(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) verse number six and they said unto him there came a man up to meet us and said unto us go turn again unto the king that sent you and say unto him thus saith the lord is it not because there is not a god in israel that thou sent us to inquire of bale zebub the god of ekron therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up but shall surely die and he said unto them what manner of man was he which came up to meet you and told you these words and they answered him he was a hairy man and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins and he said it is elijah the tishbite that's where i take the title of my sermon this morning the title of my sermon is this he was a hairy man now it's interesting to me that that's the first thing that stands out to these people i mean they go and they see this great man of god one of those most powerful preachers one of the most powerful men of the old testament and they ask the question uh what manner of man was he what was he like and basically they say well he was a hairy man and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins and the king knew right away who they were talking about he said it's elijah the tishbite now if you would turn to genesis chapter 27 genesis chapter 27 you'll understand in a little while why that's the title of my sermon but in genesis 27 i want to show you some hairiness in the bible and i want to show you the opposite of being hairy okay look at genesis 27 11 the bible reads this and jacob said to rebecca his mother behold esau my brother is a hairy man and i am a what smooth man so what's the opposite of being hairy smooth right so he said i'm a smooth man my father peradventure will feel me and i shall seem to him as a deceiver and i shall bring a curse upon me and not a blessing now turn to isaiah 30 we're turning a lot in the beginning of the sermon but it'll all make sense by by isaiah chapter 30 those three big books at the end of the old testament are isaiah jeremiah and ezekiel look at isaiah chapter number 30 verse number 9 the bible says this that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the lord which say to the seers see not and to the prophets talking about the preachers he says prophesy not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceits get you out of the way turn aside out cause the holy one of israel to cease from before us wherefore thus saith the holy one of israel because he despised this word and trust in oppression and perverseness and stay thereon therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall swelling out in a high wall whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant so he said in verse number nine that these rebellious people these lying children they refused to want to hear the law of the lord they didn't want to hear god's word preached and so they would basically say to the seer or the prophet or the preacher they'd go to the preacher and say hey don't preach to us what's right tell us what we want to hear preach us smooth things we're looking for a smoother softer less hairy of a message we don't want this kind of hard preaching we don't want somebody exposing our sins look at isaiah 58 1 you're in isaiah chapter 30 go to isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 and they even said prophesy unto us smooth things prophesy deceit because when you hear smooth preaching it's deception according to isaiah chapter 30 just as jacob the smooth man was a deceiver he pretended to be hairy if you remember he put the the skins of an animal around his neck so that his father would feel his neck and feel the hair of his neck but he was a very smooth man and he was also a deceiver at that point in his life later on he got right with god but he was practicing deception at that time smooth preaching is a farce it's deception look if you would at isaiah 58 and we'll see god's kind of preaching god explaining to his preacher isaiah great man of god that he was how to preach he says in verse 1 cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of jacob their sins you see it's a preacher's job to get up and scream and yell and point out the sins of the day we're living in not to get up and deliver a smooth message not to get up and deliver what people want to hear not to take requests there's no suggestion box up here that what do you want to hear preach how would you like to see pastor anderson's preaching change most people probably say you know tone it down a little bit right now hopefully not the people in this church but most people say how about you can turn down the volume a little bit well let me explain some of you there's no sound system there's no volume knob there's no microphone there's no pa there's no dial i only come in one volume and it's the volume of cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet because i'm trying to show you something today and it may or may not be something that you want to hear but it's your sin and god said that's my job as a preacher to show people their sin now nobody likes to be showing their sins do they nobody likes a hairy man they like a smooth man and see here he says show my people their sins we are living in a wicked and adulterous and sinful generation today and the preachers of today will not stand up and expose that that's the problem you see i just took a little trip to california i did a drive i left on friday morning i drove into southern california i did a did a job in southern california then i drove up all the way to northern california up to olivehurst was the furthest that i went north just about 45 minutes north of sacramento so i went all the way up to sacramento and all the way back i just got back this morning it was a really long drive did like i think i put about 1700 some miles on the car in just a couple days and i saw a lot of billboards and let me tell you something i saw a lot of wicked filthy billboards i couldn't even believe that this is what our country is coming to me i saw the billboards advertising the tv shows of today because i haven't watched tv in about eight or nine years have i even watched anything on tv literally you know i quit watching that garbage but the thing is i can't even believe the tv shows that are advertised on the billboard i saw a billboard for a tv show and maybe you've heard of this show i don't know what it is i just saw billboards for it all over la called my generation who's ever heard if you've heard of the show everybody's afraid anyway world they all the world that people raise their hand on my generation you know i don't know what the show is about but the show was being advertised on a billboard it was a woman that looked like she was maybe 40 or so you know and she's basically saying oh this ring comes off you know that just talking about adultery just promoting adultery how she's going to commit adultery on this upcoming episode hey i don't want to watch adultery i don't want to watch smut and pornography that's why i threw my tv out a long time ago i'm not watching my generation it's filled it's sin you say i don't like that of course you don't like that go to smooth baptist down the street and you'll never hear preaching like that but that's the truth adultery is wicked it's being promoted on that show christians ought not be watching that we can try it it's true because the bible says i'll set no wicked thing before my eyes i hate the work of them to turn aside it should not come to me you see i saw another uh ad for the same show another billboard as i was driving it said oh you remember uh your prom night meet our son you know just glorifying and promoting this uh going to bed on this prom date look this is the filth that's on tv that i want nothing to do with and i know want no part in that's why god said love not the world neither the things that are in the world for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world and that's the kind of sin that needs to be preached against today christians who go home and fill their mind with adultery and fornication on that tv show my generation whatever it is maybe it's a movie i don't know what i think it's a tv show it looked like a show nobody will admit it nobody will tell me okay fine but anyway i'm glad that's good good job somebody told me recently i think it was uh i don't remember exactly who it was somebody told me in fact two people told me the same story they said that there's a commercial on tv that they play in the evenings for a website and and it's basically advertising a website to go commit adultery it's basically telling you go to this website if you're married and you want to commit adultery that is filth and garbage you think i'm going to sit my children in front of that you think i want my little three-year-old girl that being where she first understands the idea of adultery is a tv show and a commercial promoting it no and let me tell you there are a ton of shows that promote adultery there are a ton of sitcoms a ton of soap operas that's one of the main storylines today of these evening shows is adultery people on the job and they're on the job and they they're married deciding they kiss somebody else that's disgusting amen it's horrible we need to stay true if we're married we need to stay with that one person till death us do part and i should not be having physical contact with any woman besides my wife i'm not going to flirt around with women on the job or anywhere else or kissing or or flirting or whatever hey i want to be pure and this book is going to help me be pure and the tv is going to try to get me to commit adultery and that's why i'm not going to feed the flesh i'm going to feed the spirit right here and if you're smart you come to a church with a preacher that'll get up and preach this instead of going to some smooth little church and i'll get to that in a moment i saw another tv show advertised and these are the only shows i saw advertised i didn't see one that looked like a decent show some other show dextre anybody heard of this it was some it was it was the i can't even tell you what was on the billboard because it was so depraved and demented and sick i can't even tell you what it was it was too weird i mean it's a it's a it's a wicked show it was promoting the worst kind of violence that's where it was promoting it unbelievable couldn't even believe it i can't even believe it how did we get this way i'll tell you how because you got a bunch of smooth preachers up in the pulpit preaching messages that everybody loves to hear and boy they can pack the place out and boy they can bring in a crowd and boy they can bring in the offerings while our country and our children go to hell because nobody tells them the truth anymore you see i don't care so much about the church attendance here that i won't get up and preach you say if you preach like this you'll lose people well you know what then so be it but i am gonna be like elijah a hairy man i'm not trying to be some smooth little pretty boy sissified preacher up here i'm gonna get up and preach god's word the good the bad and the ugly and you know you can put it in your pipe and smoke it or go find another church because there's plenty of churches that won't preach like this they're everywhere we'll do like pin the tail on the donkey we'll blindfold you spin you around and just send you and you'll bump into one before long it won't take you long but a hairy preacher is rare and elijah's rare a man that'll get up and preach on set and i'm not claiming to be elijah this morning i'm not claiming to be a great christian i'm not claiming to be as great of a spiritual man as elijah was a man who the spirit of the lord rests upon greatly i could not even hold a candle to the man elijah but let me tell you something at least elijah's my role model though at least i look at elijah and recognize him for the greatness that he was at least joel osteen's not my role model at least i love elijah at least i read about elijah and want to be like elijah and you'll probably never be as great as elijah but you know what that's who i want to be like a real man of god a true preacher of god's word and look i don't claim to be a wonderful uh christian i you know i try to do the best i can i'm growing it you know i'm pressing on the upward way new heights i'm gaining every day still praying as i'm overbound lord plant my feet on higher ground but let me tell you something i do one thing i read the bible a lot i spent 30 to 40 hours reading my bible this week period and you know what let me tell you something and all that reading and memorizing and bible that i was in this week you know what i figured out something that i already knew but i figured out that the preachers of the bible were nothing like the preachers of today that's what i figured out amen and that's what you'll figure out if you do some serious bible reading my friend i'm not trying to put myself on a pedestal but i'll put the men of the bible on a pedestal and say that they're nothing like the preachers that we see out there today that's what i'll say to you right now my dad i was talking to my dad and my dad told me he said he said man i used to love the history channel he said i used to love the history channel my dad is a big history book i love history too history is a fascinating thing but he said he said to me he said steve he said the history channel he said there's nothing decent on it anymore he said it used to be you'd watch stuff about the old west you'd watch stuff about the civil war you'd watch stuff about the roman empire he said now it seems like everything on there he said is just something based on evolution he said it's all aliens it's all ufos it's it's it's evil and you know the aliens and ufos aren't any weirder than this evolution so-called science theories you know it's just all this weird stuff he said he's like i don't know if it's just ted turner owns it he said and ted turner's a weirdo but he said every time i watch the history channel it's like they're not even talking about history it's like talking about outer space and the big bang and all this evolution type science and bogus physics falsely so-called he said that's all they're playing now he said it's just ridiculous he said i'm sick of it you know we need to point this stuff out and fight against it instead of partaking in it and enjoying it and going with it you know history is great but that's not history it's brainwashing you know it's great to get the news except that the news on tv is a bunch of brainwashing you know it's got all bunch of political slant it's what they want you to think is going on and so on and so forth i'll get off tv but look at matthew chapter 16 if you would matthew chapter 16 matthew chapter number 16 it's funny because i was talking to somebody else and they talked about going to a new church you know as in uh visiting a new church they were looking for a new church in their area and this person walked into a church and this was just a couple weeks ago and it was an independent fundamental bachelor's church they looked at the website the website looked good listed all the right doctrines all the fundamentalist type doctrines and bible believing doctrine and you know it said they were king james only everything was great you know king james bible and and independent soul winning so they show up at this church and uh you know the sermon was good i mean it was it was good it wasn't anything controversial or anything but i mean it was there's nothing wrong with it pretty good sermon pastor was a real nice guy but there was just a whole row on the shelf of bibles kind of like we have a shelf out there filled with bibles you know these people don't have a bible with them or what have you and it was all the new king james you know all the way across the shelf and so this person i was talking to basically said to the pastor he said hey are you king james only like is this or he said is this church king james that's let me get the story right he said is this church king james and the pastor said yep king james only and this person just didn't say anything he just went like this at this point and the pastor said oh oh uh i've only been here a year i've only been here a year he said you know we're he's like i in fact i've already got i've already had all the you know replacement of the king james like i got a big stack of black king james birth you know ready to go he's like just i've only been here a year no that does that sound like elijah to you boy you know you remind me of john the baptist i mean can you imagine that he's been preaching a year he doesn't even have the guts to just walk up and just change out to the king james version you know he's preaching the king james good night he's obviously not preaching any doctrines on on what the word of god is and he's allowing all these different versions and saying that he doesn't believe it but then it's just there it is why don't you grow some hair on your legs and stand up and say no amen that's right you know what i mean some of these preachers i wonder if they shave their legs from the way basically on the way because they don't want they want to be smooth they want to be hairy you know it's unbelievable but uh where did i return please matthew matthew 16 look at verse 13 i love this when jesus came into the coast of cesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am so he basically says unto his disciples so who do people think that i am what do people say about me who am i look what they say and these are just people of the world who don't really know jesus right they they just he's not saying who do you say i am he's saying who do other people just what does the public think of me whom do men say that i am look at the first thing out of their mouth and they said some say that thou art john the baptist some elias elias is the new testament spelling of elijah so basically they're saying well some people think you're john the baptist some people think that you're elijah and then look what else they bring up and others jeremiah's or one of the prophets he say unto them but whom say ye that i am and simon peter answered and said thou the christ the son of the living god they knew who he was but when the world saw jesus from a distance when they heard jesus preach or they heard about jesus preaching they confused jesus with some of the most hairiest preachers in the bible i mean we're talking about guys like elijah we're talking about a man who preached hard we're talking about john the baptist who preached hard who lived out in the wilderness i mean he was one that would point out the pharisees point out the sadducees that's who they confused jesus with they confused him with these preachers who were men of god who were not smooth men they were not polished men but they were men who were filled with the spirit of god and they preached hard on sin look at jeremiah i mean you want to talk about a man with boldness you want to talk about courage you're looking at jeremiah right there there was a man with great boldness as a preacher john the baptist who was willing to preach even to the king of israel harrod and preach against him specifically and preach and say you are committing adultery with your brother's wife and you're wicked because you're committing adultery with your brother i mean pointed out his sin right there and preach it and you know what happened because of that he was thrown in jail he was thrown in jail for preaching against the king's adulterous affair and then he was beheaded by the same guy that's who they thought jesus was they did not mix up jesus with a dope smoking hippie but you know if you look at the typical pictures of jesus today that's who you confuse it for who is that john lennon i mean you could confuse it more with you know some say that thou art john lennon you know some say thou art jim morrison and you know if you looked at the typical pictures of jesus on the greeting cards today and on the walls of people today that's who you'd mix them up with a pothead a long-haired hippie a sissy that's who you think of you wouldn't think of elijah john the baptist you wouldn't think of a fire breathing hair-legged preacher no you'd think of a smooth little sissy that's what you think of today because we've got a jesus that's different than the jesus of the bible right and we've got churches that are different than the churches in the preaching of the bible you see there are two kinds of people in this room today there are those who've read the bible cover to cover and those who don't and everybody who's read the bible cover to cover knows that what i'm saying is true that the preaching of the bible was direct it was hard-hitting it was fiery preaching those who've read it know that that's true they know that jesus and john the baptist and jeremiah and isaiah and ezekiel pointed out the sin of their day called it by name called the names of the wicked leaders of their day called the names of the false prophets of their day and they would know that what i'm saying lines up with the bible but those who've been growing up but smooth baptist and smooth community they're the ones who are wondering you know what in the world is he talking about but the bible says in matthew 11 look at matthew 11 you're in matthew 16 just go back a few pages to matthew 11 verse 7 who was the first person they compared jesus to john the baptist who was the second person elijah who was the third person jeremiah we already saw that what elijah was like he was a hairy man he had a leather belt he preached hard he was kind of a mean guy if you ever read first kings chapter 17 he was kind of a mean guy look if you would at uh matthew 11 let's see a little bit about john the baptist this is jesus it says and as they departed jesus began to say under the multitudes concerning john what went you out into the wilderness to see a reed shaken with the wind he's saying look when you went out to see john the baptist preach did you go out expecting a reed shaken with the wind you know a reed is one of those plants that grows by the river you can pretty much just knock it over you can pretty much just walk over and just step on it put it to the ground now you can't do that to an oak tree can you or a pine tree no but a reed is just a weak it might grow up real tall but it's very weak it's blown with every wind that comes by any little animal can knock the thing over and destroy it he said what did you expect when you went to hear john the baptist priest did you expect a reed shaken with the wind a man who goes with the flow is that what you expected a man who goes with the flow who's carried about with every wind of doctrine who goes like this he licks his finger and holds it up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing he's like is that what you expected when you went to the wilderness to hear john the baptist but what went you out for to see verse 8 a man clothed in soft raiment behold they that wear soft clothing are in king's houses he's like look when you went out to see john the baptist what did you expected a guy in soft raiment you expected him to have like a lavender tie a pink shirt and be all soft and smooth and polished and pretty he said they that wear soft clothings are in king's houses he said this was a man who was living in the wilderness preaching god's word not some pretty boy but a hairy man not a smooth little polished specimen not a little metro little emo or whatever you want to call it today that these little queer looking sissies he said well they're not queer well they look like they're queer and i'm sick of it dressed like a man look like a man boys that are listening to me teenage boys and older you are a man be a man grow up talk like a man walk like a man and dress like a man don't buy clothes and Abercrombie and Fitch don't go to urban outfitter don't get all these little sissified don't get your little tight jeans and your little low rider pants and your little form-fitting shirts and you're showing your underwear pull up your pants and wear a leather belt like elijah wore there's only two things about it number one they said what manner man was he number one he was a hairy man get some hair on your legs number two get some hair on your chest guys all right number two i mean this is the first thing that stood out to him he was hairy and number two he had a leather girdle about his lines he wasn't sagging he wasn't wearing these little tight little bird leg muffin top four fitting pants he was a man therefore he put on a leather belt did you know the bible records that jeremiah wore a belt did you know if the bible records that elijah wore a belt that jesus wore a belt that john the baptist wore a belt why the emphasis on the belt you know just wear a belt you know that in fact i'm changing the title of this wear a belt be a man but you see if the preacher's not a man how do you expect the kid in the pew to grow up and act like a man when the queerest sissy of all is the song leader the queerest little sissy of all is the man that's behind the pulpit mr smooth mr splooper isn't he sweet now there's one thing that nobody says about me you know i like that church but i i quit going to church because he was too smooth he was just too sweet he was just too nice i was a little suspicious he was afraid to get up and preach what he really believed that's why i left that church and you know why people leave this church you know what it's not because i'm too smooth it's because i got too hairy that's why they like that's why they leave it's true these bunch of little punks these little uh arrogant little pompous little girly men who can't take hard preaching they can't take anybody ever telling them they're wrong they can't take anybody who's a man who says hey i'm not a reed shaking with the wind here i'm a man of god here and i'm gonna preach it and do it the way the bible says or hit the road jack because that door swings both ways and let me tell you something if you think this preacher's too hairy then hit the road you know if i'm too hairy for you i don't know what to tell you i don't think i'm the hairiest preacher that's ever been known to man i don't think i'm as hairy as elijah was i don't think i'm as hairy as john the baptist was if you can't handle this level of hairiness you know i'll give you directions to calvary chapel or wherever you want to go you know and if you want to go to the independent you know what the difference is between faithful word baptist church and the other independent fundamental baptist churches in phoenix you know what the difference is smooth versus hairy that's the difference you know because most of the doctrine is going to be the same or a lot of the doctrine is going to be the same but here you got a hairy preacher but guess what some people don't like a hairy creature that's why it says in second timothy four go to second timothy four and while you're turning there i'll read you this it says you know what went you out for to see a man clothed in soft raiment behold they that wear soft clothing are in king's houses but what went you out for to see a prophet yea i say unto you and more than a prophet he said verse 11 verily i say unto you among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater than john the baptist now is saying he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is great as he what a stupid reason to leave a church the pastor was too mean thank god you have a mean pastor you know the pastor was too mean not the doctrine was wrong not the soul winning was wrong not the preaching was wrong not the music was wrong not that the vibe was wrong it's just that he was too mean little crybaby if then if that's where you feel right now that i'm too mean and you're the male gender if you're a woman okay you know we'll i'll i'll talk to you after the service but you know what it's like if you're a man today and you think that i'm too mean then get out of here you little crybaby and go to a little wussy little church that'll tell you what you want to hear and come here and you'll get the truth and you'll get it from somebody who maybe is a little hairier than you want him to be sometimes i'd rather have a preacher that was too hairy and too smooth if i had to choose between the two because you know all you have to do is just knuckle under and just take it if it's a little too hairy for you just suck it up and be a man and take it you know if it's too smooth you're going to get backslid that's all there is to it that's what happens but look at second timothy four it says in second timothy four one i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead that is appearing in his kingdom this is paul preaching unto timothy his young protege in the ministry paul was a great preacher he already had the successes for decades he'd had thousands of people saved started all kinds of churches i mean he'd done all the great work well he's trying to pass this on unto this young man timothy you know and timothy had already done a lot of great work for god at this time too but he was a younger man and so paul is trying to before he dies he wants to give him final thoughts he wants to make sure that timothy is going to stay on the same course after paul's gone and so here's what he says to him in verse two preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove he's saying timothy don't fall into this positive only preaching reprove reprove means to tell somebody they're wrong rebuke you know what that means to tell somebody they're wrong and you're never going to guess what exhort means to tell somebody they're wrong it's just it's three different ways of telling people that they're wrong you know what i mean that's pretty much what it's saying reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering he's saying look be patient be patient with people and teach he's saying and doctrine you know don't just get up and scream and yell you know teach the bible explain it to people teach it to them in patience give people time to learn you know we never want to jump down somebody's throat or something you know i'm getting up here preaching and and yell but you know i'm a patient person i ought to be a patient person because i need to teach the bible line upon line you know nobody's going to become a great christian overnight are they no i mean it takes years and years and then you're still not a great christian you know what i mean i've still got a way to go and i've been a christian for 23 years i got saved 23 years ago none of us has arrived we ought to have patience and long suffering okay we all ought to have long suffering and doctrine but guess what guess what though it's still a rebuke it's just a patient rebuke you know that's all it is so he says uh a little further though in verse three for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they keep to themselves teachers having itching ears so the bible says that the day will come when people won't want to hear sound doctrine they won't want to hear accurate biblical preaching instead they'll keep unto themselves basically they're the ones choosing now by the way there was no election nobody voted to elect elijah he just showed up on the scene and started preaching nobody hired him and said hey we're gonna we're gonna pay you we're gonna train you we want you to be a preacher no he was just called by god he just preached god's word okay but the bible says there will come a day where the people will choose their own teacher and it'll be someone who will tell them what they want to hear because they'll they'll get preaching that's according to their lusts like you know if they want to hear the tv's okay you know to watch my generation and dextre and all this junk you know that they'll find a teacher that'll tell them that and it's easy to find yeah somebody gave me a cd somebody was telling me oh this great preacher in this town in phoenix they gave me a cd and on on the cd of the preacher that they said was this great preacher he's talking about the movie that he watched on hbo last night and he was basically relating this hbo movie and teaching a lesson from that that was where he was getting his moral to the story some r-rated movie off of hbo and i'm thinking like wow this is god's preacher this is god's man i think not and so he says here the time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine now sometimes sound doctrine has to be what endured you know sometimes the truth hurts doesn't it sometimes you don't want to hear the truth now a lot of times you come to church and you love it you know you enjoy it it's great it's uplifting it's motivating it's encouraging and a lot of sermons are like that they're very encouraging they're motivated but many times you just have to endure it because it's god's word because we know it's the truth he says the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heed to themselves not preachers but teachers you say what's the difference between a preacher and a teacher well when it comes to a preacher every good preacher is a teacher isn't he because the bible says that the pastor should be apt to teach and the bible says that our preaching should be with doctrine doctrine means teaching and so every great preacher is also a teacher because he's teaching the bible as he preaches but let me tell you something every teacher is not a preacher because a preacher is somebody who teaches while yelling and beating the pulpit okay that's you know this i don't think that's what the dictionary says but anyway you know preaching is delivering the message with a little more power behind it you know with a little bit more charisma behind it with the spirit of god upon you not just teaching but teaching and preaching preaching is you know i mean look have you ever gone to math class and the math teacher was like yelling and saying you know i'm sick of people saying you know two plus two is five no no he's not a preacher see what i mean he doesn't have to get mad and stomp and say i know you know hey go ahead and go to the math class down the way huh they'll tell you to do the parentheses last do the parentheses first please please please excuse my dear aunt sally is the way you parentheses exponents you know multiplication division addition subtraction that's the order that you're going to do it and i'm sick you know is that have you ever been to a math class like that you've been to one like that yeah what school was that not you know maybe the guy was just maybe god called that guy to be a preacher that math teacher that you had like that trent maybe he was supposed to be a preacher but he was out of god's will you know i mean he got into math and everything and it was like burning inside of him and that guy's out of god's will that guy should have been a preacher i like that guy anyway the point is they'll heap to themselves teachers you know and every and by the way if a preacher is not a teacher that's not good preaching just yelling and screaming without teaching the bible line upon line without turning to the scriptures without giving you god's word but people would rather have a teacher than a preacher because a teacher doesn't stomp on anybody's toes except that one guy yeah he doesn't step on your toe he doesn't say things that offend you i don't think anybody's ever walked out so i'm never going to this math class again i can't believe that he hit on my problem you know who told him that i was struggling with that you know and you know most of the time when the preacher's preaching he's not trying to offend you or make you mad he loves you i'm not up here because i hate you i'm up here because i love you and a lot of times i'll preach things and people will think i'm preaching right at them but i don't even know that they're guilty of that you know what i mean like like i've gotten up before and i'll start ripping on smoking or something and there's like five people who think he's talking to me he knows i smoke he found out you know i mean literally i can remember a summer where i preached against smoking and four people specifically said you were preaching to me weren't you you know and two of the people i didn't even know smoked until they said that you know i didn't even know you smoked you know the bottom line is i'm going to preach the whole word in season out of season and sometimes it's going to hit you where it hurts sometimes i mean sometimes if it's if it's your sin look nobody likes to hear their sin pointed out and i'm not pointed out by name or anything but just when i hit on something if the shoe fits you know you might get a little offended like oh man my dvr was already sent to record that show and then he hit on it and then my and then my wife is going to look down on me when i watch it because she heard the same sermon i heard or all my husband's going to get offended by it you know or the kids you know it's not as parents will bring their kids to a church like this and you know why they'll quit the church because then their kids will be like dad isn't that the show shut up and go to bed at bedtime you know parents who tell their children this isn't for kids while they watch bad stuff on tv but guess what your kids are going to do as soon as you're out of the house they'll go and see what's not for kids and as soon as they grow up they'll go watch everything that was not for kids because the bottom line is that if it's not for kids it's probably not for adults either if it's on the television you know but a lot of people will use that you know it's not for kids because it's because it's pornographic you know because it's wicked because it promotes adultery well guess what it's not for adults either right we none of us should be partaking in that and anything that i would ever participate in it should go through the litmus test of is this what i want my children to do when they grow up is this what i want them to be like because that's what they will be like everything brings forth after its own time my friend and so your children will grow up and do not what you say but they'll do what you do he said they'll heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables but watch thou in all things he tells timothy endure afflictions he's saying look you're going to go through persecution and affliction if you really preach the word right do the work of an evangelist he's telling him to be a soul winner evangelism you know what evangelism means it's giving out the gospel preaching the gospel he says pastor do the work of an evangelist he said it's your job to win souls to christ not to just preach about soul winning and then not go soul winning yourself he says no timothy you need to set the example do the work of evangelist timothy make full proof of thy ministry for i am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is in hand verse 7 i have shared a good share is that what it said i've shared a good share i have a hug doing a hug no paul said i fought a good fight you know i fought a good fight i have finished my course i've kept the faith he's saying timothy i'm at the end of my life i'm now ready to be offered the time of my departure is at hand i'm about to depart and to be with christ i know i'm going to be dead soon all my soul will go to heaven i'll depart and be with christ but he said timothy i can honestly say i fought a good fight i finished my course i've kept faith how about you timothy will you be saying that 50 years from now he's saying will you be saying that 60 years from now timothy that you kept the faith that you fought the fight that you finished the course because it's a lot easier said than done it's a lot easier to say oh yeah i'll endure all the way i am a die hard died in the wool faith before baptist church soul winning fundamentalism you know but you know it's a lot harder to live that life and i've seen a lot of people come to this church and other churches that i grew up in and they'll get fired up they'll get excited about things of god they'll do a bunch of soul winning they'll be on fire for god and then you know what'll happen they'll get they'll fizzle out they'll get backslidden they'll go soft and if you know a year goes by a year and a half two years and they start to fade now look everybody goes through the same pattern pretty much when you first get saved or you first get in it maybe you're already saved but you first get in a real bible preaching church a real soul winning church when you first get there you're excited about it you're excited about getting people saved you're going out and preaching the gospel to every creature you're you're you're seeing the blessings and at first it's exciting every sermon is new to you i mean you've never heard any of these verses you turn into it you've never heard the stories it's all new it's all fresh but then what happens is inevitably you're going to get to a point where you start to get weary and well-doing you know you start to get the newness the newness wears off have you heard this expression the honeymoon's over you know what i mean and people get that way with church where the honeymoon's over the newness wears off but you know character and spirituality and christianity and daily bible reading that's what's going to keep you going through that period because everybody gets that period i guarantee you if you talk to anybody who's been to this church for a long time or who's been a christian for a long time they'll tell you that when they first got saved or they first got right with god after they got sick you know they were really excited but then they went through some time where it was it was hard to go to church or it was hard to read the bible they didn't feel like reading they didn't feel like going to church but they did it anyway and that's why they're still here they did it anyway even when it stopped being as fun even when pastor anderson's sermon was not as interesting they just they they got what they could out of it they tried to learn they tried to apply to their lives and they ran out of care whether they wanted to or not they just forced themselves to read to do it they endured they kept going and they finished the course because there are so many washups that are out there i mean honestly so many people now i can name people that i've been soul winning with years past 10 years ago i was so winning with them today they don't even go to church anywhere today they're worldly today they're going to rock concerts and they have nothing to do with things of god i mean they're i mean they were definitely saved and they'll still stand on what they believe but they're not doing the works anymore they're not living the life they're backslidden and they're out of church you know i can tell you about people like that but that person at one time was excited they were fired up but see that's what's wrong with the emotionalism of modern day christianity the emotionalism of the of the smooth church movement if it's based on emotion let me tell you something emotion's not always going to be there if it's all just a feel good get worked up laugh cry yeah if it's all based upon that it's not going to last but if you actually read this book and learn it and study it and meditate upon it i'm telling you it will make you like a rock not like a reed shaking with the wind not somebody who's up and down up and up have you ever noticed how babies are up and down like a roller coaster i mean at the drop of a hat a one-year-old or two-year-old or a baby can go from being completely happy to just you know this was horrible now hold on a second stop and think for a moment how much would it take for you to cry like you see a toddler cry what would it take what would have to happen to you just think about this you're an adult what would have to happen to you for years ago i mean it would have to be like most people would probably never even feel that way in their whole life or maybe once in their life right how often do you feel that extreme of an emotion where you would just scream at the top of your lungs or just fall on your or the what's worse is silence you know you know your kids have really got hurt bad when they don't when you don't hear a cry because it's just silent the longer the silence the worse the cry is when it finally got you know you'll just hear like and it's like they get hurt and then you just hear nothing it's just like you know but it's that silent just shaking i've seen some kids where they'll do it they'll do it so long that they'll just pass out they're not breathing they're just gone but i learned the trick though you just blow in their face it's amazing my kid one time one time one of our kids fell out of a swing and was doing the silent cry and passed out or whatever from it then you know it's fine but it's just because they're not breathing right i finally figured out the trick whenever my kids do the silent cry i just walked up and just go just blowing their face and then all of a sudden they go but the point is children babies are an emotional roller coaster aren't they you know one minute they're having the best time in the world the next minute it's like their loved ones is dying and then the next minute it's like this is the great it's easy to make them laugh and it's easy to make them cry right the older and more mature you get you're more even keeled right you get bad news you can stay calm when somebody brings you good news it's not always just yeah wow you know your boss walks in or something oh yeah you know i'm gonna go and give you that raise yes you know you're just like you're just like okay all right thanks and if you're fired it's not just like you know if you're fired it's just like oh man i guess i'm gonna find a new job because mature a sign of maturity is that you're not ruled by your emotions let me tell you it's a baby christian whose christianity is based upon emotional experiences it's true these guys didn't come back from their meeting with elijah saying it was an emotional experience they said he told us we're all wicked and going to hell and that you're going to die that's what his message was if you read the chapter with us you know it's like it wasn't exactly an emotional service it wasn't a charismatic service they just said all we know is that he said a lot of really negative stuff and he was really hairy and he had a leather belt that's one thing that's all they said there i got it's elijah you know i somebody came to our door you know it's like were they on a tricycle no were they walking at one quarter of a mile per hour no okay it wasn't joe's but this is you know we're not a tricycle it's a mormon you know he was a hairy man oh faithful word just kidding but anyway the point is you know our church may not have the reputation for being the smoothest church in town the smoothest preacher in town but you know usually people that are really smooth and slick where are they a deceiver yeah you ever meet people they're just a little too slick a little too smooth you get a little nervous about them a little too much of a smooth operator a little too perfect you know they're smooth and then there's harry we got to hurry up here we're on low on time i'll skip some stuff skip some stuff let's go to first kings 22 just look at a few places just i just want to point out a couple of other great preachers in the bible they were hairy men uh let me just go ahead and do this and again we're not talking about obviously it's an illustration we're not talking about the physical amount of hair okay definitely not long hair because long hair is for ladies according to the bible right i'm not up here preaching that you have to have hair on your chest and that you have to have hair on your face and that you have to have hair on your legs because you know i realize that a lot of that's just what nationality you are you know i mean that's just basically just everybody's different oh boy it has nothing to do with the physical hair you know it's if we could see you on the inside how hairy you are man you know what i mean because it's not i'm just kidding but anyway i'm not saying that it's the physical hair upon your chest that makes you a man or the but what i am saying is that it's a spiritual illustration it's an analogy for being smooth or being hairy you know are you smooth if you want to preach a smooth sermon are you going to preach a right sermon because look let's face it men are hairy by and large you know what i mean and if they're smooth you know maybe god made them that way that's fine but you know what can you imagine a man shaving his legs just to be a little smoother it's disgusting and i know you've been on the swim team or whatever but i still won't condone it but today we're living in a day where preachers are more interested in being smooth they're more interested in what people think about because look the world's going to look at you when you're hairy they weren't saying that as a compliment when they said he was a hairy man the world is never going to recognize a real preacher a real man of god they didn't say what manner of man was he this guy was the greatest preacher i've ever heard that's not what they said that's what they probably should have said i mean if you and i went and heard elijah preach and somebody said what manner of man was he you'd say this guy was the most powerful preacher i mean he was he was expounding god's word it was it was motivating i mean it was the best sermon i've ever heard he was a powerful man he had boldness he was righteous godly no he was hairy you know the world can't even recognize what real preaching is they can't recognize it's funny when you have people that are atheists tell you that you're not christ-like it's like how would you know how many times have you had somebody who's just a total atheist you're not being christlike you don't even know christ and christ never knew you you know and people that are in this world they can't recognize what the right kind of preaching is and what is the wrong kind of preaching that's why they love the joel osteens and the billy grahams and lift them up because they're positive only preachers they the only hair on joel osteen is the bouffant on the top of his head i mean that man is a smooth preacher and god said the opposite of hairy is smooth and the opposite of smooth is right preach right and don't get too caught up on this hairy thing it's just the title of the sermon get over it it's just an illustration look at first kings 22 6 then the king of israel is that where i told you to turn first kings to 22 6 then the king of israel gathered the prophets together so he gets all the preachers together about 400 men and said unto them shall i go against raim up gilead to battle or shall i forbear and they said go up for the lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king now that was a really motivating positive message wasn't it yes do it god's blessing you you god things are gonna happen great to you today you know it's a really positive message but the problem was it wasn't true yeah they were lying now jehoshaphat was not as foolish as king ahab jehoshaphat knew these phony preachers were not preaching the bible he listened to what they said he said there's something not right about these guys they're a little too smooth so he asked this question in verse 7 and jehoshaphat said is there not here a prophet of the lord besides now how many preachers did he bring to him 400 400 phony smooth preachers that told him what he wanted to hear and he said isn't there someone else like don't you have another preacher because he could just tell that all 400 of these guys and you say oh you're so picky all 400 of them are wrong and jehoshaphat's like these guys are not preaching the truth look what he says in verse 7 the king of israel king ahab that is said unto jehoshaphat there is yet one man micaiah the son of emla by whom we may inquire of the lord but i hate him and why did he hate micaiah the preacher for he does not prophesy good concerning me but evil and jehoshaphat said let not the king say so he said i don't like him because it seems like everything he's preaching is is is bad about me it's never good about me so i found these 400 guys that always tell me good things and it's really helping to be a lot more positive in my life so basically they call in this other preacher in uh verse number nine it says then the king of israel called an officer and hasten hither the son of uh or micaiah the son of emla so they're sitting on their robes the prophets are prophesying before them and preaching and so forth we'll hurry up but look what it says verse 13 and the messenger that was gone to call micaiah speak unto him saying behold now the words of the prophets declare good unto the king with one mouth he's saying look all 400 of these guys are saying the same thing and it's all positive let thy word i pray thee be like the word of one of them and speak that which is good now look what if somebody came to your pastor pastor stephen anderson and said pastor anderson there's 400 other churches in this town they're all saying good they're all being nice they're all they're all nice you know smooth good they're saying good things people like to go there people want to hear it let your word be good like what now look is there anything wrong with being good does it good sound good it sounds pretty good doesn't it but it just wasn't the truth and josh in fact uh i'm sorry it says uh and micaiah said in verse 14 as the lord liveth what the lord saith unto me that will i speak he said i'm not gonna i don't you know it's not whether it's good or bad it's just i'm just gonna say what god told me to say i'm just gonna preach this this book whether it's good to you or bad to you okay one more place turn to first samuel chapter number 16 i've had to cut out a lot of my sermon here but first samuel chapter 16 we see samuel now samuel was another great powerful preacher wasn't he first and second samuel another great man of god notice the common denominator among these men it says in first samuel 16 four and samuel did that which the lord spake that's good and came to bethlehem and the elders of the town trembled at his coming and said comest thou peaceably okay are you getting the picture here i mean this guy this is the preacher coming to town and they're afraid of it saying comest thou peaceably and he said peaceably i'm come to sacrifice unto the lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice and he sanctified jesse and his sons and called him to the sacrifice can you imagine these little milk toast preachers of today nobody's trembling before them nobody's afraid of them oh that's good there's this lovable fuzz ball i just feel so much more comfortable around them because i feel like i can let my hair down and i can just really cozy up with that preacher because he's not so judgmental is that all they felt about samuel when samuel showed up they're like oh man what are we doing what's he gonna do now what's he gonna say to us now what's he gonna rip on now they were afraid of him why because he was not a pansy because he was not a namby pamby and let me tell you something today the preachers are afraid of the people instead of the people fearing this and oh man you know it's samuel it's like they're scared like oh man i don't know if i i don't know those new king james i don't know if i should move those or what what are people gonna do next year next year next year i'll do it next year god i promise i'll switch to the king james only next year but if anybody asks me i'm gonna tell them i'm king james only but i'm afraid to move those books until next year you think that's what samuel's attitude samuel would have had those things in a bonfire so fast your head would have been spinning samuel would have come in and they would have been they you know what would happen if samuel would have been the pastor of that church when samuel took over that church they would have gotten rid of those new king james before samuel even walked through the front door because they would have been afraid what he was going to think about it instead of him being afraid what people would think when he removed him it would have been the exact opposite they would have been like oh man samuel's the new pastor get rid of the new king james now what are you doing get rid of these song books that have verses from the nib in them you know get rid of this liberal program what is he going to think he is going to cloud up and rain he's going to breathe fire now look am i saying be mean yes yes i am because listen i'm not saying to be mean all the time and most people who know me know that i'm a pretty nice guy most of the time but let me tell you something there's a time to be mean and there's a time not to be mean and today everybody wants to be nice all the time this is the problem with parents who want to be nice all the time and they let their children do whatever because they're just afraid to ever be mean they're afraid to be the one who says no they're afraid they want to put their breath out but that's what being a parent is loving your children is sometimes telling them what they don't want to hear but today every parent just wants to be their child's buddy and you know my children are my buddies but you know what i'm their parent first buddy second seriously i mean i'm the dad first buddy second because it's tempting to just want to be mr cool mr nice guy mr anything goes but you know what sometimes you got to be mean and if you don't if you're one of these people that doesn't have a mean bone in your body don't do do a salt paper don't ever become a pastor because we don't need another namby pamby we don't need another preacher who will not fight who will not stand up for what he believes in we don't need it there's too many we need some men who are not just being mean for the sake of being me but they know that there's a time to be me and it's not that often and hopefully it's not very often at all but there's a time to get a little hairy isn't there as parents there's a time to get hairy as a preacher it's time to get hairy sometimes and you know my children i'm their friend i'm their buddy but i'm their dad first and i will never be their buddy at the expense of being their dad and you know what it's the same way with this church i'm your friend i'm your buddy but you know what i'm your pastor first and if i have to choose between being your pastor and being your buddy i'll be your pastor i'd rather get up and alienate somebody by telling them what they need to hear and there have been many good people i'm thinking of someone about four years ago good people good people who i told what they needed to hear and it caused them to leave the church but they got it right they corrected that which needed to be corrected and so i thank god that i told them what they needed to hear even though i lost them as a friend even though i lost them as a church member they grew in the lord and and moved on and grew in their life because i told them what they needed to hear and i thank god that the one that i'm thinking of today is still serving god today because of the fact that four years ago they were told what they needed to hear and it's not always going to make people like you but it proves one thing it's not going to make them love you but it proves that you love them and your love's not always going to be reciprocated but if you love somebody you'll speak the truth in love and you'll tell them the truth the hairy truth sometimes but the truth nonetheless let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father i just pray that every single person would take this message to heart and always remember it dear god help everyone who's here to always remember this sermon for the rest of their life and instead of getting upset when they hear the word of god preached and saying oh that preacher's too hairy that they would stop and say wait a minute wasn't elijah a pretty hairy preacher wasn't john the baptist a pretty hairy preacher wasn't jesus christ compared to the hairiest preachers in the bible and to realize that the elijah or the jeremiah or the john the baptists of this world and i could never attain under those great men but that those men are the men who really love and they really did the most good and they really helped so many people and and performed miracles and and helped people and and saved people and gave people the gospel help us dear god to not get the world's definition of oh man that guy's hairy help us rather to say god i want the truth and i'll go where the truth is preached and i'll endure it i'll endure the truth i'll endure sound preaching and sound doctrine father we love you and thank you for the great church that we have dear god and we thank you for the many souls that have been saved through knocking doors dear god thank you for a church that loves people and that goes out and preaches the gospel and help us today as we go out with the glorious good news the gospel of jesus christ help us to see many saved your god help us to find those that maybe can look past our hairiness dear god and and receive the truth and receive the message dear god because we love them and in jesus name we pray amen