(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And Father, I just pray that we would, as we look within its pages now and as we hear this sermon preached, I pray that you would open up our hearts to understand the great truths that are presented. And in Jesus' name I pray, amen. Now this is a very interesting passage in the Bible, Psalm 106. Now the primary application here is that we're talking about the children of Israel who left the land of Egypt, they were in the wilderness for 40 years, then they crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land. When they entered into the Promised Land, the Bible says that they did not, in the first verse we read there in verse 34, it says, they did not destroy the nations concerning whom the Lord commanded them. They were supposed to make a clean sweep of the entire Promised Land and destroy everything that breathed because God was so afraid that these people would influence them, to be worldly, to be sinful, to be evil as the people who'd been before them had been extremely evil people. And so God said, I want them all gone, but they didn't do that according to this verse here, Psalm 106. And I love these Psalms, 105, 106, 107, because they kind of give synopses of Old Testament stories shedding a whole new light on them. And the Bible says in verse number 35, they were mingled among the heathen and learned their works. They became mixed in with the unsaved crowd. They became mixed in with the worldly crowd, and they ended up learning the lifestyle of the unsaved crowd. Let me show you the progression here. I found a seven-step progression here of how these people, the children of Israel, degenerated. And I believe it's the same exact way that happens with saved, born-again Christians today, families in particular, how they degenerate, how they go down a road that leads them to ruin. You see very few people who are third and fourth generations of Christians who are serving God faithfully. It's usually the first generation Christian, the person who got saved, and maybe their parents weren't even necessarily saved. And then their children seem to go on for God. And then the third and fourth generation seem to either fall away, or sometimes they seem to be liberal and they seem to be soft and they seem to be laid back and just not very fired up about the things of God. Now I myself happen to be a third generation Christian. My grandpa was saved, and let's see, my grandpa and my dad both got saved right about the same time. My dad was about, I believe, ten years old. And his dad was, I'm not sure of the exact age there, but his dad got saved when he was a ten-year-old boy, and they were from that point on raised in independent fundamental Baptist churches. And so I'm basically maybe second or third generation, maybe the way that you look at it. But let me show you the progression. Step one is found in verse 35, mingled among the heathen, mixed in, hanging around with unsaved friends, spending time outside of work or something normal, but spending recreational time with the heathen. Or via the television, turning on the television and you're spending time with the world, they're entertaining you, they're teaching you, and so forth. So number one, they were mingled among the heathen. Number two, they learned their works. If you spend time around the unsaved ungodly crowd, you can't but learn their works. You can't but have it rub off on you. Number three, they served their idols. That's the next step. First you start hanging around with the unsaved crowd. Then you start to become, well, you start to learn the way that they do things and you start to do things and say things and act and dress the way that they act. Well, the third thing you do is you serve their idols. What are their idols? Well, I think the number one idol that's mentioned in the Bible is covetousness. The Bible says covetousness is idolatry. And mammon or money, worship, is the number one idol throughout the Bible. People are worshiping money. Why do you think every statue they make is made out of gold, everything's made out of silver, everything is decked in precious stones, because mankind worships money. That's step three. Step number four, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils. That's found in verse 37. So number one, they hang around with the unsaved or have the unsaved influence them. Number two, they learn to be like them. Number three, they start worshiping money and they start worshiping the gods of this world, the idolatry of this world. And number four, their kids go to the devil. That's what happens. They sacrifice their children, maybe not literally, but they sacrifice their children to devils and say, my children, living for God and my children in general, are not as important to me as my God of money, and so I will sacrifice my sons and my daughters to devils. Number five, they shed innocent blood of their sons and of their daughters. And we'll get into that tonight, actually. Number six, they went a whoring with their inventions. So now we have fornication is the next step in this family that's going downhill. And number seven, I see this in verse number 40. This is the result. It says, the wrath of the Lord was kindled, therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against his people. We're talking about Christians, we're talking about God's people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance. Boy, can you imagine God coming to the place where he gets angry and wrathful at his own people to the point where he says, I hate what I've ended up with, I hate my inheritance. He said, I hate this group of people that I've ended up with, this is now what I had in mind. You know, he's looking at the fourth generation, he's looking at the third generation that have just totally gone to the devil. They're murderers and fornicators, and he says, I hate this. That's where God comes to it. This is the downfall, this is the progression. Now I'm going to talk to you about a subject that is extremely controversial tonight. Now that's not unlike me to preach on these kind of subjects. You're thinking, yeah, what else is new? Why don't you tell us when you're not going to preach on something that's controversial. I'm going to preach on something that's very controversial. And I want to say this, as a pastor, I never know who's going to be here and who's not going to be here. People always have this idea that I'm preaching right at them many times, and I'll be preaching about something that I know that three people in the room, this applies to them. And everybody in the room, they think, he's just talking straight to me. He's only preaching to me, I can't believe he's preaching on my, you know. And so I never know who's going to be here. I'm just preaching the truth, and I decide what I'm going to preach, and boy, I don't have a clue. Sometimes a bunch of, you know, certain people come and I say, I have no clue. But I know that I want to preach this because I believe this, number one. Number two, it's straight out of the Bible. And number three, I want my family to hear this, I want anybody who's here to hear this, I want the world to hear this because it's the truth, and I don't care whether people like it or they don't like it. And I am going to preach the truth as a pastor, and I am committed to preaching everything that's taught in this Bible from cover to cover, whether it's popular, whether people think it's important or not, I don't really care. I'm going to preach the whole book, and so forth. Now, I'm going to teach you several things tonight. This is more of an educational type sermon than a screaming, yelling type preaching service. But number one, I want to, the number one point I want to make is that life begins at conception, number one. Life begins at conception. Now, does everybody agree with that? Life begins at conception, pretty easy. Well, the problem is that in the year of 2006, where we're standing here, the medical world in general has a different definition of when life begins than when conception takes place, which is what we believe is Bible-believing Christians. Let me read to you a quote from Dr. Vanessa Collins, who is one of the heads of Planned Parenthood. Everybody knows what Planned Parenthood is? Organization that promotes heavily abortion. They promote everything that's wicked and ungodly, they're for it. And therefore, everything is bad. Let me read this for you. She's the Vice President for Medical Affairs of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She was asked this question. Do hormonal birth control pills cause abortion? Okay, that's the question. Do hormonal birth control pills cause abortion? Which is all birth control pills, obviously. Her response was, no, abortion ends a pregnancy. Contraception pills work before a pregnancy begins. Well, that makes sense, right? She's saying, no, they don't end a pregnancy because they work before a pregnancy begins. Pregnancy begins with the implantation of the developing fertilized egg in a woman's uterus. So when does she define life as beginning? She says the pregnancy begins when the developing fertilized egg implants in the uterus. Now, at that point, if anybody knows a little bit about science, knows that the baby is at least seven days old at this point. Could be anywhere from, I believe, seven to 14 days old when it implants. It is conceived up here and it comes down the tube, and about seven to 14 days later, it implants into the uterus. Now, Vanessa Collins here, the world, Planned Parenthood, is saying life begins at implantation. Now, unfortunately, this literally represents the viewpoint of the medical world today across the board. This represents the viewpoint of Christian doctors, so-called, across America believe that life begins at implantation. And many Christians are starting to believe this. Now, what does the Bible say about it? I want to show you what the Bible says about it. Turn to Hosea chapter 9. I'm going to show you just a few scriptures on this. Turn to Hosea chapter 9 because I want to first show you that conception is where life begins, and then I want to show you what the Bible defines conception as. So look at Hosea chapter 9, that's toward the end of the Old Testament, Hosea chapter 9. Hosea 9, and let's look at verse number 11, the Bible says, As for Ephraim, their glory shall fly away like a bird, from the birth and from the womb and from the conception, though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them. And I'll stop there. So God is saying, their children, referred to in verse number 12, we're talking about children here, we're not talking about some kind of a blob of tissue, we're talking about a child, and God is saying that, I'm talking about three stages in the development of this child. Number one stage is conception. Number two stage is the womb, and number three stage is the birth. So God is referring to something that takes place at conception as a child. In Hosea 9, 11, and 12, very simple to see, that a child goes through these three stages, conception, womb, which would be pregnancy, and birth. Now, let me show you something very interesting. Look at Matthew chapter 1. Just a few pages forward in your Bible, Matthew chapter 1. And I want to say, I have discovered, not too long ago, a very interesting way of studying the Bible. And this is my favorite way to study the Bible. I have noticed that quotations in the New Testament, where God quotes the Old Testament, are not word-for-word exact. God will quote a verse from the Old Testament into the New Testament, and He will use slightly different wording. Now, at first, this bothers some people, and they say, Can't God quote Himself right? I guess it's just the general idea that matters, so God just kind of sloppily quotes Himself. I don't believe that at all. This book is a perfect book, the King James Bible. And there's a difference, yes, between the Hebrew language and the Greek language, but the point is, God chose to use different wording in our English Bible, and He chose to give us these slightly different quotes. Here's what I do, and I love this, and this is my favorite way to study the Bible. I compare the New Testament quote with the original passage in the Old Testament, and I put them side-by-side, and God will define words for me. Let me show you. Matthew chapter 1, look at verse number 22. Now all this was done, and it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophets, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. Now keep your finger in Matthew chapter 1. Keep your finger right there and turn to Isaiah 7, 14, and we're going to look at the origin of this quote. And you can use this, just studying the Bible, to really learn a lot of fascinating things when you make this comparison. Instead of questioning God and saying that God made some kind of mistake, you could use this to learn a lot. Isaiah chapter 7, verse 14, let's look at the exact same quote from the Bible. Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign, Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Now flip back and forth between the two, and look how it says, Behold, a virgin shall be with child. Now look at Isaiah 7, 14, Behold, a virgin shall conceive. You see that? So, what can we ascertain from this? Being with child equals conceiving. Is that simple? Because God is quoting something in the Old Testament that says, a virgin shall conceive, and God's not inaccurate when he quotes things, and if he's going to quote it, a virgin shall be with child, then it must be the same thing. To be with child and to conceive. So God is very clear that life begins at conception, just by looking at Matthew 1 and Isaiah 7, 14. Now, look at Psalm 139, and I'm going to have you turn to a lot of passages, and I'm only going to be able to have you turn to about 10 or 20 percent of the passages, because there's so much Bible in this sermon that we just can't even get to it all just for time's sake and turn there. But there are certain foundational things that I do want you to see from these important passages. Psalm 139, look at verse number 14 of Psalm 139. I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect. And in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! Look at verse 16 in particular. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect, or incomplete, is what God's saying there. And in thy book all my members were written. Now, the members are body parts. You can find that in 1 Corinthians 14, but members in the Bible is referring to parts of the body. He's saying, my members in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them. So he's saying here that David, when he was in his mother's womb, was a child before he even had all his body parts. While they're being fashioned, he didn't even have a hand. He didn't necessarily have a foot. He didn't necessarily have a nose. But he was a human being. He was alive in his mother's womb. God knew him, the Bible says, and God was fashioning this child before he even had all his body parts. What the world would call a blob of tissue was a human being. Now look at this. You want to turn there, but Job chapter 10, verse 8. Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about, is what Job says in chapter 10 there. Now, when a human child is conceived, here's what it looks like when it's first conceived. It looks like this. It's round. It starts out just a single celled organism and it grows and grows and grows and it starts out round. Then eventually it looks like kind of a kidney bean shape. And then one of the sides of the kidney bean becomes the head and the other side becomes the body. And it grows. Now, Job, whoever's writing Job here, Job didn't know that it looks like this because they didn't have microscopes back then. They didn't have modern science. And yet he's speaking God's word by the Holy Ghost and he's saying, you fashioned me round in my mother's womb. And so that's what's called the blastocyst. That's the very earliest stage when it's round, when it's just conception has just taken place. And God is still saying that's a life. It's alive. It's not after implantation. It's alive. You say, well, how do you know that conception isn't referring to implantation? Because I've had people say this. How do you know that conception is referring to fertilization? Which anybody knows that that's what it means. And that's what a dictionary would have told you that it means, except modern dictionaries are actually changing it to say, fertilization or implantation, literally, for a definition of conception. But how do we know that that's really what it means? Well, there's a phrase used throughout the Bible. And you've probably heard this phrase many times, conceive seed. These two words put together. Conceive, seed, together. Now, Hebrews chapter 11, we just preached through the book of Hebrews. Through faith also, Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised. And so she conceived seed. Now, let me ask you this. If conception is taking place in implantation, the seed's been gone for a week now. Doesn't make any sense. Conception is when the seed is there and conception is fertilization. Anyone who doesn't believe that is just simply ignoring what the Bible says. Let's face it. But on from that, the question is, the next question that I have is, do birth control pills cause abortion? Now, according to Vanessa Collins, she says no, because they're acting before pregnancy. Well, how do birth control pills work? Well, my wife happens to translate medical documents and I spent several months doing that for a living, also translating medical magazine articles, medical journals from the German language into English. Now, in these numerous research that I've done and in my own personal experience of reading the package inserts of pills that are given out at Christian colleges across America that are given out by Christian doctors across America, I read the package insert. The one that's like a billion pages long and it's such fine print. You need a magnifying glass to read it. Well, there are two mechanisms of birth control pills. They are made up of two hormones and they have two mechanisms. Here's what they do. Number one, they stop a woman from ovulating. Now, in this respect, hey, there's not a life being ended there. It's just the woman's not releasing an egg. There's no ovulation taking place. Number two, they destroy the lining of the uterus, providing, to quote the package insert of every pill I've ever looked at, to quote it, they create a hostile environment in the uterus so that the developing blastocyst is not able to implant. They create this hostile environment. That's the backup mechanism because otherwise, women would be getting pregnant all the time with birth control pills, but birth control pills are 99% foolproof. According to science and according to statistics, they are 99%, 99.9% or 99.5% accurate because they have two mechanisms. They got the backup. Number one, they're stopping you from ovulating. Number two, they're creating this hostile environment so that a child is fertilized, a child is conceived, it comes down the pike there and when it arrives, it cannot implant and it dies at 7 to 14 days old. The living child dies. Now, how often does this happen? Well, it depends on which kind of pills you're taking. If you're taking what's called the mini pill, this could be happening probably either every month or every other month. You're aborting this child at age 7 days old. If you're taking the mini pill, which is a progesterone-only pill, which would include the patch, progesterone injections or implants, and it would include the mini pill is the most common. It would also include an IUD, an intrauterine device, which you put this device in the uterus that prevents implantation from taking place. So this baby comes along at 7 days old and cannot implant and dies because it finds a hostile environment created by drugs. Now, is this wrong? Is this a sin? Well, first of all, let me give you the rest of the percentages. A woman taking the mini pill maybe 60% of months is probably having a silent abortion, depending on how fertile she is and so forth. There are many variables. A woman taking the combination pill, which is the least abortive of birth control pills, the combination pill, the estrogen-progesterone combination, is probably having one a minimum of every two years would be the most conservative figure that I could find. So anywhere, depending on what kind of pill, depending on the person, depending on the luck of the draw, because that's really what you're leading it to, it could be happening anywhere from every month, every other month, to about every two years, every year and a half. But is that right or wrong? Well, let's see if it's right or wrong. Let's look in the Bible at Exodus chapter 21. And let's see how God feels about this issue. Exodus chapter 21. Exodus 21, 22, the Bible says, If men strive and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow, he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. So what's God saying here? He says, well, this is how I feel about someone killing someone's unborn child. He says, number one, if they do it and no mischief follow, it was obviously an accident. It was obviously something that they didn't realize that they were doing wrong. He says, yes, they will be punished. Yes, they've sinned. Yes, they've done wrong. But, you know, they'll be punished, and that's all. But did you notice what he said here? If any mischief follow, what's the remedy here? Life for life. That's talking about the death penalty. What am I saying? I'm saying that every abortion doctor in this country should be lined up tomorrow and shot dead, because they deserve the death penalty for being a murderer. That's what the Bible says. And I didn't pull that out of my hat. I didn't make that up. I'm preaching the Bible. I don't preach anything that's not founded on this book right here. And this book says life begins at conception. And this book says in Ecclesiastes 11.5, he says, you don't know how the bones grow in the womb. This is Ecclesiastes 11.5. You don't know how the bones grow in the womb of her that is with child. You don't know how I make human life in the womb. Don't pretend to know what I do, because you don't know. That's what God says in Ecclesiastes 11.5. Don't tell me when life begins. God said, I will do what I do, and it's none of your business, and you don't know what I'm doing. You say, well, I've got a microscope and a camera, and I've done experiments, and I know how it works. God says, you don't know how the bones grow in the womb. You don't know how the Spirit gives life in a woman that's with child. You don't know, you don't know. That's what Ecclesiastes 11.5 says. Who are we to think that we can tamper with what God is doing and say, well, wait, you don't know. Wait, you don't know that that's really, you don't know that it's really abortive. You don't know that it's really happening. How do you know that it's not happening? David said of a piece of armor that he's never used. He said, I can't use these because I haven't proved them. In 1 Samuel 17, when he's going to fight Goliath, he says, I'm not going to put on some piece of armor. I don't know anything about. Look at Elisha in the school of the prophets. He says, I'm not going to cut up some gourd and put it in my food, and I don't even know what kind of gourd it is. And, of course, they chopped it up. Some young guy chopped it up, threw it in the food, and what did they say? There's death in the pot. And they couldn't, it ruined, in a time of famine, they ruined their whole pot of food. And only by a miracle of God was Elisha able to bring that pot of pottage back and throw in some other ingredients and straighten it out. But don't just use things and you don't know what they are. You say, well, I don't think that's true. Look, God said that God's people murder their own children. Is that true or not? He said in Psalm 106, that's where we started. He said, my people have sacrificed their sons and their daughters to devils, and they have shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters. You say, well, that was back then. Listen, my friend, do you think that the world is getting better or getting worse? So you expect me to believe that God's people, several thousand years ago, were murdering their children, but that nobody today, oh, Christians today would never do that, would they? I find that hard to believe because there's nothing new under the sun. And I also find it hard to believe that we've improved so much and that we're so much better than the people in the Bible. I find that hard to believe because I look around and I see a little bit different picture of the way society is. But I strongly believe that anybody who knowingly ends a pregnancy is a murderer. And according to God, if I were king, they would get the death penalty. Every abortion doctor, every nurse, everyone who willingly ends a pregnancy should be killed. Now, obviously, that's not the society we live in. That's not the country we live in. And so God will judge. It's not for us to judge. God will judge those who've committed murder. You know, we're not going to blow up any abortion clinics or anything like that. But I'd take my hat off to the guy who did. But I will. But I'm not going to do that because obviously, you know, the law is supposed to take care of it. They're not taking care of it. So God's going to have to judge. But I want to ask you a question. Is birth control in general a sin? I mean, we're talking about, we know that taking birth control pills is a sin because you're spinning the wheel on the revolver and putting it to the head of your unborn child and saying, I wonder if this month it's going to kill you and make me a murderer. We know that's wrong. But is birth control in general wrong? Now, before you look at me and say, like, you're insane, you're nuts, you're crazy, you're off the deep end, let me read for you some quotes, okay? This is President Theodore Roosevelt in 1905. Everybody knows about Theodore Roosevelt. What do we know about him? He was the guy, the old, what do you call him? Does anybody remember? He had, like, a nickname? Teddy. Teddy. Oh, come on. There's something else. I don't remember. I don't remember, but he was the guy who said, walk softly and carry a big stiff. And he was kind of a man's man, if you know about him. And he was a tough guy. He was one of the rough riders, you know, in the military and so forth. And I'm not a big history buff, but I know a little bit about him. Well, this is what he said in 1905. Now, before anybody gets mad at me before I read this, because this is offensive, this is mean, and this is offensive, but I didn't say it. And I'm just reading you what he said, what the President, and just imagine, like, George Bush saying this on TV tomorrow. If you want to have a good laugh, just imagine George W. Bush saying what he said. And this is only 100 years ago. This is 1905. 100 years ago, this is the President of the United States. This is not some radical, independent, fundamental Baptist preacher who's just crazy. This is the President of the United States. He says in 1905, he's addressing the National Congress of Mothers, which is like an association or whatever. And he says that Americans who avoid having children are criminals against the race, the object of contemptuous abhorrence by healthy people. That's a pretty strong statement. Listen to this. He also condemned the viciousness, coldness, shallow-heartedness of women who refused to do their duty, especially the growing number of college-educated children, over half of whom remained unmarried at this time. Many of the children were going to college, and they weren't even getting married, let alone having children. You say, well, what's wrong with that? Well, because my Bible says in I Timothy 5.14, I will, therefore, that the younger women marry their children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. Now, that's not popular, and that's just way off the deep end. But God says, I have a will for your life. You say, oh, I'm a young girl. I don't know what God's will is. Why don't you open the Bible to I Timothy 5? Because God will tell you what his will is. I will, therefore, that younger women marry their children, guide the house. Does he say, well, if they want, they can get married, and if they feel like it, they can have children? No, he says, I will, therefore, that they marry their children and guide the house. You want to know, young girls, what God's will for your life is? It's to marry their children and guide the house. That's what the Bible says. You probably forgot that that verse was in the Bible, because it's like, I've never heard hardly, I don't think I've ever sat in a church and heard anybody even quote them in my life, literally, to date. But I heard it now, praise the Lord. Of course, I was saying it myself, but, well, anybody heard of Dr. John R. Rice? Dr. John R. Rice, right? Isn't he kind of one of our fundamental forefathers, fundamental Baptist? Dr. John R. Rice? Well, he wrote a book about the home, and he has an entire chapter in this book on the home called Birth Control. Here are some quotes, I just wrote down a few. Let me give a disclaimer, I don't read any of his books, I don't read anybody's books. I read the Bible, and I don't recommend reading a bunch of Christian books at all. I'm not for that at all, I'm much more for it. By the time I've meditated in the Word of God day and night, I just don't really have time, usually, to pick up a lot of these books. But I picked up this book and looked at it just because I was just intrigued that anyone who was called a Baptist was actually against birth control. But come to find out, they all used to be, because birth control was actually illegal until 1938. But I was looking at this, John R. Rice said, The use of artificial means, drugs, and appliances to prevent conception has for centuries been regarded as immoral, wrong for the individual, and dangerous to society as a whole. That's what John R. Rice said in 1946. He said it's immoral, it's wrong, and it's dangerous to our society, it's going to ruin society. And then he also said this in 1946, birth control measures, if generally practiced, would be disastrous to public morals and public welfare. Because this is before they were generally practiced, in 1946. Was he right or wrong? Because here we are, in 2006, and the morals are disastrous. Look around and you'll see that. I forgot to read you the rest of Brother Roosevelt's quote. I know he wasn't a preacher, but I'm just kidding. Pastor Roosevelt, I'm sorry, President Roosevelt, let me read this for you, this Baptist preacher, President of the United States, let's hear what he said. This is Theodore Roosevelt, 1905. Birth control is sinful. That's what he said as the President of the United States. Birth control is sinful and denies to the nation the necessary growing population and stock of large, stable families. Now let me give you a statistic. 200 years ago, the average family had eight children 200 years ago, is that amazing? Boy, today that would be considered massive family. This is back in 1800, 200 years ago. Eight. When he said that in 1905, the average family was four children, because this had already started to come about in the late 1800s, methods of birth control being practiced, although they were illegal. And here we are in 2005, does anybody know what the average number of children that a family has is? 1.8. Now, 1.8 is the average right now. Now, let me show you some real interesting things in the Bible about this. First of all, look at Genesis 1.28. I'm going to be preaching just slightly longer than I usually preach tonight. I'm usually a very short-winded preacher. Most of our services literally get out an hour after they start, or an hour and ten minutes after they start, partly because we just sing congregational singing. We don't have all the performances of people showing us how wonderful they are with their singing ability. But we usually have about 15 minutes of about four congregational songs with all the verses, and we pass the plate. We have some announcements, we're usually right into preaching about 15 minutes into the service, and I usually preach for about 45 minutes to 55 minutes. I think the longest I've ever preached since I've passed this church has been an hour. This sermon's going to be slightly longer than usual, but we're so spoiled in this church, we can have a little bit longer when the subject warrants a little bit longer. But Genesis 1.28, look at this verse. God said, and did you, oh, first of all, let me ask you, what do you think the first command that God ever gave was? Oh, don't touch the tree, it is knowledge of good and evil, right? No, that's not the first command. The first command is found in Genesis chapter 1, verse 28, the first command that God ever gave to mankind. Now, there's got to be significance there. This is the first thing I'm ever telling anybody to do. Genesis 1.28, and God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. Now, in a sermon I preached a couple months ago, most of you weren't here, but I preached on the subject of how God relates soul winning to having children, and so I would take a whole other interpretation of this, that we're supposed to be fruitful and multiply as a church. We're supposed to win people to Christ. We're supposed to multiply ourselves by winning people to the Lord, getting people saved, and making them like us, reproducing after our own kind by winning somebody to the Lord. They get baptized like we got baptized, and they win souls like we win souls. They go to church like we win souls. That's the great commission is to reproduce ourselves. But let's not discount the literal interpretation where God is telling Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. Now, is this command just to Adam and Eve, or is it to all of mankind? Well, the answer is within the verse. The answer is in the Bible always. Look at the key word of this verse that tells us that he's not just talking to the early people, but he's talking to everybody in the world. The key word is replenish, and replenish the earth. Now, the word replenish means to fill something up again. That's what re means. Any time you put re in front of something, to redo something is when you do it the second time. Now, how can Adam and Eve replenish the earth? Which means to refill. That's what it means, refill. Plenish means fill, refill. Now, if you have an NIV, or a New King James, or a Living Bible, or any modern Bible, it takes out the word replenish and replaces it with the word fill. The difference between fill and replenish is fill versus refill. And they say, well, you're not smart enough to understand the Bible, so we as the NIV staff are going to explain this to you because it can't mean replenish because the earth has never been full before. So how can you refill something that's never been full? So let's just say you did a fill. Well, they're missing the whole point, though. The whole point, yes, obviously the earth has never been filled. God is telling us to replenish the earth because it's a continual process of refill, and refill, and refill. He says replenish, replenish, replenish, refill, refill, refill. Not just Adam and Eve, because he can't be talking to just Adam and Eve because they can't refill anything because it's never been full. But he's saying mankind is to be fruitful, to multiply, and to replenish the earth. The same command is given to Noah when he gets off the ark. Same exact wording. So this is not something to Adam and Eve. This is something to mankind, to replenish the earth, to be fruitful and multiply. What's the smallest number that you can multiply by? You can't really multiply by one, you haven't multiplied. It's the same thing. So we're talking about Elise, you multiply by two, I guess, and you've got four kids right away. Just to even take me literally, but God wants us to have children. That's the bottom line. God wants us to have children. God commands us to have children. Now, you say, well, that was back then when there was only eight people around. And now the earth is overpopulated. And we're all going to die because we're all going to starve to death because the earth is overpopulated and there's a big hole in the ozone. And we're all going to burn up because of the ozone layer. And then the water is all polluted. I mean, the scare tactics that are used with the eco-warriors and so forth. But look at Deuteronomy 111. Please flip to this. Just flip a few pages. Deuteronomy 111, fifth book of the Bible. Deuteronomy 111. And I want to show you something interesting here. Now, according to the Bible, when the children of Israel went to Egypt, there were 70 men in their group. Seventy men. And they had lots of other women and children, female children that are not listed there. But when they went down to Egypt in the book of Genesis, at the end of the book it says there were 70 souls that went down there. Now, in the book of Numbers, we find out that when they left Egypt, they had 600,000 men. We're only talking about the men between the ages of 20 and I think it was just men from 20 years old and upward. There were 600,000 men that could go to war. Now, if there were 600,000 men, we could very reasonably say that there's at least two to three million people, if you include their wife and children, even if they just had a wife and a couple of kids. Now, how did they go in just a few hundred years from 70 to two to three million? That's some rapid growth. Do you think that I'm going to have, at that rate, that means that in a couple hundred years I'm going to have 200,000 descendants? That's not normal, that kind of rapid growth. That is extreme rapid multiplication going on. Between 70 to two to three million. Boy, imagine the church. I'm thinking about this church so I can get 70 people in here. A couple hundred years, let's have it up to three million. That's crazy, right? That's a huge growth. Do you remember what Pharaoh said in Exodus chapter one? The children of the people of Israel are more and mightier than we. Now, think about this. You've got 70 people who go to a heathen, wicked, ungodly, worldly country called Egypt. The most powerful nation in the world at that time is Egypt. Huge nation. World super power and 70 people become more and mightier than they are in the space of a couple hundred years. Why is it that God's people seem to multiply so much? And why is it that the world seems to not multiply at all and even diminish? Now, look at Deuteronomy 111. So I think we can easily agree that there's two to three million people in this group of the children of Israel at this time. Look at Deuteronomy 111. It says, the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are and bless you as he hath promised you. So he says, two to three million? I want two to three billion just of the children of Israel. Now, if you study in Genesis chapter 11, God is the one who divided the nations. We went through the book of Genesis several months ago and showed the progression. I preached a sermon where I went through about half the book of Genesis and just showed kind of a progression of what happened. But what happened was God was dealing with mankind and they failed him miserably. That ended up with the flood. After the flood, Shem, Ham, and Japheth had their various descendants and God decided to have a new system of nations. And in Genesis chapter 11, he divided them into nations. God divided nations and it says that he set their habitation, you find this in the book of Psalms, according to the number of the children of Israel. The first thing he said was, okay, this is where the children of Israel are going to be. I'm going to put the Moabites here, I'm going to put the Hittites here, I'm going to put the Egyptians here, the Ethiopians here, and he laid it out. And God divided them at the Tower of Babel into these various nations. And he said, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to have a new system. I'm going to divide it into nations and then I'm going to pick one nation to be my lighthouse, a light to the Gentiles that's supposed to show every other nation what I want. That's supposed to preach the Gospel to every nation. This one nation is going to be my missionary to the world. And he said, I'm going to pick a man and I'm going to make a great nation of him to do this task. He picked Abraham and said, he is going to be the nation of Israel. So God had a plan. He said, I want all these nations to exist. And I want the nation of Israel to have two to three billion people in it at minimum. Just by our calculation. Now, there are seven billion people in the world right now. I don't think the world is overpopulated if God wants two to three billion people to be living in the area from the Great Sea all the way to the River Euphrates, which is what God originally wanted Abraham to have, a lot more than what Israel has today, which would include Israel, Iraq. But God said from the Great Sea to the River Euphrates, Tyre and Zion on the north, Egypt in the south, he said this is the area and I want two to three billion people to live there. This is the nation of Israel. God likes big numbers. Did you know that? And I preach many sermons on this. Oh, you're fundamentalists. All you care about is numbers. Numbers are human beings, I'll have you know. Numbers, you say, you've got these salvation numbers on the back of your bulletin. Baptisms. You just care about numbers. You're so carnal. Did you know that every single one of the people on this list has a name? Did you know that every single one of these 21 people that got saved in March and the 74 people that have been saved in 2000, did you know that every one of those has a name? Did you know that every one of those has a never-dying soul that God loves? Did you know that God thinks about every single one of those people all day long, every day, as the most important person in the world to him? Did you know that? These people are important. Numbers are important. Because numbers are people, and if you don't care about numbers, then you don't care about people. I'd rather get 100 people saved than one person saved. I'd rather get 200 people saved than 100 people saved. But God's a God of big numbers. And God says, I like big nations. I like nations that are a thousand times as big as what I'm seeing. I like churches that are big. He doesn't say, I want the same 12 people and the same 20 people and the same 40 people to go to the same church for the next 50 years and just dead, boring, same thing over and over, the same people, the same faces. God says, I want that church to grow. I want that family to grow. I like big churches, I like big bus routes, I like big Sunday school classes, and I like big families. That's what God's saying. God likes big numbers. He's a big God. Now, are we going to change our doctrine in order to get numbers? No. And you can probably guess that, even if you've just been in this church for a couple of services. No, we will not compromise anything. No, we will not water down our message anything. But within the parameters of what God tells us to do, of preaching the truth, straight down the line, never very, we will endeavor to win as many people to the Lord as we can and build this church as big as God wants to build it. We want it as big as possible. We want some little church and then the whole city goes to hell. Man, I want a bunch of people in here getting saved, getting baptized, and learning the things of God. But if it doesn't happen, oh well, we're going to keep on preaching it anyhow. We're going to keep on doing the same thing. We're not going to change anything. Because except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain to build it. God's going to have to build it anyway. But God likes big numbers. Now, let me show you something else interesting. Look at Genesis and look at chapter number 24, verse 60. Now, I love numbers, not just in the sense that we were just talking about. But before I went into the ministry, I was a math major in college. And I almost had my two-year degree in math. I was going to go on and get a degree in electrical engineering. And I love math. I love calculus. And so numbers fascinate me. And I believe that math is invented by God, of course, and calculus is invented by God. I think it was just discovered by man. But look at Genesis 24, 60. This is the largest number in the entire Bible. Because I studied this. I said, what is the biggest number in the entire Bible? Because it may be significant. And the Bible says in Genesis 24, 60, And they blessed Rebekah and said unto her, Thou art our sister. Be thou the mother of thousands of millions. That is the biggest number in the Bible, billions. So we're talking about a minimum of two billion. Can you imagine going to a baby shower or going to a bridal shower? That's what it's called. You know, a young girl, just in today's society, is getting married. And they're having a bridal shower. And you write out that card. Be thou the mother of thousands of millions. Would that be so out of place in our society? It'd be bizarre, wouldn't it? But not to them. They thought, well, that'd be the coolest thing in the world. To have all kinds of kids and all kinds of grandkids and all kinds of great grandkids. That'd be great. And they blessed her and said, be thou the mother of thousands of millions. I get the idea that this thing of multiplying both spiritually and physically is pretty important to God. Because he starts out the Bible talking about it, Genesis 1.28. Then he says, here's the biggest number I'm ever going to use in the Bible. He's going to be referring to multiplying. My whole goal in life is to multiply and reproduce myself. That's why I started this church, is to multiply. More Christians, more soul winners. That's the goal. That's the whole philosophy. But let me move on here. Why do Christians today, the question that I have, choose to limit the size of their families? Why is the standard and the norm and the accepted standard in a church, in a Baptist church, in an independent, fundamental Baptist church, why is the standard, say, two to three children? Why? Well, one day I sat down and made a list why. Because I was pondering these things and I was wondering, is birth control right? Is it wrong? And I was scratching my head and I sat down and I made a list. And I said, I'm going to make a list of every reason not to have children. To have few or to wait a little while. And so I got out the list and I started writing a list. And I said, well, money is probably the number one thing. It costs a lot of money. So money is a big one. It's a lot of work. It's maybe uncomfortable. It's not as convenient. And I'm just looking at this list thinking, well, this is real spiritual. This is a real spiritual reason that I'm limiting the number of children that I have. Let me read to you something. The woman who started Planned Parenthood, her name is Margaret Sanger. And you might have heard of this God-hating atheist devil named Margaret Sanger from the first part of this century. She is the founder of Planned Parenthood, which was originally called the Birth Control Federation of America, was the original name. They changed it to Planned Parenthood. But Margaret Sanger wrote a pamphlet that she used to pass out. It's called The Case for Birth Control. This was written in 1924 by Margaret Sanger, who is the one who founded Planned Parenthood. I mean, she is the one who is probably most responsible for birth control and later abortion being legalized were her two goals. She wrote a book in the early part of this century about how to give yourself early abortions, different plants that you could use and methods that I'm not even going to go into just for decency's sake. And she wrote a book, a whole book, about how to make sure that you don't get pregnant. And it was abortion methods that are vile. I mean, I'm not even going to go into it for decency's sake. But some of them involve taking things that you knew would poison your child after it's conceived. Because there are teas that you can drink and herbs that you can take that will do this. A lot of people don't know that. Thank God they don't know that. But there are things that you can do that are natural methods to kill your children. People have been doing it for thousands of years. There's nothing new under the sun. But this is a book that she wrote called The Case for Birth Control. I'm sorry, it was an article that she published in a magazine in 1924. She gives nine reasons why, nine cases for birth control. Number five is that no woman should have children until she's 23 years old and the man should be at least 25 years old. This is what she's saying. Now, this reminds me of something that I was taught in Bible college. This reminds me of something that they teach in Bible college, to be honest with you. It sounds almost like a direct quote. And then this one is definitely a direct quote from what I was taught. In Bible college, I'm wondering, did they get it from this book? Because it says, number nine, not for two years after marriage should a couple undertake the great responsibility of becoming parents. And I was taught that exact thing in Bible college. Couples should wait two years before having children. And I've heard that repeated like a parrot. Wait two years after you get married. And that's what it was like. It's like everybody says that same thing. Two years after you get married. Wait two years, wait two years, wait two years. It came from the mind of this wicked woman who's responsible for 3,000 babies being killed today and every other day in America. Abortion. She's responsible for Planned Parenthood, and she's the one who's teaching in our Bible colleges now the standard of having children. You show me in this book where it tells you not to have kids anywhere, and I'll give you $1,000, where it shows don't have too many kids, don't have kids, don't have... No, he said multiply, multiply, multiply. Children are a blessing. I'm blessing you. I'm opening your womb. I love you. I want you to have children. And this God-hating Communist is what's being taught in Bible colleges and churches across America. Wait two years. Reason number seven. Children should not be born to parents whose economic circumstances do not guarantee enough to provide the children with the necessities of life. Do you know how I guarantee that my children will have the necessities of life? You know how I guarantee my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. That's how I guarantee. Here's how I guarantee it. David said, I've been young, and now I'm old, but I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. That's how I guarantee it. I guarantee it. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Hey, take no thought for the morrow, saying, What shall we eat? Oh, what shall we drink? Oh, wherewithal shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. Hey, your Father in Heaven knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. That's my economic guarantee, Margaret Sanger. But you didn't believe in God. That's why you didn't know that. Let me read you this other quote, and this is the one that really irks me. Those of you that are visiting, I'm just going to preach it anyhow. I'm a very nice guy. But anyway. When children are conceived in love, listen, this is the last sentence where she's wrapping it all up. She's just letting you know what her philosophy boils down to. When children are conceived in love, and born into an atmosphere of happiness, then will parenthood be a glorious privilege, and the children will grow to resemble gods. This can only be obtained through the knowledge and practice of birth control. Isn't that amazing? She says, if we can just get the finances right, and we can get the environment right, and we can space them out just right. And by the way, I'm going to insert here that God has provided the natural means of spacing. My children are not born nine months apart. You can look at them right now. I practice no birth control, and my kids are not nine months apart, are they? Because God is a little bit smarter than man is. And if you do like the Bible says in another area, then you will have your children naturally spaced if a mom feeds her kids without formula. And they will be naturally spaced. Look at my kids. They're a couple years apart. My wife just got pregnant, and my son, when the next one's born, he's probably going to be over two years old, about two years old. So God's not an idiot, okay? God doesn't want you to have kids every nine months so that you're injuring your body, but God's already provided for that if you wouldn't run down to the doctor and try to do everything yourself. But here's what she's saying. She's saying if you just get this nailed down exactly right, where you control, if you understand and apply these principles of birth control, you can set this thing up where it's this perfect utopia environment where the finances are right, the environment's right, the spacing is right. Your kids can be like gods. I mean, we could produce these ultimate children. Not, you know, a bunch of children and we can't keep track of them all. No, these kids are going to be like gods, she said. But this can only be attained through the knowledge and practice of birth control. Let me tell you where this comes from. Number one, evolution. This is just like evolution. We need to get the people who don't have the money and the people who are stupid and the people who are unattractive not to reproduce because we want to involve a super race. This is just like Adolf Hitler. So number one, it's evolution that's being taught. Number two, racism is being taught. Did you know that Planned Parenthood, one of their original objectives was to stop minorities from having children? Because they said these poor minorities and they're a burden and they're a nuisance and we want them to stop procreating, so we're going to give them free birth control. That's exactly what's going on in America right now. Who's ever heard of Senator Alan Keyes from Illinois? Senator Alan Keyes, he's a, he, oh, you know, no, I'm sorry, he lost. He's not Senator Alan Keyes. Alan Keyes, the guy who ran for Senate in Illinois and lost. I mean, I wish he was a senator, but anyway. He's not, I wouldn't endorse him. He's a Roman Catholic and so forth. He's not somebody that I'm going to have in my pulpit or something, you know, but he's an extremely conservative man. He ran for president a couple, I don't know, I think it was, I think it was election before last, but he's a black man, Alan Keyes, and he's very conservative Republican and he ran for Senate against Barack Obama in the last election in the state of Illinois and he lost. And I was living there at the time, so I was definitely very aware of what was going on with Barack Obama and Alan Keyes. And you know, Alan Keyes got up and you know what he said? He said, birth control and abortion especially, he said, are destroying the black race because the black race has been taught to use abortion and birth control and it's racism, it's decimating the black race in America. And so, evolution, number one, racism, which evolution and racism go hand in hand because Charles Darwin was the biggest racist that ever walked the face of the earth. His book is called The Origin of the Species and the continuation of Superior Races, that's the title, conveniently shortened in our textbooks to, oh yeah, he wrote a book called The Origin of the Species, why don't you read the whole title? It says Superior Races because he thought the white race was more evolved and the whole theory of evolution, this is a whole other sermon, the theory of evolution, part of it was a justification for slavery because they were trying to say that people of other races were subhuman. And so, racism motivates this woman right here to write and say we want these gods, this perfect society. Let's get rid of all the poor people and all the people we don't like and the races that we don't like and let's just get them on birth control. And that's what they're doing today, they go to third world countries all the time, they go to ghettos and they set up these Planned Parenthoods in every ghetto in America. You think they set up this Planned Parenthood in, you know, do they set it up in like the nice part of like Scottsdale? Do you think there's going to be a Planned Parenthood clinic there? You think there's a Planned Parenthood clinic in, see I don't even know the area around here, but the night Awatukee, you think there's a Planned Parenthood clinic in Awatukee? No, it's in the ghetto, it's in the slum because they think of those people, you know, we don't want them to multiply too much and it's racist is what it is and it's evolution. And number two, number three, it's Satanism. Evolution is racism and it's Satanism because Satan's the one who said, I will be like the Most High. He's the one who said, the first thing he ever said to Adam and Eve was, eat this fruit and you can become like gods. It's starting between good and evil. And God's response to that in the book of Psalms was, I've said that ye are gods, but ye shall die like men. He said, yeah, you're like gods, you know good and evil, but you're going to die and go to hell because you disobeyed me. It's found in the book of Psalms, I forget the chapter, but... Consider the source of birth control. Consider the source. Did it come from independent fundamental Bibles leaving Baptist people? Are they the ones who invented these chemicals and these drugs and these methods of birth control? Absolutely not. Here's a timeline of the legal history of women's rights in the United States. In 1916, Margaret Sanger, for the first time, took legal action against the laws that were across the board in America banning birth control in this country until 1916. She began the fight. In 1918, she won a suit that only allowed doctors just to talk about it. With married couples only, they could talk about it. They couldn't prescribe anything. In 1918, she won a battle with the Supreme Court to where they could just talk about it. This is New York versus Sanger, 1918. In 1936, were birth control methods made legal in this country? That wasn't that long ago. I mean, that's 70 years ago. That's one lifespan ago. And it was the April... Well, actually, then the world said it's illegal. It's illegal like stealing and like murder is illegal. It's wrong. It's against society. Not even a moral issue. It's just against society. It's wrong. So 1918, couldn't they even talk about it? Doctors. 1936 was when it became legal. In 1965, they overturned the last law in Connecticut that said that it could not be prescribed because in Connecticut it was still illegal. In 1969, and yes, this goes hand in hand. In 1969, California accepted the nation's first no-fault divorce law, which allowed divorce by mutual consent for no reason. For you to say we feel like getting a divorce. And then in 1972, the Supreme Court ruled that the right to privacy encompasses an unmarried person's right to use contraceptives. The right to privacy in 1972 said an unmarried person, a person who's not married, has the right to use contraceptives. And isn't it amazing that that was 1972? And in 1973, they said the right to privacy allows a woman to have an abortion. So in 1972, the right to privacy allows you to use birth control. And in 1973, it allows you to use abortion. Same thing. The right to privacy. You say, yeah, the right to privacy, that originated with Roe vs. Lee. No, it didn't. Read the history books. The right to privacy originated in the year before. Eisenstadt vs. Baird, about contraceptives. Nothing to do with abortion. Why in the world does God not end? Oh God, put an end to the abortion holocaust in America. 3,000 babies per day being killed. The judgment of God. The damnation of God that's going to come on this nation for all those murders. Why in God's name? I mean, I would venture to guess that there are people all over this country, preachers all over this country, independent fundamental Baptists all over this country, that are on their knees today, begging God, oh God, please, would you please end abortion in this country? Don't you think a lot of people pray that prayer? I do. I think a lot of people pray that. And I think God says, shut up. Because you are doing the exact same thing with your stinking birth control pills that do the same thing. And so maybe God will end the birth control of the abortion holocaust when people stop taking dope that puts a hostile environment in their uterus that kills their own sons and their own daughters. Then maybe he'll say, well, okay, I'll listen to you because you're not praying something that you're doing yourself. And it's ridiculous. What am I trying to say with all this? What's the point of it all? The point of it all is that, number one, children are a blessing from God. And God said, children are a heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. God says, you'll know when I'm blessing you, you'll know when I'm rewarding you, when I make you fruitful, both in your soul winning, both in your child bearing, and both with, He said, you know, if you notice in the book of Deuteronomy, He said, these are the blessings and these are the cursings on the two mountains, and He says, blessed shall be the fruit of thy body. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy womb. And He says, and blessed, you know, your cattle's going to be fruitful, and your wife's going to be a fruitful bough, the Bible says. And God said that children are a blessing from God. Does that mean if somebody doesn't have a lot of children, God's not blessing them? No. Look at Abraham and Sarah. They had one child, but that was the child of blessing. And look at Isaac and Rebekah. They prayed for 20 years from the time Isaac was 40 to the time that he was 60. They begged God for a child for 20 years. I mean, that's a long time. I've never heard of anybody trying for a child for 20 years. You know, they usually run down to the doctor and try to do weird, perverted things, but 20 years and they had just two children, Jacob and Esau. Remember Hannah and the Bible begging God for her child, weeping, crying? The preacher thought that she was drunk because she was so upset and beside herself. And yet God blessed her with the child because she begged God and prayed to God and got a hold of God. I remember one of my favorite statements in the entire Bible was made by Rachel when she said to Jacob, give me children or else I die. And that's my soul winning motto. My soul winning motto is give me children or else I die. I'd rather die than not reproduce my, than win people to Christ. That's why I'm here in this life. Give me children or else I die. Children are a blessing from God. If you don't believe that, you don't believe the Bible, because the Bible says that a hundred times. God opens and closes the womb. We know that I had a whole page of scriptures on that, but I'm not going to belabor you because of the lateness of the hour. Whole page of scriptures on God opening and closing the womb. He says, I shut the womb. I closed the womb. I opened the womb. I control these things. Children are a blessing from God. God's the one who controls it. God says, the more the merrier. He says, I want you to multiply. I want big numbers. I want you to be like my people who used to obey me in the land of Egypt when they became more and mightier than the children of Egypt in just a very short time. Number three, we need to stay away from things that we don't understand, before we just put things into our body that are murderous and manslaughter and wicked as hell. And number four, we need to get on our knees and pray that God will open the eyes of people to see that, number one, birth control pills are causing silent abortions that are bringing down the judgment of God on his own people. And how about the fact that we're destroying our future, we're destroying our potential by not having kids, when we could be having kids and raising them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and sending them out like the arrows of a mighty man, as God says in Psalm 127. We're destroying our future. We're selling our future down the river by having 1.8 children as independent fundamental Baptists and the Mormons, they're having 12 kids. The Muslims, they're having 10 kids. The Hindus, they're having 10 kids and they're taking over the world. And I'm telling you something, I've never met anybody who converted to Mormonism in my life and I've met a lot of Mormons and a lot of my extended family is Mormons. The only reason that religion is growing, they don't go soul, you know, they go soul winning and people are like slamming the door in their face saying, get out of here, in their door-to-door efforts. But I'll tell you how they multiply, it's because they have so many kids. And so the devil's crowd is having all the kids. The devil's crowd across the world is the one who's having all the children and we're too selfish, we're worshipping the devil's idols, and we're mingling ourselves with a hedon and learning their works, we're going a whoring after their inventions, and we are selling Christianity and independent fundamental Baptist movement down the river. Yes, we're soul winning, yes, we're reproducing by getting people saved and getting people in our church, but how much more can we do if I can win souls my whole life and then I can have 10 children who I train to do the exact same thing? Think about the impact, it'd be amazing. But let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, thank you for the message tonight. And God, thank you for the great truths that are found in God's word. Father, we love you and I know that...