(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man, the title of my sermon this morning is Islam and Light of the Bible Part 5. Now here's the thing, this is the final installment, okay, I promise, because I finally read this stupid thing cover to cover, alright, because these four previous sermons were based upon my reading of the Qur'an and just finding all the unbiblical wrong and erroneous things in it. And so I finally finished it, this is the final installment. It kind of makes sense, you got the five pillars of Islam and then you have the five wrecking balls of a sermon, you know, destroying them using the word of God. So the first thing I want to talk about is here in the Bible that the Bible clearly tells us in verse 6 here of Galatians chapter 1, I marvel that you're so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another, that there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we are an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. And so the Bible here is clearly saying that if an angel comes and tries to give you some other version of Christianity or some kind of a spinoff or another gospel of Christ or another gospel that even claims to include Christ, let him be accursed, okay? That obviously any revelations that come from God should always be consistent with what God has already given. You know, for example, you've got Moses on Mount Sinai and you've got the law that was given to Moses and then you have other scriptures that were written by the hand of David and then other prophets that came after him. You know, there's a consistency throughout the Bible, right? As we read from Genesis all the way to Malachi in the Old Testament, there's a consistency there. And then when we get to the New Testament, what does Jesus say? Think not that I'm come to destroy the law or the prophets. I came not to destroy but to fulfill. And so the New Testament fits in perfectly with the Old Testament. It builds upon what was there in the Old Testament. It does not contradict or negate or change things that are unchangeable. But yet when we have something like Islam coming along, it claims to follow in the footsteps of the Old Testament and the New Testament but then it ends up just contradicting huge amounts of what came before. Now the Bible says here that this other gospel that we need to watch out for, it's not another but there'll be some that would pervert the gospel of Christ. So it's not a brand new back to the drawing board kind of a gospel. It's taking Christianity and twisting it and perverting it and corrupting it. And that's exactly what Islam is. It's a perverted, twisted spinoff of Christianity that tries to claim that he's following in the footsteps of Christ but he brings a totally different gospel. Now if you read the book of Galatians, specifically the gospel that is being warned against is a gospel that brings in works as the mode of salvation or keeping the law as part of salvation when we know of course that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible says, for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. And the Galatians were being Judaized and people were trying to get them to seek salvation through faith and works, faith plus the law, faith plus keeping commandments and so forth. And of course that's exactly what Islam is. It teaches on virtually every page that you have to do works to go to heaven as opposed to the gospel, the good news that salvation is 100% by faith in Jesus Christ. But you know one thing that's interesting about the New Testament is how many times the Old Testament predicts that there's going to be a New Testament, right? Yeah if you would flip back in your Bible to Jeremiah chapter 31. Over and over again the Old Testament is predicting that there's going to be a New Testament. Over and over again there is a prediction about a savior, a prophet that's going to come into the world, a messiah that will come into the world, the son of David, the son of Abraham. All of these different prophecies going all the way back to the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve are told about how the seed of the woman is going to conquer the serpent and so forth. You just have constant prophecies and predictions about the coming of a New Testament, the coming of a savior, the coming of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Here's one example, Jeremiah 31 31, Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant. And what does covenant mean? Testament. These words are used interchangeably in scripture. A new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers and the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, which my covenant they break, although I was a husband unto them, saith the Lord. But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying, know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them under the greatest of them, saith the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more. So we have this prophecy about a New Testament, a new covenant, not according to the old covenant that he made with them at Mount Sinai. So he's explaining, look, this old covenant that is made at Mount Sinai is going away. That old covenant that I made in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, that's going away. There's going to be a new covenant where I'm going to put my laws in their inward parts, I'm going to forgive their iniquity, I'll remember their sin no more. Flip over to Hebrews chapter eight, Hebrews chapter number eight. And in Hebrews eight, we have this scripture in Jeremiah 31 being quoted in the New Testament. And so it says in verse seven of Hebrews chapter eight, I'll start reading while you get there. For if the first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. For finding fault with them, he said, so it's not that there was something wrong with God's end of the bargain. The problem with the old covenant was with whom he made it, the Israelites. And so he found fault with them saying, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. So there's that prediction that the New Testament, the new covenant's coming. Verse 13, and that he saith a new covenant, he had made the first old, now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away. He's saying, look, when you're reading in Jeremiah 31 and you read about a new covenant, not according to that previous covenant, that's already letting you know that the old covenant's going to go away. And then now we see that happening, he says in Hebrews chapter eight, that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away, just as was predicted back in Jeremiah. Okay, we could go on and I could spend the whole morning showing you verses about the Messiah and even very specific prophecies in Daniel chapter nine about when the Messiah would come and how after the Messiah comes, then Jerusalem is going to be destroyed. All these things are predicted. They're not, uh, something that's just out of nowhere in the new title. Who's this guy? Who's this John the Baptist guy? Who's Jesus? What in the world? No, they're already looking for a Messiah. The only debate is whether it's Jesus. Is Jesus the Messiah? That's what they're debating and that's what they're arguing about. They're not arguing about, well, you know, I thought the old covenant is just gonna last forever and nothing's ever going to change. No, no, no. They knew, hey, there's going to be a new covenant. There's going to be a Messiah. There's going to be, uh, this person that comes and you know, they might not have known the details or acknowledge the details, but they knew something was coming. It was so predictive. So here's my question. Where does the new testament predict that Islam's coming? Where does the new testament ever predict Mohammed? Well, I'll tell you where, Galatians chapter one, when it says that some pervert is going to show up and say that an angel spoke to him and preach a false gospel. That's where it's predicted. Where is Mormonism predicted? Because you know, if supposedly on the cover of their book, it says another testament of Jesus Christ, where's the prediction that we need another testament of Christ? If you actually read the new testament, here's the note that it leaves things on in chapter 22 of Revelation. These are the last two verses of the Bible. He which testified these things saith, surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. That's what we're expecting. The second coming of Christ, not the coming of Mohammed, not the coming of Joseph Smith, not some other testament of Jesus Christ. No, we're expecting the second coming of Christ. And it says in Revelation chapter one verse seven, behold, he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so. Amen. Same even so. Amen. That we have in chapter 22. So chapter one of Revelation chapter 22 of Revelation are both saying the same thing. Hey, Christ is coming. He's going to come in the clouds. Is he just coming to certain people? Is he just going to show up to just the Jehovah's witnesses six times in the 20th century because they failed, they had phony predictions that he had to fulfill? No. It says that when he shows up, he's coming and everybody's going to see him. Does it say he's just coming to the Indians? No, no. It says all kindreds of the earth are going to see him coming in the clouds, right? Book of Mormon claims that he, you know, there was like a coming 1.3 where he showed up to just the Indians in North America, right? Just this made up fairytale, this fabulous story. And so we see that the Old Testament definitely predicts the New Testament. It predicts the first coming of Christ and what the New Testament predicts is just the second coming of Christ and it doesn't predict anything other than the events surrounding the second coming of Christ, right? All of those events of the tribulation and God pouring out his wrath and Christ's second coming. That's the prediction. That's what's coming. Until then, you know, here we are, we're at church, we're following Christ, the Holy Spirit is doing great works among us and we're evangelizing the world. Folks, where is there room in any of that for the Book of Mormon or is there isn't? Okay, but yet these two phony religions claim to be picking up where Christianity has left off or that they claim to be in that same vein or same tradition. And you know, here's the thing about the Old Testament, okay? The Old Testament predicted the New Testament, right? And the vast majority of people when the New Testament came out, guess what? The vast majority of people followed that as the continuation of the Old Testament. Here's what I mean by that. Starting in the first century A.D., you have these two competing traditions now. You have one tradition that says Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. And then you have this other tradition that starts after the temple is destroyed that says no, Christ wasn't the Messiah, or Jesus, I should say Jesus wasn't the Messiah, and so we're going to do this new religion called Judaism where instead of doing animal sacrifices we just do prayers and we have rabbis instead of priests and so forth. So you have these two competing branches that sort of pick up the torch of the Old Testament and claim to be following the footsteps of the Old Testament, Christianity and Judaism. Well, let's see, where are we at today? We have about 2.3 billion people who claim the name of Christ and there's probably about 2.3 million people who actually claim to believe that the Old Testament is the word of God and that Judaism is their religion. Because there are only like 16 million Jews, but how many of them are actually religious and actually claim to even believe the Bible? Probably about 2.3 million, probably about one. So basically there's a thousand times as many people claiming Christ as claiming to actually be devout to the religion of Judaism. So it's pretty obvious there that Christianity is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. The New Testament perfectly fulfills the Old Testament and it's pretty easy to see that. Okay. What about Islam though? Well let me pull out, didn't I bring the Quran up here? Is this like a disappearing trick? What? Oh, it was smashed by the word of God. Okay. All right. Sorry about that little technical difficulty, but I've now got the Quran in hand. So let's see what the Quran says. Now listen, there has been a little overlap in my five sermons, but that isn't my fault. It's that the Quran is so redundant, it keeps repeating things over and over again. But actually everything I'm going to show you in the Quran today is from a section that I had never read before this morning. So therefore, this is all fresh material, okay? This is all new. It's redundant sometimes, but it's new. Okay. So this is from the surah known as Battle Array. It says, and when they went astray, God led their very hearts astray. But then listen to this, God does not guide the ungodly. So how does that work? If God's the one who led them astray, but then he's like, well, God doesn't guide the ungodly. Okay, whatever. That's not my point though. The next sentence says this, and of Jesus, the son of Mary, who said to the Israelites, so here's what the Quran says, Jesus said to the Israelites, I am sent forth to you from God to confirm the Torah already revealed and to give joyful tidings of an apostle that will come after me whose name is Ahmad. Now hold on a second. So according to the Quran, it's saying that Jesus came along and said, hey, I'm here to confirm the Torah. Now is that accurate? That actually is accurate because he said, think not that I'm come to destroy the law of the prophets, I came not to destroy but to fulfill. But he says, well, I'm here to confirm the Torah and to bring you joyful tidings, which another word for joyful tidings is good news or gospel. The gospel of an apostle that will come after me whose name is Ahmad. Now here's what's funny. You read Matthew, you read Mark, you read Luke, you read John. There's no mention of him saying, hey, there's this other one coming after me. In fact, John the Baptist even asks in the synoptic gospels, Lord art thou he that should come or do we look for another? And it's like, duh, you're not looking for another. I am he and there's none else, right? If you not believe that I am he, you'll die in your sins is what Jesus preached. He is the son of God, savior of the world, the Messiah. But according to the Quran, just based on nothing, it's just, oh, he's just, he was just there to just kind of confirm the thing that came before the Torah and then to, you know, proclaim the coming of Ahmad, which is, I guess, another term for Mohammed. Now here's the thing about that is that if Jesus supposedly confirmed the Torah, here's my question. Why doesn't Islam affirm the Torah? Why doesn't Islam believe in Genesis? Because Islam rejects Genesis, rejects Exodus, rejects Leviticus, rejects numbers and rejects Deuteronomy. But yet all throughout this book it says, oh, the Torah is the word of God. We're confirming Torah. Because Mohammed is trying to ride upon the coattails of the Old and New Testament even though he contradicts everything in them. So if you bring this up to a Muslim, here's what they'll say, well, you know, they've been corrupted over time. The Torah got corrupted, the Gospels got corrupted, the New Testament got corrupted. That's funny. So there's not even a single uncorrupted copy that we could look at? Isn't there some Gospel somewhere that points us to Ahmed? Isn't there some Torah somewhere that even remotely resembles anything that Islam has taught? Nope, of course not. It's just this fairytale that's made up that, oh, you know, the Torah used to be a Muslim book and the New Testament used to be Muslim but it got corrupted along the way. Folks, God promised to preserve his word. God said, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away. But Mohammed comes along and just says, oh, well, you know, yeah, yeah, the Torah, yeah, the prophets, yeah, Jesus, the Gospels. Oh, but all of it's wrong. Only listen to me and there's no shred of evidence that you could look at except what I'm telling you right now. That's not what Jesus said. Jesus came on the scene and said, search the scriptures. He pointed them to the Old Testament scriptures. He didn't say, oh, they're all wrong. He said they're preserved. Not one jot or one tittle has been changed. It's the same thing as what Moses received. So you see the hypocrisy and stupidity of this book claiming to follow in the footsteps of the rest of the Bible while contradicting everything about it and not following its own advice. Okay, so let's move on from that. Let me say this. The Quran, well, let me read you one more thing real quick and then I'll move on. Page 413 says, this is surely set down in the earlier scriptures, the scriptures of Abraham and Moses. So again, trying to ride the coattails of previous scriptures. But are we going to talk about the fact that there are no scriptures of Abraham, right? The scriptures of Abraham and Moses, Abraham didn't write any scriptures. The first part of the Bible that was written is the law of Moses. And so, uh, the Quran, I've read the whole stinking thing and it consists primarily of three things and anyone who's read it can affirm this. And here's the thing, you don't have to read the whole thing because if you've read like 20 pages of it, you've read the whole thing because it's so redundant and repetitive, but it primarily consists of three things. Number one, the big one that is the most that you're going to read in the Quran is just this long-winded blathering about how Muslims are going to heaven and everyone else is going to hell. Like every single page just says like, if you believe in Mohammed and do good works, you will go to paradise. There'll be beautiful little boys surrounding you and, and tender bosomed women. And it's going to be great. It's going to be like the garden of Eden. That's like every page. And then every page is also like, you're going to burn in hell if you reject Mohammed. If you sin, you go to hell. You're going to burn. It's going to be inferno. It's going to be like it mentions hell on almost every page. So that's like the Quran is just this long-winded, repetitive, redundant blathering about how Muslims are going to heaven and everybody else is going to hell. Number two element that I identified in the Quran is just these messed up and incomplete Bible stories where if you didn't already know the story, you'd have no idea what was going on. But then they twist and change the story and mess it up. It'd be like if you just went up to a random homeless person while they're high and said, tell me a Bible story. And they're just kind of like, well, you know, it's like Moses, you know, and pyramids and you're just like, what? But that's, that's literally what it's like. And I'm going to show you some examples of that this morning. And then the third thing is actual stuff that's, you know, unique to Mohammed. Like actual dumb stuff made up by Mohammed. It's all dumb and it's usually a lot of commandments about divorce and all the women he wants to sleep with and stuff like that. So we'll see a little bit of all that today. So let's start with the messed up Noah story that I read in today's reading. I'm going to go there in the Quran here. Now you, if you would, turn to Genesis chapter two because of course the book of Genesis has a coherent story about Noah. And let me tell you something, there is not one coherent story in the Quran. I've read the entire book cover to cover. There's not one time where you have a story that has a beginning, middle and end. You know, it's funny, I was talking to Eric one time, Eric and Eric took a storytelling class at community college and he told me that in that class they told him that every story has a beginning, middle and end. Can we, how do we get more, I wish I could just get in a time machine and explain this to Mohammed because there's not one story in the Quran that has a beginning, middle and end. Now, Eric thought that was a little bit self-explanatory and kind of wanted his money back, you know, but you know, he doesn't understand that there are some Mohammeds out there who don't get it because Mohammed, there's not one story that actually has a beginning, middle and end. He just like, he'll be like, do you remember that time with Jonah and stuff? But he never gives any like detail, okay, this is what happened, this is how it started, this is how it ended. That's one of the reasons why reading the Quran is so boring, it's all over the place. So let's take a look at the messed up Noah story that we find in the Quran. The first thing I found is this on page, I'm not going to give you page numbers, that doesn't make sense. It's in the surah called prohibition and it has nothing to do with alcohol. God gave an example to the unbelievers in the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. So according to the Quran, these are some bad women in the Bible, wife of Noah and wife of Lot. Now of course, in the Bible, there's nothing negative about Noah's wife. We don't even know her name, we don't know anything about her, she doesn't really factor into the story but according to him, you know, she was bad. They were married to two of our righteous servants and betrayed them. Again there's nothing in the Bible where Noah's wife betrays him and does Lot's wife really betray him or she just kind of left her heart in San Francisco and turns into a pillar of salt? It says their husbands could in no way protect them from God. They were told, enter the fire with those that shall enter it. But to the faithful, God gave an example in Pharaoh's wife. What? Again, there's nothing like this in the Bible about Pharaoh's wife who said, Lord, build me a house with you in paradise and deliver me from Pharaoh and his misdeeds. Deliver me from the wrongdoing people. So the bad examples of women are Noah's wife and Lot's wife according to this. The good example is Pharaoh's wife and Mary, Imran's daughter who preserved her chastity and into whose womb we breathed our spirit. Now who is that talking about? Who's this Mary who preserved her chastity and in whose womb we breathed our spirit? What's that a reference to? Talk to me. Like Jesus' mom Mary because it's saying like it's talking about a virgin Mary, she preserved her chastity and we breathed our spirit in her. Okay but notice it says Mary, Imran's daughter. Now Imran is the father of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. So he's mixing up two Marys because in the original language, Miriam and Mary are the same name, okay? So if you're reading a Greek New Testament, Mary's called Miriam. In English we call her Mary but in Greek and Hebrew it's both Miriam. It's the same name. So basically this guy thinks that the Mary who gave birth to Jesus is the same Mary who was the sister of Moses. Stop and think about it. They lived 1,500 years apart. So he thinks that Miriam from 1,500 BC approximately around the time of Moses is the same as first century AD Mary. That would be as ridiculous as mixing up like Nancy Reagan with somebody from like 500 AD, some wife of some emperor or something. I mean think about that, how absurd that is. But what do you expect from this illiterate bozo who wrote this book? Okay let's continue with the Noah story. So far from the Quran we've learned that it was Noah's wife that was the bad guy apparently, okay? Now let's move on with the Noah story. This is from Sura, oh this Sura is just called Noah conveniently. And you'd expect like a Sura called Noah is going to like tell you the story of Noah? Oh no, dream on buddy. Here's I'm starting at the very beginning of a Sura called Noah. We set forth Noah to his people saying, give warning to your people before a woeful scourge overtakes them. He said my people, I come to warn you clearly, worship God and fear him and obey me. He will forgive you some of your sins and give you respite to an appointed time. When God's time has come, none shall put it back. Would you but know. Okay so that's Noah's message according to the Quran. Lord said Noah, night and day have I pleaded with my people, but my pleas have only aggravated their aversion. Each time I call on them to seek your pardon, they thrust their fingers into their ears and draw their cloaks over their heads. So I guess they had a hoodie on. Persisting in sin and bearing themselves with insolent pride, then I called out loud to them and appealed to them in public and in private. Seek forgiveness of your Lord, I said. He is ever ready to forgive. He sends down abundant water from the sky for you and bestows upon you wealth and children. Now here's the problem with this. The problem is that when the water came down from the sky, that was a bad thing. That's what caused the flood, like God made it rain and then there's a flood. He has Noah preaching to people saying, God is so good to you because he sends you the rain. This doesn't make any sense because what are the Bibles? Look at the Bible in Genesis chapter two, verse five, the actual coherent story and every plan of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground, but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. So the Bible seems to indicate that at this time instead of it raining, it was just, there was humid, there was mist, there was evaporates, but it wasn't the same water cycle that we have today. Even God tells Noah in Genesis chapter seven, if you would turn there, Genesis chapter seven, verse four, for yet seven days and I will cause it to rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights and every living substance that I've made while I destroy from off the face of the earth. Verse 12 and the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights. So you know, according to the Bible, it didn't rain and then God prophesies he's going to send rain as a judgment where he's going to cause it to rain and flood the earth. And then that's what happens. And by the way, obviously we're not reading the whole story for sake of time, but if you just start reading in Genesis chapter six and you read chapter six, chapter seven, chapter eight, chapter nine, it's just this beautiful flow. It's this perfect story where God first explains the problem, how there's so much violence and sin on the earth and how God's going to destroy the earth. But then he decides he's going to spare Noah. Noah builds the arc. He sends the flood. They're spared in the arc. The flood waters are assuaged. They get off. I mean, you got beginning, middle and end. You've got a story that makes sense and the rain is not a good thing in the story. Why would you appeal to the people before the flood say, isn't it great that God sends rain? And they're like, what's that? But anyway, it doesn't make any sense the way it's told in this book here. He sends down abundant water from the sky for you. You think that means like he's about to tell him about coming judgment, but he's like and bestows upon your wealth and children. So it's like the rain's a good thing in this story. Then after, then after it just blathers about stuff that's apropos of nothing, it says because of their sins, they were drowned and cast into the fire. They found none besides God to help them. And Noah said, Lord, do not leave a single unbeliever on the earth. If you spare them, they will mislead your servants and beget none but sinners and unbelievers. Of course, total baloney not found in the Bible. And again, if you didn't actually know the real Noah story, you wouldn't even know what this is even talking about because he never says like, I'm going to send a flood. It's going to rain and it's going to destroy all life. And you know, you guys are going to get in the arc. But there's, there's no mention of the arc, building the arc, getting on the arc. How does Noah, there's no explanation of how did Noah survive the flood? It's just, God sent the, God sent the flood and drowned them and burnt them in the fire. But then there's just no mention of how did Noah survive? Who survived with Noah? Did Noah's family survive? Were they good people? Were they bad people? It's just totally left out. I mean, also in the same section I was reading, he's just like, oh, uh, what about that guy who was swallowed by a whale? And then it just, nothing else. Just one sentence. What about the guy who was swallowed by a whale? And then it just goes on to something else. But nowhere in the Quran does it tell that story. Where are you supposed to get that story about Jonah and Nineveh and the whale? You get it from the Bible. But then the Muslims will hypocritically turn around and say, oh, you don't, you know, you can't read the, but you can't trust the Bible. Then where, how are you going to learn about any of this stuff since there's not a single coherent story in this book? There's not one complete story. They're all just these fragmentary Swiss cheese versions of the stories that don't make sense unless you already know what's going on. And if you already know what's going on, they still don't make sense because you're like, wow, I don't remember that part. This is like watching a really bad movie adaptation. Now that's not even true because that would probably make way more sense. It's like I said before, it's like talking to a drug addicted homeless person about the Bible after you wake them up from like a dead stupor and pour cold water on them and say you have 20 seconds to tell me the story of Noah. That's basically about the level of coherence. All right, I got to hurry up here. Let's see here. Okay, there's another fragmentary story about Moses that I came across in the reading. Okay, just listen to this. It just pulls this out apropos of nothing out of nowhere. This surah is called the soul snatchers. Okay, and look, this is how it starts talking about Moses. Have you heard the story of Moses? Now you're expecting now he's going to tell us the story of Moses, right? Have you heard the story of Moses? His Lord called out to him in the sacred valley of Tuwah saying, go to Pharaoh. He has transgressed all bounds and say, will you reform yourself? I will guide you to your Lord that you may fear him. That has nothing to do with what Moses did. What did Moses actually say? Let my people go. He's not like, let me tutor you. Let me reform you. Let me teach you how to be Muslim. He's like, no. Let my people go. The whole point is that the Israelites are enslaved in Egypt and Moses is sent to deliver them not to be a life coach for Pharaoh. That's the whole story and then it just starts talking about something else. It literally just says, I will guide you to your Lord that you may fear him. He showed Pharaoh the mightiest sign, but he denied it and rebelled. He quickly went away and summoning all his men made to them a proper proclamation. I am your Supreme Lord, he said. So God smote him with the scourge of the life to come and of this life. Surely in this there is a lesson for the God fearing. That's the whole story. It's just like, he told, remember when Moses and he told Pharaoh to change and if Pharaoh was like, no, I'm God, and then he scourged him and stuff with like hell stuff. And then, yeah, there's, surely in this there's a lesson for the God fearing. That's basically what we just read. What a joke. All right, I got to hurry up. I'm running out of time. Okay, then here's another just little fragmentary reference to a Bible story with no explanation. Okay, this is in the surah called iron and this is its own paragraph. This is its own paragraph, its own independent thought. On that day, the hypocrites, men and women will say to the believers, wait for us that we may borrow some of your light. They will be told, go back and seek a light. That's it. Let me read it again, just in case you missed something. On that day, the hypocrites, men and women will say to the believers, wait for us that we may borrow some of your light. They will be told, go back and seek a light. Now, let's compare that with Matthew 25, which is what it's actually referring to. But see, if you've never read Matthew 25, what does that even mean? What is that? This incoherent sentence, just apropos of nothing, and the Quran is like that. In one surah, you'll have like 10 little paragraphs that just have nothing to do with one another in succession. Now let's compare that to the actual word of God telling the same story. Matthew 25, verse one, then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto 10 virgins, which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom, chapter 25, verse two. And five of them were wise and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered saying, not so, lest there be not enough for us and you. But go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, verily I say unto you, I know you not. Now that's a story that's coherent, it makes sense, explains the background, explains what's going on. And then it gives a moral at the end of the story. The moral of the story is watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh, right? So you've got to be ready. You've got to have oil in your lamp. You don't want to wait until the, the, the second coming of Christ to all of a sudden figure out, okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm supposed to believe in Jesus. What do I do? You know, he's saying, look, you need to get things settled with God now. Need to get saved today. You need to be ready for the second coming of Christ. You need to have the oil in your lamp, which is represented the Holy Spirit, you know, And the people who go out and try to buy that and try to purchase that, they're not going to make it right. I mean, there's, you know, it's, it makes sense. It's a parable. It's a story. Preachers constantly are preaching sermons on it, expounding it. It's a famous story. It makes sense. Beginning, middle, end. Uh, at the end you've got a moral to the story, but then let's compare that again to the Quran. Let me read it one more time. On that day, the hypocrites, men and women will say to the believers, wait for us that we may borrow some of your light. They will be told, go back and seek a light done. It's not even self-contained. You would have no idea what that means unless you'd already read Matthew 25. But here's what you say, well, aren't Muslims bothered by this when they, when they show up at their mosque and they hear the Quran? I mean, don't they wonder where's the rest of the story? What does that even mean? Can I get a coherent Noah story? Can I get a coherent law story? No, because 90%, mark that down. Don't forget it. No, no, no. 90% of Muslims don't speak Arabic and the Quran is not allowed to be translated because Like right now, if a Muslim saw that I'm reading it to you in English, they'd be like, that's not Quran. That is not Quran. That is English. That is not Quran. So it has to be in Arabic, which 90% of Muslims don't speak. Did you get that? What percent, talk to me, what percent of Muslims don't speak Arabic? 90. Because you know what, you want to know the biggest Muslim countries in the world? You know what they are? It's really India before it was partitioned, but because it's been partitioned, it's Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh used to all be India, right? But Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, you got Muslims all over North Africa, right? That do not speak Arabic. You have Muslims all over the Philippines. They don't speak Arabic. So they don't even know what this even says. Okay. It doesn't make any sense unless you use this to interpret it, and if you use this to interpret it, you're like, wow, this is dumb. And if you don't use this, it just doesn't mean anything. It makes no sense, my friend. All right, let's see what else I've got here as I'm wrapping up. Okay, so remember I told you there are three things. I'm almost done. Remember I told you there are three things that the Quran primarily consists of. Every page virtually telling you about how Muslims are going to heaven and everybody else going to hell. You know, that's just constant. Doesn't stop, which is super boring because you're like, okay, I get it. I get it. The little boys are going to be beautiful, and the women are going to be virgins. I get it. Who the hell is interested in a bunch of beautiful little boys, you freaking weirdo? But anyway, and you're just like, okay, whatever, I get it, it mentions hell like every page. It's, oh, they're all going to burn in hell if they don't obey me. So that was number one, what it consists of. Number two, what it consists of are just kind of these fragmentary Swiss cheese kind of incomplete, not standalone versions of Bible stories that change details to the point where you're just kind of shaking your head and wondering how you can mix up Miriam, the mother of Jesus, with Miriam, the sister of Moses. But then the third thing they consist of is just is the stuff that Mohammed brings to the table. The stuff that Mohammed, you know, comes up with on his own, which is just all dumb. And it's these twisted laws, and I'll tell you what, it's a lot about divorce. It's a lot about concubines. You know, that's pretty much the themes that just keep coming up with this guy. Lots of concubines for him and his followers, lots of divorce, and so forth. So let me give you a couple examples of this that I've found in today's reading. Okay, so this is the surah that's called She Who Pleaded. Those of you who divorce their wives by declaring them to be their mother's backs, okay, because apparently there was a tradition among the illiterate pagan Arabs at this time, when they would divorce a wife, they would say, Bithu me is my mother's back. What? Excuse me? But anyway, those of you who divorce your wives by declaring them to be their mother's backs should know that they are not their mothers. Oh, really, thanks. Their mothers are only those who bore them, oh, oh, I get it now, their mother gave birth to them, and they're not actually their, oh, okay. The words they utter are unjust and false, but God pardons and forgives. Those that divorce their wives by so saying, and afterward retract their words, shall free a slave before they touch each other again. So here's what the Bible says, or good night, this is not what the Bible says. The Bible says that a man should cleave unto his wife, and they too shall be one flesh, and what God has joined together, let not man put asunder. That's what the Bible says, okay. The Quran, here's what the Quran is saying, because I have to, you have to read this a few times sometimes to figure out what this is saying. Basically what it's saying is that if you divorce your wife by saying, B is my mother's back to me, and then you want to get back together, the penalty is you have to free a slave. It's like a board game or something. Like okay, free one slave and then you're remarried again, okay. So freeing a slave is the punishment for divorcing your wife and then recanting that divorce. Now you must free a slave. They shall free a slave before they touch each other again. This you are enjoined to do. God is cognizant of what you do. He that hath no slave shall fast two successive months before they touch one another. And of course fasting to Muslims is only not eating and drinking during daylight hours, so then at night they're just eating and drinking and gorging, and then just for the daylight hours they don't, they don't even drink, you know they do that every month for Ramadan, right? But he's saying you must do this for two months if you don't have a slave. He that cannot, so if you're just like dude I'm not fasting for two months, my blood sugar is going to get too low. He that cannot shall feed 60 of the destitute. So if you divorce, according to the Quran, boy these laws are so wise, such wise judgments. If you divorce your wife and you change your mind you must either, A, it's like you pull the card in Monopoly, it's like you either, either free a slave or fast for two months or feed 60 poor people. Then you can get back together again. Okay let's move on. All right let's see here, 387. Okay so this is again from the surah called prohibition. This is where the Prophet Muhammad is threatening to divorce his wives because they told him no about some chick that he wanted to sleep with. It may be well that if he divorce you, meaning if Muhammad divorce you, and this is specifically talking about two of his wives, Aisha, the one that he married when she was six years old, and Hafsa, or Hafsha, Hafsha, I'm probably pronouncing it wrong. It may well be that if he divorce you, his Lord will give him in your place better wives than yourselves, submissive to God and full of faith, obedient, penitent, devout, and given to fasting, both formerly wedded and virgins. I mean everything in the Quran reads this way. Whenever it talks about divorce and wives, he's always just got something real specific in mind like hey maybe I'm just going to divorce you two ladies and I'm going to marry two different women and I mean I don't know maybe they're going to be virgins but maybe they're married to somebody else, I don't know. Talk about a weirdo cult leader. And then in the surah known as the stairways, he talks about those who, he's talking about godly people, not so the worshipers who are in steadfast in prayer, who restrain their carnal desire, except with their wives and slave girls, for with these they are blameless. So you know, you can do whatever you want with your slaves. You can, you know, commit fornication with your slaves is no problem for Muslims. Transgressors are those who lust after other than these. Oh, okay, thank you for that. And then the last thing I want to point out is just that just in today's reading alone, there were like four different times where he basically says I swear I'm not demon possessed. One of them is found in the section called the pen where he says by the pen and what they write, you are not a man possessed. You shall before long see as they will see which of you is enchanted, meaning like bewitched. Later in the same surah, he is assuredly possessed, they say, yet it is but an admonition to mankind. And then again in the section called the cessation, no, your country man is not possessed, nor is this the utterance of an accursed demon. It tells you, that's just in the part that I read today. I'm saying like he says probably 15 times in here like, hey man, they think I'm possessed but it's not demonic, I swear I'm not demon possessed right now. If somebody has to keep telling you over and over again that they're not demon possessed, it's just why though? He just keeps bringing it up. But you know why? It's because obviously a lot of people in his day were saying that he was demon possessed. Guess what? He was demon possessed. He actually was demon possessed. And so he has to keep going on and on about how he's not demon possessed. I'm not demon possessed, I'm not demon possessed. Now let me just close on a few thoughts here. First of all, there are two possibilities with Islam. Either A, he just made all this up because he's just this pervert desert warlord who just wanted to just conquer cities and get a bunch of Arabs worked up about following him and he just wanted to have like 20-some women at his disposal. That's one possibility, right? Or B, if an angel appeared to him, it was a fallen angel, it was a demon that spoke to him. Now I say that it was made up and here's why. Because I don't think demons are this stupid. I feel like if a demon would have spoke to him, if a demon was helping him or something, if he sold his soul to the devil, shouldn't he get something in return? Like a book that makes sense? I don't think devils write this bad. I just think it's too stupid. Because the Quran, look, the most shocking thing when I started first reading the Quran before I did my first sermon, Islam in the Light of the Bible, part one, the most shocking thing about it was just how bad it was. Because I thought to myself that, you know, okay, maybe there are going to be at least some interesting stories, maybe there's going to be some part that's kind of interesting, some thought that's kind of deep or profound where you're kind of like, oh, okay, that's kind of interesting that, you know, I've thought about that, yeah, that's interesting. There's nothing like that. In fact, I can say this honestly. You know, I was going to put my hand on the Quran, you know, and say, I can honestly tell you that I did not like a single sentence in this book. There was not a single sentence except when it's just maybe like every once in a while it'll just say something that's just like a direct quote from the Bible, sort of, like just like the only part, you know, I agreed with it when it said like God is merciful or something. It's like, yeah, okay, yeah, he is. But I'm saying like there was not one sentence, not even one sentence in this book where I thought like, oh, that's beautiful or, oh, that's interesting. That's profound. That was kind of deep or that, you know, that's kind of a cool thought or something. Never. And look, I'm not just saying that, my friend. Look, I read all kinds of secular literature where I think like, oh, that was a cool book. Oh, that was a cool statement. I really liked that quote from that book there. Just write, I mean, human authors can write some cool stuff. And folks, even when I read the Hindu scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita and the Mahabharata, there were parts in it where you're like, oh, this is actually kind of interesting or, oh, that's kind of a profound thought. Oh, you know, that kind of reminds me of what the Bible said over here, you know. Oh, that's kind of an interesting thought. Those books obviously have their own problems that I've preached about. But I mean, at least those books were actually entertaining sometimes. You're actually kind of like, okay, yeah, you know, you kind of get into the story a little bit. This book is trash. I mean, it literally says on the back that it's a piece of great literature. And I mean, that's, what are they talking about? And I promise you, no one enjoys this book who's not a Muslim. Nobody's just like, well, you know, just the poetry, I mean, it's just beautiful. It isn't. There's nothing in it that's even worthwhile. Like there's a, like think about how much we quote the Bible. Like even unsaved people, even worldly people are constantly quoting the Bible without even knowing it sometimes because it's just so embedded in our culture. It's the Bible is just so quotable. It's just like there's just so many quotes on every page. You know, if you hang around with people who read the Bible a lot, we're all constantly like quoting the Bible. There's nothing quotable. I mean, what's quotable in this? I can marry my son's ex-wife if I want to. It's just like, what? There's nothing quotable. There's nothing. I didn't like any of it. I give it a zero stars, two thumbs down, you know, I mean, I don't know what to say. It's just, it's just total crap, you know, just get it away. I'm just looking forward to throwing it in the trash. It's been just sitting, it's been just staring me down on my shelf to say, come on pastor. I said, yeah, you got to read these last few pages. You got to finish it. And I'm just like, no, die. It's like, come on. Finish what you started. No, I'll do it later. Leave me alone. I'm just glad I can just get rid of the stupid thing and never have to see it on my shelf again. I'm done. All right. I thought, I think I had a more coherent conclusion than that. You know why, you know, why preach it? Why preach a sermon like this? Why, why even talk about Islam? Is anybody in this room stupid enough to ever convert to Islam? No, but let me tell you one of the reasons why I preach a sermon like this and just show you just how absurd the Quran is, how out there Islam is and just how ridiculous this is just to point out to you the difference, my friend, between the Bible and the imitations that are out there. Because a lot of people just go, what's the difference between the Bible and the Quran? Hmm. I mean, they think the Quran is the word of God. You think the Bible is the word of God. What's the difference? It's like, do you see the difference? Boys and girls? Yeah. It's a pretty big difference. Their rock is not as our rock, okay? Never man spake like this man, right? God's word is unique. God's word stands out and so I want to show you that it's not like the biggest lie of the devil that's out there that says like, oh, there's just so many religions in this world. How do you know which one's right? Oh, there's just so many religions. I mean, sure, you believe in your religion, but what about all the other religions? There aren't all these other religions out there. Somebody tried to say the other day, oh, there's 4,000 religions, baloney. There's not 4,000 religions, that's stupid. As far as religions that actually have a big following, there's like five. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, those are the only ones, and even Judaism should probably be left off that list because it doesn't have much of a following. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism are the big ones. Look, if I gave you a piece of paper and a pen, have fun coming up with 20 religions and writing them on a piece of paper. You know, oh, there's just so many thousands of religions. Okay, fine, name 20 because once you've named the big ones, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, you're like Sikhism, Baha'i faith, Jainism, which is, and again, these religions are restricted to like a certain group of people. Jainism? How many people are Jainism? You know, besides Kurt Cobain from Nirvana, literally every other person who believed in it is in India, okay? And so, you know, what else is there? Somebody name a religion that I haven't mentioned. You can say Daoism, Shinto, Rastafarian, Zoroastrianism, but it has no followers. It's an old, that's an ancient religion, but not today. I mean, I'm sure there's some dork somewhere that's like reviving Zoroastrianism, but I mean, how many, are there still some? Okay, so there's a spinoff in India called Parsis. Okay, so we'll give you Zoroastrianism, I'll award that point to you again. So what else is there? So-called traditional Native American religions. So we got a hive mind here going, and we're up to like 11 or 12, and we're getting pretty obscure. Let's go hive mind, let's go, what else we got? Say what? What's a larper? Oh, like these viking, these super white dudes that don't leave the basement that like play with swords in their basement and stuff that are into like viking religion? Okay, but see how we're getting into stuff that isn't really serious anymore, you see what I mean? And then what's that one religion called, help me out with this variant, what's that religion called that's kind of a, it's kind of like a, they claim to be following Moses' father-in-law, you know what I'm talking about? You know what I'm talking about. They claim to be calling, they're like, we're following Moses' father-in-law, it's a lot like Islam, it's kind of an Islam spinoff in fact. What, say it again? The Druze, yeah, Druze, alright, yeah, Druids, nope, that's not a thing either, folks. Like I'm saying, I mean we're struggling, we have like 300 people in here and we're struggling to come up with like 15 and we're getting into just all these weird kind of, you know, I don't know, Klingon religion at this point, we're getting into stuff that doesn't really, doesn't really a thing, Scientology, there we go, now we're talking, okay. I mean that counts as a unique religion, but how many people are following that? You know, it's pretty much Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and that's about it. It's two guys anymore, you know, they just keep casting thetans out of each other. Yeah, but the Mormons are just a screwed up, twisted branch of Christianity, right? I mean yeah, we could get into all the different denominations of Christianity, but all of the branches and so-called denominations of Christianity are all, they're all saying that Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose again, and that the Bible is the Word of God. Now they don't necessarily believe that, but that's what they're all claiming. So here's the thing, my whole point is that this attitude that just says, oh, there's so many religions, I can't figure out which one's right, it's really just a few things. It's pretty much like Christianity, Islam, and reincarnation stuff. Reincarnation stuff in countries that you would never want to live in, which shows the fruit of those religions. Reincarnation religion from countries that Trump has a word for, or Islam, or Christianity. So then once you narrow it down, once you narrow it down like, okay, Christianity is the right religion, then you can delve into which branch of Christianity, and it's not going to take you long to figure out who's actually believing and following the Bible. Baptists! Right? It's pretty much going to be either Baptists or Evangelical Christians that you'd come to as following the Bible, some kind of a non-denom or Baptist, Evangelical Christian faith you're going to come to. See the Bible says if you seek, you'll find. Hey, anybody who wants to know the truth can find it, it isn't that complicated, right? The devil's lies are easy to see for what they are to anyone who actually cares. But you want to know why 1.6, I was looking for the Quran, but I already threw it over there. Don't bring it back, I don't want to see it again. Somebody else throw it away for me, please. Who will volunteer to throw it away? Okay, you'll take care of it, thank you. I don't want to touch it again, I'm done. I'm so done with it. Now I forgot what I was going to say. Yeah, the reason why the 1.6 billion Muslims believe it is because they don't even care. If they cared and actually looked into it, they wouldn't be a Muslim anymore. If Mormons cared, they'd do a little research, there's this thing called the World Wide Web that it's amazing that Mormonism can even exist after the internet was invented. But we have the truth that's like a rock, it makes sense. You know what, this thing's a pleasure to read every day, isn't it? Man, what a pleasure to read the Bible every day. I love it. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for giving us a book that makes sense, Lord. Thank you for the Bible with such power and beauty and majesty on every page, Lord God. I pray that, Lord, you would help us to win as many Muslims to Christ as we possibly can because they're doomed, they're in darkness, Lord. I pray that they would wake up to the devil's lies before it's eternally too late, Lord. I pray that we would be able to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness and get as many people saved as we possibly can, and in Jesus' name we pray, amen.