(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Here We see that King Saul is given a mission from God, and it's communicated to him by Samuel the prophet Says in verse number one Samuel also said unto Saul the Lord sent me to anoint thee to be king Over his people over Israel now therefore hearken now unto the voice of the words of the Lord So he's basically explaining to him that before he gives him these Instructions that he needs to realize that this is part of the job of being King He's been chosen to be king and it's not to carry out his own will and to do his own agenda But it's to carry out the will of God and so he's going to be Instructed something that he needs to do in order to fulfill God's will because he's not in that position just to gratify himself but rather to Lead the people and to do the right things that God has planned for him. Look at verse 2 It says thus saith the Lord of hosts I remember that which Amalek did to Israel how he laid weight for him in the way when he came up from Egypt Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not But slay both man and woman infant and suckling ox and sheep Camel and ass now this instruction seems a little bit harsh Because he's basically telling them to go to a certain group of people the Amalekites and to just completely wipe them out And I mean we're talking everybody men women Children babies and even the animals just completely just wipe them out and you say why would God do such a thing? He's a loving and merciful God now First of all, I'm and I want to go into this in depth go to Deuteronomy chapter 20 The first thing I want to show you is that this is not the normal mode for warfare according to the Bible biblically now a lot of people will try to twist this passage and they'll use passages like this and They'll say well see it's okay to just you know, when you go to war to just kill everybody You know and I've heard a lot of people in today's World and and in the United States of America justify Perhaps our troops going to another part of the world and just killing women and children and just Killing civilians and just killing everyone indiscriminately and they'll say well, but didn't God tell him to do that in the Bible Well, the problem with that is that this was a special case and I'm going to show you the difference between Just normal warfare and what they were doing with the children of Amalek God is not giving us the green light. Well, if you go to war just kill women kill children No, that's not biblical at all go to Deuteronomy 20 This is kind of the warfare chapter and I'm not going to read the whole chapter Although I it's an interesting chapter. You should read it, but I'm going to skip to the part that's applicable here It's a great chapter just about the procedure for when they would go to war but look at verse number 10 It says when thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it then proclaim peace unto it So first of all, I want you to see that when they go out to war They're to look for a peaceful alternative Right and when they're going out to face their enemies It's best if they can avoid the battle and avoid the fight and to have peace with their enemies And so that's what God tells them to do First of all to proclaim peace to their enemies and say hey, let's not have this battle Okay, look at the next verse in verse 11 and it shall be if it make the answer of peace and open unto thee Then it shall be that all the people that is found there and shall be tributaries under thee and they shall serve thee So they're going out against their enemies whatever quarrel they have whatever beef they have with these people There's some kind of a an animosity or some kind of an enmity so the first thing they want to do is try to settle it peaceably and get some kind of a Reparation or get some tribute money from them and settle the score and have a peace welcome But if the city will not give them an answer of peace Then it says in verse number 12 But if it will make no peace with thee saying if they don't want to make peace with you They don't want to make a treaty with you Then thou shalt but will make war against thee then thou shalt besiege it And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword So are they fighting against women and children? No, so he says thou shalt smite every male with the edge of the sword But the women and the little ones that's of both genders the little ones The women and the little ones and the cattle and all that is in the city Even all the spoil thereof thou shalt take unto thyself and thou shalt eat of the spoil of thine enemies Which the Lord thy God hath given thee now This there are other passages in the Bible that talk about taking men prisoners as well But this is clear that God's telling them when they go to war try to have peace first of all if you can't have peace then fight the battle kill the man and take the women and children as Captives and take the spoil, you know the animals the wealth and take that captive as well And he says in verse 15 thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which are very far off from thee Which are not of the cities of these nations? Talking specifically about the nations in Canaan right in the Promised Land But of the cities of these people which the Lord thy God that give thee for an inheritance thou shalt save alive Nothing that breathes, but thou shalt utterly destroy them namely the Hittites and the Amorites the Canaanites and the Parisites the high bites and the Jebusites as the Lord thy God hath Commanded thee that they teach you not to do after all their abominations and Keep that word in mind We're gonna look at that in a second that they teach you not to do after all their abominations Which they have done unto their gods so should ye sin against the Lord your God now We're gonna stop reading there, so we see here, and if you would turn to Leviticus chapter 20 verse 22 So we see here that God Qualifies this because the fact that when Deuteronomy is being spoken unto the people of course it was spoken before it was written When these words are being spoken by Moses unto the people They have not yet gone into the Promised Land And they have not yet wiped out the nations that they were supposed to wipe out the hate that the Hittites the Parisites The Jebusites the Amorites the Canaanites. They're supposed to wipe these guys out And so he says this is just in general warfare for other Nations that you end up fighting against, but he said when it comes to these specific Nations in the land of Canaan You're supposed to wipe them out completely because of their abominations that you don't want to learn their abominations So you don't want them living among you now We know of course that the children of Israel Failed to do that when they go into the Promised Land in the book of Joshua and Judges They fail to wipe out all the inhabitants of the land they end up learning a lot of the abominations They don't completely obey God now go to Leviticus 20 And you'll see just an inkling of why God wanted these people wiped out Because it seems pretty harsh that he would want to just wipe these people out everything that breathes But look at Leviticus 20 verse 22 Ye shall therefore keep all my statutes and all my judgments and do them that the land whither I bring you to dwell there Therein spew you not out and you shall not walk in the manner of the nation Which I cast out before you for they committed all these things and therefore I abhorred them Now the question is all what things Well, he's saying they committed all the things that are listed in Leviticus 20 And he says they did all these abominations They did all these things and therefore I abhorred them or hated them And he said you shall not do the things that they do and that's why they're being wiped out And that's why the land itself vomited them out. He used the word spew here uses the word vomit elsewhere about those nations What are some of the things that they did? Well, you know without being graphic I mean, it's a graphic chapter, but in verse 13, it talks about the fact that they were homos That's in verse 13. They did that it talks about other Bizarre things involving animals Involving, you know stuff between family members and in chapter 18 and 20 and by the way There's the same statement at the end of chapter 18 as there is at the end of chapter 20 So every weird sick perverted thing that's in chapter 18 and in chapter 20 unthinkable I'm blue Well, they're starting to be believable in the world we live in unfortunately as it comes to America But things that were a very short time ago thought bizarre and unthinkable and probably Generations of Americans have probably read these chapters thinking huh did no one would have done these things No one actually did that we look at it today and say oh, yeah They probably did because well we know for sure they did because we can look around and see people doing it and the Bible Says they did it so you can see why God wants to just wipe them out because it just becomes so sick You know and and and I can't even imagine the disease and even the children and babies are probably totally infected with disease From all the disgusting and bizarre things or how warped in their mind they were even from a child You know and and you got to think about these children today that are being raised by sodomites in Arizona or something how warped They're gonna be by the time they grow up. So God is just saying, you know, just wipe these people It's like what he did with Sodom and Gomorrah I mean he just wiped it out and Basically, he's telling them look you need to just wipe these people out. You can't coexist with these people, you know So this is a specific mandate from God This isn't a thing of just man deciding or the United States or some other country just deciding Hey, we're on a mission from God. We're gonna go wipe out so-and-so country This is where God is specifically speaking to them in an audible voice Telling them hey, this is who you need to wipe out We can't just take it upon ourselves and say well, I think God wants us to do the same thing to this other country You know and plus I don't know of a nation in the world. That is this Perverted or disgusting to where they're doing all this stuff More so than probably the United States and Europe are doing it, you know And so I mean if we're gonna start wiping this kind of stuff out, you know, obviously We you know, we'd be the ones that be wiped out, you know our nation, okay So the bottom line is this is not a mandate from God to just practice what's called total warfare Where you just kill everyone and everything that's not biblical and so don't misinterpret that He only wanted these specific nations wiped out because they were so Warped and they were to the level of like a Sodom and Gomorrah And so that's why he wanted them wiped out because they were so bad now Let's look at a little bit about Amalek because you know, it's Amalek wasn't mentioned in that group It listed all the other inhabitants of the land. Look at Exodus 17. This is pretty much the first time we're introduced to Amalek Now in Exodus 17 and I'm spending time on this because it's important to the story Yeah Understanding why God even gave this command to Saul because if God is so mad at Saul for not carrying it out It must have been an important command and so go to Exodus 17 This is the event that God brings up when he gives the commandment to Saul He says remember what they did to Israel when they came up out of Egypt. So he brings this up In Exodus 17 verse 8 and this is right after they came out of Egypt It says then came Amalek and fought with Israel and Rephidim and Moses said unto Joshua Choose us out men and go out fight with Amalek Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand So Joshua did as Moses had said to him and fought with Amalek and Moses Aaron and her Went up to the top of the hill and it came to pass when Moses held up his hand that Israel prevailed and when he let down his hand Amalek prevailed So he's standing up on a rock Watching from a distance the battle below it and when he held up his hand they would win and we put his hand down then they would start losing and So it says in verse 12, but Moses hands were heavy Now that doesn't mean that he had an abnormally heavy hand It just means that you know, when you hold your hand out for a long time it becomes heavy Okay, and it's amazing Sometimes you'll just even just the easiest movement, you know Cuz you think about with lifting weights and you're lifting some really heavy weight But you know Even if you just have no weight and you just do this with your hands Or just with an empty bar if you do it enough hundreds of times It will begin to feel heavy even just a really light bar and you'll have like I just a really lightweight Because of the fact that you're tired so he's holding his hands up Well try holding your hands up for hours during a battle his hands start getting heavy and he needs some help So it says that they took a stone and put it under him and he sat there on that way He can be at least be in a sitting posture and Aaron and her Stayed up his hands the one on the one side and the other on the other side and his hands were steady until the going Down of the Sun so they're like wait a minute. Quit putting your hands down. You're making us lose Let's prop him up and hold up his hands. And so that's what they did and that's a whole nother sermon I don't want to I'm already on a rabbit trail verse 13 and Joshua Discomforted Amalek and his people not discomforted by the way Discomfited which means just Dispersed scattered put them in a confused state Discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword and the Lord said unto Moses Write this for a memorial in a book and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua and this is God speaking here He's making up for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. So this is where God first has anger toward Amalek and It says in verse 15 and Moses built an altar and called the name of it Jehovah Nissi and for he said because the Lord had sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation Go to numbers 13 27 numbers 13 27 Now I'm not I've got a whole I've got like several pages of notes on Amalek I'm not going to go through all of it for sake of time. Let me just give it to you in a nutshell I'll read a few of these verses though just to give you the idea but numbers 13 27 and they told them it said we came Under the land whether thou sent us to us and surely it flow it with milk and honey And this is the fruit of it This is when the 12 spies came back from searching out Canaan and it says verse 28 Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are walled and very great and moreover We saw the children of anak there the Amalekites dwell in the land of the south and the Hittites and the Jebusites and the Amorites dwell in the mountains and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and by the coast of Jordan, so it's very clear that the Amalekites are living in the promised land Amongst the other nations that he specifically listed that were so perverted and so corrupt Well Amalek is right there with them Amalek is in the same ballpark And I'm not going to read all the scriptures, but you know numbers 14 We see the same thing the Amalekites and the Canaanites are buddies they're working together They're fighting as allies all throughout numbers 14 numbers 24 numbers 25 Judges chapter 3 judges chapter 6 judges chapter 7 judges chapter 10 I'll spare you, but honestly those are all places where we see the Amalekites just living with the Canaanites allied with the Canaanites They're just like two peas in a pot and so that's why God wanted to wipe them out too Because go back to 1st Samuel chapter 15 now that I got I'm gonna put away my Amalek pages and pages here Just get them get them out of here, so I don't spend much time on that But in 1st Samuel chapter 15 you got to understand that God was destroying them look at verse 18. It wasn't just because of that one thing that they did in Exodus 17 that was indicative of the fact that they were allies with these wicked Inhabitants of the Promised Land, and that's why they were battling with Israel, so it's not just oh you attacked us Well, we're just gonna wipe you completely out Look what he says in verse 18 and the Lord said the on a journey and said go and utterly destroyed the sinners the Amalekites and fight against them until they be considered so he's referring the fact of how sinful they are there That's why they're being wiped out. They're just like the rest of the inhabitants of the land They're committing all those filthy abominations They're a wicked group of people that need to just be wiped out, and that's what the Bible says I've heard people use this as a justification for abortion well God told them to kill some baby Yeah, it's not it's garbage. It's nonsense. I've heard him use it to justify total warfare I've heard people use this to say the Bible's a lie Because God's mean well, here's the thing even if God were mean so what this isn't choose your own God You you're stuck with the one that created you and created this whole universe I've heard I mean you talk to these atheists, and I've heard you know they're they're guru Richard Dawkins He pretty much says that the reason that he knows for sure that the God of the Old Testament That's what he called them, and here's a new class the God of the Old Testament Testament There's only one guy, but and by the way if Jesus was so different why is he just quoting the Old Testament all day long and Saying you need to read see you know look in the Bible read Isaiah if he's just so different right now He said I didn't come to destroy the law of the prophets. I came to fulfill He said not one shot or one tittle shall pass from the law to all people, but he said I agree with all of it Jesus confirmed and agreed with the entire Old Testament because he is the Word made flesh He's the author of it all okay And so this is this is Richard Dawkins said that the reason they knows that God doesn't they said Why would you just say that maybe God exists? And he said well, maybe aliens you know could have created the planet Could it have been God maybe? Since you don't know where it came from and he said well You know there's no way that the God of the Old Testament created it because he's homophobic And he's racist, and he's this and he's that of course God's not racist, but he's not homophobic either. They ought to be Deidophobic Deidophobic Okay, he's the one who's going to destroy them, but the bottom line is that that's a really stupid argument logically I don't like God therefore. He must not exist well Richard Dawkins. Do you like me well? I exist I? Don't I don't see I'm sure he doesn't like people like me and yet that doesn't cause me to cease from existing Now just because you don't like God or just because you say well God mean or God never look even if God Were me that wouldn't change the fact that he's God and you're living in his universe, and you have no control over that but Thankfully he's not he's a loving God. He's a gracious. God. He's not a he's not just a mean God out to get everybody he's a loving kind and gracious merciful God, but guess what his patience has a limit his mercy has a limit He's a god of justice and wrath and recompense and so thankfully you know I love God But guess what love it like love or hate him He's God, and you can't just say well. I don't like something therefore. It doesn't exist I'll just wish it away, and that's that's the science. That's the science of Richard Richard Dawkins You know that's not science and That's what people call science today a guy wishing it all away and wishing God away into the cornfield And then all of a sudden God just doesn't exist well That's garbage God exists and Richard Dawkins is in the category of the fool who has said in his heart. There is no God But anyway, I don't know what that had to do with the sermon, but oh yeah You know just how people will twist this when they don't understand it I hope what I just showed you kind of helps you to understand here Why he wants these people wiped out they were really perverted and filled with disease and so forth kind of like some other people But anyway in verse number six here it says, but again, it's not our job You know we can't just sit there and say well Let's wipe out so-and-so You know this is a specific command that God told it are the weapons of our warfare are not carnal We wrestle not against flesh and blood. We're in a war, but it's a spiritual war okay So it was in a physical war here being sent out by God. We're sent out in a spiritual warfare This is the sword of the Spirit. We're gird with the armor of the of the of the The the you know if he's in six and so forth we list all the armor, but anyway look at verse number six And Saul said unto the Kenites go depart get you down from among the Amalekites So Saul doesn't want to just wipe out everybody you know he wants to let the innocent go free So he says unto the Kenites go depart get you down from among the Amalekites lest I destroy you with them for ye showed kindness to all the children of Israel when they came up out of Egypt So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites and Saul smote the Amalekites from Havilah until thou comest assured that is over against Egypt And he took a gag the king of the Amalekites alive and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword But Saul and the people Spared a gag and the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of the fatlings and the lambs and all that was Good and would not utterly destroy them But everything that was vile and refuse that they destroyed utterly now Here's the thing about this we can apply this to our lives symbolically because obviously the Amalekites just represent all that is wicked and perverse and sinful and This could be the tendency in our lives God is basically telling us in our lives to purge ourselves from that which is evil to Come out from among them and be separate and touch not the unclean thing be holy for I am Holy all these different things he tells us in the Bible that we need to cleanse ourselves from all Filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit all these different things in the New Testament where he's telling us Hey, we need to purge out all the sinful things and wicked things out of our life But our tendency is to just want to keep a little bit of it and make exceptions for it for example You know let's say you know when it comes to Hollywood movies or something like that you know you You go through the video case and and if you have a video case at home. That's filled with a bunch of Hollywood movies You know that there's a lot of bad stuff in that video case You know if we were to pull out if we're to pull out those videos and if Pastor Anderson or your other fellow church Members here were at your house on the sofa, and we were to just begin to watch those DVDs You'd be embarrassed when that filthy scene comes on you'd be embarrassed when that heart that's blasphemous against Jesus Christ comes on You'd be embarrassed when fornication adultery comes on here's the thing What if Jesus were there you'd be even more embarrassed you know cuz I'm just a human being your fellow church member here Is just a fellow at your fellow man, but what about if Jesus were sitting next to you in the flesh? Obviously we know that he sees all knows all but if he were right next to you be embarrassed Yeah, you know that there's bad stuff in there, okay? And sometimes it's easy when it's something that you don't like to get rid of it. You know like he says here hey Destroy all the Amalekites and everything that they've got and notice when it came to what was vile and refuse When it came to the animals that were kind of hobbling and on one leg and and that they would look kind of messed And they didn't look like they were gonna be able to get any good food or any good clothes off of it They said yep, let's obey God. Let's kill this stupid thing You know let's get rid of this junk. They found all kinds of this junk and trash Yeah, burn it destroy, but then when it came to the really good stuff. They said oh wait a minute hold on That's a really nice horse That's a really good cow. That's a really good sheep. You know that's a really good That's a really good garment or clothing they this looks good and so they want to make all these exceptions for the things that they liked and The stuff that they didn't like well yeah nuts to it, and I've seen the same thing You know you'll start preaching on some of the movies and the actors today and start ripping on them And when it's somebody they don't like it's like amen. Oh yeah get up, and then then you get on their show It's like I Remember I had this guy with me, and you know I brought him to to Church with me, and you know the pastor was ripping on all the TV shows everything This is where I was a lot younger, and you know the pastor's up there preaching ripping all these shows And you know he just he and and this guy at first he say amen It's just you know you tell it was kind of hitting them where he lived and I remember after the service man You know why was the pastor hitting so hard on and he named a couple shows, and I remember he named the show Frasier He said you know so-and-so the show and Frasier What's the deal, and I told him I said hey, I said you know what? That pastor never even mentioned Frasier that was the Holy Spirit The other show that he mentioned the pastor had ripped on I Was like I know this I've been going to this church for a long time He's never mentioned Frasier, and he didn't mention it tonight. I said that's just your conscience This is your conscience speaking you know and so that's you know it's like that You know you start ripping on the actors and the Hollywood and how bad it is And then you hit on something that they like and it's like oh, but come on You got to make an exception for that. You know that's okay I remember when I was a kid this was the rule in my house And this might sound funny But we were there was a time when my parents banned all rock and roll in our house when I was a kid growing up There was no rock and roll whatsoever except The Beach Boys, okay, that was the one thing that was I mean they didn't allow anything They cut it they they they got rid of all the rock and roll They didn't allow us to listen to the radio of rock and roll they didn't lost all the tapes and and everything Except we were allowed to listen to Beach Boys, okay now Why make an exception for the Beach Boys okay? And you say well the Beach Boys are pretty isn't did you know that the drummer of the Beach Boys was best friends with Charles Manson Who knew that? Dennis Wilson and all the Beach Boys were hanging out with Charles Manson actually recorded music together with Charles Manson You know and so they were really not Role models, I mean they were all on drugs. They were all drugged out, and you know the music sounds really innocent Let's grab our surfboard, and you know surfing USA You know all that kind of stuff, but if you look at their lifestyle It was a bad lifestyle, and they're really into drugs hanging with Charles Manson a bunch of other stuff But the thing is you know as a kid you grow up You're listening to the Beach Boys that's just gonna lead you to listen to all even it Let's say the Beach Boys were fine Okay Which I don't think they are fine because if you look at The way that they were in their life And you look at the way that they're you who they're hanging around with and and you know I'm sure you can find enough wrong with the Beach Boys even if the Beach Boys were fine You know it's worldliness. It's not of God. It's not the hymns all except where they do the Lord's Prayer You know, but anyway. You know it's not the hymns It's not Bible or Christian based music and then what happens is it's just gonna lead you into that whole genre And you're gonna listen to all the other bands from that area And there's a lot of really bad music from that era that it's gonna get you into because you you want to keep a gag Alive you know you want to keep the best of it You know you know I'll get rid of all my bad music, but I'm sorry. I just can't give up the Beach Boys Okay, you're asking too much But God wants us to give it all up and get rid of it We don't need that stuff, and you know you start talking about the actors and the movies You know you rip on you know I remember the pastor ripped on Keanu Reeves. Well. I always hated Keanu Reeves anyway That guy made me so mad He was always my most hated and then the pastor ripped on Leonardo DiCaprio because they're both a couple of sodomites by the way Your little heartthrob ladies is a sodomite. He's not interested in you, honey He's got I mean seriously those guys literally and you can say I don't they're not sodomites I don't believe that they're sodomites, and I've had people challenge me on that they both Long before it was even in the mainstream culture were acting in sodomite films performing sodomite acts on Movies that were didn't even appear in the theater because they were too filthy to appear in the theater And you know Keanu Reeves was acting in sodomite films before anybody had ever even heard of him Back before back when that stuff was in the closet Leonardo DiCaprio Sodomite oh now. He's bi they're all bi There it doesn't matter. They're sodomite, and I don't get into this little GLTB you know it's all just one word sodomite just covers it all I'm not gonna sit there and delve into Exactly so exactly which style of pervert are you? You know are you a pedophile or you're transvestite, you know, it's just I'm not gonna. I don't want to even think about that stuff I don't like it all detail sodomite Keanu Reeves sodomite Leonardo DiCaprio sodomite okay You know who else is now doing sodomite stuff on the silver screen that was an alliteration for you Jim Carrey Jim Carrey is now appearing in a sodomite movie I just thought about that where he's being a sodomite on the screen. Oh He said that's just acting oh, okay So he paid to be a sodomite and he's doing sodomite stuff on the screen You know you couldn't pay a normal person to do enough money to do that kind of sodomite stuff on the screen It's not gonna happen, and so you know you say oh, but but I love Jim Carrey Oh, but I love this in that actor look Tom Hanks might be your favorite actor. He's wicked He made the anti-god movie The Da Vinci Code He's made other blasphemous films and and we want to make exceptions for the Hollywood actors that we like And we want to keep a gag alive and say well You know all these other guys are wicked, but come on don't you love Tom Hanks? Don't you love Jim Carrey? I mean don't you love the Beach Boys? Don't you love I mean the Beach Boys are in a you know half of them are dead Hell You know I wish they would have been saved, but they're not I'm just telling you the truth tonight You can't make except you start making exceptions. You're not pleasing God when you do that you got to just realize hey We need to stay away from sodomites except for the ones that we like you know except for This movie except for I really like this music, and we want to make exceptions for it well God doesn't make exceptions and God is showing us here the example of a when I tell you to get something out of your life Because the promised land represents our life, and they have all this sin And he's telling you you need to get the sin out of your life you have these people living among you They're perverted they're filthy and the other seven nations that he listed He said get up get it out get that stuff out You know and and here's a little verse for you a little leaven leaven at the whole lump a little 11 leaven at the whole lump you start making exceptions what you're doing is you're allowing a little bit of leaven in Little bit of worldliness and that a little bit of worldliness is enough to just make you worldly through and through From top to bottom when you get that that dose of worldliness We need to be separate from the world we need to be separated in our music We need to be separated in our lifestyle We need to be separated in our thoughts and philosophy and not allow Hollywood to brainwash and indoctrinate us and They are on a brainwashing campaign to brainwash people with their new Jim Carrey movie It's just another step in the brainwashing program. Just kidding because look there's so many people who love Jim Carrey and Then when they see him doing it. They're going to be like They just won't be able to find it in their little fuzzy heart to hate it for him They'll still love and they'll still think he's cool He's still their favorite actor, and they just won't be able to find it in their heart And it's just another brick in the wall of Sodomy being promoted and pushed on the people of our nation And so we need to realize that you know keeping it killing out all except a gags not enough Killing all the ones that are violent refuse all the people that we hated anyway all the music that we were sick of anyway You know all the messed up DVDs. They were scratched up in our library. You know I'll get rid of this for you God you know the one that's already scratched up the ones you the one you've seen ten times You don't even care about it's a dumb movie. I'm gonna get rid of this. It's got a bad part in it You know well, what about all the other ones that are bad that you like get rid of them, too, okay? And again, I'm not the DVD police, but you know what you want to be filled with the Spirit of God You want to have the power of God on your life, or do you want to be another? One of the many worldly watered-down Sorry Christians that don't get anything done for God well the choice is up to you Okay And so you want to have all this junk and you want to live the lifestyle of these Hollywood? Whores and whoremongers then just keep watching their movies listen to their music Download it love it and pretty soon. It'll influence you and you'll be like it, but let's keep going here That's kind of I just want to give you that that's kind of a spiritual application here He says in verse number 10 then came the word of the Lord unto Samuel saying it Repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king now this phrase sometimes confuses people it Repenteth me. This is an older form of English flip over in your Bible at the end of the chapter Look at the last verse verse 35 the Bible always defines itself look at the last phrase in the last verse of this chapter and The Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel so in verse 35 He said the Lord repented that he made Saul king and then in verse 8 I'm sorry verse 11 It says it repented me that I've set up Saul to be king so it's just another way of saying the same thing This is an older language. It repented me is equivalent to where he said later I Repented same thing Or I repent You say well wait a minute God repented God repented in the Bible more than anyone else in the whole Bible if you look up the word repent Out of I believe that there and again I might get the numbers wrong just because I'm doing this up top man I believe that the word repent is used in the King James Bible 105 times Out of those hundred and five times 39 of them I Believe and I might have that number wrong, but it's about that 39 of them are referring to God repenting So and that's more than you know the other ones are all referring to different people repenting so God Repented more than anyone else repented in the Bible and yet people will insist that whenever you see the word repent They'll say it's repent of your sins, and you'll ask people show me repent of your sins in the Bible They'll show you a verse that says repent They're sick, that's like well, I don't see the of your sins part I Don't see that part well, but that's what we got means well then I guess God 30 times Turn from his sin God doesn't have any sin so guess what repent doesn't mean repent of your sin It means repent of anything repent just means turn or Rethink or change your mind or change your direction or change what you're gonna Do so guess what if somebody doesn't believe the gospel he says repent and believe the gospel change what you believe and He talks about how hey you guys are worshiping all these idols and false gods and the times of this ignorance God wink at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent Every time you look up those verses in the book of Acts about repent. It's never mentioning people's sinful life It's what it's mentioning the fact that they work with other gods It's mentioning the fact that they rejected Jesus Christ that they don't believe in Jesus Christ It's like when Jesus said under the Pharisees. You know John came under you in the way of righteousness and you believed him not but the publicans and harlots believed him and He when you had seen it Repented not afterwards that you might believe him. He's saying you should have changed Changed from not believing to believing when you saw all People getting saved and believing and so this garbage and that's what is it's garbage That says you have to repent of your sins to be safe. Well, then nobody saved Because repenting of your sins a daily thing It's not something balls and I die daily if you have to repent of your sins to be saved that's work salvation I'll prove it to you quickly I don't want to go off on this but go to Jonah book of Jonah toward the very end of the Old Testament Jonah chapter 3 See here's a really radical doctrine for you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Do you believe that I actually preach that? But look at Genesis or I'm sorry Jonah chapter 3 verse 10. It says and God saw their what? What did God see? their works and What were their works that they turned from their evil way look turning from your evil way is works So anybody who says you need to turn from your evil way in order to be saved is saying hey be saved by works And you say well, no, you have to believe also. Okay. Well, then you're teaching faith plus works Believe plus turn from your evil way Believe plus turn from drinking believe plus start from smoking believe plus turn from fornication And here's what I always say to these people who say you have to repent of your sins to be safe I always say well is is not hiding a sin. Is it a sin not to die? Is that robbing God and they said oh, yeah, of course it's enough that okay So that means you have to be willing to start fighting to be saved And if you're not willing to give 10% then according to that doctrine you wouldn't be able to be saved Because if you have to be willing to give up fornication And you actually want to give up drinking and yet you want to give up smoking which is not even mentioned in the Bible But supposedly you have to be willing to give up smoking You got to be willing to give up all these different things, but but okay Well, do you have to be willing to give up robbing God? You have to be willing to Get baptized if be willing to go to church. Those are all sins not to go to church Not hiding is a sin because they didn't know what to do good and do it than not Oh, you just have to repent of certain things Look, I don't care what sin you're saying you have to repent of or turn from guess what the Bible says it's works And anybody even without this verse anybody with common sense knows that if I'm telling somebody hey You need to change your lifestyle or be willing to change your lifestyle to be saved Then I'm telling them that they have to do something to get into heaven besides faith Anybody can see that it's so clear to say hey You have to change your life around and and do this and that and quit this and quit that that's works And and if you sit there and say well, but you just have to be willing to Where is that in the Bible? Be willing and thou shalt be saved Or do you how willing do you have to be I'm willing to do it, but I'm not going to that doesn't make any sense Well, I'm going to quit drinking, but it doesn't mean I'm going to it I realize is that we don't have to stop doing it. You just have to be willing to stop. Okay? I Just keep doing it stupid God never tells you be willing to quit doing since he just tells you to quit doing them But if you had to obey that to be saved well, then you're saved by works Okay And people try to quit they try to contort this and figure out a way that to creep in with their work Salvation and that believing is not enough look is believing enough or not is John 3 16 true or not? Is that 1630 once we're not no no you can't just keep on and and then here's what people say Cuz first you prove them wrong on turning from their evil way. It's worse It's right down from your face in Jonah 3 10 Okay, and then by the way then if we finish the verse it says and God repented of The evil which evil is not sin evil is harming someone else Which is not always a sin. He was going to harm them. He was going to destroy them He repented of they turned from that and decided that he would not do it. Okay. Here's what they do first You prove them wrong about you know, turning from sin and quit doing it So then they say well, but you do have to be willing to quit doing it and then you prove them wrong on that Okay, and then here's what they'll come up with next Well, but if you truly believe then you won't want to do those things anymore I mean if you're really believe in Christ, you'll want to do what's right. I've got news for you Did you know that people are not saying you want to do what's right? Usually I mean think about that Supposedly, this is the evidence for salvation if they're really safe. They'll want to do what's right What percentage of people probably want to do what's right that aren't safe I mean do you think every unsaved person and you know, mr. Calvinist will tell us. Oh, yeah, they're all totally depraved Let's slam like the Amalekites. You know, they're all totally depraved. No, they're not totally depraved And if you run into people in this world that are not saved, they're not all just yeah, let's do everything. That's wrong I want to do wrong. Let's steal. Let's kill. Let's commit whatever I get away with. Let's do it And they're not gonna sit, you know and I always ask this question to people when I'm out soul winning and Brother Garrett's been soul winning with me for hundreds of hours and he can he's heard me ask this question Do you only do the right thing when you're forced to do it? I asked that to people all the time I Say do you only do the right thing when you're being forced to and of course they know and I say well That's the same thing with God That's why you serve God after you're saved because you want to and obviously God's gonna chastise you and punish you when you do Wrong, but we we serve God because we want to we love God. Therefore we keep his commandments We love him we want to do it and so we don't have to just be like well if we're not gonna if I'm not Gonna go to hell then I'm just gonna do the worst thing possible since I know I'm saved and I can't lose it Let's just go out and kill and commit adultery and covet and steal. No, but guess what even unsaved people Have a desire to do what's right now in some cases they don't But you are kidding yourself You are really fooling yourself if you think that every unsafe person has a desire to do wrong Okay, brother Garrett think back to when you were not safe. Did you just desire to do that? Which was wrong? I Want to do wrong. I Want to be a bad guy no, and then if I went around and asked everybody else in the room Hey remember before you were safe Did you want to be a good person or did you want to be a bad person? Most people would say hey, I wanted to be a good person. That's not evidence of salvation has nothing to do with salvation It's totally irrelevant to salvation and then oh this guy quit drinking. That's proof. He got saved People go to alcohol synonymous every week and commit and quit drinking Through 12-step programs that doesn't make them saved And a person who doesn't quit drinking. It doesn't make them not saved you're talking about two Completely different things and people will literally tell you you point out to them Hey, wait a minute. You're not saved when you find out that they don't believe the gospel You know you find out they believe you can lose your salvation or they believe that Jesus is not God or they believe in some other heresy that you have to be baptized to be Saved or that you have to speak in tongues to be safe, and this is what they'll say well I know I'm saying because I had this dramatic change in my life and If there's no way that would have happened if I weren't saved There are a lot of people who have a lot of dramatic changes in their life that are not saved I mean, I know somebody right now. That's a that's an extended family that converted to Islam Okay, and she went from being a left-wing liberal to this wearing a head covering and being this total radical fundamental Islam person Our fundamental Muslim is the word I guess not Islam Anyway, yeah, she became this radical Muslim and so now she's like not Not doing all this sinful stuff that she was doing I mean she she cut all that stuff out and is living a much cleaner life as a result of Islam Let me tell you something that ain't gonna get her into heaven She's going to hell unless she believes on Jesus Christ But see it's funny how when we attach Jesus's name all of a sudden turning over elite equals salvation You know you put Jesus's name on it, and yeah turning over newly boom you're safe No, you're not you're saved by what you believe by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you know what yeah? Is there a change if you walk in the spirit? There's a change and if you walk in the flesh you're gonna be it's the same old flesh And when you walk in the flesh you're gonna live after the place when you walk in the spirit There's gonna be a dramatic change, but not everybody walks in the spirit not everybody puts on the new man And so there are going to be people who continue in some of the same sins that they were in before they were safe and let Him that they could be stand to take me lest he fall any one of us Who goes back to the old habits and back to our old sins and back to indulging the flesh will? Go into sin, and then you know the Calvinists will say well you were never even saved Well, what about David? He went into sin and and lots of other people in the Bible we can see that went into sin And I don't want to spend the whole night on that but you see God repented and These new modern versions these new Bible versions the NIV the New American Standard and the New King James They take out Every single time that God repented all gone gone The NIV God doesn't repent one time the New American Standard God doesn't repent one time the ESV God doesn't repent one time They take it out and I heard one of these preachers I heard one of these phony repent of your sins preachers. He got up and said yeah these modern Bible versions They're attacking the doctrine of repent of your sins to be saved because they were moved the word repent 40 times I'm like did you even look up those 40 times? It's always when God repented you know what else they remove Judas is scary at repenting Oh, he repented Matthew 27 3 says Judas is scary at repenting guess what he still went to hell They rip out the part where Paul repented of writing a letter that he that he changed his mind about writing I wrote a letter and I repented well that doesn't fit with repent of your sins. It's not a sin to write a letter Especially when that letter is the epistle of Paul to the Corinthians Okay, and he repented of that and so these new versions what they're really attacking The truth that repent actually doesn't mean repent of your sins It just means repent and that they have that in their mind every time they read the word repent Oh, this is talking about quitting drinking This means you've got to have a change in your life This means that you've got to you know show some fruit or some evidence that you're saved or else You're not really safe. Well. That's a false doctrine and again. That's a whole sermon in of itself this This first sand 15 packed with with good stuff here. I got to hurry up here I have so much more that I want to talk about tonight But anyway, we see that God repented in verse 11 and God repented in verse number 35 Now later in the chapter God Samuel makes this statement It says in verse 28 and Samuel said to them the Lord has rent the kingdom of Israel from me this day That's given it to a neighbor of thine that is better than thou Now some people tell you well everybody's equal Well not according to the Bible because he's saying here well David's better than you so not everybody's equal But he says in verse number 29 and also the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent Okay, for he is not a man that he should repent now people will point this out as a contradiction and say well a minute ago and said he repented now It's saying he's not a man that he should repent well the difference is what we're talking about repenting of it's that simple Because like I was saying earlier Repent can be of all different things is it possible to repent of your sins absolutely Okay, but that's something that we do long after we've been saved Revelation 2 & 3 the letters to the seven churches He's talking to saved Christians in churches, and he tells almost every single one of them to repent He says to the land of the seas you're lukewarm Repent he tells the Ephesians you've lost your first love repent. He's not saying that they're not saved He's saying they need to repent of their lukewarmness they need to repent of leaving the first love they need to repent of Allowing this woman to preach in the case of Thyatira, and so they had all these problems. We have sin in our life You may begin to participate in some sin in your life. You need to repent of that Even if you've been saved for 20 years. It's time to repent now We Can repent of sin that's true You can also repent from idols the Bible talks about they will worship a false God they turn from that false. God unto the true and living God You can repent of Rejecting Jesus like he told those that it crucified Jesus you need to repent You can repent like God did when God repents, and I've heard people say he changed his mind I don't know if that's really a good way to put it Because I don't know if God's mind changes. I wouldn't say that that's an accurate way of putting it When God repents he's not turning from sin. He has no sin. He's not correcting an error. He's never made an error. He's God When God repents God changes from one course of action to another Based on what man does it's not that he changed nothing about him changed It's us that changed so God's gonna destroy Nineveh, right? It's not that he changed his mind and just said I changed my mind I'm not going to destroy Nineveh even though it's wicked. I changed my mind. He didn't really change his mind He was ready to destroy it. They changed they repented of their sins They got rid of the sin they put sackcloth on they fasted and told God they were sorry And again, we're not talking about them being saved personally We're just talking about him sparing a nation and when they did that he turned When he saw their works that they did that stuff, which is works He changed course Because of them okay, but when it comes for example the Bible says I am the Lord I change not Okay, but that doesn't mean he's not going to change plans or change course you see He doesn't change in the sense that who he is never changes But his actions may change depending on other people What's the same thing with God repenting when it comes to what God has spoken? His word he said I will not alter the thing that has gone out of my lips And that's what he's referring to changing his word because look at the context in verse 29 Also the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent So he's talking about repenting of what he said He's not going to change his word He's not a man that he should repent in the sense of changing his word or changing who he is Or changing his mind see man Needs to change his mind sometimes Man needs to turn from his sin sometimes man might say something stupid and they go back and have to correct that God never changes his word. God doesn't change who he is God doesn't change what he is spoken But he will change his actions toward us if we change he'll change his course Because he doesn't want to punish someone who's who's? Sorry for what they've done, and who's making the changes and corrections necessary So you can't just you know look at that and just have one size fits all definition for repentance. It's not going to work Repent is a very broad word it just means turn Or change and Turning and changing can be a lot of different things here in one chapter God's saying I don't repent when it comes to what I say and then he's saying I repented about choosing Saul to be king Why because of Saul if Saul would have done right? He wouldn't have gone back and said oh, I changed my mind So hopefully that clears that up. Hopefully you understand that don't be deceived on this word repent Don't let people tell you hey, it always means this no It's just means change or turn and it you have to go by the context I Mean if I just walk up to you and just say change What's your question? Hey Is that what you'd say change what and whenever we see the word repent that needs to be our reaction repent of what Change what turn from what? Okay, and we could turn from all manner of things you could turn from good things you can turn from bad things and so Let's move on in the sermon here. Let me just quickly wrap this up Of course Samuel comes to Saul and begins to rebuke him for not obeying He kept a gag alive, and he kept all the good stuff of the spoil and did not get rid of it Samuel came to Saul and Saul said unto him blessed be thou of the Lord this verse 13 I have performed the commandment of the Lord. No he didn't and Samuel said what meaneth then this bleeding of the sheep in mine ears and the lowing of the oxen which I hear and Saul said they brought them from the Amalekites for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen to Sacrifice unto the Lord thy God and the rest we have utterly destroyed Then Samuel said unto Saul stay and I will tell thee what the Lord has said to me this night And he said unto him say on and Samuel said when thou was little in thy own sight What's thou not made the hand of the tribes of Israel and the Lord anointed the king over Israel and the Lord sent thee on A journey and said go and utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites and fight against them until they be consumed Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the Lord But didst fly upon the spoil and it's evil in the sight Lord now He's saying look This is what God has said and look at Saul's reaction Saul said unto Samuel yea I have obeyed the voice of the Lord so he's arguing with them after he's being rebuked by God He's arguing and I've gone the way Which the Lord sent me and have brought a gag the king of Amalek and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites That's not what God told him to do But the end and God was real specific. He said everything that breathes Real specific, but the P but the people so now he's blaming us so first He argues to why didn't do anything wrong, and then he says well, okay something wrong happened here But it wasn't me that did it It was the people who did it now in verse 9 look at the beginning verse 9 But Saul and the people spared a gag and the best of the sheep So was it just the people who did it no it was Saul who did it and so he said well the people Took up the spoiled sheep and oxen and the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed To sacrifice on the Lord thy God and Gilgal We're doing this for God. We're giving this stuff to God It doesn't matter you disobeying God And that's why he says in verse 22 and Samuel said half the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord Behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fatter branch You know you can't just make God happy by giving himself, and then you go out and disobey him You know you can't just let's say you just you're just living a sinful life and doing what you want And then you put a bunch of money in the offering plate Well, I gave $10,000 I gave $20,000 in the plate. That's not gonna. Please God God wants you now if you're doing right, and you're doing all the right things and you want to bring a free will offering to God Okay, that's great, but you know what it's not a substitute for obedience And don't take stuff that doesn't belong to you and give it to God this step didn't even belong to them Oh, we're gonna give this stuff to God well I didn't even belong to you it was supposed to be destroyed and we cannot absolve ourselves and some people Maybe it's not money Maybe it's not finances sometimes. They just think that their service for God Excuses sin in their life like well look how much soul winning I'm doing look how I'm preaching the gospel to all these people putting in all these hours Hey, I can get away with you know doing a little bit of sin and whatever God's gonna look the other way God has more delight and obedience than a sacrifice of your time or a sacrifice of your money And yeah going out so many you're obeying God, but you know what God wants obedience in all areas not well instead of obeying I'm gonna sacrifice You know do what he told you to do you know I don't think it would be right for you to skip church to go soul winning See yeah, but we're all soul winning. Yeah, but God commands you to go to church Well God commands me to go soul winning too right, but soul winning is anytime We can go we go soul winning anytime we want, but church happens at certain times You know that got to be the priority church Not soul winning soul winning can take place other times When it's time for church it's time for church and God wants us to obey him and to do right And I think even if somebody's making a real big sacrifice and maybe giving a lot of money That is is a really it's really hard for them to give that money, and they gave all that money You know what that's not gonna Please God as much as the guy who's is obeying God you know if they're doing other things that their disobedience to God And so you can't buy like an absolve It's kind of like the Catholic Church at the thing where you buy off you do sin, and then you go ahead and just Pay it off. What was it called again the Indulgences you indulge in a little sin Right little indulgence of the flesh, and then you just give God a thousand bucks, and that'll shut him up You know that's what they thought seriously. I give the priest thousand bucks He'll say a bunch of words and then marry old and then marry old tell Jesus it's everything fine. You know Don't worry about it Jesus. You know what did we see today? Well, man, we saw some weird Catholic stuff today out soul winning We saw this one where that met Mary had like the Pope In her chest, and I mean she's like patting his head like a little baby And his head is literally between her breasts, and it was Mary and the Pope and she's like Cuddling up to the Pope who's so weak is that true right there? We saw it and then we and then we always see these ones where Mary is exalted and Jesus looks like the bad guy like you see these ones where Jesus looks all mad and Mary's is real peaceful at night I okay calm down, and then you'll see these other ones where Jesus and of course it's not Jesus It's a blasphemous image, but you'll see the ones where Jesus just looks really sad and pathetic He's dying and Mary's just like triumphed She's like four times as big as them I mean these statues will be like a gigantic Mary And then just a little Jesus off to the side who is saying stuff like that in Guadalupe soul-winning Oh, yeah, you see it all the time all kinds that they're worshipping Mary more than Jesus any day of the week Especially in Mexico and in Guadalupe because that's their patron saint of Mexico is married But we see here that it's better to obey than to sacrifice You know you can't pay off Mary, and you know that'll get her that'll get her off my back You know and I can go indulge for a while. That's not biblical and that's what the Catholics Do they think they just confess it and chant and it's all gonna be okay? God doesn't see it that way now look what he says in verse number 23 he says for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and Look at the next word stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry Because now has rejected the word of the Lord he has also rejected thee from being King now I don't know exactly how this would have played out and things have been different But God told him do what I say he disobeyed Then God sends Samuel and says you have disobeyed Now what would have happened if he would have said at that point? You know what I did disobey I'm sorry. I'm wrong I've done wrong kind of like when David was confronted and David had done a really bad thing and Yet, God did not treat David the way he treated Saul Because the difference was that when David had done a wicked thing of adultery and murder When he was confronted by Nathan the prophet saying thou art the man he said you know what I've sinned you're right I'm wrong and he wrote Psalm 51 where he's saying it's my fault He's not making excuses. He's not trying to blame other people. He just says it's my fault That's how Saul should have reacted here, but instead he rebelled against the word of the Lord He's given a chance. Hey you've done wrong. No, I didn't Saul you've done wrong. No, I didn't Saul you know you need to change here, and he said no is that they did it It's their fault. There's someone else's fault blame others I didn't do anything That's what makes his punishment worse, and that's what makes God angry because it's not just the fact that he disobeyed that was bad But it was his stubbornness See stubbornness is when you just hold your ground For the wrong thing you know and God's telling you hey, you're wrong here. You need to change here. No, I'm right and That's what we see here. That's like witchcraft. That's like You know that rebellion because it you know making a mistake Obviously, it's sin, but it could have been he thought it was he thought he was doing right. He messed up Hey, you said it's okay. Let's get it straight, but it becomes rebellion and stubbornness When he's confronted about his sin, and he just won't get it right. It's like Cain. Cain sinned against God God confronts him, and he says Cain if thou doest well wilt thou not be accepted But if not sin lies at the door instead of Cain saying you know what I need to just get right here He just goes out and says well. I'll show him. I'll kill his precious little Abel, and he takes him out of the field and kills him That's the wrong reaction when we get stubborn and rebellious now a lot of times Rebukes that we receive in our life Would not be nearly as bad if we wouldn't be stubborn and rebellious for example. Let's say we're on the job, right? Let's go to your workplace for a minute here Let's just make this practical okay, and the boss comes to you and says hey You know you need to tuck in your shirt. That's the policy Right if that's there in an anarcho-capitalist society. You know they can make those kind of rules And you can sign you know I agree I gotta say that disclaimer for Chris broad, but anyway You know we you know you sign a paper when you start working there. I'm gonna abide by the rules I'm gonna tuck in my shirt or whatever and the boss says to you. Hey tuck in your shirt Yes, sir tuck in your shirt big deal Is that a big deal You think that it's just gonna mess up your junior you're fired. No. It's not a big deal. Hey tuck in your shirt Okay, yes, sir Tuck it in never wear it. I'm tucked again, but would you? So you can see how something really small can turn into something really big Something just really small just like hey tuck in your shirt, buddy Hey Chris tuck it in you know, and then just like Maybe you even tuck it in Hey, do you have a problem? You know and then it could become it could escalate into a big altercation Just because you gave a little attitude or you maybe you're told you know hey You're not doing that right. Let me show you the right way to do it. You know Oh, you're bending that conduit a little bit wrong. Let me show you the right way to do it No, I'm doing it right Now we have a real big problem It's like wait a minute. I'm the boss here. I'm trying to correct this. You know I've been doing this for 30 years You got hired three days ago. Let me show you how to do it Okay, you see what I'm saying though, and that's that's just some examples from the workplace And you've probably all seen stuff like that in the workplace people don't like to be you've seen it Yeah, people don't like to be reviewed. They don't like to be told that they're wrong And so you can tell them the most simplest thing like just tucking your shirt Hey, you missed a slot or whatever and then they just get really mad they can't handle it They have a bad attitude, and it could cause you to lose your job, but you can translate that into any area You know when you rebuke your children You don't want them to give you mouth and give you lip about it and a really small offense They can just do the littlest thing, but if they start talking back It could escalate into something much bigger right and that's why the Bible says a soft answer turn it the way wrath You know and when the boss comes into your office. You know and it's all great You turning into the whole okay And you see that the right thing is hey, I'm sorry I'm gonna fix it. Let me you know and then the color begins to come back to his face, okay? Because a soft answer turns away wrath But when you mouth off You're just incurring so much more wrath upon yourself, and so you know be Submissive to authority in your life, okay, Samuel was an authority figure here God is the ultimate authority figure Samuel was relaying a message from God Saul rejected it and it turned into a much bigger problem for him because he would not Listen and because he became stubborn and rebellious these are not attributes that you want applied to you stubborn and rebellious And so I you know I have some other stuff, but we'll probably good with that. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father thank you so much for your word dear God And thank you that you love us and and thank you that you are loving and kind and gracious God And that you don't change because our world is changing very quickly It's disturbing how fast our world is changing in many ways and it's It's very uncertain what the future holds for our country for our nation for our area for our church It's just we live in perilous times and things are changing but thank you for not changing and thank you for staying the same and Thank you for your word that we have as an anchor of the soul And please help us not to be like King Saul and get all stubborn and rebellious whenever we do something wrong We're all gonna make mistakes. We're all gonna do wrong, but help us when we do wrong to Accept correction from your word dear God in Jesus name we pray