(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) men this morning I'm continuing what I started last Sunday on father Abraham where we were going through every single time that the New Testament mentions Abraham so there was a sermon on Sunday morning last week sermon on Sunday night because so many people today have a wrong idea about who the children of Abraham really are what it really means to be a child of Abraham and a lot of people today believe that Christ rejecting Israel or that unsaved Jews are God's chosen people and that Abraham is their father now of course physically they could make the claim to be descended from Abraham but what we saw last Sunday morning and Sunday night is that that is completely meaningless in the eyes of God right he said think not to say within yourselves you have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able these stones to raise up children unto Abraham and we saw that in John chapter 8 the Jews who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ he said well I know you're Abraham seed but if you were Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham he said you are of your father the devil that's what he told them in John chapter 8 well today we're moving forward we already looked at all of the mentions in the four gospels acts and Romans chapter 4 was where we left off so now we're jumping in with Romans chapter 9 to pick up the subject why are we looking at every single time Abraham is mentioned because a lot of preachers will sometimes just cherry pick the verses that support their point of view we're looking at everything ok we're looking at all the scriptures about Abraham now look at chapter 1 or chapter 9 verse 1 there in Romans it says I say the truth in Christ I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart for I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to flesh who are Israelites so the Apostle Paul is very upset about the fact that the majority of Israelites have rejected the Messiah they've rejected the Lord Jesus Christ this really bothers him because he is emotional and he loves them and wants them to be saved because they're his people now obviously we all want as many people to be saved in this world as possible red yellow black and white no matter what part of the world they're in we want people to be saved but obviously because we're human we might get more emotional about the people that are closer to us right so you know I'm from California so I get excited about churches being planted in California or about big soul-winning events going on in California obviously we want to see God's work happening anywhere but we tend to really care about the people that are close to us the geographies that we've actually spent time in right and so the Apostle Paul because he grew up as a Jew he understands that world those are his people that's his crowd he is really burdened about their salvation and that's why throughout the book of Acts even though God keeps on specifically telling him go to the Gentiles I'm going to send you far from here I'm going to send you to the Gentiles he keeps coming back to Jerusalem and just kind of beating his head against the wall with people that aren't interested and then three times he gets frustrated the book of Acts and shakes off the dust of his feet and says that's it I'm going to the Gentiles but then he keeps like going back to the Jews anyway because he just cares about them humanly speaking so that makes sense so he's saying man it just bothers me and I could even wish that myself were cursed from Christ for my brother he's a man I could almost wish that that you know I would be a curse from Christ if it would mean them getting saved right so he has very strong feelings about this and he says that they're his kinsmen according to the flesh he's saying I'm physically related to people to these people and they're Israelites and I really want them to be saved look what it says in verse 4 who are Israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises he's saying look you know if anybody should be getting saved if anybody should be receiving Christ as Savior you'd think it would be Israel because they've they're the ones who are just primed for this with the Old Testament and yet ironically what do we actually see in the New Testament way more Gentiles getting saved and in today's world obviously Jews are some of the most unreceptive people to the gospel in the world and ironically it's the Gentiles that have embraced Christianity it says in verse 5 whose are the fathers he's saying look Abraham Isaac and Jacob right are their progenitors and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came he's saying look Jesus Christ is born of the tribe of Judah he's an Israelite according to flesh who is overall God bless forever amen now obviously amen is a little bit of a break here right when we see the word amen that's like a punctuation and ending a thought right amen now we start a new thought he says not as though the word of God had taken an effect for they are not all Israel which are of Israel and this goes hand in hand with what we saw last week but the bottom line is a lot of people today they will claim well God is not finished with Israel and they're still his people he has all these promises to Israel and he's got to keep those promises to Israel you know how dare you say that God would bake his promise to Israel look it's not that God has broken any promise to Israel it's just that they are not all Israel which are of Israel that's the key thing to understand God is still honoring his promise to Israel it's just that unsaved Christ rejecting Jews are not Israel they're not all Israel which are of Israel just because you're physically descended of Israel just because you call yourself of Israel just because you're labeled as an Israeli that does not make you Israel in God's sight spiritual Israel has nothing to do with the flesh and so he says it's not that the word of God has taken an effect it's just that they're not all Israel which are of Israel it's not that God has broken a promise to Israel it's just that they're not all Israel who are of Israel okay why because saved Jews in the first century AD saved Israelites they still inherit all the promises but unsaved Jews inherit nothing they receive precisely nothing because they don't have Christ they don't have anything they're not all Israel which are of Israel verse 7 neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children exactly what we saw in John chapter 8 right and so to sit there and say well these people are the children of Abraham and no they're not and to call that nation Israel is false it's wrong it's I mean what if what if we just started a town in Arizona what if we just incorporated a town in Arizona and just called it Israel Arizona does that suddenly all the sudden make it inheritance you know that the the inheritor of all the promises made to Israel because I mean it's Israel it's called Israel no that Israel is a fake Israel because according to God he doesn't recognize it he says they're not all Israel which are of Israel neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called so he says look Abraham had other physical children besides Isaac and that didn't make them the chosen people right because Abraham had Ishmael was Ishmael the chosen people no it was in Isaac specifically so being a child of Abraham is not enough you had to be a child of Isaac and then Isaac then has Jacob and Esau you got to be descended from Jacob right well spiritually what this is gonna teach here in Romans chapter 9 and then we're gonna see it again in Galatians 4 is that Christians are Isaac that's what the Bible actually says Christians are Isaac Jews are Ishmael that's what the Bible teaches it also teaches that Christians are Jacob and Jews are Esau okay and so that's what the Bible says a preacher recently said I stand with Israel because I don't stand with Ishmael now this is completely ignoring what the New Testament actually teaches because if you stand with the state of Israel you are standing with Ishmael now preachers love to say oh you know the Jews that's Jacob that's Isaac that's the chosen people and then this is what they'll say the Arabs are Ishmael isn't that what they say in fact this same preacher said according to the Quran Ishmael became the first Arab and Isaac became the first Jew okay but here's the thing we're not talking about the Quran we're talking about the New Testament the New Testament says Jews are Ishmael Christians are Isaac but yet you have Baptist preachers all over America saying oh you know the Arabs that's Ishmael why because they're focused on the flesh they're focused on nationality and they're focused on oh well they descend from Ishmael and the Jews descend from Isaac or whatever if that's even true anymore in 2023 when everybody's been so mixed for thousands of years but they're focused on the flesh which is meaningless in the eyes of God God cares spiritually who is Israel spiritually who is Isaac spiritually who is Jacob and let's see the Bible tells us right here it says they are not all Israel which are of Israel verse 7 neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed right Christians are of promise we as Isaac was are the children of promise Paul says in Galatians chapter 4 for this is the word of promise at this time will I come and Sarah shall have a son and not only this but when Rebecca also had conceived by one even by our father Isaac and notice who is Paul talking to Paul's not talking to Jews Paul's talking to Romans and he says our father Isaac because he's our spiritual father just like Abraham is our spiritual father he says even by our father Isaac for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works but of him that called it was said under the elder shall serve the younger as it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated so we see these two parting of the ways right if you're a child of Abraham that's not enough you had to be Isaac not Ishmael you have to be Jacob not Esau spiritually that's being a Christian to be Isaac it's a Christian that's Jacob now a lot of people will misuse this text they'll misunderstand this text and make it about personal salvation and they will try to use this text to claim that God chooses who goes to heaven and who goes to hell individually and this doctrine is known as Calvinism and this predestination doctrine is that a quarter of them God just picks certain people for heaven and picks the rest to go to hell and there's nothing that we can do about it and it's all foreordained when in reality God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance Christ is the Savior of all men especially of those that believe Jesus Christ tasted death for every man and whosoever will may come that's what the Bible teaches we do not believe in Calvinism at all now this chapter is being misused to teach Calvinism because of the fact that it is about nations and they try to make it about personal salvation I'm gonna prove to you that they're wrong when I was a teenager I remember this Calvinist guy he approached me and he tried to get me into Calvinism you know it's like when people offer you drugs or something you know so this guy's like hey kid you want some Calvinism and anyway he tried to get me into Calvinism and I didn't know the Bible very well and so he hit me with Romans 9 and it kind of threw me for a loop I was like whoa man you know because the way he was spinning Romans 9 to me he made a really convincing argument and I was started thinking wow I mean this doesn't make any sense but I mean it seems like that's what Romans 9 saying what's going on you know is he right maybe he's right and I prayed about it and I just prayed God reveal the truth to me you know whatever the truth is I'll believe it if it's Calvinism whatever you know I don't like it but whatever but you know I prayed about it and God gave me the answer because he brought other scriptures to my mind and here's a key way to understand the Bible okay when you're reading the New Testament and the New Testament quotes something from the Old Testament a lot of times if you go back and check out that quote it can really help you understand the passage okay now let's see who's right because the Calvinist comes along and he says well Romans 9 that's talking about personal individual salvation and it's saying that God picks one for heaven and one for hell first of all it doesn't fit the context because the context is about what Israel versus the Gentiles but let's look up these two quotes because look at the two quotes verse 12 and verse 13 pay close attention to this it was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger we're talking about who Jacob and Esau right Jacob and Esau everybody paying attention the elder shall serve the younger as it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated so there's two quotes here elder shall serve the younger number one number two Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated the question is are we talking about individuals or are we talking about nations did God actually hate the person Esau and the answer is no and I'm gonna prove that to you and number two here's the other question did Esau ever serve Jacob did the person Esau ever serve the person Jacob because you know I've read Genesis many times I'm sure you've read Genesis and and some of you have read it a multitude of times you'll never find anywhere in the Bible where the person Esau serves the person Jacob and you're also never gonna find where God hates Esau or that Esau is even a horrible person at all but let's see what the Bible actually says go back if you would to Genesis 25 let's see what the Bible actually says Genesis chapter 25 verse 23 and let's let the Bible define itself whether we're talking about individuals or nations look at Genesis chapter 25 verse 23 the Lord said unto her Genesis I'm gonna give you time to get there because I want you to see this is so important Genesis 25 verse 23 the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb two nations are in thy womb and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels the one people shall be stronger than the other people and the elders shall serve the younger hmm I wonder who's right here I wonder if we're talking about the person Jacob or if we're talking about nation nation people people four times in this verse it's emphasized we're talking about the nation and not only that that's not the natural way that you would talk about a woman who's pregnant you have a nation in your womb right oh you have twins two nations two kinds of people right obviously this is significant this is significant that we're not talking about just two guys we're talking about the nation of Israel and the nation of Edom right because Jacob is also Israel Jacob's name is changed to Israel when we say Israel we're not always talking about the person we're often talking about the nation when we talk about Edom we're not always talking about the person we're often talk about the nation because Edom and Esau are two names for the same person just like Jacob and Israel are two names for the same person okay and so if we get the quote from the Old Testament we see the elders shall serve the younger is about nations and this explains why Esau never serves Jacob it just never happens my friend read the story in fact Jacob bows down to Esau and gives a bunch of gifts to Esau and submits unto Esau you never see the opposite happen why because it didn't happen but here's what did happen the Edomites served the Israelites the nation of Esau served the nation of Israel but the person Esau did not serve the person Israel so you got to get this in context don't you now let's look at the other quote Malachi chapter one is the last book of the Old Testament is the book of Malachi right before Matthew right if you know where Matthew is in the New Testament just flip back a page and boom you're in the book of Malachi Malachi chapter number one and we're gonna find the other quote Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated is this about the person or is this about the nation let's find out Malachi chapter 1 verse 2 I have loved you saith the Lord yet ye say wherein hast thou loved us Malachi chapter 1 verse 2 was not Esau Jacob's brother saith the Lord yet I loved Jacob and I hated Esau watch this and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness whereas Edom saith we are impoverished but we will return and build the desolate places thus saith the Lord of hosts they shall build notice everything's plural they shall build but I will throw down and they shall call them the border of wickedness and watch this the people against whom the Lord hath indignation forever who does God have indignation against who did God hate did God hate the person Esau or did he have indignation and hatred toward the people of Edom the nation my friend and again read Genesis as many times as you want you're never gonna find God laying Esau waste as a person in fact God blessed Esau in fact Esau started out as a bad guy because Esau hey you know is is a hateful toward Jacob right Esau hated Jacob Esau wanted to murder Jacob that's wicked we see Esau marry some heathen wives that his parents didn't want him to marry his mother was very upset about the wives that he chose so we see Esau making mistakes selling his birthright despising his birthright marrying heathen wives and being hateful and wanting to kill Jacob right but then fast forward 20 years when we see Esau again you know what we see we see a changed man and when Esau is reunited with Jacob he loves Jacob he has forgiven Jacob he gives Jacob a big hug he everything's fine and then what do we see we see Jacob and Esau go their separate ways and both succeed both prosper both succeed and are blessed by God they're both fine and then when their dad Isaac dies they both show up at the funeral and everything's cool it wasn't some drama at the funeral everybody's happy everything's fine so why do we then get this well God hated Esau because God didn't hate the person Esau he hated the nation Esau God loved the nation of Israel and hated the nation of Esau that's what the Bible actually says if we look it up in Malachi 1 so isn't it interesting that both quotes when you take them back to the Old Testament are both explicitly unequivocally about nations not individuals so therefore Romans 9 is not saying that God picks one person to go to heaven and one person to go to hell I believe that when we get to heaven Esau is gonna be there and you want to know who else is gonna be there when we get to heaven Ishmael is gonna be there too because the Bible is crystal clear that when Ishmael gets thrown out of his father's house he cries out the Lord the Lord heard Ishmael and you know what else it says about Ishmael God was with Ishmael the Lord heard him God was with him I have also blessed him God said I will make Ishmael a great nation you're gonna get to heaven and be a little you know surprised maybe well not you because you're hearing the sermon but a lot of a lot of people go to other churches and didn't study this chapter you know they're gonna be like what are you that you Ishmael you know what are you doing here Esau because they're mixing you know what they're mixing up they're mixing up the literal interpretation and the symbolic interpretation you see Esau symbolizes something bad symbolizes something wicked he represents you know selling the birthright being a profane person but the person himself is not necessarily unsaved okay Ishmael represents not being the people of God and being cast out but the person himself was not necessarily a horrible person okay and I know these things can be shocking to people who've been indoctrinated a certain way but yet when you look at the scripture it's pretty undeniable my friend when you actually think about this and you know I grew up hearing all this preaching about how the Jews are Isaac and and the Muslims are you know those darn Muslims or Ishmael and all this stuff but you know it always it always confused me when I was reading Genesis because I'm like that's funny because I don't see any of these things happening I don't see Esau serving Jacob I don't see Esau getting smoked I don't see Ishmael getting judged or punished he doesn't he's it's symbolic okay so with that let's get back to Romans 9 we're not talking about individual salvation so don't let the Calvinists pull the wool over your eyes another thing that the Calvinists will do they'll twist the latter part of Romans chapter 9 and let's look at that together now Romans chapter 9 verse 21 hath not the Potter power over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor and another end of dishonor and here's what the Calvinists will say well you know the vessel unto honor that's the person who's been chosen for salvation the elect and then the vessel unto dishonor that's somebody who God just created them just so that he could just destroy them he just created them to go to hell and that you know they just have no chance let's see if that's really true verse 21 hath not the powder power over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor but let's keep reading what if God willing to show his wrath and to make his power known endured which much with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction now whoever the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction are hey what if God endured with much long suffering seems like God is actually showing mercy to the vessels of dishonor that were fitted to destructions everybody see that look at verse 23 and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he had a for prepared unto glory even us whom he hath called not of the Jews only but also the Gentiles and so here's what he say the vessels of wrath fitted for destruction is representative of the Gentiles and yet God is going to surprise everyone flip the script and show mercy on the Gentiles and now the Gentiles are going to become God's chosen people by believing in Jesus and then the Jews who you would have expected to be God's chosen people they're being replaced they're being discarded why because they didn't believe in Christ now if they believe they're accepted it's only the ones who don't believe in Christ that end up being removed from the people of God so now in the New Testament you have a spiritual nation of Israel spiritual sons of Abraham that are made up of both Jews and Gentiles what do they all have in common they believe in Christ they're not of a particular race or ethnicity red yellow black and white all over the world anyone who believes in Jesus is spiritual Israel and that's why the Bible says in verse 24 even us whom he hath called not of the Jews only but also of the Gentiles as he saith also in Ozzy Ozzy is just a New Testament spelling of Hosea I will call them my people which were not my people so who used to not be God's people and today they are God's people save Gentiles and I will call her beloved which was not beloved and it should come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people there shall they be called the children of the living God but watch verse 27 is is or Isaiah also cries concerning Israel though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea a remnant shall be saved look is every single Israelite God's people is every single Israelite saved is every single Israelite a child of God absolutely not a remnant is saved a ramp there's always a remnant that is saved right the ones who stay faithful to God all throughout the Old Testament some evil King will rise up and then the whole nation apostatizes and goes against God but isn't there always a righteous remnant like no matter how bad America were to get wouldn't there always be some godly people still serving God and we could pick whatever country in Europe we could pick some godless heathen country in Europe I guarantee you there's a righteous remnant that saved that serving God that loves God in every nation under heaven there's a remnant and though Israel be as the sand of the sea for multitude right a remnant shall be saved a multitude the side you know a huge number is not gonna be saved but a remnants gonna be saved and then it says this he will finish his work and cut it short in righteousness because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth verse 29 and as his eyes said before except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed we'd been as Sedoma and been made like in the Gomorrah so what is saying you know if God hadn't have left us a remnant if there wasn't that righteous remnant if there wasn't that seed that was preserved he said man we would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah now what are Sodom and Gomorrah like they got completely annihilated to where they no longer exist right he turned them into ashes he completely destroyed them whatsoever so that's the primary meaning here he's saying if we hadn't been left with the remnant would have been completely wiped out but thankfully there's a remnant who's the remnant people who believe in Jesus are the remnant the righteous remnant okay but then you could take a secondary meaning the people that are not part of this remnant they kind of are like Sodom and Gomorrah because if you were to go to Israel today to Tel Aviv Israel today it is literally listed as the number one queer tourist destination in the whole Middle East and they have the biggest queer pride parade in the entire world sounds like they're a lot like Sodom and Gomorrah over there he says and obviously those that are involved in running Hollywood and Madison Avenue of course they bring in all this faggot II stuff into that realm as well but in verse 30 it says what shall we say then that the Gentiles Romans 9 30 the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness have attained to righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith right so the Gentiles they got there they've been saved they are declared righteous in the sight of God by believing in Jesus but Israel verse 31 which followed after the law of righteousness had not attained to the law of righteousness is it ironic that the people who are following the law of righteousness they didn't get there why because the law can never get you there only faith in Christ can get you there wherefore why because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law as it is written behold I lay in for they stumbled at the stumbling stone as it is written behold I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him should not be ashamed well guess what if you don't believe on him you're gonna be ashamed if you don't believe on now let's flip over to Romans 11 you know I had originally envisioned that we were gonna finish with Abraham this morning but as I was preparing the sermon I realized that Romans 9 and Romans 11 are kind of a sermon in itself and so we're gonna have fit there's gonna have to be a part 4 but I I guarantee you that part 4 is the last installment I can guarantee that okay but look at that'll be this evening okay so if you if you're sick of father Abraham stay home okay if you want more come on down because there's some really good stuff coming tonight so Romans chapter 11 verse 1 says this I say then have God cast away his people and here's the thing people who want to promote the Zionist view that the unsaved Christ hating Jews are still somehow God's chosen people even though they're all on their way to hell in a handbasket they're still somehow God's chosen people this is a verse that they love to point to have God cast away as people God forbid God didn't cast away as people but you know what they're completely ignoring what the verse actually says let's let's let's take it slow shall we everybody take a big deep breath we're gonna slow down because sometimes I you know I'm preaching fast I'm going through this stuff hey alright you ready we're gonna we're gonna slow the pace has God cast away his people God forbid did God cast away as people nope now that's where a lot of people want to stop reading but we're gonna keep going you know why God didn't cast away as people what we have a conjunction for what is the word for mean because for I also men is right here's why God didn't cast away through did God cast ways people no way here's why because I'm also an Israeli so if God cast away his people then explain me because I'm an Israelite and I'm a chosen person I'm not saying that about me myself pastor Anderson but I'm saying that's what Paul saying Paul saying how could God have cast away his people here I am I'm an Israelite and I'm God's chosen people so apparently God didn't cast away all his people cuz I'm here God forbid for I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew what ye not what the scripture saith of Elias how he maketh intercession to God against Israel saying Lord they've killed thy prophets and dig down thine altars and I'm left alone and they seek my life but what sayeth the answer of God on him I've reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal now what would we call those seven thousand men that have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal the remnant there's a remnant there are seven thousand that haven't bowed the knee to the image of Baal even so verse five then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace just like in the time of Israel there were masses of people that are just worshiping Baal but there were seven thousand reserved who had not bowed the knee the image of Baal in the same way right now at this present time there's also a remnant according to the election of race does your Bible have a G there before race because mine says grace but you know what today we have a bunch of evangelicals and Baptists who they believe in a wreck election according to race but it's not election by race it's election by grace okay to be the chosen people you have to be saved by grace through faith in Jesus even so then at this present time also there's a remnant according to the election of grace and if I and just in case you think that grace or faith is like a code word for works it isn't if by grace that is it no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace but if it be of works then is it no more grace otherwise work is no more work and verse seven is the coup de gras what then Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded what does the word election mean election means chosen right if we elect a president what are we doing we're choosing a president put an S on the front of elect select if I select something I'm choosing something right those are basically the same word one drop the s the other didn't they both essentially have the same meaning of choosing elect okay in the Old Testament God chose the physical nation of Israel and they were God's chosen people right Abraham was chosen Isaac was then chosen Jacob was chosen and that nation as a whole were the chosen people in the New Testament they are no longer the chosen people in the New Testament God has instead chosen all of those who believe in Christ to be his chosen people he is and that's why the Bible says that we are elect according to the foreknowledge of God you see God foreknew who would believe on Christ and who would not and God in his foreknowledge has chosen a new nation not based on race but based upon grace and how do we get that grace through faith he looked ahead and he knew that Stephen Anderson's going to be saved he knew that Daniel writers gonna be safe he knew that all of those that are saved here which hopefully is everyone or almost everyone he knew that you're gonna believe in Christ so he chose you not unsaved Jews he chose you you are now the chosen ones now here's where the Calvinists get their wires crossed on choice choosing is not random choosing is based on criteria if something is random it's not a choice does everybody understand let me show you here's the hymnal right so I'm gonna choose a song to sing I'm going to elect a song I'm going to select a song this morning okay then you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start looking at songs be like oh you know I like this one and you know well I like this one but a lot of people don't know it so let me pick one that I like and that everybody knows okay let's sing just a closer walk with thee I am weak but thou art strong save sing it with me Savior keep me from all wrong I'll be happy just as long as I walk let me walk close to thee just okay do you see what I did there I chose a song and there was criteria that went into it because that's what choosing means this is not choosing let me show you not choosing this is not choosing okay 269 why do you wait I don't even know this song I can't sing it okay let's try again there is a song in my heart today something I know I didn't choose that song the song chose me right I mean hey did I choose why do you wait was I like you know what why do you wait let's do it no it was random now what the Calvinists say the Calvinists say that God is just picking one person to go to heaven and another person go to hell and it's not based on anything about them it's not based on their faith it's not based on any goodness it's just the mysteries of his will he just has like this this puffing air machine in heaven with a bunch of balls bouncing around and the ball for Steven Anderson pops up and boom that's not a choice of course Christians are the chosen people but we're chosen based upon what criteria I mean look if we're if we're electing a president is there a criteria or do we just pick the most senile old man that we can find or is there a criteria you see when you're when you're selecting a president he has to be 35 years old he can't be born in Kenya or anything you know he's got to be born in the US he's got to be 35 years old he's got to also be qualified right you'd expect him to have experience either you know running a business or being a lawyer or being maybe a senator or a governor of a state right you'd expect him to have some relevant qualifications and then you'd probably listen to what he has to say and decide whether you like what he's saying or not am I right okay there's a criteria so what's the criteria for being God's elect in the New Testament what's the criteria for being the chosen people what's the criteria here's the criteria over and over and over again he tells us the criteria believe if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine art the God who raised from the dead thou shalt be saved whosoever believeth should not perish but have eternal life that's the criteria you're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus the criteria is faith in Jesus it's not a null criteria there is a criteria because if there were no criteria it's not choice it's random and that's not election election is based on criteria God's foreknowledge God foreknew who would believe on him and it's that simple and that's what the Bible teaches and then he who me foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son and so he knew Stephen Anderson's gonna believe and so you know what I'm gonna predestine him to be conformed to the image of Christ I'm gonna predestine him to a home in heaven and so forth not randomly not just because yeah Stephen Anderson why not my choice why'd you choose me God I just I just did anything about me in particular nope well you know that's real nice for those that get chosen it's kind of a dark side to that for all the people who are going to hell because God just doesn't like your face just no reason no explanation folks that's garbage that's not what the Bible is teaching Romans chapter 11 where did I leave off somebody I got a little off track there where are we verse 7 the best verse what then Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it Israel's the elect let's read again Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it Israel's elect I see it now Israel is the election folks how in the world can Israel be God's chosen people according to Romans chapter 11 verse 7 can you explain that to me Israel has not obtained the election has obtained oh they must be the same people according as it is written and the rest were blinded who was this who was blinded Israel the rest were blinded as it is written God had given them the spirit of slumber eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear now did God just randomly say hey I'm gonna save Stephen Harris I'm gonna save Daniel right but you know what I'm just gonna just blind Israel why not I can do what I want let's just blind Israel you think God's just blinding Israel just because he feels like it no they rejected the Messiah and their punishment is to be blinded you see when people keep on rejecting the Lord right eventually they get given over to a reprobate mind their their heart is darkened their eyes are blinded but it's not because God just randomly did that to them it's because they went down that road like Pharaoh who the Bible first says Pharaoh hardened his heart and then later it says God hardened Pharaoh's heart but who made the first move first it was Pharaoh who hardened his own heart and then God followed that up by hardening his heart so did God randomly harden Pharaoh's heart no no he is just punishing him for his earlier rejection and so it says unto this day David saith let their table be made a snare and a trap is not talking about a drum kit the snare and the trap are actually talking about you know literal snares and traps and a stumbling block and a recompense unto them let their eyes be darkened that they may not see and bow down their back all way I say then and I'm almost done but I say then have they stumbled that they should fall God forbid but rather through their fall salvation is coming to the Gentiles for to provoke them to jealousy so Paul is pointing out here the silver lining the fact that the Jews rejected Christ is a tragedy but on the positive side at least the fact that the Jews rejected the gospel it caused the Apostles to go out and preach it to the Gentiles and more preaching went out to the Gentiles because we're done with the Jews right we're gonna shake the dust off our feet we're done we're going to the Gentiles and so through their fall the Gentiles profit because now instead of it being all about Israel now it goes worldwide and now all these Gentiles benefit from the Jews rejecting Christ now obviously God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and God wants Jews to believe in Jesus and get saved just like he wants Gentiles to be saved but at the end of the day it's their choice and the majority of them chose to reject Christ and the majority of them have continued for the last 2,000 years to reject Christ but now all of a sudden we're supposed to believe that magically they're going to just have this big change of heart and all of a sudden get saved well that's funny because it hasn't happened so far thousands of years later here we are and it's never going to happen why because broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it we're never gonna get everybody in Tempe saved we're never gonna get the majority of people in Tempe safe because it's up to them to be saved or not saved and broad is the way that leads to destruction most people are going to reject the gospel and that goes for Jews and Gentiles but it goes even more so for Jews because they tend to be even more unreceptive to the gospel what does the Bible say God it says forbid but rather through their fall verse 11 salvation has come unto the Gentiles for to provoke them to jealousy so the right reaction for the Jews to have is to be jealous and say wait a minute what are you Christians doing reading and preaching the Old Testament that's our book we want to believe in Jesus too we're we want to be chosen it's not you know we you know we don't want you to be chosen and we're not so the right response is that they get jealous and they want in on some of that Messiah action and they can come whenever they want what is preventing Jews from getting saved right now what is preventing Israelis from just believing in Jesus right now only their own stubborn wicked heart now if the fall of them be the riches of the world verse 12 and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fullness for I speak to you Gentiles and as much as I'm the apostle of the Gentiles I magnify mine office he's saying you know I like being the apostle to the Gentiles if by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are of my flesh and might save some of them he's a look you know I love being an apostle of the Gentiles but man I would love to provoke some of the Jews also to to emulate or follow the example of the Gentiles and get saved so that I could save some of the Gentiles as well for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead let me just tell you this right now this is wishful thinking on the Apostle Paul's part and this is what people are misunderstanding they read this chapter and they think like this is just going to happen just because Paul wants it to happen that don't mean it's gonna happen my friend you know Paul in the first few verses just said man I want the Israelites to get saved so bad so he's got this wishful thinking man wouldn't it be great if I could get them saved wouldn't it be great if they would follow the Gentiles example wouldn't it be great but guess what we've read the book of Acts and it didn't happen we've looked at the last 2,000 years of history and it didn't happen now does that obviously individuals have gotten saved right I mean our church has gotten individual Jews saved you know but as a whole it hasn't happened right so let's keep going it says in verse number 16 for if the first fruit be holy the lump is also holy and if the root be holy so are the branches and if some of the branches be broken off who are the branches that were broken off unbelieving Jews and thou being a wild olive tree were graft in among them right so the Gentiles are graft in Jews are broken up sounds like replacement to me it sounds like you're replacing a natural branch with a wild branch you break off the natural branch graph in the wild that is replacement I got a hurry for sake of time so let me just jump down to the the the relevant portion beginning in verse 25 that's what and and hey don't get mad about me skipping a couple verses because you know the Zionist they skip from verse 2 to verse 25 and contradict everything in verses 3 through 24 so I'm just trying to save time but in fact let's back up to verse 23 just because of that imaginary outburst look at verse 23 and they also if they abide not still in unbelief shall be graft in for God is able to graph them in again folks are they getting graft in are they that's a big F isn't it yeah they're getting grafted if if if they abide not still nobody what do they have to do to get reinstated just believe in Jesus piece of cake God's able to graph them in again does that mean he's going to well he will if they do what if they believe for if thou were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature and were graft contrary to nature into a good olive tree how much more shall these which be the natural branches be graft into their own off tree man it's just it's going to be like fitting like a glove if we can get these Jews saved it's gonna be great but they have to believe in Jesus now here's the part that people love to twist verse 25 for I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery mystery now when we see the word mystery what do you think you think we're talking about something spiritual or something carnal something physical I mean just at first blush mystery for I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest ye should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part has happened Israel what does that mean blindness in part it means that some Israelites did believe in Jesus and get saved like the Apostle Paul for example but part of Israel the greater part the majority part blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in so there's going to be a time when blindness in part is no longer happening to Israel everybody got that what is in part mean part of the group am I right blindness in part has happened in Israel that means there are a part of the nation that are blinded and a part that are not blind which is the part that's blinded the ones that aren't saved second Corinthians 3 says that they have the veil over their eyes and that when they turn to Christ the veil is removed blindness in part has happened Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in now when the fullness of the Gentiles comes in blindness in part will no longer be happening to Israel everybody following so what does that mean that that means that none of Israel will be blind at that time which is why the next statement is a logical conclusion so all Israel shall be saved because the only way not to be blind is to be what saved if you're not saved you're blind the only way to not be blind is to be saved so he says all Israel shall be saved that's the only way for blindness in part to not be happening to Israel is when all Israel's saved now here's the fairy tale that we're told by modern-day evangelical preachers they claim that in the future everybody in Israel is gonna get saved now this is absurd for a lot of reasons number one is that salvation is a personal choice and so God doesn't just snap his fingers in an entire ethnicity gets saved or an entire nationality gets saved or an entire state gets saved because wouldn't each person have to choose to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for themselves or are you just a Calvinist and basically God's holding these lotteries in heaven and then he has kind of the big grand finale lottery where we're gonna pull all of the yellow balls out of the bin at once and just you know big blowout super finale lotto choice where he just ran so basically we have these people over in Israel right now they reject Jesus they hate Jesus I just saw a news article recently where they're they're spitting on Christian tourists and everything you know but they're all the sudden they're all gonna get saved just cuz God is just gonna give them a new heart and they all get safe no my friend you know when you get a new heart is when you believe on Jesus you have to believe on Jesus and God is not just gonna go like okay let's let the Israelites of the second century go to hell we'll let the Israelites of the third century go to hell we'll let the Jews of the fourth century go to hell we'll let the Jews of the fifth century go to hell Jews of the sixth century are going to hell Jews of the seventh century are going to hell Jews of the eighth century are going to hell do you just be glad I'm not going year by year Jews of the year 1211 are going to hell Jews of the year 1212 are going to hell every Jew living in 1213 why cuz they're not a Christian hey news flash you have to be a Christian to go to heaven Jews of 1215 are going to hell do you know and then all of a sudden you it's your lucky day you're a Christ hating Jew at the return of Christ boom magically all get saved that's madness it's not what the Bible teaches see what this all comes down to is that you have to know when this is because it says blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be coming in we have to figure out when that is when all Israel will be safe now here's another thing that these that this fairy tale entails they'll say well the reason the Jews are all gonna get saved is because Christ gonna come in the clouds they're gonna see Christ and they're gonna go up well duh he's in the sky he's the Messiah it right I've folks that's what they say well when they see Christ coming they're all gonna turn to Christ here's what's so absurd about that Jesus Christ already physically came to Israel it already happened 2,000 years ago and they didn't all believe in him Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and they went away saying let's figure out how to kill this guy you know they saw Lazarus walk out of the grave you know what the Bible says the Jews require a sign but there shall no sign be given unto them the Jew the Greeks seek wisdom the Jews require a sign but we preach Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling block to the Greeks foolishness but on us which are saved the power of God listen to me my friend faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God how do you get saved by hearing the Word of God and believing it and what did the what did father Abraham speaking of father Abraham what did father Abraham tell the rich man who was burning in hell they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them Oh nay father but if if one were to come back from the dead they'll believe he said nope if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will be they be persuaded though one rose from the dead so if they don't hear Moses in the prophets neither are they gonna be persuaded when they see Christ coming in the clouds because you don't get saved by seeing you get saved by hearing and believing we walk by faith not by sight we're saved by faith without faith it's impossible to please God because he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek him God's not just gonna show them hey look it's Jesus stupid oh okay and then they get him get saved the key is thunder and I'm out of time but the key is to understand the when when well if you actually compare Scripture with Scripture we're not gonna do it for sake of time I've done it in many other sermons if you look at Luke 21 and if you look at Revelation 11 this is what you'll find that the time when the fullness of the Gentiles shall be come in is is at the end of that seven year period of Daniel 70th week which is the beginning of the millennium okay that's the timing of it when this is when the fullness of the Gentiles come in is talking about the beginning of the millennium and here's the interesting thing about the beginning of the millennium is that it's after the resurrection you see the Bible says that the 12 apostles Jesus told us 12 apostles you 12 apostles will sit on 12 phones judging the 12 tribes of Israel in the regeneration in the regeneration you'll be sitting on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel here's another word for regeneration resurrection you see let me tell you when all Israel is gonna get saved after all of the unsaved Christ rejecting Jews literally get killed through the tribulation period and through the pouring out of God's wrath they're all gonna die they are going to be wiped out okay and then all of the Israelites that have been saved throughout all history history the the 12 tribes they're all gonna be resurrected at the second coming of Christ I mean isn't that what the second coming is all about the dead in Christ shall rise first and so then all Israel is gonna be saved why is all Israel gonna be saved because all the unsaved people that were Israelites got smoked it's not it's not that the fake Christ hating Israelites are all gonna get saved it's that they're all gonna die and that saved Israel is gonna be resurrected and be in the millennium with Jesus Christ along with the rest of us that are saved and so people say you know well God's not finished with Israel you're right God's not finished punishing them God's not finished pouring out his wrath on them and make no mistake about it God's wrath is on all unsaved people God is not a respecter of persons God is not impressed by your nationality he's not impressed by your bank account he's not impressed by your supposed heritage or genealogy no no he treats us the same if we believe in Jesus we're in if we don't believe we're out every single person don't miss it every single person who does not believe on Jesus Christ is going to die and they're going to go to hell fact every unbeliever whether they're Jewish Muslim Hindu or whether they call themselves a Christian but don't actually believe in Jesus they will all die and they will all go to hell and the only way for all Israel to be saved is for all Israel to believe in Jesus because here's the thing of course only of course all Israel is gonna be saved because only saved people are gonna be Israel cuz God's gonna destroy the fake Israel and so I'm gonna end it there we're gonna have to pick up tonight with the next mention of Abraham which is 2nd Corinthians 11 and Galatians chapter 3 but the bottom line is this we are the chosen people by faith in Christ we are Christians we if we stand with father Abraham that means we stand with Christians to support the state of Israel is to support Ishmael and we're gonna see that very clearly in tonight's sermon but look don't walk away and say that I hate Jews or that I'm anti-semitic or that I'm supporting Hamas or something I don't support Hamas you know I'm not getting some wire transfer into my account from Hamas or something right now okay although you know Hamas if you want to send me some money because you like the sermon I'll take it but before you write that check Hamas you know Muhammad's a pedophile so there so maybe you might not want to make that transfer just yet but the point is that look I'm for peace I'm for peace I don't you know I'm not interested in in fighting wars physically because I'm fighting a spiritual war I don't I don't wrestle with flesh and blood I don't want to fight any physical battles I don't want to be involved in that conflict you know what I you know what I like about that conflict that it's happening on the other side of the world because I'm just thankful to God every day that I live in such a peaceful blessed Christian country so that I don't have to have bombs blowing up around me I'm gonna go to bed tonight and feel safe because I'm in a Christian country blessed by God yes okay but do I support you know you gotta take a side the same preacher that I was talking about he said you know we can't just sit by and not take a side yeah we yeah I just did I'm not taking a side I'm not siding with Israel I'm not siding with Hamas I'm not siding with anybody I'm not siding with Islam or Jews I'm siding with Christ and it's that simple my friend let's bow your heads in our word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word we thank you for the clarity of Romans chapter 9 and Romans chapter 11 Lord God I pray that if anyone's offended by my sermon they would simmer down and read these scriptures Lord and that you would guide them into all truth in Jesus name I pray amen