(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Deuteronomy chapter number 23 starting on verse number one there the Bible reads he that is wounded in the stones or at this privy member cut off shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord a bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord now these are a couple of verses that you're probably gonna never hear preached a lot of churches I was thinking about this today that you could probably live an entire Christian life in the United States of America and I was wondering what percentage of Christians probably go their whole life without ever even seeing these verses in the Bible let alone hearing a sermon on them because let's face it most Christians haven't even read their Bible cover to cover I would guess and I've been around church my whole life I've grown up in a Christian home I've been to lots of churches I would say at least 99% of saved Christians have never read the Bible cover to cover in their life even if they've been saved for 10 years even if we just were limited to Christians who've been saved for a decade or longer 99% have not read the whole book cover to cover sadly it's a shame I believe in our church the vast majority of people who've been saved and in church for years at our church have read the Bible cover to cover and if not then I would encourage you to make sure that this coming year you read the Bible cover to cover in a year because it only takes about 15 to 20 minutes a day to read it in a calendar year there are all kinds of charts and plans online that could help walk you through this it's like three or four chapters a day 15 20 minutes a day you've got to read the whole Bible cover to cover to know the will of the Lord to know who God is to have the full picture and not just part of the picture and a lot of churches are not giving you the full picture because they would shy away from passages like these and then if you're not reading the Bible on your own well you're just not gonna get this teaching and you say well pastor Anderson you know I could have just gone my whole life without reading these verses and I think I would have been okay but all scripture is given by inspiration of God is profitable for doctrine there are valuable truths to be learned here from these verses now when we're reading the Bible we always want to start with the literal interpretation because we want to make sure that we don't skip the literal and go straight to those that are figure figurative and symbolic but of course the Bible is so deep there are a lot of figurative and symbolic interpretations as well and in fact when you're reading Old Testament laws that maybe don't make a lot of sense to you or you don't really quite understand why they are the way they are well it's probably because of the symbolism that's going to come from it and the things that are figurative that are so important and that's why God has some of these commandments the way they are now let's start with verse number one it says here he that is wounded in the stones obviously this is talking about his private parts right enough said or hath his privy member cut off talking about another aspect of those same private parts shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord now what is the Bible saying here it's basically saying that someone who has been mutilated in that way whether accidentally or on purpose this person cannot come to the house of God in the Old Testament now what we have to understand is that the house of God in the Old Testament is different from the house of God in the New Testament okay in the Old Testament you have these really strict protocols about approaching God because God is so holy that if you go into that most holy place wrong person wrong time you're just gonna die okay you have to follow these strict rules and you've got the holy place the most holy place and they're all these protocols of purification and being clean and you have to be of the sons of Aaron and all these different things why because God is trying to show us how holy he is so then in the New Testament when we have access to boldly enter the throne room of grace and to just boldly enter with our prayers and supplications before God and when we have that mediator Christ Jesus to bridge the gap between God and man it actually means something because hearing about the love of God and how accessible God is and how easy it is to reach God it doesn't really mean a lot unless you understand the other side that hey in the Old Testament it was not as easy to approach unto God as it is in the New Testament it wasn't as easy to approach God's house as it is in the New Testament so God's showing us in the Old Testament his terror his dread his holiness so that then we can really appreciate in the New Testament his love his mercy his compassion and his openness in the New Testament and so in the New Testament obviously literally speaking people who are disabled or even mutilated in these specific ways you know would obviously be allowed to come to church I'm not talking about a bunch of faggots right now I'm talking about people who are actually injured or deformed or something like that if some faggot chops off his whatever well he was already not welcome before he chopped it off he just wasn't welcome because he's a homo and no homos will be allowed in this church you know the rest you know the point is here's the deal okay in the Old Testament when it came to the priesthood people are offering sacrifices to the Lord they were not allowed to be a hunchback they weren't allowed to have any extra body parts or missing body parts or being crook back is God just discriminating against disabled people no there was a significant reason for that because they were picturing as priests of the Lord as high priest they're picturing Jesus Christ and so just as the lamb that's offered in sacrifice had to be without spot or blemish the people who offered the sacrifices picturing Jesus as the high priest they had to not have any physical impairments or disabilities okay the same type of thing is going on here why God does not allow certain people to approach it's not because God doesn't love these people it is because of the fact that God is symbolizing his holiness and the perfection of the Lord Jesus Christ and let me prove this to you go over if you would to Isaiah chapter 56 we're gonna compare Scripture with Scripture let's go to Isaiah 56 it's not that God is just up in heaven saying I don't like hunchbacks and I don't like people with extra body parts or missing body parts and I don't like you know people who are handicapped God loves people that are handicapped he doesn't have some discrimination against them in that way just because he says they can't do a certain job okay and by the way if you don't have any feet today you are not going to be a ballerina when you grow up either you know there are a lot of things that you can do with your life as a ballerina but yeah I mean as excuse me let me back up there are a lot of things that you can do with your life as a person with no feet but being a ballerina is not one of them but one time I was invited by friends to see this dance thing and they were doing ballet and they literally had somebody out there in a wheelchair doing ballet and the whole thing was just kind of absurd and you know I'm all for making things handicap accessible and putting in the ramps and everything and I love handicapped people but you know trying to kid this person into think hey you can even do ballet it's just like hey you know that just doesn't make any sense my friend you know we've all been given different talents and abilities by God and we've also been given various crosses to bear and there are a lot of wonderful things that all of us can do with our lives but we shouldn't just have this attitude of I can do anything no you can't you're crippled you're not gonna be a ballerina okay and if you're crippled in the Old Testament you're not gonna be a priest unto the Lord now does that mean that God doesn't love these people well let's look at Isaiah chapter 56 it says in verse number three neither let the son of the stranger that have joined himself to the Lord speak saying the Lord has utterly separated me from his people now what did we just read in Deuteronomy 23 we read the whole chapter of course a moment ago and he also talked about how all the Ammonites can't come into the congregation Lord the mobites can't come into the congregation Lord that's who we're talking to right here right because he said oh to the tenth generation they can't come in what does he say here well don't let the son of the stranger who had joined himself Lord speak saying the Lord has utterly separated me from his people now look at the next part neither let the eunuch say behold I am a dry tree now what is a eunuch a eunuch is a man who has had his stones completely cut off his that part of his genitals have been removed they're gone now isn't that what Deuteronomy 23 is talking about when it says he that is wounded in the stones or at this privy member cut off cannot enter the congregation of the Lord that's who God's talking to and I in Isaiah 56 when he talks to eunuchs these are people that would fall under that category where they can't enter in the congregation of the Lord because they're eunuchs but what does the Bible say about them he says don't neither let the eunuch say behold I'm a dry tree verse four for thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my Sabbaths and choose the things that please me and take hold of my covenant even unto them will I given my house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off no pun intended here's what's not gonna be cut off I know you had some stuff cut off guys but your name's not gonna be cut off and so what's the Bible saying here he's saying look if you're a eunuch that loves God God's gonna bless you God is gonna do great things for you and in fact in the New Testament you will have a place in God's house he's prophesying that in the future in the New Covenant you will have a place in God's house and when you get to heaven you're gonna be in the real God's house because let's face it the tabernacle the temple in the Old Testament we're just figurative of the true tabernacle in heaven and so he's saying don't worry guys because life is short and when you eunuchs are dead you're gonna be entering into the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven and in the New Covenant the eunuchs of this world will be brought in foreigners will be brought in what does the Bible say let's keep reading even unto them will I given my house verse 5 a place and a name better than of sons and daughters I will give them an everlasting name that should not be cut off also the sons of the stranger that join themselves to the Lord to serve him and to love the name of the Lord to be his servants everyone that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it and taketh hold of my covenant even then will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar for mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people the Lord God which gathered the outcasts of Israel said yet will I gather others to him besides those that are gathered in them now when you hear that does that sound to you like God is just angry at eunuchs and he's just angry at every Moabite and angry at every Ammonite and just he just discriminating against the handicapped is that what it sounds like to you reading Isaiah 56 so you got to get the whole picture of what scripture is saying here just because God says hey you're missing feet you're not going to be a ballerina he's also saying I need the people who are priests to not have anything physically wrong with them because of the fact that it's picturing the Lord Jesus Christ as the high priest just like I don't want anything wrong with the lamb and then when we go to the actual case in point Deuteronomy 23 why does he not want those who have their stones broken or their privy member cut off why does he not want them to enter the congregation of the Lord well because the symbolic meaning of that would be God does not want his house to be a place of emasculation and let's face it my friend a lot of Christians today and our culture today literally equate being spiritual or being a zealous Christian with being feminine I remember when I was in Christian school the most feminine guy in the school people just say oh he's so spiritual and I'm just thinking like there's nothing spiritual about this guy he's just a little bit of feminine but that just made him so spiritual he's so tender and mild and gentle and kind what but he really wasn't more spiritual I didn't see this guy reading his Bible more I didn't see him preaching the gospel more I did all I saw him doing was just being this soft kind of a feminine guy and I you know frankly I don't think that's godly at all because the Bible says the that the effeminate will not inherit the kingdom of God you know the Bible condemns effeminacy and wants men to be men and women to be women but yet today when TV or Hollywood want to portray pastors when they want to portray men of God they will typically portray them as a feminine some effeminate little Catholic priest some queer little sissy of a pastor or whatever that's the image that they portray because they want you to believe that somehow Oh churches for women and children and you'll go to some churches heathen churches and it's just all either elderly women or children and you don't have young men you don't have the teenage boys you don't have the 20 the men in their 20s and 30s and 40s that's a missing demographic in a lot of churches thank God it's not a missing demographic in our church this is a church that is filled with men okay why because church is not supposed to be a place of a map of emasculation where you have to leave your masculinity at the door but that's what the devil wants people to believe today so you could take a symbolic view here that says God does not want the church to be place of emasculation you know the church doesn't need to be breaking your stone spiritually you know what I'm saying but but but allowing you to be men to go to church and still be a man in fact church should make men more manly and make women more feminine and not the reverse but not only that you could take another symbolic view when he's saying hey you know if they have a privy member cut off or the stones broken I'm saying hey God doesn't want sodomites in the New Testament Church you could take that as a figurative interpretation because you know a little bit later on he's gonna have something to say about the sodomites in this chapter about not even accepting their money their money came and go on the offering plate and we'll get to that in a moment but but the but the point is that you know God is not up in heaven looking down on people who are physically disabled at all because they're just as important to him they're just as valuable to him and Isaiah 56 makes that crystal clear that's not the point here and people that get offended by this stuff they're just being too sensitive and we live in a society that's way too sensitive and if you tell somebody like sorry you know you can't do this job because you have this you know lack of ability or whatever I can do any job you know my kindergarten teacher told me I could do everything I could be an astronaut no you're not gonna be an astronaut you know you have no arms you're not gonna be an astronaut but we're living in a crazy time aren't we you know you're probably not gonna do data you're probably not gonna type you're not gonna be a typist either without hands you know you're probably not gonna be a great piano player since you have no hands I mean come on folks it's just common sense oh you got COVID lost your sense of smell you know you're probably not gonna be designing perfume for a living it's just it's kind of just common sense and it doesn't mean that you know you hate anybody right and and and and so don't get this idea that well God is just you know being mean to hunchbacks or something no he's not he's just saying this job requires this qualification get over it when it comes to entering the congregation he doesn't want the Moabites he doesn't want the Ammonites but if there's some Ammonite out there or some Moabite or some eunuch who loves the Lord God's gonna bless them big time and they're going to heaven so what's the big deal you know and in the New Testament of course all nations are welcome in the house of God and even eunuchs and whoever can waltz right in but sodomites no because they are haters of God why would we want someone who hates God to come to church when they're just here to be a predator it's literally the only reason that they would come and then we move on to verse 2 a bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord what's going on here you know is God just up there just hating on bastards and and and and a bastard can't love the Lord or so God absolutely not and people would say well you know it's not the bastards fault that he's a bastard now what is a bastard a bastard is a child that's born out of wedlock their parents are not married right so they are born of fornication as opposed to being conceived within marriage that's what a bastard is in the Bible and in the English language in general obviously we're most familiar with just calling someone this as a name so it's lost a lot of its meaning but that's what the word actually means and so you can see right away the symbolic meaning of this the bastard not coming into congregation of the Lord the Bible says that if you're not saved you're a spiritual bastard in Hebrew chapter 12 so you can see how okay you have to be saved to approach unto God that's a pretty obvious symbolic meaning but let's get to the literal interpretation the bastard can't enter the congregation of the Lord you know what God is basically saying here he doesn't want us to have a society where having kids out of wedlock is normal so he stigmatizes it and a lot of people would say like well you can't stigmatize being a bastard because it's not that kid's fault it's his parents that committed the sin and it's not his fault okay what does the Bible say thank you for sharing but I don't give a rip what you think I care about what the God of the universe thinks and God apparently stigmatizes this why because of the fact that God doesn't want us to be a society that just thinks this is normal and just acts like it's fine and just acts like it's cool it isn't children need to be conceived and raised within a married struck a married couple as the structure the nuclear family we need to get back to having old-fashioned families mom and dad raising their biological children or children they've adopted but not this thing of just people conceiving a bunch of kids out of wedlock and they just got bastards all over the place that is not what God has prescribed his word he didn't want Israel to turn to Iceland nation of bastards right he's trying to keep the nation valuing the family now again let's say you're born into that situation in ancient Israel and let's say your parents conceive you through fornication hey God still loves you you can still be greatly used by God you can still love the Lord with all your heart mind soul and strength you could be a great man of God or woman of God you're gonna go to heaven if you believe on Christ or looking forward to Christ calling upon the name of the Lord whatever you are still important God still loves you but you can't enter into the congregation of the Lord in the Old Testament get over it why because God wants to stigmatize this act of bringing a bastard into the world because we are supposed to wait until marriage to sleep together and to produce children okay and that's what the Bible is teaching here so don't let don't let anybody turn you around on this and and get you to think oh God's a big meanie or something first of all if God were a big meanie he's still God so shut up and do what he says because he's literally the God of the universe but number two God's not a big meanie God's a loving God God's a gracious God God's a merciful God but the problem is when we try to take the definitions of love and mercy and grace from 2023 corrupt America and then try to judge God let's see if you measure up to the American view of what a loving God is supposed to look like how dare you judge God let God's gonna judge you and you don't have the right to stand in judgment of God and say he's not loving enough maybe you just don't understand love maybe you're just too sensitive maybe you're just brainwashed by our modern society and you better just get on God's program and do a little more reading in the Bible and start thinking the way he thinks because I mean I read this stuff and it all makes sense to me I get it I get all of it totally makes sense and then I read Isaiah 56 and it makes total sense over there and it all works together it all fits it's all beautiful it's God's Word I'm not gonna apologize for it I'm not gonna try to adapt it to our society I'd rather try to adapt our society to the Bible and adapt my way of thinking in my lifestyle to the Bible not vice versa he goes on to say an Ammonite or Mobite should not enter into the congregation of the Lord even to the tenth generation right and we already dealt with that over in Isaiah 56 it's not that God hates the individual it's just that God is punishing these nations in general these nations in general are cursed by God but yet the individual can always get saved from any nation right from any group of people jumping down to verse 7 for sake of time thus shall not abhor an Edomite for he's thy brother thus shall not abhor an Egyptian because that was a stranger in his land and he talks about how those children can enter the congregation in the third generation let's keep going verse 9 when the host goeth forth against thine enemies then keep thee from every wicked thing verse 10 if there be among you any man that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night then shall he go abroad out of the camp he should not come within the camp but it shall be when evening cometh on he shall wash himself with water and when the sun is down he shall come into the camp again what's the point here the point is I'm just gonna take the time to explain this because this might be a little bit difficult to understand the idea here is that throughout the law of God there's this idea that when you get unclean for some reason then you're supposed to bathe your flesh in water and then you're still unclean until the sun goes down right so you got some uncleanness what are the things in the Bible that make you unclean right it'd be things like touching a dead body but this could even just be butchering an animal you know you're butchering an animal or something you're hunting you kill an animal that makes you unclean unclean does not mean sin it doesn't mean bad it doesn't mean wicked it just means unclean like unsanitary like follow these protocols to be clean again okay a woman who is menstruating is unclean and women are like oh you know God is negative about menstruating I'm just gonna go menstruate all over the place in public you know and it's just like why don't you just chill out and relax and just understand that these are just basic sanitation principles and some of it's obviously symbolic and it has other figurative meanings but it's not about being wicked or sinful or bad right if you sleep with your wife within marriage that's a godly act that's not sinful but yet it makes you unclean okay if you cook dinner and you're handling raw meat you're unclean right these if you're if you're sick you're unclean if you get around a sick person you're unclean right there are just all these different things and I'm not gonna go over all of it but there are all these different protocols and things in the book of Leviticus talking about who's clean who's not clean how to get clean and this is clarifying something about that because if you're unclean you bathe yourself but then you're not just instantly clean you're unclean when the Sun Goes Down why I don't know for sure exactly why but I would say that part of it is the fact that you know it's it's just like well let's see if you're really unclean you know if you're really clean yet you know what I mean like like you're not just declared clean at the drop of a hat because of the fact that you know maybe you you realize oh I missed a spot when I washed up or whatever so you're just letting a little I feel like the waiting until evening is just a little time go by make sure you're really clean make sure you really got clean make sure you're really purified and whatever before you're allowed to be considered clean once again but what the Bible is saying here is that if it's nighttime so evening just happened so you know let's say the Sun went down at 7 o'clock and boom you get unclean at 915 p.m. you know are you basically like well I bathe my flesh and water the sun's already down so I'm good to go he's basically saying no you know you have to wait until the next evening to be technically declared clean so I feel like this verse is just to clarify that point that basically yeah you do have to wait the 22 hours or whatever okay anyway let's move I don't want to spend a lot of time on that I just wanted to kind of clarify that quickly verse 12 thou should have a place also without the camp whither thou shalt go forth abroad this talking about using the restroom going number two it says thou should have a paddle upon thy weapon and it shall be when thou wilt ease thyself abroad thou shalt dig therewith and shall turn back and cover that which cometh from thee for the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp and he doesn't want to step in it is what he's saying right the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp to deliver thee and to give up thine enemies before thee therefore shall thy camp be holy and that he see no unclean thing in thee and turn away from thee so again we're talking sanitation you don't want to have just a bunch of extra excrement laying around in the streets you want to bury that you know this is the same type of thing that a hiking guide would tell you how to get rid of your waist when you're out hiking or something you know you want to have a paddle on your weapon so you can dig a little hole bury that which cometh from thee okay and get rid of that because he says I don't want to step in that when I'm walking through the camp we don't want to have a gross encampment that stinks and look there have been a lot of unsanitary cultures throughout history right God's teaching them that he wants his servants to be clean and again is there a spiritual application absolutely because he wants us to be spiritually right with him the physical cleanliness pictures a clean life clean living morally spiritually and so forth because you know when the Bible talks about people being immoral it'll often call that uncleanness as we talked about on Sunday and so he says you know clean up that which goes from you you know there's a go without the camp go outside the camp right the encampment the place that's close to where the house of God is is a holy place the and again you have like these concentric circles of holiness you know there's the most holy place then there's the holy place then there's the tabernacle then there's the courtyard around the tabernacle then there's the camp and then there's outside the camp right you can be still pitching your tent outside the camp you're still an Israelite you're still in the nation of Israel but the closer you get to God's house the more clean you have to be the more holy you have to be that's the point verse 15 thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which has escaped from his master unto thee he shall dwell with thee even among you in that place which he shall choose in one of thy gates where it like at them best thou shalt not oppress him so again the Bible here is protecting slaves the runaway slave who comes to Israel gets a sanctuary there and he doesn't get returned to his master you know I don't see the atheist bringing this one up they should you know they should love how enlightened God is and how forward-thinking he is and how you know contemporary this way of thinking is because we would say in America this would pass our test in 2023 America like yeah God's a really nice guy here he's doing what we like here we agree with this because we do agree with this but guess what some of us agree with all of it including this this is good stuff but so was the stuff we just read that was good stuff too I like all of it you know God's just smarter and more righteous than everyone you know I'm not gonna stand in judgment say well I like this part about the runaway slaves you know getting sanctuary but you know what's this business about you know the bastards well you know it's all God's Word we need all of it he says in verse 17 there shall be no horror of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel does not bring the higher of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God now let's stop and deal with this for a moment here no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel these are two things that are not acceptable you don't want your kids to do this you don't want to allow your kids to do this you don't want to promote this this is something that we don't want to have in our society we don't want to have prostitution we don't want to have sodomites okay now what the modern versions will do is every time the sodomite is mentioned they will change it to male prostitute okay which and look that is not what that word means and it can be demonstrated and proven that that's not what that word means because if you and I'm not gonna go through it now for sake of time but I made a whole video about this Kevin's got it I'm sure on a hard drive somewhere you know it's out there somewhere I know my youtube channel got deleted you know 700 times but it's out there somewhere I went in depth on this for like 45 minutes went over the Hebrew words and debunked these people and showed that the King James Bible is right when it's even just from looking at the context where this word comes up but again what happens is people they go back to the Greek or the Hebrew and they don't actually know the language they're not actually fluent in the language what they do is they kind of just know the basics or they know how to look things up in a dictionary is really what's going on and sometimes they'll kind of just look at two words and think that they look the same and then they think that they are the same and so what happens is the word for a whore and a sodomite in this passage are two words that are very similar to one another okay now there's another word for whore that's more common that looks different but these two particular words happen to look really similar one kind of looks like just the masculine version and one looks like the feminine version of the same word so then these people who just kind of amateurs they come along and just think oh well this must be the same thing sure looks the same to me and in my video I demonstrated I'm not going to say this word out loud because most Spanish speakers think this is a cuss word and here's what I've learned about Spanish is that if you talk to ten different Spanish speakers you get ten different opinions and I've talked to some Spanish speakers and say that's not a bad word that words fine I would say that in front of my grandma and then other Spanish figures like what did you just say wash your mouth out with soap pastor Anderson and so you know you get so I don't I don't want to offend any Spanish ear drums out there with this word but I'm going to spell it for you okay so if you if you can't handle that well tough okay but this word is spelled P U T O okay and if anybody worked in construction you've seen this Sharpie in the porta-potty okay you you know every construction workers got a Sharpie and we've all been in that porta-potty and we got fluent in a certain aspect of Spanish over the years but anyway there's another word spelled P U T A okay so you got the word P U T O and the word P U T A now again I don't want to get a single email from a Spanish speaker telling me I'm wrong because I'm not wrong so just save your time typing me the email because guess what if you think I'm wrong right now it's because you're just speaking a different dialect of Spanish because Spanish has spoken all over the world and these words can mean different things in different dialects okay but in a lot of the Spanish-speaking world in a large part of the Spanish-speaking world maybe not the exact part you happen to be from but in a very large part of the Spanish-speaking world millions and millions and millions of people this is what these two words mean P U T A is a prostitute this is a whore this is a woman who is selling her body for money whereas P U T O is not a prostitute and is not selling anything but is rather a homo it's just a word for a faggot so you literally have one word and look the only difference is just P U T O I keep almost saying it and P U T A and you know and and and these words look the same but yet when you use the feminine version you're talking about a prostitute when you use the masculine version you're not talking about anybody selling it you're talking about a sodomite and that is literally the exact situation that we have in the Hebrew but again you got these guys who they're just they you know they took two semesters of Hebrew in Bible College and they're ready to correct the King James translators and they know how all you know the King James translators even though they didn't just speak Hebrew they also knew Arabic and Aramaic and they you know spoke multitudes of language they're super duper experts you with your two semesters of Bible College you look at that and you say well those words look like the exact same word masculine feminine version well you know what sort of the two Spanish words that I brought up but yet in a large part of the Spanish-speaking world those two definitions that I gave you are accurate now of course other parts of the Spanish-speaking world those words could have different shades of meaning I'd get that I've researched it but I'm talking about the dialect and I'm talking about which is a big dialect okay somebody see what I'm saying this is the danger of being an amateur going to the Hebrew or going to the Greek and all of a sudden now you know more than 54 expert scholars who worked on the King James version who by the way we're already working from a very good Bible version an excellent Bible version called the bishops Bible the bishop's Bible was already a really good Bible and then they just spent seven years perfecting it and they're experts yeah they got it right folks and so don't just be so hasty to correct them no we're talking about the whore and the sodomite now could a sodomite also prostitute his body of course he could of course he could I'm sure that that's been a thing and it's out there we know that's a thing but when the Bible says sodomite he's talking about a homo in general and what does he call the sodomite he calls the sodomite a dog because look at the first verse there should be no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel because let's face it my friend most prostitutes are female right ninety-nine percent so that's why he said what about the male person it's rare but what's not rare is a faggot unfortunately I mean it's relatively rare but not but it but it's but but what's even more rare is the male prostitute okay the the whore is not that rare unfortunately either and you say this is not a wholesome sermon pastor Anderson you know I come around Wednesday night and you're just you're just you know you're just really making my ears burn but you know what deal with it I mean it's the Word of God it's the Bible and what's funny is that the people that would complain about a sermon like this they probably they probably then go home and watch some some some Netflix series or something that's way worse than anything I'm saying you big hypocrite or you go to the theater and watch some movie that's way worse than anything I'm saying everything in the Bible is fine we can talk about it and you say well there's children the children who aren't old enough to hear this they don't understand what I'm saying right now they don't know what I'm they're like p-u-t they don't know what's going on you know what I'm saying that's why you'll notice that I don't use language that little kids would understand usually when I talk about these kind of subjects I try to use big words that'll go over their heads and then that way they don't understand it until they're old enough to understand it but you know I'm not afraid of exposing my children to anything in the Bible it's God's Word the Word of the Lord is clean and so I want people to hear this at all ages I think they'll be okay but the Bible says here no horror of the daughters of Israel nor sodomite of the sons of Israel that should not bring the higher of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow for even both these are an abomination of the Lord they got he's saying I don't want these people's money I don't want money coming from these people in to the coffers of God's house and if you remember in the New Testament the money that was paid unto Judas Iscariot to betray the Lord Jesus Christ remember they didn't want to receive it into the offering because it was blood money and they didn't feel good about that this is a similar principle but notice the parallelism no whore no sodomite but then the next verse he says you know the price the higher of a whore or the price of a dog okay so the dog is standing in for the sodomite but if you wanted to make the case that we're talking about male prostitutes that would be the dog because when we start talking about money we switch from saying sodomite to dog everybody see what I'm saying so if you wanted to say no no we're just talking about present it's not the word for sodomite that would be if anything you could say well the slang word a dog is referring to that okay now why would a dog be used to describe a sodomites because you know dogs are gross okay and and I'm sorry if you're a dog lover okay but let's face it a dog is not a clean animal now maybe you've got your dog really well trained and you keep it really clean but you know you just let that dog run loose that's not gonna be a clean beast my friend you go to the Indian Reservation and see the res dogs running wild they're not clean they're dirty they're gross they're mangy that's what happens to dogs if you're not sitting there keeping the thing clean okay the dog will literally vomit and then just start eating his vomit and the Bible says as the dog returns to his vomit so does a fool to his folly and so dogs will just puke and be like oh that looks good duh it's a dirty animal it'll just start eating its own vomit I mean it'll eat other gross things and let's face it dogs will hump everything they just do right they'll just that you know when the right chemicals are present in their system or in the system of animals around them they'll they'll they'll hump inanimate objects they'll hump you you ever walk over to your friend's house something the dog just jumps on your leg and just starts up who has experienced that before you've had a dog just yeah basically half the people were here the rest of you just haven't been around dogs that much okay you walk in the house you walk over to your friend's house and all of a sudden they got that dog they just and you know we one time we bought a dog it was a beagle and this dog was like an extreme version of this like this dog just it just anyone came over their legs getting humped it's it's it's going after it's going after everything in the house everything outside everything animate or inanimate and finally we had to get rid of this dog dog's name was gizmo okay we had to get rid of we had to get rid of gizmo because this we're just like this dog is obscene this dog's a pervert get rid of it okay but all dogs are like that to an extent all dogs are somewhat like that you know gizmo was just an extreme example and so he had to go you know down the river and so the point is that that's what these that's what these sodomites are like they're like a dog they're gross they'll do all kinds of gross things they'll just be gross with with so many different people and I don't even feel like talking about that tonight because it's already gotten weird enough tonight I want to make it any weirder but like you know go to any of my sermons where I've talked about sodomites and yeah you'll see why they're called dog and if and again you could make the case you could say well the price of a dog you could say well the dog is specifically the one who sells it you could make that case I don't think that that's for sure necessarily true but it's definitely possible but I'll tell you what's not possible is that the sod the word sodomite is only referring to prostitutes because it just isn't and I've already proven that in another video I'm not gonna take all the time to look up all the references but I've done it in the past and it isn't the case all right let's quickly move on we're almost out of time it says in verse number 19 thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother usury of money usury of vittles usury of anything that is lent upon usury unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury but under thy brother thou shall not lend upon usury that the Lord thy God may bless thee and all that thou saidest thy hand to in the land with thou goes to possess it and again the idea here of lending to usury on a stranger this isn't about ethnicity or genetics because remember anybody of any ethnicity red yellow black and white could always join the nation of Israel be circumcised keep the Passover and join the nation of Israel and then there are certain restrictions on certain groups about entering into the congregation as far as like Ammonites and Moabites and everything but you know the Ethiopian can show up be circumcised eat the Passover and be a full-fledged Israelite no issue it's not about ethnicity here you're not gonna say oh well you know I know you're one of us now but you're black so here I'm gonna lend upon you lend to you upon usury that's not what we're talking about the stranger is talking about the foreigner not a permanent this is not a permanent guy okay the stranger is like a merchant or something right so merchants who are doing business in their country that's probably what we're talking about here not their fellow countrymen that they're charging interest to but rather charging interest to foreign businessmen is what we're talking about okay but this has been abused where Jews they'll come into a country and be citizens there and then they'll want to just charge everybody interest except their fellow Jews and I'm sure they charge it to their fellow Jews as well but I'm saying like they would say like oh we can charge the Gentiles usury but that doesn't make any sense because if they're an American and I'm an American and we're all Americans here you know why are you why are you having this us against them mentality why are you victimizing your poor fellow countrymen with predatory lending or even just lending upon usury in general even if it's not what we would say is predatory and so I just wanted to clarify that quickly verse 21 when thou shalt vow avow unto the Lord thy God thou shall not slack to pay it for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee and it would be sin in thee but if thou shalt forbear to vow it shall be no sin in thee and look when we get to the New Testament what does Jesus say Jesus says okay just don't vow at all don't swear at all swear not at all so in the Old Testament God's already saying look if you swear an oath if you make a vow pay the vow but guess what if you don't vow that's okay too and in fact it's a lot better to just not vow at all then to vow a vow and break it verse 22 if thou shalt forbear to vow meaning you don't bow at all it shall be no sin in thee meaning you're never required to take a vow never okay now here's what a lot of people will say because I've preached this a lot I've done whole sermons about this and said hey swear I preach sermon called swear not at all because in the New Testament God takes this further because in the Old Testament he's saying hey you don't have to vow but if you do keep it and hey there's nothing wrong with not making vows Jesus comes in the New Testament just don't do it okay just swear not at all and then the book of James again says above all things my brethren swear not so with Jesus and James both say this but a lot of people will say oh yeah well what about getting married what about marriage vows wedding vows but here's the thing about that is that those aren't vows we call them vows just because we say wedding vows or marriage vows those aren't actually that you're not actually swearing because last time I checked when we get married we don't say like I swear to God that I'm gonna be with you till death do us part is that what we say no do we say well you know yeah you know oh it's all right if we write our own vows the Lord do so to me and more also if I am not with you until the bitter end so help me God no you know what we say when we get married do you take this man to be your wedded husband will you love him honor and keep him in sicknesses and health in poverty isn't wealth and forsaking all others keep the only unto him so long as you both shall live do you still promise and here's what you say I do you don't say I swear so help me God the Lord do so to me and more also you know let my belly swell and my thigh rot if I don't do it no what are you saying you're basically just saying I do you know what you're doing you're just letting your yay be yay and your nay be nay because I do is pretty much like saying yay yeah I do you know I take thee to be my wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and health to love and to cherish till death do us part it's just a statement and there's no what makes something swearing or an oath or a vow is that there are these imprecations these curses if you don't go through with it right now obviously we know that God demands that we go through with that but that's called letting our yay be yay and our nay be nay so yes we do call those marriage vows or wedding vows but that's not the same meaning of Al as what the Bible is talking about because I don't think that we should ever swear to God anything in the New Testament at all we shouldn't make any oaths we shouldn't make swearing or vows or anything and that's why even in the criminal justice system when you are asked to swear do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God you know you're not required to swear that in court that's why in the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights if you look at the Constitution the Bill of Rights fourth amendment it says that warrants shall only be issued upon oath or affirmation so even in the Bill of Rights it says you don't have to make an oath judges don't have to make an oath the witnesses in the court don't have to make an oath but they have to make either an oath or just an affirmation what's an affirmation it's just yay so basically when you go to court and they say do you swear to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you God you say I affirm to tell the truth and that is acceptable you're not required in the u.s. to swear why because some of the founders of our country were what offended by the swearing of oaths because they're reading the New Testament they're reading the words of Jesus they're reading the words of James everybody understand if James is saying swear not at all if if Jesus saying swear not at all well then guess what swear not at all and so are you surprised that the founders of America are like wait a minute some people don't want to swear because they're following the words of Christ here so how about an oath or an affirmation now I've talked to some of my pastor friends about this I believe I was talking pastor Shelley about this and he was basically differentiating between a vow and swearing and he was basically saying you know well you should never swear by God and and do those things that James and Jesus are saying but you know you could you could make a vow but it's more like just letting your yay be a I mean to me that's that's basically just another kind of another way of saying the same thing if you want to differentiate between the vow and swearing you know I see what he's saying at the end of the day the point is this okay we should not be swearing at all period and when we get married that is not swearing there's no swearing of an oath involved there's no imprecation or curse involved right it's just I do I mean I do it's such a basic statement I do and there's no you know may the roof cave in on me if I don't or anything like that or you know I'm I swear by my mother's grave or something you know or you could be like Tyler Baker and just swear on everything you know and then admit you lied 30 seconds later but I digress it says in verse 24 when thou comest into thy neighbor's vineyard then thou mayest eat grapes I fill at thine own pleasure but thou should not put any in thy vessel when thou comest into the standing corn of thy neighbor then thou mayest pluck the ears with thine hand but thou should not move a sickle unto thy neighbor's standing corn now I know the sermon kind of went a little all over the place tonight but that's kind of how the chapter was but at the end of the day it's advertised a Bible study we studied the Bible we went through Deuteronomy chapter 23 and we dealt with these things and look I think you'll agree as we look at these things these things are relevant to us these things are profitable some of them have great literal implications about hey we don't want to have a society that normalizes having kids out of wedlock and then there are lots of other great symbolic meanings of saying hey we don't want to have the sodomites in the house of God we don't want their money we don't want them here stinking up the joint they're they're haters of God they don't belong or other symbolic meanings of hey Christ is perfect he's a perfect sinless son of God he's without sin he's without sin both as the sacrifice he's without sin as the high priest right God's church is to be kept holy right in the Old Testament you don't have excrement laying around in the New Testament we don't have spiritual excrement laying around we want to be spiritually clean spiritually righteous moral godly people we're all sinners nobody's perfect and everybody pretty much has something wrong with them even physically not everybody's a hunchback or a serious physical element but you know everybody's got problems just like we're all sinners we all have things wrong physically spiritually mentally you know but at the end of the day God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life regardless of ethnicity regardless of mental or physical problems and you know what that should be enough of enough for us of the love of God and Isaiah 56 should be enough for us where we don't turn around and start standing in judgment of God and getting all bent out of shape because Deuteronomy 23 got a little bit gnarly okay that's why I didn't have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word we thank you for loving us and we thank you for Christ's substitutionary death for us on the cross his burial is resurrection Lord help us to live a life that's pleasing to you help us to win as many souls to Christ as we can and Lord help us to continually read your word to find out what your will is and Lord if there's anybody here who has not read the Bible cover to cover Lord I pray that they would begin planning now and preparing now and getting a head start now to make 2024 the year that they get through that Bible cover to cover it's in Christ's name we pray amen amen let's take our hymnals please and go to him number 425 him number 425 no room in the end him number 425 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh