(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right, well, thanks for coming everybody. Before we get started this morning, you want to turn out the song with the two glory to the name, sing it out nice and loud this morning. We have song number two. Song number two. Glory to the name on the first. glory to his name, glory to his name, glory to his name, there to my heart was the blood of life. glory to his name, glory to his name, there to my heart was the blood of life, glory to his name. I am so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within, there at the cross where he took me in, glory to his name, glory to his name, glory to his name, there to my heart was the blood of life, glory to his name. O precious fountain that saves from sin, I am so glad I have entered in, there Jesus saves me and keeps me clean, glory to his name, glory to his name, glory to his name, there to my heart was the blood of life, glory to his name. Come to this fountain so rich and sweet, cast back my soul, let the Savior speak, plunge in today and be made complete, glory to his name, glory to his name, glory to his name, there to my heart was the blood of life, glory to his name. Song number 138. Song number 138. Song number 148. Song number 148. I healed in myself to this tender embrace, and made me whole of the world. I fed her, spelt off, and I gave her my soul, but he did not rest in my home. I gave him my soul in the name in the breast, I'll sail the wide seas no more. The tempest may sweep through the wilds for me here, in Jesus I'm safe evermore. The Son of my soul, since the Lord made me whole, has made the old story so vast. Come, Jesus, who's stable so ever will pass, come home in the name in the breast. I've made him my soul in the name in the breast, I'll sail the wide seas no more. The tempest may sweep through the wilds for me here, in Jesus I'm safe evermore. Come to the Savior, ye patient, ye patient, to save what is power divine. Come, anchor your soul in the name in the breast, and save what is power in his heart. I've made him my soul in the name in the breast, I'll sail the wide seas no more. The tempest may sweep through the wilds for me here, in Jesus I'm safe evermore. All right, great singing away this time. We'll go through our announcements. If you need a bulletin, we'll slip up your hand, and we'll bring you one. As always, we have our service time listed there at the top, on the left-hand side. It's every Sunday, 10 a.m. and 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Thursdays at 7 p.m. We're going through the book of 1 Kings, which will be chapter 7 this week. Below that, we have the Church Wives Solemnity, as well as the Salvations and Baptisms, the book of 1 Peter. Also, blood, please know we are a family-generated church, so we have a nursery back there provided for mothers and nurslings. Also, you probably noticed the ping-pong table there, so just a quick couple things about the ping-pong table. It's mainly meant for older kids. If you're capable of playing ping-pong, you're more than welcome to do that. If your parents want to get in there and show how it's done, that's a great thought. That's all good. Whoever wants to play can play. Try to keep the games at 6. Don't be playing until 21 or something like that, unless there's nobody else standing around waiting. If there's a crowd forming, if other people want to get in and be thrown, the champ, you want to give them an opportunity to do that. So try to, that's the first one to six wins. You don't have to win by two or anything like that. I'll let you guys decide if you're going to hold to the actual rules, if you actually know how to serve. We all learned that this week. If there's an actual way you're supposed to serve, don't just throw it at them. Anyway, that's really the only rule that I have for it. What else? There was something else I wanted to mention about it. Anyway, so that's kind of just a quick announcement about that. What's that? Yeah, I guess it needs to be said, folks. No sitting there. If I could just sit down, I might come up here, excuse me. But I got plans. Obviously, we're slowly making improvements in yourself, so we're finishing classes in the new year. But it kind of took care of the older kids that got one. The plan is to kind of turn the four-year into a little bit more of a friendly place for the younger kids to play games and things like that. So that's all coming. Just be patient. Bear with me as we get through these projects. But I appreciate everybody being patient thus far. Also, the other thing is the men's restrooms are located on either about halfway down on either side of the opposite building. So you have a west. And I'm facing north, so don't let this confuse you. I'm facing north. We're facing south. So it's all inverted. But basically, the west is over here. The east is over here. Halfway down, there's two keys now back there attached to our pinkery sticks. That's what we're calling them. Not getting sticks. Pinkery sticks, OK? Sure. You use them to hit something for someone if you need to. And we have javelina. We have coyotes. We have derelicts that come through here. It comes out of your way. But if the knee rises, you've got that. But if you'll notice, in the back, there's two of them. One has a W for west. One has an E for east. That way, we don't have just one bathroom, because as we grow, more guys are coming, more people are here. Obviously, there's going to be more facilities. So there's two keys. So if you go to the west bathroom, make sure you take the west key. If you take the east bathroom, make sure you take the east key and put it back where you found it. That way, a guy can look at that and say, either both keys are out, or this bathroom is available, or this one isn't. I'm sure you all follow me on that. OK. So that's the bathrooms. And also, another quick note. Please be sure to silence your cellphones for the remainder of the service if you haven't done so. On the right-hand side, there's a homeschool field trip that has been scheduled to be, and I'm going to try to say this, Phoenix Perpetological, as thanks you were. So basically, if you're wondering what that is, well, the picture's kind of the clue there. You've got reptiles, alligators, lots of snakes, turtles, and things like that. Of course, this is in Phoenix. So this is some of the Phoenix church that comes. This is something that's open. Anybody in Tucson would like to know. That's going to be on Thursday, March 3 at 12 p.m. So if you can get up there and get back to church, and then you're more than welcome to go. But if you are going to go, either way, make sure you abide by the rules that are listed there. And keep in mind, this is open to homeschooling families with at least one homeschooling child, but that's the age of five. And that's the bare minimum. Adults, one adult with a family of five, that's because we tend to keep expenses down. If you have a bigger family of six or more, then you can bring both parents. And of course, there's a couple of other things there. Make sure you wear closed-toe shoes, no sandals or flip-flops. I think that's pretty self-explanatory. We want you to come back here with one last coat. And there's just some other things. If you'd like to go, please sign up on the sign-up sheet back there before you bring the water cooler. We're working through the New Testament 98 Challenge. We're in day 51. So who here is using this chart? Who's actually using it? Okay, then I'll keep putting it in there. I almost took it out yesterday. I'm like, no, there's probably some people that are using it. So keep up on that. You guys still walk a little bit longer to go, March 21st. If you're behind, you can still cram. We're just over the halfway point, a little bit. So if you really want to get in on this again, then keep it up. You can still cram, and you just have to do some heavy reading. But it is possible, because 90 days in the New Testament is a pretty, to be honest, it's kind of a low bar, but it's achievable. It's good for the kids, but a little bit older, you could definitely do that if you knock it out. Below that, we've got the Children's Weekly Bible Memory Passage, 2 Timothy 2.15. So who the kids here are going to recite last week's today? Today is cut off. One-handed? All right, great. So once you recite it word perfect to a non-relative, a non-relative adult, and you, the non-relative adult, must make sure they say it word perfect. That means they can't do it halfway through it, and then move, move, move, you know, or stutter, stammer. There's these long drawn-out clauses. They just need to start over, OK? And make sure you hold it with the fire. On the back, if you get that right, if you get that recited, the ice cream is back. They're waiting for you, but on the back of the bulletin is the announcement of a movie night coming up. So that's going to be right here at the building, Friday, March 4th at 7 p.m., featuring the film Containing Baptists. So it's going to be a great movie. They're very Baptist church put out. We also have a sign-in sheet back there as well. That's the water cooler. Please do sign up. It's just a family. For instance, my family, just the rest of the family, you know, seven people. So if it's a family that's going, just the name of the family, how many people you're planning on having here. And, you know, if it's just you, or, you know, they just put your name, you know, obviously I'm just one person. But I need to know that so I can know how much food you get. I don't want to get too little. I want to make sure that I get enough. So please do sign up out there. Then also there's just some other upcoming events below that. There's the men's preaching class. There's a sign-up sheet for that. The birthday gifts are coming in a couple weeks. Also, take note of Saturday, March 12th, there's a, Brother Daniel Leiger is starting a, what's called a cross-country soloing marathon in San Diego before it's going to start. So basically, I think the plan is, I think it's going to try to do a soloing marathon every Saturday in every major metro across the United States. So it's a pretty big undertaking. But if you're going to start out in San Diego, you're welcome to 10 Navy's if you feel like driving out there, or if you know someone that's out there, you're going to let them know that it's taking place. And there might even be a group going, in fact, I know there's some people from the 10 feet crowd going out there. So if this is something you want to participate in, just let me know and I can connect you with the right people and we can get you out there. That's going to do it for announcements. Go ahead and sing one more song before we get into the preaching this morning. We're going to go to song number 210, The Wonderful Grace of Jesus. Song number 210. Song number 210. The Wonderful Grace of Jesus The Wonderful Grace of Jesus lay within all my sin Thou shalt run from this God again which shall his grace be near taking away my burden saving his spirit free for the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus the death of my fallen seed I am a mantis I am a mantis of some wretched history within me I am a mantis of the light of precious I am a mantis of my sin and shame The Wonderful Grace of Jesus The Wonderful Grace of Jesus the death of my fallen seed The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaching to all the lost I have been pardoned saved with the other's arms chains have been torn as thunder given me liberty The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus the death of my fallen seed I am a mantis I am a mantis of some wretched history within me I am a mantis of the light of precious freedom of the Lord and all my sin and shame The whole bank of my precious faith of Jesus breaks his name The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaching the most divine the answer's warm in power making the clouds clear shine purchase in peace and heaven for all eternity The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me the death of my fallen seed I am in the mountains cracking like a mountain all sufficient grace for even me I am a mantis of the light of precious freedom of the Lord and all my sin and shame The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me The Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaches me 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Lord, that you preserved your word despite the many onslaughts, despite the many attacks, despite the many seeds of doubt that have tried to be sown throughout the ages, Lord, that you've preserved your incorruptible seed, your incorruptible word for us, Lord. We thank you for it in Jesus' name. Amen. Alright, we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go this morning. We'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go this morning. We'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go this morning. He had no man of circuit Against the numbered floors Let courage rise with danger Let strength do strength of course Stand up, stand up for Jesus Strength in his strength alone The arm of flesh will fail you He cannot trust your Lord But on the gospel armor Let what she come to bear Where duty calls your danger He never wants to bear Alright, thanks for coming everybody. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.