(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So I want to preach tonight starting in Matthew chapter 7 verse number 24 if you look down at your Bible there The Bible reads therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and Everyone that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man Which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house And it fell and great was the fall of it And what I want to preach about tonight is being founded upon the rock Now the rock here in this passage is talking about the Word of God because Jesus said Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them shall be likened unto a wise man that built his house upon the rock You see if you build your life if you build your house Upon God's Word you are building it upon a rock And if you build it on anything else you're building it on the sand you're building on shifting sands now One of the main attributes about a rock is that it's firm. It's not gonna move. It's not going anywhere It's stable. It's permanent Whereas sand is something that shifts around and it moves It's soft and it might be here today and gone tomorrow. It could easily be washed away or blown away Now that's the way your life's gonna be if you go by the ways of this world. They're always changing all the time Whereas God's Word is a rock that never changes God himself never changes. The Bible says Jesus Christ the same Yesterday and today and forever the Lord said I'm the Lord and I change not Therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed That's why it's so important that we stay with the King James Version of the Bible because it doesn't change This book has not changed for the last 400 years It's been like a rock and it's been something that we could rely on and it's gonna be the same tomorrow as it was yesterday Because it's God's Word Accurately translated into the English language. We have the pure Word of God in our own language English Isn't that a blessing and here's the thing about that? These people who believe in the NIV or the ESV or these other modern versions of the Bible Their Bibles are changing all the time. In fact, just last week or two the ESV changed again Okay, and they actually changed a Bible verse to say the exact opposite of what it used to say Okay in Genesis 3 16 they changed it from saying that the wife's desire would be toward her husband Then the ESV just changed and said well now her desire is going to be contrary to her husband The exact opposite of what the Bible says so these new versions they don't even agree with themselves They're constantly changing the NIV just did a major change in 2011 It's not even the same NIV. The King James Bible is like a rock. It stays the same we can build our life on it It's the same Bible where we got saved from it and it's the same Bible that we can grow with and Preach week after week and we can memorize it and learn it and study it and it doesn't change praise the Lord God doesn't change Jesus doesn't change the Bible doesn't change. It's like a rock Another thing about a rock is that it's hard Whereas the sand is very soft, you know, the sayings of Jesus were hard sayings A lot of people when they heard his preaching they said well This is a hard saying who can hear it and a lot of times Preaching like the kind of preaching that happens in this church or in my church back home is known as hard preaching We love hard preaching but you know what the other kind of preaching is is soft preaching and the Bible talked about in Jeremiah how People would ask for the prophets to preach smooth things. They want smooth sermons They want soft preaching, but Jesus Christ sayings were hard hard preaching But you know what hard preaching is something that you can build your life on as opposed to the shifting chance Sands of change and soft teachings of this world now I'm gonna give you a few specific areas tonight that we can study in the Bible Where they haven't changed a lot of people today They think that God has to change with the times that the Bible has to change with the time they think that we need to update the Bible to 2016 or update our morality or update our doctrine or update our beliefs Okay But the Bible is clear that Jesus Christ is the same the Word of God is the same and we need to stay with the old Paths wherein is the good way and walk therein. Let me give you some examples of this You're already in Matthew. So go back just a couple pages to Matthew chapter 3 You know one area where the Word of God has not changed is in the in the area of baptism Baptism is the same as it was 2,000 years ago when John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ It hasn't changed look down at your Bible in verse number 16 the Bible reads and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and Lo, the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him Flip over to Romans chapter number 6 Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans go to Romans 6 You see when Jesus was baptized he went down into the water and then he came up out of the water Also in Acts when the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized the Bible says that Philip and the eunuch They both went down into the water and he baptized him under the water look down at Romans chapter number 6 This is a chapter that deals a lot with baptism and it says in Romans chapter 6 verse number 4 it says therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death That like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father Even so we also should walk in newness of life for if we have been Planted together in the likeness of his death. We shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection There's a lot of the churches today. They change baptism and they tell us well, okay, maybe in the Bible They baptized by dunking people underwater, but you know in modern day, we don't have to do that We could just do sprinkling. We could just sprinkle a little water or just pour a little bit You know, I was in Africa and this this phony pastor some Lutheran phony pastor who was you know? a total compromiser He basically stated that well today we don't baptize by immersion because there's not enough water around, you know There's a lot more water around back then is what he said, but you know today we just do a little sprinkle We just do it. Look last time I checked 70% of the Earth's surface is covered in water There's plenty of water and in John chapter 3 the Bible says that John the Baptist specifically went to a certain place Ain't on near to Salem because there was much water there if he only needed a birdbath He wouldn't have to go to that place where there was much water if he was just gonna sprinkle somebody look Baptism is by immersion. It's by dunking under the water I don't care what the Catholic priests will tell you or the Presbyterian or the Methodist or the Lutheran or the Anglican any of these other bunch of baby baptizing Catholics and Protestants look this isn't baptism That's not baptism Baptism when you go under the water and you come up out of the water because the Bible says we're buried with him by baptism baptism represents the death burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Bible says we're planted in the likeness of his death We're raised up out of the water in the likeness of his resurrection Baptism is by immersion and that doesn't change with the times that will never change Let's look at another area. Let's go to 1st Peter Chapter number 3 1st Peter chapter number 3 now while you're turning to 1st Peter chapter number 3 I'm gonna read for you from Ephesians chapter 5 The second thing I want to point out is that God's plan for our home God's plan for the family It doesn't change with the times Now there are a lot of marriages today that are failing a lot of marriages are in trouble A lot of people get divorced and they get separated or even if they remain married They have a dysfunctional home and they have a lot of problems in their marriages The divorce rates are through the roof in the United States I don't know what it's like here But I know in America a lot of people are struggling in this area of their marriage now The way that the Bible tells you to have a marriage is Not what the world's gonna tell you it's completely different God's way has never changed but the world is constantly changing their philosophy on marriage and they've got this Modernistic type of view of marriage and they think that that's gonna work better But let me tell you something if you build your marriage if you build your house on this world's philosophy You're building it on the sand and when the storm comes that thing's gonna come crashing down You need to get your marriage and your home and your family built upon the rock And even if people think that the Bible's are ideas are outdated. They're not outdated. They never change Look at it before we get to first Peter 3 I'm gonna read for you from Ephesians 5 the Bible says in Ephesians 5 wives Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of God wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he's the Savior of the body Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ So let the wives be to their own husbands in everything now right away. That's not what the world's gonna tell you You think that the worldly TV shows and Hollywood and all the books put out by the dr Phil's and Oprah Winfrey's you think that they're gonna tell you that the wife is supposed to submit to her husband You think they're gonna tell you that the husband is the head of the wife and that the wives are to be obedient The Bible says that the wives are to love and obey their husbands. You think that's what that TVs gonna tell you. No way They'll tell you it's 50 50 Right, they'll tell you it's a democracy or they'll just put the woman in charge Okay, but what does the Bible say the Bible states that the husband is the head of the wife then he goes on to say Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself For it the Bible says in verse 28 so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies He that loveth his wife loveth himself You know the Bible tells us very clearly that the husband is the head of the home we need men today who will rise up and lead their home and be the Spiritual leader in their home and to be a leader that can take their wife and children in the right direction The feminist movement is garbage. The world's plan is garbage. We need to get on God's program and Have the husband be the head now a lot of people will say well that was back then You know back then that worked but today We've we've become more Enlightened or we've we've gotten past that we've evolved past that they'll say But look down at your Bible there in 1st Peter 3. I'm going to show you an interesting scripture The Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 3 Likewise ye wives verse 1 be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word They also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear Who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel But let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible Even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price For after this manner in the old time Are you listening in the old time the holy women also who trusted in God? Adorned themselves being in subjection under their own husbands even as Sarah obeyed Abraham Calling him Lord whose daughters you are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement Likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge Giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life That your prayers be not hindered now. Here's what I want to point out about this passage Peter is writing this epistle first Peter Around 2,000 years ago, right New Testaments being written about 2,000 years ago Okay, but at the time that he's writing this he uses Abraham and Sarah as an example He says if you want an example of a good wife look at Sarah Sarah obeyed Abraham Sarah called him Lord Sarah like the old time women, you know was in subjection to her husband Well, how long did Sarah live before Peter lived if you study it was about 2,300 years Okay, so Peter is referring back to an example over 2,000 years so as you know over over 4,000 years ago for us He's referring back literally a couple thousand years to Abraham saying be like Abraham and be like Sarah So let me tell you this if it wasn't outdated for Peter to use an example from 2,000 years ago Then it's not outdated today to use a book from 2,000 years ago If it says that this is how a home should run look 4,000 years ago. The husband's the head of the home 2,000 years ago the husband's the head of the home today. The husband is the head of the home. It's always been that way Even I'll go back to Genesis first book in the Bible Genesis 316 now you've all heard of John 316, right? John 316 is one of the most famous verses in the Bible. It's one of the most often preached verses in the Bible, right? Well, this is not John 316. This is Jen 316 all right Genesis 316. This is one of the most ignored verses in the whole Bible So John 316 is a really famous verse that everybody knows Genesis 316 is a verse that everybody wants to ignore and pretend like it doesn't exist All right, got it. So it's easy to remember look at Genesis 316. It says unto the woman He said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow in thy conception in sorrow Thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee What does that say it says that the husband's gonna rule over the wife now That doesn't mean he's gonna be mean to his wife or rude to his wife or unkind The Bible says that we as husbands are supposed to honor our wives love our wives We're supposed to love our wives so much that we're willing to die for them They're willing to lay down our life for our wife just like Jesus Christ laid down his life for us That's how much we're supposed to love our wives That's a big deal in the Bible that we are to love our wives and and treat them with honor and respect And be kind of but let me tell you something men need to be the bosses in their home. Once again in 2016 We need to get back to the old paths and the old time religion and I don't care about this modern Feminist I wouldn't give you a dime for this modern feminist garbage. That's ruining marriages It's ruining people's lives and it's not making women happier. It's making women miserable It makes men miserable makes women miserable, you know, everybody's happier when they're in the will of God You know if we would just get in the will of God wives would be happier husbands would be happy children would be happier Not only does the Bible teach that that manner to be the head of the home but the Bible also teaches that children are to obey their parents and that is not changed and Let me tell you something spanking your kids is still the discipline that the Bible tells us to do The Bible says withhold not correction from the child for if thou beatest him with the rod He shall not die thou shalt beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell But I don't care if the government makes it illegal. I don't care if it becomes unpopular. I will spank my children That's what the Bible commands And children need to obey their parents today Children need to be in subjection to their parents. Their parents are the bosses not the children Now, let me tell you something. I visited a country recently where Spanking is illegal and I was staying in that, you know, thankfully in America is still legal still legal here, right? Better be right. Okay. Well, you know, I visited a country and they said oh man, you know Spanking is illegal is in Germany. Okay, they said oh man spanking is illegal here and they said, you know, we don't spank our kids You know now let me tell you right now if they make spanking illegal in the United States I'm gonna spank my kids anyway, because we ought to obey God rather than men But I was talking to this man and he said oh man, we can't spank our kids, you know, so our kids They don't they don't respect us. They don't obey us because they have no discipline and He told me he said the children are unhappy and I noticed that the children were unhappy and I'm thinking to myself, you know back home my kids They get spanked when they disobey and they have a big smile and they're happy and now they don't enjoy the spanking Okay but They're happy kids in general because you know what when we get into God's plan for our life and when we get on God's Program and we get on God's path. There's joy in that there's happiness in that You know when children are obedient to their parents they're gonna be happier kids and a wife that respects and Reverencies and obeys her husband is gonna be a happier wife and men who? Who treat their wives well and love their wives and they know that their wife respects them That's gonna be a happier husband. That's gonna be a happy home That's gonna be a godly home And and and we need to trust in the Lord and not lean on our own Understanding because the Lord's Word is a rock our understanding is a sand Our thoughts are not his thoughts and our ways are not his ways We need to get into the Bible and we need to get on his Program for every area of our lives and these things don't change there's nothing new under the Sun and Jesus Christ is the same the words the same human nature is the same and so forth Not only that go to second Peter chapter number two. Let me show you something else that hasn't changed second Peter Chapter number two You know a lot of people were really focused on the election in America That took place on November 8th. It was kind of a big deal and I know ever since I've been in Guyana Everybody's asking me about it now I'm not really interested in politics and I I wasn't really that into the election But every person that I've had a long conversation with and Guyana said, what do you think about the election? What do you think about Donald Trump, you know, they're kind of checking to see what I thought as an American about that election And that election was a big deal to a lot of people Part of the reason is because they have their trust in the things of this world, you know They have their trust in politicians They think that you know If this person gets into office Things are really gonna change or if this person gets in office Things are gonna change for the better or change for the worse and so but but you know in reality The one who really holds our destiny in his hands is is the Lord and Really there are some things that change but in our lives there are many things that will always be the same and It doesn't matter who the president is Whoever gets elected whichever parties in power, you know, that doesn't really change the fact that I'm gonna believe the Bible I'm gonna obey the Bible. I'm gonna preach the whole Bible I'm gonna raise my family the way this book says and I don't care what laws they make or what they say They can huff and puff and say whatever they want But you know what? I'm gonna preach what this book says and If it means going to prison then I may have to go to prison if it means having to flee into another country I'll flee into another country, but you know what the Bible doesn't change. God doesn't change. I'm not gonna change We need to get anchored and firmly planted on a rock the Word of God And you know, I heard a preacher in America say he said oh man, you know, if Hillary Clinton gets elected He said we're gonna lose our freedoms and then we're all gonna have to go into hiding and the work of God is gonna cease He said and I'm thinking to myself, you know what you speak for yourself. I'm not going into hiding I'm gonna preach from the housetops I'm gonna preach the Word of God as loud as I can until I have no more breath in me No more strength, I can't speak anymore. I will never go into hiding I will never go into I will never stop so many. I'm never gonna quit Yeah, but you know if this person gets so they'll never stop me they'll never stop us greater is he that is in us than he that's in the world and So if we're founded on the rock these elections they come and go and they don't really bother us that much because you know What we're gonna live our lives the same way You know and and you know what a Lot of people they get nervous about persecution Here's the thing about that if it's God's will for us to go through persecution. We're gonna go through it But you know if you study the Bible usually God actually protected people from persecution usually Usually the people in the Bible ended up being spared. I Mean you look at a guy like Jeremiah. Yeah, he went to prison a few times But in the end he was set free and everything was great Job went through a very hard time But in the end God blessed the latter end of job more than the first the Apostle Paul talked about all the afflictions and Persecutions and hard things that he went through and he said but out of them all the Lord delivered me The Lord living he said I was delivered from the mouth of the lion look at Daniel He was delivered from the lion's den look at Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they were delivered from the fiery furnace You know God can protect us today and the Bible does say that the devil shall cast some of you into prison That you may be tried and you shall tribulation ten days be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life You know, they're gonna be some people who are cast into prison But you know most of the time God usually delivers us from persecution and you know what that means to me That means a lot of people are afraid of something. That's not even real. It's not even gonna happen I mean, they're so scared and nervous They don't realize if they would just preach hard and trust God and live their lives. God would actually protect them God can actually protect us and if he and if he does choose To allow us to go into prison or go into the fiery furnace You know what? That's if that's his will praise the Lord then if that's what he wants to do You know, some people are gonna be martyrs Some people are gonna go through trials and tribulations like that But in the end it's up to him if he's gonna protect us, but we can't live our lives in fear God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a salmon now Look if I were standing in a bunch of quicksand Yeah That's scary When the storm comes and you're in the sand and your house is creaking and it seems like the whole thing's gonna cave in But you know what when your house is founded on the rock the storms of life come The storms of life the Bible says the wind and the rain beat upon that house they beat on it and it fell not because it was founded on a rock and So we represent with our lives that house that's built on rock if we build it on the Word of God and the storms Of this life and just beat on us and the world can beat on us and put pressure on us And I know that you know as a pastor sometimes there are pressures to change or pressures to compromise the Word of God or pressures to give in and to do the wrong thing, right and and sometimes Persecutions will come storms will come attacks will come from within the church from outside the church from all different Sectors from the government from whoever but you know, we're founded on the rock we can withstand any storm I don't care how hard the rain comes. I don't care how hard the wind beats on that house It is not going to fall if it's founded on the rock and we need to keep that in mind and not be scared Look, if you're building your life on the sand You should be afraid be afraid be very afraid if your marriage is based on what the world tells you You know, if you're rearing your children according to the world's philosophy of no spanking you ought to be afraid You ought to worry every day that your kids are gonna go to the devil because you're on the sand But if you build your home your marriage your family your life You're preaching your church if it's built on the rock. You got nothing to worry about fear not Fear not, you know fear not. He's the master of the sea He can calm the storm and he's the rock that we're built on and and I shall not be moved The Lord is at my right hand Therefore I shall not be moved the Bible says Another area and and this is one that got me some persecution in the United States I know that Pastor Ibrahim brought up that he had seen some of the the media coverage about this You know preaching against the sodomites preaching against the homosexuals This got me into some hot water in the United States where you know We endured some persecution because of preaching what the Bible says about the sodomites about the homosexuals And this might not be as big of a thing here in Guyana, but in America right now They are cramming this agenda down our throat right now They're really pushing this agenda and I know you're being exposed to it too through the hella vision You know what? I mean through the TV through the media. They're trying to push this this queer agenda down your throat as well I know that's going on. Don't tell me it's not That's the chance channels that you pick up from the the United States, you know You're pitching your tent towards Sodom When you watch all that United States garbage and all those queer little sissies on TV that you see But let me tell you something the Bible has not changed on this subject. Let me prove it to you Look at 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 Verse number 6 says this and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes Condemned them with an overthrow Making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly now look the Bible tells us that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah Where God rained fire and brimstone destroyed Sodom that that was an ensample to those that after Should live ungodly so it wasn't just a one-time deal where he just destroyed one city one time. No No, he said I'm gonna do this to make an example To everyone else who lives on God now again 2nd Peter is being written a couple thousand years after the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, so 2,000 plus years after Sodom and Gomorrah the Lord says in 2nd Peter here. He says that's an example today That's an example. Well, guess what? It's an example in 2016. A lot of people try to say well That's how God was in the Old Testament Well in the Old Testament he really came down on Sodom, you know He really came down on the homos in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament Jesus is just all love and and and free love and smoke pot and long-haired hippie Jesus Anything goes Jesus right and they think oh, that's the Old Testament But you know what last time I checked 2nd Peter's New Testament. I mean hell am I am I getting this wrong here? Where's the New Testament starts in Matthew, right? Okay. So 2nd Peter, we're almost at the very end of the Bible here That's New Testament. And you know what he says in the New Testament He said Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of how I feel about that sin of homosexuality If you want to know how God feels about it in the New Testament Whether we're talking 2nd Peter or whether we're talking 2016 hey, it's the same. He said it's an abomination It's wicked it's a sin that's exceedingly wicked and he said I Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with hellfire and brimstone poured out of sky That's how I feel about that sin and that's an example to us today Now a lot of people they get their examples on homosexuality from TV They want to get an example of homosexuality. They watch TV and they see all these sweet little Homos on TV, they're so nice. They're so loving. They're so sweet They have their little husband, you know, and this is the kind of garbage that that's promoted on television Okay, but go to Romans chapter 1 though Romans chapter 1 see if we really want to get an example on sodomy We should go to the Word of God and the example is Sodom The example is Gomorrah the example is Admah The example is Zeboam the example are those wicked cities of the plain where God destroyed them I'm gonna while you're trying to Romans 1 I'm gonna continue reading it says Turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them and its sample unto those that after should live ungodly and Delivered just lot remember how God pulled lot out of Sodom. It says that God delivered just lot vexed with the filthy Conversation of the wicked, you know what God calls that lifestyle, which is actually a death style. He calls it filthy Alright everybody listening Filthy I mean filthy is a pretty strong word is right Filthy just dirty Disgusting and God said that he delivered just lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked For that righteous man dwelling among them and seeing and hearing Vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds see lot He had a TV and he watched all the this show. What are the what are the shows with the side? He's watching Will and grace I know that was like 10 years ago or 20 years ago or something You know some of you sinners help me out with the modern shows help me out. What modern family, right? What's it? Okay, how about probably probably all the shows have a bunch of queers on them now, right? Anybody anybody want to tell me about the the worldly shows anybody got anything don't be shy What's it which are the shows on TV that promote homos? Well, this is a sanctified church nobody watches that girl Yeah but here's a lot lot he sat there and he watched all these queers on TV and He vexed his righteous soul from day to day from seeing and hearing their unlawful deeds You know, he's just seeing and hearing their unlawful deeds and just watching this stuff right except he was there in person Which is even scarier. That's why a lot of his family members died And that's why his life was destroyed, you know from from being at Sodom But you know Romans chapter 1 tells us what the sodomites are actually like Instead of the TV telling us that here's what the Bible says that they're like in Romans chapter 1 It says in verse number 26 it says for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature and Likewise also the man leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust One toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error Which was me and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient now Is everybody looking down at your Bible there at the end of verse 28? Is that a period is that a period there at the end of verse 28? That's not a period is it that's a semi-colon. This sentence is not over This sentence is continued So he talks about the fact that they're men with men and that they were turned over to a reprobate mind But then he says in verse 29 being filled This is the same sentence. We're talking about the same people right same group of people being filled with all unrighteousness Okay, so according to the Bible these men with men sodomites these women with women. They're filled with all unrighteousness They're filled with what else? Fornication look down your Bible verse 29 being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of God despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things Disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection Implacable unmerciful, but other than that, they're great people Other than that, they're really nice Other than that, they're just like everybody else. I mean we should just treat them like everybody they're just like you they're just like me They just happen to love, you know, they just love the same job. That's not what the Bible says The Bible describes them here is the worst people imaginable I mean full of murder and malice and unmerciful and and just wicked in every possible way Look, who are you gonna trust? Are you gonna trust what the Bible tells in Romans 1 are you gonna trust the TV that says hey, they're just like everybody else They're just normal They're just born that way It's just an orientation. They're not born that way. They're gonna burn that way that's what the Bible actually teaches and So I just want to encourage you tonight To not get caught up in this idea that the Bible changes with the times, you know This church is a fundamentalist Baptist Church. That's why it's called foundation Baptist. I mean, that's a great name What's the foundation of this church? That's what the whole sermons about being built on the rock The foundation is the rock and the Bible says that God is our rock and the Bible says that the sayings of Jesus Christ are our rock The Word of God is the rock upon which we stand and we don't have to change We don't have to be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine and carried about with all of the the current Popular die, you know, there's there are all kinds of popular Trendy little doctrines that come up all the time new doctrines that come up all the time like there's this new thing in America where they try to tell you that our Savior's name is not Jesus is Yes, you uh instead and you have to call him yes you uh, it's no no, it's Jesus That name is the name above all name. That name is not going to change. I Will go to the grave praying to the Lord Jesus Christ That's what the Bible says and the Bible doesn't change. I'm not going to change and we could go down the list of many doctrines tonight I just wanted to highlight a few doctrines number one baptism hasn't changed Number two God's plan for the family hasn't changed number three God's wrath on sodomy hasn't changed God's wrath on wickedness hasn't changed and we can take that to the bank We can anchor our soul we can build upon that rock and praise the Lord For that foundation that we have in Christ Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid that is Christ Jesus. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father we thank you so much for this rock of our salvation Lord we thank you so much for the firm foundation that we have Lord and that we have an anchor of our soul and Lord help every person in this church not to be a babe in Christ Not to be a babe not to be one who is tossed to and fro Lord help every person in this church to become rooted and Grounded and firm on what they believe help them all to study their Bibles live by the Bible and build their house and their life and this church on the rock and I ask these things in Jesus name amen