like oh sodomy is not that bad and everything on his on his sick channel. But anyway here's another thing. Go to John chapter 13. Yeah that guy's name Gurukha Singh. I don't think that's the name his parents gave him. Okay you know this white guy from New York but I think that's his honorary sick name. But anyway here's let me show you some differences between Jesus and the founder of sickism. Okay Jesus in John chapter 13 washed the disciples feet. It's a very famous story showing Jesus being humble. While you're turning there I'll read for you from Philippians 2. The Bible says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God. Listen to me Jesus was in the form of God and thought it not robbery to be equal with God. I mean Jesus was equal with God. He was God in the flesh. He was the word made flesh. In the beginning was the word. The word was with God. The word was God and so forth. And so it says who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross. Look at John 13 verse 4. He riseth from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. Then cometh he to Simon Peter and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not to wash, excuse me, needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit, and ye are clean, and ye are clean, but not all. For he knew who should betray him, therefore said he, Ye are not all clean. So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me master and lord, and ye say, Well, for so I am. If I then, your lord and master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. So that was an example of Jesus Christ humbling himself and being a servant by washing the disciples feet. Now let's look at the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak. Okay, this is the guy who founded Sikhism 500 years ago. Here is a reading from the life of Guru Nanak chapter 12, listen to this. Saito and Gedo, a third jot, called Siho, accompanied him thither. On seeing them, they're going to some island to evangelize people with the Sikh religion. It says, On seeing them, the tyrant, the guy who rules over this island, the tyrant resolved to put them to death for trespassing on his domain. He seized the guru as the first victim of his rage. The guru fell into a trance and sang the following, He to whom the Lord is compassionate and merciful will do the master's work. That worshipper whom God causeth to abide by his order will worship him. By obeying his order, man is acceptable and shall then reach his master's court. He shall act as pleaseth his master and obtain the fruit his heart desireth and he shall be clothed with a robe of honor in God's court. It is said that on hearing this hymn, the tyrant desisted from his intention and prostrated himself before the guru. Saito gave him water to drink in which the guru had washed his feet and thus made him a Sikh and endured him deliverance. Yeah, that would make you a Sikh. I'm feeling a Sikh, I drank this water that was from the guru's feet. It doesn't just stop with that story where the guru washes his feet and then gives it to somebody to drink and says, here, this will make you a Sikh. And not only that, it said it made him a Sikh and ensured him deliverance. You want to get saved? Here, let me wash my feet in some water and then you drink that water and then you will be ensured salvation. But listen, it's not just this one story. This is a ritual that he instituted for all Sikhs to drink the water that he washed his feet in. They would all drink it. So the Sikh religion was developed over the course of a few hundred years from the very end of the 15th century into the early 1700s. And it was a succession of 10 gurus. So this is the first guru, the guy who started it, Guru Nanak. And then there are these other gurus that followed him over the course of a couple hundred years. And the 10th final guru, he did away with this thing. So for a couple hundred years, they were all drinking foot water. But after a couple hundred years, they finally got rid of this. Here's the story about the 10th guru changing this. Since the time of Guru Nanak, Charan Pao Hall had been the customary form of initiation. People were to drink the holy water which had been touched or washed by the guru's toes or feet. The guru proceeded to initiate them to his new order by asking the five faithful Sikhs to stand up. He put pure water into an iron vessel or bowl and stirred it with a khanda, the two-edged small sword. So instead of putting his feet in the water, now he changed it to stirring it with a sword. Then sugar crystals, which incidentally the guru's wife, Mata Sahib Kaur, had brought at that moment were mixed in the water. So conveniently, his wife showed up with some sugar to make some Kool-Aid. So instead of drinking foot water, they said, we're going to stir it with a sword. But then it's like, well, that's just plain water. Oh, here, dump in a little sugar. What is it with cult leaders serving Kool-Aid? Sugar water. So anyway, that's when they changed it. But thank God, I'd rather drink Kool-Aid than foot water. But look at Ezekiel chapter 34. Look, the Bible has all the answers, friend. Go to Ezekiel chapter 34. Believe it or not, this is in the Bible. A condemnation of it, that is. Look at Ezekiel 34 verse 1, and the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Shepherds is another word for pastors. These are the religious leaders of Israel. He said, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Thus saith the Lord God unto the shepherds. Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves, should not the shepherds feed the flocks. Ezekiel 34 verse 3. You eat the fat and you clothe you with the wool. You kill them that are fed, but you feed not the flock. Verse 18, seemeth it a small thing unto you that you've eaten up the good pasture, but you must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures, and to have drunk of the deep waters, but you must foul the residue with your feet. And as for my flock, they eat that which you have trodden with your feet, watch this, and they drink that which you have fouled with your feet. There it is, my friend, in the Bible right there, talks about false prophets having people drink their dirty foot water, either spiritually or literally, okay? So there it is in the Bible, everything's there, isn't it? Not only that, but you'll find all kinds of passages in their holy book, such as the guru is God and God is the guru. Oh Nanak, there is no difference between the two, oh siblings of destiny. Only by serving the guru is God obtained and the true gate of liberation found. So just a lot of deification and exaltation of the guru, even though he's just a human being who has no authority. And by the way, he didn't rise again from the dead. On the other hand, Jesus, it says, even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many. Now lastly, let me just mention the difference between their book and the Bible. Their book is called Guru Granth Sahib. Now the reason it's called Guru is because they teach that there was this succession of ten gurus and that the book is the eleventh guru. Now you might just think that they mean that in a figurative sense, but no, they mean it quite literally that the book is the eleventh guru. In fact, they treat the book as if it were a person, okay? Now look, the Bible teaches of course, you know, in the beginning was the word, the word was with God, the word was God, the word became flesh and dwelt among us. And so on. You know, Jesus said, the words that I say unto you, they're spirit and they are light. Jesus Christ, he returns, comes on a white horse and his name is called the word of God. So we do believe that the words of the Bible, the words of God are God because the Bible says in the beginning, the word was with God, the word was God, the word became flesh. But we're not talking about the physical book. We're talking about the word of God. You know, God created all things by the word of his mouth and the word of God, Jesus Christ was the word made flesh and you know, the voice of God walking in the garden, etc, etc. So God's word is God. No question about that biblically. But is this physical book God? Not the physical object. God cannot be confined to a physical object. But not only that, not only is the Bible not God. The Bible is not any person. This is a book. This is not a living person. They treat the book as a person. For example, many Sikhs don't have a copy of their scriptures because if they do, they have to have a separate room in the house for it. And many of them just don't want to buy a bigger house to have a separate room so that the guru, Grat Saib, can have his own room. Okay. So not only does he have to have his own room, they have to go in there and open them up in the morning and put them to bed at night. Literally they have to get them up in the morning and put them down at night. Not only that, but when the guru, Grat Saib, when copies of it were shipped overseas by airplane, each one had to get his own ticket and his own seat on the plane. Not even like a lap child, but that literally each book, because they only print a certain number of copies each year, and each book when it was transported had an airplane full of these things and just one in each seat. I mean, did the stewardess come and offer it a beverage? I mean, what in the world? Strange superstitions about a physical book. Now look, I don't want to take away from our reverence for the word of God, but it's not for the physical book. My reverence is for the word. The words that are written in the book, okay? But there's a huge difference between the word of God and their book. One is that we don't exalt the physical book. We exalt the words of the book. But another thing is that they pull this thing that I mentioned earlier where, hey, you can't translate it. It's got to be in the original language. Then basically it can't stand up to scrutiny, because what happens is you'll try to show Muslims the garbage in the Quran, and then they'll just, oh, not translated correctly. You'll try to show Mormons, you know, the cult that tries to claim that they're Christian. You try to show Mormons, hey, here's where your teachings contradict the Bible. Oh, the Bible's not translated correctly. You try to show Sikhs how weird their holy book is and how it says a bunch of weird stuff that doesn't make any sense, and it's like, oh, it's got to be in the original language. Look, if it's the true word of God, it should be able to go into all tongues. I mean, the God of the Bible created a miracle in Acts chapter 2 where his word went forth in all languages. Men spake God's word as they were moved by the Holy Ghost in other tongues. Could it lose something in the translation if the Holy Ghost was doing the speaking in all tongues? See, the true word is just as powerful, just as amazing, just as wonderful in any language, and the reason that these other religions that are false religions have to come up with this thing of, oh, it's got to be in the original language is because their book can't stand up to scrutiny from a logical person. A logical person would read it and say, this is nonsense. This is a lame book. This doesn't make any sense. So they just hide behind it, and here's the thing. If it's in a pretty other language, anything can sound good in another language. I mean, have you ever heard somebody speaking a foreign language and just thought, I have no idea what they're saying, but that sounds really cool. Have you ever thought that before? Wow, that sounds cool. So basically, these people come in with the, they sing the Koran, the Muslims, that is. They sing the Koran and make it sound so beautiful in the original Arabic, but if you knew the garbage that they were saying, it wouldn't sound cool anymore. And that's why most Muslims don't speak Arabic. The vast majority of Muslims don't speak Arabic. Oh, it's got to be in Arabic. It's got to be in the Southern. Look, God's word isn't just a pretty poem that sounds pretty in one language. No, it's the content that matters. It's what the word is saying. It's the good tidings. It's the gospel of the word that has the power. It's the truths that are taught by the word. It's not just, that sounds pretty. No, the Bible does sound beautiful, but it also has a powerful message. It also has powerful words on every page and every verse in any language. It sounds amazing. But they say, well, you can't translate it because God has no gender, they tried to say. And if you translate it into English, it's got to be he or she. Well, that's a great thing about the English language. I wish we would keep our language that way, where we keep gender, he, she. And by the way, the 2011 NIV, the biggest change from 1984 to 2011 was to make the Bible gender neutral. So they're trying to pervert the Bible now, as of 2011, and make it more gender neutral in the most popular of these new perversions that they're coming out with, the NIV. Gender neutral. No, God's not gender neutral. He's always male. But you know, the God they believe in is just this impersonal, ethereal haze that's neither male nor female. And there are a bunch of other myths, so I don't have time to go into all the false teachings of this sick religion, but, you know, there are a few other, I'll just throw out a few things in closing, is just that, you know, obviously they teach that salvation is by good deeds, good works, just like every false religion, you know, you're saved by your works. They teach that all faiths lead to God. All faiths, you know, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, it all leads to God, according to these people. Well, they're going to be primed for the Antichrist. They teach that God doesn't hate. God doesn't hate anyone or anything. Of course, the Bible talks a lot about God hating certain people and certain things. And they also teach against eating meat. But they send mixed messages on this. It's hard to figure out in this book that they have whether eating meat is acceptable or not. Some of them say just certain meat you don't eat and blah, blah, blah. But see, people over there have this thing about not eating meat because they think we're all reincarnated from animals. So they have this thing about, oh, man, we shouldn't kill animals or whatever. Whereas Christianity teaches, you know, arise, Peter, slay and eat. That's what the Bible teaches. But listen to this. I found this quote, though, in their book, the Guru Granth Sahib, okay, listen to this. Oh, human being, whatever you can see with your eyes shall perish. The world eats dead carcasses. Yeah, we eat dead carcasses. So what? The world eats dead carcasses living by neglect and greed. Like a goblin or a beast, they kill and eat the forbidden carcasses of meat. So control your urges or else you will be seized by the Lord and thrown into the tortures of hell. So according to this particular verse, I mean, you eat, you eat these dead carcasses, also known as meat, you're going to be thrown into hell. You know, I don't know if that's a certain. Some people would say, oh, that's just you can't eat the Muslim meat. Or halal meat, or you can't eat any meat. But I mean, look, is God really going to seize you and throw you into hell because you ate a cheeseburger? Because that's for sure something they don't want you to eat is beef. You say, why preach this sermon? Look, it's not, there's nothing confusing about the world we live in. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. And look, don't let these atheists and people try to tell you, oh, well, who's to say that the Bible's right? How do you know that the Quran's not right? We already showed how ridiculous the Quran is a few weeks ago. How do you know that Hinduism is right? How do you know that it's not, you know, Taoism or Buddhism or Sikhism? Because if you just would take a few minutes to look at the holy books of these religions, you're going to be face palming immediately and just shocked that anyone believes this stuff. Wake up, people. There is no counterfeit even that's even close to the Holy Bible, the word of God. I mean, there's nothing that can even come close. This is the word of God. It's true. It's powerful. It's the gospel. We need to get this out to the heathen because of the fact that the reason people are confused today is because they haven't heard this. Anybody who reads this book and reads any of these other books is going to walk away seeing a gigantic difference in quality between the word of God, the Holy Bible, the most powerful amazing book ever written that's wonderful and powerful in all languages, powerful stories, powerful statements versus just these other books that are just, I mean, I don't even know what, they can't even be compared. They can't even be compared. And so, you know, how do we feel about the Sikhs? You know, obviously you say, and here's the thing, today this sermon would be labeled a hateful sermon. What's hateful about this sermon? Look, if we love people, we're going to tell them the truth, but people call you a racist and hateful for preaching this because what they try to do is they try to associate the religion with the culture. Well, that's just the devil's plan to get everybody sucked into the false religion is like, Hey, if you're going to be true to your culture, you have to be this religion. You know, Hey, you have to be Catholic. You have to be sick. You have to be Islamic. You have to be whatever. But you know what? There's a difference between our religion, what we believe and our nationality, because you can be a Christian and be any nationality. Okay. So it's not that we're against, we don't hate Arabs, but do we hate the religion of Islam? Of course it's a wicked religion, but we don't hate the people that are deceived by it. It's like, for example, you know, we, we love Indian people, but that doesn't mean that we respect worshiping Satan. So it's not, it's not, you know, it's not the food. We don't have a problem with the food. The food's great. You know, and look, if you want to wear a turban, go for it, but get a haircut first. And there's no reason to stick a pick in your hair because you need to have shorter hair. And then that wouldn't even be an issue. But the point is that, you know, people will try to always play this race card or you hate other cultures. Look, I'm not expecting everybody to wear a suit like me and dress and act like me and eat cheeseburgers and French fries and, and apple pie. Everybody's got their own culture. Everybody's got their own language. Everybody's got their own nationality. That's okay. People can keep their nationality in there. You know, I want to keep my culture. You know, thank God that when I believed in Jesus Christ, I didn't have to put on some special outfit and change my whole clothes and language and food and everything. You know, look, Christianity is believing on Jesus Christ and following the word of God and the morals of Christianity. They transcend nation. They transcend culture. Okay. So this is not a bashing of anybody who wears it. You know, and I'm not going to sit here and bash people because they have a different culture or wear a, you know, I will, I will say, get a haircut because that is biblical. And I will say to men around the world who don't wear pants, put on a pair of pants, get out of that dress or skirt or whatever stupid thing you're in and put on back. They don't have to be the same pants that I wear in America, but put on a pair of pants. Whatever pants you want, you want to wear baggy, bright colored pants or pants that go to your knees, pants that go to your ankles, but put on a pair of pants of some shape or form. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. And this Bible is the only true word of God. Everything else is easily recognized as a fraud. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word, Lord. And I just pray that you would just help us to understand the great treasure that we have in your word, even though we don't give it its own room and, and, uh, and treat it like it's a human being, Lord. Help us to, to respect your word, love your word, read it every day, and just to realize the amazing treasure that we have, Lord. And help us to go out and reach the lost with the gospel, Lord. And if, if we're out knocking doors and we run into one of these, uh, six, Lord, I just pray that you would just, uh, fill us with your spirit to preach unto them the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and, and pray that we would be able to get them saved just like everybody else who is without Christ and without hope and without God in the world. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.