(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now in Matthew chapter 7 we have a famous passage at the beginning here, and this is a very often abused passage, and the title of my sermon this morning is this, God is the only judge, and I'm going to show that throughout the Bible. First I want to talk about this passage in Matthew 7, it's a very misunderstood and abused passage. A lot of people just want to take the first two words and let's just cut it off right there, right? Judge not period. And that's what they want to quote this as, and so many people have said to you and have said to me probably, well the Bible says don't judge, you know the Bible says judge not. I'm going to show you that that's not true this morning, because you've got to keep reading. It says in verse 1, judge not that ye be not judged, for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye meet, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, that's just a very small piece of wood, but consider it's not the beam that is in thine own eye. Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull out the mote out of thine eye, and heal the beam that is in thine own eye. Now here's the key verse right here, verse 5, thou hypocrite. So this is talking about someone that has a beam in their own eye, they're very guilty, and they're trying to remove some small imperfection in someone else. First cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then leave the mote in your brother's eye. Is that what it says? No, it says first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Now who has had a piece of wood stuck in your eye for maybe an hour or two hours? Yeah, a lot of us. I remember I used to work for an alarm company where we did residential alarms, and a lot of times we'd be drilling up above our head into a door frame, into the wood, and the saw to spline, even when you're wearing safety glasses, and sometimes you're not wearing safety glasses, every once in a while that piece of wood falls in your eye, and I've literally had it in my eye for about three hours. You know, you're trying to get it out, you can't get it out, and then once it's gone it still feels like it's there, you know, after it's gone, long after it's gone. Now it's very uncomfortable, it's painful. Now if someone can help you, would you want them to remove? Now if you're a smart person, if you're a wise person, and someone can come to you and remove that piece of wood out of your eye, any intelligent person would say, please do so, you can get this out of my eye, help me. And so you're not hurting someone when you get something out of their eye, you're actually helping them, but it could be a painful process. You know, like, here, let me get that out of your eye. But when it's over you're going to be glad. And so the point is, this passage is not telling us never to judge. He's saying before you're going to judge someone else, be sure that you are straight yourself before you're going to be able to help somebody else. Now here's the interesting thing, though. Usually the people who are the most quick to judge are the people with the biggest beam in their eye. Okay, this is just the way it works. I mean, the people, let me give you an example. You know, we believe in soul winning. You know, we go out, we knock doors, we give people the gospel, people on the job that we, you know, we meet friends and people on the job, on the airplane. You know, we're constantly trying to open our Bible and give people the gospel. And a lot of people criticize the way that we do it when they're not doing it at all. Now listen to this, if you never give the gospel to anybody, you're not opening your Bible, you're not preaching out. You've got this great big beam in your eye of disobedience. When the Bible says, go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, you know, you've got your light under a bushel. You're not preaching the gospel to anybody. And then those same people will criticize us and say, oh, you're not doing it right. Well, show me how to do it. You know, they're trying to remove some slight imperfection from the way and look, I'm sure I'm not perfect when I give somebody the gospel. You know, I mean, we have this treasure on earth and vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. I mean, we're just human beings. We're imperfect vessels. When we take the word of God and try to give somebody the gospel, but at least we're doing it, you know, at least we're giving it a shot. And if somebody can come and correct something about my soul winning, I'm ready to be corrected by someone who goes soul winning, who does the work, because they don't have a beam in their eye. If somebody can correct something or help me out, I would love to be corrected. But it seems like the people who want to criticize the most, who are the most negative about the people who are out really doing something or the people who are not doing anything at all. And that's what Jesus is addressing here. He's saying, look, you are a hypocrite, you know, quit judging those who are doing great things for God. Quit judging those for not being just perfect or just what you think, you know, the little tiny speck in their eye, when usually you have bigger problems than they do. So this passage is not telling you not to judge. It's telling you not to be a hypocrite when you judge. Look at James chapter four, I'll show you another passage. James chapter four, that's at the end of the New Testament. James chapter four. I mean, think think about how silly this is, this concept of never judge. And we've all heard it. We've a lot of people tell us, we should never judge anyone. Don't judge. Jesus said not to judge. Well, I think I'm going to try that next time I go to court. You know, my next court appearance, I'm going to say, Your Honor, the Bible says not to judge. Your whole job shouldn't even exist. Right? Well, I mean, what if somebody kills somebody, right? Well, don't judge. You know, don't judge. Look at James chapter four, verse 11. And by the way, did you know that there's a whole book in the Bible called Judges? You know, and then people will say don't judge. Look at James chapter four, verse 11. Speak not evil one of another brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother and judges his brother speaketh evil of the law and judges the law. But if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. There is one law giver who is able to save and to destroy who art thou that judges another. Now I'm going to explain a little more about what this passage means, but this is talking about passing your own judgments outside of the word of God. Okay? Because he's saying, look, there's only one law giver. God is the only judge. And that's the title of my sermon. Look at 1st Corinthians chapter six. This is all kind of introduction at the beginning of the sermon. 1st Corinthians chapter number six. And we're going to get the Bible's teaching on this. 1st Corinthians chapter six, verse one. Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life? So here God's telling us that we are to judge. He says in verse number four, if then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. I speak this to your shame. Is it so that there is not a wise man among you? No, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren, but brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers. You see, why is he saying, verse four, to set them who are least esteemed in the church to judge? Because he's saying basically the most least esteemed person in the church is going to be a better judge than the world is going to be. He's being sarcastic. Why don't you take the worst Christian in your church and set them up as a judge rather than to go to the world for justice? He's talking about a brother suing a brother. That'd be like if I had a problem with somebody in church and I go to take them to court. That is a sin against God. The Bible says that you should rather just suffer yourself to be defrauded in that case. Look at verse seven. Now, therefore, there is utterly a fault among you because you go to the law one with another. Why do you not rather take wrong? Why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? I've gotten a letter from another preacher threatening to sue me before more than once, and I stopped the letter in my office. Hey, it's wrong. God says there is utterly a fault among you. You should just suffer yourself to be defrauded. And it wasn't a fraud. It wasn't about money. You know, it's just about something that I said, you know, something I did. You know, but oh, yeah, he's saying suffer yourself to be defrauded. Don't go to the world. He's saying the most least esteemed person in the church can judge better than the world. Now, I know this from experience. You know, I was just in court a few weeks ago. It was a circus. It was unbelievable. You can't get any justice in this country. My trial hasn't even started yet. I keep going to court and just, you know, all this blah, blah, blah, none of the facts. It's just all this legal mumbo jumbo. They can't figure out what's going on. Now the judge is on trial. You know, we're going to court on September 29th to judge the judge in my face. We're not even to me yet. We're not even talking about any evidence. The judge will be judged on September 29th. The world doesn't know what they're talking about. And yet many people today, they let the government tell them what right and wrong is. Like, well, if the government says it's right, it's right. If the government says it's wrong, it's wrong. No, if the Bible says it's right, it's right. And the Bible says it's wrong, it's wrong. Right? The government is not our God. Okay? Jesus Christ is the only judge. And so don't go to the world to get your judgment and your justice. Find out what the Bible says. Look at 1 Corinthians 5. Just go back one chapter. 1 Corinthians 5, it says in verse one, it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you. And such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife. So here's a man who's fornicating with his father's wife, his stepmother. It says in verse two, and you are puffed up and have not rather mourned that he that has done this deed might be taken away from money. For I verily as absent in body but present in spirit have judged already. Paul, why are you judging? Don't you know that you're never supposed to judge? And yet Paul in a distant country hears this report about a man who's committing fornication with his stepmother and he's already judged. He doesn't need to know the particulars. He doesn't need to know the details. Why did he already judge? Because he already knows what the Bible says. We need fornication. He already knows that the Bible says that fornication is a sin. And so he says, I've judged already. I don't even have to be there. He says, as though I were present concerning him that it should not be, verse four, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you're gathered together in my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such and one of the Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Turn back to the book of John. We're going to look at several scriptures in the book of John. Let's start with John 7 24. So this idea that we're never to judge is not found in the Bible. Okay, this idea that all judgment is wrong. Look at John 7 24 and this is out of the mouth of Jesus. He says in verse 24, judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment. So God's telling us to judge. I didn't show it to you but in first Corinthians chapter two it says, but he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man. And so continually the Bible is telling us to judge. In the one passage where he said judge not he just explained don't judge in a case where you're going to be judged because whatever you judge people it's going to be measured to you again. People will hold you by the same standard that you hold others. Kind of like the saying those who live in glass houses should not throw stones because oftentimes we're guilty of the same things that we want to condemn other people for to try to lift ourselves up by making other people be put down. Then in James chapter four he said hey there's one lawgiver who's able to save and destroy. Who art thou that judges not? Don't pass your own judgment. God is the only judge and then he also said this don't speak evil of your brother and judge your brother. Now evil is something that harms someone else. That's the definition. And so judging people for the purpose of harming them isn't that a little bit different than when you're trying to take the speck out of their eye trying to remove the mote from their eye? That's when you're helping them. And so it shouldn't be our job to go around and try to to harm people or condemn them or do evil to them. When we pass judgment upon someone it should be only for the sake of helping them. And then in the next verse he says give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither castee your pearls before swine. He says lest they turn again and rend you. Because in the Old Testament it says rebuke a wise man and he'll love you. But it says if you rebuke a fool the verse is failing me but it's I know it says rebuke a wise man and he'll love you. But if you rebuke the fool you know basically he's going to get angry and you know it's not going to accomplish anything. But see people who are wise they love to be corrected if somebody can help them do better or help them improve. And this is something all of us need to work on. Taking criticism you know taking somebody telling you how you can improve. This was the problem with Cain. God told Cain you're wrong. And Cain instead of changing and doing it well God said that they'll do as well if they'll not be accepted. Instead he became angry and went and slew his brother Abel. And the Bible says wherefore slew he in? Because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous. Marvel not my brethren if the world hates you. Look at John chapter 3. John chapter 3. And this is of course the famous passage of John 3 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Watch the next verse. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he had not believed in the name of the only God son of God. So when Jesus came to this world he didn't come to condemn anybody. Why? Because they were already condemned. When Jesus preached against the Pharisees and said you generation of vipers you serpents. He said how should you escape the damnation of hell. He wasn't condemning them. They were condemned already before he was even born because the word of God is forever settled in heaven that said whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and he that believeth not shall be damned. And so Jesus didn't come and condemn them. They were already condemned. Now if you tell someone what the Bible says and you show them look the Bible says that those who do not believe will perish will be in hell. That's not you condemning them. That's not you judging them. Oh you're judging. No. When I say that the Muslims are going to hell that's not me judging them. They're condemned already. All I'm doing is just preaching what the Bible says. There's one law giver who's able to save and destroy. Who art thou that judges another? He's saying God is already judged. The judgment's right here. And when we repeat what God has already judged that's not us passing our own judgment on people. You think Paul was judging whenever he said hey this guy was committing fornication with his stepmother, needs to be thrown out of the church, needs to be condemned, needs to be reprimanded. Did he make that up? No. He was getting that straight from the Bible. That wasn't his own personal opinion. That wasn't his own personal judgment. Look at chapter 5 of John because the book of John actually talks a lot about this. We're not going to go to all the scriptures in John that deal with judging. But if you just look up in concordance the word judge, judgment in the book of John it's almost every chapter this subject comes up. But look at chapter 5 verse 22. For the father judged no man but hath committed all judgment unto the son, that all men should honor the son even as they honor the father. So is there any difference in the honor between the father and the son? No. Is there any difference in authority between the father and the son? No. He says honor the son in the same way that you'd honor the father. Now in the Old Testament the Bible says the Lord, capital L-O-R-D, Jehovah, is our judge. The Lord is our law giver. The Lord is our king. On and on the Bible says that God is the judge of the whole earth. I mean in the Old Testament literally hundreds of times it says God is the judge. God is the only judge. He's the judge of all the earth. Abraham said to him you're the judge of all the earth in Genesis 18. And yet here he says the father judged no man but hath committed all judgment unto the son. Yet another proof right there that Jesus Christ is God. I mean they're one. The father, the son, and the holy ghost. Because the son is the one who's doing all the judging according to the Bible. It says that all men should honor the son even as they honor the father. He that honoreth not the son honoreth not the father which hath sent him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is cast from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of God, and they that hear shall live. For as the father had life in himself, so hath he given to the son to have life in himself, and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the son of man. Look at verse 30. I can of mine own self do nothing. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, for I seek not mine own will, but the will of the father which hath sent me. And then look at verse 45. Do you think that I will accuse you to the father? This is Jesus speaking to the Pharisees. There is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom you trust. For had you believed Moses, you would have believed me, for he wrote of me. But if you believed not his writings, how should you believe my word? Now there's several things going on in these verses. Number one, he said, look, I'm not going to accuse you to the father, Moses is going to accuse you. What is that referring to? You know, the books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, God's law. You see, it's not us that just want to condemn people. We're not out to judge and condemn everybody. No, it's that they're condemned already. It's that God has already pronounced judgment upon this world when he said that if you do not believe on Jesus Christ, you'll be damned to hell. Hey, that's not me that said that, that's not you that said that, and I can lie to you and tell you that that's not true, but that's what the Bible says. That the unbeliever, before I ever knocked on his door. Before I even open the Bible, try to show him the truth. He's already condemned before I got there. I'm not there to condemn. I'm there to get him saved. I'm not out solely to condemn. I'm there to save him. I'm there just pointing him to the Savior. And so he's saying here, the one who's going to accuse you is Moses in whom you trust. For had you believed not his writings. How should you believe my words? I was talking to a young man recently and he wanted to become a missionary to Israel. He wanted to go to Israel and preach the gospel. You know, which I don't have a problem with that. I mean, hey, they need to get saved. They need to hear the gospel. Great. Go hey. But I was talking to him and he said, you know, he said to me, he said, well, the Jews, he said, they believe the Old Testament, but they don't believe the New Testament. So he said, you know, when you're given the gospel, you got to show him from the Old Testament. I said, wait a minute. I said, you know, I used to think the same thing as you. I told I said, but that's not true. I and I showed him this scripture. I said, they don't believe the Old Testament. So why would you limit yourself by just trying to use the Old Testament only. They don't believe it. They don't believe it if you show them from Psalms. They don't believe it when you show them from Isaiah. They don't believe it when you show them from Deuteronomy. I said, why don't you just open the Bible to Romans 3 23 and say for all of sin and come short of the glory of God. Why don't you open your Bible to John 3 16 and say for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have ever like that. He said, well they don't believe that. I know. That's why they're not saved and you're trying to get them saved. And in order to get saved they're gonna have to believe that. So show it to them. Show them what they need to believe. I'm not saying somebody can't get saved from the Old Testament. Sure they can't. But you know what? Why would you limit yourself and say well I'm only gonna use the part they believe. Well if you're only gonna use the part they believe then okay it's in my hand what they believe of the Bible. Right and that's on the authority of Jesus Christ. That's not my opinion. That's what he said. Let me ask you this if the Jews believe the Bible where's the where's the the lamb that they're sacrificing. Where's the blood sacrifice? Did the Jews bring a ram to the altar for a trespass offering? That's what that's what their Old Testament tells them to do. We you know we have our sacrifice Jesus Christ slain once for all. Where's their sacrifice? They don't even they don't follow any of it okay. They follow the rabbi. They follow the Talmud. They follow their own religious teachings. They do not believe in the Bible. They are not don't call me Judeo Christian. Just Christian will be fine okay. Because Judeo Christian is a term that's trying to basically break down the walls between Judaism and Christianity. Two dramatically different religions okay. And they have no part with true Christianity. They will not inherit the kingdom of God unless they believe on Christ. Any Jew wants to today can decide that you know what I'm gonna believe on Jesus Christ and they won't be saved unless they do so. Here's an interesting scripture in the book of Jude where he says in verse 14 and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saints. Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgment upon all. And then in first Thessalonians chapter three he said that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. So God and Jesus Christ are one of the saints. He says God is coming with his saints to judge the world. Jesus is coming with all the saints in first Thessalonians three to pass judgment upon the whole world. Now look at Romans chapter 16. You're in John just go a few pages to the right of your Bible. John acts Romans. So Jesus said some things to the Pharisees said some things right when he's calling them serpents vipers telling them that they're damned and everything it sounded like he was condemning them. It sounded like he's judging them but wait a minute they were already condemned he was just announcing that to them. He didn't come to condemn. He came to say they were already condemned. They would have been condemned just by Moses law he said. but here in Romans 16 here's a here's a message to us as Christians and especially as preachers Romans 16 17 now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you've learned and avoid them. So when someone is preaching another doctrine contrary to the doctrine that we've learned from God's word. When some preacher is getting up and preaching heresy and mark them and avoid them right turn to Philippians chapter 3 mark them and avoid them now a lot of people today they don't like this they don't like it when you mark and point out the false teacher and the false problem call his name you say well I don't believe you should name the names okay well look throughout the Bible Paul pointed out the false teachers of his day by a name he preached against by name Alexander Hymenaeus Phygelus Hermogenes all these different men and more than that you know what was the other guy's name diotrophy he went through and and preached against these guys you say well why was he judging them how can he judge and say and he said he said about some of them they're going to hell I mean flat out came out said that he said that they're damnation you know slumber not he he's basically saying you know that they he's delivered them up to satan alexander and hymenaeus okay these guys he's condemning them but wait a minute was he condemning them now this happened already but watch this this is interesting because a lot of you might don't even mention them don't even name and yet paul i listed a list of guys that he named but look at philippians 317 it says brother to be followers together of me and look at this word and mark same word right and mark them which walk so as you have us for an example for many walk of whom i have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of christ now did he just every once in a while mention that someone was preaching another doctrine it says look i have warned you often he said i've told you often of those whose end is destruction verse 19 whose god is their belly and whose glory is in their shame who minded earthly things he said for many walk in verse 18 of whom i told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of christ paul pointed out the enemies of the cross of christ people today would say oh you're judging you're judgmental paul said no they're condemned already but i'm going to mark them so that you can avoid them you see it's one thing if i can mark them and avoid them but if you come to church i'll mark them out for you i'll tell you often of them even weeping saying they are the enemies of the cross of the rice because he's saying you need to mark those which walk correctly so you can have them for an example you don't need john hagey as an example you need pastor anderson to get up and warn you of a wolf and sheeps clothing i knew a godly christian lady who was watching john hagey and being sucked in by and she was saying she's a believer and you know she'd only heard a few sermons and what she heard sounded pretty good and she was like oh wow you know do do you know about this guy and and i just said well i don't want to judge no i told her look this guy is believing that you can lose your salvation this guy believes that the jews are going to heaven even if they don't believe on christ you know and and and and i marked i marked him for avoidance okay you know avoid john hagey okay and you can go down the list now let's stop and think for a minute what did it say back in james chapter 4 when he said there is one lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy who are doubt that judges another do we have the right to pass our own judgments outside the word god now stop and think about this look look let me show you really quickly look at isaiah 43 because this is this important now i was going to just explain this but i really want to show this to you in the bible so that you can see it for yourself it's such a great look at isaiah 43 because you got to keep that in mind and all that was kind of introduction to say this we don't have the right to just make our own opinion and our own judgment and condemn people okay the bible says look they're either condemned by me already or they're not there's only one judge god's the true judge god's the only judge if you're pronouncing what he's already judged you're not even the one judging anyway you know don't be a hypocrite and condemn people for things that you're guilty of yourself but it is our job as the saints as believers to judge he's saying we have to judge between brethren we got to judge what's right i mean every day we judge we hear something and we i mean you're right now right now as i'm preaching if you're smart you're sitting there judging everything i'm saying right now think about it i mean unless you just come to church like you know yes pats rainer saying you know whatever you say if you're smart if you're spiritual okay you're coming in here and you're sitting down in every sentence that comes out of my mouth every scripture i'm showing you you are judging it by what standard you should be judging it by the standard of mine the bible says that those that the believers that were in Berea were nor more noble than those of Thessalonika in that they search the scriptures daily whether these things were so whether what things are so the things that paul was preaching paul preached it and then they said okay i'm going to search the stricter and see if what he's preaching is right and that's what you ought to be doing yeah i love for you i don't want you to just blind well why do you believe it well that's what pastor anderson said you know no you need to be judging it judge first current him there's so much to say about this but but we'll stay in isaiah 43 i gotta read you this this is in first 14 you don't have to turn there but i'm just going to turn there and just read you this one scripture this just popped into my mind and i gotta i gotta point this out to you if i can find it listen to this verse 29 of first trent he's 14 let the prophets speak two or three and let the other judge did you hear that when preaching is going on when the prophet is standing up and prophesying we use the word preach but it's the same word when i'm up here prophesying you're supposed to sit there and judge the bible says in first trent he's 14 29 prove all things hold fast that which is good so you're judging if you're a spiritual christian you're judging me right now how dare you but in isaiah 43 10 the bible says this it says you're my witnesses saith the lord and my servant whom i have chosen that you may know and believe me and understand that i am before me there was no god formed neither shall there be after me i even i am the lord and watch it and beside me there is no savior right that's a pretty clear statement he said i am he there's none else he said no other god no other savior that's what he meant by that phrase i am he well guess what jesus said in the book of john he said if you do not believe that i am he referring back to that scripture you shall die in your sins if you do not believe that i'm he he said then should you know that i'm he and if you do not believe that i'm he you'll die in your sins so according to the bible anybody who doesn't believe that will die in their sins right anyone who doesn't believe that he's the only god that there's only one god one savior jesus christ will die in their sins okay well then bill our buddy billy baleham comes along i'm sorry billy graham comes along and billy baleham comes along and says oh i believe that there are people who've never even heard the name of jesus and they're going to heaven you know and it's so documented i mean there's probably five million videos on youtube about this everybody's heard him say it everybody when i was a teenager i sat and watched it on tv live on larry king or whatever you know we all heard it we've all seen billy graham get up and say oh the muslims you know they're following the light that they have and i believe they're saved he said you know oh the jews you know they're saved now wait a minute you say whatever you want but wait a minute doesn't the bible say anybody who believes that there's another savior that there's another way to be safe outside of jesus hey neither is there salvation in any other the bible says for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby you must be saved and doesn't the bible say that if you don't believe that you'll die in your sin you believe it if jesus didn't say well i'm i'm one of the ways to heaven i'm a way a truth a life some people come to the father by me okay that's not what he says no he said i'm the way the truth the life no man cometh unto the father by me and so wait a minute you're in the people still tell me billy graham is saved billy graham saved billy graham is a true prophet of god how dare you judge billy graham people write me an email and say don't judge billy graham he's a great man of god no they're the one judging him because god said he's condemned and they're stepping in and overturning god's judgment and saying well i'm gonna give him a pass in the head because i like him something about that i mean what what if i sat in the courtroom and you know judge yolanda torac you know the judge who's hearing my case right now this week you know it changes every week what if she came in and said you know i pronounced stephen anderson you know which isn't gonna happen but let's say she said stephen l anderson is guilty as charged right and then what if you just walked in you're not a judge you're not you know you're not wearing the funny robe or anything and you just walk in and you just say this is uh you know i'm chris here okay and uh i'm overruling judge yolanda's judgment and i'm saying that he's innocent okay do you think that that was bought okay cool thanks because he doesn't have the authority to judge that okay so when the bible is telling us here look anyone who believes that there's another way to heaven is not safe do you think that you have the right to overturn that and just step in and say well i think he is fake oh well based on what show me in the bible where somebody who believes in other ways to heaven is saved because i just showed you where they're not so who's the one who's judging the one who's judging is the one who says john hickey is a great preacher billy graham is a great preacher we love him he's a no you're judging because he's condemned already and i'm just standing up here and preaching and pronouncing god's justice that he already said god doesn't play favorites god's not a respecter of persons there's one rule for everybody and you must believe that jesus christ is the only savior in order to be saved it doesn't matter what race you are it doesn't matter what religion you're born into what continent you're on it's the same for everybody it doesn't matter how good you are or how many times you preached you don't get a free pass into heaven many will say to him in that day remember where we started matthew seven lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils you know it's gonna be benny him he's gonna be god i cast out all these devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works and jesus had all professed under them i never knew you what kind of person would stand before god has faith god look at all my works you mean you're not going to let me in does that sound like somebody who's saved no that's somebody who's trusting their works it's not going to be that you're going to get there and you didn't pray just right you know like mario presets are on doubting your salvation oh you didn't believe hard enough no the people are going to be cast out of the one thing oh god look at all the good works we did he's going to say it wasn't about your works it was about my blood on the cross it's a gift of god eternal life through jesus christ our lord and so many people billy graham is going to be standing outside the gate to heaven saying god what about the crusades what about the christian rock band concert you know in phoenix what about in korea when i preach that people have to repent of their sins and give their life to jesus to be saved you say oh billy graham used to preach right i have a video clip from 1947 where he's saying that salvation is through giving turn your whole life around give your life to jesus and repent from all your sins hey i still have to repent from my sins billy i'm still a sinner who in this room has turned from all your sins and yet that's billy's plan of salvation the gospel according to saint billy you know turn from your sin give your life to christ hey i don't have to give my life to christ christ gave his life for me that's the opposite of the gospel it's not we gave we so loved god that we gave that's what people turn the gospel into they say oh in order to be saved you have to love god they'll take a verse in first john saying if you don't love god if you don't keep his commandments that's true you don't love god if you keep your back but thank god you don't have to love him and give him no he loved you so that he gave you if you believe so it's not i so loved god that i gave him my life and now i'm not going to perish but have everlasting life that's the gospel that's being preached by billy graham the joyce myer the kenneth copeland the you know the john hagee whatever these you know people are i don't know their true gospel is this god show love that he gave his life we don't give our life he gave his life that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but ever less see billy graham message hasn't changed he was a liar not in the 40s and the 50s and the 60s and said i mean i've talked to preachers that were like in their 60s who said i worked at a billy graham crusade in the 1950s one time and i realized it was the most phony thing i'd ever been to he said they would have all the workers all the volunteers as soon as billy graham would finish preaching would stand up and flood down the aisles to make it look like thousands were receiving christ as savior and he said that thousands of people were instructed the workers and they called it priming the pump they said this is how they justify it this is how they justify the orders they said you're climbing the pump because when he when he finishes preaching you all get up and flood down the aisles then if someone wants to get saved they'll feel more comfortable flooding down the aisle beside you you know they want to be the only one the first one which is dumb anyway who wants to come run down an aisle and get saved in front of a crowd right why don't you get saved in the back why don't you get saved at your seat why why doesn't somebody just get you saved at the door or out on the parking lot or whatever so you have to you know but you know what they said you're priming the pump but guess what the tv announcer says look at all the people flooding down the aisle wow what a powerful speaker all these people are getting saved when they're all employees or volunteers flooding the aisle the devil's a deceiver my friend okay i mean there's a don't be fooled by the cunning side of it look i ain't afraid billy benny hin is not real okay i know that's a shock to you all right those people that get slapped on the forehead and fall over they're paid actors all right okay you guys say who todd bentley i don't know who he is but i believe you he's bad tattoos and the biker hey the bible says thou shall not print any marks upon that body and yet you know these yeah i think yeah there's the sun i i don't know if it's that guy there's the sun of some preacher that was like a fornicator jimmy swagger or whatever or whatever his son like is covered in tattoos all his face and now he's like preaching the word he can really connect with those kind of people you know stuff like that look the bible says there are many antichrists there are many false prophets are gone out into the world and i'm not judging them when i name them to point them out to you they're already condemned you're judging when you try to tell me oh mother teresa was saved mother teresa is a devout roman catholic that was working her way to heaven and guess what she sinned and came short of the glory of god that's right just like i've sinned and come short of the glory of god the difference is that i'm trusting christ to get me to heaven not my own works and you can you can stand up and say all these positive things but there's one lawgiver who's able to say yes but he's also able to destroy so who art thou to say that billy graham saved who art thou to say that john hayden saved when the bible says that they're not and so we got to stop and say am i judging after the appearance am i judging from my own heart am i just coming up with my own opinions the bible says who's so trusted in his own heart as a fool or am i judging the righteous judgment from the bible the bible's god's word the bible stands i don't have to apologize for the bible i don't have to stand and prove to you that the bible is true or apologize hey it's true believe it or not that's up to you but but if you don't believe you're damned if you do believe you're safe that's it and god's word stands as the rock that will crush anything beneath it or the rock on which you can stand the choice is up to you and so i hope that clears up about judging you know there's a lot of people just don't judge don't judge judge not judge not when the bible says wait a minute remove the beam out of your heart then you'll see clearly the judge study god's work be filled with the spirit you'll be able to pass our righteous judgment not not to go around to them not to go around and hurt somebody you know don't go up to somebody and say oh the way you're dressed is wrong you know oh man i can't believe that you missed church that's that's ridiculous what i'm saying is when we're pointing out billy graham it's not just for the point of like billy graham the point is to help you to warn you so that you're not sucked in by i have a perp there's a purpose for everything i preach i'm not just up here just man i gotta get this off my chest about john hayden i'm sick of it it's me up here saying hey beware of john hayden hey with a tear in the eye as paul said i'm telling you that there are many false teachers out there i'm i've warned you of them often i don't want to get to heaven and say well i warned him every once in a while paul's gonna be like what are you doing steven anderson what were you i warned him often why were all your people going home and watching john hayden and billy graham where were you at man i'm sorry you know i was trying to be positive and so when i'm preaching against these people i'm not just trying to take them down i mean you really think that you know the oh wow we noticed after pastor preached this sermon on uh what's the date today august uh 15 16 whatever you know we noticed a sharp decline in billy graham popularity i don't have that big of a following hey i'm not trying to i'm gonna take down i'm gonna destroy billy graham's ministry no i'm here to warn you because i love you i don't want to see you get caught up in this i don't want to see you get caught up in in john hayden and like i said i've seen christians get sucked in by these people and you have too the billy graham the john hayden hey they're so smooth you know the joyce myer or whatever joel osteen thank you can i get away with this and so look judgment is reserved for god god's going judge and i'll close with this point i wanted to get in i don't have time to go to this like i wanted to but my last point was this realize in your life that god's the only judge of your life don't live a life that's about impressing other people the bible says for if i yet pleased men then i should not be the servant of christ that's in galatian chapter one one of the last person in the chat if i yet please man i should not be the servant of christ when i get up and preach or when you live your life it shouldn't be about pleasing people it shouldn't be about what my wife thinks of me or what my children even think of me or what my friends or what my friends think of me or what my parents think now those things have a place but you know what god is the only judge when it comes down to it at the end of the day sometimes you'll look sometimes you have to look worse before man in order to be right you're standing before god what if you're guilty of something you know you can lie about it and say you're not guilty you'll look better before man but god knows and god's the only true judge that really matters when i preach i need to preach a message that pleasing to god it's not always going to please man sometimes people sometimes people like what i preach i mean there's some service i preach that i don't think anybody could really be offended by it there look you weren't there that week okay there are some sermons like that and then there are other sermons that have fanned but you know what that's that that doesn't matter to me i just want to preach the word the whole thing preach every concept every word every verse every chapter and let the chips fall where they may and let god be the judge when you when someone does you wrong you know you may always feel like you need to retaliate or set the record straight or get your side of the story out there you know what god is the only judge don't worry you know somebody lies about you on the job you don't have to just fight to set the record straight you know what let god take care of it you know just believe in god don't worry about it you know there are times when you need to stand up for yourself but you know what other times it's best to just turn the other cheek let things go because like there's a scoreboard in heaven and always reads the right school you know no matter what the scoreboard down here says god is the judge god's the logger he's the one that lifts up one and puts down another you don't have to worry about it god's the only judge as far as that word prayer father please just help us to know your word dear god and to know how to judge righteously your god help us not to to just go around and condemn people and and tear people down your god that's not what we've been called to do we've been called to follow your footsteps to to say not to condemn help us to preach the gospel to every creature of your god and help us not to try to take some little mode out of somebody's eye when we have a theme in our own eye help us to be spiritual and righteous that we can judge right every time every sermon we listen to we can we can judge it on the basis of what god's word says help us not to take your judgment into our own hands but to just resign ourselves to what you've already condemned and justified in your word and we love you in jesus name we pray amen